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September 2010

Name: TGG
Homepage URL:

A lot of you have been referring to as though it is in Canada. However the contact link on the site lists its physical address in the United States. Could you all be mistaking the site with 8jav which has an identical layout and catalog?


Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 12:30:15 AM

Name: A Canadian

Fritz wrote:

Aside from, what other Canadian vendors sell JAV DVDs? For that matter, are there any US distributors other than those listed in the GIMP sources list?

The answer to the question about the Canadian vendors gets a bit tricky. There are a few websites out there but I'm pretty sure they are all run by the same people who run For example, JavParadise is run by the same people and ships from the same location in British Columbia. The only difference between JavParadise and aaparadise is that JavParadise carries a few older titles that aren't listed at aaparadise, such as Shark 231 (a 2005 movie that is one of my all-time favorites). JavParadise also has the Industrial Spy movie that elkcreek mentioned earlier (and which is not available at

There is also a site called MediaJav which I'm quite certain is run by the same people, although I've never used it. Don't ask me why there is more than one site -- maybe it has something to do with catching more people who use Google search.

When you're searching through the archives, you may find past mentions of a site called -- that is the site that is now

As for U.S. vendors, I'm not aware of any additional vendors beyond those already listed, but our friends in the U.S. may have some new information to add.

Fritz, I'm not sure I would ever go this route, but I would be interested in learning about the Japanese vendors you have used -- and if there are ones that are better at successfully shipping films into Canada.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 12:38:45 AM

Name: Vince

I have several movies that always do the trick for me.

I could watch Virgina Gordon getting raped and reraped in "Hot Spur" aka "Love Desperados" from now til infinity. As long as I have a copy of that movie, I'll never need Viagra.

Also, "Sudden Death" starring former Miss Australia Denise Coward fighting for her life and, most importantly, her virtue in a cramped cab against a thug always puts a smile on my face and a bulge in my pants.

Also the cable movie "The Guardian" with Katie Lynch begging not to be raped in front of her young son always arouses me.

Honorable mention goes to a broadcast TV movie "Act of Violence" in which my lust object of all time, the late Elizabeth Montgomery, struggles to avoid avoid being the unwilling fucktoy of a teen-age Spanish punk is a favorite too.

With this poll, I could go on and on with some classic forced fantasy features.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 12:43:17 AM

Name: A Canadian

TGG: I was writing my response to Fritz and didn't see your post -- 8Jav is another one of those sites that is run by the exact same people who run and

To answer your question, those guys ship out of both Canada and the U.S. I don't know where they ship from in the U.S. (for obvious reasons, I have never ordered a film to go to a U.S. address) but I know that in Canada they ship out of British Columbia.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 12:44:00 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

Elkcreek wrote:

In mainstream, the two that ALWAYS work are the rape scene in Act of Vengeance with Jo Ann Harris (perhaps the best mainstream rape scene ever) and Fair Game.

2 great scenes, and as a matter of fact, I just recently saw Act of Vengeance in its entirety for the first time last weekend. I was going to write a review and still might, I just ran out of time (too many irons in the fire, and not all of them necessarily for use in torturing women). At any rate, I was able to create a new page for the Mainstream Rape Database, so I can share that with you now:

Jo Ann Harris, maybe the cutest rape victim in mainstream movie history. And whenever it's Christmas time and I hear Jingle Bells on the radio, I flash an evil smile that no one else can understand. Jingle all the way!

Okay, most of you won't get that reference if you haven't seen the movie. Now I'm gonna have to review it just to explain myself.


I liked the first two Miss Ballista's but the bowl on Lisa's head during the electro scene reduced the pleasure in number two. Rick always seemed to use some funky mask or cover the face of his victims at the most inopportune times.

You're leaving out the most egregious example from the third movie, in which Lisa is electro-tortured while wearing a weird mask. A bad scene in a good movie. Here's an excerpt from my original review of Ballista 3:

Unfortunately, what might have been a classic scene is severely muted, IMO, by the fact that we cannot see Lisa's face. All the other elements are there, but it was hard for me to get excited when the victim in this case looks like she has a huge Cootie head :)

And now that I have the ability to make caps, here's a visual example of what I was describing. Compare and contrast:


Am I right or am I right?

Nonetheless, I don't agree that ZFX didn't have any home runs. And obviously, we've already had a bunch of ZFX scenes named by others as scenes that do it for them again and again. That's the sign of a filmmaker who's been able to make our dark fantasies come to life, and it doesn't get much better than that.


I rented "The Killer Inside Me" last night and it was a major disappointment. I like beat-downs, and while both Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson were beaten severely neither scene was memorable.

Interesting. According to, that movie doesn't come put until the end of September. Was this a screener copy?

At any rate, can't say I'm surprised. Once I saw that the bondage was missing from Alba's beating/rape scene (that was clearly there in the original shooting script), I knew this movie had "missed opportunity" written all over it, especially since Alba was involved and no doubt insisted on the changes. I'll wait for Canadian's official review, but I'm expecting another letdown.


Fritz wrote:

And speaking of search engines, how does one use the GIMP search utility? I was hoping to do a quick scan of the archives to find past references to a variety of topics, but clearly I'm missing something. My first search, on "Ilsa", revealed only one hit, though I know I alone have mentioned her many more times than that. "Torture" reveals only 12 hits, almost all in the reviews section. "Ralphus" only comes up 55 times and "GIMP" only 31 - not much for over ten years of posting. Am I forgetting to say the secret words before clicking the search button?

Okay, I knew that sounded weird so I checked myself. A search for "Ilsa" came up with 47 separate pages, not just one. "Torture" had 239 pages, not 12. "Ralphus" had 342 pages, not 55. Are you searching for the word or the word with quotes included? It's just like Google. In fact, it *is* Google. It's just our personal search engine that only does that pages on What specifically are you typing in?

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 03:12:22 AM

Name: petelobo

Kelly McKay (in Jackbooth Job and in one of the earlier SOB series) does me in every time! Pretty dark-haired girl, great natural body, and better-than-average responses. The scenes in which she is tied AOH with one leg pulled up completely nude (don't see that often outside the old HOM material) and whipped or tortured with electricity are as good as it gets!


Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 05:10:02 AM

Name: YikYakker

John Galt wrote:

Powershotz clips are not compressed. They are standard MPG or WMV files. The downloadable versions of the DVDs are ZIP files, or at least they were.

Well, what I’ve got – at least in the one .zip file I was able to successfully open last night – is a WMV file packaged with jpegs from other movies. I still get an error message with the other one, indicating that it is not a valid compressed file. Maybe that one was corrupted when I downloaded it.

It sucks you're having trouble, but I am interested in which clips you got. Can we expect some reviews?

The one that I’m having trouble with is a favorite of yours, Hazel... Try Before You Buy. On the way to looking that one up, I stumbled across an image of a lovely young lady, topless in blue jeans (one of my weaknesses) and was immediately smitten. So I also purchased Layne...Hogtied Ductette and enjoyed watching that last night. Now, I’m not a hogtie fan, but the preview pics led me to believe that Layne spends only a portion of the clip on her belly (which I don’t like) and it was as advertised. Yes, I will add that one to my “to-be-reviewed” list.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 07:20:38 AM

Name: DHT

Kelly McKay was indeed a beauty, but the best thing about her were her photos on the covers of the Video Pirates series. Both of those photos were just amazing.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 07:42:33 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

DHT: Actually, Kelly McKay was on the cover of three Video Pirates covers, volumes 2 through 5. Here's a visual look at the 3 boxes (best copies I could find quickly online).

Video Pirates 3

Video Pirates 4

Video Pirates 5

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 12:52:56 PM

Name: Badger

Ralphus: "The Killer Inside Me" is out and available from Blockbuster. The beat-down of Jessica Alba was like nothing I have ever seen. But I agree that I came up a bit wanting, both on the beat-downs and on the movie in general.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 02:35:07 PM

Name: YikYakker

GIMP Search: I had an experience similar to that described by Fritz when I first began using this feature. I think the confusion stems from the way Google reports the results. For example, when I search on "Ilsa" (without the quotes), the message on the right side of the screen says:

Results 1 - 10 for Ilsa. (0.52 seconds)

Usually when I do a Google search, the message says something like this:

Results 1 - 10 of 12 gazillion. (0.52 seconds)

You have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see that your search has turned up several pages, of which 10 are displayed per page. So you really are getting more hits than it would appear at first glance.

Not that I want to make work for anyone, but it would be nice if the message was more informative.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 05:34:59 PM

Name: John Galt

YikYakker: You are absolutely right, the clips do come in a zipped folder. When you mentioned the free pictures that accompany each clip, I realized the only way that could happen is if they are all zipped up into a single container. What can I say? I have never had any problems with the zipped files, and it is so second nature for me to just double click the folder and pull out the clip that I do it on autopilot without registering that it is a zipped file. I am once again chagrined.

That Layne is a cutie. As I recall, there are a couple of clips with her topless in jeans, as well as a clip or two of her in jean short-shorts. All of the clips I have of her involve some form of penetration and complete nudity, of course, because that's my thing. But she just has that young and innocent look about her. Plus, she has a sensational, supple body.

You can download a purchased clip several times within a week period, or something like that. You might try re-downloading it. But definitely e-mail Steve about it if it continues to be an issue.

I hope you enjoy the Hazel clip. Hazel is topless in jeans in a few clips as well, you know. I don't think the jeans fit as tightly as they could, and since I think she is incredible completely nude, those clips are not my favorites. But Hazel... Paying the Price and Hazel... Free Fuck both begin with Hazel in jeans, with the added bonus of non-consensual sex later on.

* * * * *

As far as the GIMP search goes, it looks to me like the search turns up pages, and in our case, a "page" represents an entire month of posts. So when I did a search for "Hazel," I got 18 "hits," but each one was a month of posts (or a review/series of reviews) and there were numerous instances of the word "Hazel" throughout each month. So as long as you understand how it works, it is pretty easy to find searched terms. I like it.

* * * * *

The Killer Inside Me was a complete waste of time. In my opinion. I won't even say that Jessica Alba and her completely dependable lack of serious nudity was the problem. The movie was just meh. But now we know what Jessica Alba's nude butt looks like. I wish I could say it was worth the wait but it was not.

* * * * *

The Disappearance of Alice Creed was a bit better. It did not lack for naked bondage of a luscious actor (Gemma Arterton), but it lacked a good GIMP vibe, for want of a better term. I'm going to have to think about why it left me so unimpressed, GIMP-wise. Maybe I really am getting jaded.

* * * * *

Ralphus: LISA vs COOTIE. That's a classic. Among the endless number of travesties real and imagined that set me off, weird-ass crap on the actor's face is right up there. Gas masks are a fetish that I do not grok, nor do I care to. In fact, on my Quite Long Prioritized List Of Annoying Things, gas masks on bound models ranks even higher than Jessica Alba screwing up a perfectly good role that would normally involve great nudity and/or bondage.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 08:26:29 PM

Name: A Canadian

The Killer Inside Me: You guys are doing better than me when it comes to finding the movie. It isn't available at my local Blockbusters, nor do I see it available anywhere else. I suspect I'll still be waiting until the end of the month to see it.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 09:41:33 PM

Name: TGG

Hey Larry, do you by any chance still have any of these titles in stock?

IESP #247, Shark #340, and IESP #408.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 11:29:55 PM

Name: John Galt

A Canadian: At a theater with a big Casey Affleck fan. Just my luck, since I think it was a limited release movie and I was unfortunately in the right place at the right time. The flick was not worth the price of admission, but in retrospect, pleasing my companion made it worthwhile. There's something to be said about a gal who wants to see The Killer Inside Me for a movie date. Could have been worse. Could have been Eat Pray Love.

I was ambivalent, naturally expecting nothing from Jessica Alba but hoping for more from Kate Hudson. Alas. The DVD isn't set for release until late September but it may be available in some pay-per-view venues. I wouldn't be in a hurry to be disappointed if I were you.

Wednesday, September 1st 2010 - 11:33:58 PM

Name: Fritz

Gimp Search: Thanks Ralphus, YikYakker and John Galt for your suggestions, but as it turns out, my problems were not due to my usual technical clumsiness, but rather my pathological reluctance to upgrade software. I'm running IE 6.0, which for the most part still hobbles along fine, but lately has been causing some weirdness to occur. Suspecting my downlevel browser might be at fault, I tried a recent version of Firefox instead, and lo and behold, all works as expected. I'm still hesitant to upgrade IE though… because when I do, all sorts of new Microsoft demons will invade my system and I will spend weeks hunting them down and slaying them.

A Canadian: Lately I have been buying JAV videos directly from production companies which offer direct downloads, like Attackers, GIGA, Gallop and Zen. The prices are not cheap, but most of the recent material is superb quality, downloads quickly and plays fine on most viewers. One company which I would love to order from is Zeus (part of the Akiba-GIGA-Zen consortium), which seems to market the most extreme titles. Unfortunately, they use a billing system which makes it impossible to order outside of Japan.

For DVDs, any of the above will do as well. Other Asian distributors I've tried include All Japanese XXX DVD (which is in the GIMP directory), Anime Jungle (go to the adult section) and Black Baby Factory. One of my favorites was a site called Fempower, which was run by a guy in China who was duping expensive Japanese BDSM and superheroine DVDs and selling them for under $10 each. Unfortunately, his site seems to have vanished about six months ago, and he no longer responds to e-mail.

Depending how you feel about downloading pirated copies, there is also this US blog site, which has a fair number of GIGA and Zen videos. It has been inactive for some time, and I'm not sure the downloads are still active. For the most part, I'm anti-piracy, but I have to confess I downloaded three Zeus videos from this site because there was no way I could get them legitimately from the Japanese-only producer.

Also, here is another US site I bookmarked. Called PDot (?) it's the familiar unorganized, endless slew of sex videos with some GIMP stuff mixed in. As usual, the place has no search function and uses snail mail ordering. Needless to say, I haven't tried them.

* * * * *

And finally, a meta-question about polls… is there a list of previously conducted GIMP polls available? Every now and again I have an idea for a poll, but usually the question seems so obvious I figure it's likely been covered sometime over the past decade. How do us newcomers know what's already been addressed? And what is the protocol for suggesting a new poll?

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 12:28:18 AM

Name: Fritz

Whoops... Forgot the link to that blog site I mentioned in my last post. It's called The Shadows. BTW, it includes only superheroine in peril and fem-fight videos, so if that's not your thing, you'll likely want to take a pass.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 12:37:44 AM

Name: YikYakker

John Galt: Thanks for the advice. I did download the Hazel clip again (you are allowed 5 downloads within a period of about a week) and this time it worked. The second download generated a larger file than the first, so evidently the first one lacked some essential ingredients for proper functioning.

Hazel shore iz purty. Her face alone can get you off. The clip itself doesn't really suit my taste, although Hazel did a great job. I like to see women spread out rather than hunched over on all fours. But as Canadian said, it's a wonder we pervs can agree on anything.

Still, Hazel shore iz purty.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 06:58:09 AM

Name: A Canadian

Fritz: Thanks for the information on the Japanese sources for movies. As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm not sure I'll ever use those sources. But it's useful to have the information, just in case.

As for suggestions for polls, I guess there are two ways to pursue this. One way is to send an e-mail to Ralphus with the suggestion, and see what he thinks.

The other way is to simply post your poll suggestion and see if Ralphus picks up on it. I don't think there's any reason to be concerned if a suggestion repeats something that has been done before. Some topics have definitely been polled more than once (and that's not unique to this forum).

I know not everyone agrees with me, but I also don't think it hurts to revisit some questions every now and then. Even for simple topics such as favorite GIMP movies. I suspect this information can be valuable for newer members who are on the hunt for the best films available. While there is plenty of information in the reviews section and in the databases, there isn't anything directing new members to the top films, as judged by the reviewers and viewers. Thus, the only way to learn about the standout films is through polls and other discussions that allow people to highlight the cream of the crop. Hopefully, the current poll on the "old standbys" has been helpful to newer GIMPers, and even to established GIMPers who have somehow managed to miss classic mainstream films such as, say, one starring Malcolm McDowell.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 08:03:50 AM

Name: John Galt

YikYakker: I am also a fan of spread, although for rough sex, down on all fours makes for a great show. I mentioned Hazel...Paying the Price before, because it featured Hazel topless in jeans. It also has a bit where she is stretched out naked on a tabletop. The compilation photo is here. It might be worth your while.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 09:22:54 AM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Fritz, thanks for the info on sources. I've used Fempower as recently as late June and gotten email response from him as recently as a couple of weeks ago. He changed his website to Femfightsvideo, I suspect it was payment issues. He has about the widest selection of Zen and Giga videos and he gets orders to me as fast as ANY other source but Catfight (usually within about a week from China)! I've used Pdot too, but he hasn't updated or responded to email since April. It's a shame too, he actually did some special orders for me.

Catfight is an interesting source. I've linked to them here before, they have a thorough selection (if its current they have it), but they charge close to, it not retail. This puts them at close to $90 for Giga flicks, too much in my book. But on some Zen Stuff they are in the $30-40 range, a little more palpable.They ship from Japan in 4-5 days in original packaging. One other source you might check is eBay, there is a store up called the Copplay Anime store, just go to the Adult section and search "heroine." I haven't ordered from him, but I have emailed him, his prices are great, and his selection has improved.

As far as illegal downloads, I try to avoid it, but I'm with you. When a manufacturer goes out of his way to make the product unobtainable, and doesn't respond to queries about it, I don't have much sympathy for them. I've all but begged them, sell me your stuff. They simply won't start a download if you're not running the latest Internet Explorer, Neanderthal if you ask me.

Ralphus, yep, Act of Vengeance was a GREAT scene and not a bad movie. Jo Ann Harris was in a TV series called "Most Wanted" that ran about a season. I'd love to find it. She was also in another movie called Deadly Games that may have some potential. She had a decent mainstream career which peaked early in the Clint Eastwood flick "The Beguiled," and included a lot of made for TV flicks and guest spots on more then a few hit series...She's still active in a lot of Tracey Ullman stuff and was one of the voices on the Simpsons for a while. No question, that she was a hot little thing and a classic beauty in the 70's when Act of Vengeance was filmed.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 09:42:55 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

If I should ever find myself at the mercy of the courts for violating Canada's obscenity laws, I hope I'm lucky enough to appear before someone like Judge Douglas.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 12:01:30 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

Fritz: There's no protocol on poll questions. It's fairly easy to look back in the archives to see what polls we've done in the past (or do a lookup for poll in the search engine...the poll questions are easy to spot since they're highlighted in colors). Like Canadian mentioned, if you've got a suggestion, just post it. The current poll question was suggested by Badger a while back while we still had an active poll going, but I liked it and waited until that poll died down and started it up.

And yeah, with 11 years of discussion, we get some repeats, but I like to revisit old topics from time to time as we get new posters. We always seem to pick up new, interesting responses when we recycle old poll questions. So if you have an idea, post away and we'll see if it's something we want to run with.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 12:52:51 PM

Name: Larry
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

TGG: IESP#247 and IESP#408 are both in stock. Available for 6.00 each.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 01:02:15 PM

Name: Fritz

Elkcreek: Thanks so much for pointing me to the new Fempower / Femfightsvideo site. It's great to see he is still in business. The prices seem higher than I remember them, but now that I think about it, perhaps they haven't changed after all. And if Ralphus is interested in getting Online Heroine Public Execution - Iron Lady, he can buy it here for $20 instead of the $50 for a GIGA download or (gulp) $100 for the DVD. I'm not sure if that level of price difference justifies supporting piracy, but for most folks who can't pay for the original vids, this may be their only option. Personally, I'll continue to buy GIGA titles from their site as downloads, but the impossible-to-order Zeus features I'll get from Femfightsvideo. I just wish they had more of them (only one new title added in the past six months).

I checked out Copplay Anime. Interesting store, but not much there that I have not seen elsewhere. He does have the cheapest prices though.

As for Catfight, do you have a link for them? I have heard of this place, but I suspect you are referring to something else.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 01:09:50 PM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Fritz, here's the link to Catfight. Like Fempower they feature female fighting not bondage, but they carry the complete Giga and Zen catalogs near as I can tell. But most of their DVD's are close to retail. They ship in original packaging from Japan very quickly. They may have some Zeuss/Gallop but I don't recall any.

As far as downloading, Giga and Zen will not sell me a download, so I don't have much choice. I do have a question though, you said the Akiba site downloads were excellent quality. Are the files easily burned to DVD? I have the Emsoft file converter and can burn MP4s on my MAC IF there are no software issues. Mac will burn any MP4 on IDVD (comes with OS) but it won't burn WMV.s I've thought about trying to download from Akiba again, but I'm not paying $50 for a file I can't burn to DVD. I prefer to watch on a DVD player versus my 13" Macbookpro screen. I badly want ATHB 22 and ATHB 50, and no one has them yet. The new Azumi Mizishima flick looks hot too.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 01:35:45 PM

Name: Dr Yuya

Elkcreek, If as you say you can't watch the stuff you download from Giga/Zen due to their incompatibility with Mac software, I would NOT recommend trying to convert the files you download from them to a usable format. Their files are DRM protecting, which far as I know makes converting impossible without some kind of analog screen recording software to record and create a file that isn't DRM protected. Of course, the analog recording only works if you can play the original DRM protected video to begin with, which in your case sounds like a no go.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 01:53:39 PM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

Dr Yuya, My issue is not I believe incompatibility with files. I can watch real time, Quick time, DivX, AVi, MP4, and WMV's on my MAC now. I'm just not sure I'll be able to convert the files to MP4's for DVD burning. In essence it's how is their DRM set? Does it allow one copy or no copies? Some copy protections still allow conversion, the DRM just travels with the conversion. If I'm going to be paying $50 for a file, I want to be able to watch it as a DVD on my 36" TV not my 13" laptop.

The problem I've had with getting the files is another matter. A year ago when I tried Akiba wouldn't start the download because I wasn't running the latest version of internet explorer. You have to confirm your browser is MSN's latest Explorer on the download page. To me this is absurd, a file is a file. I can send and receive all kinds of Windows files including office on my MAC. If they will download to me I KNOW I can play the file. My question is can I convert it to the right format (I doubt they are sending Quickfire files, MP4s, MACS proprietary player on explorer only). So I'm sure I'll have to convert them to burn a DVD.

Thursday, September 2nd 2010 - 07:17:46 PM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

A Canadian - I believe your mission is now clear - recruit her honor to adjudicate disputes occuring on our humble forum - we're sure to get a fair shake from her.

Stumbled across this site yesterday - an extensive library of rape compilation vids from a variety of sources as well as other Gimp related material - never done business with this outfit before - anyone know anything about them as far as reliability, quality etc. - thanks for any info.

Stay well all

Friday, September 3rd 2010 - 09:36:38 AM

Name: MaX CoXXX
Homepage URL:

Howdy Gimp!

MaX is finally up! Let me know what you think.

Been real busy doin dastardly things to hot chicks. Mater of fact I just water boarded a little 22 year old. It will be up at MaX with in the week.

For those of you who enjoy scenes going to death. Check out Dirty Deeds. I put a new peril, bondage or BDSM death scene up every Monday.

Signing the lease on a new dungeon space next week. Getting a stand alone space with a area for a work shop is going to add to my ability to produce more extreme scenes.

Good Hunting


Friday, September 3rd 2010 - 02:24:13 PM

Name: Fritz

Elkcreek: Thanks for the link to Catfight. They do indeed have quite a few Zeus and Gallop titles, though they are still classified as GIGA productions. However, they only carry the superheroine and femme combat videos, so they did not have the one I've been trying to hunt down (which doesn't fit in either category).

Happily, all this chatter about the Japanese vendors reminded me to revisit some sites I'd been neglecting. As a result, I discovered the object of my quest at Anime Jungle. In case you're interested, it's called Sadisukurimu Volume 4 (Zeus JSSD-04), and based on the preview clip, this one is completely over the top, even by Japanese standards. It appears to be a dead-serious torture vid: no superheroines in sailor outfits, masks or bunny ears; no rubber-suited monsters or goofy ninjas. It certainly won't appeal to everyone.

To watch the preview, go to the link and click on the grey (top) button under the box cover graphic. I'll be very interested to see if my copy arrives, and whether it lives up to the promo.

As for downloading from GIGA and converting to DVD, I'm not sure I can be much help. Here's what I can tell you:

  • I am able to download from GIGA using my downlevel (6.0) version of IE as well as a recent copy of Firefox. I'm on Windows of course, but I don't thing downloading should be a problem on a Mac.
  • The GIGA downloads are WMV files with DRM encoding as already mentioned. They play fine on the latest version of Media Player, but not on older ones. They do not play on Quicktime.
  • To convert to MP4 and circumvent the DRM encoding, you can run the WMV file through DRM Converter with minimal quality loss. This program works well but requires a $20 outlay. I'm not sure if there is equivalent freeware available. Once the WMV is converted, you'll have an MP4 file which will play on Quicktime and presumably can be burned to a playable disk using iDVD.

I've run an actual GIGA file through DRM converter and played it as an MP4 on my wife's iMac, so I know that much works.

Sloth: That site is a great find. Every time I think I've unearthed all the interesting GIMP material on the 'net, someone digs up something new. "Turkish Ero-Roughies" --- who knew?

Friday, September 3rd 2010 - 02:55:59 PM

Name: Brutus

Sloth: Nice find on that Xtreme Cult site. Lots of rare films in there that I've never heard of or been longing to see. But the prices ($10) seem too good to be true.


A Canadian: What a bizarre story about Judge Lori Douglas. It sounds like the judge didn't use sound judgement herself when she decided to marry that nitwit. I hope her personal life doesn't affect whether she can stay on the bench, but I doubt it.


John Galt wrote: In fact, on my Quite Long Prioritized List Of Annoying Things, gas masks on bound models ranks even higher than Jessica Alba screwing up a perfectly good role that would normally involve great nudity and/or bondage.

I totally agree. I honestly don't get the attraction of gas masks. They cover the face, are not sexy in any way, and it looks like the villain is "protecting" the damsel from noxious fumes.


The Killer Inside Me: I'm a big Jessica Alba fan but have pretty much no interest in watching this movie. Beat-downs don't do anything for me.


Japanese porn: Thanks for all the links. The Candles Room is tough to navigate and not very efficient to use when choosing a film. I've ordered from them before but only after I decided on a specific title through other sites.


Ralphus wrote: ... when was the last time you saw a mainstream film with a really good rape scene, complete with exploitative nudity?

Well, this isn't a great rape scene, but it's not too bad and has a bit of nudity. Might be worth a mention in the rape database.

Spirit Camp (2009)

Near the end of this slasher movie, in which cheerleaders at "Spirit Camp" are picked off one by one, blond goth girl Nikki (Roxy Vandiver) gets beaten and knocked out. She awakens (in cheerleader uniform) on a bed in a dark, dingy basement, cleave-gagged, handcuffed and tied to the headboard, and legs tied apart. The masked killer rubs a knife over her body, lifts up her skirt and cuts away her white panties. He then gropes her tits and pulls up her top so we can catch a way-too-quick glimpse of them naked. As he rapes her, Nikki uses a hairpin to unlock the cuffs and escapes. Most of the camera angles focus on her face, so we don't really get to see much. The entire scene lasts for about 80 seconds.

The rest of "Spirit Camp" features plenty of nudity, gore, a cheerleader getting off on a vibrator and attractive women. Unfortunately, there's no other GIMP action, unless you count dead and bloodied bodies strung up between trees. The movie itself doesn't take itself seriously, so it's not too bad.


Friday, September 3rd 2010 - 03:06:22 PM

Name: sgtmajor
Homepage URL:

I guess in regards to the poll I would have to say H.O.M. footage of The Trainers at the end, the chick with the flawless ass in the white panties always does it for me.

Mainstream I guess Irreversible and its nine minute long rape scene is white hot.

There are too many to list for ZFX Rick has created a plethora of sure fire stand ins. There was a British company that did a bondage flick called "Captured" and that hot little chick was totally great, the bondage was also quite good.

Friday, September 3rd 2010 - 05:09:59 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

I've tried to comment about 3 or 4 times and each time, I lose my comments. I might try again, using a word-processor to store the comments until I'm done (and add the stupid [angle]p[angle]s that DreamBook requires). We'll see.

Friday, September 3rd 2010 - 08:37:35 PM

Name: YikYakker
Homepage URL:

Labor Day weekend. A time to pay tribute to those who toil in our forests and fields and factories. A time to honor working stiffs everywhere, be they men or women, boys or girls. In accordance with the spirit of the occasion, we present...

Captive Factory Girls 2: The Revolt

None of the characters from the original return for this sequel except the company president, who is now condemned to life with a wheelchair and a really bad gray-hair dye job. This one is a notch better than the first installment: the girls are cuter (IMO), sweatier and wear slightly more revealing clothing. And even the GIMPage is better.

The heroine and factory newbie, Azusa (Ai Sayama) is helping her boyfriend pay off his debts. (Damn, is there anything these young Asianettes won’t do for their men?). In a flashback, we learn that she previously worked at a club as a no-sex companion; but after a colleague gets raped in a back room, Asuza is persuaded that she will be safer, and work off the debt faster, if she joins the factory crew. Wrong.

When one of Azusa’s co-workers experiences a malfunction with her machinery, she is blamed for the problem and has to report to the guidance counselor. She only has a month left to pay off her debt, but this incident will set her back. After protesting, she reluctantly agrees to the counselor’s demands, gives him a blow job and strips for some sex on the couch. Afterwards, she’s in such a bad mood that she nearly drowns Asuza during a catfight.

Eventually, both of them are taken to the counseling office, where they are set upon by four guards, stripped and raped. The improvement here is that it’s two-on-one, with one guard holding the girl down and the other doing the humping. This scene is much more forceful than what was presented in the original. Sayama and the other girl put up a lot of resistance, there is a lot of clothes-ripping, and the struggling is nice. Both women are attractive.

The coup de grace comes after Asuza’s roommate Naomi sneaks out. The company president suspects Azusa is an accomplice and hauls her in to the guidance office for questioning. Asuza is tied AOH with her wrists strapped and chained to the ceiling. Asuza knows nothing, but the president thinks she’s holding out. He has his henchman tear off her clothes until she’s standing completely naked in front of a group of seven men (Oh, the ignominy!), and her interrogation continues. Failing to get what he wants from Asuza, the president lets his four security guards do what they want with her. Two set about groping her tits while another munches on her muff and the fourth reams her from behind. Then the guy behind her says to one of the other guards, “I’m finished, take your turn” and so it continues. This is a nice, long scene with good reactions from Sayama. The security guards have a lot of fun, and there are no OSHA inspectors around to spoil it.

As the title suggests, the girls stage a rebellion, so the movie’s theme changes from rape to violent action. A few interesting twists emerge, but there’s no more GIMPage involved.

Movie pluses: This sequel casts aside the lesbianism and non-bondage rapes of the original, focusing on a few lengthier and meaner rape scenes. Decent performances by all. For those who like a good story, I think this one tops the original.

Movie minuses: There’s no physical torture, gagging, or explicit sex. I kinda miss the slinky villainess from episode 1.

Still, I liked this movie overall and I think the climactic rape scene is one that’ll serve as a future “old standby”. My grade: B.

Friday, September 3rd 2010 - 10:23:21 PM

Name: John Galt

jhlipton: Are you typing your comments directly into the Dreambook comments window? I have never done that. Too many experiences with that type of window going away unexpectedly and eating my comments. I always type into a text editor (gedit on my Ubuntu workstation, but Notepad on my Windows workstation), then save the file with an HTML extension and open it in my browser to make sure it looks okay. Or, alternately, save it and then copy and paste it into the HTML Practice website to make sure it looks okay. Then I copy and paste it into Dreambook as a finished update. Consequently, I have text files of all my posts going back to the start. I'm on number 360 now, but that doesn't include reviews, which get their own file names.

I avoid word processors because they always add extraneous characters that screw up my HTML. I found a great free HTML editor for Linux workstations called Seamonkey, that is a browser with an editor built in. I use it to do my illustrated posts and/or reviews since it lets me see how the images will look and how the text will flow. As an added benefit, it is menu driven so I don't have to remember all of the HTML code.

Anyway, I recommend you do as you said, and type your comments separately first, although I would suggest a plain text editor as opposed to a word processor. For what it's worth.

* * * * *

YikYakker: Great review. Thanks. My Labor Day weekend is now complete with a token nod to the labors of The Workers of the World. Being raped and abused. Which is somehow so very appropriate for America. Even though it was a Japanese film.

Friday, September 3rd 2010 - 11:02:26 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

MaX CoXXX: Good to see you back. Congrats on opening the new website. One question for you: In the first picture in your Gallery section, who's the dark-haired babe standing next to the blonde and the guy with the funny hair? She's very attractive.


Brutus wrote:

Nice find on that Xtreme Cult site. Lots of rare films in there that I've never heard of or been longing to see. But the prices ($10) seem too good to be true.

Well, it's obviously a bootleg site. They've got stuff there that's never been legitimately put on DVD, so I'm guessing a lot of what they have might have come from old VHS prints. Good to know there's a outlet for some of those out-of-print titles from the 1970s and 80s.

