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13388) Rick 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 12:50 AM Permalink

Greetings All,

Not all of you enjoy a tentacle scene, but for those that do, this is a little bit of scene from the new movie.

I tried to find comments, if I missed anyone, my apologies.

Burngreave: Rick, it may have been me who made the throw-away line about it being a coup to get Kendra James. I'm not surprised to hear that she approached you my friend, she clearly knows a good pair of hands when she sees them. My complements on an excellent production and it goes without saying that we would all love to see a sequel!! She is indeed a classic beauty and the sight of her going through such peril is incredible. Candle and Kendra are two of my favourite bondage models and it is good to see two such attractive models outside of their normal comfort zone. Congratulations Rick on these productions and your ongoing contribution to the genre. Any chance of Kendra as a secret agent in a south American political prison setting.....

Thanks man, I appreciate that!

I don't know if I will do a sequel but it's always possible. I like doing devil worship movies, there's a lot of good pulp fodder in them so there is a good chance I will at least revisit the subject again. I would gladly work with Kendra again and it's possible I might do another South American prison torture movie lol...who knows.

Ralphus Here's a bonus picture of Kendra James' ass from The Devils Do that didn't make the cut in this series I'm running. Some of these vidcaps that Rick sent me from the movie are truly works of art. As a director, he knows exactly the right angles to use to highlight his performer's best assets.

Dr.Yuga: View 2 in the above daily pic is one that just can't be beat IMO.

I'm not Mr. Big Booty guy, I don't know how well I did on shooting it, but Kendra has a glorious ass and I tried to get some nice views of it. She has the right amount of ass and combined with those wide hips and narrow ribs, its very appealing.

Kendra's Boobs: I've seen picts of Kendra pre boob job. She looks better balanced with a full C cup, but she looked good natural too. A really good boob job can look really good. Of course, a really nice, well shaped set of natural tits of ample to large size are the coin of the realm.

Nature, when its on its game, can do things man can't fully replicate. But implants can be good if they are executed by a skilled surgeon.

Adrienne Corri: Sorry to hear of her passing. However many takes Kubrick did, he obviously pulled a great performance out of everyone. A very iconic scene on many levels.

13389) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 01:33 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13389) 3 GIMP scenes; 2 first from a "giallo" movie, "Tulpa", last from "Mute witness"

13390) Akhenaton 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 04:47 AM Permalink

about post 13385... don't waste your time!
I made the job: there are more whipping and torture, sure, but on males, and the branding scene is on a little girl... totally wrong!
Anyway no nudity at all...
My tecnique is rather simple: I download the episodes using a download manager, and than scan every movie dragging the time cursor; this takes only few minutes for scanning the whole episode...
13391) Gabrieleknight 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 07:45 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13391) "Isn't this bed confortable, my lady? The worst is to come: you're just going to feel the bite of the hot iron."
13392) Gabrieleknight 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 07:49 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

13393) Gabrieleknight 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 07:50 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


“From Tyre, Lebanon, the seventeen-year-old Theodosia had made her way to Caesarea in Palestine. On Easter Day, 307, according to Eusebius, she went to the public square where a number of Christians were in chains awaiting interrogation. She congratulated them and asked to be remembered in their prayers. Seized by the guards and brought before the governor, he ordered her to sacrifice to the gods, and when she would not, he had her brought to the arena and tortured with "cruel combs" on her side and breasts, and "she was torn on the ribs until her bowels were seen."

The governor, seeing that she endured these tortures uncomplainingly, appealed to her to perform sacrifices to the gods and be released, but she replied that she had purposely come there and spoken to the Christians under guard in the square for the express purpose of being put to death by the authorities: "Why, oh man, dost thou deceive thyself, and not perceive that I have found the thing which I prayed to obtain at thy hands? For I rejoice greatly in having been deemed worthy to be admitted to the participation of the sufferings of God's martyrs: for indeed, for this very cause, I stood up and spake with them, in order that by some means or other they might make me a sharer in their sufferings." Whereupon she was tortured until she died. Her body was thrown into the sea.”
13394) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 09:13 AM Permalink

Rick wrote:'s possible I might do another South American prison torture movie lol...who knows.

I'm an old fogey. If that ever happens, I'll start a petition to have it released on DVD. smile
13395) Boccaccio 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 09:51 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13395) @ Lamentations

Loved your Opium Death Ship story.

I guess I'm old-fashioned, but I'm a fan of the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) school regarding stories of sexual violence.

Give me beautiful breasts, cruel whips and nasty villains in a halfway believable setting and I'm a happy camper.
13396) Lamentation 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 12:00 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13396) Boccaccio wrote:
Loved your Opium Death Ship story. I guess I'm old-fashioned, but I'm a fan of the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) school regarding stories of sexual violence. Give me beautiful breasts, cruel whips and nasty villains in a halfway believable setting and I'm a happy camper.

Thanks for the positive feedback. I agree that these stories should contain as much cruel brutality and descriptive cuteness as is possible to contain within a vaguely believable tale. Being mostly simple and intensely stupid makes, for me, the writing of these stories invariably instinctive as well.

Good to know my efforts are appreciated.

13397) Covers the Relentless 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 01:20 PM Permalink

(13397) Men In Conflict Oct 1965
13398) Reine Margot 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 01:42 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Tension mounts, the expectations are high, some are very, very anxious to hear the good news... the date of release! However it is not forthcoming, not yet. At this moment all creative juices are engaged in getting the sound right while, at the same time, a bit of trimming of the scenes... and in some cases, the elimination of entire shots because they might not be working where they are. The film has come down from over 145 min of screen time, to about 144. At the end of this work JUSTINE will certainly be way over 100 min. That's where the film is now. Jac expects to put the project in Amy's hands for color correction by Monday night. He'll be traveling next week and when he returns he'll go into the final mix of the sound. We expect that by the middle of May the film will be ready to be formatted for DVD and Downloads, which doesn't mean that they will be available. It will take a few more days for them to be uploaded, checked, approved and so on. In any case, the process of this film is in its final stages and it's looking very, very good.

We have ended the spring sale only to be turn into a PRE JUSTINE RELEASE SALE! Get our movies with a 30% discount if you buy two or more!

Another month just flew by, making us all a bit older, a bit wiser, all too fast. With the end of the month the new results of our sales are coming in and it is looking like this:

1 Maleficarum 22.5
2 Le Marquis de la Croix 11.5
3 Barbazul 8.6
4 Sirwiñakuy 8.1
5 Dead But Dreaming 7.4
6 Olalla 6.6
7 Martyr 6.2
8 Agent X 4.9
9 Romana Crucifixa Est 3.1
10 Red Room 2.3

Gabrieleknight The picture in 13291 is a homage to Amy Hesketh's beauty. It is not the only one. Amy Hesketh has inspired many of my pictures. Domitia (13291)is based on an anticipation about the new movie "Justine" (see post 13274). frog Gabrieleknight: Domitia is inspired in Amy’s questioning by the Inquisition in Maleficarum, if I am not mistaken. Amy is an inspiration to many around here.

The shot used in Domitilia is from one of the JUSTINE screen shots I posted before. It's always nice to see that our films, and particularly our heroines, inspire many works of art. One such artist who was frequently inspired by Camille is our friend Quoom. Amy also inspired others, who used her image to do some interesting work. One such work was inspired by the stills Jac shot before shooting Romana Crucifixa Est.

Gog Also the recent talk about Amy's public whippings and all, got me thinking about the wheel that they constructed. Thinking, that would make an awesome instrument for a public whipping/torture. A nice scene could be, after the public whipping/torture, Amy would be turned upside down and left like that in public view for a few days as extension of her torment. Oh my...the visuals that come to mind of sweet Amy. big grin

The Wheel is multi use, or at least it has two different uses, one as it is used in JUSTINE and another setting it up straight and it becomes a rack. It was built with the intention of using it in a couple of movies in different ways. One great possibility is to use it in Maleficarum II - Monxa Mala, if that movie comes to be made at some point in the very near future. With some simple adaptations, the famous Wheel can be made into some impressive medieval torture instrument. I know that Jac is hoping to get his cast for that film and he wishes he could get the funds he needs for that potential masterpiece of cruelty.

provost First, great thanks to Reine Margot for the cast photos and bios. Very nice to have a better sense of the actors who work so bravely and well for art's sake.

You are welcome. There are a couple of actresses who are considering joining our ranks. But only time will tell. The previous discussion about whether Amy will or will not continue making GIMP movies has not been closed yet. Personally, I don't know, really. I think there comes a time in an actress life when she has to consider whether she wants to continue doing that. It gets too stressful after making lots of those movies. Again, time will tell. Gone are the days when Amy and Jac made a few of those movies in a short time. They were enjoying themselves a lot, I know that, but nothing lasts forever, unfortunately for all involved.

That's it for now! I will return with more news and hopefully with the date of release of JUSTINE!

Our movies have a SPRING SALE! Up to 30% OFF
DVDs and Downloads up to 30% off at!
DOWNLOADS ONLY up to 30% at!

13399) JD 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 04:43 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A week w/o much time to go through movies. Here's a short one.

"" w/o underline.

13400) Pedro 
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Sunday, 1 May 2016 04:46 PM Permalink

Thanks Akhenaton! I didn't know you put so much effort into this job.

Great work!
13401) Mr. Hyde 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 02:30 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13401) @ Ralphus
@ Lamentation
Thanks for posting of my illustrations for OPIUM DEATH SHIP!

And here are my 10 galleries "PIRATES OF XXI CENTURY" - []
13402) Greg 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 05:25 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Re:13399 from JD

Wow, loved these stills. Wonder if you knew where they came from. It was from an English Christmas ghost story called the Ash tree. The woman (a lovely lady called Barbara Ewing now living in Australia) was playing the part of Mistress Mothersole, a real character from the 17th century. I only really remember this memorable scene was I was a callow youth of 18. The sight of Mothersole stripped to the waist and sweating as they tried to find her witch's mark has stayed with me ever since.

Any chance of sending the pics with a better res JD? I'd like to hang on to them if I could.

13403) Bob 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 05:55 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

In message 13399, JD wrote : A week w/o much time to go through movies. Here's a short one.

Thanks JD but it would help if you included the name of the clip these pics are from in your post.

There are 16 pages in the z...share folder you are sharing. Not easy to find that particular clip frown

Anyway, thanks for the link. A lot of nice stuff there!
13404) Covers the Relentless 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 07:26 AM Permalink

(13404) Men Jan 1968
13405) JD 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 07:41 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13405) @Bob, Greg: Once in the main page of the filehost, go to SORT and instead of NAME choose DATE. The latest additions are on the last page, always.
13406) Mad Max 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 08:36 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13406) thanks for your latest, Mr Hyde!
my favorite is number 68...
13407) electrotorture 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 01:23 PM Permalink

does anyone notice from what movie is this scene come from?

13408) Richard 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 03:49 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

13409) esso 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 04:27 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Re: electrotorture 13407: the video is from Folter Kommando 1.
13410) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 06:27 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13410) "We can go on for hours. You will confess, at last!"
13411) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 06:29 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13411) "I'm warning you. This will be really painful."
13412) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 06:31 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13412) "This bitch has a really tight cunt!"
13413) Insomniac 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 06:39 PM Permalink

Hola mis amigos! I'm back with another review of a mainstream movie. If fast-approaching Cinco de Mayo hasn't put you in the mood for everything Mexican, Scherzo Diabolico might. This has kidnapping, bondage, a few electric shocks and a really good forced stripping scene. Oh and the victim is a schoolgirl, so there's that.

The story centers on a harmless looking dude who works really hard but never gets a raise (join el club-o), and finally he's had enough. So you're probably thinking "he simply found a new job, right, Insomniac?" Wrong. He did what's surely the next most logical thing: kidnap the boss's daughter and terrify her for ransom.

He stalks her for a while before finally donning a mask and making his move. He puts her in a sleeper hold and throws her gagged into his trunk before driving her to an empty warehouse and securing her to a post with a collar and leash.

There are a few scenes of her in captivity that are pretty good. He yanks on her leash a lot to make her flail about. He doesn't say anything, opting instead to give her orders by holding up signs. The first one demands that she beg for her life on camera. When she hesitates initially he shocks her with a taser.

The best scene is when he decides that his boss might not be concerned enough by her mere kidnapping, and that sexual humiliation is in order to really hammer the point home that he means business (there's some Alice Creed envy here, not that I'm complaining). He holds up a sign telling her to get naked. She eventually strips down to her bra and panties and then stops, hoping that's enough.

He pulls his taser out again and turns it on to indicate that she's not done until everything comes off. The actress does a pretty good job here of looking scared and humiliated as she proceeds to go full frontal. We get a few good money shots from different angles before it's over.

After that he lets her go like a dope, and in the final act she gets a baseball bat and goes on a revenge rampage.

I didn't think this was bad for what it is. I wish there had been more captivity scenes and that she had not been allowed to get dressed again. The movie was clearly treating the stripping scene as a necessary evil rather than the highlight of the film (as is the case most of the time with mainstream). Still, I give it a B for the good nudity and acting. I got an advance copy; this actually doesn't come out until tomorrow (Tuesday). It'll be available on a bunch of on demand platforms, including Amazon.

Also, I know I don't post often, but I'll actually be back sooner than usual with another review later this month!
13414) A Canadian 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 07:04 PM Permalink

Insomniac: You continue to be the king of the fascinating finds. Thanks for another entertaining review.

Scherzo Diabolico looks like it could be fun. I'll definitely add it to my list.
13415) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 2 May 2016 10:33 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13415) Ralphus wrote: "Thomas Chaser: I'm a few days late, but thanks for the outstanding review of Revenge on the Laughing Girl. I wish I could write half as well as you do. I saw this movie and right now it's one of the best movies I've seen this year. This is part of the reason why I chose to highlight it at the top of the forum a little while back. I think the premise is great, Lori makes a very cute and appealing victim and I totally bought the revenge plot from the very beginning where they had her tied to the chair. IMO, that was actually the best scene in the movie."

Yeah, Lori is very cute, and plays off of Tippi's acting ability well enough, but the real star of this movie is Tippi, much like how she carried "Lie Detector". She can play both sides of the line and I'm really hoping she does another Mood film, in either role, with a character that has depth. You know what I'd like to see? An evil character that you can sympathize with, much like what Vincent D'onofrio did with Wilson Fisk/Kingpin on "Daredevil". Yes, he's evil, but he's trying to do a good thing. You can understand why he does what he does because you can see the goodness in his end goal; he's just doing evil along the way. Tippi can be evil, but her goals should be something that makes us think that maybe she's a good person going about things the wrong way. Maybe as a military interrogator that loves her country and firmly believes that whipping a girl into a confession somehow defends her nation. I can see her having a lot of fun with a role like that.

I do disagree with you on one aspect of your review. I liked the forced tattoo scene. I hate tattoos, but forcing a chick to get one against her will is an intriguing torture. I honestly wish they could have amped it up a bit more with more screaming and begging...after all, isn't getting a tattoo supposed to be quite painful? Like the forced steamy shower scene in Prison Punishment Show, the Mood Pictures crew rushed through this scene way too's almost as if they feel that any torture scene that's not whipping isn't worth spending a lot of time on. I like whipping, but just whipping can get repetitive and even boring at times. Variety is a good thing."

I agree that variety makes a movie better, but I'm not so sure that a tattoo would've been my first choice. Where did she get the equipment? Seems a bit contrived to me. I think a branding by a wire coat hanger heated with a gas bottle blow torch (like what is readily available at most hardware stores) would've been more believable and something that more people could relate to. Who hasn't accidentally burned themselves on a hot stove or hot pipe? The dramatic tension could've been great. Instead we get something that happens every day, that people pay good money to have done for pleasure. I just couldn't buy into that scene as a torture. Branding would've been a lot more powerful for me.

Here's the link for your latest opus: [url][/url]

Thanks again for hosting my review and giving me a creative outlet, and thanks to Pedro for continuing to make these movies and not getting upset when I critique them. :)

Are you testing me to see if I actually follow the link? Because you spelled my name wrong. You left out the "a", you sly trickster.

13416) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 01:41 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Insominiac: Another terrific GIMP find...I don't know how you come across all these virtually unknown titles, especially ones that haven't even been released yet. But you have an incredible knack for finding them, and this board is a better place because of your reporting. I saw the trailer for Scherzo Diabolico and it does indeed look like one to check out. The victim is extremely easy on the eyes and the nudity is definitely a plus. I'll keep an eye on this one for sure.

The direct link for your latest review is here:


Thomas Chaser wrote:

I think a branding by a wire coat hanger heated with a gas bottle blow torch (like what is readily available at most hardware stores) would've been more believable and something that more people could relate to.

Well, agreed, that would have been better. Any kind of burning torture is a big plus in my book. If you've got a chick tied up, I can't think of too many better ways to torture than to burn her with cigarettes, the flame of a lighter, a branding iron, etc. Watching her scream and seeing the smoke from her skin waft upward past her face is a definite turn-on. But that's not what happened in this movie. If we're going to review the movie by complaining about what's not in it, we could go a lot further. But a forced tattooing is at least something new and different, and I'll give them credit for that.

Are you testing me to see if I actually follow the link? Because you spelled my name wrong. You left out the "a", you sly trickster.

Whoops. The great thing about this site is if I make a mistake, someone will almost always point it out to me. I've now corrected the typo, thanks for the catch.
13417) Mr. Hyde 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 07:19 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13417) @ Mad Max
I'm glad! ;)
13418) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 07:31 AM Permalink

(13418) Men Nov 1967 Zenith Publishing p33
13419) bakerboy 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 08:38 AM Permalink

Some nasty punishment

clip and gallery

13420) Gabrieleknight 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 01:06 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

13421) Gabrieleknight 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 01:08 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


"Irene of Magedon was the only daughter of the pagan prefect of her hometown. Because of her beauty, her father kept her locked in a tower. Her teachers, however, informed her about Christianity, and St. Timotheus, the pupil of St. Paulus, baptized her and her maidens, whereupon she changed her name. Her father was furious and tied her to his horse in order to drag her behind him as a punishment, but the horse struck him down. He came back to life by the prayers of Irene, and became a Christian himself. Irene traveled to other towns to spread the Christian faith, and was frequently prosecuted.

In one town, the prefect let her be thrown into a pit of snakes (an angel neutralized the poison), tied to a water mill in order to make her drown slowly (the river stopped its flow), and sawn into pieces (the saw broke). Finally he stripped her, tied her to a stake and had her scourged for hours. After surviving many other tortures and humiliations she was killed with a sword."
13422) Jav Critic 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 03:26 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13422) Just posting to say I've been a huge fan of this blog/website for a while, and have a superheroine/peril blog where I do superheroine film reviews from Shg-media , cross the line pictures and XXXtremeComixxx, and also do tons of superheroine stories that feature a lot peril, bondage and taboo themes as well. If you want to check it out! smile
13423) frog 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 05:48 PM Permalink

(13423) Proper interrogation technique:

An interrogation is a power play between two or several actors. On one side stands the GIMP, the interrogator or interrogators on the other. To make an interrogation scene interesting the interaction between both sides must be continuous. For example, prolonged whipping in an inquisitorial scene without periodical exchanges between witch or heretic and interrogator tends to become boring after a short while for there is just so many gestures, screams, and writhing that a human body can do. After a while it all becomes repetitive.

The following animations taken from Wheel of Pain, one of classics, are good examples of proper technique and interaction between the two variables in an interrogation equation:

1. Hair yanking. This brings the GIMP back to full attention mode. Notice how the torturer moves her head so that she focuses on the interrogator’s questions.

2. Although not totally nude, the GIMP’s clothes have been torn to reveal parts of her body that she would only reveal willingly to someone she trusted. Her torn clothes make her anticipate she will soon be totally and humiliatingly exposed to the glance of her tormentors. It also makes the viewer anticipate the final stripping.

3. Further humiliation is inflicted by abusing her breasts and rubbing her body. This will also instill fear and apprehension at the horrible things to come.
13424) frog 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 05:50 PM Permalink

(13424) Second example of proper technique.
13425) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 3 May 2016 06:34 PM Permalink

Jav Critic: Welcome.

I looked at your blog. I didn't see any reviews of JAV films but maybe I missed it, or perhaps that is something that is forthcoming. I would certainly read any JAV reviews you have put together.

(On a different note, there's a typo in your "Favourite Actresses" headline.)
13426) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 04:17 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13426) "Scream as you like, whore! This is only the first one."
13427) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 04:19 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13427) "You had better confess soon, dirty bitch!"
13428) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 04:21 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13428) "I'm sorry, my lady. Your Husband, the king, has ordered to make you suffer, and I must obey. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to betray him."
13429) interest 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 04:23 AM Permalink

@Thomas Chaser (@Pedro)

With respect to the wheel of pain. How about having several girls playing. Lets say three girls play the wheel of pain in different rooms or at different time so they do not know how the others play. Then the girl can always stop but the girl that plays the least rounds receives an extra punishment which could include tortures that are not on the wheel like needles, electricity, burning, nipple twisting.

Then the girls should be motivated to play one more round.
13430) Jav Critic 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 05:39 AM Permalink

13431) Covers the Relentless 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 06:59 AM Permalink

(13431) Men Today Apr 1963 [M]
13432) JG 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 10:14 AM Permalink

@Jav Critic

Where did you get the pictures for your Black Widow and Jessica Jones story?

I know they're from different sources but do you mind sharing them? Especially the nude ones.
13433) frog 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 10:56 AM Permalink

(13433) Their technique is close to impeccable. These guys know how to carry a GIMP to her ultimate fate:

1. They pull her hair to propel her forward.

2. They have only half stripped her, whetting our appetite for more.

The only thing that does not make their technique flawless is that her arms are not tied or handcuffed either behind her back or in front of her. As a panel judge, I would give their technique a 9.

The scene is from one of Chris Corner’s best films (I have not seen another achieve the intensity of this one) titled Brutal Teacher RTS. The film has everything you would want in a GIMP film, especially a plausible story line.
13434) frog 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 11:11 AM Permalink

In post 13382 I presented a few scenes or movies that would make either interesting remakes or that could give inspiration for completing the scene either with what happened before or after the scene or both. I just recalled another one such scene.

It is the BATS scene from the film Devonsville Horror. The sweaty blond witch writhes while tied to the stake and one of the townsfolk enjoys some knife play by toying with the skimpy shreds that still cover her body. Before that scene we get an inkling of what happened as she was about to be captured, but that is not followed through. How did they interrogate her? How did her garments get torn? How was she conducted to the stake?

Another thing re this film: The brunette tied to the wheel should be sweating with fear, her garments torn to shreds or she should be nude, whichever you prefer. There is some nice foot action in this particular scene.
13435) frog 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 11:19 AM Permalink

(13435) Proper foot action in a rack scene:
Her foot action is flawless (toes splay and point, etc.) in this rack scene from Inquisidor de Lima. One reason why shoes should eventually come off on most GIMP situations.
13436) A Canadian 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 06:54 PM Permalink

Jav Critic: Thanks for the reviews. I had considered Bat Angel in the past but I seem to recall being unimpressed by the still photos. I guess I'll have to revisit that decision.

Meanwhile, the Dyna Woman flick you reviewed looks quite good. I'll definitely add that one to my list of films to see.
13437) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 4 May 2016 11:48 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Jav Critic: Welcome to the GIMP, and I'm glad you finally made that important first step by posting here. And thank you for the kind words you wrote about this site on your blog (even if you misspelled my name twice!).

I like your blog, too. Lots of good information to check out. It's hard to find sites that actually review the kind of movies I like to watch...real reviews, and not just promotion. There's a lot of fetish movies out there but not all of them deliver the goods. So a site like yours is invaluable.


frog: I like your posts on Proper interrogation technique. I think hair yanking is sorely underused in films like this. And yet it's such an immediate and harsh way to get a woman to comply. That shows you mean business right now and you don't give a damn whether it hurts or not. Grab a handful of her hair and you've got her complete attention, and of course she's going to obey for fear of having her hair ripped out of her head.

You also wrote (post 13434):

It is the BATS scene from the film Devonsville Horror. The sweaty blond witch writhes while tied to the stake and one of the townsfolk enjoys some knife play by toying with the skimpy shreds that still cover her body. Before that scene we get an inkling of what happened as she was about to be captured, but that is not followed through. How did they interrogate her? How did her garments get torn? How was she conducted to the stake?

That's one of my favorite scenes (and one of the first 2 scenes I ever collected when I got my first VCRs back in the 1980s). I don't really have a problem with the relatively short foreplay, since as you noted, she is briefly glimpsed being captured in the previous scene. That scene in itself at least set up the good stuff that followed, although it could have been longer for sure.

13438) Bill K. 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 01:29 AM Permalink

Today's picture: A spaghetti gimp with an Italian sausage. How come I don't see that dish on the Olive Garden roll eyes (sarcastic) menu? Bill K.
13439) Rick 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 02:08 AM Permalink

A little blast from the past.

13440) frog 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 07:35 AM Permalink

13437) Ralphus I'm glad you liked the gifs on proper interrogation technique. I totally agree, this effective method is used too sparingly in interrogation scenes or, for that matter, other GIMP scenes.

Thanks for bringing back fond memories by posting the BATS scene gif. As happened to you, this was one of the first VHS video scenes that caught my imagination. Maybe Pedro could turn this segment, and the wheel scene, into an effective short piece with the elements that are missing: Arrest of the witches, interrogation and stripping, wheel and BATS.
13441) frog 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 07:40 AM Permalink

13439) Rick
Lisa Kinkaid was definitively one of your best actresses. I hate using the word model when refering to the women that perform in this type of film.
13442) Covers the Relentless 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 07:46 AM Permalink

(13442) Men Today Apr 1965
13443) mr bush 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 02:14 PM Permalink

Ralphus wrote:

I think hair yanking is sorely underused in films like this. And yet it's such an immediate and harsh way to get a woman to comply. That shows you mean business right now and you don't give a damn whether it hurts or not. Grab a handful of her hair and you've got her complete attention, and of course she's going to obey for fear of having her hair ripped out of her head.

Nothing wrong with a tug on the old pubic bush either. I think that smarts a little more.
13444) Fumetto 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 05:38 PM Permalink

(13444) []

whole story can be find here.
13445) Fumetto 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 05:39 PM Permalink

(13445) nice story
13446) Fumetto 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 05:40 PM Permalink

(13446) hot
13447) Dr Yuya 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 07:28 PM Permalink

Early contender for "Fail of the Year" award in 2016 needs to go to Zen pictures. Like seriously...there's no point to them anymore when their best director is releasing crap like the new ZEOD-13 (Burn of the Dead). Zombies biting the that fetish a thing anywhere? Just what possessed the company as a whole to take such a wrong direction in regards to pretty much everything they do? I'm sad that I even just poked my head into that site again to see what was up.

What's funny is I don't think it's just super heroine stuff...Japan in general has been on such a decline in bondage content for awhile now. Pretty much everything they used to be the king of has now been ceded to directors from other countries.

It's sort of sad I think.
13448) Masamune 
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Thursday, 5 May 2016 07:53 PM Permalink

Hope Lost (2015)

13449) Ralphus 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 12:33 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13449) Fumetto: Thanks for the link to the fumetto. Sometimes I forget how incredibly sadistic those publications were. I only wish the language was in English so I could follow along better, but the imagery inside was great.


Rick: I dig the blast from the past. That reminds me I need to update my original review of The Apartment with reason not to, since I've got the DVD to work with.


Well, for the past 3 weeks or so, you've all been checking out exclusive stills from ZFX's The Devils Do. Is the movie any good? Tune in tomorrow for the Official Ralphus Review.
13450) Jav Critic 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 11:32 AM Permalink

Ralphus : First off thank you for all the kind words, and sorry for mispelling your name twice big grin It means alot to have a great reviewer and peril fan like yourself compliment my work, it's highly motivating and rewarding to know smile


A Canadian Thanks for reading, the Dyna Woman film is definitely one to watch, and Kaede Niiyama is absolutely stunning in it smile
13451) Jav Critic 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 11:36 AM Permalink

13452) Covers the Relentless 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 12:49 PM Permalink

(13452) Men Today Apr 1966 Saunders
13453) Ralphus 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 02:27 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


Rick Masters of ZFX is back with his latest bondage excursion, this one another sci-fi effort entitled The Devils Do. This is a sequel to last year's Hard is the Way with Candle Boxxx and follows a similar storyline to the previous film. Bondage veteran Kendra James makes her debut with ZFX by playing a hired assassin out to kill the boyish Necron from the original film, played by Conor Coxxx. Kendra's slutty character is set up in the opening minutes of the film by showing her fully naked and masturbating on the couch, while watching a live video feed of a woman being electro-tortured as part of an online slave auction. So it's established early on that she's into bondage, or at least into watching women suffer. Making the lead victim a slut isn't as exciting to me as making her an innocent woman, but hey, there aren't many "innocent" trained assassins, I guess.

In between shots of Kendra diddling herself, we see several minutes of the video feed, unfortunately shot in black and white and primarily from just 2 camera angles. The victim is a big-busted Asian girl who is impaled on a dildo chair, gets electrodes clipped to her nipples and does some impressive writhing and muffled screaming while being shocked. The woman in the video is played by Kimmy Lee and she deserves her own movie. Despite wearing a hood over her face through the majority of her scene, the footage is quite good and I was left wanting to see more. Perhaps she's a candidate for a future ZFX production?

Kendra's masturbating is interrupted when she takes a call from her boss, who gives her instructions to track down and dispose of Necron and steal his magic gold box, essentially the same assignment that Candle Boxxx had in the first film. Candle makes a brief appearance in this film, too, but it's a non-bondage role. She's basically there to wear a bikini and act as eye candy while her boss talks to Kendra on the phone.

So after hopping a plane to Miami, Kendra arrives at Necron's lair and manages to sneak inside. But he's waiting there for her and subdues her with an injection to the neck, then punches her several times in her weakened state. Before long she's unconscious, which enables him to strip away most of her clothing, leaving her passed out on the floor wearing only her bra and panties.

When she see her next, Necron has her tied in a standing position to a metal rack. Necron takes a scissors and cuts off her panties, which he properly uses to stuff into her mouth to gag her, sealing them inside with a leather strap.

Lubing up a rubber truncheon, he then proceeds to shove it up Kendra's pussy and fuck her with it. Gone are the old days when ZFX had to resort to simulated penetration scenes; this scene is clearly real and shot from several angles, nicely punctuated by Kendra's muffled screaming. The only thing lacking is any sort of satisfied gloating from the villain.

He then adds to Kendra's discomfort by tightening vise clamps onto her nipples and tying the truncheon inside her pussy, leaving her alone in her bound, humiliated position.

What follows is the best scene of the movie, and it's a variation of the metal bed frame electro treatment that Candle suffered in the first film. Kendra is tied down naked and spread-eagled with electric wires taped to her nipples and pussy. Her captor gags her with a special strap gag that has been outfitted with wires connected to a shock box.

A flip of the switch enables him to make her painfully writhe as current is sent through her body. He keeps this up for several minutes, and Kendra really sells the scene with her agonized reactions.

At this point Necron removes the tape attaching the wires to Kendra's pussy. But he's not about to end her suffering. Instead he takes a metal dildo-sized probe and inserts it in her vagina and begins to fuck her with it. When she's all aroused and wet, he again flips the current on and zaps her with electricity, giving her the most painful electrified fuck she's ever had. Once again it's a nice long segment, and electro-torture fans should love this.

This is followed by Necron fastening a leash around Kendra's neck and leading her like a dog on her hands and knees into another room. He hoists her in a standing position with her arms over her head so that she's teetering on her tiptoes (love the attention to detail). He smacks her on the ass several times with his hand until her butt cheeks are a nice shade of crimson. Then he takes his whip and gives her a thorough thrashing all over her body as Kendra painfully reacts to each blow. Necron is totally silent throughout the ordeal but to his credit, he does smack her really hard and with a lot of vigor. He leaves her there alone and we're treated to several nice views of Kendra's lovely form covered with red marks. Good job!

Afterward, Necron replaces Kendra's ballgag with a sponge stuffed in her mouth and strapped in place. She is then re-tied with her arms bound behind her and hoisted upward in a strappado-like position, so that she's standing and bent forward. Necron whips her some more, mostly on her ass but landing a few blows on her tits as well. Kendra looks great, although this segment is much shorter and pales in comparison to the intensity of the previous whipping we had just watched.

The last scene starts with Kendra tied spread-eagle on top of a wooden alter on the floor. Her mouth is sealed with duct tape. Necron opens the magical gold box laying between her legs, unleashing a spark of lightning bolts and weird digital effects which ultimately transform Kendra into hellish world inhabited by squirming and writhing animated tentacles. They hold her body down while she is fucked by the large beast-like cock of "Cthulhu" (in case there's any doubt, this a science fiction film). The sequence is interesting to watch visually, although your enjoyment of the scene will probably depend on how you feel about Japanese-style tentacle rape movies. Like nearly all of ZFX's excursions into the "weird shit", I admired the effort but just wasn't turned on by it.

