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July 2007

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

I think there are several reasons that Hostel 2 didn't do so well:

1) It was up against FF2: Jessica Alba in a Body Suit, Again (that wasn't the title?)

2) It was a sequel, and sequels often don't do as well as the first

3) Aside for the GIMP factor, it was an OK film, but not exceptional. There wasn't much shock or surprise, especially if you knew the plot if Hostel 1.

4) Among non-GIMPers, a film where all the victims are women just isn't going to do as well as a mixed or male victim movie. It has nothing to do with who the audience wants to see tortured, just that a "mixed bag" is an easier sell.

5) Pretty far down the list of reasons is piracy. An impact, but a pretty small one.

6) Even less of an impact than piracy is those who like to see guys tortured vs those who like to see girls tortured. I really don't think that this had much to do with it. A lot of GIMPers avoided this movie because it didn't go far enough, or it went too far, or didn't have the "right" scenes or whatever. Those who love to see a particular type tortured are going to watch from the comfort of home, and are probably going to get specialized content.

It will be interesting to see how the DVD sales do vs Hostel 1. I think they might be higher; at least I hope so.

BTW, As long as Roth is parroting the MCAA and RIAA (the latter is a criminal enterprise by any standard), he deserves to be kicked. Preferably by Lars Ulrich's freshly ripped-off leg.

Sunday, July 1st 2007 - 01:30:27 AM

Name: Scribbler
Homepage URL:

Three cheers for Lisa for her Kink-aid ways! Thanks for the images.

Sunday, July 1st 2007 - 01:54:38 AM

Name: Brutus

Hostel 2 revisited: Yeah, it does seem that everyone is jumping on the anti-Roth bandwagon and throwing around the word "misogyny." I read Dave Poland's review and found it to be a load of crap. He buys a pirated movie, rips it apart, calls Eli Roth a "truly sick punk," and adds: Now, if he and I crossed paths, I would refuse to shake his hand.

Whoah! I bet Mr. Roth is really losing sleep over that.

MasterDetective: I had been a member of Shortfuse until just before Mr. T died. I don't know if this helps, but I recall the notice about his death referred people to the site. I have no idea if they have Shortfuse's stuff, but they might be able to point you in the right direction. Although Mr. T's work may be too tame for many here, he did use gorgeous models and it would be a shame if his pics and clips aren't available.

Sunday, July 1st 2007 - 09:12:34 AM

Name: b4a69
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Fellow Gimpers, does anyone know anything about the pix in the above url??

Sunday, July 1st 2007 - 01:19:52 PM


Well, I know she's ugly. When did Linda Tripp make a bondage film?

Sunday, July 1st 2007 - 03:57:27 PM

Name: Bobjones

Not to belabor the Paris Hilton thing since it hasn't gotten much response (thanks though to Rick for seconding my disgust), but the French revolution thing actually seems really appropriate. If there was ever a modern Marie Antionette, Paris Hilton is it. Thankfully we've toned it down a few notches (she's still got her silly lil' head attached), but still. The wierdo misogyny directed at Ms. Hilton is just SO foreign to me. (She'll manage to cash in on the whole thing though, so I'm worrying over it too much!) And they say WE'RE the perverts. Although a Gary Roberts comic about her jail experience would be a pretty good read. . .

And the pirating debate is resurrected once again. . . Vreedle, I just don't think you're going to get anywhere with that with this board. We are active fans of the kind of small, independent producers who can really suffer from bootlegging. I certainly see the argument that filesharing can serve as an advertising tool (I bought plenty of CDs as a response to my brief time with Kazaa on my 'pooter), but it is also but plain ole stealing. If people don't want their stuff floating around for free (whether maintaining that control is really in their interest or not), they have a right to stop it. That's the end of the debate for me.

Sunday, July 1st 2007 - 09:02:35 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

Re Hostel II's failure - I don't know if my lighthearted review of the movie had any impact on the success of the film (and I really doubt it, based on the number of visitors here, and the general demographic), but Eli Roth is coming across as a whiner.

He made a film that, in the weeks since I saw it, I've grown quite fond of retrospectively. Having said that, he seems to have proven a point about society - for whatever reason we (as in, western society) will accept all sorts of violence when directed towards men, but not against women. This is obviously way different to (say) Japanese culture, but that's how it is. The fact he misjudged that, or overlooked that, means that this movie has become a test case.

With all due respect to the awesome collective power of the GIMPers, if everybody who reads this board even semi-regularly went out and saw the movie twice, just to make a point, it still wouldn't have made a blip on those box office figures. Roth now gets to be the kicking boy of all those 'More PC than thou'; film studios get to going back to shitty violent (male victim) films; and we get back to talking about obscure ancient and current films with budgets way less than a million, which can afford to sell a few thousand copies.

Sunday, July 1st 2007 - 10:18:09 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

More Hostel 2: Ralphus is right about the movie's vanishing act. Less than one month after its release, the movie has almost disappeared in my area, as well. It is playing in just one theatre in a location far too obscure for my tastes.

Does Hostel 2's failure mean the end of so-called Torture Porn? Not yet, I suspect, although the end may be near. I know Wes Craven is planning to remake The Last House on the Left, and there have been conflicting reports about whether or not the remake will be watered down. The good news is the latest report suggests this one will be quite violent.

But who knows what the future holds? Sadly, mothbrad is right when he says there's nothing we GIMPers can do. Even if every one of the posters and lurkers here committed to seeing a chosen film in the theatres, the total take wouldn't be enough to qualify as a rounding error in Hollywood's books.

Monday, July 2nd 2007 - 07:28:54 AM

Name: b4a69
E-mail address:


Hell, I never thought about Linda Tripp, however this deluxe whore is not Linda Tripp. All of you Gimps try again, the one who gets it right gets to spend a night with her in the Blue Swallow Motel.

Monday, July 2nd 2007 - 11:59:42 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Following up on my post from this morning, here are some positive signs from the world of mainstream cinema:

  • At my local movie rental store today, the store had rented out all the copies of Black Snake Moan -- the movie where Samuel L. Jackson uses a chain to tie Christina Ricci to a radiator. I haven't seen this one, but since it has some bondage and apparently a rape (though I don't know if it's on camera), I think this is an encouraging development

  • I also noticed a few copies of a movie, Living Death, where the cover art shows Kristy Swanson (the original Buffy) tied to a rack. Apparently, the movie actually sucks (and Kristy was preggers when this was filmed), but you have to admire the marketing

  • The DVD version of The Hills Have Eyes 2 will be released on July 17. While the original posters for the movie all showed some version of a mutant dragging a person covered by a bag, as seen here: movie poster, the DVD cover art shows a more explicit photo of a screaming woman in a bag being dragged across the dirt, as seen here: DVD cover. The new photo is far more likely to appeal to GIMPers.

All in all, it would appear someone in Hollywood still likes us.

Monday, July 2nd 2007 - 02:28:51 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

A Canadian: Brutus wrote a not-so-enthusiastic review of Living Death a while back (see my link above). I saw the first rack scene and thought it was very hot stuff, and Brutus agreed it was the best scene in the movie, and probably the only "good" scene for GIMPers. It's up to you if you want to risk a rental.

I don't think the first Hill Have Eyes had any bondage at all, but the sequel looks promising based on the DVD cover. I'm sure one of the pervs here will check it out and hopefully review it for the forum.

I don't think we're going to see a dearth of mainstream movies featuring women tied up and tortured just because Hostel: Part 2 died a quick death at the box office. Certainly, it seems like someone here is reporting on a new one about every week. I just think we'll mainly being seeing them go direct to DVD and bypass the theaters completely, which, honestly, is fine with me. Seeing movies in theaters isn't my number one preference for watching a movie anyhow. I'd rather spend 3 or 4 bucks on a DVD rental than $8 or more to see a film in a theater. You can't rewind the good stuff in theaters, and you can't make your own collection of scenes until it leaves the theater and turns up on disk anyway.

I guess I just liked the fact that a mainstream audience was checking out a film that was made for the sick fucks like the ones who read this forum. Sort of exposing our fetish to ordinary people who thought they were just watching a horror movie. Of course, it seems like most of them hated it, which is understandable, I suppose. Most people also hate Bloodsucking Freaks, too. The ones that think it's great entertainment...well, they're probably the ones who "get it" and belong here.

Monday, July 2nd 2007 - 10:39:29 PM

Name: bobjones

The original The Hills Have Eyes does have a good rape scene, which they did reasonable justice too in the remake. (No nudity in either film, but pretty good anyway.) The Hills Have Eyes 2 is a terrible movie, but in a fun way (I liked it anyway), but the Gimp content, while substantial, isn't very hot. It has a pretty nasty, but so-so on emotional intensity rape scene. It's not terribly explicit or terribly exciting. The most memorable Gimp scene is not at all erotically fun. . . it's a nude, horribly abused, nasty-but-hot-underneath-the-gore-and-filth-makeup chick tied spread out on a bed delivering a gross lil' mutant baby. As sexual body horror, it's kinda cool. As porn. . . well, it's just fucking gross okay? Somebody with a gore and abuse fetish AND a pregnant chick thing might like it I guess. But that's REAL specific.

I saw Living Death too. Well, I fast forwarded through it. It sucked hard, except for the rack scene, which was over too quickly.

A Canadian's observations suggest how ubiquitous Gimptitude is. Even films that don't have that much actual bondage or women in peril are marketed like they're going to be fucking ZFX tapes! It's like 50's sci-fi movies where the posters showed women in swimsuits being grabbed by tentacles. . . you'd never see that in a fucking cheapo movie from the 50's, but it gets 'em in the seats. Women in peril will always sell, but films that really are unafraid to go all the way will always be rare. This torture porn fad seems to have enormous potential though- playing for keeps is good. I'd pay big bucks to see a unashamedly pornographic film inspired by Hostel 2. Yum.

Monday, July 2nd 2007 - 11:04:26 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

With impeccable timing for this discussion, I happened to be on a train today and found a copy of the local newspaper that I don't read (mostly because it thinks it's the 'quality press', but is mostly filled with illiterate journalists and press releases, but I digress ...) See the link for details.

The gist of the article is that as most hollywood films have been about torturing/mutilating women (huh?), independent films have come along to save the day by giving a 'hip, feminist spin' to it, by abusing men. Mostly by ... wait for it ... cutting their dicks off. (We'll ignore that this particular oh so radical and original idea gets acted out graphically in the prototypical 'misogynist torture porn' film Hostel II).

I don't have much to say about the article, but I thought it would interest everyone here.

Tuesday, July 3rd 2007 - 12:14:20 AM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hi everybody, my name is Dahlia, I'm sure some of you watched me already died, get hit, abuse, bounded, gagged, etc.and is all cool in my book, I'm not saying this cause is my job as a fetish model, I really think people have to open their minds a bit about certain things.

Example, do I have to tolerate the violence, the whole pimp hoe references, and people playing with guns in music videos and promoting rape, prostitution, drug addiction, and the whole idea of the easy life of the gangsta?

Or the stupid and boring 10 minutes action scenes in any cop, FBI, pro good guy movie???

I don't like it, but I do have to tolerate, as other should then tolerate the stuff we like, sex, bondage, fetish etc.

I grew up in an Italian family and sex, passion, etc are handle different over there, and also in my personal life I enjoy playing and doing this and that, and I don't think any of you or me are bad people for it.

Bondage is about control, and that is something that we can all understand as a turn on ok?

Control and trust, TRUST for me is my turn on, the only reason I like bondage (with my man in private) is cause I like the idea of losing control and giving up to him, that he can hurt me or something worst but that HE WONT, and that makes me crazy

Trust, love, have fun, be safe and blessed.


Tuesday, July 3rd 2007 - 03:26:54 AM

Name: MAV
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

I dont know if anyone's familiar with this store or video yet, but if not, I wanted to make you aware of a couple of clips I enjoyed from This site is mostly for wrestling stuff, but someone made me aware of a couple of clips that have bondage and torture. The above clip has a smokin asian chick ("Sayuri") strung up by her wrists and tortured with a tazer. That one was fairly realistic, but what looks real to me is at:

In this preceding clip, "Sayuri" is still strung up by the wrists in her bra and panties, but she is punched/hit in the stomach a bunch of times, then turned around and hit with a sword holder in her back. I think it's real not only because of how it looks, but also because it's wrestling-site related, and those places often dont simulate the blows. I think the chick is hot and her reactions are pretty awesome. There is no nudity which may turn off some, but at $10 per clip, I thought it was reasonable and I think her tight body looks great in the bra and panty set. Let me know what you guys think.

Tuesday, July 3rd 2007 - 07:24:23 AM

Name: Brutus

A Canadian: IMHO Living Death isn't even worth the rental. You can probably get that first rack scene for free sooner or later on one of those DID sites. I do think some people in Hollywood like us. But I agree with Bobjones in that they continue to dupe us with ZFX-like marketing. In my review of the above film, I mentioned Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism. Alluring title and the box art (here it's under the title "Castle of the Walking Dead") was awesome. What GIMPer wouldn't get excited? But the actual contents of the movie were perhaps the biggest disappointment I've experienced as a GIMPer. A loose OTM gag and more clothes on the damsel than a Sunday school choir. I should have sued for false advertising. Unfortunately, misleading marketing continues, and suckers like me end up suffering.

It might be some time before another big-budget GIMP film is released, but I believe it will come. "Torture porn" is too catchy a term to let go to waste. And despite what that article from Mothbrad said, we still have directors like Nick Palumbo and studios like Toetag that are really pushing the limits on torturing women on film.

MAV: Sayuri is damn hot and she looks like she can really sell a scene. But I need GAGS! Just my personal preference.

Dahlia Delis wrote: I don't like it, but I do have to tolerate, as other should then tolerate the stuff we like, sex, bondage, fetish etc. How very true. Unfortunately, most "normal" people refuse to accept what we like because of religious, morale or other narrow-minded reasons. I couldn't care less if they don't like what we prefer, but I take offense when they try to take it away, which is what has happened under the Bush administration.

b4a69: I'm not even gonna guess at the identity of the woman on the off-chance I might actually win your prize :-)

Tuesday, July 3rd 2007 - 11:12:42 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

Brutus: I went back and read your review of Living Death and I'm more convinced than ever that it's a waste of time. It's too bad, really. Maybe if Kristy Swanson's legal troubles continue, we can convince her she could make huge dollars in a more artistic bondage flick. Perhaps we could put "her people" in touch with "Ralphus' people."

MAV: I'm not much into the online downloads, but if you want an opinion on Sayuri, let me say I fully agree with you and Brutus. She's smokin' hot.

Tuesday, July 3rd 2007 - 04:46:56 PM

Name: Thx1139a
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

MAV, et al--

If the violence is convincing looking, that makes up quite a bit for the lack of nudity. For best impact (pun intended) the girl should be at least topless, though. Speaking of which, anyone following the Deathmatch series on Spacebabe central? The aliens are cheesy, but in some sequences the topless, silicone-enhanced victim is beaten rather convincingly. In one two minute period she is pummeled in the face over 20 times. My only complaint is that the female gladiators seem too win too many times! But there's always next week...

Wednesday, July 4th 2007 - 02:52:34 PM

Name: Thees Van Kemp
E-mail address:

Sorry I'm a little late with the poll about whether people who like bondage films hate women.

I believe we have tackled a similar question some years ago in the Gimp Post.

Personally I don't hate women as a human species, I am married to a 'woman'- after all and we get along famously and I have never had the desire to hurt her (tied up for fun! yes but - that's another matter).

I have hated 'specific' women who have been 'nasty' or 'hurtful' in the past and yes I have probably fantasized about giving them the 'Gimp' treatment (a few stiletto high-powered corporate bitches I've had for bosses suddenly come to mind) - certainly! But it was only a fantasy-therapy scenario (some folks throw darts at photos of their enemies!). I will admit the prettier the victim is in my view the more I will enjoy it - when I see a 'hot' female it's a bit like " geee there's a pretty girl I wonder what she looks like naked?..and with a gagball".

Control, Power etc. are probably in the kinky cocktail that is my psycho-genetic make-up, but these are not the only reasons, to me this fascination is 'notching things up a level' and making the whole spectrum of sexual experience more exotic and certainly more inventive. Many of us 'Gimpers' have a primitive/reptilian component in our subconscious, some 'evolutionary throwback' to our ancestors who were clubbing, binding and restraining females to take back to their cave for a bit of the ol' 'in out-in out' after a hard day of hunting.



Wednesday, July 4th 2007 - 11:21:26 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

It's really nice to see Dahlia Delis stopping by here on the forum. After The Gimp posted about her, I checked out her site and actually bought 4 of her bondage clips. These are all from her site called "This Girl Must Die", so obviously these all end with her being killed. I chose them because they looked harder than her regular damsel in distress clips on her other site.

Here's a few capsule reviews, in the order that I saw them:

Mistaken Identity: The worst of the bunch. Good bondage but a silly plot, and Dahlia is whiny and annoying in this one. Needed to be gagged, and then when she was, all she got was a thin rope between her teeth. There's a simulated rape and she "dies" by being stabbed, but is clearly seen blinking several times when the camera pans across her dead body. D+

The Spy A big improvement over the previous segment, and played fairly straight by both Dahlia and the villain who's interrogating her while she's tied to a chair. Dahlia gets her top torn open (revealing a VERY nice set of tits) and does some decent pleading, ending up getting strangled with a rope at the conclusion. Not bad, I would say worth a download. B-

The Photographer: Starts off slowly as Dahlia is an aspiring model being interviewed by a photographer for a bondage photo shoot. We get to see her tied naked to a chair with tape and get a nice around-the-head tape gag. She's also blindfolded the same way. After taking some pictures, the blindfold is removed and the photographer starts helping himself to her bound and vulnerable body, feeling up her tits and pussy and generally doing exactly what I would do if I had her tied up like that. Dahlia makes some great muffled moaning sounds through her gag before being strangled. Easily the best of the clips I saw. A solid B

Bloody: Dahlia plays a prostitute servicing her male customer and she playfully agrees to let him tie her up before he goes to work on her by slicing her up with a knife. This one makes a big mistake by tying Dahlia's hands together over her head while she's on her bed, but then not actually tying them TO anything, so she could easily go after the guy who's knifing her if she wanted to, but she strangely never does, with reeks of phoniness. The bondage sex is simulated and the gore sequences are a big rip-off, since they never show any of the actual cutting, but merely dissolve to a shot of Dahlia with blood on her. Should have been meaner and more explicit to pull off a concept like this, but I'll give them credit for being ambitious. C-

Overall, I think Dahlia can be a good bondage actress, and she's most effective when she's gagged. She's certainly beautiful, with great hair and an excellent body, free of any tattoos. I like her. The guy who plays the villain (the same guy every time, probably her real-life boyfriend) is only adequate, coming off more as a gentle perv than as a threatening bad guy. Having been raised on ZFX and Japanese bondage and torture, these are not quite up to that level, but might be worth checking out if you find Dahlia as attractive as I do.

Wednesday, July 4th 2007 - 11:54:29 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Thanks, Rick!!

For best impact (pun intended) the girl should be at least topless, though.

There's a "girl-fight" movie on the horizon called "Bloodlines" which I'm not even going to bother with. Not only do they not strip the heroine nekkid, they leave her dumpy, brown top on. Boo. Hiss.

Thursday, July 5th 2007 - 01:57:45 AM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

HI !!!

Thanks for the reviews, and thanks for all the sweet things you said about me, makes me warm inside really.

One thing, that store is not my store and actually "that" guy is not my boy, man, lover or any of the sort, just the person I used to work with.

The Photographer was one of my favorites too at the time, not the most selling there cause I think the boys found it too snuffy looking, but I always liked it.

I have to say that more than half of the ideas were mine, and if I had any decision in the way it look, believe me would be way cooler, scarier and awesome, but I did not.

But I always wanted to do more damsel distress bondage but that was not selling point for nicheclips I guess.

