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758) TRG 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 00:18 Permalink

Ralphus: Dreambook cut off access to our old URL tonight, . . .

Do you have those fifteen years archived?
759) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 00:33 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

TRG asked:

Do you have those fifteen years archived?

We do. Check the Guestbook Archives button. You can also search for anything using the Search the GIMP feature.
760) Fritz 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:22 Permalink

Geez-Louise… There's so much action at this place lately, I can't keep up. Good thing the new board is able to hold a bigger barrel of bygone posts or slow-pokes like me would miss out on goodies from just a few days ago. Yeah, I know… there are archives, but who wants to go through archives? That's like reading year-old newspapers.

And with so much going on, the majority still prefers the non-threaded layout? Good grief – I thought only the GIMPs were allowed to be masochists around here.

I guess some of the traffic is because of this fifteenth anniversary thing. Which reminds me, happy birthday, site! And many thanks to Ralphus and his crew of loyal, much taller friends (yes, they do exist!) for keeping this place humming, even after it flat-lined. Of course our moderator had to offer his first-born to Amy for casting the spell which brought the dead back to life, but hey… that's what he's here for.

*  *  *  *  *

Pic of the Day:

No wonder those tigers are pissed. She's wearing one of their relatives as a swimsuit

If that's the case, why are the tigers attacking the oddly diverse cast of villains instead of their more tasty target? Methinks the allegiances here are not as they should be. Either that, or the blonde's suit is synthetic.

*  *  *  *  *

Covers: Thanks for today's cover, but that seems to be some kind of preliminary rendering. Surely it didn't show up like that on the front of A-OK for Men in 1963, did it? I mean, there's… there's a… (I can barely bring myself to say it) a NIPPLE in plain view on one of the victims… like right out there… completely visible… where everyone can see it. If that was on the cover of a MAM over fifty years ago, why didn't the world end? This doesn't look like a Photoshop mod, and if it truly made it to the cover, it would be the only one of hundreds I've seen that featured… well, you know, Janet Jackson. There was some occasional toplessness accompanying the stories inside, but this? Wow.

BTW… Any idea what “Get legs out!” means? Can't be good when you're being attacked by three Maoists with knives and swords.

*  *  *  *  *

Duillo of the day: Lovely. But if that is indeed Fortunato standing next to a cask of… something, as a lifelong Edgar Allan Poe fan, I want to see more. Any chance we can get this one into the new MAM stories section?

*  *  *  *  *

Poll: Like several others, I don't remember the first time I visited here or why. I do recall linking to the site about once or twice a year, even in the early days, but to be honest, it didn't grab me till much later. I think I thought of it as a place more for rape fetishists than torture fans. But at some point I must have begun lurking here regularly, and I believe that was only a few months before I started posting (April, 2010).
761) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:27 Permalink

Today's picture; Ralphus I think the tigers are coming to Tiger Girl's rescue myself. Bill K.
762) Matt 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:42 Permalink

JD: great fake with Bib Fortuna (Jabba's right-hand man) and Eve-9D9 (the robot torturer) interrogating Leia. More, if you have any, please. Interesting thought: Jabba tells her to be his slave, or he turns her over to the Empire....she is the third-most wanted in the Empire, after Mon Mothma (the head of the Rebel Alliance), and her brother Luke.
763) Becky 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:59 Permalink

Happy 15th birthday Gimp! In answer to the poll question, I first found this forum because an (online) friend of mine told me about it. I don't think he has ever posted much here, but I know he's a great fan of you guys.

I know it's been awhile since I posted last, but things have been really busy for me which have included a move from New Zealand to Australia.

And a very late thanks for the new forum to Amy : )

764) Joanna 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 02:23 Permalink

(764) Inspired by the recent men's magazine covers (particularly the anniversary one) I made this tribute.
765) Joanna 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 02:27 Permalink

(765) And this is the un-monkeyed about with one of me getting treated to some Nazi hospitality, but without the post-work to make it look like a magazine or comic cover.
766) JD 
IP logged
Tuesday, 1 April 2014 06:20 Permalink

(766) They sell Inquisitor on Steam, at 9.99

or you can get it from torrents from places like [] if you're the adventurous type. :)
767) Covers 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 06:41 Permalink

(767) Fritz wrote: Covers: Thanks for today's cover, but that seems to be some kind of preliminary rendering. Surely it didn't show up like that on the front of A-OK for Men in 1963, did it? I mean, there's… there's a… (I can barely bring myself to say it) a NIPPLE in plain view on one of the victims… like right out there… completely visible… where everyone can see it. If that was on the cover of a MAM over fifty years ago, why didn't the world end? This doesn't look like a Photoshop mod, and if it truly made it to the cover, it would be the only one of hundreds I've seen that featured… well, you know, Janet Jackson. There was some occasional toplessness accompanying the stories inside, but this? Wow.

BTW… Any idea what “Get legs out!” means? Can't be good when you're being attacked by three Maoists with knives and swords

Well, Fritz old boy, you've fallen for my little April Fools joke. As you can see, the publisher just cropped off the bottom of the painting for publication. No fuss, no PhotoShop.

If you look closely at the back leg of the girl tied to the post, you can see that it is very strangely angled. The note was presumably a comment on that artistic FUBAR.

Todays cover is from A-OK For Men Apr 1963 V1 #1
768) Covers 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 06:46 Permalink

(768) Ralphus, thanks for today's cover. That is one of my all time favorite comic book covers, and one of the very few that would have been at home on a MAM.

Duillo of the day:_jm047r_duillo.jpg
769) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 08:40 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Becky: Appreciate the contribution, but we don't accept links to US commercial videos here. I had no idea carried material like that. I've not explored the site that closely, but I really thought they were about...cut scenes from old movies. I'm not a fan of Sex and Submission, but they don't deserve to have their material stolen and posted on a site like that, and we're not going to help the cause by linking to them.

Hope you understand.
770) JD 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 15:55 Permalink

Cutscenes is a site made by the same (Russian?) guy who's running WIP (women in prison) site, at []

WIP is a golden mine for exploitation films, he offers for free download pretty much all everything that's sleazy in cinema. Since I saw plenty of titles available that would bring lawsuits in my part of the world, I assume he's running his business from Russia, China or other internet lawless place.

Cutscenes was initially geared toward exploitation scenes from movies but now it's a bazaar where everything can be posted, no matter how gory or sexual in content. More offending, the better, actually. :)

It's a but sluggish at times but since they host all the oddities imaginable, I'm not complaining.
771) JD 
IP logged
Tuesday, 1 April 2014 16:51 Permalink

(771) Killing attempts on Jabba's life mean red hot irons on Tattoine. Bib Fortuna, his most trusted henchman will get the spoils after the punishment is concluded.
772) JD 
IP logged
Tuesday, 1 April 2014 19:39 Permalink

(772) Last entry of the day. A movie I've seen recently, Satanico Pandemonium (1975), a Mexican nunsploitation. I edited the GIMP sequence of the movie and uploaded it to []


PS I have no affiliation with cutscene, it's just an open-minded platform I can upload my stuff.
773) petelobo 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 20:52 Permalink

REVIEW: Letter to my Brother (ElitePain)

This latest release from ElitePain is an example of a film that does nearly everything right—at least from my point of view. Two female protagonists, both attractive, not a tat in sight, a “story line” (well, sort of), the girls naked early in the show—a disappointment perhaps to those who think tattered dresses are sexier than female skin—in tight bondage and with three nice torture segments that should cover most of what fans of whipping and electro torture look for.

First, the story: Won't take long to dispose of that. Perhaps Max Lomp has been hearing from Pedro about those on the list who prefer a story line, so we learn (if you happen to read the description of the film on the site) that this takes place in an imaginary society where women are ultra deprived elements of the system. That’s not mentioned in the story, but we do get to see a few segments of Max sitting with a laptop and tapping out a (voice-overed) letter to his brother about his being a judge (one of his favorite fantasies, along with being a psychiatrist) and getting the chance to torture these two young women who are accused of something unclear and from whom he wants information, also unclear.

It takes about 1 minute to get the younger girl—the innocent younger sister from History of Pain!—nude and strapped to a chair where she has electric wires attached to her breast and pussy. Her friend is watching and emoting as part of the torture, but except for a few brief cutaways we are focused on the visual and auditory responses of the sweetheart in the chair. She’s gagged with duct tape and has a strap around her forehead and each forearm, belts holding her thighs.

There are really no sound effects here to help with the illusion of electricity, and one of the weaknesses of the film first becomes apparent here: Lomp or whoever directs is generally very good at pacing. Not in this case. It appears that the electricity is turned on and just left running by the deadpan mistress for 4-5 minutes. The reaction of the girl crying soon becomes tiring. There’s no turning it on to get the arching of the body, then turning it off to let her collapse, no increasing the power, no building of the vocal response or the physical response. It’s hard to imagine that one might consider fast-forwarding through a beautiful, innocent nude woman tied to a chair and being tortured by electricity but…well, the thought entered my mind the first time I watched the film.

Finally Judge Max appears and rips off strip of tape, which obviously was just stuck onto her upper lip like a fake mustache, and asks if she’s ready to talk, and she says, “I will admit everything.”

No, don't worry. See this is an imaginary society where…well, you know that’s not going to be the end. After another minute of Max looking sleepy and complaining to his brother about not being able to use “hippo-leather” whips any more, we are into scene 2.

Now we have the two girls, still without a tattered piece of clothing in sight, spread eagled side-by-side between posts being whipped on their backs. Both girls have beautiful bodies and both respond well (and differently) to the strokes they receive. Oddly enough, though the sound of their vocal responses is clear and excellent, we never really hear the whip, which ordinarily is a strong point with ElitePain. The background is completely dark and Lomp is essentially invisible back there meting out his punishment.

Great directorial choice (from my point of view again, almost the whole scene is shot from the front. That’s the side where all the stuff that differentiates the women from boys is located (from Story of O).

I know some prefer to see the striped backs and buttocks. Get History of Pain if that's your cup of tea. If you like to see the physical reactions, the jumps and hanging from wrists, and writhing, this scene will be what you like. There are some intercuts of backs and stripes for authenticity sake, but not much.

The “older” short-haired girl is a squealer and does a great job of arching and writhing and trying to get away from the next stroke. I couldn't help wishing she had been in the chair with the electrodes to see how she responded. When Max re-appears, he tells his brother that she “passed out”. Note to directors: That doesn't take major acting talent, and it is a very sexy image—at least to me. Why not show her hanging in her bonds?, Nice slow pan up or down the full length of her body.

Again here Max’s sense of pacing and building a scene deserts him. OK, I know that watching two nude spread women being whipped—even invisibly and barely audibly—isn't likely to lead to boredom, but again I found the scene went on too long, because it was (like most porn flicks) just the same thing over and over. Great for capping, but a bit tiresome to watch. There’s really not much begging or pleading. The long-haired girl’s response to being struck tends to be to hang down, which is a very attractive choice (though sometimes hard for the camera to keep her in the frame, and her vocal responses are more of the continued crying as while she was in the chair.

Don't get me wrong. Both girls are excellent and clearly responding to pain and did I mention they are beautiful and built and nude and without tats? I think perhaps for those who have found previous ElitePain efforts too brutal, this one will be more appealing for the lack of marking, etc.

So now Max decides to focus just on the “younger” long-haired girl and finally moves around to the front. Nice scene here with two whippers (one of my favorite situations—and one EP does very well in other works. Max and the mistress work her from either side, the woman striking on the back and Max on the front.

The scene opens in high gear with 24 strokes in 35 seconds and a very strong performance by the actress. She cries and pleads and the blows of the leather on her flesh is clearly audible and quite obviously real.

There are shots of front and back during this scene.

Personal note here: One of the sexiest sounds a woman can make during a whipping is groaning. The actress in The Journalist and several others in the EP oeuvre reach the point where they've moved past crying and are just plain suffering. It obviously requires a commitment to taking a lot of pain over a fair period of time to reach that point. Another very nice element of this scene is that the girl is on her toes almost throughout the whole process, which of course makes her legs look great.

The film ends with a voice-over from Max to remind us that this is all about a letter to his brother—in case we forgot—or cared.

For fans of whipping especially—and somewhat for electro torture—this one gets an A from me. Incredible women, minimal fooling around and nasty tortures with good production values and a pretty reasonable price are hard to beat. It appears that the folks from Mood/ElitePain are continuing to set the standard in this area in a very impressive way.

774) Pedro 
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Tuesday, 1 April 2014 21:45 Permalink

Petelobo: Nice and interesting review! Though I think I must correct one thing:

It takes about 1 minute to get the younger girl—the innocent younger sister from History of Pain!—nude and strapped to a chair where she has electric wires attached to her breast and pussy.

It's not the younger sister from HOP1 (Nancy). She's a new talent, she's called Natalie. There's a chance that both girls will appear in History of Pain: Inquisition. So you will have a chance to compare the two girls on one scene.

I don't have anything to do with this movie but thank you for the review in the name of Max Lomp, who is the writer and director of this one.
775) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 00:10 Permalink

(775) Question about electric shock torture movie scenes is why don't the producers incorporate the real electric shock with the fake electric shock torture scenes like this Kink Wired Pussy movie picture above. They scream, slobber, and cry in real pain. Instead they fake it. I don't get it. Bill K.
776) Fritz 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 00:29 Permalink

Covers wrote:

Well, Fritz old boy, you've fallen for my little April Fools joke. As you can see, the publisher just cropped off the bottom of the painting for publication. No fuss, no PhotoShop.

April Fools? Nice try, Covers… but that post went up on March 31. Besides, I didn't fall for anything. It actually did occur to me that the artwork might have been cropped, since the offending nipple was so close to the bottom margin. Now that you've confirmed this, isn't it interesting that the artist went to the bother of adding this enticing detail knowing full well that it would be unceremoniously bowdlerized? Of course it could never have been released as depicted here, which does make its appearance now all the more impressive. I would love to know what (if any) such cover(t) plums may have been included in preliminary versions of MAM covers over the years.

As for the leg, it seems the artist (or someone) missed the memo.

*  *  *  *  *

JD: That WIP site might be a “golden mine” in your eyes, but it's still nothing more than a pirate operation. It's one thing to share a video with a buddy or two, but making a motherlode of copyrighted material available in its entirety for free download is not only illegal, but detrimental to the producers and legitimate distributors who are trying to survive by selling it.

Frankly, I don't give a rat's ass if this sort of thing is or isn't against the law in Outer Glorbnitz, it causes a sizable dint in the revenues of the folks who are creating the material we enjoy. Sure, a lot of the films were released by big studios, but there are quite a few from small, independent outfits as well. More than one such business has folded because its owners couldn't control their content from flooding Torrent and sites like this one.

And yes, the guy who runs WIPFilms does care about getting caught. I know of at least one producer who went after him, and when confronted, the site owner removed the offending titles from his catalog.

[ Hops off soapbox ]
777) Joanna 
IP logged
Wednesday, 2 April 2014 00:38 Permalink

Re: fake electric torture scenes: electricity is something that makes some people more scared of it than they need to be, so not every woman will agree to let herself be wired up for real shocks.
778) petelobo 
IP logged
Wednesday, 2 April 2014 06:12 Permalink


Thanks for the information. Can't wait to see them together! I hope it works out.
779) JD 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 06:16 Permalink

Fritz: I'm not going into get into a debate about the virtues of copyright enforcement here. I only mentioned a resource for titles long out of print or banned in some countries (UK is the first that comes to my mind).

Like everything is life, I take copyright issues with moderation. If one goes to extreme, even the covers of long-defunct magazines are protected by copyright for 75 years and the fair use doctrine is rather fickle here (the presumption of a greater good for society).

Therefore, in my book, if I crave for material commercially available, I'll buy it. Got a full room of VHS/DVDs to prove it. But if the said material is out of print or unavailable in my country, I have no qualms getting it from places like WIP. No harm done.
780) Covers 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 06:31 Permalink

(780) Fritz wrote: April Fools? Nice try, Covers… but that post went up on March 31. Besides, I didn't fall for anything. It actually did occur to me that the artwork might have been cropped, since the offending nipple was so close to the bottom margin. Now that you've confirmed this, isn't it interesting that the artist went to the bother of adding this enticing detail knowing full well that it would be unceremoniously bowdlerized? Of course it could never have been released as depicted here, which does make its appearance now all the more impressive. I would love to know what (if any) such cover(t) plums may have been included in preliminary versions of MAM covers over the years.

March 31 was just the setup for my April Fools joke, but if you want to live in denial, be my guest. wink

A web site comparing original art to published covers sounds like a great idea.

Today's cover is from Argosy Apr 23 19xx
781) Covers 
IP logged
Wednesday, 2 April 2014 06:35 Permalink

(781) Duillo of the day: _jm048r_duillo.jpg
782) Graham 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 07:45 Permalink

(782) I'd like to chime in on the "skimpy clothes" vs. nude discussion. Personally I like: a) capture, b) restraint, c) stripped, c+) use/abuse as stripping occurs, d) full frontal nudity, d+) with all sorts of fun to be had!
So, I agree with the skimpy crowd it definitely has its place - see photo from a portion of a HOM photo-shoot/video. The "action" didn't end here, so we move on to more skin on display.

PS for those riggers/photographers reading this. When you have a beautiful woman whose willing/eager to be tied up don't photograph her naked/topless face down on a bed to show us you skills at tying a hogtie; photograph her on her side so that we can still admire your rope work and her naked/nude restrained body, thanks.
783) Amy Hesketh 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 09:10 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Just testing this function for bugs. :) Some were getting a 500 error.

You need Flash to view this object

784) Mr. 0 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 11:43 Permalink

(784) @Ralphus:

Yeah, that girl really suffered! That's why I like the video! Her scream is indeed top notch! cool

And, wow, you feel sorry for her? Hm, that's interesting. I don't think I've ever felt sorry for anybody in a GIMP video because I know they're getting paid for it and it was done with their consent. Now I'm interested to know if some other posters here ever felt sorry for a GIMP victim (different story otherwise).

About her wounds...sadly, I don't think the portion where her skin was removed would completely heal. By that, I mean she's gonna have some permanent mark for sure. I got into a motorcycle accident around 6 years ago and a portion of the skin in my left arm suffered from an injury similar to hers, where it was eventually removed by the doctors. To this day the mark is visible, that's why I could say for sure she's gonna have some lasting mark on her breast. Small, yes, but it's still in an important part of her womanhood so...ouch, I guess. lol

@A Canadian:

Ow, and just when I thought you'd like it! razz (stick out tongue)

I knew you're not into willing victims, but man you gotta admit some willing victims out there endure serious shit like the girl in the video did! lol

@Bill K:

Hey, who doesn't like sushi?! lol

And this Blakemore dude I've been hearing, I'm trying to remember if I had addressed him before. cool

So, he's into this extreme stuff, huh? Would love to hear his opinion.

About that tattered clothes vs nude debate, definitely NUDE!
785) JD 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 15:53 Permalink

(785) Buffy and Anya in vampires' dungeon.
786) brainmaster 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 16:31 Permalink

Today's picture, why are her legs not tied down? Way too much slack for a good pendulum scene.
787) brainmaster 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 16:47 Permalink

Elite Pain? Hi Pedro. Ok, so this is just my own taste as I know we all have our own thing going. I was reading Petelobo's review on the latest movie and he stated it has everything he would want which is fine.

However, as a potential customer of the productions, here is the reason I won't pay to see them. The first picture of the victim tied between the 2 poles. I don't know what he means by tied tight, but she should be pulled taught, spread, arched, on her toes.

The second picture of the victim in the chair. Chair positions only work for me of her arms are behind her, perhaps elbows tied back, perhaps bar between her back and arms to keep her tits poking out. Arms should never be so slack as to make and L. Positions bend women over forwards or scrunch them so you can't see their female form don't make sense to me either.

Other than that, love the hard whippings and crying.
788) A Canadian 
IP logged
Wednesday, 2 April 2014 18:38 Permalink

petelobo: Nice work on the review of Letter to my Brother.

For reasons that have been discussed before, the Elite Pain works aren't really my kind of thing. But those who are into it will surely appreciate the emphasis put into the whippings.

Thanks for putting the review together.
789) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 19:13 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD: Thanks for the clip of Satanico Pandemonium. I recall Hank Hobbs capped that years ago so I bought the DVD just based on his caps. While the visuals are very stimulating, what a rip that we're literally talking a mere 36 seconds of footage in a 90 minute movie!

BTW, I believe that's supposed to be molten lead they're pouring down the unfortunate woman's throat. They threatened the young nun with the same treatment earlier in the film.

But anyway, I just don't understand the logic of showing torture in a movie and giving us just a tiny taste of what we want to see. I mean, why else would people watch a movie like that? This is just one of the reasons why Maleficarum was so good by comparison, because they never held back on dishing out the tortures; in fact, they practically reveled in it. But unfortunately, that film is more the exception as opposed to the rule.


Petelobo: Great job on your review of Letter to my Brother. I'm quite intrigued by what I've seen based on your review and the trailer at their site. A bit disappointing that you felt the electricity scene was sub-par, since that's the scene I would be most interested in. But all the girls in the film are attractive and tat-free, and that's a big bonus in my book. After seeing History of Pain 1, I'm starting to look at ElitePain in a new light.

I edited out the line about the electro girl being in HOP1 and uploaded your latest review into the Reviews section. Here's your direct link:


Mr 0 wrote:

And, wow, you feel sorry for her? Hm, that's interesting. I don't think I've ever felt sorry for anybody in a GIMP video because I know they're getting paid for it and it was done with their consent.

I'm not completely insensitive to the plight that women have to go through for our perverted entertainment. Yes, they're still getting paid, but when it comes to the Japanese film you reviewed or something real like an ElitePain film, it stops being as much fun and you begin to worry that the woman might incur potentially disfiguring injuries as a result of the treatment she's getting onscreen. That's why mutilation scenes usually bother me. You don't ever want to see her lose her femininity or her good looks. You want her to recover she can still be pretty when she's tortured again. And again.
790) JD 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 20:43 Permalink

Ralphus: But anyway, I just don't understand the logic of showing torture in a movie and giving us just a tiny taste of what we want to see. I mean, why else would people watch a movie like that? This is just one of the reasons why Maleficarum was so good by comparison, because they never held back on dishing out the tortures; in fact, they practically reveled in it. But unfortunately, that film is more the exception as opposed to the rule.

Because Satanico catered to a completely different audience. That movie has a relatively wide audience target, a soft shlocksploitation for men with a fetish in nuns and gratuitous nudity. I'm sure that short torture sequence was intended to shock the 1976 audience but not too much to move the needle into a sadist movie genre and probably not for sexual titillation. The audience Tarantino would belong, for example.

Maleficarum was targeted to a much narrower audience, namely us, that's why it worked. We might not be that many as we like to believe but we like our stuff and we're ready to pay for it. Tarantino wouldn't.

While I bought maybe half of the exploitation movies I've seen, I bought everything I've seen from VermeerWorks. But numerically, we are a narrow audience, let's face it. We are the people with special needs. :)

My 2 centavos
791) Covers 
IP logged
Wednesday, 2 April 2014 21:33 Permalink

(791) JD, thanks for the Buffy and Anya scene. BTVS is one of my all-time favorite shows. And Anya is one of my favorite characters. She always made me laugh!
792) JD 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 22:29 Permalink

(792) Statistics say the Americans read too little. The publishers chose more attractive covers.

Covers: Thanks, Anya was my fav as well.
793) Mr. 0 
IP logged
Wednesday, 2 April 2014 22:46 Permalink


Hm, so you were worried about the girls' health most of all. I guess I can understand that viewpoint.

Although, still, I don't think I've ever met any GIMP victim that made me worry about her well being, but who knows in the future, eh?

Now that you mention Elite Pain...I have an idea for a new review. cool
794) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 2 April 2014 23:46 Permalink

(794) This MAM is from Amy's neck of the woods or Jungle. I hope she and all the Red Feline gang are doing OK with all those earthquakes down there. Bill K.
795) Matt 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 00:24 Permalink

Poll Q: Found out about the site when I typed in a search request in Yahoo for ZFX video. This was one of the results.
796) Lynn 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 05:59 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A link to the best "spy interrogation" scene I have ever seen.


Granted, this had to be simulated (the way the actress was wired up would have killed her for real, very quickly) and exaggerated for cinematic effect - but: "nice" effect.
797) Reine Margot 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 08:18 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(797) To those who are concerned about our safety I'd like to say that we're fine. The earthquake happened far away beyond the Andean Mountain Range, in the north of Chile. Some people in our city of La Paz felt a tremor or two, those people live in tall buildings, but none of us felt anything out of the ordinary, not even the cats, that normally freak out in these kind of events.

We're safe, preparing to work in the productions. Thank you for asking Bill K.
798) Erodite 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 11:56 Permalink

Dear Ralphus and gang,

I am so glad you are able to be up and running, smoothly hopefully. Miss Hesketh is indeed a remarkable source of ingenuity.

In my only forum posting I asked if any of the Blakemore extreme clips are available, I have found a few being offered at Bizzarro Video. Each one lumped together with another 'ancient' clip but at fairly reasonable prices. They can be found well towards the back of their catalog under various titles. I haven't yet downloaded so cannot verify quality.

I have a friend who used to write for those old Men's magazines just as they were dying out on the newsstands. He won't admit to which ones he wrote as they paid his way thru business college, but I'm sure he's glad someone out there appreciates that genre. Maybe some of the other writers or their family members might respond.

Take care,
799) petelobo 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 12:40 Permalink

(799) Brainmaster wrote:
I don't know what he means by tied tight, but she should be pulled taught, spread, arched, on her toes.

What I meant was that the bondage of wrists and ankles wasn't loose cuffs or scarves, etc. They were clearly holding the women in place. I guess I wasn't aware of the rigidity of requirements. Sure, I like it well enough as you described, but I'm also a big fan of dancing. If these two models had been placed the only way you would pay to see them, then we'd have missed one of the best elements of the video--the different ways they responded physically to pain. I love AOH and tight standing spread-eagle, but not to buy a video because the models can MOVE??. You're missing out, man.

Chair positions only work for me of her arms are behind her, perhaps elbows tied back, perhaps bar between her back and arms to keep her tits poking out.

If I ran the world, chair ties would have crossed wrists pulled down behind the neck and tied to the top cross-bar of the chair. That's really a gorgeous presentation position. But I have seen and, yes, paid for plenty of less than "perfect" (i.e. exactly catering to my tastes) material. I think this was covered in a previous poll: for me it's the victim that matters most. How she looks, how she struggles, how she suffers. That's the beauty for me. A bad torturer can limit my enjoyment. Bad production values, bad bondage, poor pacing--all those things are frustrating, but you can cut out most of them. Guess we're just on different levels in terms of what MUST be in order for us to dig it.
800) brainmaster 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 13:14 Permalink

Petelobo: I understand what you are saying about wiggle room and dancing. So, just in my own personal gimp games with my wife, with just a little wiggle room, she could writhe and squirm like crazy. In fact she just couldn't help herself. I'm sure not all women have this talent though. I think it has to do with spine flexibility and joint rotation.

There was one whipping scene in an elite pain video which is near perfect. It was a skinny dark haired girl, arms pulled over head, legs pulled apart. She thrashed and squirmed perfectly. Do you know which scene I'm referring to?
801) JD 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 15:51 Permalink

(801) Lyle Gorch and Buffy.
802) Howie 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 18:56 Permalink

Holy Fucking Shit, Lynn. You weren't kidding. God, I fucking love the Japanese!

This really is just about the best electroshock scene I've ever watched.

I'll admit that when I clicked on the link and wasn't really super interested, and wasn't even all that attracted to the model. She's fine, just not drop dead gorgeous like I normally like to watch, but FUCK, when that first jolt hits! Man, I wish every electro shock scene was filmed like this one now! Just insert the model of your choice into the scene.

I've embeded the scene below for those that didn't click on the Lynn's link. Trust me, it's worth your time. eek! cool


803) helland 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 19:16 Permalink

I found my way here following the link for WSIM database.
804) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 20:06 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Regarding that Japanese electro scene, the movie it came from is historically significant on this particular forum. As many of you know, every December, both Canadian and I list our respective choices for the best and worst of each particular year. In 2012, we both picked Lady Attackers 2 as our best movie of the year, the only time we've both picked the same movie in the 9 years we've been doing this. For both of us to agree, it has to be a pretty special movie.

Here's Canadian's original review. Lady Attackers From Hell 2 The whole movie is packed with great scenes.

I've seen Lady Attackers 3 and 4; both were decent (and both had their respective electro scenes) but each one paled in comparison to this one.
805) Bill K. 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 20:12 Permalink

That Japanese electro torture execution was well acted and one of better ones I've seen.

But again I've got to question the silly props with the lead head gear thing was stupid.

Really why can't you do a simple easily faked 120 vac hook up with a wall switch prop and do same thing with the same reaction but in a more believable way? Remember the: [], scene with Mel Gibson. I'd like to see a gimp in that scene. Bill K.
806) Blakemore 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 20:36 Permalink

Mr. 0: I've missed something so I don't know exactly what it is you would like my opinion about. Please ask...anything.

Like many mortal humans, over the years I grew to want more and more pain...more and more desperate struggling and real fear from the girls I had helpless. For me the ultimate was (is) to push her past what she thought her limits are...into a vague area where the line between "consent" and actual "force" becomes so blurred in HER mind that her fear of the next torture is very real.

Note: If her pussy is still soppy-wet or even dripping...well hell...DO IT and watch her mindless struggling AND of course her screams.
807) Covers 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 21:20 Permalink

(807) Duillo of the day is _jm060r_duillo.jpg
808) Covers 
IP logged
Thursday, 3 April 2014 21:21 Permalink

(808) MAM image of the day is Argosy Apr 1962 inside Lou Feck illustration.jpg
809) JD 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 22:16 Permalink

(809) A rendering I made today, inspired by a reading from Kristen Smart, "Amazon Capture" on the story section.
810) Mr. 0 
IP logged
Thursday, 3 April 2014 23:08 Permalink


Ah, yes! Very well said! I also watched lots of GIMP movies, aside from enjoying it in general, to find those little moments where you can tell the girls were actually afraid for real. The more afraid they are, the better. wink

There is beauty in vulnerability, revealed only when the victim is broken and destroyed, clinging to the very last hope of safety and comfort...inside their mind. cool

Anyway, what I wanted to hear from you is about my latest review, Japanese Tits Nailing. I think you can still read it if you scroll below. Ralphus said it's probably more of your expertise so I'd love to hear your response. Thanks.
811) A Canadian 
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Thursday, 3 April 2014 23:15 Permalink

Ralphus wrote:

In 2012, we both picked Lady Attackers 2 as our best movie of the year, the only time we've both picked the same movie in the 9 years we've been doing this. For both of us to agree, it has to be a pretty special movie.

That's very true. Lady Attackers from Hell 2 [] should be required viewing. As Ralphus said, the electro-shock scene is just one of the highlights. The entire movie is a winner.
812) MAV 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 02:57 Permalink

@Bill K-I also always thought that Lethal Weapon torture scene would be MUCH better if it was a chick. Peta Wilson did a pretty good AOH job in La Femme Nikita back in the 90s, and just now I learned that heroine peril site HeroineLegends just shot such an AOH torture scene. There won't be nudity but can't wait, since they do a pretty good job on torture scenes.

813) Covers 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 06:26 Permalink

(813) Another MAM interior, Argosy Aug 1961 Jack Hearne art.jpg
814) Covers 
IP logged
Friday, 4 April 2014 06:33 Permalink

(814) MAV: Thanks for posting that Canary still. Fantastic body on that GIMP, at least in that position and lighting. wink

Duillo of the day: _jm061r_duillo.jpg
815) boccaccio 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 13:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thanks to TJ for a stunning Image of the Day.

Just a day or two ago a fan/friend was asking if I had used any particular image as a basis for the lovely Erika Weiss, the beautiful, long-suffering heroine of the Jade Pavilion, Book II.
(which you can find at [])

And I said, "Not really."

But the delicious blonde in today's image is pretty much how I see Erika in my mind's eye -- young and blonde and with breasts that, despite the countless cruelties they have endured, remain forever young, forever tempting, forever vulnerable to the slings and arrows,(OK, OK, mostly lashes) of outrageous fortune.

Thanks so much for bringing my mental image to 'life.'
816) Margot 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 16:33 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

When you have a million choices, you make the choices you believe will work on your vision. The creation of a movie is, first of all, the product of a vision.

I'm not in the business of justifying the choices people make and I would never argue with Jac or Amy on the choices they make in their movies. If I felt that I had a better option and I was better qualified then I would make my own movie. I never second guess a director, a creator, a visionary.

However there's an audience out there, and every person has a preference, and never in a million years will every single person be absolutely happy with a particular scene, therefore I totally understand the critics of late while, a the same time, I strongly disagree.

Urvax: I finally got Dead But Dreaming and got to say I was a bit disappointed in the much touted whipping scene. I hate the cutaway to the guy counting after every stroke. I mean isn't it rule number one, keep the camera on the girl.

It is true that a lot has been said about the famous scene and the main complaint I heard after the theatrical premiere was that Jac didn't have to show the 36 lashes, that it was difficult to watch. For a regular viewer, one not graced with the inclination to savor every single lash, the scene is interminable, but that's their problem, but for their benefit, Jac edited the scene cutting away to reaction shots, to the counting of the lashes, and so on. It is, after all a mainstream movie that went to theaters and played to audiences 14 years of age and older.

Urvax: Number two on my hate to see list is a cut away to the face right after the whip. It's OK to do a time or two, but to do it after every stroke is again just wrong. The body reaction is at least as important as the face. The repetitive nature of the cutaways was just really frustrating since I just knew it was coming and it was going to ruin it.

There are a number of cutaways to the face, screaming,etc. Not all of the whipping shots cut away to the face, but a lot of them do and that's fine, there's no rule that says it shouldn't happen that way. The art of editing is in the hands of the editor who follows the intention of the director. Thus, what he or she have at their disposal are the camera shots and that's all they have. It will be the decision of the person cutting to decide which shot best conveys the intention of the scene. She or he might bitch at times because maybe one shot was ruined by a bad expression, or a bad moment in the lighting, or any of the million reasons a shot can be ruined. The idea is that the scene will play as it was intended. In Dead But Dreaming the intention is not to illustrate only the whipping but other aspects of the story itself.

Urvax: Its just bad editing. The scene could have been so much better.

As I said, Dead But Dreaming was made with a mainstream audience in mind, one that that might differ in opinion. One reviewer commented that he loved the counting, for instance, that the actor was conveying his inner struggle. After all he was counting the lashes that his comrade in arms was receiving. Perhaps those not interested in a plot at all, might find the entire movie a bit difficult to bear because there's a plot.

Urvax: Maleficarum was just a lot better edited.

Maleficarum's intended audience was not a mainstream audience, but there's a theatrical version that has more cutaways than the "director's cut" that is edited for the GIMP audience exclusively. One gimper who saw the director's cut commented that Maleficarum could've used more cutaways, in fact he found the numbers of lashes in between cutaways to be repetitive and boring. One man's perfect cup of tea is another's worst. In other words, some prefer lemon, and others prefer milk. And if life gives you lemons, you don't make a milkshake.

Urvax: Hopefully DBD2 won't make the same mistake.

DBD2 will not have a prolonged whipping like the first one. It will follow the adventures of our lovable vampires and their shenanigans as they cause kinky havoc throughout centuries. Justine, in the other hand, will have a great, prolonged, whipping scene without any consideration for a mainstream audience. The audience we have in mind for Justine is the same that loves Maleficarum.

Dr Yuya: As a supporter of the Dead But Dreaming whipping scene upon its release and early praise giver who at the time touted it as the best scene he'd ever seen...I will weigh in on it again now that the hype goggles are off. And no...sadly it's not my best anymore. I have two being the Maleficarum AOH scene with Mila and the other being from a Zen movie. That doesn't mean I still don't find it FANTASTIC but yes there were a few mistakes made per my only personal handbook of what makes a scene perfect.