And thank you for the info on Spirit Camp. I added that one to Rape Database. Drop me an e-mail when you have a chance.

Unfortunately, Netflix doesn't carry that one, either, which is really starting to annoy me about them. Seems like half the movies I want to see, for some reason, they don't seem to want to carry. Graphic Sexual Horror is out; they didn't get that one, either. And you know conservative Blockbuster won't stock it, either. I made a trip out there last night to see if they did indeed stock The Killer Inside Me. Yep, it's true. I found out from the clerk at Blockbuster that on certain titles, they get them a whole month before everyone else. I still didn't bite, though. I'm taking John Galt's advice about not being in a hurry to be disappointed.


jhlipton: Sorry about your difficulties posting. I always write my post in e-mail, and then cut and paste it onto to the site. In case you didn't notice, we have a link for the HTML Practice site on the SIGN THE FORUM page so you can check your work before you post. It's something I would recommend to everyone, particularly if you use a lot of HTML in your posts.


YikYakker: Thanks very much for reviewing Captive Factory Girls 2: The Revolt for us. Perfect timing, posting it during Labor Day weekend. Workplaces in Japan sure beat the hell out what we have here. At my job, you could get fired if you say even anything remotely sexual about a co-worker. But apparently in Japan, they don't have that problem. In fact, if you're a female (especially an attractive female) and you don't perform well at work, your punishment is bondage rape. And really, that does seem fair. They probably get better productivity out of the ladies, and I'm sure it improves the morale of the men who work there. Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's off to work we go!

The direct link for your review is in my Homepage URL above.

Saturday, September 4th 2010 - 01:37:21 AM

Name: A Canadian

YikYakker: Thanks for the review of Captive Factory Girls 2: The Revolt. That final GIMP scene sounds like a real winner and the caps sure look entertaining. I think I'll be checking this one out.

Saturday, September 4th 2010 - 11:28:43 AM

Name: YikYakker

John Galt wrote: I mentioned Hazel...Paying the Price before, because it featured Hazel topless in jeans. It also has a bit where she is stretched out naked on a tabletop.

I remember that – definitely one that I should look into. It’s reassuring to know that there are others who are into topless babes in blue jeans. But I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t be.

I mean, take a look at Katie Downes, for example.


jhlipton: Like you, I’ve been victimized by posts that did not “post”.

I have used a method similar to that recommended by John Galt:

1. Type your post into a temporary text file, complete with any html codes needed.

2. Copy the text into the Picture Trail practice box to preview and edit as necessary.

3. In Picture Trail, right-click on your post and choose Select All.

4. Copy and paste into the Dreambook comment box. Be sure not to close the Picture Trail page – that has a good clean copy of your post.

5. If your Dreambook submission craps out on you, return to the Picture Trail version and go back to step 3.

6. If all goes well, make another copy from the practice site to keep for yourself. Then you can exit Picture Trail with your peace of mind intact.

Saturday, September 4th 2010 - 04:57:44 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Thank John and Ralphus.

I'd been editing on the practice page, then pasting into DreamBook. One time, I ran out of time to post; another, my browser (Chrome) closed unexpectedly. I don't need to save my posts (they're not deathless prose by any means), but having a "auto-draft" would help.

I hand-type my extensions (I don't use that many of them) so copying the text from a word processor would be no problem. It also has the advantage that I can convert paragraph marks to [p]s easily.

More later...

Saturday, September 4th 2010 - 05:05:50 PM

Name: YikYakker
Homepage URL:

Check out this interesting scene: Vera Gimenez in a Brazilian movie called A Freira E A Tortura.

Saturday, September 4th 2010 - 10:36:56 PM

Name: A Canadian

Great pics today of Gerie Bronson from The Abductors. In my opinion, this was the best scene in this classic movie.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 12:19:03 AM

Name: mr.d

Regarding the poll:

Classic: Has to be the classic Taxi Girls. Not only was it one of the first adult videos I ever saw, but it still mostly holds up. It's not a continuous scene, but you've got a pair of natural beauties (who, storyline wise, "deserve it") being utterly overpowered and gang raped.

JAV: Probably hard to find, but Attacker's Shark 59 second scene has the tiny little spinner of a "model" tied up and ass-raped, while she screams into her nylons. Great scene

Mainstream: Special mention goes to Irreversible, (I stop before the beatdown part at the end) which is just a beautifully long, nasty brutal rape.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 02:43:05 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

A Canadian wrote:

Great pics today of Gerie Bronson from The Abductors. In my opinion, this was the best scene in this classic movie.

Ah, this wouldn't be a true discussion forum if Ralphus and Canadian didn't disagree, would it? Put on the gloves, we're about to have another classic Siskel/Ebert argument. Or in our particular instance, a rape man/torture man argument.

Okay, here's my take. Not only is Gerie Bronson's rape scene not the best scene in the movie, it's not even her best scene. That would have come a scene earlier, when the 3 captured young cuties are brought to the lair, topless and bound and gagged, and given a stern talking-to by the head honcho. Suddenly the curtain opens and we see Gerie spread out and suspended in the air by her wrists and ankles. She, too, is topless, of course, and wearing only her white panties. A nude suspension in a mainstream movie? That was hot! That's the best scene of the movie!

By contrast, the later rape with Gerie is closer to consensual sex, even though her hands are tied. It gets bonus points because Gerie is a very attractive blonde, and maybe that's why you liked it. I mean, I liked it, too, but a real rape scene should be more forceful. She seemed to me like she was getting into it. Her opening scene where she was forced into the room and thrown onto the mattress was more violent than the rape scene afterward.

Your turn. And anyone who wants to jump in, go right ahead.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 04:24:59 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

The Gerie Bronson rape scene: For my money, Gerie's rape is the best scene in the movie.

Now, that's not to say it's the only good scene. The Abductors is a great film, in my opinion, and there are a number of scenes that are worthy competitors. I simply believe Gerie's rape is the best of the bunch.

Gerie's suspension? Sorry, that doesn't do it for me. In that scene, I prefer the moment where the three cheerleaders go through the humiliating process of stripping off their panties and agreeing to submit. While I take Ralphus's point that a suspension in a mainstream film is exciting, it's not a particularly erotic suspension. I would have preferred to have seen her hanging upsidedown from the roof.

Furthermore, nothing happens to Gerie while she is suspended. She isn't whipped or shocked. Yes, I know ... Ralphus will argue the position she's in is quite painful. Perhaps, but so what? Physiotherapy can be painful but you don't see GIMPers rushing out to buy films showing women in physio (at least, I don't think that's happening). I would have needed more in a suspension scene to consider it better than the rape.

As for the rape ... it works because you have a beautiful woman, looking helpless, who is squirming and struggling as her breasts are sucked and then she is fingered and violated. It's wonderfully erotic.

Does it look real? No, it doesn't. Frankly, rapes in the Ginger movies never look real. But as long as the woman's helplessness is convincing, I think that meets the test for GIMPers. It certainly works for me.

In fact, I have argued before that the contrived nature of the rapes in the Ginger movies may be part of their appeal. They are hot, yet at the same time are silly enough that you can enjoy them without feeling guilty or worrying that maybe you need therapy. Granted, having women appear to get into their rapes (the Laurie Rose rape later in the movie is a better example) raises some issues of political correctness. But who cares about that? I don't watch GIMP movies to reaffirm any kind of New Age Guy image.

I'm sure Ralphus and I agree on one thing -- if you haven't seen this movie yet, put it at the top of the list. It's a must-see.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 10:27:29 AM

Name: Badger

A Canadian: Your Masters Thesis on "The Abductors" and why the Geri Bronson rape scene is among the best of GIMP is -- quite simply -- outstanding. And even though the scene ended modestly consensual, remember that Ms. Beauty Queen was a virgin and had no idea what to expect in terms of her reaction.

Ralphus: I come out on A Canadian's side on this in all respects; but your points are well taken.

What's best about your debate for me is that it even exists for me to read, consider and enjoy. Really, who among those of us saw this scene nearly 40 years ago could have ever thought we would ever be sitting here weighing your well-developed and thoughtful positions in a GIMP version of Point/Counterpoint? Reminds me just how much I enjoy this forum.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 10:56:41 AM

Name: YikYakker

The Abductors: Well, these pics look great, but I’ve posted before about my fondness for the segments in which Jennifer Brooks (scroll down page) appears. That includes the terrific scene of her being snatched from her hotel room, which is neither rape nor torture but is pretty cool nonetheless, as is this one.

The rape/torture debate leads me to reflect upon how infrequently one finds mainstream movies that have scenes with both rape and torture of the same woman. If you consider Gerie’s suspension and Jennifer’s beating as torture (which some may/may not), then it would follow that The Abductors is one of a small number of films in which a victim gets double-treatment. The Poor Cecily dungeon scene immediately comes to mind as an outstanding example. Cecily gets racked and whipped, then raped by one guy while another guy stuffs his cock in her mouth, then she gets racked and whipped again!


Badger: Outstanding post. One thing we can all agree on is that it would be a sadder world (at least for us) without this forum.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 11:46:04 AM

Name: Eda
E-mail address:

An informal poll seems to have started regarding the movie The Abductors, and, with all respect to Canadian, my vote goes to Ralphus and to Yik Yakker. [Oh, and no, I didn't first see this movie 40 years ago, unless it was in a previous life, but I did see it about 10 years ago.]

I loved the opening of the film, where Bronson is basically dragged down the hall, as she tries to resist, and then later when she is suspended. She looks very "pained and strained" in that scene, used as an example to the other three captives of what will happen to them if they don't cooperate.

And all of the scenes with Jennifer Brooks were terrific. Here she is, volunteering to be the bait, only to have the kidnappers drag her out of bed and then totally outwit her backup by lowering her out of a second story window (while she is barely clothed in pink). Very exciting and frightening. And then she displays her feistiness and fearlessness when she kicks her captor where it hurts and he kicks her back, all while her arms are held behind her. I just loved her character.

A nice film to remember.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 12:17:17 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

A Canadian wrote:

Gerie's suspension? Sorry, that doesn't do it for me. In that scene, I prefer the moment where the three cheerleaders go through the humiliating process of stripping off their panties and agreeing to submit.

Right, you're helping make my point. That's that's all the same scene. The scene with the 3 babes tied up, given a look at their possible treatment (Gerie's suspension) and the coerced stripping all occur in the same scene. If you just look at the suspension, that's maybe, what? 15 seconds or so? In terms of length, that small segment alone doesn't trump the later rape. But as a whole, that entire scene rocks from beginning to end.

In fact, has there ever been a mainstream movie that started off as well as The Abductors? Opening scene is Gerie topless, with her hands tied behind her, led down the hallway and thrown on the bed. Immediately cut to the 3 chicks forced from their car, forced to strip, then bound and gagged and led away. All before the opening credits! Then soon after that, the aforementioned BEST scene in the movie (my opinion, anyway).

At any rate, debating the best points of a great movie is akin to having dinner at a 4-star restaurant and arguing over whether the prime rib was better than the Crępe Suzette. Let's just say we both left the table satisfied. *BELCH*

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 01:05:48 PM

Name: A Canadian

Ralphus wrote:

Right, you're helping make my point.

No, I don't think I am. I'm saying there could have been any sort of horrific action taking place behind that curtain (such as a Winston Smith-like guy with his face in a cage full of rats), and the effect would have been the same -- the scene worked because of the three young women stripping off their panties, not because of Gerie's suspension.

After my initial post, I thought a little bit more about that line that exists when the portrayal of an event has strayed too far from credibility to continue working for the GIMP viewer.

Certainly, no one would think anything that happens in the Ginger movies is based on reality. Yet even weightier stories will draw you into a fictional world and then set parameters for what viewers are willing to believe (for example, real rapists don't perform Singin' in the Rain while committing their crimes). There's a great discussion of the parameters of fictional worlds in Chuck Klosterman's book, Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs. I particlarly liked this line: "Trekkies generally have no problem with the USS Enterprise moving at seven times the speed of light, but they roll their eyes in disgust if Spock acts a little too jovial."

GIMPers also have limits for how much we will accept within a fictional world, and the limits differ from GIMPer to GIMPer. Most of us are turned off if we see a so-called rape scene where the actors are suddenly performing in positions like reverse cowgirl. However, in other cases, the line is not so clear. I know there is too much "fantasy" in the Slave Island series to suit Ralphus's tastes, but those films (the ones in the original series) work fine for me and are among my favorites.

My sense is the rape scenes in the Ginger movies cross a line for Ralphus that is too far outside the bounds of what he will accept, while they don't cross that line for me.

Lots to think about, I guess. I appreciate the feedback on the discussion so far and look forward to reading other people's responses.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 01:50:34 PM

Name: A Canadian

YikYakker wrote:

The Poor Cecily dungeon scene immediately comes to mind as an outstanding example. Cecily gets racked and whipped, then raped by one guy while another guy stuffs his cock in her mouth, then she gets racked and whipped again!

Damn, I wish I could find that movie somewhere. I've only seen the clip that was on YouTied a couple of years ago.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 02:17:43 PM

Name: TGG

Hey Larry, I better point this out. I just went to place an order for IESP #247 and IESP #408 at Video Mayhem and the prices weren't as advertised. IESP #247 is still listed at $12.00 and IESP #408 is listed at $7.95. I am willing to believe you about them being $6.00 each, but I'ld rather see the correct prices reflected on the checkout page before I'll feel comfortable placing an order.


Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 03:55:41 PM

Name: Fritz

Abductors: A rape/torture debate is no different than a blonde/brunette debate or a chicken/pork debate: it can't be won. That said, I'll throw my hat in with the torture gang and cast a vote for the non-rape GIMP sequences in The Abductors. Like YikYakker, I prefer the Jennifer Brooks scenes, the best of which (IMO) is her interrogation at the hands of William Grannel.

Still dressed in the perpetually undone negligee she was captured in, and with her arms held behind her back by one of Grannel's goons, our Miss Brooks can't help but get turned on as the sleazebag villain fondles her breasts. Gentleman that he is, Grannel then steps aside to let a hulking Patrick Wright pummel poor Jen's exposed midriff, causing her to double over in pain. It's actually a pretty tame scene, but for me it pushes all the right buttons.

Poor Cecily: Although I enjoyed Angela Fields' whipping and rape, I much preferred the torture of the nameless blonde (IMDB credits her as Sandy Carey) who endures far worse near the beginning of the dungeon scene. This naked and sweaty babe is racked and whipped even more than the heroine. When she passes out, she is revived by having a bucket of water thrown over her. Her interrogator tells her, "The death you so dread will come to you eventually, whether you confess or not." His demeanor is almost dismissive, and completely merciless. When his victim finally expires after having her breasts burned with a red-hot iron, he looks disgusted as her corpse is unchained and slides down the inclined rack. All in all, just a darling little scene… one of my top ten for sure.

A Canadian: I don't remember where I got my copy of Poor Cecily, but I've seen it sold by several vendors. Most recently, I saw it at this site posted by Sloth a few days ago. Look under the Euro Cine section, even though it's an American film. The blurb says it's a "good quality print" - which if true, means I should try to upgrade my (at best) fair quality version. You can also get it at Trash Palace and VSOM.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 09:15:05 PM

Name: John Galt

The Abductors: As I recall, every single one of the abducted and raped girls ended up enjoying the experience, which was kind of a letdown for me. Can't argue about the amount of nudity, the number of hot naked chicks, or the incidence of "rape" and "abuse," but didn't you get the impression at the end that the cheerleaders were happy enough with their rich sugar daddy buyers? The Stockholm Syndrome ruins it for me. It was a great sexploitation flick, but doesn't make my Top 10. Although Cheri Caffaro is right up there with Dyanne Thorne in the Sexploitation Hall of Fame.

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 10:09:53 PM

Name: BigD
Homepage URL:

After having their site shut down when their studio was raided by authorities, looks like Elite pain is back... Must not have been a big deal afterall!

Sunday, September 5th 2010 - 10:48:30 PM

Name: MAV

Happy Labor Day weekend GIMPers. I know I'm a bit late on what old scenes I still return to topic, but I was just filling up my Netflix queue and noticed that a couple of such scenes are now available on instant streaming: She with Sandahl Bergman and Time Barbarians with Joann Ayers. One hot blond is strung up and whipped while the other is spreadeagled and molested/raped. Those are pretty solid scene qualities in my book.

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 12:07:55 AM

Name: MrAnthony
E-mail address:

Fritz: William Grannell played Jason Varone, who was Ginger's boss. He couldn't have been Jennifer Brooks/Laurie Rose's interrogator. It was some other actor.

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 12:13:22 AM

Name: A Canadian

Fritz: Thanks for the information on where to obtain a copy of Poor Cecily. For some reason, I thought this movie wasn't available. Clearly, it can be purchased, although the quality of the picture may be somewhat compromised.


Keeping with the classics, it looks like Oct. 19 is the date for the DVD release of Barbarian Queen. It's not really clear, in my opinion, whether the version Shout Factory is releasing has the violation scene intact, or whether it's the foolishly cut version that was previously released on DVD. Let's hope for the best.

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 09:03:34 AM

Name: DHT

Question for the experts: Please help!

I want a program that will enable me to:

1. Record segments of movies I have on DVD

2. Take those recorded segments and arrange them into my own video edits

3. Have these video edits as files I can watch on my computer

4. burn these files to DVD.

Any and all recommendations, please!

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 10:15:06 AM

Name: A Canadian

DHT: It may help to clarify whether or not you are willing to pay for programs (or equipment, in the case of a DVD Recorder) to help you.

If you are looking for free online programs, they exist, although I find some of them are tricky to use. If you are looking for free programs, I know there are GIMPers who can direct you to the best programs out there.

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 10:38:51 AM

Name: VM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

TGG: regards to archive titles- Im not able to make changes through database. You can order them at 6.00 each.

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 10:52:06 AM

Name: DHT

A Canadian and all others: Regarding my post below, yes, I AM willing to buy the program(s) if they are good and do what I need them to do.

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 11:42:34 AM

Name: Brutus

The Abductors: For me, the Jennifer Brooks (Laurie Rose) abduction scene was the best of the film. She's gorgeous, wears a flimsy see-through negligee and fights violently and valiantly before she's finally subdued and molested. I think she mutters something like "You bastards!" as a signal of defeat before she's gagged and escorted out the window. Yummy! The many other GIMP scenes in the movie are also good, but that abduction is my favorite.


A Canadian wrote: GIMPers also have limits for how much we will accept within a fictional world, and the limits differ from GIMPer to GIMPer. Most of us are turned off if we see a so-called rape scene where the actors are suddenly performing in positions like reverse cowgirl. However, in other cases, the line is not so clear.

The same goes for too much realism, at least for me. I can get turned on by the most outlandish scenarios, like vines binding and raping women, alien probes, sex-crazed robots, etc., as long as the victims sell their scenes in a non-compliant way. But some scenes like the rapes in "Irreversible" and "I Spit on Your Grave" are a bit too realistic for my comfort level.


BigD: That ElitePain case seemed shaky from the start based on the accuser's statements. I also thought the way the Hungarian SWAT team raided the studio was way over the top. Unfortunately, I can't find any info on what happened.


DHT: The Adobe Premiere Elements program came with this computer I bought some time ago. It does everything you asked about and quite a bit more, including screen captures, dubbing and other stuff I haven't even attempted. It's really good for making compilation DVDs. For example, you can automatically adjust the sound of the various clips to avoid having a new clip start (for example of a woman screaming in pain) with what sounds like the TV a full volume. My version is 3.0 but I see there is now an 8.0 version. It costs a bit, but it's a pleasure to use once you get used to it. At least that's been my experience.

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 12:42:59 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

MAV: I'm familiar with the whipping scenes in She. One the other hand, I've never even heard of Time Barbarians. Can anyone give us more info on that movie?

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 04:55:44 PM

Name: Fritz

MrAnthony wrote:

William Grannell played Jason Varone, who was Ginger's boss. He couldn't have been Jennifer Brooks/Laurie Rose's interrogator. It was some other actor.

Indeed it was. The character was actually played by Richard Smedley, who also starred with Cheri Caffaro in A Place Called Today. In that film Caffaro fares somewhat worse than she does in the Ginger flicks. Thanks for the correction.

* * * * *

Time Barbarians: I have a vague memory of seeing this on VHS about 20 years ago. If I recall correctly, Joann Ayers is not only molested and raped, she's stripped, tied between two trees and run through with a sword after the bad guy is done with her. Her corpse is later found by the hero (some Conan wannabe) still naked and hanging from her ropes. It's a pretty good scene in what I remember to be an otherwise crap movie. Or maybe the passage of time has made the GIMP action seem better than it was.

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 11:29:46 PM

Name: MAV

Ralphus: Fritz got it pretty much. Ayers is captured, spreadagled between 2 trees in a skimpy medieval tube top and skirt, slapped around, has her top stripped, and then has the villain ravish her. After a cutaway, the villain returns to the topless unconscious Ayers and lifts her chin with his sword before killing her. Later in the movie she is tied AOH but there is no nudity and she's wearing a nasty baggy button down shirt.

Monday, September 6th 2010 - 11:56:22 PM

Name: A Canadian

Today's pic: Would it surprise anyone to learn that I think the rape scene in Ginger is the best part of the movie?

Tuesday, September 7th 2010 - 06:40:34 AM

Name: Eda
E-mail address:

Regarding Poor Cecily: Just a warning, but I think that anyone who has seen the complete dungeon scene (which runs about 14 minutes) is likely to be very disappointed with the rest of the movie.

Tuesday, September 7th 2010 - 11:06:23 AM

Name: Brutus

OK, some good news and bad news for torture-porn fans. The good news is that a Hostel 3 is being made. The bad news is that early indications point to a plethora of male victims. According to this article, the direct-to-DVD movie revolves around a bachelor party gone wrong in Vegas. The cast appears filled with male actors. But the rather hot Sarah Habel is also in this movie, and seems to provide the only glimmer of hope for any GIMP action. My guess is she'll be a villain in a sausage-fest.

Tuesday, September 7th 2010 - 12:04:53 PM

Name: MAV

Agree with Eda. I had the misfortune of getting Poor Cecily on VHS way back when and to get to the good stuff on the "SP" setting was torture. It was worth it though as the 2 whipping scenes with those AOH-stretched out nude chicks are unbelievable

Tuesday, September 7th 2010 - 05:04:04 PM

Name: A Canadian

Eda: Thanks for the head's up regarding Poor Cecily. I think someone posted a similar warning a couple of years ago when the clip appeared on YouTied (I'm too lazy to do a search) but it's an important reminder. I'll have to think about whether or not I really want to own the movie. I wish the clip was still available to help me make the decision.

Tuesday, September 7th 2010 - 10:39:43 PM

Name: A Canadian

Today's pics: More great moments in GIMP cinema. I've said it many times before and will continue to say it -- Shark 231 is one of my all-time favorites, particularly because of the rape scenes with Sayaka Miura. Actually, the part where the villains use the stun gun on her (seen in the second picture) is also excellent.

They just don't make 'em like that any more -- and if I knew any Japanese, I would ask someone at Attackers, "why not?"

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 12:19:05 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

A Canadian wrote:

Would it surprise anyone to learn that I think the rape scene in Ginger is the best part of the movie?

Coming from you, no, it doesn't surprise me a bit.

Just for fun, I went back and looked at YikYakker's official review and he noted the same reaction I had to the scene...that Ginger's eventual giving in to her attacker took away a lot of the edge. He even puts quotes around the word "raped" because the question is open to interpretation as to whether Ginger even got raped at all in the scene. Personally, I consider it a rape that turns into consensual sex, which weakens the scene overall. A flawed rape scene is definitely not the best scene in that movie, IMO. I don't know why a Rape Man like you keeps giving it a pass, since you frequently (and rightfully so) criticize other rapes scenes in Japanese movies that lose their edge when the girl ends up enjoying it.

The best scene in the movie occurs right afterward when Ginger is hogtied naked and injected with heroin by the bad guy. No flaws in that scene whatsoever, and Caffaro looks great.


Poor Cecily on DVD: Yeah, the entire movie is a snoozer with the exception of that 15 minute segment where it's wall to wall torture. Is it worth buying for that scene along? I would say definitely so. That's one of the greatest mainstream torture scenes in movie history! But keep in mind that whatever version you buy, it's going to be a bootleg dupe. The powers that be have kept an official version from ever being released to the public. I've yet to see a sharp copy of it from any source.

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 12:24:10 AM

Name: Fritz

A Canadian: Although the Poor Cecily dungeon scene is only a fraction of the total movie, it stands on its own and certainly is worth the $10 to $15 you'll pay for 14+ minutes of GIMP action. It may not sound like much, but during that one sequence you get all of the following:

  • Women in suspended cages (mistakenly called iron maidens)
  • Women in stocks, often being whipped
  • Two extended scenes of women being stretched and whipped on the rack
  • One woman branded across the breasts and killed
  • Uschi Digard (whom no one has yet mentioned!) and a redhead stretched side-by-side on the rack
  • AOH whipping of a woman on her knees
  • One woman raped while being stretched on the rack

All the victims are restrained and completely nude, and the overall sequence is quite realistic, as befitting the period porn being made at the time. The whippings leave welts, and the hot iron leaves burn marks. The girls glisten with sweat and look clearly distressed.

I would quibble with Ralphus about the "wall to wall" torture, though. There are a few cut-aways, as Cecily does a needless Basil Exposition routine with one of her dungeon-mates, and there is a 2 minute mock trial in which she is sentenced, but otherwise, you'll be hard-pressed to find so much good stuff compressed into a quarter hour of what is essentially a mainstream porn flick. Poor Cecily is no Bloodsucking Freaks, Ilsa or Franco film, yet if that dungeon sequence were stretched across the length of the movie, it would surpass them all.

BUT... as Ralphus points out, no one has released a true DVD of this classic. All sources market it as a DVDR, a sure sign it's been streamed from VHS tape. VSOM says the picture quality is grade B, and Xtreme Cult calls it "very good". Both assessments seem overstated when I consider my own copy and all other transfers I have seen to date.

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 01:45:10 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Brutus: But the rather hot Sarah Habel is also in this movie

She is hot, which means that the odds are extremely low that she will be topless or tortured, much less topless AND tortured, extremely low.

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 02:51:55 AM

Name: YikYakker

Fritz wrote [about Time Barbarian]: It's a pretty good scene in what I remember to be an otherwise crap movie. Or maybe the passage of time has made the GIMP action seem better than it was.

It really was a good GIMP scene. This time they got the GIMP scene right and everything else horribly wrong. Often, it's the other way around. Here are some PG-13 and strategically blurred caps from the movie:

I sent Ralphus some R-rated pics for the rape database. Maybe if he gets the chance, we’ll see them up on the big board. Or, if he’ll host ‘em, I’ll post ‘em.

I like the fact that the actress is defiant, spitting and biting the villain. When he slugs her, she reels backward and her hair goes flying. Her arms also get stretched very nicely while she’s being humped. Yeah, this is a good one.

But if you rent or buy, keep in mind that, as with Poor Cecily, the rest of the movie is a big letdown. The GIMP scene occurs about 25 minutes in. If you check in a few minutes before that, you get to see topless maidens frolicking in a stream.

MAV: Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I caught it on streaming Netflix.


Brutus mentioned the Adobe Premiere Elements program, and it occurs to me that with a tool like that, we GIMPers would have the ability to alter some scenes to suit our tastes. Don’t like the quick cutaways to another scene? *snip* Don’t like it when a scene starts to turn consensual? *snip* Basically, we would have the power to edit out anything we don’t approve of. Sounds like a role reversal, huh?

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 06:40:47 AM

Name: YikYakker

My favorite scene in Ginger occurs when Ginger's boss goes undercover as a “customer” and hooks up with a prostitute. What starts out as a consensual business transaction becomes a bondage scene with the handcuffs-hidden-under-the-mattress trick. He's supposed to just get information but he fucks her anyway while she’s still cuffed.

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 07:54:36 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

"Ginger" - hmmmm.....I think that was the first hogtie I saw in anything resembling a mainstream movie - guess a "first" time for anything endows it with a certain charm - yeah, best sequence in that film.

"Poor Cecily" - dittos on all the assessments - seems a shame they could not have used the rather limited budget and simply made a 30 minute dungeon sequence and done away with the rest of the flick - just loved the glee with which the dungeon master carried out his tasks - perhaps we need to get a petition going to convince JJ to show that level of enthusiasm and do a "Fire Rock" sequence with Jane.

Eda - after seeing Ralphus and A Canadian at odds concerning "The Abductors" I read your post about Gerie Bronson's sequences - after a bit of thought, which is about all I'm capable of, I concluded that the opening hallway sequence was her strongest - while nothing else really happened it seemed to me she was more emotive and convincing in selling her peril than in the other two featured scenes - still, they were all Gimp worthy.

Stay well all

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 09:37:08 AM

Name: Gonzaullas

The rape scene from Time Barbarians has been uploaded to Youtube...from where it will be deleted soon, I guess! Watch it while it is still there:

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 12:35:14 PM

Name: Flintstone

I believe that I agree with the vast majority of the opinions posted on this subject so far, but for me, its really a combination of the actress and whats being done to her. Some actresses, no matter how she is being abused, just don't get me going; but put, say Christina Carter or (and I'm going back a ways now) June Bauer aka Julia Parton in that scene, and its WOW!

BTW, Julia is supposed to be Dolly Parton's black sheep cousin, and if so, I see the family resemblance. :)

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 02:23:04 PM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

Well, I took a flyer and ordered I'll Never Die Alone from Asian Cult, they had a sale over the weekend, and I ended up getting four flicks (three Zero Women's and that one) for $40. Not such a bad deal. I'll try to give a quicky thumbs up or down when it hits.

Flintstone, I agree with you on June Bauer, she was one of the few American Vanilla Bondage stars who made their mediocre tortures look like real tortures. She was real hot (as far as I'm concerned the only American hotter in porn bondage was Nikki Dial), and she was a believable victim of many of these tortures. If anyone knows where some of her stuff can be picked up for a reasonable price, I might be game, especially her earlier stuff.

Canadian, On today's shots, I agree with you they are excellent. But my favorite in that flick was Anyuu who also appeared in Attackers #77 reviewed here by Ralphus

Yik Yakker, I agree with you and many others that the Ginger movies had some issues. For instance I love the scene in Ginger when she gets stripped and is spread eagled. But the following "rape" scene was pure vanilla. In The Abductors, I much preferred the stomach punching scene to any other, but even that was weaker then it should have been. While they certainly have their moments, they are best for their "excerpts" which hit some high notes.

And speaking of Time Barbarian, does anyone remember the Sci-Fi/ Road Warrior knock off "Stryker"? I still find that torture-suspension-rape scene to be a good one. That movie also had the issue of too many cross-cuts. But when they ripped of Andrea Silio's top while she was tied spread eagle against the wall that was instant stand at attention time.

Also, with all this talk about Poor Cecily, does anyone have any recommendation on who is selling the best least cut version?

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 04:27:28 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

elkcreek wrote:

Canadian, On todays shots, I agree with you they are excellent. But my favorite in that flick was Anjyu.

Well, I guess we'll have to see whether Ralphus wants any caps of Anjyu from Shark 231. Certainly, that can be arranged.

elkcreek also wrote:

Anjyu...also appeared in Attackers #77 reviewed here by Ralphus.

Given the way we sometimes separate ourselves as "torture" guys vs. "rape" guys, I'm not surprised you might get confused. But the GIMP review of Attackers JBD-077 was actually written by me, not Ralphus.

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 07:56:02 PM

Name: YikYakker

Tarl has posted pics on his site from a movie called The Vineyard. Lot’s of women chained AOH in ragged and/or skimpy clothing. There are several flicks by that name – anyone have the skinny on this one?


Gonzaullas wrote: The rape scene from Time Barbarians has been uploaded to Youtube...from where it will be deleted soon, I guess! Watch it while it is still there

Thanks for posting this, I hope it lasts long enough for everyone here to get a good look.


elkcreek wrote: Also, with all this talk about Poor Cecily, does anyone have any recommendation on who is selling the best least cut version?

Well, this company claims to have the uncut version. I’ve only done business with them once, and I don’t have any complaints.

I got my copy of Poor Cecily from these guys and I’m sure it’s the complete version. Two problems: they don’t have it anymore, and even if they did, the exchange rate and shipping from the UK make it very expensive. Unless, of course, you live there. ;)

Wednesday, September 8th 2010 - 09:11:52 PM

Name: JohnM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Ralphus--I noticed you posed a question to Max that he did not get back to. I have had him quite busy with our studio expansion project, so he has not been back on since the post.

To answer your question of who was the dark haired girl in the picture--that is Micah Moore. She worked for my studio for about 6 months while making money to go back to LA to re-start her porn career after taking a break from a bit.

