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4314) Fritz 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 01:33 Permalink

dame wrote:

Thank for letting me in

Lucky you. I've been banging on the door for over four years and I'm still out here freezing off my butt. Oh wait… I get it. You're one of the twelve dames of Christmas. No wonder they let you in.

* * * * *
Given the number of GIMP experts who visit this site, it's not surprising to find that even the most obscure peril films, photos, art and literature usually can be identified by someone or other. Thanks to the recent discussion initiated by SIM Researcher, I remembered I once borrowed a library copy of Sadism in the Movies myself over 40 years ago. The text was dry as a bone, but some of the photos, though tame now, were pretty spicy for an impressionable teen GIMPer back then. Of course, at the time I didn't recognize any of the films from which the images were taken, but I'm surprised that after four decades of avidly following GIMP cinema, I still can't identify the examples posted here.

I'm curious. Aside from the unknown frames in the SIM book, does anyone else have GIMP-oriented movie stills from films they can't identify? We all know of legendary titles which have vanished, but what about those from which only a tantalizing promo shot remains? No title; no identifiable talent; no way to track it down – but clearly some implied GIMP action. I'd love to see more of what's out there (though I suspect there isn't much), and perhaps some of the local old-timers might even recognize a scene or two.

In part I've written this ambling pre-amble to justify posting my own mystery movie still (and I'm not even positive it's from a film, though it certainly looks like it). I first saw this shot in a magazine decades ago, and just recently came across it in another forum. At a guess, it looks like it's from a mid 1970's softcore production. Based on the content, if this is from an extended scene, it could give the dungeon sequence in Poor Cecily a run for its money. Anyone know the source?

4315) Fritz 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 02:27 Permalink

I've been away for a while, so quite a bit to catch up on it seems…

* * * * *

Poll: This one went up just before I left, and I ignored it because, to be honest, it confused the hell out of me. Seems I wasn't alone. In what alternate universe could a person who places a woman in peril ever be considered good (as in moral and righteous)? “Good-guy GIMPer” – now there's an oxymoron for the ages. Maybe if the victim deserved it, but still, I don't think that's what the poll was about. After reading various re-interpretations of the question, I'm still not sure I'm on the right track, but I did grok a few more plausible alternatives…

Team A
Team B
Officially sanctioned persecution
Legally prohibited assault
Institutionalized oppression
Rogue criminal acts
Torture for motivation, deterrent or discipline
Inflicting pain purely for personal pleasure
Peril justified by principle, state, religion, etc.
Justification? We don't need no stinkin' justification
Access to dungeon and hi-tech electronics
Access to kitchen and dull steak knife

In my opinion, the individual tormenting the GIMP in any of these situations is going to be bad (as in evil). Even though perps in both camps may rationalize their behavior as being acceptable, necessary or even virtuous, I don't think Saint Peter would be impressed.

The good news is that if any or all of these comparisons reflect the intent of the poll, it's easy for me to respond as in each case I'm on Team A. If I'm wrong, well there goes a spoiled ballot and I'm back to square one.

* * * * *

Artists and collectors…

MadBob: You already know how much I like your image of the pneumatic Gallant Girl in peril of losing one of her, um… super-powers, but I wanted to thank you publicly. Excellent work.

Arcas: I know you're posting those blindfold-free renders to prove Ralphus wrong, and that's just fine with me. Like the little guy, I prefer to see the victim's eyes, so props for those last two pictures.

Kathyrne: Great festive pic! I'm buying that set and counting down the days one dame at a time.

Covers: The more MAM covers you post, the more I miss these 'zines. Keep on coverin'.

* * * * *

Ralphus: Thanks for clipping the “Senora Acero” scene, but as with most television GIMP, there is so much wasted potential here. First off, Blanca clearly has a body to die for, but the director goes to ridiculous lengths to make sure we don't see much of it. Obviously, the woman's interrogators would rip off her clothing to remove the cash strapped to her body (did Martin “I-never-film-rapes” Scorsese watch this?), so why the hell is she shown fully clothed and not much worse for wear after the money is gone? She must have been naked or nearly so at some point, so right – “let's take a quick break here and let our captive Miss Mexico get dressed before we knock the stuffing out of her”.

And as Joanna has already mentioned, what sort of idiot interrogator would attach electrodes to the victim's wrists? I guess because they let her stay dressed, there wasn't much exposed skin left to use. Good grief. And despite all the build-up and sophisticated hardware, the electro torture lasts a little over ten seconds in a seven minute clip that doesn't have much else to offer other than a lot of shouting, shaking and mild slapping around.

What sells the scene is Blanca's looks and acting, but beyond that, it's just, well… television.
4316) El Wananchi 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 05:02 Permalink

Hi, Fritz,

Your last post (3415?) was very appropriate. You would be very hard pressed to qualify the guy performing the act as "good" (someone came earlier with the "lawful/chaotic" distinction, typical of D&D role playing! but they had to devise that because of the lack of a "cultural background" to the game rules, that intends to be universal)

That's why I put the stress on the victim. Except for some very particular cases, the victim of the "A-team" is also a "player" (a spy, assassin, mafia-girl, whatever), and knows that her activities entail the risk of being captured and put to torture. The victim of "Team-B" is always "an innocent bystander" (what we would have called "a civilian"). Therefore, her position is much more unfair.

El Wananchi
4317) covers 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 06:51 Permalink

(4317) From Man's Book Apr 1969 Vol. 8 No. 7
4318) Mad Max 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 07:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I LOVE Kathyrne's full bodied damsels... I wish we could get Kate Upton and Sophia Vergara to do a session re-creating her perils...
4319) Bronx_Warrior 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 10:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ralphus asked:
So what happens in Escape From LA? Do we get to see anything more than the tit groping shown in your cap?"

No luck... I guess the uncut version of the scene shows her naked breasts pulled out cool but can't find it anywhere...
4320) Osouk 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 11:38 Permalink

Ralphus - Thanks for posting the version of Senora Acero. I was very keen to see it as it deals with interrogation which is my top interest, but I couldn't view the original in my country.

I think it is very good. Yes, of course, being a mainstream production it's not going to go as far as we would like, and I would LOVE to see her spreadeagled on a bench with those electrodes clipped to her nipples. But on the plus side she is a total babe, and her performance is credible. I like the way she looks more disheveled as it goes on, and in my mind I can see what's going to happen to her after the camera leaves her - and it's not going to be pleasant for her. big grin Fortunately I can speak just enough Spanish to enjoy her begging.

And Amy looks delicious in the daily pictures.
4321) Arcas 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 13:16 Permalink

OSOUK wrote: "And Amy looks delicious in the daily pictures."

I HEARTILY second that! Being bed spread suits her nicely wink
4322) Joanna 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 17:43 Permalink

@Arcas: That's such a hot picture!

Love the details like the ripped stockings which means I must have put up a struggle when I was being captured or restrained or stripped and the smoke around the clips shows its some heavy voltage that I'm getting, and the gag means I'm not being put through an interrogation; someone just wants to se me in agony...

The camera is very sinister; it could be for my captor's private use, or I'm part of a snuff film, or it's a live feed as part of a set up where people can bid online to watch abducted women being tortured, or it's some kind of revenge set up and someone I've gotten on the wrong side of has hired a professional to make me suffer and then have the film of it sent to them.
4323) Ralphus 
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Monday, 1 December 2014 21:35 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Fritz wrote:

Thanks for clipping the “Senora Acero” scene, but as with most television GIMP, there is so much wasted potential here...despite all the build-up and sophisticated hardware, the electro torture lasts a little over ten seconds in a seven minute clip that doesn't have much else to offer other than a lot of shouting, shaking and mild slapping around.

Yeah, the actual shocking was relatively short, but all the buildup and her changing reactions...first defiant, then pleading and panicked as the shock box appears, and finally gasping and broken at the end...was exciting and dramatic stuff, especially because the actress is so beautiful.

What sells the scene is Blanca's looks and acting, but beyond that, it's just, well… television.

Exactly. It's television. You wouldn't go to a pizza joint and expect to be served steak and lobster, would you? In the same vein, you can't really expect nudity and electrodes on the nipples on television. There are always going to be limitations in a medium that is designed to be consumed by the masses. The kind of scene I'm sure you wanted to see (and Osouk too, and probably most of us) just isn't possible for TV. To get that, you'd have to go with ZFX or one of your customs from PKF.

Most TV GIMPage is pretty lame, but this scene, and also the recent Yvonne Stahovski scene on "24", were the exceptions to the rule. This was actually a really good scene, and what made it stand out was because it was both good AND on television, albeit foreign television.

Osouk wrote:

I like the way she looks more disheveled as it goes on, and in my mind I can see what's going to happen to her after the camera leaves her - and it's not going to be pleasant for her.

Good call on the disheveled part. Check out these stills, the first from the beginning of the scene, and the second at the end.

At first she's all prim and proper and by the time they're through with her, her hair is mussed, her eye shadow is running, she's been crying...I like it when they take a pretty girl and mess up her looks a bit. A very appealing look.
4324) Covers 
IP logged
Monday, 1 December 2014 21:39 Permalink

Osouk wrote: And Amy looks delicious in the daily pictures.

I second that. Today's second picture is just magnificent. I'd love to have an autographed print of that one. Amy, your workouts certainly have paid off! wink
4325) El Wananchi 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 04:39 Permalink

Hi, Joanna,

In your post 4322 you made some remarks on the use of the camera.

In the case of a proper modern interrogation, some recording of the proceedings is usually mandatory, for intelligence gathering purposes.

El Wananchi
4326) frog 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 06:04 Permalink

4315) Fritz
You should reexamine your table. I do not think the "bad guys" only have access to dull kitchen knives and the kitchen. Some of them can have quite extensive tool chests. Just think of what master Blakemore did with fishing hooks and add on from there.
4327) Covers 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 06:34 Permalink

(4327) Man's Book Aug 1965 Minney cover
4328) Reine Margot 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 08:26 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4328) A great interview with Amy in Search My Trash about Dead But Dreaming was published today. A must read for her fans. Here's a sample of the exchange between Mike Haberfelner and Amy:

Dead But Dreaming features a few scenes that would be way out of the comfort zone of most actresses I know (and of course I'm especially referring to the public nude flogging here) - so what goes through your mind when shooting scenes like these, and how do you prepare for them mentally? And how do you feel watching yourself in them, actually?

In scenes like this, I’m thinking about my part, if everything looks right, and sometimes about the weather. It's not easy to be out in the hot sun, or extreme cold, without clothes. My main concern is always that we get the shots we need for the film, that it looks believable, artistic, and amazing, the best it can be. I prepare for these scenes like I do any other, I arrive on set and get into character. Although, I also bring a bathrobe for the nude scenes. And my thermos. And sunscreen.

I have a hard time watching myself in these scenes, it's a different experience than shooting. I tend to over-empathize with my character. In the premiere, you can see me in the back row, cringing.
4329) Daniel 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 12:15 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


I have to "third" the comment on Amy's beauty as a "bed spread"! Amy, you are one (1) beautiful woman! Thank you for sharing with us!

4330) Sophie 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 14:07 Permalink

(4330) I am a 3D artist. Only just found this site (thanks Arcas). Hope this is ok...
4331) Brutus 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 17:21 Permalink

Just popped in after a long hiatus to announce the further death of UK porn. The anti-porn fascists there have added these to the list of acts that British producers can’t show:

  • Spanking
  • Caning
  • Aggressive whipping
  • Penetration by any object "associated with violence"
  • Physical or verbal abuse (regardless of if consensual)
  • Water sports
  • Female ejaculation
  • Strangulation
  • Facesitting
  • Fisting

This is obviously a ludicrous list. Consent is not an issue. The prudes decide what is "associated with violence," whatever the hell that means. Facesitting? Seriously? This is sadly a disturbing sign of the times. The full story is here.

GIMP poll: Gotta go with B (bad guys). They're unpredictable, more dangerous and often more creative than interrogators, and the constant threat of death should elicit a better reaction from the victim. Also, interrogators don't gag their victims because, well, they're interrogators, and I need a good gag to complete the scene.
4332) Brutus 
IP logged
Tuesday, 2 December 2014 17:26 Permalink

Whoops. Didn't read the message about the HTML paragraph breaks. Nice upgrades.
4333) Bronx_Warrior 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 17:45 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hot Satanic rituals from the movie "Black Ribbon"

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
4334) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 18:37 Permalink

Brutus wrote:

Whoops. Didn't read the message about the HTML paragraph breaks. Nice upgrades.

You definitely have been away for a while. Amy has really fixed the place up. And those great Ralphus rants about Dreambook are now a thing of the past.
4335) JD 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 21:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Long time listener, first time caller. I saw a while back MAV posted a scene from Hello Ladies. Well, HBO was kind enough to provide us with a deleted scene. This is my ideal scene. Soldier who understands the risks is captured and is defiant in the face of an interrogator. Enjoy!

4336) Bill K. 
IP logged
Tuesday, 2 December 2014 21:31 Permalink

Hello Amy Hesketh or maybe any Gimpers, I bought the Olalla $75 option at Indiegogo and am awaiting an e-mail at my ( as to how to receive it now that it's released. I got an e-mail from Amy for me to contact her at for my address and Indiegogo code thing but I have a conflict account with Yahoo, so can't use Yahoo.

Going to the Vermeerworks site and the Indiegogo site doesn't help me.

Please what am I supposed to do? Anyone?

Bill K.
4337) Reine Margot 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 21:43 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Don't worry Bill, we'll be contacting you shortly. If you can send Amy an email to, she'll get back to you. Shipments to the US will begin the day after tomorrow. If you are waiting for a certificate to download the film, she'll send it to you soon, if she hasn't already.
4338) MAV 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 23:00 Permalink

@JD-thanks for passing on the full-screen surprise AOH scene! That wanker Merchant still didnt show us Christine Woods' goods though ;>
4339) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 23:34 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4339) In post 4331, Brutus wrote "Just popped in after a long hiatus to announce the further death of UK porn. The anti-porn fascists there have added these to the list of acts that British producers can’t show:



•Aggressive whipping

•Penetration by any object "associated with violence"

•Physical or verbal abuse (regardless of if consensual)

•Water sports

•Female ejaculation




Well, I for one welcome the new alien overlords of England! There's only so much spanking, caning, and aggressive whipping that one man can stomach. Now perhaps the UK porn producers can finally up the ante by bringing us more rack stretching, iron branding, witch dunking in the Thames, and roasting over fire whilest chained to a rotisserie! For too long we've been subjected to the same ol', same ol'. Now the studios will have truly been given the freedom to be as dark and depraved as ever, now that the burden of light bondage has been removed. And if the Brits can't rush to bring this new product to market, I'm sure the Germans, Czechs, Hungarians, and Japanese will. To the British porn censors I say well done and huzzah!

Unfortunately, it also means ShackledMaidens will no longer be able to sell pictures like the one above, so get yours while you can.
4340) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 23:44 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4340) In post 4335, JD wrote: "I saw a while back MAV posted a scene from Hello Ladies. Well, HBO was kind enough to provide us with a deleted scene. This is my ideal scene. Soldier who understands the risks is captured and is defiant in the face of an interrogator. Enjoy!"

Is it me, or does the interrogator sort of look like she could be the victim's mother? The facial similarities, particularly the length and angle of the nose and shape of the lips and jawline, are amazing.
4341) Fritz 
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Tuesday, 2 December 2014 23:59 Permalink

El Wananchi: Like you, I prefer that the victim be as you put it, “a player”, who is at least partially responsible for the peril in which she finds herself. However, I don't agree that completely innocent GIMPs can't find themselves at the hands of Team A villains. I have enjoyed many interrogation scenes, public punishments and discipline meted out on women who were the victims of mistaken identity or just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And that doesn't include the guilt-free casualties of pogroms and state-sanctioned torture. There's more diversity on Team A than people may think.

* * * * *

Brutus: Following from the above, not all Team A good bad guys are interrogators. So it's not a given that all their victims will be gag-free. GIMPs may find themselves at the hands of Team A tormentors for reasons of discipline, revenge or simply setting an example – all of which do not require questioning the victim.

* * * * *

frog: I obviously did not mean that Team B perps have access to only kitchens and dull knives any more than to suggest their A counterparts have only dungeons and electronics at hand. The distinction was drawn to imply that in most cases Team A has access to more elaborate and sophisticated facilities and tools than does Team B. If I'm interpreting the poll correctly – and like I said, I'm still not sure I am – I imagine this would be true.

* * * * *

A Canadian: As much as I appreciate Amy's automatic paragraph breaks 98% of the time, they are a royal pain if you try to insert raw HTML constructs like the table in my previous post. Anyone who tries this will know what I mean.

* * * * *

JD wrote:

Long time listener, first time caller.

So you're not the JD who recently wrote that he was not the original JD who used to post here a while back? I guess JD is a popular handle for anyone who wants to be an anonymous John Doe, but this horde of JDs could get a bit confusing. I've heard John Smith (JS) is available, as is Mean Motherfucker (MMF). Just a thought smile.
4342) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 00:29 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4342) Sophie: Welcome to the board! We're glad to have you here. I'd like to see some other works from you.


Brutus: Whoa, I did a double-take when I saw your name. Great to see you back here. You know, people have asked me in the past who my favorite reviewer is and my answer has always been "Brutus." I checked; the last time you were here was back in January of 2012...way too long ago. I knew things were restrictive in the UK and I figure that might have had some effect on your accessing the site.

Dude, I'm glad I live in the US. Yeah, things were rough for our freedoms when Bush when was in office but they've lightened up the past 6 years. But nothing compared to this latest travesty in the UK. Is there a way to vote these conservative clowns out of office?

You also wrote:

Gotta go with B (bad guys). They're unpredictable, more dangerous and often more creative than interrogators, and the constant threat of death should elicit a better reaction from the victim. Also, interrogators don't gag their victims because, well, they're interrogators, and I need a good gag to complete the scene.

You know, those are some great reasons for voting for the "bad guys". The threat of death is a good one. Not to mention that a victim of the "good guys" can stop the torture any time just by speaking up. And you're right about the gags. Bad guys don't want their victims to make noise so they keep them gagged, which automatically takes away the woman's last line of defense...her ability to speak. So she couldn't stop the torture even if she wanted to. Plus gagging her makes her look so much better!

But if you're voting Bad Guys, you better speak up soon because your side is losing. Here's the latest poll results:

What's your preference as far as antagonists in BDSM films go?
A) "Good guys" (ie Inquisition films, films involving corrupt law enforcement/spy interrogation films, etc) 26 votes
B) "Bad guys" (kidnappers, serial rapists/killers etc)
15 votes


Bronx_Warrior: Nice animated gifs; that's something new from you. But can we give the Black Ribbon pics a rest? I counted; you've posted 26 stills from that movie so far this year. We need to find you a new favorite movie!


JD wrote:

Long time listener, first time caller.

What is this, talk radio?

Also, glad to have you here, but you'll need a new handle since we already have a JD here. And just in case you're wondering, you can't have Ralphus, either; that's taken, too.

And third...helluva find on that Hello Ladies clip! But what a tease. I kept watching it over and over hoping that glitch would go away and we'd see some real boobage. Foiled again.

BTW, was anybody else curious to see what was burning off to the side of the woman and pouring out all that smoke (above)? It added a nice ambiance to the scene, anyway.


Lastly, below is a gift from our friend Pedro. I know everyone here is starting to get Olalla Fever, but for those of us who couldn't get enough of Nancy, Roxane and the other girls from History of Pain: Inquisition, here's a very cool "behind the scenes" look at the making of the production. I don't know about you guys, but I could never get bored looking at those 3 beautiful girls in various stages of nudity and bondage. It's a nice piece of work.

4343) Arcas 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 02:38 Permalink

SOPHIE: Great to see you here! You chose a great piece for your introduction cool The feedback here can be quite a bit less than what we're used to, but trust me - the work is appreciated, if a bit more quietly.
4344) Zylinderrohr 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 06:13 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

If it is possible, I would like to see more about topics of the Inquisition, Italian fumetti, movie reviews, reference to stories, etc.

4345) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 07:08 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Sophie - love the ambiance in your picture

Having the victim in the background forces our attention to what's happening in the foreground and all of the instruments that may or may not be used on the poor girl. It's an interesting approach to a fairly common bondage position and one that's not commonly seen. I can't say I don't wish the victim was a bit more available for study, but I like the artistic approach you took to presenting the piece. If there's one criticism I'd like to offer, its that she seems a bit too much endowed for her frame. If you shrank her back to a more petite B-cup, people might have a harder time identifying it as a poser piece.
4346) Alvin Yap 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 08:02 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hey, can anyone share video about pony torture? Or does anyone know the database of pony torture for this forum? Thanks
4347) Kathyrne 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 10:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4347) So I have been a busy little girl these last few weeks, and the second of my efforts is now available at my Infinite Perils site. It's another of my "Random Acts of Violence" sets, the third in that particular series of images.

Hope that y'all like the sample! big grin
4348) stakedamsels 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 10:32 Permalink

"The anti-porn fascists there have added these to the list of acts that British producers can’t show:"

Nothing about BATS peril/burning in there, but I suspect this has long since been outlawed anyway. The whole thing is a farce - TORY SCUM!
4349) Dr Yuya 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 12:45 Permalink

I'm unsure whether some people even still truly get what the poll meant by "good guys". It's been discussed into the ground but I thought it was made clear that it was far from literal and just worded that way as the poll maker lacked the proper D&D alignment titles. It's really only two different kinds of bad...hell it's really only one specific kind of bad (chaotic evil) vs a couple of the other kinds (from lawful to neutral) from what I've seen. It really wasn't even fair.

Those thinking the "good" is limited to anything really haven't consudered the scope of what lawful evil can do. No gags? Why not? If the mafia boss demands it the mooks better damn well be shoving something in her mouth. Must be trying to achieve a goal and not really doing it for the pleasure? The Evil McEvil Empire that revels in sadistic perversions associated with toying with thier invaded and conquered slaves seems to disagree.

Fact is the "Good" vote is both of these guys...and many more. The only side really restricted to certain behaviors is the "Bad". Again...the poll isn't actually very fair. The only reason it was no landslide at first I think was the confusing options.
4350) Arcas 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 18:25 Permalink

BRUTUS wrote: "Just popped in after a long hiatus to announce the further death of UK porn. The anti-porn fascists there have added these to the list of acts that British producers can’t show...."

What strikes me as perverse and a double standard is that the majority of things on your list could be shown in a mainstream film with no problem. I suspect that may be a case of "money talks".

RALPHUS: Did you mean to offer a welcome to "Joanna" or to "Sophie"?
4351) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 18:41 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Arcas wrote:

Did you mean to offer a welcome to "Joanna" or to "Sophie"?

Aw, dammit. Fine host I am...we have so few women here and I still wrote the wrong name. Manually changed in my original post. Sorry Sophie. No wonder I have no luck with women unless I use chloroform.
4352) Bill C. 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 19:01 Permalink

(4352) Ralphus: Yeah, chloroform is good, but roofies in her drink work even better.

I've heard, anyway...
4353) Megan 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 20:47 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Arcas! Sophie! GRRRR!

"GRRRR?" you say? Yes: I tried to find words to communicate my appreciation for your art, but I know none that sock straight to the solar plexus quite the way your visions have struck me.

The best I've got is grunt: "GRRRR!" because that's the only way I know how to romanize the gloriously visceral, stomach-dropping, breathtaking, jaw-dropping feeling I got when my eyes fixed upon the latest from both of you.

Frankly, it's torture.

Because your visions spark technicolor life into my otherwise dull, vague fantasy impressions. Yes, you both pose complete, stunningly detailed and gloriously idiosyncratic scenes unto themselves; but they also invite (no, demand) the dynamic context of which they're one moment's freeze frame. "IMAGINE MY STORY!" they bark--no doubt the same tone in which the interrogator demands TALK.

In fact: Arcas, of all your recent DAZ masterpieces, the image you posted on 8 November ([]) pushes my metaphysical buttons with most savage savvy. How does that skipped heartbeat land when the page scrolls and my eyes land on that image? What does my allegorical "GRRRR!" look like? Save having a mirror with me while flicking my iPad screen, I'd bet it'd pass for hers.

Which brings me to the other delicious twist in the latest of the Arcas oeuvre: Joanna. Sure, her Poser-approved likeness is on fire--figuratively and literally; but it's the 'tude-rich context that really winds my kink up to the "breathless" setting. Just one peril ago, the featured Arcas depiction had her spitting recalcitrantly in her captor's face; this time, it's all about how many amperes she can take. What to make of a woman with a list of malcontented pursuers so deep, darkly talented, and well-equipped? And clearly--so her captors routinely discover--she's a strong one: yes, they extort grunts, shrieks, gnashing teeth and balled fists . . . but we have *never* seen Joanna beg.

I can't be the only one out there chomping at the bit for a little fiction (are you out there, Eda? Perhaps another glorious Arcas-Eda mashup?) that fleshes out one of the many possible stories behind our little group's resident international woman of mystery.
4354) Covers 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 21:01 Permalink

(4354) Man's Book Aug 1966 - cover by Mel Crair original art
4355) Kathyrne 
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014 23:16 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4355) This is kind of a "teaser" for the next set that I have coming out soon. I mostly did the "teaser" image here because I thought it would be a fun piece.

Thanks to Ralphus for putting up with all of my postings lately!! Much appreciated!!!

@ Covers, really liked today's image! Awesome stuff. wink
4356) Osouk 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 01:11 Permalink

I don't know why you guys think gags and interrogation are exclusive. You put a gag into a babe's mouth and tell her it will be 2 hours before you take it out, and she better think carefully about how she answers your questions then. And later you listen to her begging and pleading and swearing she's told you everything she knows as you force the gag back in and tell her this time it will be 4 hours before you ask her again.

Maybe a bit late for the poll, but I would have to go with the 'good' guys. I like the idea of total desperation, and the thought that she's completely helpless and there's no chance of rescue, as the men that should be rescuing her are the exact same men pumping electrcity through her genitals is very arousing.

I also like the fact that it's a battle of wills - she thinks she might be able to end it by telling them what they want, or convincing them she doesn't know anything. But of course the gang rapes and torture will continue no matter what she does, for days or weeks without end.
4357) Matt 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 01:56 Permalink

I'll echo Fritz' comments about Team A's use of gags. An example: if the GIMP in question is a POW, no doubt she has committed violations of camp rules. Such as communicating between cells or cell blocks. Such blatant violations of prison regulations cannot go unpunished. She's stripped, hands cuffed behind her, sat in leg irons on her bunk, then gagged and blindfolded for 30 days. (based on how the NVN actually punished POWs in Hanoi for communicating..) There are opportunities for gags in Team A's tool kit, and they have their place.
4358) fumetto 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 03:17 Permalink

(4358) Some news from Veronica
4359) TJ 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 03:48 Permalink

In this what Joanna is looking for...


N.B. Site can be very slow.
4360) fumetto 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 04:14 Permalink

(4360) Luba in troubles
4361) fumetto 
IP logged
Thursday, 4 December 2014 04:15 Permalink

(4361) Selen forced
4362) fumetto 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 04:16 Permalink

(4362) Sydney tortured
4363) Covers 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 06:42 Permalink

(4363) Man's Book Aug 1966 - cover by Mel Crair
4364) Mad Max 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 07:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Things are heating up... Kathyrne's new set is fantastic and that teaser has me interested... and I LOVE the fumeto series!!!
4365) Sloth 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 09:42 Permalink

Covers - always had a fondness for that Mel Crair cover from the Aug 66 Man's Book - from the first time I saw it I formulated the sick twisted concept that it was a scene from a Volkswagen factory testing a vehicle safety restraint device under morbid Nazi supervision - love it.

Stay well all
4366) Daniel 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 11:54 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thank you Kathyrne, Covers and Fumetto for a dazzling display this morning!!
big grin big grin big grin
AND........thank you Ralphus for making sure we are fed our daily rations of GIMP! cool
4367) Arcas 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 19:27 Permalink

MEGAN: Wow... um... THANKS! Usually I'm struggling with the disappointment of not getting much feedback on my work, but your enthusiastic endorsement/analysis makes up for multiple comment droughts! I'm tickled that my work communicates to you that way - and you're certainly the first to reply to it with a positive growl! lol I only hope my future works can hit your sweet spot so effectively.
4368) J Scourge 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 20:31 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Arcas, I must apologize to you as I am one of the multitude of quiet art appreciators in the audience. I have enjoyed material from you whenever I see it but have never taken the time to tell you. There are numerous artists I have enjoyed the works of over the years in our twisted corner of the universe but only certain ones that really push my buttons--and you are one of them.

Sophie, you are new to me but I can see your work really has promise. I am looking forward to great things from you. I love the attention to detail in what I have seen thus far.

Kathyrne, your work is different but exciting nonetheless, especially for folks like me who are hung up on large breasts. One can use your art as a good jumping off point for some darker personal fantasies.

Thank you all for your efforts. I am certain there are many like me who truly enjoy what we see. It raises our temperatures AND our...'humidity.' Only partially as a pun I say "Keep it up!"

I wholeheartedly agree with Megan's assessment on art seen. I also agree with her on the need for more good stories. Osouk had referenced stories, too.

In that regards, I promised Ralphus I would be checking into my archives to find some old favorite stories I have saved and send them to him to post. I will try to get that done soon to share with all of you.
4369) Joanna 
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Thursday, 4 December 2014 22:16 Permalink

@TJ: That's much more like it! I love a good top ripping too; when your breasts pop out like that you suddenly feel very exposed and vulnerable, and if the battery or shock machine is already in the room when they do it you know right away where they're going to attach the clips.
4370) MAV 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 01:29 Permalink


In case you dont know, punishmovies recently released its latest 3 corporal punishment in movies sets. I got #49 since it had the most intriguing AOH scenes.

4371) elkcreek 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 08:31 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4371) First, late to the poll question. But for me the answer is good guys. If the good guys (government officials,etc) are doing the torture the GIMP will feel much more helpless. I mean who can she call? To me the key is helplessness, no rescue teams about to burst thru the door. I like it when the girl feels hopeless or at least acts that way.

Now a quick movie review. I rented the movie Kite from Netflix. I thought it had some excellent GIMP possibilities and the star (India Eisley) redefines smoking hot. She played Shailene Woodley's sister (probably one of the biggest female commodities in Hollywood right now along with Jennifer Lawrence) on the show "The Secret Life of the American Teenager". An interesting show if you watched it with the mute button on.

Anyway the plot of Kite is a young girl in the future whose parents were killed by the bad guys (dad was a cop) grows up and goes out to seek here parents killers. It is based on a adult comic book in the vein of Sin City. Sadly as a GIMP movie I would rate it a mild disappointment. It had two scenes with some real GIMP value.

In one she is surprised while trying to help a girl escape a slavery ring and hit with a pipe in the stomach, she proceeds to take a 5 on one beating with multiple stomach punches that leaves her unconscious. A good scene but a bit too quick. The one other scene she is captured and zip tied to a deep fryer. The bad guys want to get information from her. She takes a punch in the face which bloodies her nose, has an earring pulled out, and then the bad guys try to burn her hand in the deep fryer. She manages to escape.

Now while the GIMP scenes were marginal at best. The fights were realistic, her reactions were excellent, and she takes some punches in almost every encounter. Unlike a lot of female super hero types the action is believable, to some extent, and not the typical hero isn't in danger crap we often see from female protagonists. And she is a girl that looks unbelievably hot in an almost illegal way. All in all a great movie, but a mediocre gimp flick. My grade for GIMP mainstream a C- but worth the rent.

One other note to all the downloaders here today. There was a gang rape scene of Adelade Kane in last night's "Reign" on the CW. It was a very good scene by mainstream TV standards. I'd love to have caps and a video of that if anyone caught it. Thanks.
4372) Nancyfan 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 10:17 Permalink

@ Pedro

It's not possible to buy the newest release "Life in EliteClub 16". When I select this one and push the button "Check out" than I can see only a black page. Please help, I can't wait to see it.

Thanks in advance
4373) Covers 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 10:55 Permalink

(4373) Daniel wrote: Thank you Kathyrne, Covers and Fumetto for a dazzling display this morning!!

Sloth wrote: Covers - always had a fondness for that Mel Crair cover from the Aug 66 Man's Book - from the first time I saw it I formulated the sick twisted concept that it was a scene from a Volkswagen factory testing a vehicle safety restraint device under morbid Nazi supervision - love it.

Kathyrne wrote: @ Covers, really liked today's image! Awesome stuff. wink

Fritz wrote: Covers: The more MAM covers you post, the more I miss these 'zines. Keep on coverin'.

Thanks for all the love folks! It's always interesting when I post something that I think is nothing special and there is a sudden shower of appreciation. Intellectually, I know that everyone has different tastes. If I post something from my top 1% and there is no response, I don't even notice. That's just the way of the internet. However, it still surprises me when I get a big response for something I see as merely run of the mill. It makes me wish for a voting system (ala Reddit) on my web site ( and the GIMP, just so I could see the range of opinions on each post.

Today's MAM cover is from Man's Book Aug 1967.
4374) Reine Margot 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 13:47 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4374) A great new Interview with Jac Avila, Star and Producer of Olalla, it was published yesterday in (re)SearchMyTrash

More news later, lots of them!
4375) Dr Yuya 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 13:48 Permalink

With the title Kite and the review Id read I'd wager it's based on the same titled anime, not a comic book or manga.

As far as it goes...I'm personally surprised they made it. The original animation was technically Hentai and featured a couple of rape scenes that fell under quite a bit of heat when it first came out...given the character was drawn to appear almost crossing the line of underaged.

That said, I'm almost happy they didn't adapt it to 100% accuracy even as a GIMPer given that sort of stuff doesn't belong in any medium, animated or otherwise.
4376) Pedro 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 18:21 Permalink

Dear Nancyfan, we received quite a few orders of Life in the EliteClub 16, so it seems to work for others.

If you still experience any problem, I ask you to please contact us at our support email, and I will be more than happy to help you.

I think other forum 'members' would hate me if I used this nice forum as a support channel. LOL

4377) HP 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 19:12 Permalink

Longtime lurker here. Here's a question about the interrogation thread. This is the most intense non-faked-looking interrogation/torture film I've ever seen:


The full link leads to something called "missing-full-lenght-film" (yes, that's how they spell length).

It gets disturbing toward the end, but it sure is intense. Question: What is it from? Who made it? Was the actress in anything else?

Can the experts here help with this?
4378) Sophie 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 19:34 Permalink

Ralphus - I did wonder if you meant me when you said Joanna. (but I am new here, so was too shy to ask). Arcas, thanks for helping clarify.

No problem anyway. I am really delighted you like my picture. I shall post more.

(one thing, this type of forum is very unfamiliar to me. How does one quote/reply?)

4379) A Canadian 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 19:59 Permalink

Sophie wrote:

(one thing, this type of forum is very unfamiliar to me. How does one quote/reply?)

Our method is a little old fashioned. Essentially, when posting your comments, you type in the person who said it (eg., Sophie wrote:) and then put it in bold.

That is followed by a copy and paste of the quote itself, which some of us like to put in italics.

And then you type in your reply.

Crude but effective.


This column in the Globe and Mail in Canada is a bit tongue in cheek, but I'm sure we can all agree with her conclusions about the U.K.'s wrongheaded censorship measures: []
4380) elkcreek 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 21:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

It turns on the rape scene in Reign was fairly controversial. Like I said it was fairly graphic for TV.


Dr Yuyu, you're right Kite is an Anime adaptation. There was no inference of an underaged girl although India Eisley is 20 and looks a bit young for her age. And for the record when I said she was so hot it should be illegal. I wasn't referring to her age.
4381) Ralphus 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 21:32 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Well, we've just experienced our first big glitch with the new forum. 4 days worth of posts just magically disappeared, and I have no idea why. It wasn't on my end.

And the timing sucks since Amy is away on vacation and I can't even reach her on Facebook. The Lazarus administration has not even approved my registration, so right now, I'm totally handcuffed.

What a helpless feeling.
4382) Ralphus 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 21:52 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Okay, I figured it out. One of our most recent posts embedded a video that merged with another embedded video which blocked all the posts in between. Something like that; I don't know the technical term, but it was merely a matter of removing the offending post and everything popped back up again.

Whew! Now I can digest my food.
4383) Thomas Chaser 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 22:28 Permalink

(4383) In Post 4377, HP asks "The full link leads to something called "missing-full-lenght-film" (yes, that's how they spell length). It gets disturbing toward the end, but it sure is intense. Question: What is it from? Who made it? Was the actress in anything else?"

HP, that has all the production value of a "one and done" amateur film made by a couple for themselves using a home movie camera. I will say, however, that it is ambitious in its escalation and the woman certainly does her part to push her pain threshold. I mean, nailing her tits to the block of wood was intense, and then adding a gas heater on top of that? Wow. She gets my respect for doing that. I thought the fire/branding scene would be about as far as they would go, because she's obviously in distress during that part, and then they added the tit nailing on top of that. Incredible.

Anyway, I can't help you with identifying any of the people associated with the film, but thanks for asking the question because (a) that shit was hard, and (b) there was a link on that page to one of my favorite HOM movies featuring my favorite HOM actress: "House of Correction" with Nikki Dial. Good stuff and worth a watch.

Anyway, here's a still from "Missing Full Lenght Movie".
4384) Bob 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 22:30 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

While we're on the topic of GIMP scenes in recent TV shows, IDK if anybody has pointed these out, but Salem and Penny Dreadful had a few scenes recently.

Salem E10 involves several scenes of torture/interrogation on a tabletop spread throughout the episode. E11 involves the same interrogator splashing boiling water on two other victims. Scenes are fairly lengthy but mostly dialog, not a lot of actual action (as is expected for TV).

Penny Dreadful E5 involves a main character being locked into an insane asylum and subjected to ice bath, hosing, and some sort of brain surgery. The surgery was a little troubling, but the first two bits were quite good.
4385) Pedro 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 22:32 Permalink

Please help to identify this clip:

I accidentally discovered this short clip, which seems to be a compilation cut from a longer show.

It seem to be quite unique, because it depicts real whipping and real 'rape' penetration before a real audience.

Does anybody know the title of the show, or any link which shows the uncut version?

Hint: There is no talking during the show, but at the very beginning of the clip someone tells: Action in a french dialect, so the origin country may be France, Belgium or Canada?... just guessing.

4386) Flintstone 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 22:51 Permalink

To HP: The actress in the video is Cindy Prince, she did several videos back in the 70s and 80s that were released by Bill Majors. She appeared to be a real pain slut, and she really wasn't my type physically, but she seemed to really get into it.
4387) Ralphus 
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Friday, 5 December 2014 23:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4387) Okay, now that the technical bugs are out of the way, on with the stuff that everyone else cares about.

Elkcreek: Nice review of Kite, thanks for letting us know about it. You're right, India Eisley is bleepin' gorgeous. I looked her up, her mom is Olivia Hussey, who was quite a babe herself when she was a teenager in Romeo and Juliet. So she definitely has good genes.

Here's the link for your review. This looks good; I added it to my Netflix queue.


HP: Your Mystery Movie is Cindy Prince 7 from B&D Pleasures. Cindy and her husband John Prince made a lot of these videos back in the 1980s; they were released on video in the 1990s and I bought nearly all of them. Those guys got a lot of my money back in the day.