Funny enough the one that used to be most selling clip for that store was the one with me in the shower and I hated that, I'm sorry to say these guys, but the whole drawing water play is easier to watch that it is to made, so that one was a hustle to make, but everything else is fine

I can be cut, I can have snakes and bugs all over me or I can be tied up and gagged for hours but water nooo, no water fetish for me.

OK I'm getting silly, anyway, thanks much dear.

Spanking love


Thursday, July 5th 2007 - 06:38:07 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

Dahlia wrote:

I can be cut, I can have snakes and bugs all over me or I can be tied up and gagged for hours...

(Sigh.) I think I'm in love.

Meanwhile, I would also like to say thanks to Rick for the great Ballista pics.

Thursday, July 5th 2007 - 06:08:37 PM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

If you want to see some reality anal training footage check out the newest Sammy clips. While shooting a bound to the bench doggie style bottom oiling she didn't indicate to stop.... so we just kept right on going......until she had a big hard dildo all the way up her ass.

When they are tied up they sometimes fall into the role and don't know how to stop it...or maybe they don't want to.

Thursday, July 5th 2007 - 10:12:46 PM

Name: bobjones

Dahlia is pretty damn hot! I'm not at all familiar with her. . . I'll have to catch up.

Our of curiousity, is the name inspired by the famous murder case?

Since I'm thinkin' about it, I'd recommend for it's Gimp content, and just cause it's an amazing book, James Elroy's "The Black Dahlia." It's a long detective novel, but the central event is a spectacularly scary sexual torture/murder. Don't bother with the movie.

Thursday, July 5th 2007 - 10:57:45 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

It's summertime, and things seem kinda quiet on the old GIMP board.

Viddy well. Since there are no burning topics to interrupt, I'll assume it's OK for me to launch another unsanctioned poll. And considering Hank Hobbs has just posted some of my favorite scenes from A Clockwork Orange, here's the obvious question: Which GIMP scene from A Clockwork Orange is your favorite?

  • A) The scene where Shirley Jaffe nearly gets raped at the derelict casino: Shirley

  • B) The scene where Adrienne Corri gets raped by Alex and his droogs: Adrienne

  • C) The scene where Cheryl Grunwald gets raped in the movie clip as part of Alex's reconditioning: Cheryl

This may be the toughest poll question I've ever posted, as all the scenes are outstanding. For my money, though, the winner is the scene with Shirley Jaffe at the derelict casino. I love watching her put up such a struggle in a situation that is so clearly hopeless.

Anyway, I would be curious to see if others have been able to pick a clear favorite, and to learn how you made your decision.

Friday, July 6th 2007 - 05:07:27 PM

Name: BigD
Homepage URL: http://story sites?

Anyone know of any other good bondage/torture story sites??

Here are some of the ones I know of...

Alt.sexstories has many, but I've pretty much exhausted reading those over the years... is good for bondate/torture, probably some of the best for horror scenes...I don't think the post snuff stories anymore, which is good as that's a turn off to me....

I checked out Stray Thoughts from the link here, some pretty good erotic horror stories as well...

Someone also posted on one of the story sites a link to a story site called Although some of the content looked promising and they've been around for 10 years, WAY too many stories about underage girls there, and while I know it's only taboo, it's icky, even if it's just there for shock value... If they could increase the age of the victims on that site up to 18 and older, it would probably be a good site.., not too bad, need more nonconsensual bondage stories though, pure rape stories do nothing for me, unless they have BDSM plots like ZFX movies do...

Any good story sites out there???

Friday, July 6th 2007 - 06:23:47 PM

Name: BigD

Well, I think the winner goes to

I forgot to mention them....A LOT of stories there involving bondage/torture and all free, which is the best part :)

Friday, July 6th 2007 - 06:41:07 PM

Name: Brutus

Bobjones: Yep. "The Black Dahlia" is a good read. Actually, anything from Elroy is good. And yep, Dahlia Delis is damn hot. Keep up the good work! (And don't get any tattoos.)

A Clockwork Orange poll: For me, this is a no-brainer. Adrienne because it was the first semi-ballgag I've seen on screen and the scene was really brutal. I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain ...

Friday, July 6th 2007 - 07:08:31 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Okay, let's make it official and try to get some people talking.

Which GIMP scene from A Clockwork Orange is your favorite?

  • A) The scene where Shirley Jaffe nearly gets raped at the derelict casino: Shirley

  • B) The scene where Adrienne Corri gets raped by Alex and his droogs: Adrienne

  • C) The scene where Cheryl Grunwald gets raped in the movie clip as part of Alex's reconditioning: Cheryl

Absolute no-brainer for me, and I think we'll end up seeing a veritable landslide in this particular poll.

Cheryl Grunwald's rape scene never did anything for me, probably because of the pink fright wig she was wearing. What's up with that? I never even included that scene in my highlights tape.

Shirley Jaffe's near rape at the derelict casino? I appreciated seeing a big chested naked girl getting manhandled and tossed around like a rag doll, but face it, there really wasn't much to that scene except eye candy. No actual rape, no bondage and they let her escape. I liked the scene, but the movie is not a GIMP classic because of this particular scene. No, no way.

The best scene in the movie, and the scene that everybody loves and remembers, is clearly Adrienne Corri's rape at the hands of Alex and his droogs. Anyone care to join me in a chorus of Singin' in the Rain?

I was 17 when I saw this movie and I still remember that scene like it was yesterday. I had never seen anything like it, especially when Alex gagged her with a ball stuffed into her mouth and proceeded to wind tape all the way around her head, right over her hair and everything. I still hardly ever see a girl gagged like that in bondage scenes, and it's been nearly 30 years later.

Then the cruel, demeaning way in which he cut off her clothes, starting by cutting out the material around the breasts and eventually taking the whole thing off and leaving her naked except for her stockings. Now, I've seen some bondage producers copy that scene over the years (particularly ZFX) and why not? That's the best way to do it, and nobody did it before Clockwork, at least not in a mainstream movie. That scene changed me forever and helped me develop into the perv that I am today.

A little trivia for some of you: this is technically not even a bondage scene. Adrienne was never actually tied up, although her hands were held behind her and she was, of course, gagged.

How many of you wanted to see more of that scene? I heard Kubrick cut some footage after the premiere to take it down from an X to an R, but I never heard exactly where the footage was removed. And I don't believe it's ever been restored, either. How many of you were wondering if Alex impaled her with the dildo-like nose he was wearing?

Friday, July 6th 2007 - 07:14:41 PM

Name: Brutus

Now I've got that song in my head.

Extra footage in A Clockwork Orange? Man, that would rank up there with the stuff cut from A Howling and Bloodsucking Freaks. I always thought it was implied that Alex did the old in-out with that mask. I only wish he had raped that woman with that oversized porcelain dildo.

Friday, July 6th 2007 - 07:30:11 PM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hi dear ones!!

First of all, thanks lots for all your love and support!! You guys are bloody awesome!

Oh man that movie, I am a big fan of Kubrick, but I can watch Clockwork Orange only once in a while, specially cause I have an eye phobia, yes I do, so pretty much every time they are doing stuff inside his eyes I get dizzy, ahh...

I always love Eyes Wide Shut, I know not everybody likes that movie, but I think the acting in it and the script is great. And I relate in some ways to Nicole Kidman character I got to say.

Thanks to A Canadian and Brutus. You guys are sweet!!

And yes, my name is inspired by her, I've been obsessed with the Dahlia case for years, you can email me about it if you like cause I pretty much have a library about her case on my computer.

So thanks to all and check my site and my webcam (I know I don't do much, just smoke and drink coffee, but I'm kind of a a sexy nerd)

Much love


Friday, July 6th 2007 - 08:37:11 PM

Name: Thees van Kemp
E-mail address:

Funny you mention "Clockwork Orange" - I've been revisiting it lately. - it's one of favourite books as well as films - Anthony Burgess' novel was reissued with an extra chapter many years later it's worth getting a copy if you can to see how it all ends for Alex.

I'd say the film completely spun me out when I saw it the late 70's when I was teenager (I even went out and got the original soundtrack which is mainly Classical pieces by Rossini and Beethoven and classical moog-synthesizer arrangements by the then Walter Carlos (now living as Wendy Carlos after a sex change)-

My favourite 'gimpworthy' scene is when Billyboy and his 'Droogs' are desperately trying to rape a 'debochka' in an abandoned theatre and get surprised by Alex, Dim and Georgie and the other beret wearing droog who doesn't say much all to the tune of Rossini's 'Thieving Magpie' - a master stroke of Kubrick Genius.


Friday, July 6th 2007 - 08:39:12 PM

Name: Hiccup
Homepage URL:

Yowza! The Shirley Jaffe scene is one of my all time favorite GIMP scenes ever. I suppose it works so well because the actress has such a hot body and because her struggles seem so realistic and most of all it has my favorite fetish forced stripping. I saw it the first time when I was 12 and its probably a major catalyst for making me the sick fuck I am.

I want to give a shout out to the sister site featuring forced sex. It's been around long enough now so that they have a body of work that makes it worth joining. Just don't join their site which sucks ass.

Friday, July 6th 2007 - 11:33:04 PM

Name: Hiccup
Homepage URL:

Anyone seen this movie? Because its a Mexican flick w/spanish dialogue I think its not that well known. Back in the 80's Playboy magazine did one of their "Sex in Cinema" pictorials and there was a GIMP scene from the film "Pandemonium" featuring Australian playmate of the year Amanda Dole. This film seems to have disappeared along with Ms. Dole. Has anyone here seen it?

Friday, July 6th 2007 - 11:41:59 PM

Name: Vince

On the "Clockwork Orange" poll, all three rape scenes were great, however, the ones with Shirley and Sheryl were way too brief to be enjoyed so my vote goes for the extended one with Adrienne Corri.

The torture and mocking of her and her husband as he looks helplessly as Alex sings "Singin in the Rain" is a movie classic.

Saturday, July 7th 2007 - 11:53:17 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:


Which GIMP scene from A Clockwork Orange is your favorite?

  • A) The scene where Shirley Jaffe nearly gets raped at the derelict casino: Shirley

  • B) The scene where Adrienne Corri gets raped by Alex and his droogs: Adrienne

  • C) The scene where Cheryl Grunwald gets raped in the movie clip as part of Alex's reconditioning: Cheryl

I've long thought of A Clockwork Orange as a brilliant, but brutal film. I'd have to watch it from a GIMP perspective to decide -- the one time I saw it, it made me too uncomfortable to really enjoy. (Plus, I didn't think the ending worked. But that's pretty standard for Kubrick.)

Now I watch clips that make ACO look like patty-cake, so I'd need a second look to be sure.


I'm kind of a a sexy nerd

That's the best kind! You're a very sexy nerd -- yummy!

Thanks for hanging out with us.

Saturday, July 7th 2007 - 12:47:53 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Brutus wrote:

Now I've got that song in my head.

To me, the best part is when Dim keeps asking Mrs. Alexander, "are you ready for love?"

Saturday, July 7th 2007 - 02:48:42 PM

Name: Kevin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

I definitely have to chime in on this poll.

My personal favorite scene is without a doubt Adrienne's scene!

Not only is it demented as hell to rape a woman in front of her own husband- (I'm a GIMPer, what can I say? LOL) But, shes also gagged with a gag that I don't think we see near enough of in movies today: THE TAPE WRAP-AROUND!

Anyone else know of any tape wrap-around scenes, in mainstream movies, besides TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 3 or EATEN ALIVE (with Marilyn Burns)?

Saturday, July 7th 2007 - 04:44:04 PM

Name: ibbius

Hi Guys and Gals.

Great forum.

I am trying to find Japanese movies from BDSM series ATTACKERS with a lot of good whipping scenes (bullwhip not little flogger).

Can anyone help me?

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 05:13:15 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

ibbius: You've definitely come to the right place. One of the best sources for the movies might be

They have a number of Attackers titles with bullwhip scenes, including:

  • JBD-077 (Crazy Episode of Snake Entanglement), with Anjyu

  • JBD-079 (Nightmare of Snake Hold) with Mika Siina

  • JBD-086 (Feline of Snake Hold) with Rei Shinobu

  • SSPD-021 (Torture Scolding 5) with Ageha Aoi and others

  • SSPD-30A and SSPD-30B (Torture Spanking of Snake Hold) with various stars

You can find any of these titles by using the search engine and typing in the code under Studio Video Code. Or, if you want a simple route, try putting the word snake in the video title search engine, and most of these titles will appear. Searching the name of the actress (in those movies where the actress is listed) is another option that will work.

By the way, all of the movies listed above were reviewed under the Japanese section in our Reviews listings: Japanese reviews. The first three titles are listed as Attackers #77, Attackers #79 and Attackers #86, and were reviewed by me. I wouldn't have any trouble recommending any of the movies listed above, and I picked SSPD-021 (reviewed by DoppleM) as the best film of 2006.

Please let us know if you have any troubles finding these titles on the site. Sometimes, the search engine can be tricky. You can also find some of these titles at

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 06:21:12 AM

Name: scout
E-mail address:

Shirley's pic was my favorite

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 08:11:03 AM

Name: jyydubs
Homepage URL:

hiccup - the film you inquire about (in my url) has quite a few gimp-worthy scenes. You can tell from the user comments on imdb. I have it on dvd, you can get it through

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 08:14:50 AM

Name: Brutus

Hello my fellow droogs,

Ralphus: I really like today's pic. It's real horrorshow. Who's the artist?

Kevin: A few mainstream films come to mind that have wraparound-tape jobs: Blind Witness; Ulee's Gold; Initiation: Silent Night, Deadly Night 4; Funny Games.

But the best wraparound-tape gags I've seen have been by PD at the former Insex, especially when he moistens up the ladies' panties with their love juice and uses them for stuffing. Those were just about perfect.

Dahlia Delis: Eyeball phobia? Yeah, me too. I guess you wouldn't be into the eyeball-licking scenes from those Japanese BDSM movies. (Me neither.)

Cheers all

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 08:31:50 AM

Name: ibbius

Wow "A Canadian" very thx for the help !!!!!

You can help me still a other time, please?

I am trying a Japanese video with protagonists 3 policewomen who came kidnapped and tortured from a band of criminals (above all a very lot of whipping) and to the end of the film they came saved.

I not memory if it were a video of the Attackers series or Cinemagic or something of similar.

Please anyone help me.


Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 08:42:59 AM

Name: DoppleM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

ibbius Another source for some hard bullwhipping scenes is the Art Video "Slave Press" series. Video Mayhem carries several of them, and some of my favorites are ADV#075, ADV#078, and ADV#0141.

Regarding the poll, it's close between Shirley and Adrienne, but I give the edge to the scene with Adrienne. I think Alex did use his mask to violate her.

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 09:56:25 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Brutus wrote:

I really like today's pic. It's real horrorshow. Who's the artist?

Artist Unknown, unfortunately. Just one of many I found online. I do have another artwork by the same artist I can run tonight, though.

ibbius: There's a very good bullwhipping scene at the conclusion of Attackers #92, which Sloth reviewed for the site a while back (see the review here).

Here's a couple of stills off the Attackers website:,6TOtsvGu8jUss4y/,6TOtsvGu8jUss4y/

She gets brutally bullwhipped in that one. Check out those angry red stripes in the second picture.

It's available at Video Mayhem at this link.

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 10:27:58 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

ibbius wrote:

I am trying a Japanese video with protagonists 3 policewomen who came kidnapped and tortured from a band of criminals (above all a very lot of whipping) and to the end of the film they came saved.

I not memory if it were a video of the Attackers series or Cinemagic or something of similar.

Unfortunately, I don't think I have seen this one. Maybe one of my fellow GIMPers will recognize it.

The closest movie I can think of is the Cinemagic title, VS-766. The cover art for this movie is in my URL. Although VS-766 has rape, bondage and torture, I can't recall for certain if it has whipping. Certainly, it doesn't have extensive whipping scenes.

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 02:53:40 PM

Name: DoppleM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

ibbius: Another Attackers title that features a prolonged bullwhipping that leaves some serious marks is Attackers #97. See the link in my URL for a glimpse.

It can be obtained from Video Mayhem.

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 04:15:35 PM

Name: The Gimp

Thanks for your kind words, everyone, Rick and Ralphus included... I'm doing fine. Just to clarify, the lady whom I've mentioned before, I've been broken up with for over 7 years. She's moved on with her life too, and doing great now, from what I hear. Since then, I usually try to "come out" to whoever I'm with relatively early, to avoid any guilt-ridden or closeted situations.

I'm really pleased that Dahlia introduced herself! I actually haven't seen any of her nicheclips stuff, because I'm not into anything that ultimately results in death according to a plotline. Her Girls Next Door Bondage material is great, IMHO, though. Probably all solid B's or B+s - at least 2 or maybe 3 of the clips feature non-consenual simulated sex scenes, and 1 has spanking. She is gagged about 90% of the time, which is, of course, how I like it, and she does a fantastic job w. her tireless vocals.

As far as Clockwork Orange, it's prob. scene # 1, although I can't say that any of them particularly turn me on.

-- The Gimp

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 05:50:26 PM

Name: bobjones

The "singing in the rape" scene is a classic, not just of rape scenes, but of Kubricology. That's some sick shit right there. But for some reason, the first scene is the hottest one for me, even though they don't get to finish. That's an amazing looking girl for one thing, and I think something about the scenario is scary and nasty. Billyboy's just got so many droogies! That poor girl's really gonna have a long evening. But alas, some things are not meant to be. So I'll be contrary and vote for the first scene cause it's hotter, even though the second scene is a much more interesting peice of cinema.

Sunday, July 8th 2007 - 09:46:02 PM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hi guys!

Thanks to The Gimp, for your sweet comments

Yes, that site is doing pretty much and my clips are the most selling ones, yay!!

Steve does an awesome rope work on me every time we shoot and always have to gag me real good cause I am a loud Italian girl after all.

Besides that is always nice to work for him cause I enjoy wearing that vintage Bettie Page outfits!! I fucking love it!

Some girls find it uncomfortable, me I am happier wearing a corset, garter belt, girdles and panty hose and high heels, it really help me to do the best distressed damsel that I can.

So I'm happy you enjoy those clips, thanks lots!!

In a different note:

What you people think about Hostel 2?

I don't want nobody to hate me but I think Eli Roth is a bit overrated and that movie was soft and short, movies like that should go for like 2 1/2 hours.

I like that nerdy actress a lot, but the rest was boring

Gosh I can scream and struggle way better than that!!

Love to all.


Monday, July 9th 2007 - 02:34:50 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

bobjones wrote:

So I'll be contrary and vote for the first scene cause it's hotter, even though the second scene is a much more interesting peice of cinema.

Actually, that's not being contrary at all. By my count, the Shirley scene is ahead by one vote at this point, thanks in part to that half-hearted vote from The Gimp.

Dahlia wrote:

I don't want nobody to hate me but I think Eli Roth is a bit overrated and that movie was soft and short, movies like that should go for like 2 1/2 hours.

I don't know about the 2 1/2 hours part -- I get kinda cranky whenever a movie goes over 90 minutes. But I would agree the Eli Roth fan base is getting rather small, judging from that link I found a short while back: Eli.

Personally, I'm still happy to wait until Hostel 2 arrives on DVD. From the looks of things, I won't be waiting long.

Monday, July 9th 2007 - 04:37:51 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

Dahlia said:

In a different note:

What you people think about Hostel 2?

It's funny you should ask ;) - although I do enjoy hearing a woman say that Hostel II was too 'soft'!

ps Ralphus - I'm loving the pencil drawings. It seems to be a rare thing on the internet, and obviously they don't have the same impact as the 3D Quoom style, but there's often a real 'edge' to them which warms the heart of the cock, er, I mean the cockles of the heart.

Monday, July 9th 2007 - 04:43:28 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Dahlia: What you people think about Hostel 2?