Again, what can be seen as a mistake is mostly creative licence, or opinion. One person's mistake is another's perfect scene. While in Dead But Dreaming the whipping scene is a step in the process of character building, in this case Moira who is going through a transformation. In Maleficarum the whipping scenes, and there are many, the tortures, the execution and so on ARE the story. That's the basic difference between Dead But Dreaming and Maleficarum. There's another film with torture galore, Le Marquis de la Croix.

Dr Yuya: To reiterate...yes I still did find it FANTASTIC. It's the first of its kind in that it was a public scene with big budget. To my knowledge no BDSM production has done that yet. And so as far as setting and scenario goes it beats anything else in my book. As for what it did list is a little different from the previous persons but I agree with a lot of what they said. No need to show the counters face at all...though I did like the counting aspect of it...making it a more official punishment to be handed out to completion.

To also reiterate, the man who counts the lashes is a character in the movie, like most of the people who have an established presence in the plot. He's not just the "counter", he is a co-conspirator with Moira in the revolutionary plot of the rebels against the Spanish crown. He's part of the conspiracy and yet he has to fulfill his duties because he is also part of the governing elite. Thus his expressions, his struggle, his presence is part of the plot. The way the counting progresses shows the man's disturbed attitude and that is important in the plot. Most importantly, Moira never betrays him, which we intuitively think is his greatest fear.

Dr Yuya: And the edits did include many other cuts that were too frequent... though I wouldn't call them unnecessary. Shots of the crowd and Amy's reaction of course are important...but maybe just not flipping around between them as much. Most of the time in a whipping scene one should be showing the whip hitting. Its what we came for after pun intended.

I still would like to read those rules that say that a whipping scene should consist exclusively of the whip hitting. There a milliard of comments in this very forum complaining about how the whipping scene in that or this movie was either too short, it didn't show anything and so on. Here we have a movie that makes a lengthy whipping scene the centerpiece of the story!

Dr Yuya: Also just my personal stuff and not really necessary probably for anyone else so this could be disregarded, but I'd love it if Vermeer/Red Feline employed the bullwhip a little more in these big budget productions. They sort of seem to always stick with the cat/multi-tailed lash for some reason.

The bullwhip is harder to handle, it's harder on the actors, we have one bullwhip that looks awesome, you can see a little of it in Training Jane, Jac might decide to use it, but that's something that Jac, Amy and Mila ... and whoever else might be at the end of the whip, will decide. We have often chosen the whip with many tails for films, and yes, it's real and made of leather, because it shows up better on camera. The bullwhip used in mainstream films is often fake, made of soft material and is thicker, so its path can be better seen by the camera.

Dr Yuya: Also...a spread eagle position rather than tied to a post is more my thing...but again probably just my thing. I hear they're doing this with the next big public scene though so maybe not. Still wish they used a different whip though.

Again, there are a million ways of doing something and because we did it one way in Dead But Dreaming, it doesn't mean we don't do it differently in other movies. We have a large variety of scenes in our movies. We can't put them all in one movie. What is important is to appreciate what is there. Am I right?

The whipping scene in Dead But Dreaming was commissioned, just like the roasting scene in Maleficarum. In each case we used the wish list of those putting the money for the scene to build the story around them. In each case Jac tried to comply with the original intent of the scene. The whipping post in Dead But Dreaming, the Roasting Pit in Maleficarum, they both are custom-made scenes.

It's not easy to produce a dangerous and visually complicated scene as those two scenes. Thus, some bits might be lost in the translation from paper to the camera, and a bit more in the editing. That's normal. In addition, one person could have a fixed image of what the scene should look like, but when the film is shot, it might not look exactly like that fixed image. Lighting may be different, the locations we find vary and have limitations. It's all about clever adaptation of an idea.

In Justine we have a commissioned scene that involves a pillory, a merciless flogging, and so on. But on top of it, we have scenes that come from the depths of Jac's imagination, using De Sade as his inspiration. A lot of people, who perhaps don't put their expectations ahead of the movie, will be extremely happy. Others might find a million faults. But that's the nature of our work. Since we don't have the shots from the movie ... yet, I'll just use an picture from the past as an example.

Quoom: Margot wrote: I think Camille was right when she told Quoom a long time ago, that Jac and he somehow have the same thoughts at the same time, like twin souls.

I agree 100%. Especially your old movies touch me more than any other movie I had ever seen. Of course those movies weren't perfect at all from technical point of view, but the mood and the acting were close to perfect for my taste. So I'm looking forward for your 'Justine' .

My dear Quoom, you know a lot about the work we did and do as we know about the work you do. As you point out, the old movies were not perfect, technically, but they were awesome, in my view. It was mostly a labor of passion and love and I believe you can see that in the work itself. Those movies are the foundation of what we do these days, without those beautiful films we would not be where we are now. We're very proud of them.

JD: Because Satanico catered to a completely different audience. That movie has a relatively wide audience target, a soft shlocksploitation for men with a fetish in nuns and gratuitous nudity. I'm sure that short torture sequence was intended to shock the 1976 audience but not too much to move the needle into a sadist movie genre and probably not for sexual titillation. The audience Tarantino would belong, for example.

I saw Satanico, and I have the feeling that if the producers had had the guts to go all the way they would've done it. But they didn't. However they went as far as they thought it was permissible. If they had done a more graphic, daring work, we would already have a Maleficarum film.

JD: Maleficarum was targeted to a much narrower audience, namely us, that's why it worked. We might not be that many as we like to believe but we like our stuff and we're ready to pay for it. Tarantino wouldn't.

Maleficarum opened theatrically with a big scandal, controversy and an attempt to censorship. It went to festivals and so on. Maleficarum had a totally unexpected road and it has a long road ahead. One where mainstream audiences have access to the film and, incredibly so, can appreciate it for other reasons than those we would expect.

JD: While I bought maybe half of the exploitation movies I've seen, I bought everything I've seen from VermeerWorks. But numerically, we are a narrow audience, let's face it. We are the people with special needs. :) My 2 centavos

Yes, the audience that followed our Red Feline productions, was tiny in comparison to any movie's audience. Really tiny. Really. And I mean tiny. That audience grew exponentially with Maleficarum and we see it growing still. With that experience in mind we're exploring all the different possibilities, like with Dead But Dreaming, a film with enough scenes to please our fan base and with a plot and scenes that might bring us to a larger audience.

We left our minimalist, no budget, no crew, extremely limited cast approach to filmmaking behind. It doesn't mean that Jac won't be making those intimate movies anymore, but not for a long while. Our current approach, big budgets, large crew and cast, elaborate locations, costumes, props, high production values, etc, although very exciting and fulfilling, is risky. But we're up to the challenge.

We have something like 8 feature mainstream films as of now with more to come this year. We hope that this trend will continue to bear fruit.

I'm sure that with each successive movie, our fans will find those specific moments they would love to see in a feature film. One way of helping us reach those goals is by buying our movies, so we can make more.

I will return with more news about our productions soon.

817) Dr Yuya 
IP logged
Friday, 4 April 2014 19:10 Permalink

As this site now has improved capabilities for image posting I thought I'd drop in with a few from some mangas I've happened to catch over the years.

818) Dr Yuya 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 19:15 Permalink

819) Bill K. 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 19:53 Permalink

D.B.D. Amy's whipping event had blood, sweat and tears with beautiful sexy totally nude hot babe. What else could you want?

A little more body sweat would be ok. Fluids like snot or slobber but then I believe that's taking realism too far and makes the scene less erotic.

Bottom line it was great erotic whipping scene to me. Bill K.
820) Gog 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 22:00 Permalink

After having re-watched "The Fourth Kind" again......and noticing the Ralphus-bot in the new GIMP header, just thought how cool it would be to see Amy in an Alien Abduction type movie, Except of course going further than any mainstream has gone before.

Stripped, restrained and gagged. Prodded and probed. Then see how much pain an earthling can endure. AND.....

You need Flash to view this object

821) petelobo 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 23:37 Permalink

Brainmaster wrote:
There was one whipping scene in an elite pain video which is near perfect. It was a skinny dark haired girl, arms pulled over head, legs pulled apart. She thrashed and squirmed perfectly. Do you know which scene I'm referring to?

Geez, man! Out of dozens of great scenes on their site!! First of all, I'm not a big fan of skinny. Based on your earlier post, I assume you are talking about severely pulled up arms and spread legs. This one is more of a standing X but the girl is somewhat slim and dark haired. Maybe if you can remember any more I can narrow things down.
822) petelobo 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 23:40 Permalink

(822) defeated by the bot. Hoping that it's really screening out the spam. When I can't type "seven eight nine" and get it right (it was), then the second time it strips out the pic...

Ah security.
823) Charles Lonberger 
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Friday, 4 April 2014 23:52 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I have heretofore refrained from commenting, but must address the criticism of Vermeerworks that have recently arisen.

These films are not documents, they are fiction, but fiction can contain emotional and intellectual truth and more power than mere documentation can. Just because an actress has a BDSM lifestyle or interests in private, is not to be confused with their performance on film.

The directors of their films are involving an audience and manipulating their perceptions. Of course, this explains the montage of the flogging sequence in DBD; the observer's responses intercut with fictional flogging creates a context for the scene and gives it meaning. Simply to register a whipping is passive. One can not expect the filmmaker to just film an event. The purpose of the director, their concept, is more complex and sophisticated: to simply register an event does not convey its meaning. Avila and Hesketh express their concepts through the editing process, not through simply filming a staged event.

Further, performers are just that - performers. It is unrealistic to expect actresses to be doing anything other than acting when realizing a role.
However, when that same actress is the director, her vision speaks volumes about her, though, again, not necessarily. This is where their personal inclinations or mind sets can be legitimately perceived. But it is self- deluding to expect performers to be necessarily be realizing their own fantasies on screen, other than when they are conceiving it themselves.

A case in point: I was familiar with a BDSM performer in the Adult Industry. To see her perform, you would think she was into the Lifestyle. But she simply had a high tolerance for pain, and commercially exploited this.

Again, Vermeerworks produces works of fiction that do indeed say something about those that create it. But, to criticize them for using the tools of the filmmaker's art is fundamentally unfair, and exposes the misunderstanding of those doing the criticizing.
824) Bill K. 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 00:09 Permalink

(824) Today's picture: "Tape gags are so hot"
Tape gags rule but ball gags drool.
Drool is good to me because it speaks of real pain and tape gag doesn't say anything. Drool or no drool that is the question. Bill K.
825) JD 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 04:55 Permalink

Reine Margot: Thanks for reply. I understand and support wholly the push to enlarge the target audience in the latest productions, even if that bring some criticism from the hardcore fanbase of sadists (gee, this word still reeks of pejorative loadings, reminisce of the times when in popular conscience a sadist was only someone who butchered 100 virgins). As was mentioned by others, editing is the process that can make or unmake a movie, so why not make two different cuts versions? One for the more respectable mainstream audience, one for the hardened 'sick fucks' to use a syntagm popular here. That would be killing two birds with one stone.
826) JD 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 05:00 Permalink

(826) Dungeons in Jabba's Palace.
827) Covers 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 09:20 Permalink

(827) JD: That's a sweet scene in Jabba's dungeon. Thanks!

The MAM cover of the day is Argosy Feb 21 1942.jpg
828) Mwb 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 09:21 Permalink

(828) Put me in the "sick fuck" category.
I like it real.
I will admit, fake, if done right, can be very erotic.
829) Covers 
IP logged
Saturday, 5 April 2014 09:21 Permalink

(829) Duillo of the Day is _jm062r_duillo.jpg
830) JD 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 11:23 Permalink

Thanks, Covers. I was wondering that maybe because I'm at least one generation younger than the bulk of the main audience here I'm out of touch with the core interest of folks around here. 'Cuz, let's face it, when most of those MAM were published, I wasn't even born. I'm more of a kid of the 80's and 90's agressive fumettos (read full nudity) rather than the 60's damsels in distress always dressed, always covered.
831) Dr Yuya 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 12:56 Permalink

In my defense in regards to the DBD whipping scene.

Yes everyone has an opinion...and absolutely yes directors and crew should never think that any one persons opinion carries greater weight than their own (unless maybe there a financial reason for it in the case of commissions but that's a whole other thing in my book).

But take a second to look at it from a different perspective that often gets overlooked in such debates. That being where would things be if opinions were never expressed in some forum or another? Considered a bit we realize we'd probably not have many things...possibly even this place.

I won't argue the merits of my comments being constructive or not because I know that hardly matters. Even though I feel they WERE constructive they surely indicated a lack of understanding or placing any value in some of Jacs/Amys intentions. So what's helpful in my mind justifiably should mean little to them. That's okay it doesn't have to mean ANYTHING to them. Just as they shouldn't be heartbroken that I find faults in the aspects of the scenes they liked I'm not bothered if my opinions are disregarded because believe it or not I do understand exactly how the game works. Heck, I'm even in line to buy the next film they make with a public whipping, whether it carries my perceived faults or not. Until I start making something myself I get that my role is to settle for what others make. I'm happy with that...just I still like to voice a harmless opinion every now and then.

That out of the way. It's pretty clear the disconnect here. Jac wanted to make DBD a movie and story first and clearly me being a whipping scene lover first hadn't come for that. I admittedly paid full price and skipped ahead to the whipping scenes...even used Camtasia to crop them out as a standalone...and that's all I've seen of it. Sort of why I haven't made a review I guess...because I already knew that I'd never watch enough of it to fairly do so.
832) Blakemore 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 13:27 Permalink

Mr.O: Sorry for the delay in responding, but with all the things to do after a fire...and trying to take care of Danielle's masochistic needs my ass is worn out!

You review was well written and spoke to more than just the images, as I think everyone can agree that the EMOTION a helpless girl displays...especially the fear or horror of what is about to be done to her sexy body)...only enhances sexual arousal. (It sure does for me.)

Honestly, there have been many times that the WAY Danielle responds to finding herself "in over her head"...(or some other gorgeous Bitch she has lured into her (or my) almost as good as hurting her.

Whether Danielle or another "victim", she very quickly finds herself in such a surreal state of "Cognitive-Dissonance" she simply CAN NOT differentiate between the exciting lure of the IDEA of being tortured and fucked by a man...(or men)...she doesn't know and the logical and reasonable FEAR that these things really WILL be done to her.

This state of mind is...(in my personal opinion)...precisely what makes her not only LOOK so fucking-hot, but also makes her pussy dripping wet whether she consciously wants it or she tries to bargain for freedom, then plead and cry until she realizes it isn't "working" and begins to squirm and struggle for her life before anything has been done to her...THIS IS DAMN NEAR AS GREAT AN APHRODISIAC FOR ME AS DOING IT!

Mr. O, Since you may not know, YES! I love skewering large, long needles through young women's breasts...but unlike the poor girl in your review, the girls I've done that to have ALL had a pair of at least Double-D breasts or bigger. I prefer those who have had their tits augmented bigger than necessary to be "in proportion" because by doing THAT, they are either consciously or unconsciously telling the world..."Look at me! Wouldn't you Bastards just love to get your hands on THESE...especially you sadists who'd just love to torture them?" *(Technically speaking, breasts augmented to "DDD"..."E" or "EE" are so huge and firm that they will swell to taut spheres 6 or 8 inches in diameter and being is EASY to skewer needles through them avoiding the implants.

The psychological effect this has on a beautiful woman who is so vain she's had her breasts enlarged that big is absolutely devastating...(to say nothing of the erotic agony she feels).

I only wish my "employer" had allowed me to film how Sharon Montgomery and Ann Bruno went nearly mad with terror and struggling when I did that to them...but "Big Brother" dictated that I go no farther than using almost harmless hypo-needles. *(There is a silent film staring Ann Bruno where her gorgeous big breasts are bound with wire and small rope, almost to the bursting point. I hope those of you who have see it can picture how she struggled and went fucking crazy when we skewered two 14-inch steel needles through each one at a 45 degree angle and then ran two more though both breasts horizontally with her watching herself in a mirror.
Were I and the cinematographer "Sick-Fucks" for pushing her over the edge by jacking-off and ejaculating in her face and over her aching breasts instead of fucking her like she was begging for? Yep! (The worst torture you can inflict on a hot woman is TO NOT ALLOW HER TO ORGASM). usual, this is more than you may have wanted to know but who else can I tell? My neighbors and MOST of the people who really ARE good friends would have a stroke if they knew what I've done and am still doing to "pretty young things" who are vain enough and hot enough to let me get them helpless and silenced!

Hey Ralphus...come on Dude...please post one of my "re-dos" of a "MALE" or "MAN'S WORLD". (How about the ones where I substituted Danielle's face for the girl where the Nazi-Goons have stuck ice-picks into her swollen tits?)

Ya-all stay well and horny!
833) titlash 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 17:01 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Loved your stuff since puberty! Used to walk to the convenience store for my mom (Red Cross nurse). Milk was 35 cents in 1965. I actually bought a MAN'S STORY MAG for 25 cents! He wouldn't let me see the Playboys however. They were way up high- behind the counter.

Anyway - Roman from Teraz Films just released "Bitch on a Burner"! I think you, Ralphus and our gang will like it!

Imitation is the best form of flattery! Jason
834) Falcon 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 20:04 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Regarding Vermeerworks and their depictions of whippings, brandings, roastings, etc., we need to keep in mind that these scenes are part of a larger story being told by the screenplay writer, director and actors. These are really great films for their storytelling, historical sets, costumes etc.

It sounds like some of us are interested in a more pure extended whipping scene with high productions values (my personal turn-on). Then we may need to ask Vermeerworks if a short film could be shot with Amy using a much smaller budget. I am thinking along the lines of a Red Feline Production film but with Vermeerworks production prowess, talent and technology. It wouldn't entail period costumes, big sets, etc. Maybe just a simple story like an American girl gets caught shoplifting in Bolivia and is sentenced to 50 lashes.

Maybe a group of us could pony up some $$$ and see if Jac and Amy would want to have some cash flow between the big budget films.
835) Covers 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 20:40 Permalink

(835) JD: It seems that everyone here has a slightly different take on GIMP, but don't be put off just because you don't get a response on everything you post. It's impossible to predict what will get people commenting, but I know most visitors to ANY web site are in a hurry and composing a comment is usually to just too time consuming.

If you'd like my honest feedback, I'd say that your composites are quite well done, but I think I'd prefer them as multiple separate images rather than the single image with two versions of Princess Leia (or other GIMP) you seem to prefer. It's interesting to contemplate Leia being cloned by Jabba so there are more of her to torture, but why not chain a naked Oola to the facing wall instead? wink


Margot: I've just finished watching my DVD of "Dead But Dreaming" for the first time, and I'd say that I think Amy's whipping scene was very effective as edited. The actor counting the strokes gave a very good performance showing his distress as he counts, and of course Amy does a fantastic job emoting agony and dispair.

The garroting scene, on the other hand, didn't really work for me. The actor who played the executioner gave a nice performance on the earlier whipping, but overplayed the effort he was exerting with the garrote. The torque he was expressing should have forced Amy's head against her shoulder. I was also a little put off that Amy's face didn't get red or blue, but I remind myself that she is already (SPOILER WARNING!!!) a vampire at that point.

Another issue for me was the lack of English subtitles during the scenes where the actors were speaking English. I always have TV subtitles turned on so I don't miss what is being said (except when my sweetie is watching "Dancing with the Stars", of course). The dialogue during your English language scenes was quieter than during the rest of the movie, and even with my TV sound full blast, I could not make out one line.

I also had some difficulty figuring out which dark haired lady vampire was which in the different time periods because of the different hair styles and dress. Maybe that's just a personal problem, but a distinctive beauty mark or similar device would help me keep track of who is who over the millenia.
836) JD 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 21:20 Permalink

(836) Covers: "It's interesting to contemplate Leia being cloned by Jabba so there are more of her to torture, but why not chain a naked Oola to the facing wall instead?"

Got it. Well, my intention was to show different scenes along a timeframe ... or different angles ... most of the scene are composite images ... found it more interesting this way. Like this one that follows.
837) JD 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 21:24 Permalink

(837) Waiting for.
838) urvax 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 23:33 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Margot wrote: "It is true that a lot has been said about the famous scene and the main complaint I heard after the theatrical premiere was that Jac didn't have to show the 36 lashes, that it was difficult to watch. For a regular viewer, one not graced with the inclination to savor every single lash, the scene is interminable, but that's their problem, but for their benefit, Jac edited the scene cutting away to reaction shots, to the counting of the lashes, and so on. It is, after all a mainstream movie that went to theaters and played to audiences 14 years of age and older. "

Well all I have to say is that if you edited the scene for 14 year olds I rest my case. It is just not the hot whipping scene that was touted. I don't understand going to all the effort to have a public whipping scene and make a big deal out of it, and then tone it down and basically ruin it for those looking for a good gimp scene which is a larger audience than you might suppose. The frustrating thing was everything was in place for a really great scene. The repetitive and much too predictable cutaways definitely reduce the gimp value of the scene.

I really appreciate Amy's support of this site, and I bought the movie mainly to show some support. If I'm disappointed its mainly because of previous reviews discussing the gimp value of the scene and leaving aside the rest of the film. Strictly as a gimp scene, I think my comments are pretty spot on.
839) A Canadian 
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Saturday, 5 April 2014 23:49 Permalink

The DBD whipping scene: I haven't seen the film. However, I do recall in the company's Red Feline days, whipping scenes were identified as an area that needed some work.

Back then, the issue was a lack of intensity. Hopefully, this is an area where there have been improvements and will continue to be improvements. Pretty much every GIMPer I know values a good whipping scene.
840) Covers 
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Sunday, 6 April 2014 08:18 Permalink

(840) JD: The "Buffy Waiting for" is exquisite. The Leia image is nice, but my eye is drawn to the top left face, which looks very mannish to me. That's too bad, because the restraint is quite interesting. Just my reaction--by all means please continue!


Today's cover is from Argosy Jan 7 1939.
841) Covers 
IP logged
Sunday, 6 April 2014 08:19 Permalink

(841) Duillo of the day is _jm082r_duillo.jpg
842) JD 
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Sunday, 6 April 2014 11:21 Permalink

(842) The trouble with Ferengi.
843) TRG 
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Sunday, 6 April 2014 11:44 Permalink

Blakemore’s comment on Anne Bruno is pretty hot. You can see those swollen tits in my review of Punished 2. Some HOM fans are gaga over Renee Baker, whose tits got tied up in almost everything she was in, but they are NOTHIN’ like this Anne Bruno scene.
844) Mira 
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Sunday, 6 April 2014 12:35 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(844) I'm a longtime lurker and fan of the GIMP board, but I just had to come out and applaud all the recent, incredible art work and ideas--not the least of which: today's incredible electric-chair double-header image!

@Joanna: your images of the captured Star Wars rebels leave chills, as does your analysis of the infamous cloud city electroshock torture device from the "Empire Strikes Back"--agreed that it seems its chest-level electrodes might be better suited to a female subject, and you aren't the only one who's thought so. I've attached an image from La Violetta that plays it out (you can have a look at his portfolio on Deviant Art at [])

And, count me among your many fans who hope you won't leave us hanging with your pulp fiction cover art: enquiring minds need to see what happens after those Nazi baddies manage to drag their damsel into the torture chair and affix the electrodes!

@ JD: LOVE your recent artwork and concepts. I don't believe I've seen anything hotter than Princess Leia riding a decidedly Kay Milton-esque electroshock apparatus . . . well, EVER.

Thanks again for some outrageously fantastic GIMPing big grin
845) JD 
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Sunday, 6 April 2014 14:11 Permalink

(845) Thanks, Mira.

Next, trivia question. Where's this fresh made composition inspired from?
846) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 6 April 2014 20:45 Permalink

JD, I say my best guess is Star Gate's Samantha Carter the most over looked sexy Gimp. Bill K.
847) Matt 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 00:53 Permalink

JD: thanks for the Samantha Carter in GIMP work! I've tried a number of times on bondage fake sites to get some of the artists there to do her, but have come up short. Thanks very much! You're filling a needed void. More, please!
848) Bill K. 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 01:13 Permalink

Ralphus in Today's picture her facial cheek muscles look like she smiling to me. Both sides of her nose, the face muscles are curled up and look like that only when someone is smiling. Sorry frown I think she's faking it. They should hook her up to 110 V ac. Bill K.
849) JD 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 03:12 Permalink

(849) NID operatives need informations.
850) Wolf Blood 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 05:06 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(850) Interesting bondage photo isn't it?
851) Covers 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 05:25 Permalink

(851) JD: Thanks for the Ferengi pic. Dr Crusher is one of my favorite MILFs. I never watched Stargate, but I do appreciate the sweaty sheen on Samantha Carter.

Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry Apr 1962 V5 #8 Clarence Doore Cover
852) Covers 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 05:26 Permalink

(852) Duillo of the day: _jm083r_duillo.jpg
853) InterrogationMaster 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 05:28 Permalink

(853) Here's an amazing and intense scene from Brigade des Moeurs (1985) curtesy of [], which has really been killing it in terms of delivering the goods. I don't speak French so I can't understand what is being said exactly but it's clear the man wants information and he's willing to do horrific things to a woman with a broken bottle to get it. It's an incredible interrogation scene that could only have been better if she chose to defiantly withstand the torture IMO. I eventually found a copy of the film and there's another torture scene that occurs near the end involving acid that I think is also worthwhile.

JD: I'm a huge fan of your collages. The Princess Leia ones were a godsend since it's always been a fantasy of mine to imagine what kind of tortures she went through to be broken into Jaba's slave. Your latest collage about NID Operatives really hit the spot too since I'm mainly interested in interrogation scenarios, particularly those involving electrocution. Could I ask what video you took the stills from for that one? I'm dying to see it in motion.

Dr. Yuya: Thanks so much for sharing the Fairy Tale torture scene. It's pretty much perfection as far as I'm concerned. I can only hope the anime series catches up to the manga so we can see it in motion.
854) arrakur 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 10:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Mira: Thanks for posting that image by La Violetta. I agree with you and Joanna, that the torture device in "Empire Strikes Back" is perfectly suited for GIMP-torture. I can't recall specifically having fantasized about Princess Leia getting a taste of that back in my childhood. But I think I must have. When it comes to GIMP-torture, I do enjoy scenes with whips, truncheons, portable electric devices, etc. things which makes the sadist interact physically with the victim. But I do have a profound fondness for automated torture-machines. There is something even more...merciless about letting a machine do the torturing.

GIMP and huge torture-machines might go back to this comic-page I read when I was, what, 8 or 9 years old:

 photo v_zps3742f663.jpg

The thrill seeing the naked girl about to be mercilessly crushed by that infernal torture-device was immense.

Another thing that shaped my taste in GIMP-fantasies was the movie "Gwendoline". Or to be more precise: an article in a movie-magazine about the movie. I was just 13 years old when that movie came out and not allowed to see it in the theaters (and my parents had no VCR, damn). The article exaggerated the torture-scenes, letting me believe that Gwendoline and her friends, once fallen into the clutches of the sadistic jungle-queen would endure countless tortures. In fact, the article stated that they would "have to endure more and more insidious tortures and would become completely defenseless victims of a gigantic machinery of torment". That is loosely translated from the German article. That, and the stills from the movie, really excited me.

 photo 5CVxOhRMtX83AUupBTzYYkOlK0y_zps13894ea5.jpg

 photo YikYak07_zps5167be40.jpg

 photo gwendoline_poster_04_zps49abaa63.jpg

With 13 years, Tawny Kitaen looked incredibly beautiful to me and I could not believe that somehow, someday, I would get to see a movie where this babe would be mercilessly tortured in a gigantic machinery of torment for the amusement of a sadistic, evil jungle-queen. Oh man. The two pre-production drawings below did not help cool me down. I couldn't believe what I saw in that article. Please excuse the poor quality, but I can't do scans.

 photo 043a0fe2-9f17-4ed7-b817-f96e0cc2a8c9_zps7d316d77.jpg

 photo aba48bbb-4c7a-4e9d-af52-0b8802a198e6_zps8e115076.jpg

Naked girls strapped down on big torture-machines that, in my mind, must be meant to specifically torture their pussies. Not put the cornerstones of my favorite fantasies all in place. A villain with considerable power (queen, king, drug-lord, etc.) and a GIMP squirming on or under some huge, massive torture-device inflicting pain on her sex or breasts to make her talk or, even better, just because he thinks it's fun.

When I saw the movie, years later, it could not live up to the excitement I felt when reading that article as a kid, nor compete with the fantasies it had caused. Still a nice movie, though.

A few years ago, I found and bought the movie-magazine with that article on eBay. Nice to have that one again for nostalgic reasons. And I still feel a little bit like the kid back then, when I browse through the pages and remember that...primal excitement back then.
855) Quoom 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 11:02 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(855) My little contribution to the topic 'electro-torture'. I couldn't decide which of those picture i should send you, so you get all three.
856) Quoom 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 11:04 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(856) ...two
857) Quoom 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 11:08 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(857) .. and three. Usually i find it rather difficult to give an electro-scene the needed dynamic (whipping is much easier in this point)... but i think those pictures are showing the point big grin
858) Capt 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 11:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(858) Excellent site. I must confess to having lurked here for ages, but now that it's easier to post I intend to comment when I can. Keep up the good work.
859) Capt 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 11:59 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD: I'm very impressed with the assorted extracts that your uploading to Cutscenes, especially those from the Inquisitor PC game (medieval witchhunting being a favourite topic of mine). Such a pity that Cutscenes don't make facilities for downloading clips.
860) petelobo 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 13:35 Permalink

(860) This is how we like to make Annete sweat.
861) petelobo 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 13:43 Permalink

(861) electro torture with the dynamic
862) petelobo 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 13:46 Permalink

(862) Number2
863) petelobo 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 13:48 Permalink

(863) 3 of a kind
864) Blakemore 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 14:09 Permalink

TRG: THANK YOU for the stills of Ann Bruno! She really was one of the hottest girls to submit to "working" for me and one of the strangest girls I've ever known. By that I mean she wasn't lacking in self-esteem by any means...(quite the opposite in fact) many if not all truly masochistic girls, so I could never quite get a handle on WHY it was so easy to push her way beyond what H.O.M. would have permitted as well as Cal-Star. Ann was one of those who gradually went "into herself" deeper and deeper as long as we didn't interfere by interrupting that indefinable mental process she was going through by releasing her during re-loading or setting-up her next scene. In fact, it was an incredible turn-on to work with her because during those moments between shots or takes...I and my cameraman did mean things to her as I told her what I was going to do to her next just because she was such a hot little Slut.

It wasn't all fun and games because I got a SERIOUS ass-chewing for sending the Boss a film we shot SHOWING Ann helplessly reacting to having 6 big needles skewered through each bound through each side of her pussy. I was told to NEVER send another film like that but to save THAT stuff for the European market. It killed me that I was never able to get Ann for one of those because fucking her was one of her requirements!
865) Ralphus 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 14:21 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(865) Catching up on a few posts (which is hard since they're coming fast and furious)...

Titlash wrote (in Post 833):

Roman from Teraz Films just released "Bitch on a Burner"! I think you, Ralphus and our gang will like it!

Looks very similar to Roman's Fantom Intruder 2, which I reviewed here a while back. So I skimmed through the Teraz's catalog and there's quite a bit of interesting stuff there. If Roman would stop by and promote his stuff, I'll bet he could get a lot more sales. Did anybody see this one?


Dynamite up the snatch, big fantasy for me. Of course, Teraz has that dreamlike, non-realistic style that kind of annoys me, but you have to admit, no one makes movies like Teraz. They have their own distinctive look, to be sure.

And Howie, what about all those Teraz vids you were gonna review for us? At least tell us what you liked.


Wolf Blood wrote (in Post 850):

Interesting bondage photo isn't it?

That's some early Insex, with the very cute Trinity as the victim. I totally missed this one back when I was a member, which is a shame since she also was in a couple of my favorite videos for Dan Hawke, too.

Anyway, there's more to this shoot, as evidenced in this pic:

I would love to see what else happened in this one.


InterrogationMaster wrote (in Post 853):

Here's an amazing and intense scene from Brigade des Moeurs (1985) curtesy of [], which has really been killing it in terms of delivering the goods.

It would have been really helpful, as long as you were linking to CutScenes, to link to the actual video. I couldn't find it, even after doing a search. It does sound like a real intriguing movie, one I've never even heard of.


Capt wrote (in Post 858):

Excellent site. I must confess to having lurked here for ages, but now that it's easier to post I intend to comment when I can. Keep up the good work.

I never thought it was hard to post here before, but at least you're out now and we're glad you made the move. Terrific BATS artwork, too. I love the big smiles from the guys in the crowd, as the flames from the fire are burning the naked bitch bound to the stake. Hey, they know good entertainment when they see it!
866) Blakemore 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 14:46 Permalink

Titlash: Hey Man, you were lucky to be able to BUY a "Man's" magazine because 10 plus years earlier there was no Playboy and the good-stuff...the "Men's Magazines", were the ones up high on the rack and under the ever watchful eye of the (usually) scratchy ole Pharmacists who guarded them with his fucking life!
I had to steal'em...(with the help of my understanding mother or my sister distracting the "Guard")...because everything within me HAD TO HAVE THEM.

Hell, it was like my very life depended on being able to trace them, improve the girls bodies...make them naked and add spike heels plus more extreme tortures in the process of re-illustrating them. Not only did my finished work make my cock screaming mentioned some time back, they made the pussy of my gorgeous sister who was only a year older, so hot it literally dripped when she stood on her tiptoes with her legs spread!

Those illustrations along with Gil Elvgren's fantastic "Pin-Up" art formed the foundation of my life's pursuit of tormenting bound and gagged girls and is more than anything else, responsible for what I was able to produce visually during the 70's and 80's. I can tell one and all, that Pin-Up illustrations proved my mother's opinion that "girls should ALWAYS have their toes pointed...not mater WHAT!"...and that was (is) why to this day I can't stand looking a photo or film or a GIMP standing flat-footed!

Thanks for implying your age...good to know I ain't the only one!

Quoom: What can I say? Those three pictures are incredibly wonderful! Are you sure you didn't create them BECAUSE you have seen THAT being done to a girl for real? *(Because I HAVE and you nailed it in damn near every little detail!) You're really good Dude!
867) Reyand 
IP logged
Monday, 7 April 2014 15:41 Permalink

Hi, does anybody have the Latin TV cop-series named Ramirez, starring Gianella Neyra?
Or at least the 13th episode.:)

Thank you!
868) JD 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 15:55 Permalink

(868) Ralphus: The link you were looking for:

Capt: I can send the clips to you, there are a bit more actually, some involving males but I still believe the best way is to play the game, solve mysteries, decide who's gonna go next in the dungeon, etc, etc. Very rewarding. There is also an iron maiden option toward the end of the game.

Today picture: I always found very erotic the bondage when vics are exposed to the sexuality but yet denied it.
869) Hellcat 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 16:14 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(869) A couple of HOM Electro pics. Only have ever seen these.
870) Hellcat 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 16:15 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(870) #2
871) Pedro 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 18:09 Permalink

Bill K writes: Ralphus in Today's picture her facial cheek muscles look like she smiling to me. Both sides of her nose, the face muscles are curled up and look like that only when someone is smiling. Sorry frown I think she's faking it.

I am quite sure she isn't faking it. Electro tortures used to be real at ElitePain. (Though not 110V).

But I see your point, and believe it or not last week when we were discussing with Max Lomp about the casting for our next History of Pain episode , I told him that one of my two problems with this model was that she seems to smile when she feels pain. I don't mean she smiles, I mean her pain reactions are confusing a little.
872) JD 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 18:25 Permalink

(872) Grand Moff Tarkin and a stubborn Princess.
873) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 22:04 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Lynn - excellent find! I normally don't go for electro stuff, nor Asian women, but the emotive aspect of this scene overrides both of those. I just wish the evil guy (who reminds me a bit of George Takei) hadn't gone to max power so soon. He should've kept her bouncing in that chair a bit longer. I'm embedding it here so people know what I'm talking about and can form their own opinions.