In Gimp news, I will be releasing in a couple weeks a new movie called "Teenage Princess Murdered". For those that are not into the death fetish aspect, no worries, the death is at the very end of the over 50 minute movie. This stars Hunter and will contain Abduction, Forced Molestation and Rape with a Stick during a van ride, then, tons of forced sex and forced anal cock, strap-on and glass dildo, DP, all the while elements of bondage like gag and rope. The whole while she is crying, screaming, and begging for her life. It is very intense. I made one earlier called "Special Night" which is currently playing, starring Amber.



Thursday, September 9th 2010 - 12:37:41 AM

Name: MrAnthony
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

To YikYakker: most likely, it's the 1989 version that stars James Hong. Link above.

Thursday, September 9th 2010 - 12:53:37 AM

Name: MrAnthony
E-mail address:

To Elk Creek, regarding June Bauer. I met her; she's better known by other names, including Nina Alexander and Julia Parton. I have most of her stuff on VHS from her work with London Ent. Video and HOM (House of Milan) Video. A few years ago, some of it was out on DVD, but these days, your better bet is video on demand. There may be some stuff on eBay like Disciplined Daughter or Shamed Slut or the Taming of June Bauer.

Thursday, September 9th 2010 - 01:06:10 AM

Name: arrakur
E-mail address:

elkcreek: Regarding the Mad-Max-ripoff "Stryker" I have to say that I remember that scene fondly. Since I am a nitpicker about those things, I would like to correct you in a small detail. The girl being questioned by the thugs was not chained up spread-eagled to the wall. She was suspended by two chains hanging from the ceiling wide apart. Her feet were not tied and, yes, there was a wall behind her but she was chained up against it. I really love that shot after one of the thugs have ripped her shirt off and she hangs in her chains, hopelessly. She sobs violently and the sobs making her breasts jiggle quite enticingly. Intercuts can be somewhat frustrating. But in this case, I think they actually heighten the enjoyment of this rape scene. The heroes are sneaking into the stronghold of the enemy. Cut to the girl now on the floor being raped by two guys. Cut to the heroes still sneaking and cut to the girl being raped and so on. I felt myself actually rooting for the heroes to do their assault properly, meaning carefully, stealthily, slooooowly.

I apologize for having waited for so long to chime in on the subject. But with your permission, I would like to bring forth the scenes that "always doe it for me".

"Stryker" was written by one Howard R. Cohen. The same screenwriter who gave us the barbarian sleaze-fest "Deathstalker" and "Barbarian Queen". The torture- and rape-scene in "Barbarian Queen" is such a scene, that always work for me.

Other mainstream movie-scenes that never fail to please: The torture-scene in "Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS" with the electric dildo. Another scene is the torture of the spying harem girl in "Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil-Sheik" with the tit-crushing vice. The "Ilsa"-flicks have been discussed previously and I must say that I like "Harem Keeper" the most. While I like some scenes in "She-Wolf of the SS", I can't help feel a little bit queasy about the whole concentration-camp setting. Partly, perhaps, because I am German. I can't rationalize it, really. Nazi concentration-camps are just as legitimate a source material for torture-fantasies as white girls being held captured by some oil sheik and being forced into sexual slavery and being tortured (and that is happening in real life, too). But I feel more comfortable with the latter; purely a question of personal sensibility.

Two scenes from the Italian WIP-movie "Hotel Paradise" come to mind, as well. In a prison camp, deep in the South American jungle, perverse wardens have their way with the female inmates. When one of them refuses to let herself being fucked, she is punished by having a long, black club being forced into her pussy. It's implied and it's a short scene but its nastiness always amazes me. The second scene is a whipping-scene in which two female inmates are bound together AOH, their naked breasts clashing against each other while they have their naked back whipped.

When it comes to adult movies, I must say that the torture-ordeal Lisa Kinkaid has to go through in "South of the Border 4: Atrocities" stands highest on my list. These scenes are extremely vivid in terms of sheer, raw sadism on the part of the torturer which make it stand out in the entire series.

I may be pushing the boundaries here but I would like to mention another item that always delights me, which isn't a movie but a novel. It was published as paperback in the beginning of the nineties under the title "General Ho's White Slave" and I have been holding it in my hot little hands countless times before sadly losing it on a moving day. Fortunately it has resurfaced in form of an e-book entitled "Thailand Torture Toy". The rape- and torture-scenes in this one always work for me as well.

Thursday, September 9th 2010 - 08:56:06 AM

Name: Brutus
Homepage URL:

Gonzaullas: Thanks for the YouTube link to Time Barbarians. Now that's a hot scene. There's nothing like a defiant naked damsel struggling in vain against her bonds.


Flintstone wrote: Some actresses, no matter how she is being abused, just don't get me going; but put, say Christina Carter or (and I'm going back a ways now) June Bauer aka Julia Parton in that scene, and its WOW!

I'm not that picky. If the victim is in fairly good shape and even mildly attractive, she can get the job done if she sells the scene with her acting, and, of course, if she's bound tight, gagged and tortured. Some of my favorite scenes involve victims whom I would not consider drop-dead gorgeous, like the woman raped by the trees in "Evil Dead," Adrienne Corri in "A Clockwork Orange," and Lisa Kinkaid (just kidding, A Canadian.) Obviously, a hot victim is a bonus for the boner, but I place more value in performance and execution.


elkcreek: I've seen a couple of the Zero Women movies. One was rather forgettable, but the one starring Naoko Iijima has some good elements, including a whipping sequence carried out by Ralphus' Japanese cousin. To this day, Naoko Iijima remains perhaps my favorite Japanese actress. I wish she did harsher stuff. I'm interested in your take on the film.

does anyone remember the Sci-Fi/ Road Warrior knock off "Stryker"?

I sure do. Arrakur can correct me if I'm wrong, but I loved the part after they rip open her shirt and she's left there sweaty and sobbing. The camera shows a villain with a goofy horny expression, and he says, "Let's take her down." (Cue louder sobs.)


YikYakker: The "Vineyard" movie you mentioned is definitely this one that MrAnthony pointed out.

I had a weird experience with this film. I had rented it ages ago along with some other movies, but the store somehow forgot to list "The Vineyard" on the bill so, in essence, they gave me a free VHS movie to keep. Yet, worried that the store would track me down and expose me to the world as a pervert, I returned it a couple of months later in the late-night deposit slot. The next week, the store went out of business. I've always had this strange feeling that the store closed because of that missing tape.

From what I can remember, the movie itself has a couple of GIMP scenes, including chained women being drained of their blood, or something like that. I didn't watch it that much because I think there were no gags involved.

Thursday, September 9th 2010 - 12:26:45 PM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Gonzaullas - just noticed that "Time Barbarian" link - it's still up so everyone better get it while it's hot.

YikYakker - yes, "The Vineyard" mentioned is the 1989 James Hong version - it has been quite some time since I saw it but if I recall that one vidcap posted is about as good as it gets - I do clearly recall waiting for something to happen and it never really did - hope that helps some.

Stay well all

Thursday, September 9th 2010 - 03:43:54 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Brutus wrote:

I've seen a couple of the Zero Women movies. One was rather forgettable, but the one starring Naoko Iijima has some good elements, including a whipping sequence carried out by Ralphus' Japanese cousin.

The classic, of course, is Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs. The scene where Miki Sugimoto is bound to a post and is then beaten, humiliated, and raped (in a kind of artsy way) is terrific. Another must-see moment.

Thursday, September 9th 2010 - 09:43:41 PM

Name: YikYakker

Sloth wrote [about The Vineyard]: I do clearly recall waiting for something to happen and it never really did - hope that helps some.

Sure does, thanks. I’d hate to spend a lot of time and effort tracking this down, only to be disappointed. Too bad, because the girls look real nice and ripe for GIMPage.


Fritz wrote [about the Lord High Constable in Poor Cecily]: His demeanor is almost dismissive, and completely merciless.

Yeah, that guy is great. We had a poll awhile back about who was our favorite GIMP scene villain, and I nominated someone else (don’t remember who) but gave this guy an honorable mention. “Well, are you going to confess to witchery or NOT!” Heh-heh. If he was wearing a watch he’d be looking at it, like, “Let’s get on with this, my lunch break is in five minutes.”


Today’s Pics: Gee, cute little Anjyu being picked on by three big guys. Somehow, it seems so unfair. Meh...what can you do.


Regarding Stryker: Well, once again I’ve been snookered by the censors. I saw this movie awhile back, I think it was a streaming vid, and that whole scene was cut out. They showed the girl chained up, then the rescuers skulking around, then the girl is on the floor in a state of distress and the rescuers show up. That’s it. Rats.

Thursday, September 9th 2010 - 10:04:06 PM

Name: aliester666

There is currently an Instant Watch Netflix movie titled "No Dead Heroes" that has a very graphic rape scene of Toni Nero at approximately the 1:10 mark.

The movie is not out on DVD. I haven't yet figured out how to rip a scene on an Instantwatch. Does anyone have any tips.


Friday, September 10th 2010 - 01:01:33 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

Catching up on a few posts:

JohnM: Thanks for the info on Micah Moore. I remember checking her out on your site before. Pretty girl, ugly tattoos. She actually looks better with clothes on. What a shame. I would have ordered that 4th Hogtie Killer movie she was in but the tats kept me away.

Still, that Teenage Princess film sounds good. Does Hunter have the stud through her tongue in this one? Please let us know when it gets released.


June Bauer/Julia Parton: Whoa! I googled her to take a look. Sure beats the hell out of her cousin, doesn't she? Was her stuff really any good? MrAnthony said she did work for HOM; was that in the 1980s after Whitman/Blakemore left? I wouldn't mind checking out a few of her movies, as long they're not kissy-face girl-girl stuff. Can anyone give any details as to how "hard" her bondage films were?


Brutus wrote:

I've seen a couple of the Zero Women movies. One was rather forgettable, but the one starring Naoko Iijima has some good elements, including a whipping sequence carried out by Ralphus' Japanese cousin.

Ah, that's right! Who can resist a movie where pretty women are tied up and abused by a midget villain? That was Zero Woman: Final Mission and it's a real entertaining flick, featuring at least 3 creative bondage scenes at the hands of a demented, bondage fetishist dwarf, including the scene where she's tied AOH around a ring of fire and whipped. Someone needs to review this one for the forum.


aliester666: Man, you had me excited when you said No Dead Heroes is on Netflix. But it's not, at least not for me, and I'm a member. When I click on it, it says "Unavailable". Where did you see it?

I thought I was the only one who knew about the scene. Here's my description in the Rape Database:

No Dead Heroes (1987)
M/f restrained rape. Toni Nero is a beautiful woman who gets captured by the bad guys and tied spreadeagled face down to a bed, where she gets raped from behind. Very nice, and brutal scene.

I have the scene on VHS (and that was hard to find even back then) but I haven't seen it anywhere else. I suppose I could make caps off my VHS compilation tape; I was just hoping for a better print.

BTW, my plans for reviewing Act of Vengeance have gone up in smoke. On the day I made the caps for the database, it was available for free streaming on the IMDB website. I went back to it later on that evening so I could write the review and I couldn't get it to come up. I kept checking back in the days afterward and it was still down. Then I got a notice that it was "temporarily unavailable". And now when I check the site, it's gone completely. That's frustrating. The print the IMDB had was crystal clear, as you can tell from the caps. But still no DVD release for this generation of pervs and sick fucks to enjoy.

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 03:50:51 AM

Name: aliester666

To find "No Dead Heroes" on Netflix, you have to search from the "Watch Instantly" category. It's not available as a DVD. I just tried a search minutes ago and located it with no problem. I just saw it a few days ago and the quality is really good. I hope this helps.

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 04:55:00 AM

Name: Flintstone

Ralphus, Brutus was accurate to call June Bauer's films "vanilla". Light bondage, I don't recall seeing anything very rough, but she did her best to sell it, and she wasn't hard to look at. Big, natural tits which were the focus of attention in most of her scenes. It would have been interesting to see her doing some stuff with either Blakemore, Rick, or some of today's producers.

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 09:17:48 AM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

The first Zero Woman with Natsuka Ozawa was a good flick, as far as GIMP while it wasn't a traditional GIMP scene, the scene where she was shot in the leg, and wakes up tied spread eagle to the bed and the bullet is removed is an attention-getter with just a bit of imagination. In fact this flick was my first experience with Jap porn. I have Red Handcuffs and the scene in the attack is no doubt a classic. If they would have shown the lesbian rape scene in the jail instead of hinting to it during the opening credits I suspect that film would have been a must have for gimpers.

One other Japanese series that caught my eye early was the non-animated "Le Blue Girl". These were some of the earliest tentacle rape scenes. The premise of three HS girls who fight crime was irresistible. All three movies have decent scenes, but I didn't feel any were exceptional.

Stryker, the scene where her top is ripped off is great. She really played it to the hilt, which is actually realistic if you think about it. I can think of several other actresses I would love to see do a remake.

As far as June Bauer, she could make a beating with a pillow look like an intense torture scene. For the most part her stuff was vanilla, but when she got whipped, she screamed, when they used nipple clamps, she shook in agony, when they used tongs on her breast she writhed in distress. No other actress I've scene in that era of bondage stuff did a better job selling it. Most of the porn actresses of that era, made the scenes seem as consensual as possible, their was never any doubt with June. It's funny, Ashley Renee was by far the most filmed during that era, and I don't believe she was in the same league with June Bauer in either chops or looks. June did one where she was terrorist getting interrogated on the rack, I'd love to find that one. Nikki Dial did a couple of movies, one WIP porn flick and another cheerleaders in peril kind of thing, and she was so damned hot at only 5' she was worth a watch.

I think one of the biggest problems of a lot of that early bondage porn stuff is it was all based on the "lesbian dungeon." That's fine if the mistress is Bertha the 300 pound prison mama. But the protagonists were often just other petite porn stars with no acting ability. Its hard to sell peril when the protagonist is more feeble then the victim. I suspect in many cases (the Ring Divas stuff being a great example) what hurts many of these gimp flicks is the nature of the villain and acting chops of the villain. I remember the Relic Raider stuff, the torturer, who was a smaller man than the victim just wasn't believable. Great villains are almost as important as great victims. One other thing that helps a lot, is be sure the villain looks BIGGER then the victim, it really helps if the villain towers over the helpless victim for the most part. So don't put the victim on a damn platform, and have more camera angles looking down on the victim.

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 10:48:23 AM

Name: Eda
E-mail address:

Regarding June Bauer: I may come late to the scene in comparison with you others, but I have seen a few of the old films with June Bauer and I thought that she was terrific in selling the scenes, so I'm pleased to learn that others also give her that credit.

When elkcreek said that he'd love to find the scene where June played a terrorist getting interrogated on the rack, well, I just had to look for it (since it's so hard to find what sounds, for me, like the perfect scene and the perfect victim.

Might the film be Beg for Mercy? The summary says that June plays an extortionist, not a terrorist, but she does get outwitted (don't you love that?) and finds herself on the rack.

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 11:18:54 AM

Name: Dan Hawke
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hello GIMPers:

It's been quite a while since I have been a lurker on the board. Even though I post infrequently, I tend to stay pretty current on what's happening with the GIMP. But lately I haven't even managed to do that!

Well with any luck, I will be able to catch up with what's going on round here.

One of the things I have been working on is my affiliated free site, Bound4Free For those of you who have given up on checking out the site, there are new updates! I hope to insure it is updated regularly. For those who have never visited, there are tons of free pix and vids to enjoy.

Hopefully our pal, Ralphus, won't kill me for a too commercial posting, but all the content is free on the site.

Anyway, hope to get back to being able to lurk. Once I have time to read the GIMP again, I may even be roused to post a more pertinent entry!

Oh, btw, I am doing some shooting again, look for some of it to appear soon (I hope) on my main site, the URL above.

~Dan Hawke

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 12:29:40 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

aliester666 wrote:

To find "No Dead Heroes" on Netflix, you have to search from the "Watch Instantly" category. It's not available as a DVD. I just tried a search minutes ago and located it with no problem.

Well, Netflix must like you a whole lot more than me, or else they discriminate against short people. Take a look at this screen grab, taken just a few minutes ago, and explain this if you can.

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 12:38:02 PM

Name: YikYakker
Homepage URL:

Chain Gang Girls (2007)

There are no chain gangs in this flick (how did they come up with that title?) but there are plenty of young, nubile girls in the slammer. They are held in large, dorm-style rooms, 5 girls to a cell, and they sleep on the floor. But this is no slumber party; it’s a very mean-spirited film with a few nice GIMP scenes. Since my copy was in Japanese without subtitles, I can only explain what happens, but not why it happens.

Nami, the main character, is incarcerated after being unjustly convicted of murder (of course). She’s a rather quiet girl who tends to hyperventilate under stress, which she experiences quite a bit in this movie. The first GIMP scene occurs after a sharp object is found in one of the cells. (It was planted there by an inmate from another cell whose name I don’t know, so I’ll refer to her as BadGirl). All five girls are taken away for punishment. They are shown chained AOH and stripped down to their panties. The warden walks among the chained girls delivering a speech, while randomly swatting one of the girls with a cane. There’s a nice sense of dread as none of the girls knows which one will be thwacked next. The girls react very nicely to the whipping. Next, the guards pull out some electrified rods, which are dramatically shown with large sparks. Again the warden walks among them, applying the prods to their sides until they pass out. Then buckets of water are thrown in their faces to revive. Now they are whipped again while wet (one of my favorite combinations).

Nami is then subjected to punishment by the warden. She is stripped down to her black undies, wrists handcuffed behind the back of a chair and whipped on the upper back. Nami really displays a lot of agony, and finally collapses to the floor.

Nami’s roommate Asuza and BadGirl get into a catfight that ends with Asuza pinning BadGirl to the floor and threatening her with a shiv against the crotch of her pants. Later Asuza is chained spreadeagle and whipped by a female guard. Asuza puts up a tough front at first but finally registers pain. Then BadGirl is allowed to have her revenge on the captive girl. She produces a blowtorch and some kind of iron bar, heats up the bar until it’s red hot and then taunts Asuza by holding it up to face. She positions the glowing implement between Azusa’s sweaty legs and then shoves it upward. We see the look of agony on Azusa’s face, and then the camera cuts away to the sound of a blood-curdling scream.

If you like your movies mean, this one’s for you. Besides the GIMP scene mentioned above, Nami gets clubbed, kicked, stepped on, cut, put in cold dark isolation then bombarded with heat lamps, and just generally abused. The guards make frequent use of their batons. The inmates get into an epic free-for-all slugfest in a narrow hallway near the end of the film, and the guards wade into the crowd beating up the girls. Then the girls beat up the guards. Nasty.

Movie pluses: The whipping/electro scene was well done. As usual, the cast members deliver earnest performances. The final segment is, literally, a riot.

Movie minuses: No rape scenes; the only sex is semi-consensual (between the warden and BadGirl). The two main characters (Nami and Asuza) never get naked or topless. Some talky scenes (that I couldn’t understand) and flashbacks interrupt the action. The fights were inconsistent in quality, but that’s for someone else’s forum, I guess.

I can’t decide whether the movie would have been better with subtitles or not. But the language of GIMP is universal, and this one speaks it well. My grade: B-

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 07:58:59 PM

Name: Fritz

Elkcreek wrote:

Its hard to sell peril when the protagonist is more feeble then the victim. I suspect in many cases (the Ring Divas stuff being a great example) what hurts many of these gimp flicks is the nature of the villain and acting chops of the villain. I remember the Relic Raider stuff, the torturer, who was a smaller man than the victim just wasn't believable. Great villains are almost as important as great victims.

This is a real hot button of mine too. In mainstream films, even the most dime-store productions usually make an effort to cast a hissable villain who looks and acts like he could seriously fuck up the heroine. But I've purchased dozens of online BDSM and erotic horror clips in which the perp is either the producer's beer buddy or (shudder) the producer himself. With one or two exceptions, it is painfully obvious why the production guys should be behind and not in front of the camera.

Don't believe me? Check out clips by Horror Variety Theater, Bound and Abused, Catharsis, Necro Videos, Dark Fantasies and the late KHP. These are just a few I remember from Nicheclips. There are many others, and yes, the over-caffeinated goof from Ring Divas is among the prime offenders, not to mention the entire line-up of monsters and ninjas in the GIGA flicks. Don't get me wrong, some of these producers create otherwise excellent GIMP videos, but by casting themselves or mouth-breathing friends as the villains, they completely sabotage their best efforts in order to save a hundred bucks.

A lot of these wannabe sinister scoundrels look like refugees from a Shriners' convention: well into their 60's, balding, overweight, and wheezing so hard that one more chicken wing will likely give them a coronary. It's hard to imagine them ever capturing their obviously light-footed victims in the first place. Then there are the nerds and apathetic types who look about as interested in torturing or raping a bound, naked girl as they are in scrubbing the bathtub. Fail, fail, fail.

Villains are as important as their victims. If anything, they need to be better actors/actresses than the GIMPs they are abusing. They can be cool and quietly menacing; they can be gleefully sadistic; they can be unpredictable psychopaths... but they absolutely MUST look and act like they will make the heroine regret the day she was born.

By the way, I have nothing against female perps (Ilsa anyone?) or small ones (Ralphus can certainly punch above his weight), so long as the threat is there. Sadly, in far too many instances, it isn't.

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 08:26:55 PM

Name: John Galt

YikYakker: Thank you for the excellent and entertaining review of Chain Gang Girls, although how much cooler would it have been entitled Chain Gang California Gurlz starring a bound and sexually abused Katy Perry? It sounds like it had some nice scenes but I am not so much a fan of mean-spirited GIMP flicks. I prefer cruel and threatening GIMP flicks. Plus, no rape scenes? On the rape <--> torture spectrum, I fall pretty squarely on the rape side. The vidcaps were perfect, though, and probably provided a better vicarious thrill than watching the movie would have given me. Kudos for another review job well done.

* * * * *

Fritz and elkcreek: I wholeheartedly agree that the bad guy must be convincing. That is critical for my enjoyment. When I reviewed some SubSpaceLand videos a while back, a large part of my disappointment was with the pretentious "dom," his over-the-top posturing, and his incredibly weak chin. It just ruined it for me. And I finally gave up on DungeonCorp videos because the doms were all tattooed within an inch of their lives, with freaky piercings and strange hair (when there was hair to be had). And that went double for the Freak Queen dom they had doing Strict Restraint. So I guess I want my bad guys to be normal enough that I can identify with them as well.

On the BDSM specialty sites, I expect competence and a believable degree of harshness. In movie or video productions, I do want the bad guys to have some acting ability, although truthfully if the victim can convince me she is being put through it, I am generally satisfied. That doesn't always happen, of course. Sadly.

* * * * *

Dan Hawke: Nice to hear from you. Glad you're getting to do some more shoots. Looks like a lot of clips and photos on the Bound4Free site. I'll have to find some time to check them out.

* * * * *

June Bauer: Well, I seem to have completely missed June Bauer in all her aliases. She looks attractive enough, and in the early 90s I was scouring random video store adult sections for anything with bondage in it--an endeavor that yielded dismal results--so I'm not sure how I missed seeing her in something. But oh well. Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep an eye out now.

Friday, September 10th 2010 - 10:53:05 PM

Name: MaX CoXXX
Homepage URL:


Heard Ralphus was inquiring about some sub I had the pleasure to abuse. Ah... Micah Moore. She was my roomy last summer/fall. She asked to move in after the second time we shot. She was down for pretty much anything except anal & heavy pain. Bummer, 2 of my faves.

I saw this movie when I was like 8 (79). Can't remember much but this chick was hung by her wrist whilst this Kat cut off her boobs chunks at a time, then fried them & fed em to her. Sure would like to see the whole flick again. This was in a drive in.

Good Hunting


Saturday, September 11th 2010 - 01:56:04 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

Dan Hawke: Good to see you back here, and even better news is that you're doing some shooting again. You can't keep a good pornographer down, and I consider you one of the best. Please let us know when you have new stuff to release.


Fritz: Outstanding post, thank you. I completely agree with everything you wrote. A weak villain can nearly ruin a scene, even if the victim is giving a great performance. My big pet peeve is villains who robotically go through the motions without saying a word. I've reviewed some movies made by good filmmakers who should have known better, who directed their male protagonist to be silent throughout nearly the entire film. I'm sorry, that's just abnormal. It also sucks the life out of what could be a great film by making it repetitive and boring.

When I'm watching a bondage film, I mentally put myself in the role of the villain onscreen. The person on the screen represents me. If I'm the one tying up and torturing the pretty girl, I'm going to be laughing, taunting her, making cruel jokes at her expense, just generally whooping it up and having a good time. What I would NOT be is silent, stoic. This isn't work, this is fun!

Ironically, the daily pictures today are from a perfect example of what to do RIGHT in a scene. Earlier, Canadian listed ZFX's South of the Border 4 as one of those scenes that does it for him every time. I took a look at the scene again recently to make caps and was won over again by the zealous enthusiasm of Joseph Marx as the bad guy interrogating Lisa Kinkaid. This guy was really having a good time torturing her with a stun gun, and it was infectious. I'm reminded again of the phrase the late Gene Siskel often used, the "joy of performance". It was a great scene because the actor acted like he was clearly enjoying what he was doing, even commenting at the end, "That was fun!" Well, it sure was fun to watch.

Saturday, September 11th 2010 - 02:06:20 AM

Name: aliester666

Another mainstream movie to be on the lookout for is "Deadly Kitesurf"

Saturday, September 11th 2010 - 02:14:31 AM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Quick note for Gimpers...check out the clip with new model Tory. Choke me 2 times. An example of a reality moment where she was really choked out but didn't let us know. She goes down twice before we figure out she isn't acting.

Saturday, September 11th 2010 - 03:01:49 AM

Name: TGG

Hey Ralphus, on the subject of you finding that No Dead Heroes isn't available to you. I think I have a hunch as to why. I don't think it's do to anything that has to do with you personally or the standing of your Netflix account. I suspect that it's just a server issue.

If you think about it, in order for anyone anywhere to be able watch a movie online on a computer to to stream it to a Streaming device like the Nintendo Wii, XBox 360, and PS3 or via Netflix's own streaming box, there has to be a copy of that movie available on whatever server serves his local community. I suspect that they just don't have a copy of the movie on the servers that serve your area. You could try contacting Netflix and telling them that you would like to see the movie and want them to add to the servers for your area.

Saturday, September 11th 2010 - 04:08:24 AM

Name: YikYakker

John Galt: I appreciate your comments about my review of Chain Gang Girls. ...Chain Gang California Gurlz starring a bound and sexually abused Katy Perry? I think it’s a splendid idea. Maybe someone out there with good Photoshop skills can put together a “concept image” that we can sell to some producer. Or post on the Big Board ;).

You also wrote: On the rape <--> torture spectrum, I fall pretty squarely on the rape side.

Typically, I’m sort of in the middle of the spectrum. I’m OK with rape and/or torture as long as the victim: 1) is displayed well; 2) shows skin – scantily clad, topless, or nude – preferably moist; 3) gives a convincing performance.

Oh, and it helps a lot if the villain is also convincing, as noted by other posters here.

It’s interesting that while Chain Gang Girls focused on torture rather than rape, the Captive Factory Girls movies focused on rape rather than torture. Think these folks know something about the mindset of GIMPers?


June Bauer/Julia Parton: I remember her as Julia Parton when she used to grace the covers of porn magazines during the 90s. (What? Yeah, I ogle at covers, so?) I never saw any of her stuff but was always attracted by her great set of ... eyes. Didn’t realize she did bondage stuff. But is she really the cousin of Dolly Parton? I thought it was just a stage name.

Saturday, September 11th 2010 - 01:53:38 PM

Name: A Canadian

YikYakker: Thanks for the fine review of Chain Gang Girls. While there are parts that sound interesting, I don't think the movie is at the top of my list of films to see.

Saturday, September 11th 2010 - 10:50:43 PM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Apologies for the error in the last posting....the scene where Tory goes lights out is in an upcoming clip that hasn't been posted on the site yet.....should be up in a day or two. Click on the link above to see that segment of the scene. We stopped shooting at the end of the clip because she looked like she was going to go down again.

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 12:19:25 AM

Name: MaX CoXXX
Homepage URL:

Hey Ralphus, On the subject of dialog from the Dom during a bondage film. My personal preference is to hear the sounds of the women & the implements being used, the sound of them on the skin, the leather & chains. I just really like those sounds. Not what this kat thinks is cool to say at this point when he has this babe tied up & is getting down on her. I must admit if the movie has some sort of storyline it's not all bad to hear some tormenting words.

I can't count the times I been watching a BDSM movie & thought how I wish this dude would just be quiet. But as I am producer I can't just do what I enjoy. So I'm putting a script together that will focus on fetish elements I find here at GIMP.

I'll keep you posted on its progress.

Good Hunting


Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 03:21:19 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

YikYakker: Thanks for another entertaining review. I've actually seen Chain Gang Girls recently. Last year, MAV posted some stills on the forum so I added it to my Netflix queue. The best scene in the movie was when "BadGirl" burned Asuza in the pussy with the red-hot crowbar. I was thinking beforehand that it would just be a tease, but they pulled it off. You gotta admit the Japanese are a twisted sort, which is exactly why I dig their movies. The whipping and electro scenes were nice, too. That entry was added to the Whipping Scenes in Movies Database. And the direct link to your review is in my Homepage URL above.


Speaking of Netflix, I checked around Google trying to find a way to view No Dead Heroes on Netflix. Turns out all I had to do was type in "no dead heroes" and "netflix" and it gave me a direct link to either play or add to my queue. So I played it and made some caps. I had forgotten she also gets tied to an upright torture table before she's tied down to be raped. I liked both scenes even though there's no nudity. It helps that there was good bondage and the actress was attractive. Here's the page I made for the Rape Scenes in Movies Database:

No Dead Heroes


Steve Power: Thanks for the corrected link to the choking clip. I couldn't understand what I was supposed to be looking for the first time. As for seeing the actual clip...I guess you can put me down for not liking slow motion, either. Particularly with the audio. Slowed down scenes always produce odd sound, and this is yet another gimmick that draws attention to itself and away from the actual action onscreen. Is it that you don't trust your material enough that you have to resort to doing stuff like this?

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 03:29:43 AM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:


I like watching that scene in slo mo. Her body posture and facial expression are accentuated by the slo mo. When it comes out on DVD and in clip it will be at regular speed. For now it's a commercial.

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 05:56:06 AM

Name: John Galt

Steve Power: Thanks for the clip of Tory being choked out. Pretty cool. She's quite the little trooper to just keep going like that. I'm interested to see what else you get out of her. I like slo-mo under some circumstances. I have always thought that the most effective use of slow motion involved turning the sound off completely, and maybe adding some appropriate musical theme. But silence works for me much better than that slow-motion sound. "MwwwaaAAWWWRRRrrrooooommmm..." is just a fail. Glad to hear that this was just a commercial and the actual clip will be standard speed, although I agree that her expression and body language are enhanced.

* * * * *

YikYakker: That Powershotz Tory clip features her topless in blue jeans, so be sure to check it out. I know how you like that sort of thing.

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 06:52:52 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

The daily pics: I don't normally pay a lot of attention to the daily pictures (I'm one of those weirdos who visits the site for the written content). Nonetheless, it was a great week for me, as this week's pictures ran through my selections in the "trick for you" poll and, thus, covered some of my favorite films (The Abductors, Shark 231, Slave Island 11, South of the Border 4). Even the off-camera rape in The Last House on the Left made it into the daily pics. I was impressed.

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 09:46:30 AM

Name: YikYakker

Today’s Pic: These two girls are both very cute. Has anyone seen them in any other GIMPage?


Here’s where I first caught sight of Julia Parton. Doesn’t she have terrific ... hair?


Steve Power: Thanks for both of those clips...very interesting.

John Galt: That Powershotz Tory clip features her topless in blue jeans, so be sure to check it out. I know how you like that sort of thing.

Ooh, yeah, I do like it. Tory looks great. She’s very lovely.

I don’t know what it is; maybe it’s just the half-covered, half-uncovered thing that gets me. You know those movie scenes where a woman steps out of a shower, wet and naked (which is fantastic in itself), then wraps a towel around her hips, kinda low-slung well below the navel, and looks partially, not completely vulnerable? Then you have the fun of seeing the villain break in, tie her AOH and then rrrrip that towel right off of her. Yeah, that’s doing the trick for me right now ... excuse me...

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 10:51:14 AM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

I like the way the neck strap stretches her head up while the elbow straps force her breasts forward. Her helpless vulnerability and loss of focus and balance is hot. She should have stopped the action but she was trying to make it look real. Avoiding injury is the main worry. If you watch the clip closely you can tell that when I'm lifting her back up the neck strap isn't being pulled tight and her head is being held upward to keep her air passage open. It looks hard on her neck but she is breathing easily. Then once she is standing the strap is pulled tighter and she starts to get fuzzy again. The reason the sound was left is because of the way she pleads when she is being punished for not saying sir after yes. That squeal in her voice is priceless.

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 02:08:04 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Re the Picture of the Day:"If you see David Hess around, you know you're in trouble"

You sure got that right!!!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Fritz: But I've purchased dozens of online BDSM and erotic horror clips in which the perp is either the producer's beer buddy or (shudder) the producer himself.