First, a preface: I'm into hard-core bondage and tight cord strangulations, preferably "fatal" (fantasy only, thanks!) and non-consensual. My favorite producers are Genki-Genki (non-fatal and consensual, but VERY hot!) and Peachy Keen Films ("The Lawyer and The Bodyguard" is a masterpiece.).

So you'll understand when I say that Hostel 2 was too soft, by far. I liked the first murder, especially when the scythe moved over the victim's ass. It was over too quick, but it was very erotic (love the jiggling boobs as she died).

The other scenes had too many clothes and too quick a death. Make it long, painful and nude, or I'm out.

I might see if I can get the first murder on via friends when the movie comes to DVD. Otherwise, not going to bother.

Monday, July 9th 2007 - 07:54:54 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Mothbrad: I didn't have any more pencil artwork from that artist, but I found a colored pencil drawing you might like. Not nearly the intensity as the other two, but it gave me a chuckle.

Clockwork Orange poll: Yeah, it's currently 6-5 in favor of the Shirley Jaffe scene, certainly not the landslide I was expecting. But the poll results are pathetic. Only 11 voters out of 600+ GIMPers? You guys have disappointed me big time. Where's all the pervs?

Dahlia Delis: Hostel: Part 2 was a hot topic around these parts for a several weeks, with a lot of speculation beforehand about what we could expect and then a mixture of disappointment and excitement when the movie finally got released. I liked it a lot, and gave it raves in my review (linked above). I certainly didn't think it was boring at all. And it's rare that any horror film is going to run longer than 2 hours. Even most bondage films aren't that long.

I didn't think it was too "soft", but it was probably too hard for mainstream audiences, who stayed away in droves and criticized it for being "torture porn". Which makes it all the more unfortunate, since you would have been the ideal casting choice for Hostel: Part 3. Dahlia gets tied up and gagged for hours and has snakes and bugs thrown on her naked body by a demented midget. Hey, I would be willing to waive my normal acting fee for a chance to make that movie.

Monday, July 9th 2007 - 10:53:00 PM

Name: Bobjones

"I don't want nobody to hate me but I think Eli Roth is a bit overrated and that movie was soft and short, movies like that should go for like 2 1/2 hours."

I have to say that finding a woman who looks like you who thought that Hostel 2 was too "soft" is just too much to believe. I'm in love.

I really like Eli Roth myself, and Hostel 2 gave me a big ole violence buzz. Yeah, I could have done with more torture and more kink, but the slow build and the emphasis on the "clients" rather than the victims made for a disturbing ride for me. I was all high on aggression when I left the theater. I certainly would have rather seen more (in both senses of the phrase), but I thought it was a good, smart movie. Smarter than hardly anybody gives it credit for being.

Monday, July 9th 2007 - 11:03:11 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

Well ... a nice re-setting of a very old gag! Thanks Ralphus.

As for the poll - believe it or not, I've never seen the movie. I don't know if it's even widely available here or not - for some reason, I've just never bothered tracking it down, although I've heard so much about it, I feel like I've seen it. Must head to the video store soon.

Tuesday, July 10th 2007 - 01:01:44 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

mothbrad: Membership has its responsibilities. You have definitely got to see A Clockwork Orange.

The good news is that it's a great movie that's worth seeing, regardless of the GIMP scenes. Try to imagine any other movie where a young man who is a rapist and a murderer is the most sympathetic character in the film. But be forewarned: you'll never hear Singing in the Rain in quite the same way again.

Tuesday, July 10th 2007 - 04:20:36 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Poll: Adrienne Corri. The other two scenes were too brief to really get into. And the one with Shirley was shot from too far away; I want to see the distress in her eyes.


Tuesday, July 10th 2007 - 08:50:41 AM

Name: VM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Clockwork Orange poll: Adrienne Corri scene would easily be top choice for me.

Tuesday, July 10th 2007 - 09:14:33 AM

Name: Xenonex
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

In order of Preference: Adrienne, then Cheryl. Liked it all, really.

Gotta run- my son was born yesterday...

Tuesday, July 10th 2007 - 02:28:18 PM

Name: ibbius

Very thx for all.

I am trying Japanese videos from the Attackers series or Cinemagic or something of similar with good whipping scenes.

Please help me........


Tuesday, July 10th 2007 - 04:15:31 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

Xenonex All things considered, I guess you have a pretty good explanation for casting a late vote in the Clockwork Orange poll.


Tuesday, July 10th 2007 - 07:12:11 PM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

HI guys

Ralphus, yes I be perfect for Hostel 3, too bad that he is going to cast some dumb girl with not enough vocal cords to scream like me, his lost, ha ha.

Snakes and bugs is cool, rats would be ok.

I dont know what would be the perfect way to die for poor Dahlia me in a movie. I love the midgets too but no water torture or anything on my eyes!! Ah I freak out just to think about it.

Bobjones, thanks for being kind of in love, you are sweet.

Anyway about Hostel, I'm not saying is all bad about it, but they built so much expectation and then the movie came out and i was like blah about it. I hope he stills loves to make that material and that he is not doing it just for money, but honestly I dont know how Hostel 3 is going to be any better.

And I was just looking at pictures and I saw Rob Zombie (I love the man as a show man and singer) but why in hell he is remaking Halloween???

He is doing it right??

Love and spankings


Tuesday, July 10th 2007 - 09:11:46 PM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:


Is me again

The Gimp:

I just saw that my French maid in distress video is up, and also my encased with panty hose video is the most selling in girlnextdoobondage, so yay, kinda made my day, forgive my ego and vanity but that French maid outfit was pretty cute.

I thought you may like to know as you say you loved the stuff in that site, the French maid one is new and has lots of struggling and me fighting and trying to scream, I was proud of it when we made that one. I just wish I kept the outfit, did not.
(thats girls next door bondage)

Tuesday, July 10th 2007 - 09:21:01 PM

Name: DHT


Rob Zombie is remaking Halloween because he knows he can do a good job, and it will be interesting for him to work with an already established story. That's the impression I get from reading his interviews.

They were going to do this Halloween thing with or without him. If they are going to make another Halloween movie, I prefer a "re-imagining" as they call it than a bad sequel. The Halloween sequels are REALLY played out. And better a great director like Rob than they give it to Michael Bay or Marcus Nispiel or Ewe Boll ot Ulli Lommel or any of the other sorry specimens cranking out horror remakes.

You would have been perfect in Hostel, but your own videos more than make up for your not being in it. Maybe you can be in an actual Last House on the Left remake if one happens...

Wednesday, July 11th 2007 - 01:34:38 AM

Name: DHT

A Canadian:

I'll never understand how people can find certain movie villains sympathetic. Most prominently CLOCKWORK ORANGE and DEVIL'S REJECTS... I really like both of those movies, not merely for the gimp content but also as examples of excellent filmmaking (no one does it quite like Kubrick, that's for sure), and I was amused/entertained by the villains' fictional exploits, but despite that, I personally never felt the slightest sympathy for Alex, or for the Rejects when they became victims themselves. It is interesting to me when I hear from from others that they did.

Wednesday, July 11th 2007 - 04:15:14 AM

Name: Brutus

Clockwork Orange poll: I'm surprised at how many people prefer the Shirley scene. I thought everyone would pick Adrienne. I guess that just underscores the diversity of the posters here.

Dahlia: I really liked Hostel 2 but, yeah, it could've been better. I think Mr. Roth was handcuffed (so to speak) by the producers and Hollywood in general. I also love Rob Zombie's stuff. He's got a great edge to him and he seems to have a penchant for bound women, which is more than I can say for the original Halloween series. I'm sure he'll do a great job. (And you're not bothered by rats? You get lovelier with every post!)

Mothbrad: Since you are a writer, you might also want to read the book if you haven't already. It's not all that GIMP-worthy, but it's a classic nonetheless. I heard somewhere that Burgess wasn't too thrilled with Kubrick's film, especially the GIMP scenes.

A Canadian: I also sympathized with Alex later on, which I believe was part of the message of the film and book. Like us GIMPers, you can't artificially change human nature.

Xenonex: Congratulations! Surprised you had time to respond to the poll.

This raises a question that has been bothering me for some time. I also have a very young son, and I'm wondering if GIMPism is hereditary. I think most of us agree that we are born this way and cannot change the way we think and feel about seeing a lovely lady bound and gagged. But I can't recall any clues that anyone else in my family enjoys the stuff that I like.

When I was a kid, I found a couple of Playboys in my father's room, but nothing with titles that I prefer, like "Gorgeous sluts roped and raped." I know it may be a bit unpleasant thinking that our fathers (or even mothers) might also secretly share what we like. But my wife and I often joke about whether my son inherited my proclivities. I actually hope he didn't because it can be an expensive and time-consuming fetish. If he did, well, I hope he signs the forum when he grows up.

Wednesday, July 11th 2007 - 10:32:30 AM

Name: D.M.

In my best Rocky intonation: Addddriennnnne!

Wednesday, July 11th 2007 - 03:22:38 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

DHT: I hear what you're saying about little Alex. And let me be clear -- I wasn't exactly heartbroken over the way he was treated, particularly by Mr. Alexander near the end of the film.

When I say he was the most sympathetic character in the film, I mean in comparison to everyone else in that particular movie (well, maybe with the exception of his dear old mum). Alex at least had some personality. Everyone else in the film seemed completely cold. I assume this was deliberate -- Kubrick often seems to populate his films with characters that have very little recognizable humanity. For example, in 2001: A Space Odyssey, I would argue the most sympathetic character in that film was Hal.

Wednesday, July 11th 2007 - 06:03:22 PM

Name: Bobjones

I agree that Alex is the only particularly sympathetic character in the film. He is the only really "human" character. It's no accident that the film link sex, violence and music (if you remember, he is a big Beethoven fan. . .) At one point he masturbates while listening to Beethoven's 9th symphony and fantasizing about killing women, and when he is "cured" he is accidentally also "cured" of being able to listen to that particular piece of music.

I think the idea is that violence, sex, and creativity all come from some of the same impulses. Nobody else in the film really seems to understand that, and they are all either pod people or stupid, petty sadists. Alex is a menace, but he's a bit more evolved. He hasn't evolved common decency or common sense yet, but he's a lot more human that the other people wandering around. The novel originally had an ending where after Alex's adventures, he grows out of his bad behavior and voluntarily stops being such a menace by learning to care about other people, which is a different thing altogether from the dehumanizing conditioning that he is subjected to by the government during his trials.

Anyway. . . . "Clockwork Orange" (the film and the novel) is a pretty good little treatise on sex n' violence and human nature social responsibility. I agree that it's required viewing for GIMP fans.

Plus it's got chicks being forcibly stripped of their clothing.

That turned out to be a weird post.

Wednesday, July 11th 2007 - 11:02:59 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Dahlia: I don't know what would be the perfect way to die for poor Dahlia me in a movie.

Take a look at today's Banner Link (Eyewitness Productions). They have sample photos linked to the model pages. That's a nice way for you to die: nude, molested, and strangled by a tight thin cord.

Or how about a device where you're bound very tightly, with your back arched. A searing, painful poison drips slowly into one arm while your blood drips slowly out the other. A vibrator up your hot wet pussy blurs the line between pleasure and pain as your life ebbs away. (Since we're dealing with fantasy, you can explore these and more.)

DHT:I'll never understand how people can find certain movie villains sympathetic.

That was the problem I had when I saw it. If one views Adrienne Cori's character as a real person, one can never view Alex as anything other than a monster. And no amount of rationalization will convince me that society needs monsters.

Brutus: I heard somewhere that [x] wasn't too thrilled with Kubrick's film

For any value of [x]!

I actually hope he didn't because it can be an expensive and time-consuming fetish.

Like many hobbies, it eats the time and money you're willing to put into it. I could spend a LOT more on GIMP, snuff or just plain porn than I do -- I just chose to spend my bucks elsewhere.

Wednesday, July 11th 2007 - 11:29:41 PM

Name: Darkroom

Given the poor results of the Clockwork Orange poll, I decided to chime in, in favor of the Shirley scene. There's just something about the way she gets tugged from side to side, her breasts wobbling, until she's exhausted.

Of course, it's no easy choice. Seeing Adrienne get tape-gagged, her little red jumpsuit cut with precision, is a pretty hot scene. My two cents. Cheers...

Thursday, July 12th 2007 - 08:56:40 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Brutus: My father used to subscribe to the rape fantasy email newsletter, -plain brown wrapper-, I published when I was known as Mudshark. He and my mother both read the rape stories on my website. While neither disapproved, knowing fantasy is fantasy and all is good, they also didn't find the subject matter to be of interest to them. They were just showing parental interest in what I do. My mother does read romance novels, which in my opinion are watered down rape stories. In my opinion, however, there really isn't any basis for thinking that gimpitude is hereditary. I don't know where I got it from. It's just a primal thing some of us somehow get in touch with.


Thursday, July 12th 2007 - 09:02:42 AM

Name: J
E-mail address:

Once again I turn to GIMPers for assistance. Those of us old enough to qualify as Crusty Old Perverted Bastards (COPBs) recall the men's magazines of the 60s/70s where many a COPB first nurtured our fantasies of Damsels in Distress. The high quality and suggestive nature of the cover art and inside art and stories were just what a young COPB needed.

With the advent of the 'net we by then middle aged COPBs were again able to revisit the good ole days of mens magazines and their art. A myriad of sites featured the cover art and stories. Alas most of those sites have now gone extinct at an even higher rate of extinction than we COPBs. Anyone here know where any surviving web sites that feature mens mag cover art or still reside?

Thursday, July 12th 2007 - 09:38:19 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

J: While I sorta resent being referred to as a Crusty Old Perverted Bastard, I know exactly what you're talking about with those old men's magazines. Really, I mainly discovered them online on various Yahoo groups (See, I'm too young to be a real COPB), but you're right, none of the groups I belong to now feature those great old covers. Fortunately, I collected quite a few over the years, so I can do my part by running a few of them here as the daily picture for a while.

The fact that no one has replied to your post so far is indication that there must not be any sites that people know about. Someone really needs to start up a group like that. Certainly, the nostalgic value is there, and a lot of us first discovered the bondage fetish through those lurid detective and men's magazine covers. Hard to believe, in this PC era, that tied up-women on magazines used to be a common sight. Just think if they tried that today, women's rights groups would be screaming foul.

But you know what? I'll bet they would sell. The image of a woman in bondage is a powerful selling tool. They knew exactly what they were doing back then.

Thursday, July 12th 2007 - 09:10:27 PM

Name: Bobjones
Homepage URL:

Didn't Hank used to have a Yahoo newsgroup devoted to men's magazine covers? I seem to remember that, but I haven't looked through Yahoo groups in a while. I seem to remember there being a Russian site somewhere that had a bunch of pics on it, but I can't quite place that memory. . .

There are actually a couple of pretty good books on the subject. Taschen (a great company that publishes cool picture books about idiosyncratic stuff including old porn and pin up pics) has one called "Men's Adventure Magazines," which I used to have on my coffee table before I got tired of my wife moving my shit around when the in-laws came over. Feral House, a company that specializes in extremes (like neofascist lit. and books about Satanism) and in old pop culture bric a brac, has a great one called "It's a Man's World."

Or you could just watch a Russ Meyer movie.

Thursday, July 12th 2007 - 09:35:37 PM

Name: Dr Yuya
E-mail address:

Hello all.

I remember posting here I think once before but I can't even recall what it was about, so I'll just say this is my first post here and what a nice place it is, excellent information resource for all things bondage.

However I was wondering about the whipping scenes in movies database. I don't think anyone needs to be told as you most all probably know, but it seems severely out of date. Is there any way possible it may ever get updated? If the problem is lack of contributers I'd be more than happy to throw all the titles I know in.

Thursday, July 12th 2007 - 09:50:06 PM

Name: Glatman
E-mail address:

Hey guys!

Jefferson James: You are lucky your parents are so open minded. I remember vividly an embarassing moment I had in my late teens when my Mom discovered a bondage magazine I had purchased under my bed. She tore it up (Busted!) and reported it to my father, asking him to speak to me. I guess she feared her precious boy was about to turn into a CYPB (Crazy young perverted bastard-apologies to Ralphus!). Sorry mom, too late! Anyway my Dad dutifully approached me and in his typical bemused fashion he asked me "what the hell do you see in that shit?" to which I replied in my typical witty way "I don't know." I have always been clever.

Personally I don't believe we inherit our perversions. I think we're probably influenced by something we see or read or experience at an impressionable age. Now I don't remember wanting to tie up the little girls in kindergarten, but on the other hand I always have had a crush on girls with big brown eyes who played the damsel in distress. Like Lois Lane. Or the girl in the magicians box who was tickled before he sawed her in half. Or Mary Ann in Gilligan's Island, tied to a stake by Gilligan dressed up like a cannibal. (Gilligan needed to work on his knots, the ropes fell off). I wonder if any of us can really pinpoint where we took the trip from SP (seminal pervert) all the way to Crazy Old Perverted Bastard? (Possible Poll Ralphus?)

In regards to A Clockwork Orange I vote for Adrienne too, I've always liked a good gag!

To Ralphus: thanks for the cool magazine cover. I used to buy those too, and of course detective magazines. How else did I get to know about old Harvey?

Last but not least to beautiful Dahlia: a belated welcome to our ranks from a new fan. You are treat to the eyes and I love the accent!

Take care all and Happy Gimping!

Thursday, July 12th 2007 - 10:53:48 PM

Name: J
E-mail address:

Ralphus. My reference to COPBs was not directed at you since you are both timeless and ageless. The COPB was ME!

When this COPB was in it larval stage he spent many hours at Docs, the kind of local, corner drugstore that no longer (alas) exists in modern amerika. Docs was like Alice's Resturant in that you could get anything you want there. Eyeglasses, picture frames, medicine, makeup--Oh and a soda fountain with coldest cherry root beer in town. Last but not least Doc had those Mens Mags so necessary to the development of the larval COPB.

Anyway. Thanks for the covers you put up and to other gimpers for their assistance. Kinda confirms my suspicion that those old sites have disappeared.

Friday, July 13th 2007 - 07:19:53 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Dr Yuya: Yeah, the Whipping Scenes in Movies Database hasn't been updated at's still the original database that Oslo Netfetter left us with when he closed down the WSIMD website. I have limited time to work on the extra features any more, but by all means, if you've got some submissions to add, either post them here or drop me an e-mail. I can add them to the database as soon as I get them. Preferably titles with descriptions.

The rest of you, if you have anything you can add to either that database or the Rape and Electro ones, let me know. It's a chore doing it all myself, but with help from 600 pervs and sick fucks, we can certainly improve what we have now.

Friday, July 13th 2007 - 09:23:35 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

There's a Google Group called "boilerplant" (see URL) where a lot of these covers are posted. You can't see the posts until you join, but if you like the lurid detective and adventure magazine covers, you'll probably enjoy the group.

Friday, July 13th 2007 - 10:16:49 AM

Name: trent
E-mail address:

I was just wondering... Does anyone know of any videos involving Lisa Kinkaid that is not ZFX, something more hardcore? Id love to see that on video!

Friday, July 13th 2007 - 05:47:04 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

Trent: I could be wrong, but I am fairly certain Lisa only worked for Rick. I don't believe she ever did vanilla porn, or even bondage, for any company other than ZFX.

Friday, July 13th 2007 - 06:11:04 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

My grammar ain't what it used to be. To clarify, I don't believe Lisa ever did vanilla porn at all. As far as bondage goes, I believe she worked exclusively for ZFX.

Friday, July 13th 2007 - 06:14:02 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Canadian: Is "vanilla porn" one of those Wet And Messy sites? (I know what vanilla porn is -- just couldn't resist the joke!)

Friday, July 13th 2007 - 09:44:01 PM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

To Glatman, thanks love!!!
The accent yep is not too bad but still there I cant help it.
Thanks so much

To all of you

Nobody is talking about Captivity??
It was bad? Or just too soft and boring and too Hollywood with many cliches???
I have not seen it but I wanna know!!!


Kisses to all


Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 04:41:07 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Dahlia: I haven't seen Captivity, but my guess is it probably sucks.