Pedro - I like Natalie's facial muscles just they way they are, but if you want to change something, maybe instead of wincing, she should grunt and/or gasp so that her mouth forms more of an "O" shape rather than a "V" shape. She has a lovely body and face. It'd be a shame to cover either of them, unless of course you want to use a gag.

I was thinking today about "Milgram Experiment". When the GIMP Forum Awards are announced, that film should definitely get an award for Best Whipping, and probably for Best Movie, too. It's just so twisted on so many levels. There's a layer there that most other films can't capture, and that's the reality of human psychology in a civilized society. It gives two very good examples of man's inhumanity to man, which I was thinking about this morning while reading "Let's Go Play at the Adams'" (a good horror story wrapped around a statement of society in the 70's).

Sometimes I wish some of those Japanese films would get re-shot with an Anglo cast, just so we wouldn't get the pixilated pussies. The scenes are hot!
874) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 22:06 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Oh, and Hellcat, thanks for posting up those two HOM electro-torture pictures. Do you know the name of the movie, or the actress that's in it?
875) JD 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 22:44 Permalink

Thomas Chaser: Milgram Experiment is the practical field test for the main concept in The Banality of Evil of Hannah Arendt.

Lord of the Flies with Nazis.
876) Howie 
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Monday, 7 April 2014 23:34 Permalink

@ Quoom - Thanks for the Pic share. Awesome as always. Glad you've decided to stick around. smile

@ Ralphus - Ya, I'll get around to reviewing them eventually. Just haven't had that much free time lately.


Thought this Elctro scene is pretty fucking great as well, since that seems to be the current point of topic.

877) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 00:56 Permalink

That electro-torture in today's ElitePain's picture: I'm just not getting it confused . No way a gimp acting like she is truly being shocked and the body language says no sweat or tears or fear equals no real pain.

Electricity cannot conduct through dry skin unless it's high voltage like 110 v ac and she is being shocked by what looks like an Ohm meter.

I know I'm being too analytical but come on guys, the props are lame and she's got her eyes confused closed.

Now I can be wrong and I'm not seeing it right for maybe I've got to see the movie clip for it to make sense. Bill K.
878) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 01:48 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Bill K: If you think electricity can't conduct through dry skin, you're just flat out wrong. I've used electricity on a woman (a battery-operated muscle stimulator) and trust me, it is definitely capable of producing severe pain. Yeah, it helps increase the pain if you wet the skin first, but it's not required. I believe Pedro when he says they don't fake it at ElitePain. And her eyes are shut because she's grimacing from the discomfort of the current.
879) Fritz 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 05:26 Permalink

Ralphus wrote about Bitch on a Burner:

Looks very similar to Roman's Fantom Intruder 2, which I reviewed here a while back. So I skimmed through the Teraz's catalog and there's quite a bit of interesting stuff there. If Roman would stop by and promote his stuff, I'll bet he could get a lot more sales. Did anybody see this one?

As a big Teraz fan and someone who has seen most of Roman Nowicki's work, I suppose I can step up to the plate and offer my arguably biased assessment. This is my first review in donkey's years, so please pardon the rust.

Bitch on a Burner

Directed by Roman Nowicki, © 2014, 00:12:23

Bitch on a Burner (BoaB) is a relatively short Teraz production which is unlike the company's usual fare. GIMPers who don't care for Roman's familiar trademarks – atmospheric lighting, stilted East European accents and hallucinatory ambience, among others – will be pleased to know there is none of that here. In fact, this quaint little video is a remarkably accurate reproduction of an HOM silent loop, like those we old-timers remember fondly from the 1970's and 80's. If nothing else, Roman knows that the devil is in the details, and to my mind he has done an incredible job of creating a film that Mr. Blakemore himself might mistake for one of his own.

It's all there. The flatly lit, barren basement set. The balaclava-wearing villain. The slightly sped-up frame rate to simulate projection of an 8mm loop. The martini lounge soundtrack with the muted horns and off-kilter beat (which first showed up on the analog VHS transfers). There's even the intro music from the European market Gold Medal films, in case you had any doubt that these references were intentional. Best of all, the GIMP in this film is a sumptuous, busty babe who would be at home suffering under the worst that Blakemore could throw at her. Roman does his best to emulate the master, and as far as I'm concerned, he succeeds admirably.

BoaB is what the director cleverly dubs an HOMage. Which makes me wonder if this whole project was the result of a bad pun.

Let's face it, no one ever bought an HOM loop because of the plot. Anyone hoping to find any rationale for what happens in BoaB will be disappointed. With no explanation, all twelve and a half minutes depict some vaguely menacing dude tormenting a naked girl for whatever reason he sees fit. If reasons are important to you, make up your own. It's basically a silent film set to a cool groove, so you can imagine whatever scenario you like and just sit back to enjoy the view.

As you can tell from the intro image above, the view is pretty damn good. Immediately living up to its title, the film opens with a bitch (portrayed by the ravishing Ally Angel) on a burner – well, more of a wood stove actually, but does it really matter? She's tied AOH and FTS (feet-to-stove) and sports one of those nifty Jennings gags (or whatever-the-hell they're called) that allows for safe and easy oral access but won't do much to keep her quiet – which hardly matters since, I remind you again, this is a silent film. Next to our hapless heroine is a broom, a stool and a roll of duct tape, none of which serve any purpose whatsoever throughout the duration of the video.

Ally is knocked out and blissfully unaware of her predicament. At least until balaclava-wearing-guy (BWG) shows up, rudely revives her, and proceeds to lecture her on the consequences of not flossing properly. Like I said, you can insert your own storyline wherever you wish.

Ally responds like any woman would… by wildly shaking her tits from side to side. I'm not sure where I first saw this sophisticated self-defence method for females, but I'm pretty sure it was demonstrated in an HOM loop from long ago.

Unfortunately, the bobbing boob maneuver does not impress Ally's captor. A look of genuine concern crosses her face and she emits a cascade of drool which could float Noah's ark.

The saliva tsunami also coats the front of her body, which makes for some provocative glistening-flesh close-ups – at least for those of us who like that sort of thing. Hey, I'm not proud… I'd lick her clean.

Then the real fun starts. First up is the ever-reliable cat, though in this case BWG has chosen one of those BDSM bargain store numbers which wouldn't hurt a hamster – a bit of a disappointment from the producer of the brutal Mark of the Whip series. Still, BWG doesn't hold back, and Ally sells the scene. Once again… there's no sound, so you can slap wooden blocks together if you want to add emphasis.

After a few minutes of the lash, BWG ups the ante by producing one of the largest rubber dongs manufactured in China. He lovingly rubs it over his victim and then uses it to smack his bitch up. If Ally thought she was getting off easy with the tickle whip, I'm sure she wasn't laughing when this beastie was smashing against her torso.

Of course, even BWG knows the real purpose of a dildo, so true to form, he puts his dong where dongs belong. To Ally's credit, she takes this monster inside her. All. Of. It. You surely didn't see that in a 1970's GIMP loop. Even ZFX simulated this sort of thing. Very impressive.

To mix things up a bit, and to show off his exceptional ambidextrous skills, BWG once again grabs the whip and demonstrates the rarely seen lash-and-gash routine.

And then, just as you think things can't get any worse for poor Ally – holy crap, he's got a gun!

Calm down. That rascal BWG is just teasing. No, he doesn't shoot his bitch. He just wants to have a bit of fun by doing this…

And some of this...

But wait, there's more! The broom? The stool? The ginzu knives? No. It's a candle. First it's used to warm up Ally's freezing labia…

And when that doesn't generate enough heat, it's thrown into the wood stove burner to get a nice, cheerful fire going between our heroine's splayed nether regions. If you were wondering why Ally was sitting on that antique furnace all this time, wonder no more.

As for the ending, I wouldn't want to spoil it. Suffice it to say that BWG probably won't be going out to grab a smoked fish appetizer at the local Red Lobster. Then again, maybe that's exactly where he would be heading. Sadly, Ally probably won't be joining him.

As much as I like the Teraz style (and yes, I realize others' mileage may vary), not everything Roman releases suits my tastes. That said, I genuinely enjoyed Bitch on a Burner on several levels. As an HOMage, it was a great nostalgia trip. As a GIMP film, it delivered the goods. And as a novel concept in a world of repetitive fetish clips, it was a delightful breath of fresh air. For $7.95, this clip is the bargain of the year. So buy it. Yes... you. You know you want it. Go here and get it now. What are you waiting for?

Still, I'm notoriously hard to please… so I'll give it an A-.
880) Covers 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 05:46 Permalink

(880) So many great posts and so little time to respond. Thanks, everyone!

Todays MAM cover is from Battle Cry Apr 1963
881) Covers 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 05:47 Permalink

(881) Duillo of the day: _jm087r_duillo.jpg
882) Capt 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 09:02 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thanks JD. Is the game also available for Mac users? Everything I've read about it so far seems to point towards PCs only. Certainly sounds like fun.

Thanks Ralphus. Yes, I agree. The spectators smiles suggest that they're getting pretty 'hot' under the collar themselves at such a wonderful sight. Great piece of artwork.
883) TRG 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 11:27 Permalink

Blakemore: If you wouldn’t mind, I would like to know how you initially came across these models who worked for you. This is a lot, so please feel free to respond as you choose. There's no need to answer all this at at once.

Laurie Sands
Anne Bruno
Marti Kaye
Rene Baker
Sharon Montgomery
Toni Stern
Natasha Cole/Tricia Peats/Linda Leeds
Georgia van Helsing
Lana Ryan
Karen Arthur
Lori Waverly
Pamela Trenton
Suzanne Johnson
Lonnie Andews
Patti Whitman

Thank you very much.
884) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 13:44 Permalink

OK Ralphus, my knowledge of electro shocking is weak so Ralphus rules, Bill drools and you win, but I still say no sweat, tears or fear equals no real freaking out pain. It's too clean and doesn't look merciless to me.

"Bitch on a Burner," now that's what I call merciless. I've got to get that. The smell of cooking sweaty hot pussy, what's not to like? Bill K.
885) Silvio Dante 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 14:44 Permalink

(885) Here's another cover from the golden age of men's magazines. The story which goes with the cover illo could not be published today. It's not politically correct, as they say in the states.
886) YikYakker 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 15:11 Permalink

Well, boys and girls, today's word is Autassassinophilia.

It is described in Wikipedia as a condition in which "a person is sexually aroused by the risk of being killed."

The illustration below, which is from a 1957 edition of Gang Girl accompanies the article.

The article further describes erotophonophilia as the "reciprocal condition" in which one is aroused by "stage-managing and carrying out the murder of an unsuspecting sexual partner".

Wow. I woulda jus' called it terminal GIMPage.
887) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 17:07 Permalink

Fritz: Terrific work on the review of Bitch on a Burner. Your expertise on all things Teraz really added to the review, and those caps are great.

I get what Teraz was trying to do with the scratchy HOMage thing, but ... no sound other than the music?

That may have worked for the trench coat crowd back in the day but I like to hear things like the crack of the whip and the cries of pain. The absence of proper audio causes me to think twice about this one.
888) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 17:18 Permalink

(888) Thomas Chaser wrote:

Lynn - excellent find!

Ok, this is actually getting annoying.

The GIMP world has not suddenly discovered Lady Attackers from Hell 2. I reviewed it back in 2012 and -- as previously noted -- both Ralphus and I picked it as the best film of that year.
889) JD 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 17:25 Permalink

Capt: I don't believe they have a Mac version. I played mine on a PC (they are not very demaning, a really cheap old Pentium I or II will probably run it. The kind of hardware you find on the side of the street.
890) JD 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 19:03 Permalink

(890) Stretching a point.
891) Blakemore 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 19:40 Permalink

(891) TRG: I look forward to answering your questions as to how I met "my girls" tomorrow.

For everyone: Here is a shot for "Covers" I did back sometime...enjoy.
892) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 19:41 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Fritz: Wow, when I mentioned Bitch on a Burner last night, I never expected a full review, and especially not one quite so quickly. It was extremely entertaining to read, and the vidcaps are great. And most importantly, you brought up something in your review that could easily be overlooked on the Teraz website, and I'm very glad you did.

Okay, if I read this right, Roman's intention was to make an "HOMage", which was to make a film in the same way Blakemore did for HOM back in the 1970s. On the surface, that's a great idea. Except...well, maybe he just doesn't "get" the reason why the Blakemore loops are so beloved today.

They stand out even now because they were well-paced, with little wasted footage for "storylines" or "plot". The women were often quite attractive and they were bound in cruel, tight sexually explicit bondage positions. The loops were rough, non-consensual little shows that had a gritty, "underground" feel to them.

The one negative aspect to those loops? They were made before the advent of sound. Back then, this was all we had, but they were always missing the all-important screams of the victim and the threatening of the bad guy.

In other words, they weren't good because they had no sound, they were good in spite of the fact that there was no sound!

It's no surprise that after Blakemore made Bittersweet Revenge, the first full-length, sync sound movie, he never went back to making silent loops. I mean, why would he? In fact, why would anyone deliberately ignore today's modern advances and make a movie with no sound?

Which makes me question why Roman would intentionally make a film with only cheesy music, especially one with a potentially killer plot like the one you just reviewed. Why would he deliberately deprive us of hearing the girl's reactions and lessen his picture?

To be sure, it's a curious decision on his part to go without sound. It wouldn't have been mine.

Anyway, again thank you for your review. Here's your direct link:
893) Covers 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 19:53 Permalink

Blakemore: congratulations on making all of my MAM covers look mild. Ouch!
894) YikYakker 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 20:03 Permalink

Jd wrote:

...a really cheap old Pentium I or II will probably run it. The kind of hardware you find on the side of the street.

Hey, that's what I've got. And that's probably where it will soon end up, too...on the side of the street. smile
895) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 20:20 Permalink

(895) While I'm thinking of Lady Attackers from Hell 2 and its star, Yu Kawakami, it's worth mentioning that Yu is the star of the upcoming film, Slave Island Season 3, Chapter 2.

The movie will be released in May. It looks like it could be a good one.
896) Howie 
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Tuesday, 8 April 2014 22:26 Permalink

@ Fritz - Excellent review! I chuckled a few times. Like this line: (BWG) shows up, rudely revives her, and proceeds to lecture her on the consequences of not flossing properly. Ha! smile

I too have seen pretty much everything Roman has released, and while the screen caps are delectable, I'm pretty sure that seeing them is enough for me in this case. The no sound thing, as others have mentioned while well intentioned, would probably annoy me.

@ Canadian - Ya, I congratulated Lynn on finding that clip as well, but that's because the reviews you and Ralphus put up for it happened during one of my phases where I wasn't visiting the site as much, and I RARELY visit the archives to catch up. I thought it was kind of weird that Thomas re-posted the clip when Lynn had linked to it, and I had already embeded it in my post only a few before his, but whatever.

@ Blakemore - Wow, I've heard you elude to your artwork before, but don't believe I've actually seen any till now. That's OUT-FUCKING-STANDING! Really man, I hope you post more of it, because that pic is amazing. Also, how do you feel about homages to your HOM loops like Fritz just reviewed below? Flattered? Annoyed? What's your take on them?

897) Joanna 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 01:24 Permalink

@Mira I like the straps in that picture better than the cross straps on the chest in the film, it keeps the body firmly in place, but leaves the chest completely exposed to the electric prongs.

I wasn't really planning to make a series out of that Nazi interrogation picture, but I'll try and find some time to make one or two more images.

@ petelobo Number 2 is me being shocked again!
898) Matt 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 02:29 Permalink

JD: Like the recent Amanda Tapping/Sam Carter fake-those NID thugs would've done just that. Seeing her in more GIMP-style settings during the show would've been great. Please...more! Also, if you have any BSG-themed (classic with Anne Lockhart or Ron Moore with Katee Sackhoff) in the works, all power to you!
899) petelobo 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 04:59 Permalink

Picked up a few Teraz clips yesterday after reading the BoB review from Fritz, and they reminded me why I often prefer the caps to the vids. Fairly rarely do the vids deliver "in real life", but you can nearly always cap something good from them. Those of you who missed the "crack of the whip and screams of pain" are assuming that the little flogger used would crack (doubtful) and that the model would be good enough an actress to scream realistically. How many times have you seen an actress in a whipping vid give it the old "Ow...Ooh...Ow...Ooh." for five minutes. Not a lot different from the girls in porn flicks with repetitive and boring vocal responses.

Another issue for me with most of Roman's stuff is that there appears to be a silicone mine somewhere in eastern Europe, so rarely do his models have anything like real breasts. Whipping these mounds is much less satisfying than watching a real breast compress and dance after a strike. OK, I get it that the style today is shaved to the bone, but I really do miss those bushes.

I also got Brutal Treatment of a Female Captive and Tortured Twins. The latter is mind-blowing in its lack of continuity. The model is whipped with one of those "paint-brush" floggers that leaves reddish stripes on her, but as the film progresses she goes in one scene to looking like someone ran a roller of red paint over her front to being barely marked in the next. Back and forth they go.

The Teraz films are certainly cap-able, as Fritz showed, but comparing them with good Elite Pain or even PainToy or Paingate efforts, they're not in the A league for my tastes.

BTW, I went back through previous posts trying to find the material on Anne Bruno, who I would have married in a heartbeat if ever I could have found her back in the day, that were mentioned in a post as having been sent by Blakemore. I've scoured the net for pics of her, and those sound like winners (like the artwork posted yesterday or today.) Anyone have them to pass along or post?
900) Covers 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 05:44 Permalink

(900) Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry Apr 1964 V7 #3
901) Covers 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 05:45 Permalink

(901) Duillo of the day:
902) Roman Nowicki 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 14:59 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I thought I would jump in here to correct a few misconceptions. The "Bitch on a Burner" HOMage was actually shot with sound and will, at sometime in the future, be released with complete audio. Customers who purchase the "Homage Version" will be able to upgrade very cheaply to the full sound version when it is released, by using the code at the end of the film. "Bitch on a Burner" starring the very watchable Ally Angel, is ALSO the Teraz Club "Download of the month" for March. As we were running late, the version was released as a version with a typical H.O.M. soundtrack. Editing the actual sound would have taken another 2-3 days.
BTW: If you are a Teraz Club Member you can download and view the film until the end of April.

"Bitch on a Burner"
was not actually shot with the intention of making a "Homage"(TM) though who can say what references may come forward from the dark recesses of the mind whilst in the creation process. However, maybe because of the setting, the masked assailant or just Ally's acting, the style and content easily lead itself to to becoming an HOMage and the music fitted in perfectly.

By the way, Ralphus, I don't have to "get" any reason why HOM films are so liked, as if I am not part of a certain knowledgeable clique. In the 80s I purchased original PAL VHS HOM titles such as Gold Medal's "Erotic Perversions" ($66) and know what I like. The reason I created an HOMage is because I like HOM films. No other reason. There is nothing for me to "get".

As for you saying that folks appreciate HOM films because "...they were well-paced, with little wasted footage for "storylines" or "plot"." I must say that I am constantly being asked to release more feature length titles as Teraz Films are known for. If I had $1 for every email asking when "Lena & The Time Machine" will be out (still no date)

As for the HOM music. I, myself, never found the music soundtracks a negative aspect. I thought the music was pretty cool and all part of the experience, and for more in fitting with the ambiance than the soundtracks Alpha Blue Videos use for their silent roughies, for instance.

And using Klause Schultze's "Frank Herbert" and "Freidrich Nietzsche "in "Erotic Perversions" was a master stroke - whoever that idea came from (maybe Mr Blakemore could tell us).

I am OK with and much used to criticism but it appears that Ralphus is judging "Bitch on a Burner" based on what he thinks it will be like, where as the reviewer, Fritz, actually has seen the film and gives it a very favourable "A-".

And finally I gotta say, $7.95 for almost 13 mins is pretty good price when most short films are priced around $1+ a minute - and don't come close to the content of "Bitch on a Burner" (gun jabbing privates, dildo abuse, flogging, dental gag, candle, bondage, wood burner and the very sexy UN-tattooed Ally Angel). And remember you can get 10% off when you use the voucher GIMP2014



903) Hellcat 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 19:08 Permalink

(903) Thomas Chaser: These two pictures were all I ever saw of this series. Looks like a Blakemore girl though. Her figure reminds me of this one.
904) Scribbler 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 19:50 Permalink

FTR, after BSR, Whitman, I mean Blakemore, did produce no sound shorts.
905) JD 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 20:08 Permalink

(905) B, again.
906) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 21:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(906) A Canadian - my apologies. I'd forgotten you'd written a very good review of this piece. I'd dismissed it from my "list of titles to get" because I normally don't go for Oriental women, but I thought that electro scene was very well done, even with the pixilated pussy. I have to give Yu credit for putting forth the effort to make the scene work. If only there were more of her on this side of the world, with a bigger budget. In fact, in terms of bondage creativity, I think the Japanese put out some of the funniest/kinkiest stuff that definitely resonates with viewers. As an example, I'm re-posting this image that someone had posted here last year.
907) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 21:09 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Roman Nowicki: Great to see you back here. I know you have reservations about advertising your wares here because you think we're not necessarily your audience here, but a number of us are quite interested in your work...if we only knew what was coming out. I know I've gotten quite a few Teraz films in the past, and I was one of the first people online to praise Fantom Kiler 2. You guys even put part of my review in your advertising materials.

You wrote:

The "Bitch on a Burner" HOMage was actually shot with sound and will, at sometime in the future, be released with complete audio.

Well, that is great news. I'm a fan of any kind of burning torture, so this is definitely one I was interested in. I just wasn't happy with the "no sound" concept.

"Bitch on a Burner"... is ALSO the Teraz Club "Download of the month" for March. As we were running late, the version was released as a version with a typical H.O.M. soundtrack. Editing the actual sound would have taken another 2-3 days.

Oh, I see. So the movie wasn't finished yet, so rather than complete it a few days late, you put a music track over top of the visuals and released it that way. That does explain that part, at least.

By the way, Ralphus, I don't have to "get" any reason why HOM films are so liked, as if I am not part of a certain knowledgeable clique. In the 80s I purchased original PAL VHS HOM titles such as Gold Medal's "Erotic Perversions" ($66) and know what I like. The reason I created an HOMage is because I like HOM films. No other reason. There is nothing for me to "get".

Apologies if you were offended by my questioning your choice to release a movie with no sound. It was puzzling to me, and to be fair, I wasn't the only one here who couldn't quite grasp why you were doing it.

BTW, Erotic Perversions was great! Those were Blakemore's favorites of his own work, too, because it was the first time he was allowed to shoot what he really wanted, since he wasn't restricted by the political climate of the United States. Since these were meant to be seen overseas, they went a lot further than his HOM stuff.

As for the HOM music. I, myself, never found the music soundtracks a negative aspect.

Boy, I sure did. Granted, some of the music choices worked better with the visuals than others, but dubbed-in music is always going to be a poor second to actual live sound. The HOM films are what they are, they are silent films, which is all he could make in that era. But if Blakemore had a choice, I guarantee he would have preferred to make them with real audio.

I am OK with and much used to criticism but it appears that Ralphus is judging "Bitch on a Burner" based on what he thinks it will be like, where as the reviewer, Fritz, actually has seen the film and gives it a very favourable "A-".

You're absolutely right. Fritz e-mailed me and said it really does work, even though he thought it would bother him that it was silent. Fritz is my friend and I respect his opinions. And I do want to see the movie...but honestly, I'd rather see the film as it was intended to be seen, so I'll wait until the sound version is out. Please let us know when it's released.

And finally I gotta say, $7.95 for almost 13 mins is pretty good price when most short films are priced around $1+ a minute - and don't come close to the content of "Bitch on a Burner" (gun jabbing privates, dildo abuse, flogging, dental gag, candle, bondage, wood burner and the very sexy UN-tattooed Ally Angel). And remember you can get 10% off when you use the voucher GIMP2014

That is a good price, and discounts are always appreciated, thank you.
908) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 21:21 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(908) Here's another vidcap from the clip. Its video #385. From what I can gather, the woman is a "volunteer" being used as a living anatomy model so that nerdy male med students can develop a familiarity with female anatomy. There's no bondage, but there is a humiliation aspect to it. The panties do come off at the end, but that's where the clip ends, too. Hopefully somebody will recognize it and tell me where I can find the whole thing.
909) Fritz 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 22:24 Permalink

petelobo wrote:

Fairly rarely do the vids deliver “in real life”, but you can nearly always cap something good from them.

I'm not sure I understand this. As the caps are taken directly from the source, the only way they can make the video seem better than it is is if people viewing them are extrapolating the stills into a movie different than the “real life” version they ultimately watch. That processing occurs in the mind of the viewer, and I'm guessing the interpretation would vary tremendously from one individual to the next.

In any case, it was never my intent to mislead GIMPers by selecting caps which would make Bitch on a Burner appear better than it is in “real life”. I chose them to illustrate the text – as well as to give folks a general impression of the visuals. Neither was the overall review meant to embellish the film. I'm not shilling for Roman nor overtly promoting his wares – I'm simply trying to relate my impression of the video, an impression which I admit was quite positive. In doing so, I believe I gave the reasons for my rating and acknowledged what I felt were the film's faults as well. I even disclosed my potential bias for Teraz products in general.

If all that led you to purchase several Teraz films in hopes that they were something other than they turned out to be, my apologies. Would it have been better if I had not included the caps in the review? I thought most people find them helpful – I know I do.

As for how Teraz videos stack up to those from Elite Pain – that's an apples to oranges comparison if ever there was one. Your points are valid, but most are based on subjective preferences, not on the objective merits of the producers' output. In short, I likely enjoy Teraz videos for many of the reasons you don't; and vice versa when it comes to Elite Pain.

Both are very competent companies, but they produce different films for two distinct markets. The Elite Pain audience prefers RL gimpage and wounds, natural actresses, action over story, limited focus on style and settings, and so on. Teraz caters to those who prefer simulated and often more extreme perils, glammed up and enhanced heroines, as well as plots, elaborate sets and lots of atmosphere. That may be a bit of a simplification, and I realize there are exceptions on both sides, but even those GIMPers who buy from both companies will likely admit to preferring one over the other if pressed.

BTW, I too was disappointed by the continuity problems in Tortured Twins, but such flaws are actually less common in Teraz videos than in those by other producers. I could just as easily point to the significant price difference between the offerings of these two vendors to justify Teraz has the advantage, but we all know more than just cost will determine where we shop. Spurious factors both.

Which brings me back to the purpose of my review… to help readers make an informed decision. As it seems I somehow led you to purchase not only BoaB but other titles, from a vendor you suspected might disappoint you, I obviously failed – though I'm still a bit mystified how that happened.

*  *  *  *  *

As for the no-sound issue, I'm glad that's been (more or less) resolved thanks to Roman's post and Ralphus' response. I was aware there eventually would be a sound version released when I posted the review, but I also realized Roman did not want that known at the time. Though that cat is now out of the bag, I still believe that the silent version – the HOMage – has an enjoyment factor that will be missing from the sound release.

To be honest, I did not think I would like the silent version myself, but as sometimes happens, I was pleasantly surprised. I also believe others, and I would include Ralphus among them, would react in the same way. $7.95 (minus 10%) isn't much of a risk if you think you might be in that group.

Finally, despite writing what I thought was a positive assessment, I seem to have trampled every last dish in the china shop. I've probably hindered Teraz sales. I've convinced petelobo to buy videos he doesn't like. I've led Ralphus and A Canadian to believe a BoaB feature is a drawback. And I've likely left everyone else confused as to whether to buy this video in either of its renditions. Clearly, review writing is not one of my strengths, so I will retire from it once again and leave this job to the professionals. It's not as easy as it looks.
910) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 23:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Fritz wrote:

Finally, despite writing what I thought was a positive assessment, I seem to have trampled every last dish in the china shop. I've probably hindered Teraz sales. I've convinced petelobo to buy videos he doesn't like. I've led Ralphus and A Canadian to believe a BoaB feature is a drawback. And I've likely left everyone else confused as to whether to buy this video in either of its renditions. Clearly, review writing is not one of my strengths, so I will retire from it once again and leave this job to the professionals. It's not as easy as it looks.

Well, that's just crazy talk. You're one of the best reviewers we have here, and your review accomplished exactly what you set out to help readers make an informed decision. You gave us important details about the movie, along with your opinion that it was a worthwhile purchase. It's the information that's important. Even a negative review...which yours clearly wasn't...can be helpful because it lets people know what the movie's about.

Canadian, Howie and I made up our own minds regarding the lack of an audio soundtrack. You definitely didn't hinder Teraz's inspired at least one person to check out their site and buy some videos. If anything, it was Roman himself who delayed...not hindered...his own sale of this particular video by announcing that a sound version will eventually be released. I was hesitant to buy it because of the music before but I'm definitely going to get the version with sound now. Probably a lot of others will, too.

Not to mention you inspired conversation about Teraz and inspired the owner to stop by and post. How often does Nowicki post here? Not nearly enough. Even if it was just to express his displeasure with my comments, I'm glad he came by. So all in all, I'd say your review was quite successful.
911) A Canadian 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 23:24 Permalink

Fritz wrote:

Clearly, review writing is not one of my strengths.

I disagree. I thought it was an excellent review.

Tastes will always vary and there's nothing wrong with that. For example, I have reviewed films that are more lightweight than what some GIMPers like and that is sometimes clear in the feedback. But I don't get discouraged. I know there are a wide range of interests in the GIMP universe and I figure the more information, the better.
912) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 23:55 Permalink

Fritz is on the fritz confused wink , sorry had to say that. Please continue writing terrific excellent entertaining reviews Fritz for you're not on the fritz. Bill K.
913) Howie 
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Wednesday, 9 April 2014 23:57 Permalink

Wow, Fritz. I'm sorry to hear you feel your review didn't go over well, because as I said in my response to it, I thought it was fabulous.

As to my saying I was gonna pass on this particular one, I also paraphrased that by saying I'm a HUGE fan of Roman's work, and have pretty much everything else he's released. Hell, here's the list I just purchased in December alone when he announced a sale in here:

Ally Angels Xmas Nightmare [Photos]
Bad Day For Veronika [VOD]
Brutal Treatment of a Captive Female Pt1 [VOD]
Brutal Treatment of a Captive Female Pt2 [VOD]
Fantom Intruder Pt 2 VOD
Fantom Kiler Strikes Again [VOD]
Game Over [VOD]
Interrogation of a Rebel Spy Pt1 [VOD]
Interrogation of a Rebel Spy Pt2 [VOD]
Kingdom of the Rats [VOD]
Kristi and the Time Machine VOD
Pussy Hunt [VOD]
Santa's Little Slut [VOD]
The Dog Walker [VOD]
The Interrogation of Stella Diamond [VOD]
The Pussy Strangler VOD
Tortured Twins Part 1 [VOD]
Tortured Twins Part 2 [VOD]

Those were just the ones in December. So trust me, Roman has already and will continue to get my support. I was just saying I was gonna pass on this one due to the sound, and something else I didn't mention, the length, but thanks to Roman's post, I will be buying the updated version that will be released.

If anything, your review made me feel guilty that I hadn't taken the time to do any yet.

914) Howie 
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Thursday, 10 April 2014 00:23 Permalink

petelobo said: Another issue for me with most of Roman's stuff is that there appears to be a silicone mine somewhere in eastern Europe, so rarely do his models have anything like real breasts. Whipping these mounds is much less satisfying than watching a real breast compress and dance after a strike.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I just love great tits. I couldn't give two shits if they're real or fake.

There are TONS of real breasts out there that look like total shit, just as there are tons of bad boob jobs, but I have yet to see any bad tits in any Roman film, real or enhanced. So your criticism is totally lost on me.

915) Capt 
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Thursday, 10 April 2014 03:03 Permalink

(915) A 'magic moment' as an Innocent young maiden has her clothes ripped off before being ravished by lusty marauders in the opening seconds of the movie Barbarian Queen.
916) Capt 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 03:05 Permalink

(916) Seconds earlier!
917) Capt 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 03:22 Permalink

(917) Another witch successfully dealt with - as featured in the TV documentary Witch Hunter's Bible
918) petelobo 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 03:55 Permalink

Um, gee. OK, I'm sorry for saying what I like. Didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings or whatever. Let's see now.

About caps vs vids: I thought I was pretty clear with the point that there are dozens of moments in most any video where a stop image is dead-on someone's tastes (mine, in this case)--a position, an expression, etc.--even when the video itself is not well acted or the production values are poor, etc. There have been many comments here about films where the producers pick a specific image to sell the film, so I didn't think that was a controversial statement.

As for fake breasts vs. real, I too agree that there are good fakes and bad fakes. I was not complaining about Ally's; I was commenting on the Teraz models in general. One of their main actresses from MOW and MOW2 has what Ralphus calls very accurately "bolt-ons", which really do spoil the effect for me.

Teraz films: Sorry, Fritz. You didn't convince me to buy anything--certainly not films you didn't even review. I'm a big boy, and I make my own choices, and even in the ones I bought there were some pieces and images that did the trick for me. Pretty much par for the course in any purchase. I already have both the MOW flicks, Girl in the Life and a bunch of others as well, so I know Teraz pretty well and support them (though not always without reservations) as a prolific and on-target producer of material I generally like and can download VOD. I write in my reviews what I like and what I don't, and you have generally been more of a critic than a shill in your posts, so I don't take them with a lot of grains of salt. Continue to feel that way.
919) Covers 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 04:37 Permalink

(919) Duillo of the Day: _jm091r_duillo.jpg
920) Covers 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 04:39 Permalink

(920) MAM scan of the day is from Battle Cry Apr 1965.
921) petelobo 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 05:38 Permalink

(921) An example of:
a nice image of a great model from a video that's almost all fast-forward.
chair tie arms position worth emulating.
922) pcv 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 09:08 Permalink

Thomas Chaser:

The shots of the naked girl being "examined" by doctors is from a clip called "Female Body Medical Examination."

The clip is subtitled in English somewhat; the more detailed written description explains that the "doctors" work for a pharmaceutical company developing a pill to give women instant orgasms. The girl in your photos is but one of a number of female volunteers and the clip is mostly about the docs gently touching, poking and studying the girls' bodies. No GIMP action -- this is all harmless silliness.
923) Bill K. 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 12:37 Permalink

" a pill to give women instant orgasms " eek! confused what's the fun in that? Bill K.
924) Blakemore 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 13:53 Permalink

(924) To Everyone: I want all of you to know I appreciate this forum more than you probably know...for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that although I can't contribute to it as most of you do about this film or that, you allow me to talk about things I DO KNOW about, that I can't begin to share with people who think they know me. It's great to be able to tell people about things I've experienced who have a real interest in seeing images...still or moving...of helpless girls suffering who knows what as much as I do! THANKS!

TRG: Getting girls to submit to what I wanted to do to them was a complex process that simply can't be described in a paragraph, so ask for your patience in attempting to give you a more complete concept of what happened...(and hey, it should make for interesting reading).

Let's start with Ann Bruno. She was one of the very best and just about the strangest girl I ever photographed.

I have no idea of the year, but I will never forget pulling up at a traffic light one hot Saturday afternoon and as usual, looked down to check-out what kind of Pussy might be in the car beside me and THIS is what I saw.

Since I was never without a loaded camera I shot these two photos as she sat there playing with herself...BUT...I couldn't see her face without giving-away what I was doing and that worried me because she might have been like some girls with a killer body but NO FACE.

So...thinking I might get lucky, I followed her and when she pulled into the parking lot of a fancy mall...I DID! I slowed down to watch her apparently waiting to get out until 3 young men walked past her car.

My brain exploded with "HOLY-SHIT" when this gorgeous girl pretended to ignore the 3 boys as she set one foot...(toe pointed)...on the pavement, then as if looking for something in the passenger's seat, she twisted around and let her legs spread more than wide enough to let them look at her bare pussy. *(She did that trick as good as or better than my wife...whom you've seen as Patti Whitman). That she had an ankle bracelet around each ankle...had on "Slut-heavy" make-up and POINTED HER TOES as she got out SLOWLY told me I might have just gotten very lucky!