As a companion piece to Hard is the Way, this is about on par with the last one. In both cases the victim clearly outshines the bad guy in terms of acting. In spite of my past criticism, Conor Coxxx is not anywhere near being ZFX's weakest villain; at least he attempts to give a domineering performance. The main problem is he talks so softly that he's almost impossible to hear. A little post-production dubbing of his voice or even subtitles would have helped; I kept running the movie back to try to make out what the heck he was saying. The other issue is that he's supposed to be playing this powerful magician skilled in black magic, but physically, he looks like a teenage slacker with long stringy hair and a less than threatening demeanor. I guess that was the ironic joke within both these two films, build up the impression that this is a powerful bad guy and then he turns out to be some skinny kid.

In the previous film, Candle gave such a strong performance that the contrast between her and Conor was obvious; they were clearly on two different levels. This time around I guess I knew more of what to expect, so I didn't let his lack of domination bother me as much. Between the 2 movies, though, I still prefer Candle's film more because I like her better as a victim. Not to say there's anything wrong with Kendra James. She's super sexy and very attractive and as a bondage actress, she knows exactly what she's doing. Plus that, I have a thing for redheads. Especially redheads when they're tied up naked and suffering.

This isn't ZFX's best movie, but as always, it's full of nonconsensual setpieces that still put it miles ahead of most bondage offerings available today. If you're a fan of ZFX's unique brand of filmmaking, you'll likely find plenty to like again here.

My grade: B-
13454) Joek0 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 02:38 PM Permalink

@Ralphus: Thanks for the awesome review of The Devil's Do by ZFX. Hope to get some funds soon to give it a watch. For those that don't know, Kendra is from Florida as well. Hope this makes it easier for her to work with Rick again in the future.
13455) Michael Max 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 06:03 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

If I ever decide to become rich, I will simply create a bondage website, that delivers no-nonsense content that will demolish anything currently on offer on the interwebs, via a few simple rules that one would think should be easy to figure out, but few have ever come close to putting into practice.

I had a thought that starting such a website could be something that some people from this board might collaborate on. It would not happen today or tomorrow, but a few dedicated people, even living geographically far apart, could very well make happen.

Starting any long term, complex project is difficult, but the first thing to do is to pitch an idea. So just throwing it out there. I think I know what to do and how to do it in principle, but it is both easier and more fun to share the journey with others. This seems like a good place to start.
13456) A Canadian 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 06:48 PM Permalink

Ralphus: Great work on the official Ralphus Review of The Devils Do.

I support your call for a Kimmy Lee movie (and not just because she's Asian, although that's alright with me). Her B+W scene looks like the best part of the movie.

As for Conor, I guess it's somewhat amusing that the powerful bad guy turned out to be some sort of Jeff Spicoli fan. But I can't get into an English-speaking villain who needs subtitles. I think Rick may have to search for a new villain.
13457) MaX CoXXX 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 07:29 PM Permalink

Hey Guys, bad news. The owner of Psycho Thrillers died today. He had a heart attack on set yesterday, was giving CPR by the male talent & then died today. RIP Bill
13458) Gog 
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Friday, 6 May 2016 10:17 PM Permalink

Ralphus - Thanks for reviewing "The Devil's Do" for us. And the more of the stills I see, the more I want to get it.
Now, if the tentacles provided a strangle would have already been bought.

But soon....


And speaking of strangle, sorry to hear that about the owner of Psycho_Thrillers. I know there are quite a few here that are into asphyxiation as I am.

13459) Howie 
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Saturday, 7 May 2016 12:05 AM Permalink

Man, that really sucks about the Psycho Thrillers owner. Definitely one of the best GIMP material producers out there.

13460) Bob 
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Saturday, 7 May 2016 03:32 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13460) 5 girls on fire

Anybody knows what kind of torches are used for this type of fire play?

13461) Gog 
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Saturday, 7 May 2016 08:59 AM Permalink

Never been into Super heroine stuff,...and not into shootings, but this looks pretty good. PKF DEATHCUT's "Beat, Rape, and Kill Batgirl".

Like the way those big tits heave in the preview. big grin
13462) Reine Margot 
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Saturday, 7 May 2016 10:40 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

If I'm not mistaken, this coming Monday, JUSTINE will go into Color Correction. The sound track work and fine cutting is officially completed but it's never over until the director says it's over. The screen time came down to 143 minutes. Amy is going to see it and she might call for more cutting and if Jac agrees, it will happen. Amy is very good at making those kind of suggestions. Jac does not always agree. So the film is nearly done. Nearly. No one has seen it yet, except the director, of course, so everyone is just waiting to see the final result of that incredibly tough job. Yes, there were fun times too.

We still have a GREAT SALE! Get our movies with a 30% discount if you buy two or more! This sale will be over soon. It's a great opportunity to get our films at a great discount. Get your download or DVD NOW!. Yes, I'm pushing our products because that's what I do. They are more than just products, they are beautiful movies and lots of people talk about them a lot. One recent comment on FB was Jac Avila's MALEFICARUM starring Amy Hesketh makes all other films about the "Holy" Inquisition that I have ever seen pale by comparison. Even Ken Russel's THE DEVILS does not come close. This film is well worth watching, if you are strong enough to face the pain of historical truth made too real to ignore.

Yes, Maleficarum reigns supreme, still. Is JUSTINE going to get up close? Time will tell. We're very excited about the release of this new movie and we wonder where it is going to take us. But, even as the release gets closer, other things are happening and hapenning fast. In a couple of weeks Jac will be heading to the Amazon rainforest to shoot a documentary. He envisions it almost as the journey of Aguirre, in The Wrath of God, where Klaus Kinsky takes a boat up a river, with a beautiful woman by his side, in search of who knows what. Well, Jac will be doing the same, he'll take a boat up the same river, he'll be with a young beautiful woman, searching for poachers who are killing jaguars. In his first aid kit he has antidote for snake bite poison. It's that kind of journey. It brings back memories of my time in the Jungle.

That journey came about sometime after we had released El Hombre de la Luna, the miniseries that brought Jac and Carmen together. I'm sharing a trailer here. In the picture above you can see Carmen, Beto, Jac and Me standing in front of the small plane that took us to the Magdalena, a town near the river that would take us in search of pink dolphins. Beto is known for his role as Francisco Verdugo, the Inquisitor in Maleficarum, and The Butler in Barbazul. That picture brings back lots of memories, so does the trailer below. It is very nice to watch it, indeed.

El Hombre del la Luna

When we were shooting the series, Jac had some GIMP scenes. There was one actress, MaRe who trained for her role, that of a young prostitute that is tortured to death. She spent a few months with Jac working on her scene to get it right. So, Carmen, MaRe and Me were very busy back then, suffering for our art at the hands of our director.

There was no nudity in The Man of the Moon, but there was enough GIMP for the time and the place. It was, after all, shown on prime time television. I'm going back in time and to this precise time, because of what is to come. Is like that theory that says that the past and the present meet at one point like the edges of a Taco or something like that. We're experiencing something like a Time Loop in more ways than one. Back then, early 90's, we worked on a TV series and we went to the Amazon to shoot a doc. Decades later, Jac is going back to the Amazon to shoot a doc and at his return he's preparing a TV series. There will be films in between, of course. But it's intriguing that the first time he went there, in 1996, he did it with Carmen and Me, the second time, exactly ten years later, in 2006, he went there with Me and Amy and now another ten years later, 2016, he's going with someone totally new, Liz, a 26 year old who resembles, in a very eery way, Jac's first wife and co-producer with whom he went to Haiti and Cuba to make his first film. Life is totally crazy, isn't it?. And each time Jac ventured in that particular part of the world it was the beginning of something completely new.

In the meantime, there are two actresses that want to work with Jac. I'll have some interesting pictures soon. Below is one of the actresses, aptly named, her real name, Scarlet. They are the first two NEW candidates for Maleficarum II - Monxa Mala.

Scarlet, the new candidate

In May, 1988, 28 years ago Jac was on his way to the Cannes Film Festival to premiere his first film, Krik? Krak! Tales of a Nightmare, where he combined documentary footage he shot in Haiti with dramatizations shot in Cuba (playing the part of colonial Haiti) and it was hard to tell the difference, he did this before Oliver Stone used that style in JFK, by the way, and in two reviews separated by a couple of years, the reviewers said exactly the same thing about two different films. "it combines documentary footage with dramatizations in such a way that it is hard to tell which is which". That year he showed up at my door, we met two years before, 1986 (ten years before we embarked in that jungle trip) but I didn't hear from him again until that moment in the summer of '88, not even a letter, when he came to invite me to join him in a wild, life changing adventure. In Krik Krak he managed to insert some awesome GIMP.

It is 2016, 30 years after I met him! and we're busier than ever, with two feature films to be released, two features in pre-production, a TV series in development, a documentary about to enter production and a Grand Plan Divine that includes a revamping of our site,, to include some really cool stories. I'll talk about that later.

That's it for now! I will return with more news about the release of JUSTINE and our Grand Plan Divine!
Our movies have a SPRING SALE! Up to 30% OFF
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13463) Covers the Relentless 
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Saturday, 7 May 2016 10:59 AM Permalink

(13463) Men Today Aug 1961
13464) Gog 
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Saturday, 7 May 2016 11:28 AM Permalink

Reine Margot - Thanks for the interesting post. Sounds like all will be very busy here in the near future. Hope everything is successful, allowing for the possibility of plenty of GIMP themed stuff in the future,

With your mention of revamping the "Red Feline" site, I still think a good way to generate funds for projects, would be to offer the opportunity for a few customs here and there. I mean, with the success of going mainstream....and your mentioning of the revamping of your original site, it doesn't sound like anyone is trying to distance themselves from your roots.

Maybe offer the opportunity for one or two customs a week (if not into a project), with the understanding that it would have to be a fairly basic or two scenes tops, and it wouldn't be of the same grade of the feature films (meaning basic stuff, minimal effects. etc.). Something that would only take a couple of hours or so to shoot, so there would be a minimal of editing time.

Thinking, something in the line of what Psycho-Thrillers, or PKF studios do. Pretty sure that both of them are pretty much custom based, With them of course, the custom fees pay for the models.....with you, everything would go into funding your next project. I know PKF churns out like 5 or 6 (or more) releases a week.

Anyway, just a thought. big grin
13465) Daniel 
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Saturday, 7 May 2016 01:21 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

RIP to ALL those we lose who have a part in 'TRUE' GIMP production!
13466) Daniel 
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Saturday, 7 May 2016 01:36 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Michael Max in regards to your post (13455) sounds as though you might be on to something very 'workable'. Thank you!
I would be interested in a project as you mentioned.

13467) Rick 
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Saturday, 7 May 2016 11:26 PM Permalink

(13467) Greetings All,

Ralphus: Thanks for taking the time to do the review and run the caps. Conor was inexperienced in the ways of bondage movies, this was a real crash course and not the easiest of material to do. He has the right attitude though and thats 90% of the battle. My inspiration for Conor's character was the boy king in the Den portion of Heavy Metal. I dont know if it worked. The immortal creepy boy king. Regardless, Conor swung the whip hard and had a lot of enthusiasm. Like us, hes a perv at heart lol.

If his dialog was inaudible at times thats my fault to be honest. Conor was a bit soft spoken.

Anyway, thanks for the fine effort on the review and for running the caps. Much appreciated!

Frog: Lisa Kinkaid was definitively one of your best actresses. I hate using the word model when referring to the women that perform in this type of film.

Man, I totally agree. It's funny "model" has become a sort of catchall term, but the ladies that do these storyline type videos are really actresses. These are performances. To me, a model is someone who poses for stills or commercial type work, also a performance of sorts but its not acting.

A Canadian: Great work on the official Ralphus Review of The Devils Do. I support your call for a Kimmy Lee movie (and not just because she's Asian, although that's alright with me). Her B+W scene looks like the best part of the movie.

Kimmy did a fantastic job and she is totally gorgeous. Unfortunately, she has a lot of body mods. If not for that I would be all over it.

Maxxx: Hey Guys, bad news. The owner of Psycho Thrillers died today. He had a heart attack on set yesterday, was giving CPR by the male talent & then died today. RIP Bill

That's terrible news Maxxx. I didnt know him but I was a fan for sure. One of my favorite death fetish companys. RIP

I'll leave you with a little bit of Kimmy's slave training on the dark web=D


13468) elkcreek 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 12:30 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13468) A couple of mainstream notes:

1) A new movie is hitting this month called "Landmine Goes Click" with the luscious Spencer Locke in a what looks like a pretty serious and violent rape scene. The premise is interesting as her fiancee or husband had stepped on a landmine and is forced to watch while his girl is victimized. The previews look very promising.

2) Eliza Dushku has joined Cinemax's "Banshee" as a serious regular and has ALREADY 1st or 2nd episode had an AOH scene. I have no idea what transpires and would love to see a clip. Not a Cinemax subscriber.
13469) petelobo 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 12:38 AM Permalink

The scene is from a Home Depot training video (used to have it) on uses of duct tape.
13470) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 02:30 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13470) Joek0, A Canadian, Gog and of course Rick: Thanks for acknowledging my review. I hope people like the movie. Watching it again made me realize how much stronger your average ZFX movie is compared to nearly everything else out there. We really need more filmmakers like Rick to give us extreme nonconsensual torture like he gives us every time.


Michael Max: What exactly did you have in mind? Were you thinking of starting a production company? I guess the best way to get the content you want to see is to produce it yourself. If you have the means, of course.


MaX wrote:

Hey Guys, bad news. The owner of Psycho Thrillers died today. He had a heart attack on set yesterday, was giving CPR by the male talent & then died today. RIP Bill

Sorry to hear that. I've never seen an actual Psycho Thrillers movie but we've had several reviewed here that looked quite intriguing. Anyone know if he was a one-man production company? If so, I wonder if it's going to be possible to order any more films from his store? When the gentleman who ran Hidden Pleasures passed away, I'm pretty sure that was the end of ordering any of his videos. Hopefully NicheClips will keep his store open.


Bob asked (post 13460):

Anybody knows what kind of torches are used for this type of fire play?

Hard to say. It certainly looked like real fire, but that guy was whipping it all over those naked chicks' bodies and they weren't even flinching. In fact, I saw some smiles coming from them so I don't imagine it was real painful for them, if at all. You would think that flaming torches, even held there for a few seconds, would sting a bit. Maybe the girls were coated in flame retardant gel.


Petelobo wrote:

The scene is from a Home Depot training video (used to have it) on uses of duct tape.

Okay, that's funny. You can gag her, we can help. Gagging girls...that's the power of the Home Depot.

But seriously, if anyone knows, I hope they speak up. This isn't GIMP Trivia this time, I really don't know the answer and I want to know. The girl is very wholesome-looking, which is obviously a turn-on, plus I totally love panties in the mouth used as stuffing followed by a wrap-around tape gag. That's the most effective type of gag in my book.

13471) sandalwood 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 02:41 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thanks Reine for all your work and presentation with the updates.
Have not heard of the Diary of Camille before - any more details?
13472) Prof Proteus 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 04:35 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Has Trivia Tuesday moved to Trivia Sunday?

The daily pic (gif) is a clip from Futile Struggles. The producer/rigger is Eric Cain and the model is Eden.

At C4S there are over 2,000 clips in the FS store, 51 of them starring Eden. I think the one you are looking for is called Tying Up Eden
13473) Jav Critic 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 04:52 AM Permalink

Finally a JAV Review! it’s been a long time, I hope you enjoy!

GO! GO! Power Woman stars Ai Kikuzato as the titular role who is a fighter for justice and love in ‘’Fantastic World’’, but one day while battling her nemesis Deathtol, she is transported to earth and must adapt to the sinful, sordid nature of this world and its people, she must find and defeat Deathtol to return to Fantastic World where she belongs.

And the first thing I liked about this film was the naivety and innocence of our heroine, being very well established early on, and consistently throughout the film, giving it a naturally titillating and foreboding tone off-the-bat as we know eventually we'll see this hopeful purity get contaminated and ruined till she is just as hopeless as the residents of this new world she’s trapped in.

I also like how the same theme/trait is shown in the maid/servant character, which not only foreshadows our heroine’s fate, but shows that they're one and the same, and this is all amplified by the great yet short-lived performance from ‘’Toru Ozawa’’ who is perilous, frightened and disgusted in these scenes and shows these emotions with a depth and a provocativeness that is fascinating to watch.

And the actor who plays ‘’Deathtol’’ is incredibly seedy and disgusting as our villain, and makes these scenes even more dirty, and more heated as a result to counter her sweet naivety.

Ai Kikuzato is good as Power Woman, but not as great in the dialogue scenes. I think she sells the character well enough, but I would've liked more meat, and distinction in her performance, and maybe more quirks to really set her apart from the others as a character (of which the script has done brilliantly), but with that being said as the scenes get more heated her performance gets to a much higher level of quality.

The script itself is pretty standard for your usual GIGA film: Having our heroine be a hot-headed prude that only finds out her femininity once it’s exploited, and eventually she becomes engrossed in it, feeling curious of that darker side, but with that being said the film does have a good variety of monsters and peril which keeps things very interesting, and what propels Deathtol’s performance is his great dialogue, that distinguishes his overpowering villainy beautifully.

I specifically LOVE this moment/piece of dialogue :

And it goes on for much longer too, easily the highlight of the film, and the hottest moment I've seen in a heroine film in a long time.

One gripe that I would have is I wish the tentacles did more, being a flimsier version they don't fully penetrate her and simply slip under her costume a little, so Kikuzato has to act the rest, which is a testament to her acting skills but it still feels like a missed opportunity.

Another aspect I found weird was the voice-over, which feels quite out of place, confusing and unnecessary at times, used specifically for exposition and explaining things that haven't been cleared up yet, and it also seems to be Kikuzato narrating too but she’s talking in the 3rd person which is very jarring, and while it does expand the story it still feels very oddly placed seeing we're in a very intense, high-pressure situation and she's decided to go into expositional dialogue now, but as the film goes along it becomes much more descriptive of her emotions instead of the plot going back to the usual 1st person perspective as most GIGA films do (and should).

The choreography and fighting, as expected is top notch, feeling kinetic, speedy and intricate. That’s one more thing I can hand to Kikuzato, and it’s that she sells the fight scenes brilliantly.

It’s no surprise that the Power Woman costume is absolutely spellbinding as naturally by design it’s erotic, but what I really love about it is the subtle shimmer it has in the interior scenes, showing that Kikuzato must've been a lot hotter in those scenes, and when the tentacles are introduced (naturally being wet). The suit looks mesmerizing as it gives every curve on her body a stunning sheen.

The sex scenes are all great as the film gets more heated, and one thing that I love is that they're absolutely filled with dialogue, and it all works at amplifying these already great scenes. Sadly some heroine films have the tendency to split the peril and the sex separately, which makes the peril more stimulating than the sex, but great films like Power Woman mix them up so you have no choice but to be enthralled, if not visually then psychologically.

I also like how downbeat the ending is, but also how profound and compassionate it is too, most films ending after the climax, yet this one lingers till her pain is uncomfortably felt by us as well and the inevitability of Deathtoll’s actions are crystal clear, as well as the damage he’s done emotionally and philosophically too as she realizes our world is a loveless world, and those bred with love will have it ripped out of them one way or another, which is a surprisingly potent note to end on and moment for her as a character.

There’s a longevity to her pain as these experiences go one for what seems like forever until at the very end she is literally taken to a dimension where she is repeatedly exploited indefinitely, which goes on in a hellish loop forever, and is a beautiful down note to leave it on, because there’s nothing sweeter than a truly destroyed heroine's ill fate getting worse, and we enjoy it just as much as we feel for her.

So overall I did have my gripes with the film in the beginning, but the sheer variety in its peril, monsters/villains and locations is fit to win any heroine fan over, as well as having thought-provoking and stimulating themes caked throughout. It easily makes up for its small weaknesses, It’s got great acting, characters and scenarios that suck you into this bleakly corrupt and hopeless world as it takes you on a thrillingly erotic ride all the way to the end, filled with sex and peril both in its visuals and its themes/undertones, leaving you with a great heroine film that sticks with you long after in ways you'd like, and other ways you won't, so with that being said I definitely have to recommend this film.


Buy It Here :
13474) Gog 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 08:28 AM Permalink

Ralphus - I agree...Eden, in the pic of the day is really appealing! And I just recently had mentioned that short hair doesn't necessarily bother me. But not many can pull the look off right. But Eden definitely can.

Though I'm a bit surprised with your reaction.....the hair freak you are. big grin

Haven't checked out all the clips yet, but from the first 10 plus or so on the "Clips4Sale" site, haven't really found anything that I would care to check out. I'll check it out more later, but once again......think she needs to get hooked up with a serious GIMP producer. big grin
13475) Joek0 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 08:53 AM Permalink

JavCritic: Thanks for the review of GIGA TGGP 10. I know that you are still new to the site, but Ralphus tends to dislike posting pirate links to movies on the forum. Ralphus can add a link to where you can legally purchase the movie.

You can buy GIGA TGGP 10 here:
13476) Jav Critic 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 09:06 AM Permalink

JoeK0 : Thanks for that, I didn't even realize smile and I'm glad you enjoyed the review
13477) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 09:16 AM Permalink

Jav Critic: I was wondering whether we might see your JAV reviews show up on the site. And now we know the answer. Thanks for putting together the review of Go!Go! Power Woman.

I'm not sure this one appeals to me as much as some of the others you have reviewed, but it is always fun to see the dialogue in a Giga film that has English subtitles.

Sadly, I don't know if Giga is still translating its films. It looks to me like the translations stopped a few years ago, although I could be wrong.

If I'm right, it's too bad. There have been some more recent releases that I would love to see translated.
13478) Covers the Relentless 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 10:12 AM Permalink

(13478) Men Today Dec 1961 V1 No5
13479) Jav Critic 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 10:33 AM Permalink

A Canadian : Thanks, yeah english subtitled GIGA's are quite hard to find these days, I really hope they start doing it again soon because they're releasing so many good looking films all the time, but with that being said I'm gonna start making my way through the ones that have been subtitled which will be fun, so stay tuned smile
13480) Kathyrne 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 10:34 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13480) Figured I would post something just to show everyone that I'm not dead! (Or, at least not yet, anyways!!)

Oh,and... Happy Mother's Day!!

What? It's a Holiday... kinda....
13481) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 02:09 PM Permalink

(13481) JAV Critic wrote:

English subtitled GIGA's are quite hard to find these days, I really hope they start doing it again soon because they're releasing so many good looking films all the time, but with that being said I'm gonna start making my way through the ones that have been subtitled which will be fun, so stay tuned.

One of the subtitled flicks that I quite enjoyed was a Dyna Woman film, TRE-25, with Rina Fukada. If that's one of the ones that gets reviewed, we'll have to see how our opinions compare.

Interestingly, someone on this forum once wondered how I came up with the descriptions of the storylines in my reviews of JAV films that don't have subtitles (since I don't speak Japanese).

The honest answer that I shared at the time was that -- to some extent -- I guess at the plot. Most JAV storylines aren't too difficult to figure out (for GIMP purposes, anyway) and I determined some years ago that including a description of the plot probably makes the reviews easier to follow. I figure that if one of my plot descriptions is off the mark in some way, it's probably not by anything significant enough to make any real difference.
13482) Gog 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 03:48 PM Permalink

Hey GIMP gang. I was wondering if anyone can direct me to a single source or two with various bondage ties & positions. The reason I ask is I'm thinking of requesting a quote for a custom, but I want to include pictures so they'll know exactly what I want.

Any one-stop shop for a multitude of bondage pics?


Also, for A Canadian. Not into Japanese stuff myself....and can't remember if I had previously mentioned, but have you ever checked out the "Heroine" store at Nicheclips?

I mention because I just had to checked out what was behind this animated gif fro their new release never there.

13483) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 06:14 PM Permalink

(13483) Gog: Thanks for the tip about the NicheClips' heroines section.

To be honest, I've never used that site. Although the film that has the gif you posted -- GOMK-30 -- can be found at various sites, including the "Godzilla" site that's been referenced here before.
13484) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 8 May 2016 10:18 PM Permalink

(13484) Happy Mother Day to you to Kathyrne and Gimper Moms. Bill K.
13485) bleumune 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 01:22 AM Permalink

Covers the Relentless posted Men Today Dec 1961.

Ah, Covers! One of the all-time great covers. Except why would the villains lower their captive head first? The fun would be over too quickly! Feet first would be better, as well as removing all that unnecessary underwear! Ah, well. If I every do a rewrite, I'll correct those oversights . . .
13486) Osouk 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 02:06 AM Permalink

(13486) frog - completely agree with everything you say about interrogation. I've always been a big fan of hair pulling. Some of my favourite scenes are the interrogator lifting the unfortunate woman's head by the hair, so he can look into her tear filled eyes and see the broken and begging look. It features in most, if not all, of my stories. I've attached an image from Quoom's superb illustrations of my story Sophie which features it.

Ralphus has kindly attached another story of mine. This is the only time I've included forced orgasms as that is not something I'm usually into to, but I thought I'd give it a go. I hope it doesn't ruin it for you! Direct link above. Enjoy.
13487) bakerboy 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 05:36 AM Permalink

Nice girl in peril clip with Javier Bardem


but am not sure what movie it is from, anybody knows??
13488) Covers the Relentless 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 07:47 AM Permalink

(13488) 13485) bleumune wrote: Covers the Relentless posted Men Today Dec 1961. Ah, Covers! One of the all-time great covers. Except why would the villains lower their captive head first? The fun would be over too quickly! Feet first would be better, as well as removing all that unnecessary underwear! Ah, well. If I every do a rewrite, I'll correct those oversights . . .

That cover is an interesting ambiguous scene. I see the guy holding the rope as an American prisoner who's been told that the girl lives as long as he can hold her out of the tank. That scenario could last for hours. She'd be mighty uncomfortable hanging upside down for hour after hour.


Today's MAM cover is from Men Today Dec 1962.
13489) zeke 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 08:23 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Nice story Osouk. I'm also not too much into forced orgasms, but it was enjoyable. Sophie still remains your masterpiece and Quoom has done a great job of rendering it.
Do you think a woman could be suspended by her nipples? At least in print, she could, but I haven't seen too many stories that incorporate that. That's always been a fantasy scenario for me.
13490) Mr. Hyde 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 08:32 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ bakerboy
"Perdita Durango" - []
13491) Magdalena 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 10:19 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Gog: I don't know off a site with an overview of bondage positions, but there is a site where Wenona demonstrates a variéty of yoga positions which might be helpful in describing what you want. Me and my D use the site a lot to see which one's would be nice to put me in bondage: []
13492) SpamBot 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 12:42 PM Permalink

Gog: RestrainedElegance has a page with different bondage positions (scroll down, Part Two).


13493) Gog 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 06:40 PM Permalink

Magdalena & SpamBot - Thank for the info! I'll check 'em out when I get a chance.
Much Appreciated. big grin

Pic of the day - It's pretty bad when even the drawings are pixelated. lol
13494) Gog 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 07:35 PM Permalink

Magdalena - Forgot to mention, I just happen to own a video w/Wenona called "Yoga Bitch Beat Down"

I guess Maxx couldn't hang with the class. lol
13495) Ralphus 
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Monday, 9 May 2016 11:06 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Prof Proteus wrote:

The daily pic (gif) is a clip from Futile Struggles. The producer/rigger is Eric Cain and the model is Eden.

You're awesome, man, thanks. Because of your tip I was able to buy the clip and also another one starring Eden. The first one was basically just 8 minutes of her being tied up but the tape around the head gag came in the last 45 seconds and was the crowning touch. But the other clip was really really good. It was called Eden Hung and it details Eden being suspended upside-down by her ankles for a good half an hour. I was under the impression that upside-down suspension was somewhat dangerous or at least makes you light-headed because the blood flows into your head faster. I'm not sure if she took a break any time during the shoot, but she was definitely hanging up there for a long time.

I've seen a bit of this guy's bondage work in the past. He does outstanding work...incredibly tight ropes and very thorough ropework. Guys, this is how bondage should be. We're talking Blakemore-worthy bondage. I was quite impressed.

My only beef with his clips that I've seen is that he doesn't attempt to act or give any kind of a performance. If he would interject a bit of personality into his work...whether it be anger, laughing, calling her would help to sell the fantasy so much better. But he didn't say a thing. So when I was watching, I just imagined him as some sort of demented serial killer and her as a helpless victim snatched off the street and put through hell by this sadistic stranger. She certainly played her part well, although I'm not sure she was acting. She appeared to be really suffering up there.


Gog wrote:

I just recently had mentioned that short hair doesn't necessarily bother me. But not many can pull the look off right. But Eden definitely can...Though I'm a bit surprised with your reaction.....the hair freak you are.

I don't dislike short hair, I just contend that women always look better with it longer. Eden is a cutie to be sure, but she would still look better with longer hair.

You know another way to improve a girl's appearance? Stuff her panties in her mouth and seal them in with tape. Works every time.


Jav Critic: Good to see you reviewing movies over on our forum now. We really only have one other reviewer who does Japanese material with any consistency, so the more JAV reviews, the better. Thank you so much for the Giga review, and I hope we see more from you in the future.

Here's the link for your review:


After a hiatus while the ZFX promo was going on, Trivia Tuesday returns in less than an hour. I spent part of the day today creating new animated gifs for the weeks to come. Hope you guys are ready.
13496) redlion 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 12:37 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Trivia answer: Gemma Arterton...The Disappearance of Alice Creed
13497) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 12:55 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Congratulations Redlion! You're the Fastest GIMPer this week. I knew this one would get answered quickly.

As you said, the Mystery Movie is the GIMP classic The Disappearance of Alice Creed which won 2 prestigious Ralphus Awards and launched the career of the lovely British actress Gemma Arterton. Gemma spends most of the movie ballgagged and tied up in various ways...first to the bed then inside an abandoned building, and even forced to urinate into a bedpan while tied spread-eagled to the bed. This is a movie that's basically about bondage, and so good that it even got remade last year in Denmark under the title Reckless. Both movies are GIMP must-sees.
13498) Jake 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 02:04 AM Permalink

Hi Ralphus - I'm pleased to know that you're an admirer of Eric Cain's work at Futile Struggles. Like you I've bought several of his films from Clips4sale, my favourites being Pepper's Ordeal which has some great breast bondage, and Violet Sky Crotchroped and Hogtied which, at the end, has the tightest, most restrictive hogtie I've ever seen, with her lovely body forced into a superb, arch-back position. Violet's continuous whimpering and mewling won't be to everyone's taste but that's the way to tie a girl up! I love the real-time tying and gagging in his clips, but you're right, he needs more personality and sometimes his camera work is a bit dodgy. Ah well, I guess he's working to a tight budget, like so many GIMP producers. But long may he bind and gag beautiful girls for our viewing pleasure!
13499) Osouk 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 02:05 AM Permalink

I've always liked the look of the bondage in Futile Struggles. The website link above is one of my favourite GIFs from them. The breast bondage looks great, a tight hogtie is always good, especially if her hair is used as well, and she looks like she's suffering.

I actually knew the answer to Trivia Tuesday for once but by the time I'd seen it the answer was already there. In the UK Gemma Arterton appears in a lot of things and is absolutely gorgeous, but sadly nothing comes close to this film.
13500) Jav Critic 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 06:47 AM Permalink

Ralphus: Thank you, it means alot to even have my review alongside all the other great ones from this site, I'm definitely gonna do more in the future big grin

A Canadian: That's good to know about Dyna Woman, I'll definitely put that on my list, it's also good just to have the full list of subtitled films so I know what to watch next, and I'd always wondered how some people reviewed non-subtitled Jav films, it does make sense though because I've done that with mainstream films, and porn especially is all about the visuals, and it's also good to know so when I've run out of English films, I can simply just start on all the others smile
13501) Quoom 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 07:47 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13501) a party somewhere in the jungle...
13502) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 08:11 AM Permalink

(13502) Men Today Dec 1964 V4 No8 Norm Eastman cover
13503) Gog 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 08:48 AM Permalink

Ralphus wrote - But the other clip was really really good. It was called Eden Hung and it details Eden being suspended upside-down by her ankles for a good half an hour".

I checked out all Eden's clips, but she's got some sort or attire on in every one. Would have loved to see her upside-down like that....but in the nude.

I mean, it's not like it's a mainstream segment from a movie, where the producers frown on nudity because of it being a perceived no-no or something.

I know you're more of a torture guy when it comes to GIMP. Me....I'm more of a forced/rape type of GIMPer. Cut out the nudity, and it's got very limited matter how cute or hot the girl is.