For one thing, the movie wasn't available in advance for reviewers to watch (at least, not in Toronto). That's usually an indication the distributors know they have a stinker on their hands. (By the way, the distributors also didn't let reviewers get to see Hostel 2 in advance).

Second, there is nothing in the trailers I have seen that would suggest the movie has any GIMP-worthy scenes. I would be quite happy to see Elisha Cuthbert tied up, gagged, and thoroughly abused, but I don't think this movie will deliver.

I hope I'm wrong. But at this point, I can wait for the DVD.

Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 05:13:54 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Dalia: I agree with our pudding-loving friend from the North, "[T]here is nothing in the trailers I have seen that would suggest the movie has any GIMP-worthy scenes".

Hostel at least had girls tied up and one (the least cute to me, unfortunately) naked, scared and dying. From the scenes of Captivity I've seen, Cuthbert isn't even topless. And it doesn't look like she gets a whip, a crop, or even a fist to the stomach. Blech.

Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 10:08:26 AM

Name: Hank
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Here's a link above for "The Comic Book Bondage Cover" of the day that some of you might find interesting, it has over 3000 covers in the archive.

I have been toying with the idea of reviving my old "Damsel's in Distress Pulp Covers" group. We will see.


Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 11:51:02 AM

Name: Hank
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

BTW, I hope you have all visited the new "Hank's Bondage Vidcaps" group at Yahoo (link above). It's free you just have to register, which is quick and easy.

We have been re-doing some old favorites with better and bigger images. Guess I should do some ZFX soon.


Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 11:57:07 AM

Name: Dan Hawke
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hi guys:

I've been away since forever. Sorry about that.

Having been hard ar work designing my new site. still exists, but I will be turning off the membership option wihtin days (existing members will still get updates for about a month). Then in 30 days or so, dan-hawke will also point to my new site.

The new site is

Feel free to poke around a bit. Please email me if you find any problems (include the URL) as the site is very new and very complex (behind the scenes). I hope it is simple and pleasing to the eye from the user perspective.

I also have an affiliate program, so if you want to link to the site, you can earn $$$ for sign-ups. You can join now if you want; either as a member or as an affiliate. The official launch is a few days away, so you guys get the heads up.

I have been so busy I haven't even had a chance to read the GIMP and I miss it. I hope I get a breather soon and I can read all the crazy stuff I always find on this board. I'll try not to be such a stranger.

See, Ralphus, I'm still alive!!!! heh


Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 12:07:09 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

A Canadian: Captivity may very well end up sucking, but I don't think you can put the fact that it wasn't screened for critics as any indication. I read that review by Ty Burr and he trashed it, but as Rick Masters pointed out a couple of weeks ago, critics will always trash any movie that features women being raped and/or abused. They certainly got it wrong on Hostel: Part 2, one of the more entertaining horror films I've seen in years, and a film loaded with GIMP scenes for the pervert crowd.

I think we have to distinguish between what critics refer to as a good film, and what bondage fans consider a good film. With a few exceptions, most films that feature tied-up women are not going to make a critic's Top Ten list or end up with Oscar nominations. It's pretty rare that a movie that has scenes of women bound and tortured is going to get positive reviews anyway.

Here's the review from The Sunday Times in London: "If you want to see the sexy blonde from 24 (Elisha Cuthbert) held captive in a dungeon by a psycho and subjected to various disgusting torments, then rush to see Captivity. Alternately, seek psychiatric help."

See? That kind of review is already sneering at the crowd that the film was made for. As a matter of fact, I WOULD like to see a sexy blonde held captive and subjected to various torments! And I don't need psychiatric help, asshole! I happen to like movies where pretty women are tied up and have bad things done to them. That's entertainment for me, and I'm not the kind of snob that's going to belittle someone simply because they like that kind of thing. So go see your highbrow Merchant Ivory movies where everyone is so prim and proper and there's nothing but talking the entire 2 1/2 hours and we don't even see any bare tits. And that's a movie that you'll give 4 stars.

Think of all the mainstream films that had great GIMP scenes that got trashed by the critics. They hated Love Object. The Ilsa movies or nearly anything by Jess Franco is immediately dismissed. How many actually admitted liking Bloodsucking Freaks? I rest my case.

Dan Hawke: Wow, I never thought we'd hear from you again. Welcome back, and I hope your new website is successful. You were one of my favorite posters here so I hope we'll see you around here more often. Still producing new stuff?

Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 02:45:04 PM

Name: db
E-mail address:

This is a bit off topic. Anyone have any dealing with ST Productions? Ordered some DVD's in May with no delivery.

Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 04:26:37 PM

Name: db
E-mail address:

Love the 60's mens mag covers.

Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 04:28:08 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:,1-0,vanilla_pudding,FF.html

Ralphus: I agree with you to a point. I wouldn't make a decision on a movie's GIMP potential based on what the mainstream reviewers think.

However, my point was that the distributors kept this movie hidden from the reviewers. That means the distributors don't think the movie is any good.

Granted, even that is no guarantee when it comes to assessing a film's GIMP-worthiness. But I will stand by my original comment. As I said this morning, in addition to the distributors' views, I have also seen at least one trailer for this movie. And my hunch is the movie sucks.

I could be wrong. I liked the part in the Boston Globe review where it said Elisha is strapped to a table and forced to watch snuff films of past victims. But my Spidey sense is still saying wait for the DVD.

Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 04:33:51 PM

Name: Kevin
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Well, this is the first OFFICIAL post from someone who's actually seen Captivity.

The outcome is what was expected! THE MOVIE SUCKED! All in all, I was EXTREMELY disappointed in it!

Number one, she was tied up but NOT gagged. Number 2, no nudity (that you could see), and the torture was mainly psychological. There was a scene where she took her clothes off, but all you could see was a very blurry silhouette in the background, and it was a side view so you couldn't have seen much anyhow.

The buried alive scene SUCKED. The sand never even buried her at all. When she was rescued, she was laying on top of the fuckin sand, with about a foot or two left in the room before she would have been buried. It's as if she just magically floated on top of the sand as it rose.

There was one scene that was decent, but it had the potential to be better.

Elisha was strapped down and the killer was dropping eyeballs and other assorted body parts into a blender, and he blended them up in front of her. He plugged her nose, forced a funnel into her mouth, and forced her to drink the awful concoction! :D

Even though the scene was okay, it should have been better, though. The funnel could have been longer, causing her to gag more and she could have struggled A LOT MORE than she did, even though she was strapped down.

Other than that scene, the movie had no Gimpworthy scenes in it! So, my advice would be:

WAIT FOR THE DVD RELEASE! And then, don't be in any hurry to rent it.

Saturday, July 14th 2007 - 10:55:25 PM

Name: DHT

Dan Hawke: The new site is AWESOME! I've been a member of and and I really like that format. Very convenient, and you get alot for your money!

Sunday, July 15th 2007 - 01:35:32 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Kevin: Thanks for the review. Sadly, this is another example of a good concept that isn't properly executed.

There should probably be a set of rules for any good torture porn film. I would include some of the following rules:

  • The women must be attractive, and there must be frontal nudity. At the very least, the victims must be topless.

  • Gags are a must.

  • All scenes of torture must be balanced with efforts to degrade and humiliate the victims.

I'm sure there are plenty more. Anyway, The Hills Have Eyes 2 makes its way to DVD this week. For some bizarre reason, I'm interested in this one, and will post a review in the near future.

Sunday, July 15th 2007 - 07:25:09 AM

Name: Brutus

Kevin: Thanks for the heads-up on Captivity. Unfortunately, I had expected as such. Too bad, because Elisha Cuthbert is a babe and does seem to get tied up a lot on film. Has she ever been naked in a movie?

Mainstream reviews: When I see negative comments from a mainstream reviewer about a potentially GIMP-worthy movie, I actually feel more optimistic, especially when they use words like lurid, violent, sleazy, disgusting, trashy, sadistic and make it seem like these are bad things. With the exception of this forum and similar sites, how many reviews are out there that are geared for us? Unless Ebert & Roeper start debating which rape scene was the best from A Clockwork Orange, I won't bother with them or similar reviewers when it comes to my GIMP viewing. (Actually, it was Siskel & Ebert's utter disgust at Bloodsucking Freaks many years ago that got me interested in that movie.)

Anyhow, for a mainstream flick that does deliver, The Torturer can now be ordered from this site. I haven't ordered from them before, so I can't vouch for the company.

Dan Hawke: The new site looks great!

Cheers all

Sunday, July 15th 2007 - 10:22:54 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Kevin: Thanks so much for your quick review of Captivity (added to the Reviews section at the link above). It's great to have guys here who can cut to the chase and let us know what's in a movie that we really care about. Fuck plot, we want to see babes in distress! In this case, it looks like a bit of a letdown for GIMPers, although I'm not completely sure this is one to avoid. The scene where Elisha is strapped down and forced to drink down disgusting glop sounds pretty exciting, even if you said it could have been better. I usually like scenes where there's forced eating or drinking, especially something sick like this:

Of course, I wouldn't have expected to see Elisha drinking down piss straight from the source like that, but it sounds like the director had least had the right sensibility in mind. The lack of nudity once again is disappointing, but it all goes back to today's horror filmmakers not quite being brave enough to give us what we really want, and instead substituting gore and blood for actual nudity and sexual content. In this case, it doesn't even sound like there's much gore, either. Psychological torture is fine, but don't hold back on showing us the real thing, especially with someone who's pretty like Elisha Cuthbert. Is everyone afraid to make another movie with naked tied-up chicks like Bloodsucking Freaks?

Give Elisha credit though. I don't think she's done nudity, but she does seem to gravitate toward roles that cast her as a victim (24, House of Wax, this movie...) so that makes her appealing in my book. Maybe next time someone will cast her in a Torture Porn movie that follows A Canadian's rules (and very good rules they are!).

Let's see how a movie like Hostel: Part 2, a recent example of good Torture Porn, follows those rules:

The women must be attractive, and there must be frontal nudity. At the very least, the victims must be topless.

Well, 2 of the 3 victims were very attractive (Lauren and Bijou) and the one who got tied up naked (Heather) was marginally pretty. Only 1 of the 3 actually got totally naked, although Bijou wore a sexy bustier and fishnet stockings. I would still give this one a passing grade here.

Gags are a must.

2 tight cleaves and a ballgag. Oh yes. Check!

All scenes of torture must be balanced with efforts to degrade and humiliate the victims.

I think once again, we have a winner. Heather was paraded upside-down naked across a room, and later teased with the scythe before the actual slicing began. Bijou was berated and threatened with the saw before it actually hit her face, and Lauren got some serious verbal degradation after being tied up a second time. I liked her scenes the best, although part of that is because she rings my bell.

Brutus: Great to see The Torturer is finally available for ordering. I was lucky enough to get hold of a rare import of that movie and I agree with your excellent review of the film. Lots of nudity, lots of torture and some really beautiful victims. This is a mainstream film that does deliver for us. It's one I recommend.

Sunday, July 15th 2007 - 12:15:51 PM

Name: MAV
Homepage URL:

Hey GIMPers,

Just came across another nicheclips store that seems interesting. The latest releases I'm referring to are from GRUNTFILM, which does a lot of necro, but some torture videos as well. I'm gonna buy The Eliminator 2 soon, which stars hottie Paris Kennedy. Of interest is also Nazi Torture Dungeon #1 with Taylor St. Claire. Let me know what you guys think of these. You can see some caps of the movies by clicking on the movie's picture.

Sunday, July 15th 2007 - 02:34:09 PM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hi everybody!!

I thought you guys may like to see some stills pics

I dont know if I can post anything too bloody or topless in here

But here just a little taste

Oh Captivity was fine but I'm getting sick of all this, and I dont like that actress. Still Saw and Saw 2 to me were the best, and the greatest torture scenes ever.

Anybody agree??

Here some pics

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Dahlia D

Monday, July 16th 2007 - 01:04:21 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

Dahlia: Thanks for the photos, they look great. I'm glad to see the guy who tied you up in the second set of photos managed to keep your tie in place.

As far as any other photos go, I don't know about the bloody ones. They're probably "technically" OK, but some of us get kind of squeamish about that sort of thing.

On the other hand, I'm absolutely positive that topless photos are OK. If not, I'll have to have a word or two with management.

Monday, July 16th 2007 - 03:52:00 AM

Name: Vince

Hey guys

I saw a good rape scene from a movie that was not aimed at pervs like us as the main audience.

It's a Chinese film made in the mid 90's by Joan Chen (Yes her of "Twin Peaks"). It's English title is Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl.

It's set in the 1970s. The plot concerns a high school age Chinese girl who is sent to do manual labor as most children had to in Communist China at that time. But after like six months, they're supposed to go home. Somehow for Xiu, who helps herd horses for a kindly man who literally was castrated, her release doesn't come through and she is forced to stay longer than she'd like. A Communist official comes by trying to seduce her by implying that he can send her home. Taking advantage of the situation, with them being in an isolated village and her guardian away, the official rapes her on her bed in her tent. We're talking about a smelly 50ish man force fucking a pretty 17 year old. He pulls her blouse over face to muffle her screams, pulls up her bra and fucks her hard on the bed. One of the things he says to her as he's forcing himself inside her is "I'll pound the Hell out of you," as he's holding her down and she's sobbing.

Since it was unexpected it made the scene more enjoyable.

This movie was a pleasure to watch even without the rape scene.

Let's hope for an American remake maybe starring Mischa Barton.

Monday, July 16th 2007 - 09:01:32 PM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hi thanks for commenting on my pics

Yeah he is very good with ropes but specially gagging, he uses so much cloth inside my mouth and the horrible tape that is bad for my skin, but I do love it

I don't like the bloody ones either, I'm more trying to do damsel in distress and bondage, specially I love to do customs and vintage lingerie.

So thanks love

How you been to the movies lately? Did you like Captivity?

Dahlia D

Monday, July 16th 2007 - 09:05:09 PM

Name: Bobjones

I'm seeing Captivity tomorrow night. I'll be happy if it's scary or violent, or if it's just a silly diversion. I've got a soft spot in my heart for bad movies. Especially when chicks and restraints are involved.

Also on my agenda tommorrow is a DVD called "Defenceless." It's an Australian movie, sort of an arthouse remake of "I Spit on Your Grave." I've seen stills and clips from it, and it's going to be super heavy duty violence and torture with two cute babes as victims. It's actually reported to be an interesting movie too. I'm pretty excited about it. If things go well, I've have a report soon.

Monday, July 16th 2007 - 09:44:01 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Vince: Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl? Hmmm...that's an older foreign film, critically acclaimed, and yet why do I have the suspicion that you would have never watched that movie unless you saw in the listings that it had a rape scene? I'm right, aren't I? :)

Hey, I was the same way. When my parents got cable in the mid-80s, I poured through the Cinemax listings and made sure I tape recorded every movie that had the word "Rape" listed in the capsule listings. You know, like "extreme violence, harsh language, nudity, rape". Yup, I knew which ones I wanted to check out! I only wished they had included "bondage" in their descriptions.

This was way before the Internet, before I could easily go to a database and find out which movies had the kind of stuff I wanted to see. It helped working in video stores for 12 years and getting to check out all those movies for free, but I know I missed quite a few. How cool is it to have the Brian's Page bondage database and the 3 extensive listings we have on this site for rape, whipping and electric shock? It's the contributions of people like you that make the world a better place for us perverts and sick fucks. And I mean that in the best way possible.

MAV: I bought Nazi Torture Dungeon when it was offered on DVD a few years ago. It's pretty decent, even if all the "good stuff" is simulated. There's a bloody whipping, bondage rape and a snuff finale (she gets shot) and Taylor St. Claire was an appealing, big-chested victim. They even did a decent job of covering up her tattoos. I think you'll like it. Let us know if any of the clips are worthwhile.

Bobjones: Looking forward to your possible review. With ZFX on hiatus and with mainly only the Japanese delivering on the torture/rape front, sometimes those mainstream films are our best bet for extreme entertainment. I found a link (in my Homepage URL) that shows some pics from Defenceless. Ironically, down below it is an ad for The Hills Have Eyes 2. Give us a full report, guys!

Monday, July 16th 2007 - 10:23:49 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Dahlia: Topless, bottomless, EVERYTHING-less! If Ralphus complains (AS IF!!!), we'll gang up on him! :)

Monday, July 16th 2007 - 10:28:13 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

jhlipton: Excuse me? Your priorities are seriously out of whack. If we gang up on anyone, it won't be a 3 foot 7 midget. We've got a hot sexy Italian woman in here! Let's all grab her, tie her up and show her what extreme bondage is all about! Someone grab a roll of duct tape. I'll fire up the brazier.

Monday, July 16th 2007 - 10:41:36 PM

Name: Max
E-mail address:

these men's magazines are one of the first ways i experienced the appeal of bound damsels in distress... i hope you post 100 of them!

Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 04:13:37 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Ralphus: D'oh! What was I thinking??? I'm sure Dahlia won't mind if we bind her to an X-cross as shown in the attached pic (and if she does, she'll be gagged anyway, so who cares?). Then I can strangle her a bit, you can set her pussy hairs on fire, she can be whipped, caned and raped. We're going to have some FUN!!!

Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 06:24:17 AM


I think we ought to tape bare wires to her tits and see how loud she screams (through her gag, of course). After that, we need to lay the X-cross down on the floor and take turns raping her. How about shocking her while we rape her? Double your pleasure, double your fun!

Dahlia ---

I'll bet you had no idea the kind of people you were dealing with when you stopped by here. A beautiful woman like yourself isn't safe around us gimpers. You're in trouble now! BWAHAHAHA!

Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 08:40:50 AM

Name: Dahlia Delis
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hi boys

Don't worry, I don't get scared by you guys.

But fire, forget about it, I literally hate fire!!

I have never being in a cross before, I can try that.

I love those vintage pictures Ralphus is posting, that's some serious distress. Is it the hot Italian woman comment about me?

You people are awesome, keep it coming (that sounded weird ha?)



Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 11:10:54 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

Dahlia: I don't mean to sound alarmist, but I am worried. I mean, I've been around here for a while now, and take my word for it, there are some sick people on this site.

For your own best interest, I think we are going to have to place you into the Canadian Protection Program. You'll be kept in a secure, undisclosed location, with only a minimum number of bugs and other critters around to bother you. You'll be completely safe.

Trust me.

Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 04:25:27 PM

Name: Brutus

Dahlia wrote: Still Saw and Saw 2 to me were the best, and the greatest torture scenes ever.

I agree the tortures were very creative, but most of the victims were guys, which violates the main rule for torture porn. I did like that bear-trap thing in the woman's mouth, and they were good movies. Still, I prefer movies where the (female) victims are tortured, but not killed, at least not right away. After they pass out from the pain, or endless orgasms, they wake up tied up in a different position and ready for a different torment. Guess that's one reason why I love ZFX.

Don't worry, I don't get scared by you guys.

Well, if you don't provide the topless photos, I'm gonna have to unleash my pet bugs, snakes and rats on you when you are strapped to jhlipton's cross. If you don't want the sticky tape hurting your skin, we'll use a big ball gag instead. We may be perverted fucks, but we are also considerate ;-)

Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 05:49:19 PM

Name: Vince

Hey Ralphus, I'll have you know I watched "Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl" solely based on its critical acclaim not because the cable listings indicate a rape scene.

Although, I will admit that when I first got cable, I have recorded movies based solely on that "R" in the description of the movie.

I'm sure you and I aren't the only ones.

Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 06:52:38 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Vince wrote:

I'll have you know I watched "Xiu Xiu: The Sent Down Girl" solely based on its critical acclaim not because the cable listings indicate a rape scene.

Yes, I believe you (he said, trying real hard to keep a straight face). Right! It was the critical acclaim, NOT the rape scene (he said, finally giving in and bursting into laughter).

Dahlia wrote:

Is it the hot Italian woman comment about me?

No, I was talking about all the OTHER hot Italian women who post to this forum :)

But fire, forget about it, I literally hate fire!! I have never being in a cross before, I can try that.