They had million dollar ideas but hundred dollar production values. The video quality was never that good, but what they lacked in technical expertise they made up with imaginative torture scenarios. Back when the Republicans were in the White House and most bondage was deliberately toned down, these guys were putting out scenarios involving stuff like needles in the breasts, cigarette burning and fire torture (a major SHWING! for this pervert). In fact, Cindy even got burned at the stake twice in their videos. No wonder I was hooked.

After I watched enough of their videos, I began to realize the tricks they were using to produce these illusions. As a result, I think some of the mystique wore off, but every video I got from them had at least one scene that I kept on my highlights tapes.

You can get the whole Cindy Prince catalogue at, just type in Cindy Prince and everything comes up.
4388) Sophie 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 05:30 Permalink

(4388) Another of my 3D renders, as you seem to like that previous one :)
4389) Sophie 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 05:31 Permalink

(4389) ...and its companion image
4390) Renzo Novatore 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 07:18 Permalink

I too am a huge fan of gags. I suppose they could be used in an interrogation type scenario but their use in that sort of scene would seem a bit strange. I'd probably still like it though, heh
4391) Kathyrne 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 07:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4391) Hey Y'all!

So, "The Vineguard Execution" is up at my site now. Fair warning.... it gets pretty bloody by the end.

It might be a little while before I have another set ready, but I should be on track for my normal 13th image for December. Otherwise, y'all be well! big grin
4392) Sophie 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 08:40 Permalink

Kathyrne - it's so wonderful to have found you here. I had been missing you on Renderotica and wondered what had happened to you.

SO delighted to see you are alive and well!

Hugs babe

4393) elkcreek 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 09:01 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4393) Well the Reign rape scene even merited a feature from Eonline for being too graphic. Please someone tell me where to find the clip. I didn't know about it in advance so I didn't DVR it myself.

4394) Covers 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 12:11 Permalink

(4394) Man's Book Aug 1968 Inside scan
4395) HP 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 14:03 Permalink

Thanks Ralphus and Flintstone for the ID of Cindy Prince. I thought I knew about the great stars, but either I never knew about her or somehow forgot.

She seems to have been an amazing painslut, but what you say about the production values is all too true. Also, I'm one of those who prefers it when the torture leads up to sex, not just more torture. But everyone's got their own ideas.

While I'm here, does anyone know who the enema girl is in another video on the same site, with the same bad production values? It's at this link:


Looks almost like Cindy, but not quite.

And thanks again for the expert info.
4396) nope 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 19:53 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

That Reign scene must have been pretty damn good as much as the Politically Correct crowd is whining and crying about it. Would love to see the scene.
4397) elkcreek 
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Saturday, 6 December 2014 22:16 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Here's an article about the new UK porn rules. This is one of the reasons I'm against "hate speech" laws. Because once you limit Freedom of speech, you never stop limiting it, by whatever PC flavor of the day happens to be.

4398) Covers 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 02:18 Permalink

(4398) Man's Book Aug 1968 V7 #4 Norm Eastman art
4399) Bob 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 03:10 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

The Reign scene is really not that graphic.... it's quite short with frequent cuts and camera angles seemingly specifically chosen to avoid nudity. I think the complaints might be more because it was aired right when the media happened to be talking about sexual assault on college campuses. If it had aired a month ago, I don't think there would have been nearly as much outcry. It might also be because it's on a "basic" channel as opposed to a paid channel.

For anybody looking for the scene, you can simply torrent the entire episode.... TV eps are extremely easy to find online. Search for Reign S02E09.
4400) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 08:01 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4400) The Reign rape scene: Yeah, not that explicit. Kudos for the sexy cuteness of the victim, however. And for this pre-rape exchange of of dialogue after she's knocked down to the floor:

"Sovereign, she's a queen!"

"Well, she doesn't look like a queen now, does she?"

BTW, I would NOT recommend attempting to torrent the episode, unless you want a bunch of nasty malware inadvertently downloaded to your computer. Instead, the show is available free for streaming off the CWTV website at the link below. The fun stuff starts around 29 minutes into the episode, if you don't mind sitting through about 15 minutes worth of commercials to get there.

4401) elkcreek 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 08:35 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I wouldn't call the rape scene in Reign "explicit", but then explicit is pretty much impossible on network TV and for that matter always has been. But, by network TV standards it may be the most graphic rape scene I've seen for a couple of reasons.

One, they showed the rape itself and the girl's reaction. Almost every other rape scene I've seen on TV, might show the violence leading up to the scene but they cut away during the actual rape. I don't recall anyone I've seen including some of the better 70's scenes. And second, this was the main character of the show.

There have been other rapes on TV that were more violent, the rape of Stephanie Kramer on Hunter for instance, but none that I recall that actually showed a girl getting held down and assaulted thru the assault. I do think this scene is different.

And yes you're right Adelaide Kane is hot, that doesn't hurt. Is there a way to get that clip off a streaming video? I suspect I don't have the tech savvy to do it. Oh, I agree, don't torrent, torrents are Malware City, you might as well just give all your passwords to a Nigerian prince.
4402) Sophie 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 08:47 Permalink

(4402) You guys probably already know this, but there is a fantastic "special" from Elite Pain called History of Torture - the Inquisition. They even have a fake "medical expert" providing extra details!

Highly recommended!
4403) arrakur 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 09:52 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Sophie: Those last two images are some of the most enticing I have seen in a long time. Thank you very much for sharing them.
4404) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 10:24 Permalink

Sophie wrote:

You guys probably already know this, but there is a fantastic "special" from Elite Pain called History of Torture - the Inquisition. They even have a fake "medical expert" providing extra details!

Yes, that film was recently reviewed by Thomas Chaser, who gave it an A+.
4405) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 10:30 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Sophie wrote:

You guys probably already know this, but there is a fantastic "special" from Elite Pain called History of Torture - the Inquisition.

Yeah, right before you got here we had just completed a 3-week promotion for the film at the top of the site. It got a lot of discussion around here, if you want to read back a little bit or do a search for it.

Here's an animated gif from the movie from our friend Howie. Burn, Nancy, Burn!

4406) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 12:46 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4406) In Post 4402, Sophie wrote "You guys probably already know this, but there is a fantastic "special" from Elite Pain called History of Torture - the Inquisition. They even have a fake "medical expert" providing extra details! Highly recommended!"

See, I'm not the only one that thought this film was excellent! Sophie obviously has good taste. Ralphus gave it a "B", and to each his own, but for me this film hit the right chords without slipping over into ridiculousness.

What I'd really like to see is "History of Pain 3: Roman Empire" with whipping, bastinado, enslavement with a collar, and a crucifixion. Hopefully they'll find a good cast to compliment Roxanne so that she won't have to carry the load so much.
4407) Bob 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 13:03 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Well yes, fake torrents can contain lots of malware. However. It's pretty easy to spot the sketchy torrents (and other online downloads). For starters, I'm pretty sure you can't actually imbed software into a video file, so anything that downloads directly as a video file (.wmv, .avi, .mp4, etc) is probably safe. Additional files that download would not be able to trigger unless you click on them, so.... just don't click on them. Zip or .rar files are more sketchy, since you don't know what's in them. Anything that includes any sort of .exe file or any file that automatically opens is more then likely harmful. For torrents specifically, anything with very high seeder and leechers is probably safe, and one can review the comments section on the page for any fishiness. I've torrented a great many things for a good decade or so, never had any trouble for any torrents with >100 seeders or so.

IK this is pretty off topic, just wanted to point it out.
4408) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 13:59 Permalink

Did anyone else notice that Video Mayhem is now selling its DVDs for only $3.99 plus free shipping?

I suspect we're all wondering the same thing: Does that price apply to Canada, as well? Maybe Larry will let us know.
4409) elkcreek 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 14:55 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Bob, I tried today, and I got a player and Mackeeper (nasty malware) along with a file that wouldn't open. Can you suggest a good torrent site and an application to open? My experience is not good with torrents.
4410) Bob 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 15:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

elkcreek: I use BitTorrent as the client and I like as the torrent site. I believe it's the same thing as, just a mirror site.

As for as the files go, I just go by number of seeds. For the Reign episode mentioned previously, the top one has like 4000 seeds currently ( You can also see that it has 100 upvotes and 0 downvotes, which is another good way to gauge whether it's legit or not.

This is mainly useful for popular/mainstream things, since smaller audience media obviously is going to have a larger tendency to be sketchy.
4411) elkcreek 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 16:55 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Bob, I tried and tried, EVERY converter I download gives me issues (Bittorent or Transmission). Either my Mac security immediatley quarentees them or I get messages saying the file was partially downloaded in two cases I got EXE files with my download. Just give me an MP4 damn it :)
4412) Bob 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 17:13 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Elk, I don't know what to say, I've used BitTorrent hundreds of times and I haven't had any malicious files or my firewall/antivirus quarantine anything off (I've used Kaspersky, ESET, and McAfee before, not at the same time obviously) ever since I restricted myself to torrents with 50+ seeders and minimal downvotes. I have to get to start work very early daily so I can't really watch TV and I don't have a DVR, so I grab the TV episodes I want to watch the day after off the web. Downloading mainstream shows with 50+ seeds, my rate of getting malicious software is literally 0%. I have no idea what you're doing that's triggering all those security alerts and whatnot, this is really puzzling to me.

Anyways, I'm throwing the file onto mediafire right now (hopefully you can use that?) but looks like it'll take about 15m to upload.
4413) Bob 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 17:33 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


Here you go; it's the entire episode btw.
4414) Pedro 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 17:38 Permalink


That Reign scene must have been pretty damn good as much as the Politically Correct crowd is whining and crying about it.

Maybe I saw the middle eastern edition of the scene, but I don't see it graphic or explicit at all. Explicit????
Not a hint of skin... Very short... The only fact I see is that it depicts a rape in a very soft way. I don't know how it could be softer.

If a depiction of rape makes whining and crying, then what happens if (God help!) someone would be killed in a TV show. Or is rape so much worse than that?
4415) Pedro 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 17:43 Permalink

elkcreek answers my question, too bad I haven't read that earlier. My post was unnecessary in this way...sorry
4416) elkcreek 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 18:00 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Bob, the file was blocked, but thanks I appreciate the effort.

Guys, It's NETWORK TV. I don't know how anyone could expect explicit. But by TV standards it may be one of the most graphic rapes I've seen, certainly of a main character. The difference being they showed the actual rape. What Network TV has done in the past (even in the "glory" days of the 70's) was to show the prelude and the aftermath and call that a rape scene, but the actual rape never happened on screen
4417) JD (the second) 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 22:05 Permalink

(4417) Jeeezaz .. you only go in Mexico for a week and when you return, your nick you hijacked has been hijacked, the poll options has been clarified to add to further confusion and in UK they propose that there would be no more light BDSM and rain. Where is this world going to?

It's a Mad, Mad World.

Therefore, following Prince and Shia LaBeouf, I'll be further known as JD the second. I expect that any JD nick lover to use 'the third', 'the fourth' and so forth. Only the original JD should be allowed the plain designation (with supporting evidence).

@Herr Fritz: I'm constantly LMAO reading your sparring (and sadly mismatched) battle of wits with our esteem host, praised be His name. Please, stop. I read this forum to satiate my kinky needs, not to be entertained. Please understand, I'm a very serious kink.

To veer it ontopic, here's a picture completely unrelated with anything that I found online and kind of like it.
4418) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 22:48 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD (one of them, anyway) wrote:

@Herr Fritz: I'm constantly LMAO reading your sparring (and sadly mismatched) battle of wits with our esteem host, praised be His name. Please stop.

Aw, don't tell him to stop. It's one of my joys in life to constantly beat Fritz in whatever astute challenge he may throw my way. I've never lost an argument to him but he likes to keep on trying to beat me. He's sort of like the Washington Generals to my Harlem Globetrotters, a worthy opponent but always destined to end in defeat.
4419) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 7 December 2014 23:07 Permalink

Elkcreek: For what it's worth, I have used BitTorrent for years and never had any problems.
4420) Fritz 
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Monday, 8 December 2014 03:01 Permalink

Ralphus: I must humbly presume the esteemed JD (the second) is stating that the mismatchedness favors me. After all, he asked me to stop sparring with you, not the other way around. As for your claim to winning all those “arguments”, it's long been known that those short of stature often need to compensate for their deficiency by self-aggrandizement and chest thumping. I believe it's called a Napoleon Complex.
4421) Sophie 
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Monday, 8 December 2014 05:02 Permalink

(4421) Is it wrong of me to find this very erotic?

I guess the peril element is that now she is unconscious, all manner of unspeakable acts could be perpetrated on her helpless and vulnerable body. And they could, of course, all be photographed in great deal and shared with the world...
4422) Covers 
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Monday, 8 December 2014 06:39 Permalink

(4422) Man's Book Aug 1968 V7 #4 Norm Eastman original art
4423) Kathyrne 
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Monday, 8 December 2014 09:07 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4423) @ Sophie, Been really busy the last couple of days or I would have posted this sooner. Thanks for the very nice comment.

big grin
4424) Amy Hesketh 
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Monday, 8 December 2014 12:04 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4424) Hey everyone! So glad you're enjoying the pictures of yours truly at the top of the forum. BIG thanks to Ralphus for the promotion!

Another fantastic review of Olalla just came out, this time from writer C. Dean Andersson, author of Torture Tomb!

You can read it at this link right here!

I'm traveling right now, so I haven't had time to stop in that often. Will be checking in about every other day. In the meantime, Margot has everything covered.

Announcement: All DVDs of Olalla have been shipped out as of December 4th, most people are getting theirs now, depending on your location. We are now shipping to the USA and Europe without delays. smile

DVDs of Olalla are available right here at this link!

Downloads of Olalla are at this link!
4425) D. Santorum 
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Monday, 8 December 2014 19:07 Permalink

(4425) Just had to stop in after watching Olalla. Another fine film, though no doubt too odd and arty-fartsy for some. And I have to say that from a GIMP perspective, I was totally surprised by something.

Like everyone else awaiting the film, I knew there was a big BATS scene coming at the end. But I had no idea that it would be preceded by a fairly long and intense public flogging scene. A scene that damn near rivals the one in Dead But Dreaming. Seriously folks, if public floggings excite you and you were thinking you’d pass on Olalla because you’re not into BATS scenes, you’re making a big mistake.

Amy’s reactions during this scene are the best expressions of agony she’s ever given us. If her screams in previous efforts have left you less than 100% convinced, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised here. It’s really quite an amazing (and utterly believable) performance.
4426) Covers 
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014 06:39 Permalink

(4426) Man's Book Aug 1969 v8 #9
4427) Mad Max 
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014 08:36 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Up til now, when I see "not dead yet" I've thought of Monty Python... thanks to Kathyrne, I have a very different image in my head!
4428) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014 12:06 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4428) Okay, after nearly a month, I think we can bring this latest GIMP poll question to a close. One of the best we've had in recent memory, albeit one of the most confusingly written, although I have to admit that was part of the reason why there was so much discussion about it.

Here's the final results:

What's your preference as far as antagonists in BDSM films go?
A) "Good guys" (ie Inquisition films, films involving corrupt law enforcement/spy interrogation films, etc) 28 votes
B) "Bad guys" (kidnappers, serial rapists/killers etc)
15 votes

This turned out to be a landslide for the supposed "good guys", nearly a 2-1 advantage. Thanks to all of you who voted and explained why you were choosing the side you did. I think you all made good points in your reasoning, and it also feels better telling your parents you want to pursue a career in law enforcement rather than becoming a serial killer. Just don't tell them the real reason why.


Sophie asked:

Is it wrong of me to find this very erotic?
I guess the peril element is that now she is unconscious, all manner of unspeakable acts could be perpetrated on her helpless and vulnerable body. And they could, of course, all be photographed in great deal and shared with the world...

I do understand the appeal of having an unconscious victim, but to me, that takes away all the fun. It's why Bill Cosby, Serial Rapist, will never be thought of in a positive light even by those pervs who like the idea of raping beautiful women. If they're asleep, that's cheating, Bill! Do it like a real man and overpower them!

If she's unconscious, it would be like having sex with one of those RealDolls (although to be fair, they're doing some pretty amazing work on them nowadays). I want her there to be squirming and reacting to what I do to her. I know there's a whole subfetish devoted to the Sleepy Girl thing, but it leaves me scratching my head as to why people like it. Maybe they like the sex thing but prefer to not have any kind of communication with their victim? I guess that makes as much sense as anything else.

And I'm a Torture Guy, so having her unconscious would defeat the whole purpose. If she's not responding when I'm shocking her nipples, what fun is that?

I dunno, maybe I'm just off-base on this one. I'd like to hear some alternate viewpoints. Anyone else have an opinion on the subject?
4429) MadBob 
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014 15:57 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ralphus wrote: If she's unconscious, it would be like having sex with one of those RealDolls (although to be fair, they're doing some pretty amazing work on them nowadays).

Gosh, I admit I was totally unaware of the technological progress happened on the sex dolls front. But the price is just INSANE! (IMO)

I want her there to be squirming and reacting to what I do to her...And I'm a Torture Guy, so having her unconscious would defeat the whole purpose. If she's not responding when I'm shocking her nipples, what fun is that?

I dunno, maybe I'm just off-base on this one. I'd like to hear some alternate viewpoints. Anyone else have an opinion on the subject?

I'm 100% with you on that. I sometimes like to have my victims blindfolded and/or gagged, especially because -during a torture session - they don't know what is about to hit them (or, they can try to guess it from the surrounding noises), and I find this HIGHLY exciting. But totally unconscious is not my thing at all.
4430) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014 17:31 Permalink

Those Real Dolls are way beyond unconscious. They have no heat, don't move, no nothing. But it reminds of that TV series "The Doll House". Real women programmed to be sex toys for rich guys. It had great promise for very good GIMP scenes. Sadly frown cancelled

Unconscious gimp / rape is a BIG no for me too. But it's corpse eek! rape that's an even BIGGER no for me. Bill K.
4431) TITLASH 
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014 19:16 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I miss my friend HOWIE'S opinion. Anyway- I will say that it is a sad state of affairs when a "human being" is critical of a plastic mannequin. I will admit that - $7,000 later- one would hope to at least hear a VOICE from her saying------ "SUCKER!!!". I just don't think it is our "GIMPER'S" time ... Happy Holidays to "YA'LL!!" - From Texas.....
4432) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014 23:03 Permalink

(4432) I saw the Olalla bats scene and I've got to say Amy is hot and this woman is on fire. Literally she on fire this time which means the bush fire alert symbol has been posted.

The acting in the bats scene was fantastic from Amy and this time lots of firewood and flames compared to the Maleficarum bats which I never got the visual look that Amy was actually on fire burning.

The whipping and tenderizing of Amy before the fire was set was a good call too.

Overall the bats scene made the movie. As for the bed bound raping scene was well, that was it for the gimp scenes in the entire movie.

I can only rate the movie Bats scene an "A" and for the other parts of movie, I've got to say I was spoiled by Maleficarum's non stop whipping, roasting and torturing scenes so I expected see some of the same type gimp scenes in Olalla than there was. Couldn't Amy slowly eat a couple women too between the couple of clueless guys she ate at least? For the lack of gimp scenes I can't give the rest of the movie a rating at all.

Still Amy, keep that bats look in your next bats movie but think clothed bats next time and much more pre whipping and torture scenes also. Thank you very much big grin for the Olalla bats movie. Bill K.
4433) fumetto 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 04:09 Permalink


4434) Covers 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 06:43 Permalink

(4434) From Man's Book Aug 1972
4435) jerseydevil 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 07:06 Permalink

just wondering how you are coming along with the snidley whiplash series
4436) Mad Max 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 07:52 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

an AMAZING set from Fumeto, keep them coming!
4437) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 09:32 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Fumetto: I appreciate that you want to contribute, but flooding the forum with 10 images at once is not the best way to do it. I turned your 10 posts into one; people can still see the images full-sized if they click on the thumbs.

Please contact me in the future if you plan on doing that again and I can help you.


jerseydevil: Regarding the Snidely Whiplash series, I've been in contact with Oslo Netfetter and I'm awaiting a follow-up reply from him as far as a source for the remaining files I may be missing. I think he only checks his mail about once a month.


In case not everyone checks the databases on a regular basis, here's a recently added entry to both the Torture Rack and Hot Iron databases. It's the Ralphus Edit of the 1975 classic The Inquisitor, filled with rack torture, brandings, whippings, lots of bare boobs and even a burning at the stake for Bill K and other BATS freaks. They don't make 'em like this anymore.

4438) J Scourge 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 10:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


The Scream Is Still the Same - part 1

Today's news is about the Senate reporting the CIA use of torture. But no matter your take on it, that's reality and totally different than what we come here for. This is OUR escapism and it's what we enjoy.

What really pushes your buttons sexually is often quite different from one person to the next. This is true regardless of where you fall on the vanilla to kinky scale. When does fantasy cross into reality? What is your take on consensual versus non-consensual? Some of this can be a male or female thing of course while some depends upon the degree of dom or sub in your makeup (or if you even wear make-up I suppose...but I digress).

Do you have a deep-seeded sadistic streak running through you secretive or otherwise? Perhaps you are really more of a masochist or maybe a closet masochist. With a twist on the upcoming holiday season, "Is it better to give than to receive?"

There are certainly some of those in the audience who partake of the real thing when it comes to the large variety of what fits under the BDSM umbrella but for the most part, those who partake of the GIMP Forum are more viewers than doers. At the same time there are those who never come here but find themselves getting a certain titillation by certain 'girls in peril' scenarios--just ones that are not too severe. These folks feel a need to draw the line before things go too far. I think this crowd limits their fantasies and in so doing restricts their enjoyment of where their fantasies could take them.

Those who frequent The GIMP Forum and similar venues are a more unusual group to be sure but I also believe are more honest with themselves than those who have secret lusts and dreams of domination but only partake of more 'acceptable' mainstream media approaches to damsels in distress. Those are the people who enjoy seeing the heroine running desperately away from the madman out to do her untold harm with the hope she will escape his clutches--and manage to succeed. That's as far as they will allow their arousal to take them. These same folks would be aghast at the prospect of women held against their will let alone tortured although I firmly believe there are a lot more that find themselves excited by some of these dark areas than will truly admit--even to themselves!

Readers of this forum and similar sites have all found themselves attracted to the fantasy of women being abducted, stripped, enslaved, forced to do things against their will, chased through the jungle, made to work in fields, mines and as galley slaves. Fantasies abound of rope, chains and leather; women being racked, shocked, branded, whipped, flogged...and dare I say, 'scourged.'

There are some that will fantasize the horrors of rape while others will imagine crucifixions, hangings, beheadings and witch burnings. This is all connected to how our particular libido is wired, just a little different than what is considered 'the norm.' There is nothing at all wrong with any of it as long as you can always recognize the difference between fantasy and reality.

Consider the fact that there is a huge audience for murder mysteries but just because you read one does not mean you are going to go out and kill someone. Neither do I believe anyone here at the GIMP Forum views girls in merciless peril and then runs out to abduct, torture and rape--at least not in real life. Our fantasy life, on the other hand, can get quite dark.

We read stories, look at pictures and view videos all with the purpose of getting turned on by the suffering of one or more fantasy females. None of this should be construed as misogynistic, as I do believe all here have the utmost respect for ladies in real life. Furthermore, the audience for this material is not 100% male, though it certainly appears to be predominately so.

As we have seen, there truly are some women who enjoy fantasizing about other women being tormented while there are others who see themselves as the victim, imagining themselves on the receiving end of various tortures. While the majority of the male audience connect with the tormentors, there are men who may do a reverse role in their head and imagine themselves in a dual role as both the tortured woman as well as the tormentor. Then there are the women who see themselves in both roles as well. We're all like 'perverted' grains of sand on a kinky beach.

Interestingly, there are some women, who are very independent thinkers and count themselves among their feminist sisterhood who see nothing wrong with the seemingly contradictory position of seeing females attacked and subjected to physical atrocities. Some see this as an acceptance of some of the extreme evils within our society while others may be attracted to it for it's sheer escapism all the while. Within this group is also the revenge crowd. These are the women (and certainly men as well) who, after witnessing the extreme atrocities of rape and torture suffered by the heroine of the story, applaud how she comes back to make her tormentors suffer even worse fates than she has gone through and triumphs in the end.

It truly does take all kinds of folks to make up the world--in reality AND fantasy. Human beings are quite diverse and there is no better examples of this then our kinky brethren.
4439) frog 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 11:38 Permalink


Thanks for the link to Inquisidor. You presented the best scenes of a movie that I had despaired of seeing again. It has almost all you could wish for: sweat, puncturing for Satan’s Mark, racks and bodies that look like they have been through hell. There is also the rack scene with the blonde where her toes splay and point, this is a detail that is sometimes ignored. It is a pity the quality is not better and that some of the scenes are too short.

It is also a pity that the blonde that gets away and does the Devil worship incantations did not fall in the hands of the Inquisitor. This is food for a series I have long thought about. Something like scenes you would like to see but were left out or interrupted. For example, when in the Pit and the Pendulum Vincent Price’s character promises his wife that she will be tortured to death and then the movie ends. There are many more like that.
4440) Daniel 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 12:32 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Well said "J Scourge"
4441) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 13:04 Permalink

J Scourge: The real question is would any Gimpers watch a real woman live or on a video of a real women being tortured to death such as burnt alive especially slowly.

No matter the method of torture and death but public execution and floggings were common until the late 1800th century all throughout human history. It was enjoyed by all. In the medieval times the entire village people came to watch a witch be tortured and then hung, drowned and my favorite burned at the stake.

What changed all that I wonder ?

Let's say if the powers to be bought back public flogging and other tortures of convicted guilty women would you watch?

Also public capital punishment would you watch ? Both live or on TV.

Just saying most all people used to enjoy watching women being tortured and executed and thought nothing was wrong to do so. Much the same as we watched a sporting event now.

I see nothing wrong with being a Gimper for that reason. Bill K.
4442) JD (the second) 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 14:04 Permalink

@J Scourge: Exactly.

My personal explanation to the persistance of kink in us is that we are (as mammals) products of millions of years of evolution and in nature the male is always horny and the female is always choosy and moody. So, sometime in the past, the aggressivity of the male in assaulting resisting women paid off and became an evolutionary advantage.

A solid argument in favor of that idea is that there is similar plethora of 'deviant' sexual behaviours among the other mammalian members (from homosexuality to rough sex) as stated by countless sociobiologists in the last 30 years.

The caveat is that modern human got to learn to control these basic drives, in the same way we learned to control the basic fears and territorial urges.
4443) mr bush 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 14:06 Permalink


Bill, does the bush fire alert mean her bush (pubic hair) gets burned?

I have always thought that burning, shaving against her will or pulling out a women's pubic hair is the ultimate humiliation.
4444) El Wananchi 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 15:38 Permalink

Hi, all,

The blonde girl that escapes unscathed in "El Inquisidor de Lima" is an Argentinean model and actress called Elena Sedova. Pity for she is the prettiest of the whole lot. She has a highly erotic scene showing her carnal access to the devil, taken, in part, from the movie "The Mefisto Waltz", starring Jacqueline Bisset.

Regards to all,
El Wananchi
4445) Tim 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 19:00 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Preparing to slice & dice, from "Late Fee."

4446) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 20:42 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

In Post #4437, Ralphus wrote: "In case not everyone checks the databases on a regular basis, here's a recently added entry to both the Torture Rack and Hot Iron databases. It's the Ralphus Edit of the 1975 classic The Inquisitor, filled with rack torture, brandings, whippings, lots of bare boobs and even a burning at the stake for Bill K and other BATS freaks. They don't make 'em like this anymore."

Guilty as charged! Although, in my defense, I already knew about this film. But what I didn't know was that Ralphus was such a decent editor. Now, if you were a great editor you would have edited out the slow parts, like the police poking around the charcoal remains and the weird discoteque sequence when the blonde girl is being stretched. But hey, you captured the mood of the pic so that counts for something, right? Anyway, thanks for posting up that classic!
4447) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 21:28 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4447) El Wananchi wrote:

The blonde girl that escapes unscathed in "El Inquisidor de Lima" is an Argentinean model and actress called Elena Sedova. Pity for she is the prettiest of the whole lot.

Ah, thanks for the name, the IMDB was practically useless in this case. You're right, she was gorgeous. It killed me to have to edit out her nude scene in the movie, because the editor intercut it with shots of the two women being tortured in the dungeon. I know some might argue that the footage of Elena undressing is the best part, but in this case, she was a distraction to the rest of the scene so she had to go.

In fact, this film was hard to edit because in seemingly every torture scene they would cut away to unrelated shots, such as the girls watching a cockfight, dancing in a nightclub, frolicking on the beach, etc. Some of that I had to leave in because I didn't want to lose the all-important screaming. Of course, if you look at what was left, you've still got a solid 15 minutes of primo GIMP footage, and nearly all of it nude. I was pretty happy with how it all came out.


Thomas Chaser wrote:

Now, if you were a great editor you would have edited out the slow parts, like the police poking around the charcoal remains and the weird discoteque sequence when the blonde girl is being stretched.

Well, I already explained why I had to leave in the girls dancing, and I definitely didn't want to lose the shots of the burned body after the BATS. As a longtime collector of burning at the stake scenes, that was the ONLY time I've ever seen footage of the burned body after the scene. There was sort of a morbid fascination getting to see what a real BATS victim looked like, even though it was obviously not real and done for the movie.


J Scourge: Excellent post, and what's this? This was only Part 1? Well, if you've got more to say, then please, bring on Part 2!

I think you pretty much nailed the whole readership of this board with your characterizations of what we are into with our dark fantasies and erotic tendencies. Some of us would probably fall into multiple categories. And the whole question of how fantasy crosses into reality is especially intriguing.

I liked Bill K's question and it sort of ties in with my earlier reply to Thomas Chaser. Let's expand it a bit and come up with a hypothetical situation and make this into an official poll question.

Assuming you had no power to stop it, would you personally watch a live torture session, such as a public flogging, or even a live execution, like a hanging or a burning at the stake, or would the fact that it's real and not merely fantasy deter you?

I think a number of people are going to refrain from answering because they don't want to admit the truth in a public forum, but I'll start by saying yes, I would. If you throw in the caveat that there's nothing we can do to prevent the event from happening, and also that the chances of this actually happening in today's society are practically nil, then yeah, that might make it easier to justify. Hell, most of dig seeing women tortured on film, and what is the often the number one reason why a scene doesn't work for us? It doesn't look real enough!

Of course, in this case, we're going to be witnessing real suffering, but honestly, how is that different from watching an ElitePain or Mood Pictures video? The girls are really being tortured in those and people buy those videos up left and right. Of course, when you expand it to execution, that's different. No one buys real snuff videos, but how many people watched the Saddam Hussein execution video on YouTube before they finally pulled it? And remember, your not watching it will have no effect on what's going to happen...she's going to die anyway.

Anyway, if you guys and gals are honest and brave enough to answer, this has the makings of a VERY interesting poll question. So step right up and give us your opinion. The only wrong answer is not to vote at all, so let's hear what you have to say.
4448) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 21:35 Permalink

4443) mr bush post question "does the bush fire alert mean her bush (pubic hair) gets burned?"

Yes, Amy's pubic bush does catch fire and burns perhaps longer then logically it should. But I'm not complaining.
Bill K.
4449) A Canadian 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 22:18 Permalink

The poll question: Unlike the last poll, there's no grey area in this one.

My response? In the immortal words of Freddie Mercury: No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I think there are a number of flaws in Ralphus's reasoning. And his argument that you can't stop it and it's going to happen so you might as well go along with it sounds surprisingly NRA-like for Ralphus.

But it's late so I'll skip the moral objections and focus on the main point.

I have no interest in seeing anyone get hurt. I enjoy watching fantasy scenarios where people are acting, but that's what I want to see -- acting, not the real thing. Part of what makes the best GIMP scenes enjoyable to me is the knowledge that they aren't real.

I have never said I want my GIMP scenes to look "real." I have said I want them to look convincing.

That may sound like semantics but the difference is significant. When I use the word "convincing," I mean that a victim who is supposed to be helpless should look helpless. She shouldn't look like she could easily escape her plight.

That's not the same thing as wanting it to look "real." For example, I see no need to mess things up in a whipping scene by including buckets of blood. While a real-life whipping victim likely would be a bloody mess, I'm looking for erotic thrills, not realism.

Ralphus raised a good point about the ElitePain and Mood Pictures films. But, in fact, I don't watch those films because I don't care for the real thing.
4450) JD (the second) 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 22:38 Permalink

I second to A Canadian on this one. Real pain is actually a turn off to me. A sanitized medieval fantasy can eliminate the stomach-turning real life stench of the dungeons and can make ugly bruises disappear. Kind of cherrypicking what works best for me.

Frankly in real life I'd be worried to even get close to someone that actually enjoy real pain, like some of the people around here.

I'm ambivalent about the Hungarians' work exactly because it's real. I can only hope the models get paid a lot of money and this thought makes it bearable.

My ideal video would be simulated but in a very professional way, using CGI and big budgets. And that's why I prefer mainstream media occasional bondage scenes to (semi)amateurish bondage short clips. I could watch the Barbarian Queen II dungeon scene 100 times but I only watched History of Pain once (no offense Pedro).

JD, le deuxieme
4451) J Scourge 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 22:48 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

It was good to see the responses so far to part 1 of my Scourge's Soapbox post. There really is so much to consider in what I was writing that I found myself editing my material quite a bit and determining the best approach was splitting it into parts. I do hope to continue with part 2 within the next week.

In regards to the new poll question, as I stated, people who come here are fantasy-minded so if they are being honest I believe they would not be interested in seeing anyone really hurt regardless of if this were done with the approval of any governing body.

I do love my fantasies and while I might imagine such a scenario, I would not really want to see another person tortured.

Of course if Dick Cheney would have his way, we could might see hi-def prime time torture sessions coming to your living room soon.
4452) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 22:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4452) Poll question: Assuming you had no power to stop it, would you personally watch a live torture session, such as a public flogging, or even a live execution, like a hanging or a burning at the stake, or would the fact that it's real and not merely fantasy deter you?

My answer: This falls in the same category as safaris on small game preserves where the animals have no chance to escape; or real executions where due process has run out and the murderer gets his lethal injection/electric chair/hanging/firing squad. If there's no peril, there's no drama. By that I mean, the peril is the danger, but in danger is also the possibility of escape. If the outcome is certain, then it isn't dangerous; its a foregone conclusion. The girl must be in peril. There must be a chance to escape the danger; to stop the pain. Just like in the previous poll question where the good guys put the girl in danger but also play by a set of rules that restrict their ability to inflict pain, so too I would not be inclined to watch a real torture session where there was no ability to stop.

Well, at least not twice. I've often wondered if a place like the one depicted in "Terror Trap" were to exist, would I participate? I probably would give it a curious consideration, watch the sessions a couple of times, and then kill every motherfucker involved in the operation. But I'd save the videos for my own collection.

Terror Trap torture scene:
4453) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014 23:48 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4453) So here's one the piqued my interest. I'm normally not into Japanese stuff but this one is unique enough that I'm curious about it. Why just limit yourself to electrocuting one beautiful naked woman when you can electrocute two! The Clip Scenes descriptions says its from "Lady Attackers 3", but I didn't see that title listed in the reviews section here nor the Electro-Scenes Database. Can one of the Japanese experts here confirm that's the title, and possibly suggest a source for getting the video?

Link to the clip:
4454) Bill K. 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 00:53 Permalink

Poll question for me is a repeat of the same question at Stakedamsels forum had but it was burning at the stake alone. Not other tortures or death methods.

My answer is for capital punishment only if the powers that be bought back burning at the stake of convicted guilty as hell women is YES. Men and women but to death always have witnesses to their execution.

But I have a totally different view for real torture which only bad people do to other people. The torture gimp movies seen here do not torture women for real.
The Rack Database scenes in movies do not show what really happens to a real gimp for no one would want to watch it.

So a real life rack torture scene answer is NO.

For the History of Pain movie rack scene YES. Actresses will live and completely recover so don't feel guilty. It why I feel that guy that's always torturing and burning at the stake or cross Amy has the best job ever.

The bottom line is I or we will never get to see public executions anyways, so we will never get the chance to find out if we really could watch a women tortured legally for real to death or the NOs really can say with 100% certainty they wouldn't watch it.
Bill K.
4455) Fritz 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 01:08 Permalink

Ralphus wrote:

As a longtime collector of burning at the stake scenes, that was the ONLY time I've ever seen footage of the burned body after the scene.

In my ongoing mission to keep our forum moderator (aka “the argument winner”) honest, I should point out that in the classic film Don't Go In The House, which has been discussed here many times, the body is shown for a few seconds post conflagration. Yes, I know that as with the “there's-no-rape-in-Cape-Fearargument discussion, Ralphus will fall back on irrelevant criteria of his own invention to prove himself right… “the scene was too short” “it was too dark” “there was no stake” etc. But we know otherwise, don't we sir.

BTW, as DGITH includes this long wrist suspension scene (and at least one more if I recall), why is it not included in the rack database as a category “S” film?

* * * * *

Poll: Haven't we done this one already? It seems awfully familiar. Oh well… easy for me to answer this time. I'm with A Canadian 100%. In short, any depiction of RL pain, peril or death, even when it's consensual, is a sexual turn-off for me. That's why I've never been a fan of producers like Insex and Elite Pain, and it's why I don't frequent sites like BestGore and Ogrish. I confess to the usual rubber-necking fascination with this sort of thing, but I get no pleasure, let alone carnal thrills, from watching a woman publicly whipped or stoned in the Middle East or raped in a drunken stupor on some frat-boy's Facebook page. In fact, I find it repulsive and disheartening. So, if you haven't guessed, my answer is NO.

As for real life violence being more, well… real – that's bullshit. We've all watched faked scenes in movies (even fetish clips) that are as real as anything you'd witness in the big, bad world, so those who insist on absolute authenticity already have access to credible surrogates. In fact, I prefer my GIMP entertainment not to be too believable – which is why I've been known to enjoy OTT scenes that would be impossible in real life. It helps ground the material as the fantasy it is intended to be.

And finally, a question for Ralphus (and those who would answer yes): do you actively seek out live torture and execution on the web? God knows, there seems to be enough of it around. If not, why not? If so, why is no one sharing it here? Why is it often banned on other GIMP fetish sites? To me, the distinction is as clear as the one between our community and the ever-baffling bug-crush crowd. I understand some folks may enjoy their GIMP action live (and I am not about to judge them) but as with the BIMPers, I suspect there is limited overlap between our respective camps.
4456) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 02:32 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4456) Fritz wrote:

In my ongoing mission to keep our forum moderator (aka “the argument winner”) honest, I should point out that in the classic film Don't Go In The House, which has been discussed here many times, the body is shown for a few seconds post conflagration. Yes, I know that as with the “there's-no-rape-in-Cape-Fear” argument discussion, Ralphus will fall back on irrelevant criteria of his own invention to prove himself right… “the scene was too short” “it was too dark” “there was no stake” etc. But we know otherwise, don't we sir.

Fritz, you silly, silly cat. You think you can bring up the obvious answers that totally refute your point and then pretend you're stumping me by saying they're "of my own invention". Let me ask you, is there a burning at the stake scene in DGITH? I'll answer it for you...NO! Yeah, there was a burning scene, but I said burning at the stake scene, didn't I? Not the same thing, and you know it. Geez man, what are you smoking?

