A chained naked woman, lead to her fate under a blazing sun. Interested? Of course you are- but how often do you see it in a video?
There is a new film out called Abduction on Devils Peak and it's surprisingly good. It's put out by B&D Productions, who usually hit off the mark with me. This time though, that's not the case.
An attractive brunette gets separated her boyfriend on a hike. She is watched and then stalked by a backwoods dwelling survivalist type intent on rounding up a sex slave. There is a take down scene and then a test of wills as she is tied then marched further into the wilderness. Eventually she is strung from the arms on a pine tree, her clothes cut from her and then finally, whipped. In the films last outdoor scene she is lead naked and hooded, now subdued towards his backwoods house. This scene is, well, almost sublime, and if it had only lasted a minute or so longer true poetry would have been achieved.
The rest of the movie is anticlimax, though it starts off well enough as she is further broken by the application of various large rubber cocks. Unfortunately it degenerates into a totally useless forced fetish fashion show. I should mention however there is a nice (but short) scene of her cleaning the floor, naked on hands and knees. When the movie is working, it really does work well. The final scene? A fight as the boyfriend and the backwoodsman square off. The last shot of her naked boyfriend bound? Way too much information for me...
All in all though, not bad for fans of the great outdoors...