You know, sometimes I get lucky and come across the most perfect picture of the day. I swear, the victim in this men's magazine even looks like you! You've never looked hotter.

Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 09:12:11 PM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

What needs to be done are realistic scenes where there is character development prior to the encounter. Character development is the key to a good movie. Build the tension for at least 30 minutes prior to the act. Show her naked with her friends in the locker. Flaunting short shorts in public. Show him watching her. I'd want to see domination, corporal punishment, forced oral, vaginal and anal. I'd want him to take his time and do her right in all three holes. No permanent injuries but the threat of life threatening injury. Rope choking and asphyxiation that causes squirting for instance. The fear of execution causing her to pee down her leg. Real orgasm when she ultimately submits. When its over...she is released....and doesn't want to leave.

If you could get decent performers to do this sort of thing you'd have a winner. Problem is there aren't many out there that can act and do hardcore porn both.

Check out the link above. She's looking for work.

Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 09:23:26 PM

Name: Glatman
E-mail address:

Hey guys and gal! Ralphus I am really enjoying these covers you're posting every night. Too bad these type of magazines have bit the dust of political correctness. I have to say however that while tonight's victim is undoubtedly lovely, she is no match for OUR Dahlia, who is swiftly becoming the "Sweetheart of Sigma GIMP"!

By the way Dahlia, are they planning to release some dvds of you on the GNDB site? I'd definitely be a buyer!

Happy Gimping!

Tuesday, July 17th 2007 - 09:31:25 PM

Name: b4a69
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Here's a shot for Dahlia to study.

Wednesday, July 18th 2007 - 03:28:51 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Canadian:You'll be kept in a secure, undisclosed location, with only a minimum number of bugs and other critters around to bother you.

Would that be the Japanese Warehouse For Wayward Women?

Ralphus: You've never looked hotter.

Pun intended (I hope)?

Wednesday, July 18th 2007 - 06:33:13 AM

Name: Brutus

A Canadian also wrote: ... only a minimum number of bugs and other critters around to bother you.

Could one of those critters be a GIMPer with a thing for Lisa Kinkaid and wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs' jersey? Beware Dahlia, he's armed with a hockey stick!

Ralphus: I agree with the other posters. These mag covers do bring back memories. Thanks.

Steve Power: Your description of what makes a movie tick sounds a lot like the Japanese Attackers series. I'm curious. Although I love your stuff, it seems bondage producers are going more for short clips rather than actual full-length movies these days. I don't want to compare your's, Dan Hawke's or other work to ZFX because they are different products altogether. But judging from this board, there is obviously a big market for full-length bondage/rape movies with some sort of plot. I wonder why no one has really filled this void. Is it because of the costs? Political atmosphere? A lack of half-decent actresses? Any feedback would be appreciated. (Sorry Rick if I seem to be encouraging people to intrude on your territory.)

Wednesday, July 18th 2007 - 10:15:29 AM

Name: eisenkette
Homepage URL:

Does anyone here have any idea about videos? I would be grateful for a sample-video especially from the "ultra violent torture"-title.

Thanks alot


Wednesday, July 18th 2007 - 05:08:32 PM

Name: parallel bars

Has anyone noticed the similarity between Dahlia and Ralphus' beloved victim Aria Giovanni? Both are gorgeous, Junoesque Italian ladies, who are apparently enthusiastic participants in our favorite activity. Ralphus has reserved Aria for his own greedy self, but most of the rest of us are in love with Dahlia.

Another thing: it seems that whenever we have a women with us on GIMP things get a bit more civilized around here (with a few exceptions of course). Less swearing, less griping, less overt misogyny. All to the good I say.

Happy day to all.

p.b. (another COPB)

Wednesday, July 18th 2007 - 06:48:37 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

parallel bars: less overt misogyny

While it sounds odd to say that in light of recent comments:

Brutus: Well, if you don't provide the topless photos, I'm gonna have to unleash my pet bugs, snakes and rats on you when you are strapped to jhlipton's cross.

A Canadian: For your own best interest, I think we are going to have to place you into the Canadian Protection Program. You'll be kept in a secure, undisclosed location, with only a minimum number of bugs and other critters around to bother you. You'll be completely safe.

GRAVEDIGGERXTRO: I think we ought to tape bare wires to her tits and see how loud she screams (through her gag, of course). After that, we need to lay the X-cross down on the floor and take turns raping her. How about shocking her while we rape her? Double your pleasure, double your fun!

jhlipton: I'm sure Dahlia won't mind if we bind her to an X-cross as shown in the attached pic (and if she does, she'll be gagged anyway, so who cares?). Then I can strangle her a bit, you can set her pussy hairs on fire, she can be whipped, caned and raped. We're going to have some FUN!!!

It's also true!

Wednesday, July 18th 2007 - 09:21:23 PM

Name: Vince


Aw fuck. Can't fool you. Truth is I always checked the cable guide to find that "R" whether it was a grade A movie or one shot with a vidcam in a basement, I'd tape it.

Man, do I miss the Hollywood of the seventies. In those days, they weren't scared to make a bunch of explicit rape movies like Jackson County Jail, I Spit on Your Grave, Lipstick or even Demon Seed which hinted at Julie Christie becoming the unwilling fucktoy of a horny computer.

These days, Hollywood is too skittish to produce them. If you want to see good modern rape movies you have to look to Europe. Particularly France with films like Baise-Moi and Irreversible.

I would have gone and seen Captivity if there was a good rape scene.

Showtime on Tuesday had a crummy movie called Open Window about rape. But they don't show the rape. Of Robin Tunney no less. What a gyp. To add insult to injury, at the end of the movie, there's a number to call for victims of sexual assaults. No joke.

I hope Quentin Tarantino, who's into movie nostalgia, will bring back that genre. I'd pay good money to see Uma Thurman get the gang bang of her life.

Which leads me to this question: If you were to plan a rape film festival, which movies would you choose? My choices would be: "I Spit on Your Grave"; "Jackson County Jail"; "Sudden Death"; "The Accused" and "Eating Raoul".

I'm curious to know what others would select.

Who knows? Maybe we can organize one next year and maybe even have some stars show up.

Wednesday, July 18th 2007 - 09:44:19 PM

Name: MasterDetective
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Yeah! Love the Detective Magazine/Men's Adventure theme!

It was those old Detective Magazines from the 1970s that prompted me to choose my nick, MasterDetective.. ;)

Wednesday, July 18th 2007 - 10:02:57 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Vince: Ha! I knew it. You're just like me, checking the cable guides for any indication that the movie has a chick getting raped. Hey, I've found some real gems by doing that. Nice of the cable companies to let us know which films have rape scenes so we can save time.

You mentioned not seeing Captivity because of the lack of a rape scene. Well, apparently just about everybody else found a reason to stay away, too. And people talked about Hostel: Part 2 being a box office bomb when it came in 6th and only made 9 million its first weekend. According to Box Office Mojo (above), Captivity came in 12th place on its opening weekend, with a paltry $1,429,100 gross! That's really pathetic, especially for a film that was hyped as big as that was. Compare that to Harry Potter's 77 million dollars during the same time period.

I think based on that, Hollywood has got to be scrambling. "No more movies where young women are victimized! They don't sell!" What a damn shame. What's wrong with people? Harry Potter? I haven't seen any of those movies, and unless Emma Watson gets bound and gagged, I'm not going to this one, either.

If movies where women are tied up and tortured are going to keep bombing at the box office, you can be damn sure that we won't be seeing any explicit rape scenes, either. We can yearn for the good old days, but I'm beginning to think that any film that features women in jeopardy is going to be considered Box Office Poison.

But, for your Rape Film Festival, I'd probably start with Margaux Hemingway in Lipstick, one of the best bondage rapes ever in a mainstream movie (and, if I recall, a box office bomb when it came out, too).

If anybody wants to add to the list, check out the rape database for ideas. There's lots of good ones there.

What I'd rather see is the type of movie that Steve Power described in his post on July 17. I agree, it's the building of the tension beforehand that enhances any kind of attack scene. Have the villain stalking her and let us, as the audience, see what he sees. Build up his lust by showing her going about her day and see him planning the attack. The best bondage films are the ones where I can put myself in the role of the bad guy.

Wednesday, July 18th 2007 - 11:07:49 PM

Name: b4a69
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Any one beside me unable to access Dahlias' web site? Got there a couple of times soon after she came on the forum. Now all I get is mish mash.

Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 03:18:33 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

Vince: Your film festival list includes a couple of titles I've never seen, so clearly I have some catching up to do.

In any event, some of the movies I would list in such a film festival would include:

  • The Abductors

  • A Clockwork Orange

  • Salvador

  • Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs

  • The Accused

Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 03:35:28 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Vince: To add insult to injury, at the end of the movie, there's a number to call for victims of sexual assaults. No joke.

I'm confused. Are you saying that there are no victims of sexual assault, or that they shouldn't get help? Or that mainstream movies shouldn't talk about how sexual assault is a real problem?

Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 06:59:45 AM

Name: Brutus

For those (like me) who love gags, the film festival should also include:

  • Billy Jack

  • Death Wish 2

  • The General's Daughter

  • Victims!

  • Spine

  • Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 08:45:29 AM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Brutus: Checking out your list, I actually found a title I have't seen...Victims! The database doesn't say that if anybody got tied up in that one (nor gagged, for that matter), although the description may not be complete. Got any more details we can add for that entry?

    Death Wish 2: I have seen that one (at least the censored version), although I don't remember the maid being gagged. Is my memory going?

    The General's Daughter: I liked that scene, although it was rather "artfully" edited so that you couldn't get a good look. And I'm not sure that counts as a real gag scene since the gag was only around her neck (see the picture above).

    Billy Jack: Bondage rape with a gag, but GAWD! What a homely victim! She didn't need a gag, she needed a paper bag over her head.

    jhlipton: I think I understood what Vince was trying to say about the phone number. We've become so sanitized today that a major network makes a movie about rape, doesn't even show us anything, then tries to be politically correct by offering the toll-free number for real-life victims. Rape is a serious crime, of course, but where's the exploitation factor we used to get? Rape movies used to be for sleazy entertainment, now they're all important "message movies" to educate us. Gimme a break.

    Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 09:23:12 AM

    Name: Brutus

    Ralphus: Yep. The maid in Death Wish 2 was tightly cleave-gagged with yellow cloth. It came out when she was getting raped in the bedroom.

    My memory must also be fading. I thought they did show The General's Daughter gagged. Gonna have to recheck that one.

    It's been quite some time since I've seen Victims! It's a pretty bad movie, but has some GIMP-worthy scenes. From my memory, the first victim has her hands tied behind and is cleave-gagged with a red bandanna. Her clothes are ripped off and she is thrown to the ground. The first nutter, who looks like a slimmer and evil Paul Simon, rapes her onscreen. The scene takes place outdoors, and there are a couple good close-ups of her gagged face. When he finishes, he says to his fellow nutcase, "Your turn."

    The second villain, who looks like a typical overweight redneck with a shotgun, has two women at his mercy in the desert. He forces them to strip, and then orders one of them to go down on her friend. Sobbing, the one receiving it, says to her friend, "Don't worry. It's OK." How touching.

    I think there was another brief scene of the Paul Simon guy raping another woman.

    Unfortunately, like in Billy Jack, the victims were not exactly Dahlia Delis material. And predictably, the women get their revenge, maybe involving a castration or two. I forgot that part.

    Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 10:06:12 AM

    Name: Dahlia Delis
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Hi boys!!

    Is all ok with my website??

    I just checked and is fine

    Please let me know!!!

    I promise some distress pictures today for sure

    I am having a cigarette first or I would die, and not in a pretty way.

    Those vintage pictures are great, where can I buy a big one of those??

    Much love


    Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 02:50:32 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Well, I just joined Dahlia's Yahoo group. Other than the moderator, I think I'm the first member. So I feel special.

    Ralphus wrote:

    Billy Jack: Bondage rape with a gag, but GAWD! What a homely victim! She didn't need a gag, she needed a paper bag over her head.

    Indeed. Not sure if everyone knows this, but the actress, Delores Taylor, was (and still is) the wife of the movie's director and star, Tom Laughlin. That explains how she got the part, but what a decision. She had a nice body, but her face was definitely disappointing. And what was with those sideburns?

    Actually, Billy Jack was a true family affair. The cute kid who played guitar and sang the anti-war songs was Tom and Delores' daughter.

    Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 04:33:38 PM

    Name: Vince

    Jhilpton, Ralphus expressed my feelings pretty well about my feelings of the public service announcement at the end of Open Window. But let me make it clear, there are genuine victims of sexual assault and they should get all the help and counseling they need. I no way denigrate that.

    But that movie is purely an entertainment not a documentary. It would make more sense to add it on to a genre like that. It would still make even more sense if it was on the basic women's cable channel Lifetime (Ironically called the Women in Jeopardy Channel) as opposed to Showtime which has no censorship restrictions.

    Please don't think of me as an insensitive misogynist. I'm not. I'm a man who likes some extreme sex fantasy.

    I like many of the movies you guys have suggested.

    I'm real excited by the reaction of the other GIMPers as to what movies should be included in the First Annual Rape Film Festival.

    I've never heard of Spine and I've heard of a rape movie called Victims but it was a TV movie about starring Kate Nelligan, so I guess we're not talking about the same movie.

    Ralphus, you are getting old. I remember that actress playing the maid getting gagged in Death Wish 2. I think Laurence Fishburne was the one who gagged her.

    Maybe what we should do is each bring a DVD of our favorite mainstream rape movies and watch them in an undisclosed location.

    If I had to select another five, they would be: Love Desperados aka Hot Spur; Act of Vengeance aka The Rape Squad; Baise-Moi; Tanya's Island and The Shaming.

    Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 07:53:33 PM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:


    I'm wondering why you thought that "Open Window" would have ANY GIMP-worthy scenes. A little digging (I went to imdb and read the message board!) revealed that "Open Window" was meant to be a sleazy, sexploitation movie; it was a fictionalization of the experience of the author and director of the movie, Mia Goldman (see the link above). So a PSA does fit here. How was it advertised?

    Would I want or expect a PSA for Hostel 2 ("Killing women is WRONG! Wrong, I tell you!") or The Abductors? Absolutely not. But Showtime has expolitive movies (not as many as "Skinamax") and "message movies". You just stumbled on the wrong one.

    Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 11:38:53 PM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:

    I think this is interesting:

    "I intuited that my rapist had suffered terribly; that the rape was an expression of his anger, and I kept trying to make a human connection with him," she says, quietly. "I noticed that he smelled like Irish Spring; the fact that he had washed for me made me feel like, in a perverse way, he saw this as a date -- and that just maybe I could get through to him."

    At one point, Goldman refused to engage in a particular act because "I don't love you," she told the intruder, causing him to take pause (Izzy makes the same declaration in "Open Window"). As Goldman's ordeal drew to an end, however, she realized the man still intended to kill her, and she spent more than two hours negotiating for her life. "In a strange way I felt grateful to him when he let me go, because I had seen all those rape movies, like 'A Clockwork Orange,' where victims are severely maimed or murdered."

    This sounds like a fascinating woman, and I'd like to see this movie -- not for the "thrills", but because it sounds like it explores trauma in an interesting way.

    Thursday, July 19th 2007 - 11:43:46 PM

    Name: Jefferson James
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Film Fest: Being the glutton I am, I have to add six rather than five.

    1. Because of the Cats

    2. Emanuelle Around the World

    3. Once Upon a Time in America

    4. Straw Dogs

    5. Class of 1984

    6. Where Truth Lies


    Friday, July 20th 2007 - 01:53:16 PM

    Name: Dahlia Delis
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    That is so funny

    Moscow has a Nympho Street!!!

    And the girl tied up to the poll looks like me a bit, but I think she needs more boobs.

    Friday, July 20th 2007 - 08:15:41 PM

    Name: thees van kemp
    E-mail address:

    G'day, Gimpers - I've been catching up with the Gimp Post to see what I've missed and it's great to hear from the Great DAN HAWKE and that he's still around!. I love the MAN!! -

    I reported a while back that ZFX material was being removed from Aussie Adult stores (particularly in the Sydney CBD. area...I live about 80 miles away from that Shithole with a harbour view, but sometimes work takes me there and despite hating the place they do have some great Smut stores)- well it's all back on the shelves: Lisa K and friends, Dan Hawke and a lot extremely weird German stuff. (I Recommend: GGG - German Goo Girls...I know 'it ain't Bondage - it's extreme Vanilla Gonzo - the sort of stuff you wouldn't show your wife or girlfriend on a romantic dinner date but it has to be seen to be believed and there's the occasional 'Gimpworthy moment' here and there).

    Just prior to the 'ZFX crackdown' stores were getting rid of classics like 'RoboPimp' and 'The Plant' for about A$5.00 about U$ 4.00 or threabouts) -, so this seems like a recurrent event: send the cops for a Porn-Raid, confiscate the stuff and then it's back on the shelves...things work mysteriously in this 'convict-throwback' nation,...10 steps back and 2 forward, one minute ultra-modern and utopian a few days later it's 3rd World Banana Republic corruption and it's back to the old days of the Rum-fuelled constabulary of Ol' Sydney Town...guess it's never dull and by the way...President Bush the Second is coming to the APEC Economic Summit held in Sydney in September - well, we better stock up on Pretzels!"

    I picked RoboPimp and I've watched it a few times...makes me fall in Love with Lisa K. all over again, great classic of the 'ZFX - Golden Era'- What's your opinion, Ralphus? (and other Gimpers) -

    Take Care Gimpers!


    Friday, July 20th 2007 - 08:17:10 PM

    Name: Brutus

    This may sound strange but I thoroughly enjoy "off-beat" rape scenes:

  • Evil Dead (restrained and raped by plants)

  • Basket Case (raped by whatever that thing was)

  • Voodoo Dolls (lovely Lisa tied to a bed and raped by a teddy bear)

    thees van kemp: Damn. $4 for a ZFX movie? Wonder if Dubyah will buy any GGG to improve relations with Europe. I didn't care too much for Robopimp. Maybe it was because of the bloodied faces. For some reason, I don't like blood in ZFX movies.

    eisenkette: I think I saw an smmax video called SM Live Show. I recall the tortures were well done, with tons of candle wax and maybe even some eyeball licking. As far as I can recall, the production values were excellent, on the same level as the Shark series.

    Dahlia: Your site works fine over here. I also see you've added a link to this forum in your blog. You truly rock!

    Friday, July 20th 2007 - 09:55:27 PM

    Name: Steve Power
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Brutus, Meant to answer your my own opinion, the reason decent, full bodied show it all and make it look real rape movies don't get made is because you can't market the stuff in a place where it can bring in enough cash to break even...let alone make money. Just from the limited work I've done I can see how you'd need multiple takes, actual actresses and actors playing the roles...script people and makeup artists.....everybody bitching and wanting to get fed....It wouldn't take long to run up hundreds of thousands in costs. It's a large financial risk.

    Guys will want to see it, but most couldn't bring their girl friends. Forget cable....too politically correct these days. Persecution from womens groups would help bolster sales but you'd need some serious sales to make a go of it. None of the advertisers would touch you either.

    The underground movie market is in its infancy. In another 5 years they'll have the television so integrated with the internet that you'll be able to watch whatever you want in the privacy of your home with no channel restrictions. Then some artists will start taking risks to capture the closet rape movie market.

    In my work the models can't act so we make them react. It works pretty good sometimes. If you want her to breath harder....a good smack on the ass will get her huffing.

    Friday, July 20th 2007 - 11:05:01 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:

    Brutus: I don't normally consider myself to be a fan of off-beat rapes, but I would agree that the teddy bear scene in Voodoo Dolls is terrific. I'm not sure how to explain it. In part, I think it's because of the scene's "Ginger"-like quality, in that Lisa is tied down and being raped, and yet she is clearly getting into it.