Nice Photoshop work, BTW lol

BTW, as DGITH includes this long wrist suspension scene (and at least one more if I recall), why is it not included in the rack database as a category “S” film?

You're confusing AOH with actual suspension. You do know the difference, right? The victim who went up in flames clearly had her feet planted on the floor the whole time. What can I say? You're wrong again lol

And finally, a question for Ralphus (and those who would answer yes): do you actively seek out live torture and execution on the web? God knows, there seems to be enough of it around. If not, why not? If so, why is no one sharing it here?

No, I don't. And where is all this live torture and execution supposed to be? You say there's a lot of it on the web; you must know something I don't. I have seen that BestGore site a few times and didn't stick around, but I can still understand the appeal. When I used to work in video stores, the number one renters were the Faces of Death movies. In fact, it got to the point where the owners decided not to even carry them after a while because they were always getting stolen so they finally decided it wasn't worth it.

But as to why is no one sharing it here? Because this site is about fantasy, not real life death scenes. And just to be clear, this poll question is also a hypothetical situation; no one is advocating torturing or killing someone in real life. It's simply asking if there were a live execution on TV, would you change the channel and tune in, or would you keep on watching "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" or "Honey Boo Boo" or whatever else you're watching. I can't believe I'm the only one so far who would admit to changing the channel. But it's early still.

4457) Megan 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 04:31 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Re. the poll: no, no, no.

My kink craves the intensity of conflict: willful minds and strong bodies clashing in a crucible of . . . ugh, I need to stop before I start sounding like the PR shill for the Ultimate Fighting Octagon (r). You all get the gist.

I fear that real interrogation-torture-peril involves precious little strength, will, or meaningful conflict; and what (little) I have read from the recent congressional report on post-9/11 CIA interrogation practices affirms this suspicion. Even the hardest of hard cases will toss their mother under any possible bus to halt a dip on the waterboard. I empathize!

Because torture--at least as the CIA appears to practice it--is little more than inchoate violence to pass time. It doesn’t appear to have ever been planned, moderated, or equipped by anyone with any specific motive or experience, and it certainly doesn't seem to have ever “worked,” if your measure involves action-worthy intelligence or even just the simple, vengeful humiliation of a victim before an audience who’d care to see it. (Great, so a few flunkie temp-contractors shoved some things up Khaled Sheikh Mohammed’s ass once in a gardenshed somewhere on base in Gitmo. I’m sure the whole of Lower Manhattan feels completely vindicated to learn of this, ten years later.) Witnessing torture as the “professionals” appear to practice it in the modern world would be like watching some bored, lonely psychopathic kid spend an afternoon beating a stray cat. Who among us (but the psychopath) could bear violence so completely stripped of volition or purpose?

The fantasies we indulge here involve deep motive and rich (frankly, baroque) context; both the starring GIMPs and their antagonists are extraordinary characters in mind, body, spirit. They're extraordinarily strong, extraordinarily vicious, extraordinarily gorgeous. And their stories and circumstances are extraordinary to suit: they're princesses pulled on the grand inquisitor’s rack or spies in the clutches of Hitler's SS or superheroines run afoul of some grand Yakusa plot--they aren’t terrified, hopelessly disenfranchised souls branded “enemy combatants” by some suburban desk jockey’s pre-lunch-break type-o and abused for . . . why, again (?) . . . by some random TSA temp-flunkie trainee.

So the reports suggest that real torture scenes are hopelessly, crushingly banal; while our fantasies are anything but. Who'd want to watch a bureaucratic temp abuse another ordinary (and probably, mistaken) person for no reason either can articulate? Not me.
4458) Covers 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 06:34 Permalink

(4458) Man's Book Aug 1972 Inside1
4459) A Canadian 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 06:34 Permalink

(4459) Thomas Chaser wrote:

The Clip Scenes descriptions says its from "Lady Attackers 3", but I didn't see that title listed in the reviews section here nor the Electro-Scenes Database. Can one of the Japanese experts here confirm that's the title, and possibly suggest a source for getting the video?

The actual title is Lady Attackers from Hell 3: Abduction and Torture, although the easiest way to find the film is to use its code, JBD-160.

Here is the review of the film that I posted last year. As You will see in the review, the movie can be purchased at Video Mayhem. It's also available at and

The previous film in the series, Lady Attackers from Hell 2, is by far the best of the bunch (both Ralphus and I picked it as the best movie of 2012). Lady Attackers from Hell 3 isn't as strong but it still has its moments.
4460) J Scourge 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 07:35 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I think a little clarification of my vote is in order after reading Bill K's opinion on the current poll question. I am with him exactly!

"Assuming you had no power to stop it, would you personally watch a live torture session, such as a public flogging, or even a live execution, like a hanging or a burning at the stake, or would the fact that it's real and not merely fantasy deter you?"

I am quite pleased to see videos of real live girls being whipped and otherwise tormented when this is something that the actress has agreed to, as I understand it. If I thought this was truly something that was done against her will I would not be interested.

For those truly interested in reading more about real torture, the news is full of it now, not only with the senate report on the CIA but I also saw one yesterday about Brazil releasing a report on their own past with torture.
4461) Mad Max 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 07:39 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Assuming you had no power to stop it, would you personally watch a live torture session, such as a public flogging, or even a live execution, like a hanging or a burning at the stake, or would the fact that it's real and not merely fantasy deter you?

I would definitely NOT watch an actual torture session, nor a torture-like execution like burning at the stake; I can't say for sure about a more humane execution... certainly it wouldn't be any sort of turn on, but that might be one of those things you just can't turn away from.

The only way I'd want to be present at an actual torture scene is if I COULD stop it, and that's before any serious damage is done.
4462) Dr Yuya 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 07:55 Permalink

Not a huge fan of real stuff...this is something I've learned about myself over time and not any attempt to prove I'm really noble on the inside. I honestly don't find it very much of a turn on.

Sure...sometimes the more "real" productions from companies like Mood Pictures and Pain4Fem work for me...but I really think that even that is 9.999/10ths production and acting (the few films of theirs that get it right at least) and the rest actual suffering.

Take my favorite director of anything ever...Kanzo Matsuura of Zen Pictures fame. The guy, during what I call Zens "golden age" consistently delivered legendary stuff that I feel still blows away anything else out there...from mainstream Hollywood scenes to BDSM films proper. And all of the tortures in his movies were completely and obviously 100% fake. Thing was it never mattered...because the actresses, the setup, the acting, scenarios and camera angles made the whole thing super hot. He proved to me that even if no actual torture was occuring...good camera tricks and reactions to make it appear so not only make that irrelevant but actually increase the overall sexy factor.

In a makes me feel pretty bad for actresses in Mood Pictures films or others who really "take it". Seems like they're putting themselves through a lot of pain and trouble for even less return.
4463) fumetto 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 07:58 Permalink

4464) fumetto 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 08:04 Permalink

(4464) Ok it seems it works.

I've uploaded some of my favourite Torturemovies, I've only uploaded the soft scenes, cause I was not sure if forced blowjobs and titfuck is allowed in the forum and on the vimeo website.

Hope you enjoy it, sorry for the many pics upload, I have 1000s of hot fumetti and other classic stuff.

Here comes the long and uncensored torture scene.

Ingrid Steeger ( Sexsklavin) from fumetto on Vimeo.

4465) fumetto 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 08:10 Permalink

(4465) Pornstar Bambola in a very hot Nazi Dungeon scene, not very hardcore, cause I was not sure if it was allowed.

1945 prede di guerra 3 Bambola from fumetto on Vimeo.

4466) fumetto 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 08:18 Permalink

(4466) This is a private webcamshow from years ago, when the couples have been pretty and much cheaper, I have much more stuff of this and other couples, this is the soft version of a whipping session.
Hope you enjoy it.

hotspotwhipping from fumetto on Vimeo.

4467) erodite 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 09:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I'm going to vote for fantasy although there are a lot of corporate executives and politicans I wouldn't mind watching get flogged at the Superbowl halftime show.
But what if the person were your lover?
4468) Sloth 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 09:21 Permalink

Poll question - even though I consider myself a hardcore Gimper there is no situation in which I would be a willing observer to that sort of reality - probably a result of a highly unsuccessful thirty year run in law enforcement and having been charged with cleaning up the results when the worst of us visit depredations on the rest - and many of those amounted to flat out "executions" - no thanks, I'll stick to fantasy as the reality, even if justified, is simply too dreadful.
Stay well all
4469) Tim 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 10:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

No, I wouldn't watch. For me it's purely fantasy. Even as simply an observer with no control I'd be uncomfortable because I know it's real, unwanted pain being inflicted.
4470) erodite 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 10:23 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

To HP about the enema girl (Post 4395): My friend (who doesn't want to be referred to as "my old man") says this is not from the people who gave us Cindy Prince. He remembers this as being from a Connecticut site which would not mail the video tape to his state of residence but got it routed thru another state. The woman starred in other enema vids, but this is the best, all in one take. made sometime before 1990. Not sure of her name.
4471) Kasey 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 11:33 Permalink

In regards to the poll question:
I would probably watch a live flogging or torture with electricity if the girl was being punished for a crime.
I would definately not watch a live execution though; even I have my limits smile
4472) mr bush 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 11:56 Permalink

A Canadian wrote:

The poll question: Unlike the last poll, there's no grey area in this one.

Yes, I think there is, I would not want to watch the actual act, in fact I would run away, but I would love to watch the terror and struggle of the victim's face just before the act. It's the terror that excites me, not the actual act.
4473) esso 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 13:01 Permalink

I would not watch a public torture session. In fact I would not watch a film of a real life torture session.
4474) Mike B 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 13:15 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I read the question and I would have to say that I would watch a public flogging and a public execution. I think it is about time to show people who commit murder what the ultimate penalty is. I say that if a man or woman is found guilty of murder with the help of DNA evidence, they should be taken out for immediate execution. There is no reason to give them a second trial or a stay of execution. It is time to start executing all those prisoners on death row and stop having tax payers pay to keep them alive.
4475) Bill K. 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 13:36 Permalink

Regards to Ralphus's post about burning at the stake or cross showing the gimp on fire, I ask Amy please in your next bats, show the stake damsel burning on fire which she did in Olalla, because visually in Maleficarum bats you never believe the flames were burning her. Her terrific acting was only indicator her body was being burnt.

Stakedamsels movie scenes have never shown pubic hair on fire until Olalla. Ralphus, clarify is this true?

There have been some short 5 to 10 second bats scene of clothed stake damsel's clothes on fire but not a nude one.

Fritz the grumpy cat is wrong. Bill K.

4476) Daniel 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 19:11 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Greetings All!

My first answer was NO! However after thinking about it I changed my mind!

In the olden days folks of the town came to watch these tortures, it was their civic duty (sort of like jury duty). I think the flogging might have some interesting moments!

I fully agree with "Mike"! We really need a killing code in our present system!

Whips and chains forever!! smile
4477) JD (the second) 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 19:47 Permalink

I bet that the people who were in favour of death penalty were thinking about nubile blonde virginal victims. Well, the prosaic historic reality shows that the female victims were almost always old hags, full of warts and missing teeth.

Now, with all this being said, if the aforementioned people still find it the punishment act atractive, then I'm probably hanging with the wrong crowd. smile
4478) Bill K. 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 20:37 Permalink

Mike B and Daniel: public flogging and public capital punishment are never going to happen in the USA. Televised or Web real public flogging, torture and execution is a remote possibility in some countries but not in the USA. The poll question is will you watch it if it were available on the web or TV.

Keep in mind 99% of the worst convicted and awaiting trial murderers are males. This is a Girls in Merciless Peril site so I agree with you the legal system sucks as it doesn't apply to the poll question. Bill K.
4479) elkcreek 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 20:40 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

To answer the poll question NO

You prefaced the question, IF I was powerless to stop it. Well I can assure you as a libertarian conservative (the only real kind big grin ) I would have my EDC of a Glock 30SF and 24 rounds of ,45 ACP, on me. So that is a big assumption. I would not want to see any woman subject to that in real life. To me the fantasy of helplessness and vulnerability is just that a fantasy.
4480) JD (the second) 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 20:49 Permalink

(4480) elkcreek wrote: libertarian conservative (the only real kind)

I have to disagree. Conservatism carry a heavy load of social/religious taboos, incompatible with true libertarianism. The opposition to abortion, the opposition to legalization of weed, whatever, are aspects of conservatism but not libertarianism.

To bring it back on-topic, here's a drawing I like.
4481) Reine Margot 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 21:14 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

4482) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 21:42 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Well, after 24 hours, here's our first poll update:

Assuming you had no power to stop it, would you personally watch a live torture session, such as a public flogging, or even a live execution, like a hanging or a burning at the stake, or would the fact that it's real and not merely fantasy deter you?

By my count, those who strictly said no have 11 votes. Those who said yes to at least one aspect (say the flogging but not the execution) have 7 votes. It's a little closer than I expected, but what's really surprised me is the number of people who've stepped forward to cast votes. Pretty impressive so far. Keep on going.


Responding to a few posts...

JD wrote:

Conservatism carry a heavy load of social/religious taboos, incompatible with true libertarianism. The opposition to abortion, the opposition to legalization of weed, whatever...

How about the opposition to porn? That's a big one for Republicans, who have shown throughout history their eagerness to want to take away American's rights to view what they want in the privacy of their homes.


Bill K wrote:

Stakedamsels movie scenes have never shown pubic hair on fire until Olalla. Ralphus, clarify is this true?

It's certainly the first time I ever saw it in a movie. My guess is that Amy and the Pachamama company were specifically catering to the BATS community this time around when they came up with the pussy burning idea. Perhaps a little something special to make up for the disappointing scene in Maleficarum.

I haven't been over to the Stakedamsels forum in a month of Sundays. I should check in to see how well the scene has been received over there. My guess is that they're probably losing their ever loving minds.

JD also wrote:

I bet that the people who were in favour of death penalty were thinking about nubile blonde virginal victims. Well, the prosaic historic reality shows that the female victims were almost always old hags, full of warts and missing teeth.

How about if they all looked like Amy Hesketh? I'd gladly watch her burn (again). Sorry, Amy. If I had my way, you'd be ashes big grin
4483) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 22:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Margot: That new trailer is 1000% better than the last one. Now THAT'S the way to sell a movie! It has totally the opposite effect of the last one; this one would definitely make me want to see it now.

You really ought to consider putting this version on YouTube. You'd get a lot more viewers that way. Yeah, I know it's got nudity, but frankly, any more a LOT of stuff I see on YouTube contains nudity, including movie previews. They always have the option of deleting it, but that would only likely happen if someone were to complain. I sure wouldn't complain if I found this on YouTube!
4484) JD (the second) 
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Thursday, 11 December 2014 23:31 Permalink

Ralphus said: How about the opposition to porn? That's a big one for Republicans, who have shown throughout history their eagerness to want to take away American's rights to view what they want in the privacy of their homes.

That's another example of social conservatism but not libertarianism. A true libertarian wouldn't give a rat's ass what you watch in your house as long as you don't bother your neighbor.
4485) Bill K. 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 00:14 Permalink

Ralphus said "My guess is that they're probably losing their ever loving minds."

Just the opposite Ralphus, like Maleficarum there's not much interest in Olalla at the SD forum. It may be due to the fact that Olalla just got released. At least I hope so. Bill K.
4486) Fritz 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 01:56 Permalink

Ralphus: Hey… that's a nice Fritz logo. I hope you don't mind if I appropriate it for my collection. As for the cool-cat composite, that guy on the left doesn't look much like me, but since you asked me to do the mod, I guess I have only myself to blame. Still, it's high time we upgraded those tech skills, buddy. It's just not right for me to help feed you your punch lines. As to what I'm smoking, why Black Cats of course, the choice of sophisticated felines everywhere.

Now on to more important matters…

First off, I acknowledged in my post that there's no stake in the DGITH scene, so of course I was aware it didn't fit the BATS definition to a T, or rather an S. But as the salient point was about showing a burned GIMP body after the flames are extinguished, and this being among a very few films to do so, it certainly deserves mention here. Who cares if there wasn't a goddamned stake in the scene? Apparently people who are bats about BATS do. I'm not one of them, so this just seems like hair-splitting to me. Besides, although you may indeed be a longtime BATS collector, I will split your hair further by noting you wrote “that was the ONLY time I've ever seen footage of the burned body after the scene”, not a BATS scene.

But when it comes to suspension, dear Ralphus, your predilection for technicalities leaves you hoisted by your own petard. First off, though AOH is a pretty categorical term, “suspension” has many definitions and comes in a variety of flavors – a selection from which you pick and choose randomly to establish criteria for inclusion in the rack database. As its owner, that is your right, but how can you expect others to know what the criteria are if you don't define them, and when you yourself follow them inconsistently?


In Ralphusworld, I presume a GIMP suspension scene involves a female victim being forcibly raised off the ground. Makes sense. Yet in the database, you include films like Julia X wherein the victim is left on tip-toe (as in DGITH) and is only “suspended” when she pulls her feet off the ground. Does it count if the victim suspends herself?

Yet even if it does, the DB includes scenes from Daughters of Satan and The Mongols in which there is no off-the-ground suspension at all. Granted, you've identified them with a special AOH code – not defined of course, but self explanatory I suppose. But if these two films are allowed, why not others, especially classics like DGITH?

According to your own words, a category S scene depicts “suspension by wrists”. Fair enough. Again, you get to set the terms. But then you ignore your own criterion by including no less than three hung-by-the-hair scenes. Suddenly, you're not so, er, hung up on technicalities. Yet on the other hand, you ignore non-wrist suspensions such as hanging by ankles (Gestapo's Last Orgy), jaw (El valle de los miserables), and breasts (Cannibal Ferox).

So with all these disparities and arbitrary choices, you can see why it's hard for cats without the secret decoder ring to know what's in and what's out. Probably because there is no secret decoder ring confused.

And as this all pertains to DGITH, I remember it was you ol' pal, who on 10/16/11 stated with such absolute conviction:

But I'm going to reject the contention that the burning scene was not shot with a mannequin. I just pulled out my copy and looked at it again. There's absolutely no way that's a real person.

And even after I posted an interview with the director in which he clearly describes the scene was shot with a live actress and in-camera optical effects, you didn't back down. My hat's off to you, and I guess you get to keep your crown (or at least the bicorne). Never surrender! The mark of a true master debater.
4487) Fritz 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 02:09 Permalink

Ralphus wrote:

And where is all this live torture and execution supposed to be? You say there's a lot of it on the web; you must know something I don't.

You're kidding me, right? Just Google gore sites and wallow to your heart's content. I run across this stuff without even trying, and though the majority of it involves male victims, there seems to be a large contingent of women being tortured and killed as well, especially in videos from Mexico, Brazil, Africa and the Middle East. I also follow some of the foreign news channels on Youtube, many of which show far more than the sanitized content featured in NA.

I can still understand the appeal

I would hope that “appeal” is morbid curiosity. I too can understand this, and it is why I'm occasionally drawn to material that revolts me. But that is worlds away from watching it to get the sort of sexual pleasure I enjoy from simulated GIMP scenes. In the context of the poll, this distinction is critical – it's one thing to look at live brutality as a sensationalist diversion; quite another to use it as a masturbatory aid.

But as to why is no one sharing it here? Because this site is about fantasy, not real life death scenes.

Obviously. But you just are begging the question of why this site is about fantasy rather than reality or both. When live material is posted on peril fantasy sites, it most always is shouted down and removed. Clearly it appeals to a different audience for different reasons. I maintain that a very small minority are sexually stimulated by real life violence, but a sizable group seeks it out because it provides a decidedly different type of frisson, one more akin to schadenfreude than kink.

if there were a live execution on TV, would you change the channel and tune in, or would you keep on watching "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" or "Honey Boo Boo" or whatever else you're watching.

I don't watch television, so thank goodness I will never have to make this decision. Still, as per what I wrote above, I think for those who would change the channel, the more interesting question is... why?
4488) Ralphus 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 05:57 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Fritz: Omigoodness, you'll try anything to make your point, won't you? By deliberately quoting me out of context by using only half my sentence, you think you've got me, right? Here's what I originally wrote:

As a longtime collector of burning at the stake scenes, that was the ONLY time I've ever seen footage of the burned body after the scene.

Obviously, in the first half I am referring to burning at the stake scenes. You make it sound like when I say "after the scene" that I'm referring to any kind of scene, when I specifically identified which type of scene I was writing about. If this were a court, the judge would have thrown out your argument already. At least you admit that you are indeed guilty of hair splitting. Yes, hair splitting, not hare splitting.

Yet in the database, you include films like Julia X wherein the victim is left on tip-toe (as in DGITH) and is only “suspended” when she pulls her feet off the ground.

I don't think that's true. I just watched the clip again. The killer definitely hoists her up so that both feet are off the ground. She doesn't appear to be on tip-toe, but actually suspended here. Take a look.

She does a lot of tossing around and might barely be able to briefly touch the ground with her tiptoes, but only briefly. Either way, she's clearing hanging by her wrists. I feel justified including that scene here.

Yet even if it does, the DB includes scenes from Daughters of Satan and The Mongols in which there is no off-the-ground suspension at all. Granted, you've identified them with a special AOH code – not defined of course, but self explanatory I suppose. But if these two films are allowed, why not others, especially classics like DGITH?

Well, both of those were not my entries, they were written, word for word, by Tony Wood, who wrote the original database. There actually is suspension in Daughters of Satan...the first lady is hanging suspended by one wrist. The second scene in the film is not suspension, and he duly marked that entry as "S, AOH". In my opinion, The Mongols really doesn't belong in the database, but it was Tony's list and he even justified it by stating he digs it so he's including it. I kept that entry as a nod to Tony. It wouldn't really feel right to remove his personal selections since it was his list to begin with.

According to your own words, a category S scene depicts “suspension by wrists”. Fair enough. Again, you get to set the terms. But then you ignore your own criterion by including no less than three hung-by-the-hair scenes.

Hey, if Tony can put in his own exceptions, so can I. I'm in charge of the list now. Personally I think that hanging from the hair would have to be a lot more painful than by the wrists.

Yet on the other hand, you ignore non-wrist suspensions such as hanging by ankles (Gestapo's Last Orgy), jaw (El valle de los miserables), and breasts (Cannibal Ferox).

I thought about upside-down suspensions, since I seriously dig them. Ultimately I decided against them. I think the reason why Tony made his list include both racks and suspension is because of the stretching aspect you get when she is hanging by her wrists is similar to being on a rack. I don't think the same type of stretching would apply to upside-down scenes, which is why he never included them.

I've never seen the jaw hanging movie. The tit-hanging scene in Cannibal Ferox is a great scene, but I never really considered it for inclusion in the database. I'm trying to stay faithful to the original intention of Tony's list. But you make a point in that there's a bit of grey area there where some exceptions could be made. My exceptions were the hair hanging ones. So sue me smile
4489) Covers 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 07:31 Permalink

(4489) Man's Book Aug 1973 V12 #4 Crair Art
4490) J Scourge 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 08:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4490) We interrupt the ongoing debate between Ralphus and Fritz to bring you this nude full color AOH suspension scene.


We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming already in progress.
4491) El Wananchi 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 09:52 Permalink

Hi, all,

I have been wondering whether stepping in to vote the new poll. I have been... reluctant, not so as to what to vote, but as to the explanation of the vote (that cheesy UN language).

My vote goes for a "No".

"Real violence against women" is not my thing, and it is not the thing of this forum, according to the disclaimer on top of it. Much less "unfair violence", in the terms I explained in the last poll (contrary to Fritz, I do find a connection between them both).

I have been following with interest (and a bit of astonishment) the discussion about the "History of Torture" latest production. What amazes me is the importance given to the fact that at least "some" of the torture depicted were "real punishments inflicted to the actresses", and the fact that many watchers regarded that a definite plus.

Even at the expense of realism or "historical accuracy" (lashes as part of an inquisitorial proceeding?) that overshadows the rather clumsy arguing about the accuracy of the model of rack used -of which there is no surviving evidence, the closest model apparently being the one in a film - ("Akelarre"). The same vein (prioritizing "live/real punishment" over any other consideration) looks to be present in the earlier release, the so-called "Military interrogation" (again: lashes in a modern interrogation? WTF?) Lashes being the "real punishment" which results easier to inflict on a condensing person (second only to hot wax) it looks like the production is deliberately aiming for that -and of course hinting at the approval of the BDSM community, as in the case of the candle wax, seen in a quantity of productions purportedly claiming to reproduce "medieval" themes. All in all, the "HoT" productions (I've been watching I think three of them) are incredibly fake and cheesy looking.

That said, I would step into my role as intelligence officer any time.

El Wananchi
4492) Osouk 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 11:32 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

The poll is an easy choice for me - emphatically NO. I have absolutely no interest in seeing real torture. It doesn't hold any erotic appeal for me. The likes of Elite Pain and Insex are OK, even though they feature real rather than simulated pain, as they are consensual - the girls are voluntarily there.

I do have a slight grey area around written reports of real torture. In my formative years I would seek out Amnesty International reports and avidly read the accounts of torture in South America. I think this is probably where I got my love of interrogation from. I can't help feeling a bit guilty as these are real women who have been tortured, but if I was offered a video of the torture I would not want to see it at all.

I also think real torture would not fit with my idealised view of what it should be like. I'm quite fussy about the things I find interesting, and I can't help feeling the real thing would not tick the necessary boxes anyway.

Ralphus - I've been trying to contact you - your normal email still doesn't work for me, so I sent one to the other email you gave me but I haven't had a reply - can you contact me at my email above?
4493) T 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 12:26 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4493) "Assuming you had no power to stop it, would you personally watch a live torture session, such as a public flogging, or even a live execution, like a hanging or a burning at the stake, or would the fact that it's real and not merely fantasy deter you?"

A real execution?

No! The very idea is abhorrent.

GIMP scenes are, to me, more akin to the thrill one gets from watching a horror movie. Suspense and anticipation are far more interesting than the bloody murder that follows. Even in my favorite movie moments, I much prefer it when the victim is ultimately rescued...

...following several hours of gratuitous nudity and creatively sexualized torture, of course.

But, watching a real live hanging (or what have you) just feels wrong and not at all sexy. Even if this was still the Dark Ages, and people were having their heads chopped off every other day, the reality would probably resemble something like this: []

I offer this as an alternative

What if, instead of an overt torture/death sentence; a beautiful young criminal was sentenced to some form of public humiliation?

Call me weird (or, actually pretty tame), but I've always been partial to things like stocks/pillories and branks/scold's bridles.

I'm not advocating their use on anyone, but I find them far more appealing than executions. The idea of seeing a victim bound and helpless excites me more than watching them being maimed or killed.

I know I'm not speaking for everybody, that's just how I feel about it.
4494) Boccaccio 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 12:39 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4494) My vote on the poll question would be a definite 'no.'

That said, I have seen some BDSM videos where both the woman's performance and the punishment meted out were so convincing that there was some doubt, at least in my mind, as to whether her participation was fully consensual.

And frankly it troubles me a little bit that (provided that the 'actress' is really attractive) I find such intensity and that realism both compelling and exciting.

Guilty pleasures....


Delighted by Poppy’s agonized reaction, Song grinned evilly, and then, after receiving a slow nod of consent from General Wang, placed the other sharp splint just below the tip of Poppy’s left breast. As the general looked on approvingly, Song slowly, slowly, slowly forced the razor-sharp splint upward and inward into the base of her nipple until it all but disappeared. as Poppy’s young body spasmed violently. The pain caused by the bamboo needles caused the bit-gagged beauty to spew new rivulets of saliva down onto her jutting breasts.

“And now, my sweet, we shall finish the other one,” Song whispered.

“No… please … no….”
4495) Video Mayhem 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 14:04 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I see Attackers#160 has gained some interest. We do have that in stock. Same price as all our titles which is $3.99. Shipping is free as always.
4496) SIM Researcher 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 15:44 Permalink

(4496) I would like to offer an addition to the Hot Iron Database. The following picture came from page 240 of the "Sadism in the Movies" book and I identified it as being from the film Milady & the Musketeers (It/Fr, 1952).
4497) SIM Researcher 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 15:46 Permalink

(4497) A google image search turned up another picture from the film which shows the results of the branding. Unfortunately, I never saw this film and so I cannot identify the actors in the still.
4498) SIM Researcher 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 15:50 Permalink

Finally, I have the pleasure to announce that the "Sadism in the Movies" Picture Gallery is now open. Everyone is welcome to browse, but this should prove especially useful to owners of this book since they will find most of the pictures now identified. However, there are still 54 pictures that I have been unable to identify with certainty and so any help with them will be much appreciated. The link is:


I would like to thank Covers very much for graciously hosting this gallery.
4499) A Canadian 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 16:46 Permalink

(4499) Video Mayhem wrote:

I see Attackers#160 has gained some interest. We do have that in stock. Same price as all our titles which is $3.99. Shipping is free as always.

That's quite a deal.

In case it's not clear, Attackers #160 -- also known as JBD-160 -- is the Lady Attackers from Hell 3 movie that Thomas Chaser asked about the other day.

I posted it the other day, but here is the review that I wrote last year.
4500) GoodNewsBringer 
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Friday, 12 December 2014 17:48 Permalink

First time posting here, long time lurker.

As for an introduction; I love electric torture scenes.

I found a quite decent scene in the show Covert Affairs. If you were to watch episode 14 of season 5, one might find some AOH shocking at around the ~32 minute mark.

My personal thanks to Ralphus and anyone involved for maintaining this website and taking the effort to put together databases for the stuff we love. (Y)
4501) MAV 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 00:42 Permalink

@ Good news Burger: the AOH scene you're talking about is up at my group in the video links section. Short but sweet.

4502) slave6665 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 02:00 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I like whipping
4503) Fritz 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 03:10 Permalink

Ralphus: Based on your last reply, and despite the pic of that poor bifurcated bunny, you've got a bit to learn about hare splitting… I mean hair splitting. It's why I split your sentence, separating the implicit – as a longtime collector of antimacassars – from the explicit – the scene. And yes, I was pulling your leg. Sorry.

That Julia X picture actually proves my point more than yours. Look at this close-up. The woman's right foot is on the ground, and her left leg is slightly raised and bent forward. Also note that the top of her left boot is a few inches higher than the right. But the debate is moot anyway, as you've acknowledged the other feet-on-the-ground suspensions I mentioned are legit.

Personally, I don't care if it was Tony who made the exceptions, or you, or Casper the Friendly Ghost. Nor do I care why or when they were made. If your reason to include hair suspensions was that they are “painful” (what was I saying about arbitrary criteria?), that is indeed your prerogative, because as you say “I'm in charge of the list now”.

Just don't go accusing others of making wrong suggestions when you yourself make all sorts of exceptions and rejections based on undocumented whims. If it were up to me, I'd limit the rack database to, well, rack scenes, and list all the suspensions separately. But that's just me, the underpaid minion who's always wrong.

BTW… I'm still waiting for you to tell Joseph Ellison and me how we are wrong about his not using a mannequin in the DGITH burning scene.
4504) JD (the second) 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 06:34 Permalink

GoodNewsBringer said: I found a quite decent scene in the show Covert Affairs.

Good news, indeed. Good find, thanks.

Here's the edited sequence of it.

C.A.S05E14.HDTV c-HD by ralphus44
4505) Kathyrne 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 08:06 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4505) So, for this month's "The 13th" image, I decided to go with something a little more festive.

Enjoy! big grin
4506) Ralphus 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 08:11 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Fritz: 3 quick points or I'll be late for work.

1) Based on your close-up "evidence" of the Julia X scene, I'd say the results are inconclusive. Therefore, we the jury hold for the defense.

2) I wonder how many people get your Alexander Haig joke? You're really showing your age there, buddy!

3) I tend to agree with you regarding making the Rack Database and a Suspension Database separate entities. It would give us more flexibility and allow for a greater variety of scenes. Perhaps a project for the future. Like I really need more roll eyes (sarcastic)


The Covert Affairs electro scene: Damn, what a great jolt to the adrenaline to get the morning started! I can't wipe this smile off my face!
4507) Covers 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 10:11 Permalink

(4507) Man's Book Dec 1964
4508) Joanna 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 13:44 Permalink

Re: Covert Affairs: there are batteries and breasts, but no connection; the bad guy just failed his Torture 101 test.
4509) susan karlson 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 16:16 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

My stories contain acts of impossibly barbaric cruelty, my torturesses gleefully wreaking havoc on their screaming victims. But if I was given the chance to watch another woman being tormented, even by just a whipping, I certainly would never accept the opportunity.

Genuine cruelty of any sort is never acceptable, perhaps the only exception being when it is between a masochist and his or her lover.
4510) Reine Margot 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 17:04 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Olalla has reviews!

Olalla is generating a lot of talk in many places. There are comments here and elsewhere, there are great reviews, and the film has been out in the world for only a few days, and on a limited release!. There is going to be a private screening for 40 guests in NYC tonight (Saturday December 13th!). And that is just the beginning. We're just starting to promote it, the theatrical release is a couple of months away. It's set for the 29th of January, and the impression from people that had the pleasure of watching this wonderful film, is that this is a really good movie.

But, don't let me say that, let's hear it from the viewers: Dean Andersson has a great review in his blog and he has a lot to say, I'll quote some parts that I believe will have an impact here. You can read the entire review here:

Amy Hesketh’s OLALLA would have become a favorite film of mine even without the Vampires. (...) Olalla is a Vampire like no other, and OLALLA is a Vampire film like no other. (...) Olalla is portrayed with a sly undercurrent of self-deceptive innocence by Hesketh herself. She yearns to be an ordinary woman and go shopping, but she does not have “ordinary” in, umm, well, in her blood. S(...) not even after the repeated encouragements of a skillfully applied riding crop, wielded by the family’s dedicated enforcer, Felipe, played with exquisite intensity by Jac Avila (hard-ass to the max, but with Olalla’s best interests seething in his Vampire-heart). Tough love, thy name is Felipe

(...) I was pulling for mom and could hardly stand to watch her ending. Yes, Hesketh, both as actor and director, is so good that she did a number on jaded horror movie watcher me. Not that I'm complaining, but no one deserves to die that way (though thousands, maybe millions have, over the centuries), especially not a good-hearted mother, Vampire or not! It's those damned villagers with their pointed sticks! And torches. Superstitious fools!

And how dare the leader, played with suitably manic enthusiasm by Eric Calancha, whip her so much? Sure, his fear makes him merciless, but over and over his whip marks her flesh; until, hey! That's enough! Well, maybe just one more…but no one looks away! No one averts their eyes, not even me, from her pain and her shame as the flames rise higher and her screams grow more frantic.

And the heartbreaking, heroic way she tries to endure it and accept it then gives up and starts desperately wrenching on her ropes. Won't anyone show her some mercy? Won't someone cut her loose in time? Oh! The flames! They're coming from her now! It’s too late!

(...) Mila Joya plays Ofelia as a playfully seductive predator, with a subtle undercurrent that made me wonder just how many throats she herself had ripped out, in secret, without telling anyone, and never getting caught.

(...) I have been waiting for OLALLA most of my life. But thanks to Amy Hesketh, its award-winning writer, director, star, and to Jac Avila and all the rest at Pachamama Films, none of us have to wait any longer. Three cheers and all the first magnitude stars in a star atlas for OLALLA! Just don't watch NOSFERATU with her, okay? But if you do, at least do not talk through the film in an attempt to impress her with how well-versed you are in NOSFERATU film-lore. It's not a good idea. Believe me. You'll be sorry; heh heh heh...Hesketh!

That is a review that looks at the film in its entirety, it compares it, or lists it with other films of the genre, it even mentions Jac Avila's Macabre Masterpiece Dead But Dreaming! It is the kind of review that propels the film with mainstream audiences. Which is very, very good. Amy was recently interviewed by Fangoria, that famous magazine is making a feature story on Olalla. This is all very good. Right? Olalla is a great gothic film while keeping our fans happy with a lot of GIMP. We have gimpy comments and reviews as well.

Bill K. I saw the Olalla bats scene and I've got to say Amy is hot and this woman is on fire. Literally she on fire this time which means the bush fire alert symbol has been posted. The acting in the bats scene was fantastic from Amy and this time lots of firewood and flames compared to the Maleficarum bats which I never got the visual look that Amy was actually on fire burning. The whipping and tenderizing of Amy before the fire was set was a good call too. Overall the bats scene made the movie. As for the bed bound raping scene was well, that was it for the gimp scenes in the entire movie.

I have to admit that we were somewhat disappointed with the reaction in this forum to the BATS scene in Maleficarum. We worked an entire day, from very early morning to late afternoon on that scene. With the hot sun on top of us and the wind making things difficult. We can't control the weather. We didn't have a lot of experience burning someone at the stake, so Jac used all of the powers of his imaginations to pull out the scene. The bright sun did a number on the film. It was hard to see the beautiful flames with that sun overpowering the light and glow of said flames. That's one reason why is not as impressive as it should be. So.. for the second BATS film Jac decided to have the scene at night, the flames would look amazing against the dark of night and that's how it was. But if you pay attention to Maleficarum, you can see the flames all around Amy. Which was difficult to do. What you see in the following picture is not CGI, no fake flames, but actual flames burning the wood in the picture. Not a lot of wood, granted, but look at the surroundings, not a lot of trees there, mostly bushes. And if you see closely, that foot there is turning ugly dark.

Bill K. I can only rate the movie Bats scene an "A" and for the other parts of movie, I've got to say I was spoiled by Maleficarum's non stop whipping, roasting and torturing scenes so I expected see some of the same type gimp scenes in Olalla than there was. Couldn't Amy slowly eat a couple women too between the couple of clueless guys she ate at least? For the lack of gimp scenes I can't give the rest of the movie a rating at all. Still Amy, keep that bats look in your next bats movie but think clothed bats next time and much more pre whipping and torture scenes also. Thank you very much big grin for the Olalla bats movie.

I don't know when will we have a BATS scene in a movie, perhaps another Maleficarum story... which is already written. It's aptly titled Maleficarum II - Monxa Mala. The story is awesome, but it requires a sizeable budget. Our next story with a lot, a whole lot of GIMP, Maleficarum style, non ending whippings, rack scenes, crucifixions and a lot more is the one we're preparing. Justine! We can only make more movies if we sell them. So, we're hoping that Olalla will do well so we can go on with the next production soon!

Bill K. mr bush post question "does the bush fire alert mean her bush (pubic hair) gets burned?" Yes, Amy's pubic bush does catch fire and burns perhaps longer then logically it should. But I'm not complaining.

Interesting observation about Amy's pubics catching some fire. Well, there's a reason for it. The day we were shooting the movie the winds were very, very strong, pushing the flames this way, that way, ferociously, so they were just liking Olalla's body at times. So, at one point, as the flames passed by Olalla's body they set her pubics on fire and immediately after that a piece of the rope hanging from her wrist. So, after that it was a matter of time before the ropes on her wrists, and later her hair would catch on fire. We must also remember that the pubic hair works like straw works on wood. It catches fire fast, but the fire doesn't go away if it has something else to burn, like wood.. or flesh, that's why the fire on the bush stays burning, like the ropes, and the hair.