WORD to that! But I think Chis (Brown?) did a good job with PKF, so there are some exceptions. MaX CoXXX is pretty menacing too.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

aliester666: Another mainstream movie to be on the lookout for is "Deadly Kitesurf"

Form the description: “[F]our couples are involved in a whirlwind of jealousy and betrayal that will lead most of them to an untimely and horrifying death at the hands of a merciless gang of drug runners”

You know that all four guys are going to die, on-screen, and at most, two women, and probably off-screen. I’m not hopeful. (The girls have skimpy attire, but it seems to stay on. Boo!!!!)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Steve Powers: Quick note for Gimpers...check out the clip with new model Tory. Choke me 2 times. An example of a reality moment where she was really choked out but didn't let us know. She goes down twice before we figure out she isn't acting.

Steve, Steve, Steve, I agree with Ralphus about the slo-mo, but there’s an even bigger oversight for me: You have this beautiful girl, topless with her pants about to fall off, a belt tight around her neck a nd you with a free hand, and you don’t grope her tits OR pussy? That’s just WRONG, dude!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ralphus: I had forgotten she also gets tied to an upright torture table before she's tied down to be raped. I liked both scenes even though there's no nudity.

If it’s any consolation, she’s topless for a consensual love scene a few minutes earlier. So you can grab a glimpse of her boobs and mentally add them in to the rape scene…

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 02:29:07 PM

Name: Brutus

YikYakker: A belated thanks for your entertaining review of Chain Gang Girls. The blow torch-poker scene sounds, well, hot.

It’s interesting that while Chain Gang Girls focused on torture rather than rape, the Captive Factory Girls movies focused on rape rather than torture. Think these folks know something about the mindset of GIMPers?

I fall more on the torture side of the spectrum because I like variety (whipping, electro, red-hot pokers, etc.) although choosing between torture or rape is kinda like having to pick between a T-bone or sirloin. A combination of the two is preferable.


Ralphus: Your page for No Dead Heroes finally answered a question that had been on my minds for years. I fondly remember that rape scene but couldn't remember the title of the movie. I thought the rapist was nearly perfect for that situation: sadistic, overweight and physically unappealing, obnoxious. Basically, he's the type of guy that no hot woman would want to touch. The expression on the defiant victim when his dick supposedly enters her is priceless.


Steve Power: I understand why you offered that Tory scene in slow-motion. Her expression (and the realism) were excellent, and I could read her lips saying "I can't breathe." Still, it's probably a good move to have it in normal speed on DVD. If people are into slo-mo, they can do it with their players.


jhlipton wrote about Deadly Kitesurf: You know that all four guys are going to die, on-screen, and at most, two women, and probably off-screen. I’m not hopeful.

I've seen so many disappointing mainstream films lately that my cynicism has reached new levels. My guess is that three of the women will be killed in quick fashion or off-screen, and the last woman will be captured. She'll escape before anything "good" happens to her and single-handedly wipe out the drug runners. I hope I'm wrong.

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 08:27:59 PM

Name: John Galt

Brutus and jhlipton: I too am disappointed to the point of ambivalence when it comes to GIMP in recent mainstream movies. So I wouldn't expect much from Deadly Kitesurf either, even putting aside its lame title. But it could be worse. It could have featured Jessica Alba in one of the girl roles, thereby assuring its GIMPish insipidity. And no, I didn't make that word up. Coincidentally, if you look it up in the GIMP Dictionary of the English Language you'll find a picture of Jessica Alba next to the definition. (Yes, I did make that part up.)

* * * * *

So I was browsing IMDB and noticed one of the keywords was Graphic Rape, so being the inquiring perv that I am I clicked the keyword just to see what movies it would turn up. Visions of a List to End All Lists danced briefly in my head. Imagine my disappointment when the top movie on the list was a South Park episode. Massive Fail.

You can see for yourself here, in what IMDB modestly calls Best "Graphic Rape" Titles. I disagree.

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 10:24:08 PM

Name: Fritz

jhlipton wrote:

But I think Chis (Brown?) did a good job with PKF, so there are some exceptions. MaX CoXXX is pretty menacing too.

I did note there are a few exceptions and agree that both Chris and Max did/do a good job of playing intimidating villains. That said, I believe Chris was hired by JohnM, who likely selected him because he made a credible perp. Max, who gets my vote for bad-guy of the year, has been making BDSM videos for a while, but also linked up with PKF (at least in part) to play Snidely Whiplash after Chris's departure.

Chris made a go of starting his own company, but this only came after working with John. Despite his acting abilities (which to be honest, were modest at best), Chris's venture failed quickly and he has been MIA for well over a year. Meanwhile, John himself could be Hannibal Lecter incarnate, but he knows his dance card is full playing director, DP, editor and every other technical role. His videos are all the better for it.

An exception which does come to mind is Allen of the late and lamented Casualties of Horror. He often played the perp in his own productions and did a fine job as the bad guy. Allen liked to chew the scenery -- but even Anthony Hopkins tended to get carried away when the role called for it. And yes, Max continues to do excellent work in his own productions, as well as for John.

But I'm hard-pressed to think of anyone else. There are far more candidates for the Hall of Shame. I'd love to call them out, but I doubt it would change anything. I assume most of these characters know who they are.

Sunday, September 12th 2010 - 11:56:04 PM

Name: MaX CoXXX
Homepage URL:

Steve's clip is brilliant. It shows the scene without giving the viewer satisfaction. After all.... Need to sell it to do it again.

Tomorrow I am releasing a video on Dirty Deeds "Kidnap Torture Strangle" This is my first water boarding. Yes, I really water boarded a hot chick. Enjoy!

Good Hunting


Monday, September 13th 2010 - 01:42:57 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Fritz: I did note there are a few exceptions and agree that both Chris and Max did/do a good job of playing intimidating villains. That said, I believe Chris was hired by JohnM, who likely selected him because he made a credible perp. Max, who gets my vote for bad-guy of the year, has been making BDSM videos for a while, but also linked up with PKF (at least in part) to play Snidely Whiplash after Chris's departure.

I hesitated before mentioning Chris and MaX for the reasons you mentioned. But I figured they both appeared in their own videos, so they counted. There are some producers who fit their productions -- the owner of Director's Kut is as bad as his videos!

Monday, September 13th 2010 - 04:15:43 AM

Name: DHT

My picks for great BDSM villains:

Chandra Sweet
Rick Masters
Joseph Marx
Bryan Dunhill
Sandra Romain
Nick Long
Mark Davis

Monday, September 13th 2010 - 09:32:51 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

DHT wrote:

My picks for great BDSM villains:

Not a bad list, but I'm sure if I would pick all of them. Here's your choices again, followed by my opinions.

PD - When he did his older, nonconsensual scenarios for Insex, which unfortunately there wasn't enough of, yes. Otherwise, I'm not sure he qualifies as a "villain", per se. More of a dominant instead, but he does that very well.

Chandra Sweet - Hmmm...I don't think I would call her a villain so much as a female cohort to a villain. She wasn't especially scary on her own, but seemed to relish the role of the girlfriend who got off watching her boyfriends torturing the victims. In that capacity, she added a lot to nearly every movie she was in.

Rick Masters - Yeah, good choice. Rick always knows exactly the right thing to say, and he's scary and threatening enough to pull it off.

Joseph Marx - As I just mentioned, one of ZFX's best (and most underrated) villains. He was always great.

Bryan Dunhill - At his best, he could be scary and funny at the same time. A guy who truly seemed to love dishing out the abuse, and it showed. His joy of performance was infectious.

Sandra Romain - You got me. I've never heard of her.

Nick Long - This guy looked scary to begin with. Big bald guy with a beard, he could probably be cast as a sadistic biker and no one would doubt him. He spoke softly but you knew he meant business. And he was a real life master (to frequent ZFX performer Kerri Downs), so it was perfect casting.

Mark Davis - I dunno. Can you actually have a "villain" if all the sessions they have are consensual?

Monday, September 13th 2010 - 11:21:16 AM

Name: MaX CoXXX
Homepage URL:

Believe it or not, it's way harder to find male talent than female. Guys who can act, improv worth a shit. Personally I'd prefer not to act & shoot in my videos but I have a serious case of "if you want it done right, do it yourself" & aside from some extra work, it works. Maybe some day I'll be on DHT's list.

Looking at a new studio today. Free standing building. We are in a office/retail space now & it serves to inhibit our potential. When I can not worry about volume or some squire stopping on their floor, my ceiling during a scene... Think my intensity will ratchet up a few notches.

Good Hunting


Monday, September 13th 2010 - 12:07:36 PM

Name: Matt
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Nice pic of the day, Ralphus. Anytime's the right time to have pics of an old reliable up.

Monday, September 13th 2010 - 11:12:00 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

DHT: My picks for great BDSM villains

Considering we were just talking about him, I don't know how you could leave off David Hess. And Sid Haig surely belongs on that list.

Tuesday, September 14th 2010 - 04:02:19 AM

Name: Jane von Detlefson
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hey all, I've been out of the loop for a while. We're doing a bigger budget mainstream production about the Inquisition and the pre-production has been taking up all my time. We're also finishing up the editing of our new RFPIX production "Fantom", which is insanely intense and served to be a very good warm-up for my role in the Inquisition film.

On another note we're having a HUGE sale in our DVD Store, so y'all should take advantage while it lasts. Serious hotness at seriously low prices. 'Nuf said.

The Poll: My collection is all mainstream. I have a few favorites, one of which is the "Barbarian Queen" (I like 2 more than 1). But my favorite of all time is "Irreversible". I know it's a bit strong for most folks, but for me as an actress and a person it always does the trick. Monica Bellucci's performance is incredible, the story is tragic, I just love it to pieces. Another one is "Malena". Notice a trend here? Serious girl-crush on Monica B.

Tuesday, September 14th 2010 - 11:08:26 AM

Name: John Galt

Jane von Detlefson: Well, a bigger budget mainstream production about the Inquisition sounds like it has great potential, although of course "mainstream" could be a code word for "toned down for consumption by the masses." Then again, if an insanely intense "Fantom" was good preparation, perhaps I should trust that it will be nothing less than awesome. In fact, that makes me doubly curious about "Fantom." But you knew that would be the case, didn't you?

Anyway, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to keep us all up to date. I am looking forward to seeing you helplessly suffering under the cruel hand of the Inquisitor. Now it is off to the Red Feline DVD Store to see what's on sale!

Tuesday, September 14th 2010 - 09:07:20 PM

Name: John Galt

I just read on Mr Skin that Terminal Island is out on DVD. I dutifully checked and sure enough they list a DVD released on September 14, 2010. Confusingly, the comments below say that it is edited with the good bits removed, but the comments were dated from 2005 so I doubt they reviewed this latest release. So who knows if this has the awesome standing bound spread-eagle and sort-of rape with the red-hot pistol featuring Phyllis Davis? Or was that scene is Sweet Sugar? Those were like, THE two Phyllis Davis exploitation flicks. What great mammaries--umm, I mean, memories. *sigh*

Tuesday, September 14th 2010 - 11:54:24 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

John Galt wrote:

Well, a "bigger budget mainstream production about the Inquisition" sounds like it has great potential, although of course "mainstream" could be a code word for "toned down for consumption by the masses."

Dude, I can tell you this will NOT be a toned down production, this could be the Inquisition film to end all Inquisition films! I'll have to check with Jane before divulging any details to the forum, but what they have planned is AMAZING! And I know, because I'm an associate producer and I've been advising Jane on various and sundry aspects of the storyline, bondage, dialogue, etc. She's had the script ready for an Inquisition period film, a "torture and burn the witch" type of movie, but lacked the additional funds needed to make it until recently. And this month, they'll finally be filming it in Bolivia.

What they're planning to film in the movie rings my bell in a BIG way. Again, I don't want to give too much away, but let's just say a particular fate I've been promising for Jane will finally occur in this film. Mmmmm...hey, something smells good! What's cooking?

But before that happens, we'll be seeing plenty of the newest Red Feline release, Fantom. I'll be reviewing and highlighting the film on the board. According to the Red Feline site, it's due to come out in a couple of weeks. I've only seen one still but I've read her synopsis of what's going to happen and it sounds very GIMP-worthy. After seeing her work in Agent X, I trust Jane. I think good things are upcoming.

Wednesday, September 15th 2010 - 12:50:40 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

John Galt: Pretty easy to mix up Terminal Island with Sweet Sugar, since they're both Phyllis Davis women's prison movies, both were made a year apart, and in fact, both have similar whipping scenes. Here, from the Whipping Scenes in Movies Database, is the difference:

Terminal Island vs Sweet Sugar

Wednesday, September 15th 2010 - 01:24:50 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Jane, welcome back!

and as for Ralphus: I've read her synopsis of what's going to happen and it sounds very GIMP-worthy.

I think Jane has WAY more than enough cred around here that we can categorically say that whatever she does will be GIMP-worthy.

Wednesday, September 15th 2010 - 05:29:26 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Ralphus wrote:

And I know, because I'm an associate producer and I've been advising Jane on various and sundry aspects of the storyline, bondage, dialogue, etc.

Let's just hope Jane and J.J. rejected the idea about the swimming nuns -- it's already been done.

Wednesday, September 15th 2010 - 06:41:48 AM

Name: chase
E-mail address:

Regarding the pic of the day:

I believe Matt said this: "Nice pic of the day, Ralphus. Anytime's the right time to have pics of an old reliable up."

He was talking about the pic located here:

Love that pic.

I agree. Sometimes at the end of a hard day's work, you just want to DO her. Plow that field.

No fuss, no muss, no foreplay. No roses. No wine. You want her naked, tied down, and gagged, legs spread wide.

Yum. That is what I call an appetizer.

Wednesday, September 15th 2010 - 10:48:39 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Let's see now.......a 4'4" dwarf with an afro acting as creative consultant on an inquisition flick featuring Jane as the object of torment, torture and basted in her own juices during a low and slow roasting - I'll bring the beans and slaw - I had hoped to land the role of Grand Inquisitor but alas, it was not offered.

Good luck with your shoot Jane - I know I'll be one of the first customers on that one.

Stay well all

Wednesday, September 15th 2010 - 12:07:42 PM

Name: YikYakker

Today's Pics: Corinne Clery - goddess.


While we’re on the topic of goddesses...

Jane: A bigger budget mainstream movie about the Inquisition, starring you and including input from Ralphus? I'm there, m'lady.


Recently caught all of the movie She with Sandahl Bergman and Quin Kessler in a well-known whipping scene. Regarding the rest of the movie...words fail me. But there was a segment with Sandahl Bergman skulking around in a skimpy outfit, sword drawn. That graceful, athletic, dancer’s body in smooth motion is a wonder to behold. So behold...

She 1

She 2

She 3

She 4


I’m guessing this is as good as it got in the remake of Halloween II (2009). Is there anyone out there who has seen it and would care to comment?

Wednesday, September 15th 2010 - 09:18:15 PM

Name: Graham

Hi all,

What JAV site is it that allows you to search for content? Like "branding" or "light bulb"

I thought it was VideoMayhem but they seem to have stopped putting descriptions of the video's contents up with their box images.

Anyone know of a JAV site still providing this feature?

Thanks, Graham

Wednesday, September 15th 2010 - 10:48:06 PM

Name: Brutus

Ralphus: Ah, thanks dude, for the Fatal Pulse daily pics. I have been patiently waiting for someone to put this classic (and another favorite called "Bits and Pieces") on DVD. One strange thing I found with this movie is that there were like six female victims in the movie, and all of them got naked at some point except for the heroine.

BTW, I know female villains don't do it for you, but in case you're wondering, Sandra Romain is a regular performer on the sites. She's quite exotic looking and has played the victim. But she seems more in her element as a dom.

Chandra Sweet as a villain? Not bad, but I preferred her as a victim. If I had to choose a ZFX female as a villain, I'd pick Penelope Pace, who was a better actress and more physically believable in the dominant role (maybe it's those huge cans.)


Jane von Detlefson: Good luck with the big-budget Inquisition project. It sounds like a can't-miss production. I think it will be especially interesting to see if we can find Ralphus's influences in the film.


YikYakker: You know, I think I've seen all of the Halloween movies (but not the latest one) and can't recall any GIMP scenes in any of them, except for a brief rape of a mental patient. For that matter, has there been any GIMPage in any of the Friday the 13th movies? I've given up on those two franchises.


Anyhow, been busy at work but found time to write a review about a film that I can finally highly recommend. (Sorry, I decided not to make stills of pd's work.)

Graphic Sexual Horror (2009)

The year is 1997. Blood-letting and slaughter become more prominent in video games. Movies like I Know What You Did Last Summer escalate the revival of slasher movies. Massacres in Algeria become so common that they end up in the world brief sections of newspapers.

But amid this culture of violence and insensitivity, a new website, set up with $25,000 by a man fed up with his "hopeless" and "pathetic" life, shocks the online world and society by not only raising S/M pornography to new levels of extremism, but also by its enormous popularity.

The documentary Graphic Sexual Horror, written and directed by Anna Lorentzon and Barbara Bell, offers an informative, disturbing and at times humorous look into the website,, and its creator, pd (Brent Scott). The film does not directly ask questions about the morality of the site or pornography in general, nor does it pass judgment on pd or his work. It lets the viewer decide.

And as enthusiasts of violent images, and even as former members of Insex, we can watch the documentary in a different light from the mainstream crowd. The behind-the-scenes action and the candid interviews should still enlighten and unsettle even the most hard-core GIMPer. They may even change the way you feel about Insex.

Graphic Sexual Horror touches on many elements you would expect, such as business insiders describing pd's work not as pornography, but as art that highlights the beauty of restraints and body forms with a focus on the woman's orgasm. Model Lorelei Lee compares an Insex session to a song, with the action rising and intensifying, and ultimately culminating in a climax.

The film also stresses the fact that all of the models have consented to what they are put through. They are shown proudly displaying their signed release forms.

But why readily submit to some of the most diabolical, sadistic and painful devices ever seen on the Internet? Model s4 says it's an emotional release. Others say they are simply turned on by pain and want to test their limits. And there is also a great part with a model who appears all smiley and glassy-eyed on an orgasmic high after a grueling torture session.

Yet the bottom line is often money. Some of the models were paid $300 an hour plus bonuses or even thousands a day for Live Feeds.

And pd ensures they earn it, pushing them to their limits--and beyond--to create the images of suffering so important in his art. Anyone who has seen Insex shoots knows these women are experiencing real pain. There's no acting involved, nor is it necessary. The models are shown crying and screaming, some in hysterics or outright panic. It's what the viewers and pd demand.

The transformation of pd himself that correlates with the rising success of Insex is perhaps the most fascinating aspect of the documentary. He comes across as intelligent, charming, determined and a perfectionist, as well as a cunning manipulator and an amoral dictator.

The early interviews with pd describe his days as a faithful husband and show him making sure his bound models are all right. The inspirations for his work are mentioned, which not surprisingly include Japanese rope bondage, Randa Mai and John Willie. But surprisingly, pd also mentions real-life serial killers, like the Hillside Stranglers.

One key to the growing popularity of Insex was its interactive functions, including Live Feeds in which members could issue instructions on how to torture the model. But as the money poured in, pd seemed to become more determined to get the most from his models, and his tyrannical side was constantly on display.

Model 62 says pd would often storm off the set pissed off, making the model feel bad about herself. Rigger Cyd Black says pd threatened to shut down the site every week. Two-day shoots at his farm would become two-week excursions, but no one dared to go home early for fear of losing their job.

A scene shown from the Live Feed "s4 Reloaded" really underscores pd's manipulative ways. He apparently forgets that face-slapping is off-limits for s4 and smacks her a few times on the request of a viewer as she is bound naked on a chair. Her reaction is complete shock.

She gasps, "You fucking asshole," and ends up sobbing uncontrollably and hyperventilating, her protests barely audible. Something has obviously gone wrong but pd shows no sympathy. He berates her for "copping an attitude" and trying to "gain control" of the situation. He angrily reminds her that she's there to put on a live show, and warns her that if she lectures him "we're done!" He finally ends up promising, in a sort of off-handed way, not to slap her again. Still sobbing and emotional hurt, s4 agrees to continue the shoot as pd nonchalantly starts to apply nipple clamps.

Forget the bleeding breasts, the needle play or the angry welts from caning. The meltdown of s4, for me, was the most difficult thing to watch in the documentary.

Rigger Matt Williams says Insex provided the safest bondage sets for the models, who were always given the chance to say the safe word (or safe sound if gagged). Yet saying the safe word was discouraged.

Princess Donna explains that she wouldn't say the safe word out of pride and to not appear wimpy in front of her fans. Still, the big motivator for others was, of course, the money.

Barry Goldman, an agent for Insex models, says a woman who survived an Insex shoot could do work on any bondage site because nothing was harder than what pd put them through. And models who did say the safe word were not invited back to Insex, losing the chance for lucrative paydays in the future.

pd used this as leverage to get the models to reach their limits. And although pd went to great lengths to ensure the safety of his models, he did, on occasion, go too far.

Model 1201 said that in the Slaveshave Live Feed in 2003, she was bound and tightly tape-gagged and not sure of pd's intentions--until he rammed a dildo on a stick into her ass. It was her first anal experience, and the scene shows her crying and screaming in pain as the dildo goes in and out. "It was not OK. ... I feel like I was raped," she recalls, but adds that she didn't say the safe word out of fear that the shoot would end and she would lose the job.

She is clearly very uncomfortable talking about this experience, and indeed she looks like a real rape victim after the anal violation sequence ends.

pd's manipulation was also evident offscreen. Although some of the models were truly into him, others said pd coerced them into free bondage and sex play after-hours. He apparently told them he needed these free sessions to gain inspiration with the models, or he couldn't work with them anymore.

pd admits he violated protocol. He also acknowledges that the huge financial success of Insex corrupted him and turned him into a monster. Yet he doesn't seem too apologetic for his actions, stressing that some of the models and workers ensconced themselves in his way of thinking.

The end of the documentary discusses the demise of Insex, with the government using credit card companies and billing companies to shut down violent porn sites. pd explains that Homeland Security applied pressure by saying that terrorists were using violent porn to funnel money. But pd refused to change his site, and the rest is history. Unfortunately, no information is given about Hardtied, his new site, and the adjustments he had to make.

Graphic Sexual Horror is well-paced, superbly edited and contains excellent footage. It relies almost solely on the words of the models, riggers, including Peter Ackworth of and Sgt. Major, and pd himself to explain the history and success of Insex. And they do so with brutal honesty. (The interviews with model 101, who formed a romantic relationship with pd and battled depression and drug addiction, are quite chilling.)

No outsiders are used to give their views about Insex, violent pornography or other related social issues, which bends the documentary toward a more positive image of Insex and pd. But I think this approach works better for us. Do we really need some eggheaded stranger trying to explain to us our proclivities and feelings that have been with us all our lives?

As GIMPers, we ourselves can watch this documentary with a bit of self-reflection. Can we really enjoy scenes in which the models are enduring genuine pain beyond their limits just to avoid being fired? Is Insex art or did it degenerate into a salacious reality show? Knowing that some of the models objected to what pd was doing, does his work cross the line between fantasy and reality in way that should make us feel uncomfortable watching his stuff? Have we become so desensitized to violence that we have no problems watching real torture of women as long as it's labeled "consensual"?

Or we could watch Graphic Sexual Horror as a fascinating profile piece about a unique bondage rigger and the methods he used to create some of the harshest and most exciting bondage pornography around. We can just sit back and enjoy the creativity and artistry of pd's work knowing that the models could have ended the shoots at any time, left the sets in one piece (many with smiles on their faces) and were well-paid for their efforts. Maybe we should just agree with agent Goldman's comment about pd: "Brent (pd), no matter how fucked up he is as a person, is in my opinion the Michelangelo of bondage and torture."

The viewer can decide what he or she wishes to take from this gripping documentary.

My Grade: A


A trailer (and some extras) can be found here.

Thursday, September 16th 2010 - 01:43:12 PM

Name: MaX CoXXX
Homepage URL:

Brutus, Great review! Thank you, I just ordered it. That was the best read since Ralphus's Blakemore interview.

Good Hunting


Thursday, September 16th 2010 - 04:10:01 PM

Name: thx1139
E-mail address:

Fatal Pulse electrocution scene-- one of the best. Hot-looking topless babe jiggling and screaming in agony... what's not to like? Plus the nice twitches after she is put to death.

Re the Halloween series... only one scene that worked for me, but worked it did-- the Pamela Susan Shoop drowning/scalding scene. The killer was ruthless and brutal, and Shoop topless was pretty hot in itself.

Thursday, September 16th 2010 - 06:46:33 PM

Name: John Galt

Brutus: Thanks for the excellent review of Graphic Sexual Horror. It sounds like it should be a must-see for all GIMPers. I will be ordering it, but I'm not eagerly looking forward to watching it, strange as that sounds. I really enjoy the elements of Powershotz shoots that push sometimes inexperienced models to their limits, although obviously not abusively, which it sounds like Insex did on a regular basis. So the question becomes, how far is too far?

I have seen quite a few of the old Insex shoots and they are not as enjoyable as I would like. Maybe that's because I skew to rape side of the rape <--> torture spectrum. I want to believe that behind the scenes, there are responsible, trustworthy people who care about the models' safety. I still get that feeling when I watch productions, even though Matt Williams and other Insex alumni are involved. Maybe it depends on the integrity of the guy in charge, and pd's character wasn't up to the challenge. I don't know. Hindsight is always 20/20.

But the documentary sounds absolutely fascinating, and I really respect the producers for keeping all the interviews within the industry. I think that's what makes this such a must-see movie. It almost sounds like a cautionary tale that hits awfully close to home.

Incredible review. You get my nomination for Best Review of 2010.

Thursday, September 16th 2010 - 07:48:00 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Brutus Great review of Graphic Sexual Horror. I remember when that film was playing at a documentary film festival in Toronto last year, I was planning to see it, but never got around to it. Now, I really want to see it. Like John Galt, I suspect much of it will disgust me, but I enjoy documentaries that aren't afraid to show their subjects' blemishes and flaws. It sounds like a fascinating movie.

Thursday, September 16th 2010 - 09:07:35 PM

Name: Falstaff

Discussing the Insex documentary sort of completes a cycle. It was on this forum I first heard of Insex. I was a member on and off for four years up until the end of the site. From a personal perspective, I was really conflicted about the site. It was both fascinating and troubling. Some of the comments about the documentary tend to trouble me even more. One of the favorite expressions on Insex was to expand the models experiences. I was always concerned whether it was dealing with expansion or exploitation.

One of the Live Feeds that really brought the conflict home for me was one with 101. She had some marks on her leg at the beginning of the feed and I asked whether we (the viewers) had missed something that went on prior to the start of the feed. PD had 101 explain the marks. She used to cut herself, and those marks were scars from the cuttings. At that point I wondered if she was mentally stable enough, or secure enough in her own self esteem to be involved in the activities that were going on. I also wondered if drugs were involved in any of the models regular activities. From that point on I (here again, this is strictly a personal point of view) began to worry about some of the models being exploited. The relationship pd seemed to have with the models "seemed" to be reassuring, but now I am not so sure.

To this day I remain conflicted about the site. For me, ZFX was a more satisfying experience. I was able to enjoy the "tortures" of the actresses without being worried that they were being exploited in real life. The fantasy of ZFX was a more satisfying experience than the reality of Insex. That being said, I still regard Insex as a Guilty Pleasure, and feel it was unique, and I have to admit part of the interest in Insex was watching the development of the various models during the time pd worked with them. So, after all that, I guess I have to say I am still conflicted about the site and my reaction to it.

Friday, September 17th 2010 - 12:49:21 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Brutus: I've said it before, I'll say it're my favorite of all the excellent reviewers we have contributing here. Outstanding review of Graphic Sexual Horror. Believe it or not, I was planning on reviewing that one myself, but you beat me to it. My slowness is the forum's gain, because my review wouldn't have been half as good as yours was.

I agree with the positive grade for the documentary. I'm sure PD was pleased with the way he was portrayed, even if it wasn't all flattering and like you noted, he was manipulative and overstepped his boundaries at times. I thought it was interesting that he mentioned movies like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Last House on the Left as earlier influences for him. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since a lot of perverts and sick fucks (namely, the ones who read this board) list those films as their influences, too.

He also mentioned being influenced by serial killers, and who among us doesn't have their favorite serial killer? (Mine is Christopher Wilder.) Still, up until I saw the documentary, I mostly thought of Insex as a creative bondage company that usually disdained the nonconsensual fantasy storylines that I prefer and concentrated instead on the realism of pushing models to their limits, but always with their permission. To me, that was a whole lot less interesting.

But by having a safe word...and then discouraging them from using it...he was intentionally coercing many of his models into doing things they weren't comfortable with. Those women were really being tortured, and enduring great pain for fear of losing their jobs. In other words, you can say no, but your career as a bondage model will be over if you do. I can't agree with those tactics, nor do I condone his after-hours "research" in which models were basically forced to have a personal relationship with him to keep their jobs. In my workplace, that's known as sexual harassment and would get someone fired or sent to jail.

In getting to know Blakemore, I became well aware that personal relations can form while doing shoots like these. In fact, he told me off the record that he fucked nearly every model he shot. I'm sure it's not uncommon, and many of the producers who read this board probably have similar stories they wouldn't be willing to divulge on a public forum. But for PD to shamelessly admit the tactics he used to get those girls to do it takes some balls. He's lucky he never got arrested.

My only disappointment with the film was that the ultimate demise of Insex (because of bullshit credit card legislation enacted by the Bush administration to eliminate violent porn) isn't given enough attention. This was potentially the most interesting aspect of the whole Insex story, and it's played up in every trailer I've seen for the movie, about how the government shut them down. And yet, that entire episode is glossed over without much detail in the final 5 minutes of the movie.

Still, a very well-done documentary, and anyone who admires the work of Insex should definitely see it.

Your review is in my Homepage URL above. This one is so good, I'm going to submit it to the IMDB. It's the best review I've read of the film so far.

Friday, September 17th 2010 - 01:06:39 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Ralphus: who among us doesn't have their favorite serial killer?

I don’t because serial killers make REAL people REAL dead (Lana Clarkson wasn't killed by a serial killer, but provides a good example). There are a few (such as Bittaker and Norris) who I wouldn’t mind seeing a fictional account of (presuming said film didn’t gloss over the fun parts). It’s one thing to get off to a story where no one gets hurt, and another thing when at least one party does (as with Insex, for example).

Since real serial killers usually aren’t interested in sex per se, as much as power and control, their victims are rarely anyone I’d want to see on screen.

Friday, September 17th 2010 - 09:06:56 PM

Name: TGG

Ralphus wrote:

who among us doesn't have their favorite serial killer?

I have to side with jhlipton on this issue. Real serial killers make real people real dead. No offense Ralphus, but I feel anyone who has a so-called "favorite serial killer" must have something wrong in the noggin. This issue reminds me of an old classmate from when I was back in high school. That teenage boy used to constantly and openly say in public that he admires Ted Bundy. I haven't seen that sicko since I graduated from high school back in 1992. He was a Senior the same year I was and should have graduated with the same class I did. However, he wasn't present amoung the graduates that year. I heard rumors around the time that he missed the Graduation ceremony because he was in jail accused of assaulting one of his neighbors.

He used to constantly call me a retard because I wouldn't act like him. I had never been in jail once in all my life, or even ever in trouble with the law. He used to act like a "cool" person by barking like a dog which apparently was all the rage back then, and I didn't. I graduated from high school while he missed the graduation ceremony supposedly because he was behind bars facing assault charges, and he thought I was the one who is retarded? Seems to me he was the retard himself!


Friday, September 17th 2010 - 11:18:17 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

jhlipton wrote:

...serial killers make REAL people REAL dead

Well gee, that's a big ol' DUH! No one here is condoning killing people in real life. But you can't deny that serial killers exist and they often prey on women. Being darkly fascinated by the subject and individual perpetrators is not going to bring the victims back nor change the fact that those crimes occurred, horrible though they were.

Since real serial killers usually aren't interested in sex per se, as much as power and control, their victims are rarely anyone I'd want to see on screen.

Well, that's part of the reason why I singled out Christopher Wilder. He only went after beautiful young women (he was known as the "Beauty Queen Killer"), raped them, tied them up, used electrical shock on them, and then hogtied them in his trunk before disposing of them. It's exactly the kind of story I'd like to see depicted on the screen, and they did make a TV movie out of it, but they wimped out and sanitized the hell out of it. What a huge missed opportunity.


TGG: Ted Bundy, like all serial killers, took his dark desires way too far by acting upon them. He was a charming guy who used his good looks to have his way with women, and I can understand your friend's admiration toward him, misplaced as it was. He was not a role model, but people who brashly do evil things will often be granted underground hero status by a small percentage of the population. I remember seeing people wearing Charles Manson T-shirts when I was younger. Your friend got what he deserved by emulating Bundy. Hopefully, he didn't take it to the extreme that Bundy did.