    This may offend some people, but I would choose the teddy bear scene over the more normal-looking Lisa rape scenes in Forced Entry or The Apartment.

    I also agree with Brutus's comments about Robopimp. I don't care for bloody faces, so generally speaking, the film didn't work for me. Although I did like the final scene where Lisa has to blow the robot.

    Saturday, July 21st 2007 - 05:43:04 AM

    Name: Dahlia Delis
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    "In my work the models can't act so we make them react. It works pretty good sometimes. If you want her to breath harder....a good smack on the ass will get her huffing."

    Oh my gosh, that's what I call an acting method!

    I would post some pics later, if you boys are good.

    Lots of love


    Saturday, July 21st 2007 - 02:41:59 PM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Brutus: Thanks for the updated description of Victims! and the newer titles. I've finally got a free evening to work on stuff, so I'm in the process of updating the Rape List, adding descriptions and making it easier to access titles. I've never been happy with the revamped database; admittedly, it was a rushed job to get it on the board in time for our anniversary date, and we put it up there before we were really ready.

    Dahlia Delis: Thanks for mentioning our forum on your blog. It would be nice to see if we could get some readers coming over from your site.

    Anybody ever get stuck watching Dahlia on her webcam? I'm multi-tasking between updating the Rape List, checking e-mails, typing this post, watching the ball game on TV and seeing what Dahlia is up to. Dahlia seems to be grabbing most of my attention :)

    RoboPimp: My review is in my Homepage URL. Unlike the others who posted, I liked the bloody face-slapping scene of Brigitte Bayonne, the same way I liked it in Ballista 2. Too many have complained about blood scenes in ZFX movies so I doubt that Rick will ever do it again, but I thought it was a cool touch. The guy was a pimp. Pimps slap hoes. It was a logical move since she was mouthing off to him. I included the scene in my highlights tape. Hey, I like watching women getting beat up. So sue me :)

    I really didn't like the silly robot scene with Lisa at the end of the movie, but the segment where she's tied to the chair with all the clothespins on her tits is my favorite scene of the movie. Give her credit for agreeing to do that. All those clothespins had to hurt. That's why I liked it so much.

    Saturday, July 21st 2007 - 05:05:57 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:,%20Daniella

    Here's a review that's a little bit shorter than my recent write up of Slave Island 7.

    Title: The Hills Have Eyes 2

    Stars: Jessica Stroup and Daniella Alonso

    Directed by: Martin Weisz

    Running time: 90 minutes

    It's stinkeroony time.

    Putting aside its dubious merits as a horror movie, it has to be said that as a GIMP movie, The Hills Have Eyes 2 is simply awful. There's just nothing here to recommend.

    The movie is about a bunch of National Guard trainees who are training in the desert. After screwing up a "mission" in a mock version of Kandahar, they are sent into an area called "Section 16," the area where the Hills' mutants live -- which I guess gives new meaning to the phrase, War on Terror. Unfortunately, their inevitable run-ins with the mutants don't produce anything worth watching.

    In fact, there are only two scenes of note:

    • During the opening credits, a naked women who actually shows her tits (Cecile Breccia) is chained to a bed and gives birth to a mutant baby. A little GIMP-worthy, I guess, since she's tied up, but the scene is quite dark and of little value.

    • One of the female cadets, played by Daniella Alonso, is bent over a table (I think it's a table) and raped doggie style by a mutant. Alonso is hot (she was apparently voted number 41 in Maxim's Hot 100 last year). But the rape scene isn't. It's all very dark, with a jumpy camera, and the only shots of Alonso are an extreme closeup on her face. A serious let down.

    And that's really about it. There's another attractive star in the film, Jessica Stroup, but nothing GIMP-worthy happens to her.

    My grade: F

    Actually, the two letters that best sum up this movie are P.U. Do not buy this film. Do not rent it. Forget I ever mentioned it, and avoid at all costs.

    Saturday, July 21st 2007 - 07:08:10 PM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    A Canadian: Wow, that sucks about The Hills Have Eyes 2. So what about the scene depicted on the box cover? Was that just clever merchandising that had nothing to do with the rest of the movie?

    The marginal good news, I suppose, is that they picked a real hottie like Daniella Alonso for the rape scene, but it sounds like they blew it the way it was filmed. I'll add it to the rape database. Your review is now part of the Mainstream Reviews section at the link above.

    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 09:28:26 AM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:

    Ralphus: The DVD cover art for The Hills Have Eyes 2 is just clever marketing. There's nothing like that in the actual movie.

    It's all very disappointing.

    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 10:14:00 AM

    Name: Dahlia Delis
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Hi everybody

    I guess I would just rent The Hill Have Eyes 2

    I am not too exited about it now, I love the first one so much, specially the tension building up, the whole dynamic of that family, the almost rape scene, the mutant trying to eat that baby, I love all that.

    So if this new one is about a bunch of national guard people it makes me even less interest on it.

    Maybe they should make one with people that goes on their honeymoons and things get fucked, that would be kind of cheesy and good.

    Ok you asked, you got it, here some more distress pic, the ones with those gags are new.

    I did not know my mouth can open like that

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Love to all


    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 02:54:03 PM

    Name: Brutus

    Dahlia Delis: Sweet pictures! I particularly liked the stuffing-in-the-mouth pic.

    A Canadian: Too bad about The Hills Have Eyes 2. It infuriates me when a movie's box cover dupes us into believing there's a ton of tied up and tormented women inside. And from my experiences, if these movies end up having no GIMP-worthy scenes, the products generally suck as a whole. So it's a complete waste of the rental fee and 90 minutes of my life (such as it is.) Looks like I'll take your advice and avoid that film at all costs. I appreciate the review.

    Steve Power: Thanks for the insight into the industry. My perversions often bring out the greedy side in me and I forget what all of you producers must go through and deal with. I like the idea of an underground web-based TV channel that features nothing but bondage/rape movies. However, I may never leave the house if that happens.

    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 05:23:45 PM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:

    Dahlia: Love the photos. I'd love one of your feet tied apart, so you're ready for raping. Hmmmmmm doggies, that would be fun.

    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 05:53:16 PM

    Name: mothbrad
    E-mail address:

    Re today's pic - 'A Pit of Pain for My Pretty' - I'm inspired, and wanna write something based on this! Anyone know of the existence of the real 'book length bonus'?

    Oh, and Dahlia - lovely pictures!

    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 06:46:12 PM

    Name: Steve Villa
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Hello everyone. Dahlia gave me the link to your site and I thought I would come in to check it out and say hello. You have some great stuff in here. I have visited some of the links. One has given me some good ideas for my videos.

    Hey Dahlia, looks like I might have to tie you with your legs apart for a video.


    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 08:42:04 PM

    Name: Glatman
    E-mail address:

    Hey Guys and gal!

    I haven't been able to get my teeth into this latest poll. It's not that I don't like rape videos obviously. Its just just that it seems as though the mainstream stuff is always such a let down. When they get the rape right the bondage is always lacking and the opposite also seems to be true. One of the few I did like fell short on both accounts. Remember the scene where Tony Curtis was tying Sally Kellerman to her bed in The Boston Strangler? (You had to figure it would be a true crime movie) He seemed to be doing such a nice job with those torn up bed sheets. Poor Sally really looked like she was in for it. But alas, the bitch fought her way out of her predicament and only ended up beaten to a pulp. No rape, no murder, nothing! Old Harvey should have been tying those knots.

    Steve: Welcome to the board. Thank you for featuring our Dahlia. I have to say that for some reason I prefer dvds to clips. I bought the two you currently offer and I enjoyed the both of them, but I am anxiously waiting for some with Dahlia. Maybe when you do that spread legged job?......

    Dahlia, dear sweet girl. Thank you for the great pics. Your eyes plead so beautifully, I ALMOST want to rescue you! I think I'm in love.

    Happy gimping all!

    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 09:28:07 PM

    Name: Dahlia Delis
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Yes,that is Steve!!! He is the one who does those things to me, pretty much he can do whatever he wants, ja ja

    He had me tied on the closet, kitchen table, the garage, the bathroom and he is very good at gagging, too good I have to say

    I rather be with my legs closed cause is better for struggle and for humping around but I know legs apart and specially with heels is hot as hell

    But I am not hot, you guys are too nice

    There is a new video of me right now on his site, the link is there under his name

    Me and Steve wanna do some hot outdoors bondage, who of you likes that?

    Thanks for all the sweetness you all, I am grateful for it.


    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 10:21:06 PM

    Name: bobjones
    Homepage URL:

    Long time no see you guys. . . I've had technical problems this week. No big deal, but no internet service either.

    As promised, I watched "Defenceless" a few days ago and have a report. . . worth a rental, definitely. As a "movie" movie, it's pretty good, a B-, and the recommendation is mostly because it's such a unique, ambitious little film. As a Gimp movie, there's only about five minutes of "good stuff," but holy GOD does it go all the way! We're talking gang rapes, snuff films, and crotch stabbings here folks! Rent this movie and add two real winners to any comp tapes of mainstream chicks in peril scenes you're building. It's more than worth the three bucks. A++ material here.

    The movie is kind of a weirdo allegory that plays around with archetypical gender stuff. It's very unrealistic and very strange. Know that in advance. . . you're not watching a straightforward exploitation movie here. The movie is silent (!), and the only words in the film appear on a text message and on a contract. The plot concerns a businesswoman who is part of a group planning to build a resort on a Beach. The group of guys who are the other partners sign the contract. She thinks that destroying the natural landscape would be wrong so she refuses. Their response is to kill her husband. (I told you this wasn't realistic.) She then gets herself a girlfriend who comforts her after her loss. The girlfriend becomes the star of a snuff film featuring a large knife being waved in her crotch, rape, and a fatal beating. Our heroine is still undeterred. So SHE gets gang raped and stabbed in the vagina! They toss her in the ocean, but she is reborn as some kind of avenging nature spirit. Castrations and beatings ensue. Then she sails out into the ocean to rejoin nature. The end.

    Oh, I forgot the part where the bad guys rape and kill a little girl (offscreen). Or the part when the heroine masturbates with a razor. YIKES!

    Anyway, the whole thing is a artsy meditation on gender theory. Women = nature, and men must sadistically subdue and tarnish nature to prove themselves. But fucking around with mother earth isn't really a good idea. It's a SLOOWWWW movie with lots of shots the heroine walking on a beach, but then there are these super-duper extreme sex and violence scenes. It's like "I Spit On Your Grave" ate an Ingmar Bergman film. I liked it. If you just want to see the gimptitude without the experimentation, rent it and fastforward till you see the heroine being led around by a series of text messages, then press play. The object of her hunt is the snuff film. It's short, but it works.

    As for my program for a rape film festival, I'd put on "Defenceless" and "Irreversible" (still my favorite) because you could have the most interesting conversations afterwards, and because they have really nasty ass violent, misogynist rapes. I'd also include "I Spit on your Grave," 'cause it's a classic, and "Galaxy of Terror," and "Humanoids from the Deep," because I have a soft spot in my heart for people who think to build elaborate monster costumes and puppets for the purpose of having them molest hot babes.

    My brain is going to be stuck on the idea of wrapping our new friend's breasts in barbed wire for the rest of the week. Ah, technology.

    Sunday, July 22nd 2007 - 11:43:04 PM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:

    bobjones: It's like "I Spit On Your Grave" ate an Ingmar Bergman film.

    This is too funny! Here are some possible entries in the Ingmar Bergman Gone GIMP Film Festival: "Monika, The Story of a Bad Girl" [actual title]? "Rapes of a Summer Night"? "The Virgin's Spring"? "The Seventh Squeal"?

    Monday, July 23rd 2007 - 06:51:41 AM

    Name: Pezzonovante

    jhlipton wrote:

    " This is too funny! Here are some possible entries in the Ingmar Bergman Gone GIMP Film Festival: "Monika, The Story of a Bad Girl" [actual title]? "Rapes of a Summer Night"? "The Virgin's Spring"? "The Seventh Squeal"?"

    To complete the circle: "The Virgin's Spring" actually was an inspiration for Wes Craven's "Last House on the Left", a true classic for all GIMP-ers

    And on a different (but not to different) note: I've thumbed through the review section, and read an excellent review on Slave Island 7. But here's the problem: the review mentioned RB 67 to be Slave Island 7. I've enjoyed the whole Slave Island Series, but on my list it's only nr. 6. Could it be I missed an episode??? Here's what I own: RB 47 = SI 1; RB 51 = SI 2; RB 55 = SI 3; RB 60 = SI 4; RB 63 = SI 5; RB 67 = SI 6; RB 72 = SI 7; RB 75 = SI 8; RB 84 = SI 9.

    Anybody here who can help me solve this???

    Pezzonovante (back to lurking)

    Monday, July 23rd 2007 - 01:21:50 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:

    bobjones: Call me a simple-minded rube, but Defenceless sounds a little too art house for my tastes.

    I appreciate the review, but this sounds like a movie I would only rent, rather than buy. And I haven't seen it available locally for rent.

    Monday, July 23rd 2007 - 06:33:37 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:

    Pezzonovante Thanks for the comments on Slave Island 7.. As far as the accuracy of which chapter is which, the movie I reviewed is indeed Slave Island 7.

    I took a look at your list and I think I have uncovered the problem. You missed the first movie in the series, Slave Island 1, as seen here: Slave Island. The first movie is code RBD-045. The first title you mentioned, RBD-047, is actually the second movie in the series. And so on...

    Monday, July 23rd 2007 - 06:47:11 PM

    Name: bobjones

    I forgot about "Virgin Spring" and it's connection to "Last House." Odd how a foreign film about religious redemption helped to inspire the whole "rape/revenge" cycle. The Lord does work in mysterious ways.

    As for it being too "artsy" for a solid GIMP recommmendation. . . yes. If you want to see a weird art movie then I'd certainly buy it, but if you just want to see the good stuff you'll be paying probably thirty bucks or so for about five minutes of fun. This movie comes with a BIG warning: this is a slow, weird movie. Not a zany exploitation movie or a grim movie about violence. It's an oddball arthouse movie that plays around with exploitation elements. It's pretty neat, but not really much fun. Actually, it would be really improved by cutting down it's running time. A half hour version would be really great.

    Monday, July 23rd 2007 - 11:52:26 PM

    Name: Jim
    Homepage URL:

    These postings of the men's adventure mag covers, made me think back to the glory days of did in the 60's before the Meese Commission. I was a teen just getting into damsel in distress bondage images, and the thing that sent my interest into orbit was the opening scene of the Dragnet 1966 (1969) movie. The scene showed a gorgeous blonde actress tied up in jeopardy..Man, that girl was hot and became a fixture in many of my dreams. Her name was Thordis Brandt, and there is not much available about her. IMDB does indicate her movies and TV appearances which end in 1970 and has a brief item about her becoming the "actor's nurse" it is a shame this actress never made it...Ms Brandt had the most expressive eyes I have ever seen...That scene of her in Dragnet is burned into my memory and was very powerful...I just wonder what happened to her?

    Tuesday, July 24th 2007 - 04:22:24 AM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Open question: Does anyone have any comments on the gang rape scene in the Takashi Miike film, Full Metal Yakuza?

    I haven't seen this movie. However, I thought I remembered someone here saying the rape scene was pretty good. Then again, maybe my memory is fuzzy.

    Any and all advice is welcome.

    Tuesday, July 24th 2007 - 05:38:03 PM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Bobjones: I'm a day late, but thanks for your fine review of Defenceless. Like our Canadian friend, I'm not sold, either. A silent film? In this day and age? Sorry, but to me, that's taking technological advances and just ignoring them. I didn't like it in that one Bill Zebub film and I doubt I would like it here. Sound is important! I want to hear the girl scream. Unless a movie has really strong visuals, it's not likely to have the same impact as a sound film, and even if it does, undoubtedly, sound would improve it anyway. Take the House of Milan and Cole Loops. Those were great, maybe even some of the best bondage put on film, but even as I watch them today, they are still missing an important component. Even with the music and occasional dubbed-in screams that were added later, I'd still rather a watch a ZFX film if given a choice.

    Plus, you didn't mention anyone getting tied up in your review, and what fun is rape, torture and stabbing without bondage? Sounds like an interesting film, though. I like unusual movies. I'll add it to my Netfix queue. Might be worth at least fast-forwarding through to get to the good scenes.

    Added to the ever-growing Reviews section at the link above.

    Full Metal Yakuza: I haven't seen it, but I'll bet our resident Rape Guru Jefferson James has. (BTW, quite an honor to be identified as a rape guru, don't you think?) If it's got rape, I'll bet he could give us out with a description. It was listed in his personal rape database, although there's no details. Can you help us out, sir?

    Tuesday, July 24th 2007 - 08:49:08 PM

    Name: Bobjones

    Well, it's not EXACTLY silent. There's no dialogue (it's kinda pantomimed), and the sound is all muffled. There is screaming and such, but it's kinda toned down, like there a pillow on the microphone. If Netflix has it, that's about the level of investment you should make.

    Not only have a seen "Full Metal Yakuza," I have a copy. I love, love, love Takashi Miike's movies, and I've got bunches (about thirty, I think). The rape scene in that one is grade A stuff, although it ends on a disquieting note. Necrophilia is involved. There's tons of bondage leading up to the big rape too. For necro fans, a Miike movie that MUST be seen is "Visitor Q." The corpse fucking is a hilarious scene (actually one of the funniest things I've ever seen), but it's about as explicit as necrophilia scenes gets (hot corpse, well, attractive anyway), porn or no porn. That movie's got rape, incest, bondage, and "milking" also. Not for everyone, and not really that erotically exciting (unless you've got some REAL particular fetish itch you need to scratch), but since I thought of it, I figured I go ahead and recommend it.

    A Miike flick with lots more straightforward male on female violence is "Ichi the Killer." There's all sorts of other violence in there too. Be warned. It's not for the squeamish. (I'm not kidding.) Anybody interested in sadomasochism should definitely see it though. I've whacked the ole doodle to a couple of scenes in that one more than once. Also check out Miike's "Masters of Horror" episode. Bondage and needle torture make for lots of fun. I think I've shared these recommendations before, so all apologies to the regulars here. Seriously though. This is mainstream gimptitude at its finest.

    Tuesday, July 24th 2007 - 09:31:54 PM

    Name: Brutus

    Steve Villa: Glad you found your way to the GIMP forum. I am really impressed with your gag work on Dahlia. Nothing is more annoying than an inefficient or loose gag.

    Dahlia: I can't explain it, but I'm usually not turned on by outdoor shots. I loved the scene in HOM's The Escape with the woman tied down and cockroaches and other bugs crawling over her. But I guess I prefer dungeon settings. Maybe it's because I like the idea of someone designing a room and furniture for the sole purpose of torturing helpless women. But if you are tied and gagged tightly outdoors, I guess I could live with it :-)

    bobjones: Stabbing in the vagina? I've got a pretty strong stomach, but I might not be able to handle Defenceless. Interesting concept though.

    Jim: You're not the only one who fell in love with Thordis Brandt. I loved the way the camera slowly moved from her gagged face to her tied ankles. That was one of the best openings to a movie I have seen.

    Tuesday, July 24th 2007 - 09:57:44 PM

    Name: Grimble

    > If you were to plan a rape film festival, which movies would you choose?

    Assuming we are limited to "mainstream" films and not XXX stuff:
    1) The original film short shot for "The Howling"
    2) Dirty O'Neal: Love Life of a Cop
    3) Double Suzie Carvalho Feature: Massacre In Dinosaur Valley + Women In Fury
    4) Concrete Jungle
    5) Naked Vengeance
    (several others already mentioned would be included, too)

    Another thing to look into for you fans of the lurid men's mag covers of the 60s and 70s is European Fumetti. The internal stuff doesn't do much for me (although it's likely to appeal to those of you into dismemberment and maiming), but the covers tended to be the same sort of lurid without being excessively violent.

    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 02:08:32 AM

    Name: Dahlia Delis
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Hi everybody

    I just came from a shoot and i have to say man, I am sore

    It was lots of gagging but that is ok but the rope work was intense, I would post stills later this week I hope.


    Is that new friend me?

    You got some ideas I got to say

    And Brutus, yes I think outdoors is good if is a kidnapping thing or something like that maybe setting the beginning on the trunk of the car?

    Ok thanks to all and kisses

    Yeah Steve is the boss, his gags are pretty good, maybe the best I ever had

    Ok I am going to bed.


    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 03:24:41 AM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:

    Bobjones: Thanks for the info on Full Metal Yakuza and some of the other Miike films. Now, let me ask this question: if you had to rank them, which would you pick as Miike's number one GIMP film?

    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 03:53:20 AM

    Name: Pezzonovante

    Thanks to A Canadian for the info on the Slave Island series. Looks like I've missed the first one, but I've already corrected that mistake. Actually: the thought of an extra eipsode of a favorite series in itself is like a dream come true......Nothing left to hope for now but to stumble on to Tourist Trap 3, The Experiment 2 or Bondage Classics 0...


    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 05:00:15 AM

    Name: Jefferson James
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Full Metal Yakuza (Full Metal gokudô): I am not sure this actually qualifies as a gang rape, although the men intended it to be. She is actually only raped by one guy while alive, and raped by another after killing herself.

    The Bondage: She is fitted with a wiffle ballgag, is drooling on herself, and is lying on a mattress on the floor. There are chains wrapped around her, but they aren't very effective since she is able to fully sit upright and bite her own tongue off after the gag is removed. She is however dressed in torn clothing which exposes a delectable nipple.

    The scene is in chapter 14 from 1:27:49 - 1:30:20. There are 5 intercuts with very brief scenes of her would be rescuers. During the rape that takes place while she is alive, she seems to be drugged or is "out of it" for some reason or other. Some camera angles are odd since they are being viewed through the disembodied mechanical eye of the robo-yakuza coming to her rescue. The actual action lasts 43 seconds and features facial closeups and above-the-waist shots of rapist and victim whose bodies are moving vigorously as a result of thrusting.

    The special effects that simulate her biting her own tongue off feature overly bright red blood which does not look real in the least. The idea that anyone could die so quickly from such an act is of course hard to accept too.

    The necro-rape action lasts for 17 seconds and is not intercut. It is shot from above her head looking down her body to a full-frontal shot of the rapist, who is thrusting hard and fast. It is definitely the more graphic of the two. I would at best rate the entire scene as a C, but then I have seen more scenes, and therefore better scenes, than most people.

    I have also seen Ichi, and I feel that for the most part Miike does not deliver what I would consider sexualized violence. He seems to be more into cartoon violence and most of it isn't that sexualized. It seems to always lack any extended emotional response from the victim. One second a girl has a nipple, or tongue, and the next she doesn't. There is next to no terror or anxiety. The fountains of spurting bright red blood are laughable, and I don't watch these sorts of things for the humor aspect.


    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 01:03:44 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:

    Jefferson: Thanks for the feedback on Full Metal Yakuza. As I sort out the differing comments from you and Bobjones, it looks like I will have to reflect on this.

    Actually, I have bought a copy of Ichi the Killer, but haven't watched it yet. Perhaps Ichi will help me determine whether I side with those who are pro-Miike, or those like you who aren't so keen on him.

    The only Miike movie I have ever seen was Audition. I really liked it, but it wasn't a GIMP movie.

    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 04:10:55 PM

    Name: The Gimp
    Homepage URL:


    I've just downloaded the latest clip on GNDB (a.k.a "He had me bound, gagged, & bent over the table"), and I have to say, I'm in awe of your vocal skills, as usual. One comment I have to make, however, is that the number of "consensual" simulations in your scenes seem to outweigh the "non-consensual" ones. Is this because of the clips4sale restrictions? My personal preference is "non-consensual" simulations, and most of the other participants of this forum would agree. Could you and Steve please shoot some more of those, by any chance :)?

    BTW, the spanking clip was really something else, gotta tell you. I could sense that it was't faked :)

    Now, as far as the mainstream film scenes are concerned, I would agree that Irreversible is right up there. In fact, the entire scene until he starts kicking Monica's face, which is a huge turn-off, personally, is straight out of Rick Masters' book. I could easily imagine Lisa or Penelope in her place. I wonder if the director actually watched some ZFX before shooting. I have to say that I had mixed feelings about the scene, because it was filmed in a way that was clearly exploitative and a definite turn-on, probably the longest of its kind in conventional cinema. And it ends with the kind of excessive brutality that few of us could have imagined.

    Another mainstream scene I would name, and I don't know that many, is the back-of-the-limo, perpetrated by Robert DeNiro in Once Upon a Time in America.

    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 07:12:10 PM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:

    Nazis, Nazis, Nazis. If not, "Japs". These artists were pretty creative in the predicaments their damsels were in, but totally in a rut as far as villains.

    Dahlia, if you weren't sore, that would be a sure sign that the scene was lacking. Sore = good, right? (I love your participation in this forum. Thanks!)

    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 08:40:12 PM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    The Gimp: Good to see you back here posting regularly, just like things used to be back in the early years of this forum. I have to disagree with you on the rape scene in Irreversible, though. It was a long scene, to be sure, probably the longest mainstream rape scene in cinematic history, but I didn't think it was filmed in a way that was exploitive at all. In fact, the rape scene was, visually, the dullest scene in that movie, in spite of the content.

    If you've seen the whole movie, one of the first things you notice is that the director has a very flamboyant directorial style. The camera is always moving, in and out, up and down, very showy. For the rape scene, it totally stops for 9 minutes. It's like he stuck the camera on a tripod and then went out for a smoke break while it was going on. The first minute is the exact same as the 9th minute, action-wise and visually. There are no big closeups of Monica's face, no exploitive shots of her body, and if I recall, you don't even see any nudity at all in the entire scene (except a brief CGI effect of the villain's penis at the end). That's it.

    I liked the scene mainly because it was Monica Bellucci that was the one being violated, but why the hell didn't the director really make it exploitive and give us an eyeful? That's the way a Rick Masters would have shot it. And the kicking and beating up of Monica at the end really took away any of the fun that a rape scene should give us. Maybe that was his point, to make it horrible and non-exploitive.

    Jefferson James: You are indeed a rape guru, thanks so much for the updated description of Full Metal Yakuza. I knew we could count on you. I agree with you about Miike's work, at the least the few movies I've seen from him. The nipple-cutting scene in Ichi the Killer was hardly sexualized violence; it was over way too quick to be enjoyable. I liked that film and others I've seen from that director, but definitely not from a GIMP perspective. My opinion based on the few films I've seen from Miike is that he makes entertaining films, but he doesn't appear to be "one of us". I haven't seen his "Masters of Horror" segment, though.

    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 09:04:47 PM

    Name: Bobjones

    I have to totally disagree about the gimp value of Miike's oeuvre. Okay, I will admit that the sexual violence in his films tends to be cut into shocking little blasts (not much lingering over extended bondage scenes), and I will also admit that he treats violence with a weird sense of humor, so you can't just pop in a Miike flick and watch it as pornography. His movies, though, are explicitly about sadomasochism (which is pretty unusual), and they are violent as hell. Lots of blood and cartoon stuff, but lots of uncomfortable sexual stuff too, some hot, some appalling (necrophilia, rape, mutilation, forced enemas, bestiality, pedophelia). They tend to be about build up and quick little shocking payoffs, which actually turns me on a lot. That undercurrent of suspense really gets me wound up. I guess the screen time given to rapes and torture tends to be lacking, but some of his movies are so violent and off kilter that you never know what's going to happen.

    Ichi the Killer had several rape scenes in it and several scenes of women being beaten up, in addition to the nipple slicing. You just don't know what's gonna happen. I think anybody who wants to see more straightforward extended female torture should probably start with the Master's of Horror episode. It might be the only movie that delivers in that department. I love Ichi myself. Maybe I'm going to be a minority in finding his stuff arousing. I dunno.

    Dahlia, you are the "new little friend" in question. I was making a little joke about the previous barbed wire exchange from a few days previous. I don't want be creepy by attaching your name to whatever weird little fantasies that pop into my head. We're gentlemen around here. Sorta.

    I wanted to back up all of Grimble's choices. Can't go wrong with anything there.

    There is visible nudity in the "Irreversible" rape. During the assault her dress is untied and her tits get fondled. She is lying on her stomach, but she's got her head pulled back so you can see. Her ass is also visible, but you get a weird angle, which actually makes it hotter, since the way it's shot, it actually looks like she's getting her cheeks spread apart for fucking. (I've obviously watched it a disturbing number of times. . . ) I dunno. That one is my hands down favorite. It's effectively "implied graphic" if that makes sense. You know when the penetration happens, when the guy comes, how much she's bleeding, etc. It's really explicit, even though you mostly are watching two actors dry humping on the floor. Ah, theater.

    Wednesday, July 25th 2007 - 10:17:01 PM

    Name: The Gimp


    I compared the Irreversible scene to the ZFX oeuvre precisely because that's how many such scenes were shot, especially in the early days (a mounted, fixed camera at a certain angle; and an implied penetration with groping, gagging and villain-talk).

    Of course, the length of the scene and the extreme, "beyond GIMP", I would argue, manner in which it ends, is what makes it unique. What I'm saying is that if you shortened it and removed the brutal aftermath, it would not be entirely out of place in any ZFX feature.

    -- The Gimp

    Thursday, July 26th 2007 - 12:02:06 AM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:

    Wow, cool! No Nazis! Today we have Robin Hump (I guess the band of Merry GIMPers is still hiding in the woods). It looks like GIMP John and the Rigger of Naughtyham have tied Maid Dahlian to Robin's target so he can't get the bull's-eye. It looks like Robin is actually PLEASED by this turn of events!

    (I wonder if today's artist had read about the big archery contest towards the end of the Robin Hood legend?)

    Thursday, July 26th 2007 - 06:35:00 AM

    Name: Retrotek
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    I have so many groups to visit that I don't get here often but it is always a pleasure and a thrill to see what's new.

    The Retrotek
    Retroteks House Of Gaspers
    {This is where it all began}

    Alt.Sex.Asphyx ( A.S.A. ) [USENET newsgroup]

    "Friends will help you move. Real friends will help you move bodies !"

    Thursday, July 26th 2007 - 09:22:55 AM

    Name: Colin
    E-mail address:

    Just looking through your Rape In Movies list, and found one you don't have; Hannie Caulder (not sure of the year - early 70', I think). Hannie (Raquel Welch) is thrown onto a bed and gang-raped by 3 bank robbers (Ernest Borgnine, Strother Martin and Jack Elam), who've just killed her husband. You see them struggling, and a close-up of Welch's face as she screams.

    Thursday, July 26th 2007 - 10:19:32 AM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Colin: Hey, good catch. I had heard that film had a rape scene but somehow we missed that one up until now. Raquel Welch was an anomaly. Back when I was growing up, she was considered the ultimate sex symbol, and yet she never did a nude scene, had only one lame-o bondage scene (arms tied above in The Four Musketeers) and just the one rape scene, which I heard wasn't real graphic. What a waste of a good babe!

    Thanks for the addition. I'll add it to the database.

    Thursday, July 26th 2007 - 08:14:59 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Imprint: I just watched the Takashi Miike Masters of Horror film, Imprint, and would have a tough time deciding whether to recommend this one as a GIMP film.

    On the one hand, it does have scenes of an attractive woman who is tied up, gagged, and tortured -- primarily with large needles (I think there is a specific name for the needles, but I'm too lazy at the moment to look it up). But I would say the whole thing is too gross to have any erotic value.

    As a horror movie, it's worth seeing, but I'm not sure about its merits as a GIMP flick.

    Thursday, July 26th 2007 - 08:27:56 PM

    Name: MasterDetective
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Women as targets? Sounds great... *evil grin*

    But don't you think the victim should be pinned down a bit tighter than how she's drawn in the pic? The way she's restrained right now, she might be able to "squirm and duck"... Can't have that now, can we? That might actually make the game a little "unfair" for the gentlemen.. *evil grin grin*

    Thursday, July 26th 2007 - 10:48:31 PM

    Name: GrumbleFrotz

    > Nazis, Nazis, Nazis. If not, "Japs". These artists were pretty creative in the predicaments their damsels were in, but totally in a rut as far as villains.

    Actually, it was more varied than you might think. Nazis and "Gooks" played the common bad guys, but there were lots of others -- My memory specifically recalls drug smugglers (Woof! One of the hottest pix from those times, **inside** the mag -- I've got it somewhere. If I find it, I'll scan it), weird religious cults (another of the hot ones), Russian/slavic & medeval tormentors, & Countess Bathory.

    There were about 3-4 common artists who were any good, and did cover work. They tended to use the WWII villains most often, but most of the mags usually had 2-3 luridly headlined (tame by GIMP/ZFX standards) set-pieces. One of those was almost always a WWII bad boy, but the other(s) were often medeval or other. At any one time there were usually 3-4 such mags on the stands. As the 50s turned to the 60s turned to the 70s, they just could not keep up with real porn (esp. by the mid-70s, when HoM hit its stride), and they fell off one by one.

    Thursday, July 26th 2007 - 10:56:04 PM

    Name: GrumbleFrotz
    Homepage URL:

    > yet she never did a nude scene

    Not really, in the movies, although she did do some scenes in some remarkably thin & wet clothes in a French film called "The Animal" aka Stuntwoman -- see the URL above. It's actually a fairly good film.

    She also came fairly close with her 1979 Playboy Cover shoot, too.

    As far as Hannie Calder, yeah, the rape in that is more off-screen titilation than being graphic, but it's not awful for the time, esp. given that she did not then and hasn't really done nudes -- There were some topless paparazzi shots of her, IIRC, though, shot in a changing room or something.

    She had a fair amount of bikini-based screen time in Fathom! and did a nice "song and dance" number in A Swingin' Summer (a beach movie without a beach in it... LOL) If you wanted to hunt up her old movies worth seeing. Bikini level only, of course.

    Thursday, July 26th 2007 - 11:08:59 PM

    Name: Darkroom

    A Canadian--I too rented "Imprint." While it had an extended Gimp-style scene, the torture was hard to watch--long needles in the mouth, under the fingernails... The acting was great and the scene was a tough one. She did have nice tits, however, and when they burned her underarms with cigarettes, well, so goes the movie...

    Friday, July 27th 2007 - 07:19:12 AM

    Name: hattrick

    Ralphus: I thought that Raquel Welch did a nude scene in the movie Carnal Knowledge with Jack Nicholson in the 1970's.

    Friday, July 27th 2007 - 10:07:32 AM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    A Clockwork Orange update: The site is reporting that a new two-disc special edition of A Clockwork Orange will be released in high-definition formats in October (along with some other Kubrick titles). A link to this news item is in my URL.

    To my way of thinking, this means the HD wars must be resolved. I haven't paid too much attention to the whole dispute between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD up 'til now. But with the price of high-definition DVD players coming down, and a release finally on the way that I would really want, it is time for one system to emerge.

    Friday, July 27th 2007 - 04:20:48 PM

    Name: GrumbleFrotz

    > Ralphus: I thought that Raquel Welch did a nude scene in the movie Carnal Knowledge with Jack Nicholson in the 1970's.

    You're probably thinking of Ann-Margaret. RW wasn't in CK.

    Friday, July 27th 2007 - 05:11:36 PM

    Name: Thees van Kemp
    E-mail address:

    G'day, Gimpers!

    In Re: RoboPimp, I understand many fans might get turned off at the sight of blood, - guess I am horror-film buff and I'm not affected (I also worked in a Hospital when I just out of high school so I'm used to it), I guess it's classic "ZFX Lisa" - I got infatuated with her after watching this film and the unforgettable "Incubus" as well (What can I say?...I'm a 'Romantic' at heart!!).

    To Raquel Welch fans - There's a few 'Westerns' made in the late 60's and early 70's which features '"The Rack" and that famous 'Grand Canyon' of cleavage in all its industrial strength Bra glory' - getting bound and gagged by some mean "hombre", I'll have to do some research and get back to you. If you like girl-to-girl fights you can't go past "Kansas City Bomber" (made in '72 or 73), plenty of leggy Raquel in white rollerskating boots and tight hotpants.

    Fans of "vanilla-bondage" check out some of Larry Flynt's Hustler series Taboo - it's worth a peek or 2, one with Jessica Jaymes and Lanie Barbie (vol 2 I think is pretty good value)( sorry...I can never get a link to these film sites to work to attach with this post but do a search on the net or check out the Hustler Video website and find out. - Hopefully when I a little more "time-rich" I'll be able to do some reviews I've got a stack of stuff sitting in my den of perversion next to my Peavey Guitar Amp including some Dan Hawke, Japanese Candle bondage and real hardcore rope work, a Carmen Luvana meets the Gimp slick production called 'The Perfect Secretary' (a spoof of the James Spader film)- all I need is some 'quality porn' time view and review., but I'll get there!

    Kind Regards


    Friday, July 27th 2007 - 06:17:26 PM

    Name: thees van kemp

    Festival Favorites

    Clockwork Orange
    Straw Dogs
    Demon Seed

    Friday, July 27th 2007 - 06:22:43 PM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Guys, guys, how can you talk about the vivacious and pneumatic Ms Welch and NOT refer to the single most classic bikini of all time: One Million Years BC. Picky in linky!

    Can you say "Va-voom"? I knew you could!

    Friday, July 27th 2007 - 10:32:24 PM

    Name: BigD

    Anyone ever remember a website call They use to have A LOT of videos (movies) you could download that were pretty extreme. I wonder what ever happened to them?? They vanished about 4 years ago...Nothing they had on there was illegal, but perhaps it was copyrighted or something and they were forced to take the site down..It was a great site though for bondage/torture type clips. Alot of unique stuff I had never seen before.

    Friday, July 27th 2007 - 11:36:29 PM

    Name: GrumbleFrotz

    > and NOT refer to the single most classic bikini of all time: One Million Years BC.

    'Cause EVERYONE knows that one. We're discussing stuff people might NOT have seen.

    Saturday, July 28th 2007 - 12:06:25 AM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    I Know Who Killed Me This one has kinda slipped under the radar, perhaps overshadowed by other news about the film's party girl star, Lindsay Lohan. But it looks like I Know Who Killed Me could have some GIMP potential.

    According to the review in Newsday, Lohan is bound, gagged, and tortured in this flick, including having an arm and a leg amputated by her sadistic captor.

    Unfortunately, the exploitation factor is hurt somewhat by the fact Lohan doesn't get nude, even though one of the characters she plays is a stripper. (How's that work?)

    Anyway, the director of the film has past credits that include Toolbox Murders: As It Was and All Cheerleaders Die. I think this might be one to pay attention to.

    Saturday, July 28th 2007 - 08:47:18 AM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    A Canadian: Wow, that's surprisingly good news about I Know Who Killed Me. A friend and I have been discussing that upcoming film for a long time and had concluded, based on the trailer that we had seen, that Lindsay would manage to escape the rope and gag and it was going to be another big tease. The word that she gets bound, gagged AND tortured (Bonus!) is definitely worthwhile news. Too bad there's no details as to what exactly happens to her, but I'll scour the net and see if I can come up with any more info.

    I'll be honest with you, though. Lindsay Lohan used to be something special, with her innocent sexuality and long red hair, but the recent news accounts of all her party girl troubles have really turned me off to her as a fantasy object. She's lost most of her appeal for me. I view her mostly with disgust and disdain that she's pissing away her life with drugs and booze. They're probably putting up on odds on internet death pools as to how old she'll be when she dies. My prediction is she'll be dead before she turns 25. Once again, waste of a good babe.

    I'd rather see the girl that plays Lonelygirl15, who appears in the film with her, as the one who endures the brunt of any kind of bondage and torture. She's got a much more wholesome look to her, but that would probably be too big a shock to her fans for her to go after a role like that so early in her career. I also predict this will be the third straight mainstream GIMP film to tank at the box office. Anybody who's anybody will probably flock to go see The Simpsons Movie (including me, probably). As for Lindsay, it's about time. Once this hits on DVD, we won't have to rely on the photo manipulators to give her the treatment she deserves.