And also, it sucks that she's just going by "Eden" kinda limits who she works for (I would think anyway).
13504) zeke 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 05:45 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Re #13501: Quoom, which story is that pic from?
13505) Rick 
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Tuesday, 10 May 2016 09:39 PM Permalink

Another clip hot off ye old twitter big grin

13506) e's bodyguard 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 12:55 AM Permalink

Today's pic. Those are not beer cans but 6-hour energy drinks.
13507) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 01:00 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13507) Gog wrote:

I checked out all Eden's clips, but she's got some sort or attire on in every one. Would have loved to see her upside-down like that....but in the nude.

What? She is nude. Okay, she's not technically fully nude, since she has on skimpy panties, sheer panty hose and boots, but I think that's kind of a sexy look. It's not like she's wearing a burqa or something. Is the lack of complete lower nudity really a deal-breaker for you?

I know you're more of a torture guy when it comes to GIMP. Me....I'm more of a forced/rape type of GIMPer. Cut out the nudity, and it's got very limited matter how cute or hot the girl is.

Personally, I find partial nudity, such as having the clothes still on but in tatters, a lot more visually exciting than fully nude. That's part of the reason why the artwork in those old Men's Adventure magazines still is incredibly hot for me.

And also, it sucks that she's just going by "Eden" kinda limits who she works for (I would think anyway).

To me, the problem is that it makes it very difficult to look her up in search engines without a last name to go with. She might very well have worked for other producers, but it would be too hard to narrow it down to find out who. "Eden" is too common a name, especially among adult stars. I have the same problem with the bondage actress "Star", who I like a lot, but she chose a generic name that doesn't make her stand out in searches.

13508) e's bodyguard 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 01:47 AM Permalink

(13508) Futile Struggles: Since discovering this site at Clips4Sale I have become a fan. Intense breast and body binding, without the fancy shibari stylings, just 'practical' with added binds just for the pleasure of its styling. I hadn't noticed Mr. Cain's silence, but rather like it over the mundane spoutings of some torturers.

Eden's lack of ful nudity does not spoil the pleasure of watching her swaying, though, of course, it would enhance it. But there are several other ladies who are quite willing to reveal all. I think Mr. Cain has surpassed Lew Rubens, PD, and several other binders in his ability to create new shapes of the female body.

Rick at ZFX: I have been an admirer since "Spellbound" and as the above pic shows, a special delight with Miss Licks' tortures. And while I appreciate Mr. Cain's binding efforts, I have enjoyed your work with what you've got: bizarre, silly, haphazard, yet effective binding materials.

Miss Hesketh, Reine Margot: I am waiting, patiently for the release of Justine, which I helped fund. I generally scroll thru the long previews to avoid knowing too much of what will happen. However, I have been delighted and intrigued by the pics showing how the film is edited. As a literary editor I know that this can be a far more lengthy process than the actual creation of a project.

Thank you.
13509) Quoom 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 03:11 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13509) @Zeke: those pictures are from the story 'Jungle Camp'. A story, that was paused 2014, but continues with the latest update.
13510) provost 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 05:29 AM Permalink

Cannot allow Quoom's latest brilliancy to pass unremarked: the spectator in the picture is elegantly secured by cord applied only to thumbs and toes. Less is more, sometimes....
13511) Gog 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 06:44 AM Permalink

Quoom - Big fan of your stuff! Love the look of your recent pic. Especially the lighting.


On a similar note. Lighting is a big deal I think. And think that's what keeps a lot of movies from just good or OK, to over the top. Good subject. Good setting......just overly lit. Gives it that staged look. Not real world.

Just my opinion.


Ralphus asked "Is the lack of complete lower nudity really a deal-breaker for you?"

In a word...."Yes"

When I peruse all the movies over at Nicheclips for example.....there are so many that peek my interest. Then I'll see a preview where everything looks great. But then following the preview pics on down, and I see panties from mid-point to end, its......pass. Next preview please.

Like I said...I'm more of a forced/rape type of GIMPer. Too many pieces of attire down below, doesn't exactly bring easy access to mind. smile
13512) Covers the Relentless 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 07:19 AM Permalink

(13512) Men Today Dec 1964 V4 No8 Norm Eastman original art
13513) Centaurus 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 12:43 PM Permalink

I also want to express my strong approval of the content at FutileStruggles. It was curious to me that I hadn't seen anyone commenting about that site in the forum.
FutileStruggles is mostly about the bondage, not about the rape. Since this is in fact the flavor of GIMP that I like the most, I thoroughly enjoy their content.

I would go a step further and say that I get bored when I see penetration by penis! Penetration by other things are OK for me e.g. giant dildos, pointed sticks etc. The point is, though, that it should be GIMP-worthy torture, not a "the chick likes it afterall" type of deal. For the same reason I don't like forced orgasms AT ALL.

Eric Cain at FutileStruggles does exactly that. Serious, really tight, painful bondage. No silliness, no games, no orgasms. Yeah, he could be acting a little, have a little story play out perhaps. But I mostly watch these things for the juicy parts, not for the stories to be honest! My favorite studio is old INSEX and most of their stuff didn't have a story either. Admittedly, though, the ones with a story were perhaps more interesting the first time I watched them.

I once asked in this forum who do YOU think could fill the shoes of the great PD? ( that INSEX is going down the path of the forced orgasms). Well, lately I think Eric Cain is the man. If ever he finds the funds and the interest to build devices like PD's, maybe even venture in the area of metal bondage, he could become his spiritual successor.

*PS: two other great riggers that I liked a lot and I haven't seen them mentioned in this forum are Brian Davis (of Devonshire Productions) and Jay Edwards (both not shooting anymore) . Their bondage was not as restrictive as Eric Cain's is, but it was very beautiful nonetheless.
13514) Dr Yuya 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 01:58 PM Permalink

This has been discussed here over and over. And everytime there's always a few responders who say "I don't care... I won't buy anything without nudity"

And that's fine for them... But objectively speaking there are many many times where nudity doesn't even make sense... Both from a plot standpoint and yes even from a pure fetish standpoint.

Case in point for plot... The public whipping in Dead but Dreaming. I loved the scene to death but I couldn't really understand the point of full on stripping there plot wise. I really do "get" the scenes that are going to be in Justine a little more because they don't fully strip. That part felt a little tacked on in DBD... Like it was purely from suggestions here and not because it was something that made sense. I'm no history buff... But usually in public settings isn't there more often than not some standard of preserving decency involved?

So I felt that scene handled the nudity from a fetishist standpoint instead of a plot one... Another case which also wouldn't need nudity because it goes against even the fetish would be something like stripping Wonder Woman in a heroine fetish movie. If you don't get it and still think such a character needs to be fully stripped for it to be good you're probably better off moving along and not making or watching movies in that genre.

It is a taste thing at the end of the day true... But I'd still argue that non-nudity can very often have its place if you look beyond that and really ask if it makes sense for a particular scene or fetish.
13515) Howie 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 04:09 PM Permalink

Oh, if I had a quarter for every time I've discussed the importance of "FULL NUDITY" to me on this message board, I'd have... I'd don't know.. 10 or 15 bucks or something. lol

But ya, this has been discussed a lot.

Yes Yuya, it won't make sense for certain fetishes or story lines, but guess what? I have zero interest in a any fetish or story line that doesn't ultimately end up with the GIMP bereft of every stitch of clothing.

Even the Japanese Giga Super Heroine films that don't ultimately show her full body get a pass from me... Which is pretty much all of them now days.. Man, how the Japanese Porn industry has gone downhill the last few years. Kind of sad.

Anyhow, my motto with ALL my GIMP material is: GET'EM NAKED, OR DON'T WASTE MY FUCKING TIME. wink

13516) Gog 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 06:52 PM Permalink

If I want anything w/o nudity.....there's plenty of mainstream torture porn out there.

So when I pay for something....I'm really paying for something I can't get mainstream.

But to each their own. cool
13517) Gog 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 06:54 PM Permalink

Dr Yuya - Forgot to mention about the "Dead But Dreaming" comment. In a word "humiliation".
13518) A Canadian 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 07:03 PM Permalink

Ralphus wrote (in today's cutline):

Is it just me or is that an awful lot of beer cans?

My family would say it's just you.
13519) A Viewer 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 07:39 PM Permalink

I have some questions.

First does anyone know if the video posted by Bob at 13460 is safe to download?

Second, what Anime is that clip at 13458 from?

Finally, does anyone know when the final video of the 6-part series that Freddy5353 did will be out and where to find it?

JD, thanks again for all the video uploads.
13520) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 08:33 PM Permalink

(13520) Regarding Ralphus' 13507 post I did a poser manipulation of that Nazi cover a while back and the resulting quality was fair.

Don't remember if I posted it here too or just at the Stakedamsels forum, but I decided it takes me way too long recreate these Nazi Gimp peril covers and most Gimpers like Ralphus seem to prefer just to leave them as is.

I not create any more. Bill K.
13521) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 12:25 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13521) Dr Yuya wrote:

This has been discussed here over and over. And everytime there's always a few responders who say "I don't care... I won't buy anything without nudity"

I read that from time to time here, too. I understand it, but I sure don't agree with it. Tits and ass, tits and ass. If that's all you want to see, good god, you can see that anywhere on the net. Don't get me wrong, I love naked women, but it's bondage and distress that turns me on. If she's helpless and suffering, who cares if we see her pussy? We know she's got one. And we know underneath that bra she has two breasts with matching nipples. I've seen 'em before. They look about the same on every woman.

My point is if you're so keyed in on just looking at bare skin, you could miss out on a lot of great entertainment. There's a reason why some of us prefer mainstream scenes to commercial bondage videos. Generally the acting is better, the direction and camerawork are usually better, and you have a larger selection of beautiful actresses available than the handful of bondage models who work in the industry. What you sacrifice in skin you often will make up with more dramatic tension.

These are fantasy movies anyway. If I see a scene that moves me but I don't see any skin, I'm not going to dismiss it as flawed. I'm going to enjoy it for what it is. Some of the greatest bondage scenes I've ever watched had no nudity at all.
13522) Bill K. 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 01:59 AM Permalink

(13522) Actually when it comes to clothed bats peril completely or semi nude the "If she's helpless and suffering, who cares if we see her pussy? We know she's got one. And we know underneath that bra she has two breasts with matching nipples. I've seen 'em before. They look about the same on every woman." posted comment by Ralphus is even more erotic for me.

Because I can visualize her clothed burning off compared to being ripped off the burning off is literally speaking more hotter to me.

The posted clothed stake damsel is from a far east web gimp production site that I was never able to join the Chinese only speaking site when I found this sample picture and now 3 or so years later I don't remember were I found it.

Any Gimpers remember it? I am 99% sure I posted it and we talked about it here.

Bill K.
13523) bleumune 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 02:30 AM Permalink

Howie said: "Oh, if I had a quarter for every time I've discussed the importance of "FULL NUDITY" . . ."


"I have zero interest in a any fetish or story line that doesn't ultimately end up with the GIMP bereft of every stitch of clothing.

"Anyhow, my motto with ALL my GIMP material is: GET'EM NAKED, OR DON'T WASTE MY FUCKING TIME."

(cough, cough) As a former Marine, I, of course, would want to use much more effete language than Howie did, but I sure do like the way he put it! Roger that, Howie!

Seriously, in my written stories, I always have my heroines start out fully clothed, but that's so I can make sure they lose that clothing in an appropriate manner. An interrogator or torturer never knows where inventiveness might take him or her, and they wouldn't want to waste time taking off an additional item of clothing . . .

13524) Howie 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 02:40 AM Permalink

For the Daily Pic, Ralphus wrote: Does she really gotta be fully nude to turn you on, or is something like this still pretty damn hot?

Of course she's hot as fuck, but if she doesn't get naked later in the proceedings then I'm not spending a red cent to see anymore.

I've said before that I'm okay with some clothing in the beginning to build tension for what's to come, but if she's still clothed when the action really gets rolling, then I'm just bored, annoyed, and pissed I wasted my money.

Ralphus wrote: Tits and ass, tits and ass. If that's all you want to see, good god, you can see that anywhere on the net. Don't get me wrong, I love naked women, but it's bondage and distress that turns me on. If she's helpless and suffering, who cares if we see her pussy? We know she's got one. And we know underneath that bra she has two breasts with matching nipples. I've seen 'em before. They look about the same on every woman.

They look about the same on every woman? Good lord, I hope I NEVER get that jaded about seeing beautiful women naked, and no I don't think in the least they all the look the same.

So all three of these women look exactly the same to you and bring nothing unique or exiting to see?

From a visual standpoint NOTHING is better than a nude beautiful woman from my point of view.

GIMP is all about her helplessness and loss of control, and for me allowing her to remain clothed completely takes me out of it, because you've allowed her to keep a large portion, and the most important facet to me, of her dignity in tact, and denied me the pleasure of drinking in everything she has to offer as she suffers.

In my fantasy, why would a guy go to all this trouble, and then NOT get her naked? It's like ordering the best Pizza in the world, and instead of eating it, you just stare at it. Nope, I'm gonna eat that fucker with ruthless abandon.

Also, mainstream scenes like in 24 or some other TV show never do anything for me, because I know they've never going to be able to go as far as I want them to. Yes, it's kind of hot in the moment, but nothing compared to the full court press of a well made fetish porn for me.

Not saying there aren't mainstream films with good scenes in them, but none where she's still clothed that I'll care about enough to see more than once.

13525) Howie 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 02:49 AM Permalink

bleumune said: (cough, cough) As a former Marine, I, of course, would want to use much more effete language than Howie did, but I sure do like the way he put it! Roger that, Howie!

Effete? Who knew Marines were so high falutin with their language? wink

Well, as a former Navy man, we just get right to the point. Ha ha. lol

13526) Josh 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 03:08 AM Permalink

I agree with the Howie, if they don't get naked then why frikking bother, I could just watch mainstream movies with Scarlet Jo or Angelina Jolie or something.

Say if a hot female spy gets captured in RL, no way in hell does she not get her clothes stripped. So it's immersion breaking that they have their clothes on.
13527) Howie 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 03:22 AM Permalink

Josh said: if they don't get naked then why frikking bother, I could just watch mainstream movies with Scarlet Jo or Angelina Jolie or something.

Preach it, Brother! Preach it. lol

13528) Matt 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 03:32 AM Permalink

Re: today's pic...topless at the very least, but preferably nude. Just my preference, and my two cents on the discussion.
13529) Corvid 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 03:59 AM Permalink

Regarding the question: well, the model in that picture is undeniably attractive. But she's also clearly bra-less, and bound in such a way as to present her assets to the viewer.

I guess I would sum it up as: yes, a non-nude GIMP can be erotic, but I have to feel that it was the intentional choice of the tormentor and could be relinquished at their whim. If you are, for instance, only baring the parts of their body that are about to be tortured... who am I to complain.

But I have little patience for videos of, for example, fully-dressed women tied up and writhing around. They're uncomfortable? Fine, take that as given... but this is still the part of the story I would fast-forward through. Get back there and give me a reason that you tied them up.
13530) frog 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 07:00 AM Permalink

Today's pic. It's definitively pretty damn hot, but just as an appetizer. Eventually, everything will have to come off. Preferably, ripped or torn off.
13531) Gog 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 07:06 AM Permalink

Today's pic as opposed to.....

Why frame the tits under clothes? There's obviously an attraction to that part of the female anatomy. So why not then just get rid of those clothes.

I'm betting (unless it's really tame photo set/video) that the area around her tits gets cut to expose those tits in a next few shots (moments).
13532) Gog 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 08:00 AM Permalink

Sorry. I know. I have the attention span of a gnat.
Forgot to mention about the comment about nudity being inappropriate in certain story lines.

I say....It's always appropriate! When would it not fit in? When you've got a hot woman in an interrogation scene for instance........You've got the information, "We'll just let her go now".

You're not gonna want to fuck her? the very least, till she passes out. If you get caught for the kidnapping and're probably going to prison anyway. big grin

Hell, even mainstream comedies get it right (though falling short of delivering). Can't remember the name of the movie, but it's about some psycho killer offing teens of course. Anyway, towards the end of the movie, the killer grabs a girl and holds off about 4 of her friends with a gun as he's taking her down a long hallway. Thats when one the guys says "Wait....can we see her naked first before you kill her?" big grin


Oh, and Ralphus, mentioning "Star". Was curious if you recognized her in "Land of Gimp..."?
13533) Dr Yuya 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 08:06 AM Permalink

I'm not even a fan of the form of bondage shown in the daily pic.

If I were though... I'm not sure I'd use it as the best example pic to defend non-nudity cases. Really... That pic would probably be better WITH nudity. The shirts not really serving much function there unless its existence is for a plot reason... Which would be hard to tell from just that pic.

Do the same to Wonder Woman though... And there you have a case where it's completely pointless and silly to remove all the clothes.
13534) Covers the Relentless 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 08:10 AM Permalink

(13534) Men Today Feb 1962 Eastman art [M]
13535) zeke 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 08:21 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Sorry Charlie, but only nude babes rate the highest accolades. On the Dick scale of Hardness she rates maybe a 3 out of 10, i.e. worth a fast glance but nothing to linger over unless it's part of series that gets better - my motto is "more with less".

It always puzzles me when I see a half-naked woman bound and trussed as though the viewer should be satisfied with half a meal. Now, if half-naked is an intermediate point that's fine, but the best words in bondage are: "take your clothes off".
13536) Mad Max 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 08:55 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13536) Today's model is Lola Lynn and the picture is from was the damsel in several custom video or photo sets he did for me.

Sometimes I asked for nudity, sometimes it fit the drama more for some clothes to stay on, but not many... my preferences were shaped back in the day when i had to rely on movies, TV, comics and Mens Magazines, where the persistence of clothing was a tease (even men's mags had some impossible shred of blouse, or hair just in the wrong place.

oh, and here's a shot of Lola as Wonder Woman....
13537) Badger 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 09:25 AM Permalink

To me, the difference between those of us who like the victim trussed up nicely but still clothed and those who want her and all other victims nude from the start is the same as the difference between those of us who like a bit of "story" behind the scene and those who want the scene to jump straight to the chase. Personally, I LOVE that pic and would look forward to the top and jeans being cut off... and the scene developing from there. Similarly, I like foreplay.
13538) Reine Margot 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 10:03 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Time flies. So much is going on that it is difficult to keep track of it all. In 10 days Jac will be in the rainforest, shooting a documentary. JUSTINE will be totally in Amy's hands and she will set the release date. June is going to be a month of total disconnect for Jac. July will be hectic for all of us and in August things will be returning back to "normal". Between now and the 25th of this month some decisions will be made, important decisions, concerning the release of this highly anticipated film. Amy and I will be keeping you all posted. In the meantime we have a PRE JUSTINE RELEASE SALE! Get our movies with a 30% discount if you buy two or more!

Gog Reine Margot - Thanks for the interesting post. Sounds like all will be very busy here in the near future. Hope everything is successful, allowing for the possibility of plenty of GIMP themed stuff in the future, With your mention of revamping the "Red Feline" site, I still think a good way to generate funds for projects, would be to offer the opportunity for a few customs here and there. I mean, with the success of going mainstream....and your mentioning of the revamping of your original site, it doesn't sound like anyone is trying to distance themselves from your roots.

I think it is important to understand the ROOTS issue. In some universe we're known for those amazing "fetish", for lack of a better word, films like Red Feline on the Cross, Agent X and so on. In another universe we're better known for works committed to causes like the ecology, human rights like Krik Krak, Outbreak, and so on. And yet, in another universe we're becoming very well known for feature films that fall into genres such as Horror, Terror and so on. While in one Universe Jac is often compared to Maya Deren and Garcia Marquez, in another universe he is very unique and in that third universe he is compared to Jesus Franco and yes, Buñuel. But the actual roots are perhaps in that initial film that started it all. Krik Krak. We're not distancing ourselves from the Red Feline stage in our general production output. We're simply growing and taking that period with us to higher levels, with higher production values and great stories like ... yes... Maleficarum.

Gog Maybe offer the opportunity for one or two customs a week (if not into a project), with the understanding that it would have to be a fairly basic or two scenes tops, and it wouldn't be of the same grade of the feature films (meaning basic stuff, minimal effects. etc.). Something that would only take a couple of hours or so to shoot, so there would be a minimal of editing time. Thinking, something in the line of what Psycho-Thrillers, or PKF studios do. Pretty sure that both of them are pretty much custom based, With them of course, the custom fees pay for the models.....with you, everything would go into funding your next project. I know PKF churns out like 5 or 6 (or more) releases a week. Anyway, just a thought. big grin

Producing custom work, one or two a week, is not as simple as it sounds. One has to put the hours of work into it and it has to pay off. In our case, not even in the most active time during the Red Feline years we had weekly releases. Our output was not a lot more than now, perhaps even less. If I were to quantify the productions from the time Jac began his career, I can count almost 50 films of all kinds in a 35 year span, beginning with his student film until now. The Red Feline Years, as active as they were, did not produce more than 25 movies from 1997 to 2001. The second part of the Red Feline Years, with Amy, produced 12 films prior to our mainstream period in which we produced 10 big production budget films including JUSTINE.

Another issue is who to work with. The actresses in our team, like Bea or Mila have their own outlook on life and what they want to be doing with their time. If we were to ask them to do a custom video, they would first have to agree to do it and then they would have to be paid enough for their efforts. Their rates are high now. For feature films they get good rates, which I will not disclose here at this time, but they are high. To give you an idea, Carmen lived three years and attended university in Paris with her earnings from Red Feline on the Cross and other movies made during that period. Mila supports her family with her earnings from the films she made since 2010. They don't look at a small payment as ideal. Profit sharing in our movies is more advantageous to them and right now they would be happy to make more movies like Dead But Dreaming or Pygmalion.

One issue that is critical is that of time and space. Locations are not easy to find and they cost money, and time is money, as they saying goes. There's very little time to do all we have to do as it is. We do, however, raise funds to make those big movies like Olalla and Justine, with perks that may include a custom type of scene, like the whipping scene in Dead But Dreaming or the whipping scene in JUSTINE or the roasting scene in Maleficarum. The contributions to those scenes were a big step to get the rest of the money together to get those films done.

The intention with revamping the site is to offer more to our supporters. However, that too takes time, effort and money. Those are the reasons why we did not continue. No one had the time to work on the site on a continuous basis, updating it with enough frequency and so on. That is what we're studying now. We have a lot of material to share, tons of stories, pictures, oh so many, many pictures, plans, and so on. For0instance, let's say we want to Maleficarum II, we could share highlights of the story as it is written, show pictures and videos of the casting, rehearsals, shooting of the movie and so on. And that would be just one part of the site. There's going to a thought process first. We shall see what comes of it.

sandalwood thanks Reine for all your work and presentation with the updates Have not heard of the Diary of Camille before - any more details

Back in the day, when we had the Red Feline site for members only, one of the sections was The Diary of Camille. By the time Jac and Carmen made Red Feline on the Cross and it was released to the world, the character of Camille took shape. All the work that Carmen and Jac did before the first Red Feline movie came out, became a true performance type of work. So, along with the Training of Camille stories and pictures, there are also videos, and the Via Crucis of Camille stories, pictures and videos, we published the recollections of Camille, her meeting with JJ and Margot, her process of becoming Red Feline, and so on. All of it illustrated with pictures from all those sessions, journeys, moments that Jac and Carmen captured visually as Camille became flesh. I can say that the final work of that period was Martyr Or The Death of St Eulalia, where Camille becomes the movie character. The Diary of Camille is like a documentary of the process Carmen went through as she created Camille.

e's bodyguard: Miss Hesketh, Reine Margot: I am waiting, patiently for the release of Justine, which I helped fund. I generally scroll thru the long previews to avoid knowing too much of what will happen. However, I have been delighted and intrigued by the pics showing how the film is edited. As a literary editor I know that this can be a far more lengthy process than the actual creation of a project. Thank you.

In film, the creation of the project does not end with the shooting of the movie. The editing is the creation of the project, it is the putting together of the shots in a narrative that gives it meaning and yes, it takes longer, always, than the actual shooting. I think writing a script can be a lengthy process as well. Some people take a very long time to do it. Shooting the movie has its constrains. So, it cannot take longer than what the budget and the schedule provide. Sometimes a film can go a little over budget and it can go a few days beyond its schedule. The post production has only one factor to be aware of, the deadline. In our case there's no set deadline, only the need to release it in a timely manner. But there's no urgency as such, so the editing takes its normal time, and by that I mean the time it actually needs. This week is critical. Jac has to decided if he's happy with what he did, and Amy has to decide if she is happy with what he did. Once that process takes place, the rest is purely technical. Color correction, final sound mix, title, credits, processing of the movie itself, subtitles to at least four languages and building of the DVD. All technical work that takes a couple of weeks to complete. There's a bit of creative work deciding the tone of the colors and the sound mix and the position of the title and credits. Nothing creative about the rest. We're getting closer and closer to the release, that's a fact.

Dr Yuya This has been discussed here over and over. And every time there's always a few responders who say "I don't care... I won't buy anything without nudity" And that's fine for them... But objectively speaking there are many many times where nudity doesn't even make sense... Both from a plot standpoint and yes even from a pure fetish standpoint. Case in point for plot... The public whipping in Dead but Dreaming. I loved the scene to death but I couldn't really understand the point of full on stripping there plot wise. I really do "get" the scenes that are going to be in Justine a little more because they don't fully strip. That part felt a little tacked on in DBD... Like it was purely from suggestions here and not because it was something that made sense. I'm no history buff... But usually in public settings isn't there more often than not some standard of preserving decency involved? So I felt that scene handled the nudity from a fetishist standpoint instead of a plot one... Another case which also wouldn't need nudity because it goes against even the fetish would be something like stripping Wonder Woman in a heroine fetish movie. If you don't get it and still think such a character needs to be fully stripped for it to be good you're probably etter off moving along and not making or watching movies in that genre. It is a taste thing at the end of the day true... But I'd still argue that non-nudity can very often have its place if you look beyond that and really ask if it makes sense for a particular scene or fetish.

The public whipping in Dead But Dreaming is based on a real event that happened during the revolutionary period in La Paz, where the story takes place. And it is the story of a woman who aided the rebels against the Spanish Crown. When she was discovered, she was beaten, raped, taken to the public square, she was then stripped naked, whipped and paraded in the town naked on top of a donkey, while being beaten too, and then she was hanged. That's in history books in Bolivia. So, it was not tacked on in DBD. In fact, many of the events in the story, except, of course, the vampires, were taken from real historic events, and the characters, like Moira, were also based on real history characters. The general who orders the torture and death of Moira, is, in fact, Don Jose Manuel, who led the Spanish forces against the rebels. Eventually the rebels won, 20 years later. But during the period when the film takes place, most rebel leaders were killed and in nasty ways.

Gog Dr Yuya - Forgot to mention about the "Dead But Dreaming" comment. In a word "humiliation".

Yes, the main reason why people would be stripped naked before execution was to humiliate them. That is the case of Moira in Dead But Dreaming and that is the case of Justine in JUSTINE. Poor Justine suffers the cruel punishment for her "many crimes, each deserving of their own punishment and each deserving the death penalty but, alas, she only has but one life".

It doesn't necessarily mean that nudity is a must in the case of a public whipping. In some cases it is even sexier if there isn't total nudity. I think in the case of that famous whipping scene in Angelique and the Sultan, Angelique is not totally naked, but the scene is great, but short. For us, both cases work very well, even if we tend to throw in full nudity from time to time. Yes?

That's it for now! I will return with more news about the release of JUSTINE!
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13539) Howie 
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Thursday, 12 May 2016 01:53 PM Permalink

Badger wrote: To me, the difference between those of us who like the victim trussed up nicely but still clothed and those who want her and all other victims nude from the start is the same as the difference between those of us who like a bit of "story" behind the scene and those who want the scene to jump straight to the chase. Personally, I LOVE that pic and would look forward to the top and jeans being cut off... and the scene developing from there. Similarly, I like foreplay.

Well, I can only speak for myself, Badger, but I actually said below that I don't mind them being clothed for a portion of the film, only that they NEED to get fully nude when things really ramp up. Watching that reveal is part of the fun. Slow builds are fine, but starting out slow and ending slow as well isn't.

13540) Ralphus 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 12:46 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Gog wrote:

Oh, and Ralphus, mentioning "Star". Was curious if you recognized her in "Land of Gimp..."?

Yeah, I saw her. You've got cameos from several of my favorites: Luna Vera, Lisa Kinkaid, Candle Boxxx, Cali Logan... I never get tired of watching that video. Particularly the scene of Ralphus laughing uproariously at the woman being burned at the stake lol
13541) Mad Max 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 08:11 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

If I had a say in Hollywood, Swamp Thing with Adrienne Barbeau... in the movie when the formula doesn't work, the villain has her dragged down to the dungeon in that amazing dress, chained to the wall... and nothing, the S T just tells him the secret...SO disappointing..

Bring me on as GIMP adviser and that dress gets ripped open, she's suspended over a boiling vat, bravely telling S T not to talk as she's lowered closer, closer... at the last second S T breaks, and while she's saved from being boiled alive, the villain tells his men to take her out to the swamp and disappear... now S T has a motive to break out for real.
13542) pcv 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 11:05 AM Permalink

Regarding nudity in GIMP situations, Gog wrote (Post 13532):

“I say….It’s always appropriate! When would it not fit in? … You’re not gonna want to fuck her?... at the very least, till she passes out?”

Many years ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I made my first post to this site: A lament regarding the illogic of such movies as Hunger Games (I) and Hostel (I and II – I never bothered to try to watch Hostel III or any of the Hunger Games sequels) . Regarding Hostel II in particular I had written:

"Really? You’re telling me that the only GIMP idea you could come up with was to have the buck-toothed chick suspended naked upside down for a minute or so before bleeding her off like a freshly-killed deer? For Heaven’s sake, you idiots, you had two extremely hot-looking chicks as captives, and you didn’t even think to strip them before beginning your fun??? Trust me: If I ran that business in Lower Slobovia I would make sure my customers got delivered a naked girl eating a ball gag while suspended AOH, not a chick dressed in some stupid French Maid costume strapped down in a chair! But even if Management insists on presenting the purchase with clothing on, you’d think the first thing the sadistic clowns would do would be to grab a knife and remove all that unnecessary and inconvenient apparel. (And yes, BTW, I do believe nudity is very important in GIMP situations. It amplifies both the humiliation and complete helplessness of the victim.) But no! Not in Hostel II. Neither of the stupid shits in the movie even tried to strip his purchase and, even worse, neither of them showed the slightest interest whatsoever in exploiting his victim’s gender! Again, WTF? Why shell out so much money to buy a female in the first place?"

I received no responses to that post except from our Esteemed Host, who it seemed took great pleasure in dismissing my complaint by pointing out that these flicks were intended as “shock/horror,” not “GIMP” fare. So I am delighted to see I am not alone and that at least Gog also recognizes how silly it would be, given the situation presented, not to take advantage of it.
13543) Covers the Relentless 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 11:16 AM Permalink

(13543) Men Today Feb 1963 [M]
13544) Kathyrne 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 12:24 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13544) Hiya Everyone!

Well, this being an actual Friday the 13th, I have a few things to share. We'll start with my usual Superheroine type peril where some of my Training & Assessment League girls are running afoul of a very Halloween style critter.
13545) Kathyrne 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 12:26 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13545) And next we have "Gretel and The Witch". The idea for this came from the table that Gretel is on. Something that forces her to bend, pushing 'dinner' out for the Witch to easily get at.
13546) Kathyrne 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 12:33 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13546) And lastly, I worked like crazy to get a horror themed set up at my site in time for Friday the 13th, and I managed to get it done in time (barely).

This one has a good bit of gore, plus some rape type scenes in it, so be warned in advance.

I'm still working on my render settings in Poser 2014 (Poser 11 is still giving me fits), and this set was intended to be a short one, but 30+ images later it wasn't as short as I had thought it would be. Ah well.

Hope everyone has a nice Friday the 13th! big grin
13547) Dr Yuya 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 02:10 PM Permalink

Why would nudity not always fit in? There's a whole list of reasons... Both from a plot standpoint and even yes from an "is this erotic?" standpoint... They've been discussed a lot already.
13548) Gog 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 06:47 PM Permalink

pcv - Here, here! big grin


Dr. Yuya - Give me an example. I'm what situation would you not be tempted to sample the wares of a hot tied up captive helpless female in your clutches?

I'm open minded. I'm not claiming to have all the answers....I don't know.
13549) Kathyrne 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 07:01 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ Gog

I can think of two off the top of my head.

#1 - the guy could be gay. It's possible.

#2 - the guy is focused on the pain, not the sex. Some people get off on inflicting agony, and sex would be just a distraction from that.