Bill K. Regards to Ralphus's post about burning at the stake or cross showing the gimp on fire, I ask Amy please in your next bats, show the stake damsel burning on fire which she did in Olalla, because visually in Maleficarum bats you never believe the flames were burning her. Her terrific acting was only indicator her body was being burnt. Stakedamsels movie scenes have never shown pubic hair on fire until Olalla. Ralphus, clarify is this true? There have been some short 5 to 10 second bats scene of clothed stake damsel's clothes on fire but not a nude one.

Again, you can see the slow fire in Maleficarum burn Amy. I mentioned before that the Inquisitor's torture of choice for Mariana's demise was the every slow "Fuego Lento", (slow burning fire) which is, still, popular in these Andean parts where it's not only difficult to get good wood, and lots of it, but where there's not enough oxygen, making it difficult to burn anything. Did you know that a 3 minute soft boiled egg takes 12 min in La Paz? That's what I'm taking about. The Andes are not famous for their wood supply, that's why houses are made out of Adobes..Mud Bricks, and they don't have any wood in them, I'm talking about the old houses. There's straw, lots of dry straw, but that burns in a second.

D. Santorum Just had to stop in after watching Olalla. Another fine film, though no doubt too odd and arty-fartsy for some. And I have to say that from a GIMP perspective, I was totally surprised by something. Like everyone else awaiting the film, I knew there was a big BATS scene coming at the end. But I had no idea that it would be preceded by a fairly long and intense public flogging scene. A scene that damn near rivals the one in Dead But Dreaming. Seriously folks, if public floggings excite you and you were thinking you'd pass on Olalla because you're not into BATS scenes, you're making a big mistake. Amy's reactions during this scene are the best expressions of agony she's ever given us. If her screams in previous efforts have left you less than 100% convinced, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised here. It's really quite an amazing (and utterly believable) performance.

THANKS! During the shooting of the long, very long whipping scene, there were some interesting things happening. The extras had no idea what they were going to witness. They were told there would be whipping and nudity, but they expected the lame kind, where maybe a breast is shown briefly, maybe for two seconds of screen time, maybe, and the whipping.. well... and then they saw, they saw how Eric and Gina, who was a witness in Maleficarum, stripped Amy totally naked and then Eric proceeded to whip her harshly, non stop, with Miguel capturing everything with his camera. And this went on all afternoon, before the extras were sent to gather the wood for the burning. I have to say that the extras were impressed and I believe they still talk about it. Jac was the one in charge of directing the extras to scream and throw things at Amy, and they were doing a great job, Amy was truly scared of them. She said that "I really felt they wanted to kill me".

Ralphus So I got my first look at Olalla tonight. I have to admit I was excited when they announced plans for it last year, but after seeing the trailer, I scaled back my enthusiasm a bit. Yeah, I know it had to be YouTube friendly, but there's none of the promised GIMP-worthy scenes in it, so all they were left with was a weird, confusing preview that doesn't exactly scream "Buy me". The fact we had a zero comments on it here on the board, despite it being posted 3 times, says volumes.

That first trailer was made before the color correction and sound mix was ready. So, Jac was simply cautious. He didn't want the trailer to represent the film. But we needed a bit of a trailer to get the ball rolling, there was a planned avant-premiere those days and we needed a trailer. The Avant-Premiere didn't happen. Soon after, Jac got the film with all its glorious colors and sound mix and went on to make the thrilling trailer.

Ralphus But here's the real truth. Forget the lousy trailer. The movie itself delivers the goods. Oh, it's still weird and a bit confusing in spots. Amy plays two characters, a modern-day woman and (I think) her own mother, although the latter character's scenes take place too far in the past for that to be the case. Whatever. The good news is both Amys get tied up. There's actually a LOT of GIMPage in this one, all of it totally naked. And Amy looks great tied up without any clothes on. She's tied to the bed and whipped with a riding crop twice, and also raped. And the much vaulted conclusion features her tied to a cross, whipped and burned at the stake.

Amy plays Olalla, and her mother, also named Olalla. They are both vamps, but not your traditionally, big fangs, eternal and undead vamps, no, these are not dead vamps, they are alive, they don't have fangs, but they do live long, but age very slowly, and they need blood to keep on living... and they have to be incestuous to keep their line going. So, they are decadent vampires with human frailties, so if you tied them and whip them and burn them, they do suffer and die and they don't come back. When they die, they die, like the rest of us mortals.

Ralphus BATS lovers will be mostly happy with the way the BATS was shot this time. Still not the huge burning pyre I was hoping for, but they pulled it off better here than they did in Maleficarum. Plot-wise, the movie is about a family of...get ready for it...vampires. Oh God, not vampires again! Not my favorite genre, but I guess vampires are hot these days. And if it brings in the audiences on that aspect alone, more power to them. It's not as bizarre and disjointed as Dead But Dreaming, their last vampire opus. There's some blood but not a huge amount. This one's really more of a dark comedy. My guess is that the GIMP crowd will buy it for the bondage scenes but be pleasantly surprised by the story. I would recommend this one.

Yes, the story has its dark humor and it is inspired in the story Robert Louis Stevenson wrote and didn't actually finish. It is about a family who have vampirism in their genes and are on their way out. The original story is set in Spain in the late 1800's. Amy takes the story and gives it a fantastic spin where hot sex, torture, incest, love, hate, pain, live together within a weird family that many in these parts compare it to the Adams Family.

Ralphus Margot: That new trailer is 1000% better than the last one. Now THAT'S the way to sell a movie! It has totally the opposite effect of the last one; this one would definitely make me want to see it now. You really ought to consider putting this version on YouTube. You'd get a lot more viewers that way. Yeah, I know it's got nudity, but frankly, any more a LOT of stuff I see on YouTube contains nudity, including movie previews. They always have the option of deleting it, but that would only likely happen if someone were to complain. I sure wouldn't complain if I found this on YouTube!

Amy is the one that decides what goes on YouTube, so it is up to her to put it up there. She might if convinced by some sane argument that the YouTube censor patrol won't come to bite her ass. The trailer itself had to show GIMP, and a good story as well, and it had to give an idea of the many characters that populate the screen. It's a success. Yes, I agree we would have a larger audience for it in YouTube, so, we'll see. And here it is again, for your viewing pleasure.

Ralphus Bill K wrote: Stakedamsels movie scenes have never shown pubic hair on fire until Olalla. Ralphus, clarify is this true? It's certainly the first time I ever saw it in a movie. My guess is that Amy and the Pachamama company were specifically catering to the BATS community this time around when they came up with the pussy burning idea. Perhaps a little something special to make up for the disappointing scene in Maleficarum. I haven't been over to the Stakedamsels forum in a month of Sundays. I should check in to see how well the scene has been received over there. My guess is that they're probably losing their ever loving minds.JD also wrote: Well, the prosaic historic reality shows that the female victims were almost always old hags, full of warts and missing teeth. How about if they all looked like Amy Hesketh? I'd gladly watch her burn (again).
Sorry, Amy. If I had my way, you'd be ashes big grin

I already discussed the burning bush situation. Yes, Amy and Jac were trying to get a better BATS scene in this one, that is a fact that cannot be denied, the issues that made the BATS scene in Maleficarum a bit disappointing, had to be overcome, and that required money. So, the IndieGoGo campaign was launched and the funds became available to be able to go to the location and be there for a whole week, with one full day and night for the scene, which was planned in detail. Something that makes Jac very proud of his production abilities. So, Jac and Amy are planning to use that extra experience into the next production, Justine, which soon will be the subject of countless posts with lots of pictures. Now we must concentrate in Olalla, which has to do very well for us to grow in our production values and possibilities.

Bill K. Ralphus said "My guess is that they're probably losing their ever loving minds." Just the opposite Ralphus, like Maleficarum there's not much interest in Olalla at the SD forum. It may be due to the fact that Olalla just got released. At least I hope so.

Amy will be contacting the SD forum, with pictures and all of that. For some reason I lost my access, I have no idea why. I can't post, period. But she can and she will. But she's now very busy with her travels through the US so I guess she'll do it when she settles in Maine for the holidays and with a bit more time and internet access in her hands. We're expecting a very busy year in 2015, so... I think we're going to relax a bit these days. We deserve it. Although the work is never done completely. We'll continue, but at a slower pace.

I leave you with The Illustrated version of the first review of Olalla So, that's that for today. It's not long, is it?

4511) Bill K. 
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Saturday, 13 December 2014 20:45 Permalink

Terrific post, Reine Margot. I thought the whole Olalla movie was good entertainment from an erotic viewpoint besides the Amy Bats scene. I'm just a Bats fiery peril nut and rating other parts of the Olalla movie was not what pushed my erotic button. I didn't want Amy or Margot to think it wasn't good when I said I can't rate the other part of the movie.

The heat of the flames would have logically ignited Amy's pussy hair first and then shortly after her head hair. Then the body would catch fire somewhat after that, which the Olalla Amy's bats more or less did then.

The only thing which is not important was Amy could have been gasping and choking for air at the last moments of life because her lungs would be filling with hot gases due to the big hot fire. She would then choke to death before she burnt to death. No problem for overall it's a fantastic bats scene.

In the Maleficarum Bats scene, Amy with the much smaller hotter fire would have slowly burnt to death if the dummies ( sorry Amy ) hadn't left so she was stinking rescued and didn't choke to death like in Olalla.

You know, Amy, Jac and Margot, that ugh rescue can be fixed in the Maleficarum bats revisited (hint wink ) with the Olalla bats editing. Wouldn't need a Maleficarum II. Food for thought, and that's not a vampire reference. Bill K.
4512) Osouk 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 02:04 Permalink

Ralphus has kindly added a story I wrote a few years ago. It has a connection with the latest polls - it features both a gag and an interrogation.

It was inspired by a newspaper article I read way back in the 70s - I think it could have been the first time I'd read anything about torture that featured women's genitals. It made a big impression on me, and I can still quote the article word for word, even though I can barely remember anything else from around that time!

The direct link is in the website address in this post. I hope you enjoy it.
4513) LL 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 03:51 Permalink

The current poll raises some interesting and difficult questions. My instinctive answer, like the majority, would be: “no, I never would accept to witness such things in reality”. But…

But then I start to wonder. Why do I enjoy brief scenes from mainstream movies more than explicit, hour-long scenes from some specialized producer? Why are the best whipping scenes I remember right away, let’s say “Isabella duchessa dei diavoli” of the sixties, “Requiem for Granada” of the eighties and “Hispania – the legend” of just a few years ago so much better than anything done by Mood, Kink or other producers? Isn't it because, through better acting, skilled editing and filming, they somehow appear more real than the “truly real” products appear to be? I have no doubt that the actresses in some of the movies shown here suffer for real and have to take long breaks between scenes, but still you can see the blows, albeit real, are not pulled at full force, and the overall effect is rather UNrealistic. Or why do I prefer, vastly prefer, the works of Quoom or Arcas above BDSM shots of real models? Isn't it because in their virtual worlds the scenes are somehow more “real” than reality?

So when I, when we, fantasize about “girls in merciless peril”, when we say “it’s OK in fantasy, never in reality” what is the exact nature of those fantasies? Let me be clear: I have no doubt that the ratio of abusive men is a lot lower among those who enjoy a site such as this than among those who would see it forcibly shut down. I have no doubt we all, more or less, are respectable, decent people. But again, what is the nature of our fantasies?

To clarify: suppose you're middle aged or right out old, and you daydream of being twenty once again. If by some scientifical, magical or metaphysical mean you could turn that dream in reality, would you pull back? Of course you wouldn't. If you are a mediocrily gifted amateur at something, let’s say writing or sports, dreaming of winning the Noble prize or Wimbledon, would you turn your back on the opportunity of getting the skills of a Goethe or a Federer? Of course you wouldn't. If you buy a lottery ticket and you win, say, a billion dollars, would you dump the winning ticket because plenty other people in history had their lives screwed up because they won too much money? I dare say you would not.

So what exactly is a fantasy that you enjoy but you do NOT want to become reality? Does that even make sense? Is it a conflict inside our psyches? Is it nature versus nurture? Are all humans inherently violent and is it just a matter of degrees, of stronger inhibitions that separates us from the Torquemadas or the Bathory’s? So would you, would I, really not take a peek, at least out of curiosity? Of course soon we would feel bad, guilty, even sick, but still...

I really don't know. For sure, I can think of some interesting variations on the poll question. Some have already been made. Would it make a difference I you were raised in a time and place were such spectacles were commonly accepted and seen as rightful (of course it would)? Would it make a difference if the victim is male or female, young or old, pretty or homely, guilty or innocent? Of course it’s a big difference between an execution and a punishment, but what about the specifics? A quartering is disturbing to me even when rendered through poser, by the way. But punishments? Would electric shocks be more bearable to watch than a flogging due to no blood being involved? Would you watch public punishment through tickling? And what about punishments with no element of physical pain at all? Enforced public nudity is certainly a form of torture, but if you were in a country, in a time or place where such forms of punishment were common, would you really not take a look at a beautiful woman forced to expose herself as a form of punishment? And would it matter if the victim was somehow known to you? Would you be more interested in the punishment of some movie star or socialite? Or would you be willing to see how the girl that cheated on you and crushed your heart, or the ruthless female boss who ruined your career, gets some well-deserved (?) lashes?

Finally, always trying to clarify the exact nature of those fantasies, what would you say if through some futuristic technology one could watch scenes happened in the past as if they were recorded in HD? This time not only do you have no means to stop it, as in the original poll question, it actually already happened. No one is going to suffer more or less because you see it. Would you still say no, not interested, or would you watch, say, Jean d’Arc burn at the stake? Anne Askew on the rack? Would you start surfing imperial Rome web-style in the hope of stumbling upon the punishment and maybe crucifixion of some long-dead (but in the recording still young and pretty) slave girl?

And what if, through some futuristic drug or technology like in “Total Recall” you could pick a dream to live in for a week or two, during which dream you would experience everything as real? This time no one gets hurt, not even in the past, but you would realize that only before and after the experience. Would you say no, or would you chose to be a medieval inquisitor, a Roman centurion, a Gestapo interrogator for some time, maybe even placing your significant other in the role of the victim?
4514) T 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 06:10 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


Thank you for stimulating more thought-provoking points on this.

I don't often post here, but this latest Opinion Poll is fascinating to me. I feel it's a rare and candid look into a function of the Human Condition that many refuse to acknowledge. I have often felt that society chooses to allow itself certain indulgences, while simultaneously demonizing other behaviors as a means of justifying its own cultural ethos.

The question as it stands is: “Assuming you had no power to stop it, would you personally watch [ _________ ]...” “...or would the fact that it's real and not merely fantasy deter you?

The underlying question behind this may be: “If you could actualize a fantasy, no matter how repugnant, would you?

Though intriguing, as we cannot (yet) utilize a time machine, the concept of objectively viewing a historical execution is something of a moot point. Instead, I posit the following as a contemporary substitute...

[Note: I intend no disrespect to any creed or culture with any of the following.]

In the past, vast multitudes gathered to be entertained by blood sports in the gladiatorial arenas of Ancient Rome. Armed gladiators fought to the death or slaughtered wild beasts for the enjoyment of spectators. Ruins and historical records are testament to this, and we know that it was no mere “guilty pleasure” so much as a socially accepted institution of the day.

Movie moments not withstanding; enjoying such a spectacle means that at least a portion of the audience actively condoned it, and were taking part in the events, albeit passively. Otherwise, they could have chosen to be anywhere else but in that arena.

While modern man cannot visit Ancient Rome, a lingering aspect yet remains with the continued tradition of Bull Fighting. Most people living in Europe or the Americas are a few hours drive and an admission ticket away from permission to watch a living creature's slow and methodical death.

Now, thanks to the advent of modern technologies (YouTube), at this very moment, anyone reading this can easily view the televised recordings of a Bull Fight. Whether you agree with it or not, it's there for your delectation, should you choose to do so.

Whatever your opinion on the subject, you can choose to see the moments where a Matador performs his art expertly, or you may choose to view the “accidents” where a human being is visibly gored with very real and life-threatening injuries. There are even videos of child matadors injured in the ring. None of the violence is staged, and it goes on every day in certain countries despite heated protest...

[Here's the obligatory GIMP moment for anyone reading this.]

Presented with this reality, and knowing that there's no real consequence for doing so, do we choose to partake in the enjoyment of these events, all from the comfort of our own computers? Or, is the reality that something suffered and died, and the disgust that entails, enough to stop us?

Food for thought... In the Twilight Zone.
4515) LL 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 09:52 Permalink


thanks for replying. I too usually don't post (time constraints) but this was just too interesting a topic.

Two quick counters:

1) you call it "moot point", in philosophy jargon we prefer to call it "thought experiment". In the end it's more or less the same but it sounds so much better smile

2) I think re corridas et similia people either despise it as all other forms off cruelty on animals, or approve it. I find it hard to imagine anybody enjoying fantasies of inflicting pain on animals, of "animals in merciless peril", and then the same weirdo passing by the opportunity to see it for real. Of course, while such people may seem incomprehensible perverts to me, probably all of us "gimpers" appear the same way to the outside world...
4516) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 09:55 Permalink

Title: Commander Iron Lady - Humiliating Gang Rape Assault (HBAD-263)

Starring: Emiri Okazaki and Rei Mizuna

Produced by: Hibino

Running time: Two hours

Commander Iron Lady - Humiliating Gang Rape Assault is an uninspired wartime tale from the Japanese porn company, Hibino, that gets a huge lift from its beautiful star, Emiri Okazaki.

Emiri, who looks a bit like JAV superstar Rio, is smoking hot. Her initial rape scene is the only thing worth recommending in this movie -- but it is definitely recommended.

Emiri plays a military officer who is almost literally a ball-breaker. Aided by female cadet Rei Mizuna, she lays down the law through a variety of punishments that includes riding-crop whippings and plastic-bag suffocation. She's particularly fond of kicking men in the nuts, delivering swift kicks to a male prisoner and to one of her subordinate soldiers.

Unfortunately for Emiri, she reports to a perverted senior commander with a mean streak of his own.

The senior commander takes cadet Rei to a separate room and makes the young cadet blow him. When he returns to the room where Emiri and her men are questioning a prisoner, the senior commander turns the tables on Emiri.

The senior commander tells two soldiers to grab Emiri by the arms. Two other soldier brings in young Rei, who is now a prisoner and whose head is wrapped in a gauze bandage. Threatening further harm to Rei, the senior commander makes Emiri submit to his carnal desires.

After the soldiers lock young Rei inside a nearby cage, the senior commander grabs Emiri and forces kisses on her, running his tongue along her gritted teeth.

As other soldiers stand by and watch, the senior commander starts undressing Emiri. He unbuttons her blouse and pulls down her bra.

Repulsed, Emiri spits in the senior commander's face, but the senior commander isn't dissuaded. With Emiri still in a standing position, the senior commander forces more kisses on her and sucks her tits. He also removes Emiri's skirt and yanks down her panties so he can squeeze her ass and finger her pussy.

The senior commander orders his soldiers to put Emiri on a covered table on her back. As the soldiers pin Emiri on the table and hold her arms and legs apart, the senior commander fingers Emiri, dines on her pussy and tongues her butt hole. Moving to the other side of the table, the senior commander forces Emiri to blow him.

The senior commander goes back to Emiri's spread legs and rubs his dick against her pussy. Emiri protests but her complaints have no effect. The senior commander plunders Emiri while Emiri remains pinned on her back.

Emiri isn't always restrained as securely as we might like. Nonetheless, most of the rape is effective, with beautiful Emiri squirming and whimpering as her body is rocked. While he is violating her, the senior commander plants more kisses on Emiri and takes another opportunity to suck on her boobs.

The soldiers flip Emiri around so the senior commander can do her doggie-style. Emiri gasps as the senior commander gives her a proper drilling. When it's time to pop, the senior commander withdraws and cums on Emiri's ass.

In a new scene, Emiri and Rei are locked in the cage, as a soldier keeps guard nearby. The ladies quickly hatch a scheme to escape.

Rei uses a rope to create the impression she has betrayed Emiri and tied Emiri's arms behind her back (the rope actually isn't tied securely). As Emiri protests, Rei begs the soldier who is supposed to be keeping guard to let her out of the cage so she can suck him.

Emiri watches from the cage while Rei blows the soldier. That is followed by Rei and the soldier moving to a leather chair for some seated copulation.

The women's ruse works. After Rei and the guard's two-person push ups are done, Emiri and Rei overpower the soldier and manage to get free.

But, of course, it doesn't last. Emiri and Rei are soon captured at gunpoint for a second time. The soldier holding Emiri fondles her tits as his gun stays pointed at her head.

The senior commander once again exploits the opportunity to force kisses on grunting Emiri.

Emiri is tossed onto a nearby bed, where soldiers pin Emiri on her back so the senior commander and five other soldiers can molest her lithe body. One guy presses kisses on Emiri and sucks her right tit while the others paw and lick her body and stroke her pussy.

Emiri is ordered to sit up so she can blow one of the soldiers. And then another, and so on. For the remainder of the movie, Emiri fucks and sucks different soldiers in a variety of positions, with all of it looking completely vanilla and entirely forgettable. So we'll forget it.

My grade: B

If any JAV actress other than Emiri Okazaki had starred in this film, it likely would have received a lower grade. The concept of the film was interesting but there wasn't enough focus on keeping things looking non-consensual.

Fortunately, Emiri generated some great heat in her rape scene on the table, making Commander Iron Lady - Humiliating Gang Rape Assault worth a look. Let's hope we see Emiri in future GIMP films that are more worthy of her beauty and talent.
4517) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 09:59 Permalink

My latest review is posted below.

Anyone using the code to track this one down might get a bit confused. The code for the film is HBAD-263, but it looks like things got confused at Video Mayhem, which has it listed as HBAD-455.

For anyone who might be considering ordering this one, it might be a good idea to check the cover art before finalizing the purchase.
4518) T 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 11:14 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4518) LL,

1.) Touché, no disrespect intended. "Thought experiment" it is. wink

2.) Rather than looking at it as deriving pleasure from the suffering of animals (which is essentially what a Bull Fight is), consider the implications of watching a recording purely for the intent of watching a human gored by a bull. Many would call it poetic justice, and obviously it's a matador's own fault for being there.

To GIMP-ify this, consider someone watching footage of a torera (they do exist) being gored, while fantasizing about Damnatio ad bestias.

Is it that far off from fantasizing about crucifixions or the like?

4519) Covers 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 11:44 Permalink

(4519) Man's Book Dec 1964 Inside Scan
4520) Daniel 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 12:51 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

"T" and "LL" thank you for taking time to add your thoughts!
4521) brainmaster 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 15:49 Permalink

As to the poll, some interesting answers and and interesting look at the inner conflicts between id and super ego.
I am honest enough to say that, reality vs. fantasy in most cases depends on the conditions we find ourselves in. Most of us have these fantasies, but we do not have the conditions to make them into reality.

If any of us were rich, powerful, bored, above the law, knew we could have and do what we want, would we make my fantasies reality?

If, say being an every day guy with limited resources and opportunity, needing to conform to the social mores of society, but then you found yourself in a situation where the mores broke down, like in war, what would you do?

Think about it a while before responding.
4522) Charles 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 17:00 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4522) Yes I feel I could personally watch a live torture session ... but I have not any taste for an execution.
4523) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 21:29 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Catching up on the latest activity...

LL: Fantastic post; you brought up many scenarios that should give plenty of posters some proverbial food for thought. It's really easy just to put your hands over your ears and chant "No, no, no!" like some have already done here, and maybe some really would continuously say no after each instance, but the questions aren't always so cut and dried. Particularly the one about the girl who crushed your heart...watching her publicly punished would be sweet to watch. Not like I have anyone specific in mind or anything... wink


T wrote:

I don't often post here, but this latest Opinion Poll is fascinating to me. I feel it's a rare and candid look into a function of the Human Condition that many refuse to acknowledge. I have often felt that society chooses to allow itself certain indulgences, while simultaneously demonizing other behaviors as a means of justifying its own cultural ethos.

Another great post, thank you. I think it's a fascinating question, too. I'm always interested in the psychology behind the fetish...what makes us tick, and where do we draw the line between fantasy and reality? I think in this supposedly "more enlightened" era of the 21st Century, we've become programmed to excuse our perversions, even on a forum that discusses topics as socially deviant as this one, by saying we enjoy the fantasy but would never, ever condone watching the act for real. But I like the Time Machine aspect, where if we were to go back in time and be in the audience at one of Torquemada's dungeons, would we, indeed, watch with a certain amount of interest and dare I say, pleasure? It's a question that could never be answered for certain, since the instances would always be hypothetical, but it does give one pause before answering.

BTW, I liked the anti-bullfighting video, comparing it with the stoning of a bound woman. For the record, I've always found the concept of bullfighting abhorrent, and rodeos, too. But they seem to draw in the crowds. It's kind of depressing, but the same people that frequent events like that might say the same thing about our interests, too. It's a strange world.


A Canadian: Let me be the first to congratulate you for writing a fine review. It's funny that you mentioned the JAV star Emiri looks like Rio; when you sent me the stills via e-mail to host for you, I actually thought that WAS Rio. She could definitely pass for her twin sister.

I don't follow Japanese bondage vids as much as used to, but I suspect she may be retired by now? I know the shelf life for Japanese starlets is pretty short, probably much the same as their American counterparts.

The direct link for your latest review is


SIM Researcher: A late tip of the hat for the addition of Milady & the Musketeers to the Hot Iron Database. Unfortunately, those 2 stills you posted may be the only record we'll have that there was a branding scene, since the movie appears to be out of print. At least, I came up with nothing in my efforts to find a copy anywhere online.


Lastly, anyone looking for a story that might very well turn your crank, check out Osouk's latest that he posted the link for earlier. This is really good stuff, particularly if you're into the political spy/interrogator conflict. Lots of wonderful dialogue in this one; very highly recommended by this perv.

Here's the direct link again for the story:
4524) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 22:04 Permalink

(4524) Ralphus wrote:

I don't follow Japanese bondage vids as much as used to, but I suspect (Rio) may be retired by now?

Actually, Rio is still going strong, although it's been quite some time since I watched one of her movies. She rarely makes GIMP films.

Rio did have a release in late September that was about her spending a week being raped by two strangers []. I haven't seen it, though.
4525) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 22:19 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A Canadian wrote:

Rio did have a release in late September that was about her spending a week being raped by two strangers []. I haven't seen it, though.

Oh! She cut her hair off! Selfish bitch! Why do women who have perfect looks intentionally do something to fuck them up? It looks terrible.
4526) SIM Researcher 
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Sunday, 14 December 2014 22:58 Permalink


I found the entire film Milady & the Musketeers on YouTube under its original Italian title Il boia di Lilla. Unfortunately for most of us, it is in Italian language with no subtitles.

Here is the link: []

The woman's branding occurs at about 29.5 minutes. Earlier, around 23 min., there is a dungeon scene and a man is branded at about the 25.5 min mark.
4527) Sabine 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 02:29 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Entering the forum as a newbie
4528) King Diocletian 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 05:09 Permalink

Interesting poll question. I'd instinctively say no, but LL raises some interesting points.

I think essentially I'm in agreement - I much prefer brief clips in mainstream films to specific lower-budget productions featuring the infliction of real pain. Somehow that high-grade artifice is 'more real' than the reality. I think it's relevant then that the victims in my fantasies are always actresses or models, as though not featuring people I know helps maintain the divide. It's also perhaps then easier to maintain the 'cleanness' of the fantasy - the damage isn't too great, the victim remains attractive throughout, body hair never grows after weeks in a dungeon, recovers strength rapidly enough never really to be in danger etc...

But then I think, imagine I was in a country that still practised corporal punishment and it happened one of those actresses was going to be flogged there: would I really turn down the chance to see it?
4529) mstrmagician 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 06:47 Permalink

There are 2 old movies...from the 60's..with great rack scenes that have dissapeared. Can anyone find them?...the names were "The Carribbean Hawk", with Johnny Desmond and "The Flight of the Lost Balloon" with Piper Laurie. I mean videos, not photos.
4530) Covers 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 07:28 Permalink

(4530) Man's Book Dec 1964 Inside Scan
4531) J Scourge 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 08:12 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I must say I have been quite impressed with the multitude of responses to the latest GIMP poll. Good old Ralphus must be so pleased! I am glad to have posted Scourge's Soapbox - The Scream Is Still the Same - part 1 - (Post 4438 - December 10th) that led to Bill K asking the question that led to the current poll.

[BTW, part 2 will be posted this week]

Although so many here have posted very well thought out responses to the poll, of the most recent ones, I really liked what LL had to say (post 4513 - December 14th). Food for thought indeed.

I feel I may be swaying a bit on the subject but felt I should share my current thoughts.

As written in the poll, live execution, hanging or burning at the stake is NOT something I would ever want to see. That of course would include electrocutions, impalements, etc. I also have no interest in seeing limbs cut off or brandings being done.

On the other hand, there would be instances of seeing a real whipping or flogging that MIGHT appeal to me depending upon the scenario. I am still considering that one. What do others think about that???
4532) Ralphus 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 09:15 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

J Scourge wrote:

On the other hand, there would be instances of seeing a real whipping or flogging that MIGHT appeal to me depending upon the scenario. I am still considering that one. What do others think about that???

Flogging has always been one of the options of the poll question, even if you draw the line at watching the execution. Perhaps I turned too many people off by including executions as an option, I dunno. What I do know is that the last several answers we've received on the poll have been ambiguous enough that I don't know how to score them. LL, T, Brainmaster and now you seem to be making a case for a "Yes" vote, but none of you have actually stated as such officially. So until you guys want to clarify, I can't add up the latest poll results. It does appear as though the vote is getting closer, though.


SM Researcher: Heck of a find there, thanks. You truly can find everything on YouTube, except when I looked earlier, I struck out. I'll get that one added shortly.
4533) dmon 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 09:47 Permalink

T wrote: "So what exactly is a fantasy that you enjoy but you do NOT want to become reality? Does that even make sense? Is it a conflict inside our psyches? Is it nature versus nurture? Are all humans inherently violent and is it just a matter of degrees, of stronger inhibitions that separates us from the Torquemadas or the Bathory’s? So would you, would I, really not take a peek, at least out of curiosity? Of course soon we would feel bad, guilty, even sick, but still..."

I think it makes perfect sense and is not nearly as ambiguous as you make it sound. I know for sure that I, and apparently many people on this board, would not participate in something as morally repugnant as a live torture session or execution. The reason I would never, ever, want my fantasies in this regard to become a reality, is because of one key difference between this fantasy and the others you mentioned: there is a victim. Basic human empathy should allow one to see that difference. When I watch some mainstream scene like the one from Covert Affairs (awesome scene btw), I know that no one is truly being hurt. There is suspension of disbelief, sure, but if I made that scenario into a reality, suddenly there would be somebody actually in a horrific amount of pain, totally against her will, and I find that just terrible. I may be labeled some kind of moralist for that, and I'm okay with that.

The whole "you can't stop it" point also seems irrelevant, because the fact that you can't stop something horrible is not exactly a good reason to participate in it. And by watching you would certainly be participating, driving TV ratings up, which could potentially open up a whole can of worms regarding advertising and other commercial uses for the torture/death of another human being. The whole thing seems like something out an Orwell novel.

Anyway, my thoughts. Take them or leave them. I'm certainly no philosopher.
4534) Kathyrne 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 09:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4534) I thought I might go ahead and weigh in on the Poll question;

I would feel very uncomfortable watching something that was real, knowing a real person was being harmed. Despite my penchant for extreme images, all of my girls are fantasy characters (which is pretty obvious given their physical dimensions). Crossing that over into real pain, consensual or not, isn't something I am very interested in.

My 2 cents.
4535) SIM Researcher 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 09:53 Permalink


A 7 min excerpt from The Flight of the Lost Balloon showing the rack scene can be found with this link:


An unofficial DVD of the entire film can be purchased from a company called DSC Video Screams for a reasonable price. I have done business with them for many years now and I am pleased with their service. The video quality varies depending on their source, but if the quality is bad they mention it in the catalog description. The rare times when I got a defective DVD, they replaced it without a hassle. They have a huge selection of films available.

Video Screams also sells The Caribbean Hawk under the title Hawk of the Caribbean (63). If you want an official DVD release of this film you can find an Italian language Region 2 DVD from the marketplace under the title Lo Sparviero Dei Caraibi.

The link to the Video Screams catalog is:


Don't be concerned about the 2011 catalog date. They usually don't drop films and I often ordered films from their older catalogs.
4536) J Scourge 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 10:08 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Damn, I do keep wavering and then clarifying myself, don't I?

Ralphus, I do believe I already did vote in the poll on the negative side OFFICIALLY.

What I was saying a bit earlier today was that although I would never have an interest in executions, etcetera, I was considering whether I might have the interest in a whipping or flogging. I am still pondering that one.

The fact is, there would certainly be quite a difference between seeing a flogging carried out at a BDSM party between consensual participants and one carried out as punishment by some official government entity (think in terms of some mideast country for example).

Just as the depiction of torture in TV and film is far different than what is discussed as having gone on by various countries including our own CIA, I am certain that when the proverbial push comes to shove I would actually NOT want to see in reality what I so often fantasize. That is to say, anyone, man OR woman, being punished physically and made to suffer to the extreme is most definitely not something I would have the interest in seeing. As the kids say, "For real!"

Please keep my vote firmly set in the NO column.
4537) Reine Margot 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 10:09 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


Another great Olalla' Film review this time by Jonathan Weichsel of

There's a new review online, we saw it today. It's really great. I'm sure you'll like to read it. Here I quote a bit:: Amy Hesketh, an American writer-director-producer-actress working out of La Paz, Bolivia is a name that should be on everybody's lips when they talk about female horror film directors, but unfortunately she is virtually unknown in her own country. I am not quite sure why this is. Perhaps it is because she lives and creates so far away in such a remote country, but more likely it is because her films are so sexually transgressive, and are so determined not only to deal with taboo subject matter, but to be taboo objects themselves, that it's just a little much for high-strung Americans to deal with, or perhaps, even more likely, the gate-keepers, such as film festival directors and horror journalists, who are making the assumption that Americans couldn't possibly deal with Hesketh's work.
4538) T 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 12:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4538) Pictured Above: The only way you'd get me to watch. Just to clarify, my vote remains in the resoundingly Negative.

Even if it was completely beyond my control, I would never willingly choose to watch ________.

I believe that there are varying degrees of moral wrongness in this, ranked from viewing Public Humiliation, to Physical Torture, to Execution; but that's really splitting hairs. The fact that there would be a genuine victim at all destroys any potential fantasy for me.

It's like the difference between sex and rape.

And besides, if we're talking about real executions, the expectation would look like this: []

But the reality would be this: []
4539) Kelderek 
IP logged
Monday, 15 December 2014 12:47 Permalink

(4539) My latest render for your GIMPish pleasure!

(As always, click for full size!)
4540) Bill K. 
IP logged
Monday, 15 December 2014 14:02 Permalink

(4540) Pictured is the latest bats from Bmovievillain which fits into the Olalla discussion.

An added comment about not watching real torture or death gimp events is 480,000 Americans die from reasons related to tobacco products every year but people don't see it so it doesn't matter to them.

That being said to watch and enjoy the occasional live or taped real torture or execution of convicted women (gimp) or even innocent women by some doesn't bother me.

Everyone dies so I don't feel guilty in enjoying watching a real guilty gimp erotically tortured or executed.
Bill K.
4541) zeke 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 14:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I would not watch an execution - I am not into that. I would also not watch something that doesn't interest me in the way of "ordinary" torture. There would also be a difference between "live theater" and being present, even as a henchman, at a torture session. One could always walk out of a theater, but I would probably not want to be present as a henchman when the blood and gore really starts flowing. That said, we all value “the suspension of disbelief” in viewing movies, etc and that contributes mightily to the pleasure of fantasies. I could probably bear witnessing electrotorture or some inquisitional procedures & am reminded of the clergyman who reluctantly went to the Roman Coliseum but became an addict thereafter.
4542) JD (the second) 
IP logged
Monday, 15 December 2014 18:09 Permalink

Bill K said: " Everyone dies so I don't feel guilty in enjoying watching a real guilty gimp erotically torture and or executed. "

Well, everyone takes a dump, yet I dislike watching it. One opinion among others.

mstrmagician said:
Can anyone find them?...the names were "The Carribbean Hawk", with Johnny Desmond and "The Flight of the Lost Balloon" with Piper Laurie. I mean videos, not photos.

As SIM Researcher mentioned, there's the one I uploaded on cutscenes. A more download-friendly copy can be now found on vimeo (I still don't know how much longer they will accept the kinky videos on their site, I expect to get the account deteled any time now). But for now it's there.

4543) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 15 December 2014 23:21 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4543) You want to know what torture is? Building up to an act and then ending the clip too soon! Watch this clip until you're ready to spill national secrets...


Johanna Brushay in "Don't Go In The House"; the only decent scene in the whole damn movie.
4544) TGG 
IP logged
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 02:24 Permalink

Hey do any of you know if Bon-Vue Enterprises is still in business? Their websites no longer seem to exist and I am starting to suspect that they've gone out of business. I sincerely hope that's not the case.
4545) Fritz 
IP logged
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 06:05 Permalink

Ralphus wrote:

I wonder how many people get your Alexander Haig joke? You're really showing your age there, buddy!

Alexander who? Oh yeah… him. Man, it was only 1981 when Al put himself into the driver's seat. Was it so long ago? No matter… the gag was aimed at you, and since I know how old you are, I knew you'd get it. All those under 40 and with no interest in US history are excused.

* * * * *

Thomas Chaser wrote:

Johanna Brushay in "Don't Go In The House"; the only decent scene in the whole damn movie.

I agree. But that's not Johanna Brushay. It's… it's a… mannequin!

* * * * *

TGG asked:

Hey do any of you know if Bon-Vue Enterprises is still in business?

Nothing new for three years. Doesn't look good. I hear Cindy Prince is on social security smile.

* * * * *

Kathyrne: Your characters' physical dimensions are a fantasy? I'm crushed.

* * * * *

Since no one else seems to be welcoming Sabine to the forum, I'm honored to do so… Welcome Sabine!
4546) Covers 
IP logged
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 06:23 Permalink

(4546) Man's Book Dec 1965 Inside Duillo art
4547) daniel 
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Tuesday, 16 December 2014 15:18 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4547) hola, aqui whiplash. tengo mucho mas.
4548) daniel 
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Tuesday, 16 December 2014 15:21 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4548) whipping bare back. whiplash de oslo.
4549) daniel 
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Tuesday, 16 December 2014 15:24 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4549) whiplash de oslo
4550) daniel 
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Tuesday, 16 December 2014 15:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Here's a French whipping scene.

4551) A Canadian 
IP logged
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 17:04 Permalink

(4551) TGG wrote:

Hey do any of you know if Bon-Vue Enterprises is still in business? Their websites no longer seem to exist and I am starting to suspect that they've gone out of business. I sincerely hope that's not the case.

I have mixed emotions about this news.

Before I discovered ZFX, Lisa Kinkaid, this site or Japanese porn, I was someone who rented and purchased Bon-Vue movies.

I'm not sure how well they would stand up today. As someone who keeps my supply of GIMPage to a reasonable minimum, I didn't keep any of the Bon-Vue movies over the long haul.

But I have fond memories of some of them.

Abduction on Devils Peak, which was reviewed before I joined the forum, was pretty darn good, even if the star -- Lena Ramon -- wasn't the prettiest woman in her neighborhood.