Once in the mall I held back and watching how she sashayed her fine ass she stood with her high heels more than a little too far apart to even come close to being a "Lady" and the way bent over to almost show the world she wasn't wearing panties...and that was all I needed to know so I approached her.

I just walked up and jokingly asked, "Excuse me Miss, but do you have a license?"

She looked at me, cocked her hip out, tossed her hair and asked, "For what?"

"To be utterly drop-dead-gorgeous and the sexiest woman I've seen in God knows when!" and she just beamed and said, "Thank you!"

We stood there for a few minutes, during which time I told her she needed to be a little more careful in THIS particular mall because the Security people were a bunch of inhibited "Christians" who would just love to harass a girl like her...and that led to us sitting down on a bench where I simply came out and asked her if she would like to make money being photographed tied-up and gagged for "Bondage Magazines"...which was outrageously immoral but absolutely legal.

She didn't know but was curious to see some of these magazines so she walked with me to my truck, got in...(letting ME see her pussy)...and then sat there sort of transfixed as she looked through several magazines I always had with me...nervously kicking the free foot of her crossed legs with her toe pointed acutely.

Ann indicated a shot of a girl tied back against a post with a pussy-splitting rope pulling her to the very tips of her toes and murmured, "That's got to really HURT!" and I told her of course it did...that seeing helpless girls being tormented even to the point of torture made cock so hard that gallons and gallons of cum were ejaculated by men just looking at the pictures...(because from my experience I calculated that would appeal to her Slut's vanity and it did.)

Using a ploy I often used, before she could say "no", I asked her if she'd like to see my studio before she decided whether she wanted to work with me or not and she said "Yeah...I really would."

To keep her feeling safe I had her follow me in her car to the massive old building you've see the exterior of in "Curiosity Excited the Cat" and the interior you've seen in countless films where there were huge concrete pillars.

At the time I had posts set so I first showed her my clothing-heels and make-up room...(which was nicely carpeted and looked quite "professional", then some of the smaller rooms and then took her out to the main area where I set-up a white key light and a purple fill to one side...and then my two big 3'X6' mirrors and had her stand leaning back against a post so she could see herself in that ominous lighting.

"Ever been tied-up Ann?" I asked.

"God no!" she said but even as she said that she cocked one hip out and looked at herself as she pulled her arms back beside the post.

"Well..." I murmured, " probably need to know what it feels like before you commit to working with me. What'a ya think?" and congratulated myself for being so fucking smart when she said, "Ahhh...maybe...well, yeah, okay."

It took only a few minutes to get Ann's wrists tied and her elbows cinched tightly together...which made her gasp, "OHHHH-MY-GAWWWD! THAT'S MAKING MY TITS LOOK LIKE I WANT SOMEBODY TO HURT THEM!" and twisted her tied wrists as she made claws out of her fingers. *(All of which are positive proof that a girl is sexually excited by bondage.)

I backed her against a post and wadding a mass of cotton towel, I calmly and as non-threatening as possible, held it up and said, "Okay Sweetheart, open wide!"...AND SHE DID!

Once I had her mouth packed as full as possible with the gag held in by a leather strap...(because I wanted HER to be able to see her full luscious lips like I did)...I took the long strap around her throat and strapped her head back to the post.

It was like taking candy from a baby after that because she couldn't stop squirming and moaning as I opened the top of her dress and bared that pair of magnificent breasts of hers...then cinched the wide belt around her little waist and after raising her skirt to her waist...I brought the 1/2" scratchy hemp rope forward between her legs and threaded it through the pulley above and slightly in front of her...then moved back out of the light and slowly pulled down until her squirming HELPED the rope slit between the lips of her pussy.

I adore the sounds a girl makes as the "stimulation" become more and more painful as that rope tightens until she's straining on her tiptoes and Ann made them in spades!

Yeah, I left her there prancing from one toe to the other, watching as she tried to find some tiny degree of relief from the torture by putting her heels together but then succumb to spreading them...(which of course made the torture much worse!)

As for ME? Hell, she had me so hot and hard I sat down, intentionally leaving my legs and hips in the light with my upper body and face in the shadows and therefore invisible to her with the key light in her eyes...and began to slowly stroke my hard cock and massage my balls.

The problem was...she was moaning...groaning...trying to scream and nearly choking herself to death as she struggles so Goddamnperfectly that I shot-off long before I wanted to and when she saw the first stream of ejaculate rocket up into the air...Ann went into the most PUSSY-TORTURING orgasm I'd seen in a long time.

The poor girl just stood there, her legs rigid and trembling, screaming gagged sounds as her pussy literally erupted...then again...then again and again!

Seeing that was so good my fucking cock STAYED HARD but I knew I had to release her because I didn't know her nearly well enough to know if SHE knew what was happening to her and might freak-out on me, so I released her throat and pried the soggy mass out of her mouth...and the first thing Ann did was gasp a breath and then...IN THE MOST PITIFUL "Little-Girl" voice...she cried, "OHHHHGOD!...PLEASE...OHHHHGOD-FUCK ME! PLEEEEASSSEEE FUCK ME!"

*Seriously ...because I'd had a spike heel sunk into my ass or a thigh before by a girl I didn't know would be so wild, I tied her legs spread before I sunk into that girl's scalding-hot...(as in temperature)...pussy and discovered to my delight that if I squeezed her breasts BRUTALLY...the pain made her pussy contract so I was hooked...and fortunately for me...she was too.

That's how I met Ann Bruno.

It took me quite some time to realize that when working with her on camera, I ...(or we)...HAD to leave her bound and in whatever pain she was in when we reloaded a camera or had to re-set lights. Ann NEEDED to be uninterrupted in whatever mental/emotional place she went to which let to doing seriously hot things to her AFTER filming...(like I mentioned in a post...skewering her breasts with sterile Bar-B-Q skewers.)

It's a damn shame she moved away before I could get her in a film for the European marked where I COULD have shown the world what Ann's breasts looked like after being injected with a ton of saline to make them 2 cup-sizes bigger and then skewered with 6 skewers each!

It took me quite some time to realize that when working with her on camera, I ...(or we)...HAD to leave her bound and in whatever pain she was in when we reloaded a camera or had to re-set lights. Ann NEEDED to be uninterrupted in whatever mental/emotional place she went to which let to doing seriously hot things to her AFTER filming...(like I mentioned in a post...skewering her breasts with sterile Bar-B-Q skewers.)
925) Blakemore 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 14:08 Permalink

(925) Howie and Hellcat (post 903): Yeah Hellcat, she was one of mine whom I shot many times. Like some...she ALWAYS said she was doing it just for the money but we both knew that was just her way of giving herself permission to get REALLY tortured and fucked senseless off camera.

Howie (and others): My "take" on the sound H.O.M. put on the silent films is that I would have tried to find somebody with a "sound catalog" who would have been able to dub-in non-specific sounds as a background that were much more "ominous" and "scary". I had no say in what happened to my films after they left my hands and honestly, I thought the usual whatever it was...could have been done infinitely better but would have undoubtedly cost more.

As far as sound vs. silent? My God! The SOUNDS a squirming, struggling girl makes when she's being ACTUALLY HURT as in "FOR REAL" almost as gratifying and sexually arousing as DOING IT to her! If there had been budget enough I would have made every damn film I ever made sync-sound but it wasn't until 1982...(I think)...that I was able to convince the Boss that we needed to make a REAL MOVIE and that's when we made "Bittersweet Revenge"...(in which I got shot, which I thought looked damn good.)

In the final summation, why on earth would anyone want to hear bla-bla music when they could be hearing the Bitch screaming and listen to her begging for the torture to stop?

The problem with sound is that you MUST HAVE a girl who is capable of letting herself "get-into" the frame of mind of a girl being tortured and raped well enough that every whimper or scream is just plain REAL or you've got worse than nothing. With the equipment available God...what I could do...but unless somebody would give me CONTROL of how a film was made, with a truly beautiful girl without those fucking tattoos and of its content I ain't interested.

Howie: Here's another of my creations where I substituted my wife Danielle's face and tits for the original...(showing what she HATES to love having done to her!)
926) Steve Radar 
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Thursday, 10 April 2014 14:56 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Another great picture Blakemore but I'm thinking, totally ineffectual as it has no sound. Surely, imagery can be powerful in any format, medium or style, you just have to be creative.

As for wishing you could have filmed with real sound, was it not worth upgrading to a 16mm camera at some stage? Surely they weren't that expensive.
927) Blakemore 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 16:55 Permalink

Steve Radar: Yes, agree wholeheartedly, and I DID shoot everything with a 16mm camera. At first it was Bolex and H.O.M. wasn't interested in upping my fee to cover sound equipment...(maybe because they didn't have anyone who could edit sound?) Then I bought a CP16 and talked her into letting me do a sync-sound film...however, before that, I had to get my film developed "under the table" and there was only ONE place within 100 miles who I could even begin to trust to do that. It was frustrating as hell!
928) Thomas Chaser 
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Thursday, 10 April 2014 18:25 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(928) pcv wrote: "The shots of the naked girl being "examined" by doctors is from a clip called "Female Body Medical Examination."

Thanks! I found the website. I just might have to join to get the movie. It looks quirky and fun.
929) JD 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 19:23 Permalink

(929) Imperial Questioning
930) Fritz 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 21:13 Permalink

Howie, Ralphus, Bill K., A Canadian: I appreciate the support guys, but just to set the record straight, I never felt the review “didn't go over well”. My concern was that I had misled readers into forming impressions which had a negative impact on the producer, one buyer and some potential buyers. It has since been pointed out to me, both on and off the forum, that this was not the case. That's a relief, though I continue to worry whether my words are interpreted as I wish them to be.

I never wrote many reviews to begin with, so this isn't really a big deal. But I guess I shouldn't let this experience dampen my willingness to try again sometime. I'll just have to be attentive and consider more carefully how my criticisms (and even my praise) will be received.

*  *  *  *  *

petelobo: By no means did I think my review somehow influenced you into purchasing a bunch of Teraz videos against your own better judgement. Your post merely led me to believe that the caps in particular made BoaB appear better than it was, at least from your perspective – perhaps leading you to risk a Teraz purchase, and subsequently being disappointed. As my assumption was false, I'm pleased there's no harm done.

Still, as you bought BoaB with both eyes open, and unaffected by the review, why would you choose to shop at Teraz when you clearly prefer the “A list” material at Elite Pain? Do you already have most of the latter's output? I confess I have bought Elite Pain videos long ago, but after quickly realizing these were not for me, I never returned – preferring to stay with vendors who usually deliver my own A list material. Perhaps you simply have a broader palate than I do (as well as more money smile).
931) MAV 
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Thursday, 10 April 2014 22:32 Permalink


My 2nd AOH torture custom with the superhot Candle Boxxx is now available. I can post a review soon, but as a quick summary, she is bound tightly AOH, belly punched/kneed/batoned and tasered for the most part, and also occasionally whipped and slapped, all the while dangling AOH to our delight.

932) mr bush 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 22:56 Permalink

Another shout out to Amy, what a great site design, she is brilliant.

Now is all we need is for Rick to kidnap her and put her through some modern day torture like he did with Lisa.
933) MrAnthony 
IP logged
Thursday, 10 April 2014 23:21 Permalink

Blakemore's story of looking over into the next car at a stoplight and photographing Ann Bruno would be more believable if there were keys in the ignition.
934) Howie 
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 01:29 Permalink

(934) petelobo said: As for fake breasts vs. real, I too agree that there are good fakes and bad fakes. I was not complaining about Ally's; I was commenting on the Teraz models in general. One of their main actresses from MOW and MOW2 has what Ralphus calls very accurately "bolt-ons", which really do spoil the effect for me.

Again, you're casting this wide net about all the Teraz models, when you've only pointed out one actress who you say had bad fake tits. I'm guessing you're referring to Maria Vaslova pictured above, of which I disagree on that assessment. Are they obviously fake? Yup, but I'd play with them puppies for hours and never get bored. wink

There are things stylistically and editorial wise from time to time that annoy me in some of the Teraz flicks, but the way the models look has never come even CLOSE to making that list. So different strokes for different blokes, because I find'em all to be smoking fucking HOT, and LOVE to see them suffer. cool smile

935) Howie 
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Friday, 11 April 2014 01:44 Permalink

(935) I'm glad all this Teraz stuff came up though, because I hadn't realized that Brutal Treatment of a Captive Female Pt3 had come out. (Linked above)

Can't wait to see Cindy Dollar, with her PERFECT fucking tits, get the shit kicked out of her one last time. eek! razz (stick out tongue) wink

I must complete this epic trilogy this weekend. Ha ha. smile
936) Howie 
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Friday, 11 April 2014 02:04 Permalink

(936) Man, those fucking links never work for me... Tried it again above just for shits and giggles. Oh, and of course another delectable pic of Cindy and those fabulous tits. All drenched in cum, blood and sweat.... Awww... The poor thing... Kind feel sorry for her... Ha Ha, nope! Beat that hot piece of meat to death!eek! cool lol

937) The Dude 
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 02:26 Permalink

938) Covers 
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 06:55 Permalink

(938) MrAnthony wrote: Blakemore's story of looking over into the next car at a stoplight and photographing Ann Bruno would be more believable if there were keys in the ignition.

Well, yes, but it was a really excellent story nonetheless. Thanks for the entertainment, Blakemore!


MAM Cover of the Day is Battle Cry Apr 1965 V8 #2.jpg
939) Covers 
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 06:56 Permalink

(939) Duillo of the Day is _jm092r_duillo.jpg
940) TRG 
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 11:20 Permalink

Blakemore: Great story. I can't wait to hear about the others. I hope you don't blow out too many fuses when you're writing them.
941) Bill K. 
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 11:30 Permalink

The one thing about fake breasts is they do not flatten out with the AOH bondage position. The smaller natural breast cup sizes BB or smaller the gimp loses most if not all of her breast shape definition.

Otherwise natural breast cup size is not important but considering why gimps get fake breasts in the first place for larger cup size because of just what I just said in certain gimp cases it is important and size matters. Bill K.
942) JD 
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 16:33 Permalink

(942) Another dungeon rendering. A pet peeve I got about other renderings floating around is that the authors use tons of halogenic flood light in their scene which is weird. Dungeons were dark places with few flickering lights, enhancing the sheen of a sweating victim.
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 16:39 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

944) JD 
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Friday, 11 April 2014 17:15 Permalink

(944) Something like that.
945) Bill K. 
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 19:23 Permalink

Dungeons must have had a way of ventilating smoke and carbon monoxide out. I recall Amy and Margot having problems with that very thing in filming the dungeon scenes in Maleficarum. Bill K.
946) JD 
IP logged
Friday, 11 April 2014 20:25 Permalink

Bill K: Well, I visited a couple of medieval dungeons in the Europe's castles during the years and I assume it's the stack effect that keeps the air flow since they seems to be situated mostly on the bottom of a deeper chamber with a (more or less) vertical acces.
947) Kelderek 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 04:19 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Seems we started a dungeon theme... so let me contribute with a recent render! big grin

JD: One reason you don't see that many dungeon renders with "dungeon" lighting is simply because it's pretty difficult to achieve. Point light sources are difficult to control in many rendering engines and multiple light sources requires lots of computing power... Even with an advanced physics-based rendering engine, you still have exactly the same problem a real life photographer is confronted with capturing scenes with unsufficient light on film. It takes a lot of skill in lighting setup. The pic you posted is not lighted with just the torches you see in the pic, there are a number of additional light sources at play there. I'm sure Margot and Amy can attest to the diffulties in lighting dungeon scenes in their movies!

948) JD 
IP logged
Saturday, 12 April 2014 05:13 Permalink

Kelderek The pic you posted is not lighted with just the torches you see in the pic, there are a number of additional light sources at play there.

Thanks for input. There are exactly 4 torches there (inverse squared) and 1 ember glow (inverse liniar) and nothing else. But I admit that sometimes a faint diffuse IBL would help act as a filler and soften the hard shadows.

Point light sources are difficult to control in many rendering engines and multiple light sources requires lots of computing power...

I found that atmosphere filling, ambient occlusion and dynamic hair are the worst offenders at eating CPU power, not the lighting(s). I have issues with multiples lighting because most common renderers (I use Firefly on Poser 2014) are only use the first 4 in previews.

A quad core and 16 GB of RAM on a 64 bit platform as I run takes about 1..3 minutes to draw as a draft (no bells and whistles) and anything between 10 minutes to 10 hours for a full scene with raytraced shadows.

Overall, it's a trade off. You might lose some detail (due to the poor lighting) and gain more on the realism.
949) Mike Antonioni 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 05:17 Permalink

(949) Nicely Spotted Mr Anthony: "Blakemore's story of looking over into the next car at a stoplight and photographing Ann Bruno would be more believable if there were keys in the ignition".

Yes it is nice to hear these stories and I want to hear more but lets keep to the facts, cos its a lot more interesting that way.
PS: what is up with the Gimp Captcha?

950) JD 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 05:20 Permalink

(950) A scene like that wouldn't work with multiple light sources, I think.


PS: The capcha developer gotta be Canadian. It's mostly about Labbat and their 165 years of brewing. :)
951) Kelderek 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 05:42 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD, very nice job to get such lighting results in the Firefly renderer, you obviously have figured out its quirks better than I have! smile
952) JD 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 06:18 Permalink

(952) Not at all, mon ami. I just happened to use a very versatile figure (Miki 4, worth every one of its 19.99 bucks) and a rather good hardware to test all the angles I like. Artistically, I'm definetely humbled by some other works out there.

E.g. That's one use of directional light (spot) I can find realistic, like a window somewhere up.
953) Covers 
IP logged
Saturday, 12 April 2014 09:27 Permalink

(953) Today's MAM cover is BATTLE CRY Apr 1968 cover by Vic Prezio.jpg
954) Covers 
IP logged
Saturday, 12 April 2014 09:28 Permalink

(954) Duillo of the Day: 7f299981 Duillo art.jpg
955) JD 
IP logged
Saturday, 12 April 2014 20:25 Permalink

A trick to produce deeper shadows when you want attentuation greater than inverse square (like small dungeons, with torches too close/bright) is to add a diffuse source of light with negative value. That would dinamically darken the ambient scene, enhancing also the atmospheric absorbtion.
956) JD 
IP logged
Saturday, 12 April 2014 20:31 Permalink

(956) And that's a good example of artificially darkening the scene when there are way too many sources of light (a line-up of torches on the wall, in this case).
957) JD 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 20:36 Permalink

(957) Sometimes, it's a good ideea to supress the lighting, like the ember glow here. A negative light source would help.
958) Bill K. 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 22:40 Permalink

(958) Dungeons and rats go together. Spiders and webs too. The gimp is modern looking, clean shaven too but that's not problem at all for me. Chains of skeletons on the wall are a Hollywood thing but chains and cells blocks make sense. I guess you can get too serious about what a real dungeon décor should have when really it's about the gimp and what's being done to her. Bill K.
959) DHT 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 22:47 Permalink

(959) From some 70' comic, probably Conan...
960) JD 
IP logged
Saturday, 12 April 2014 23:17 Permalink

(960) Yeah, it's Conan the Buccaneer. There are 3 pages of interest there, soorry about the lousy scannings I did but I didn't want to damage the original book.

961) JD 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 23:17 Permalink

(961) 2/3
962) JD 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 23:18 Permalink

(962) 3/3
963) JD 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 23:20 Permalink

(963) and maybe a 4/3 :)
964) Ralphus 
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Saturday, 12 April 2014 23:45 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Covers wrote (in Post 954):

Duillo of the Day: 7f299981 Duillo art.jpg

Well, I recognize that one! If that's your best print, feel free to upgrade your copy with this one from our Men's Magazine Stories section:

That was the first one that Fritz ever restored for the new section. He's done 5 more for us since, and I've got more stuff to send him soon. Now that Fritz is retired, I'm sure he has nothing better to do that to spend hours working on projects for me and not get paid :)


Blakemore's Anne Bruno story: Only Blakemore knows exactly what happened, and his wife is at home this weekend, which means he's not gonna be able to access her computer and follow up until at least Monday. In a way, it's kind of funny. He's a grown man but he still has to secretly go online and look at porn only when his wife isn't around, like some kid sneaking into his dad's room to look at the stack of porno mags when he's at work. He says if his wife ever caught him looking at porn, she would divorce him. And of course she knows what he used to do for a living; she was even one of his models.

And whether you guys believe the whole story or not, you got to admit it's one of the most entertaining posts we've had here for a while.


DHT and JD: A few years back, I ran the bondage pages from this comic as the daily picture at the top of he site. I got them from Covers; he has them listed as "The Savage Sword of Conan". Here's some slightly better scans for you all.







965) Bill K. 
IP logged
Saturday, 12 April 2014 23:55 Permalink

(965) Today's picture: Aren't those hot coals supposed to go under the seat? Like the above bmovievillain does, sadly without spikes. Bill K.
966) Arcas 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 04:11 Permalink

(966) Geez, guys - so much great stuff's been going on here! I feel damn guilty about not chiming in more, of late, but I sorta feel like I shouldn't post anything unless I have a purdy picture to share along with it. So here's something out of the archives.

I'm still neck deep in that project with Geoff Merrick for and trying to keep up an image a day for production. I'm 2/3's through, finally. Another week or two and it should be a wrap. It's been fun and challenging, but I gotta say I'm looking forward to a bit of "unstructured time" to just let my muse respond to where ever my brain feels like going in the moment.

All that said, let me look back and do some shout-outs on a few of the cool posts of late....

QUOOM: Great to see you posting a bit more. Your work is truly a stand out in the field and I'm sure you can tell you've got a lot of fans here who are delighted by your participation. And that suspended elctro-torture scene in the industrial basement was some great, hot work - especially that third shot with the juice flowing!

JD: Some truly fine Photoshop work there! Very convincing and refined.

Mwb writes: "Put me in the "sick fuck" category. I like it real.": I can understand that - ESPECIALLY when it comes to performers like the absolutely stunning 912, that you pictured. It's not only that it's real, but she into it from the masochist side and loses herself in the fear and pain like few others. Even if it's a studio shoot, she still draws you in with a sense of peril, fear, and anguish. She was a real treasure and it's sad (for me) that her tenure came to an end with Insex.

Blakemore: Ann Bruno - YAY! Man, whatta sexy dumpling she was. I only have a few of your works with her in my collection, but she's maybe the closest to an "Arcas Girl" of any of your models. Those tits were meant for tight bondage/torture, for sure. I'm sorry that we didn't get to see them meet some nasty skewers, as well (*sob*)...

Covers: Keep goin', man. It's great to pop on and get my fix of "the classics". The legless Nazi on the push cart with the shark tank was a real hoot!

Fritz: Thanks for the great review and caps of "Bitch on a Burner". It may be relatively simple, plotwise, but the model's a stunner!

Howie: Thanks for the heads up on that film series with Cindy Dollar. You're right - AMAZING tits! And more great imagery in parts 1 (electro!) and 2. Inspiring and delicious big grin
967) Covers 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 08:21 Permalink

(967) Ralphus wrote: Duillo of the Day: 7f299981 Duillo art.jpg Well, I recognize that one! If that's your best print, feel free to upgrade your copy with this one from our Men's Magazine Stories section.

Ralphus: I'm sure you would be horrified to know just how imperfectly my scan collection is organized. The Duillo art I've been posting is simply the result of a search of my "comics" drive for that term. Thanks for the upgrade; I trashed the smaller scan.

Arcas: Thanks for the comment. Your images are great!


MAM Cover of the Day is Battle Cry Aug 1962 (See All Man Feb 1960).jpg
968) Covers 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 08:40 Permalink

(968) Duillo of the Day is _jm104r1_duillo-combined.jpg
969) JD 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 08:55 Permalink

(969) Branded tits, a personal fetish of mine.
970) InterrogationMaster 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 10:47 Permalink

(970) Could someone please help me identify where this still is from? I've been searching all over with no luck.
971) JD 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 11:31 Permalink

InterrogationMaster: Check here.

Bound Bdsm Slave Clit Pumped brought to you by Slutload Free Porn
972) Arcas 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 13:44 Permalink

(972) Interrogation Master: Can't help ya... though I wish I could! Looks "interesting". Best I can do is post my own similar theme, from a while back...
973) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 17:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD has it right with; which is just a recycling of the clip from another website.
974) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 17:44 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(974) Ok, I've linked the original source link above. Not sure its worth $45 a month unless you're getting all of the Kink.Com websites at that rate. Maybe its just me, but I prefer something more than just "tie'em up and do'em"; like maybe a plot or a storyline, ya know?
975) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 18:40 Permalink

Arcas, love your one candle slow cooker pussy artwork. But why just one candle?
Bill K.
976) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 19:15 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thomas Chaser wrote:

Maybe its just me, but I prefer something more than just "tie'em up and do'em"; like maybe a plot or a storyline, ya know?

I don't follow enough of Kink's videos to know if they use an actual storyline, but from what I saw in the preview, I don't think so. As far as I can tell, they usually follow this modus operandi: Interview model, tell her what you're planning to do with her, perform various bondage positions on her, making sure that each one ends with a vibrator session (I caught the "May I cum, please?" line in the trailer) and finally, interview her afterward where she gushes about how much fun she had and of course, she would love to come back. The end.

Even taking that 5-minute clip out of context, it still bothers me. The male dom is talking to her about safe words and asking how far she's willing to go. In other words, you can't even fantasize it's non-consensual because they never let you forget it! Blakemore would do just the opposite. He'd tell her, "I'm gonna fuckin' torture you, BITCH!" and then he would do it. It's all about the attitude, and the words you use. That's why even though Kink does the bondage right, their stuff still sucks.

Another thing that I don't care for...I guess I don't mind it much in small doses, but covering up the face of the victim always takes something away from the fantasy. I want to see her face, her pleading scared eyes, and the bag over the head eliminates that. She's got a great body, but unless you see her face beforehand, you never know about her attractiveness until the bag is removed. It was kinda cool when he peeled up the bag just enough to see that she was ballgagged, though.

Opinions, anyone?
977) JD 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 20:10 Permalink

Arcas, is that a Genesis 2 figure? I don't think I'll spend close to a hundred bucks to find out but it looks good.
978) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 20:15 Permalink

(978) On that Slutload clip or all of Kink's videos there is no merciless peril at all. Plot or no plot.

Here is a Padme peril I found to go with all of JD's great Leia peril artworks.
979) JD 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 20:40 Permalink

(979) Jabba's trophy wall.
980) Howie 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 20:40 Permalink

@ Arcas - Be sure an let us know when this big project goes up over at I'll be glad to sign up for a month over there to see what you've been working on. Besides, I haven't joined that site in a few years at this point anyhow.

981) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 20:59 Permalink

Here is Arcas and friend's teaser preview at : [] , Do you have to join just that one artwork story? Bill K.
982) Arcas 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 22:33 Permalink

BillK writes: Here is Arcas and friend's teaser preview at : [] , Do you have to join just that one artwork story?

Hey, cool! It's up. What's there now is about the first 1/6th of the story. I'm not sure how quickly they'll dole it out. I'm working on the last 1/3rd right now. The whole story will have around 35 accompanying illustrations.

If you join you get access to the whole site and if you've never joined before, you WILL get your money's worth as there's a lot of accumulated content.
983) TRG 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 23:13 Permalink

Ralphus wrote: Another thing that I don't care for...I guess I don't mind it much in small doses, but covering up the face of the victim always takes something away from the fantasy.

For me that would take away everything. The face sells it to me. It's got to be a pretty face, it's got to portray distress, pleading, etc. Most women's bodies look alike, but their faces make the difference between the ones who click and the one who don't.
984) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 23:17 Permalink

(984) Looking at the other previews especially Damian's Indian Wild West story I just may join as soon as Arcas' story is released to see. It's been about 2 years since I was a member there and so it's maybe worth a quick one month membership look, then I will cancel again.

One more Padme peril I found. Bill K.
985) Arcas 
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Sunday, 13 April 2014 23:24 Permalink

"I'm Arcas and I approved of this Pic of the Day."
986) petelobo 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 05:14 Permalink

TRG wrote:
Most women's bodies look alike, but their faces make the difference between the ones who click and the one who don't.

Wait...What?! Not disagreeing with the argument that faces are important--as are voices (how they cry and scream--which are indeed very individual--but I'm hoping you were just over-stating a point to try to make it. Most women's bodies look alike?!

Well, yeah, I guess you could say they mostly have two arms and two legs, and the legs go down to the floor, and they have breasts and bellies and butts, and a variety of interesting hot, tight orifices, etc. You know, all that basic stuff. But Jesus, you could as easily say all faces look alike: most have a couple eyes, a nose, a mouth, a forehead, some ears on the side, etc.

I would say that it's not the hardware that makes the victim, it's the software. My argument about capping vs. watching vids is exactly based on that. There are lots of models in gimp material who are blow-away exciting until you see or hear them in action. An irritating voice or bored expression on the face can kill the experience, I agree. But so does a body that sits like a lump of clay or seriously over-reacts. Tiny breasts or big footballs don't do a thing for me. Not a big fan of bony anorexic girls or seriously overweight ones, but the MILF look, a little bigger than "ideal" can still do the trick if it's expressive.

Basically if a woman looks like she is suffering--her body writhing (which is not apparently an easy thing to do), her face and eyes showing it, her voice, gagged or not--if she is selling the experience, it works for me. Otherwise there might be some images--instants where I can believe she was feeling what she obviously was not--but the real thing is fast-forward one time through.
987) YikYakker 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 06:05 Permalink

InterrogationMaster: Don't know if this helps, but there is a 5-minute clip featuring your image (post 970) at
988) Covers 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 06:46 Permalink

(988) Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry Aug 1965 V8 #5.


I've got to say that every GIMP photo stands on its own. It's a combination of body and face and pose and expression and situation and surroundings and a few of other factors.

InterrogationMaster's photo works for me because the GIMP's tension and fear is visible even without seeing her face.
989) Covers 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 06:47 Permalink

(989) Duillo of the Day is _jm105r1_duillo combined.jpg
990) bill 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 10:51 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I really approve of today's pic of slave 912. She suffers so beautifully, has a great gimp body, and is really into the scene.

I especially love a session she did for Insex in 2003 or 2005. The look of pain and suffering she shows is genuine and a real turn-on. I used to be able to find part 2 of the session on a couple of sites, but now it has disappeared. Anyone know if it is still available?
991) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 11:18 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(991) I get what TRG is trying to say, and I also agree with Ralphus. If this was an interrogation story, then having the bag over the head would work wonderfully because it adds an additional layer of duress to the GIMP being tortured. It would be easy to take stills from this clip and add dialogue or narration that would read something like "Here we have another journalist/university student/activist whom we have identified as an enemy of the State. She has information that could lead to the arrests of several more of her kind. In this video, our master torturer will attempt to break her will by sexually abusing her until she agrees to cooperate with our investigation. First, notice that she has been stripped and a heavy canvas bag placed over her head to blind her and limit the amount of air she can breathe. This instills a feeling of helplessness and despair in the subject, even before we begin with our active forms of torture..."
992) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 11:26 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(992) Continuing my thought...

Without any sort of introduction, we would have no way of know that was Beretta James under that bag. She's done a number of shoots with the various Kink.Com studios so her face is pretty easy to identify. Her body, on the other hand (as TRG stated) is fairly generic with no tats, no marks, no piercings, and no scars. So, when the torturer lifts the edge of the bag to wet his finger on her tongue, it's a bit like a peep-show as we see that under that canvas bag is a pretty good-looking chin and mouth. Even at that point, I never would have guessed it was Beretta James under there, which makes me wonder "why bother paying Beretta James-level money in the first place?" Any way, the video looks good but could be so much better if the torturer had played his role a bit more and made it seem a little less consensual.
993) boccaccio 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 12:11 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

First of all, a tip of the whip to 912, who, in my book, is the best performer I have encountered in our favorite genre. I would say 'actress' but it's not acting in the usual sense. I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing her well whatever she is doing now.

@ Bill -- When you say Part II -- do you mean Part II of "Twitchy and Wet" (from which today's image was taken? The sequel to T and W was titled "Blow by Blow," or "Blow by Blow, Part II." It's very good, but not, IMO, quite as good, to my breast-centric taste, as T & W, which, for me, is the creme de la creme of BDSM films.

There is also a Part I and Part II of a Dec 2001 "Live Feed." My recollection of that one is that it contains a scene with 912 having eight or ten slivers or splints lodged in each of her luscious breasts.

I have seen both films listed as being available for download on line quite recently.

Also, hats off to Ralphus and Amy and the many recent contributions. It's beginning to seem as if the default by the Forum's server or provider or whatever it's called has turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
994) boccaccio 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 12:55 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ ralphus #976

Couldn't agree more on all counts.

I don't like head or face coverings of any kind. In some cases, I suppose they are used to protect the identity of the woman, but thoughtfully chosen wigs, eye-wear and camera angles would usually suffice in that regard.

I suppose the pre and post session interviews are deemed a legal necessity, but they are really mood-destroying. And so, to my taste, are the extended vibrator scenes which so many film-makers use, which obviate any pretense of non-consensuality. The convincing feigning of non-consensuality is a sine qua non of credigimpibility in my book.

Having said that, it occurs to me that perhaps women find the vibrator scenes very, um, gratifying? Would any members of the fair sex care to comment on that point?

And that last point leads me to wonder -- what percentage of the consumers of gimpographic material are women, do you suppose? Has anyone ever seen any reliable estimates? Ralphus, do you have a sense of the male-female ratio of the people who visit this site?

It has always surprised me that about 20% of the people who have sent me feedback for my stories over the years have been women, about half of whom say they are writing on behalf of themselves and their boyfriend/lover/husband.

Since my stories are written about 85-90% from the male pov, I have found it a bit curious that the number of female repliers is as high as it is (although, in fairness the number of people who take the trouble to contact an author may not be representative of the total number of readers.
995) Bill K. 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 13:09 Permalink

Slutload's Beretta James is not being tortured and even calling it sexual assault (rape) is a stretch so head covered or not does it matter. It's certainly not merciless.

I think bag over head is to hide she actually sexual enjoying what's being done to her. Also her body language says to me no sweat no stress or fear.
Don't gimp under emotional and physical stress of any kind sweat? Bill K.
996) Tim 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 13:39 Permalink

(996) Covers:

I thought you might be of help here. This is a (poor) copy of probably the first bondage-related image I ever saw, sometime around the late 70s/early 80s. I wish I still had the original magazine. Would you happen to have this photo in your collection? Thanks!
997) Blakemore 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 15:24 Permalink

First...Ralphus failed to mention two of the actual reasons I have to be cautious in accessing any of this sort of thing. wife has a high security clearance with a major government/military contractor and like it or not...constitutional or not...they have the ability and desire to make spot checks on this type of employees personal computer activity.

Two...she looks UN-naturally young and has a body that has to be seen to be believed and she is just plain VAIN and jealous, that you've had your laugh at my expense friend Ralphus...maybe you will eventually learn that I DO NOT HAVE a fucking sense of humor. Okay?

As for the observation that Ann Bruno did not have a key in the ignition of her car? Thanks for noticing...and, do any of you actually expect me to recall every Goddamn detail of things that happened 30+ years ago? And WHY would I waste my time and take this risk to make-up shit for your entertainment?

However...I said "thanks for noticing" because until you said that I'd totally forgotten that Ann's car was a beat-up clunker in which the ignition switch did not work, so some shade-tree mechanic had rigged a fucked-up ignition switch on the OTHER SIDE of the steering column and that's why you couldn't see it. Okay? JeaZZZZUS, please give me a break people.

Now TRG: I would love to tell you about how I met "my girls" least those that were unusual or interesting in how that happened but...honestly, I am getting very concerned about doing things like this on-line for reasons already stated. Our lives depend on Danielle's job and this is a risk that has gotten just too big to take, so I wish all of you well and will always appreciate the reception you've given me.