Sorry for no picture. I didn't have time, plus I am at the 3 image limit. wink
13550) Gog 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 07:27 PM Permalink

Kathryn - OK, example 2.....possible.

Example 1 would have to fit in like that of 2 then....or what's the point?

Now next general, not necessarily for you. How many fetish clips do people own, where pain is the focus, and that focus is not aimed at parts of the female anatomy? In other words....all the torment is done with the clothes as a barrier (whipping, electrodes, etc.). Or even, How many clips are owned where the GIMP is fully clothed?

Other that collecting a certain model's work, I'm guessing, not many.
13551) Dr Yuya 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 08:30 PM Permalink

I listed a couple not even a whole week ago...think it was in the last few days? I'm not sure but I'd SWEAR this conversation was just had.

Plot reasons

-Public scenarios...authoritarian body wants to at least keep appearance of being the morally just party and won't strip nude in public locations.

-Speed is the issue. Someone grabs a girl real quick to "get in and out" before the authorities arrive and they don't have time for such ceremony

-There's also probably many MANY outlier plot reasons that may or may not carry any weight based on ones own judgement. Like for instance the Barb Wire scene...the torture device WAS a bra/panty contraption so in effect to disrobe her would have meant they couldn't use that particular torture.

I'll skip a lot of those though since I already know that whether or not stripping is significant for the plot doesn't even matter to ME when I consider a GIMP scene. So it surely won't matter to others who are die hard "nude-only" types. So lets move on to the real argument...

When it matters for the fetish itself

Here, we have the Wonder Womans, the spies in catsuits, queens and princesses of medieval maidens, or maidens from some other time period not our own...hell sometimes in BDSM customs there's even just girls in short jean shorts who stay that way the whole way through.

So the easy Wonder Woman example...let's say you're heavily into the heroine peril stuff and just love seeing WW get hers in all the multitudes of ways it can happen. Why then would you be happy with her getting completely stripped and just being another nude girl getting tortured when the time comes? The costume isn't the only thing that makes a heroine peril film for sure but you'd be hard pressed to find a lot of fans of the genre who don't rank it pretty high up there. Without the costume (especially if it's off for most of the movie) you can easily forget it's even a super heroine movie. So it makes all the sense in the world to leave it on her for fans of the stuff...even when (perhaps ESPECIALLY when) the peril starts.

Same goes for the spies and medieval want a reminder sometimes that it's not just some dude in a warehouse torturing a girl. We know if that's really all it is IRL...but knowing what reality is doesn't mean squat when talking about what you like in your fantasy.

What I can tell the issue really that for some here that stuff isn't THEIR fetish. It's a shame really...because this seems to be a blind spot in terms of "getting it" for one side but not the other. Generally speaking this forum is the MOST understanding place I've been on the internet but with this particular thing something just doesn't click for many. Not that it affects me in any way...or that it's even a bad thing...just odd for a place that generally "get's it" when it comes to the freaky stuff.

I personally love the old Zen/Giga and a lot of the more recent American heroine peril movies...but I also like the Red Feline stuff and even just recently got and (mostly) enjoyed "Devils Do" from ZFX. I like to think I see all sides of this because favorite scenes are a pretty darn even mix of nude/non-nude stuff. I think if one can't do that...they're limiting themselves on a lot of great material out there...but to each their own I suppose.
13552) Gog 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 08:40 PM Permalink

Dr. Yuya - I can have an argument for the flip side of the coin. Like Wonder Woman. I understand the costume thing....but I'd still like to get her out of 'em. Or at least pull some of that costume up or down, here and there. big grin

But I hear ya. We're all different. cool
13553) urvax 
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Friday, 13 May 2016 11:46 PM Permalink

I'm with Howie, if the clothes stay on, I'm turned off.
13554) elkcreek 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 12:49 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I have mixed feelings on this one. To me the quality of the victim and her acting ability are #1. A great example of this was Maria Ozawa, a very hot Jap AV actress in her pre tat days. She did a bit of gimp, mostly Attackers stuff and while there were some decent scenarios and she was unclothed for most of it, at best it's B- stuff.

OTOH, if a Jessica Alba, Rachel Bilson or Natalie Portman were to do a movie with the exact same scenarios clothed in a bra and panties I would probably consider it some of the best GIMP ever.

But in Jap AV it's not Alba, Bilson, or Portman. And while they have some decent actresses, it's PORN for gods sake, get the clothes off the lady.

But I do agree that a lot of mainstream gimp doesn't make sense. The idea that you would have a hot little thing totally vulnerable and you're an evil protagonist who doesn't take advantage of the situation sexually is unbelievable.

But I'll tell you another pet peeve, I want to see the actresses facial reactions to her peril. ZFX has some great stuff, but gas mask size gags and covering Lisa Kinkaid's head with a bowl during an electro torture scene is just as big a turnoff as leaving their clothes on. I want to see their faces damn it. And the same goes for Giga and those damn helmets.
13555) Bill K. 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 01:09 AM Permalink

(13555) "Give a example of what situation would you not be tempted to sample the wares of a hot tied up captive helpless female in your clutches?" You ask.

She's on fire or cooking would be great example.

It would greatly help to be a couple of love birds enjoying her agonizing as pictured.

The stories of Roman men and women orgies taking place while watching a woman or women being tortured, eaten and burned alive is another example. Couples having sex while watching Red Feline's Amy's dungeon tortures and burning at the stake is another.

I'm sure there are some fictional stories and few movies of a serial killer couples enjoying sex while killing and torturing women I'm sure. Right?
Bill K.
13556) Ralphus 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 02:04 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

pcv wrote:

Many years ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I made my first post to this site...Regarding Hostel II in particular...I received no responses to that post except from our Esteemed Host, who it seemed took great pleasure in dismissing my complaint by pointing out that these flicks were intended as “shock/horror,” not “GIMP” fare.

Actually, that's not true. 3 different people responded to your post, not just me. And I didn't dismiss your complaint; if you go back and read my post (November 21, 2013), you'll see I actually agreed with you. So that part isn't true, either.

But I will again reiterate that GIMPers are not the audience that movie-makers are going for. We're too small a niche to have much of an impact anyway. Hell, even fetish producers barely get by catering to the pervs and sick fucks who like this stuff. We really are a tiny percentage of the population, even amongst people who are into bondage.

At any rate, I have a hard time criticizing Hostel: Part 2 for not going far enough since I still consider it one of the best mainstream GIMP movies of the past several years. And while your suggestions as to ways to improve it were excellent, there's another reason they never would have been implemented...the censors. If Roth had submitted a movie like that with filled with tied-up naked women to the ratings board, it would have undoubtedly been slapped with the dreaded NC-17 kiss of death, which would severely limit any kind of distribution into cineplexes. Most theater chains refuse to handle NC-17 or unrated movies, and if they won't show 'em, no one will buy tickets. And guess what? No sales means no income and no way to recoup the cost of the movie. So economically, he probably made the best movie he could get away with by limiting the nudity to just the one scene.

And agreed, he clearly chose the wrong girl of the 3 for his big bondage centerpiece. But whatcha gonna do? Still a pretty killer scene.
13557) Gog 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 03:00 AM Permalink

Bill K - Really? We were discussing the appropriateness of nudity......So you reply with a picture to illustrate your point with....nudity.

big grin
13558) bakerboy 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 04:34 AM Permalink

The post below referring to Hostel 2 and the clip of Mrs Bathory blood bath... I agree that that was one of the best scenes on the topic in cinema of late. If any of the adult producers did it they would be "run out of town" but Eli Roth is a mainstream guy so its OK. Hypocrisy personified....
13559) King Diocletian 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 06:56 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Personally, I can appreciate nude or non-nude scenes but realism seems important. I can see that the state or the church interrogating a prisoner may try to retain a sense of probity but equally there will be countless instances where the torturer goes rogue or the state sanctions excesses and in those cases, of course the victim would end up naked.

For public flogging, the 1530 Whipping Act in England stipulates victims were to be "tied to the end of a cart naked, and beaten with whips throughout such market town, or other place, till the body shall be bloody by reason of such whipping.” The act was updated in 1572 amends that to being naked from the waist up and bound to a post. Even then though, when you read of the lawlessness of the mob and what happened to those places in the stocks or pillory, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume there were times when the victim ended up naked.

But that's not to say that non-nude can't be appealing. As an earlier poster said, I'd rather see some woman who really does it for me being whipped with just her back bared than somebody who does nothing for me absolutely naked.
13560) pcv 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 08:47 AM Permalink

Ralphus: Post 13556

I owe an apology to the Forum in general and to Our Esteemed Host in particular.
There had indeed been responses to my post, and Ralphus, your comments (both then and now) were quite appropriate. The passage of time and my faulty memory are to blame.

I vow to redouble my efforts to check the Forum archives before blurting out something stupid.
13561) Covers the Relentless 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 09:21 AM Permalink

(13561) Men Today Jan 1963
13562) Howie 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 10:31 AM Permalink

Dr. Yuya said: What I can tell the issue really that for some here that stuff isn't THEIR fetish. It's a shame really...because this seems to be a blind spot in terms of "getting it" for one side but not the other. Generally speaking this forum is the MOST understanding place I've been on the internet but with this particular thing something just doesn't click for many. Not that it affects me in any way...or that it's even a bad thing...just odd for a place that generally "get's it" when it comes to the freaky stuff.

Ha! I love that because we don't agree with you we're somehow deficient in our thinking and just "don't get it." lol

It's also hilarious how in the same paragraph you extol the virtue of how "understanding" this forum is, and then condescend to an subset of it, who hasn't done so to you, that we're just deficient in our thinking because we don't want to be bored watching women in clothes be tortured. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Guess I'll just go back to "not getting it" because I don't think exactly the same as the enlightened and "understanding" Dr. Yuya now, and loving every second of it! razz (stick out tongue) cool

13563) bastinado 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 11:21 AM Permalink

Covers: Great choice for today's MAM. Esso has done an excellent adaptation of that story..."Tent of Torture"
13564) A Canadian 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 12:55 PM Permalink

(13564) The naked truth: I've been reluctant to get into the nudity debate because of a point that Howie has raised. I think it's entirely understandable that people have different standards when it comes to their GIMPage.

Nudity isn't a deal-breaker for me. I've seen plenty of great GIMP scenes where the victim wasn't naked.

But I also accept that GIMPers have varying tastes and what works for some people doesn't work for others.

Some of us insist that the victim has to be attractive. Others a bit more liberal in that regard.

Some of us are anti-tattoo. Others don't care, and then there are people like me who prefer victims without tattoos but it's not a 100% rule (I adore the modestly tattooed Lisa Kinkaid).

Some of us like to see blood in whipping and torture scenes. Others are just as happy not to see it.

Some GIMPers are OK with fake breasts, etc.

If nudity is essential to some GIMPers, I can understand that. I'm not in that category, but so be it.
13565) frog 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 01:04 PM Permalink

(13565) 13554) elkcreek wrote: "But I'll tell you another pet peeve, I want to see the actresses facial reactions to her peril. ZFX has some great stuff, but gas mask size gags and covering Lisa Kinkaid's head with a bowl during an electro torture scene is just as big a turnoff as leaving their clothes on. I want to see their faces damn it. And the same goes for Giga and those damn helmets."

I agree, whole heartedly, that is one essential element of any GIMP scene for me. Thas is also why it is such a letdown when the "actress" has a smile on her face when she is being shown the torture implements or being submitted to "torture". I attach an example of what I consider one of the best looks of a GIMP under duress.
13566) frog 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 01:16 PM Permalink

Maxxx wrote: Hey Guys, bad news. The owner of Psycho Thrillers died today. He had a heart attack on set yesterday, was giving CPR by the male talent & then died today. RIP Bill.

That is sad. PST's productions were high quality and interesting. Also a coincidence, Amber Rayne shot a few videos with them. Two sad losses very close together.
13567) Howie 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 01:23 PM Permalink

@ Frog - Absolutely. Couldn't possibly agree more.

That's one of the BIGGEST things next to no nudity that will sink a film for me is the actress just smirking or even giggling at what's happening.

Look, I get it, these aren't high paid actresses, but you are getting paid to do your job. I also get that the actual reality of the situation you're in while filming is TOTALLY ridiculous, but you're there to play make believe in a believable fashion, so suck it and throw yourself into the role for a few minutes, rather than ruin the experience for everyone else.

13568) Howie 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 01:30 PM Permalink

That should read: so suck it up and throw yourself into the role for a few minutes.

Although sucking it is fine as well. Just don't laugh while you're doing it. wink

13569) frog 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 02:34 PM Permalink

13568) Howie The correction is alright, but the mistake also had its merits. Just as long as there is no smirking or smiling or laughing. After all, merciless peril is nothing to laugh about.

By the way, I understand we all have our quirks and there are some of us that are into shoes. I only admonish you about what a woman once told me: "A lady is not really naked if she still has her high heels on." Besides, stiletto heels can be a dangerous weapon which the GIMP may use to escape her peril.
13570) Howie 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 03:28 PM Permalink

@ Frog - Seeing as I don't recall making any recent pronouncements about shoes, I can only assume you're making reference to a line from my review of Deadly Interrogation III []

Where I stated the following: Max has also thankfully taken the time to shred her dress even more so we can get a better look at what's still on offer from Nicole. Of course he left her sexy high heel shoes on because that's what anyone in their right mind would do.

For the scene that was written in reference to, her feet were secured to an X-Frame, so no real danger of them being used as weapons there. smile

And by the time she was finally released from the frame, she was so beaten and broken that she couldn't do anything to fight back, heels or not. (GOD, I LOVE THAT FUCKING FILM!)

But I'll say for the record here, I'm flexible on the high heels thing. I fully agree with you that they could be used as a weapon, but there are ways around that as pictured above.

However fully nude, i.e. not one stitch of clothing, including shoes remaining is truly my preference, but under certain circumstances, like pictured above, I'm okay with it. wink

13571) frog 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 04:16 PM Permalink

13570) Howie My second comment was not directed at anything you had previously said. It was just an additional observation as to my tastes. A while back I posted (13435) a gif of proper foot action while on the rack. That would also apply to the scene you so graciously provided. Foot movement is almost as important as facial expression to me and shoes impede it.That also applies to hands (that is one of the things that first attracted me to master Blakemore's ouvre, the closeups of bound hands) I mean, I can live with shoes staying on, since I realize that many custom made vids respond, of course, to the whims of the costumer; but it is still sort of a letdown for my taste.
13572) Bill K. 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 06:30 PM Permalink

Answering Post 13557 by Gog. Sorry embarrassment Gog and Gimpers I misinterpret what was meaning of posted question " "Give a example of what situation would you not be tempted to sample the wares of a hot tied up captive helpless female in your clutches?"
Please disregard my post and delete it for being off topic if you like. Bill K.
13573) Gog 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 07:18 PM Permalink

Bill K - No harm, no foul.....Just messing' with ya more or less (big grin @ end of post that post),

13574) Gabrieleknight 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 07:21 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

13575) Gabrieleknight 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 07:23 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


"Pudentiana was a Roman virgin of the early Christian church, daughter of Saint Pudens, friend of the Apostles, and sister of Praxedes. Praxedes and Pudentiana, together with presbyter Pastor and Pope Pius I, built a baptistry in the church inside their father's house, and started to baptize pagans. The two sisters were captured and sentenced to die in the arena. Pudentiana was suspended then burnt with torches and treated with spiked tongs . She died as a martyr at the age of 17 or 18 and was buried next to her father Pudens, in the Priscilla catacombs on the via Salaria."
13576) Gabrieleknight 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 07:28 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13576) "Burn her nipples with that iron while I'm fucking her."
13577) Gog 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 08:38 PM Permalink

A Gog Triple Feature (Lazy Ass) Photo Review

I'm real late to the party on this one. Had I discovered her earlier, I would have loved to have had a custom made with her. I think she's already moved on though. The her being Coco w/Chris' Corner & Taboo Cinema.

Howie had recommend a clip with her a while ago but her beauty didn't really come across in it (ball gag, short bob hair style covering her face, etc.).
Couldn't really tell what she looked like. Didn't really like the video much (Sorry Howie...but thanks anyway).

So anyway, when I'd see Coco in new releases, I'd just pass over it. But then I started to pay attention a bit. Especially since in all the stills I saw (where she has longer hair), she looked almost exactly like a young lady I know (and love....lust...whatever).

Don't know if any of you remember, but I was asking if anyone knew the artist to a drawing I posted. Mentioned at the time that the girl in it reminded me of someone I know. Well put that ponytail on Coco....add a perfect nose (not that there's anything at all wrong with Coco's......she's just super fine!), and you've got my lady friend.

And I don't know if anyone else is like this, but fantasies do arise with the girls I know. Not that I would ever want anything bad to happen to them. In fact, I'd sick to death if anything bad ever did happen to my friend. Anyone else like that? Fantasize about girls you … the utmost admiration for.....put up on a pedestal. Sorry, got carried away there.

The only thing with the clips over @ Taboo Cinema & Chris' Corner, is that it's hard to find ones that have bondage.

Anyway, I chose to review the first three that I got, in the orderI got them (not counting my initial misstep). The first one I really liked. Though no bondage, but really liked (most of it anyway) and has a nice rape scene. Then after liking the first one so much, I wanted to see the prequel to the story. And the last one is a separate story, but this one does have bondage.

So without further delay, Gog's photo review of Taboo Cinema's Detective Lizbon: Apology Accepted.

Starring Coco

In the recent past, Detective Lizbon was on assignment protecting a foreign diplomat who received death threats. He however uses his diplomatic immunity to take advantage of the situation by raping her. Now months later, he arraigned a meeting between the Detective and himself, pretending to be remorseful and wanting to apologize.

She agrees under the understanding that there will be a third party there, serving as go between, and to insure Detective Lizbon's safety. The go-between however, is in cohoots with the diplomat.

The video opens with the diplomat and his evil lady partner discussing the plan for when Detective Lizbon arrives. The Detective arrives and is given some tea to help ease her nerves. The tea however has been drugged.

The tea soon has its effects and a weakened Detective Lizbon receives the beating of her life.

Pretty much helpless now as a result of the drugs and beating, she begins to get disrobed, and then raped.

Raped and choked til she passes out.

Unconscious on the floor, the evil duo discuss how to kill her to not make a mess. They decide to get a rope.

Wrists held and strangled, there's little Ms. Lizbon can do.

Her struggles soon cease as Ms. Lizbon meets her tragic end.

Though no bondage, I liked this video quite a bit. The beating was done very nicely for those into that kind of stuff, and went on for a good while, as both male & female villains took their turn on the Detective. And Coco, besides looking hot as hell, did a really nice job at playing the victim during the beating, and tasty as hell during the rape (though simulated).

The strangling at the end was OK, and was done tag-teamed, meaning each villain had one end of the rope. I say OK, because I really don't like that gimmick for a strangle scene. I've seen it a couple of times before and don't care for it. The problem being, is when you do that, the rope is always a bit looser that it could be if just one person would be pulling on it (not wanting to pull too tight since one person is not in control of the tension). Plus this strangle, as with pretty much all strangling clips, goes on a bit long.

The dialog in the beginning is a bit stiff. But overall, I liked this one quite a bit. And Coco is one beautiful young woman.

27 minutes and $18.00

Grade: Very solid in the B+/A- range IMO.

Coco Teaser Preview from Gog on Vimeo.

I like the above so much, I just had to get the prequel, even though I wasn't originally planning to.

Taboo Cinema's Detective Lizbon pt.1

Coco portrays Detective Lizbon, on assignment, body guarding a foreign diplomat who has received death threats.

The video opens with the Detective on her cell phone, complaining about the diplomat she is guarding. She's getting creeped out because he's constantly leering at her, undressing her with his eyes. She has enough when he approaches her and offers her a banana, which she takes to be a vulgar gesture, and starts to leave. He hits her on the back of the head before she can get out of there though.

Ms. Lizbon gets beat up, but soon turns the tables on her attacker. But instead of just leaving, she leans in to say something to the diplomat as he's lying on the ground. He uses that opportunity to pull out a taser and zaps her right between the legs.

Convulsing on the floor helpless, the diplomat begins to pull the Detective's pants off, and rapes her.

After finishing, he takes her panties as a souvenir, then dresses her back up. Pulled and led by the hair, she's now tossed out of the residence.

Like I mentioned, I was never intending to get this. But after seeing “Detective Lizbon / Apology Accepted” I just had to see this one.

Pretty much of the same of the sequel. A beating and a nice rape. But the sequel was much more enjoyable.

The problem with this one was two fold. The first was a bit of a cheesy part, as Coco gets knocked to the ground when the villain flings the banana he's holding at the back of her head, knocking her down. I mean, I can knock down girls with my banana.....but a real one? It's possible of course that it was supposed to be a ceramic banana or something, as it never breaks after being flung and lying on he ground. But we don't know that.

And the second problem is the after effects of the taser. Coco is incapacitated for the longest time after being tased twice in the crotch. I don't know if that's what happens to some people or not. But her convulsing the entire time while she's being raped (simulated), seemed a bit excessive. Personally I think a much better way to have handled the scene would have been to tie her hands behind her back and go from there, since there was only the one wimpy looking diplomat. Would have been the safest way to go IMO.

Not bad overall, but nothing real special (other than Coco)....and pretty much what I expected.

17:00 minutes long and $15.00

Grade: in the C+/ B- range (but only that high due to Coco's ultra hotness)

Next up: Chris' Corner's DRUG MULE'S TOURNIQUET

In this one Coco portrays a college student trying to get some extra money by being a carrier for narcotics.

The video opens with three drug dealers awaiting delivery of drugs by a currier. The trio want more that just the supply that's being delivered, they want to know the real name and whereabouts of the person they buy from.

Coco arrives and hands over the purchase. But instead of receiving the cash to take back, the druggies probe her for information. She tells them she doesn't know anything, having never met the person who's supplying them.

They try and intimidate her but she doesn't have the info they are looking for. They grab her and are about to tie her to an old dentist's chair, when the Dyke in the bunch say. “Wait...lets' strip her first.” She forced to take off her skirt & top, and with tears rolling down her face, has her bra & panties cut off of her with a knife.

Now she's ready to be seated in the chair and tied up.

They still try to get info from her as she has a tourniquet tied around her throat, while one goes down and eat's Coco's pussy.

Now it's the Dyke's turn going down.

Three for three, as the third member begins to eat her pussy.

Foreplay over....time for rape. All the while getting choked out.

After cum, it's time to go. The poor young college student pays with her life by trying to get money from the seedy side of life.

I liked this video a lot! Lots of nice stuff going on here. Force, cutting of attire, pussy eating & rape (Still a nice girl I guess....simulated as always) while bound, tears rolling down the face......and a nice strangulation for dessert.

As with the previous, Coco does a real fine job as victim, and looks tasty as hell (I'd eat that pussy for days given the same circumstances).

The only negative I see...on a personal note, is they left Coco's shoes on. Coco is pretty as hell, and I want to see every single inch of her. That, and the video quality is not quite up to the standards of the previous two reviewed.

22 minutes and $19.00

Grade: B+/A-

Coco teaser Preview II from Gog on Vimeo.

13578) JD 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 08:49 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Not much time. Two things from Penny Dreadfull and Banshee. Thanks to zorg.


13579) Rick 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 09:51 PM Permalink

Hot off ye old twitter feed lol


13580) A Canadian 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 10:41 PM Permalink

(13580) Gog: Nice work on the photo reviews.

From the looks of things, I'd say Drug Mule's Tourniquet is the one that's most likely to ring my bell. Along with some of the other good things in it, I'm a sucker for the gun-in-the-mouth stuff. And it looks like the scene in this film is really well done.

Thanks for putting the reviews together.
13581) Bill K. 
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Saturday, 14 May 2016 11:53 PM Permalink

(13581) Gog I believe that poser artist was Stormrider. My bats infested memory vaguely recalls him being an active member for short period of time here and then he disappeared. No posts from him for about 3 plus years now.

Too bad for he created great detailed Gimp poser artwork. Bill K.
13582) Howie 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 01:09 AM Permalink

Gog, you're a photo review animal. smile

Also, the apology is really not needed. I don't even remember what film your talking about. I, like you, went on a Coco film buying spree about two to three years ago.

I literally purchased like 8 or 9 of her films in one night, and I'll be honest, I've still never watched all of them. I've probably watched like 4 of them.

They're just kind of sitting there is a folder I always forget is there and end up buying something new.

I know I own the drug mule one. I really dug that one as well, and I think I may own the first one you reviewed. Definitely not second one, because not nearly enough nudity in that one....

Ah, fuck it.. Hold on a minute...

Ha ha! Holy shit, I just went and counted, and I have 14 of her fucking videos and I've only watched like 4 of them. Ha ha. guess I should get around to that someday. lol

13583) Howie 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 01:20 AM Permalink

Also, for those interested, I bought the new Luna Vera DeathTrap Films picture that just came out on Friday called "Super Sentai Action Girl Wow".

It's a kind of corny take on Japanese Hentia. Luna looks great in it. The highlight is when she's being electrocuted.

She's also raped by this demon looking thing, but it goes on a little long. I won't spoil the end since DeathTrap didn't in the marketing material either.

I'd give it a C+ to B as long as you're not to taken back by the corny villains.

13584) bleumune 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 04:30 AM Permalink

(13584) Bill K. wrote: "Gog I believe that poser artist was Stormrider. My bats infested memory vaguely recalls him being an active member for short period of time here and then he disappeared. No posts from him for about 3 plus years now.

"Too bad for he created great detailed Gimp poser artwork.

You are correct, Bill. The artist was indeed StormRider--at least on this site. I did find several posts I'm sure were his on Renderotica under the name "Stormshadow2005." Here's one of his posts which might be new to some.
13585) bakerboy 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 06:28 AM Permalink

Further to the Hostel 2 post below another Mrs Bathory film. This time based on her life as Blood Countess

Clip []

and a few pictures from the movie:

Maid being punished for making errors at her sewing and having her breasts tortured by the very same needle causing the error

Blood is being taken from the virgins for Countess' bath

feeding the virgins so their blood stays pure

13586) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 07:03 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13586) Gog wrote:

A Gog Triple Feature (Lazy Ass) Photo Review

The only thing lazy assed here was your grading system. B+/A-, C+/B-? Come on, Mr. Wishy Washy, pick a grade and stick with it so I know which ones to use for your review pages. I won't be back from work until this evening, let me know. Otherwise, terrific work; I may have to pick up that Drug Mule one myself. Important question much do we see the Dyke smoke crack? Any visible exhales? Okay, it's only important if you're a smoking fetishist pervert, but who knows...there may be more than one of us here.


Howie: You had me when you wrote "Luna Vera electrocuted". Say no more.


JD: When I attempted to check out your "Penny Dreadful" video I got the infamous and unfortunately familiar red warning from Google saying the zippyshare site was unsafe. Then the download was blocked. This was through IE; Chrome froze up big time but eventually let me download.

Two outstanding finds, BTW, both sadly too short.
13587) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Sunday, 15 May 2016 10:56 AM Permalink

(13587) 13563) bastinado wrote: Covers: Great choice for today's MAM. Esso has done an excellent adaptation of that story..."Tent of Torture"

I'm glad you liked it. It's not really a matter of choice. I just grab the next cover in the folder that's ready to post. I've been quite busy lately. I don't think I've spent more than 5 minutes on this forum any day in the last couple months.


Today's MAM cover is from Men Today Jan 1966 V6 No1 Saunders art.
13588) Scott 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 10:59 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I just want to add something to the discussion about why an actress has to be stripped completely nude for an execution or whipping scene. Amy said that the public whipping and execution in Dead But Dreaming was based on historical records.One huge aspect of public executions was to humiliate the victim as much as possible, as it was another way to make the person suffer. The Romans crucified their victims completely nude, not only to humiliate them, but add more suffering, such as sun burn. It certainly is more realistic to see an actress nude for an execution or whipping scene mainstream TV or film scenes were the actress is whipped, but her back isn't even bared. Plus after the whipping or other torture, her makeup is still perfect and not a hair on her head is out of place.

Also, Amy includes full nudity in her films, because Jac and Amy are also trying to sell as many copies of their films as possible and most normal guys like to see woman nude and as long as Amy and the other actresses in her movies are willing to do full nudity, and it helps sell films, go and add it. Plus, it probably helps the budget for the movies, you don't need as many costumes for the movie and that saves money. I'm sure many of us that have bought Amy's movies in the past have bought them because there is nudity.
13589) Michael Max 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 12:33 PM Permalink

@Ralphus What exactly did you have in mind? Were you thinking of starting a production company? I guess the best way to get the content you want to see is to produce it yourself. If you have the means, of course.

Something to that effect, yes. My thought though is that it works better as a multi-person operation. Various skills are useful and I think most of them can be found among the posters here, for example: video processing expert, graphic/audio artists, script/story writers, recruiters, marketers etc.

Why not put the talent pool together to create something awesome?
13590) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 02:02 PM Permalink

(13590) Thank you, bleumune for information on Stormrider's new location.

Still strange he didn't post here or did he and I missed his post telling us were he went?

I love that theme of your Stormrider posted picture, bleumune. The rape or sex while watching a gimp being dungeon tortured or raping a gimp while she's being dungeon tortured adds much more eroticism than just watching the gimp being tortured to me.

More realism too, because what male torturer doesn't get horny torturing a gimp? Bill K.
13591) Gog 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 02:45 PM Permalink

A Canadian – Thanks. I'm glad you liked them. smile


bleumune & Bill K – Thanks for the info on the Artist for the pic I posted. I've been trying fruitlessly, to find if there were anymore with that ponytailed subject. big grin


Howie – Damn dude....pass 'em on then. big grin I'm really hooked on Coco! Hope she comes back. Love to have a custom done with her. I've already written parts just need the subject.

Yeah, I've already got a couple more myself. Anything with bondage. Real simple clips, so nothing really featured other than Coco. big grin

Oh BTW, I can't remember the name of the clip offhand, but it was the one were Coco's ball gagged, strapped to a chair, whipped with stick (I think....can't remember), then zip-tie strangled.

But talking about customs, I contacted Chris (Chris' Corner & Taboo Cinema) to see about possibly having one made with Genetica.

What do you think of Genetica? Tall, great body, no tats or piercings, creamy white she's got braces (I'm a sucker for braces big grin ). Plus I asked about outdoor stuff, and he mentioned he lives on 30 not a problem. If it happens, I'll let ya know. smile

And thanks for letting us know about the new Luna Vera one. Don't know how I missed that one. Been at Nicheclips about everyday the past week. I guess too occupied with Coco. big grin


bakerboy-Thanks for posting. Looks like a flick I may want to check out. smile


Ralphus – Ok, Ok...Mr. Whisy Washy the order of the reviews....A-....C+....B+. There, happy? razz (stick out tongue) lol But Hey....Howie just did the same thing. wink

And wrote: “Important question much do we see the Dyke smoke crack? Any visible exhales? Okay, it's only important if you're a smoking fetishist pervert, but who knows...there may be more than one of us here.”

Other than what was on the teaser preview, just one exhale. [Hey, Howie....sound almost as bad as the “Crush” fetishist, huh. lol ]

Oh and mentioning the teaser preview, I have them set on private, so this is the only place to view them. So far the Detective Lizbon one has about 100 more views than the Drug Mule one. Thought for sure it'd be the other way around, since no bondage in the first. cool
13592) Howie 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 03:34 PM Permalink

@ Gog - Oh ya, I remember. I had made a few GIFs from it that I'd thrown up, like this one. wink

Like you said, it's called Coco Ziptied.

Nothing really happens in it till the end when he strangles her as above.

If I recommended it, that would have been based squarely on that scene alone, and of course how smoking hot Coco is, but I'm totally with you that it's not even close to her best flick, and certainly not a must buy from the films she's in. Only for the completionists. Ha ha. smile

Ya, pretty sure she's gone for good, as other than Savannah, most actresses in this genera don't tend to stay around very long.

I know she did a couple of flicks with Truly Rough Productions as well. I don't have any of those, so can't speak to their quality.

I was always surprised she never did any work with PKF, but I suppose that has something to do with the split between Chris and JohnM.

On Genetica, HELL yes! She's absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. As you can imagine, I already have a few of her videos as well. She's smoking fucking hot, and willing to do some CRAZY bloody GIMP action on film, which is a HUGE bonus.

Gog said: But Hey....Howie just did the same thing.


13593) Newarkjoe 
IP logged
Sunday, 15 May 2016 04:03 PM Permalink

Nude or semi nude can both work IMHO.
What I hate is AOH whipping with bound
breasts. Leave them free to flop around!
13594) Gog 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 04:11 PM Permalink

Howie - Too funny! lol

Yep, that's the one. face covered by her hair, plus the ball gag. I just didn't notice how hot she was. Had I known what I know now back then,.....I'd have sold my car to have had a custom with her. I'd have sold my freakin' house to star in it with her. lol

And thanks for tip in "Truly Rough Productions! But didn't see any with Coco. Did a search and nothing came up. Did she go by a different name there? Or were you thinking of a different store maybe.