Another one that I quite liked was Captured Cop Trilogy, which had some great humiliation scenes, such as the one with the bound female cop being forced to lick the male criminal's boot.

And I was crazy about Kelli Thomas, who appeared in some Bon-Vue titles such as Knife Point 2.

So, yes, Bon-Vue served me well at a certain point in my life.

But I hadn't seen one of the company's movies for years. So if its business was hurting, I share a small part of the blame.


Welcome, Sabine.

As the Americans on this site like to say, Y'all come back now -- ya hear?
4552) Arcas 
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Tuesday, 16 December 2014 17:53 Permalink

A CANADIAN wrote: "Before I discovered ZFX, Lisa Kinkaid, this site or Japanese porn, I was someone who rented and purchased Bon-Vue movies. I'm not sure how well they would stand up today."

Well if Bill Majors is still alive, he's in his late 70's now. But I guess he could have sold the biz.... not sure if that's the case. It seems like all BDSM publishers have their era to shine... then wane. Bon Vue filled a niche in the late eighties, but it's one filled many times over by today's internet content.

Interesting trivia: both Bill Majors and PD of Insex were teachers for their whole career, before throwing it away as they neared 50 and diving into BDSM publishing. Heck of a mid-life correction! razz (stick out tongue)

As I've mentioned before, my first published BDSM work was through Bon Vue, providing illustrations for their story mags and creating three portfolios.
4553) Daniel 
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Tuesday, 16 December 2014 18:18 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Welcome ***** Sabine *****
4554) Bill K. 
IP logged
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 19:28 Permalink

Fritz wrote "I agree. But that's not Johanna Brushay. It's… it's a… mannequin!"

I disagree with you Fritz because I read saw on internet somewhere maybe here when that scene was first discussed here and on the SD forum that it was done with clever use of mirrors and editing.

No mannequin was used. Viewing the clip it doesn't look like mannequin to me, at least while she was burning alive. Forgive me Fritz if I misunderstood your "It's a mannequin" meaning. Bill K.
4555) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 16 December 2014 22:13 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Catching up on a few posts....

Bill K wrote:

Forgive me Fritz if I misunderstood your "It's a mannequin" meaning.

Yeah, you did. That's Fritz trying to poke fun at me over a comment I made several years ago on the forum, when I said I always believed it was a mannequin that was set on fire in that scene, which was rebuffed when he produced an interview with the film's director that explained how the effect was achieved.

Actually, I have another theory. How strange is it that Johanna Brushay, the actress who played that role, never ever made another movie? In fact, no one has seen hide nor hair of her since she was burned to death by those "special effects"? It sure looked real, didn't it? Hey, you do the math. I just hope the director put her ashes in an urn afterward. It's the least he could have done.

BTW, what's up with that Don't Go In the House clip? What was the point of cutting off the best part? I gave the clip 1 star for doing that. Can you imagine someone viewing that scene for the first time and it stops before the payoff? Hey, it's an old movie, there's probably a lot of people that haven't seen the scene before. Maybe the person who uploaded it was too squeamish about the burning part, but really, there's no excuse for depriving others of one of the greatest mainstream GIMP scenes of all time.


Covers: You might want to update your most recent Man's Book inside scan. That was one of those that Fritz restored for our Men's Adventure Magazine Stories section. A bit grainier, yes, but without that nasty seam cutting the picture in two. And it's a pretty good story, too, one of the better ones I've read from those old mags.


JD: Thanks for the non-watermarked print of Flight of the Lost Balloon. I'm not a big fan of what CutScenes does to all their clips, branding their logo on them as though they own them. Still, that's the only way to see some of these rare clips. I had never ever seen that scene, either. I'll get that added to the Rack Database.


Bon-Vue Enterprises out of business: I sort of suspected that when I went looking for the Cindy Prince videos and could only find them at Hot Movies. Like Arcas noted, their heyday was back in the 1980s and early 90s, and it was good for its era, but I also don't think they stand up as well today. And one good thing to come out of Bon-Vue: they gave a first start in the business to a young bondage filmmaker named Rick Masters. I think some of you might have heard of him.


Sabine: You're a newbie? Well, come on in and make yourself comfortable. And grab a whip in case you see any women come by. The ropes and the ballgags are in the top drawer.
4556) Thomas Chaser 
IP logged
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 23:26 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ralphus wrote: "Actually, I have another theory. How strange is it that Johanna Brushay, the actress who played that role, never ever made another movie? In fact, no one has seen hide nor hair of her since she was burned to death by those "special effects"? It sure looked real, didn't it? Hey, you do the math. I just hope the director put her ashes in an urn afterward. It's the least he could have done."

I always wondered about that, too. I also noticed that she's the only one that has a full-frontal nude scene. I can't help but wonder if she changed her stage name or married very well after the film came out (she is, after all, quite a looker). Even with the dubbed in grunts and shrieks, she played the scene well. Hopefully she stayed involved in stagework or some other form of drama.

4557) Bill K. 
IP logged
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 23:36 Permalink

"There's gotta be an better way to make a living"

No, there isn't. "Best job ever." Quote from Brad Pitt as a tank commander in "Fury".

I couldn't see Amy as a school teacher or a secretary or a waitress or a computer programmer. All those jobs are boring compared to an erotic gimp actress. Bill K.
4558) TGG 
IP logged
Tuesday, 16 December 2014 23:58 Permalink

I am working hard on resisting the temptation to post a picture of a grave with the caption "RIP Bon-Vue" accompanying it. I just don't feel like it would be very nice, let alone appropriate.
4559) Fritz 
IP logged
Wednesday, 17 December 2014 00:19 Permalink

Bill K: Quite recently, in post 4486, I also poked fun at Ralphus about his insistence that the burning body in DGITH is a mannequin (with a link to the Ellison interview… still my only Youtube post). In his words, "there's absolutely no way that's a real person." I'd hoped a few readers remembered that and would get the joke. I wasn't expecting anyone to recall a discussion from 2011.

As for Ralphus' alternate theory, especially given his vote on the current poll, perhaps the less said the better. smile

* * * * *

Ralphus wrote:

Sabine: You're a newbie? Well, come on in and make yourself comfortable. And grab a whip in case you see any women come by.

Are you suggesting Sabine is a guy? If so, Google the name and check the image list. Boy are you in for a surprise. Of course, Sabine could be trying to trick us – or maybe you know something we don't. In either case, it's okay. I just hope she (or he) isn't a mannequin.

Anyway, I suppose it's inevitable that a Sabine would end up in this place eventually.

* * * * *

Bon-Vue: I have to confess that even in the late 1980's, I was not a big fan of their videos. Still, I do have to admit that Cindy was pretty hot. What I did enjoy was the tabloids they published, like B&D Pleasures. That's where I first discovered Gary Whitson and WAVE, James Ahearne, JGP (aka Zerns), and a minor, long-forgotten talent named Dolcett.
4560) Mark Evans 
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014 01:57 Permalink

Nice first images in this video. I know there was even better documentary footage of the "Picana" in "Turning Points of History : Argentina's Dirty War" S01E15 but I cannot find it online. I wonder how many other documentaries with the "Picana" are out there...

4561) petelobo 
IP logged
Wednesday, 17 December 2014 02:22 Permalink

BillK wrote:
I couldn't see Amy as a school teacher or a secretary or a waitress or a computer programmer. All those jobs are boring compared to an erotic gimp actress

And then consider how much cooler it is to be a script writer, director, producer, person who finds and builds sets and props, makes costumes and acts (beyond being stripped, tied, whipped, burned, etc. for the delectation of we few). Or how about someone who sets up and programs websites (with or without threading), does promotional work and god knows what else in her spare time.

If you've read Amy's comments and responses to questions, you may have noticed that being naked outdoors for hours on a cold day doing take after take of the same scenes isn't the most exciting thing in the world. In fact, it's probably somewhat "boring" after a while if you're the type who gets bored.

The comments about Amy's more recent films that judge them strictly on how much gimp there is are, I guess, appropriate for this list, but it's kind of like saying that Stanley Kubrick was a decent gimp film producer--not quite in the league with Max Coxx--because of the scenes in Eyes Wide Shut and A Clockwork Orange.

I suspect that Amy as a school teacher or computer programmer--or whatever she chooses to do in her life--would bring the same creativity and drive and commitment to her "audience" that she does at Pachamama.
4562) Covers 
IP logged
Wednesday, 17 December 2014 06:44 Permalink

(4562) Sorry about yesterday's duplicate, Ralphus. It will probably happen again.

Today's MAM cover is from Man's Book Dec 1966.
4563) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014 09:10 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4563) Fritz wrote:

Are you suggesting Sabine is a guy? If so, Google the name and check the image list. Boy are you in for a surprise.

Sabine is a girl? I wondered why everyone was being so darned welcoming! I did the Google search. I think I found the right Sabine. I'm pretty sure this is the one.

All right, guys. If you see anybody new who looks like this, grab her and slap the handcuffs on her. Then we can proceed from there. Let's give her a warm GIMP welcome. And put the matches away, Bill K! That's not what I meant. Besides, there'll be plenty of time for that later.
4564) Bronx_Warrior 
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014 09:43 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A very realistic look at the naked whip scene with Bond girl "Olga Kuryelenko" from in famous movie "Hit Man"

4565) Tim 
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014 12:03 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A scene from, I believe, a movie. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

4566) mr bush 
IP logged
Wednesday, 17 December 2014 13:46 Permalink

To Thomas Chaser:

And to top off the nice body, Johanna Brushay has a very full and thick bush. One of the best I have seen in film.
4567) Daniel 
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014 14:22 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4567) Whipping bare back post.
4568) Daniel 
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014 14:53 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4568) flores en el attico.
4569) Reine Margot 
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014 15:38 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


We have an END OF YEAR SALE!!!

Get ONE 10% off - Get TWO 15% off - Get THREE 20% off!!!

ALL our downloads are with discounts now at VermeerWorks.
(At VermeerWorks the sale goes only for downloads, the DVDs are at normal prices)

ALL our DOWNLOADS and DVD's are with discounts at Red Feline!

You can get ANY of our movies at a discount rate, EVEN OLALLA!

4570) A Canadian 
IP logged
Wednesday, 17 December 2014 16:41 Permalink

(4570) If the person pictured above is Sabine, my vote is that Sabine is a woman.
4571) Daniel 
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014 20:33 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


Now there is a second (2nd) 'Daniel' here!

Ralphus is saying as he reads this...well at least the second Daniel contributes! Shall it be an A and B situation or a 1 and 2?

Posts 4567 and 4568 do not belong to me!
4572) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 17 December 2014 23:10 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

One of the Daniels wrote:

Now there is a second (2nd) 'Daniel' here!

Yeah, I saw that. He posted on Tuesday too. Except he's from Argentina and you're not. Maybe he can be Daniel From Argentina from now on. Or you can be The Original Daniel. Gives you a little pizzazz, don't you think?

BTW, anybody seen any ads for Valium here lately? No? Any generic posts saying "Great looking website" while linking to a site that is advertising how to get rid of belly fat? No? How about any of those posts that are all in Greek language? What? You don't see them either?

One of the few negative things about this new forum is that the spam has been rampant; probably 1000 times higher here than they were over on Dreambook. I would put up multiple captchas and the spammers would still get though, whether it was Flo from Progressive doing a commercial and you had to type in the code, or complicated math problems where you needed a calculator in order to post. Staying ahead of the spammers has been a full-time job. I would ban their IP and they would be back the next day. On average, I remove about 5 spam posts every day, sometimes more. By rough estimate, that's around 1600 spam posts so far this year.

Well, last weekend I changed things up again. This simple question: The name of this forum is "Bring Out The ____?" has thrown the spammers for a loop. They can do arithmetic, but they can't figure out where they are. That's because they're not real GIMPers, they're fucking robots! We haven't had a single spam post in 6 days! That has NEVER happened here. Ever. Suddenly my life is a lot less complicated.

Except trying to figure out which poster is which.
4573) Bill K. 
IP logged
Thursday, 18 December 2014 02:32 Permalink

Petelobo, school teaching and computer programming are not erotic. I should have said Amy wouldn't be a school teacher or a computer programmer after doing what she does now. I meant it as a complement to her career choice and her great talent at being a gimp actress not a put down any other careers. Bill K.
4574) KSBP Daniel 
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Thursday, 18 December 2014 10:36 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thank you Ralphus!
I'll use this for Daniel USA
4575) Bronx_Warrior 
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Thursday, 18 December 2014 11:42 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I see some of our members are adding youtube/vimeo videos directly when posting messages. How can I do that? frown
4576) mr bush 
IP logged
Thursday, 18 December 2014 12:30 Permalink

Reine Margot wrote: Interesting observation about Amy's pubics catching some fire. Well, there's a reason for it.

So I guess it was not planned, but added to the reality of the scene.

I hope Amy did not get singed too bad and grows it back thicker than ever.
4577) Dan Hakwe 
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Thursday, 18 December 2014 13:09 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


Has anyone here used the TOR browser or the darknet in search of content?

If so any guidance?

Just curious...

4578) Shady Dip 
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Thursday, 18 December 2014 15:42 Permalink

Is this a place for guys, or can a girl hang around too?
4579) Dan Hakwe 
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Thursday, 18 December 2014 17:00 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


Open to anyone interested in the topic. So welcome.

4580) JD (the second) 
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Thursday, 18 December 2014 18:08 Permalink

Bronx_Warrior said: I see some of our members are adding youtube/vimeo videos directly when posting messages. How can I do that?

Pretty simple actually. Create a free account on vimeo, choose upload video, wait 45 minutes (unless you want to pay premium and skip the wait) then go to the video, choose the SHARE icon on the upper right corner, select EMBED an copy&paste the code you have there in the message of your post.

Shady Dip said: Is this a place for guys, or can a girl hang around too?

Sure a girl can hang around here. Mostly AOH. But not always.

I'm not sure if there's a downloadable copy of 'Don't Go into the House' scene (I know I have one on cutscenes) so here it is on vimeo.

Since I'm not into burning, fiery deaths and such, my edit stops at the burning. I know I have that VHS somewhere, so if there's interest, I might recap it.
4581) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 18 December 2014 19:57 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Bronx_Warrior: You don't even have to go through all the details JD wrote about uploading your own videos. If you've already found a video on Vimeo or YouTube, both have options to share. In the case of YouTube, go to Share, then Embed, and the code is highlighted. Simply cut and paste it into your post and the video will appear. Easy Peasy.


JD wrote:

Since I'm not into burning, fiery deaths and such, my edit stops at the burning.

Yours is just as bad as the other one! All tease and no orgasm. Let's see her burn, baby!


Shady Dip wrote:

Is this a place for guys, or can a girl hang around too?

Sure, we love getting feedback from girls. The female perspective is always appreciated, and even welcomed. We're glad to have you here.

BTW, don't be scared about things you might have heard about the site and its members. Yes, we're all a bunch a pervs and sick fucks, but we're also very polite and respectful to women. In fact, I can't even remember the last time one of our female guests was taken against her will and had bad things done to her. It almost never happens.

4582) Shady Dip 
IP logged
Thursday, 18 December 2014 21:30 Permalink

AOH, haha. Guess I walked into that one. AOH on my tiptoes, or with my feet off the ground?
4583) Greg Smith 
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Thursday, 18 December 2014 22:21 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Re:- Daniel 4550

As far as I know, this was a French Canadian serial programme depicting English Colonial rule in the 18th century. Pretty good whipping scenes though. Thanks.

4584) TGG 
IP logged
Thursday, 18 December 2014 23:01 Permalink

Anyone know of any good Video On Demand websites? Since learning about Hot Movies on this board about a week ago, I have been browsing that site's selections and looking for similar sites.
4585) Fritz 
IP logged
Thursday, 18 December 2014 23:50 Permalink

Shady Dip: Welcome Shady. Although AOH on tiptoes might suffice for some classic GIMP performances, if you want to make it into the Torture Rack Scenes Database, apparently you'd better have both feet off the ground – so for maximum mileage, go with total suspension.
4586) Kathyrne 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 00:12 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4586) Hey Everyone!

So, I've been a busy bee again, and I did up another of my R.A.V. image sets. I changed the outfits from "school girl" to, um, well what is in my sample here. For those following my other stuff from Infinite Perils, I also updated some of my older characters as well.

Hopefully y'all will enjoy the sample. wink
4587) Covers 
IP logged
Friday, 19 December 2014 06:36 Permalink

(4587) Man's Book Dec 1967 Duillo art
4588) Mad Max 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 07:26 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Kathyrne, your latest set is Amazing... what a gift for the holidays!
4589) Sloth 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 08:09 Permalink

Covers - today's Duillo is a nice one - I'm betting this one is right up Ralphus' alley with a burn and a carry in one shot.
Stay well all
4590) Reine Margot 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 08:14 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Olalla Makes an Impact in NY!

OLALLA had a screening in New York City and this is how it was reported by the organizers, I'm only quoting what refers to Amy and OLALLA. "In the midst of SantaCon, holiday shoppers on the last consecutive date in our lifetime, films by PollyGrinders Amy Hesketh, and Frank S. Petrilli, Vincent Kulish & Jason Chester were privately screened in New York City on Saturday, December 13th, 2014. Thirty plus gathered at Studio One at mid-town Manhattan’s famous Weist Barron Studios. (...) The screening was capped by Amy Hesketh’s recently completed film, OLALLA, based on the same title of the Robert Louis Stevenson short story, first published in 1885. Born and raised in Maine and educated at Bard and Goddard, Hesketh resides and makes films in Bolivia. Her prior film, BARBAZUL, based on the Charles Perrault story, BLUEBEARD from 1697, was screened at PollyGrind 2013. It was at PollyGrind 2013 where Hesketh met Petrill, who took advantage of Hesketh's arrival in New York City from Bolivia, to coordinate the event at Weist Barron, which was quipped “The Unofficial PollyGrinders Mid-Town Manhattan Holly Jolly Screening." Typically, the screenings were followed by Q & A’s, cinematic discussions, plus food and libation at a local pub on 45th & 5th."

Amy commented to Jac that the reception to OLALLA was mixed, as it should be, the audience divided in two clear camps. One camp didn't even want to talk to her at the end of the screening, while the other camp were full of praises for her, telling Amy how amazing her movie is and that she's a genius. Not so different from what we've encountered in the last few years, here and everywhere. People either love what we do or hate it. It's interesting to see how the discussions out in the more 'mainstream' world actually reflect in part what is discussed here, but from a different angle. Which goes to show that you just can't please everybody. Right, we're not a gold coin that everybody loves, we make controversial GIMPY films that you either love or hate. That's how it is and that's how it will be.

After the screening, when Amy and most of the people who took part of the event were having cinematic discussions, plus food and libation at a local pub on 45th & 5th, a woman fan told Amy that she reminds her of Charlotte Gainsburg, of Nynphomania fame... and Antichrist, both Lars von Triers movies. The comparisons abound now, from Hitchcock, to Kubrick, to Jess Franco and so on. The newest review of OLALLA says Amy Hesketh, (...) is a name that should be on everybody's lips when they talk about female horror film directors. As her body of work grows, she just might become the force she's destined to be. And, as we all know, she's more than just a film director or film actress or film producer. Most people would be happy to be just one of those three.

One thing is certain, in our film group where most people have lots of talents, Amy stands out for having the most of them, an unusual amount of talents indeed, from the brainy to the very practical, she's the definition of a Renaissance Woman. Like petelobo put it And then consider how much cooler it is to be a script writer, director, producer, person who finds and builds sets and props, makes costumes and acts (beyond being stripped, tied, whipped, burned, etc. for the delectation of we few). Or how about someone who sets up and programs websites (with or without threading), does promotional work and god knows what else in her spare time. So, when people comment like Bill K I couldn't see Amy as a school teacher I can say that in fact, she does teach, maybe not school children, but the actors, and people who want to learn about filmmaking. She has offers to teach film now, so I don't see it past her that at certain moments, she might put on the teacher's hat. or a secretary. You should see her working on fulfilling orders, writing letters, doing all the secretarial work that needs to be done on a regular basis... She takes dictation... from herself, of course. or a waitress. During production, when we don't have anyone to do catering, she's preparing the food, and serving it to the entire crew and cast, with the help, of course, of her assistants, when we were shooting Barbazul, she was baking bread for breakfast. Perhaps she would not do that as a career, but I'm wrong, it is her career to do all that and more. or a computer programmer Well, she does write computer code, not only for websites, she's also a very good researcher and I can see her creating new apps if those that she uses do not satisfy her needs. All those jobs are boring compared to an erotic gimp actress Right, perhaps being a gimp actress is not boring, or is it? It's demanding, particularly for the type of physical activities she engages in, like sitting, naked, on a Spanish Horse, while getting a harsh whipping. Not boring is not exactly the best description. Difficult? Dangerous? Exciting? Scary? Extremely painful? Never boring.

Bill K "There's gotta be an better way to make a living" No, there isn't. "Best job ever." Quote from Brad Pitt as a tank commander in "Fury".

Well, Amy and Jac can argue that they don't see what they do as a job. That's why they don't count the hours they put in what they do, if somebody had to pay them, by the hour, for all the jobs they do simultaneously at the going rates in the US, I don't think anyone could afford them, only big studies with loads of money, perhaps. That's how it is, really. One ironic part of this is that Jac's dad always insisted that he should study something practical, like accounting, which Jac, in his teens, adamantly refused. But now, 50% of his work, or more, IS accounting!. He does the budgets, he's the bookkeeper, he does the filing for the taxes in the US every year and in Bolivia every month... isn't it ironic, don't you think? But he has fun too.

petelobo If you've read Amy's comments and responses to questions, you may have noticed that being naked outdoors for hours on a cold day doing take after take of the same scenes isn't the most exciting thing in the world. In fact, it's probably somewhat "boring" after a while if you're the type who gets bored.

Sometimes I think it's insane all the things she does for a movie, but then we see the movie and we know what our non-budget was and how much it was accomplished and a lot of the credit goes undoubtedly to Amy. She just shared with us a comment she received from a fan: "Amy - watching Olalla again - wow, you should be proud! It is so beautifully made and so clever - from that little nod to Magritte about 10 mins in (the old men on the couch) all the way through... You must be so happy - it is your best work and i love it all - script, actors .. Wonderful settings WOW!!!!". That's the kind of thing that makes our day, when people that see the movie make sure we know how they feel about it. All the hard work pays off that way.

petelobo The comments about Amy's more recent films that judge them strictly on how much gimp there is are, I guess, appropriate for this list, but it's kind of like saying that Stanley Kubrick was a decent gimp film producer--not quite in the league with Max Coxx--because of the scenes in Eyes Wide Shut and A Clockwork Orange.

I always wonder when I visit sites like this, where GIMP scenes in movies are discussed, why is it that the 2 min scene of a whipping is so exciting and debated, while a 20 min sequence doesn't make people go totally crazy out of their minds? Is it because we're not spending millions in the rest of the movie? Why is it that a short scene is more exciting for some than a complete sequence? Well, maybe it would pay off to shorten our GIMP scenes leaving a lot more to the imagination, and make the drama longer and even boring. More mainstream access for us and more excitement here. Maybe the fact that we put so much GIMP in our movies, total nudity, extreme tortures, keep us from selling more, like the critic says: her films are so sexually transgressive, and are so determined not only to deal with taboo subject matter, but to be taboo objects themselves, that it's just a little much for high-strung Americans to deal with, or perhaps, even more likely, the gate-keepers, such as film festival directors and horror journalists, who are making the assumption that Americans couldn't possibly deal with Hesketh's work. That's an issue for us, really. It's not like millions of people are flocking to get our productions, not even thousands. Kind of sad, really, considering how good the films are. We're seeing a slow surge in our sales in

petelobo I suspect that Amy as a school teacher or computer programmer--or whatever she chooses to do in her life--would bring the same creativity and drive and commitment to her "audience" that she does at Pachamama.

Her talents are many, and, in fact, way back in the time when she was one of those extremely smart students in college, she was approached by some big gov. agency that wanted to recruit her, she even took a test and blew their minds ... because of those brainy talents she possesses. But she was studying art and film and she was not interested in bureaucratic work. We consider ourselves lucky that she choose to be a film director and actress and that she saw Martyr at a festival and decided to join Jac in this crazy and beautiful adventure.

Bill K. Terrific post, Reine Margot. I thought the whole Olalla movie was good entertainment from an erotic viewpoint besides the Amy Bats scene. I'm just a Bats fiery peril nut and rating other parts of the Olalla movie was not what pushed my erotic button. I didn't want Amy or Margot to think it wasn't good when I said I can't rate the other part of the movie.

Point taken. Like I said before. I believe we're held to a different standard. I remember a while ago a discussion about Amy being a prude, I should bring back the subject right? Maleficarum has so much, so very much, and yet people get fixed in one scene as the sum of the entire film. Dead But Dreaming has the most awesome public flogging scene I have ever seen, bar none, and still, the reactions here were, saving the exceptions of course, kind of lame, really. And I'm not complaining, just stating the facts as I see them. There's a big difference between what we hope or think people will say about our movies, and what they actually do say.

Bill K The heat of the flames would have logically ignited Amy's pussy hair first and then shortly after her head hair. Then the body would catch fire somewhat after that, which the Olalla Amy's bats more or less did then. The only thing which is not important was Amy could have been gasping and choking for air at the last moments of life because her lungs would be filling with hot gases due to the big hot fire. She would then choke to death before she burnt to death. No problem for overall it's a fantastic bats scene.

Both in the scene and in the set, the high winds made the flames, the smoke and hot gases go wild from side to side, not staying in place, to raise up, as it were, to consume poor Olalla. So, it wasn't until a high point in the scene that she started chocking and losing consciousness, then the fire did its business. Yes, the scene is fantastic and Jac and Amy might come up with another BATS scene for another movie. Experience counts in this biz. But I do have to insist. The BATS scene in OLALLA is very long, longer than any BATS scene in other movies where most of the time the victims are not even naked, so it's easy to fake a body burning with the clothing the actress wore filled with straw or something. A naked victim going up in flames is hard to fake. So... again... not impressed enough? It's never good enough I guess.

Bill K In the Maleficarum Bats scene, Amy with the much smaller hotter fire would have slowly burnt to death if the dummies ( sorry Amy ) hadn't left so she was stinking rescued and didn't choke to death like in Olalla. You know, Amy, Jac and Margot, that ugh rescue can be fixed in the Maleficarum bats revisited (hint wink ) with the Olalla bats editing. Wouldn't need a Maleficarum II. Food for thought, and that's not a vampire reference.

The small fire would've kill Marianna slowly, she would've die of shock, mainly. The rescue in Maleficarum was important to the plot and to have a bit of a "happy ending" because in this case love wins at the end. Maleficarum II - Monxa Mala would not be a follow up to the first one. It would be a completely different movie, with different characters. Thus the Monxa Mala in the title. It takes place in a convent where there's suspicion that one or more of the sisters have dealings with the devil, so the inquisition comes in. It's based in a true story, a gory, terrifying story with a most unhappy ending. And yes, maybe a couple of the characters from Maleficarum would return, since the story takes place in the same area, and in the same period of time.(Francisco Verdugo, the inquisitor in Maleficarum, was based in the real Inquisitor, that was his real name)

mr bush Reine Margot wrote: Interesting observation about Amy's pubics catching some fire. Well, there's a reason for it. So I guess it was not planned, but added to the reality of the scene. I hope Amy did not get singed too bad and grows it back thicker than ever.

There's the script, where a scene is written with a good description of what one wants, then there's the actual production work, where the location, weather, etc, forces some changes, then there's the actual shooting when the vision starts taking shape and sometimes a lot of things happen there that makes people very excited and makes the creative juices flow ... and finally there's post, where all of that is put together. In many of those points in the process things can change a lot. However, the fire on the victim's bush was in Jac's mind, the creator of the effects, from the start, the hair too, maybe not the ropes, because originally the idea was to use chains but it didn't make sense, why would the villagers go around with heavy chains and shackles... so heavy ropes were chosen instead. The way the pubic hair catches fire was dictated by the movements of the flames, which were pushed around by the high winds. The winds were cold, so the night was very hard on Amy as was the entire afternoon before the fire was lit.

We're aware of something very interesting happening. It appears that we're growing. More and more people are finding out about us, about our work, the kind of work we do. Maybe our films are taboo for a lot of people, or maybe some people think that they are taboo for most people. Regardless of that, our audience is growing, slowly, but steadily. That brings new challenges. What is this growing audience looking for? Are they attracted to the Art? To the GIMP? To the Mystery? To Amy? We're going to be discovering some of this in the coming year as our productions get more and more attention. There's even a hint that we're going to be doing something for television, a series... that could change a lot of things for all of us in Pachamama Films. The future is wide open and as we continue doing what we love, we hope that those that love what we do, will respond the way we hope they will. The ball is in your court now.

There's a new kid in town!

Well, we're gearing up to produce JUSTINE. It's a film full of promises for the world of GIMP. We're enlarging our cast of GIMP ladies, and we already have a newcomer, who has a role as an extra in OLALLA, but now she's going to join Amy and Mila in the dungeon of Monsieur Ronin. I won't reveal her name yet, but she reminds Amy of Lina Romay. In fact Amy commented that if she herself wasn't playing Justine, she would cast our newcomer in that role. So, here's a picture of a casting session Jac did with the new lady. There will be more pictures from this session, of course, but for now I prefer to leave it as a mystery girl, the new girl in town.

And finally I remind you that we have AN END OF YEAR SALE - ALL MOVIES 20% OFF EVEN OLALLA! ALL our downloads at VermeerWorks. (The DVDs are at are at a normal price) - All our Downloads AND DVD's at Red Feline!


4591) Kathyrne 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 10:45 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4591) So, today happens to be my birthday (and while I will admit to being over 21, that's all I'm gonna say...) so I decided to do a special image in celebration of the day.

Hope that y'all enjoy the image! wink
4592) Daniel KSBP 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 11:30 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Happy Birthday Kathyrne! lol
Welcome Shady Dip! smile

Any Idea when 'Snidley' will return?????
4593) daniargento 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 14:25 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

angelica y el sultan

flogging ship

movie amateur de oslo. wsimd.

foto para whipping in movies. esclava isaura. novela brasil.

movie, requiem para un vampiro.
4594) daniargento 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 14:45 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

daniel ..ahora sere de argentina , perdon por mi traductor..gracias.
4595) Reine Margot 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 15:19 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Dani de argentina, estás exagerando un poco en poner post tras post. No es buena etiqueta llenar el foro con un millon de fotos. Tenes que poner varios en un post o darle un descanso a que haya una discusión. Posiblemente Ralphus pondrá un coto a tanto posteo. Bien?
4596) A Canadian 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 19:09 Permalink

Happy birthday, Kathryne. big grin
4597) Ralphus 
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Friday, 19 December 2014 23:40 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4597) Kathyrne: Sorry I'm a tad bit late for your birthday, but I hope you had a great one. Really appreciate the fine artworks you've been gracing us with lately. Hope there's a slice left for me!


Margot: So there really will be a Maleficarum II. I initially was wondering how such a film could be made without a new cast. It's good to see that Pachamama Films is bringing in some fresh blood for your movies. Amy and Mila can't continue to be your only stars who will do nude bondage scenes, especially in a sequel to this film. So is this mystery newcomer going to be one of the victims? You're a master publicist for your company...showing us only a tease photo without her face revealed, and then mentioning a comparison to Lina Romay, who in her heyday was one of the most beautiful women in movie history. So yeah, you do have me intrigued.
4598) Bronx_Warrior 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 04:30 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4598) Want to share this sexy pic I found recently..Never seen this kind of scene in other movies...I like it...

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
4599) Esso 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 09:07 Permalink

The Thief from Kshara Productions opens with Angie suspended face down, spread-eagled and naked on a bamboo frame. She is quite good looking with a great body.

A man comes in and speaks to her in a Russian accent telling her he has followed her from Berlin and wants the diamonds she has stolen from Mr. Goretski. She must tell him where they are but first she will be punished for her transgression. Hard to ask for a more promising beginning and the video delivers on all counts.

The film is divided into six segments, and in each one Angie is bound differently (see caps) and whipped with a variety of instruments ranging from a cane to a bull whip. In the first four she is tortured as punishment. In the third she is bent over a frame facing a video camera so Mr. Goretski, she is told by her captor, can watch her and hear her scream.

The whipping is real and surely painful, although not as brutal as in the Mood videos.

Finally, in the fifth episode, she is ordered to tell the location of the diamonds or she will be suspended and whipped some more.

She responds with my favorite answer under the circumstances, "Fuck you,” which can be translated as “Hang me by wrists and whip the shit out of me, I won't talk.”

In the final scene she is lying on her back, her wrists and ankles bound to a pole, lifting her firm buttocks off the ground and presenting them for the lash. She finally breaks and gives up the information. Her tormentor goes to call his boss, leaving her sobbing in her bonds.

Angie is a great victim. She is smoking hot. She is naked throughout. Her suffering is exemplarily, she struggles and writhes nicely and makes some wonderful sounds, especially in her moaning and whimpering between lashes. The only reservation I have is that she sometimes seems to smile as though she is enjoying the experience. That might be or perhaps I am misreading her expression, perhaps she is grimacing in pain. In any case I was able to ignore it and write it off to a facial tic brought on by agony.

The bondage is also very well done. It is tight and professional - no chance of her escaping or avoiding the lash. Perhaps the best part is that each position gives her tormentor access to her body in a different way; the changing of her positions does not seem arbitrary or overly staged and adds variety to the action.

The video and sound work is also well done. The camera shoots from a variety of angles and makes sure you get to see enough of her facial expressions as she is being whipped. The only negative here is that at some point there is a heavy rain storm which makes a racket on the corrugated steel roof.

All in all this is one of, if not the best, film of its type I have seen. I am giving it an A- rather than an A because 1) the rain drumming on the roof in a couple of the segments is a bit distracting 2) Angie’s occasional “smile” can be a little off-putting 3) I have been rightly criticized for being at times too generous in my ratings. But let me say that if every video was as good as this I would be a happy camper...make that GIMPer.

I believe The Thief is at least five years old but it is new to me and I do not recall ever having seen it mentioned on this site. It is available from and there are more caps and a short preview there.
4600) Thomas Chaser 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 09:30 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4600) Margot wrote: "I won't reveal her name yet, but she reminds Amy of Lina Romay. In fact Amy commented that if she herself wasn't playing Justine, she would cast our newcomer in that role. So, here's a picture of a casting session Jac did with the new lady. There will be more pictures from this session, of course, but for now I prefer to leave it as a mystery girl, the new girl in town."

You don't throw out a name like Lina Romay casually. It's like saying "We're building something similar to a thermonuclear bomb". If ever there was a cornerstone of mainstream bondage stars, Lina Romay is one of them. Her acting in the opening scene of "Exorcism" stands alone as one of the finest examples of mainstream bondage done right, tip-toeing the line between art, drama, and prurience. If this new girl is the Lina Romay of the new millennium, she has some very big shoes to fill, and we better see something more than just one photo from a casting session.
4601) DarthSaad 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 10:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Dr Yuya: That Wonder Woman torture scene is definitely a classic. There's actually a terrific BDSM story by DarthSaad that seems to have been inspired by those panels. Chapters 2 and 6 feature Wonder Woman struggling to recover from extended sessions inside a torture machine called the Pacifier. Her resolve to refuse to scream even during hours of excruciating pain is so perfect.

DarthSaad here - thanks Dr for the mention and the praise!

BDSM Library has seemed to suffer some big technical difficulties over the last few years and I have had trouble posting any new parts of the story. I do like popping in from time to time and seeing the viewing numbers topping 130,000! Do I take it that folks want the story to continue to its [dare I say it] ultimate climax? ;)
4602) A Canadian 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 10:20 Permalink

Esso: Great work on the review and capping of The Thief. I've never heard of Kshara Productions but that film looks quite good. I'll have to check it out.
4603) DarknessMonger 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 11:08 Permalink


I would very much like to see the story continued, You can send it to Ralphus for posting here at the GIMP story section.
4604) Daniel KSBP 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 11:54 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I believe Kshara has been around for 20+ years. They have a good line up of attractive models.
4605) A Canadian 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 15:46 Permalink

Daniel KSBP wrote:

I believe Kshara has been around for 20+ years.

That's not a surprise, really. I've led a pretty sheltered existence.
4606) Sabine 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 16:57 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hi, this is Sabine once more. Here I find some movies which I did not see elsewhere and I am curious to know what kind of sadistic fantasies the guys have, what they would like to do with a helpless woman. Sometimes I get frightened facing such brutality, sometimes it excites me.
4607) Reine Margot 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 19:51 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Olalla is waiting for YOU!

OLALLA moves on and on, some people consider it Amy's best film so far. Amy is very happy that: It looks like a huge interview with yours truly will be appearing in the March 2015 issue of Fangoria Magazine. Hooray! I think Fangoria did a lot for Maleficarum, so... what will it do for OLALLA?

It's a very tense time for us now. It always is when a new baby is out in the world, all alone, facing critics, finding a audiences. It's a slow process. So much depends on how this film does out there. Yes. But, while we wait for everything that will be happening to OLALLA, we prepare future productions. For now, those who would like to take advantage of our End of year sale, can get OLALLA with a 20% discount. That's a big discount for a new film of ours. One reason we can do this is because we raised funds with our IndieGoGo campaign, so part of our budget was covered and many, many people bought the film in advance through the campaign. So, go ahead, get your DOWLOAD of the film with 20% discount HERE, Or Your DVD (without the discount) HERE , or Your DOWNLOAD with 20% discount HERE Or Your DVD with 20% discount HERE

Ralphus Margot: So there really will be a Maleficarum II. I initially was wondering how such a film could be made without a new cast. It's good to see that Pachamama Films is bringing in some fresh blood for your movies. Amy and Mila can't continue to be your only stars who will do nude bondage scenes, especially in a sequel to this film.

Maleficarum II - Monxa Mala is in the back burner for now. We need a really cool location, a nun's cloister, another great dungeon, and so on. I believe we can actually rent one nice cloister with all the amenities from colonial times, but we'll see. We would need a lot of nuns, of course, apart from the inquisition people, the inquisitor, torturers etc. We think we have some ladies willing to be the nuns, and at least two of them (other than Amy and Mila) willing to be put through the ordeals of the inquisition. So, we shall see. We have three features slated for the first part of the next year. But I think a new Maleficarum movie is not a bad idea, right?

Ralphus So is this mystery newcomer going to be one of the victims? You're a master publicist for your company...showing us only a tease photo without her face revealed, and then mentioning a comparison to Lina Romay, who in her heyday was one of the most beautiful women in movie history. So yeah, you do have me intrigued.

The newcomer is in the very early stages of her becoming acquainted with our ways and methods... and stories. She will be taking part in the dungeon scenes where Monsieur Ronin does all kinds of nasty things to those unfortunate ladies that found their way to his clutch. She's also going to play a role in our particular, erotic version of the famous Berdard Shaw play, Pygmalion. If you know your European films, imagine 8 1/2, Day for Night, Pygmalion, all rolled into one but with a lot of nudity, bondage, and so on. But like I said, our newcomer is on those early stages we sometimes call training. She passed her first session with Jac with flying colors. We'll see how she turns out in the next few weeks before we start production of Justine. She's under intense training, of course.