Ralphus, call if you wish but this decision is based on some recent incidents I can't talk about as much as I really do hate to lose this form of communication...THE REAL WORLD can't be ignored.

Best wishes to one and all!
998) Ralphus 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 16:39 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I can tell you when I talked to Blakemore over the weekend and mentioned someone had said the key wasn't in the ignition, he didn't even hesitate when he told me it had been hooked up on the other side. It's not like he had to stop and think about what to say first and then came up with an excuse. I've mentioned here before that I don't always "buy" every story he tells me, but in this case, I do believe he's being totally honest. So you guys that are screaming "busted!" likely owe the man an apology. At the very least, give him the benefit of the doubt. The explanation seems plausible to me.

Furthermore, he's been very generous to come here and share his life with a bunch of people he doesn't know, and will likely never know. I've joked about him sneaking onto his wife's computer when she's away, but he really is taking a chance every time he goes online. Personally, I hope this doesn't chase him away for good. He's a unique guy and he says some controversial stuff, and yes, I've been one of the guys who's taken him to task for some of what he's said. It doesn't mean I don't like having him around. I feel the benefits of having him here far outweigh the occasional rifts we've had here in the past. The man invented the bondage industry...he's literally a living legend. And he's actually a nice man. Except for the lack of the sense of humor part :)
999) A Canadian 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 17:23 Permalink

Blakemore wrote:

THE REAL WORLD can't be ignored.

That is so true.


Meanwhile, I fear my days on this forum may be "numbered."

It's not that I lack a sense of humor, or that I'm upset to learn how the real world works, or anything like that.

Instead, the problem is that it appears the anti-bot test is now conducting mathematical quizzes. To quote Chevy Chase (as Gerald Ford): It was my understanding that there would be no math.

If I am no longer able to get past the sign-in page, at least you'll know what happened.
1000) TJ 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 17:23 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(1000) CrimeDoesNotPay7010r.jpg

Posted by request.
1001) JD 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 17:44 Permalink

(1001) A Canadian: Wasn't the stereotype about the illiterate Americans? Canadians too, now? What's next, the geekish pervert Asian invasion? smile

We live in weird times.

Honestly now, I love the math quiz, it only takes couple of keystrokes. Much better than playing hymns to the Labbatt beer (which I dislike almost as much as Budweiser). Only watery beers on this side of the pond.

'Nway, another day, another slavepiece. Did anyone recognise this show?
1002) DHT 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 18:24 Permalink

(1002) A nice pic I found while surfing...
1003) Bill K. 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 19:13 Permalink

Answering a simple math question is better then listening to ads for whatever. Bill K.
1004) A Canadian 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 19:43 Permalink

JD wrote:

Wasn't the stereotype about the illiterate Americans? Canadians too, now?

I believe the correct way to ask that question is: Canadians too, eh?

But I'm not a stereotypical illiterate Canadian. I'm a stereotypical innumerate Canadian.
1005) JD 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 19:55 Permalink

Correct, numeracy.
1006) Dr Yuya 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 20:02 Permalink

Some more Manga scans...this time from the manga Tenjo Tenge. Swear so far all I've posted is actually mainstream stuff...proving they're just a better country (at least perv-wise) than any other country.

1007) Tim 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 20:48 Permalink

TJ: Thank you VERY much! That's perfect.
1008) JD 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 20:49 Permalink

(1008) I have this clip on my HDs since the beginning of the Internet (it was in RM format then) and yet I could never trace it ... looks like everyone has it but no one knows where from. It's Japanese, by the pixelation and looks like an early Attackers concept.

Anyone can help me with more info? Like the name of the production. I'll owe him/her my third born.
1009) TRG 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 20:56 Permalink

Blakemore: my wife has a high security clearance with a major government/military contractor and like it or not...constitutional or not...they have the ability and desire to make spot checks on this type of employees personal computer activity.

I suppose we could chip in so he could buy his OWN computer. Really wanted to hear how those girls came his way, though, especially Montgomery and Arthur.
1010) InterrogationMaster 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 21:09 Permalink

(1010) Thanks so much everyone for helping me with the Slut Interrogation still. I'm enjoying the discussion that's going on as well. Personally, I definitely love the bag-over-the-head scenario since the sensory deprivation can cause fear for even the bravest of captives since they cannot anticipate where the pain will come from. Having said that, I still would prefer the captives to be brave and fight to keep themselves from breaking under those conditions. It's what made watching that section in Slut Interrogation somewhat disappointing. I love how Beretta James looks tied to the chair with the bag over her head but I feel she was playing the terrified victim rather than the strong captive the way I personally prefer interrogation scenarios. The still alone was worth it though.

For an amazing illustration of the bag-over-the-head interrogation scenario, I highly recommend reading 'Interrogation of an Amazon' by Mike Coolham. The scene I'm referring to occurs at Chapter 10 but the whole story, which is available on BDSM Library, is absolutely worth the read since it covers so many types of torture methods. It's written quite brilliantly, as close to perfection as it gets in depicting strong women withstanding torture under interrogation.


JD: Yet another amazing photoshop work. I recognize the character from 'Legend of the Seeker' since one of my favorite mainstream scenes comes from Season 2 Episode 20 'Eternity' where Cara is strung up and tortured.

Also, you're in luck. I actually own the torture compilation video on DVD that features the clip you're looking for. It's called FAD-1243. I'm having trouble ripping it onto my computer to upload online since it'll only play on DVD players but I'll try to figure something out.

Dr. Yua: Thanks for another fantastic manga update. It's expanding my horizons.
1011) Covers 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 21:35 Permalink

Thanks for posting the Crime Does Not Pay cover for me, TJ.

I should probably mention that anyone who has been hunting for a comic, pulp, or paperback cover should check out my web site. There are over 5000 cover scans posted in the archives.
1012) JD 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 21:56 Permalink

(1012) The only place with a better and longer copy I could find is at [] and in the opening there is a screen like that. Since I don't speak the language I couldn't make more than the number. I'll look for FAD-1243, see what I can find.

For making back-ups of your DVDs, probably the best out there is DVDFab 9. You can use it for 5 times in the demo mode.
1013) Mark Evans 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 22:46 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD, I think that video is from either FAD-128 or FAX-128 as well as the video you mentioned. 128 seems to be a compilation of past scenes from fa-pro, many of which are electro torture. Unfortunately, their site is hit and miss, down most of the time. I've posted the link to that particular video, but I could never figure out when the site is up or down. Hope this helps. I've seen many other clips like this one which are likely from the same source, but it's like finding a needle in a haystack on their site.
1014) A Canadian 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 23:00 Permalink

(1014) JD: That film, FAD-1243, was produced by the company FA-PRO.

It's an older title from 2006 and it looks to be very difficult to find. I don't even see it listed on the FA-PRO website [].

Well, actually, I did find one site that has it listed for sale -- but the "new releases" on that site are pretty dated, so I doubt it is a reliable source [].

If it's any help, the stars of the movie include Maki Tomoda and Shiho Tsubokura. The director is Henry Tsukamoto.
1015) A Canadian 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 23:13 Permalink

The information that Mark Evans provided has been extremely helpful.

I managed to find the FAX-128 version for sale. It can be purchased at JavParadise [].
1016) Ralphus 
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Monday, 14 April 2014 23:19 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(1016) TJ: Thanks for the enhanced scan (Crime Does Not Pay, Post 1000) featuring the blonde about to get a hot iron up the snatch. I love that cover; it's one of my favorites. Now THAT would be a helluva story to restore, if anyone has it.


Boccaccio asked (in Post 994):

...what percentage of the consumers of gimpographic material are women, do you suppose? Has anyone ever seen any reliable estimates? Ralphus, do you have a sense of the male-female ratio of the people who visit this site?

I think we have roughly 1600 readers, of which approximately 1594 are males. Okay, the 6 females figure might be a little high, but I'm estimating.

I really don't know how many women we have here, except when they post. Amy is a woman. Margot is a woman. I'm assuming Joanna is a woman. We had someone named Mira post here last week. That name sounds feminine.

I'm sure there's some women who enjoy this sort of fantasy and stop by from time to time. They're just really quiet when they do. Maybe they're laying low because they realize our site is inhabited by a group of pervs and sick fucks who would like nothing more than to see them tied down and tortured.


And you also wrote (in Post 993):

Also, hats off to Ralphus and Amy and the many recent contributions. It's beginning to seem as if the default by the Forum's server or provider or whatever it's called has turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Being forced out of our home without warning has definitely hurt us, hits-wise. We were averaging around 2100 hits a day in the month of January, before Dreambook pulled the plug on us. Now we're down to about 1500 a day. That's about 600 fewer a day, roughly a 25% decrease.'s the good news. We're getting a LOT more posters. I just updated the archives tonight. Check out these numbers.

In the month of January, our last full month of activity at Dreambook, we had 244 posts. This past March, our first full month with the new forum, we had 518, which is more than double!

And the fact that we can easily post pictures now seems to have brought the posters out. In January, we had 42 posts with embedded pictures. And in March, it was 223. More than 5 times more! Plus the site looks more appealing when you can take a quick look and see dozens of pictures of naked women in bondage, as opposed to just lines and lines of text. Definitely an improvement.


Bill K wrote:

Answering a simple math question is better then listening to ads for whatever.

Yeah, I hated the ads, so I had Amy put in a new captcha. It's not fool-proof; the spammers are still getting in, but they were getting in with the other system, too. We'll see how this goes for a while. One of my new jobs is coming up with a new math problem every day, hopefully simple enough so that most of us can get though, but keeps the robots and the Canadians out.
1017) Bill K. 
IP logged
Monday, 14 April 2014 23:48 Permalink

Today's picture to me is too much mutilation of the breasts. Not my thing and really hope she got paid big $$$ bucks if that is real. Bill K.
1018) Arcas 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 02:28 Permalink

Bill K writes: Today's picture to me is too much mutilation of the breasts. Not my thing and really hope she got paid big $$$ bucks if that is real.

The two images on the right are actually Photoshop-enhanced by a user. She had lots of indentations from that floor mat, but there was no bleeding. Still, it hurt like hell!
1019) JD 
IP logged
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 05:50 Permalink

(1019) OK, ordered it, thanks to all who helped. I could have used a video screen grabber I suppose to pluck the video content from the site but those people require our support and beside 15 (7+8) bucks it's decent. Let's hope is going to make it through the custom.

Hope you like today's phantasy, guess the movie (shouldn't be too hard).
1020) Bill 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 06:02 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I see that today's pic offers more of a suffering 912. Thanks for the post.

@BOCCACCIO When I first owned a computer one of the first GIMP videos I found was part 2 of Twitchy and Wet, called Blow by Blow. I watched it every day for a long time. I recently found Blow By Blow available for viewing on a site, but now it seems to have disappeared.

I have seen both parts available for download. I guess I'll have to do it that way. Thanks for the info.
1021) Covers 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 06:43 Permalink

(1021) Duillo of the Day is 6cf9d386 Duillo art.jpg
1022) Covers 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 06:44 Permalink

(1022) Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry Feb 1968
1023) J Scourge 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 07:54 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(1023) It truly has been too long a time since saying a few words here. 'I like what you've done to the place,' Ralphus! Good move. And thanks are in order to Amy, too!

Here's another shot of one of my personal favorites, the lovely 912. You might call this one SEE NO EVIL.
1024) Joanna 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 08:48 Permalink

Re the Feb 68 battle Cry cover: I always like the use of an exam table for torture, and being strapped down like that by a medical expert who'll use their knowledge to maximize your pain.
1025) TJ 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 09:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ Covers - Actually, Ralphus wrote me privately to ask if I had anything on the Crime Does Not Pay Cover. I didn't see Tim's request directed at you, or I'd have let you take care of it.

I'm fairly certain most here are familiar with Covers' BCOTD site. For anyone who isn't, I highly recommend checking it out. I've had the site entire in my possession thanks to various site rippers over the years. Always been fun to sort thru' it all!

@ Tim & Ralphus - 'Course you guys are welcome for the post. Always happy to make a contribution to this fine den of iniquity in any way I can ;)
1026) TRG 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 11:16 Permalink

Review: The Story of O

GIMP went mainstream in France in 1954 when Pauline Réage published Histoire d’O, the story of a young fashion photographer who turned to a life of sexual degradation for the sake of her lover. It became an underground classic. In 1975 it became a mainstream movie, filmed in France of course, but which received world-wide distribution. I saw it in a first-run theater, complete with nudity and whipping, when it came out in this country in 1976 -- such were the 1970s.

The film opens with O (Corinne Cléry, Hitch Hike) being taken by her lover to a chateau in the Parisian suburb of Roissy. While in the car along the way, she is prepared for her arrival by removing her bra and panties, after which he blindfolds her and ties her wrists behind her back.

Once inside the chateau, she is washed and groomed by several young women for her introduction to a secret club that will train her to be constantly available sexually to its members, even in the course of her daily life after she leaves the chateau.

Once presented, she is blindfolded again and rudely and quickly penetrated in all three openings. The blindfold is removed and the club’s rules are explained to her, after which she is tied to a post and severely whipped. There follows several weeks of strict regulation, sexual servitude, and whippings.

While at the chateau, O must wear her cuffs and a floor-length gown, cut low in front so her breasts are always exposed. A slit in the front and back goes up to her waist so either track is freely available. Her days are free, but her evenings must be spent in the company of men who are allowed to take her in any way they choose, at any moment. She must never look into the eyes of a man, nor speak in the public areas of the chateau, under the penalty of being immediately whipped.

Her lover requests special treatment for O. She is kept in a dungeon and whipped daily for several weeks, following which she is released from the chateau and returned to her regular life.

O’s lover wants her to prove her love by submitting herself to his step-brother, Sir Stephen, who promises O he will never love her, only use her. She assents to that relationship.

Sir Stephen in turn sends O to the estate of Anne-Marie, who trains young women to be even more compliant than they were when they left Roissy. O is brutally whipped on her first day there, but only that one time. O leaves Anne-Marie wearing a large ring through her labia, and Sir Stephen’s brand on her lower back.

O is invited for lunch with Sir Stephen and two of his friends. She allows herself to be taken by one of them in mute compliance. A younger member of the group takes her to a hotel for a sexual romp. He falls in love with her and wants to rescue her from this life. Instead of saying no, O arranges for him to meet her at Sir Stephen’s apartments. When he arrives, the young man finds O in a copy of the torture chamber at Anne-Marie's Sir Stephen had made especially for her, tied between two columns, having just been savagely whipped. Aghast, he rushes out of the room.

In the final scene, O is taken to a costume party, naked, but wearing an elaborate owl’s-head mask. She is led by a chain attached to her collar. The guests inspect her as if she were a moving object and not a human being. End.

Pauline Réage wrote Histoire d’O as a love letter to her husband, Jean Paulhan. Réage, a plain woman, worried that she could not keep the attention of her dashing husband. When he read it, her urged her to publish it, which she later did under, this pen name. It is not recorded if she also got laid that night. Even though the book was banned in France, and everywhere else, it nonetheless won literary awards. It was not published in English until 1965.

Get the book, read it. It is pornography written as literature. The first forty pages or so are incendiary. Liking S&M without having read Story of O is like liking Jesus without having read the New Testament.

Not so for seeing this movie, however. Jaeckin’s treatment has been criticized for walking around the edges of the book, and Cléry for being too wimpy to be a good bottom. Both of those complaints have merit. There is copious nudity in the film, and whipping, but sex scenes barely rise to the level of softcore porn. The movie could have been filmed hardcore without inserts. Whipping scenes could have been graphic as well. The book details a harness O wears while at Roissy that holds a series of increasingly larger anal plugs to widen that track to make it more accessible for men who prefer that opening. Not mentioned at all in the film. As it is, the viewer never winces at anything that happens to O.

We never completely understand O’s motivation, either. She goes to Roissy to prove her love to her younger lover, but she does not love Sir Stephen. Perhaps he has fallen in love with her role, and what she has become, as she hints leading up to the party that concludes the movie. She is proud of who she now is. It must be that O found a way to take a common female desire to be dominated to an extreme.

Even more, the book explains, “she liked the idea of torture, when she underwent it she would have betrayed the entire world to escape it, and when it was over she was happy to have undergone it, and happier still the more cruel and prolonged it had been.”

There is a small subplot of O complicity luring one of her models, Jacqueline, to Roissy to be trained, which she eventually does. The book has a second subplot of a young girl, Natalie, about thirteen, who watches O being punished and comforts O when she is left hanging in her restraints after each beating. Natalie wants to be just like her and is upset when told she is too young to be taken to Roissy herself. Jaeckin wisely didn't go near that one.

That the film of The Story of O was less than it could have been was no doubt mitigated by the need to play it in legitimate theaters rather than X houses that were prevalent at the time. Given the current restrictions on showing S&M combined with graphic penetration, and the reactionary mood of these times, it might be a good while before an honest adaptation of this novel is ever put on the screen.

This version is, however, is a good start. O spends more screen time naked than clothed. Lush interiors, lots of beautiful naked women, lots of cuffs and whips, make The Story of O worth your time.

In an interview attached to the DVD of Vampyres, Playmate Anulka Dziubinska said she was offered the part of O, but her agent made her turn it down. Darn.

Find it at

Rating: B
1027) JD 
IP logged
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 12:00 Permalink

(1027) ...
1028) boccaccio 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 14:12 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I don't really recall seeing that close-up image of 912 with the puncture wounds while watching the film. Nor could I tell exactly what she was lying on that produced the perforations.

But what I do remember is that Princess Donna, 912's tormentor in that film, had climbed atop 912's buttocks and lower back and put her full body weight onto her victim, crushing 912's breasts into whatever abrasive surface it was. The close-up is a bit too clinical for my personal taste. The effect was more appealing from a distance of four to eight feet.

@ TRG re "The Story of O" -- I saw the film at a theater during its original run, and while it certainly could have been more graphic, all the ancillary arts of film-making -- sets, costumes,make-up, cinematography -- not to mention acting, were miles above most BDSM films. I'd give it an A- overall.

I didn't find the novel particularly appealing, though, probably because it was told from the women's point of view (and why not? the author was a woman) and while I suppose it was admirably "literary" I didn't find it very stimulating. Mostly because it was quasi-consensual.

I rarely see his (her?) name mentioned any more, but some of the books by A de Granamour, whose works I came across in the late 1960's and 1970's, were far more appealing to my taste. He was a lot more back-and-buttocks flogging-centric than I would have preferred, but he did a fine job creating reasonably credible historic settings. And, as importantly, dastardly and dangerous villains.
1029) boccaccio 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 14:28 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(1029) @ Arcas 1018

Thanks for pointing out that 912's perforations were photo-shopped. I hadn't seen that when I submitted my prior post.

For no good reason, in my judgment.

The original filming was sufficiently suggestive of the force employed and the amount of injury done.

I'm going to try to attach/upload a nice gif from Twitchy and Wet. Haven't tried it before, so not sure if this will work.
1030) boccaccio 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 14:56 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(1030) @ Interrogation Master #1010

Absolutely agree about Mike Coolham's Amazon story. Thousands of authors have contributed to BDSMLIB, and Coolham was definitely in the top five. It's a shame that he only wrote two stories, at least under that name at that site. A very talented writer.

I'm pretty certain that I wrote a glowing review of it at the time, but the site's review function has been down for some time. One of their many problems of late.
1031) Renzo Novatore 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 16:37 Permalink

Catching up on the electro-torture topic, here are a couple good scenes (I've always liked electro stuff):

From Jess Franco's "Women in Cell Block 9"

PKF "Cheerleader's Coach" (great performance from the lead in that one)

I'm not sure what one thisis from, but I think that's Ariel Anderssen on the right

1032) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 16:53 Permalink

Today's picture, "Will those tits ever heal?" I believe Arcas is right. That has to be photoshop. Those wounds if real would never heal. I can't imagine any porn gimp actress agreeing to allow that to be done to her breasts. Bill K.
1033) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 17:59 Permalink

TRG: Great work on the review of The Story of O.

Although it's not really the kind of movie that appeals to me, you've got me reconsidering my opinion. That's not an easy thing to achieve, I am told.
1034) Kasey11 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 18:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hi everyone. What an awesome forum!
Does anyone know which movie or video this torture scene gif is from?


I've been searching for ages frown
If anyone could help I'd be most grateful.
1035) Arcas 
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 19:38 Permalink

(1035) Bill K writes: "I believe Arcas is right. That has to be Photoshop."

Indeed it is. Here are the original as posted on Insex.
1036) InterrogationMaster 
IP logged
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 20:33 Permalink

(1036) Kasey11: The scene you're looking for is from a Brazilian TV series called Amor e Revolução (Love and Revolution) Episode 4, curtesy of the Electro-Shock Database. I highly suggest checking that out for more goodies.



I also recommend this interrogation scene I came across on YouTube that also features electro torture as well as bastinado.

1037) A Canadian 
IP logged
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 21:30 Permalink

(1037) Following up on last night's discussion of the FA-PRO movie, there are some new FA-PRO titles that I hope will be released in North America soon.

They are:

  • HTMS-039

  • FABS-034 - a two-disc film starring Yu Kawakami and many others.

    Actually, considering that Yu Kawakami also stars in the new Slave Island 3 movie being released next month, she's a leading contender to be my pick for best actress of 2014 -- and I haven't even seen her new movies yet.

    1038) Dr Yuya 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 15 April 2014 22:09 Permalink

    Taking a break from Japanese manga for a bit let me post one of my favorites from Italian artist Paolo Serpieri who did the comic "Druuna" for Heavy Metal Magazine.

    Actually now that I consider it I actually have quite a good image collection from countries all over. Strange I never really thought I did until I started digging into it...always been more focused on my video media.

    1039) Dr Yuya 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 15 April 2014 22:15 Permalink

    1040) Thomas Chaser 
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    Tuesday, 15 April 2014 22:22 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1040) Joanne - I don't know why, but I've always associated this image with the scientific study of the female anatomy via the intentional infliction of pain. I've always had a sort of storyline wrapped around it, like the girl on the table either (a) has volunteered to be the test specimen, or (b) in a more sci-fi storyline, was bred to be the specimen. In either vein, she's obviously been prepared for study, with the instruments set out in an orderly manner beside her. The thick leather collar shows her status as a slave/medical specimen, and she's been shaved nude for sterility purposes. A slight redness around her abdomen shows where some sort of restraint had been used to hold her, but has been removed so as not to interfere with the day's study. Right. Let us begin with our analysis, then.
    1041) Thomas Chaser 
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    Tuesday, 15 April 2014 22:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Dr. Yuya - thanks for posting up that Druuna strip! I actually have that edition still in my "porn vault" from when I was in college. Maybe it's worth some money now, maybe not, but seeing those panels posted up gave me a smile. Back then, that was as close to kinky BDSM porn as I could get. Networked computers were still the province of scientists and scholars back then.

    TRG - I'm surprised we didn't already have a review of "The Story of O", so thanks for posting that one up, along with the side notes about why it deviated from the book like it did. For the time, it was cutting edge (along with "The Image" aka "The Punishment of Anne"). I probably would've given it a higher rating just for attempting as much as it did. Yes, it could've done more, but that was then and this is now. I'm hard-pressed to grade it based on today's scale because it wasn't released today, it was released back then, with the financial concerns such a movie would've had back then. Certainly it brought BDSM into the mainstream (and no doubt helped Victoria's Secret get into every shopping mall in America) and for that, it deserves an "A". Plus the lead actress is certainly easy on the eyes, particularly when she's fresh from a whipping.

    Ok, time for me to take my math quiz. If you read this, it means I passed!
    1042) Mark Evans 
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    Tuesday, 15 April 2014 22:51 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Renzo: Since we're back on electro (my favorite), you must have also liked this scene from PKF?

    ...and what do you think of Subspaceland's one reasonable scene?

    ...I've always liked Gruesomehorror too, except for the objectionable amounts of hair.

    I'm warning you all now, if you keep giving me excuses to post electro scenes, I'm not going to stop! :)

    Canadian: The FA site is always down for me. I'm also in Canada! I wonder what I'm doing wrong?
    1043) Ralphus 
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    Tuesday, 15 April 2014 23:19 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1043) A Canadian: Thanks for the heads-up on those 2 new FA-PRO upcoming releases. Both those movies look like winners. I can't resist the staked out on the ground and raped scenes that they do so well. Let us know if you hear anything more about a release date.


    TRG: Terrific review of The Story of O, a true classic of the genre. Hard to believe that it took us 15 years to finally get that one added to the Reviews section. I saw the film for the first time on video in the 1980s; I included footage from it on my very first compilation tape of scenes. To this day, I consider Corrine Clery to be the epitome of beauty...the standard by which all other women will have to be compared to. The fact that, as you noted, she was naked more often in this film than she was clothed certainly enhances her appeal. I disagree that she was too wimpy as the sub, and only a B as a film? Your review, your opinion, but then I haven't read the book, either. There was a 10-part miniseries done in the 1990s that does cover a lot more, including the scene you mentioned where O has to wear a thicker phallus inside of her each day as part of her training.

    Also, the branding scenes from both versions, including the video clips, are listed in our Hot Iron Database.

    The direct link for your latest review is here:


    Speaking of the Electro-Torture Database, I've been very quietly adding new entries over the past several weeks. If you haven't been there for a while, there's some good stuff you might not have seen before. Among my favorites is Eliza Dushku shocked in Dollhouse, Kristin Cavallari zapped in the bathtub in Fingerprints, and one of the best mainstream scenes of last year, Riddle with blonde cutie Elizabeth Harnois on the receiving end of some ECT torture. All the new entries have video links and I think you'll enjoy at least some of them. After all, who doesn't love seeing pretty girls getting shocked?


    Mark Evans: Can you identify the titles of those electro movies from the stills you posted? There's definitely some there I'd be interested in.
    1044) Mark Evans 
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    Tuesday, 15 April 2014 23:54 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Ralphus: Here are the names of the flicks I posted.
    -PKF Studios : Extinguished Cheerleaders Part II
    -Subspaceland : Heil Dickler - The English One
    -Gruesomehorror : Burn Bitch Burn
    -Gruesomehorror : Fried Alive Gore Fest
    1045) Mark Evans 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 01:44 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Here's a good list of hard to find electro flicks.
    1046) Kasey11 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 03:53 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Thank you so much InterrogationMaster.

    The other link you provided is awesome; one of the best torture scenes I have seen. I think it's the screams that do it for me wink .

    Thanks again.x
    1047) Covers 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 07:02 Permalink

    (1047) Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry Jan 1960 V4 #7
    1048) Covers 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 07:03 Permalink

    (1048) Duillo of the Day is 7f299981 Duillo art.jpg
    1049) petelobo 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 07:52 Permalink

    (1049) Mark Evans,

    Whatever excuse you need, bro, you got it! Anyone have any information on where to find those hard-to-find Japanese films?
    1050) Hofrax 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 08:05 Permalink

    I'm loving these daily photo pics of 912. Can't believe I hadn't heard of her until now. Where has she been all my life?
    1051) InterrogationMaster 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 08:44 Permalink

    (1051) Please do keep your electro torture updates coming Mark Evans. It's definitely my favorite torture method as well. The stills from Gruesome Horror look extremely promising. Most electro torture scenes forget about the sweat but it's more than present here.

    Speaking of electro torture, I was inspired by Dr Yua to pour through the internet searching for torture scenes in manga and came across this gem from Freezing Chapter 65. It also made its way into the anime adaptation. Nothing will ever top Erza's interrogation scene in Fairy Tail but I won't give up searching.

    1052) Mwb 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 11:12 Permalink

    Just a little inside info on 912.
    Her Twitchy and Wet video was based on a fantasy of hers.
    Glatman the serial killer.
    Thats why she wore a slip.

    She also had a thing about racks.
    PD made that come true for her also.
    I do miss her.

    Why she left, she never said, and I never asked.
    1053) Bill 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 12:56 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1053) My idea of what the man's magazine covers should look like.
    1054) Mark Evans 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 13:30 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    More from Gruesomehorror:
    Fried Alive


    1055) Joanna 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 14:15 Permalink

    Electro torture, my favourite! But it's such a waste to clip the wires to the breasts or arms and not the nipples, it just doesn't seem as sadistic or the work of a professional torturer...
    1056) JD 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 15:49 Permalink

    (1056) The stimulent is intended to extend the time before the victims pass out.
    1057) Flintstone 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 16:29 Permalink

    to Mark Evans: Nice pics! The models are attractive, but the armpit hair ruins it for me, just can't get past that.
    1058) Bill K. 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 16:31 Permalink

    More from Gruesomehorror: Fried Alive
    Full pubic bush big grin and armpit hair confused too. That you almost never see. Looks like bad guys wet her too and she has that haphazard last second throw together what's in the car trunk electric torture look to it. Bill K.
    1059) Arcas 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 16:39 Permalink

    Flintstone writes: "to Mark Evans: Nice pics! The models are attractive, but the armpit hair ruins it for me, just can't get past that."

    Armpit hair? What about that giant fuzzy welcome mat? AIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like it's torn from a Sasquatch?! eek!
    1060) Arcas 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 17:04 Permalink

    Wwb: What was your connection to Insex? Staff? Forum-connected subscriber? Other? Interesting background on Twitchy and Wet. She had some dark fascinations, eh?
    1061) mr bush 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 17:13 Permalink

    Renzo wrote:
    I'm not sure what one thisis from, but I think that's Ariel Anderssen on the right.

    Anyone have a clue, she has a great body!
    1062) A Canadian 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 17:14 Permalink

    Mark Evans wrote:

    The FA site is always down for me. I'm also in Canada! I wonder what I'm doing wrong?

    I have to admit I'm stumped by this one.

    I don't think I have ever had problems accessing that site, although I'm not a frequent visitor.

    I do find it to be one of the trickier sites to try to navigate through but I can't recall ever having problems accessing it.
    1063) Bill K. 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 17:15 Permalink

    "giant fuzzy welcome mat" Arcas said.

    I say "Bush fire" That's a good thing for BATS fans and fire play fans, Arcas.
    Armpit hair not so much good thing but still a candle flame would remove that eek! problem very lol cool nicely. Bill K.
    1064) Dr Yuya 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 17:17 Permalink

    Interrogation Master

    Thanks for pointing that one out to me. I'd browsed Freezing before hearing it was quite full of nudiness but grew disinterested early on when chapters were failing to deliver. I see I judged too soon maybe. I'm still trying to recall some more good japanese manga scenes I'll fill in for now with some regular old Wonder Woman strips

    1065) Mark Evans 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 17:30 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Heh, the Gruesomehorror scenes always get the same reaction. I wish it wasn't so, but unfortunately this producer does all of his scenes the same. They're the only ones that have so many other elements that I like, so I'm forced to look past the hair. Cinemagic is another one that I like, and fortunately they are not into hair as much. I'm sure you've all seen the stunning electro scene they did, I think there's a review on this site somewhere.
    1066) Gog 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 18:58 Permalink

    "Gruesome Horror" has a lot of interesting clips with some of my favorites. But never got any because of all the added "Fake" hair. To each their own, but to me it just looks gross.
    1067) Joanna 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 20:47 Permalink

    @Dr Yuya: superheroine peril is another favourite of mine, because if you're superhuman, you can endure superhuman levels of pain, and your captors' can come up with all sorts of insane devices to torture you with; and lycra's dead sexy anyway, even when you're not strapped down in a supervillain's interrogation chamber.
    1068) Mwb 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 22:02 Permalink

    I met 912 years ago here at home.
    We had good online conversations.

    In the last few years,I have been going to the farm summers.
    All those toys you use in your art?
    PD has almost all of them for real. Kid you not.
    He and KGB make them all by hand.
    Amazing place.
    1069) InterrogationMaster 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 22:37 Permalink

    (1069) Dr Yuya: That Wonder Woman torture scene is definitely a classic. There's actually a terrific BDSM story by DarthSaad that seems to have been inspired by those panels. Chapters 2 and 6 feature Wonder Woman struggling to recover from extended sessions inside a torture machine called the Pacifier. Her resolve to refuse to scream even during hours of excruciating pain is so perfect.


    And here's a live action fan trailer for Wonder Woman from a while back featuring her being briefly interrogated and tortured in the hands of the Nazis. I would've preferred electric torture, sweat, and all that jazz but I'll happily take anything.

    1070) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 22:58 Permalink

    @InterrogationMaster: that artist knew what the readers wanted to see: even Batman's been relegated to the background to keep him from distracting from the main event.
    1071) J Scourge 
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    Wednesday, 16 April 2014 23:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1071) Wonder Woman often had classic moments with bondage themes in the actual comic. There was also the non-authorized versions that a GIMP audience especially loves.
    1072) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 00:46 Permalink

    (1072) Who could forget the Insex classic movie "Turkeys" which the picture with the enhanced fire above was a real turkey quality wise. They did a lot of nighttime fiery peril short movies like "Cuntree" which shows a gimp hanging from a tree over a campfire. I've got that 2 minute movie Ralphus, if you what it. But we still don't have ability to post short videos here, do we? Bill K.
    1073) Arcas 
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    Thursday, 17 April 2014 01:34 Permalink

    Mwb writes: "I met 912 years ago here at home.We had good online conversations....All those toys you use in your art? PD has almost all of them for real. Kid you not. He and KGB make them all by hand."

    Wow, cool. Nice connection. If you have any more insights into what drove her fantasies and sessions, I'd love to hear it.

    Many of the props I use have been (digitally) created by Davo. I've worked with him as a creative consultant on products and have pointed him to many an Insex prop, so the similarity is quite intentional :)

    I've never met PD in person, but we've exchanged a few emails. For the brief time he was considering a 3D spin-off site, we were talking about the possibility of using my work. This was post-Insex. But the idea seemed to flame out and we haven't talked since.

    Beyond that my knowledge of the the structure and personalities of Insex came from lurking with my occasional membership (I was on a tight budget) and the documentary film, "Graphic Sexual Horror". So, in other words, I have a barely tangential connection ;) But I'm a big fan!
    1074) JD 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 03:39 Permalink

    (1074) FYI. []

    NF713 takes the form of an extensive repeat in which a man tortures a woman emotionally, bodily and sexually. The woman is tied and moderate throughout and the man in concern is in a position of absolute power and control over the girl. The guy tortures the woman in purchase to make her admit her crimes towards an unnamed ‘State’ but his extreme goal is to break her down and make her fully complaisant, eliminating her personality and creating her a simple number, NF713
    1075) Robleo 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 04:48 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    i like...
    1076) Covers 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 06:51 Permalink

    (1076) Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry Jan 1968
    1077) Covers 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 06:52 Permalink

    (1077) Duillo of the Day: 023_duillo B-W 40 res.JPG
    1078) cmf 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 12:43 Permalink

    @Bill: I remember that magazine well, one story that really stuck in my head.

    I am really loving all the Star Wars-inspired contributions.
    1079) A Canadian 
    IP logged View Web Pagewebsite 
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 17:31 Permalink

    (1079) The quality ain't great, but there's a trailer on the DMM site for that FAX-128 film (the Japanese porn film with that electro-shock scene) that JD purchased the other day.

    It looks like a good one. I'll probably pick it up myself in the near future.
    1080) JD 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 17:45 Permalink

    (1080) If you liked the SW contributions, let see if I can find one more ... I posted so many, I might repost some. Sorry if happens.
    1081) Masamune 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 17:50 Permalink

    To Boccaccio:
    They are not blondes, but I hope that will inspire some cruel torment for one of your exceptional story!

    Sun-ken Rock:

    Little Caprice:

    1082) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 18:09 Permalink

    Re: today's Battle Cry cover (Post 1076): what exactly are they hoping to achieve with that kind of bondage? Even when your elbows are pulled back like that, you've still got enough movement to protect your boobs with your hands, and she doesn't look like she's attached to any kind of post to stop her moving either.
    1083) Ralphus 
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    Thursday, 17 April 2014 19:40 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Catching up on a few posts...