I've tried to do a general search before (not limiting to one store) but all kinda of shit comes up,

More Coco....Please help!!! lol

13595) Howie 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 05:11 PM Permalink

Yup. My bad, it was on Casualties of Horror (COH) & COH Extreme, not TRP.

Like I said, I don't own either one of them, because COH was never my favorite producer. They don't even make any new movies now, and all their films are in 4x3 with a kind of crappy camera and sound.

Anyhow, I show she did at least two with them. Both of them are with Rock, who is one of the best main actors over at PKF.

The first one at COH is "Waiting For Marriage", montage below:

The second one at COH-X is "First Time For Everything", pictured below:

I'd put links up, but you know how weird NichClips is with that. The links never work right, so just search by the movie names, or if you search under Coco, they came up on page 21 of the search for me.

Happy Cocoing. cool

13596) Howie 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 05:16 PM Permalink

Of course after I post that all COH films are in 4x3, I notice the stills from those are 16x9. I guess they must have upped their game a little towards the end.

Like I said, I don't own either one of those, so can't vouch for either one.

13597) Gog 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 05:43 PM Permalink

Howie - Thanks!!!! I kinda had a feeling it was COH, since they were from Oregon originally (the murder capital of the world lol )

Not into blood & stuff (and haven't been to Nicheclips yet to read the description), but she's tied down in one. But will probably end up getting both anyway. big grin big grin

Is it me, or does it take forever to log into Nicheclips these days (with me, maybe months now)? Whenever I want to check out their site anymore, I click and then go do something else. Then I'll come back and finally be able to enter my password. Any problems for you?

I did notice something while looking through Truly Rough Productions.....They had lots of videos that had Conor Coxxx as the villain. Not sure, but isn't Ralphus' favorite bad guy? (Thinking the villain to the latest two ZFX flicks......or was that someone else? I have no memory anymore....blinded and stupefied by Coco lol )
13598) Howie 
IP logged
Sunday, 15 May 2016 06:50 PM Permalink

There was a small hiccup in Nicheclips service about a week or two ago, but it's currently running fine for me.

You may want to try logging in with a different browser, or clear your history and see if that helps.

13599) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 07:16 PM Permalink

Techy question: I'm hoping the more computer-literate members of the forum can help me with a technical matter.

As we all know, I like to use the "Godzilla" site to get access to GIGA movies. I still like to watch DVD discs, so I have been using the ConvertXtoDVD program to add the files to discs that I can watch on my TV.

For the last few years, the files on the Godzilla site were mkv files, which worked just fine.

About a year ago, "Godzilla" switched to wmv files. While the picture quality is quite good, I find the movement in the films to be a bit stilted. The films are certainly still watchable but I would prefer not to have that issue.

All other files (avi, mp4, etc.) seem to work just fine without that issue. I think even wmv files from other sources work fine.

Does anyone have any advice on what the problem may be or how to fix it. I'm wondering if converting the wmv files to mkv would help.

If anyone has an answer, please let me know.
13600) JD 
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Sunday, 15 May 2016 07:52 PM Permalink

AC said: Does anyone have any advice on what the problem may be or how to fix it. I'm wondering if converting the wmv files to mkv would help.

XtoDVD uses the native WMV filters and sometimes they are unhappy with to unusual file headers. Install ffdshow, the best free project of codec support out there, from [ffdshow] use the 32 bits version. Then goto video decoder configuration from the windows menu and choose libavcodec in the field for WMV3/9. That's the alternative library of decoding, better than the Windows brand. You can switch back to wmv9 to use other option.

If that fails, you can use a converting software that uses its own internal codecs (most of the time an in-house variation of ffdshow) like WinAVI Video Converter (from tens of things I tried this one seem to be the best). It allows you to output directly to DVD, so no need to convert to MKV anymore. WinAvi Video Converter is not free but there are plenty of places on internet you can find it. Have Ralphus pass me your email address if you need further help.

I also hate the WMV format mostly for latency in seeking and corruptable data system, so I convert them into containers, like MP4 or MKV. Also good to convert RM files, another format I hate with passion.

Ralphus: Sorry about the host. It went fine for me, I gave it a try after reading it and went fine.
13601) A Canadian 
IP logged
Sunday, 15 May 2016 08:55 PM Permalink

JD: Thanks, I really appreciate your help.

I think I understand what you're saying smile. Or, at the very least, I get the idea well enough that I should be able to figure it out.

I'm a big trial and error kind of guy.
13602) antonio 
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Monday, 16 May 2016 06:01 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I am excited to join your forum to exchange and discuss all the things around gimp
13603) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Monday, 16 May 2016 08:27 AM Permalink

(13603) Men Today Jan 1967
13604) fumetto 
IP logged
Monday, 16 May 2016 01:03 PM Permalink

(13604) I share all my photoshop layers.
Do with them whatever you want, BUT POST IT!
These are all photoshop layers not very professional, I still use the polygon lasso.
Would be fine to share some layers with other artists.
The whole stuff can be downloaded with this links



or seperateley with these links:





13605) fumetto 
IP logged
Monday, 16 May 2016 01:04 PM Permalink

(13605) playmates
13606) fumetto 
IP logged
Monday, 16 May 2016 01:06 PM Permalink

(13606) Torturer
13607) bleumune 
IP logged
Monday, 16 May 2016 01:11 PM Permalink

Bill K wrote: "Thank you, bleumune for information on Stormrider's new location. Still strange he didn't post here or did he and I missed his post telling us were he went?"

bleumune: Unfortunately, it seems StormRider has well and truly disappeared. The images on Renderotica now are from 7 years ago and don't include the image I posted, which I must have collected even further back, since it's no longer there. Bummer. I really liked his work. And I don't think he posted anything here--I like his work too much to have missed it (at least, I think I wouldn't have missed it, though early Alzheimer's is always a possibility at my age!).

Bill K: "I love that theme of your Stormrider posted picture, bleumune. The rape or sex while watching a gimp being dungeon tortured or raping a gimp while she's being dungeon tortured adds much more eroticism than just watching the gimp being tortured to me. More realism too, because what male torturer doesn't get horny torturing a gimp?"

bleumune: It's one of my favorites, too. I cannot imagine a dungeon scene without rape, though I don't get too explicit in my stories. And also, a GIMP who's really in merciless peril would hardly turn her nose up at a little sex when it might help her escape some of the torture!
13608) Bill K. 
IP logged
Monday, 16 May 2016 03:35 PM Permalink

bleumune: Stormrider did post comments here for sure. Ralphus or other Gimpers after Ralphus' Headline picture posted that exact picture Gog posted, I believe he had an ongoing conversation with him about a new gimp site to post his work. Then he disappeared.

Ralphus do you remember what I talking about? Or do I have bats in the belfry again? Bill K.
13609) MAV 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 12:31 AM Permalink

On the Trivia Tuesday, that is Real World San Diego hottie Jamie Chung in an unfortunately disappointing reclining AOH scene in "Eden". She had another blink and you miss it kneeling AOH scene there too. Hopefully her svelte body is placed in a real standing AOH GIMP scene in the future.

13610) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 12:38 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13610) MAV: Congratulations, you nailed this one, and within the first half hour, too. You're this week's Trivia King.

The movie is indeed 2012's Eden (wisely retitled for DVD as Abduction of Eden). Jamie Chung is the very attractive Asian captive of a white slavery ring, based on a true story. Not a bad movie; should have had more nudity but with a female director onboard, they probably didn't want to make it too exploitative. Damn it.

In the best scene of the movie, Jamie is punished for trying to escape by being tied AOH inside a bathtub while the bad guys dump ice on her and leave her there overnight. A pretty nifty torture, you don't see that implemented too often. And I'm glad they held off the temptation to play Foreigner's "Cold As Ice" over top of the scene.
13611) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 01:11 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Gog wrote:

Ok, Ok...Mr. Whisy Washy the order of the reviews....A-....C+....B+. There, happy? But Hey....Howie just did the same thing.

Ha! Howie is wishy-washy, too. I had to e-mail him to get the final grade on one of his reviews, too.

So far the Detective Lizbon one has about 100 more views than the Drug Mule one. Thought for sure it'd be the other way around, since no bondage in the first.

I dunno, maybe it's because people zoned out before they got to the bottom of your third review? Let me bring the all-important KISS Principle to your attention: REVIEWING MOVIES ON THE GIMP

None of your reviews was especially long, but posting 3 at one time probably wasn't the best idea. It's a bit overwhelming for someone to read, although the pictures were darn nice. Thanks for all your efforts to let us know about the movies.

Here are your three review links:


I did notice something while looking through Truly Rough Productions.....They had lots of videos that had Conor Coxxx as the villain. Not sure, but isn't Ralphus' favorite bad guy? (Thinking the villain to the latest two ZFX flicks......or was that someone else?

Omigod, you're right! He's in a whole crapload of movies for them. I gotta admit, I never expected to see that guy appearing in another bondage film after the last two ZFX movies. Guys, being a bondage actor and getting paid to tie up women is not a bad way to make a living. If this guy can do it, then hell, any of us should be able to live the same dream!

13612) MAV 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 01:49 AM Permalink

@Ralphus-tx, but pretty easy when I'm an AOH fiend. I also kept close tabs on Eliza Dushku's AOH scene in Banshee the last couple of weeks but it was disappointing. Only a reclined spreadagle (like in Wrong Turn) mini cut on her belly.

Speaking of AOH (as I always do), my latest AOH torture custom was released by naturally buxom (and un-tattooed) Chrissy Marie, who some of you may have seen on heroine site a few years back. Hope you enjoy as much of the MAV formula (beating and electro) as I did, especially since it's only $9. Link and preview gif attached.

13613) Gog 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 07:28 AM Permalink

Bill K & Bleumune- Bummer about Stormrider. I've been searching but haven't come up with anything either. Was so hoping to find a few more of the pic I posted.

But thanks anyways for the tip. smile


Ralphus wrote - "Important question much do we see the Dyke smoke crack? Any visible exhales? Okay, it's only important if you're a smoking fetishist pervert, but who knows...there may be more than one of us here."

Well just for you Ralphus, I made this gif of my girlfriend smoking just for you. big grin razz (stick out tongue)

13614) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 08:17 AM Permalink

(13614) Men Today Jan 1970 V10 No1
13615) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 08:33 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Bill K asked:

Ralphus do you remember what I talking about? Or do I have bats in the belfry again?

Bats in the belfry...I think that's an apt way to describe you, Bill. More like BATS on the brain.

Stormrider just came and went; we were in contact via e-mail but he stopped replying and no one seems to know what happened to him on the web. He wouldn't be the first one to just up and disappear, virtually, at least.

That picture that Bleumune posted was new to me, though. Before I thought I had his whole collection.


Gog wrote:

Well just for you Ralphus, I made this gif of my girlfriend smoking just for you.

Damn, man! What are you doing lusting after Amy Hesketh when you have a true Smokin' Babe waiting there for you? She's gorgeous. Real GF or just some hot chick you found on the net?
13616) bleumune 
IP logged
Tuesday, 17 May 2016 09:53 AM Permalink

Bill K. wrote: "bleumune: Stormrider did post comments here for sure. Ralphus or other Gimpers after Ralphus' Headline picturev posted that exact picture Gog posted, I believe he had an ongoing conversation with him about a new gimp site to post his work. Then he disappeared."

Oops! Somehow my fingers didn't type what I meant. StormRider did indeed post here, and I knew that. Here on the GIMP is where I first associated him with a number of unnamed pics of his I had collected. What I meant to say was that I didn't think he posted anything about going somewhere else or that he was stopping, which I think is in line with what you said. He just seemed to go "poof" in mid-conversation. My mistake.
13617) e's bodyguard 
IP logged
Tuesday, 17 May 2016 01:08 PM Permalink

re: Rick's post at 13579.
I'm not familiar with this actress nor the film she's in. Is this new?
13618) Bill K. 
IP logged
Tuesday, 17 May 2016 01:48 PM Permalink

(13618) No problem bleumune, it was a long while back that he posted. I have ask you bleumune, Stormrider created some poser bats which is my main gimp fantasy thing.
I have only three on file. Do you have or know if he created any more than that?
Bill K.
13619) frog 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 02:53 PM Permalink

13612) MAV
Most excellent gif. Thanks.
13620) bleumune 
IP logged
Tuesday, 17 May 2016 08:16 PM Permalink

Bill K wrote: "No problem bleumune, it was a long while back that he posted. I have ask you bleumune, Stormrider created some poser bats which is my main gimp fantasy thing. I have only three on file. Do you have or know if he created any more than that?"

Yeah, I've got about 70 images that I've picked up and deposited in my Stormrider folder. I liked his stuff, but you know how it is when someone else posts images, especially on places like Tumblr. The artist often doesn't get identified. If there's any others who are interested, I can post it here on the GIMP after I get back from vacation. Otherwise, I can zip it up and email it to you. But I'm leaving in a couple of days and will be gone 2 weeks.

13621) Gog 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 09:33 PM Permalink

Ralphus wrote: "Damn, man! What are you doing lusting after Amy Hesketh when you have a true Smokin' Babe waiting there for you? She's gorgeous."

She's OK. Like I've always said though, I really like an earthy girl. But with someone here (the lowdown crumb) always helping Amy escape from the anniversary parties (after having had her locked in the cellar), I gotta have a little something going on the side. big grin

No dude, I saw a Vimeo clip over at PKF of some girls John hopes to get lined up for work there (or should I say, raped and murdered). lol

Here's the Vimeo link if you want to check out further. won't like her after.


13622) K9mmv 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 09:53 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13622) I played with this a bit because it was close anyway. I've been gone for awhile because Internet Explorer kept blocking the site. Finally switched to Chrome.
13623) Bronx_warrior 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 10:25 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thanks for Banshee and Penny Dreadful movies. You always bring good mainstream movies we never seen before! But really hate the film makers letting Girls in clothes in GIMP scenes..they should be topless at least...this is what I am seeing the oldie Goldies (New York Ripper, Poor Cecily, Barbarian Queen) are still memorizing the new generation as well!!!
13624) Howie 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 10:26 PM Permalink

Man, is that ANNA DE VILLE the perfect example of why hot women shouldn't get tattoos? She's literally perfect, accept for that big dumb sleeve on her right arm and that obnoxious tat on her ass. What a waste. Still hot as Hell, but damn.... What a waste.

13625) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 11:03 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13625) e's bodyguard wrote:

re: Rick's post at 13579.
I'm not familiar with this actress nor the film she's in. Is this new?

Not new, came out in 2004. Good God, I can't believe that was 12 years ago! The movie is Bitter Sweet Persuasion, IMO one of Rick's best. And the actress is the very cute Suzi Sexton. Below is a link for my original review, now juiced up with all-new vidcaps. You inspired me to update this one.

Bitter Sweet Persuasion

Seriously, it's a really good title, one you should definitely pick up if you haven't seen it. Suzi's solo scenes with Travis Lee are some of my favorites that Rick ever shot.


Bleumune wrote:

I've got about 70 images that I've picked up and deposited in my Stormrider folder...If there's any others who are interested, I can post it here on the GIMP after I get back from vacation.

I certainly am interested. I've got only 33 Stormrider artworks, so I need to update my collection. His work was so good.


Gog wrote:

Here's the Vimeo link if you want to check out further. won't like her after.

What the hell, man. I know I sound like the proverbial broken record, but what could possibly make a girl who's this stunningly beautiful...allow somebody to do THAT to her? Let's take a brand new Mercedes and carve your initials in big bold letters across the hood. Or take a juicy steak and rub a handful of shit on it. That's what these tattoo "artists" are doing to our women, and the brainwashed bimbos apparently think it's a good idea. It's vandalism, plain and simple.
13626) MAV 
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016 11:20 PM Permalink

(13626) @frog re #13612: I wish I could take credit for that gif but the producer created it. Her natural fit bod looks great AOH tortured >:)
13627) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 18 May 2016 12:44 AM Permalink

(13627) Yeah, I've got about 70 images that I've picked up and deposited in my Stormrider folder.

bleumune: Do you know if there are more than 3 bats (burn at the stake) in those 70 images of your Stormrider folder? In any case I too would be interested in seeing any of them and non bats too. I can wait until you get back to the Gimp.
Thank you, Bill K.
13628) Matt 
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Wednesday, 18 May 2016 02:25 AM Permalink

Today's pic: the subject on the right is Sister Dee, who's done some other videos for Hardtied, though I don't know who the girl tied AOH on the bed is. It is (or was) on XHamster, as BDSM Double Trouble.
13629) Covers the Relentless 
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Wednesday, 18 May 2016 07:17 AM Permalink

(13629) Men Today Apr 1961 V1 No1
13630) DarthSaad 
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Wednesday, 18 May 2016 07:36 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13630) Hey guys - sorry to have been away for so long but been hella busy writing.

Here is one of the things I have been working on - Batgrrl in Training for Hipcomix. Pics and story by JPEGER, story and words by yours truly big grin

Feel free to leave a comment on my Deviant Art page and to download the whole story from the Hipcomix site

13631) Reine Margot 
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Wednesday, 18 May 2016 01:38 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

One week, that's all Jac has to deliver the goods. Amy waits patiently. Little issues like the title, credits, and so on. Ah and some more work on the sound. Amy had a lot to say in how the credits should look and sent some more ideas for the sound tracks to Jac for his consideration and he liked them... so more work. But JUSTINE is nearly, nearly done in Jac's side. After the 24th it will be up to Amy. Once Jac sends the project Amy's way, it will be completely done, other than the color correction. That's how the project is looking now. After the 24th we'll all be going into heavy work, there will be little time for much. Really. Amy will take over two films, I will be engaged in some of Jac's work, which deal with the day to day issues like going after people, attorneys, meetings and so on. We're, after all, engaged in developing future projects and we have to get things done. Someone has to look after the store in their absence.

We still have the PRE JUSTINE RELEASE SALE! Get our movies with a 30% discount if you buy two or more! This is a good time to get one or more of our gorgeous movies. Some jewels like The Via Crucis of Camille - Crux 4 & 5 for less than 12 bucks!

Scott I just want to add something to the discussion about why an actress has to be stripped completely nude for an execution or whipping scene. Amy said that the public whipping and execution in Dead But Dreaming was based on historical records.One huge aspect of public executions was to humiliate the victim as much as possible, as it was another way to make the person suffer.

Yes, as I mentioned before, the Whipping in Dead But Dreaming is based in historical records. There's an statue in La Paz of the heroine, whose name scapes me, who was executed by the Spaniards. Four sides of the base of the statue show a sort of Stations of the Cross style graphic description of what the famous lady went through. One of the images is of the beautiful lady, naked, riding a donkey while a soldier is whipping her. Not too long ago a newspaper published in its Sunday edition and in the section dedicated to school children and in comic form, the story of this lady, one of the pictures is of her, naked, covered with bloody whip marks, being led to her execution, which was by hanging. Jac was actually considering having Amy ride a donkey before her strangulation scene. However Amy didn't think it would be healthy for her to sit on a donkey, all naked. In addition, it was kind of hard to get a donkey brought to the middle of the city for that purpose, although we did have a goat in Maleficarum.

Scott The Romans crucified their victims completely nude, not only to humiliate them, but add more suffering, such as sun burn.

The sunburn issue. Yes, it came up during the shooting of JUSTINE. They day selected for the crucifixion scene happened to be a very sunny day and in the altitude a sunny day means that the heat of the sun is really, really high and it certainly burns. So, there they were, Rodin's victims, all bloodied, most of their skin exposed to the merciless rays of the midday sun and they were up there, on their crosses, for a very long time. The parts of their bodies not protected by blood were turning almost purple. It took weeks, maybe months for those sunburn marks, uneven, of course, to go away. Bea still reminds Jac that she had to be wearing tops to cover her arms for months because they looked very, very weird, like she had some stripes, uneven stripes. She could not wear sexy tops for a very, very long time.

Scott It certainly is more realistic to see an actress nude for an execution or whipping scene mainstream TV or film scenes were the actress is whipped, but her back isn't even bared. Plus after the whipping or other torture, her makeup is still perfect and not a hair on her head is out of place. Also, Amy includes full nudity in her films, because Jac and Amy are also trying to sell as many copies of their films as possible and most normal guys, like to see woman nude and as long as Amy and the other actresses in her movies are willing to do full nudity, and it helps sell films, go and add it.

Full nudity and torture in one movie can be a double edge sword. Sure, it may sell more copies in the less public arena, like this wonderful site, but it may be limited to how far it can go in more "mainstream" places like movie houses, film festivals, television and so on, where the big, really big bucks are. We were fortunate that films like Maleficarum, Dead But Dreaming, Barbazul, Olalla were out there, playing to big crowds in Multiplexes. It was surprising, of course. It was even more surprising that some of them ended up in Festivals, like Olalla in the Feratum Film Festival in Mexico, Or Maleficarum in the Film Festival in Sucre, or Barbazul in Las Vegas. Then again, even Krik Krak had full nudity and torture, and it was a documentary! It went to big festivals, like Cannes and Telluride. I guess it works for us. BTW, a couple of days ago we were contacted from people at another festival, they want Sirwiñakuy.

Scott Plus, it probably helps the budget for the movies, you don't need as many costumes for the movie and that saves money. I'm sure many of us that have bought Amy's movies in the past have bought them because there is nudity.

Well, before the clothes go off, they have to look nice. Maleficarum is an example of the power of period costumes. They look nice, realistic to the period they portray and it's actually very cool to see those fancy clothes taken off. But only two characters lose their clothing in that incredibly sexy movie, the rest are full dressed and they have to look good. Yes? No savings there. In fact, there's more expense. All that body make up, both before and after a good whipping, all the work it takes to carry out a torture scene, all the props to hold the ladies in place. All of that costs a lot of money. And then, there are the actresses themselves. They must be well taken care of. Torture has a big cost.

If we were to compare the past productions, most of the Red Feline productions, where only two people worked doing everything in front and behind the camera, either Jac and Carmen or Jac and Amy or Jac and Vero, and in some cases Jac and Carmen and Vero, where expenses were kept to a bare minimum, and the time it took to make those films ranged from one day to a couple of weeks, to our new productions were the costs can go as high as 20,000 in cash or more, and where we have big crews, large cast, costumes, locations, props and then we see how far they go, both in reaching an audience and making money, the new movies fare a lot better. There's only one film from the old times that had an incredible outreach; the first one: Red Feline on the Cross. But those days were different. A VHS of that film was priced at 70 dollars and it sold well for a very long time.

Those were the days before digital production made it easier for films to be produced, reproduced, delivered, pirated ... and it was also before 9/11 when a lot of things changed forever. The world never really recover from that terrifying event. Another film that fares well in today's market is Agent X. Of all the films of the digital period of Red Feline, Agent X is the one that sells the best; however, it does not get anywhere near where Maleficarum or Le Marquis de la Croix are getting even as I type this. Our big production films cost a lot to make and they take a lot of effort but they definitely go a lot farther and keep on going.

Some good fans comment or suggest that we should return back to those less demanding days, but they were not really less demanding as far as the work is concerned. The work took its toll on the ONLY two people working on those movies; and as elaborate and as good as those projects were, the results were never up to the level of an amazing production like Maleficarum. There was a time when some of the production values began to get higher. Costumes, locations and props were getting more complex and pretty. It was during the shooting of AristoCrux that Jac began to think that he should increase the production values to his films but it did not happen until there were some extra funds to do Maleficarum.

If Jac were to consider smaller productions, where there are only two actors, he would go the way of Le Marquis de la Croix and not Agent X. Le Marquis had a crew, Agent X didn't. The good part of Agent X, or Fantom is that those movies are very personal and intimate productions, which means that Jac and Amy did whatever they felt like doing and didn't have to worry about a crew freaking out or anything if suddenly they were overwhelmed by what they were doing and decided to just... well... you know... Well.

In the other hand, Jac is considering having a studio set for quick movies like Agent X, with all kinds of props. All he would need are willing participants to go at it over and over again. He has some props like the wheel and the roasting apparatus, and a pillory, and crosses, and racks.and so on tons of chains, many whips, and so on. He has a lot of what he needs. There's the space too, the dungeon, that he could keep for a couple of hundred a month. He has all the means to produce whatever comes to his mind. However, not too many ladies are volunteering to be tortured as many times as he might want to have the pleasure to do. Someone said that we could turn out one production per week, or something like that, which is not exactly as easy as it seems. Not where we are, at least. Maybe in Stonia.

And then, a four part review/analysis of Dead But Dreaming appears and Jac realizes that he has to go on doing what he's doing because it is working out.. This four part review appeared very recently and it is very impressive because the writer gives a lot of clues and background information for what's in the film. If you didn't see Dead But Dreaming you should not read it, it contains a lot of SPOILERS. But for those who did see it, it's very good reading. I quote: I happened across producer/director/actress Amy Hesketh’s work and decided to give one of her recent films, Dead But Dreaming, a go. Amy is a ground breaker, portraying the archetypal innocent victim with an honest, understated talent for eroticizing her peril. I don’t use a rating system for the films I review, but if I did this movie would be a five-star winner. It’s that good. SPOILER ALERT: If you’d rather not know what happens in this film, stop now and go play on twitter! In another part the writer notes: Speaking of crucifixion, there are three, one for each female vampire. Finally, the central male vampire, Asa (played by Avila) encompasses three distinct roles. He is the tribal leader in prehistoric times and the visitor who will suck the blood of the slave Aphrodisia while she is on the cross.

That's it for now! I will return with more news about the release of JUSTINE!
Our movies have a SPRING SALE! Up to 30% OFF
DVDs and Downloads up to 30% off at!
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13632) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 12:42 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13632) Matt wrote:

Today's pic: the subject on the right is Sister Dee, who's done some other videos for Hardtied, though I don't know who the girl tied AOH on the bed is. It is (or was) on XHamster, as BDSM Double Trouble.

I didn't see it on xHamster, nor did I see it on Hardtied's website. But thanks to your tip, it looks like I've at least located the name of the video, Dia Zerva Gets Surprised. So it's Dia Zerva is the other woman, along with Sister Dee. I've seen Sister Dee before in other videos, always thought she was quite attractive, but I never would have recognized her with the blonde hair. I wonder how PD was able to recruit an actual nun to appear in his movies?
13633) SirBryon 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 02:04 AM Permalink

Just discovered this forum,,,nice to know y'all are here.
13634) Covers the Relentless 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 07:19 AM Permalink

(13634) Men Today Apr 1962 Eastman
13635) frog 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 07:40 AM Permalink

13626) MAV Cannot but agree. I can picture an inquisitorial dungeon, a ritual torture and sacrifice theme, an interrogation in some more modern setting. Even though not your work, thanks again for sharing and also for great pic in your post. I did not see tattoos, which is another plus.
13636) frog 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 07:59 AM Permalink

13624) Howie I agree, tattoos are an abomination. But, one must admit, that our dislike reveals a generational gap. Still, gap or no gap, they are abominable and ruin many a scene.
13637) bleumune 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 11:39 AM Permalink

Bill K. wrote: bleumune: Do you know if there are more than 3 bats (burn at the stake) in those 70 images of your Stormrider folder? In any case I too would be interested in seeing any of them and non bats too. I can wait until you get back to the Gimp. Thank you, Bill K."

I just checked, and there are 6 images that fall into the category of BATS, though a couple of them show the preparations rather than the actual BATS. However, I also noticed I had a number of duplications among those 70 images, so it's probably more like 45 or 50 unique images of all categories. You know how it is--when you store away something you find on someplace like Tumblr and it doesn't give you an error message to say there's already a file there, you don't go to look if it's an image you already have until you review the folder.

Glad you can wait. I'll get back to you in a couple of weeks.

13638) Candle Boxxx 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 05:22 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Imagine my surprise when stopping by and seeing the picture on the front page! Glory be, I am at the head of the table with some fine company. What's for dinner!?
13639) A Canadian 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 07:03 PM Permalink

Reine Margot wrote:

Full nudity and torture in one movie can be a double edge sword. Sure, it may sell more copies in the less public arena, like this wonderful site, but it may be limited to how far it can go in more "mainstream" places like movie houses, film festivals, television and so on....

Television? Seriously?

I may have to bite the bullet and start subscribing to cable. I'd take the torture of partially nude Bea over endless reruns of The Big Bang Theory.
13640) Waylon 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 08:11 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13640) "I'd take the torture of partially nude Bea over endless reruns of The Big Bang Theory"

Hope Bea is totally nude, it goes against everything Vermeer represents!!! Damn it!!!!!!!!!!
13641) Rick 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 09:17 PM Permalink

Hot off Ye Old Twitter...
FREE Preview if you want to see more.


13642) Waylon 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 09:35 PM Permalink

(13642) Please be TOTALLLY nude!!!!!
13643) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 19 May 2016 11:41 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13643) Candle Boxxx wrote:

Imagine my surprise when stopping by and seeing the picture on the front page! Glory be, I am at the head of the table with some fine company. What's for dinner!?

It doesn't matter, I'm the only one that will be eating. You and the 11 other dinner guests would have a hard time eating since you're all gagged! lol

I was really pleased that Fritz managed to work you into the collage. I sent him over 60 bound and gagged images of women and let him choose who he wanted to surround me at the dinner table. These are the ones he came up with.

BTW, how many of the others can you guys name? I'm not even sure I know all of them, since some of the original images didn't have the model's name as part of the file name. I know most of them, though. Let's see if you guys can identify the rest.


frog wrote:

I agree, tattoos are an abomination. But, one must admit, that our dislike reveals a generational gap. Still, gap or no gap, they are abominable and ruin many a scene.

That's interesting, I hadn't considered that. You think since so many of us are "old school" (70% of us are at least in our mid-40s or older) that we don't "get" the tattoo craze? Certainly somebody must like tattoos on women; it must be the younger folks. But honestly, if I were 23 instead of 53, I don't think I would feel any differently about them. Maybe with our increased age comes increased wisdom, but I know I'm right about this. And they are especially wrong for bondage videos, because the ideal victim should be innocent and not all marked up with ink. To me, it's just common sense. And all you young whippersnappers could learn a thing or two from us older guys.


Waylon wrote:

Hope Bea is totally nude, it goes against everything Vermeer represents!!! Damn it!!!!!!!!!!

You can hope all you want, but I think you have 2 chances of seeing Bea's pussy...slim and none. Every single still that Margot has released shows her lower portion wrapped up in a loincloth (or as Petelobo calls it, a diaper). I think it's pretty obvious she won't do full nudity, plus Margot dodged the question when I asked her directly, so there's your answer right there.

To which I big deal. Would I prefer full nudity? Of course, and so would everyone else. But does it matter to the torture aspect of the story? That remains to be seen. If she can act and scream and suffer convincingly on film, I'll likely be a happy camper. God knows she has the good looks, so we're more than halfway there already.


A Canadian wrote:

I may have to bite the bullet and start subscribing to cable. I'd take the torture of partially nude Bea over endless reruns of The Big Bang Theory.

Yeah, the reruns are boring. The really interesting episodes never get shown on TV anyway. But check out the unrated Director's Cut DVD collection!

13644) Osouk 
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Friday, 20 May 2016 02:32 AM Permalink

I think tattoos are definitely a generational thing. When I go to the gym, where most of the people are considerably younger than me, eveyone's plastered in them. I'm not talking about a hardcore macho boxing type place, this is just a regular gym where families go. And most of my friends children, who are now in their twenties, have tattoos, although nothing on the scale of some of the bondage models. Pity, as I hate them.

Waylon - Rainbow Rising - that's a blast from the past. I'll have to dust off my vinyl copy and listen to it again. I saw them a couple of times around the time my interest in bondage was forming.
13645) Matt 
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Friday, 20 May 2016 03:44 AM Permalink

Ralphus, I agree: tattoos are an abomination for the most part, but I've made a couple of exceptions: Tyler Scot (remember her?) being one. One or two tattoos are OK, but I draw the line (pardon the pun) at extensive body art.

The only marks that are acceptable are the rope burns, plus the marks that come from a whipping or flogging with a piece of bamboo.

Just my two cents on that subject...
13646) Scott Torvea 
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Friday, 20 May 2016 06:39 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ralphus, I do want to say thank you for posting the pic of Cali, in my humble opinion she deserves a place at the table, or on it wink
13647) Gog 
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Friday, 20 May 2016 07:37 AM Permalink

Candle Boxxx wrote: "Imagine my surprise when stopping by and seeing the picture on the front page! Glory be, I am at the head of the table with some fine company."

Not only that, but a cameo in the Anniversary video as well. big grin


Anyone have any news on Psycho-Thrillers, after their owner died? Anyone know if they are continuing?
Got the "custom" bug (lots of scripts inning through this twisted little brain of mine lol ) and thinking of getting at least one made......if they are continuing.

13648) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Friday, 20 May 2016 11:34 AM Permalink

(13648) Men Today Apr 1964 V4 No3 Norm Eastman cover
13649) Mad Max 
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Friday, 20 May 2016 01:34 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13649) I agree with Scott Torvea that Cali Logan deserves a spot at the table... but there are so many worthy damsels that missed out, there's only so many seats!

I for one would have lobbied for Hannah Claydon...
13650) JH_Snuff 
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Friday, 20 May 2016 01:52 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

GOG wrote:
Anyone have any news on Psycho-Thrillers, after their owner died? Anyone know if they are continuing?
Got the "custom" bug (lots of scripts inning through this twisted little brain of mine lol ) and thinking of getting at least one made......if they are continuing.

PT's business partner has said that he is continuing the business.
13651) Gog 
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Friday, 20 May 2016 08:45 PM Permalink

JH_Snuff - Thanks for the info! big grin

May I ask where you found out about it? I'd like to read about all the details.


Ralphus - Are tattoos a deal breaker as far as your "smoking" fetish too? I mean, you were asking about the Dyke in review I did. Even though she's clothed.....10 to 1 she's got tats.

I ask because Anna De Ville has another video with her smoking.......but topless (as fas as I know...maybe full nude...didn't watch it). And it is just about smoking. Her & Violet Monroe (I think) If you want to see it, I can give you the address.
13652) Waylon 
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Friday, 20 May 2016 09:22 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thank you Ralphus for the feedback!!! Guess I'm kind of glad, I haven't ordered Justine. I need to search the forum for Margot. Why would she play head games? Knowing what what most men want to see. After examining the Vermeer website, naught of total nudity just doesn't corroborate with past releases.

Osouk, Thank you for comment regarding Rainbow. My favorite song is "Stone Cold"!
13653) Ralphus 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 01:03 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13653) Matt wrote:

I agree: tattoos are an abomination for the most part, but I've made a couple of exceptions: Tyler Scot (remember her?) being one. One or two tattoos are OK, but I draw the line (pardon the pun) at extensive body art.

I dunno, it depends on how obvious they are. I liked Tyler, too, she was an amazing performer for Insex, but I hated that silly little bear tattoo because it was always visible on her front leg during her scenes. I can deal with tattoos if they're on the back or someplace where they can't be seen.

The only marks that are acceptable are the rope burns, plus the marks that come from a whipping or flogging with a piece of bamboo.

You forgot burn marks, those are sexy, too big grin


Gog asked:

Are tattoos a deal breaker as far as your "smoking" fetish too?...I ask because Anna De Ville has another video with her smoking.......but topless (as fas as I know...maybe full nude...didn't watch it). And it is just about smoking. Her & Violet Monroe (I think) If you want to see it, I can give you the address.

I've seen it already, thanks. Yeah, she's topless, and yeah, the tattoo is a deal-breaker. It's a damn shame; she's such a gorgeous woman (and a really sexy smoker, too) but that tattoo is so huge and omnipresent that it ruins the whole video.

This is a perfect segue to another recent topic, why nudity is not always ideal in every case. And this is an actress who performs in BDSM films, so she's certainly a relevant example. With clothes on, she's stunningly beautiful, as Gog's video clearly showed.

But then let's strip her clothes off and have her do a bondage scene, and all that does is highlight her flaws. Maybe others can enjoy a tattooed woman being tied down and fucked, but to me, it's an instant turn-off.

In the case of Anna De Ville, I would much rather see her in a movie where she's attacked and tied up and has things done to her in such a way that we don't see those nasty tattoos on her skin. It would take some creative use of torn remnants on her skin, but it could be done if somebody cared enough about the matter to conceal them. All because the bitch thought she would look "better" with all that ink on her skin. It's a sad state of affairs we're dealing with here.
13654) Matt 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 02:57 AM Permalink

Tyler did more than Insex: she did some stuff for Dan Hawke, IIRC. Never saw any of the videos, but I do have stills of her on my desktop.
13655) lurker10 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 03:52 AM Permalink

13652) Waylon wrote

I need to search the forum for Margot. Why would she play head games?

Margot is Vermeer Works publicity flack. As such it is her job to justify to you fanboys whatever the bosses have decided is necessary to maximize their income and other goals in the short and long term. Which are not your goals.

If you're into psychological torture, see how she writhes on the hot griddle of your frustrated perverted imaginations.

Or maybe she's laughing at you, because she's inside and you are not.

You could offer to be her replacement, but I doubt any of you have a thick enough hide for it, and would be too easily distracted.
13656) Gog 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 07:32 AM Permalink

Tattoos? There's always body makeup.

Just look what it did for this one (which is the reason for her punishment in this case. hehe). She used to look like Kat von D. lol

13657) Waylon 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 08:00 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13657) lurker10, Thank you for feedback, as FREE SPEECH is Awesome! Not ill-intent toward Margot, just a query regarding an attractive young lady (actually two) upon feedback received from fellow forum commentators. Pervert? I guess so, aren't we living a progressive era? Peace!!!
13658) Covers the Relentless 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 09:06 AM Permalink

(13658) Men Today Aug 1965 V5 No4 Norm Eastman cover
13659) A Canadian 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 10:24 AM Permalink

lurker10 wrote:

You could offer to be her replacement, but I doubt any of you have a thick enough hide for it, and would be too easily distracted.

I'm not sure about the "thick enough hide" part (that kind of hurts my feelings smile ), but as far as "too easily distracted" goes, I'm sure that's true.


Matt wrote:

Tyler did more than Insex: she did some stuff for Dan Hawke, IIRC. Never saw any of the videos, but I do have stills of her on my desktop.

Years ago, I saw one of the films she did for Dan Hawke: Victoria's Bondage Secret, with Victoria Vega and Tyler Scot.

It was a good one, particularly for those who are fans of Dan's work. I was quite smitten with both Victoria and Tyler.
13660) Gog 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 01:37 PM Permalink

Thought of Mav when I saw this:

Kseniia - First to Cry from HungryEye on Vimeo.


big grin
13661) Marc 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 06:54 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Does anyone know what happened to Tyler Scot. Of Insex fame
13662) MAV 
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Saturday, 21 May 2016 07:51 PM Permalink

@gog-tx for the lead friend. Although I'm not usually a fan of the tattooed goth type, the guy has a bunch of aoh-ish videos which were cool to check out.
13663) Gog 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 05:52 AM Permalink

Ralphus' going on about hating tattoos got me thinking about maybe a new poll question.......What in a GIMP movie or photoshoot do you HATE!

For me, besides Ralphus getting all the hot chicks (I mean look at him....12 at the table and a bunch rejected somewhere back in his dungeon), I hate nose hooks. #@*%!

And yes, I chose a tattooed chick just for you Ralphus. lol

I mean, with the recent discussion about what a stunning beauty Anna De Ville is, why would you do anything to ruin that. roll eyes (sarcastic)

Anther thing I hate is ass hooks. #@*%!

I mean, the only thing that should be going onto that hole (along with the other holes) is my cock. lol
13664) Covers the Relentless 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 09:59 AM Permalink

(13664) Men Today Aug 1965 V5 No4 Norm Eastman original art
13665) Reine Margot 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 11:19 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

The crowds grow impatient. They want to see Justine brought to justice, they want to see her and her companions suffer the wrath of their lord and master, Monsieur Rodin. They want to witness the event and not lose one detail. Are feet nailed? svippo asks at the Crux Foundation, So when is it actually available??? the one who identifies himself as 624132 demands from the same pages, while Phlebas proclaims I like it :) to the world of Crux. As I write this, JUSTINE is in the expert hands of Amy, who is looking it over, sending her comments to the director, Jac, for possible little changes to a shot here, a shot there. Jac has until Monday to make the changes and send the end result back to Amy. After that, he'll be engaged going up a river, on a raft, a young woman by his side, in an adventure he's already calling it Avila, The Wrath of God.

The GIMP forum explodes with a discussion of Nudity, centering in none other than Bea. Hope Bea is totally nude, it goes against everything Vermeer represents!!! Damn it!!!!!!!!!! Waylon cries out from this pages. Bea looks down from her cross, the bleeding whip marks still fresh, the sun penetrating her soft skin, she does not say anything, the look in her eyes say it all.

A Canadian quotes Reine Margot: Full nudity and torture in one movie can be a double edge sword. Sure, it may sell more copies in the less public arena, like this wonderful site, but it may be limited to how far it can go in more "mainstream" places like movie houses, film festivals, television and so on.... to wonder: Television? Seriously? I may have to bite the bullet and start subscribing to cable. I'd take the torture of partially nude Bea over endless reruns of The Big Bang Theory. And he might get his wish... for cable to offer torture and nudity, total or partial, in a production that will bring it to people in the comfort of their homes. Although Television is but only one option from the many now available to watch our movies. You can download them, buy a DVD and you can even stream them from Vimeo. If you go to our site now to either download or buy more than one DVD you get a 30% discount! Imagine that. It's so easy now.

Waylon begs of Bea, Please be TOTALLLY nude!!!!! And Ralphus responds in that witty style of his You can hope all you want, but I think you have 2 chances of seeing Bea's pussy...slim and none. Every single still that Margot has released shows her lower portion wrapped up in a loincloth (or as Petelobo calls it, a diaper). I think it's pretty obvious she won't do full nudity, plus Margot dodged the question when I asked her directly, so there's your answer right there. To which I big deal. Would I prefer full nudity? Of course, and so would everyone else. But does it matter to the torture aspect of the story? That remains to be seen. If she can act and scream and suffer convincingly on film, I'll likely be a happy camper. God knows she has the good looks, so we're more than halfway there already.

Directing one amazing actress like Amy or Carmen on a film where she must be put through torture, lots of torture, is not an easy task. Directing TWO actresses on the same movie to be tortured over and over is twice as difficult. Directing THREE actresses to go through hell as the same time is three times as hard. So many possibilities. So many chances of fucking it up. So many opportunities for glorious shots.... and so little money and so little time. Those are the realities Jac had to face when making JUSTINE. There's the vision, sure, a grandiose vision, and there's the actual work and the reality of the set, the equipment, the team and most importantly, the actresses who must perform those nasty actions over and over in front of the crew. But on top of it all, there is the creative aspect of it. The reasons why a scene is the way it is. What each character has to contribute to the story and what is her/his role in it. The sum of all these factors equals the end result in the scene. And that's all that matters at the end. There will be a million different reactions to the film from a million different viewers... ok, maybe a few thousand. Will the film fulfill the fantasies or wishes of those few thousand viewers? Of course not. That never happens, ever... ever... never... not at all. Will the film have an impact on its intended audience? Yes, definitely.

Waylon insisted on his plight: Thank you Ralphus for the feedback!!! Guess I'm kind of glad, I haven't ordered Justine. I need to search the forum for Margot. Why would she play head games? Knowing what what most men want to see. After examining the Vermeer website, naught of total nudity just doesn't corroborate with past releases. Lurker10 responded to his plight thus: Margot is Vermeer Works publicity flack. As such it is her job to justify to you fanboys whatever the bosses have decided is necessary to maximize their income and other goals in the short and long term. Which are not your goals. If you're into psychological torture, see how she writhes on the hot griddle of your frustrated perverted imaginations. Or maybe she's laughing at you, because she's inside and you are not. You could offer to be her replacement, but I doubt any of you have a thick enough hide for it, and would be too easily distracted.

I'm an insider, sure, but I'm not inside Amy's head, or Mila's, or Bea's or Jac's. I know what's going on but not what goes on beyond what they let us see. A lot goes on there, really a lot. There are some small and big dramas being played in their real world. I'm the bearer of the news, the announcements, the promotions and I can respond to queries. Do I play with people's heads? Not very likely. I'm definitely not laughing at anyone and I'm glad what I say has some weight. I haven't seen the film. I haven't seen the shooting of most of the scenes. I get the images that either Jac, Miguel or Amy had the time to process. Most of the images of the Making Of were taken with Jac's iPad and the "photographer" was either the gaffer during his time off when most in the crew sit there bored while the scene is recorded, or one of the assistants. Jac transfers those pictures to his computer and sends some of them to me. Amy, who did lots of selfies and gave Jac her iPhone to take some pictures, also sends a few to me, or she will publish them in FB and I download those. So, to be honest, I have very little control on what to publish here or elsewhere. If anyone would be so extremely lucky as to do my job, they would be very frustrated not knowing a lot more of what goes on than I do.

Waylon lurker10, Thank you for feedback, as FREE SPEECH is Awesome! Not ill-intent toward Margot, just a query regarding an attractive young lady (actually two) upon feedback received from fellow forum commentators. Pervert? I guess so, aren't we living a progressive era? Peace!!!

Queries are what this is all about and no, I don't ever see ill-intent towards me. I see myself a little like CJ in The West Wing. Answering questions, delivering the news and struggling to get those who control the information, the producers/directors, to release enough for me to do my job and do it right. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and I might release something that was not meant to be known... yet. Sometimes I might express the general feeling or frustration I sense in the work. Sometimes I might express my own opinion, out of frustration for what I see as unfair and sometimes I might get over excited, in either case I find myself being chastised for what I said or did that was not proper.

A Canadian lurker10 wrote: You could offer to be her replacement, but I doubt any of you have a thick enough hide for it, and would be too easily distracted. I'm not sure about the "thick enough hide" part (that kind of hurts my feelings smile ), but as far as "too easily distracted" goes, I'm sure that's true.

I often wonder how the male members of our crew feel when we're shooting the movies we make. Here they are, in front of beautiful women who are naked, or almost naked, suffering untold miseries at the hands of Jac... or Eric, and they can't do anything about it except watch silently. Tough job. They can get easily distracted, for sure.

NEWS UPDATE. I have word that Amy and Jac had a long conversation after she saw the film. She loved it, however she came up with some smart suggestions and told Jac where she thinks the film needs some extra work. So... there will be more cutting in the next few days before Jac goes on his trip up the river in the Amazonian rainforest. I have word that there will be some extra work on the sound as well. More news about this later!

That's it for now! I will return with more news about the release of JUSTINE!
Our movies have a SPRING SALE! Up to 30% OFF
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13666) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 12:37 PM Permalink

Reine Margot wrote:

I see myself a little like CJ in The West Wing. Answering questions, delivering the news and struggling to get those who control the information, the producers/directors, to release enough for me to do my job and do it right.

I didn't watch much of The West Wing after the first season, as it got a little too preachy for my tastes. But my recollection is the Bartlett administration was the type of government that would have wanted to see Bea starring in her own spy movie. wink


As for Justine, I think there's going to be a lot riding on the official Ralphus Review.

Some of the stills from the film look pretty good. Others, not so much. Given everything that has gone into the production, I'm going to be eager to see Ralphus' assessment of how the movie stands up as GIMP fare.

Not that I'm putting any pressure on the little guy, or anything.

Come to think of it, I may even have to weigh in with my own review of this one.
13667) Joek0 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 12:53 PM Permalink

@Margot: The post-production pics of Justine are looking great. I can't wait to see the final product.

I am enjoying the pics of the Passion Play crux scene. The 3 lovely ladies look great hanging on the cross. It was awesome to see Mila wearing the ever famous crown of thorns. The pics of Amy and Mila carrying their crosses was great as well. This looks like it is going to be a great crux scene in the making. Definitely better than Martyr which is my favorite crux movie by you guys so far. The anticipation is getting intense.
13668) Capt 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 03:10 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Would love to check out your anniversary video, but all I get is a blank page when I enter the password. Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong?
13669) Gog 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 04:28 PM Permalink

Capt - Thats strange about the video. I got the same black page. I went ahead and changed to "Public" so you should be able to watch it now.
13670) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 08:14 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13670) Gog wrote:

What in a GIMP movie or photoshoot do you HATE!...I hate nose hooks.

I don't quite understand the appeal of nose hooks, either. They are ubiquitous in Japanese bondage vids but I've seen Western companies use them now, too. As far as I can tell, they are designed to make a pretty girl look ugly, so I think it's kind of a humiliation thing. The thing is, they do make the girl look unappealing, to me, the viewer, so it's kind of a counter-productive move. How about gags that spread a girl's mouth into an exaggerated grimace, like in the picture above? Definitely a turn off for me.

Anther thing I hate is ass hooks.

I dunno, I like ass hooks. One of my favorite scenes from Device Bondage is where Trina Michaels is tied in an uncomfortable position and Sasha Grey finishes her off by sticking an ass hook inside her and tying the connecting rope to her hair. I don't think ass hooks are especially painful but I like the idea of using all of a woman's holes in the bondage process.

If you're asking for what I hate, the answer is easy...vibrators. They are designed for pleasure and therefore should have no place in any bondage production.
13671) Lamentation 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 08:43 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13671) Okay gang here is one of my best stories yet. I do believe it might be too offensive for some of you but that is for you to decide. Back to my old favorite WWII and the various antagonists therein. This time it is the British who run afoul of the Japanese. A young British doctor's wife and her two teenage daughters are subjected to much abuse and little respect from a Japanese officer and his troops. Payback's a bitch. Enjoy... and please comment if you want to see more of these...or if this one is too realistic for publication.


13672) Gog 
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Sunday, 22 May 2016 08:51 PM Permalink

Ralphus - 100% agree on the vibrator thing. Pleasuring your victim? Really? I don't think so!

And the mouth spreader is pretty hideous as well. Like I had mentioned prior, I'm a forced/rape kinda GIMPer. Who the hell would want your victim to look like a corpse (talking, decomposing corpse....we know Howie likes the fresh ones lol ) with the mouth spreader. Or create a face only a hog farmer could love with the nose hooks. [Shakes head]


Don't know what's going on the the "The Land of Gimp & Honey" video (Anniversary video). I changed it to the original setting when you couldn't download, but that didn't work either. So I just changed it to "Public" and cross my fingers and hope for the best (that my account doesn't get deleted). cool
13673) Corvid 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 02:05 AM Permalink

Agreed about the vibrators, Ralphus. For all the many, many things the Japanese do well in their erotica, the frequent focus on vibrators makes me roll my eyes. I mean, yes, being forced to orgasm repeatedly could probably be unpleasant, but you're asking an awful lot of my imagination for that to make *me* feel aroused.

Thank you for the story, Lamentation. Nice work.
13674) Bronx_warrior 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 06:14 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13674) I found an Indian GIMP movie called Divine Lovers (1997) , a busty tanned girl is totally nude and chained. Anyone has seen this movie with good print?
13675) bakerboy 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 06:27 AM Permalink

Further to the Japanese "vibes", is their over-panties fingering and vibing... sometime for ages... a turn off on both
13676) Gog 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 07:55 AM Permalink

Fritz - Have a question for you that I keep forgetting to ask. It's about your customs with Psycho-Thrillers, having to do with this from their website: "A typical custom is one in which the buyer wants to see his favorite fetish acts committed not only with longevity but to his or her exact liking so these type of customs range in scope from 25-120 minutes. Fan receive a censored version of a custom movie which is why you see customers in the 40-45 minute range but the client receives an uncensored version of that movie.

I know you wouldn't probably know, since I'm assuming that, because you already have received your custom, there'd be no need to buy it again from their distributing sources. But, you'd still be able to know by the overall length of the video you got, as opposed to the one for general release. "Spy Games Carnal Knowledge" for example.

If so, why would they do that? I mean you go to all the trouble of editing the custom, then have to edit a second time for general release. Makes no sense....other than maybe one that's really dialog driven (which would only matter to the writer of the script), if you would be able to Reader's Digest it to still get gist of it.

Just curious.
13677) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 08:03 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13677) Covers - just a quick note to let you know that I really enjoy your posting those Norm Eastman covers of Nazis whipping helpless women. The man really knew how to draw women in lingerie in evocative positions. I also love how he depicted the snarling, leering Nazi guards and torturers. It should be a travelling museum exhibit some day.

13678) Covers the Relentless 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 08:48 AM Permalink

(13678) 13677) Thomas Chaser wrote: Covers - just a quick note to let you know that I really enjoy your posting those Norm Eastman covers of Nazis whipping helpless women. The man really knew how to draw women in lingerie in evocative positions. I also love how he depicted the snarling, leering Nazi guards and torturers. It should be a travelling museum exhibit some day.

I agree totally. Norm Eastman was a fantastic painter, possibly the greatest when it comes to black lacy bras. wink


Today's MAM cover is from Men Today Feb 1964.
13679) A Canadian 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 09:48 AM Permalink

Vibrator scenes: In contrast to Ralphus and others, I have to say I love a good vibrator scene.

And, clearly, I'm not alone. In Japan, there is one production company -- Baby Entertainment -- that specializes in movies that are almost entirely about vibrator scenes.

I think a key point being missed by the anti-vibes crowd is that the vibrator scenes are non-consensual. That means there is a strong humiliation factor for the woman. She is being stimulated against her will by an enemy she loathes, rather than someone she likes.

The humiliation factor is huge, which is why I like them when they're done well (which often isn't the case).

I have to say that I think the "pleasure" argument is somewhat weak. You could apply a similar argument to rape scenes.

When it's consensual, copulation is pleasurable for both the woman and the man. But add in the non-consensual factor and you may have a rape scene that many GIMPers will enjoy.

I can predict where the anti-vibes crowd might protest. They'll claim the rape scenes are solely about the man's (or men's) pleasure, while vibrator scenes bring the woman to orgasm.

However, that argument doesn't always hold true.

Some of the Japanese companies that produce rape scenes on a consistent basis (FA-Pro, GIGA) regularly include parts where the woman is brought to a shuddering climax. The rape scenes still work as great GIMPage.

All that said, I do agree with Corvid about the over-the-panties stuff. I always FF those parts.
13680) Darkroom 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 09:52 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ralphus and Gog;
I agree on nose hooks, but I don't mind the dental protectors. When applied right, such applications distort the captive's beauty and add a sense of humiliation and vulnerability.
Did anyone seen "Orgasmageddon 2" on Infernal Restraints with London River? By the end, a simple vibrator became an instrument of torture. It was fantastic.
13681) lionrobe 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 11:51 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13681) A lot of pics found on Deviant'art :

13682) e's bodyguard 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 02:08 PM Permalink

(13682) Jac doing a selfie?

REINE MARGOT: I'm currently laid off from my job due to the upcoming 100 degree summer where I am, so I wouldn't mind a job in the South American winter.
I do believe I could take the intense suffering of having to stare at beautiful, naked, bound women all day.
13683) Flintstone 
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Monday, 23 May 2016 10:50 PM Permalink

re vibrators: I agree with our northern friend that vibrators, used properly, are very enjoyable scenes. When the woman is tied down and forced to cum by vibrator operated by someone against her will, she hates her body for betraying her in that situation. Also, when she is left there with the vibrator operating, and she is forced to stay aroused, watching her squirm in her state can really be a turn on, at least for me.
13684) Mr. Hyde 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 01:32 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13684) @ Bronx_warrior
"Divine Lovers 2"
13685) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 01:57 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A Canadian wrote (regarding vibrators):

I have to say that I think the "pleasure" argument is somewhat weak. You could apply a similar argument to rape scenes...I can predict where the anti-vibes crowd might protest. They'll claim the rape scenes are solely about the man's (or men's) pleasure, while vibrator scenes bring the woman to orgasm...However, that argument doesn't always hold true.

Okay, when does it NOT hold true?

There's little doubt in my mind that bondage companies are able to lure in many of the top bondage models with the promise that there will be "forced orgasm" scenes with vibrators, which they almost invariably save until the end of the scene. It's like rewarding a dog with a biscuit after he performs a trick or brings in the newspaper. And don't tell me the women don't enjoy them, cumming time after time, even "against their will". Oh, they make a lot of noise for sure, in fact, this is usually where they get their loudest, which some may mistake for suffering, but don't be fooled. And it's not non-consensual at all, they know exactly what they signed up for. In fact, this is probably their favorite part of the shoot.

I look at it from the perspective of the villain. Does the rapist, or the serial killer, or whatever personification of the bad guy you choose, want the girl to cum? Hell, no! How many rapists breaking into a woman's house carry a Hitachi vibrator with them in their little black bag? The answer is none, because the woman is merely a target to them, a conquest, an object they can use to satisfy themselves at their expense. You don't care if they have an orgasm, the only one you care about cumming is yourself!

Since we seem to be divided so far, and we haven't heard from nearly enough people, let's take it to a vote.

What is your opinion regarding vibrators in bondage scenes?
A. Vibrators are designed for a woman's pleasure and have no place in a supposedly non-consensual storyline
B. Forcing a woman to orgasm is stimulating and exciting to me

No middle ground here. Choose either A or B and give a reason why. Everybody needs to cast their vote in this one. This is important stuff and I will be keeping score. Which is now currently 1-0 since I'm voting A.
13686) Matt 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 03:28 AM Permalink

Re: Vibrators in GIMP:

A vibrator, if used and placed properly, can force a subject to come-and come repeatedly, whether she wants to or not (preferably the latter). Want to stop? Then, my dear, you do have something to confess, don't you? You do have answers to my questions, don't you? You do? Very well, I'll turn it off, but the ropes binding your hands and elbows behind you have to stay on until I am satisfied you have told me everything......and forget about anything to wear until you are assigned a cell.
13687) Prof Proteus 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 03:34 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I made clear my opinions about this in a previous poll: if money was no object I would buy and have a bonfire of all the dildos and vibrators.

My fantasy world of bondage is all about beautiful damsels in distress; and some form of perilous predicament will add fuel to the fire in my pants. Forced orgasms, real or faked and no matter how many, cannot substitute for distress or peril.

And as the voyeur (my answer to another previous poll) it is I who should be getting my rocks off, not the participants in whatever production I am watching.

Answer = A
13688) petelobo 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 04:31 AM Permalink

(13688) Having seen who's at the table with Ralphus--and who's not--including those in the recent daily pics--I'm strongly inclined to dine at a second table with those who missed the cut! I'll pick Amy and Mila, Kelly McKay and Lisa along with the lovelies from the last few days without the t-shirts, silicone packs--some even sporting lady fur!

I assume one of the criteria must have been avail of a photo bound in a chair (like the girl above), but as for those who aren't at the main table--keep ém coming! (No, that's not my answer to the poll question...)
13689) Bronx_warrior 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 04:42 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13689) Ralphus,
Read the content under the link of movie Shallow Ground...


actress Natalie Avital has bare boobs while hanging in ropes. This is from director's uncut doesn't make sense showing her bare body just above her nipples in closeup thing that surprised me in this movie is I don't see the screen shot of how did she caught and tied to the ropes...

13690) Mr. Hyde 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 06:07 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13690) My fake cover for the new GIMP-story "WHO ARE YOU?" by Lamentation:

13691) lionrobe 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 06:49 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13691) Found on deviant art, Wonder woman in merciless peril

13692) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 07:34 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13692) Does anybody know what movie this scene is from? I'm pretty sure it's Blakemore's work.

13693) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 07:51 AM Permalink

(13693) Men Today Feb 1965 V5 No1
13694) Flintstone 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 07:59 AM Permalink

re poll: B, for reasons already listed.
13695) dmon 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 08:52 AM Permalink

As an electric torture purist, nah, the forced orgasms do nothing for me. I don't want the victim to be enjoying anything about the situation. Unless, of course, she is being defiant and will soon be broken. wink
13696) B. Snippet 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 09:39 AM Permalink

I hope Ralphus creates "The Penultimate Supper" for those bound beauties that didn't make it to the Last Supper. After all, they need sustenance from Ralphus too!

BTW, you'll find "Shallow Ground" on
13697) Centaurus 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 09:47 AM Permalink

RE: Vibrator in GIMP scenes poll

A:Vibrators are designed for a woman's pleasure and have no place in a supposedly non-consensual storyline.

In a vibrator + GIMP scene we have to assume this internal monologue taking place in the girl's mind:

"Oh no! What a peril! What misery! What torture am I being subjected to! I am given sexual pleasure and I don't want it! It's not painful. It's not uncomfortable. In fact, it feels great! But I didn't give consent for this! Oh, poor me...".

Silly and contrived.

There's also the:

"Please, spare me the 3rd consecutive orgasm! It's too much, I can't take it anymore! Please, bring back the whip, the pear, the hot irons... Remove my fingernails if you have to but no - no more orgasms, PLEASE!"
13698) Prof Proteus 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 10:00 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13698) Thomas: the pic you posted is from a photoshoot for Bizar magazine. I'm also sure it's Blakemore behind the mask, or the camera.

There is a movie as well; it's called Sexual Perversion and it's from the Erotic perversion series of movies.

Here's a version of the movie that I tried to restore to the best quality that I could:
[EP_PPE_Sexual Perversion.mp4]
(I hope all the fuss about zippy is now over with?)

In those days they couldn't shoot film to the same quality as photos. The scene of interest is not AOH in the movie so I guess they stopped filming to take a few photos at the 05:10 mark in this video.

Fill your boots - or whatever you prefer to use. big grin
13699) Prof Proteus 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 10:02 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Centaurus: BRILLIANT! lol
13700) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 02:12 PM Permalink

I clicked on post 13689 by Bronx_warrior picture of three hanging damsels at the bottom of the post to enlarge it. I got immediately a very strange verbal and written threat I never heard before to call posted phone number or else they (they said WE) will disable your computer.

I clicked on X box to leave warning page post but wouldn't leave so I shutdown my computer.

I've got Norton security system, so I know it was bogus.

Probably no problem and random but still I felt worth a warning to Gimpers.
Bill K.
13701) Howie 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 02:19 PM Permalink

Ya, Ralphus is going to hate this, but it depends for me.

I've NEVER seen any American production where they pull of the vibrator thing without it looking like lame master slave bullshit.

However, the aforementioned Baby Productions out of Japan has had some fucking FABULOUS videos.

The Japanese actresses are just able to pull off that meek/helpless thing in those scenarios so much better than the US actresses can. So I enjoy watching them, and still feel like they pull off that it's a torment for them, rather than something they're digging. Not all, but there are some great ones.

So for me, it's an A with U.S. productions, and B with some Japanese productions.

I suppose since I'm saying there is a scenario where I approve, my overall answer is B, but only for Japanese productions.

13702) Spike 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 03:07 PM Permalink

GIMP Poll:

B. Forcing a woman to orgasm is stimulating and exciting to me!
13703) Nightposter 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 05:31 PM Permalink

B. Forcing a woman to orgasm is stimulating and exciting to me

Depends on the scene, in a "forced" scene, yes.

In an otherwise "straight" non-consensual scene, no
13704) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 06:36 PM Permalink

Ralphus wrote:

Okay, when does it NOT hold true?

To cite one example: The FA-Pro film that I recently reviewed, Bodies Raped in Confinement (HTMS-080), depicts rapes where the woman climaxes at the end.

If we take that to mean the woman has received "pleasure," then the outcome of the rape is the same as the outcome for the woman when the villains are using a vibrator.

Thus, for rape scenarios such as ones in that film (and others), the argument is the same.
13705) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 06:40 PM Permalink

Oh ... and in case Ralphus needs something documented for the official count, my vote in the poll is for option B. smile
13706) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 06:47 PM Permalink

(13706) A forced orgasm is an oxymoron when teasing a gimp's pussy with a dildo.

Extreme merciless pussy torture such as the pictured pear torture I would call a forced orgasm, but a vibrator dildo I say is not torture or merciless at all and isn't forced. She's enjoying it so it's not forced.

I question if a woman can have a forced orgasm when she's being brutally raped, especially while she's being tortured at all?

I hate gimp scenes that use a dildo on the pussy because where is the torture or merciless peril?

In general I hate the consensual sex bondage scenes such as what makes.
Bill K.
13707) Madbob 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 07:01 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Nice Poll

For me, it's definitely "B".

Forced stimulation used as part of a torture/interrogation procedure is humiliating, stressful for the victim and source of fun and excitement for the tormentors.
13708) Gog 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 08:16 PM Permalink

I've already let know where I stand of the poll question. But to make it official....."A" big grin

As far as being humiliated.....I think they'd already be humiliated just by the circumstance of their predicament.
13709) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 08:54 PM Permalink

(13709) Bill K. wrote:

I question if a woman can have a forced orgasm when she's being brutally raped, especially while she's being tortured at all?

Certainly, there is a fantasy element to rape scenes in GIMP that make them different from the real thing (no violence, a focus on sex). I think that fantasy element is what allows some of us to enjoy the scenes without feeling guilty. The same could be said for relatively bloodless whippings in ZFX films and elsewhere.

But while it's not realistic, it is a fact that rapes leading to female orgasms are depicted in GIMP films that many people enjoy.

It's not just Japanese porn. Consider the Ginger movies, where the woman being raped gets turned on by what's happening (and it's implied that she finished with an orgasm).

The fact that the rapes are seen to provide "pleasure" hasn't stopped GIMPers over the decades from enjoying those films. Indeed, it wasn't that long ago that Ginger star Cheri Caffaro was among the influential people highlighted in the "Brady Bunch" image at the top of this site.
13710) BP 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 08:56 PM Permalink

Anyone into the Japanese bondage knows the worst that can happen to the Maiden is to have the 'Dreaded Forced Orgasm'. Long after the pleasure goes away it just becomes a dull endless throb. After you have your way just leave the vibrator stuck up her butt and come back in the morning.
13711) Waylon 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 09:30 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13711) Hopefully we find out soon!!!!!!
13712) mothbrad 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 09:34 PM Permalink

I think that vibrators/female orgasms work great in consensual/semi-consensual films, where they are actually a way of 'cooling down' the action when it's needed, but work terribly if they're being used for 'torture' or in non-consensual situations. If I'm in the mood for the latter, I really don't want to see things that belong in the former.
13713) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 09:53 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13713) Centaurus: You perfectly nailed it in your post (13697), my man! I love it!

Kind of hard to say about the way certain people have answered the poll so far, but by my calculations, B is leading A by a score of 7-6 as I write this. It's still very early. Although I doubt a certain Canadian reader will ever come around and change his mind. Poor misguided Canuck. He probably voted for Rob Ford. And if he lived in the states he would probably be pulling for Trump.


Bill K: The issues you experienced with Bronx-Warrior's post were the result of his using Imagevenue as a hosting company, which gives you pop-ups to spam sites and malware and other nasty things. I've warned him before to find another host for his pictures. I replaced the links in his post and hosted them myself on At least I know we're safe.


Don't forget to tune in at midnight for Trivia a real good one picked out this time.
13714) provost 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 10:35 PM Permalink

A, absolutely A
13715) JD 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 11:02 PM Permalink

Poll: A

Imagehosting: the least intrusive and pain free I tried so far is

Allows setting images in rows and columns, a big bonus on this type of sequential forums as they take a lot less space to display.
13716) Spike 
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016 11:56 PM Permalink

Prof Proteus: Thank you for the link to the video for "Sexual Perversion"! Those vintage films are still great. If you have any more, we would appreciate links.
13717) MAV 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 12:17 AM Permalink

Cmon Ralphus, give me an AOH Trivia Tuesday scene that is hard. The 70s/80s pic of the 3 topless hotties bound AOH and lightly whipped is from Kentucky Fried Movie. I hate tongue in cheek scenes btw.

On the poll question, I say A since vibrators have no place in GIMP scenes. That's why I'm really hating GIGA in the last few years.
13718) A Canadian 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 12:23 AM Permalink

I'm not sure if I'm clear what is being asked in the bonus question for today's trivia question.

Technically, the answer to the question about the movie within the movie is A Fistful of Yen -- a parody of Enter the Dragon.

However, if the question is about the trailer that the whipping scene comes from, it was called Catholic High School Girls in Trouble.
13719) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 12:27 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Congratulations MAV, that's back-to-back wins for you now. Yeah, not a real hard one this time, but you never know what I'll offer up from week to week.

The movie is indeed The Kentucky Fried Movie, maybe one of the funniest movies ever made, no surprise since it was made by the 3 maniacs who later went on to make the movie Airplane! The movie is a collection of comedy skits, one of which is a trailer for the fictional movie Catholic High School Girls in Trouble. It's the bizarre story of what happens when high school girls are allowed to stay out after curfew. Personally, I'm a sucker for any movie that features 3 topless babes being whipped by a midget wearing a clown suit.
13720) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 01:31 AM Permalink

I thought the poll was in general what you hate to see in gimp movie scenes.
I see the poll questions now, so going by what I posted previously I answer A.
I can't imagine fantasy wise why a villain would want to use a dildo of any kind on a gimp.
Bill K.
13721) Mr. Hyde 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 02:15 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13721) Bluebook, 7/62 (?)
13722) Lamentation 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 02:35 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13722) A. Vibrators are designed for a woman's pleasure and have no place in a supposedly non-consensual storyline
B. Forcing a woman to orgasm is stimulating and exciting to me

Gotta be 'A'. Too many more effective tools available.

Thanks to Corvid and Mr Hyde for their kind reference to "Who are You".

13723) Lamentation 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 02:49 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13723) Of course I cound be mistaken...
13724) Corvid 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 02:58 AM Permalink


Ooh, I got this one!

"Kentucky Fried Movie", the trailer for "Catholic High School Girls in Trouble".
13725) Scott Torvea 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 06:28 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13725) In my humble opinion they are a fantastic addition. It can add to the mind fuck.
13726) Quoom 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 06:55 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13726) The proper use of dildo-like tools in interrogation-scenes cool

So to the poll: definetely A
13727) Covers the Relentless 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 07:14 AM Permalink

(13727) Men Today Feb 1966 Eastman art
13728) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 07:30 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Prof Proteus wrote: "Thomas: the pic you posted is from a photoshoot for Bizar magazine. I'm also sure it's Blakemore behind the mask, or the camera.

There is a movie as well; it's called Sexual Perversion and it's from the Erotic perversion series of movies."

That's exactly what I needed. Thank you very much! I'd seen the stills before in magazines and online but I could never find the movie they came from. Mystery solved!

13729) Candle Boxxx 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 12:02 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13729) I vote for the vibe if only to make the scene last longer or be more intense. When doing a scene the FO helps when dealing with discomfort/pain and allows a lot more to doled out by the Baddie. Lots of endorphins pump through the body and there is a theory that one should think about sex when in the dentist chair because it helps deal with pain. Subspace is an awesome thing. :)
13730) Osouk 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 02:20 PM Permalink

(13730) For the poll question it has to be A.

Having said that, I've attached an image that I've always enjoyed. It also features a nose hook and a blindfold, both of which I normally don't like. I think it appeals because the woman looks like she's suffering. The gag holding her mouth open is good, and the pegs on her nipples also look nice. Sure, it would be better with a cattle prod rather than a vibrator, but it still contains a lot of things that make a picture stimulating. She's also refreshingly free of tats, at least in this picture. Pity she doesn't have some pubes.

Quoom - excellent picture as usual.
13731) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 03:07 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13731) Lesbian tortures scenes found on Deviantart

13732) Boz 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 03:21 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A forced orgasm is the best way a villain can show his or her superiority over their captive.
13733) Ed 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 03:46 PM Permalink

Regarding the poll: A, most definitely A. Orgasms can bring discomfort through shame and humiliation, but my brand of sadism is about pain, nerves on fire from whip or iron pain. If you are into genital torture (I prefer breasts), there are better things than a vibrator to use.
13734) mr bush 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 03:47 PM Permalink

hands down my vote is:
A. Vibrators are designed for a woman's pleasure and have no place in a supposedly non-consensual storyline
13735) titlash 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 06:36 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I clicked the latest Postabout that HOM link on Zippyshare and my Security BLOCKED IT! (Traded as a Malicious Site.)
13736) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 07:08 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

13737) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 07:10 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


"Pudentiana was a Roman virgin of the early Christian church, daughter of Saint Pudens, friend of the Apostles, and sister of Praxedes. Praxedes and Pudentiana, together with presbyter Pastor and Pope Pius I, built a baptistry in the church inside their father's house, and started to baptize pagans. The two sisters were capturedand sentenced to die in the arena.

Pudentiana was suspended then burnt with torches and treated with spiked tongs. She died as a martyr at the age of 17 or 18 and was buried next to her father Pudens, in the Priscilla catacombs on the via Salaria."
13738) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 07:14 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13738) "Burn her nipples with that iron while I'm fucking her."
13739) e's bodyguard 
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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 10:10 PM Permalink

(13739) My answer to the poll is 75% A 25% B.
I abhor the use of the big wand vibrators, especially strapped to dildo poles because they hide the subject matter,
and I don't care for the 'When Harry Met Sally' hysterics by the actresses.
I will say that Struggling Babes at least shows the flutter of the body to a vibrator, and the actress trying very hard to struggle against the tool for her release.

But the idea of forced orgasm is liken to giving a dog a treat after it has done its trick.
And of course the current rage that every woman has now mastered the ability to squirt on demand, in rather hilarious volumes, is a turn off.

That said, there are moments of exquisite pleasure as the pic from one of Hogtied's early efforts. The lady is Leila, who undergoes various merciless perils including one of the finest pussy whippings. This pic shows her actual orgasm from that film. Something that isn't shown much of any more.
13740) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 12:36 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13740) Quick poll update:

What is your opinion regarding vibrators in bondage scenes?
A. Vibrators are designed for a woman's pleasure and have no place in a supposedly non-consensual storyline 14 votes
B. Forcing a woman to orgasm is stimulating and exciting to me 10 votes

Good response so far, and even better, my side is leading. Even with that awesome picture that Candle posted of herself smile


Gabrieleknight wrote: (Post 13736)


Apparently Ringo Starr had a lot of free time on his hands back then...
13741) Bill K. 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 02:17 AM Permalink

(13741) Another angle in the poll debate is there are some women masochists that can orgasm while being tortured without pussy stimulation, like witch BG that also would surely love to be raped while being bats or other types of torture.

What kind of rapist would use a dildo on a gimp? None! So why would a torturer of a gimp use a dildo on her?

Also which is more erotic to the GIMP? Being raped by a vibrator or a big swollen dick?

Lady Gimpers what say you?

Bill K.
13742) Pedro 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 04:58 AM Permalink

(13742) Regarding Poll: I may be wrong, but I thought you just can't give pleasure to a female (nor a male) if she is not into it. So if the woman is not enjoying the situation you cannot make her cum.

That's why I can't even understand the situation when at 'mainstream' BDSM scenes they are 'FORCING' the females to come as a form of 'torture'...

When I see a torture scene I am not interested in it if the female is enjoying it...

As a sidenote please let me show a poster about our upcoming release...LASHVILLE - The Autonomous Town
13743) petelobo 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 05:25 AM Permalink

(13743) Poll question: Yes to vibrator torture when properly done.

The assumption you nay-sayers are making is that the vibrator is used to take the gimp to orgasm. But there are two benefits to the stimulation:

1. Everything gets more sensitive; and
2. If the bad-guy is paying attention, he can remove it just before things get to the point of no return.

Multiple stimulations without release over several hours produce a hugely heightened sensitivity to any touch. The gimp, not wishing to respond against her will, can't help it until she starts feeling some relief arriving--and then it doesn't. Instead maybe some nasty breast or pussy whipping or some shocks or whatever.

Then it begins again, and she REALLY wants/doesn't want to feel the pleasure coming (pun intended), because she knows she's just going to suffer more...but then it really does start to get closer...and maybe this time he'll let her...and then...
13744) Gog 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 07:18 AM Permalink

About the forced orgasms.....I can't speak for the female experience, so I could be totally wrong on this. But let's say the circumstances were flipped, and it's a male in the situation of being forced to cum. I think it's all about the mind......and therefore I don't think a male in a flipped situation could even get an erection if he didn't want.

As an example, let me mention the pulsating shower head. If I'm inclined to, I can aim it an my privates and get an erection, and to climax if I want. If I don't.....then I can aim the pulsating shower spray there all day long......and I won't even get an erection.

What comes to mind here is a scene from the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". When the girl is tied to a chair, and this old toothless guy starts to suck on her fingers (a sanitized scene for the movie, but I'm sure it was meant to represent something else). Anyway, it's like saying that if you were in that situation, and that old toothless guy were to down on you, that you'd get an erection. Can't speak for anyone else, but I sincerely doubt that I would.

Again, Can't speak for the female experience, since I'm not Tiresias, and haven't crossed the poles, but I think the mind would play a factor there as well, preventing sexual stimulation.

You see the women cumming in the forced/consensual scenes.....because they want to.
13745) Jav Critic 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 07:59 AM Permalink

(13745) Sorry I'm late to the party
While I agree that vibrators should be used as a small detour/diversion from the rest of the torture, and I also disagree that it isn't humiliating as forcing a GIMP to deny the pleasure/orgasms from the toy is exhausting and painful in its own right.

My biggest problem with Toys/vibrators used in films is if the whole climax of the film is just vibrator action, this can be a big let down especially in heroine films as the payoff should always be the captor/villain fucking our heroine, and using toys just doesn't feel as intimate or damaging, plus having someone you hate do something so intimate with you, and to have them inside you is much more devastating and satisfying for us big grin
13746) Covers the Relentless 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 08:07 AM Permalink

(13746) Men Today Jan 1968 V8 No1
13747) frog 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 08:14 AM Permalink

I would go with A (under most circumstances).

I also agree with 13744) Gog who wrote: "You see the women cumming in the forced/consensual scenes.....because they want to." The mind is the key here, if your mind is not into it there is no big O.

Maybe what we need here is a female perspective on this issue or an expert in the physiology and neuropsychology of orgasm.

13698) Prof Proteus Thanks for the great restoration of Blakemore’s ouvre. There are some really poor versions of it out there.
13748) dalpass 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 08:43 AM Permalink

Poll Answer: Definitely A. Before this poll, I didn’t much care for vibrators. I now realize that I hate ‘em, and wish them begone from the world of gimp.

There was a comment earlier about the deterioration of Japanese BDSM material. I used to covet such material highly, both the comics and the videos. Now, I hardly bother. Why? Because at some point, the creators traded in all their whips, clamps and canes for vibrators (and nose-hooks). From then on, it was downhill.

Or is it just an ‘old school’ thing? Compare: the Erotic Perversion/Punishment series, the Blue series, early Insex, the older works in our Gimp Comics section (The Fiends series, or The Captive Princess) or Stanton’s Blunder Broad – no vibrators -- as against (not many good things said about them in this board, but they had some moments), the whole Baby vids from Japan, and just about anything new that tries to pass itself off as sexual sadism – wholesale vibrators. Which of these will stand the test of time?

Maybe it’s just practicality. Hot, busty babes like 912 or Mz. Berlin, who are willing to portray real suffering are hard to find (most of them are retired, it seems), while porn actresses who are happy to do the 'When Harry Met Sally' (as someone wrote earlier) are everywhere.
13749) lionrobe 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 01:27 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13749) Some whipping scenes found on deviant art

13750) Michael Max 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 03:11 PM Permalink

To answer the poll -- definitely A. Vibrators and the whole "forced orgasm" nonsense that has taken over commercial BDSM pretty much renders it unwatchable. I don't care if a captive girl comes or not. It's fine if she enjoys her captivity at some level, but jumping through hoops to please her totally defeats the purpose of putting her in peril.

I can only guess that part of the reason for the preponderance of vibrators in "BDSM" productions is that governments are clamping down more and more on pretend non-consensual content with a Victorian-era level of prudery. Vibrators still suck donkey balls and need to be banished from GIMP material.
13751) Judah 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 09:27 PM Permalink

(13751) @Mav

One of these days I'm gonna beat you to the punch on the trivia. I recently found out that Tiffany Chase from the SuperHeroine films has returned in an upcoming movie from Hidden Vault Entertainment. It even features an AOH scene.
13752) Waylon 
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Thursday, 26 May 2016 09:48 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13752) The Lovely Amy Hesketh
13753) Prof Proteus 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 05:20 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

13747) frog:Thanks for the great restoration of Blakemore’s ouvre. There are some really poor versions of it out there.
13716) Spike: Thank you for the link to the video for "Sexual Perversion"! Those vintage films are still great.

@frog & @Spike: you don't give your emails so contact me if you want to know more.
13754) Covers the Relentless 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 09:16 AM Permalink

(13754) Today's MAM cover is from Men Today Jan 1971.


On the poll, I'll go with B. Forced orgasms are a perfectly good way to humiliate and wear down a GIMP. And it can be done over and over.
13755) frog 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 10:43 AM Permalink

I already voted, but want to clarify that alternative A begins whith this assertion "Vibrators are designed for a woman's pleasure...", hence, it should win hands down if we interpret the forum's title stricly, i. e. Girls in Merciless Peril. What part of merciless peril rhymes with pleasure? The answer is obvious, none.

If orgasm is associated with pleasure, alterntive B should also be out. Or you'd have every villian and sadist carrying the damned pleasure wands everywhere. What happens when they don't have a place to plug it in? Or if the battery runs out? Just a few questions.
13756) Gabrieleknight 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 11:17 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

13757) Gabrieleknight 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 11:19 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


“Glyceria was the daughter of a high Roman official in Traianopolis, the capital of the province of Thracia. She was arrested during the persecution of Emperor Antoninus around 177.

At her trial the pagans tried to force her to make a sacrifice to their gods — but their sculptures toppled and shattered when Glyceria prayed. The enraged pagans subjected her to cruel tortures: Glyceria was suspended by her long hair and beaten with cudgels and lead-loaded scourges, then dumped into an dungeon cell without food and water, and left to die. But when the prison guards opened her cell some days later, they found her in good health.

The governor took her to Heraklea, where she had to suffered more tortures. In the end she was sent into the arena and killed by wild beasts.”
13758) Gabrieleknight 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 11:27 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13758) "Make her scream louder!"
13759) frog 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 02:45 PM Permalink

13730) Osouk said "Having said that, I've attached an image that I've always enjoyed. It also features a nose hook and a blindfold, both of which I normally don't like. I think it appeals because the woman looks like she's suffering. The gag holding her mouth open is good, and the pegs on her nipples also look nice. Sure, it would be better with a cattle prod rather than a vibrator, but it still contains a lot of things that make a picture stimulating. She's also refreshingly free of tats, at least in this picture. Pity she doesn't have some pubes.”

I am also fond of that picture, except for the things you mention. But she seems to be suffering. It is easy to imagine a political prisoner or spy, or whatever, being interrogated. The blindfold is a good idea. I would rework this image by substituting the stupid clothespins (clothespins and ball gags tend to kill a scene for me) with some real electrified clamps and a cattle prod or taser aimed at her sex. I would also add the pubes.
13760) frog 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 02:49 PM Permalink

(13760) Here are three versions of a manip under construction. Alternatives 2 and 3 present better choices to vibrators.
13761) Arcas 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 03:16 PM Permalink

Well if MadBob's gonna chime in on the latest GIMP poll, how can I not?!?! I'm a solid checkmark in the A-column. The reason GIMP appeals is... well, it's right there in the name: peril! A forced orgasm is (at least in my mind) about as perilous as being force fed your favorite ice cream. Vibrators really spoil the mood for me.... it's like adding a laugh track to "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", or something.

So I feel vibrators have their place in studio shoots and fetish work, but not in "real" GIMP fare.
13762) lionrobe 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 03:50 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13762) Found on deviant art, some medieval scenes

13763) Brainmaster 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 08:28 PM Permalink

Like Candle said, in real play a vibrator properly applied makes for the victim take much more torture. In my younger years I would insert an egg with an oscillating vibration cycle into my wife. While, say suspended or strung up spread eagled. I would whip the snot out of her until she would cum. Ahh, the memories. wink
13764) The Tender Flesh 
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Friday, 27 May 2016 09:42 PM Permalink

To frog's photo manip question: the answer is 1 for me. It's always good to use your imagination to come up with devious torments in your head.
13765) Ralphus 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 01:22 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Latest poll update:

What is your opinion regarding vibrators in bondage scenes?
A. Vibrators are designed for a woman's pleasure and have no place in a supposedly non-consensual storyline 19 votes
B. Forcing a woman to orgasm is stimulating and exciting to me 13 votes

Still fairly close, although the right-minded thinkers are starting to pull away on this one. That's good to see, because this is a subject that I'm really passionate about, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Some really excellent comments lately, too.

dalpass wrote:

There was a comment earlier about the deterioration of Japanese BDSM material. I used to covet such material highly, both the comics and the videos. Now, I hardly bother. Why? Because at some point, the creators traded in all their whips, clamps and canes for vibrators (and nose-hooks). From then on, it was downhill.

It does seem that way, doesn't it? I used to absolutely love JAV vids, particularly the classic Attackers series, because they were just so sadistically brutal. Now I look on the Atttackers website and there's very little there that even interests me. Most of the later vids I watched were devoting long stretches of footage to a woman having a vibrator being used on her, which to me is my cue to hit the ol' fast-forward button.

Or is it just an ‘old school’ thing? Compare: the Erotic Perversion/Punishment series, the Blue series, early Insex, the older works in our Gimp Comics section (The Fiends series, or The Captive Princess) or Stanton’s Blunder Broad – no vibrators -- as against (not many good things said about them in this board, but they had some moments), the whole Baby vids from Japan, and just about anything new that tries to pass itself off as sexual sadism – wholesale vibrators. Which of these will stand the test of time?

The problem with bondage porn, and probably porn in general, is that there is too much product out there, and only a small percentage stands out. It's mass-produced, done quickly to recover their costs rapidly, and little attention is paid to do something different and creative. People consume it, and presumably like it, maybe because they haven't seen the really good stuff and don't know any better. And so the producers just crank out more of the same. The fact that and their various offshoots are the number one dispenser of bondage material is a sad indictment on the fetish as a whole. If those buyers actually went back and looked at those examples you mentioned, their heads might explode when they saw how good...and mean...bondage erotica used to be.

13766) Fritz 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 02:48 AM Permalink

Gog wrote:

Fritz - Have a question for you that I keep forgetting to ask.

I guess that explains why I keep forgetting to answer it.

Fan receive a censored version of a custom movie which is why you see customers in the 40-45 minute range but the client receives an uncensored version of that movie.

I've heard this claim as well, but only from Psycho-Thrillers. If it's true for their other customs, I wouldn't know, but as for Spy Games Carnal Knowledge (not my title BTW), the running time of the version I received from the producer is identical to that of the copy for sale on Nicheclips. So it would seem “fans” received the same “director's cut” I did. Maybe the censoring of public releases was implemented later on (SGCK was produced over five years ago and was my only Psycho-Thrillers commission) or maybe it only applies in certain cases. Now that PT, the creative force behind the company has passed on, it's hard to say what the policy there will be in the future. I suggest you ask the surviving partner directly.

If so, why would they do that? I mean you go to all the trouble of editing the custom, then have to edit a second time for general release. Makes no sense....

I agree. It may be just a promotional ploy on the vendor's part so custom clients believe they are getting something special. That said, I'm quite sure all the commissions I've ordered from PKF, Teraz, KHP and other producers are no different than the cuts made available to everyone else. The only exceptions I can think of are a few cases in which the producer and/or actress chose not to make the film public at all. A custom Tanya Danielle did for me many years back was completed under the condition it never be made generally available, probably owing to the extreme content of my script tainting her otherwise restrained and playful BDSM style.

* * * * *

Poll:  As usual, what Ralphus would dearly love to be a clear black-and-white choice instead crumbles into 50 shades of grey (vaguely germane reference intended). So once again, I can only answer “it depends”.

This isn't really about vibrators at all, but rather the forced sexual stimulation of GIMPs as a form of abuse. As Gog has astutely pointed out, it's pretty damned difficult to arouse members of either sex (moreso females I'm told) against their will. And therein lies part of the problem. The moment we witness a bound and naked GIMP moaning in ecstasy and approaching orgasm, whether or not a vibrator is involved, we assume she is a consensual participant who is getting turned on by her so-called punishment. I suspect this is why the majority of respondents are selecting A. After all, the P in GIMP stands for pain not pleasure.

But let's remember our dark dreams are fantasies, and don't always correspond with reality. Just as audible explosions in deep space are an accepted trope in science fiction, so in some corners of B&D, or even S&M apparently is the helpless, humiliated woman forced to an unwanted climax. Which I suppose is why the Kink productions and their ilk remain so popular. Personally, when the victim clearly enjoys her “torture”, the scene reeks of consensuality and I'm outta there.

However, I do have a soft spot for a GIMP who is being forced to orgasm and is desperately trying to avoid this fate because the consequences of succumbing are dire or lethal. Not long ago, several old-timers fondly recalled the infamous Barbarella scene in which the heroine is unsuccessfully liquidated by way of the “excessive machine” – which is an industrial strength vibrator if ever there was one. Another favorite mainstream scene of mine is Haji's execution in Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks, in which a beautiful captive is reamed by a “love machine” (probably more effective than a vibrator) until she climaxes in more ways than one. At the point of her demise, Haji has already been beaten, debreasted, chewed by ants and enucleated, so it's hard to believe her libido would still turn over like a champ and cause her annihilation. Like I said, you can forgive a lot if the fantasy works, and this one did it for me.

There are other examples I can think of, some involving vibrators and some using other means of forced orgasm to mete out all sorts of nastiness. I even included such a scene in one of my PKF customs, although it is mostly played for laughs. If the action is clearly non-consenusal, and if the GIMP is or will be suffering pain or death because her involuntary desires betray her, then I can see B being a viable option. Sorry Ralphus, as always, it depends.

* * * * *

Lamentation (and Ralphus, who remains oblivious to this sort of thing):  Guys… Material in which 15 and 17 year-old girls are stripped, raped, tortured and killed is the very definition of KP. I don't care if it's only a story or how good it is or whatever limp excuse you come up with, where I live, and in most other parts of NA and Europe the recent story post “Who Are You?” is illegal. Yeah… I'm well aware the GIMP fiction section is generally deserted, but imagine the fun when some potlicking zealot stumbles across it and brings “Hot coffee poured on young breasts during rape, snuff X3” to the attention of President Trump next January. “Hey look, honey, there's a midget on the front page of the paper today."

Call me Chicken Little, but on the off chance anyone's wondered why I haven't been around much lately, here's one reason…

Hal was born that way, so he can't help it… but why you insist on painting a target on the site is beyond me.
13767) Osouk 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 02:50 AM Permalink

(13767) I've attached an image I came across (ahem) recently. Not very explicit, but as soon as I saw it I had images of the story playing out in my head - she's being arrested by the secret police, and soon she'll be screaming and begging as the electricity tears through her genitals, betraying everyone she knows, promising anything if only they'd stop. This picture does much more for me than any forced orgasm with a vibrator image even though she's fully clothed.

I'm surprised the poll results are so close - I would have expected the readers of this board to be solidly in the A category - just goes to show 'there's nowt so queer as folk'.

petelobo - you do make a good case for the use of vibrators - I like the image of everything being made more sensitive before the electrodes are clamped on.

Pedro - When I see a torture scene I am not interested in it if the female is enjoying it...

I completely agree - I definitely am interested in whether she's enjoying it or not - she absolutely MUST NOT. As soon as she is I'm outa there. Nothing is more of a turn off than her secretly enjoying what is happening to her.

I'd be interested to know what people think about the forced orgasms in the last story of mine posted to the site - link above. It's the only time I included it in a story - did it work or was it a complete turn-off?

frog - interesting dilemma. I'd rule out 2 as I'm not a big fan of burning, at least not with something as severe as a flaming torch. 1 would be fine if it was accompanied by your superb scene setting decriptions to fire the imagination, but I'm a sucker for cattle prods so I think that would be my favourite.
13768) Fritz 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 03:51 AM Permalink

Correction... so the P in GIMP stands for peril, not pain. But it's still a long way from pleasure, so I maintain that the basic premise holds.
13769) Ralphus 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 07:02 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Fritz wrote:

Guys… Material in which 15 and 17 year-old girls are stripped, raped, tortured and killed is the very definition of KP. I don't care if it's only a story or how good it is or whatever limp excuse you come up with, where I live, and in most other parts of NA and Europe the recent story post “Who Are You?” is illegal.

I'm pretty sure no children were harmed in the writing of a FICTIONAL story. I checked over at RPP, one of our links, to see what their policy is and they have a disclaimer about possible underaged characters, although I notice they've now upped their minimum age to 16. I do understand Canada has stricter laws than other places, and there's no reason to open up the site to possible trouble over a work of fiction, so I've removed the link to the story from the More Authors section of the site. Thanks for the information.
13770) zeke 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 07:46 AM Permalink

My two cents: "A".
Unless the vibrator is attached to a cattle prod or is red hot.
13771) Covers the Relentless 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 09:33 AM Permalink

(13771) Men Today Jan 1972
13772) petelobo 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 12:45 PM Permalink

(13772) Ralphus (post 13765)

Kink is operating on a business model (which is perhaps why they are dominating the field) of a chacun son gout. Many of their efforts do include some very good whippings among other things. So they whip soles of the feet and backs and do a variety of other things that get me fast-forwarding, but there are often elements in a vid where I am using frame advance. The reality is that, though they may be a small gimp audience, it's MUCH smaller if you get into catering for specific tastes.

By tossing in a mix of things, they have part of the audience FF'ing through any given part while others are pausing to savor the same stuff. That's why god made custom houses, I guess: for those who only want what they want and don't mind paying for it.

Maybe it's not an accident that PainToy and all of PD's verious sites as well as the Kinkers now has to include the vibe scene (and often the post-shoot interview). Very possible that those are ways of keeping the censor from the foor (ala what happened to Elite Pain a few years ago.) "What? Oh hell no. The model was cumming her heart out. Just watch her smiling interview at the end to know that we don't belong in jail."

You guys who want "story" and like to find tidbits in "mainstream" flicks should be accustomed to the FF and editing 3 seconds out of 2 hours, so chill out on the use of vibrators and "consensuality".

BTW, where did you get that excellent copy of the perversions flick?! The ones I've found look like early Jac Avila with his flashlight battery fading!
13773) Prof Proteus 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 01:27 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ralphus wrote: I'm pretty sure no children were harmed in the writing of a FICTIONAL story.

Frankly Ralphus, I am shocked at your very lame response to what I think was a legitimate concern raised by Fritz.
I manage a forum where we have very strict rules regarding KP, which we define as follows:

Definition of ‘Content’:
o [KP] is banned in any form, whether real or fantasy.
o This includes depiction using any type of media: written, drawn, photo/video or audio.

Definition of ‘Children’:
o Includes content that appears to depict anyone under age 18 or anyone who could be interpreted as being under 18.
o Includes children in any state of attire, even fully-dressed.
o Includes children in the company of adults.

To the best of my knowledge similar rules are enforced by every other BDSM forum that I visit (which are many), and I had assumed that this also applied to Bring Out The GIMP. Until now.

This is not a grey area for me. It is a very clearly drawn and very thick RED LINE!

OK, I'm relatively new here and I'm sure I won't be missed, but if you do not announce your support for a similarly strong anti-KP (= under 18) policy here then I won't be coming back.

With respect,
13774) Arcas 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 01:36 PM Permalink

HEY OSOUK! I think chances are high that pic you posted is Penny Pax, in her more recent red head phase. Personally I liked her more as a blonde, but I agree that a) while clothed, that's a really GIMP-evocative image, and b) Penny Pax (for my tastes) is one of the sexiest models doing BDSM today. So I'd love to see you create the story you mention, with a Penny Pax described character as your victim. That could be fun to illustrate (hint-hint).

One of her early BDSM shoots was a "secret police" interrogation thing, though it was a bit more of a gang rape than an interrogation. Still her acting in that one is WAY above the norm for the genre. I guess that's another thing that makes her such a treasure: she's cute AND she really can act!

13775) HOM Fan 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 02:40 PM Permalink

Prof Proteus (13698) - Do you have any more details of that Bizar magazine photoshoot you mentioned (with the Blakemore AOH photo)? Perhaps a link to a scan?

Youth wants to know! Thank you!
13776) HOM Fan 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 02:43 PM Permalink

PS - and, Prof. Proteus, what forum do you run?
13777) Ralphus 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 02:45 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13777) Prof Proteus: Lamentation contacted me and apologized and asked me to change the ages of the two characters to 18 and 19, so I've restored his story to the board. I'm sorry you feel my response was "lame". Real, actual child porn is abhorrent and has no place on this board or any other adult website. However, it just shows the lunacy of a law that something could be made either "legal" or "illegal" by merely typing a different word. Either way, no children were ever involved and of course no children were ever harmed.

The wording in the GIMP Fiction introduction page states: "While these are all obviously works of fiction, all characters should be at least the age of eighteen, so as not to violate any underaged laws." That should cover any grey areas. And be advised that while I do add new stories here for people, I don't always have time to read them, so please respect the rules when submitting material for the site.


Petelobo wrote:

BTW, where did you get that excellent copy of the perversions flick?! The ones I've found look like early Jac Avila with his flashlight battery fading!

Ha! I have a really good DVD of all the Erotic Perversions collection that I picked up somewhere from a collector years ago. It's a damn shame that so many poor copies exist on the net. Those loops were among the best bondage material ever made. Blakemore stated when I interviewed him that since they were made for the European market and not the US, that it was the first time he was ever allowed to film the kind of content that he really wanted to make.
13778) sadistguy18 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 03:07 PM Permalink

For me, in any torture/interrogation pic or video, very important is the colour of the skin of the female victim. Personally, I prefer actresses/models with fair skin, it really turns me on even if the model is not so attractive. And the marks of torture are better visible.
Anyway, what's your opinion?

Do you prefer?
A. Light white skin
B. Normal white skin
C. Brown skin
D. Black skin
13779) frog 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 03:30 PM Permalink

(13779) 13767) Osouk: Here is version two,with a synopsis of a story that could be longer, only I have no time to write longer stories.
13780) sadistguy18 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 03:31 PM Permalink

(13780) 4 favourite pics of mine for every type of skin.
A: Very light skin
13781) sadistguy18 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 03:32 PM Permalink

(13781) B. Normal white skin
13782) sadistguy18 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 03:33 PM Permalink

(13782) C. Brown skin

D. Black skin
13783) Prof Proteus 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 03:51 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ralphus: Thanks for your clarification of the rules for this site, and for your respectful email about the subject.

13784) Mad Max 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 04:00 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

As for skin color, I don't care, as long as said skin is A) female and B) exposed
13785) Brainmaster 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 04:20 PM Permalink

Concerning my previous post that vibrators are good for RL play, in gimp movies, unless done the right way, they have no place as I want to see in movies what I can't do in RL. I can still enjoy it in a BDSM scene type show if the girl is beautiful, is in a nice taught position accentuating her beauty, and she is very responsive in a humiliated way.

Someone posted a link to a scene in erotic perversion by Blakemore. It is the standard for great gimp porn. Even with the production errors it is incredible. The woman has a hot lithe body. She looks terrified and yet as if her deepest darkest fantasy is coming true. The way she squirms and responds more than makes up for the wimpy whipping. All positions accentuate her beauty and helplessness. In fact, she is my favorite gimp actress of all time. The woman makes the scene. Candle comes in second. I'll let Candle consider it a challenge to outdo her. wink
13786) lionrobe 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 05:44 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13786) For those who are on guns and rifles, here's to you :

13787) Kathyrne 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 06:23 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hey Y'all,

I had a very recent meltdown on my laptop. Totally would not reboot and the diagnostic tools wouldn't restore the system, so I had to do a reset. I have been backing up my files every couple of weeks, but this happened before I did my latest back-up, so I lost about three weeks of work, including a few image sets I was working on.

Spent the last two-and-a-half days getting the laptop set back up again, and I ordered a new one with better power, so I hope to be able to make my normal "the 13th" contribution as usual. Just gonna be a very frustrated kitty until I get the new one and get it set up right with my Poser program and my normal webstuff.

Just wanted to share the frustration.
13788) Rick 
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Saturday, 28 May 2016 09:53 PM Permalink

Vibrators: I'll go with B, I don't think any tools should be taken off the table. A gorgeous woman forced to have a good hard cum is always a hot scene. Maybe made to cum for hours or days. The more prim and proper the more humiliating and thus more psychologically interesting. I'm also a fan of the baddie finding a hidden sex toy and taunting her with it. The revelation of her inner lustiness. I don't mind watching a woman get off by herself either to be honest. I guess I'm pretty vibrator friendly.

Is it my favorite kind of scene torture or whatever? Well,.... no. But used in the right measure with other things and for the right reasons, it can be good.

There are ways you can play it that are not all that great too. I like a scene to have a dark edge and if that's missing it wont interest me. There are a lot of other factors like attractiveness of the woman involved. If she hits for me I could watch her do just about anything lol.

Off Ye Old Twitter, something with a dark on the bird in the bottom right if yo want to know more...


13789) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 12:37 AM Permalink

sadistguy18: You may be the first Gimp member that has ever brought up the skin color of the gimp.

I don't care what the skin color of the gimp is or her nationality either. Bill K.
13790) krotho 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 02:57 AM Permalink

@sadistguy: which movie are this?
13791) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 03:00 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13791) For those who are on hangings and garrote

13792) sadistguy18 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 05:04 AM Permalink

@Bill. Ok, I hope it's clear that my question has nothing to do with racism or so, it's only my preference for the type of the victim.
13793) Prof Proteus 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 06:00 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I regret the self-righteous tone of my post about KP and I have apologised to Ralphus for that.

I also regret mentioning my forum because it is a private forum where membership is by invitation only. I do not wish to 'advertise' the forum openly and I cannot/will not invite anyone who does not give their email address! wink
13794) petelobo 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 06:41 AM Permalink


Once you get set up again, pick up DropBox or some other reasonable online (cloud-based) back-up software. Set up to backup automatically the folders where you keep your finished and in-progress works. Any time you put a new file in one of the targeted folders--or change one that's in there--it's automatically backed up immediately. You can also access them from any computer with internet access, or a new one if you buy one, download the files or folders onto the new one, or open them directly from DropBox.

One of those technological advances that's really worth the money, and it's easy to set up.
13795) Centaurus 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 07:03 AM Permalink

sadistguy 18 (post 13778) asked:
[Which colour of the skin of the female victim] do you prefer?
A. Light white skin
B. Normal white skin
C. Brown skin
D. Black skin

I didn't perceive your post as being racist at all, don't worry. Just as someone may prefer readheads or blonds, busty or skinny, someone may just as well have a preference for lighter or darker skin.

For me, I'd say all. ABCD. It doesn't matter.

There was a time when I thought that I didn't particularly like very light or black skin and that I preferred a well tanned look. To my surprise, I realized I could enjoy GIMP material no matter the color of the girl's skin. Black actresses Skin Diamond and Nikki Darling are among my favorites.

Candle Boxx said (post 13729):
I vote for the vibe if only to make the scene last longer or be more intense. When doing a scene the FO helps when dealing with discomfort/pain and allows a lot more to doled out by the Baddie. Lots of endorphins pump through the body and there is a theory that one should think about sex when in the dentist chair because it helps deal with pain. Subspace is an awesome thing. :)

This, however, is precisely why vibrators do not belong in a GIMP scene. This is an argument against vibrators, not for them.

If they indeed help with the discomfort/pain, then they diminish the peril. If they help with dealing with the pain, then they are the equivalent of the torturer handing out some painkillers or applying some anesthetic before the torture.

Arcas (post 13761) said:
A forced orgasm is (at least in my mind) about as perilous as being force fed your favorite ice cream.

Great parallel!
13796) Prof Proteus 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 09:39 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13796) Petelobo wrote: BTW, where did you get that excellent copy of the perversions flick?! The ones I've found look like early Jac Avila with his flashlight battery fading!

Ralphus replied: Ha! I have a really good DVD of all the Erotic Perversions collection that I picked up somewhere from a collector years ago. It's a damn shame that so many poor copies exist on the net. Those loops were among the best bondage material ever made.

I couldn't agree more, Ralphus. Those cine-film loops from the 'Classic Bondage era' are surviving the test of time and in another 40 or 50 years I expect they will still be outliving anything that is produced today.

I wish I had access to the excellent quality of DVD reproduction that you appear to own; instead I have had to make-do with the best of the crap that I could find on the net. The sharpest videos I found (of the entire EP collection) actually played back in almost pure B&W, but when I ran them through my editing software I found some plugins that brought out the original colour which had 'bizarely' been suppressed by some idiot during a format-conversion! The pic above is from my reproduction.

It seems we've awoken a few other GIMPERs who appreciate these Classic movies. For them, here is my version of 'Punished Perversion', sans-VHS tracking at the bottom of the screen.

[EP_PPE_Punished Perversion.mp4]
13797) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 09:56 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Krotho: The movies sadistguy18 posted are:

A) Very light skin (The Sinful Nuns of St. Valentine)
B) Normal white skin (The House of the Spirits)
C) Brown skin (Cabra-Cega)
D) Black skin (12 Years a Slave)

We have video clips of A and C in the databases on the site.


Kathyrne: I use Carbonite as a backup system. Easy to set up, and backs everything up automatically. You pay a yearly fee (60 bucks or so) and they do everything for you. A small price to pay for assurance that you won't lose any of your important files to a crash.
13798) Jav Critic 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 10:16 AM Permalink

Superheroine World Episode 4 : Rumble In The City Review

Rumble In The City stars Jade Indica as Moon Child, who after hearing that her friend "Empire Girl" has been ruffed up by the city's head villain and his associates, she goes to snitch Joe’s bar to find out where they are, but are they closer than she thinks? Let’s find out!

And the first thing I liked about this film was Jade Indica, and not her performance particularly (which we'll get to later), but more-so the aura she gives off as a performer ; showing that her character is feared and forceful yet also naturally desirable with tons of sex appeal, and this is all just in the way she handles herself.

Another factor that supports this is the direction and the costumes, while Jade Indica could look good in anything I think the costume just makes her even more mesmerizing of a presence; having a beautiful shimmer and colour. It is made of the most captivating spandex, and makes her just that more coveted.

The direction also helps, and is just all-round great, its use of reaction shots and cut-ins to emphasize certain details really helps give an powerful aura to both our hero and villains, for example: showing close-ups of Joe’s shaking hands as he interacts with Moon Child and pours her a drink really shows how intimidating she is as a character.

But with that being said it is still very simple and to-the-point, which only makes the peril all the more stimulating as the camera directly and clearly lays out the events/scene for us to sit back and enjoy. While I never had problems with quick cuts and speedy/hand-held direction before, as you watch an older film during the inception of heroine films you end up marveling at the simplicity of it. Now every film looks like a well budgeted fan-short film (and a well made one at that), yet the slickness can take away from the gritty, seediness of what the clip essentially is: a fetish porn clip.

And yet for some reason the more genuine the film looks, the more predictable it then becomes, and the sheer slickness of it takes away from the taboo of seeing an amateur filmmaker express their deepest/weirdest desires on screen, it is almost voyeuristic in a sense because it feels so sincere and unofficial, but nowadays heroine films look more the equivalent to blockbusters, again it’s good to see that the genre’s grown, but sometimes less is more. RANT OVER

Though it’s admittedly cheap, the sound design is actually really effective. A good ominous synth track is played throughout, plus the sounds themselves feel very lived in and natural to the scene, and not simply slapped on (pardon the pun).

Which could have something to do with the age of the clip (its age yet again giving authenticity without trying).

The performances are incredibly, and often hilariously hammy throughout, and especially in the dialogue department, at times actors looking as if they're holding back laughter, but luckily there isn't much talking once we get into the meat of the film, and Jade, while not the best dialogue-wise either is actually fantastic in the peril scenes, giving great reaction shots that show her frenzied fear and discomfort as she is painfully torn between agony and pleasure, as well as making some beautiful sounds as the scene get more and more heated.

One addition to the peril which I absolutely loved was the pool cue, having it based in a bar gives a lot of room for inventive weapons/acts to perform on our heroine, but this one has to be the most effective/exhilarating.

An honourable mention as far as performances go is: Nikki Sebastian who not only also has a hot and revealing outfit, but apart from her line delivery is also very steamy and sultry in her scenes, and like Jade knows how to give off sex appeal, and she does so in spades.

One small nit-pick I have is the cliffhanger ending, the film teases us with Moon Child’s inevitable peril, so it is incredibly disappointing that the film ends before the final act is performed.

Yet overall this is still an abundantly sensual, simple and effective film with innovative peril, gorgeous costumes and a very directly sexual aesthetic helped greatly by its naturalistic, earnest direction and a victorious Jade Indica performance that completely won me over by the halfway point despite my reservations, so from there I could just sit back and marvel her spellbinding beauty, and incredibly erotic reactions to her captors peril till the very end, despite leaving me wanting more I still definitely have to recommend this film.


Buy It Here :

13799) Bob 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 10:36 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13799) From the days they made Super-8 BDSM movies without sound.
I remember seeing these kind of flicks in a small booth in an adult shop.
Tells you something about my age... wink

13800) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 10:38 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Prof Proteus wrote:

Those cine-film loops from the 'Classic Bondage era' are surviving the test of time and in another 40 or 50 years I expect they will still be outliving anything that is produced today.

Watching that clip again reminded me of why Blakemore's work is so revered. Yeah, the film quality is second-rate, there's no live sound, the audio effects are a bit cheesy, but the content...the content is Wow! Blakemore gave us more in 12 minutes more than most bondage producers give us in an hour, and it was all nasty, non-consensual, very rough stuff. Suspensions, torture with pliers, electric shock, forced blow jobs...the guy knew how to treat a woman! I'll say it again, this is what bondage is supposed to be like. It should be painful, it should be torturous, and most importantly, none of this shit about using a vibrator to give her an orgasm afterward.
13801) krotho 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 10:46 AM Permalink

(13801) Sorry, I mean this one :)
13802) Bob 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 12:21 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

krotho wrote : sorry I meant this one :)

It's from a Brazilian mainstream movie Cabra Cega. The full movie is on Youtube :

This particular interrogation scene is very short, it starts at 47:50 but you don't see the actual torture. The girl is already badly bruised and wounded.
The scene ends with a suggested severe torture or mutilation of her private parts
13803) Covers the Relentless 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 12:52 PM Permalink

(13803) Men Today Jan 1973 or 1974
13804) Gog 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 01:35 PM Permalink

So much stuff going on of late....hard to keep up on all.

Arcas – Love the pic of Penny Pax you posted getting a throatful.

BTW, every once and a while I like to check out “Facial Abuse” (and some other sites of similar nature). I love it when the girl starts to panic a bit when the guy just keeps his cock forced down her throat, basically suffocating her. I know it's consensual, but some girls don't quite know what they're in for (as I've seen a couple just quit when things get too rough). I've seen some established porn stars break down crying in a few as well. Good stuff. big grin


Lionrobe – Thanks for sharing the hanging pic! Would have preferred a “cleaner” view, as I'm not into “GruesomeHorror”.....or as Ralphus cleverly punned a while back, “Grew Some Horror”. big grin

I know the pic doesn't have a lot.....but anything along the sides is GrewSomeHorror enough for me. [Or was it just shadow? My eyes are bad lol ]

*********** pic?! I think she needs to be punished for this. Don't you guys think? The question what form? Hehe lol


Centaurus wrote (of CandelBoxx's post in favor of vibes):

"This, however, is precisely why vibrators do not belong in a GIMP scene. This is an argument against vibrators, not for them."

“If they indeed help with the discomfort/pain, then they diminish the peril. If they help with dealing with the pain, then they are the equivalent of the torturer handing out some painkillers or applying some anesthetic before the torture.”

Well, if we're gonna punish Kathyrne, might as well throw Candle in the dungeon as well. Hehe lol
13805) Lamentation 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 01:59 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

My apology to the board and members of this site for putting the site in danger. That was never my intention. While this in no way makes acceptable my action, the story was written to conform with actual historical content. No children were harmed during the writing of the tale. That is not the case historically. I apologize and will never again make such a blunder. Ralphus is in no way accountable for this error. He warned me up front that the story could be seen as offensive. I ignored his warning.

13806) Sanderson 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 02:24 PM Permalink

My answer is definitely A: no place for vibrators in NC stories.
13807) Magdalena 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 02:32 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

From my perspective the poll is a definite B. When in a painful bondage there are many strategies to withstand the pain: controlled breathing, focusing and the like. With a vibe in they are almost impossible to employ though, making it harder to focus for some reason....My favorite is the vibrator in when hanging upside down. After a while it feels like my whole body is vibrating along with it. Whether it is a peril or a pleasure depends on how it's handled I guess smile
13808) Prof Proteus 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 03:30 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Lamentation: it's clear that you made an honest mistake without realising the consequences. We all slip up now and then so don't beat yourself up about it. The important thing is that the error has been identified, acknowledged and rectified.

Thank you.
13809) kingdiocletian 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 04:52 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ralphus has kindly put up Parts 2 and 3 of my story State of Emergency. []

Part 1 featured a student who got caught up in political unrest overseas, was arrested, tortured and flogged. []

Part 2 features a photographer picked up at a demo in the same country and part 3 a medical student arrested at the airport.

Part 4 should be on its way soon.
13810) Waylon 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 05:21 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13810) Who's ready for Justine???
13811) Bill K. 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 09:06 PM Permalink

(13811) Sadistguy18 my post was a matter of fact comment that you're the first to bring up the skin color of a gimp.

You wrote: "my question has nothing to do with racism or so, it's only my preference for the type of the victim."

I didn't say racism but your question still meant the nationality skin color of the gimp to me.

I am sorry Sadistguy18 and Gimpers that my last post was worded in a way that may have implied racism.

That being said my skin color preference is sweaty scared shitless reddish whipped marked and dungeon dirty like pictured.

The actual nationality skin color still doesn't matter to me. Bill K.
13812) toxicmask 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 11:13 PM Permalink

(13812) This movie could be the prelude for a "Revange on the Laughing Girl II"
13813) BigDD 
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Sunday, 29 May 2016 11:55 PM Permalink

Lamentation, It's all good :).
You can probably post your original story at [] as it's probably perfectly legal there. But it's always best to read the guidelines on that site before posting just to make sure you aren't violating any local laws by posting it there.... ..... That site has been in existence for decades, since about 1996 or so....

BDSM Library is another good site....I think the age is 14+ on that site, based upon many of the stories I've run across, but the site will tell you. It might be 15 or 16 now... PowerOne is one of the authors there and I know some of his characters have been 14 to 17 year old teenagers, but now he's selling mainstream BDSM books on Amazon.Com , so he's moved up in the world :), so I think they are all 18+

But yeah on regular BDSM forums like this, best to keep the stories at age 18+

On another note, I love the old bondage loops being posted. They bring back good memories... Years ago, I could have sworn I've seen some of those older videos in adult video stores in the BD/SM section....

Many of the BDSM Paid Streaming sites that have the ZFX movies also have many of the old Punished Loops Streaming, but the quality is really bad.....

They don't make the old bondage movies like they use to... that's for sure :).......
13814) BigDD 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 12:04 AM Permalink

JaV Critic, love that Superheroine scene.....I use to love checking out some of those clips online, sadly many of the good adult super hero/heroine companies seem to have went out of business.....I still enjoy the Japanese ones though.
13815) BigDD 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 12:10 AM Permalink

Per some of this website's recommendations, I tried to look at some of the Elite Pain Whipping Movie Trailers, and they are just too real for me...and the whip marks are just way too bloody for my taste.

It's weird but extreme and bloody cartoons and even extreme whipping in mainstream movies don't bother me, but I can't deal with seeing it in real life without feeling queasy.....
13816) BigDD 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 01:31 AM Permalink

Heya Lamentation,
Just a Followup:

I just checked BDSMLibary and story characters now need to be 18+, so they are pretty much inline with everyone else.... So Prof was correct, it's pretty much seems to be the standard now...

and after looking a bit closer at asstr, I'd steer clear of posting on that site. it seems to be riddled with almost nothing but way under age 18 stories these days now... Gross .......

Stick to 18+ and you'll be good :)....
13817) Corvid 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 04:45 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

kingdiocletian: Two new stories? And it isn't even my birthday? ;)

Delightful work as always, especially the segment with forcing Megan to retain her stress position while she looked on the photographs- but I think I share Sharma's frustration at not getting to spend more time alone with her. Perhaps one day we'll get to see what the SecPol do with their greater access...?

Can hardly wait for part four.
13818) bakerboy 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 07:38 AM Permalink

Regarding this movie:

It's from a Brazilian mainstream movie Cabra Cega. The full movie is on Youtube :

She was tortured by electricity on her genitals. I guess as effective as in here:


It could have been mainstream in the good old days....;)
13819) bakerboy 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 07:42 AM Permalink

Also this Argentinian film Garage Olimpo has a similar scenes


13820) sadistguy18 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 08:10 AM Permalink

Two similar great scenes from the Brazilian TV series Amor e Revolucao.

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 1 is a perfect electrotorture scene, but in scene 2 the actress is freaking beautiful, and the interrogators are obviously turned on while they watch her.
13821) sadistguy18 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 08:13 AM Permalink

Scene 3 is also perfect, she will sing like a bird...

13822) Covers the Relentless 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 10:25 AM Permalink

(13822) Men Today Jan 1975 V15 No1
13823) Michael Max 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 12:31 PM Permalink

My answer is definitely A: no place for vibrators in NC stories.

This is the answer I put in as well, but I guess it's worth clarifying with a post scriptum. There is nothing wrong with an OCCASIONAL vibrator in a scene, such as a theme of bringing a woman to orgasm against her will.

The problem is that there is nothing BUT vibrator scenes anymore, and BDSM-themed websites have degenerated into vanilla porn with a few nonsensical ropes thrown in as an afterthought.

It will remain a problem until someone steps in to fill the broadening nich in the market. That's why I am proposing to make a real BDSM website. Millions of dollars, and beautiful slave girls are up for grabs.
13824) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 01:02 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

13825) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 01:04 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


"Catherine was the daughter of Constus, the governor of Alexandrian Egypt during the reign of the emperor Maxiniman (305–313). From a young age she had devoted herself to study. A vision of the Madonna and Child persuaded her to become a Christian. When the persecutions began under Maxentius , she went to the emperor and rebuked him for his cruelty. The emperor summoned fifty of the best pagan philosophers and orators to dispute with her, hoping that they would refute her pro-Christian arguments, but Catherine won the debate. Several of her adversaries, conquered by her eloquence, declared themselves Christians and were at once put to death.

Catherine was then scourged and imprisoned, during which time over 200 people came to see her, including Maxentius' wife, Valeria Maximilla; all converted to Christianity and were subsequently martyred. Upon the failure of Maxentius to make Catherine yield by way of torture, he tried to win the beautiful and wise princess over by proposing marriage. The saint refused, declaring that her spouse was Jesus Christ, to whom she had consecrated her virginity. The furious emperor condemned Catherine to be whipped and then broken on a spiked breaking wheel. Yet, the wheel shattered.. Maxentius finally had her beheaded."
13826) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 01:08 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13826) "The names! Tell me those names and I will put an end to your suffering."
13827) Masamune 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 04:25 PM Permalink

An interesting female blog:

GIMP POLL: A - she must be punished, not have fun.
13828) Pedro 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 05:15 PM Permalink

Toxicmask wrote: This movie could be the prelude for a "Revange on the Laughing Girl II"

Then I guess you must have seen Lashville... Do we got a new laughing girl? ;)
How did you like the film?
13829) Mad Max 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 07:31 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Covers the R, thanks soooooooo much for the Men Today with the damsel lashed to the bulldozer... I can still remember buying that one, back when I was dating a girl that let me tie her up a couple of times...
13830) Ralphus 
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Monday, 30 May 2016 09:49 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13830) Masamune wrote:

An interesting female blog:

A helluva nice blog! I'm gonna have fun going through her site. You know she's cool since she's got so many Arcas pictures on her site. Did you get a chance to see her picture and her bio introduction? Check this page out:

Wow, I think I'm in love! Finally a nice girl I can bring home to Mother. And how about this picture from her page above? Too funny!


Latest poll update:

What is your opinion regarding vibrators in bondage scenes?
A. Vibrators are designed for a woman's pleasure and have no place in a supposedly non-consensual storyline 22 votes
B. Forcing a woman to orgasm is stimulating and exciting to me 15 votes

This one is starting to run down, but the anti-vibe folks (aka the smart ones) still hold a comfortable lead. Keep on voting, guys.


Big DD wrote:

Per some of this website's recommendations, I tried to look at some of the Elite Pain Whipping Movie Trailers, and they are just too real for me...and the whip marks are just way too bloody for my taste.

No surprise, ElitePain and Mood Pictures are an acquired taste. Their whippings are clearly not faked, so those bloody red welts are all real, and some of it gets a bit excessive, even for a fan of nearly all kinds of torture like I am. I like some of what I've seen from them, but my issue is them is that nearly every single blow I've seen directed toward the women is either on their backs or their butts. To me, that's very limiting. I'm not a butt man in particular and backs are somewhat boring. A naked woman's entire body is a canvas that is rife with possibilities to inflict pain. The front of a woman is much more appealing. What about the tits? What about the pussy? Take a bullwhip and lash her across the midriff. Spread the pain around a bit.


Jav Critic: Thanks very much for your latest review. I've never even heard of Superheroine World until now. I downloaded some of their trailers and took a look. Seems like the American version of the Giga company, although what I've seen, it's light on bondage and heavy on punching. Some relatively big names in the bondage industry appear in some of the movies (including our very own Candle Boxxx) and it appears that Paris Kennedy must run the company, since her name is all over the site. I also notice she deliberately wears costumes with long sleeves to cover up her hideous tattoos.

Here's the direct link for your latest review:
13831) The Collector 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 12:04 AM Permalink

(13831) This is a great image, don't you think? Before I enlarged it I thought it could be an actual photo. Anyone know who created it and where more of their work can be found?
13832) Bronx_Warrior 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 12:36 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13832) Please ID this movie name.
13833) MAV 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 12:42 AM Permalink

Another week, another trivia crown, even if not involving AOH. That is Cameron Richardson in "Rise Blood Hunter", which also had Lucy Liu in the same upside down arms behind bondage position.

So do I win funding for a custom perhaps?
13834) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 01:00 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13834) Congratulations MAV, what is that, 3 weeks in a row and 4 times overall? Maybe it's gonna force MrAnthony out of retirement now that he realizes someone else is taking over his crown.

The movie is indeed the vampire film Rise: Blood Hunter, starring Lucy Liu. Cameron Richardson plays a beautiful call girl (is there any other kind in movies?) who gets bonked on the head and wakes up tape gagged and hung upside-down naked and at the mercy of a lecherous old man in a wheelchair. Should have been a longer scene, but how often do we see upside-down nude bondage in mainstream films? Not that often, and as a bonus, Liu herself receives a similar treatment near the end of the film. John Galt wrote a review of the movie for the board here: Rise: Blood Hunter
13835) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 01:45 AM Permalink

(13835) Post 13831 by "The Collector"
Deviantart site: []
MKG is the poser artist.
He hasn't created and posted his poser artwork for a long time now. Bill K.
13836) Rory 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 03:08 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Collector, that is actually done by Arcimboldo. I hosted him for a few years but sadly had to let the site go after getting laid off work.
13837) Ted 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 05:20 AM Permalink

My response to the poll is definitely A. Vibrators are for pussies. No self respecting torturer would have one in their toolbox.

As for the skin color question, I prefer brown or black. Although someone raised a good point that white skin shows the marks better, but I say just whip those black girls harder smile
13838) petelobo 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 07:39 AM Permalink

(13838) Ralphus wrote of Elite Pain/Mood:
my issue is them is that nearly every single blow I've seen directed toward the women is either on their backs or their butts. To me, that's very limiting. I'm not a butt man in particular and backs are somewhat boring. A naked woman's entire body is a canvas that is rife with possibilities to inflict pain. The front of a woman is much more appealing. What about the tits? What about the pussy? Take a bullwhip and lash her across the midriff. Spread the pain around a bit.

So wrong, Mini-me~! You've been watching too much of the hyped stuff here from Mood. ElitePain uses the whole canvas, and often seems to prefer (as do I) the front--see above.
13839) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 08:23 AM Permalink

(13839) Today's MAM cover is from Men Today Jan 1976 V16 No1


13829) Mad Max wrote: Covers the R, thanks soooooooo much for the Men Today with the damsel lashed to the bulldozer... I can still remember buying that one, back when I was dating a girl that let me tie her up a couple of times...

I'm glad you liked it, MM. It's always interesting to learn when a cover image is someone's favorite.
13840) Arcas 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 09:13 AM Permalink

(13840) I celebrated the holiday by popping out a new personal piece.
13841) Mr. Hyde 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 09:41 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13841) My new fake cover for another GIMP-story
13842) esso 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 10:05 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(13842) I have been absent from the forum for a while, mostly due to other life priorities, but have been lurking. But seeing Covers' post over the weekend reminded me that I did a manip of that cover a while ago, and since the only time of mine that required was to find it (more than I thought), here it is. Hope to be back sooner rather than later. Oh, and put me down as an A in the poll.
13843) Jav Critic 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 10:29 AM Permalink

Ralphus : Thanks for that smile yeah I've been a fan of SuperheroineWorld for a long time now and I love basically everything they do, it's a shame they aren't making films anymore, another one I'm sure you've heard of is SHG-Media who are easily the best company around, and are also a little heavier on the bondage stuff too, especially the Liberty Girl/Star films:

Another one that's really good with bondage is Defeated Heroines who are now also sadly defunct, but they left some incredible films behind, finishing off with about 6 incredible films with Cherie DeVille and are all definitely worth a look:

13844) galahad 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 03:12 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

My Dear Ralphus.

I must echo petelobo's post, 13838.

I find it hard to believe that you are not more aware of the nature of Mood Pictures and Elitepain movies. If what follows is redundant, please forgive me. But there may be those accessing this site who would appreciate some clarification. Particularly as for those of us who are true sadists, these sites are of particular interest.

I have not seen a 'mission statement' from Mood Pictures, but it is clear that all their films involve only the beating and whipping of the rear of their 'victims'; back, buttocks and the back of the thighs. (I have seen all/ almost all their output). I assume that this reflects the preferences of Pedro (and, maybe, Paolo).

Elitepain includes all this but also involves beatings and whippings to the front of the body. In addition other means of inflicting pain are utilised; clips, clamps, piercing, electric shock etc. Again I have seen all/almost all their productions. Again, I assume that this reflects the preferences of 'Max Lomp'.

To the best of my memory, (see below), there has been only one film that did not include some abuse directed to the front of the 'victim's' body. That is the recent production 'Punishment Methodology 3'. However this includes the technique of bastinado, which will delight some of you!

A number of the whippings/beatings directed to the front of the body in Elitepain films are strikingly severe and should be able to satisfy the most exacting sadist.

I am happy to detail further my own particular favourites if any are interested.

As with a number of contributors to this site I must make in advance any apologies for the reliability of my memory.
13845) B. Snippet 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 03:45 PM Permalink

Rise: Blood Hunter is available at as "Rise"
13846) Pedro 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 06:59 PM Permalink

Dear Petelobo and galahad, thank you for clarifying the situation regarding Mood Pictures and ElitePain.

To be historically accurate: First we started as a spanking film production company. Pablo and me were spanking fans, so we decided to start our own film studio. This was Mood Pictures. 95% of Mood Pictures films are written and directed by me. After about a year we decided to widen our line of products, so we hired MaxLomp (who frequently appeared in&around Mood Pictures' productions) to be a producer for the new studio, which was designed to be a little different, rather BDSM (than spanking)less sophisticated storylines. Most ElitePain videos are the own creation of Max Lomp except for the two History of Pain releases.

But otherwise both guys are right. What I am really interested in is various whippings of the back and the bottom in helpless situations...

Ralphus knows mostly those productions which I mention here - which are rather made by me, that is why he doesn't know too much about Max Lomp's line...

Let me share the trailer of Lashville - Town of Justice

13847) JD 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 07:21 PM Permalink

B. Snippet said: Rise: Blood Hunter is available at as "Rise"

B, you're the guy behind the WIP project? If so, allow me to express my deepest respect! Chapeau!
13848) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 10:30 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD wrote (regarding B. Snippet):

B, you're the guy behind the WIP project? If so, allow me to express my deepest respect! Chapeau!

He must be. I counted and since the new forum opened in February 2014, he's posted about at least 14 times! You know that's a bootleg operation, right? I think they're potentially a good source for many out of print movies, but they have some titles there that they shouldn't have, even after they were warned to cease and desist. From now on, I don't want any mention of them on the board.


Pedro wrote:

Ralphus knows mostly those productions which I mention here - which are rather made by me, that is why he doesn't know too much about Max Lomp's line...

Yeah, obviously that was my ignorance speaking there. I've seen just a few of the EP titles (two of which were the "History of Pain" series, which I both enjoyed) and I'm more familiar with Mood's offerings, which follow the same basic pattern. My apologies for the inaccurate information.


Rory wrote (post 13836):

Collector, that is actually done by Arcimboldo. I hosted him for a few years but sadly had to let the site go after getting laid off work.

Nope, Bill K was right. The artwork is called "Sisters in Pain" by the artist MkG2k7. It is quite reminiscent of Arcimboldo'as work, though.


Covers: I also want to chime in about your recent covers postings. Even though I'm a big collector of the MAM covers myself, you've been posting stuff I've never seen before. Even though I have a number of issues of Men Today in my collection, you keep coming up with new ones for me. I've really been enjoying these lately. That really was a great that we may never see again in this politically correct society.
13849) BigDD 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 10:43 PM Permalink

There are PLENTY of pussy whippings and breasts whippings on Elite Videos, even if they only last a few whiplashes.

I went to their website and checked out most of their trailers, plus I've seen a few brief clips posted on BDSM sites. In fact it as one of the pussy whippings that made decide it was too intense for me. Just seeing a pussy swelled up and red and bloody in real life, didn't do anything for me...... Although I love to see that in comics :) Go figure? :) Also Elite has plenty of breast whippings too.

I think you are confusing Elite movies with Mood Pictures. Mood Pictures is mostly butt and back whippings. Elite is not!
13850) A Canadian 
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Tuesday, 31 May 2016 11:36 PM Permalink

JavCritic: Superheroine World is a new one to me, as well. I'll have to investigate further.

Thanks for putting the review together.

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