We've had variations of this discussion here before. Certainly, many of us here have discussed and reviewed movies that were based on real life crimes. Is there guilt involved enjoying depictions of real life crimes? Well, nearly every story involving murder, rape or torture was based on something that happened in real life to somebody. We shouldn't celebrate real life crime, but on the other hand, I'm not going to ignore it or pretend it didn't happen when a movie is made based on the case. Face it, our fetish is pretty fucked up to begin with, but I'm not going to apologize for the way I'm wired. As long as we don't act on it, everything is fair game in my book.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 12:21:11 AM

Name: MrAnthony
E-mail address:

I, for one, do not have a "favorite" serial killer. I draw a line between fantasy and reality. I see nothing admirable about serial killers. The stories of their particular crimes may make for interesting reading, but I don't find real murders sexually arousing.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 01:03:33 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Ralphus: But you can't deny that serial killers exist and they often prey on women.

Some do, true. But for every Wilder, there's at least one John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dalmer or whoever strangled the elderly women in Boston in 1962. Children are more likely to be the targets of serial killers than adults -- Wilder's targets included 15 and 16-year-olds.

In short, my favorite serial killer would be the one who attacks only hot 18 to 24-year-old women, rapes them and slowly kills them, but leaves behind no actual victims. Die Gedunkin Sind Frei!

Hey, it's 1:30 in the morning -- this is as coherent as I can manage!

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 04:29:59 AM

Name: A Canadian

Ralphus wouldn't be Ralphus if he didn't occasionally find ways to step in doo-doo -- often with comments he thought were completely innocuous.

For what it's worth, I don't have a favorite serial killer, either. Not that I have deeply held objections to the idea. It's just something that has never been on my radar.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 08:43:09 AM

Name: Badger

We have walked this fine line on this forum before when discussing real-life sex crimes committed by real people on real victims.

Many years ago I decided that I would not deny the way I am wired and go with it without guilt. That said, there have been times since then when I felt a bit of guilt at wanting more details when I read stories of real sex crimes and rape/murders that were happening in real-time. I began feeling a bit of that same guilt as I read through the story about Wilder. Nonetheless, I did read on for a while with interest. That I wouldn't go on to consider Wilder to be a "favorite" anything is a distinction, but a narrow one at that.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 09:31:45 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

A Canadian wrote:

Ralphus wouldn't be Ralphus if he didn't occasionally find ways to step in doo-doo -- often with comments he thought were completely innocuous.

Ha! You got that right. I'm a 3 foot 7 lightning rod for controversy, I guess. Everybody stop in and see what Ralphus is going to say this time. Honestly, my comment "who among us doesn't have their favorite serial killer?" was intended as just a lighthearted throwaway wasn't meant to open up a whole can of worms. But if it got the board talking, that's a positive thing.

But this isn't the first time here that I've described Wilder in that way. I remember reading an expanded Sunday newspaper account about his exploits when it happened. I was 22 at the time, about the age when I was really starting to "come of age" as a pervert. The story definitely interested me, so much that I couldn't wait for one of those "true crime" paperbacks to be released about him...that was the equivalent of the Tru TV Network back in the days before the Internet. I read as much about Wilder as I could, and still have the TV movie Easy Prey on tape, in which the Wilder story is given the sanitized "Made For TV" treatment, robbing it of all the sensationalistic exploitation that made the story so fascinating in the first place.

Here's an original review, and the guy absolutely hates the film, not because it wasn't exploitative enough, but because of the subject matter in the first place. He's obviously not "one of us".

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 11:05:01 AM

Name: YikYakker

Ralphus wrote: ...who among us doesn't have their favorite serial killer?

Can't say that I have one. It's just not something I ever considered before.

But upon reflection, I would nominate the vines from Evil Dead. They they pick the right victims, they know where to strike, and they make sure to rip open the clothing. Well done. (I consider them serial killers because it seems evident from their skill and expertise that they've done this before).


Brutus: I greatly enjoyed your review of Graphic Sexual Horror. A very different kind of review, but also very valuable and thought-provoking. I will definitely see this movie.

I'd read an online review from someone (not a professional reviewer) who was "disgusted and walked out of the theater". Now, if you went to a movie with a title like this one, what would you be expecting?

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 12:05:08 PM

Name: YikYakker

By the way: Am I the only one who did not know that there is a wrestler who calls himself Ralphus?

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 12:08:43 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

YikYakker wrote:

By the way: Am I the only one who did not know that there is a wrestler who calls himself Ralphus?

Nope, I didn't know it, either -- although I never really paid much attention to WCW, except for a brief period when the whole NWO shtick was running. Whenever I did watch, I was paying more attention to the Nitro Girls.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 12:47:12 PM

Name: YikYakker
Homepage URL:

"Easy Prey" is two hours of crass exploitation, which defiles women while preying upon the sexual voyeurism of its audience.

Oooooo...I am SO ashamed....NOT!

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 01:07:52 PM

Name: YikYakker

Here's something for everyone to consider:

If a movie is based on a true story, but gets facts wrong or makes things up, is it really fiction?

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 02:00:54 PM

Name: DHT

I haven't really weighed in too much on what scenes are my "go-to" scenes because it's hard for me to really pin down which are my favorites, but There are three I think should have special mention: Gillian Anderson in the X-Files episode "Irresistible", Kete Hodge in "Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3" and Francesca Annis in "Dune".

I love the Gillian Anderson scene because she was so beautiful (still is, of course) and that show flirted so much with situations that could lead to her getting kidnapped, and this time it really paid off. I like the bondage and gag she's in, I like the scary house she's in, I like the sexual threat of her being held captive by a sex maniac, I like the lighting, and the atmosphere, it's pretty much exactly the situationn I'd wanted to see her in. My only complaint was that it was too short.

Francesca Annis in Dune was such a completely unexpected goose to the balls... I was 12 when I saw it in the theatre. There was no lead up to it. You never saw her get abducted, so if you hadn't read the book in advance you didn't see this bondage scene coming. Suddenly, there she is laying on the floor tied up and strap-gagged, and the villain is hovering above her. As if the strap-gag wasn't awesome enough, he spits a huge wad of spit on her face and it hits her with a huge splat and looks just like he jizzed on her. Her disgusted reaction is so natural. All time classic.

Finally, my all time favorite. This is one time I felt like they made this with me in mind. Kate Hodge in Leatherface. This sweet, pretty, gentle girl gets taken captive by crazed hillbillys (the most fun, personable group of cannibals you could could want), is tied (also nailed) to a chair, is given the most realistic tape gag, has to stay that way for a good 15 minutes of film, and emote the living shit out of the situation. That gag is real, and real awesome. Her eyes and her desperation were intensely arousing.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 06:43:56 PM

Name: A Canadian

YikYakker wrote:

If a movie is based on a true story, but gets facts wrong or makes things up, is it really fiction?

You mean, like the way the original version of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was supposedly based on the story of Ed Gein? In that case, I would definitely say it is OK to classify it as fiction.

Here's another question to ponder, as the GIMP experts work out the first one. I call this the Accused question: If a GIMP movie is based on a true story, and you're unfamiliar with the true story, is it OK to enjoy it?

I like watching the early part of the rape scene in The Accused. Yes, I know it's based on a true story, but since I wasn't familiar with the story, that has never seemed to bother me.

By contrast, I had a difficult time with Karla, the story of killers Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo, as that story was covered extensively in Canada. My theory is that familiarity with true-life events is sometimes an important factor when it comes to GIMP movies based on real events.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 06:48:18 PM

Name: MaX CoXXX
Homepage URL:

On the subject of serial killers Wayne Gacy Trio These guys kick ass & most all the music is serial killer themed.

The crazy thing about serial killers is they get this like cult following & are hailed as super evil. Say some killer kills like 50 people. Some other corporate dude make some economic move that makes 5 million people poor, or poorer. Who's more evil then? Death only sucks for the living. I'm sure there is plenty-O-people who'd prefer dead over poor.

I don't condone or encourage murder.... Or economic moves that make people poor.

Good Hunting


Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 07:25:03 PM

Name: Brutus

Serial killers: I am fascinated by serial killers, and, like Badger, admit to wanting more details on the killer-rapists who target young women. I can't help it, and I do feel pangs of guilt afterward when the victims' families are interviewed and the reality of the situation hits home.

That said, I don't have a "favorite" serial killer. I don't think that's quite the right word. Maybe "most fascinating" or "intriguing" would be more accurate. "Favorite" implies some sort of admiration for a special ability or feat, like "My favorite basketball player is Michael Jordan because of his ability to pull through in the clutch" or "My favorite actor is David Hess for his talent at portraying truly despicable and sadistic villains." There's nothing admirable about some asshole who ambushes and kills innocent men, women or children.

So for me, the most fascinating serial killer was Dahmer because of how totally fucked-up he was and the happy ending to his saga when he met Christopher Scarver in prison.


YikYakker asked: If a movie is based on a true story, but gets facts wrong or makes things up, is it really fiction?

Yes, to a certain extent. I've done a couple of reviews of movies based on real-life serial killers and the producers got so many things wrong that they weren't accurate portrayals. ("BTK" is even labeled as a fictional representation.) However, that did make it easier to enjoy the movies from a GIMP perspective, which leads me to ...

A Canadian asked: If a GIMP movie is based on a true story, and you're unfamiliar with the true story, is it OK to enjoy it?

That question implies that's if you ARE familiar with the true story, then it's NOT OK to enjoy the GIMP movie. You could say that "Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS" was loosely based on real events of Nazi torture and experiments. Should that prevent the viewer from enjoying the movie?

I usually look at such films from the perspective that the women being tortured or raped onscreen are simply actresses who are not harmed in any way. But yeah, I agree with your theory that familiarity breeds contempt. Sometimes my enjoyment in watching GIMP scenes is stopped by thoughts that someone actually suffered this in real life. This question has been raised before, and it remains a tough one to answer.


Graphic Sexual Horror review redux: Guys, thanks for the kind words. I tried to write the review with the GIMPer in mind because the content of the documentary should affect us in a different way.

Falstaff wrote: PD had 101 explain the marks. She used to cut herself, and those marks were scars from the cuttings. At that point I wondered if she was mentally stable enough, or secure enough in her own self esteem to be involved in the activities that were going on.

I described 101's interviews as chilling, but I couldn't find the words to explain why. I think you answered it. In the documentary, 101 says she returned to Insex as a way to fight her depression. The way she talks and her body language indicate that she still has a number of unresolved issues. To his credit, pd did seem genuinely concerned about the drug and mental problems she was going through, and visited her during rehab and offered emotional support. The other models in the documentary came across as clean and intelligent, especially Claire Adams.

And I agree with you that ZFX was a more satisfying experience, with its emphasis on fantasy, not reality.


Ralphus: I was also surprised that the documentary didn't delve more into the crackdown and censorship issue. There much more information and insight on what happened available on this forum. The film really missed a chance to explain to the non-GIMP world the extent of the bullshit that went on that unfairly targeted the violent porn industry and threatened freedom of speech and expression.

It seems that whoever was marketing the film wanted to use the pitch: "Check out this documentary about a porn site so extreme that the government shut it down." As we all know, Insex wasn't the only one targeted.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 08:17:27 PM

Name: Fritz

Brutus: Thanks for the excellent review of Graphic Sexual Horror. On reading it, I found myself both fascinated and to be honest, a bit repelled. You see, my GIMP fantasies have always been just that: fantasies. I do not get any additional pleasure from watching a scene in which I know the victim is actually feeling pain. In fact, real-life BDSM videos rarely excite me as much as simulated scenes.

There are two reasons for this. First, permanent and severe injuries, as well as death, are not portrayed in these productions for obvious reasons. I happen to enjoy such gratuitous GIMPery, but realize it is not going to occur in real-life performances. Second, even if it appears otherwise, in real BDSM vids I assume the actress playing the victim is doing so consensually. As such, the peril not only remains (supposedly) within whatever limits are set by the actress, it often looks, well… consensual.

That said, it would seem some BDSM producers push their actresses beyond their limits, possibly baiting them with the threat of financial repercussions. If I was to watch a real-life scene in which I knew the girl was coerced into performing, I would not only find it less exciting than a simulated scene, I would be put off by it. I realize an actress enduring actual pain --even when non-consensual-- would not bother some GIMPers, but my personal views have left me to establish some admittedly arbitrary boundaries.

Consider the following chart:

    GIMPage is...

Although the four colored boxes are not mutually exclusive categories, I believe most of us find ourselves drawn more to one than the others. My own preference is for the cyan quadrant (for want of a better label, GIMP 1), though I have on occasion enjoyed videos made for the GIMP 2 crowd (green quadrant). I suspect quite a few folks who hang out here prefer GIMP 2 material, and there certainly is a lot of it available. From what I've read, few (if any) GIMPers on the forum lean towards the yellow quadrant stuff (for those of you who do, please forgive my condescending yawn :-).

Which brings me to the red quadrant, the one which makes me (and probably a number of others) more than a little queasy. I doubt whether much red quadrant output exists, and if it does, I suspect it is illegal in most locales, which is why I've labeled it as such. If you have an affinity for such material and strongly prefer it over the other types, your motivations would be of some concern.

Yet it is easy to see how a producer aiming to please the GIMP 2 audience would push a bit too hard and start bleeding into the red quadrant (sorry). I suspect that is what happened at Insex, even if the models later affirmed their consent, and maybe also at Elite Pain, where some apparently did not. I would not be surprised if such borderline situations occur elsewhere, including the bedrooms of many couples playing BDSM games at home.

Yet no matter the rationale or justification, the mere fact that I know I am watching real-life peril which is even slightly coercive or non-consensual will repel me, and there is no possible way I could enjoy it. I realize Graphic Sexual Horror was not released as a stroke video for us punters, but I still will have to steel myself carefully before watching it purely as a documentary.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 10:45:07 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Okay, I heard from Jane and she said it's okay to give the forum some updates on the upcoming Inquisition film that is currently in pre-production. What happens takes place in the 17th century and it involves two women, one of which is played by Jane, being captured, tortured and ultimately executed for being lovers.

The plan is to make a serious film about the Inquisition, but her version would have a great deal more nudity and torture than is usually found in films of this genre. What's planned is a virtual Greatest Hits collection of medieval tortures. There's a lot of whipping, of course, including a scene where Jane's character is suspended by her wrists and whipped. She's also placed on the Spanish Horse, whipped again and repeatedly burned with a hot iron. There's also rape, rack torture, tied to the spiked wooden chair and pricked with a Stiletto blade. In addition, there's a scene where Jane is hoisted up by her outstretched arms, which is one torture, then brought down again and again onto metal spikes under her feet. You liking this so far?

In the movie, the women are forced to watch the other be tortured in numerous ways, and the tortures become more painful and grueling. The final torture is Jane's character being literally roasted on a spit over hot coals. As her friend watches Jane cook, she finally gives up and signs everything over to the Church, thinking that will save her friend. It doesn't. Jane's friend is sentenced to hang by the neck, while Jane gets burned naked at the stake.

Like I said, if everything goes as planned, this could be the Inquisition film to end all Inquisition films. It's a big budget production, one that we hope we'll be able to recover our costs on. I contributed a huge amount of my own money to help get it made. Our hope is that the bootleggers don't get hold of it and offer it up for free on the Internet, which drains away profits and steals from everyone who is involved in the production. Please guys, if you see it stolen links for it on the net after it gets released, let Jane or I know ASAP. And if this film sounds worthwhile, invest some money and purchase it from legitimate sources. We're investing a lot to create this material for you, so we hope you'll support us.

Hopefully we'll be getting pictures and an update from Jane soon. Stay tuned. This is pretty exciting stuff.

In the meantime, don't forget to check out the Red Feline site. There's a whole bunch of DVDs on sale, and some good movies, too. A lot of them are reviewed on our site. If you haven't sampled any of Red Feline's material, this is a great time to check them out at good prices.

Saturday, September 18th 2010 - 11:48:39 PM

Name: John Galt

Graphic Sexual Horror: Just finished watching it for the third time. None of the graphic images bothered me; in fact, they did not even excite me. I was halfway through my second viewing before it occurred to me that most people probably would be extremely bothered by the pictures and scenes that I was seeing. That was an interesting personal revelation, that I saw it so clinically. However, as I expected, I was disturbed by a few aspects of the documentary, especially the face-slapping and the anal penetration episodes that Brutus mentioned.

This annoyed me a bit: The manipulativeness pd employed is precisely what every anti-pornography campaign trumpets as the way all porn producers are, and why the entire industry is a Bad Thing. That is what Linda Lovelace claimed, that she was forced to perform against her will. More bad press. I was hoping for a no-cliche documentary, but that cliche is certainly present. I suppose because Americans are, for the most part, repressed sex deviates, then anything associated with sex is automatically worse. In the final analysis, really, how is performing an unpleasant scene for Insex--for money--that different from anyone who is forced to work at a job that he or she hates, or that he or she feels degrades them, because they need the money? Is it only a reprehensible thing when it is a job that is less-than-socially-acceptable in our sex-is-taboo society? [Rhetorical question.]

I also was left with the feeling that all of the models were greedy women who were allowing themselves to be tortured for money. That was not what they all said, but that was the feeling I came away with. (After my last viewing, I realize that only 1201 said that, but it was one of the last model statements made.) Come on now, aren't we all in our jobs for the money? Does that make us all somehow less noble? Or is it just less noble when it is a profession which society views with disdain? Didn't I just cover this above? Well, that was what I was left thinking by the documentary, which I suppose indicates some nasty manipulation on the part of the filmmakers.

And I was kind of surprised that, early in the documentary, pd mentioned several times that it was all about women and giving them orgasms in bondage situations. That is certainly not the feeling I ever got watching any Insex production. Perhaps pd had graduated beyond his desire to pleasure bound women by the time he had Insex going. I have only seen a handful of Insex shows, but they were all about pain and torture.

Finally, I was moderately put off by pd's quote (which I had heard before), that if they wouldn't let him teach their children, then he would corrupt them. That is a mean-spirited, if not borderline evil statement to make. Well, if not evil then subversive. I like my GIMP, but I don't consider that it has corrupted me, and I certainly would not advocate making it more acceptable for mainstream audiences for the purpose of corrupting them. (But I did like the Humans are such easy prey audio clip straight out of the movie, From Beyond.)

And for anyone who has seen it: Did you notice that some crotch shots were blurred out, but some were not? Wonder what that was all about? I understand blurring out faces of people who don't want to be recognized or wouldn't sign a release. But really, I'm not going to see a vagina and go, "Hey! I know her!"

As an afterthought, I believe that the documentary did not delve into the shutting down of Insex because the producers did not see the government action against Insex as unwarranted, and therefore not controversial. I think, even though the filmmakers were generally even-handed in their presentation, the general tone of the piece was that Insex was an aberrant web site catering to a (small but loyal) cult following. Its end was Foreordained By The Hand Of God (employing, in this instance, the US government) and did not call for any discussion because, well, what was there to discuss? The "flash" was in the Insex content--not in the precedent it set, nor the after-effects on the industry, nor the current state of BDSM-themed adult entertainment post-Insex. I would have liked to see those aspects addressed, at least in passing.

Still, I have to say the documentary is exceptional. I highly recommend it. Great food for thought.

* * * * *

Serial Killers: They hold no fascination for me. I may struggle with my desire to see models willingly endure realistic brutal rape-like scenes (that would be GIMP2 bleeding into Illegal in Fritz's colorful chart), but brutal murder and dismemberment are non-starters for me, personally. I might find a serial rapist interesting, but only in a fictional situation. I just don't have the capacity to appreciate actual violence committed against real people. Calculated violence done to reluctant models who are being compensated and have the option to safeword (but who thankfully do not), on the other hand, pushes my buttons.

I did not misinterpret Ralphus' "admiration" for serial killers, though. I read it as an off-hand humorous comment. I laughed.

* * * * *

Ralphus: Boy, that really does sound like the Inquisition movie to end all Inquisition movies. Your description makes it sound like a must-see GIMP event. Too bad we can't all get together for The World Premiere Showing somewhere. With Jane in attendance. That might be pretty cool. Or pretty creepy.

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 12:07:15 AM

Name: Gina Sorvadge

Found something a little different you may be interested in for at least a few minutes: It is a Youtube video of a song called "Rape is Terror" in which a British woman recounts her gang rape over a pulsing techno track. The video contains rape scenes (obviously no nudity) from various movies, most of which I am not familiar with. The video starts with a piercing electric scream, just as a warning to your ears. Address is here:


Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 01:39:31 AM

Name: YikYakker

Gina Sorvadge: Thanks for posting the link to that video. It is interesting and carries GIMP appeal. I wonder how many movie references the folks here can identify?

Is this the first time you’ve posted here? If so, welcome. Hope you visit more often.


jhlipton: Your post led me to do a some research on the German phrase that you used. Turns out you were not being incoherent, just a bit arcane. The phrase (with a little spelling modification) is the title of a song about freedom of thought.

It’s amazing how much one can learn from this site. ;)


Anybody seen a movie called The Final? Tarl’s site recently posted some pics. They show a bunch of captive high school students chained to the floor in a large auditorium (long chains with wrists shackled in front – grrr). One girl is ball-gagged and strapped to a chair. Another girl is cloth-gagged, strapped to the same chair and threatened with getting a finger or two snipped off.


Serial Killers: I’m not as fascinated with them as I am with their (often) related personality type, the sociopath. These are folks who are, for genetic or other reasons, incapable of feeling empathy or remorse. They are certainly prevalent among serial killers and career criminals, but many have learned to pretend they are “normal” and move freely among us in our workplaces, families and communities. Deceitful, manipulative, and single-mindedly focused on their own interests, they will hurt, destroy, flatter or support others to get what they want. They are commonly found among the economic and political (and religious) decision-makers that Maxx Coxx alluded to. This personality type is often reflected in the villains of TV shows, movies and novels.

I once knew a sociopath who operated a small business. The business grew because of the owner’s ability to attract talented, dedicated employees. But the lies and manipulation finally backfired – good people left, business dried up, and now the company is all but dead.

While fantasy villains are fun, in real life they should all get what we think they deserve.

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 09:14:58 AM

Name: YikYakker

Fritz: I like your GIMPage typology. For the most part, I gravitate toward the GIMP 1 (blue) box.

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 09:22:08 AM

Name: Eda
E-mail address:

Re June Bauer: I just realized that I used a nice pic of June Bauer as Pic 1 in my story ONE WAY STREET. If anyone is interested, just click on my GIMP Banner link to find it.

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 11:31:02 AM

Name: YikYakker

A Canadian: I like watching the early part of the rape scene in The Accused. Yes, I know it's based on a true story, but since I wasn't familiar with the story, that has never seemed to bother me. By contrast, I had a difficult time with that story was covered extensively in Canada.

That’s interesting, because I have never seen The Accused, based on an event that took place - and was widely covered - in my neck of the woods. (Yeah, you can add that one, Karla and Texas Chainsaw Massacre - both versions – to that long list of movies I should be ashamed to admit I’ve never seen.)


We’ve talked about many early GIMP influences but I don’t think anyone has yet mentioned paperback book covers. Our colleague Covers has been posting some recently, and the two he has up right now (Sept. 19) are typical Fawcett paperbacks that helped feed my proclivities. I was too young to buy them of course, but they were displayed on circular racks in the small proprietary drug store that served my neighborhood. The eagle-eyed owner often watched us from behind the counter to make sure we weren’t reading them or stealing them, but we certainly ogled those covers. I don’t remember any particular titles but I’ve posted some recent samples from the bcotd site here, here, here and here.

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 01:46:20 PM

Name: Tom Roper
E-mail address:

Been on here lurking forever. Old guy, got started with a really wonderful show on TV in 50s, may have been GE Theater Playhouse 90 or something like that. A drama. I was 10 years old. It was in Russia, KGB took this woman to Labyanka for interview. She was wearing a knit blouse, nipples were erect, two big men held her in a chair while KGB colonel sat on his desk in front of her. He took a pair of pliers and crushed a chicken bone to get her attention. She would not reveal her friends.

The camera was behind her but you could tell he was working on her breasts. She does a lot of screaming but no talking. When they finish, the goons pick her up and duck walk her out, and there are blood spots on her knit blouse where her nipples are. Then she staggers on the street heading back to her apartment and you see the two round blood stains on her blouse. As a 10 year old it was very erotic and got me started big time.

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 01:59:56 PM

Name: MAV

GIMPers-ran into some interesting comments from Roger Corman on the WSJ on why we don't get many B-movies that offered many a GIMP scene in the past. Hopefully we'll get some good stuff direct to the web:

"I’ve been making films for over 50 years. We are at the lowest point ever for low-budget and medium-budget independent films. We are making a little bit of money on DVD. We are making a fair amount of money on cable sales, and still making some money out of foreign. But the profit margins are the lowest they’ve ever been. The only ray of hope I can see is the Internet. I think we’re beginning to see it. It’s not there yet. But we’re seeing a little bit of money coming in from the Internet, and I think that will grow. So we’re staying in there, taking our tiny profits now and hoping that we’re building out libraries that will hopefully pay off in the near future."

Fritz-I like and am impressed by your 2x2. I'm in the GIMP1 camp as well as I think many of us GIMPers are.

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 02:41:12 PM

Name: JoeX
Homepage URL:

I was going to say I don't have a favorite serial killer, but then I thought of Dexter Morgan, so I guess I'll name him. Real life serial killers are not an interest of mine, though.

Joe X

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 05:13:11 PM

Name: YikYakker

Tom Roper: Welcome, sir, glad you de-lurked. Wow, who knew that ‘50s TV was as daring as you described? I’m just a little younger than you, so that show was probably on past my bedtime. But it’s a great memory – wonder what show it was? Hope you post again and tell us more.


I’ve reviewed mainstream, Japanese, Red Feline and Jess Franco flicks...but never a Powershotz production. Until now. While cruising their site, I was enthralled by the vision of a delectable topless blond in blue jeans. I could not resist the appeal of ...

Layne...Hogtied Ductette

This 13-minute clip opens with Layne, a slender girl with a nearly-perfect torso, lying belly-side down on a rug. Her wrists and elbows are tied tightly behind her back, she is roped snugly at the ankles and knees, and she is gagged with a white cloth. The masked villain rolls her over so her goodies show and uses his hands to play with her body.

Meanwhile, Layne has worked through the cloth gag and spits out the packing (a multi-colored sponge-ball). This presents the viewer with an opportunity to take in the full loveliness of the doll-faced girl; but not for long. Her irked captor warns her while cupping his hands over her mouth and even choking her with the white cloth, to which she responds with an angry glare. He grabs a roll of duct tape, replaces the packing and covers her mouth tightly with the tape. (I laughed when, before he rips off a piece of tape, he rests the roll on her chin for leverage and says ‘Here, hold this’.)

Then he produces a riding crop and thwacks her in various places, ordering her to ‘Struggle! Struggle harder!’ She squirms nicely, but with difficulty because of the tight bondage. ‘Do I have to whip you some more?’ He crops her legs, butt, nipples and that sensitive part of the neck just below the chin.

When he bends her legs upward for the hogtie, Layne realizes what’s going to happen next. She protests, ‘Mmmmph...MMMMPH!’. He again commands her to struggle. ‘Mmmmmm-mmying, mmmmm-mying!’ ‘Well, try harder!’ As Layne’s frustration mounts, she is now on the verge of tears. The masked tormenter chokes her with the cloth, pulls her hair, then grabs her by the chin and lifts her head upward with her eyes toward the camera.

The villain’s monologue provides an inkling of a plot. ‘This’ll teach you not to run away from home! Bet you wish you were back home right now!’ He unclasps her belt and slips his hand inside her jeans, but then stops (perhaps looking at the clock and realizing his 13 minutes are about to run out?). He removes her gag and frees her bonds, a process that takes a while because she is roped up so thoroughly. That prolongs the back-side view of her position for those who like it.

When Layne is finally given permission to stand up, he barks, ‘Buckle up those pants!’ As she does so, he fondles her and chokes her with his hands for good measure. The he orders her to go sit in the corner. The look on her face is priceless as she takes her seat – is it shame, shock, defiance, defeat, all of the above? Layne stares out from underneath her tousled hair, and bites her lower lip. If this girl was not truly stressed out and surprised by the physical and verbal abuse she experienced, she deserves an Oscar.

By the way, the reddish tint on Layne’s skin, visible in the pics, is actual rug burn.

Movie pluses: Layne’s body, face and reactions are exquisite. The bondage is tight; rope-lovers should like this. Layne spends most of the time belly up - which I prefer - but her positions vary and she squirms a lot (or at least tries to). The villain’s chatter is amusing and snide, but not so relentless as to be annoying (to the viewer, that is – it’s certainly annoying to Layne). The denouement, in which Layne is seen unbound but dispirited, is awesome.

Movie minuses: I like the topless-in-blue jeans look, but it was a tease to unbuckle them and not pull them down. It would have been nice to see that crop used against tender, uncovered thigh and butt flesh. Greater variety of harsh treatment and glistening, moist skin would have made this a top-notch clip.

This is a very savory taste of Layne. I’m looking forward to enjoying more of her in the future. My grade: B


Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 05:26:47 PM

Name: Tom Roper
E-mail address:

I have tried for YEARS to find anything from that TV show. It was on late at night (I watched while parents gone!), I cannot for the life of me remember any more about it. But it had a lasting effect on a young man!

Say, I need some help. My lady friend and I have been trying for several years to find a bra like the ones worn by Monica Moore in The Reporter or Penelope Pace in Supermax. It is a great bra and my lady friend (and I) want one really bad but cannot find anything close. I have even contacted friends in Europe, no luck. Now I am not a fan of bras, but if you have to have one it might as well be like those!

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 07:34:01 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

YikYakker: Thanks for the fun review of Layne...Hogtied Ductette. I agree with you about the topless in blue jeans look -- love the look, but at some point the pants should be removed.


Tom Roper: Thanks for de-lurking and I hope we will continue to hear from you. I could be mistaken, but didn't you used to be a contributor on YouTied?


Gina Sorvadge: I don't recognize your handle, either. If you are new, I would also like to welcome you to the forum.

That video clip was certainly interesting, although I don't know that it fulfils its intended objective. It's got me thinking I should watch a rape movie this evening.


Eda: I started reading some of your stories over the summer but I really need to commit some time to reading more of them. Based on what I have read, I think your stories are terrific. I love the rich details that you provide.

I would like to see some of your stories adapted to film. Maybe Hollywood's newest mogul, Ralphus, can get a project initiated.

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 07:37:35 PM

Name: ju - man

Interested in info here - Was wondering what movie the clip of the three ladies getting nailed first chained up & then later laid back in chairs is from.

2. Also wondering about the title of the movie with the gymnast tied in red rope is.

3.I'm also looking for the clip of the "long lighter" being used. Thanks for any help.

Sunday, September 19th 2010 - 11:53:36 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Gina Sorvadge: I believe this is your first post to the forum, so welcome and thank you very much for the excellent YouTube link. What I thought was interesting about that "message" piece is that while it claims to be anti-rape, it sure made it awfully appealing with a barrage of exciting clips. If you took out the final "Stop Rape Now" sign at the very end, it could easily be mistaken for promoting it instead by making it look like a whole lot of fun.

I recognized about half the clips in that piece, but I wanna know about the clip where the chick is thrown on the floor with all that smeared lipstick on her face. Anybody identify that movie? Looked like a nice degrading scene. Surely one of you pervs will know.


Tom Roper: Thanks for your remembrances. Too bad we'll probably never know what show that was, but I'll bet it would have made an impression on me if I saw it as a kid. From the 1950s, huh? That would be pretty hot stuff no matter when it was made.


YikYakker: I checked out the stills on Tarl's group for The Final. He had quite a few of them. It didn't look all that interesting until I came across this one. What the heck are they doing to that girl? Is that shaving cream, or possibly wet cement they're spreading on her face? Brian's Page, as usual, goes out of its way not to mention any torture, but does say she "meets an unpleasant end" and that's good enough for me. It's in my Netflix queue now.

And thank you for reviewing Layne...Hogtied Ductette for the forum. Why should John Galt have all the fun? Seriously, it looks like a fun clip, but in my book, you never untie a girl unless you're planning to tie her a different way. Maybe the fun continued in a different clip after that one ended. For sure, Layne is easy on the eyes.

Your direct link is in my Homepage URL above.


A Canadian wrote (to Eda Chang):

I would like to see some of your stories adapted to film. Maybe Hollywood's newest mogul, Ralphus, can get a project initiated.

Um, Eda, are you gonna tell him what's going on with that particular story, or is it a secret?

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 12:04:37 AM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Wow thanks for the review on Layne! It's all about her body. Some folks hate the dominating talk. It is hard not to become repetitive and obnoxious while doing it. It's good to hear a positive review now and then. If you liked Layne you should check out Zee. Hardly anyone ever finds her because her name begins with Z but she was similar to Layne. Both were 18 and scared shitless during the shoot. Incredible bodies. The beginning scenes are the best if you are looking for reality reactions because it is often the first time they were ever tied up or dominated.

Layne ultimately agreed to do anal dildo penetration and hard over the stool whipping with butt plug. The cops showed up right after the Layne Tree Tied scene was shot. One of the neighbors was spying and said they saw a woman being tied to a tree and raped. 3 cruisers came down the drive at high speed. They questioned Layne alone....came back and pronounced that everything was cool. Layne said that one of the cops hit on her. Who wouldn't?

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 12:15:26 AM

Name: Eda
E-mail address:

Canadian wrote about me: "I think your stories are terrific. I love the rich details that you provide. I would like to see some of your stories adapted to film. Maybe Hollywood's newest mogul, Ralphus, can get a project initiated."

Canadian, you are most kind. I have had some preliminary discussions with one possible independent producer (and this is the "secret" to which Ralphus refers), but it is not at the stage where I can yet say anything more, and I recognize that only a very small percentage of projects at the talking stage ever reach the production stage. So we'll just have to wait and see.

In the meantime, though, I am very pleased that you are enjoying my stories and I hope that others are as well.

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 02:07:50 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Yik Yakker: If a movie is based on a true story, but gets facts wrong or makes things up, is it really fiction?

When a network (Fox “News”) does it on a regular basis, it should be labeled as “fiction” but often becomes the “fact” (like when the “Cultural Center Next to a Strip Club” got transformed into “The Mosque at Ground Zero). So I guess if the movie is popular enough, the “facts” will be disappeared and whatever the movie says (“We have always been at war with Eastasia!”) becomes the truth…

The phrase (with a little spelling modification) is the title of a song about freedom of thought.

One of my favorites by Pete Seeger as a matter of fact.


Ralphus: What happens takes place in the 17th century and it involves two women, one of which is played by Jane, being captured, tortured and ultimately executed for being lovers.

Sounds like fun!

Is that shaving cream, or possibly wet cement they're spreading on her face? Brian's Page, as usual, goes out of its way not to mention any torture, but does say she "meets an unpleasant end" and that's good enough for me.

It looks like she’s going to get smothered in cement just like the most boring death in “Fatal Pulse”. [Yawn]


John Galt: how is performing an unpleasant scene for Insex--for money--that different from anyone who is forced to work at a job that he or she hates, or that he or she feels degrades them, because they need the money?

It’s different because it involves sex, which nearly everyone has **some** hang-ups about, and penetration, whether the whip into the flesh or the cock into the pussy. That doesn’t happen at MY job!

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 03:58:57 AM

Name: Tom Roper
E-mail address:

Yes, I posted a number of things on Youtied. I hope it comes back soon. I miss that a lot.

Actually the 1950s BEFORE PC were wonderful for GIMPers. There were MANY movies back in the 50s and 60s that had women in pretty precarious positions. Lots of whippings, you had even mainstream movies with women being abducted, interrogated, punished, etc. It was much better then than now. If Casino Royale had been made in 1954, it would have been Vesper being questioned by Le Chifre, not James Bond. Now THAT would have been HOT!

Can anyone find out about that bra that Rick Masters uses in so many of his videos -- The Reporter, Supermax, etc. That really has been a long search with no results for us. I could provide jpgs but I do not know how to post them.

Great pics of Lisa Kinkaid.

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 06:27:29 AM

Name: John Galt

Steve Power said: It's good to hear a positive review now and then.

I'll try not to take that personally.

* * * * *

Tom Roper said: If Casino Royale had been made in 1954, it would have been Vesper being questioned by Le Chifre, not James Bond.

Actually, there was a Casino Royale made in 1954 starring Barry Nelson, Linda Christian and Peter Lorre, but it was a live TV performance and didn't feature any torture. The 1966 version had that nice nude restraint scene with Dahlia Lavi but since it was played for laughs it failed as a GIMP bit. And while it would have been nice to see Eva Green on the receiving end of Le Chiffre's cruelty in the latest cinematic treatment, that wasn't the way the book was written. I'm not sure why I mention that seeing as how very few of the James Bond movies bothered to remain faithful to the books.

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 09:15:14 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Ralphus - thanks for that info on Jane's upcoming production - and it ends with a BATS and a hanging you say - sounds like Gimp nirvana to me - and I assume our second victim will be as hot as Jane, no? - yeah, I'm in.

YikYakker - love those links to paperback covers - I recall seeing each of those back then and I have the "April Evil" one in my collection - and those chicks never get old.

How do I find myself throwing in with Ralphus on having favorite serial killers even to the point of Wilder being in the top five - not the man, but the methods - using the vanity of young women wanting to have their faces in front of a camera to place them at his mercy - what a mindset that must entail - evil incarnate and walking among us undetected - interesting.

Stay well all

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 09:32:38 AM

Name: Jane von Detlefson
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Thanks for the encouragement! Yes, as Ralphus has outlined we are producing a big budget GIMP extravaganza. My co-star is a very talented and daring lady, as well as the large cast we have to play the supporting roles. To reassure, there will be no skimping on the GIMPing. But there's a lot of plot involved. Our idea is to make an Inquisition film to end all Inquisition films. We've been collecting tortures for months and of course we've had a lot of input from our associate producer Ralphus. He's responsible for the "hot" the ones involving fire...and coals.

It's one of the most exciting productions I've worked on in my career. We're posting pictures of the props in the Red Feline Forum for those that want to follow our journey into the production.

We picked up the spit contraption on which I will be roasted last Friday. I wanted to test the weight and make sure it was safe before we took it back to HQ so I had the guys assemble the spit on the sidewalk and climbed up on it. Fun times. Especially for passerby.

One of the most interesting things about making a production like this has been how supportive the people are who are working to make this film happen, cast, crew, locations, etc. JJ and I were nervous about telling people about the film and what we were planning to do, (i.e. a film with mucho GIMP). We work (under different names) in mainstream films, commercials, documentaries, and this is one of the first films where we meld Red Feline with a movie that people can have on their living room shelf (there is another one, soon to be released, but the Inquisition film goes WAY farther). When we told the cast and crew about the types of tortures, showed them the manacles, the spit, they're SO enthusiastic. It makes me wonder if we're such a small community, or if after all, there are a lot more of us out there...

And don't forget, we're having the SALE of the century in our DVD Store! Hooray!

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 07:43:02 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Eda wrote:

I recognize that only a very small percentage of projects at the talking stage ever reach the production stage. So we'll just have to wait and see.

Let's hope the negotiations go well. We'll keep our fingers crossed.


Tom Roper wrote:

Can anyone find out about that bra that Rick Masters uses in so many of his videos -- The Reporter, Supermax, etc. That really has been a long search with no results for us. I could provide jpgs but I do not know how to post them.

Well, I think I know the answer, but you're not going to like it. Rumor has it that Jesse Keddings is now using it as a mansiere.

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 10:45:30 PM

Name: Vince
Homepage URL:

Hi Guys.

I looked at Gina Sorvadge's YouTube link of "Rape is Terror" and it was great! Too bad the person who put it together in trying to make an anti-rape statement just did the opposite and turned on the pervs based on the comments I read. Maybe next time, the creator won't use sexploitation clips to make a serious point.

On another note it's just less than 3 weeks until the "I Spit on Your Grave" remake comes out on October 8th. Let's be sure this movie outgrosses "Avatar" so that Hollywood can start making more rape classics like that one as they did in the 70's.

Monday, September 20th 2010 - 11:20:12 PM

Name: DHT
Homepage URL:

I'm sure you guys have all seen this, but for those of you who have not, it's a pretty good scene.

Tuesday, September 21st 2010 - 02:06:33 AM

Name: DHT

Vince: Sure we could all run out and see I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE, but I think it's going to be crappy. It's one thing to come up with a story like that. That's creativity. To just remake a story like that is just pointless playacting. I was thinking last night that we would all be better served pooling our resources, putting together a script that we all liked, and having some serious actress and production team make up the I SPIT ON WHATEVER we'd all like to see.

Tom Roper: When you want to post Jpegs, just email them to Ralphus with the text of your post and he'll post it all for you. Then he'll whip your wife, but that's a given.

All: I wrote this up to post the other day, but for some reason I closed out my browser AFTER I had typed it all out but before I finalized it and it was all lost. So then I was too mad about it to retype it all. So, later than intended, here is my defense of my villain picks:

I don't care too much how the villains are in a bondage film, as long as they're not annoying (like karate guy from THE PLANT). In general, I don't need a lot of talkin' from these guys. So if I actually enjoy a villain's performance, that's a nice surprise.

PD: To paraphrase Jon Stewart speaking about Enron: "He did it first, he did it best. PD NEVER runs out of evil." Back in the 90's, if you didn't have access to J-porn, you had two camps of bondage porn: Harmony Concepts (did I just hear a scream of horror?) and ZFX, and the rest resembled one or the other of these. But then along came Insex, the website so intense that a horror film was based on it (Fear.Com).

PD is like Bill Murray's soulless evil twin. Even if he had never made another bondage feature after he stopped the INSEX site, he'd be the king, but in fact he is still going strong with HARDTIED and INFERNAL RESTRAINTS, and while there may be a few less tears, near-breakdowns, and open cuts than on Insex, the bondages are still severe and brutal and the genuine screaming is still going on. HARDTIED alone has some of the best work from Wenona, Kali Kane, and Cherry Torn, to name a few. But aside from all that, the guy's got PRESENCE. When he shows up, the woman tied to the pole knows he's not fuckin' around, is what I'm sayin.

Chandra: In addition to being the ultimate hot young slut, she was hell on wheels when she was a villainess. In addition to all of her scene stealing in Video Pirates 2 and 3, look at how insane she is in VOSTOCK CORE and LIZA CORD. But what really makes it is that smile. That sexy, psycho grin.

Rick Masters: To paraphrase Matthew McConaughey in Dazed and Confused: "You can tell he really MEANS it, man!" ZFX was more than just a bondage company, it was an artistic expression. Rick made a lot of creative choices that no one on earth would have recommended (Floating silly putty heads, poop headed demons, brain-toxic musical soundtracks), and what that is is a sign of his commitment to his vision.

Sandra Romain and Mark Davis: I sense a lot of bias here in general, but that's ok. You can decry him for doing "consensual" work if you want, but the fact is, Mark Davis will ballgag, neckrope, bendover, fuck her till she weeps for her mama, and slap the hell out of any bitch that crosses his path, and that's a good thing.

Sandra Romain has that eastern European accent, and anyone else here who's been to SERE school knows what I mean when I say that's a scary accent. She earns it for me in this video she did with this sexy little brunette named Andie San Dimas. In it she has ASD upon a table in a barn, on all fours, butt plugged, ropegag/tethered to the ceiling beams, with her wrists crossed in front of her and bound at the forearms so it's hard to hold herself up. Sandra comes in in this ridiculous rubber dress and a cattle prod and has ASD weeping for mercy in a matter of minutes. Plus, I am a sucker for a sexy brunette.

Tuesday, September 21st 2010 - 02:48:13 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Jane von Detlefson wrote:

To reassure, there will be no skimping on the GIMPing.

What a great line! I think that could turn out to be the Next Big Catchphrase.

We've been collecting tortures for months and of course we've had a lot of input from our associate producer Ralphus. He's responsible for the "hot" the ones involving fire...and coals.

Collecting tortures, I love it. Hey, even if you're not a burning torture pyro like me, there should be plenty in the finished film to satisfy any of the pervs and sick fucks that inhabit this site. The Inquisition period was such a great time for ingenious tortures, and it sounds like they're trying to cram as many as possible into this production. And if you're not a torture fan, don't forget, there'll be rape, too. Something for everybody. And balloons for the kids.

BTW, here's a couple pictures of production props that Jane posted on her forum. The first picture is the manacles that the metal worker created for them. She brought in her female co-star and had her try on the manacles to make sure they fit. Jane told me that she hates movies in which the manacles are really loose and the woman can obviously take her hand out. So she made sure they would be tight. And I appreciate that attention to detail, because I'm the same way. Sloppy bondage can ruin a scene very quickly, otherwise.

The second still is the roasting spit that Jane will be bound to during the roasting torture scene. It's exactly the design I requested. The only thing that would improve it would be Jane's bound, naked form lashed to it and slowly revolving over hot coals. I can almost smell her cooking now :)

Tuesday, September 21st 2010 - 03:19:20 AM

Name: Vince

DHT, I think we should see this remake of I Spit on Your Grave first and give it a chance before we pass judgment on it. It could surprise us all. Supposedly the preview audiences said it was quite explicit. And looking at the clips, Sarah Butler, the female lead, looks a lot more ravishing than Camille Keaton. I also think we should surprise the hell out of the critics and make this an event movie like The Dark Knight. We should overload the phone and internet banks with advance ticket sales so that they can hold round the clock showings on opening day. And just like with The Dark Knight and Avatar, maybe we fans should dress in costume. All we need is a ski mask.

I want this movie to do well so that Hollywood will be encouraged to produce more mainstream rape movies and not ignore us as an audience. If we don't get behind this film the only good rape movies we'll get will be even fewer and come from France. I want my rape movies made in America. It's good for the country!

Wednesday, September 22nd 2010 - 12:41:51 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

A nice bit of light bondage with a few rules observed:

1. Hands tied behind back

2. Nice gags

3. Tops pulled down and tits molested


Wednesday, September 22nd 2010 - 09:44:32 AM

Name: JohnM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

The torture movie I teased you about a ways down is finally coming out this Friday. It will be called "Teenage Princess". It follows the abduction, sexual torture, and murder of well-to-do, spoiled teenager.

The movie is over 50min in length. Here are a couple scenes:

Teenage Princess Sample #1

Teenage Princess Sample #2

These two samples represent just a small portion of what is done to the poor girl.

In other news, we have just leased a new building that will take us from the 1600sqft space we have now, to over 6000sqft. And, since we have the entire building, we will not have to worry about making noise.

Look for lots of new "gimp" material coming in the future. And, remember, we do customs. We can make whatever you want to see. (legal of course).



Wednesday, September 22nd 2010 - 03:29:45 PM

Name: MaX CoXXX
Homepage URL:


I started watching Graphic Sexual Horror last night. Only watched the 1st 30 minutes. Had been editing for 8 hours after a 12 hour shoot followed by a orgy the day/night before..... Needed sleep or I'd have watched it all.

I am so fucking amazed by what PD pulls off. Holy sheep shit he's bad ass! & with all his talking I was never annoyed once. He must have had some psychology class's in college to be able to twist that shit like he does.

Please excuse my lack of knowledge about the existence of this content. I was in federal prison (for pot) the whole run of (7 years). I have only had a computer for 4 years & was to worried about viruses for the first 2 to even look at any thing porn related. Then pretty much to poor to buy anything...

Good news now is that I am getting it. Funny thing is that I thought some of the stuff rattling around in my head was too extreme... Guess it is time to really step up.

@Jane von Detlefson

Need an actor?

Good Hunting


Wednesday, September 22nd 2010 - 05:26:34 PM

Name: A Canadian

Vince wrote:

I want my rape movies made in America. It's good for the country!

Now, that's patriotism.

Wednesday, September 22nd 2010 - 10:04:20 PM

Name: Fritz

Ralphus: Thanks for selecting those great shots from South of the Border 6 for today's pics. You just reminded me it's high time I watched this classic again, end-to-end. I'm a big fan of electro-torture scenes, and SotB-6 has one of the best.

Jane: Add me to the list of folks who will be waiting for your "big budget GIMP extravaganza" with, um… bated breath. Gotta love those inquisition films. Nobody expects 'em.

Seriously, I really would not have expected something like this from any BDSM or EH producer, as almost all avoid anything with an hi$torical context like the, er… plague. Add to that a plot, multiple cast members and conspicuous production values, and I really have to wonder how Red Feline will be able to recover its investment. Over and over I've heard the only way fetish producers can make a profit is to focus either on customs or churning out no-frills, action-only scenes at the rate of two or three per week. If RF can prove this truism false, perhaps it will inspire others to invest in more elaborate productions. Or am I the only one who is tiring of seeing the same 1 girl - 1 guy scenario played out in a motel room ad infinitum?

There have been some exceptions in the past, particularly ZFX and even RF's own productions, but the current trend is definitely towards quick turnover with minimal overhead. I really hope you can make this project work, and wish you all the best in completing it. Then again, with Ralphus providing creative input, how can it fail?

Eda: The possibility of your stories being adapted to video is another unexpected (and delightful) surprise. It seems someone else has an appreciation for a good narrative, character development and context for their GIMP fantasies. I know action-only fans will be gnashing their teeth about having to fast forward through a lot of "irrelevant material" - but c'mon guys and gals, it's time we broadened our horizons a bit. Besides, Eda's stories would be hugely entertaining even if the GIMP scenes were censored (perish the thought). I do hope those preliminary discussions catch fire.

Wednesday, September 22nd 2010 - 11:53:28 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

JohnM: Whoa, Teenage Princess looks great! I had a big ol' smile on my face while watching those 2 clips. You know what I loved the most about the first one? It was the female villain laughing and encouraging Max in his endeavors. I really like the concept of not only having a male villain but having his Girl Friday along for the ride and having her take obvious delight in tormenting the innocent girl.

I think there's just something about having a female turning against someone of her own sex that gets to me. One would normally think that another female would show some empathy toward the girl. I mean, all men are sex-crazed pigs so you expect them to be bad, but women are supposed to stick up for each other. So when you've got a female villain who not only isn't sympathetic, but actually laughs at the victim's predicament, that just makes it so much sweeter. Usually doesn't work for me when it's a woman playing the villain by herself, but pair her up with a guy and that's a recipe for fun!

Released on Friday, huh? I'll be buying it for sure. Hope I can wait that long.


Fritz: Yeah, I know what you're saying about most bondage producers having to churn out cheap productions quickly in order to recover their investment. That's because of bootleggers that pirate their stuff and put it out for free on the Internet, which destroys the producer's profits and discourages them from spending a lot of money to make something of value. I've been railing against file sharing for years on this board, and ironically, I'm putting myself on the line with this movie because a good deal of this film's budget came from my financial contribution. So just remember if you see this film bootlegged on the net, that the person that uploaded it is stealing from not only Jane, JJ, the entire production crew...but from ME this time!

Was investing that money foolish? Maybe. But I wanted to see this movie made. Jane has wanted to make it for a long time. I think she really wants to make the transition into mainstream torture films and this a stepping stone for her. If people buy it...and not illegally download it...they can make enough money to make a new one after this. She needs both our encouragement and our financial support. If she takes a loss on this one...and it's a big risk...who knows if she'll be able do one next time? I really admire her effort to go all out and really do something special. I hope you guys will support her all the way. I'm expecting a great movie.

Thursday, September 23rd 2010 - 12:51:43 AM

Name: Eda
E-mail address:

My good friend Fritz wrote kindly about the possibility of my stories being filmed, but added: "I know action-only fans will be gnashing their teeth about having to fast forward through a lot of 'irrelevant material.'"

I apologize, "action-only fans." That "irrelevant material" called plot and plot twists and character development somehow snuck into the stories when I wasn't looking and there was nothing that I could do about it.

Thursday, September 23rd 2010 - 01:16:15 AM

Name: DHT

Max Coxx: I am angry on your behalf at the system that kept you from enjoying Insex.

Thursday, September 23rd 2010 - 01:55:48 AM

Name: BP

John: I'm normally a pen and ink type person but this was a very enjoyable little movie snippet. Good screaming, the man just motor boating into her crotch as she is being tied down to the table and to finish up with the backwards knife accross her naked skin. Very nice samples.

Thursday, September 23rd 2010 - 05:51:57 AM

Name: YikYakker

Ralphus and Jane: So this big-budget Inquisition movie has piqued my curiosity. Is this going to be a Red Feline production that will be available in the store? A direct-to-vid thing? Or what? I know it hasn't even been made yet...just wondering.

Thursday, September 23rd 2010 - 06:24:19 AM

Name: Jane von Detlefson
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Fritz has brought up an interesting point that I suppose it's time to address. What is a company like Red Feline doing producing a bigger budget Inquisition movie? Red Feline is our side gig, something we do to make some extra money and have a lot of fun. It's something we do when we're not doing our other jobs. So, what are these other jobs? All of us that work at Red Feline are in "real life" mainstream independent filmmakers. We make documentaries, commercials for big credit card companies, mainstream feature films. We go to festivals, like Cannes, Amiens, etc.

A bit of history... I met JJ when he was producing a documentary for National Geographic. I worked with him on that. About a week later I went to a film festival in which JJ had a mainstream feature film. I saw the film and it had some pretty crazy content, nudity, crucifixion, whipping, it was incredibly intense. I instantly knew I wanted to work with him. The film is called "Martyr" and is premiering in movie theatres next month. His first film, a docudrama about Haiti, has crucifixion, whipping, nudity and torture, and has been shown all over the world on television. He also made a miniseries for television that has a good amount of GIMP. He's been sneaking it in there for a while.

A while ago I was conjecturing how it would be if we combined our expertise in big budget independent movies with the type of content we make with Red Feline, take our mainstream films a bit farther than we already have. Red Feline has been increasingly troublesome due to content prohibition, charging issues, hosting, you name it. We wondered about it for some time. "Martyr" is pretty extreme, and some people who saw it in festivals had an issue with that. However, in testing the waters with my feature film in theatres for 10 weeks now, with a mostly middle class bourgeois audience, that has content such as nudity, and BDSM, we've come to the conclusion that the world is ready for more of this. And we would like to provide it.

This Inquisition film is a cross-over for us, to test the waters. Red Feline is low investment, we recover the costs, make a little bit over that and go on to make more. A mainstream film is a much bigger investment. For this Inquisition movie we have a large cast, a large crew, period costumes, research fees, locations, big props, etc, it's a lot. We don't know if we'll recover the costs on a film like this, it's a huge risk. We will not be selling it through Red Feline, it will be available through other outlets, such as, and our other company.

A link to some trailers of our other work.

Thursday, September 23rd 2010 - 09:20:55 AM

Name: Vince

I understand your point DHT. But let's wait and see about the "I Spit on Your Grave" remake. I remember that "Titanic" got a lot of negative buzz before it opened and it wound up being the highest grossing movie of all time until "Avatar".

I think it would be cool if we could all pull our resources together and produce a film of our own.

It would be a dream of mine to do a remake of "Jackson County Jail" maybe starring Sandra Bullock. However if we could make a decent sexpolitation film on a shoestring like "Paranormal Activity" that would be quite an accomplishment as well.

Thursday, September 23rd 2010 - 10:06:42 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

Vince wrote:

I understand your point DHT. But let's wait and see about the "I Spit on Your Grave" remake. I remember that "Titanic" got a lot of negative buzz before it opened and it wound up being the highest grossing movie of all time until "Avatar".

Yeah, I can totally see that happening. Go see I Spit On Your Grave, the feel-good movie of the year! Guys with rape fantasies will love it, chicks who dream of getting even with guys by killing them in nasty ways will love it, too! In fact, bring a date!

Are they planning a wide release for this? I have no idea if this film is even going to open where I live in Ohio. You're in New York so maybe the market is larger for films like this.

At any rate, the big question is how explicit is this version going to be? You're right, the test screenings indicated it would be quite explicit, but the key term is "test screenings". Here's my best guess scenario: Most likely, they shot a hard version, and probably most people watching it wrote on their evaluation forms that they felt uncomfortable watching an explicit rape scene. So then the movie-makers went back to the editing room, trimmed out a lot of the offending footage and will probably release a tamer version to the public.

I just can't imagine it being any other way. We're not going to see a movie full of the kinds of brutal footage that was included in the original. Not now, not in the "enlightened" age of the 2000s where violence against women is so anti-PC that one might even be surprised that female characters in movies actually have boobs and genitalia under their clothes. Okay, I'm being facetious, but the Golden Age of sexploitation was over decades ago. Don't expect it to return here.

Our best bet is to wait for the DVD, which hopefully will have an alternate "unrated" version that "was too shocking for the theaters" or however they plan to promote it.

It would be a dream of mine to do a remake of "Jackson County Jail" maybe starring Sandra Bullock.

Yeah, right, dream on. Yet another 1970s rape classic. I'm sure that now that Bullock is a "serious actress" that the first project she'll dive into is a movie where she gets raped in a jail cell.


Addendum on Graphic Sexual Horror: We were earlier discussing about how the movie glossed over the closing of Insex. I found this online, it's an interview with 3 of the women involved in the making of the film. They discuss the sneaky, underhanded method that the Bush administration used to get rid of violent porn by putting pressure on the credit card companies to drop their merchant accounts with bondage sites. They claimed that these sites were being used to support terrorism, and then used that as a way to get these sites shut down, knowing damned good and well that they could never win an actual obscenity case.

When this happened a few years back, it was widely discussed here and on other forums why no one was coming forward and explaining why the credit card companies would deliberately give up billions of dollars worth of revenue that they were making off porn. This clip explains why...they could get thrown in jail if they told the truth about what was happening. Pretty disgusting, a blatant misuse of power by an administration that should have had more important things to do than censoring what people want to watch in the privacy of their own homes.

Check out the clip; it's interesting stuff.

Friday, September 24th 2010 - 03:28:45 PM

Name: DHT

When I first heard that there would be a big budget mainstream remake of LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT a few years ago, I was astonished. The original was exactly the opposite of what people look for in mainstream movies, in pretty much every way, from its storyline to its execution and style to its budget and production values. I went and saw the remake, and I was again surprised, this time at how much I liked the movie, NOT as a gimp feature, mind you, but just as an entertaining, satisfying film, with great performances by everyone in it, not to mention that Aaron Paul and Garrett Dillahunt are two of my favorite actors.

I just don't see that happening for I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE. I can't like it as a Gimp feature for two reasons:

#1, the woman isn't going to be put into any bondage. If she were held captive, tied up and gagged for a good length of time, I'd be all over it.

#2, there IS going to be putz bondage, that's for sure, I know because I saw a still.

As a story I just can't see liking it. I saw the scene where she spreads her arms out and drops off the cliff or waterfall or whatever, presumably to cleanse herself of her wounds and ethics so she can go from being sunny and optimistic to being dark and brooding (like all teen girls want to be) and go on her killing spree, and that is just a little too emo for me. That should be set to some Evanescence. There are no Hot Topic shops in Japan, so I can't go into one to see if there are I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE T-shirts next to the Twilight T-shirts and such available for the kids to wear, or if the soundtrack is full of Muse and Vampire Weekend, I just don't know.

All I can do is wonder.

Friday, September 24th 2010 - 08:11:40 PM

Name: YikYakker

Today's Pic: I recognize Lisa Kinkaid (yes, I actually saw one of her movies, Ballista 2). But who's the other babe? She looks great topless in, whatever they are.


Did anyone else catch the season premiere of Smallville this evening? Wow, Erica Durance (Lois Lane) rope-tied to a cross, struggling in her figure-hugging tank top in the middle of a flaming cornfield. Not bad for CW.


Maybe we should put our money together and make our own version of I Spit on Your Grave. We could name it I Spit on Your Carcass just to stay out of trouble.

Friday, September 24th 2010 - 09:15:18 PM

Name: A Canadian

Ralphus wrote:

I found this online, it's an interview with 3 of the women involved in the making of the film. They discuss the sneaky, underhanded method that the Bush administration used to get rid of violent porn by putting pressure on the credit card companies to drop their merchant accounts with bondage sites. They claimed that these sites were being used to support terrorism, and then used that as a way to get these sites shut down, knowing damned good and well that they could never win an actual obscenity case.

When this happened a few years back, it was widely discussed here and on other forums why no one was coming forward and explaining why the credit card companies would deliberately give up billions of dollars worth of revenue that they were making off porn. This clip explains why...they could get thrown in jail if they told the truth about what was happening. Pretty disgusting, a blatant misuse of power by an administration that should have had more important things to do than censoring what people want to watch in the privacy of their own homes.

Well, there ya go again.

Ralphus, I think it's time for you to make a decision -- either this forum is open to political debate, or it isn't.

I'm not referring to generic comments about "government" or government operations, such as the Customs officers in some countries, but to more specific references such as statements about "the Bush administration."

I've suggested this before, but I think the standards around here are a bit unfair. It seems contributors can trash Republicans all they like with complete immunity. But if anyone dares to disagree, we quickly hear complaints about the talk getting "too political" and the debate is shut down.

Ralphus has said he doesn't like political discussions and doesn't want people debating politics here. Fine, except Ralphus is often the one who started the discussion, as he has done in this case.

I'm no fan of Bush (nor do I care for Obama) and I'm pretty much agnostic on whether or not political discussions should be allowed here. While I personally believe you can't really separate "freedom of speech" issues from some of the topics discussed on Bring Out the GIMP, I also recognize there are many other websites where these issues can be debated. If we don't want political debates here, so be it.

But I think whatever decision is made should be fairly applied, and without any hint of bias. When I say "without any hint of bias," I mean we should end the practice of saying some political debate is OK, but only if it is "on topic." I don't know how others feel, but I find the rulings about what is or is not "on topic" -- and, thus, is or is not allowable -- tend to be slanted in favor of the Democrats.

I urge Ralphus to make a clear ruling and stick with it. Either you allow political commentary or you don't. If you're going to allow it, then all comments should be allowed (except for statements that are libelous) without interference from the moderator. And if the decision is to not allow it, then that should apply uniformly to all contributors, including the moderator.

I'll abide by whatever decision is made, but let's have a clear ruling that is evenly applied to all.

End of rant.

Friday, September 24th 2010 - 09:36:10 PM

Name: YikYakker

A Canadian: Man, you are so even-handed...what are you doing messing around with an forum well-populated by Americans? I'm kidding, of course, but seriously...

In defense of Ralphus, he wrote about a particular action by a particular administration with regard to a particular aspect of anti-free-speech tactics. About a movie that we've already discussed. I mean, that's just calling a spade a spade.

As to the more general topic of bias on this forum, I would add that the Republican administration was in office for eight long years and Obama was elected less than two years ago. To my knowledge, there has been no egregious campaign against freedom of speech on his part...yet. But if someone can cite one or more specific violations of our rights regarding what we can and cannot watch, or what producers can and cannot sell, then I agree that should be aired out on this forum, in the interest of fairness and in keeping with the topic.

So can anyone cite such a violation? Let's hear from you.

Friday, September 24th 2010 - 10:02:34 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

A Canadian wrote:

But I think whatever decision is made should be fairly applied, and without any hint of bias. When I say "without any hint of bias," I mean we should end the practice of saying some political debate is OK, but only if it is "on topic." I don't know how others feel, but I find the rulings about what is or is not "on topic" -- and, thus, is or is not allowable -- tend to be slanted in favor of the Democrats.

The discussion of politics has been ruled upon and has been steadfast from the very beginning. Get this through your head...political issues are OFF-TOPIC here UNLESS they directly relate to the theme of this board. That means if you want to bitch about health care, take it elsewhere. You want to complain about the war, go someplace else. Unemployment? Ditto. You want to talk about any other political issue other than free speech and censorship of the very movies that the board was designed for, it's NOT allowed. Period.

In fact, let's go back to the mission statement on this page, which has been here since Day One, a full 2 years before I took over the forum. These words were written by The Gimp, the original moderator, and have been unchanged since:

This site is devoted to reviewing and discussing Extreme Bondage Videos. Visitors are encouraged to provide their feedback about recent releases, their favorite scenes and videos, and their opinion on such issues as censorship and free expression. They are welcome to relate their personal experiences and/or problems with their fetish.

This board has always allowed discussion of censorship and free speech and that's the way it's going to stay. If it seems like we're only bashing Republicans when we complain about censorship, well, here's Clue #1 for's because they're the ones who are into censoring porn. The other party largely does not.

You say I single out the Bush administration when I talk about the government that was trying to take our freedom of choice. Well, news flash! It wasn't the Clinton administration, nor is it the current administration. Virtually all the damage that was done to our freedoms occurred during the 8 years that Bush was in power. This is an administration who hired a man as Attorney General who openly made statements that going after porn would be a top priority. There were 10 times more obscenity prosecutions under Bush than there were under Clinton. 10 times more! You think that was a coincidence?

How many adult companies had to close and how many were hurt and threatened with jail time by unfair, overzealous enforcement of the 2257 regulations? I could even have been jailed myself for running pictures on this website. That it is not an exaggeration. They changed it to include "secondary producers", which means anyone who posts a picture without proper documentation could be jailed for 5 years.

I already mentioned the whole credit card bullshit where they made up a story and said violent porn funnels money to terrorists. So credit card companies in this country, by and large, were forced to stop accepting money from porn. And I was impacted on my own site, too. The stakeburning DVDs I carry aren't obscene, and trust me, Bin Laden doesn't get 10% of every order. Yet I had my own credit card account closed without notice and can't get another one. They did the same thing to Video Mayhem after 9 years with no problems. Rick Masters can't even sell his own movies on his site.

Anyway, I'm not going to cite a whole list of specific examples unless you really want me to, but I can do it. My dislike of the previous administration has been well documented, and the number one reason is that I don't like my rights to view porn taken away.

I don't give a damn if you're a Democrat or a Republican or whatever parties they have in Canada. I really don't. But don't accuse me of playing fast and loose with allowing only left wing postings and not running a fair ship. If you don't like the way I run the board, feel free to open up your own discussion forum about whatever political topic you want. Dreambook is free and so are probably dozens of other sites that are similar. I'll even help you get it set up if you want.

In the meantime, you said you would abide by whatever decision I make regarding political discussion. And my decision is that I'm NOT going to change the way I moderate this board, even though you think I'm being unfair. It's not broken and it doesn't need fixing.

Friday, September 24th 2010 - 10:40:54 PM

Name: Vince

Ralphus, you're a genius! Your idea of doing a dual marketing campaign for "I Spit on Your Grave" 2010 makes total sense. For the guys, market it as a sexploitation pic. For the girls, a female empowerment movie. I think it would work. Hey my girlfriend at the time took me to see "Monster" with Charlize Theron and that's about a woman who butchers men so it's not that far fetched. I'm sure girls would find it easier to convince their boyfriends to see ISOYG rather than "Eat, Pray, Love". Too bad the studio didn't think to have Sarah Butler featured in "Maxim" or "Playboy" to coincide with the movie's release date. That would have helped. So would a tie-in with McDonald's and Burger King. Worked for "Shrek".

As far as I know, ISOYG is still expected to get a theatrical release, though, I heard a limited one. I expect, in New York it'll get a broader release than Rosario Dawson's "Descent" did 3 years ago because ISPOYG definitely has a notoriety that the Dawson film didn't. Also, I heard the release would be the unrated version just like with "Descent" and the underseen but amusing movie "Teeth" in which a girl's vagina develops fangs and bites off the dicks of guys trying to rape her.

Ralphus, you may be right about Sandra Bullock not likely to star in a remake of "Jackson County Jail" but then again playing rape victims is a good way to secure, at least, an Oscar nomination and I know Sandy wouldn't mind another Oscar after winning for that dreck "The Blind Side". Still, if she feels she's above it, we can always cast hot actresses who haven't had hits lately like Gwyneth Paltrow, Halle Berry or Demi Moore.

On a somewhat serious note, if I could really produce a film, it would be an adaptation of Irving Wallace's "The Fan Club" about four disparate men who kidnap and take turns raping their favorite female movie star. In the late 70's and 80's there was talk about making it with Farrah Fawcett or Bo Derek, but Hollywood thought it would be too controversial. If I could make it today, I'd like Cameron Diaz for the female lead. As for the chief villain in the movie, he's like a Travis Lee type. That would be a mainstream movie perfect for him.

You GIMPers who never read the book, get it and I want reports on it from you in 10 days. I'll be grading it. lol

Another mainstream rape movie that was in discussion in the 80's but never made it to development was "Reunion" about an adult woman afraid to go back to her high school reunion, because at that time she was a cheerleader and the football players gang raped her. She's convinced to attend, but the old footballers decide it would be fun to replay the "old times" again. Rumor had it that Jane Fonda and Kathleen Turner were offered the lead, but the movie went nowhere.

So guys, if we make 'Fan Club" and it's a hit, I want to make "Reunion" next. Maybe starring Kate Beckinsale or Naomi Watts. If that's a hit, let's try to make one mainstream rape movie a year.

OK guys let's put our money together and make it work for us.

Friday, September 24th 2010 - 11:44:42 PM

Name: A Canadian

Ralphus wrote:

Get this through your head...political issues are OFF-TOPIC here UNLESS they directly relate to the theme of this board.

What does that mean?

Seriously. You make it sound black and white, but it isn't. The threats to freedom of speech and freedom of expression don't come solely from state prosecutions. There are other ways governments can restrict people's freedoms. Often, governments will institutionalize censorship -- a tactic practised by politicians on both the left and the right.

In Canada, for example, Customs officers can seize materials at the border if they think the materials violate the obscenity laws. They won't necessarily prosecute you (unless it involves kiddie porn) but it's state censorship all the same. You can try to fight them, but it will cost you a fortune, and the odds are against you. And that kind of entrenched state censorship is much more difficult to undo than voting out a president you disagree with. Institutionalized censorship tends to stay in effect regardless of who's in office (ask any Canadian).

In the U.S., conservative critics talk about the "Europeanization" of the U.S. -- essentially, moving America to a place where there is greater government intervention in people's lives. Does that "directly relate" to the theme of this board? It very well may, if it opens the door to allowing government bureaucrats to have more power to censor GIMPers. I don't believe deciding whether this issue is "on topic" is an easy call, and whether you believe the "Europeanization" of America (if that is actually what's happening) represents a "direct" threat to GIMPers' freedoms is probably influenced by your own political views.

Do Americans agree with the statement that "Virtually all the damage that was done to our freedoms occurred during the 8 years that Bush was in power"? (emphasis added by me) I doubt it. I guess we'll find out in November.

For the record, I didn't say Ralphus will "only allow" left-wing comments. I said political discussions get started on this forum, usually with an attack on Bush, and then get shut down when people start offering counter opinions. I stand by that statement.

As I said, I'm agnostic on whether or not we should allow politics on this forum. Part of me thinks we shouldn't. But if we don't "like" politics and don't want political debates here, then I propose we keep our discussions about government generic, without referring to specific administrations -- regardless of whatever strong feelings you may have about a specific administration.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 12:04:01 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

A Canadian: You asked about specific examples of discussion of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. One of the instances you brought up...customs seizing materials they deem to be obscene, is certainly on-topic. Questioning whether the government is intervening in people's lives could certainly tie in with the theme of this board. A while back a topic was raised concerning whether appointing an Internet Czar would be a good idea. I generally give people leeway on political issues as long as it relates to freedom based issues.

When I draw the line is when a topic is raised and someone suddenly blurts out something blatantly derogatory about whatever party that has nothing to do with the issue at's just political bashing. I've taken off posts from both sides, too. Not just from Republicans, but from Democrats, too. And I've also allowed posts I probably shouldn't have and let things escalate longer than they should. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes when I should be a bit more forceful at times. Nobody likes to have their views censored, and I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Fortunately, it doesn't happen much at all on this site.

As far as your contention that we'll find out in November about whether people agree with the damage the Bush administration did over his 8 years in office, that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Whether a majority of Americans agree with the job that President Obama is doing has nothing to do with what Bush did to outlaw porn. That's over and in the past, but like you yourself noted, institutionalized censorship tends to stay in effect regardless of who's in office. Once those freedoms are gone, it's very hard to get them back. Our hope with the current President is that things don't get any worse. And so far, they haven't.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 01:24:56 AM

Name: MrAnthony
E-mail address:

Newsflash for Ralphus: The 2257 regulations came into being in 1988, during the Bill Clinton and Janet Reno era, when the Clinton administration pushed the Child Protection and Obscenity Act. At that time, Clinton was pushing for censorship under the guise of "doing it to protect children." Luckily, courts struck down parts of that law, but in 2003, the "PROTECT Act" was passed and regulations were tightened up. You cannot pretend that censorship didn't occur under Clinton and completely blame the Bush Administration. To a large degree, Clinton and Janet Reno set the stage for Congress and Bush to tighten regulations. Add in the fact that child pornography/child sexual exploitation via the Internet is a real and growing problem and you have a recipe which allows virtually any politician to justify tightened regulations. It's even more naive of you to pretend that things haven't gotten worse under Obama, when New Black Panther Party thugs with wooden truncheons can intimidate voters at the polls and the Obama Justice Department permits this kind of intimidation to go unpunished. There's definitely censorship increasing under Obama, and it's being done so well, you don't even know it.

Really the figure behind all the crackdown on hardcore pornography is a man named Bruce Taylor, a prosecuting attorney connected to or behind more obscenity prosecutions than any other person in America. You should read up on him; it's scary. Quite frankly, prosecutions are made easy when extreme material is produced and/or made available in such a way that it can involve minors (i.e. no record keeping) or be made available to minors (websites that have no age-checking or log-ins. No reasonable parent would want their 8-year old girl to run across a bondage or anal sex website, for example.

What makes it all difficult is that there is no easy definition of "obscenity." Courts use something called the "Miller Test" (three prong obscenity test), which involves community standards and jurisdiction shopping by prosecutors. A better definition of obscenity in the modern Internet age would go a long way to resolving the issues around obscenity and censorship.

In my own personal view, an obscene depiction must involve an inherently illegal act which is not simulated. Thus, if you make a movie with a rape scene, no matter how explicit, it's not obscene unless an actual rape is taking place. Such a definition would make all child pornography inherently obscene (since it's already illegal to molest children and to make child pornography), would make true snuff movies obscene, etc. It would also allow producers of extreme material to continue making and distributing that material, as long as it's not depictions of inherently illegal acts. Note also that such a definition takes into account local standards too. Thus, if someone lives in a state or area where certain sex acts are illegal, well, it's easier for a customer to figure out that videos/photos of that type of sex act might be considered obscene there.

Anyway, don't kid yourself that Bush somehow is responsible for all the censorship ills. When I was a teen, the adult industry thought Attorney General Edwin Meese and President Reagan were going to censor everything (which didn't happen). Later, everyone thought Clinton would kill obscenity prosecutions begun before his Administration (which didn't happen either, because the prosecutions went forward). Before you make bold and inaccurate claims about who is responsible for censorship issues, you should check your facts and not let your own biases show.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 02:56:01 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

MrAnthony: There's nothing wrong with a bill devised to protect children. No one has any problem with that. But there is no child pornography being made by legitimate adult producers. And when the 2257 laws were severely tightened up (under Bush's watch), they already knew that. They used the "protecting the children" guise as a smokescreen to harass and threaten porn producers with jail time if they didn't have extensive records for each and every performer. They knew they couldn't win an obscenity case, so they decided to make their lives as difficult as possible.

And yeah, I know all about Bruce Taylor. Scary individual. He thinks Playboy Magazine is obscene. Know who appointed him? Well gosh, that was Bush again. Are you starting to sense a trend?

And then you wrote:

When I was a teen, the adult industry thought Attorney General Edwin Meese and President Reagan were going to censor everything (which didn't happen).

No, now we're going even before Bush this time with another Republican, Reagan. And wrong, they succeeded in their quest, at least for a while. There was a period of time right after the Meese Report that US produced bondage went soft, and stayed that way for years. Producers were deliberately toning down their material. That was when Whitman/Blakemore quit HOM after the feds shut them down. Things really didn't recover until the early 90s. And who became President then? A Democrat. Coincidence? You tell me.

Look at history, man. Check your dates that major crackdowns on porn occurred and it was a Republican in power. That's not bias, that's fact.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 03:27:59 AM

Name: Dangerous Dave

Hello all Gimpers! I'm back from my government sponsored vacation to the desert! All I can say about Kuwait is that it reminds me of the Def Comedy Jam. That is, it's very "brown and dirty"!

So anyway, to answer the poll question. I had so many "go to" scenes back in the day, but one stands out. It's from the Bruce Seven directed movie "House of Dark Dreams 2". And it had the actress Champagne tied up topless in a hogtie. There was some breast bondage and she was wearing thong panties that showed off her ass. And she was ballgagged. Ed Powers was the Dom here and his dialogue to her was really good. He spanked her with a riding crop and told her to "struggle" and she did a good job doing so. It was a scene that never failed to get me off.

Anyway, it's good to be back, I'm trying to catch up with 4 months of back posts here, but I'll jump into the discussions where I need to!

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 05:48:19 AM

Name: A Canadian

Ralphus wrote:

As far as your contention that we'll find out in November about whether people agree with the damage the Bush administration did over his 8 years in office, that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

That wasn't my contention.

My contention is that many Americans, probably including some GIMPers, would disagree with the assertion that "virtually all" the damage done to their freedoms occurred under Bush. Rightly or wrongly, many Americans feel their liberties are being lost under Obama, and I'm guessing that feeling will be reflected in the November mid-terms.


The discussion about 2257 is interesting. While the original intention may have been good, it does serve as a cautionary tale in this age of Obama.

I've raised this point before and repeated it yesterday. I worry that if Obama ultimately gives government a greater role in censoring citizens, he will prove to be a worse president than Bush for GIMPers, in the long term. It doesn't matter what Obama says his intentions are -- if he puts that type of power in the bureaucrats' hands, he will be setting the stage for abuses down the road that could go far beyond anything Bush accomplished. Whether such a move is part of Obama's agenda is open to debate, of course -- which helps explain why I think it is difficult to decide what political debates here are "on topic."

I do agree with Ralphus that porn isn't the issue today that it was in the days of the Traci Lords scandal. The big issue today seems to be debates about Islamist radicals, and what people should be allowed to say about that issue (and, no, I'm not suggesting that every follower of Islam is a radical). Any move to try to "balance" (as Obama's Supreme Court nominee described it) people's rights to freedom of speech with other perceived rights could ultimately affect GIMPers, if that "balance" leads to more institutionalized censorship in America.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 07:17:01 AM

Name: Eda
E-mail address:

Re the obscenity debate: It all should be so much simpler. My copy of the First Amendment says, "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech ..." but I guess Congress substituted a different version when I wasn't looking.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 07:57:11 AM

Name: MrAnthony
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Ralphus, you've proven your bias in your reply, by ignoring all the efforts by Clinton, from the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (which would have banned "indecent" speech) to the Child Online Protection Act (which would have banned anything on the Internet "harmful to children"). Your original premise was that Bush was responsible for virtually all the issues relating to censorship, and when I pointed out your inaccuracy, it became "Republicans" are responsible for censorship. Most of us are old enough to recall that the "Golden Age of Porn" included the Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan years. There have always been attempts to regulate adult material, no matter which party holds Congress or the Presidency. President Obama has gone further, because he has actively silenced or attempted to silence his critics, including even people in his own Justice Department. The most recent case is in the link above.

It's easy to point a finger at conservatives and blame them for all censorship (BTW, real conservatives don't consider G.W. Bush a conservative because he spent too much), but as your behavior demonstrates, it's much harder for very liberal folk to recognize that so-called "liberals" and Democrats engage in their own censorship and erosion of freedoms. One need only see what liberals (where they are known as "socialists" and "communists") have done in places like the Soviet Union, Venezuela, China, North Korea, etc to see that free speech and adult material gets even more censored under liberals. You see, a great many conservatives, like me, understand that the First Amendment protects adult material for consensual adults. It's unfair of you to lump Republicans or conservatives as people out to engage in censorship or ban free speech.

Conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia even accepts for the sake of argument that orgies are just fine and could even be encouraged to reduce social tension (for context, his quote related to a European decision where "privacy" was the excuse used to protect orgies, a reasoning that he disagreed with, because by involving a large group of people in an orgy, he argued that you're giving up privacy). A lot of conservatives get the concept of "consenting adults" and this conservative believes in privacy, including using a pseudonym for posting here. What we don't appreciate is being demonized or censored for pointing out inaccuracies, lies, or hypocrisy. I appreciate you providing a forum for me (and others) to show that not all Republicans or conservatives are book-burning, witch-hunting, censors out to ban Huckleberry Finn.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 09:51:01 AM

Name: MrAnthony
E-mail address:

to A Canadian:

I would disagree that the November elections (for the average American) are about President Obama's erosion of freedoms. Instead, I would argue that quite simply, in comes down to three main issues:

1) excessive government spending during a recession (stimulus packages, expensive health care bill, etc);

2) failing to reduce unemployment; and

3) ignoring the American public (which wanted more and longer debate on the health care issue in the U.S., not a rush job on a bill that nobody in Congress bothered to read).

The first two issues are economic related, and it's because most people instinctively understand that when you're in financial trouble, spending more money in an uncontrolled way might not be a smart policy to reduce unemployment and end a recession. Indeed, one could easily argue that Obama's policies have weakened the recovery (which supposedly began in mid-2009). The last issue points out that elected officials ignore the will of the American people at their own peril, because Congress and the President really departed from what people were asking about, e.g. was there really a "crisis" with health care while people were losing their jobs?

To bring this back to GIMP material, I would point out that Obama's biggest effect on GIMP material has less to do with adult censorship (political free speech censorship generally would be another discussion) than with his economic failures causing many people to give up buying GIMP material and subsequently causing many GIMP producers to go under. Worse, the economic hard times are contributing to people seeking out free material in preference to paying for it. This is bad for the remaining producers. When times are good, I suspect that plenty of porn and GIMP material gets produced. When times are economically bad, you'd think they'd be more desperate people willing to do anything for a buck (including women getting into making GIMP stuff), but realistically, someone has to pay for it and it has to be profitable to make GIMP production possible. The November 2010 elections will almost certainly rest on voter anger with Congress and Obama on the 3 issues I cite above.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 10:08:50 AM

Name: Mwb
E-mail address:

I blame all this on the 24-7 news cycle. Anything out of the norm they report on. They report, the god fearing people protest, the politicos jump on.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 11:24:52 AM

Name: YikYakker

A Canadian: For the record, I didn't say Ralphus will "only allow" left-wing comments. I said political discussions get started on this forum, usually with an attack on Bush, and then get shut down when people start offering counter opinions. I stand by that statement.

I see the problem differently. I think discussions start out by talking about some particular aspect of free-speech violations by the Bush adminstration (or by the Canadian, British or Australian governments), and then devolve into the kind of free-wheeling discussions about unrelated issues that poison so many other forums. I think that's starting to happen here right now.

I don't think we can put the entire responsibility for making decisions and arbitrating when to shut down a discussion on Ralphus. We as forum members need to also be responsible and keep from veering into other topics, such as liberal vs. conservatism, Republican vs. Democrat, etc. Clearly, we should agree that our nemeses are legion and come in all stripes.

There have already been so many tangential (and frankly, spurious) arguments made that to try and address them all would make my head spin.

Please, let's use some common sense, guys, and put a stop to it ourselves before it gets out of hand. I would hate to see this forum become like all the other drivel out there.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 11:41:06 AM

Name: A Canadian

YikYakker: I think you make some valid points, and I'm certainly not advocating for permission to bring political debates into this forum.

Quite the contrary. I'm starting to lean towards the "no politics" position -- that you can make generic statements about government and legal censorship, but let's save the opinions about specific governments and administrations for other forums. This would include opinions about the Bush administration, along with the others.

Most of us are able to live with the ruling on "no file sharing" on this forum without any complaints, and without trying to find exceptions to the rule. A "no politics" rule might work just as well, if that's the way we want to go.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 11:56:02 AM

Name: sgtmajor
Homepage URL:


The whole issue of 2257 and the individual rights of free speech points to the obvious lack of balance that we as a culture allow to exist.

The reason Insex bought it was that someone up in the Bush Administration thought it was over the top. Because of the first amendment credit card processors were the vehicle used to bring the company to its knees. As you all know Homeland Security Issued a memo saying that Insex type site were used to funnel money to terrorists. Another sure fire way to bring someone down is to even imply that children are being victimized or even have the threat of victimization. No one I have ever worked with has ever leaned in either direction. Every producer I know of loves this country as much as they love women, full grown women, not kids. This has been going on in our culture for longer than I can remember. Irving Claw was called a communist and was dragged through the fields of shit by the self appointed guardians of morality. The Marshall brothers went all the way to the supreme court in the 70's with their obscenity case. In the 80's it was the commission that scared the hell out of Barbara Behr and used the Ricco act as a lever to move her into seclusion. As of recent times people like Bob Zachary (spelling?) from Extreme Associate of North Hollywood have paid a high price.

Why can't a person be a fiscal conservative and a social liberal? Why can't we demand that from our government, just because you love to jack off to fantasy images of women in peril does not mean that you would stand by and watch a teen aged girl be raped and murdered in real life. This is where I feel alone sometimes, because I love a certain type of porn and because I have no choice about having it in my life. I fear those elements of our government that would attack us with the 2257 threat which has been proven as unconstitutional. Like it or not, we have much in common with the gay lobby. We have been targeted and have been persecuted based on our sexual preferences. The gays have galvanized and organized into a force that is to be respected and often times politically feared. As fetish people can we do the same? Out fate will repeat itself if we do not because history has repeated itself so many times regarding this oppression.

Bush knew he could not come in the front door and take away first amendment rights, so 2257 was created to scare people out of business more than it was created to protect the innocent. In the bondage industry people were already very aware and willing to stay away from anyone under 18 years old. Four years ago when I was in Germany for a fetish convention I was approached by a German producer who wanted me to work with a 16 year old model. I almost punched the guy right there on the convention floor as my frantic hosts tried to explain to me that in Germany a model can shoot at 16 but not view the movie until she is 18. We never shot nor would I even discuss such a shoot. The only thing 2257 did to me was to make sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that all my paper work was in direct order and that we made several copies of the records that are being kept in different locations around the country.

I hate politics when it comes to porn because it seems whenever the right needs a boost they attack us, will all that change this November? No, not until we change it as a culture. Repeating myself I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I believe in an aggressive national defense policy, yet I love it when Amber Rayne squirms at the end of one of my very tight crotch ropes. Am I wrong? Well I pay my taxes, a fuck load of them and I love my country. I just wish we could grow up as a culture a bit more in terms of understanding our own sexuality. Why is it that the forced sex fantasy is among the most prevalent with women? Please try to remember that it was not all that long ago that Masters and Johnson produced the "Female Sexual Response" which rocked this country to its knees. What was their study regarding you ask, the fact that women have orgasms. We have miles to go before we sleep.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 01:03:59 PM

Name: John Galt

I loath political "discussions" in general and political "discussions" on the GIMP forum in particular. Everyone has an opinion but few people are actually armed with any facts. Like the concise sentence from man-of-few-words Mwb, I also blame the 24/7 news cycle, which makes a living from finding the most inconsequential exceptions and building them up into nation-threatening trends that must be confronted head-on lest they result in the Downfall of America. And of course I blame FOX for blatantly misinforming far too many gullible Americans with lies and half-truths. The Internet provides unintelligent but ideologically enthusiastic wannabes with a ready forum to publish whatever crazy notions they want, and even more frighteningly, they are read and believed by others. We have become a nation of angry, shouting, non-thinkers. It is appalling.

The PATRIOT Act did more to infringe individual rights and freedoms than anything else I can remember in my half-century of life. Under its wide-ranging and, to my way of thinking, draconian provisions, authorization was given to the government to invalidate many of our constitutional rights and freedoms. It was intended--and I am giving a huge and most likely undeserved benefit of the doubt to lawmakers who very likely never bothered to read or study it before passage--as a national security tool that was immediately wielded as a weapon of mass destruction against the freedoms of American citizens. It is not the first time a law was passed that was unconstitutional in so many ways, but defenders of this one invoke national security and patriotism to protect it from its critics, so it looks to be depressingly long-lived.

The bottom line is this: Politicians are a devious and conniving sub-species of humanity who will use any means to achieve their goals. All politicians. Some of their goals might happen to align with the best interests of the nation. Some of their goals might just align with the best interests of the richest 3% of the nation. But they all want to look like they are acting in the bests interests of the entire nation. A nation largely composed, it seems, of hateful Christian drones who pine for the simple morality of burning heretics. And not for fun, like Ralphus, but for the Greater Glory of God as they interpret Him.

I have no doubt that under any administration if pornography is poured into the 24/7 news cycle with enough righteous indignation, it will result in profligate political posturing that will surely lead to pornography coming under close scrutiny and spirited attack. To ignore such a combination, in the God-Fearing US of A, would be political suicide.

It is not so much the response of the political parties, which is a foregone conclusion (they will all oppose pornography), that should concern us. Rather we should be concerned about which political party is more likely to use pornography as a public relations weapon to its benefit. To my way of thinking, it would be the party that crows about "family values." But seeing as how I am a liberal (and therefore according to Mr Anthony, a communist and/or a socialist), my opinion may be skewed. His conservative (and therefore fascist) viewpoint might be different.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 01:05:06 PM

Name: YikYakker

A Canadian: I agree that the "no politics" position is probably the best way to go, notwithstanding the irony of having to stifle ourselves somewhat in our discussion of free-speech issues. ;)

Given that we are human beings and not angels, the temptation to stray is going to be strong. So I will repeat that we must control ourselves and stick to facts. I personally appreciate hearing about events going on in the world regarding censorship and other encroachment on our rights, especially as it pertains to our ability to produce and consume the forms of entertainment that we discuss here. It's important information for all of us to have, and we're fortunate to have so many well-informed posters here.

The "no-politics" rule should apply equally to initial posts, as well as responses to same. Take it outside. Leave your "guns" at the door. (No, that is not a reference to the Second Amendment - don't even think about it!);)

I would also suggest that the Homepage URL might be a useful device for referring readers to more information about a particular (on-topic) issue as a way to avoid lengthy posts and discussions that risk crossing the "no-politics" line. Readers can decide for themselves whether they want to follow the link and read the material.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 01:27:04 PM

Name: YikYakker
Homepage URL:

And let's not forget that this very page has a link to the Free Speech Coalition, another avenue for learning about and discussing this issue.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 01:30:50 PM

Name: YikYakker

To help get us back on track, here's the lovely and bound Erica Durance from last night's episode of Smallville, entitled Corn, I mean, Lazarus. Best pic I could find - so far.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 04:14:19 PM

Name: Jack Knight
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

This is a subject I and every other producer of “adult” content should be vitally concerned with. I am not an expert on the 2257 rules but I have read several legal articles on the subject and it seems that they are ambiguous at best. We decided to be safe rather than sorry and we combine the requirements of 2257 with our model release in one document which our attorney thinks adequate. By doing this I have not seen any particular inconvenience. It is good business to maintain a careful record of all shoots and information on our models.

Bush is regularly bashed as a major enemy of the adult industry and probably with some validity; his presidency was filled with porn-hating right wing religious types (Hypocrites! I know a lot about them as a former minister myself). However, one must remember that the “industry” has fared little better under the current “liberal” regime or past ones. Liberals tend to be as anti-free speech as conservatives when it comes to speech which doesn’t tow the party line. Unfortunately, as popular as adult entertainment is among men and a growing number of women, it is still a taboo which few are willing to publicly admit. At this time we are headed for a very strong central government order of a socialistic ideology. Adult entertainment has not fared well at all in any communist or socialist regime I know of so we in this business are between a rock and a hard place when it comes to political friends. The closest political ideology that works for us is libertarianism and as a political force, it is insignificant. Ironically, it seems that conservatives are more zealous than liberals when it comes to upholding the First Amendment while at the same time the conservatives tend to be publically more prudish ( more hypocracy); this is why educating the public is so important. There is a huge amount of misinformation out there about the perils of porn. It is our job to de-stigmatize erotic entertainment. We need to not be embarrassed about what we do but stand up for our rights.

I believe that along with tolerance of unpopular political content, that erotic or adult content is one of the best tests of real free speech in this country. It is a continuing battle with some wins and some losses but we need to keep up the fight. It is a matter of survival for those of us in the business. There are several organizations that support our goal of freedom of speech for adult entertainment. Some of these are:

Free Speech Coalition
National Coalition for Sexual Freedom

And of course, the venerable ACLU.

We at DLH Productions do what we can by donating as regular members of some of these organizations and we also produce ‘The Kinky Show” ( which regularly addresses these kinds of issues. It is the duty of every responsible adult entertainment producer to do everything possible (join and support these organizations!) to advocate for the “normalization” of sexual expression—to take out of the closet practices and fantasies held by a majority of humans. Our free speech is precious and even with the challenges we face here in America, we are able to produce the best and most adult content in the world. In addition to our right of free speech, our free economy and the prosperity (Strong centralized government is an enemy of a free economy) it has produced contribute to this ability to create high quality and quantities of adult material.

We need to challenge advocates of Free Speech on the right and left to put their money where their mouths are and let us produce erotic material that the public yearns for without fear of retribution, prosecution or obstruction of any kind. We need to always educate the public that we are addressing our work to consenting adults and that all of our activities are “safe, sane, and consensual.”

All the Best,


Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 04:54:47 PM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

In the for what its worth are a few observations we've made...

Sites with masked man in kidnap fantasy with bound female cannot find credit card processors within the United States. Therefore the money flows through offshore banks. This deprives the US banking system of the money from a huge cottage industry and makes the US look like a bunch of hypocrites to folks overseas.We make it here...we buy it here....but we are too pussy to bank it here. No wonder our banks are broke.

Government is not interested in preventing minors from viewing porn. If they were, they would require that all adult material be available by credit card purchase, which is the defacto age verification method on the internet. The credit card companies would make more money, the banks would make more money, minors would be prevented from viewing porn, and guess what.....government officials would be prevented from viewing porn because they can't let it show up on their credit card statement. That's why porn is free to minors...because government officials and high ups can't live without it.

Government is not interested in protecting minors from violent bondage porn. If they were, they would require that movies with murder and bondage of hot naked chicks be restricted to adults only. It's perfectly ok to kill them once you get them tied up....but don't threaten them with sex! Go ask your 16 year old daughter to pick up a copy of Wrong Turn II at Blockbuster and see how much trouble she has.....none.

The only conclusion you are left with is that the pornography industry is used as a scapegoat by all parties for political gain when they need to make political hay. In the meantime...all parties are watching free porn including top secret clearance government officials, judges, priests, and prosecutors. The same organizations that view porn more than most of us at work because they have computer systems that are free to roam the net un-watched......have a well funded anti porn task force to make them look good to Sunday school teachers....who are also viewing free porn.

And while anyone that sells porn must be able to prove that the models are over 18 through the complex regulatory framework of USC 2257....the largest seller of not required to prove that the content being sold from their servers is of models that are over 18. In fact they are allowed by law to receive stolen goods and resell them without verifying proof of age. I missed the USC 2257 statement in Wrong Turn II as well. You've got a naked chick tied up in barbed wire and you are killing her. Doesn't that require that you have a USC 2257 statement on the bitch? At&T makes more money on porn than any other company, yet they are viewed as the quintessential American Baseball and Apple Pie organization.

The combined bigotry and hypocrisy of American culture when it comes to porn and sex is hysterical. It defines us as a people.

But at least we aren't stoning our women for infidelity.

One other observation....if any criminal psychologist were interested in reducing the crime rate.....they might try looking at the data that clearly demonstrates that communities with violent porn have less violent crime. They might learn something fundamental about human nature. Instead they worry that their university will lose funding if it studies porn. Guess we weren't interested in a fundamental understanding of human behavior after all.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 08:00:06 PM

Name: Flintstone

Come on guys! Get back to the subject! There's women to get naked, tied up, and have fun with!

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 10:18:34 PM

Name: DHT

:( Political discussion is like falling into quicksand. You can swim and swim and never, ever, ever, ever, ever get anywhere. Way to poop in the soup, Canadian!

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 10:25:35 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

DHT: Hey, don't pick on Canadian. He's a valuable member of this site and he was just voicing his opinion, as is encouraged here. And frankly, I think he did a great job of getting the place talking. Thank you, my Canadian friend. To think, just a few days ago I was muttering to myself wondering why hardly anybody ever posts anymore, especially with the exciting news about Jane's Inquisition film that shockingly got only a smattering of response. One attack post about how I'm unfair with my moderation and this place goes nuts. I count 19 replies in a little over 24 hours.

Once again, I'll reiterate that I'm NOT changing my position on political posts. If a bunch of producers are gonna come on here and share their horror stories about the 2257 regulations, I'm not going to censor the source of their consternation. Some of them used the name "Bush" and I'm not going to take off their posts or change the name "Bush" to a generic term like "government". He's the one who took a well-intentioned law and used it to harass and threaten those in the porn industry and he should be held accountable for that.

Anybody still unsure of what happened, take another look at SgtMajor's post again because he details what happened and also what has happened in the past to the porn industry. Some of you can shout about other supposed indiscretions that happened while the other party was in office, but let's see you defend what Bush did during his 8 years in office.

Let's see, we have harassment and unwarranted prosecution of the adult industry, lies to the credit card companies that prevent billions of dollars from porn from coming into this country (think that might help the economy?), not to mention countless people in the adult industry losing their livelihoods simply because the government wanted to go after porn. Legal porn, I might add. Not child porn. These guys were just trying to make a living and they knew that any moment they could get a knock on the door that could cost them jail time and millions of dollars in fines and court costs. You have no idea of what it's like to live your life that way unless you've been in their shoes.

So again, you tell me how you would defend that. Seriously, I dare you. If you think what was done was perfectly okay and want to carry on with this subject, go right ahead. I've stated my opinion that it wasn't right and that grave injustices were done. But really, I'm with the others and prefer discussion about tying up women. I like talking about that a whole lot more than politics.

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 11:17:56 PM

Name: JohnM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Wow, lots of stuff you have been talking about. I am pretty burned out on it all--living it for the last 15 years or so. It tough for producers. All we want to do is make good product and give our customers an easy way to buy it. Meh, doubt it will ever change for the better.

....and so it goes.

The good new is, I released a movie that you might find "on topic".

Please have a look:

"Teenage Princess"
Starring Hunter

Full Preview:

Details and Purchase:

JohnM (Tried some html, sorry if it is messed up)

Saturday, September 25th 2010 - 11:54:13 PM

Name: DHT

What is this Mark of the Whip? I've never heard of this. Is that Wenona? It looks like her.... In my mind on some level, even if it's at a subconscious level, Wenona is tied up and I'm fucking her 24 hours a day. People wonder why I'm so tired all the time... (Plus I'm doing Natasha Flade, Caroline Branson, and Eryn Walker at the same time).