    Mark Evans: Thanks for the info on the electro movies. I've actually seen Extinguished Cheerleaders; I thought that still looked familiar. In your opinion, how are the Gruesome Horror vids? The girl in Terminated is really cute. Do they pull off the electro illusion well, in your opinion?

    I have seen a couple Gruesome Horror films, one of them starred Amber Rain. I wasn't real thrilled by what I saw, but I'd be willing to give them another try. Whoever runs that site is obviously into hairy women. More power to him, he makes the movies he wants to see, as is his prerogative. It's too bad, though, because he probably costs himself sales among the bondage/torture crowd by insisting the women don't shave. He ought to change the name of his site to GrewSome Horror. The armpit hair is bad enough, but when she's got a jungle between her legs, that's a bit excessive.

    Bill K asked:

    ...we still don't have ability to post short videos here, do we?

    We might be able to, but I would prefer that people don't try. I asked the company who hosts and they said there's no limit on bandwidth "within reason," whatever that means. Pretty nonspecific, but videos take up a lot of space and I don't want them raising my rates if our bandwidth suddenly goes sky high. There's lot of other places that host videos, and it's easy enough now to embed them here on the forum.


    Masamune: 28 embedded pics in one post, really? That's a bit much, don't you think? Now I know why Brian's Page limits his posters to just 3.


    JD: I like the recent branding pics of Leia (1080) and Buffy (969). How are you making these? Obviously you put the actresses heads on someone else's bodies, but what's your source material? The branding marks are quite realistic looking. You seem to crank these out with regularity; how long does it take to make of these manips?
    1084) Gog 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 20:11 Permalink

    I never knew "Little Caprice" did bondage of any type. Much less a whipping.

    That's always kinda been a fantasy of mine. A teen that has her own amateur adult website, signs up for what she thinks will be a light bondage shoot.....then ends up with way more than she bargained for.


    Ralphus - "GrewSome Horror" That's a pretty good one!

    Although some might be real hairy models, most are fake. Hair added. I mean you can't go from shaved one day to a six month old bush the next.

    I could be wrong, but If my assessment is correct, the owner of the site could do duplicate shoots. One for his own particular kink (and those who share it), and another w/o the added fur for those who find it, well, gross.

    Like I said, I could be wrong, but I can't see a porn actress losing out on making money in her trade as the badger between her legs takes hold, just for this one site/shoot.
    1085) Howie 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 20:24 Permalink

    Good lord... Picture FLOOD. Congratulations. You have a hard drive with pictures on it, and know how to post. So does everyone else in here. Please try to limit it to a reasonable amount, and have a point for posting them.

    1086) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 20:58 Permalink

    (1086) JD: I'm with Ralphus and asking how you do branding in your Manipulation artwork.

    Manip artwork it is hard to add whipping, bruises and branding marks to bodies and make it look natural.

    I only know of one manip artist name "Jackbond" (pictured above) that did it. In any case your manip artwork is excellent and please keep doing them but Padme, Leia's Mom, needs some branding too.

    There is a place for hairy armpits in the right time and era like the medieval bats picture above but modern torture not so much. Bill K.
    1087) JD 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 21:18 Permalink

    (1087) How are you making these? Obviously you put the actresses heads on someone else's bodies, but what's your source material? The branding marks are quite realistic looking. You seem to crank these out with regularity; how long does it take to make of these manips?

    Not that much, Photoshop is very powerful (even an older version like mine). I don't think they are too much of a deal (but of course I purr as a kitten when being complimented). I call them slavepieces, after all. :) Done thousands probably of them over the years, most of them worse quality, due to the limitation of the media of the day, the power of computers, etc.

    It depends on the mood, latest movie I've seen or whatever direction my imagination takes me ... I'm not an artist but I play one on TV.

    Got really impressed couple of years ago by a story of Harry Berg, "Slave to the Corsairs" [] Burning off the nipples of his victims is a fetish of him and that somehow sounded weirdly erotic to me. I guess that part of inflicting pain on mammaries in a recuring motif in our collective mindsets. Since in real life I'm a sane mind and a loving father and husband with a wife only into really mild BDSM (and I like it this way), I started exploring the theme through (more or less artistic) manips.

    Example: Xena, Gabrielle and Callisto as prisoners losing their nipples to Cesar and then being relegated as sex slaves in the barracks. I found it overly exciting when women of power got in trouble.

    Brands motifs came later.
    1088) Gog 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 21:26 Permalink

    One of my favorite villains will soon be back. smile

    1089) JD 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 17 April 2014 21:26 Permalink

    (1089) The scene itself should have looked like that ... imagination going wild, as I said.
    1090) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 00:13 Permalink

    (1090) JD and Gimpers, when I said Jackbond was the only manip artist good at adding whipping, bruises and branding marks to bodies and make it look natural, I lost my mind embarrassment for I forgot about "Sir Steven," a manip artist who is excellent at adding branding and scars too.

    JD, your branding is great but speaking only for myself I like the tits not burned off.

    I am not telling you don't do it. It's your artwork and fantasy so pay me no mind. Tits loving Bill K.
    1091) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 01:10 Permalink

    @Bill K: I draw the line at severe mutilation too, unless it's part of an execution fantasy, like being racked to death or torn apart with horses; but if it's just a torture or interrogation fantasy, then less bloody things like having your nipples crushed with pincers or scorched with hot irons, or having pear pushed inside you are fine in my book, I just don't want there to be a lot of cutting and blood.
    1092) JD 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 01:13 Permalink

    JD, your branding is great but speaking only for myself I like the tits not burned off.

    Oh, boy ... I did phrase it all wrong ... of course I'm in awe to a perfectly good looking teat, I am :) ... I was only mentioning collateral thinking I got when reading that Harry Berg story ... by no means that I would ever condone such a barbary to a perfect gift ... it's hard to explain cuz it's ... well, complicated. :) Like the feeling of wanting some but also getting rid of it.
    1093) JD 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 01:27 Permalink

    (1093) To finish a previous exculpatory evidence, some setting like that is among my fav.
    1094) J Scourge 
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    Friday, 18 April 2014 07:28 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1094) As today's hood ornament picture would indicate, there's always something exciting when you combine girls and cars...especially the way our minds work. Here's another one to ogle.
    1095) J Scourge 
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    Friday, 18 April 2014 07:31 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1095) Here's one more for the Car Show!
    1096) J Scourge 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 07:35 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1096) Here's the last of 3. She's going for the ride of her life!
    1097) Thomas Chaser 
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    Friday, 18 April 2014 08:13 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Well the ultimate hood ornament shot would have to be Cassandra Delaney (John Denver's wife) bound to the hood of a truck and stripped by poachers, then driven around hotrodding through the Outback.
    1098) JD 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 09:03 Permalink

    (1098) Or Lynda Wiesmeier.
    1099) J Scourge 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 09:31 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1099) And how could we forget Summer Cummings?
    1100) YikYakker 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 10:07 Permalink

    (1100) I like to keep my hood ornament clean and shiny.
    1101) Badger 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 11:17 Permalink

    Wow. In the same vein as thoughts express by Howie and Ralphus: Interesting how our new, poster-friendly site has thus far turned the Show-and-Tell character of our forum from mostly Tell with a little Show into lots of Show with a bit of Tell sprinkled in.

    I love most of the pics. But voluminous posting of pics can bury previous postings under a mountain of skin. It certainly shows how much product is out here. But being a bit of a deferred gratification type, I would look forward to having some pics held for the topic to come around.. such as our lovely hood ornaments.
    1102) TRG 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 12:00 Permalink

    (1102) Let's not forget our Cassandra Delaney in Fair Game. Was she the original hood ornament?
    1103) Boccaccio 
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    Friday, 18 April 2014 12:14 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1103) @Masamune #1081

    “They are not blondes, but I hope that will inspire some cruel torment for one of your exceptional stories!”

    Thank you very much for the compliment and the images of these most inspiring young ladies. Very lovely indeed.

    I have seen one or two videos of that (Swedish, I think?) breast-whipping machine before, but never these particular models, who are younger and prettier than the ones I’ve seen.

    I appear to be in a minority here, but modern mechanical torments don’t appeal to me too much. My villains generally prefer the more old-fashioned visceral satisfaction of wielding a whip or strap, using their bare hands, or employing simple tools. I don’t think that adjusting a dial on an electric battery (if that’s the correct word) would provide the same rush of adrenaline that a more physical approach allows.

    There is a subtle distinction perhaps in my approach compared to those of most other authors. My villains rarely torment their beautiful victims simply to cause the victim pain, or to elicit information or to do them permanent or disfiguring injury. They do so because they are excited by sexual violence, even as we are.

    For that reason it is rare that I write an interrogation scene, per se. Interrogators, by definition, have a “job” to do; in theory, at least, they should be keeping their mind on the progress of the interrogation, not on the shapely body of the sweat-drenched young woman who is writhing under the lash. As I see it, “my” job, as a writer of stories of sexual violence, is to keep the mind’s eye of the reader on that shapely young body, through the villain’s eyes.

    Chacun a son gout, of course.


    @ Ralphus Perhaps it would be helpful to us newer posters if you’d provide some guidelines as to how many or what type of photos etc are appropriate. A few days ago, someone posted what appear to be a couple of dozen photos from a 40-year old film (The Story of O), and those were greeted with approval, (in part, I’m sure because they were accompanied with a first class review of the film). But one could easily understand why Masamune may have felt that posting a similar number of images, was not inappropriate.

    Also, are GIF’s OK? I posted a couple a few days ago, after seeing one here, but it struck me afterward that I haven’t seen too many here. If they are memory-gobblers, and you’d prefer that we not send them, let us know.

    It is soooooo easy now to upload material – and so many of the recent uploads have been of such high quality - that it would be easy for us, as a group, to get a bit carried away.

    1104) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 13:13 Permalink

    May I offer a suggestion on multiple picture posts problem is I easily combined (photo shop) three "Sir Steven" pictures into one picture and one post.

    JD on behave of all teats I except your apology big grin . I was just eek! eek mutilation thing to me. Thank you, Bill K.
    1105) Howie 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 13:34 Permalink

    Boccaccio Wrote: Perhaps it would be helpful to us newer posters if you’d provide some guidelines as to how many or what type of photos etc are appropriate. A few days ago, someone posted what appear to be a couple of dozen photos from a 40-year old film (The Story of O), and those were greeted with approval, (in part, I’m sure because they were accompanied with a first class review of the film). But one could easily understand why Masamune may have felt that posting a similar number of images, was not inappropriate.

    I think the distinction between the two posts is pretty clear. The story of O post, along with other reviews that have pictures had a reason for the photo's, as they enhanced the review.

    The post below is literally 28 photo's that have no context just thrown up one after another. I'd say even five photo's you think are great would be fine, but 28 in a row with no context what so ever is a bit excessive.

    1106) Howie 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 13:52 Permalink

    Also, LOVING the hood ornament pics! Wish I had a good one to share.

    1107) JD 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 14:14 Permalink

    (1107) Strict confinement.
    1108) TRG 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 14:22 Permalink

    Suggested guideline, not a rule: If you want to put up a (one) picture, go ahead. Multiple pictures best illuminate a point made in text. This is primarily a discussion forum, it seems to me. There are other sites where you can throw up as many pictures as you want to.
    1109) Thomas Chaser 
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    Friday, 18 April 2014 14:59 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1109) Like I said, when it comes to human hood ornaments, you really can't beat Cassandra Delaney's spin in "Fair Game". The movie itself was only mediocre, but that scene with her tied across a giant Ford F250 was amazing.
    1110) Thomas Chaser 
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    Friday, 18 April 2014 15:02 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1110) Just to set the scene, Cassandra Delaney plays a park ranger and three goons in a Ford truck are poaching on the reserve, so she tries to enforce the law and ends up being terrorized by them, climaxing with her being tied to their truck and driven all over Hell's half-acre. First they grab her, then they partially cut her clothes off, then they drive around until she passes out from the terror. They dump her at her shack where she stumbles into the shower and figures out what to do. I won't tell you how it ends, but it doesn't end well if you're fan of the three poachers.
    1111) Masamune 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 17:03 Permalink

    Sorry for the photo flood. I was wanting show you 3 things in one post:
    - that Sun-ken Rock is another violent manga to know
    - that Caprice (and also Miela) make torture video
    - and my idea of perfect victim body for Boccaccio

    In future I will post no more than one photo for comment
    1112) Covers 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 20:19 Permalink

    (1112) Duillo of the Day: 032_duillo B-W.jpg
    1113) Covers 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 20:24 Permalink

    (1113) Joanna wrote: Re: today's Battle Cry cover (Post 1076): what exactly are they hoping to achieve with that kind of bondage? Even when your elbows are pulled back like that, you've still got enough movement to protect your boobs with your hands, and she doesn't look like she's attached to any kind of post to stop her moving either.

    In my opinion, that cover shows the process of tying up the GIMP. By the time they are done, she won't be moving much. wink


    Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry Jan 1971.
    1114) Ralphus 
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    Friday, 18 April 2014 23:15 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Boccaccio wrote:

    Perhaps it would be helpful to us newer posters if you’d provide some guidelines as to how many or what type of photos etc are appropriate. A few days ago, someone posted what appear to be a couple of dozen photos from a 40-year old film (The Story of O), and those were greeted with approval, (in part, I’m sure because they were accompanied with a first class review of the film). But one could easily understand why Masamune may have felt that posting a similar number of images, was not inappropriate.

    Just use common sense. Floods of all kinds are generally not appreciated. Think about it. If I go to somebody's site and decide to embed 28 full-sized pics in one post, that's the equivalent of a months worth of daily pics all at once. I have a fast, modern computer now, but not everybody does. I still get concerned that if we have too many embedded pics on the forum, it could slow people's loading of the site.

    Now, if you really want to share 28 pictures in one post, use links instead. That way the person can click on them if they want them and it won't take forever to load.

    Also, are GIF’s OK? I posted a couple a few days ago, after seeing one here, but it struck me afterward that I haven’t seen too many here. If they are memory-gobblers, and you’d prefer that we not send them, let us know.

    I love animated gifs. I'm guessing we don't see that many here since they are far less common than JPGs. They generally work better if the size is relatively small.

    I just want to stress that while we're primarily a discussion forum, I don't mind people posting pictures. In fact, some of them are really awesome. I'm not going to institute specific rules because that's a drag. Just use good netiquette and don't go nuts.


    Okay, time for a new poll. Now that we're relatively settled in, what do people think about the guestbook format we're using now? Amy has offered to redesign the GIMP as a threaded board, which is a more modern, organized format, like what Stakedamsels uses. I recently heard a comment from a former reader who says he doesn't stick around here because of the "terrible formatting". We're an old site, using an old system, like Brian's Page. Of course, Brian's Page has been pretty damn successful using a guestbook format; they regularly get 4 times more posts a day than we do. So it does work for them. And frankly, I've never thought our forum was "broken". The system we have has worked pretty well for us for the past 15 years.

    We did an informal vote on this when we first came back and the people were in favor of the guestbook format over the threaded format 9-5. But that's too small a sample size and I want to know what people really think. So we're gonna ask you to vote over a period of the next month.

    For this site, do you favor:
    A) a threaded format, like what Stakedamsels uses, or
    B) the guestbook format, which we use now

    A vote for threaded means the site will change radically. It will look different, you'll have to click on each topic to see what's there, but the upside is every single topic will be organized. A vote for the guestbook means you're satisfied with our layout now and don't favor a change. And everybody needs to vote; the future of the site depends on you.
    1115) JD 
    IP logged
    Friday, 18 April 2014 23:58 Permalink

    Ralphus, dunno about the others but I don't care either way. What I don't get is your constant comparison between stats of this site and that, I see you spend a lot of effort doing it. I thought it's a hobby pet project (albeit a 15 yo) for a med sized family. Someone making money from clicks should be interested about those stats. Not you. What gives?
    1116) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 00:17 Permalink

    Before I can vote on new poll I need know if this forum format can be up graded to be able to edit or delete your own posts or do we have to have a format like Stakedamsels forum to do that?

    Has everyone knows I have bad habit of posted something stupid with bad grammar. I sure Gimpers think. "What the hell is he talking about".
    At Stakedamsels forum I can edit and or delete my errors.
    Having multiple threads is not necessary I think for this forum to work well and maybe wrong way to go.
    Can we go to the Stakedamsels forum format without too many multiple threads? Bill K.
    1117) accant 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 01:25 Permalink

    Poll: I am strongly in favour of the guestbook format we have now.

    I like to scroll through the new messages since last and get new impressions. I simply like to get surprised and that wont happen if I only get what I´m searching for, as in a threaded site. There´s a risk that if this site turns into a threaded site I´d might lose interest in it :(

    I´m avoiding threaded sites. I´m wondering what I´m missing so I feel an urge to look through every thread, and that´s too time consuming.
    1118) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 02:26 Permalink

    One other thing is you need User name and Password at Stakedamsels forum format were here it's an open forum.
    Threads or no threads I don't think any Gimpers want to have remember a password and user name.
    Are you just talking about adding multiple threads format to the this forum and no other changes?
    Bill K.
    1119) Matt 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 03:08 Permalink

    Who can forget Wheels of Fire? Lots of good GIMPage in that one. Ralphus, if you could, please repost some of the caps of Lynda. Too bad it's not on DVD....
    1120) Badger 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 06:56 Permalink

    I vote for Guestbook format.
    1121) JD 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 07:18 Permalink

    (1121) ...
    1122) Ralphus 
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    Saturday, 19 April 2014 07:54 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    JD wrote:

    What I don't get is your constant comparison between stats of this site and that, I see you spend a lot of effort doing it. I thought it's a hobby pet project (albeit a 15 yo) for a med sized family. Someone making money from clicks should be interested about those stats. Not you. What gives?

    I don't make money from the site, I just want it to be successful and a place where people like to go. If our format is preventing that, and if a silent majority really prefers a threaded board, I want them to come out and not be silent anymore. That's why we're having the poll.

    BTW, on a personal note to you, I see you've recently been trying to disregard the mandatory "Your Message" section by simply typing in (...) instead. If you can't come up with a least a few words to say about your own artwork, why would you expect anyone else to provide feedback? It's mandatory for a reason. We're still a discussion forum; I don't want to see stuff posted here with no comments.


    Bill K: I recall Amy saying you won't need to register a user name and password for a threaded forum. And you'll have the ability to edit your own posts, I'm sure.
    1123) Gog 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 07:58 Permalink

    Although I must say posting pictures w/no posts to go with them (writing or reason for the post) is kinda a drag IMHO. And although I do like a lot of the pictures, so many posting get shoved down so far that I'm thinking not everyone sees them.....or they may think they are too far down (or too old) to comment on.

    I mean, still is a discussion forum isn't it? The only time I post a pic or clip is w/explanation or reply to someone else's post. AND, if everyone who comes here just posted a pic, how far would you need to scroll to find any text at all?

    I've also noticed that there are not too many replies to posts as there have been, except from one or two regulars.....And even some of the regulars I was used to see when I first found the site are fairly infrequent now. Coincidental....or a by-product of the flood picture postings or the numerous pic postings with no comment whatsoever?

    But after all that, I still say keep it the way it is.
    1124) Sardu 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 09:13 Permalink

    Hello everyone... a lot of topics of note to discuss, and I felt a need to delurk and add my thoughts to the discussion.

    First, Ralphus my friend, outstanding job on the new discussion board. Not only did you keep the general format of the Dreambook site, but with Amy's help, it is tweaked to make things better.

    That said, I LIKE the improvements, but I would NOT like to see the format tweaked any further. This is a discussion board, not a picture sharing site, and I would not like to see it diverge away from something that has made the forum successful for 15 years.

    Part of the appeal of GIMP is that you can just add your name and post. Simple. No need to register, and there is only ONE topic. Girls in Merciless Peril.

    Its focused, and its interesting. No need to browse through 'catagories' its all there, just scroll down. I caution heavily against deviating from a time tested, and proven formula.

    While I like the picture adding feature, unless it is an artist showing off his work, or a review of a GIMP movie, pictures have no business here, and Ralphus, as moderator I just think you need to make that clear. There are a gazillion picture sites... video sites.. etc. THIS site is a HUB, where we perverts can get together, talk about our favorite topic, and share INFORMATION about resources to feed our perversions. It does not need to become a SOURCE for our perversions, and I think this distinction is important.

    Yes, there are some great data bases... the hot iron data base, the rack scene data base, the whipping scene data base, but once again... these are RESOURCES for finding other things, and maintain the theme to this forum.

    Makes some rule about pictures, but keep the format the same one that has WORKED for 15 years my friend!
    1125) Covers 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 10:10 Permalink

    (1125) Poll response: I can't see any point to a threaded format for this site, except to make it easier to ignore certain kinds of posts. That might be helpful if the message volume gets much higher. I just skim most messages now. The message volume has increased to the point that visiting the GIMP feels as much like an obligation as a pleasant break.

    My only real dissatisfaction with the current setup is the gibberish filenames when I save an image.

    I have never used the Stakedamsels site, because of the registration requirement.


    Sardu wrote: While I like the picture adding feature, unless it is an artist showing off his work, or a review of a GIMP movie, pictures have no business here, and Ralphus, as moderator I just think you need to make that clear. There are a gazillion picture sites... video sites.. etc. THIS site is a HUB, where we perverts can get together, talk about our favorite topic, and share INFORMATION about resources to feed our perversions. It does not need to become a SOURCE for our perversions, and I think this distinction is important.

    I have no idea why different people are here. I'm mostly here for Ralphus' daily picture. Arcas and JD have also been posting some good stuff. I find the movie reviews to be of only academic interest because I'm not going to find time to watch 99% of them, but I do like the vidcaps.

    If anyone thinks my Duillo and MAM cover of the day posts are off topic because I often don't include any discussion about them, I'd be glad to cut back to only posting them when I have something to say.


    Today's MAM image is from Battle Cry July 1959.
    1126) Covers 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 10:11 Permalink

    (1126) Duillo of the Day: 65f3b99c Duillo art.jpg
    1127) Howie 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 10:13 Permalink

    I vote to keep this format. I think the threaded one would just delude the focus of the group.

    I would like to see an edit function as others have mentioned, but that would be the only fix I think the the site currently needs.

    I don't have a problem at all with the pictures, as I've already stated below. I think they've added a great deal to the charm of the site. I just don't want to see picture floods or pictures with no context, and from this latest examples below of just that, between Ralphus and some of us vocal members, we're policing that situation quite nicely.

    So, I say keep the forum as is and just add some edit functionality to our posts, if you can.

    1128) Howie 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 10:17 Permalink

    @ Covers - You're daily pics are great, and aren't at all what I'm referring to. They're right in line with the theme of the site.

    1129) Howie 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 10:19 Permalink

    See, there's the need for that edit functionality I was just referring to.....

    Your not You're..... cool

    1130) JD 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 10:20 Permalink

    OK guys, I got it.
    1131) Capt 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 11:59 Permalink

    (1131) Another excellent example of your artwork Quoom (30th March). Which series is it from or is it a one-off?
    1132) Capt 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 12:00 Permalink

    (1132) Yet another witch to roast...
    1133) Capt 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 12:02 Permalink

    (1133) ... and another.
    1134) Capt 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 12:04 Permalink

    (1134) And time for one more. Always my favourite moment when the kindling has started to catch and there's no escaping the flames.
    1135) TRG 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 12:41 Permalink

    Threaded formats are a good idea if the site is intended to be a reference of some kind where people can come to find specific things.

    We just chat about something for a while and move on. The only things that need cataloging are movie reviews, which have their index already. Other than that, we have a Search feature.

    Stick with the guestbook.
    1136) cmf 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 12:50 Permalink

    The current (guestbook) format works for me.
    1137) Boccaccio 
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    Saturday, 19 April 2014 13:27 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    I think the current format is fine, although it may grow unwieldy if the site continues to grow. But that would be a good problem to have. Or would it? I think that there are some here who would like to grow the site, and would welcome new and different points of view and aesthetic tastes, while there are others who are probably perfectly happy with it the way it has always been. Which is a perfectly normal conflict for an organization to have. And one in which the opinion of a relative newcomer like myself probably shouldn’t carry much, if any, weight.

    As someone who has written a few thousand pages of fiction having to deal with sexual violence, and written and read a great deal of text in his life, I have to confess that I enjoy many of the pictures and most of the artwork, although there is no question but there have been days recently when the site took rather a long time to load. And I’m sure that the photos and GIF’s that I uploaded contributed to that situation. Mea culpa.

    Surely everything depends on each individual’s particular taste. I would be perfectly happy never to see images (or discussions) of electrocution, burning at the stake, crucifixion and disfiguring injury. Those particular kinks don’t appeal to me at all. On the other hand, some, not all, of the photos in that recent and apparently objectionable torrent seemed to me to be both captivating and on topic and I was pleased to see them. Although clearly, the sheer number of them was problematic.


    "Moving to one side so that he could deliver yet another frontal blow, Slegg delivered a flesh-stinging lash to the very centers of Erika's breasts. The stroke seemed to set her distended nipples on fire, for Erika threw her head back in agony, her nude breasts pointed skyward as if seeking solace in the warm rays of the sun."

    The Jade Pavilion, Chapter 146
    1138) Capt 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 13:40 Permalink

    I'm pretty new to the site as a participant and personally enjoy the variety of images that appear. However, I must admit to finding the 'archives' fascinating for the amount of comment and observation that your regular contributors have sent in over the years.

    While I appreciate that the format can't possibly please all of the people all of the time, I think the balance between pictures and the written word is fine.

    I'd like to see more stories added to the relevant section, but think that the lists and movie reviews are spot on.
    1139) mr bush 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 14:12 Permalink

    my vote is guestbook format. Do not change a thing.
    1140) Arcas 
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    Saturday, 19 April 2014 14:23 Permalink

    (1140) I'm pretty happy with the way things are now. It works for me and seems to be a fair emulation of what we had before.

    Still hip-deep (as opposed to neck deep) in the BDSMartworks job. Has anyone subscribed and seen the first bits yet? I haven't gotten any feedback beside the author and publisher's. So... with a continued lack of "new" for posting here, it's back into the archives, trying to find something that maybe I haven't posted here before....
    1141) midgeteskimo 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 14:41 Permalink

    Definitely the guestbook version the way it is.
    1142) Howie 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 16:10 Permalink

    Arcas asked: Has anyone subscribed and seen the first bits yet? I haven't gotten any feedback beside the author and publisher's.

    I can obviously only speak for myself, but I'm betting a lot of this same sentiment is out there.

    Having been a member of [] many time in the past, I know how they like to draw out the posting of their series. Makes sense for the business model they've set up, but as a consumer who wants to get the most bang for the buck, I was gonna hold off on a membership till the entire thing was posted so I didn't have to keep paying for a monthly membership to get the entire thing.

    I know that sounds shitty, but 29.95 Euros, which works out to $41.38 U.S. Dollars a month is a lot of money for web site. So yes, I will without a doubt be getting a membership to see your new work, but it will be when I'm sure I can see enough of it to feel like I got my money's worth. Just trying to be honest.

    Hell, If I could just pay to see the full thing now I would in a second, but we all know that's not how they run things over there.

    1143) Howie 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 16:16 Permalink

    That poor guy from Oregon being branded as a Madman. OF COURSE that's the only way to stop the Grand Planetary Alignment! We all know that. wink cool

    1144) Arcas 
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    Saturday, 19 April 2014 16:44 Permalink

    Howie wrote: "Having been a member of [] many time in the past, I know how they like to draw out the posting of their series....I was gonna hold off on a membership till the entire thing was posted so I didn't have to keep paying for a monthly membership to get the entire thing. I know that sounds shitty...

    Naw, doesn't sound shitty at all! I'd probably do the same thing big grin I'll be sure to let folks know when it's up in its entirety.
    1145) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 18:39 Permalink

    After Ralphus clarified the no user name and password and being able to edit and delete posts, I still cannot vote for a thread forum because I don't see a need for one.

    Different threads for whipping, rape torture, branding, electro shock and etc. doesn't make sense to me.

    I'm guessing by multiple threads that's what you have in mind.

    The Gimp artwork and Gimp movie reviews I suppose you can have separate threads for those but I love the random artwork posts followed by random movie reviews followed artwork posts and so on and so on.

    I say keep the guestbook format but please add the ability to edit and delete your own post. Bill K.
    1146) Thomas Chaser 
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    Saturday, 19 April 2014 20:25 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Howie, I was going to comment on Arcas' fake magazine cover, too! I thought the co-ed inside the statue of U.S. Grant was the kicker, tho. Lord knows that man was big enough to hold two co-eds.
    1147) Gog 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 21:30 Permalink

    Arcas' cover - "Oregon Madman".......John Marshall? lol


    A still from "Wolf Creek 2"

    Maybe Mick Taylor won't get interrupted this time out. cool
    1148) Howie 
    IP logged
    Saturday, 19 April 2014 22:50 Permalink

    Wow, Gog. That really is a great screen cap. Amazing looking actress, and the lighting is so good it almost looks like a painting. Too bad we know it won't get any further than that in the actual film.

    1149) Matt 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 01:09 Permalink

    Format for the board: keep the guestbook format. Why fix something that isn't broken?
    1150) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 01:15 Permalink

    Either forum format is ok by me.
    1151) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 01:15 Permalink

    WGN's "Salem" promises GIMP and maybe BATS:
    [] , But of course there was no BATS in the Salem witch trials but lots of Gimp tortures. Bill K.
    1152) theScribbler 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 01:53 Permalink

    I vote for threaded. Can always have one thread called 'the Guestbook" and anyone can post in it just like this guestbook. And then people who want to create other more focused threads/discussions can do that too.
    1153) MadBob 
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    Sunday, 20 April 2014 05:02 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


    About the poll, I love this place a LOT, but what prevents me to participate actively is the format, so I vote for threaded.

    I'm aware that the transition would mean more work for you, but I think you won't regret it in terms of participation.
    1154) pcv 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 07:14 Permalink

    Put me down for one who much prefers the current "Guest Book" format. To me, anyway, it tends to allow one to more easily access multiple simultaneous conversations on a variety of subjects.

    "Thread" formats certainly allow one to efficiently organize all comments on a particular thread, but the title of the thread itself is always somewhat arbitrarily labeled and the format makes it more difficult -- again, at least to me -- to follow the development of ideas that have emerged from two or more independent threads.
    1155) nasdaqnomad 
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    Sunday, 20 April 2014 07:21 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Love the site
    1156) boccaccio 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 08:19 Permalink

    The picture of the day tells a hare-raising story.
    1157) D. Santorum 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 09:54 Permalink

    I would prefer a thread format.

    Thanks for asking.
    1158) petelobo 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 10:15 Permalink

    Perhaps this would be easier if you defined what the threads might be. The idea of a general/guestbook thread might help, and perhaps threads for electro, whipping, bugs (?), torture, etc. would make sense. Problem is that, especially with images, the good ones can be hard to classify. It is a lot easier in the current format to roll back to the last message you read and go forward. That's always a pain for me in threaded lists where I may have to do that on several threads.
    1159) A Canadian 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 10:20 Permalink

    (1159) The poll question: We may need a cutoff date for this one, as I am currently considering the options and haven't decided.

    On the one hand, I find Scribbler's points to be quite persuasive.

    On the other hand, the guestbook format has served us well.

    While I believe the threaded format would be better, the question is whether it would be enough of an improvement to make it worth the effort.

    It's a tough call.
    1160) Arcas 
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    Sunday, 20 April 2014 11:14 Permalink

    POLL: Maybe I should qualify my statement. I don't have STRONG feelings about keeping it the same, I just don't view it as "broke" so I don't feel inclined to "fix". But I'm probably OK with either outcome. Changing will change the flavor of the GIMP viewing experience in subtle ways... but they may be a net good.

    So.... I guess I'm just wishy washy.

    1161) Covers 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 12:05 Permalink

    (1161) Duillo of the Day: 672aa1d3 Duillo art.jpg
    1162) Covers 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 12:05 Permalink

    (1162) MAM cover of the day is from Battle Cry July 1964 V7 #5
    1163) JD 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 12:17 Permalink

    (1163) An edit I made with a rather lame rack scene from Scream Of The Demon Lover (1970).


    Review with images (not by me) at []
    1164) Arcas 
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    Sunday, 20 April 2014 12:36 Permalink

    (1164) I call this one "Kaboobs".

    So shoot me.

    This one started from a seed planted by Blakemore, a week or two back, when he was talking about what he did with/to Sharon Montgomery. Would have liked to see that! But the best I can do is squirt it through the Arcas filter and see what comes out...

    Heh. "Squirt".

    OK, back to my Merrick story. I'm entering the home stretch!
    1165) Ralphus 
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    Sunday, 20 April 2014 19:07 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Catching up on a few posts...

    The poll question: There have been a few responses that are open to interpretation, but as far as I can determine the vote, here's where we stand:

    For this site, do you favor:
    A) a threaded format, like what Stakedamsels uses 3 votes
    B) the guestbook format, which we use now
    15 votes

    This poll will run for a month, which means the cut-off date is May 18. That should give everyone a chance to weigh in with their opinion.

    I haven't voted myself; I can see merit to both sides. I really just want what's best for the board. We're doing the democratic thing and letting people vote on it, then we'll determine the best course of action afterward.


    accant wrote:

    I'm avoiding threaded sites. I'm wondering what I'm missing so I feel an urge to look through every thread, and that's too time consuming.

    I have to confess something that's along those same lines. Everybody knows my favorite fetish is burning at the stake. So you would think I would be all over the Stakedamsels forum, right? Actually, you'd be wrong. Even though I love their site, I seldom ever go there anymore for that exact same reason. There are so many categories and so many threads, it's just gets too overwhelming for me. Sometimes I'll try to go back and attempt to get caught up, and I get confused trying to figure out where the new posts start in the categories I've selected. And sometimes it's an old thread that got pushed to the top when someone makes a new comment, and I waste time reading what I've already read. And some of those categories literally have hundreds of individual replies, so it seems like too much work to attempt it. And then if I'm short on time, I have to skip categories that may be of marginal interest, but then I feel like I'm missing out. I do get frustrated by that. If everything was all out in the open and not hidden in individual categories, it might make it easier.

    I'm not trying to sway anyone's vote, I'm just talking about my own individual experience with a threaded board, one where I like the content very much, obviously.


    Covers wrote:

    If anyone thinks my Duillo and MAM cover of the day posts are off topic because I often don't include any discussion about them, I'd be glad to cut back to only posting them when I have something to say.

    I certainly don't think they're off-topic. That's one of my favorite daily features around here. No one is asking you to stop.


    Arcas: I had to look twice at your fake magazine cover before I realized it was an artwork and wasn't real. That was great; if that was a real magazine, I'd whip out my 50 cents and buy it right now. I also love the "Kaboobs" artwork from today. Think that vaginal pear inside her is getting a bit uncomfortable from the hot coals between her legs? Just a brilliant concept, perfectly realized, thanks.


    Gog: That's an amazing still from Wolf Creek 2. Does anyone have any specific details about this film? I wasn't a big fan of the original, but that definitely shows promise.


    JD: Scream Of The Demon Lover? You're right, not a great rack scene, but that's a new one for the Torture Rack Database. Good find there.


    This week's ZFX CLIP OF THE WEEK is a short teaser from one of the truly great electro-shock scenes in ZFX's arsenal, with Alison Parish zapped by Travis Lee in Future Shock. Unfortunately, we don't get to hear my favorite line, "Fry, bitch, fry!" but it's still a fine piece of work, and Alison gives an outstanding performance. Time to upgrade my copy to DVD.

    1166) JD 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 20:29 Permalink

    There could be a win-win solution with a forum software like SMF 2.0 that allows not only threaded posts but also comes with an option named 'View the most recent posts on the forum' that would produce a guestbook listing from all over the boards, something like some people seem to crave.