    Saturday, July 28th 2007 - 03:36:23 PM

    Name: mothbrad
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Speaking of mainstream films, I don't know if I missed any conversation on this movie, but 'Black Snake Moan', with Samuel L Jackson and Christina Ricci is getting a lot of attention here (as in big posters around town advertising it). The only thing that peaks my interest is that there is some aspect of Ricci being chained up in the movie, but it's hard to tell whether this leads to anything vaguely GIMP-worthy (probably not). The reason I'm a little excited is that Ricci has always seemed like (potentially) one of us, a bit like Ralphus' old squeeze Jessica. Anyone have any clues on this?

    Saturday, July 28th 2007 - 04:09:51 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    mothbrad: Certainly, Black Snake Moan is on the list of films I plan to see, but I haven't got to it yet. In addition to the chain bondage, the Ricci character also gets raped, although it's never been clear to me if this is something that happens on camera.

    Ralphus: Your prediction about the box office take for I Know Who Killed Me has already proven true. The movie bombed last night, opening in ninth place with a take of just $1.3 million, and Reuters says the film will be lucky to take in $5 million for the weekend.

    Saturday, July 28th 2007 - 06:12:39 PM

    Name: Hiccup
    Homepage URL:

    Hey Gimpers,

    I've been busy of late checking out the "Slave Island" series by Attackers. I've so far acquired parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10. This series is awesome, each chapter in the series is the same but with different girls. The ongoing theme in each of them is basically gorgeous Japanese girls get tricked by some recruiting company, in some cases you first see them in an interview office setting. It quickly cuts to the girl waking up naked in a prison cell with their arms tied behind them. Guys in suits come into their cell and introduce them to their new life of sex slavery and so the action follows...

    Of course the girls are extremely reluctant at first but gradually over the course of the movie their will is broken down as they're forced to give blowjobs, toss guys salad, have sex with any guy that comes into their cell, not to mention each other. There's a strong emphasis on forced BJ's. Also, when they're taken out of their cells for their training their handlers slip a dog chain onto their necks and lead them around like dogs!! One thing about this series...or maybe its Japanese porn in general is that the guys don't wear condoms and will cum in the girls mouths and pussies. Oh! I forgot to mention the girls are also given pregnancy tests so there's that forced impregnation theme there too.

    After viewing most of these episodes I'm going to go into my favorite one which is Slave Island 5. This one starts out a girl, slender build, nice face, medium breasts being slammed doggy style, the owner or ringleader and his assistant outside the cell looking on approvingly. It then cuts to a scene of a bikini model doing a photo shoot at the beach, during a break she takes a phone call and talks animatedly. This girl is gorgeous with a perfect curvy body and big natural tits. It's in Japanese so its not known what's said but in the next scene she's going into an interview to discuss some modeling job or something. She must pass the interview because she's given the drugged coffee.

    The scene then cuts to the skinny girl being banged hard doggy style just like the movie opened but some guy drags in a sack, opens it up and Yes! its the bikini model girl still unconscious. She wakes up as the guy starts removing her clothes though. She looks up in horror at her friend being brutally raped and now it makes sense! The girl being banged hard was the one she was talking to on her cellphone and who got her here! This becomes clear because the guy banging her takes a break, hands her a cellphone and forces her to talk on it. Next the bikini girl is stripped and she's next seen tied standing AOH with her friend, both of them drenched in sweat. Unlike her friend bikini girl refuses to suck cock so she's broken in by being forced to suck a rubber dildo attached to a wall mirror. She's also fucked hard along with her friend to break her in. She's also forced to engage in light lesbianism with her friend but there's no carpet munching just kissing and licking each others breasts. The forced lesbianism scenes work because you can see the extreme reluctance of both girls to do it and how they're gradually broken down so that they do it a little more energetically later in the movie.

    The last scene of the movie could best be described as the two girls final exam. The business suit wearing ringleader enters their cell, gets a BJ from each of them, then bangs bikini girl hard. During this scene there are flashbacks to bikini girl in her previous life as a pouty, stuck up swimsuit model which then cut back to her new life as a sex slave on slave island as a fuck toy. THE END

    Here's some stills from the movie off the Attackers website:

    The "Slave Island" series is the best forced sex porn I've seen yet. While each chapter is the same it works because of the different girls and how they each react differently to being broken in. The production values as far as sound, lighting and acting are also top notch. The dialogue is all in Japanese with no subtitles but maybe that's not the worst thing in the world as it forces one to use their imagination. I recently downloaded #10 a few days ago and was a little disappointed though. I was thinking that as the series continued, became popular with a following, that the girls would become better looking as the series progressed. One thing worth noting is that 10 features a blond Caucasian broad who forces one of the girls into a lesbian scene. It also bothered me that the best looking girls in this episode were the ones interviewing the girls, what's up with that? I sense that the producers of the series are trying to mix up the recipe.

    The link above is to a new series "Group Harem Training". I haven't seen it yet but it is suggestive of the slave island theme.

    Ralphus, I've enjoyed the pulp fiction illustrations but enough with the "women as targets" theme. Shoot girls with arrows? No. Stick 'em with your dick and shoot 'em full of juice.

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 12:07:44 AM

    Name: Dahlia Delis
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Hi to all

    Thanks to The Gimp for watching my video

    Yes, I can use my voice like a tool very good, is one thing I am proud of, I am glad you liked it

    I am shooting again tomorrow, lets see what we do, I am excited to be tied up and wear those vintage pretty outfits but I am kinda of lacking of new ideas, I need help with that

    Here are some pics for your sweet eyes to enjoy

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Good night you all


    Dahlia D.

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 01:24:54 AM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Hiccup: Without a doubt, the Slave Island series has its fans. Pezzonovante owns every film in the series except the first one, and I have seen a number of the titles, as well. I'm sure there are many other fans of this impressive series.

    Of the titles I have seen, I would probably say that Nana Nanami, who appeared in Slave Island 8 and Slave Island 5, was the most beautiful victim I have seen. This is her picture: Nana. A close runner-up would have to be Yuki Tukamoto, from Slave Island 6, as seen here: Yuki.

    In terms of attractiveness and overall performance, I still think the leading actress is Ayumu Kase from Slave Island 7, as seen here.

    But that raises an interesting question, Hiccup: why have you skipped over Slave Island 7? You're missing a good one, and should probably correct this oversight.

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 06:35:45 AM

    Name: jhlipton
    E-mail address:

    Dahlia: Nice pics! I especially like the ones of you in peach, with your nipple shyly poking out. Very hot!

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 09:41:24 AM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Hiccup: Thanks for the review of Slave Island 5. As always, we really appreciate it when one of you takes the time to review a movie for the site. It's contributions from all you guys that make this forum invaluable for bondage pervs looking to find something good to watch. Added to the forum at the link above.

    As for the Target Practice series, I know they're not for every taste, but I dig 'em so I'm running them. How much did you pay to get in here? :)

    A Canadian: Based on the pics you posted, I think both of the other girls are more attractive than Nana Nanami, but that's why God made women in all different shapes and sizes and with different faces. For the most part, the Japanese find some awfully cute ones for their movies.

    An example of that is Shark Special #37 that I recently checked out from Video Mayhem. This is another one of those Randa Mai torture fests, and all 3 victims in this one are adorable.

    Here's some stills from it:

    The DVD is an amazing 4 1/2 hours long, including a pretty cool behind the scenes documentary with Randa and the girls before, during and after the shoot. The third segment with the last and most appealing girl (here's her pic but I don't know her name) is especially fascinating. The other 2 girls scream their asses off through the movie but this third one is stoic and tries really hard not to break, even while Randa is putting her through a particularly harsh enema scene and very cruel bullwhip session at the end.

    But then during the behind-the-scenes doc, they show her at the end of the shoot and she can't stop crying, even after Randa puts his arm around her and presents her with a huge bouquet of flowers. Clearly, being tortured on film took an emotional toll on her. Those girls earn their money. This is one I'll definitely be watching again. Quite a value for only 12 bucks.

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 10:25:11 AM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Ralphus: The spelling for the name of your mystery woman from Shark Special 37 seems to vary, probably due to different translations. According to the Attackers site, her name translates to Minami Aiyama, although she is more commonly known in North America as Minami Aoyama.

    (Here's a trick that someone here once taught me for determining the names of the Attackers actresses. If you right click on the photo of an actress, her name will come up in English in the 'file name').

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 12:43:08 PM

    Name: BigD

    Hey Ralphus, thanx for the link for that film, that does look nice and intense, just like I enjoy :). What other Attacker/Shark videos from Video Mayhem would you recommend along the lines of this?? I've bought a few, but they've always been pretty mild, just rape and bondage..Any other brutal ones like the one you mentioned?

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 02:54:40 PM

    Name: Ralphus
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:


    I probably shouldn't have, what with the crappy reviews I've read so far, but I was curious enough to take a drive to my local cineplex and check out Lindsay Lohan's new film I Know Who Killed Me today. The word that Lindsay gets not only tied up and gagged, but tortured too, was enough to lure me in. I didn't want to have wait til this one hit DVD. And after seeing it, here's my advice: Wait til this one hits DVD.

    The real reason that GIMPers will ultimately want to check out the DVD is to see Lindsay's bondage/torture scene about a third of the way through. But the setup is nonexistent. There's no abduction; in one scene she disappears from a crowd and in the next she's being tortured. That's it. It's like we're missing an important plot point that the director apparently didn't feel was worth shooting.

    But the torture scene is definitely worthwhile, even if it will probably gross out the squeamish among you. Lindsay is strapped down to a table and gagged with a thin cleave gag with a knot in it. The villain uses a block of dry ice on her bare arm to freeze it down before amputating several of her fingers in grisly detail. Lindsay does a darn good job playing a victim, and there are several tight shots of her gagged face as she screams in pain.

    Lindsay also has another brief bondage scene near the end of the film where she's tied to a chair, but she's not gagged and nothing happens to her.

    Even though she plays a stripper in a couple of scenes, there's no nudity from her at all. She also has a topless sex scene, but she's shot from the back and we don't see anything. She still looks hot, though.

    Is the actual movie any good? Not really. It's heavy on atmosphere, but what it needed most was a cohesive storyline. Unlike Hostel: Part 2, which was the last good GIMP film that I saw in theaters, this one meanders and oftentimes you're not really sure what's going on, plus the ending ludicrously borrows a plotline from Lohan's previous film The Parent Trap as its big twist. Oh, have I given away too much? There, now you won't have to cough up your 8 bucks like I did.

    My grades: As a movie, C-
    As a bondage/torture scene: B+

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 07:02:07 PM

    Name: BigD

    Did Video Mayhem get rid of a lot of their Japanese titles??

    I had written down a few intense ones a few months ago, and now I can't find them on their website :(

    Anyone recommend any other Japanese ones from Video Mayhem that are along the lines of Attackers #37? Any good ones with bullwhipping?

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 08:30:19 PM

    Name: The Gimp


    As far as ideas:

    I think that vintage girdles and lingerie are great, personally, but there are other things I'd like to see you wear, such as a stewardess or other service uniform that involves a relatively tight-fitting outfit; a business suit, or a retro/vintage 40's or 50's outfit with a skirt and suit.

    Speaking of retro, and knowing how much you like Film Noir, I would absolutely love for you to do a detective/Film Noir storyline where you play either an innocent victim or a femme fatale who gets her comeuppance. In period clothes. This could involve a good dose of chloro, other forms of light torture such as cigarette burns, maybe some threat of knifeplay, and end with a non-consensual sex simulation scene.

    Another storyline I love, and one that ZFX handled very well, is a fiesty girl captured and "broken in" for slavery.

    -- The Gimp

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 09:28:46 PM

    Name: VM
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    BigD, All titles from last year and a half or so are still on site.

    Sunday, July 29th 2007 - 09:35:27 PM

    Name: mothbrad
    E-mail address:

    Gross out porn - OK, please ignore the possibly slightly off topic post, but this is the most informed porn discussion group I know of, and thought, if it exists, chances are someone here will now about it.

    On another board, there was a reference made to a series named something like 'milkshake', where women are given lots of liquid to drink, and then have their stomachs punched until they heave it up. Disgusting, right? Well yeah, but also one of my strange fetishes. I think the person writing it was making a joke (the discussion was more like a 'what's the grossest thing you've ever seen' thing, rather than a serious porn discussion), but just in case ...

    So any clues? Or was I right in thinking they were making it all up?

    Monday, July 30th 2007 - 02:33:49 AM

    Name: Pezzonovante

    A Canadian: Thanks to your input I now own all of the Slave Island titles. Hope you didn't lose to much sleep over that...Also: I fully agree with you on SI #7. Not to be missed! - Pezzonovante

    Monday, July 30th 2007 - 03:57:42 AM

    Name: Jake
    Homepage URL:

    Hi Dahlia

    I haven't posted for a while, but I've really enjoyed the pictures you've posted. Personally, I love girls tightly tied and gagged in sexy lingerie, particularly if their eyes show apprehension or fear.

    Some men want to see the rape victim at the point of conquest, at the point of penetration. To me this is not so important. To me, the sexiest moment in bondage is the moment of fear - when the girl realises she is about to surrender everything to her attacker. She does not have to be naked at this point - just vulnerable and helpless and frightened and beautiful. Then anything is possible. In your pictures you often wear what might be considered "old fashioned" underwear - full bras, hi-waisted panties etc. This is fine by me! Stay scared...

    Monday, July 30th 2007 - 08:38:37 AM

    Name: Jefferson James
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Dahlia: I agree with Jake; the most important moment in a storyline is the moment the woman admits to herself that she is going to be raped and there is nothing she can do about it. It doesn't matter whether the actual rape is depicted or simulated at all, as long as it has a great buildup. The terror in her eyes and the squeal in her voice because of what she knows is about to happen is enough.

    I also believe that a half-naked woman is far sexier than a woman who is totally naked. I prefer them with their clothing ripped or cut to reveal a nipple, a breast, a little pubic hair, or more. The image of a bound and gagged woman with a hole cut in the rear of her pants where all that needs to happen is to have her panties pulled to one side so that she can be raped, is one of the hottest things I can imagine. There is only one reason for such a hole being cut, and she can't help but know what is going to happen next. Seeing a woman fondled through her clothing or with a hand inside of her clothing is a big plus, whether the girl's bare skin is shown or not.

    You've got a pretty face and expressive eyes. You depict fear well. Begging with your eyes is extremely hot too. I would love to see tears running down your cheeks as you are bound and helpless, absolutely, positively about to be raped as described above, and are watching the man opening the front of his own pants.

    Like you, I think historical clothing is sexy. I know that most Europeans like cowboy themes. Maybe you could be the sheriff's wife, a saloon girl, or a lady outlaw. Pirate stories are great too, and very popular right now. ...the soldiers get revenge on the lady pirate, or the pirates rape the Governor's daughter. Italy produced a lot of the Nazi Exploitation movies. A picture series of a female Commandant tied for gang rape by the prisoners is sure to please.

    I could go on with ideas all day. Visit my website if you'd like to read some of my ideas turned into stories.


    Monday, July 30th 2007 - 09:45:45 AM

    Name: Jefferson James
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Between my last post and this one, I threw a few words together. If anyone would like to read them, visit the Unfinished Stories page of my site and click on Dahlia.


    Monday, July 30th 2007 - 01:54:23 PM

    Name: A Canadian
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    Pezzonovante: Wow, that was fast! You must live in a free country. Well, I'm glad the record has been corrected, and we can now state with authority that you own the entire Slave Island series.

    Ralphus: Enjoyed the review of I Know Who Killed Me. I shall take your advice and wait for the DVD. I must say, I'm looking forward to it.

    As a final note, one of our local humor columnists had a bit of a run at Torture Porn today. I'm not sure it's his funniest column, but at any rate I have attached it in my URL.

    Monday, July 30th 2007 - 04:43:15 PM

    Name: BigD

    VM, thanx, I found a lot of what I was looking for in your "archive" section. I'll be compiling and placing a decent sized order from you soon....Your site is still the best ever when it comes to phenomenal prices for nonconsensual Japanese movies.

    I love many of the Japanese BDSM movies, although I prefer the nonconsensual ones of Attacker to the consensual studios like "Art" or most of the other studios. Consensual removes the fear element which kinda removes the turn on for me. As long as I know the women aren't getting hurt in real life (which I know they aren't), it's a super turn on when a Japanese woman is pulled screaming into a basement/warehouse :))....

    My only problem with the Japanese movies is, I often can't tell one girl from the other, when it comes to video to video.. LOL. They seem to all be the same height/same build, wear their hair their same way, etc...I feel stupid not being able to tell the difference... lol

    Monday, July 30th 2007 - 07:04:34 PM

    Name: bobjones

    I wanted to second. . . well third actually. . . Jake's commentary about bondage and anticipation and fear of rape. A really good bondage vinette with a nasty plot (slavery or upcoming torture is a fave) is better than most of the hardcore BDSM stuff or those hardcore Eurpean "rape porn" sites. You'd think hardcore psuedo-non-consensual sex would really be great, but it's really just okay. I like the kind of thing Dahlia does better. Anticipation and suspense are really exciting. ZFX is really the only company that has done long, explicit torture scenes that hold my attention for a long period of time. I tend to be more a mainstrem movie and erotic artwork guy. The subject matter there is generally "harder" and scarier.

    I also wanted to second the request for Dalia to do some scary "film noir" bondage vids. With the name "Dahlia," that would be an especially appropriate setting.

    Monday, July 30th 2007 - 09:12:29 PM

    Name: Brutus

    Great pics Dahlia. This may not be too original, but how about a close-up of your lovely face and pleading eyes over a big red ballgag? I also like the idea of a tight business suit. Or tied and gagged spread-eagle on a bed in lingerie. Hell, anything is fine as long as you are totally helpless, legs spread and vulnerable to all sorts of delicious tortures.

    Ralphus: Thanks for the info on I Know Who Killed Me. I will also wait for the DVD release.

    Does anyone know about or seen this movie called Orville? The trailer looks promising.

    Tuesday, July 31st 2007 - 09:27:30 AM

    Name: VVV
    E-mail address:

    Dahlia is a cutie, sounds very appreciative of what goes on in this forum, and is a good egg for talking with us pervs, but what I've seen of her work reminds me of the Harmony and "love bondage" that I just don't enjoy. Girls tied up with their panties on doesn't do it for me.

    I appreciate fear in the eyes of a soon-to-be rape victim, but I think the fear is all the more evident in the eyes of a pretty girl who is tightly bound and (mostly) naked, hopelessly helpless and entirely exposed. And what could convince a girl further that she will soon surrender everything than a thorough punishment of her tits and ass which, after all, have so excited her captor's dark visions.

    Showing the actual forcible penetration is not as exciting to me as showing the careful, painful preparation of the victim for that fine moment.

    Tuesday, July 31st 2007 - 05:13:31 PM

    Name: DoppleM
    E-mail address:
    Homepage URL:

    BigD: If you want an Attackers title with a great bullwhipping scene, try Shark Special #21, particularly Part 2. You can see my review in the Reviews secion.

    Attackers #92 and Attackers #97 also have good bullwhipping scenes.

    Tuesday, July 31st 2007 - 09:10:46 PM

    Name: The Gimp

    Actually, I think that in Girl Next Door Bondage (, there are a number of clips that depict exactly that kind of pre-penetration moments that you guys are talking about, and Dahlia does a good job.

    Elaine, the other prominently featured actress, does also.

    I encourage you to check some of them out.

    Just search for "simulation" or "simulated" as a keyword on that site, and you'll find quite a few scenes of that type.

    The fact that some of them are consensual is a different story.

    -- The Gimp

    Tuesday, July 31st 2007 - 11:02:14 PM

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