Anyway, so, "Mark of the Whip"...It's not on the IMDB and Netflix doesn't have it (I still can't believe they had Spine and All American Snuff Film). So tell me about this movie!

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 12:10:28 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

DHT: There are a couple reviews in the Reviews section, Under "Teraz Films". Fritz did a real comprehensive review of the sequel, too.

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 12:14:38 AM

Name: DHT

What the holy shit.... AND there's a Mark of the Whip 2? I feel like Daniel Day Lewis in "There will be Blood" yelling "Why don't I own this? WHY DON'T I OWN THIS???"

And speaking of which, enjoy:

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 12:18:16 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

DHT wrote:

Way to poop in the soup, Canadian!

That does it. I'm taking my ball and going home, and I'm not coming back until ... The Killer Inside Me is out on DVD.

(Actually, I'm out of town for the next few days).

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 12:35:28 AM

Name: MAV

Wow, how did you GIMPers fall asleep on Mark of the Whip 1 and 2?! Girl in the Lift was pretty good too. The dialogue is god-awful but those eastern European chicks are superhot and the producers know how to make the action pretty good for us. I dont think they've put something new out in a while but let's hope there's an MOW3.

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 12:49:45 AM

Name: DHT

Vent/Rant: Powershotz and Anton Video both have the same video ordering set up and I FUCKING HATE IT. It is so boring and tedious to try and browse ther stuff that I NEVER ORDER from either one of them. It's sad because I know they both have amazing product and beautiful women. but I so despise trying to use their ordering system. That's right, I said it, Powershotz fellow, I know you come here. That system is AWFUL.

End of vent/rant.

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 02:11:55 AM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

DHT, apologize for the credit card ordering on the site. That small company located in France is the only credit card processor in the world that will do business with our site. Customers are forced to leave our site...go to their site to process credit card....then come back to our site with what amounts to a coupon. It is the only way to get around the bank regulations. We have searched the planet and are constantly searching for a second or better credit card processor. Pay by money order get 20% more product for your money. Say you are a gimper in the comment box when you place the order you'll get a free DVD

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 05:33:56 AM

Name: BP

Steve Powers I have been wondering about something? Are you ever going to finish off that room of yours? Think of the safety of the models and yourself. Those fiberglass particles are not very healthy much like the asbestos in my Boiler Plant.

If you need help with dry wall maybe Ralphus and I can help? I can nail the high part of the wall and Ralphus can do the lower part.

Now you can all go back to talking politics. Its beginning to sound like my group. :} Mike

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 07:57:40 AM

Name: YikYakker

Today's Pics: Yeah, now that's what I like to see. Hot sweaty babes tied up and whipped. MOW1 and MOW2 are two more flicks to put on my list of movies-I-should-have-seen-but-for-some-stupid-reason-didn't.

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 11:32:13 AM

Name: MaX CoXXX
Homepage URL:


@Steve Power. Well said. I'd also like to add, hotels & satellite companies make the lion's share of the billion + a year porn revenue. But tell that hotel you're going to shoot a porn in thier room and see what they say. As they charge $35 for a "vanilla" porn.

Can't we just open a bank? Ralphus can back it. 1st National Bank of GIMP. All the billing problems are solved. Ok, next problem?

Good Hunting


Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 03:15:12 PM

Name: Fritz

DHT wrote:

What the holy shit.... AND there's a Mark of the Whip 2? I feel like Daniel Day Lewis in "There will be Blood" yelling "Why don't I own this? WHY DON'T I OWN THIS???"

Just a wild guess here… because you haven't bought it yet? You can purchase both MOW 1 and 2 from Diabolik or ACC. UK based Trevor Barley (who some assume is the real name of Roman Nowicki, the elusive and likely pseudonymous director of the Fantom Kiler and Mark of the Whip films, among others) also sells his various productions directly through his online store Sinerama (formerly Media Publications). If you are overseas, or enjoy paying in pounds sterling, that's the place to get 'em.

Trevor distributes both the FK and MOW series under his Teraz Films label. Other productions, like Girl in the Lift and Nina's Nightmares are made by Terror Perverse. They too are loaded with GIMP scenes, but seem just a tad less nasty. A third company called Stella Films releases sex flicks with significantly less peril. Stella titles include Fantom Seducer 1 and 2, which star the same actors featured in the FK line-up and reuse the same plots, substituting hard-core fucking and sucking for the torture and murder. Stella also released the notorious Abducted by the Daleks, in which the heroines are captured, tormented and killed by the Dr. Who aliens. As was widely reported in the media, the TV show's producers threatened to sue Trevor and the DVD was temporarily withdrawn before reappearing as Naked Abduction of the Pepper Pot Aliens (presumably with the Dalek references if not the Daleks themselves removed).

To be honest, I find any distinctions between Trevor's assorted companies somewhat blurry. All his videos feature the same stable of gorgeous and glistening Euro-girls, usually naked, bound and (excepting the two Seducer titles) on the receiving end of whips, fists, knives, tire irons and some downright jaw-dropping GIMPery -- like being used as a human floor-mop (FK 4) or pussy-mounted on a wall hook (MOW 2). Sadly, another common feature is that none of these impressively sculpted women demonstrate much in the way of acting talent or ability to speak English. But once you get past the dire dialogue delivery, there's lots of fun to be had.

The films are quite well shot and edited, and fall somewhere between budget mainstream releases and pure BDSM fetish clips. ZFX and some JAV producers have similar production values. Although many still suspect Trevor (who clearly produces and probably directs) shoots his studio-bound footage in England, his recent titles (like FK 4 and MOW 2) have outside scenes with a decidedly East European flavor. If he wasn't shooting in Poland originally, it sure looks like he is now.

If you want to check out the whole catalog, go to this site and click on the Teraz banner. You can watch the trailers, vote for your favorite actresses and fill out surveys to let Trevor know what you want to see in the future. But whatever you do, do not buy El Retorno de los Templarios, no matter how much you like the cover. It's being distributed by Teraz, but was not produced by them. It is indescribably awful.

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 07:30:25 PM

Name: Fritz

MAV wrote:

Wow, how did you GIMPers fall asleep on Mark of the Whip 1 and 2?! Girl in the Lift was pretty good too. The dialogue is god-awful but those eastern European chicks are superhot and the producers know how to make the action pretty good for us. I dont think they've put something new out in a while but let's hope there's an MOW3.

Back in March I exchanged some notes with Trevor Barley, the producer and probable director of the Mark of the Whip films (see my previous post). Although MOW 2 has a reasonably coherent storyline which builds on the original, he says much of the sequel was cobbled together from left-over footage from part 1. He promises there will be a MOW 3 which will conclude the series. Unfortunately, it usually takes years for his new titles to be completed, so I doubt we'll be seeing it any time soon.

For those who are fans of Trevor's more well-known GIMP franchise, apparently there is also a Fantom Kiler 5 in the works.

I asked Trevor about making shorter and less elaborate videos, but he is eager to maintain the production quality of his current work, and I assume does not need the revenue of increased sales. I'm guessing his Sinerama online store already pays the bills, and the video production is a sideline enterprise. When I suggested expanding his audience by enabling online downloads, he explained that piracy concerns keep him from trying this. So for now, his films are available legitimately only as DVDs, though I know of at least one bootlegger who is allowing illegal downloads of the Teraz titles from his pay site, and I imagine they are easy to find on Torrent.

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 07:35:01 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Dangerous Dave: Ed Powers was the Dom

Ed "Dirty Debutantes" Powers? As a Dom? With good dialog? This staggers the imagination!


YikYakker: Nice picture of Erica Durance!


Political thoughts removed -- I think everyone knows where I stand.

Sunday, September 26th 2010 - 09:16:03 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:

This one kinda got buried during the past political debate, sorry.

YikYakker wrote:

Did anyone else catch the season premiere of Smallville this evening? Wow, Erica Durance (Lois Lane) rope-tied to a cross, struggling in her figure-hugging tank top in the middle of a flaming cornfield. Not bad for CW.

I hardly ever watch TV and I never watch that show, but a burning at the stake website I check out gave me a heads-up just in time for me to tape it. Not a bad scene, but typical for TV, it was over way too fast for my liking. Still, you can't beat the attractiveness of the victim, and it's a favorite scenario of mine, obviously. A struggling babe tied to a post surrounded by fire? Oh yeah. Too bad that damn Superman came along to spoil the fun before it got really good.

I found a full body production still of the image you posted, as well as a few grabs I took off YouTube:

Monday, September 27th 2010 - 12:49:09 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

I would like to submit a simple one question test to be taken by all established Gimpers and any new posters to qualify them for Gimp status - I'll make it multiple choice so even one as limited as I can readily understand.

The single most important issue facing Gimp Nation is:

A. Which political party would you prefer to have absolute control over every aspect of your life.

B. Which political party has a higher percentage of evil, immoral and corrupt elected officials who would squash us like a cockroach if they thought it would buy them one more vote in their quest for absolute power.

C. Will Jane von Detlefson and her co-star suffer incredible torment, torture, rape and execution in the as yet untitled inquisition film.

The correct answer is C and qualifies you as a Gimper in good standing.

Stay well all

Monday, September 27th 2010 - 09:39:14 AM

Name: Badger

Ralphus: Wow! Thanks for the shots of Erica Durance. I was just thinking the other day how I need new Wallpaper for my laptop. I bet the top half of that "S" is tiny when the shirt is hanging in her closet.

Monday, September 27th 2010 - 04:38:26 PM

Name: YikYakker
Homepage URL:

Today's Pics: Yeah, Women in Cellblock 9, one of my all-time faves. Rampant nudity, sweaty skin and lots of agony.

Esther Studer showed great reactions and Karine Gambier had a spectacular bod. Poor Aida Gouveia got shortchanged on her electro scene, though...too brief and too foamy for my liking.

But as a bonus, Susan Hemingway joins them for an all-naked, all-the-time race through the jungle. Movie-making at its finest!

Monday, September 27th 2010 - 07:40:59 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:


Well, I've let this go way too long, and we're well past due for an update to our Notable Guests list. Since we last updated the page, we've had several bondage celebrities of note come and join us here and add to the discussions on this forum. So without further adieu, here's the latest class of bondage producers, actors and artists to be inducted. In alphabetical order:

  • John Blakemore (aka Jason Whitman): If there's such a thing as bondage royalty, he would be the king. The legendary bondage pioneer who influenced nearly filmmaker in the business, and whose work is still considered some of the best of all time.

  • Caroline Branson: Bondage actress, producer, scarf lover and one of the first to combine sex mixed with bondage in her original productions.

  • MaX CoXXX: Bondage actor, best known here as the scary tattooed villain in many PKF productions.

  • Darkroom: One of our longtime posters here, Darkroom took a big step the rest of us only dream about by becoming a bondage director, making his acclaimed debut with Room 187. His third release, based on HOM's bondage classics, is upcoming.

  • Delila Darling: This beautiful young actress was introduced to us by appearing as the victim in several Powershotz productions.

  • Wednesday Harrington: This busty redhead has worked as an actress for several bondage companies, but is best known here for coining the term "poopyfuckfuck".

  • JR: This bondage producer has created some inventive bondage showcases on his site "Into the Attic".

  • Jack Knight: Also known as Cactus Jack and The Kidnapper, Jack is the owner of "Girls Tied Up Tight" and often plays the bad guy in their productions.

  • Mick Luvbight: Along with his wife Dee, Mick runs, one of the most popular free bondage websites on the net.

  • John Marshall: Known here as "JohnM", he is a prolific producer/director who has made several high quality productions that often feature bondage, torture and rape, for his company PKF Studios.

  • Maya Matthews: A beautiful bondage actress who has performed for companies such as Insex, Sex and Submission, Training of O and Back Door Bondage for her real life master, SgtMajor.

  • MWB: I've been a longtime fan of the work of this bondage artist, who showcases his work totally free on his site MWB ART.

  • Jane von Detlefson: Ah, Jane, the sex symbol of the GIMP board and one of the most courageous actresses working today. She'll really suffer for her art and it shows in the performances she gives in her Red Feline productions.


    A big cyber round of applause for the latest inductees to our site. You've made us a better forum by posting here. Check out my Homepage URL for the latest updated page with bios and photos.

  • Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 03:17:20 AM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:

    Sloth: The single most important issue facing Gimp Nation is

    I'm taking this to e-mail. Carry on, everyone.

    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 03:49:30 AM

    Name: Rick
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Greetings All,

    Ralphus emailed me a bit ago and asked me if I could respond to the poll. He also asked if I liked to watch my own stuff or, like John Blakemore, I found it uninteresting because I knew how it was made and thus lost the suspension of disbelief. I got side tracked and it took me a while to get this done, hopefully I'm not to late to join the fun!

    What Does The Trick: From the mainstream world, the thing that pops into my mind immediately is the infamous tree rape scene in The Evil Dead. I have recreated that scene in varying ways more than a few times. A Clockwork Orange is also an enduring favorite. The Singing in the Rain scene, with the comely redheaded victim tightly ball and tape gagged as her jumpsuit is strategically cut away is certainly hard to beat. The intensity of that scene is truly amazing.

    On the more pornish side, there is a particular movie that always does it for me that is from the 70's Color Climax Series. I couldn't tell you the name of this specific film, but it is European, done in Danish I think. Basically, a school teacher is abducted and gang raped while her boyfriend watches. The girl is very pretty, struggles mightily and makes some delicious sounds as she is repeatedly bound and fucked.

    As far as my own work, I do like to watch it from time to time, but I suppose I would prefer to watch something I didn't make. When I look at my own work, it becomes to more of a postmortem of the success or failure of a scene or film, which I enjoy doing, but its a bit of a different kind of pleasure than strictly a cheap thrill.

    Graphic Sexual Horror: Sorry this is a bit late in coming, but I would like commend Brutus on an outstanding review. It sounds like an intriguing documentary to be sure. I have yet to see it, but your review has certainly peaked my interest. I don't know PD at all, but I have watched his work and even enjoyed most of what I have seen, though to my tastes, Insex was never really ideal. If this documentary is accurate, this is not a good way to operate your business, it's both unethical and potentially disastrous from a legal standpoint. This is not a path I would feel good about walking.

    Political Discussion: There is no doubt, at least in my case, that 8 years of Bush's policies adversely affected my business and continues to do so. The Democrats may not be perfect, but they are, for lack of a better term, the lesser of 2 evils.

    Under Bush we got John Ashcroft , Alberto Gonzales, the reactivation of the adult obscenity enforcement unit, 2257 shakedowns, credit card shut downs, Max Hardcore, Rob Black, JohnStagliano and a whole host of other lesser known prosecutions as well as the Feds assisting local jurisdictions in busting porn stores throughout the country.

    When Bush was in, he was having prayer meetings with F0cus on the F@mily, C0ncerned W0men for Amerika etc. These are dyed in the wool censorship groups, sitting down with the President, given carte blanche to pick targets for the DOJ to annihilate. All political quid pro quo to "appeal to the base". Pretty scary stuff.

    I have to tell you though, I am somewhat disappointed in Obama's administration thus far. Unlike Clinton, they have not really done much to dismantle the censorship machinery put in place before them. The Obscenity unit resurrected under Bush is still operational and several Federal cases involving obscenity are still being prosecuted. On the plus side I have not heard of any new cases being brought. There have been no new 2257 inspections. These are all positive signs. Hopefully, they will not continue the witch hunt, but only time will tell what their intentions really are. That said, I would take these guys any day compared to the alternative.

    Anyway, that's it for now. Thanks to Ralphus for running the caps from some of my shows and I'm glad I have been able to make some movies that "do the trick" for some of you!


    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 04:21:36 AM

    Name: MrAnthony
    Homepage URL:

    Still set for October 19th release. "Welcome to a distant world of exciting battles, exotic women, mystical secrets and evil wizards in The Warrior And The Sorceress. Kain (David Carradine) is the last survivor of a mighty warrior tribe. Once an exalted warrior-priest, Kain now wanders the planet Vra as a mercenary sword-for-hire. In the small village of Yam-A-Tar, he finds two vicious clans struggling for power and becomes embroiled in the treachery and battles, the mighty wizardry and rampant debauchery.

    On the eve of her wedding, Amathea (Lana Clarkson) sees her world dissolve: her groom imprisoned, her village razed, and her friends attacked and slaughtered. Becoming the Barbarian Queen, she vows revenge and retribution. Along with her female warriors, she entices and then destroys her adversaries. Barbarian Queen also stars Katt Shea (Psycho III) and Dawn Dunlap (Forbidden World).

    Both films feature a new anamorphic widescreen transfer (1.78:1) and theatrical trailers."

    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 09:07:45 AM

    Name: DHT

    I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating. If you guys are thinking you'd like some custom work done, I have one woman I recommend above all others. Goldie Blair.

    I've spent the past 2 years in a crippling state of depression and anxiety and one of the ways I've dealt with it is by acting like Nicholas Cage in the Bad Lieutenant and just threw myself into my vices. To that end I've had customs done by AES productions, Goldie Blair, Emily Camille, Tomiko, Fayth and Mallory, Caroline Branson, and Natasha Flade. All of these women did beautiful work for me.

    That said, the one who has her shit together more than any other is Goldie Blair. As far as reasonable prices, acting skills, turnaround time, enthusiasm, and communication, she is #1, bar none. She'll do rough material. She'll do rape, she'll do necro. She is amazing. It's like having mind control over Wonder Woman.

    Check her out.

    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 09:33:50 AM

    Name: MWB
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Hi Ralphus & everyone,

    I am honored to be considered one of your Notable Guests at GIMP, and to be included with so many great producers, riggers, models, actresses, and artists. I appreciate it very much. I plan to update my site tomorrow and will mention this honor on it, and mention it when I post to Groups tomorrow evening.

    Thanks Ralphus. Have a horribly happy Halloween Season....

    Enjoy life, Mike aka MWB aka during Halloween Count MWB

    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 04:40:36 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    Homepage URL:

    Mr. Anthony: Thanks for the information on the new DVD for Barbarian Queen. It's still unclear, I think, whether or not this version is the original movie or the censored version that showed up on the previous DVD release. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


    The Notable Guests list: After he went Hollywood, I didn't think Ralphus would ever get around to updating the list. But I'm glad to see it has been refreshed and thanks go to Ralphus for his efforts. It's an impressive list, particularly for a site that is well outside the mainstream.


    jhlipton wrote:

    Political thoughts removed -- I think everyone knows where I stand.

    Why do I get the feeling I missed something while I was away?

    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 07:26:48 PM

    Name: YikYakker

    Ralphus: Let me add my thanks for your work on the Notable Guests List.

    While perusing it, I came upon this pic of GIMP goddess Jane von Detlefson, which made the visit all the more worthwhile.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Jane looks terrific in outdoor settings with dappled sunlight shining on her.

    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 09:09:30 PM

    Name: YikYakker

    Trixie in Ballista 2: This was the only part of the movie I did not like. I dunno, it just didn’t do anything for me.

    A Canadian: I hope this is not where you went on your trip. Welcome back!

    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 09:20:46 PM

    Name: A Canadian

    YikYakker: Not to worry, I didn't go anywhere where I might pose a threat to others. I actually wasn't away on a trip, I was at a retreat for work. We ate well, and had a few drinks, but I'm glad to be back.

    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 09:36:37 PM

    Name: Fritz

    Ralphus: Thanks for posting so many caps from my old standbys list as pics of the day. I definitely had not expected to see today's shots of Trixie in Ballista 2. That is not only a controversial scene (bare-fist punches to a female victim's face admittedly are not for everyone) but unique among the ZFX videos I have seen. Granted, I've watched only about 20 or so ZFX titles, but the rawness and realism of this sequence stands out from their usual fare - especially when you consider the comic-book inspiration of the Ballista series.

    * * * * *

    YikYakker: Okay, so Trixie's beating in Ballista 2 isn't for you, but at least we can agree on the merits of Women In Cellblock 9. I am hard pressed to think of any other mainstream release, even among Franco's considerable body of work, which so single-mindedly pursues a GIMP agenda. This film exists solely to get its four lovely victims naked, torture them mercilessly, chase them through the jungle, then kill them. The movie is not that long, but there is almost no point in this classic where you feel the need to hit the fast forward button.

    I agree that Aida Gouveia's torture is too short, and she also is killed off far too soon. In addition there's Hemingway's disappointing demise, shot via cut-aways and extreme long shots, as well as the rather abrupt ending. And then there's the one thing that distracts me every time I watch this film: the otherwise flawless Karine Gambier has no eyebrows! I know that this probably is the most insignificant of quibbles, but it really weirds me out for some reason. Behold, the only movie in which I prefer a character have (ever-so-slightly) more body hair.

    But these complaints are trifles in comparison to the many outstanding attributes on display. I much prefer Women In Cellblock 9 to Franco's Wanda the Wicked Warden / Greta the Mad Butcher with Dyanne Thorne.

    Tuesday, September 28th 2010 - 11:38:15 PM

    Name: Vince

    Just checked the IMDB for I Spit On Your Grave 2010. There's good, bad and worse news. The good news is that the unrated version will be theatrically released on October 8th. Bad news is it will only be in 10 cities including New York, which is where I live. Worse news is it won't be playing in Ohio so Ralphus is out of luck.

    The lucky cities are NYC, LA, Chicago, Baltimore, Miami, Houston, San Francisco, Dallas and Detroit.

    Since it's a limited release I guess there won't be McDonald's Happy Meal cross promotion and no action figures, which would have been cool.

    On behalf of all the GIMPers in the flyover states, I will make it my mission to see it and maybe offer a review.

    Also, let me add that there is no truth to the rumor that there will be an off-Broadway musical based on the original move called simply "Spit".

    Wednesday, September 29th 2010 - 01:13:33 AM

    Name: TGG

    yyiicch! Today's daily picture churns my stomach. I don't know how some people can stomach such gruesome footage!


    Wednesday, September 29th 2010 - 03:54:43 AM

    Name: Sloth
    E-mail address:

    MrAnthony - and "The Warrior and the Sorceress" on the same bill - "A Fistful of Dollars" given the sword and sandal treatment - no bondage but when the completely naked Lillian Cameron is tossed into that clear tank full of water, sealed in and slowly drowns as the revelers impassively watch her demise is an added bonus - like A Canadian I wonder if "Barbarian Queen" is there in total.

    Vince - that's a damn shame about the off-Broadway production of "Spit" - the angels probably pulled the financing at the last moment.

    TGG - gee, I guess I'm one of the "some people" you refer to concerning Zora in the header pic - I'll take that as a compliment.

    Stay well all

    Wednesday, September 29th 2010 - 09:03:15 AM

    Name: A Canadian

    TGG wrote:

    Today's daily picture churns my stomach.

    Mine too.


    Vince wrote:

    Let me add that there is no truth to the rumor that there will be an off-Broadway musical based on the original movie called simply "Spit".

    No, although you can't blame Ralphus and his new agent, Ari Gold, for lack of effort. They ran the idea past everyone from Mel Brooks to John Waters.

    Wednesday, September 29th 2010 - 10:41:48 PM

    Name: A Canadian

    Here's a question for the GIMP world: Has anyone seen the movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and if so, does it have any good GIMP moments in it?

    I have been reading the novel (I'm only about halfway through, so don't spoil the story for me) and there are certainly GIMP moments in the book, particularly a scene where a villain uses handcuffs to bind the title character to a bed, strips off her clothes and ties her legs apart, and then anally assaults her with a butt plug.

    The description of the movie on amazon suggests that part of the story might be in the movie (although I'm sure it wouldn't be explicitly depicted). I'm wondering if anyone has seen the film -- and if not, should one of us check it out.

    Wednesday, September 29th 2010 - 11:12:33 PM

    Name: Badger

    A Canadian: I have read the first two books of the Stieg Larsson trilogy and seen both movies. I will read the third when it comes out in paperback. The books are great and the movies good. The scene you point out IS in the movie. It lasts 2-3 minutes but suffers from that all-too-common dancing camera syndrome, where the director can't quite bring himself to focus squarely on the scene. So the short answer is yes. But you will need to find more reasons to rent the movie than the GIMP.

    Wednesday, September 29th 2010 - 11:32:37 PM

    Name: A Canadian

    Badger: Thanks for the details on the film version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I think I will check out the film at some point, but I will do it knowing the GIMP moment will be a disappointment.

    Wednesday, September 29th 2010 - 11:39:21 PM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:

    Catching up on a few things...

    Rick: Hey, terrific comments, thank you. It's always a pleasure when you take the time to post here. I was curious about the Color Climax film you mentioned. If you Google it, there's actually a lot of those Color Climax movies that come up; looks like they made hundreds, so that may be a hard one to track down without a title. I'll keep looking.

    I saw a 1970s Danish film years ago called The Blue Balloon that's a favorite of mine. There's a good review of it on its IMDB page. It's got kind of an underground feel to it, and since it was made in the 1970s, they could get away with showing practically anything, including at least one scene of bondage rape.


    The bloody beating of Trixie in Ballista 2: I thought Bridgette Bayonne's 2 scenes were the best part of that film (the other is where she has her urinary canal taped up and then several pots of coffee are forced down her throat). I remember when it came out, there were people here saying they didn't like seeing her face all bloodied up. What can I say? I'm not a big fan of blood, either, but I loved this scene. I thought it was intense and frankly, one of the best scenes Rick ever shot. ZFX seldom ever used blood, but when they did, Bridgette was often the target, since she got tied up and bloodied in 2 other of her films, Robopimp and In Their Nature.


    Speaking of bloody, those of you who didn't like the pics from Make Them Die Slowly should be glad I didn't use this still at the top of the page. Oh no, don't click on it! Aw, too late...

    Guys, it's just a movie. The actress is okay. That's fake blood. I know a lot of you don't get into gore, but hey, how often have you seen a woman hung up by her tits? I was a young man when I first saw it, and it made quite an impression on me. And blame Fritz, that was his movie choice. You notice when the poll came out, I only listed one movie, while the rest of you have come up with dozens. And it's cool with me because of lot of your favorites are mine, too.


    Vince: Looking forward to hearing your take on I Spit On Your Grave 2010. I'm crossing my fingers but not expecting good things. I'm even more looking forward to Canadian's official review of The Killer Inside Me, even though I strongly believe that movie has stinker written all over it. It stars Jessica Alba, so how could it not?

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 12:18:13 AM

    Name: A Canadian
    Homepage URL:

    Back on the political front: Sorry to have to drag us back to the issue of state censorship and what we might expect in the U.S. under the current regime, but has anyone been paying attention to the petition regarding the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA)?

    Although the act sounds well-intentioned (protecting against copyright infringement), the ramifications look ominous, as it appears the government would gain new powers to block people in the U.S. from viewing websites without any justifiction.

    Even if it is well-intentioned, this kind of power could certainly be abused down the road.

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 12:46:37 AM

    Name: Scribbler
    Homepage URL:

    Re: gory daily pics: Does it help to know that it's fake? Sure, but I knew that already.

    I'm with A Canadian and TGG, as I'm not into gore or horror (ala hostel) images, so I'd prefer not to see them. But I know I take my chances when I visit here. Which isn't that often anymore, so not a big deal.

    Newsflash for Ralphus: The 2257 regulations came into being in 1988, during the Bill Clinton and Janet Reno era,...

    Clinton was not president in 1988, or 1989, or 1990; wasn't president until 1993. Ralphus, you are officially un-newsflashed.

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 01:06:30 AM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:

    Mr Anthony: Welcome to a distant world of exciting battles, exotic women, mystical secrets and evil wizards in The Warrior And The Sorceress.

    This has one of the few good drowning scenes. A girl (fully nude) is dragged into a tank full of water and the top sealed. We watch her thrash and flail and eventually die. Very nice! (I see that Sloth has more details.)


    Canadian: Why do I get the feeling I missed something while I was away?

    Just some folks being rather dense. Let's leave it at that...


    Fritz: bare-fist punches to a female victim's face admittedly are not for everyone

    I like! I like!


    TGG: I don't know how some people can stomach such gruesome footage!

    It's easy once you learn the basics!

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 03:46:55 AM

    Name: Sloth

    Ralphus - you would be right, haven't seen that one - so I'll be the first to bite - where do I get a copy?

    Stay well all

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 12:07:03 PM

    Name: Karen
    E-mail address:

    This site looks very interesting

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 03:28:01 PM

    Name: DHT

    Karen: Yes, Karen. This site tends to BE very interesting.

    Ralphus: I KNEW there was a mainstream scene that was one of my big "go-to" scenes that I was forgetting, and it hit me yesterday what it was. At the end of Hellraiser III, Terry Farrell is confronting Pinhead and he makes a strapgag and neckrope appear out of thin air and wrap itself around her face, chains appear and yank her arms up, and he threatens her with an evil razor bladed meat flower of some sort. It is only about 30 seconds total, but it is a delicious 30 seconds.

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 05:48:44 PM

    Name: YikYakker
    Homepage URL:

    Here's one place where you can buy The Blue Balloon as part of a grindhouse triple-feature. Have to be careful with these three-fers, I've learned that they often trim out the good stuff.

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 06:24:06 PM

    Name: YikYakker

    A Canadian: That Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) is some scary shit.

    I'm no legal expert, but I remember back in college taking a course called Communication Law in which one of the topics was the unconstitutionality of "prior restraint." Briefly, it meant that the gov'ment cannot prevent the printing, publishing, distribution or dissemination of materials. It can only wait until after you've done so to slap you for violations of obscenity laws or other such things. And no one can sue you for infringement of copyright laws or slander until after you've actually put something out in public. In other words, you can't be punished ahead of time for what might happen later.

    Now my knowledge of this kind of stuff dates back to the Ice Age, but maybe someone out there with expertise on the matter can answer this question:

    Do we or do we not still have constitutional protection against prior restraint? That seems like what this law is all about.

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 06:46:57 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    Homepage URL:

    YikYakker wrote:

    That Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) is some scary shit.

    I'll say. And the fact that alarms are being sounded on sites such as the Huffington Post -- a website that is clearly not part of the "vast right-wing conspiracy" -- makes me think the organizers of the petition aren't just rabble-rousing.

    I don't know many details about the legislation, but I would advise my GIMP friends in the U.S. to pay attention and not let your guard down.


    Ralphus wrote:

    I'm even more looking forward to Canadian's official review of The Killer Inside Me, even though I strongly believe that movie has stinker written all over it.

    Man, I can feel the deadline pressure all the way up here in Toronto.

    I'm hoping to rent the movie this weekend. Assuming it doesn't require too much effort to review, I'll try to post my review this weekend, as well.

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 07:19:34 PM

    Name: Fritz

    Ralphus: And the hits just keep on coming. Yesterday you featured Make Them Die Slowly for the daily pics, and today it's K3: Prison of Hell. Thanks for highlighting so many of my favorites - I'm honored. Those K3 stills must have been pretty hard to find as the movie is only now making its way to the US.

    Regarding Make Them Die Slowly, Ralphus wrote:

    blame Fritz, that was his movie choice.

    Oh right… a controversy erupts over a little blood and suddenly it's all my fault. First, I'm sure I'm not the only one around here who enjoys GIMP 'n gore when it's tastefully done :-). Second, how could a director film a breast impalement without making it a gruesome scene? Or should female abuse be limited to rape, bondage, clothespins and riding crops - only those perils which don't break the skin? I make no apologies for wanting to see the damage left by a girl's punishment: blood, welts, bruises, burns all contribute to my enjoyment of a peril sequence. I can also appreciate a well-done spotless scene, but much prefer that there will be blood. So go ahead… blame me.

    I would suggest this debate over blood vs. no-blood action would make an excellent poll question, but expect that it almost certainly has been done in the past.

    * * * * *

    Sloth wrote:

    so I'll be the first to bite - where do I get a copy?

    I bought a Region 2 K3 DVD in Europe a few months ago because there were no NTSC copies available in NA. As far as I can see, there still are not, but the German language, 2-disk set I purchased can be ordered at Diabolik. Be forewarned, this film goes way beyond the prison showers and mild whippings you see in your typical Pam Grier WIP picture from the 1970's. Those complaining about Zora's Woman Called Horse routine shouldn't go near this.

    * * * * *

    Karen: Welcome to the forum. I'm glad you decided to pay a visit.

    Folks… I've known Karen online for a few months, and she is a serious GIMPette. I referred her to this place not only because I know she'll enjoy it, but in hopes of seeing more female contributions. She's the real deal, so please welcome her.

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 09:21:39 PM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:

    Karen: This site looks very interesting

    It usually is. There are all sorts of GIMPers here, from rape enthusiasts to torture fans to those who like snuff (like me). The one thing we all have in common is that NONE of this should be done to real people. The fantasy may be non-consensual (and there are many who say it MUST be) but the acting must be consensual.

    Am I right, guys?

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 10:36:37 PM

    Name: Matt
    E-mail address:

    Quite right: strictly fantasy only.

    Ralphus, nice daily pic. Never heard of this flick before.

    Thursday, September 30th 2010 - 11:47:20 PM

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