    My 2 hundredths of a dollar.
    1167) JD 
    IP logged
    Sunday, 20 April 2014 20:30 Permalink

    Forgot to mention that is open source (read free).
    1168) Sloth 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 08:18 Permalink

    Poll - I see no reason to change as nothing is broken - seems like daily hits are up, more posts than ever before, plenty of new names appearing - the only thing broken was Dreambook.

    Covers - please don't stop - today is a case in point - even with the extensive collection I have this issue of Battle Cry is completely new to me and Duillo just keeps on kicking - thanks.

    Stay well all
    1169) darkroom 
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    Monday, 21 April 2014 09:24 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    I like the site as is... Yes, it would be nice to establish/follow a particular thread, but the new site is working well... Good posts, great art, good links...

    That Sandra Delany scene in Fair Game is one of the best... Oh, the tempations...

    1170) Dan Hawke 
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    Monday, 21 April 2014 10:28 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Ralphus and Gimpers:

    It it ain't broke...

    I like the new format very much. I also like the pictures posters have added to their posts. Obviously multiple images in support of a review meets the test for 'reasonableness'.

    Why worry when we have only had one picture spam? And I think the poster explained why he did it. Besides, he wasn't spamming pics for site promotion, so it wasn't really spam.

    At worst it could be called... A bit excessive?

    I too want the site to remain primarily a discussion board, but I love the pix old and new posters have added. If the board is ever on the verge of being overwhelmed by images over text, well then this discussion should be re-considered. But right now... It ain't broken!

    As to threaded vs. non-threaded board. I prefer the current, non-threaded style. I am familiar with threaded discussion boards. They are the norm for software/programmer support sites. There they serve a function. You want info about a specific problem or bug. You don't want to simply browse what the posters are saying.

    I don't have strong feelings about either, but I do think a threaded post is more in line with searching something specific out, rather than 'discussing' general interest topics. I personally tend to look at threaded sites to gleen some quick fact. Then I close those windows. I don't think the format is supportive of the dialog we see here.

    Besides, what would the threads be? Nowicki's films, mainstream spanking, mainstream bondage, etc. Most posters here cover whatever topic(s) are in their minds at the moment.

    I think threaded would decrease conversation. Which I find undesirable. Unless someone specifically describes what asset the users would get from this change, and we all agreed we want that assed, then this board should stay as it always was.

    Except now we have more freedom and more control for our posts.

    ~Dan Hawke
    1171) frog 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 12:07 Permalink

    I was going to write my opinion re the current poll, but upon reading Dan Hawke's comments, I wholeheartedly agree with his opinion and could not really add anything to his contribution.

    I find threaded formats stifle the free flow of ideas. I also like the idea of participants being able to post images. Sometimes an image is worth a thousand words.

    Keep up the good work.
    1172) Mwb 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 12:22 Permalink

    Site is fine just the way it is.
    1173) Mark Evans 
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    Monday, 21 April 2014 12:33 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Ralphus asked:
    In your opinion, how are the Gruesome Horror vids? The girl in Terminated is really cute. Do they pull off the electro illusion well, in your opinion?

    Ralphus, I'll have to put up some reviews when I get time. The quality varies. The Amber Rayne video called Insane Convict was among the best ones done. She's tied to a bench and wrapped with copper wire. The acting and the views are good. There was another one with her that isn't posted any longer that was pretty good as well. Fried Alive was another one of my favorites. Terminated wasn't bad either. Both of these had alright acting and effects. These videos also had the hottest actresses in my opinion.

    Regarding the video quality: Generally, he uses some weird video speed alteration which ruins the scene for me, and causes the vocals to be out of sync. I don't think he has a very good understanding of electricity either since there are major technical flaws in his scenes. He has very poor rigging as well, for example, weights or duct tape holding the ends of the ropes to the ground. Aside from that, there are no special effects other than buzzing sounds, so the rest depends on the actresses writhing and acting, which is hit and miss.

    I'd give the ones I mentioned a 7/10 in terms of overall acting and effect. The rest go downhill from there.

    I would say the videos are really overpriced, and he gives you very little indication of what they contain, a very limited description and horrible screenshots. So it's really not fair to charge that kind of money.

    What made SOME of these videos worth it for me was the imagery (minus the hair). He includes extended scenes, many angles, closeups, and before and after shots, dry and sweaty, awake and passed out from the torture. Some of the actresses are attractive. I find the market is very small for long, sweaty, electro-torture scenes like Gruesomehorror does, so there are a few of his works which I do not regret buying. But I think the general population will be disappointed with all of it.

    Hope this helps until I can get some reviews done.

    Has anyone else here bought these videos? What are your thoughts? Can you recommend any other good ones in their library?
    1174) Blakemore 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 12:38 Permalink

    (1174) Ralphus: Dan Hawke got it right..."If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT".

    Arcas: I sure am glad I got into your head because you FIGURED IT OUT! That is one pair of aching, throbbing breasts and one very hot pussy! THANKS!

    For all the art lovers: Here's another of my "wish it had been THIS way!" covers.
    1175) Blakemore 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 12:41 Permalink

    (1175) That's why I hate computers...I'm a fucking idiot...but here's another one for ya-all.
    1176) Blakemore 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 12:44 Permalink

    (1176) What the more.
    1177) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 13:01 Permalink

    Arcas, I love "Kaboobs" but no sweat or blood. I asked this before I know and I'm sorry frown for being a pain in the ass I ask again why no sweat on your Gimp artwork? Also no blood on kaboob sticks?

    It doesn't take away eroticism from your artwork that it has no sweat but realistically the way the Kaboobs gimp is suffering, being her pussy is being cooked, sweat should be pouring out of her.

    Again sorry for bugging you. Thank you, Bill K.
    1178) Blakemore 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 14:24 Permalink


    First...I will refer you to the interview I did with our esteemed Host, in which I told him that I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I could make money doing what I had BEEN DOING for a very long time. I have also said that from the age of 10...(at the latest)...I was obsessed with seeing girls tied-up, helplessly struggling and terrified of what was about to be...or being done to their "Hot-Body", so the biggest thing I had going for was years of trial-and-error experience in knowing WHICH girls to approach, AND...(with the discovery that I could make money doing it)...a fantastic "reason" to approach them because the ones who CAN NOT ADMIT TO THEMSELVES that they fucking WANT to be sexually tormented to the point of torture...HAD AN EXCUSE TO DO IT. Almost without exception, they told themselves they were going to do this just for the money. In fact, that WAS important because after being tortured and fucked senseless, they were "rewarded" and could tell themselves that after all, they'd done it for the money...(which in the long run, we both knew was bull-shit but most females are prone to NOT KNOW what the really want until the second they WANT IT and will deny they wanted it all along.

    This simply means that for all kinds of reasons, both personal and "moral", they simply can not admit to themselves that they really ARE pain-craving Sluts.
    Let's take the case of lovely Lorie Waverly.

    I came in to work one hot Friday to find this pretty girl wearing no make-up, a baggy football T-shirt and sneakers...(but SKIN TIGHT jeans)...who had been hired as receptionist/secretary.

    I said "Hi" but immediately noticed that she had a gold ankle bracelet around each ankle. *THIS...with no make-up or other jewelry said she just might be hiding something from herself)...but I went on to the back to to get to work, but early that afternoon the A.C. went out so it was hot as hell when I went up front.

    Her T-shirt was now clinging to those nice pert tits of hers, like in a wet T-shirt contest. She had taken her shoes off and was standing in the open front door so I just said, " me a big favor and raise up on your tiptoes", and she didn't hesitate to do that, and STAYED on her toes as she cocked one hip out and looked back at me and asked "Why?"

    I said "Because I figured you'd make a great model and you would!"

    "For what?" she asked, shifting to shove her other hip out while remaining perched on extreme tiptoe.

    "For bondage photography...that's what I do as a second job".

    That led to me going out to my truck to get a few magazines...(mostly of my work)...which she methodically looked through one at a time without any expression...BUT...damn if she didn't sit there with her legs crossed with just the tips of her toes on the floor with the instep of her slowly kicking foot ached with with her toes perfectly "pointed"...and I'm NOT being arrogant when I say that right then, I KNEW she was going to say "Sure...I'll try it. How much did you say I'd be paid?"

    After I'd shown her my "studio", we went to my make-up room where I gave her the equivalent of a "make-over", then gave her some privacy to squirm into a ridiculously short and tight mini-skirt, a blouse and 4-inch heels. I was shocked to see that she was utterly intrigued by how different she looked!
    *(She had NEVER seen herself in spike heels and a mini-skirt! Hell, she didn't even own a pair of heels and never had, so until that moment she had absolutely NO IDEA of what a gorgeous ass and pair of legs she had. This girl didn't even consider herself pretty, let alone "sexy".)

    Within just minutes in front of the camera the insides of her thighs were glistening with pussy-juice but I stayed very "professional"...until I had her tied, gagged and on her back with her legs tied spread for the last shots.

    I ran my hands up and down her legs and groaned, "Sweet Jeazzzus Baby! You're dripping!" and knelt down to tongue her pussy until she was about to go nuts before I let her feel the head of my cock just barely parting the lips of her cunt and asked, "Do you want this?"

    Her response was a pitiful moan as she arched her hips toward my cock so...

    We had another session the next (Saturday) afternoon and as I shot the set of stills, I quietly talked to her about her how hot she'd be in a movie.
    At the end of the shoot I had her cut in half with a "Cunt-Cutter" that was way tighter than it needed to be and watched her expression when I just turned her loose without giving her what she thought she was going to get again.

    Instead, I "busied" myself with camera gear and mentioned that she might want to find out what it was like to be whipped...and experience a few other things before she decided if she really wanted to do a movie. She jokingly said "I've never done anything like that so yeah...maybe I better find out what it's going to feel like to me "tortured" before I do it!"

    I had her put on stockings, a waist clincher and a different pair of spike heels...set the mirrors so she could see herself when I strung her up by her wrists and whipped her with a belt...(harder that I could get away with in a movie)...until she spread her legs so I could lash her pussy. Then I lowered her onto my "impalement cock" until it was in her far enough to hurt before I whipped her until she was so fucking crazy she was begging me to stop and fuck I did.

    The big problem with Lorie was that she "fell in love" with me and wanted to get married...which I handled by getting one or two men I'd trained to do these things with me, to REALLY torture Lorie and the same as a rape her and THAT kept her more or less sane the rest of the time...but let me tell you, a girl who thinks she's "in love" can very easily become a fucking train wreck. I was just lucky that nothing like that happened.

    Until next time...
    1179) Blakemore 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 14:35 Permalink

    Bill K: I'm going to intrude to tell you that quite often a girls breasts do NOT bleed until the skewers are pulled out...and then they certainly DO, however, if you twist the needles or work them back and forth to increase her agony, a nice trickle of blood will flow from both the point of entry and exit...which makes them even wilder. (MIRRORS!)

    1180) Covers 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 15:06 Permalink

    (1180) Duillo of the Day:
    a duillo - BW Duillo art.jpg
    1181) Covers 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 15:07 Permalink

    (1181) Thanks for the feedback, guys. I will keep up the daily posting schedule, as much as possible.

    Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry July 1967
    1182) Stakedamsels 
    IP logged View Web Pagewebsite 
    Monday, 21 April 2014 15:23 Permalink

    Just thought I'd chip in...I quite like the format used here, but like Ralphus on my site I get little time to visit the GIMP forum (shame). However I will say it's easier to catch up on what's new. Stakedamsels forum exists only in the form it does as a means to an end. We lost a fireplay/BATS forum and I tried to re-capture what was lost, including the style, layout and categories. I'm not talented enough, nor do I have Amy at my beck and call to program something I'd prefer to post (more's the pity). There are a few advantages...because it's user protected I get very little spam. Each user must log in and provide 2 genuine posts (which are vetted) before they can post at will. I can't see how the earlier poster was put off by this, as an ID and password is not beyond most people. I think there's pro's and cons...I think PHP looks nicer, but GIMP is a whole lot easier to read and catch up vote ? Stay with things the way they are.

    1183) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 15:55 Permalink

    Re today's picture: love the menacing jumper cables hanging just inside the shot; you see them the entire time you were lying there, and not know when they were going to be brought into use...great mental torture!
    1184) mr bush 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 16:03 Permalink

    Alison Parish- note her eyebrows match her bush. Love that zfx clip of the week.
    1185) JD 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 16:39 Permalink

    (1185) Bill K: Here we go.
    1186) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 17:58 Permalink

    Thank you Mr. Blakemore for information on the lack of blood from breasts with skewers or pins in them.

    Gimpers my post was question more about lack of sweat and not so much about lack of blood. Bill K.
    1187) Arcas 
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    Monday, 21 April 2014 18:59 Permalink

    JD writes: "Bill K: Here we go."

    Pretty good postwork job on the sweat, but as far as the boob trauma, it's not what I intended - primarily for the reasons Blakemore cited. Such things are bloody on removal, not so much on insertion.
    1188) Dr Yuya 
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    Monday, 21 April 2014 20:39 Permalink

    Check out the trailer for Scarlet Johansson's next upcoming film titled "Lucy"

    Got some nice stuff...though I'm sure any scenes depicting her torture or captivity will be very brief in relation to the rest of the film. But still...Scarlet J chained up and slapped around in a movie NOT being at least mentioned here would likely be some kind of crime.
    1189) YikYakker 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 21:02 Permalink

    (1189) I do love it when victims get their clothing ripped to shreds - as does Marina Sirtis in this rape scene from Death Wish III (above).


    Speaking of ripped clothing:

    Covers, by all means please do continue to post Diullo and MAM artwork...I can never get too much of it and your selections are great.


    BTW, a very belated thank-you to all of those who have posted artwork (Arcas, JD, Bill K. and probably others that I've missed; as well as those who have reviewed flicks (Thomas Chaser, A Canadian, and again others that I've lost track of, forgive me for omissions).

    I really do appreciate your contributions, but I have not posted as frequently as usual for a number of reasons. Hopefully, this post represents a change in that trend.


    GIMP POLL: I like the new format, particularly the ability to easily post a pic. For someone with a geezer brain like mine, the pics serve as visual guideposts to help me figure out where the hell I left off from the previous browsing session.

    I subscribe to one site with threads; it's a fan site for a particular performer. You wouldn't think that so many threads could develop around one individual's life, but they proliferate like rabbits. I know that I've lost track of most threads on that site. There are a number of bells and whistles that help, like a visual "map" of sorts showing which threads have been most recently (or most frequently) updated so you can catch the latest news. But dammit, each thread has several pages of sub-topics. It's like trying to cut through the underbrush in a virtual jungle. I wouldn't want to see this site become so complicated and be-snarled that keeping up with it becomes a Herculean task for both the visitors and the host.

    Instead, what this site offers are a number of topical databases, with new entries highlighted. These provide us with the essential information. Who's getting GIMPed, by what method, and where can we see it happen? Beyond that, I don't know that we really need to further subdivide our interests. I like the Guestbook format.
    1190) Thomas Chaser 
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    Monday, 21 April 2014 21:37 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1190) Ok, a couple thoughts:
    (1) Format of the forum - keep it like it is. It works, I like it, and that's all there is to it.

    (2) So I've been sidelined with bronchitis for the last week and half, which means I've been going to work but that's about it. That's left me a lot of time to watch old movies - pr0n and otherwise - and in my delirious state of mind, I've noticed something.

    Back in the day - which would be about the late 60's, early 70's in this case - video pr0n used to be little film clips that Dad could wind up on his film projector and watch when the kids weren't around. There wasn't much to them; a burlesque dancer peeling off her underwear, getting naked, and FIN. About five minutes, maybe less. Then, in the 70's and early 80's, pr0n films started having plots, like "Behind the Green Door" and "Bad Girls". For example, "Bad Girls" is basically a sex movie that tells a story about four models who go off into the mountains, discover an old BDSM hangout now run by a sex cult. Every five to ten minutes some woman is getting banged, either by a random guy who just happens to be passing by, or by another girl. But the funny thing is, the sex parts are only about two or three minutes long, which means the rest of the movie is all about set-up and moving the story along. And the bondage? Played mostly for laughs. For example, the first bondage scene has a totally hot naked blonde girl chained AOH with the cult leader laying on the floor between her legs. He's yelling at her to pee on him, but she refuses to cooperate, just out of spite. It's like watching the pr0n version of "Blazing Saddles" - satire of the art form. Anyway...

    Then came the 90's and the development of the Internet, and VHS tapes gave way to DVDs, which gave way to downloadable .avi clips, which were cut down to short snippets to reduce load time, and because of the short length, there was no story told. It was just "tie them up and do them" with naked chicks being spanked or slapped by either another chick or a guy (with no penetration out of fear of prosecution since you weren't allowed to show both bondage and sex at the same time). Companies like HOM, which made DVDs of full-length movies, went by the wayside in favor of short, downloadable videos. SpankingServer is a good example of the "tie'em up and whip'em" style of porn-making. Kink.Com falls into this category as well.

    Parallel to this came cable television, which fueled a rebirth in the B-movie industry in order to fill the demand for content that wasn't otherwise available on broadcast television (anybody remember the little exercise clips HBO used to show of hot chicks doing leg exercises while the camera zoomed in on their crotches and asses?), and along with that came the relaxing of moral standards, as "Skinamax" and Showtime and HBO reserved the 11 o'clock hour for boobs and ass (and more). This crept back into the broadcast channels and shows like "NYPD Blue" were born and proved to be commercially successful. Now we could get a story punctuated with nudity, and the FCC was cool with that.

    Now we're passing from the "Aughts" to the "teens" and adult movie production studios are moving back to the philosophy of trying to tell a story. Mood Pictures and Elite Pain are actually focusing on the story and editing of their films ("Milgram Experiment" and "Fear" are two of my favorites from that studio). Kink.Com's "Sexually Broken" has been experimenting with doing full-length feature films as well, such as scripting fantasies that their models have revealed (see "The Auction" for a wonderful example of this).

    So my point to all this is this: has Internet and computer technology reached the point where, as consumers, we have enabled (or rather, encouraged) bondage film studios to return to producing full-length films that tell a story? Or is this simply a Renaissance in film-making seeded by the blurring of lines between what constitutes pornography and mainstream entertainment? Or, a third possibility, is this simply a growth of the industry in an attempt by individual studios to take their product in a new direction and differentiate themselves from the competition? Is this Darwinism (which DOES NOT say only the strong survive; it says that all things evolve or die, which is a much different concept) in adult film-making. Or is this just things coming full circle, much like going from hairy pussies to short-trimmed bikini style to clean-shaven and now back to small trimmings of bush for accents?

    Here's my theory.

    I think the push that has driven film production has been the method of delivery to the end user. Short film clips in the 60's and 70's worked because they were small and brief and didn't take a lot of time to achieve their intended purpose, which is the ejaculation of the viewer. The Golden Age of Porn in the 70's was a result of the sexual liberation, where porn had to try and stay one step ahead of what was happening in the bedroom (and in the streets, and in the fields), which meant that nudity wasn't enough. There had to be a purpose to it, hence the plots to the longer films. The advent of the VHS tape meant that people could buy their own porn and take it home, rather than sit in a theater. Or better, just watch cable TV after 11pm. The evolution from VHS to DVD kept this model rolling, but why buy DVDs when you could download the good parts straight to computer without troubling the postman (or getting "the stink eye" from the wife). Now, with the wide-spread use of high-speed Internet service, entire films can be downloaded in about ten minutes (give or take). Coupled to that is the maturing of the porn consumer - there is so much nudity floating around that viewers have become desensitized to it (to a degree; let's not get crazy here). Certainly shows like "Game of Thrones" is going to play a big part in the direction that future pornography studios take in how they approach their storytelling. Certainly they can't match the scale of such a production, but they do have the advantage of being expected to push the boundaries of moral decency. After all, how do you define "pornography"? You can't. You can only recognize it when you see it, right? And if a movie is focusing on telling a great story, is it really pornography if it graphically depicts sexual acts? Or bondage? Or both?

    I'd be interested in the opinions of those on this forum about what they're seeing from production houses, and where they think the next great leap will be. Will producers like Dan Hawke be forced to become more like ZFX and blend a story with his ropework? Or can a "tie'em up and do'em" producer be expected to survive amongst the Spielbergs of Pr0n? And what of Rick Masters' hint that he's bringing ZFX back (for at least one film)? Can he compete against the production quality of a Sexually Broken or a Mood Pictures or a Bound Heat film? And where would this leave Pachamana Films in the landscape of storytelling - mainstream or pornography?

    1191) Thomas Chaser 
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    Monday, 21 April 2014 21:55 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1191) And one more thing (which makes me wish this forum had an Edit feature); I'm a sucker for the old B-movies of the 60's and 70's (and 80's and 90's) because the stories were so outlandish that they almost required nudity just to save the film. Let's face it, nobody would remember "Barbarian Queen" if not for Lana Clarkson's one great scene, or "Wheels of Fire" if not for Linda W's hood ornament ride. So, to whomever posted the link to "Scream of the Demon Lover", I thank you! I'd never heard of this film before, but now I'm on a quest for the full version, right along with an uncut edition of "Inquisicion" by Paul Naschy (who could tell a good story when he wanted to) with the naughty parts intact.
    1192) Howie 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 22:12 Permalink

    Arcas seems to be fine with it, but I actually think it's a little rude to do postwork on another artists photo without their permission.

    It didn't need improving for one, regardless of what some people were complaining about, and it's up to the artist to say what the final version looks like. Not anyone else.

    It's not like you're doing something to some older work that's been around for a while. You just altered something he just created and was kind enough to share with us less than 24 hours ago.

    Kind of disrespectful if you ask me. Hell, if you want to send it to him first and get his thought's that MIGHT be okay, but to alter it and then just throw it out there like you just made it better? Boundaries people....

    1193) Ralphus 
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    Monday, 21 April 2014 22:35 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Re: The altered Arcas artwork: I agree with Howie. His artwork didn't need "improving" and I questioned the judgment of doing so. Ironically, Bill K asked for it to be deleted, JD agreed and asked me to do it. The only reason it's up there now is because Arcas himself made a comment about the artwork, and at the time, I had already taken it off the board. Rather than have people scratch their heads and wonder what Arcas was commenting on, I reluctantly restored the artwork to the forum.

    Arcas, if you want me to remove it again, just say the word. Your original, which has already received multiple kudos, is the one people should be enjoying, not the bloody bastardization of it.
    1194) JD 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 22:50 Permalink

    (1194) OK, OK, I got it ... I was hoping people can take a joke when they see one and Arcas (respect, man) doesn't seem to be an overly uptight artist. But I might be wrong, maybe this is not the right crowd and maybe I'm in the wrong place. Got it. I was hoping for a little relaxed and unconventional atmosphere, you know, what our kind don't get in real world.

    Someone asked about "Scream of the Demon Lover", it can be found at []

    The story is good, I enjoyed it. Don't know about any avenue to legally buy a copy of the DVD or similar. Use your judgement.

    One last picture and I'll be on my way. :) Long live and prosper, GIMP!

    1195) Howie 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 23:05 Permalink

    I love it when someone does something shitty, and then act like people who point out that they just did something shitty are the jerk offs.

    Ya, I guess I didn't get the "joke". Just looked like you decided to alter another artists picture by hitting a few buttons in PhotoShop or GIMP, like the original artist couldn't have done the same thing himself if he chose to.

    If you wanna leave, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. No one suggested you do so, and that's on you if you do, not us. All we said was that what you did just was rude.

    1196) Howie 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 23:09 Permalink

    Still pulling for that edit function by the way.... roll eyes (sarcastic)

    1197) Ralphus 
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    Monday, 21 April 2014 23:25 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    JD: Did anyone ask you to leave? I don't think so. Your manipulation artworks are greatly admired by many of the readers here, as evidenced by all the positive feedback you've received. A few of us took you to task for an ill-advised attempt to alter another artist's work, which you yourself realized was a mistake because you asked it to be removed. And you take that as a reason to deduce that this is not the right crowd and you're in the wrong place? I disagree strongly. You can go if you like, but I like your contributions to the site and would prefer you stay.

    Jesus Christ, everyone makes mistakes. Roll with it and move on. It doesn't mean you're not a valuable member of this forum.
    1198) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Monday, 21 April 2014 23:39 Permalink

    I am sorry JD you made a mistake but don't leave because of it. Just fix it. I posted mistakes here in the past and asked Ralphus to delete them which he did. It's no big deal.

    The first episode of "Salem" had no good Gimp scenes to speak of. This "Salem" is as totally different than the real Salem witch trials as you can get so we may yet see a bats scene and a gimp scene.

    Of course with no nudity. Bill K.
    1199) Arcas 
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    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 01:27 Permalink

    Ralphus writes: "Arcas, if you want me to remove it again, just say the word."

    Meh. I'm not thrilled by it and not bent by it. I mean, c'mon.... you think an artist who titles his stuff something like "Kaboobs" is gonna get his panties in a twist?

    I could have done the postwork if I thought it needed doing, but that said, water under the bridge. Thanks for the consideration to all. Move on. Next GIMP post, please. More peril, less drama...

    (geez... does that last statement make any sense???)
    1200) Matt 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 01:29 Permalink

    JD: please don't leave. Your fakes are excellent, and don't let one mistake get to you. Please, come back, and keep up the good work!
    1201) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 01:52 Permalink

    (1201) inspired by the banner picture from yesterday plus a couple of other sources, I made some pics of me and some jumper cables, starting with them not in use, but clearly going to be used.
    1202) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 01:55 Permalink

    (1202) Next, an angle that sows a better face view.

    I probably should mention that when I was making these, I had an abduction/serial killer fantasy in my mind, so this isn't an interrogation, it's me being kidnapped just to be tortured and most likely killed.
    1203) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 01:58 Permalink

    (1203) Now for the best part: off with the bra, on with the electrodes!
    From the look of it, I've probably passed out between shocks, or maybe my abductor is giving me a short break to recover a bit before he starts flipping the switch again.
    1204) Covers 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 06:47 Permalink

    (1204) "More perils, less drama." I like that. It should be the forum's official motto. wink

    Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry June 1961.
    1205) Covers 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 06:48 Permalink

    (1205) Duillo of the Day:
    a duillo, BW Duillo art.jpg
    1206) Badger 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 08:04 Permalink

    JD. Your call, but if you leave, your contributions will be missed.
    1207) Rack 'Em Up 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 10:35 Permalink

    Poll question: I have no issues with the site being set up the way it is. Threaded forums can be ok for certain things, but I'm not sure that would work here, since we have such a WIDE variety of topics.

    And thank you to everyone for expanding a bit upon the electro torture genre lately. It has long been my favorite method, and all of the posts and pictures lately have been fantastic!
    1208) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 10:51 Permalink

    @Rack 'Em Up: electro torture is your favorite? But your name says...
    1209) boccaccio 
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    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 10:58 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1209) "I'm pretty sure I saw this in a movie once..."

    I'm not sure if the caption was facetious and I'm repeating something that has been a topic of discussion here many times before, but there is a scene in "Ilsa She-Wolf of the SS" where a very pretty and very nude prisoner with a noose around her neck is made to stand on a block of ice, while, IIRC after 40 years, some Nazi officers watch and wait for the ice to melt.

    I couldn't find a full length image in a brief search but I believe the image attached is that of the girl. Could be wrong though.


    "The warm rays of the mountain sun had been kind to the skin of the sultry
    princess; her body was a vision of pale gold loveliness. In the thin mountain
    air, Feng and his companions stared disbelievingly at their prize -- at her
    lush, full-nippled breasts, which despite their majestic size rose high and
    proud from her chest. At her long athletic legs and at a pair of well-rounded buttocks that seemed to have been born for the lash. At her deep-notched navel, narrow waist, and dark-tufted pussy that set five cocks to throbbing.

    Ten malevolent eyes devoured her luscious body; and ten malicious hands
    groped her roughly, fondling her pleasure-globes, pinching and twisting the mahogany buds of her uptilted breasts, and probing insistently between her legs as she squirmed in revulsion."
    1210) TRG 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 11:04 Permalink

    (1210) Blakemore: Fabulous story about Lori: unsuspecting girl revealed as bondage tramp. Love it! Just goes to show what the girl next door might really be if you give her a chance to step out. Lori always communicated the fact that she really got off on being tied and abused. No one responded to a crotch rope better.
    1211) Ralphus 
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    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 12:02 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Thomas Chaser: Great post (1190); like you, I'm sidelined at home with a bad case of bronchitis, but mine is so bad I haven't been able to work, just sleep and lay around helplessly until this works its way through my body, which sucks. Unfortunately, your post came in right in the midst of this manufactured "drama" which I fear will take over everyone's attention and your post might possibly get overlooked. But I'll attempt to follow up.

    I think your whole "History of Porn" (although you strangely refer to it as pr0n for some reason) was pretty much accurate. I think it's more the technical limitations of the medium that determine what people used to get off on. You left out the "roughies" of the 1960s which were mostly shown in grindhouse theaters. They couldn't show actual sex, so they made up for it by featuring plenty of nudity and sexual violence (Think the Olga films from Something Weird Video, for instance). If you wanted to see actual bondage films, about all you would have would be 8mm silent loops in the late 1960s and 1970s (the best ones were made by HOM). Gradually, these progressed to VHS tapes and later DVDs, and now instant downloads.

    As far as"the next big thing", I think it's just a question of what people want to see. The Internet has really opened up our choices of fetish entertainment, but there's still a lot of crap out there. I haven't seen anything from the "Sexually Broken" site (perhaps a review would be helpful) but it looks to be more of the slick, professionally made cookie-cutter consensual action that makes Kink the most popular, and at the same time, the most overrated bondage production company in the US. The idea that ZFX would have to compete with the likes of the softcore lesbian offerings of Bound Heat is laughable, since they make completely different types of movies for completely different audiences. As for Pachamama Films, they want to go the mainstream route with GIMP elements worked into their productions. That seems to be working for them, as they've definitely expanded their audiences from their early Red Feline days.

    The good thing is the Internet restrictions that were in place during the previous Bush administration have largely loosened up, so now there is something out there for virtually every taste and fetish out there. The problem for producers though, is that the glut of material out there, along with Internet piracy, have thinned out the audience so it's harder and harder to make a buck in this line of business. My guess is that the best material will survive, whereas the lesser companies who don't put out high quality offerings will eventually fall by the wayside. At any rate, it becomes more and more important to support those producers who put of the material you like, because they are the ones who are taking the biggest chance by producing this material to begin with.
    1212) nasdaqnomad 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 13:47 Permalink

    IMO stick with the current format.
    1213) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 14:14 Permalink

    The growth history of Gimp type porn movies you can not forget the VCR's major role in it. When "Deep Throat" first came out around 1970 which wasn't a gimp type movie but the only place you could see it was an adult theatre. Many Gimp porn lovers at least 80% of them would never especially back then go to an adult movie theatre.

    Then in the late 1970s and early 1980s the VCR came on the open market and adult movie producers could now make any kind of gimp porn type movie they wanted and be able make money where they could not make money at adult theatres.

    I know Thomas Chaser and Ralphus said pretty much same thing in their posts but I'm saying the VCR played the main predominate growth role in the past and now the DVD in the future of Gimp porn type movies. Bill K.
    1214) Flintstone 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 14:19 Permalink

    to Joanna: Very nice artwork, thanks for posting it.
    1215) Capt 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 14:33 Permalink

    Yik Yakker I agree. Clothes being ripped off can only lead to one thing!!
    Nice firm grip on her left tit by one of the lucky yobs as well.
    1216) A Canadian 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 17:39 Permalink

    (1216) boccaccio wrote:

    I'm not sure if the caption was facetious....

    Most definitely. Ralphus knows Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS as well as the Pope knows the Ten Commandments.
    1217) A Canadian 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 18:50 Permalink

    (1217) Above is another cap of ice-block lady from Ilsa.

    Apparently, her name is Peggy Sipots, although imdb says she was uncredited in the movie.
    1218) Thomas Chaser 
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    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 21:21 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1218) Ralphus - I used "pr0n" because way back when employers first started screening and blocking email, clever employees figured out that they could misspell words and replace letters with numbers and the software wouldn't detect it, but the reader could figure it out. "Elite Pain" would become "3li43 P@1n", "GIMP" would become "G1MP", and "porn" would become "pr0n". So, I threw that in there as sort of a joke but apparently it's a little too esoteric.

    Joanne - love your artwork with the jumper cables. I hadn't picked up on them in the "Picture of the Day" until you pointed them out, and I like the direction you're taking your storyboard. But why not turn it into an interrogation - a very harsh one where it doesn't matter if the victim lives or dies? This way you get tortured to your breaking point, but maybe that won't even save you.

    Which reminds me - I consider this forum as sort of a place to go for collaboration and inspiration. Pedro of Mood Pics had once said that a still from Amy's films had given him an idea for one of his films, and one of Arcas' pictures gave me inspiration to write a short story, and a still from Insex inspired Joanne to do a series of pics with a backing story, so why not have a piece of computer art get copied, modified and re-swizzled, and offered right back up for comment and further modification from someone? Rap musicians do it all the time, going all the way back to Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer. They steal a beat from one song, add fresh lyrics, and put it out for consumption. Trademark/copyright aside, at some point it becomes part of a creative process. And we all know where the original source was from because it was posted right here, too, within a day of the re-posting. I don't know - seems like imitation being the highest form of flattery to me.

    Also, if you guys want me to do a review of "The Auction" by Sexually Broken, I will. It's not a bad offering considering it's a Kink.Com studio that put it out. Slick production, seasoned porn vets, not so much an original plot but the execution is nice. And of course there are interviews before and after with the girls - porn's version of "Inside the Actor's Studio" I suppose.
    1219) Mark Evans 
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    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 22:40 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Joanna, great images and scenario. Here are some pics from Buzzsaw Butchers by Deathtrap Films that follow your theme closely:

    1220) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 22:49 Permalink

    (1220) Today's picture; cold feet peril here is the opposite hot feet pictured above.
    Bill K.
    1221) Ralphus 
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    Tuesday, 22 April 2014 22:58 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Regarding my caption for yesterday's daily picture "I'm pretty sure I saw this in a movie once," well, that's not exactly right. I've actually seen it in a movie 3 times. Everyone knows about Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS, that's a given.

    The second one was a black and white YouTube clip that was posted here years ago; I think it was an unknown movie from Turkey, where a chick with cigarette burns on her tits is also perched on a block of ice with her head in a noose. It was a hot clip but YouTube deleted it years ago. Anybody remember it? I thought it was Sloth that originally linked it on the board, but it's been some time ago.

    Okay, I did say I've seen it in 3 movies. Here's the third one, called Mob Story, from an old VHS tape of mine, featuring the very sexy Kate Vernon as the victim. No nudity in this one, but it's a nice long scene. and also contains one of the great lines in movie history. "This is not torture to make you talk. This is torture for the fun of it!"

    1222) Rack 'Em Up 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 01:23 Permalink

    Joanna: Yes, I know my moniker may seem a bit confusing. When I first posted, I had wanted to come up with something clever, so this came to mind - a moniker with a "dual purpose", both as a billiards reference, and as a method of torture.

    That being said, I DO like the rack, also. But electro torture is my favorite. (Of course, the two can be combined.... wink )
    1223) Howie 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 01:25 Permalink

    @ Mark Evans - Do you have a link to Buzzsaw Butchers? I searched for both it and Deathtrap Films and got no results for either. The tone of this pics looks a little playful, but the actress on the table looks hot as fucking hell!

    1224) Howie 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 01:29 Permalink

    Found'em. cool

    1225) Covers 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 06:39 Permalink

    (1225) Duillo of the Day: A Misc Inside 2 Duillo art.jpg
    1226) Covers 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 06:41 Permalink

    (1226) A Misc Inside Duillo art.jpg
    1227) Covers 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 06:42 Permalink

    (1227) Today's MAM cover is from Battle Cry June 1963 V6 #3 Stanley Publications
    1228) Osouk 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 09:23 Permalink

    Wow - so many posts these days I'm finding it impossible to keep up - just don't have the time.