Thomas Chaser You don't throw out a name like Lina Romay casually. It's like saying "We're building something similar to a thermonuclear bomb". If ever there was a cornerstone of mainstream bondage stars, Lina Romay is one of them. Her acting in the opening scene of "Exorcism" stands alone as one of the finest examples of mainstream bondage done right, tip-toeing the line between art, drama, and prurience. If this new girl is the Lina Romay of the new millennium, she has some very big shoes to fill, and we better see something more than just one photo from a casting session.

I think Amy was referring to our Newcomer's looks and general style. She's not a carbon copy of Lina, but she has certain look that reminded Amy of the legendary actress. Our Newcomer has yet to prove herself with her acting skills, but since I know that Jac is an excellent acting coach and teacher, she'll do great. She did very well in the casting try outs. She'll be working her acting and the kind of choreography that her scenes in Justine call for in a short video soon, one that will be only for Jac to watch her performance over, and over again. But soon she'll be in the Monsieur Ronin's dungeon with Amy and Mila, and possibly a fourth lady. It would be unfair to make comparisons, so I don't think she needs to fill anyone's shoes. She just has to perform to the best of her abilities and display, in dramatic ways, the best of her attributes. Just like anyone else in our cast.

And now, as Ralphus suggested, we have the Red Band Trailer of Olalla in YouTube. It does not supply the old code, so I cannot embed it here. But you can go to Youtube and check it out

There's another video with Olalla scenes in YouTube as well. This one was made by Andreass Gross, with Music from the song Deferred, off the album Goodbye Mainstream from Andreas Gross, along with images form Amy Hesketh's new vampire film, Olalla! Amy gave him the rights to use the images since he's been a great collaborator and he helps with the German translations for our movies.

But here's the Trailer in Vimeo,
once again.

I can see that many people are taking advantage of our END OF YEAR SALE - ALL MOVIES 20% OFF EVEN OLALLA! You should do it too! ... besides, the more we sell, the closer we get to make more movies right? Are you all excited about the potential of a JUSTINE movie? We are. So... get on the boat!

ALL our downloads with 20% at VermeerWorks. (The DVDs are at are at a normal price) - All our Downloads AND DVD's with 20% discount at Red Feline!


4608) Joe Neil 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 20:05 Permalink

ESSO wrote:
I believe The Thief is at least five years old but it is new to me and I do not recall ever having seen it mentioned on this site. It is available from and there are more caps and a short preview there.

Kshara is a whipping studio that's a spinoff from Paingate/Whipped Women. It's been existent since 2004. The Dom did a number of Paingate shoots with with Angie (in blond hair), Nicole and Veronica as well as a few other one time shoot girls. In 2004 he spun Kshara off taking Angie and Nicole with him and produced hundreds of whipping shoots, adding other models into the mix. About 2008 he started up the Long Dozen (Lang Dutzend) web site which is primarily a Kshara mirror. Right after that he spun another site called Brutal Punishment using the same stable of Kshara models.

These files, in one form or another are all over the net. Just search Kshara bdsm or LongDozen and you'll find hundreds of links to content.
4609) Covers 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 23:49 Permalink

(4609) Man's Book Dec 1969 Eastman art inside
4610) Covers 
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Saturday, 20 December 2014 23:52 Permalink

(4610) Sorry I missed posting for Saturday. I was deep into Christmas preparations all day. I'll post a couple MAM scans now to make it up to you.

Sunday's MAM cover is from Man's Book Dec 1969 V8 No11.
4611) petelobo 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 05:24 Permalink

(4611) What would I like for a present at the end of the year? How about a 90-minute video from CineMagic with 18 of what they consider their best electro-torture scenes...for under $5 (thanks, Abenomics)?

Teases seem to be the thing here these days, so I'll tease you with promise of a review upcoming before year end full of pics to give at least one answer to Sabine's question.

A couple things to mention first:
Some of you are very picky about story line and motivation and all that cakey stuff. I'm a frosting guy. Not having to fast forward through several hours of sucking and fucking and chatting and enemas and tying, etc that are de riguer (or perhaps de rigger) in Japanese vids to get what I really came for is fine with me. As I've written before, to me it's the performance of the victim and the absence of irritations that make an image or clip.

Japanese films are often obsessed with winding the rope in a certain way or those idiotic "super-heroines", scat and enemas, fake fighting, women being tortured dressed up, etc. All of those are irritants, and they are largely absent in this video.

What I love about the Japanese work at its best is the courage and stamina of the women, the lesser incidence of bolt-on fake breasts, the greater prevalence of bushes between the legs, and--above all--the amazing actresses. A great actress works with her voice, her eyes/face and her body, and there are some astonishing performances in this video. Granted some don't move as well, or the bodies aren't as appealing, or they squeak instead of voicing their pain/fear/pleading, but in well over 2/3 the performances are heart-breakingly real. If there really isn't electricity being used to motivate them (and there isn't, I know), they sure sell the illusion!

And did I mention 90 minutes for $5?!!

Stay tuned.
4612) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 07:03 Permalink

(4612) petelobo: I'm looking forward to your review. I'm guessing the film might be Best Rough Sex Electrical Pulse Punishment - Masochistic Girls (CMN-137).

As far as your teaser goes, I agree with some of what you wrote, although I like some of the super heroine movies (I may be somewhat alone in this view).

Sadly, while I agree with your observation about the fake breasts, the bolt-ons are becoming far too common in Japanese films. The one upside is that most don't look ridiculously overdone.

Here's one observation you probably didn't expect: That bald guy in the still you posted seems to be a leading villain these days. I saw him in an I-Energy film I watched last night and he is also in a number of Giga movies.
4613) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 07:08 Permalink

Actually, CMN-137 is much longer than 90 minutes, so maybe that's not the film being teased.

We'll have to see...
4614) Bronx_Warrior 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 10:54 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thanks Ralphus.. first time I am trying to post Youtube video..

4615) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 12:24 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4615) I recently took advantage of the sale going on at Red Feline-Vermeer films to pick up a couple of older titles for about $12 each. I got Via Crucis of Camille 1&2, 4&5, and 6&7. They are all pretty much the same except for slight variations in clothing and suspensions, but otherwise they follow the exact same pattern: Camille is brought in and strung up AOH. Once she is secured, Jac in Black whips her bloody until she passes out, then she's lowered, the camera pans over her nearly-naked body, then Jac in Black nails her hands to a crossbar and she's hoisted up into a modified crux position until dead.

The screen cap above is taken from (L-R, Top to Bottom) Crucis 1 and 2, 4 and 5, 6 and 7, right at the beginning of the films. To call this series a series of different films would be misleading. More like, a series of treatments with each successive film building on what works and what doesn't in the previous film. From a scholastic standpoint, the films make an interesting study in technique and you can see the filmmaker and the actress learning from reviewing their material. Camille, in particular, improves in her acting and in her physicality in the role as the films go along. The blood is excessive and the lighting is poor (or better said as a poor attempt at being artsy). Camille is a beautiful woman and doesn't need to be hidden in shadows or under food coloring.

As for Jac's shitting attempt at cracking a whip, there are enough examples of real girls suffering real whippings to recognized fakery right away, and its obvious in these films. Fortunately, Jac realized this later and reigned himself in (and outsourced the job of whipping the girls). A studious observer can also recognize other restraints, such as how long a camera holds a particular angle before moving on, with each progression.

From a porn perspective, these six films are weak. But if you're a fan of Red Feline, you'll need to see these in order to form an intelligent and informative observation of the studios' latest works.

Overall Rating: C
4616) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 12:54 Permalink

Thomas Chaser wrote:

As for Jac's shitting attempt at cracking a whip, there are enough examples of real girls suffering real whippings to recognized fakery right away, and its obvious in these films. Fortunately, Jac realized this later and reigned himself in (and outsourced the job of whipping the girls).

I'm hoping you meant "shitty."

Anyway, Jac's lackadaisical approach to whippings was a regular topic of discussion on this forum back in the days when Amy was known as Jane von Detlefson. In one of the films -- I think it was Agent X -- he had one hand in his pocket while he was conducting the whippings.

I suspect the commentary here helped influence the decision to hand the whip to others.
4617) Joanna 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 13:09 Permalink

@petelobo: Super-heroine fantasies and non-nude torture can be very hot if the set up and story is good.
4618) petelobo 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 16:50 Permalink

Joanna wrote:
@petelobo: Super-heroine fantasies and non-nude torture can be very hot if the set up and story is good.

A chacun son gout. I'm a visual guy, so if I want to see clothes I'll go to a fashion show.

A Canadian: nope, you're right on both counts, the video is TWO and a half hours long, not ONE and a half. Remind me not to leave any punchlines hanging on Canadian jokes--are there jokes in Canada?

BTW, since you're the reigning expert in Japanese stuff here, has there ever been a compilation like this of whipping scenes?
4619) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 18:12 Permalink

petelobo wrote:

...has there ever been a compilation like this of whipping scenes?

You would think that would be an obvious theme for a compilation disc. But I've never seen a compilation like that promoted anywhere.

Maybe others know of one but I don't. If such compilations exist, I think they're pretty rare.
4620) MM 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 18:27 Permalink


Your new girl is quite fetching. Personally I'm partial to the slim look and she fits the bill perfectly.

When she's whipped in your films my hope is you stretch her torso a bit more than in the casting photo, bringing out her ribs. That look is quite erotic.

Her hair is very long and I hope it is clipped to the top of her head so as to expose every inch of her. That could be part of the preparation process - she's stretched out, say between two whipping posts, then her hair is bound out of the way as the final prelude to the lashing.

4621) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 21 December 2014 23:37 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A lot of interesting activity here lately. Let me address some recent posts.

Esso: You did a nice job on your Kshara review. I'm somewhat familiar with the company but I've never seen any of their works. You're right, Angie is very attractive; that might be a good one to check out.

The direct link for your review is here:


Sabine wrote:

I am curious to know what kind of sadistic fantasies the guys have, what they would like to do with a helpless woman. Sometimes I get frightened facing such brutality, sometimes it excites me.

Man, how come you guys haven't jumped all over this one? This is an actual female asking this question of us, guys! I can say that over the years, practically every vile, sadistic thing a guy could do to a woman has been discussed here, either as fantasy or as something we've seen in a movie or a video. I've often wondered what women must think of us after reading the stuff we talk about over here. Are we sick bastards for liking stuff like this, and would a woman feel comfortable knowing there are guys like us who see women as objects to sexually attack and torture?

Let me ask you, Sabine, specifically what kind of brutality frightens/excites you personally? I know guys like to hear what turns a girl like you on.


Amy to be interviewed in Fangoria again: Very cool. Once you've been featured in that magazine, you've officially hit the big time. And a second interview means the people in the magazine consider you important enough to highlight again. BTW, I never did get a hold of that original issue. I see Amy is talking about the Maleficarum roasting I really want to read the rest of it!


Thomas Chaser: Thanks for the review of the Via Crucis movies. MAV reviewed the first 2 and likewise gave them a grade of C. Obviously they were early efforts, and from the look of the stills, not shot under the best lighting. I'm also a fan of Camille, I think she was very nice-looking. One of these days I'm going to get around to seeing Martyr, another early effort that starred her, and it's gotten raves from virtually everyone. It's a good time to grab some of those Red Feline/Pachamama titles that you guys have been curious about, with the sale going on.

Here's the direct link for your latest review:
4622) Covers 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 07:12 Permalink

(4622) Hey, wait a minute. Archery targets aren't cheap guys!

Today's MAM cover is from Man's Book Dec 1972 V11 #6
4623) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 07:29 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4623) Thomas Chaser wrote:

As for Jac's shitting attempt at cracking a whip, there are enough examples of real girls suffering real whippings to recognized fakery right away, and its obvious in these films. Fortunately, Jac realized this later and reigned himself in (and outsourced the job of whipping the girls).

A Canadian corrected with: I'm hoping you meant "shitty."

You're right. I did. That's what I get for trying to write something informative on a Sunday morning after a hard night of Saturday holiday parties.

Sabine asked:

I am curious to know what kind of sadistic fantasies the guys have, what they would like to do with a helpless woman. Sometimes I get frightened facing such brutality, sometimes it excites me.

This is almost too easy. It's like going on an NRA forum and asking if AR-15s should be kept legal. There's no challenge to it and so I've left it alone.

Up until now.

I'm a "theme" guy. I like to keep an element of fantasy to things, much like what's depicted in the magazines Covers posts from time to time: innocent girl interrogated by Nazis, colonial girl captured by angry natives, white sex slaves of North Africa, harem girls in Arabia. Things like that. So there would be an element of that at play.

Second, I like to start slow and build up. First would come the capture, then strung up AOH or spreadeagle, then cutting/ripping away clothes followed by fondling and groping just to remind you of your helplessness, add in some breast slapping and ass spanking to get you warmed up, followed by some light whipping with a flogger and possibly short-term suspension.

Next would come some harder whipping, such as with a long-tailed whip, then as you hung crying and weeping from your bonds, there would be the sexual assault to see how hot I could get you (which is a torture in and of itself) before allowing you to finish. Then, as you hung glowing and exhausted, would come the water torture, either spraying with a hose or the slow drip over your head.

If those techniques didn't work, I'd have to get serious and bring out the bull whip, electrodes, and hot irons...

Above screen shots taken from "NikkiGenie" by Powershotz
4624) Fumetto 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 09:43 Permalink

(4624) Joy Karins tortured and abused in the Salieri movie orgies romaines.

orgies,romana from fumetto on Vimeo.

4625) Fumetto 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 09:47 Permalink

(4625) Bara in funny bdsm scene

deviantconstrhigh001 from fumetto on Vimeo.

4626) Fumetto 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 09:48 Permalink

(4626) Sarah Young whipped and abused by Roberto Malone in Lucretia.

Lucretia-Sarah Young from fumetto on Vimeo.

4627) Fumetto 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 09:50 Permalink

(4627) Webcam Couple fairytale in hot whipping scene.

fairytaleclip0029 from fumetto on Vimeo.

4628) VM 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 09:52 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Regarding Japanese whipping DVDs. We carry Attackers ATAD#019 in our archives on page 14. This is a 2 hour non-stop whipping DVD featuring scenes from 23 Attackers (JB) movies. Cost of the DVD is $3.99.
4629) Fumetto 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 09:53 Permalink

(4629) Ok i uploaded some of my favourite clips, I deleted the most hardcore scnes, cause I am not sure if it is allowed here, hope you enjoy.
Webcam Couple hotclyde in a short whipping scene, they are still active.

HotClyde whipping16-08-2014 20-38-00 from fumetto on Vimeo.

4630) erodite 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 10:23 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Welcome Sabine and Shady to the forum.

As a woman I enjoy some but not all of the gimp activities involving tied up women.

Flogging, nipple play, crux, but not hanging or burning. I had my pube hair burned off once and didn't care for it, but wouldn't mind watching it. Can't stand caning but bull whipping is exciting.

Thus I would like to present my view of this. I call my excursions into 'bad behavior' as 'restraint and play'. I'm fairly vigorous in my love making and one of my first lovers tied me up just so that he could have a nice fuck. I hardly ever do it now without some bondage. I don't think I'm being submissive. And I'm certainly not being punished. My lovers play with me because I'm the one with willing tits and pussy. I give them three rules.

1) Don't do anything that will hurt me emotionally or psychologically.

2) Don't do anything that will injure me or leave a lasting mark. And

3) My orgasm is more important than yours. Don't do that right and you don't get a second chance.

I've had male and female lovers and all have abided by the rules.

But this is just pleasuring for pleasuring sake. It is not what brings us to the BOTG site. That is fantasy, and most of what is shown here is beyond my personal fantasies. But I have written about much harsher events and found myself getting excited, maybe I have a secret desire to 'do unto others'. I'll have to think on that.

As for Bon-Vue, must consider the times that those films came out, could not show penetration while bound, my favorite of my boyfriend's collection on terrible videotape is of a rather busty lady sitting in a swing chair having her breasts rubber banded into sausages. KSHARA, yes Angie does enjoy her scenes, my boyfriend loves Amy who started out smiling but now never smiles, her trembling thighs are for real.

So, to conclude. I'd rather watch a Red Feline/Pachamama type film that has some story value than the stuff coming out of San Francisco nowadays.
4631) erodite 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 10:34 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

To those who are better informed about Bon-Vue: they put out a magazine of artwork for a while in the early 90's and there was one artist, Preston, who had started a story and got to I believe the third issue before disappearing. Anyone know of his work?

I had a huge collection of Bon-Vue, Blakemore, and the enema girl from a few weeks back, and early ZFX (gosh, hardly seen a word about them in weeks) but unfortunately they have been in storage for about a decade and badly deteriorating. Glad to see some of them at clips4sale.

(signed by Erodite's much older boyfriend)
4632) erodite 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 10:49 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Okay, more from me.

The scene in 4624, would love to see this entire film, so silly. The real torture in this clip is that the poor guy is turned away from admiring the ladies behind him.

So here's a possible future question for the forum (not to interfere with your own selection of questions, Ralphus).

Are women more intriguing to you male gimpers when about to be subjected to playtime or abuse, during it, or the aftermath when you can see the results? (I'm referring to whipping, not executions)
4633) Preon 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 13:01 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Delightful, depraved, Intense Mens Mags from 50s, 60s.
4634) A Canadian 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 17:22 Permalink

VM wrote:

Regarding Japanese whipping DVDs. We carry Attackers ATAD#019 in our archives on page 14. This is a 2 hour non-stop whipping DVD featuring scenes from 23 Attackers (JB) movies. Cost of the DVD is $3.99.

I stand corrected. There is a whipping compilation disc available, after all.

Of course, it's noteworthy that Attackers ATAD-019 is just a few weeks shy of being nine years old. That speaks to just how rare it seems to be to find a whipping compilation.
4635) JD (the second) 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 20:15 Permalink

The Nazi movies by and large gotta be cheesy. It's part of the genra, I believe. I give you the cheesiest Nazi whipping scene in the history of the seventh art.

Torture Me Kiss Me (1970)

4636) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 22:19 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4636) I must admit, JD The Second, you have a most interesting collection of GIMP film clips and I can't wait to see what else you dig up out of your archives!

This particular clip is so bad that it has a charm on its own. I don't know if its the faux Nazi vibe of the B&W film and mono sound, or the American accents on the "Germans", or the toothless whipper wearing nothing but jackboots and trousers, or the so-fake-its-ridiculous whipping sequences, or maybe the thigh-high leather go-go boots on the second girl, but the whole thing is like one of Covers' magazines come to life. The CIA could take some notes from his technique - whip her into submission, blow smoke in her face, threaten her with a riding crop, pull her hair back, threaten her some more, then tell the guard to bring in another girl. Really Langley, where's the problem in that? It's not like it's any big secret that that is how prisoners should be tortured for information.

The victim is quite fetching, too, I might add.
4637) JD (the second) 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 22:43 Permalink

As much as I would like to take credit for my extensive VHS library, thanks to the guy (RIP) at Something Weird Videos, a shorter version of the clip appeared on cutscenes which made me go to WIP, get the whole movie, empty two bags of popcorn and enjoy a movie so bad that's actually good. Sharknado good.
4638) Ralphus 
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Monday, 22 December 2014 23:59 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD: Thanks for the Torture Me, Kiss Me clip. That's one I was eventually going to add myself but I like your edit. It's a cheesy scene, to be sure, but you've got to love the deranged look of the guy whipping her...he looks to be having a great time. And the first victim is very attractive, too. What bothered me was that the whipping sounds were out of sync with the visuals, and did you notice none of the 2 girls was actually tied up? They were both holding on to the chains, what a gyp! I added your clip to the Whipping Scenes Database.


Erodite asked:

Are women more intriguing to you male gimpers when about to be subjected to playtime or abuse, during it, or the aftermath when you can see the results?

You know, I've been thinking about this one all day. It's a tough question for me, and I'm not sure I have the definitive answer. Let's make it an official poll and add some visuals.

In your opinion, are women more appealing:

A) Before a whipping as she is tied up and nervous about the treatment she's about to receive

B) During the whipping itself, as you watch her suffer

C) Afterward, as she cries over the pain she just received

I'm kind of a foreplay guy myself, but the actual torture and the aftermath definitely appeal to me. I'll hold off on my answer for now and see what other kind of responses we get. This could be interesting.
4639) K9mmv 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 00:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4639) This is another one of those "can't wait to see what happens next" type pictures that I like.
4640) K9mmv 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 00:42 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Joanna wrote:
@petelobo: Super-heroine fantasies and non-nude torture can be very hot if the set up and story is good.

petelobo wrote:
A chacun son gout. I'm a visual guy, so if I want to see clothes I'll go to a fashion show.

This is funny, I've had this conversation before with others. I'm a visual guy too. An artist, in fact. But I don't give a flying you-know-what about nudity. I've seen so much of it I'm just tired of it. Sometimes it can be nice. It just isn't the iron clad REQUIREMENT for me that it is with the rest of the known universe. The more dolled up, prettied up, and pristine the victim looks, the more excited I get. If they get disheveled or have partial nudity that's more fun. I realize that makes me weird and out of touch with 99% of the people here, so it's hopeless. Even then, I don't *insist* the victim be partially clothed all the damn time either.

It gets weirder. I like it if it's a fashion show!!! There are fetishes for certain types of outfits. I've looked around, and I know I'm not alone in this. Conversely other types of outfits are a turn-off. I know a girl who (in real life) went around looking like a slob in a plaid flannel shirt, among other things, so she didn't (in real life) get raped. It worked like a sonofabitch.
4641) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 00:43 Permalink

I love the smell of burning pussy hair at nighttime or daytime or anytime.

Question on new poll question: are we talking about consensual whipping? Only for playtime sounds like consensual to me. If so I choose D: none of the above. No merciless peril and terror.

Being there's no "D" I suppose it would be B by default but I would never buy or rent a consensual whipping web movie in first place.

If we're talking about a movie whipping event like "Dead But Dreaming," then it's B as the most erotic part for me. A and C are important to the story but erotic to me. Bill K.
4642) K9mmv 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 00:52 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

By the way, didn't they beat the snot out of Winona Ryder in an interrogation cell in "House of the Spirits"? I wonder if it's something to look into. It's more meaningful to me if it's a mainstream movie star type. It's probably much too brief for that reason.

I'll bet you anything they just showed her being threatened, cut away to a child's birthday party or something, and when you next see her she's lying on the floor all beaten up. A problem I've always had is having to sit through a movie a looooooong time to see the minute or few seconds I like. Home video finally came to the rescue eventually.
4643) Covers 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 06:30 Permalink

(4643) Hey, this fits in to the current conversation pretty well! Shirtless Nazi whipping cover. I think he's even missing a tooth.

From Man's Book Feb 1965
4644) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 08:01 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4644) For the poll, my vote is before, as she's tied to the apparatus and awaiting her punishment. The fear, the anticipation, knowing what is to come. That's what gets my heart going. Don't get me wrong - I enjoy watching her muscles tighten and her body twist and glow during the whipping - but it's the drama at the beginning that gets my attention.

A good example of this is the beginning of "Caprice 3" from our friends at The Spanking Machine ( when Caprice is brought out, cuffed to the frame, and sees the whip for the first time. You can see the terror on her face as the machine is adjusted. Then, a final genuine "Oh shit, here it comes" grimace to a friend off-camera before her punishment begins.

Other good examples include Celine's shudder in "Celine 2", also by Spanking Machine (I think she had an orgasm right then and there) and Amanda's reaction when she sees the whip in "Amanda's 100 Strokes of the Lash" from [] Both are worth the money for that part alone.
4645) Mike B 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 08:04 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I just read your latest poll questions and I would have to vote for A. I like to see a woman stripped to her waist and tied to a whipping post. The terrified look on her face of what she is about to receive on her bare back is exiting and erotic.
4646) Daniel KSBP 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 10:33 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Poll question:
A Major in A
B Minor in B
Watching the lass being tied, chained, cuffed to an object she can't get away from starts it for me.
Removing her clothing by ripping or tearing them from her struggling body keeps it going for me.
Finally the whip is introduced and begins its work.
4647) Daniel KSBP 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 10:38 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Damn, best picture of Amy in the whole movie!
4648) Tim 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 11:15 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

POLL QUESTION: I choose "B." There's a lot of anxiety and fear before the torture begins, to be sure, but it's the writhing, struggling, and screaming as it takes place that's more appealing to me.
4649) nasdaqnomad 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 13:31 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

My vote in the new opinion survey is B.

I've always enjoyed the actual act of giving the whipping and watching the reactions of the women being whipped.

I especially enjoy watching the welts from the whip or cane raise on the flesh with each stroke. Many videos try to use special effects to fake the welts which has me heading for the exits, but authentic whippings like the ones in really turn me on
4650) mr bush 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 13:50 Permalink

poll question:

A does it for me, that scared look is precious .
4651) D. Santorum 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 13:53 Permalink

Poll Question: I can certainly appreciate all three, but the fear, humiliation, and anticipation of what's to come (choice A) is the most important and enjoyable element of all of my BDSM fantasies.
4652) Brainmaster 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 14:19 Permalink

Ralphus said: Man, how come you guys haven't jumped all over this one? This is an actual female asking this question of us, guys! I can say that over the years, practically every vile, sadistic thing a guy could do to a woman has been discussed here, either as fantasy or as something we've seen in a movie or a video. I've often wondered what women must think of us after reading the stuff we talk about over here. Are we sick bastards for liking stuff like this, and would a woman feel comfortable knowing there are guys like us who see women as objects to sexually attack and torture?

Ralphus, I think the answer to this question for me is, that far too often these posts are from some guy who wishes he was a woman and wants to bait some sadistic guy to play on line with him, or if actually is a woman who won't actually play in real life. Too many disappointments and you just stop biting.
4653) Joanna 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 14:35 Permalink

Re: the Poll; I'll have to sit this one out.

@K9mmv: Superheroine peril/torture isn't so uncommon; definitely one of the larger clothed fetishes.
4654) Reine Margot 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 16:12 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Oh the present and the past... The need to keep revisiting Camille to understand our Gimpy Erotic Fables

Before Red Feline on the Cross, there were The Sketches for a crucifixion! Or something like that. I said before and now I have to say it again for the illumination of those who have not yet become acquainted with our entire history. It was back in the mid 90's when Jac met Camille (she prefers that I use the name she's better known as in this world). Jac cast her in the role of twin sisters for his miniseries The Man from the Moon. Before that and for a few years he was laboring on a tremendous script, The Passion of Mariselli, set in Cuba, in colonial times. He thought that Camille would be a wonderful Mariselli. The trick was that there were two situations. The reality of Mariselli and her imagination. I'm not going to go into detail because I would have to tell the whole story. The point is that the script called for a scene where Maricelli ends up suffering The Passion, she's whipped and crucified. Jac wanted Camille to train for that scene, repeatedly. So, he set up his VHS first, whatever lights he had at hand, and he started doing what I would call Sketches for a crucifixion film.

Thomas Chaser I recently took advantage of the sale going on at Red Feline-Vermeer films to pick up a couple of older titles for about $12 each. I got "Via Cruxis of Camille" 1&2, 4&5, and 6&7. They are all pretty much the same except for slight variations in clothing and suspensions, but otherwise they follow the exact same pattern: Camille is brought in and strung up AOH. Once she is secured, Jac in Black whips her bloody until she passes out, then she's lowered, the camera pans over her nearly-naked body, then Jac in Black nails her hands to a crossbar and she's hoisted up into a modified crux position until dead.

The Sketches for a crucifixion film sessions went on for a few months at the beginning of 1997. Prior to that, in 1995, Jac released on national TV, The Man from the Moon, and he was preparing people for another television series that never happened for different reasons that I'm not going to go into and ironically, it appears that it's going to be produced next year. The sessions with Camille got better and better. They were not intended to be anything but Sketches for a crucifixion film. Something that Jac and Camille could see, and improve upon. But with each session there was a transformation. Jac saw the need to fix the 'set' which was their bedroom, first by putting some black cloth on the walls, and later painting the walls black. He also started using more homemade props, more lights and eventually the 3/4 3CCD Sony camera and Umatic recorder. It was expensive because each 20 min tape cost 20 dollars back in the day of professional analogue video.

Thomas Chaser The screen cap above is taken from (L-R, Top to Bottom) Crucis 1 and 2, 4 and 5, 6 and 7, right at the beginning of the films. To call this series a series of different films would be misleading. More like, a series of treatments with each successive film building on what works and what doesn't in the previous film.

So, as they progressed with the work, each Sketches for a crucifixion film session was better than the last. We call it a series, because it is not One Movie, and they are not Different movies. In fact, it is a series of sketches for a crucifixion. They do have intrinsic value, given what is happening today. Like I was saying, each session was getting better, particularly Camille, of course, and Jac felt that he wanted to have interesting images, in the style he felt would work for the movie in mind, that is Chiaro Oscuro, the style of lighting created by Caravaggio. Thus the indirect light, the soft photography, and so on.

Thomas Chaser From a scholastic standpoint, the films make an interesting study in technique and you can see the filmmaker and the actress learning from reviewing their material. Camille, in particular, improves in her acting and in her physicality in the role as the films go along. The blood is excessive and the lighting is poor (or better said as a poor attempt at being artsy).

Another factor was the use of make-up effects, whipping marks, nailing, blood, of course, and to see how it photographed. Long before the time of Camille, Jac tried his effects and staging of a crucifixion me. It was in NY, in our apartment in Gold Street, a few steps from South Street Seaport. It was a duplex, so it had stairs with a nice pole that we could use in our improvised small set. We used blood, a VHS camera and a couple of yard lights Jac bought at Home Depot. It was the beginning of those Sketches for a crucifixion film for a scene inThe Passion of Maricelli.

Thomas Chaser Camille is a beautiful woman and doesn't need to be hidden in shadows or under food coloring. As for Jac's shitting attempt at cracking a whip, there are enough examples of real girls suffering real whippings to recognized fakery right away, and its obvious in these films.

Well, Camille is a real girl and she did suffer some real whipping, but the idea was to develop her acting skills, the internalization of her suffering. She was creating a character, that was the task at hand. Jac was not intending to whip her hard, of course. He was not acting, he was not playing a character, that's why he minimized his presence by wearing black and blending with the dark background, the less of him the better. So... with the Caravaggio style of lighting, the repeated action, the transformation of the set, the Sketches for a crucifixion film sessions went on. One day, Jac was looking at the most recent video and became a bit impressed. Here there was a video that was done by only two people, no crew at all, two or three yard lights, no tripod at all, he didn't have one, very little camera movement, and in a session that lasted perhaps a couple hours per day and in maybe two days per session, at the most. Yes, he was impressed by the overall quality of something that was not intended to be anything more than a 'home video' if that. (I have to set the record here. The captured video does not look as striking as it does when played on a professional tape player and watched on the old TV sets that had glass screens and therefore the viewing experience was truly better, not flat and dark)

Thomas Chaser Fortunately, Jac realized this later and reigned himself in (and outsource the job of whipping the girls). A studious observer can also recognize other restraints, such as how long a camera holds a particular angle before moving on, with each progression.

The Sketches for a crucifixion film sessions were made for the benefit of Camille's acting and the testing of the process of a crucifixion. And it was at that point that one morning, after watching the latest of the videos, Jac mentioned to Camille, in passing, almost as a joke, that if they did one video with the intention of selling it to the public, feature length, with a story, and so on, and just the two of them, they could actually make some money. Camille's response, to Jac's surprise was Why Not? Soon after that conversation, they began to work on Red Feline on the Cross. Jac wanted it to be really bloody, outrageously exploitative and heavy handed (read a description and review of a pirated copy here). They didn't know at that time, but they started something that very day. Red Feline on the Cross was released in 1998, along with the creation of the new company, Red Feline Pictures, RFPIX for short. That first video took the world of BDSM by a storm.

Thomas Chaser From a porn perspective, these six films are weak. But if you're a fan of Red Feline, you'll need to see these in order to form an intelligent and informative observation of the studios' latest works.

After Red Feline on the Cross, Jac, Camille and Gabrielle made a bunch of other fetish oriented films, the Re Feline Faces the Inquisition series, Seven Days on the Cross series, Crux Bride, culminating on the first big production budget film for wider release Martyr or The Death of St Eulalia. That film was the last that Camille participated in, unfortunately. She moved to France permanently, graduated from University with a degree in Film, started working on her own films, editing others and doing theatre successfully, but left the door open for future work with us. We hope that it will happen sometime in the near future. Meanwhile, Gabrielle continued working with Pachamama Films. It was also Martyr that made Amy join our gang when she saw it at a festival in Bolivia. At one point we decided to release most of those materials that were a preparation for our present work because of what they represent and because of their historical value. Eventually all those smaller films will be removed from the general market and they will be available through a membership site only.

Ralphus Thomas Chaser: Thanks for the review of the Via Crucis movies. MAV reviewed the first 2 and likewise gave them a grade of C. Obviously they were early efforts, and from the look of the stills, not shot under the best lighting. I'm also a fan of Camille, I think she was very nice-looking. One of these days I'm going to get around to seeing Martyr, another early effort that starred her, and it's gotten raves from virtually everyone. It's a good time to grab some of those Red Feline/Pachamama titles that you guys have been curious about, with the sale going on. Here's the direct link for your latest review:

Like I said before, analogue video does not capture as well as it looks on its original format. Thus, it loses a lot of its quality. In addition, in the times of analogue video, there was loss of image quality when passing from one tape to another, as it is in the case of editing. So, the originals look prettier, sharper and the lighting looks a lot better. I remember our first capturing in NY, way back in 1998, the image size was so tiny, the biggest image size we could get then was 320 width, now we capture at 1920 width and in full HD, there's a world of difference indeed. So, those early efforts are, in fact, prehistoric, in terms of technology. Now your regular smart phone takes great 4k images, better than 35 mm film. Martyr already had better cameras, lights, a crew, small, but a crew, a larger cast of many great ladies, and a script, for the first time in many years. So, the results are there to see. And yes, Camille is very beautiful.

A Canadian I'm hoping you meant "shitty."Anyway, Jac's lackadaisical approach to whippings was a regular topic of discussion on this forum back in the days when Amy was known as Jane von Detlefson. In one of the films -- I think it was Agent X -- he had one hand in his pocket while he was conducting the whippings. I suspect the commentary here helped influence the decision to hand the whip to others.

And then came Jane von Detlefson! That in and of itself is another story with a lot happening, of course. Jac continued his sessions, but now with the full intention of sharing them with the world. Before Agent X and the other featurettes, There was The Training of Jane and The Via Crucis of Jane. The latter sealed the deal for the movies to come. Before the big features, Amy and Jac worked in more elaborate movies, with HD cameras, small ones at first, and with that they made Red Room, AristoCrux, Romana Crucifixa Est, The Perils of Jane, Agent X. Fantom ... a lot. Amy (aka Jane) joined Jac in full force, becoming a major player in Pachamama Films, a partner in VermeerWorks, and an incredible director/producer/actress on her own right. And, like I said, that's another story. I don't think Jac ever whipped Amy with a hand in his pocket, ever, nice try Canadian.

Ralphus Amy to be interviewed in Fangoria again: Very cool. Once you've been featured in that magazine, you've officially hit the big time. And a second interview means the people in the magazine consider you important enough to highlight again. BTW, I never did get a hold of that original issue. I see Amy is talking about the Maleficarum roasting I really want to read the rest of it!

The new interview in Fangoria is massive, with very smart questions that have comments in them and really great answers. The first Fangoria interview was dedicated mostly to Maleficarum, yes, the pictures that they used were from Maleficarum and one from Barbazul. She talks about everything, she does go at length about her experience in the roasting scene. She says that she was tied up for hours to that contraption and that if she had taken a break at any point during the shooting of the scene, she would not have been able to finish it, she would've run away. That first article took two full pages plus a column in a back page. Very graphic too.

And now back to Olalla the film we're heavily promoting because it is so crazy good. Many years had to pass for us to have the means to produce the way we're doing now, with a loyal and talented crew, with new actresses, with amazing locations, with great cameras, lighting equipment, all of it the result of that one day when Jac made that comment to Camille. That started it all. We can produce the kind of work that gets great reviews, that put us all in the map. It is a great, fantastic ride that began in January of 1998, when Jac and Camille, in a basement in Long Island City, NY, created the Red Feline website, as well as Pachamama Films's site and the process of making better and better movies, began. Our latest very beautiful production OLALLA!

We recently posted a link to Jonathan Weichsel's review of OLALLA, now on IMDB while the film is not there yet, but it will be there soon, very soon. This is recent conversation generated by that post: Film review of Olalla at IMDB. 'Olalla' Film review - Reviewed by Jonathan Weichsel There has been a huge explosion in recent years of great female horror film directors who are transgressing boundaries with gory, exciting, thought-provoking...... IMDB.COM - R P Lindas palabras de Jonathan...!!! F J Spot on, Jonathan! J W Thanks F!!! F J, I'm sure you saw the postings about the New York screening of Olalla last Saturday night. Today, the actors are STILL talking about the film in detail! J W · No, I didn't see. I'm out of the country and haven't been on FB much.

This kind of exchange happens a lot when any of us posts a link to a review or trailer. It's nice to be in people's minds.

MM Margot:Your new girl is quite fetching. Personally I'm partial to the slim look and she fits the bill perfectly.When she's whipped in your films my hope is you stretch her torso a bit more than in the casting photo, bringing out her ribs. That look is quite erotic. Her hair is very long and I hope it is clipped to the top of her head so as to expose every inch of her. That could be part of the preparation process - she's stretched out, say between two whipping posts, then her hair is bound out of the way as the final prelude to the lashing.Yum.

Hmm, that extended wish list can be filed with the many extended wish lists we receive, some might come true. I prefer to refer to the gracious lady who's joining us as The Newcomer. I think Your New Girl would definitely make me sound like a madam at a fancy bordello in Paris. No offense. The actresses in our movies are not Our Girls, they are Actresses who work very hard and do a great job. Having said that, The Newcomer is willing to go through a lot for the movie, just like Amy, Mila, Vero, Camille did and/or do. The new film will gain from her involvement, of course, and she looks very good, she's hot, talented and as far as I know, she fits the character Jac has in mind for her very, very well. She's already committed to three films for the coming year. But I will be able to discuss this more after the training period is over. And no, we will not be releasing those training videos if any, only pictures for promotional purposes.

Bill K. If we're talking about a movie whipping event like "Dead But Dreaming," then it's B as the most erotic part for me. A and C are important to the story but erotic to me. Bill K.

I believe that Dead But Dreaming has the most erotic, thrilling, realistic whipping scene in movies, really. Everything is there, from the beginning when she's drag to the whipping post, chained up and stripped, to the very end when she's left alone. It has the ritual, the formal, the emotional, the fetishistic, everything. Still, it's under-appreciated, I think, considering all the raves people make about lesser scenes, and I include here the very famous and Jac's favorite, whipping scene in Angelique and The Sultan. Again, I'm not complaining, just stating what I see.

Our END OF YEAR SALE! is still going strong, so, take advantage of it. ALL our downloads are with discounts now at VermeerWorks. All our Downloads and DVD's are with discounts at Red Feline!

You can get ANY of our movies at a discount rate, EVEN OLALLA!

4655) Michael Max 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 16:36 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hello -- first time poster here though I am a frequent visitor.

I wanted to comment on the following question that was posed, perhaps rhetorically, but I want to address it nonetheless:
"I always wonder when I visit sites like this, where GIMP scenes in movies are discussed, why is it that the 2 min scene of a whipping is so exciting and debated, while a 20 min sequence doesn't make people go totally crazy out of their minds?"

This basically takes us to why commercial bondage sites are so uniformly bad despite the fact that they have essentially no restrictions/censorship placed on them, and often significant resources at their disposal. I don't want to get too deep on the subject of commercial sites, but I had to mention them to make a complete argument by analogy to movie scenes. The guys who run these sites are usually just very bad at staging convincing scenes - they have no artistic talent and their models, often porn stars, no acting chops. If they did - they would be mainstream actresses.

So, why can a 2 minute whipping scene be better than a 20 minute one? Simple answer is: quality. To have an effective scene, there has to be some staging done (it can even be very brief). It's best to introduce the characters, make the viewer care about them, build up the anticipation, create ambiance.

Let's imagine a dungeon whipping scene. Before we get to the actual whipping, it's necessary to build up the context. Where does the action take place? Let's say 16th century Spain, just for kicks. Who is the female victim? Perhaps a virginal girl from a good family, falsely accused of a crime. Twenty minutes or so of good build up should not put anyone to sleep. Heck, even one minute of build up is way better than none at all.

Now, having laid the ground work, how about the actual scene? Perhaps the first shot of the dungeon should be a panning close up of an iron hook hanging from a chain, some manacles dangling from the ceiling, an iron cage, torture devices and tools. The we get the actual victim led in, clothed for now, with her hands tied behind her back. Her eyes go wide with terror when she sees what things will be used on her.

Then comes the emotional unclothing where the virginal girl's shame should be played up to get the viewer to feel for her (or leer with satisfaction, more likely). When she is tied up AOH, there should be some dramatic pulling her up on the chain, with the sound of chain links going over a pulley. The victim should be in some distress and discomfort, maybe gasp as her body is pulled taut.

Ok, to not be too long winded, I think it illustrates the point. Mainstream movies often have blink-and-you-missed it scenes that are more effective than bondage specific productions because the filmmakers really know what they are doing. They take care of the all-important ambiance. Bondage movie producers should really take a few tricks from their playbooks.
4656) El Wananchi 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 17:12 Permalink

Hi, all,

That's a difficult one if applied specifically to a whipping, and made worse by stating that the aftermath of it is "crying". At least for me.

The reason is possibly twofold. First, that "a whipping" belongs to the area of "punishments", and relates too directly to consensual BDSM, and not to the "interrogation" scenario I enjoy most (though some film production may differ). Second, because the image of "a woman crying" is too strong; it refers to the "innocent victim abducted by pervs", a scenario I shun from. I sincerely think that a woman crying (i.e., weeping) is a vision very hard to stand, let alone to enjoy, by anyone but a real perv. It would be quite different from a woman "screaming", "squirming in pain", or something similar.

Nevertheless, I think that it is the aftermath of the torture the most appealing moment to watch. Why? Because once the pain ceases and the shock of it has gone, the subject immediately relaxes. Her breathing becomes heavy and maybe slow, her abdomen goes up an down, sweat covers her body, her eyes are half closed and her mouth half open; possibly she is moving slowly her limbs to the limits of her restrains and the head from side to side; possibly, she is talking in whispers and looking completely spent. What does the image resemble? Yes, the aftermath of sex. The subject looks and behaves in the same way as someone who has just had a good, prolonged, satisfying sexual intercourse. Possibly, even an orgasm. So it is an irresistible, sexually arousing image.

As proof of that... why is the electro torture in "Barb Wire" scene so highly regarded? As someone has just said in general, it is long and explicit enough for a mainstream movie, but should be dwarfed by purpose-shot BDSM scenes. The scene is so electrifying (pun intended), not only by the high quality and the interesting context, but also because it shows the subject, a pretty girl, in just that situation.

Regards to all, and have a Merry Xmas.

El Wananchi
4657) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 18:53 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4657) It seems I struck a chord with Reine Margot; a good chord at that. Lots of good history in that post. Thank you!

As for "Martyr", I bought a copy of it this weekend and have started viewing it. As a mainstream movie, it holds a lot of promise even though so far there is no bondage. Still, I like the set-up and the effort being made to establish the characters and the motivations. It is very believable and very engaging. I'll write a review after I've watched it a couple of times (once to learn the story, then again to find what I like and what I don't). I'm surprised it hasn't been reviewed on this forum yet, as much as it is referenced.

Ralphus - in the stills for your "Before, After, During" poll, that looks like an Elite Pain film but I don't recognize the actress nor the scene. Are those vidcaps from a new film? I thought I was current in my library but apparently not!

And to continue my discussion on dramatic build-up, I'm posting a series of vidcaps from "Celine 2". Notice the expression on Celine's face as she tries to be stoic and defiant in the face of her impending breast whipping. You have to see it in real-time. The stills don't do her reaction justice, but you get an idea of her building fear.
4658) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 18:57 Permalink

Reine Margot wrote:

I don't think Jac ever whipped Amy with a hand in his pocket, ever, nice try Canadian.

You may be right.

I checked the GIMP archives and it was definitely in Agent X that Jac, as the interrogator, was standing there with one hand in his pocket.

My recollection was that it was during a whipping scene. However, when I looked at my original post from 2009 about the hand in the pocket, all I had said was that Jac as the interrogator was standing there with one hand in his pocket. I didn't specify in that post when it occurred, so maybe it wasn't in a whipping scene. I checked the reviews but none of the reviewers had mentioned the hand in the pocket part (although there were certainly references to Jac's weak performance).

There's no doubt, though, that Jac's whippings were lackadaisical. One look at the trailer for Agent X will confirm that point [].
4659) James Parten 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 20:58 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Regards 4639

Could Gene Bilibrew have seen or remembered this cover?

This scene is so much like Chapter 14 of "Prison for Women" (one of the "bondage serials credited to "Eneg"), wit the exception that in Gene's work, it's a flaming candle that threatens the rope, not some shadowy hand holding a knife.

Did this scene appear in any of the stories printed in that issue, or was it just a "tease"?
4660) Czechman 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 21:03 Permalink

Regarding fantasy whipping scenes, how about a modern version? An office secretary has made a serious mistake that costs the company several million dollars. She is given the choice of being fired or being whipped. She chooses the latter and is told she will be given 50 lashes with a Cat-O-Nine tales. She voluntary agrees.
4661) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 21:30 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Michael Max wrote:

Hello -- first time poster here though I am a frequent visitor.

Well, you may not be a female, but welcome anyway! And that was an intelligent and well thought-out good post, too. Thank you. You should really post more often.

I pretty much agree with everything you wrote. I think a lot of bondage producers don't necessarily want it good, they want it 60 minutes long. The back story is often eliminated because they only have a short time to shoot the model and they want to get the footage in the can as quickly as possible.

I do think that 20 minutes of buildup is a bit much though, but 2 or 3 gives me a sense of the character and gets me interested in the girl, which then enhances the experience for me.

Here's an example. This is a scene from one of my old compilation tapes, a movie called Frame Up and the actress is named Heather Fairfield. This is one of those hidden gems from the VHS era, one that nobody seems to know about, and is sadly not available on DVD. Nonetheless, I consider it a great rape scene.

Now a lot of people would probably leave out the opening minute and a half, but to me, it's essential. It establishes her character and also makes me instantly attracted to her. She's the cute girl next door type that is the most appealing to me, so when she is later tied up and sexually attacked later on in the scene, it makes it even more of a turn on.

What do you guys think?


Thomas Chaser wrote:

Ralphus - in the stills for your "Before, After, During" poll, that looks like an Elite Pain film but I don't recognize the actress nor the scene. Are those vidcaps from a new film? I thought I was current in my library but apparently not!

It's one of Mood Pictures' older titles called Inmates; I reviewed the movie earlier this year. The actress is Victoria Young. It's a good movie; there's also a sequel to it that I haven't seen.

4662) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 21:59 Permalink

Czechman (Post 4660), you say the office secretary loses millions of dollars. I would say caught stealing millions of dollars would be better and her bosses are Russian mobsters equals terror and merciless peril of the GIMP.

"She voluntarily agrees" is still consensual whipping to me and not my thing. Bill K.
4663) JD (the second) 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 22:04 Permalink

Michael Max, you Sir, are dead accurate. That's exactly what makes a mainstream scene so desirable and that happens only when the filming crew is made of professionals with healthy budgets. For me, a grey area is the works of Jesus Franco. He seems to be halfway between a 'real' mainstream productions and garage ones so I'm rather lukewarm to the BDSM themed scenes in there.

Making a veridic cinematographic production require set of skills and education spanning many years and a qualified supporting team. I salute the enthusiasm of BDSM producers but I'm not buying their stuff 'cuz it's not working for me.


El Wananchi : Any new stories in the pipeline? I absolutely love your work.


Now, some edits from "Escola Penal de Meninas Violentadas". There are maybe four gimpy scenes, that's the one I like most.

4664) MAV 
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Tuesday, 23 December 2014 23:08 Permalink

JD the 2nd: tx for the AOH Festivus gift
4665) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 02:16 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4665) Hey, GIMP fans! Early Christmas Eve gift to you! I heard from Pedro over at Mood Pictures that he just finished editing the trailer for the first spin-off using the "History of Pain: Inquisition" set. The new film is an Elite Pain title and will be called "The Inquisitor 1", the first of a series of "Inquisitor" films. The first Inquisitor film uses three new girls (or at least new to me) as the victims. I've vidcapped some of the torture scenes above to give you an idea of what to expect.

Also, there is a very good chance the next "History of Pain" film will involve a crucifixion once the logistics, casting, and script are sorted out. There are also rumblings of a new Mood Pictures horror film but it is too early to really say much about it.

Ralphus - thanks for the info on "Inmates". I may check it out. I've probably held off because it lacks anything new in the way the girls are tortured - just more whipping.

The review of "Martyr" got a bit of a delay. I fell asleep on the floor watching a Lord of the Rings film and never got around to finishing "Martyr".
4666) Nancyfan 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 05:51 Permalink

Thanks for the pic from the newest EP project. It looks like a great Christmas gift from EP.

When should it published? Is it possible to see the trailer earlier?

I think the idea of a inquisitor serie is great and has a big potential.

I have this proposal for whipping scenes. (look at the pictures from my kink favorite girl Sensi Pearl).

But I'm not sure if this position was used for torturing in the middle age.

This positions looking also great. I know it is not easy to find a model what is so hot and flexible like Sensi.

4667) Nancyfan 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 06:22 Permalink

(4667) This position from a live show with Sensi is also suitable for whipping of the female body parts.
4668) Covers 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 06:33 Permalink

(4668) Man's Book Feb 1967 V6 No1
4669) A Canadian 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 07:22 Permalink

(4669) The poll question: My vote is for 'B'.

While there are some scenarios where the victim's fear of what is going to happen is more exciting than the deed itself, I have generally found the most exciting part of any whipping scene is the actual whipping parts.
4670) MAV 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 09:56 Permalink

@Canadian-nice screenshot. What movie? Looks like Attackers
4671) A Canadian 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 10:25 Permalink

(4671) MAV wrote:

@Canadian-nice screenshot. What movie? looks like Attackers

You are correct, sir.

It's from Lady Attackers from Hell 5. The AOH fans will be pleased to know that the flogging scene with Shiho and Asuza Kirihara bound AOH is the best part of the movie.
4672) Badger 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 10:49 Permalink

My postings have been infrequent of late, in part because the subject matter such as whippings and BATS are not my favorites and there have been few new mainstream movies to discuss. But the postings by Michael Max (welcome Michael) and Ralphus regarding the importance of context are on a subject near and dear to my heart. And, Ralphus, the clip of Frame Up could not have been a better example of the point you are making. I have thought back on that movie many times but could't even search for it because I didn't remember the title or the names of the actors.

I couldn't agree more. I could watch almost the entire movie knowing now what is coming because it establishes the characters -- particularly the victim. I think about great mainstream movies such as Rape Squad, Act of Vengeance as other examples. To each his own, but clips or shorts that are set in an overlit room and open with the victim already trussed up and being abused are not my cup of tea. I really need some foreplay.

As a side note, I would be ordering more movies from VM (particularly now after the price cut) if I knew which ones were more context-based. Most of those I have chosen are those that have been reviewed here (thanks Canadian and others) and have a bit of a story line I can latch on to. VM, a sentence or two about the plot might work wonders.
4673) Reine Margot 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 10:54 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4673) Just a note to wish you all happy holidays from all of us. I'll be back in full force the 26th. XOXOXO
4674) petelobo 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 12:13 Permalink

(4674) A Canadian wrote: While there are some scenarios where the victim's fear of what is going to happen is more exciting than the deed itself, I have generally found the most exciting part of any whipping scene is the actual whipping parts.

My first answer to the poll was "yes". In a really fine piece ALL are excellent.

But ask yourself, if you have a great set-up...and then the scene is darked out or left out or done offscreen, do you save that and go back to it? On the other hand, if the setup is weak, but the whipping scene is strong...that's why god made editing software.

Foreplay is great, but foreplay without consummation is frustration. Great foreplay and poor consummation is frustration.
4675) boccaccio 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 12:18 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Decidedly a 'B' on the poll question.

That said, Max makes some excellent points about scene-setting in films that reflect an aspect of 'A' that is easily overlooked.

One feature that often makes brief mainstream vignettes more appealing than genre films that are many times longer is the use of appropriate sound and music.

The dungeon scene in "Poor Cecily" is an excellent example of how skillful use of sound can greatly enhance the impact of a scene, especially the mood-setting which is so important an element of 'A.'

Nowadays almost anyone can operate a video camera. It takes a film-maker to make the visuals seem authentic using the aural tools of dialogue, sound-mixing, and, ideally, scoring.

No matter how attractive the actress and how assiduous the flogger, if the sound of the whip striking female flesh isn't convincing - and the sound of the woman's response - isn't convincing, the scene will likely be ineffective.
4676) Michael Max 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 14:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thanks for a warm welcome all!!

I am glad that many others here share my point of view that context/build up/atmosphere play a huge part in creating a good, memorable, and re-watchable scene. There is much more to be said about the subject, actually, so looking forward to future discussions.
4677) Roman Nowicki 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 14:53 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Seasons Greetings Everyone,

Here is our new cute starlet Antonia Sainz, offering Teraz fans everywhere some festive cheer - Right Click to view the message CLICK HERE

Wait for buffer bar (left) to load before playing - alternatively you can download the WMV version

Check out Antonia in the The Bondage Artist - OUT SOON!

4678) JD (the second) 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 17:40 Permalink

Michael Max said: I am glad that many others here share my point of view ...

I do, I'm just not as articulate and analytical to put it in short sentences. smile


OK, thanks to one of our colleagues who spotted the movie, I was able to get a copy of Caribbean Hawk (at a rather steep price) and here's the rack scene with a bit of context. To make everyone happy my edit contains (A) the prelude, (B) the execution and (C) the aftermath. Hope you enjoy it.

JD le Noelateur.
4679) VM 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 19:21 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Descriptions at VM: The older archive titles have descriptions for the vast majority.
4680) VM 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 20:13 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Regarding Archives:

Art ADV-pages 3-10
Cinemagic DD-78-84
Cinemagic DVS-93-95

Prices listed are 6.00-12.00- regardless they are currently $3.99
4681) Covers 
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Wednesday, 24 December 2014 22:28 Permalink

(4681) Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays to one and all. On the current poll, I'll go with "A". I've never been that keen on whipping.

Here's a little Christmas gift for the group from an old magazine named "Boxholder in Bondage." That was one of my all time favorites.
4682) Kathyrne 
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Thursday, 25 December 2014 04:22 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4682) Merry Christmas y'all!

Hope that Sandy Claws didn't leave you too traumatized! wink
4683) A Canadian 
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Thursday, 25 December 2014 06:53 Permalink

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year.
4684) Mad Max 
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Thursday, 25 December 2014 07:49 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

a "Slaying Song" tonight??
4685) frog 
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Thursday, 25 December 2014 12:12 Permalink

(4685) All the best for 2015. Ralphus and Amy keep up the good work. To the rest of the Gimpers, thanks for all your posts and comments. A New Year's celebration out West.
4686) dmon 
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Thursday, 25 December 2014 23:26 Permalink

Season's greetings to you all! big grin

K9: This is funny, I've had this conversation before with others. I'm a visual guy too. An artist, in fact. But I don't give a flying you-know-what about nudity. I've seen so much of it I'm just tired of it. Sometimes it can be nice. It just isn't the iron clad REQUIREMENT for me that it is with the rest of the known universe. The more dolled up, prettied up, and pristine the victim looks, the more excited I get. If they get disheveled or have partial nudity that's more fun. I realize that makes me weird and out of touch with 99% of the people here, so it's hopeless. Even then, I don't *insist* the victim be partially clothed all the damn time either.

I'm right there with you, buddy. Which brings me to the poll. I would say I get the most enjoyment out of a scene when there is a good amount of buildup, whipping scene or not (I'm an electro guy through and through). When the bad guys roll out the torture equipment, whether it be whips or jumper cables and starts cracking the whip or sparking the leads together or what-have-you, and we see our victim's expression, whether it be brave defiance or helpless fear, is of the utmost excitement to me. Likewise, I love seeing the actual act, and too much buildup with little or no payoff (I'm looking at you Garage Olimpo) can be quite disappointing. The aftermath is also pretty good, but not as much as the buildup and the action. I have to say overall I go for A, but B is a close second.

Also, I think my love of the buildup is why, while I appreciate nudity in some contexts, it's not always necessary and can even be a distraction. Note Joanna's earlier discussion of the context of the scene, in which she painted a vivid picture of being tied up by gangsters/criminals to a chair in the basement just to have her shirt ripped open and the jumper cables attached. An exciting picture to be sure (I love when you post, Joanna razz (stick out tongue) ) but with only semi-nudity... and that's all it needs.

Anyway, regards and have a happy new year!
4687) Derrick Straight 
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Friday, 26 December 2014 02:56 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

All 3
4688) Covers 
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Friday, 26 December 2014 09:29 Permalink

(4688) The dress is in shreds, but her shoes are nicely polished. Well played, MAM DiD!

Today's cover is from Man's Book Feb 1968
4689) Ralphus 
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Friday, 26 December 2014 11:13 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Happy Post Christmas, everyone. I hope all of you got bound and gagged women under your tree. If not, there's still time to exchange the gifts you did get for a bound and gagged woman. Better hurry though, I hear they're running out.

Derrick Straight wrote:

All 3

Yeah, but that's not really an option, is it? I like all 3 aspects of the whipping process, too. But pick one, otherwise your vote doesn't count.

That being said, here's the first round of results from our latest poll:

In your opinion, are women more appealing:

A) Before a whipping as she is tied up and nervous about the treatment she's about to receive 7 votes

B) During the whipping itself, as you watch her suffer 5 votes

C) Afterward, as she cries over the pain she just received 1 vote

Plenty of time to cast your ballots. Let's hear from the rest of you.


Covers: Classic MAM cover there. Beautiful image. If these magazine covers were based on actual photos taken of real-life models, wouldn't it be great to see the original photos? I wonder if they still exist anywhere?
4690) T 
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Friday, 26 December 2014 13:08 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Merry Boxing Day (whatever that is) to one and all.

If I have to pick just one, I'd definitely have to choose A. I'm all about the buildup that makes a pay-off worthwhile.

Ranked: A, C, and B; but I love them all, each in their own way.

On the subject of anticipation and dread, I offer an excellent piece of British televisioning called Black Mirror.

I'm not sure if anyone here has mentioned it before, but the second episode of the second season is loaded with suspense and GIMP moments. (Tie-ups, Crucifixions, Chair Shackles, and more.)

This anthology series is all about technology-driven dystopias that are just a tad too close for comfort. I won't spoil anything, but half the pleasure of this is watching it all unfold.

...and then feeling a little bad about it. (Thankfully, it's still fiction.)

It's up on Netflix for any who'd rather see it there. Enjoy!
4691) JD (the second) 
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Friday, 26 December 2014 15:15 Permalink

Happy whatever gets you days-off,

After the worst whipping in a feature film I give you today the worst electroshock punishment in the history of the art. Thalia, the muse is probably laughing her butt off as we speak. Melpomene, not that much.

It's from a rather obscure German production called K3 - Prison of Hell. It's a rather gory business overall but that's outside my field of interests so I'll not gratify you with sawing through female bodies, heads that expode like popcorn when shot point blank (still fun to watch but no tingles in the lower body) or worms crawling through rotten guts. For that you'll have to get the movie yourself.

I LOL-ed earlier in the movie when the mandatory forced cold water showering was done with a pressure so weak that if you get that on your garden hose you'd call the City to complain. The nude staking in the forest is done with rods used in shishkebab that any anorexic on a diet would take easily out of the ground. Etc, etc, etc. A lot of fun.

The silverline here is in the good looks of the cast (AAA German quality, no fat, silicone or tats).

4692) erodite 
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Friday, 26 December 2014 19:07 Permalink

Well guys, I seem to have started a frenzy of activity about the latest poll.

I suppose I should vote (noting that Joanna is abstaining). Since we are considering women in peril in films, then I must vote for B.

On stage or at home it would also be B.

But I do enjoy C, especially when my partner just sits there watching me, admiring the work done, before releasing me to gentle caresses of all the sore spots. That gets me off too.
4693) Tosoadn 
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Friday, 26 December 2014 19:26 Permalink

(4693) As far as the poll goes, it's a tough choice but I will have to vote B.

For me the best moment would be a pause in the whipping. She has had enough across her back to appreciate the pain that the whip can cause. As you turn her around to expose the even more sensitive areas in front, you take take plenty of time and let her anticipate the even worse torment awaiting her.

That would give a bit of all 3.
4694) Reine Margot 
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Friday, 26 December 2014 19:46 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Olalla is going to the movies - and it's on IMDB now!

This morning Jac went to the movie theater to test theTrailer of OLALLA in DCP form (DCP is the technology that is replacing 35 mm in cinemas around the world). He returned with the news that it simply looks awesome!, as the film itself will. "It was beautiful to see a bit of Olalla in the gigantic screen, as crisp, clear and beautiful as the original master, like any Hollywood film". So, we're gearing up for the big theatrical release at the end of next month. And as if that wasn't enough, OLALLA appeared this morning in IMDB! With links to three reviews! So... OLALLA is on its way to fame and fortune, indeed.

Michael Max Hello -- I wanted to comment on the following question that was posed, perhaps rhetorically, but I want to address it nonetheless: "I always wonder when I visit sites like this, where GIMP scenes in movies are discussed, why is it that the 2 min scene of a whipping is so exciting and debated, while a 20 min sequence doesn't make people go totally crazy out of their minds?" This basically takes us to why commercial bondage sites are so uniformly bad despite the fact that they have essentially no restrictions/censorship placed on them, and often significant resources at their disposal. I don't want to get too deep on the subject of commercial sites, but I had to mention them to make a complete argument by analogy to movie scenes. The guys who run these sites are usually just very bad at staging convincing scenes - they have no artistic talent and their models, often porn stars, no acting chops. If they did - they would be mainstream actresses.

Well Michael Max, it's I you are quoting and it was not a rhetorical question, I was referring to the feature films we make, not the average bondage flick that may or may not be ok. I was talking about the Films that have reviews in mags like Fangoria, and end up in film festivals and are released theatrically. Films like the award winning Dead But Dreaming Jac Avila’s Dead but Dreaming does for Vampire Films what Coppola’s Apocalypse Now did for War Movies…transforms entertaining and traditionally horrific stories into beautiful works of epic art. (Dean Andersson)

Michael Max So, why can a 2 minute whipping scene be better than a 20 minute one? Simple answer is: quality. To have an effective scene, there has to be some staging done (it can even be very brief). It's best to introduce the characters, make the viewer care about them, build up the anticipation, create ambiance.

That can easily describe any of our films, but particularly OLALLA. You mean something like Dean Andesson describes in his amazing review?: With its roots in a story by Robert Louis Stevenson (the guy who wrote “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”), Olalla is portrayed with a sly undercurrent of self-deceptive innocence by Hesketh herself. She yearns to be an ordinary woman and go shopping, but she does not have “ordinary” in, umm, well, in her blood.

She tries but cannot long stand to pretend, like the rest of her family does, not even after the repeated encouragements of a skillfully applied riding crop, wielded by the family’s dedicated enforcer, Felipe, played with exquisite intensity by Jac Avila (hard-ass to the max, but with Olalla’s best interests seething in his Vampire-heart). Tough love, thy name is Felipe.

Felipe is convincingly and sympathetically portrayed in flashbacks as Avila’s younger self by Alejandro Loayza. He has worried about Olalla’s well-being, and that of his family, since childhood (in OLALLA, Vampires age, but slowly). Felipe’s sense of responsibility for his family’s well being is a heavy burden, especially considering what happened to Olalla’s mother (played in heart-wrenching flashbacks by Hesketh, too).

Let me tell you, I was pulling for mom and could hardly stand to watch her ending. Yes, Hesketh, both as actor and director, is so good that she did a number on jaded horror movie watcher me. Not that I'm complaining, but no one deserves to die that way (though thousands, maybe millions have, over the centuries), especially not a good-hearted mother, Vampire or not! It’s those damned villagers with their pointed sticks! And torches. Superstitious fools!

And how dare the leader, played with suitably manic enthusiasm by Eric Calancha, whip her so much? Sure, his fear makes him merciless, but over and over his whip marks her flesh…until, hey! That’s enough! Well, maybe just one more…but no one looks away! No one averts their eyes, not even me, from her pain and her shame as the flames rise higher and her screams grow more frantic.

And the heartbreaking, heroic way she tries to endure it and accept it then gives up and starts desperately wrenching on her ropes. Won't anyone show her some mercy? Won't someone cut her loose in time? Oh! The flames! They're coming from her now! It’s too late! But meanwhile, back in the present day—

Olalla’s sister, Ofelia, cares about the family, too, and is fed up with her sister’s antics, endangering them all. Ofelia remembers all too well what happened to their mother. Mila Joya plays Ofelia as a playfully seductive predator, with a subtle undercurrent that made me wonder just how many throats she herself had ripped out, in secret, without telling anyone, and never getting caught.

But then there are the ordinary men who fall in love with the extraordinary Olalla and her mom. Luis Almanza’s Nathan and Cristian Del Rio’s Roberto cannot resist! Moths to the flames!

The way those characters were played made me identify with them, worshipping each their own version of la belle dame sans merci, because maybe, just maybe, Hesketh herself will be merciful, maybe this time, love will find a way, maybe she’s not la belle director sans merci…yeah, right!

She has no mercy on her audience when it comes to creating other unforgettable characters, either. If the two uncles, played in fascinating synchronicity by Beto Lopez and Fermin Nuñez don't steal the show, Erix Antoine’s Bruno does.

The aunt, Maria Esther Arteaga, is a blessedly calm center of respectability, but what can she do amid all the rest? Is this old and rather decadent, in a dignified way, family doomed? Well, maybe not!

After all, who among us can deny that Beto’s extended, unhurried, detailed explanation of what a “muffin” is and is not is alone worth its weight in butter running down your chin and, in my opinion, gives this family all the socially redeeming value they need to justify their continued existence. (You can read the entire review here)

Michael Max Let's imagine a dungeon whipping scene. Before we get to the actual whipping, it's necessary to build up the context. Where does the action take place? Let's say 16th century Spain, just for kicks.

We don't need to imagine, we have Maleficarum, set in a Spanish Colony in the 1600's In the words of Charles Longberger "With the release in 2011 of this landmark film, Pachemama Films made an indelible mark on World Cinema and simultaneously took hold of the popular imagination. Produced in Bolivia, it is a direct descendant of 1970's Mark of the Devil, though it is light years better, being constructed with care, self-awareness and intelligence.

Michael Max Who is the female victim? Perhaps a virginal girl from a good family, falsely accused of a crime. Twenty minutes or so of good build up should not put anyone to sleep. Heck, even one minute of build up is way better than none at all.

You're describing Maleficarum, again (and there will be JUSTINE, with a similar premise, a virginal girl accused of a number of crimes) and believe me, there are more than 20 minutes of build up: The screenplay, by Jac Avila, is an accusatory criticism of the Catholic Church in the age of the Inquisition. On more than one occasion, he references the Church’s anti-Semitism (something he had earlier mentioned in 2005's Martyr) employing a narration from the perspective of a youthful witness who observes false accusations based, in part and in flashback, on the belief that sapphic activities are sinful, with trumped up charges leveled as a means to acquire personal wealth, even requiring the intended victim of said charges to fund their own persecution. By making this youthful perspective the audience’s perspective, it is implied that future generations will turn from such injustice.- (Charles Longberger}

Michael Max Now, having laid the ground work, how about the actual scene? Perhaps the first shot of the dungeon should be a panning close up of an iron hook hanging from a chain, some manacles dangling from the ceiling, an iron cage, torture devices and tools. The we get the actual victim led in, clothed for now, with her hands tied behind her back. Her eyes go wide with terror when she sees what things will be used on her.

There are a infinite ways of introducing a scene, but in Maleficarum the choices were made according to the story, and of course, there are close ups of shackles and devices here and there. Such is the language of film. For, while he does depict the victims touchingly holding hands despite their shackles, he converts a Chamber of Torments into a stage for public entertainment, mythologizing the kiss of the whip by imbuing extended scenes of flamboyant torture with a religious ambiance. One set of shackles is replaced by another, and embers burn, legs akimbo in chains. In truth, the criticism of religious persecution merely provides a context for extended scenes of torture in a fictionalized context to be enjoyed for their own sake. - (Charles Longberger}

Michael Max Then comes the emotional unclothing where the virginal girl's shame should be played up to get the viewer to feel for her (or leer with satisfaction, more likely).

Maybe something like this?:

Or like this?

Michael Max When she is tied up AOH, there should be some dramatic pulling her up on the chain, with the sound of chain links going over a pulley. The victim should be in some distress and discomfort, maybe gasp as her body is pulled taut.

You're describing Maleficarum, Dead But Dreaming, Olalla, Le Marquis de la Croix. You mean like this, maybe?

Michael Max Ok, to not be too long winded, I think it illustrates the point. Mainstream movies often have blink-and-you-missed it scenes that are more effective than bondage specific productions because the filmmakers really know what they are doing. They take care of the all-important ambiance.

Like we do, in all of our films, all of them. A subject that is better described by Charles when he says: Avila’s approach is formal and composed, making great use of the spotlighting design of cinematographer Miguel Inti Canedo who is richly atmospheric in his use of candlelight.

Avila also makes excellent location use of the national Mestizo Baroque architecture to substitute for Spain.

He links his heroines subtly together by including them in the same frame, even when this is not explicitly required by the action. It is hard to tell where reality ends and make-believe begins in his registration of the multitude of tortures his heroines endure.

Michael Max Bondage movie producers should really take a few tricks from their playbooks.

I guess they should learn from our playbooks, right? Right. Well, I'll be back with more and very soon. I must remind you that time flies and we're fast approaching the END OF YEAR SALE - ALL MOVIES 20% OFF EVEN OLALLA!
ALL our downloads at VermeerWorks. (The DVDs are at are at a normal price) - All our Downloads AND DVD's at Red Feline!


4695) Pedro 
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Friday, 26 December 2014 21:05 Permalink

I hope you all had a merry christmas or chanukkah.

For your pleasure here is the trailer. Uploaded just for you, because the film is not released yet.

I don't have anything to do with this spin-off only the trailer is made by me.

T: That Black Mirror episode is simply awesome!!! Now that is something like what Thomas Chaser mentioned, that's what I have in my mind in term of atmosphere as a future Mood Pictures horror release.

I will be away for a week (heading to Disneyland Paris with the family) so I wish you ALL a Happy New Year!
4696) Renzo Novatore 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 00:43 Permalink

A, I suppose.

I also really like in Inquisition films where one woman is forced to witness the torture of one of her fellow prisoners.

(from "History of Pain: Inquisition" and "Maleficarum)

Inquistion films are something that have kind of been an acquired taste. That kind of fantasy was never something I even knew existed before reading this site, but I've come to the conclusion that it's actually pretty great and I look forward to a possible Maleficarum sequel or new Elite Pain films dedicated to the genre.
4697) Renzo Novatore 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 02:07 Permalink

Actually come to think of it, I did know it as a subgenre of BDSM due to Gary Robert's "Witch Hunt". It's too bad he never did a sequel to that one.

4698) Kelderek 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 04:26 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

My latest render for all your GIMPIsh pleasure big grin

She heard the deal being made in the other room and the money changing hands:

Have fun, she's all yours, no limits... we'll clean up afterwards.

4699) Nancyfan 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 04:58 Permalink

@ Pedro
Thank you very much for the trailer. It looks great.

Only the the right woman is a new model. The blonde woman had played in a few movies. But I don't know in which one. (It's not the kind of woman which I like.) The woman in the middle had played also in a few movies (for example in "The Mistake").

4700) Kasey 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 07:59 Permalink

Hi all, happy holidays!

Pedro, I'm liking the new trailer for Inquisitor 1; back to the hardness we all love.

I'm also loving the new images and movies from Quoom. Everyone should check out his website. He is a true genius of the art. The images he produces are viciously erotic. It's almost like he has the ability to tap into my mind and bring my dark fantasies to life.

I'm so pleased that "Ride To Hell" is being continued as a story on the site. It's gearing up to be just fantastic and I wait in anticipation for the real torture of these two girls to begin. To say it's arousing would be an understatement. Thank you Quoom for still producing artwork that pushes the boundries of imagination and technology. I think I love you! embarrassment
4701) A1500 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 08:31 Permalink

Pedro, thanks for the trailer! I liked it a lot!

Can you tell us when "The Inquisitor 1" will be released (approximately)?
4702) Kasey 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 08:32 Permalink

I almost forgot the poll question.

It's definitely B for me. Although seeing the girl being strung up in preparation for her whipping warms me up, watching the process of her anguish is where it's at for me. From start to finish; the sound of the first lash to seeing her broken, sweating and bleeding is my special time. big grin
4703) J Scourge 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 11:51 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ralphus, your devious mind is hard at work again, this time with the intent to torture all of us, male and female alike. Your current survey places us in the most difficult position of choosing between 3 things we like to see which we like best. You, my friend, are more sadistic than I previously believed. Now you are telling people that unless they choose just one you will not count their vote at all. Can one be sadistic without being cruel? The fact is, you truly are both.

I do appreciate that this question does entail my favorite form of torture, a whipping, though understandably this fact may actually vary a person's opinion of which of your 3 choices makes a captive and tormented woman more appealing.

A. "Before a whipping as she is tied up and nervous about the treatment she's about to receive"
In theory this is a great choice dependent in large part upon how both torturer and torturee (is that a word?) play out their respective parts. The anticipation of the scene can be built up so well you can be positively drooling (or excess moisture may be found elsewhere).

B. "During the whipping itself, as you watch her suffer"
The buildup can be better than the payoff, but again, dependent upon how the two play their roles, the scene where the whipping actually takes place should be the high point of all 3.

C. "Afterward, as she cries over the pain she has received"
This is the culmination of what the torturer has set out to do in most cases, to break her. Some feel it is the pinnacle of all 3.

Decisions, decisions. All are good, all important to the overall scene but the question remains of which of the 3, in your estimation, makes the female victim the most appealing.

For the record.........I will go with B.......but I do like A a lot.

On behalf of those who have had a tougher time than myself, I propose the following:

Allow scores for each of the 3 categories with the top vote getter getting 3, then 2 and 1 accordingly. Go back and give a score of 3 to those who only chose one of the 3 choices.

This will mean you have to reassess the scoring but hopefully I will not be making your job too hard. Please consider my proposal.

What do the rest of you think of it???
4704) Joanna 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 12:34 Permalink

@Kelderek: A battery improves any scene.
4705) Kelderek 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 12:47 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Joanna: All the gadgets in the picture have fresh batteries... so he won't run out too soon... big grin
4706) BP 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 17:52 Permalink

re 4688
The dress is in shreds, but her shoes are nicely polished. Well played, MAM DiD!

Makeup is usually perfect and the hair looks just like they went to the beauty salon. I remember a discussion about the cover girls were wearing their hair like in the 60's and 70's when this was supposed to be during the 40's.

As to the shoes someone said it was a big fetish about women in high heels.
4707) Pedro 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 18:31 Permalink

A1500 - The Inquisitor 1 will be released once Max is ready with the editing. (I guess within 1-10 days). I am heading to Disneyland Paris within a few hours!!! To infinity and beyond!!! :))
4708) steveXL5zodiac 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 20:24 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

all of the above!
4709) Covers 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 23:31 Permalink

(4709) Ralphus wrote: Covers: Classic MAM cover there. Beautiful image. If these magazine covers were based on actual photos taken of real-life models, wouldn't it be great to see the original photos? I wonder if they still exist anywhere?

I'm sure a few reference photos still exist. If I had time, I would search for sites about the artists as the most likely place to find reference photos. The best known MAM artists were Norman Saunders, Bruce Minney, Norm Eastman, Gil Cohen, Mel Crair, Basil Gogos, Vic Prezio and Mort Künstler. If anyone has time to do some research on these guys, please post any interesting stuff you find.

Today's MAM cover is from Man's Book Feb 1969.
4710) Covers 
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Saturday, 27 December 2014 23:37 Permalink

(4710) Here's the MAM cover for Sunday. Got another busy day planned.

This cover is from Man's Book Jan 1966 V5 #1 Duillo art.
4711) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 00:28 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4711) In Post 4690, T wrote: "On the subject of anticipation and dread, I offer an excellent piece of British televisioning called Black Mirror."

Lenora Critchlow! Love her as an actress, particularly as the ghost Annie in "Being Human". They tried to have a go of it on an American version but the actress they cast just couldn't pull off the same characterization as the BBC version with Ms. Critchlow. Funny about the scene where she's running down the street while people are filming her: she was in a track movie (a movie about the sport of women's track) and she fractured her ankles from training too hard. I haven't found the movie itself but if it comes on BBC America hopefully I can catch it. It came out right about the time of the London Summer Olympics.

I've suggested a plot similar to this to Pedro. Hopefully his time at Disneyland Paris will convince him to do it. Or maybe he'll come back with something even more bizarre, like animatronic robots who become sentient and kidnap patrons at an amusement park and torture them to death.

Love the screen shots from "Olalla". The costuming is superb! I may not like Amy as an actress, but her costume designs are exquisite, along with her carpentry.

Meanwhile, Happy Holidays from Florida!
4712) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 01:21 Permalink

(4712) How is the storyline of BBC's "Being Human" different from the now canceled American version of "Being Human"?

There was a lot of gimp action of vampires and werewolves eating and tearing apart Gimps in the American version.

What about BBC version? Lots of Gimp action and Thomas, is the BBC version still running? Bill K.
4713) Michael Max 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 04:33 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@Reine Margot

I am definitely not knocking on the makers of Maleficarum, which is one of the few productions that actually gets it right. Is it quite at the level of a mainstream professional movie? Perhaps not, but it does come close. Very close. I can appreciate the tremendous effort that went into producing it and the talent required to make it happen.

The story that I was describing does indeed have parallels with Maleficarum, although I was talking more about an archetype of a story than any particular one. The archetype can be re-used, with slight variations, to produce a good "GIMP" movie many times over. Maleficarum is one example that uses the pattern well.

De Sade's Justine is a perfect piece of source material to turn into another great GIMP-themed movie. Jess Franco's take on it (with underage Romina Power in the title role) was sort of characteristic for that film maker. Somewhat odd, had great moments, overall professional quality, and generally bungled GIMP scenes. Greenish-red tint anyone?

It's a little bit baffling why Franco chose to do it that way. He was obviously a GIMP connoisseur and he had to know that his picture wasn't going to win any Oscars. So why do the wink-wink to the audience to say: "I am not REALLY a freak who enjoys tying up girls" like mainstream directors feel obliged to do? I guess he took that secret with him to the grave.
4714) MM 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 07:27 Permalink

Margot wrote:
Hmm, that extended wish list can be filed with the many extended wish lists we receive, some might come true. I prefer to refer to the gracious lady who's joining us as The Newcomer. I think Your New Girl would definitely make me sound like a madam at a fancy bordello in Paris. No offense. The actresses in our movies are not Our Girls, they are Actresses who work very hard and do a great job.


You misinterpreted "your new girl".

Your girl, your team, your business, your country... all is innocuous within the context of my post.
4715) Quoom 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 08:13 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4715) @Kasey: thank you for your kind words smile

And for everyone who doesn't know that story I have a picture from 'Ride to Hell' here.

@Poll: for me definitely (A). I don't like anything more than the build up of the story to the point where the torture starts - the reason of my many unfinished stories. I do much more 'beginnings' than I could ever finish.
4716) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 09:59 Permalink

(4716) With the end of the year approaching, I don't know if MAV or Dr. Yuya will be checking in with their assessments of this year's best AOH and whipping scenes, respectively. Or, for that matter, if others might be planning to comment on what they liked or disliked in 2014.

Regardless, I'll put in a shameless plug for my own annual Year in Review, which will be posted Monday evening.

To be followed, of course, by the unveiling of this year's Ralphus Awards, celebrating the best and the brightest the GIMP world had to offer in 2014.

In my case, I'm hoping that by tomorrow evening, I will have figured out what I actually thought of the past year. I like to humor myself into believing I work well under pressure. roll eyes (sarcastic)
4717) petelobo 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 10:02 Permalink

Title: Cinemagic CMN-137: Best-Rough-Sex-Electrical-Pulse-Punishment

OK, that has to be in the top 5 titles of all time! And the video delivers exactly what it promises. For anyone drawn to electro-torture of women, splurge the $13 for a 2.5-hour high-quality download and start exploring.

Granted, there are 3 victims in vinyl body-suits (wearing masks, so I assume they are inept super-heroines), one in a bathing suit, but the majority of the 18 scenes here feature nice-looking women already stripped and ready to sing and dance. There are a couple sets of bolt-ons-from-hell, but most of what’s on display is real, with bushes and generally pretty women. There’s a combination of “school girls”, girls-next-door and MILFs. In my highly-rated chapters, the camera-work is generally excellent, well-lit and the scenes are well-planned. The work of pros.

Spoiler alert: There’s no explanation of what the girls have done to end up in their predicaments, so you'll have to, you know, imagine something for yourself. And if you prefer not to see women actually suffering…

If you are a right-thinking gimp who enjoys electro-torture scenes that start and end with action, last for minutes instead of seconds, and MOST especially scenes where there is an actress instead of a model, so you can believe what appears to be happening is really happening, and the victims don't want to be there, this video is aimed straight at you.

With 18 clips running from 6 to 14 minutes, there’s way too much material to cap and review. For my taste, 9 of them—about 80 minutes—are A or B material, so we'll focus on those. You get them all for the $13, so if you are a fan of discussing what Garage Olympo “could have been”, you can still find comfort in my D’s and F’s, where clothing abounds, there is little or no realistic bondage and essentially not much happens.

Chapter 1: Pretty girl tied to a device somewhere between a ladder-rack wrapped in aluminum foil and a hammock. She is lying back, spread-eagled with knees pulled wide, nude and oiled, medical gag, trimmed bush and seriously fake breasts. She is shocked on her nipples, then adding her labia. The scenes are long and intense. She starts very frightened and ends up completely spent. Both physically and vocally she makes you feel the reality of her suffering. Her body moves beautifully in the electrical dance, but her breasts are as expressive as concrete lumps during an earthquake.

Chapter 2: A MILF standing in a medical storeroom with two guys, wrists cuffed behind her head, wearing pants. Her top is yanked down in the first 30 seconds to reveal small breasts. Nipple clamps are placed, clipped to wires from a taser, and she is shocked a number of times, only on the nipples. She starts out tough and contemptuous, but ends up peeing in her pants. She is not gagged, and has an amazing voice and facial expressions.

Chapter 4: Pretty girl standing AOH, wearing the top of some kind of uniform pulled back. No gag. Her panties are pulled down around her knees. She is shocked several times by one or both and ends up peeing onto her panties. More of a squeaker than screamer, but she’s definitely girl-next-door material.

Chapter 6: Completely nude, excellent body bound kneeling AOH in one of those chrome frames that every Japanese dungeon seems to have. No gag initially, then a dental gag is added. Electrodes on her wrist restraints, her gag, tongue, nipples and pussy lips. When they flip the switch, she comes up and writhes and dances, sweats and just generally shrieks and begs her voice out. The camera loves low angles, and she is spectacular from that viewpoint. She takes her character from fear to agony to exhaustion and hopelessness in 7 minutes.

Chapter 8: A MILF, in the kneeling AOH position in the frame. She wears the medical gag. Clamps on her nipples first, then the gag. If you like sweating women, she’s it. Then they insert an electric chrome dildo and cut loose again. She pleads and tries to talk. Not as much screaming as gagging. Her body is not as flexible as some of the other actresses, but she definitely sells the scenes.

Chapter 10: Another young pretty girl kneeling AOH in the frame nude with a dental gag. The electrodes are clamped to the gag, tongue, nipples and labia, then a nasty chrome apparatus is inserted in her ass. Good vocal and physical range, lots of tears, drooling and sweat. She ends up peeing and defeated.

Chapter 12: Pretty girl with a very expressive face bound nude AOH in the frame. She is shocked on the nipples and has an electric dildo inserted. Good screamer and dances well, sweats and pees.

Chapter 13: This scene is well-known here, coming from the video both Ralphus and a Canadian chose as the best movie of the year a few years back. It barely makes the cut in this one! Oiled girl spread-eagled nude on a plywood rack, tortured by two guys but only with a headband. Somehow that makes her arch up off the table and scream. There are several shocks, but she remains defiant and in the end either passes our or dies. Much less range than some of the others, but still a good scene.

Chapter 14: A long set with a MILF AOH in the frame. Some women have a body made for torture, and this is one! She may have remains of cigarette burns on her breasts. Her dancing under the current is incredibly gimp-erotic. The movement of her breasts is hypnotizing. She also has a great range of voice and facial expressions. She’s not oiled, just sweating from exertion as clamps are added to the dental gag, nipples and labia. This is very likely the best electro scene I've ever scene.

When was the last time you got 90 minutes (leaving out the weak stuff) of wall-to-wall action, without fake blood, without tats, with nude women it’s a pleasure to watch sweating and writhing and losing bladder control for 14 cents a minute? Add to that generally high production values and superb performances by the victims (and generally fairly invisible villains). If you are a fan of electro-torture, you'll think you've died and gone to heaven (if they have well-equipped dungeons there).

As I've written before, to me the story is not in the set-up, it’s in the event. I don't care why the girl is suffering. I want to see progression and emotional realism expressed with bodies, faces and voices that take me from wherever she is when the torture starts to wherever she is when it ends.

My overall grade is an A+.

Here's where you can get it:
4718) Arcas 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 10:35 Permalink

(4718) PETELOBO: Wow, that Cinemagic electricity title looks GREAT! I don't usually pull the trigger for online buys like that, but this one might just change my M.O. It looks like wild, sexy, creative stuff!

QUOOM: Always good to see you struttin' your stuff here. I think you have a rare talent with sadistic creativity and your art is usually so rich and moody.

Well here's my latest. It feels a bit "sparse" to me, but I wanted to do something that was a more simple "portrait in peril". I guess she's in a kind of "industrial sauna from hell". The model is my homage to Sybil Hawthorne, who I've used before. Man... I miss her curves and creamy flesh. They were uncommonly tasty.

If I don't post again in the next week, Happy New Years, everyone!!!! AND... if I'm not posting, I'm at least ALWAYS reading as the board members always seems to have great things to share.
4719) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 10:40 Permalink

petelobo: Great work on the review of CMN-137.

I was looking forward to reading about the scene with the woman in the black catsuit. It's too bad that it apparently wasn't one of the standout scenes that made the cut in your review.

Of the top scenes that were reviewed, I'm thinking the one with the MILF in the medical storeroom (Chapter 2) looks particularly good.

One note: The electro-shock scene with Maki Mizusawa (Chapter 13) isn't from Lady Attackers from Hell 2, the Attackers movie that Ralphus and I both praised as the best film of 2012.

Rather, it's from CMC-082, which was reviewed by John Galt.

Of course, both movies starred Maki and Yu Kawakami, which makes them similar. But Lady Attackers from Hell 2 was a much better movie. wink
4720) Reine Margot 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 12:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

The end of the year is here - so is the beginning of a new stage in our work

Amy is preparing to return to Bolivia, she's bringing some more goodies for the movies as well as for the cats. Some of you might find my long posts a bit too long, some might not. But considering the so very few posts I make in one entire year, I guess it is ok. In the entire year that is gone, 2014, I posted 23 times or so, with a few very short comments here and there. That's about 2 per month. Not too much. And I'm guessing that the year to come is going to be extremely busy for us in general, so, you won't hear from me that much. Just an occasional update on the productions, particularly Justine. So, I will be closing the year with a couple of posts reacting to comments here. But first, let me remind you all that the End of year Sale is ending as well and that we have a wonderful new movie out, OLALLA.

And now a reaction to a post and a long, nice review of the subject at hand, the hand in the pocket.

A Canadian Reine Margot wrote: I don't think Jac ever whipped Amy with a hand in his pocket, ever, nice try Canadian. You may be right. I checked the GIMP archives and it was definitely in Agent X that Jac, as the interrogator, was standing there with one hand in his pocket. My recollection was that it was during a whipping scene. However, when I looked at my original post from 2009 about the hand in the pocket, all I had said was that Jac as the interrogator was standing there with one hand in his pocket.

You mean this picture? Oh the humanity.

Is it a problem for anyone if Jac puts a hand in his pocket? Does it go against character for an interrogator to put his hand in his pocket from time to time?. Barbazul does it too, after he kills, strangles, his victim number 3, yes, I too checked archives and archives to find a picture of Barbazul with Jac and his now famous trademark of putting his hand in his pockets, but no still picture of the scene I know very well, instead I found this one where Jac CLEARLY has a hand in his pocket, I think he has both of them, I cannot be sure.

A Canadian I didn't specify in that post when it occurred, so maybe it wasn't in a whipping scene. I checked the reviews but none of the reviewers had mentioned the hand in the pocket part (although there were certainly references to Jac's weak performance). There's no doubt, though, that Jac's whippings were lackadaisical. One look at the trailer for Agent X will confirm that point [].

Now that we have established with no doubt, whatsoever, that Jac does put his hands in his pockets from time to time, when he's wearing pants that have pockets that is, and that he was perhaps a bit too careful while giving his ladies a whipping, (well, even Amy says that he tends to admire his handiwork while doing it, which can be a distraction) we can move on to a very interesting film review of Agent X by C. Longberger who, tragically, passed away last July, so this review will go unpublished in his Magazine, which, as far as I know, was closed down.

Agent X


In the period following the release of Martyr, Pachamama Films shifted its focus from the production of documentary films to producing quality feature films. As a way of generating capital (the life blood of cinema), Red Feline was formed, partly by happenstance, and was conceived of as a commercial enterprise, one using the Blind Camera technique. As a result, the many scenes that were realized in this enterprise are best viewed for what they are: dress rehearsals for what was to come, with fictional context, from Pachamama Films.

As it would happen, in this same period, Amy Hesketh, with an association with a major documentary company in her own right, began to work with Pachamama's Jac Avila, who had gained International attention due to his documentary, Krik Krak. The documentarian background is important for what followed, for the work contained within it, even when make believe, is a make believe in real time, with much of its visual magic closely related to the art of Illusionism.

Although the scenes of this period were credited to “Jan Jac,” one of the most significant of them, Agent X, was co-directed by both Avila and Hesketh (performing under their pseudonyms of the aforementioned Jan Jac and Jane von Detlefson), their separate approaches co-existing harmoniously, resulting in a singular, transcendent entertainment that far exceeded its immediate intent, while, nonetheless, fulfilling it.

Consequently, the film is a creation of opposites, one where conflicting perspectives merge, and, thus, represents both a sadistic and a masochistic fantasy at one and the same time. It is a statement of Eros and religious iconography (reflecting the obsessions of Avila), but is also autobiographic (an exploration by Hesketh of her inner self and fears).

The film's central thematic, the destruction of a female by a man (in the guise of an interrogator and the interrogated), was exactly returned to not 4 years later in Hesketh's own Le Marquis de la Croix, except here it is internalized and not argued, through Hesketh's challenge to herself and her commitment through endurance.

The film, in essence a ritual sacrifice in a secular context, is a series of dialectics: it is a coolly professional registration of publicly assumed personal role assignments, is rehearsed and spontaneous. It is intensely, sexually violent, but this is followed by extended sequences of stillness, with Hesketh passing out on more than one occasion, and the camera meditatively lingering on this.

Both Avila's and Hesketh's signatures are apparent, Avila's through a strongly Roman Catholic sensibility, with Hesketh pulled off a table in a manner that recalls Christ's descent from the cross, and which continually suggests a mock crucifixion, thereby preparing the audience for what is to come.

Hesketh's Agent's death, which is what the film leads up to, is a common masochistic dramatic convention that, in a clinically Freudian transference, subconsciously symbolizes the release of orgasm. In this way, do two very different and strong-willed artists complement each other, while remaining true to themselves.

In its staging, the production harmonizes two distinctly different attitudes toward the Female. On the one hand, the murder of the female here is the ultimate in possession of one being by another, yet the association of the Female with the Passion is reverential, though simultaneously blasphemous. In contrast is the disrespectful manner in which her bloodied torso is dragged across the floor, like so much dead weight.

Technically, the film is highly accomplished and individualized. It contains the most consistently perfectly judged camera placement that I have ever seen in any production, Montage that closely coordinates film editing with sound design, and employs dissolves to convey a sense of exhaustion. The harsh lighting design of cinematographer Avila visualizes the narrative's interrogation scenario. The sound of a typewriter producing a report implies a historical distance from the scene we are witnessing, and subliminally suggests that the days of the Guerillas are bygone.

The soundtrack, a pulsating, vibrating Techno exclamation point, hammers home the production's edginess, with the unrestrained force of an adrenaline rush. In his role of the Guerilla interrogator, a jauntily bereted Jac Avila mutters to himself, and functions as a skilled facilitator, but he basically plays straight man to the supreme performance art skills of Hesketh in her role as, when all is said and done, a human sacrifice.

As the Agent X of the title, a martyr to her cause, she “is withstand pain,” and gets “a little dose,” as she undergoes her own stations of her very personal cross; her face bruised from being hit by fists, she undergoes severe face slapping, gets knocked out, suffers electrocution and asphyxiation,

is raped (with unhindered views of her crotch anticipating its use),

is chained and flogged,

then suspended upside down and water boarded,

is reduced to tears and finally crucified.

Once at her own Golgotha, she is pierced, multiple times, not by a Roman lance, but by a sharp knife.

By leaving the Agent's body hanging on the wall, much in the manner of a trophy, and with the Guerilla admiring his Kill while opening a beer and surveying his handiwork, the film concludes with sinister humor.

Cinematic intelligence executed with impeccable skill, this one-of-a-kind Classic is available at Red

And that's that. A review that was never published, until now and here, and one that sheds a little bit of light into what he could have written about OLALLA. Unfortunately we'll never know. He was so looking forward to the film, anxious to see the outcome. Charles became a quasi biographer of Amy and Jac, studying their work in detail, unhindered by partiality to this or that, completely open to the art presented by the dynamic duo in Pachamama Films. And not all of his reviews were glowing or admiring. He was not very impressed with Crux Bride or even Krik Krak, for instance. He was an honest reviewer, one that we could expect to have an unbiased view, one way or another, of our work. As the year ends, we cannot but regret his passing, which ended a great dialogue between us, a rewarding dialogue indeed.

There are just a very few days left on ourEND OF YEAR SALE - ALL MOVIES 20% OFF EVEN OLALLA!
ALL our downloads at VermeerWorks. (The DVDs are at are at a normal price) - All our Downloads AND DVD's at Red Feline!

4721) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 13:00 Permalink

Reine Margot wrote:

Is it a problem for anyone if Jac puts a hand in his pocket? Does it go against character for an interrogator to put his hand in his pocket from time to time?

The answers: Yes and yes.

I'll admit that my memory is faulty. Obviously, I confused the scene where Jac looks like he suffers from narcolepsy as he administers a whipping with the scene where he had his hand in his pocket.

Fine. I was wrong.

But the overall problem remains the same: Jac's performance was listless, to put it politely.

For what it's worth, I wrote in 2009 that I thought Agent X was a pretty good movie. Not a keeper, perhaps, but pretty good.

Of course, I had no idea at the time that the people making the movie had aspirations to be compared alongside Francis Ford Coppola.
4722) MAV 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 13:05 Permalink

@A Canadian-I will be doing my annual year's best at my AOH group at DFN. I think Zen/Giga will find it hard to make my list, but Candle Boxxx's influence should be heavy, especially since she just steered me to use superhot Atlanta model Angel Lee in my latest formulaic AOH torturefest custom in collaboration with (preview cap here):

4723) Joanna 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 13:12 Permalink

@petelobo: Not a fan of those bondage gags, but the rest looks very intense; I've seen some of those Japanese electro scenes before and from experience I can safely say that some amount of actual current is being used to get those realistic reactions.
4724) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 15:16 Permalink

MAV wrote:

I will be doing my annual year's best at my AOH group at DFN. I think Zen/Giga will find it hard to make my list, but Candle Boxxx's influence should be heavy, especially since she just steered me to use superhot Atlanta model Angel Lee in my latest formulaic AOH torturefest custom in collaboration with (preview cap here)

Thanks for the update. Please let us know when your list has been posted.

I'm not surprised by your comments about Giga/Zen. I've only seen some of their releases from this year but I can't think of much in anything I saw that would please the AOH fans.

On a different note, I liked the cap showing your new casting discovery, Angel Lee -- but it's a little small. Size matters, you know.
4725) MAV 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 15:30 Permalink

Since it's still kinda the holiday season, here are a couple of bigger screencaps of Angel Lee which I posted at DFN. For those who don't know my AOH torture formula for customs, it includes faceslapping (+1 facepunch for this one), bellypunching (+ belly and back bashing with a baton), tasering, and whipping. Stay tuned for the wide release soon. This guy Torvea edited SUPERfast after the shoot yesterday.

4726) frog 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 16:19 Permalink

After a very fast search this is a photo of Norman Saunders and wife Ellene Politis, posing for a western illustration. So it shows at least one real female model for an ilustration. []
4727) frog 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 16:29 Permalink

(4727) Here is another Saunders model. You can recognize the head tilted back in some of the covers that have been posted. []
4728) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 28 December 2014 17:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Catching up a few posts. Things are happening fast and furious lately.

Tosaudu (post 4693): Helluva picture there! I'd say that bitch has had enough. For now.


Kelderek (post 4698): That's another brilliant render. Too bad she can't see all the great toys that are awaiting her. But she'll find out soon enough.

BTW, where can I find a chair like that? I could really use one.


steveXL5zodiak wrote:

all of the above!

Boy, somebody needs to read the choices again. I don't believe that was one of the poll answers. Don't be wishy-washy, pick one.

Speaking of which, here's the latest poll results.

In your opinion, are women more appealing:

A) Before a whipping as she is tied up and nervous about the treatment she's about to receive 9 votes

B) During the whipping itself, as you watch her suffer 9 votes

C) Afterward, as she cries over the pain she just received 1 vote


Petelobo: Outstanding review, thanks. A Best of Electric Shock movie is an idea that's long overdue, and the Japanese have certainly put out some great material in the past. And it's a very fair price, too. I'll be getting this one for sure.

BTW, don't worry about the mistaken reference in Chapter 13. Those scenes are very similar, and I didn't even catch it myself. Both those movies are excellent, too.

The direct link for your latest review is here:


Arcas wrote: (post 4818)

Well here's my latest. It feels a bit "sparse" to me, but I wanted to do something that was a more simple "portrait in peril". I guess she's in a kind of "industrial sauna from hell".

I love it. Between the heat lamps and the jets of steam cascading over her body, she ought to be one well-basted bird. God, why doesn't somebody make that into a movie? That would be so awesome.


And this is for everybody: Mark your calendars, phone your friends, wake the neighbors, but whatever you do, don't forget to stop by here tomorrow night. As is our yearly tradition, you'll be treated to Canadian's and my Year End Extravaganzas, beginning with Canadian's Year in Review, followed by the 10th Annual Ralphus Awards. The paparazzi are already gathering as we speak. Can't you just feel the excitement building?
4729) Bill K. 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 00:33 Permalink

(4729) I suppose the poll answer A would be more erotically appealing to me if the Gimp or Gimps are bound and pre stretched like in BMovie's new peril, or like in today's picture, reminiscent of Amy's pre whip Spanish horse peril in Maleficarum.

I'll still keep my vote B but choice A is a close second now that I've thought about it more closely. Bill K.
4730) K9mmv 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 01:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4730) Although tame for this place, cool guy Alex Raymond got away with this in a regular family newspaper in 1935! Yay! -Before the Catholic church descended on him and ruined the whole damn strip forever. This is not the only example of this kind of thing for Raymond either.
4731) Kelderek 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 03:35 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4731) Ralphus: BTW, where can I find a chair like that? I could really use one.

You mean you missed that one last time you were at Home Depot?

Hurry up, they sell out quickly!
4732) Covers 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 06:55 Permalink

(4732) MAM image of the day is from Man's Book Jan 1971.
4733) zeke 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 08:08 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I guess someone has to break the tie. I vote for option B.
4734) SIM Researcher 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 09:04 Permalink

JD (the second) :

Thanks for sharing the clips from Caribbean Hawk ('63) and Torture Me Kiss Me (1970) I haven't seen the former film in many years and I don't remember the latter at all and it's a real hoot.
4735) Michael Max 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 14:25 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Not sure if this has been discussed before, but I have a suggestion regarding movie reviews. Would it be possible to make them sortable by the date they were added? The way it is right now, it's tough to tell when any new ones pop-up.
4736) A Canadian 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 15:06 Permalink

Michael Max wrote:

Not sure if this has been discussed before, but I have a suggestion regarding movie reviews. Would it be possible to make them sortable by the date they were added? The way it is right now, it's tough to tell when any new ones pop-up.

I think that's an excellent suggestion, in theory.

Unfortunately, I don't know how feasible it is at this point. My guess is it would involve using the Search the GIMP function for every single review to determine when it was initially posted.

I might be prepared to do that kind of work to find the dates for my own reviews, but I wouldn't be prepared to do it for other reviews. I don't know how many other contributors would be prepared to do the same thing, and I doubt Ralphus has the time for such a massive undertaking.

As well, there are a number of reviews that have been posted by people who no longer participate in the forum.

A few years ago, there was a discussion about things we could do to improve the reviews. For example, adding details about how long a movie or clip runs.

But I don't think we ever discussed adding dates to the reviews. In hindsight, I think that was a mistake. I think it would be helpful to know when a review was initially posted and how old (or recent) the movie is. But I don't see it happening.
4737) JD (the second) 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 18:41 Permalink

Ralphus, tried for half an hour or more to get in, got this:

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat) Server at Port 80

Might wanna check with the guys running the hosting.


SIM Researcher said: Thanks for sharing the clips from Caribbean Hawk ('63) and Torture Me Kiss Me (1970) I haven't seen the former film in many years and I don't remember the latter at all and it's a real hoot.

You're welcome. I should sort the whole mess of videos on my drives on day but til then I just pluck what's at hand.

Like this one. The best bikes are the ones featuring a bound naked lady on top. Literally. smile

Gruschenka Stevens in Der Kalte Finger.

4738) Tony Wood 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 18:53 Permalink

In response to the poll:

B) During the whipping itself, as you watch her suffer

The A and the C always enrich the B, but A or C without the B will always leave the B to be desired, so if I had to choose only one it would have to be B.
4739) Ralphus 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 19:09 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Michael Max: It would be way too large an undertaking to sort the hundreds of reviews by date. I could, however, put a "NEW!" line by the latest ones, like I do with all the updates to the databases and the stories listings. Generally I keep new stuff up for 3 months before I take off the "new" notification, but sometimes stuff stays up there longer. It's a lot of things to juggle, why not add a couple more, right?


JD: Yeah, we were down tonight for about an hour and a half. was having FTP issues tonight; it wasn't just our site. Right now it looks like we're back up and running, though.

Another nice clip there. I don't know where you find all this rare stuff, it's much appreciated. It's amazing she didn't bruise her naked body on that motorcycle fall.
4740) A Canadian 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 19:11 Permalink

Another year has flown by, meaning it's time once again for the annual Year in Review.

In one respect, it's a simpler task than it was a decade ago when I cobbled together my first-ever year-ender. Thanks to Amy's reconstruction of the website, there is less HTML coding involved, which makes the typist's work much easier. However, that is offset somewhat by the large volume of content on the forum these days. There was a lot to re-read this year for someone with my notoriously shaky memory.

What are we to make of 2014? I would say it was a good year. Granted, we weren't exactly bombarded with a bevy of outstanding movies. But there were a decent number of films with excellent GIMP scenes, and several GIMPers discovered flicks worthy of an A and sometimes an A+ grade.

I find it interesting that my top picks of the year are very similar to last year's selections. It was the same Japanese porn company -- FA Pro -- that produced my favorite film in both 2013 and this year. And my choice for best actress this year is the same person I chose last year. Perhaps some trends are developing.

Also noteworthy in 2014 was the amount of GIMP action set in the great outdoors. I don't know for certain if it was more than other years, but it felt like it. And I liked it.

The biggest news of the year was Rick Masters' return to live-action productions after a five-year hiatus. Aided by special casting assistant MAV, Masters released Shadow Army, starring bondage model Candle Boxxx. Ms. Boxxx's bionic bosom is a little too overpowering for my tastes, and I still have nightmares about the gaping butt-hole scene. But no one can argue the movie was a hit with some viewers.

On the political/free-speech front, things seemed pretty quiet in 2014 -- at least for those of us in North America. What's really threatening producers these days are the actions of consumers, not politicians. As Dan Hawke has rightly lamented, people don't pay for their porn anymore and that's hurting the independent producers. I don't see that situation changing anytime soon.

Fortunately, the forum itself is stronger than ever. New pervs -- male and female -- are discovering the site or delurking, bringing in new perspectives and a greater wealth of knowledge about all things GIMP. And we can't say enough about all the terrific artwork being posted these days.

So here's my final checklist for 2014 -- the good, the bad, the entertaining, the puzzling -- and a few things tossed in for the heck of it.And that's it. Best wishes to everyone on the forum for a Happy New Year.
4741) Ralphus 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 19:11 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A Canadian: As always, great list. And now for the 10th year in a row, here's my list of this year's GIMP Best and Worsts and Ralphus Awards.

Drumroll please...

Best GIMP Film of the Year: Shadow Army After 5 years of inactivity (with only a computer animated release in between) Rick Masters came back fully recharged with the best new ZFX new release since back in the VHS days. This ambitious opus was jam-packed with a plethora of outstanding GIMP moments, featuring invisible man rape, heat torture, water torture, whipping and lots and lots of electric shock. Add the fact that it was shot in high definition and featured one of ZFX's best victims ever in Candle Boxxx and it signals that ZFX is not only back, they're better than ever.

Best Actress: Candle Boxxx, Shadow Army The success of the film can largely be attributed to the outstanding performance of this beautiful bondage model, who'd worked with seemingly every bondage producer on the planet...but not ZFX until this year. In fact, she had never even heard of ZFX, but she took a chance and the result was bondage movie magic. This girl really knows how to play a victim.

The Bill Zebub Award for the Worst Movie of the Year: Superior Lady Don't let the pretty blonde face fool you. Ignore the fact this was made in Japan, usually a sign of quality. And forget that Canadian unbelievably gave this one an A (well, consider the source). After a promising first few minutes, this superheroine flick degenerates into a total waste of time with scene after scene of consensual oral sex, masturbation and vanilla sex, with no bondage, no force and then even has the lead character smiling and asking the bad guy to fuck her again. An insult to the entire superheroine genre.

Best Whipping Scene: History of Pain: Spy Interrogation from ElitePain. Sweet, innocent little Nancy is punished for her sister's transgressions by being tied up and viciously thrashed in front of her, while the sister begs them to stop. As dramatic as it is stimulating, and who can resist the tears running down those soft doe eyes?

Best Electro Scene: Shadow Army In a movie filled with electro-shock scenes (Five, count 'em, 5 in all) it was hard to choose just one, but my favorite is the first one, where Candle is bound and gagged inside a van, and her kidnapper jolts her over and over with a stun gun to her tits, pussy and ass. Candle's painful screaming makes this scene the most sadistic fun you'll have all year.

Best Mainstream Scene: 24: Live Another Day As a "24' junkie who's been watching from the first season, I can say with assurance this is easily the best scene the show has ever done, and this is the program that popularized torture on the small screen. Blonde hottie Yvonne Strahovski is hung up in an actual strappado, which is rare enough, but then she's also slashed with a knife, electro-shocked and threatened with an electric drill. Take a look.

Most Eagerly Awaited Film of Next Year: Actually, according to Rick, there's going to be TWO new ZFX releases, one starring Candle, and another featuring the uber-sexy redhead Kendra James. Not really too many details on either one, but once again, you can't argue with the casting.

Fuck You Award: to This award has been given out a handful of times over the years, but no one has deserved it more than our longtime host, who unceremoniously dumped us and all their other customers with no warning on January 31. When I wrote them and asked why there was no prior notice, I was told, "We're telling you now". Real nice. They even refused to allow a redirect to the new forum, but apparently changed their mind since our old home is still there. But still, those guys get an F for customer service. No company should treat their longtime customers this way. Shameful.

Special Honorary GIMP Goddess Award: to Amy Hesketh, the multi-talented actress, writer, producer and director can now add this title to her list of achievements: The Person Who Saved The GIMP Site. When Dreambook suddenly and without warning cut off access to all their customers, this site was faced with its biggest crisis in our 15 year history. Within a few hours, Amy e-mailed me and said "Please let me help you...I've got your back with this." 2 weeks later, the new and improved GIMP Forum opened up, and we wouldn't be here today if not for her Herculean efforts. Is there anything this woman cannot do?

Best Thing About the New Forum: Easy access to upload pictures and video links. No HTML knowledge required! As a result, we're now getting over 5 times more pictures posted than at the other forum! And the site looks more appealing when you can take a quick look and see dozens of pictures of naked women in bondage, as opposed to just lines and lines of text. Definitely an improvement.

Worst Thing About the New Forum: The SPAM! Lots and lots of spam. Up until recently, it made maintaining this site a major chore. I would ban IP numbers, try different captchas, make posters solve complicated math problems, nothing worked. Those blasted robots would sneak through every time. Until I came up with a solution that has totally knocked them out for good. He said, with fingers crossed.

Best Video Find: This year produced by far the highest number of really outstanding video finds, way more than we've ever had in the past. Many of these were either found or otherwise edited by JD, not to be mistaken for JD (the second). Oh wait, I think they're the same guy. At any rate, it was an extremely difficult choice, but his recent edit of the show Covert Affairs, with the AOH electro torture of Liane Balaban, takes the top prize this time.

C.A.S05E14.HDTV c-HD by ralphus44

Best New Feature: Men's Adventure Magazine Stories Like most of us, I'm a big fan of the artwork from those old pulp covers, most of which is widely available on the net. But almost nowhere can you find the actual stories that accompanied those great illustrations, unless you're able to acquire the original magazines, some of which are over 50 years old and sell for a mint on eBay. But a small group of us have been scanning, transcribing and restoring those old stories and the inside scans into a slick new digital version that looks better than the original mags. Just our way of preserving a piece of forgotten history.

Best Poll: We had some really good polls this year, involving things like sweat on our bondage actresses, our favorite longest and shortest mainstream scenes, the format of this site (a landslide for the current format as opposed to threaded, Canadian), at what age our interest in GIMP began to manifest, would we watch a public torture session or execution...but the one that seemed to get everyone involved just finished up this month:

What's your preference as far as antagonists in BDSM films go?
A) "Good guys" (ie Inquisition films, films involving corrupt law enforcement/spy interrogation films, etc) or
B) "Bad guys" (kidnappers, serial rapists/killers etc)

Yeah, the question was confusingly written (I mean, isn't anyone who tortures women a bad guy?) but in the end, the so-called "Good Guys" trounced the "Bad Guys" by a nearly 2-1 margin. To go back and read some very interesting comments, scroll back to November 18.

Best Continuous Series: The MAM Cover of the Day from our friend Covers. He doesn't get a lot of feedback on the board, but one of the best reasons to come here everyday is to get to see these classic magazine covers on the forum. And while I thought I had seen them all, every now and then he posts some awesome new artwork that's new to me. This man has an incredible collection.

Best Evidence That This Site Matters: The GIMP's own MAV posted a review of a custom video he did with the aforementioned Candle Boxxx, which attracted the attention of ZFX's Rick Masters. Rick e-mailed MAV, who e-mailed Candle, and that led to getting actress and producer together for ZFX's comeback film Shadow Army. It even got MAV a special credit as "Special Casting Assistant".

Actress Most in Need of Meeting Up with ZFX: Luna Vera If it worked once, it's gotta work again, right? This young starlet projects a sexy innocence that made her a very appealing victim in several Deathtrap Films releases, especially when getting sawed in two in Buzzsaw Butchers 2. Plus that, she does full nudity, has no tattoos, naturally large breasts, she's cute as hell and she's a great screamer. And according to her Model Mayhem page, she lives in Tampa. Rick, you're in Orlando! That's only 90 minutes away! Sign this girl up!

Best Punishment for Getting a Tattoo: What do you do when your lead actress gets a nasty tattoo on her body? If you're ElitePain, you tie her up, whip the shit out of her and make her apologize on camera. I think that would be an appropriate punishment for EVERY woman that decides to get one. From now on, you better think twice, ladies.

And to all my fellow GIMPers: have a great year filled with tied-up babes in 2015.
4742) A Canadian 
IP logged
Monday, 29 December 2014 19:36 Permalink

(4742) Ralphus: Nice job on the annual Ralphus Awards.

Although I disagree with your choice for the best movie of the year, I'm more puzzled by the selection of Superior Lady as the worst movie of "the year."

Put aside the film's merits. Did the first few words in my review get missed by the judges (with emphasis added in bold)?: "Superior Lady is a first-rate 2011 production...".

2011. Not 2014.

Such sloppiness can mar an entire awards ceremony. Kinda like that time Rob Lowe was dancing with Snow White at the Academy Awards.

Well, at least Michael Max now knows when that particular review was written (January 2014) and when the movie was actually released.
4743) Ralphus 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 20:04 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(4743) A Canadian: Yeah, the release year was off, but I think a better question is how in the world you could have given that piece of shite a grade of A? And compared it favorably to some of ZFX's best works and the lead actress to your own beloved Lisa Kinkaid? Dude, that's blasphemy. If there were an angry mob, I'm sure they would be coming after you armed with torches and pitchforks to burn you at the stake.

But lucky for you, you're not a woman so no one cares.
4744) JD (the second) 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 20:30 Permalink

Ralphus said: Another nice clip there. I don't know where you find all this rare stuff, it's much appreciated.

Thanks, I kinda collect 'em for many years now, mostly from VHS's or places like SWV or WIP. If I would have saved the money instead I'd probably end up paying my mortgage 2 years earlier. smile

Can't comment on the awards since they reflect mostly the preferences of the author(s) and in our gated community they vary astronomically.

As for the Covert Affairs nod, thanks but the whole merit belongs to the spotter, I only grab it from wherever place people grabs their TV episodes and chop it to fit the taste of the esteemed audience.

petelobo: thanks for your review. I purchased the film, now it's downloading a 3.1 GB file at 110KB/S, 5 hours left. Boy, and they say the Internet is fast in that part of the world!

A Canadian said: ... the harrowing tale of a young traveller interrogated for hours by Canada Customs officers Fritz and A.C. after they spot a typo on her declaration card. That's based on a true story, happened to many friends of mine.
4745) Covers 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 21:18 Permalink

(4745) Ralphus Wrote: Best Continuous Series: The MAM Cover of the Day from our friend Covers. He doesn't get a lot of feedback on the board, but one of the best reasons to come here everyday is to get to see these classic magazine covers on the forum. And while I thought I had seen them all, every now and then he posts some awesome new artwork that's new to me. This man has an incredible collection.

Awww shucks, Ralphus. You make me want to give you a big ol' hug. Thanks for the appreciation, little man! wink

Here's a bonus MAM cover for you all. From Man's Book Jan 1971.
4746) JD (the second) 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 21:47 Permalink

Covers, ma man ... I have little to say on a daily basis cuz most of the covers you run were published way before I was born ... I grew up in a completely different landscape ... but that doesn't mean I don't have a nostalgia feeling when I'm watching them ... like ... wow, that's what my oldtimers used to enjoy ... wow.

Please consider this a message of appreciation for your relentless efforts over time (it was some of your covers I found online that directed me to this nest of deviants, oddballs and misfits). Kudos.
4747) A Canadian 
IP logged
Monday, 29 December 2014 22:09 Permalink

JD (the second) wrote:

That's based on a true story, happened to many friends of mine.

It happened to me once (although not for hours) when I was coming back from pre-Guiliani New York. The Customs officers thought I was one of those guys who's into twisted porn (those Customs officers are such lousy judges of character).

Fortunately, as Ralphus has noted, I'm not a woman, so I got through it relatively unscathed.
4748) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 29 December 2014 22:42 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

You know what you need to add to the year-end awards? A "Best Contributor" award, and since I can't vote for myself, I'd vote to split the award between Covers for the awesome mags that are a hoot to read (yes, I read the headlines) and JD The Second for finding those obscure video clips and posting them up on Vimeo for us to share. I do my part to contribute to discussions, but Covers and JDII got me beat.
4749) JD (the second) 
IP logged
Tuesday, 30 December 2014 00:17 Permalink

Fuck, what the fuck? The WMV you d/l for 13 bucks from R18 only plays in their DMM reader?! What kind of faggotey is that?

That kind of BS shoulds come with a warning label ... Jezaz ... I can't believe I wated 13 bucks for some shit that won't play outside their stupid player ....
4750) Bill K. 
IP logged
Tuesday, 30 December 2014 00:19 Permalink

(4750) Here a GIF for fiery women lovers I found today. If only bats movie scenes used this good of a fire effects. Bill K.
4751) JD (the second) 
IP logged
Tuesday, 30 December 2014 00:26 Permalink

Not only that, but the fast forward seems to block their shitty player as well ... stay away from anything offers .... they sucks big time ... no offense AC ...

PS Buyers remorse here BIG TIME.
4752) petelobo 
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