    So something about Princess Leia (I know this was from ages ago) - she's never particularly been a favourite of mine, but there was a very good story in the early days of the internet called 'The interrogation of Princess Leia' by the Dark Ranger. It's pretty brutal, so avoid if you're not into that kind of thing, but it's exactly what I do like. He also wrote one called 'Agony in Pink' which was based on the Power Rangers.

    And as to the poll - I originally said I'd prefer a change, but having used the new board for a while, and now that the comment facility has been removed, I think I'd like to keep things as they are.

    Arcas - keep posting those pictures, my friend. I love them.

    In fact, everyone keep posting pictures, there have been some great entries.
    1229) boccaccio 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 11:13 Permalink

    (1229) @ A Canadian "Most definitely. Ralphus knows Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS {and the block of ice scene} as well as the Pope knows the Ten Commandments."

    Icy what you're saying ...


    "Fong then turned the carousel so that the big-breasted blond faced the
    cadaverous Sang Chu-ming. The councillor with the wilting beard ogled the lovely naked body before him, so alluringly bathed in the descending light of the candelabra. Sang admired Erika's jutting pink-nippled breasts for a long moment before moving his attenuated right arm across his body and then sweeping it back swiftly, backhanding the inner contours of Erika's left breast with a frightening SMACKK!!"

    The Jade Pavilion, Chapter 20
    1230) Dan Hawke 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 11:46 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Thomas Chaser’s excellent post got me thinking again about my history as a bdsm aficionado with a long memory.

    For Consumers: A Golden Age of Porn

    First, all the younger GIMPERS have no idea what a golden age they are living in. I bought some of my earliest 8mm loops back in 71 or 72. They cost $25 each for 8 to 15 mins of content. I actually discovered HOM before Blakemore! Although pre-Blakemore HOM was a very brief period. HOM and Harmony and Tao were all producing the same fairly tame tie-em-up and let them struggle bondage. It was weak, but it was all there was. These mags were in the $3-$5 range.

    Adjusted for inflation the loops were like $80-$100 bucks in today’s dollars and the mags easily in the $15-$25 range. My first part time job paid minimum wage. I think minimum wage was about a $1.35 back then. Of course comic books were $.12 and candy bars (really big candy bars) were a nickel.

    Today the amount of FREE bondage material to be found on the web is enormous. And if you consider the paid sites, they are nearly free if you join them only when their archive of material grows vast, you can get an hour of bondage video for about $.15 or so. I paid $99 for the first HOM/Blakemore VHS video, ‘Bittersweet Revenge’. And that price was still north of $60 for this type of content for years to come. At least with Blakemore you got really good content for pretty much the entire running length of the tape. Other companies may have had one or two five minute scenes that appealed.

    So we are living in a golden age of porn in general and bondage porn in particular.

    Evolution of Porn Distribution

    But I want to look at the history of distribution of porn.

    Prior to the 70’s porn was limited to the short films that Thomas Chaser described which were shown on an informal network of ratty, independent theaters and even smaller gatherings of men at fraternal lodges, firehouses and such. It was a fringe business where only a few players were involved. Basically distribution was pretty much hand to hand.

    Organized crime’s involvement in the porn industry has been overstated, I think, but they were certainly among the biggest of the early investors. The industry hid in the cracks of society and because of this illicit nature, most of the people in the industry were sleazy and dishonest. Willing to risk much to earn the quick porn buck.

    The 70’s were a bit of a transition phase. Porn was a bit more out in the open. In Pittsburgh, where I lived, there were at least 8-10 porno stores with mags, viewing booths and the small assortment of loops for sale. During this period the small operators of earlier years consolidated their hold on distribution and the porn industry reached its primary era of consolidation.

    But by the mid to late 70’s the home video revolution began to democratize the biz a little bit. Shooting direct to video was much cheaper than shooting to film. It was still pretty expensive in those days, but it was cheaper. And the folks with a history of investment in the biz still had all the talent and technical folks largely locked up. But a few new players did get into the biz at that time and the largely underground porn business began to go mainstream.

    Director Paul Thomas Anderson’s film, ‘Boogie Nights’ was largely about this transition. Burt Reynolds played an old time porn film-maker who was depressed about the ‘lack of artistic integrity’ in the direct to video stuff he was shooting because finances demanded he do so. It’s a pretty good movie, too.

    So this is how things went through late 70’s and early 80’s. Barriers to entry in the porn biz fell. It still cost a fair chunk of change to get started in the business, but not Howard Hughes level of money. And more people were free to enjoy their porn, without the ostracism of visiting quarter booths or X-rated theaters. And let me tell you, having visited a couple X-rated theaters it is hard to overstate how unpleasant they were; lonely guys, sitting in their isolated seats, jacking off under their coats. The smell alone was pretty disgusting. You walked out feeling thoroughly demeaned.

    Ally, ally Out are in Free: Internet Porn

    Then the internet came along. Some of the first porno type sites were bulletin boards which posted stories and non-professional pics of members. Many were geographically based. I myself was briefly involved with the ‘English Palace’ community, from central NJ. In fact, it was there my story ‘Funtime for Jody’ was first published.

    But by the 90’s the home video industry had become truly and widely dispersed. Quality consumer video cameras became cheap and pro-sumer video equipment was only marginally more expensive. The first porno web sites went up on the web, largely controlled by the old players.

    However the economics were now such that anyone with a dream, a camera, and some technical knowledge (which they either possessed or partnered with someone to acquire) could put up a web site. I myself, suffering some insane mid-life crisis, became Dan Hawke, bondage producer.

    I didn't realize it, but I entered the business during a sweet spot that wouldn't last long. I had just discovered Insex a year or two earlier, and Hogtied was launched at almost the same time I launched Dan Hawke (I think it was a while before it was incorporated into I shot many of the same models that Hogtied shot.

    I actually visited the Insex studio once as I had referred Tyler Scot to them. And through my relationship with Tyler; me, Matt (the rigger currently running Sexually Broken) and Tyler went in for a two day shoot. Matt was dating Tyler at the time and PD basically began to use him as an occasional assistant. A relationship that evolved over time to more steady work, until Hogtied hired Matt away from Insex and his meteoric rise began.

    Rise and Fall of the Home Grown Producers

    The distribution model was the membership model. This was a model that would be hard to sustain as time went on.

    In the days when I began, my primary reason to produce bdsm material is that I wanted to do it. I had some excess cash and I figured I would get to tie up some hot women, have a little fun, and maybe recover some of my sunk costs. I didn't expect it to be a career.

    In fact, I was not particularly interested in putting up a web site. I was interested in releasing video product. Photography was to be used for promotion only. It was only after I began that a few key people, including the first model I ever shot, convinced me a web site was the way to go. So I launched my first web-site and within a year it was making more money than my ‘good’ day job! This complicated and impacted the direction of my life, right up until now. But the early years were high flying fun.

    I was not the first private producer bondage web-site, but I was still pretty damn early. I wasn't alone for long. There were dozens, if not hundreds of small bondage producers who popped up all over the web. Some of them were good, some of them were not so good, but they all made enough money to keep producing. At the first NY Bondcon I attended, in 2000 or so, there were a ton of small producers.

    But today they are almost all gone. The membership model was largely a patronage model. You would vote for producer X to stay in business by becoming a member. And more critically for the smaller producers, remaining a member. Every update I put up would be a product I would have paid $50-$100 for twenty years ago. Every site that updated weekly had an archive of material that would have been valued at thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars a decade ago. Now it was all available for a monthly membership fee and some time to download it. A dedicated raider, like me, can join a site like Hogtied, and in one month download everything the site has archived. I have been a member of Hogtied for a grand total of three months, but I have every update they produced, even some they have since taken down.

    Same was true of Insex. Virtually everything they ever produced for a few months of membership spread over a few years.

    The Business is Re-Centralized into a few Hands

    Membership may still be the primary economic model, but it has cheapened the product to the point where your only product is your newest product. Once your material went up on the web, you quickly lost control of it. figured out how to make theft of material work for them, and began giving content away. They were an early adaptor of the affiliate program. And armed with large profits, they slowly began to buy up the affiliate sites that sent them lots of hits. Thus the proliferation of Kink content on the web began.

    Insex bucked the trend against memberships via a ‘community’ of members who watched their live shows, live. (These were stripped down to archival content later, but it was not the same as the live shows.) But others soon did likewise and when Insex closed down (to be re-launched as Hardtied) the efficacy of live shows was reduced. It is still a factor, but less valuable than it was for the genius who pioneered it, PD.

    But the devaluing of inventory; through constant theft and re-posting of material, began to create a new barrier to entry. You had to have a strong marketing push, to maximize return. You had to spend money and time shooting content that became devalued the day it was posted. And you had to shoot, aggressively and continuously as you only value added content was what you put up that week.

    Some small producers railed against piracy as did some larger ones, but it is the reality of how the web functions. Things posted to the web are out of your hands once posted. People expect to get everything dirt cheap. You can go crazy chasing those illicitly posting your stuff, but it is a game of whack a mole. For every one you whack a new one appears. And it is the world wide web. I mean I can perhaps shame a US based thief to pull my illegally posted stuff. But someone running a site out of the Balkan countries, or Nigeria? Good luck with that.

    So I didn't let that stress cause me an aneurysm, I simply accepted that it was what it was, and there wasn't much I could do about it.

    To some degree, this collapse also reflected a consumer judgment of my product, I realize that. But with the theft and the collapse of patronage membership, very few producers were able to survive. In fact all of the remaining producers work in a production house, with large staff, large resources and lots of capital behind them.

    My site lingers as do a few others. But the independent small bondage producer is a thing of the past.

    Whether you care about that or not… Well that’s an individual decision.

    I do disagree with Ralphus about what is 'good' bondage porn. I think Hogtied content is great. I also don't give a shit about story. Oh it can enhance things a bit, as long as it is kept to a minimum, but I look for moments of reality. They can be found, occasionally, in the softest of content, but the major bondage players today, the Hardtied family of sites, and DungeonCorp have tons of these moments.

    But the downside is, cookie cutter content. The cookies may be ones you like, or ones you hate, but there is a homogeneous marketplace now. PD was the first to see the opportunity to build exciting new contraptions with commercially available interlocking pipes, so they soon appeared on Hogtied and DungeonCorp. puts up a bondage with sex site with no legal challenges, all other production houses do the same.

    I'm just lucky I like the current cookies from the current cookie cutters. Others are… less lucky.

    I as a consumer love free and extremely low cost content. I as a producer, have mixed feelings about it. But the days of new and interesting producers popping up out of nowhere, with few exceptions, is a thing of the past. I paid a dollar and a half a minute for the bondage in ‘Bittersweet Revenge’. I doubt I have even invested a penny a minute for bondage from Hogtied, Insex and others.

    One small correction: Sexually Broken is not a site, it is a member of the Hardtied family of sites. Matt has returned home.

    ~Dan Hawke

    PS: I'd welcome comments. I occasionally write these magnum opus’ and I would like to know if they have any value to the GIMPers. If not, I should stop.
    1231) Bill K. 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 12:35 Permalink

    I enjoyed big grin your post Dan Hawke. Enjoyable and actual information from someone that knows the Gimp porn movie history is always a welcome to me.

    My comment post on Porn history was based only on me, a single buyer and fan's opinion on gimp porn movies and not on facts.

    I agree with you on the adult theatre being eek! ugh place to watch adult movies. The couple I when to in the 1970s were just that.

    Thank you for the post. Bill K.
    1232) boccaccio 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 12:40 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1232) @ Dan Hawke

    Thanks very much for the insider's account of the history of the bondage film industry. Very interesting, and very thoughtfully composed.

    I hope you don't my posting a photo of one of the Hawketied girls.
    1233) Ralphus 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 13:04 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Dan Hawke: Excellent post, my man. I love how you never do anything small. Generally, I'm not a fan of really long posts to the forum because I fear that if it's too long, some readers may decide it's not worth their time to read them. But we do have some posters (and reviewers) who tend to write long posts, and I don't mind as long as it's INTERESTING. Your post was no exception. It's always good to hear from you because you're one of those "old school" bondage fans who remembers things the way they used to be, and you've actually been in the biz and can share your experiences.

    Besides that, I like history. I like bondage entertainment, and I like looking back at how things were and seeing how they've evolved over the years. It's an era that is relatively recent, in that it's all occurred in my own lifetime (I'm 51). I didn't really discover it until my early 20s, so I mostly missed the peep-show booths and the X-rated theater era (I visited each once but didn't "do" anything; it was more of an educational experience, if you can believe that). My first real exposure was through a handful of bondage magazines and then VHS videotapes, the latter of which I had an abundance of since I worked in video stores for years.

    BTW, Boogie Nights is a great film. PT Anderson was a fan of porn when he was growing up and made the film because he lamented the era when X-rated films went from actual big budget productions shot on film, to cheap, disposable junk shot on video. The thing is, a lot of those older movies are considered classics today, whereas not many people remember most of the stuff that was shot afterward, probably for good reason.
    1234) Blakemore 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 14:20 Permalink

    Dan Hawke: Thank you for the education. I had no idea about WHAT I DID NOT KNOW at the time. All I can add is that from day one until I dropped out in was "life-on-the-edge" endless supply of fantastic pussy but also endless anxiety because "The Law"...(the fucking Bastards)...never stopped lurking!

    We need to chat...
    1235) Hellcat 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 14:55 Permalink

    (1235) You know Dan Hawke mentioned the folks at Tao in his review. (thanks for that by the way) Back in the usenet days, I found quite a few of the images from their catalog.
    Some if the situations were pretty rough, and I did love the plots.
    1236) Joanna 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 15:26 Permalink

    (1236) @Flintstone, @Thomas Chaser, @Mark Evans: Thank you for your kind words.

    I'd already made a few more pics, but didn't want to post too many at once, so here's one from my own view, strapped down on the exam table.
    1237) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 15:27 Permalink

    (1237) And this time, a pic of the current ripping through me.
    1238) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 15:28 Permalink

    (1238) And lastly, a more uncommon view from a very low angle, but I think it works to show how my body's twisting from the power of the voltage being applied to me by my abductor.
    1239) Flintstone 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 16:06 Permalink

    to Dan Hawke: Wow man, that was a trip in the Wayback Machine, thanks. I recall visiting a couple of the adult bookstores back then, and they were as you describe, not attractive to say the least. I first learned about bondage porn by finding Greenleaf Books, and following that to HOM. Really liked Rene Baker, but I understand Blakemore's points about her.

    to Joanna: Keep going with the scenes, they look great, thanks.
    1240) Thomas Chaser 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 18:55 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1240) To Joanna - I love the series you're putting up. Of the three most recent pics, I like this angle best, though with one criticism: too much "white space" above the victim. Lower the camera to reduce the empty void above her/your body and encompass more of her/your crotch and legs.

    To Dan Hawke - excellent post. I think Ralphus should save it as an indexed page, much like the Blakemore interview. It gives a good history of the porn industry from the 70's to now. I think the small producer will always be out there, because there's always someone with a camera who thinks they can do it better than that larger studios. Clips4Sale and NicheClips make these places commercially available, though I'm not sure how much money is actually earned by the producer after C4S takes its cut of the proceeds from each sale. I remember once suggesting you build a rack, which you did out of 2x4s and a boat winch. Liz "Cowgirl" Tyler volunteered to be your first subject and the shoot was fantastic from the viewer's perspective. I remember she complained about the pain of the tension post-orgasm and I think you only used it once or twice after that. Shame really. So much potential.

    To Mark Evans - NicheClips' biggest blunder is funding by check or money order only. Really? In the age of online credit processing? But I will say that Deathtrap Films looks like a salute to the old B-movie slasher films, reduced down to no more than 15 minutes long (usually less). "Buzzsaw Butchers 2, Part 2" looks particularly fun. Oh well.
    1241) Howie 
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    Wednesday, 23 April 2014 20:32 Permalink

    @ Dan Hawke - Yup. I'll add to the chorus of people praising your post. Very insightful to read about it from an insider's perspective.


    @ Mark Evans - See what you did man? You went and posted those fucking insanely hot pics of Luna Vera in Buzzsaw Butchers, and it got me to realize I needed a new infusion of the current crop of NicheClips, and boom I just dropped a pretty big load of cash over there... I'm so weak when it comes to what's on offer over there, but damn I'm looking forward to this. eek! cool

    1242) Ralphus 
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    Thursday, 24 April 2014 01:05 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Mark Evans: Like Howie, I was smitten with the Luna Vera pics from Buzzsaw Butchers. That girl is VERY cute, and I'm more than interested in all the offerings from this company. I've never even heard of Deathtrap Films, have you or has anyone else seen any of their stuff? A review by someone would be great.

    I love the buzzsaw fantasy, but it's seldom ever attempted on screen and rarely is it ever pulled off successfully. Those stills look impressive, the bondage looks decent and you sure can't argue with the casting. The pricing seems fair, about a $1 a minute, but what if they turn out to be like WAVE Productions? I'm not even working right now until I can get over this illness, so I don't want to throw away good money if they turn out to be less than what I'm hoping for.


    Thomas Chaser: NicheClips is a pain in the ass to deal with, but you can pay by credit card...once you get established with them. It's been a while since I made a purchase there, but I think they have you buy a certain dollar amount of movies, and then you'll eventually be able to add to your account via credit card very easily afterward. The issues with NicheClips dates back to when Bush was President and he put pressure on the credit card companies to stop accepting adult material. He didn't completely stop them, but he made it a whole lot harder for them to continue doing business.
    1243) Bob Darkroom 
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    Thursday, 24 April 2014 04:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1243) Here's another one from the TAO days
    1244) Covers 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 24 April 2014 06:34 Permalink

    (1244) MAM of the Day: Battle Cry June 1964 V7 #4
    1245) Covers 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 24 April 2014 06:35 Permalink

    (1245) Duillo of the Day: a-Man's Story Inside 1 Duillo art.jpg
    1246) susan karlson 
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    Thursday, 24 April 2014 09:13 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    I write extreme girl-torture to snuff stories. Would you like me to send you some ? Susan
    1247) Ralphus 
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    Thursday, 24 April 2014 11:15 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Sure Susan. Send 'em to me via e-mail and I'll see about getting them added to the GIMP Fiction section.
    1248) elkcreek 
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    Thursday, 24 April 2014 11:17 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Wow, I haven't been around much lately, lurking more than posting mostly due to economic reasons. My economy sucks. Oh well.

    As far as the poll, I lean toward the threaded content. The biggest problem with the single thread format is that we have multiple conversations going on at once. In the old days with about a dozen posters, that worked, but we've grown a bit of late.

    I remember with the old forum, I would pose a question and then Margot would post a "news" thread with a thousand great pictures of Amy and my post would literally disappear. With a multi-thread forum you can carry on several conversations at once. To me that is a huge advantage.

    I also think separate sub forums would be great. Perhaps a review forum, an alerts forum, and an announcement forum, along with a general forum.

    Speaking of, Jemma Dallender has announced on her facebook page that "I Spit on Your Grave 3" is coming. Hopefully she'll reprise her role. Oh and thanks for the "Fair Game" photos and memories. I still believe it's one of the best mainstream GIMP movies ever. I still love the line, "this is the best honey we've done in years".
    1249) Joanna 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 24 April 2014 14:00 Permalink

    @Thomas Chaser: do you mean lower the camera, or tilt it to look downwards more?
    1250) Thomas Chaser 
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    Thursday, 24 April 2014 15:03 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    @ Joanne - a little bit of both. Think of the panel as a plot of land. Keep the important part centered and build to the edge. You have a lot of empty space filled only by two cables. Shorten the cables and bring the body more into view. People view a picture from the top left to top right first, so you can raise the victim without losing the focus of the action. Just for kicks, you might also try a top-down view (like a camera hovering over the victim looking down from directly above) just to capture perspective.


    Susan Karlson - Why does that name sound familiar? Did you publish over at BDSMLibrary?
    1251) Gog 
    IP logged
    Thursday, 24 April 2014 21:10 Permalink

    Ralphus' & Howie's comments on the “Wolf Creek 2” picture:

    “Too bad we know it won't get any further than that in the actual film.”
    “Does anyone have any specific details about this film? I wasn't a big fan of the original, but that definitely shows promise.”

    Probably....but we can still hope. smile
    And, even though I admit the original was lacking in a descent GIMP scene, I really liked the villian in that one. Kinda a “Cocodile Dundee” gone bad. smile

    But the girls who starred in the original were actually GIMP's of sort. I watched the additional features on the DVD and the actor who plays Mick Taylor got into character by........not showering for a month or so. Now that's pretty merciless. lol

    You need Flash to view this object


    Am I the only one who caught what Joanna wrote when posting her artwork? “I made some pics of me and some jumper cables, starting with them not in use, but clearly going to be used.”

    Self portrait artwork? Nice boobies. But nice looking women should be seen and not heard.......Need to be gagged. lol cool


    And speaking of nice boobies, I watched the other clips that Ralphus had when he posted the ice hanging clip. Really liked “The Pickup” clip. Nice acting and nice set of tits. cool


    And add me as one who likes Luna Vera's cuteness as well.
    Haven't seen any “Deathtrap Films” myself, but may have to take a plunge here soon. But disagree with Ralphus as to the affordabilty of the clip. As a stand alone it would be alright. But it comes in 3 parts, making it come to around 60 bucks. As way of comparison, many Psycho-Thrillers & PKF Films are 50 minutes to over an hour for some, and they are usually around the $25.00 mark. And that's for decent to good quality work (with PT filming looking much like a mainstream movie IMO).
    1252) Ralphus 
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    Thursday, 24 April 2014 21:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Bad news for fans of Net Neutrality...which should be basically everyone on the Internet...came down this morning with the announcement that the FCC caved and is now proposing allowing for big companies to allow Internet "fast-lanes" for subscribers, which could eventually leave everyone else in the slow lane, and likely cause sites like this one to slow down and be harder to access. Despite over a million signatures in favor of keeping the Internet open and equal for everyone, the head of the FCC, who assured us he had our back, basically just blew us off and decided to write his own proposal. This in effect means that big companies like Comcast will be allowed to start charging extra for access to certain Internet services. The end result will be that going on the Internet will be like buying cable TV, where you purchase a package of popular channels for one price, and if you want certain other channels, you pay more. And for smaller and startup sites like us that can't afford to pay more and aren't in the package...well, we get related to the "slow lane".

    Here's a news video that helps explain this latest development:

    The good news is this is not yet a done deal, but the future looks very bleak, worse than ever before. They vote on it May 15. Which mean the Internet as we know it could cease to exist in 3 weeks.

    In the meantime, you can go to and fill out this petition. It seems useless since they seem to ignore the public's voice in this, but we can't say we didn't at least try.
    1253) Ralphus 
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    Thursday, 24 April 2014 22:50 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Elkcreek: Nice scoop that there will be indeed be an I Spit On Your Grave 3, not there was any doubt in my mind. It's got name recognition and I think it's likely we'll see ISOYG turn into a franchise, like the "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Friday the 13th" movies were. I found an article on the proposed new film, but I can't tell if this is good news or bad news.

    Check this out:

    Apparently it's about a serial killer, which initially sounds good, but the implication is that it may be a female serial killer. Huh? And the box cover looks like it could be Jemma Dallender holding 2 knives...maybe she got off on killing her attackers from the first film and decides on a new hobby?

    BTW, the writer of the article is a genuine idiot, praising the so-so remake and trashing ISOYG2, calling it a "huge disappointment". Then he goes on to say they should play the next film tongue in cheek because "horror fans don't want hardcore torture right now". What kind of rubbish is that?


    Hey, check out this movie that Asian Cult Cinema is offering: RAVAGED IN MEXICO (1976) (XXX) for adults only

    Has ANYBODY ever heard of this movie? Nobody on the IMDB ever has. The only listing I could find on Google was this particular webpage. Okay, it's a hardcore movie, which might explain the lack of a listing on the IMDB, plus that title looks awfully generic. Maybe it got renamed for video; wouldn't be the first time that ever happened. Looks pretty damn good, though. Mid-1970s roughie, the kind of movie they used to make that you just don't see anymore. What do you guys think?


    Gog: I know what Joanna looks like, if she was being truthful when I posted our anniversary pic at the top of the site a few years back. She said she was the model. If it's the same Joanna I'm thinking of, she's quite the looker.
    1254) Thomas Chaser 
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    Thursday, 24 April 2014 23:25 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    (1254) Re: "I Spit On Your Grave" series. I've seen the original but missed the 2010 remake. I have, however, seen the sequel and I think the critics aren't giving it enough credit. I thought it was very well done technically. The post-production work and camerawork were very crisp and sharp. If I had a complaint with the film, it's that the horror aspect wasn't strong enough given what genre fans have seen in "Hostel" and "Saw"-series. Brad Miska - the guy who wrote that editorial Ralphus referenced - doesn't give the creative team enough faith if he doesn't think they can raise the bar. You don't need to add more gore, but you could add more torture easily enough. Just look at what "Game of Thrones" did with the Greyjoy character when he was in the dungeon.

    As for the rape crisis counselor hunting rapists... meh. That would make it just another slasher movie. ISOYG wasn't about rape or gore. It was about revenge, and revenge is best when personal. I don't know why they would bring any of the original actors back; it's not like there's a viable story arc there. Better to start with a fresh slate, or at least rip-off someone else's idea (like, oh, say, "Wolf Creek" in a desert ridge setting except the girl turns the tables after she's been strung up and tortured). Certainly plenty of Cliven Bundy "The government can't tell us how to live" types running around. Or, ISOYG 3 could practically be another telling of "The Most Dangerous Game", with a van full of SMU cheerleaders stuck in the Texas desert and a crazed cattleman decides to hunt them for sport, after he's invited them into his home for supper and bondage. Hey, that might make a good PKF or ZFX film right there!
    1255) Mark Evans 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 00:19 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Gruesomehorror Part 1

    I've been a long-time fan of the videos by Gruesomehorror. I know there are mixed reviews about some of their interests, but this studio touches on a few elements in a way that can be found nowhere else. Since many of their videos resemble each other, I'm going to group a few together for this review. They all focus on electricity, and have very similar content.
    The movies are as follows, and the images follow this order:
    1. Fried Alive
    2. Burn Bitch Burn
    3. Terminated Cut
    4. Total Suffering
    5. Bitch Fry

    I'd like to start this review by summarizing the pro's:
    -Lots of electricity
    -Some other elements (tazer, soldering iron, poker, burning fire, burning with hot egg?, choking, vomit, urine)
    -Really long scenes, whole movie is usually around 20-30 minutes
    -Many angles, close-ups, before and after torture, many areas of body
    -Drool from torture.
    -Struggling, writhing, back arching
    -Sweaty bodies
    -Attractive models
    -Mostly good resolution
    …and some of the con’s:
    -Questionable acting
    -Poor effects
    -Low budget setups, technical flaws
    -Lots of hair (I guess this could be a good thing if you're into that)
    -Poor preview and description before purchase
    -High price and poor purchasing system at (their website is dysfunctional)

    The movies in this review all follow the same format closely. They all have scenes with the model suspended ( arms over head, feet on ground) and also with model lying down in various positions (usually two or three), and the following happens for each case:
    a) Multiple views before torture, model awake, sometimes dazed from prior torture
    b) Electrocuted until passed out
    c) Multiple views after torture, model passed out
    d) Change of wire position behind the scenes
    e) Sometimes other fetish elements are included
    f) Repeat, about 5 times for each position, with sweat accumulating throughout

    So onto the images.

    The “before” shots usually include a lot of views, sweaty or dry, and a model that doesn't truly look concerned about what’s going to happen. They show a lot of hair, and the wiring setup, which rarely makes any sense. In some cases, the rigging doesn't make sense either. The ropes are held by sand bags, duct tape, or the wiring doesn't work, etc.

    Now for the shocking. There are varying levels of effectiveness in these movies. Some are terribly acted, some are mediocre. The effects aren't that great, but there’s a half decent electrocution sound. The actress’s moans don't usually correspond with the images, they sound like voice-overs. I think to compensate for the bad acting, they mess with the video speed a bit to make the shaking look faster or something. There is lots of shaking and writhing, close-ups, facial expressions, and numerous repetitions with slightly different setups. Overall, I think they all could have been done much better - all of them. The still images however, make everything look better. Note, although it might be hard to tell because of the acting, they are all being shocked in these photos.

    This is the end of part 1. I've included a variety of images to give a good idea of what these movies are like. But as a result, there are too many images and details to pack into one review! For review 2, I'll include the “after” shots, some images of other fetish elements, and overall grades for each flick.
    Hope you enjoyed. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for part 2 

    1256) Rack 'Em Up 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 01:06 Permalink

    Thomas Chaser: I looked at BDSM Library, and if it's the same Susan Karlson, there are 7 stories there by that author. smile
    1257) Badger 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 07:58 Permalink

    I am changing my vote to a threaded format.
    1258) Gog 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 10:47 Permalink

    Does anyone know who's in the following picture? She's face down in a tied spread eagle. I've been trying to find out but every single picture (or video heading) says it's Avril Lavigne. It's NOT freakin' Avril Lavigne........but she's damn cute!

    1259) Mark Evans 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 11:20 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    I vote threaded format as well. Just realized I took up half the page with my review, which is heavily focused on things a lot of you may not be into. Sorry about that.
    1260) Ralphus 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 12:03 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    The latest addition to our Men's Adventure Magazine Stories section has now been added, with another super restoration effort on the picture by our friend Fritz. Check out THE SCREAMING VIRGINS OF THE CITY OF HORROR, about a murderous Nazi who liked to warm up his victims with a torch before torturing them, originally published in 1972 and now back for your reading pleasure 42 years later.


    Here are the latest poll results:

    For this site, do you favor:
    A) a threaded format, like what Stakedamsels uses 6 votes
    B) the guestbook format, which we use now
    26 votes

    I know it looks like a slam dunk for Guestbook right now, but this poll has only been going on a week, which means we're only a quarter of the way through. With 1800 readers every day, only a small percentage of you have voted yet for your side. So let's hear from more of you. Your participation could make a difference in the future of this forum.


    Mark Evans: Thanks for your contribution on Gruesome Horror. I think it gives us a good idea of what to expect with this company.

    If you're looking for suggestions, I think the best way to handle reviews would be to review their video offerings separately. Trying to cover 5 movies, including showing caps from all of them in one post, can be a bit daunting and overwhelming (not to mention long). Plus it would fit easier into the Reviews section if people could look up the individual movies under the category of Gruesome Horror.

    Here's a tutorial if you have questions: REVIEWING MOVIES ON THE GIMP

    Drop me an e-mail if you need any further help.


    Gog asked:

    Does anyone know who's in the following picture? She's face down in a tied spread eagle. I've been trying to find out but every single picture (or video heading) says it's Avril Lavigne. It's NOT freakin' Avril Lavigne........but she's damn cute!

    Wait, what? You're saying that's NOT Avril Lavigne? Tell me, why do you have to go and make things so complicated?

    1261) Mark Evans 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 12:16 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Since there seems to be an interest in Luna Vega, here’s my next review.

    Review : Buzzsaw Butchers 2 Part 1

    The flick starts off with two girls caught cheating in the act. This leads to one of them tied to a chair for a cutting scene. Things get really bad for this girl.

    This is followed by a dark and slightly blurry buzzsaw scene that turns bloody. No view of the cutting, just her body as blood is sprayed.

    Enter Luna. She is wandering around, and ends up sleeping in a park. There are nice views of her so far.

    The torturer ends up picking her up, and convincing her to come back to her place. This is where things go wrong for Luna.

    She wakes up tied to a chair. Nothing is spared for views of Luna’s body. From here on, the camera gets her from many angles and distances.

    The torturer then begins her “experiment”, and goes to town on her with jumper cables until she is passed out. She is then fondled a bit before the movie ends.

    Overall, the acting isn't bad. The electro scene is probably the best acted, with Luna’s reactions, and the torturer’s enjoyment. Most of the dialog is not so great.

    The camera work and quality is good, except for a couple of shots. The audio quality is not very good at some points. The effects are mediocre. There is a mild flashing and spark effect when she gets shocked, and good struggling. The bloody scenes are ok too, but not as realistic as they could have been.

    There's also some sort of plot with a girl looking for her twin sister while all of this is going on. I guess we'll find out what happens in Part 2.

    Overall, I give this movie a B for the casting, acting when it mattered most, and generous views of Luna. The whole movie is about 26 minutes, and well worth the purchase I think.

    You can get it from the Deathtrap Films store at NicheClips
    1262) TRG 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 13:42 Permalink

    (1262) Remember TAO? Just from the Usenet days
    1263) A Canadian 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 17:00 Permalink

    (1263) Mark Evans: Nice work on the review of Buzzsaw Butchers 2 Part 1 and of the Gruesomehorror flicks.

    The furry femmes in Gruesomehorror don't do anything for me.

    But the Buzzsaw Butchers one looks intriguing, particularly the electro-shock scene with Luna. I'll have to give the film serious consideration.
    1264) Howie 
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    Friday, 25 April 2014 19:58 Permalink

    @ Mark Evans - Thanks for doing that review of Buzzsaw Butchers 2 Part 1. I just bought it myself, and was feeling guilty for not doing one when Ralphus asked yesterday.

    So here's just a little more info on it, and some of my thoughts.

    The scene at the beginning with the two blonds getting knifed isn't actually part of this movie, but instead it's a 3 minute preview of another one of their flicks called You Can't Have Her, Bitch! Both flicks have the same chick as the baddie, so it would be easy to think they're the same movie, but they aren't.

    The preview is okay, but I bought this flick for one reason, and that would be the delectable Luna Vera, and in that regard the film delivers in spades.

    As you can tell from the screen caps, she's an ASTOUNDING looking girl, with a body that looks like it was drawn by an artist. Truly breath taking from some angles. So for me, seeing her passed out form being stripped naked and fondled, and then later zapped is worth the price of the flick.

    The downside comes pretty much from my usual pet peeve in these scenarios, and that's the female torturer.

    The scene just goes on for a little too long, because you can tell she's run out of places to zap her far before half way through, and both of them are kind of seem like: How long are we gonna keep doing this?

    Also, some of the camera angles could have been better during the electro scene as well. Some of them, screen capped below are great, but there are times when I wish the camera would just pull back so we could drink in the stunning Luna in all her suffering glory, but we're instead looking at the back of her clumsy tormenter, or like an extended shot of Luna's foot or something.

    None of these are deal breakers though. They just keep it from being Grade A material for me. I even thought Luna was a pretty good actress for a GIMP. She sold it way more than others I've seen.

    So if the screen caps of her below have you intrigued enough that you want to see her moving rather than in still images, and 20 bucks sounds reasonable to you, then what are you waiting for? Get to downloading.

    Along with Mark, I give it a B.

    1265) Ralphus 
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    Saturday, 26 April 2014 00:07 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

    Mark Evans: Thanks so much for taking the time to review Buzzsaw Butchers 2: Part 1 for the forum. That's exactly why this forum is so useful, it gives us much needed information to let us know what's out there. I like how you pointed out the good points and what didn't work, and still mentioned that you thought it was worthwhile. To me, that's the key to a good review, that mixture of information, vidcaps and opinions that help us make our minds. The fact that Howie followed up and said that while it wasn't perfect, he thought it deserved a purchase also helps.

    So here's my next question for you two. This is only Part 1, and she gets tied to for the buzzsaw in Part 2 with the scene climaxing is in Part 3. Would you want to see more? No, let me clarify, would you pay another 40 bucks to see this one all the way to the end? In a way, it's kind of an expensive tease. Too bad they don't offer the entire film as one download at a discounted price instead breaking it up and making us pay for all 3 parts. That's about the only thing holding me back at this point.

    I'm not sure what you want to do for the Gruesome Horror review you posted earlier. I really don't think you need a part 2; there's plenty of info there already.

    Meanwhile, the direct link for this one is right here: And congratulations for officially making it into the Reviewer's Club.
    1266) Steve Power 
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    Saturday, 26 April 2014 00:56 Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink