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9816) Ralphus 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 02:24 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9816) JD: Thanks for the video clip of The Serpent with Olga Kurylenko. You're right, just rapid-fire cutting where you have to use your freeze frame to see the good stuff. Rather mystifying why the director would tie Olga up in such elaborate bondage and then dash through the scene in literally seconds so that nobody can get a good look. Still, major props to Olga for the nude bondage; I wonder how many mainstream actresses would allow themselves to be tied up naked like that on the screen? And can you imagine all the great footage that was left on the cutting room floor? That's just a cinematic tragedy that this is all we were left with.


Insomniac: And thank you for the very entertaining review of Creeper. I don't know how you do it, but you always seem to come up with some obscure GIMP-worthy offerings that no one else has ever heard of. This movie looks a bit on the cheesy side, but the full nudity and the attractiveness of the girls is a huge bonus. Plus the fact that you can rent it for 3 bucks...that's pocket change. Hey, I paid 3 buck for ISOYG-3 and this has got to be better, right? Anybody know how the VOD feature works? Does it mean you can only watch it once on their site, no way to keep it?

Here's the direct link for your latest review:


Wheel test footage is released for Justine: Ha, great stuff! So they actually built the thing. That's our money we invested being put to good use. So I wonder if the folks who built the wheel are the same ones who made the roasting rack that was used in Maleficarum? The gang at Pachamama continues to stimulate Bolivia's economy with their work orders for bizarre movie props.

BTW, anybody else think that Bea is seriously cute? She's the one I'm looking forward to seeing the most.

9817) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 03:24 AM Permalink

Ralphus wrote:

BTW, anybody else think that Bea is seriously cute?


To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention to Justine until we learned about Bea. In my view, it will be her performance that makes or breaks the film.

Someday, I hope Bea is cast in a spy film. They could call it Agent B.
9818) Jan 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 07:05 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Anyone up for some roleplaying?
Drop a line. Region Bavaria.
9819) provost 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 07:26 AM Permalink

Let me add cheers to the chorus: the wheel looks superb, and all the better adorned by Amy and Bea! And just imagine how much better it will look when they take their positions wearing rather less. Bea is a treat, and here's hoping her sensitivities will be explored from crown to soles.

One thing that sets the work of Amy, Jac, and colleagues apart from so many others is their willingness and ability to light and cut a scene properly for both dramatic and aesthetic effect. In contrast, for example, Momentum left me cold because, despite Olga's beauty, the lighting is murky and the overall structure of the scene poorly thought through. It sounds like Serpent is worse: why, indeed, do directors go through so much trouble to mount a scene, only to destroy it with bad lighting, lightning cuts that conceal and baffle, and some pointless camera angles?

I hesitate to mention it, but we might almost develop a frustration hall of shame full of scenes that could have been glorious but were deliberately (it seems) sabotaged. It is almost as if the director decided to suggest something exciting but then ruin it out of shame, or to put the confused cut onscreen while keeping the juicy outtakes for himself. Sigh.... But, then, our friends in Bolivia understand their craft, and the previews are tantalizing. Thanks for them!

9820) JD 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 08:10 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9820) lurker10 said They'll need a budget for rope replacement, though.

True. Somehow, they never seem to get it right. Now, if you assume a modern incarnation of the device and some synthetic rope, that diameter could easily handle half a ton force or more (as in a serious racking experience). Medieval hemp ropes, not at all. But that's a criticism I expressed toward the rack scene in Maleficarum as well, nothing new.

Covers the Indefatigable said Thanks, frog. It's always good to hear that someone is enjoying my posts.

Aye, you'll have to resign to the fact that somehow people are looking to your posted stuff even when maintaining complete silence. At least, according to Ralphus.

@Insomniac: Thanks for review.

Kathyrne said I specifically toned both my Halloween images down, bust-wise, specifically for the GIMPers who prefer "smaller" sizes.

Do what you like to do most, don't bother about anyone else. It's virtually impossible to please anyone 100% except you. Yeah, the boobs are smaller but I dislike the red-eyes. Or the thong. Or whatever. You got the point. Post what you like most and don't bother about the rest.

said BTW, anybody else think that Bea is seriously cute? She's the one I'm looking forward to seeing the most.

Bea's a cutie. Amy's brainy but Bea's the innocent. Too bad all the women I know from that general area tend to have a sudden inflation as soon as they turn 30. Or marry. Or both.

Kehli O'Byrne - Tainted Love (1998). A killer is killing killable kills.

9821) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 10:39 AM Permalink

(9821) Ralphus wrote:

Anybody know how the VOD feature works? Does it mean you can only watch it once on their site, no way to keep it?

The film is made available through Vimeo. You are asked to make a PayPal payment and you then receive a password that allows you to watch it for 24 hours. In case you want to return to it later, be sure to write the password down.

It's only a short-term rental. If you want to own it, you have to buy the DVD or Blu-Ray.

As for the film itself, it was damn good for a mainstream film. If the whipping scene had lasted longer, I'd be even more effusive in my praise.

While the GIMP scenes were effective, I'm not sure that anyone who appeared in the film had great acting abilities. Maybe this sounds twisted, but I find it amusing to think that Creeper will likely be the career highlight for most of them, particularly the young women.
9822) Insomniac 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 12:22 PM Permalink

Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the Creeper review. Just to follow up on the viewing comments by A Canadian and MAV, in addition to the VOD rental, Blu Ray and DVD options through the official site and the free streaming you can get through Amazon Prime, non-Prime members can also rent or own on Amazon through streaming at this link.

I mention it because the VOD rental on the official site sounds like it will only be offered for a limited time. (so Ralphus you may want to add the Amazon link to the review page since that'll likely last much longer)
9823) Joek0 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 12:54 PM Permalink

The thing about the version of Creeper sold on Amazon is that it is the standard version of the movie. The one on the official website is Uncut version. I myself purchased the DVD after renting it last night (I liked the movie for what it was). I can't wait to check out the special features on the DVD.
9824) Covers the Relentless 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 01:40 PM Permalink

(9824) Today's MAM cover is from Man's Story Dec 1967 V8 No6 Norm Eastman art


JD wrote:
Aye, you'll have to resign to the fact that somehow people are looking to your posted stuff even when maintaining complete silence. At least, according to Ralphus.

JD, I've been running for over sixteen years, and I can confirm that the VAST majority of visitors will never respond or comment in any way. However, I've also made several of my best friends from the site, and I've found that if you give people an opportunity to contribute or help, some will do so. Since I started my "Lousy Cover of the Day" section (where I ask for better scans), I've received about four emails a week with people's contributions. My various friends together provide the majority of new scans for BCOTD. I don't do a lot of hunting on the internet anymore. I just go to the comic shop. On a related note, I just reorganized my comics and pulled out all of the duplicates. Anybody interested in buying fifty to sixty bondage cover comics?
9825) Reine Margot 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 03:08 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hello! While I prepare a big post I have more quick news!
Halloween is gone but you can still celebrate the horror watching a great movie. So, why don't you all go to Vimeo and watch our terrific movies.

Olalla from VermeerWorks on Vimeo.

We're moving ahead with our plans for JUSTINE I will have many more videos of steps we take during the production. We're still in pre-production, for at least another week, after that we're going to have four weeks of intense work as we make this movie! Yes, FOUR WEEKS, that's all Jac has to make his new masterpiece!

Did I mentioned that we still need a lot of cash flow? Yes we do, that's why it would be a very good idea to add our films to your collection!

9826) JD 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 03:47 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9826) Covers the Relentless said Anybody interested in buying fifty to sixty bondage cover comics?

You mean real things? On real paper? I heard fabled stories about such a relics in distant lands but always dissmissed them as nothing but legends and figments of imagination. Do they really have a smell of forest? Do they? Such an alien concept.

Some random pic from the burrows of my computer. Digital, as they should properly be.
9827) Michael Max 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 03:47 PM Permalink

(9827) Hi All,

Is anyone able to identify what movie is this frame cap from? It seems like some Western... Never ran across this scene anywhere else.
9828) JCK 
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Sunday, 1 November 2015 05:07 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9828) I don't know what movie Michael Max's pic is from, but it would be far more enjoyable if she was being hanged.
9829) Covers the Relentless 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 07:50 AM Permalink

(9829) Today's MAM cover is from Man's Story Dec 1967 V8 No6 Norm Eastman original art


JD Wrote: Covers the Relentless said Anybody interested in buying fifty to sixty bondage cover comics?

You mean real things? On real paper? I heard fabled stories about such a relics in distant lands but always dissmissed them as nothing but legends and figments of imagination. Do they really have a smell of forest? Do they? Such an alien concept.

Yep, printed on genuine paper. They truly exist. I wouldn't say they smell of forest, more like ink and industrial chemicals. The newer comics smell of higher quality paper and ink than the older ones, but they're still nice to hold.
9830) Bronx_Warrior 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 01:50 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9830) I failed to recall a movie scene similar to this pic.. the movie scene I remember was a busty woman captured by a red indian and hands tied behind to a pole. Anyone recall?
9831) scott 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 02:09 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9831) This is a cover of a paperback book I have from the Nick Carter series. Certainly fits in this group.
9832) JD 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 05:51 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9832) Covers the Relentless said Yep, printed on genuine paper. They truly exist.

In truth they say Allah is great!

Re: pic of the day. One more figure with helium breast implants. I tend to believe that most of the 3D artists have never fondled a real breast in their life and don't have any idea how that tissue behaves under gravity. With the first generation of 3D models I would accept it but the latest 3rd, 4th generation allows so many tweaking to the position of the breasts that a realistic posing its easy to do. If you have any idea how breasts work.

Might be wrong but I always assumed that having this peculiar taste of sadism doesn't preclude a normal sexual relationship. With women. With breasts. Not that sure, now. smile

Almost Human (1974).

9833) Flintstone 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 06:53 PM Permalink

to Bronx_Warrior: the actress is Adrianne Barbeau, and I believe that is a scene she was in on Fantasy Island (Boss, de plane, DE PLANE!). If you looked up the definition of "top heavy" in the dictionary in the 70's, her picture was there. She always seemed to project difficulty (read "bitchy") but an attractive actress. Did not do nude scenes that I am aware of, unfortunately.
9834) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 07:37 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Today's pic: Love the ambiance but the breasts are completely wrong in the way the tissue should shift with the movement of the body. I think the artist needs to study the waterwheel on a bit more.


Got my DVD of "Undercover Vixens" and popped it in to make sure it would play, then skipped ahead to the GIMP scene previously vidcapped here. I will do a full review when I have a chance to watch the film properly. The image clarity is a little better than I expected for a film as obscure as this one and certainly has its low-budget 70's charm. The AOH knifeplay scene is there, too. More on the film later.
9835) Bronx_Warrior 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 07:48 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9835) @filmastone: Finally I recalled the picture I lost it.. here is the pic I am talking about..

@JD: Glad you are posting the clips never seen before..
9836) Bill K. 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 07:52 PM Permalink

(9836) Referring to my post 9798.
Salem 's last season episode were Mary Sibley was put in a pillory which there was no torture or even of a threat of torture was very big disappointment to me.
Here is my fantasy erotic viewpoint poser creation on how the writers of Salem should have written that scene.
Bill K.
9837) ZFXFan 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 08:28 PM Permalink

(9837) Ralphus: No problem, and too cool getting "Appy polly loggies" from eminent aficionado Malcolm "Trust me Sandy, I'm a doctor." McDowell.

MrAnthony: Thanks for helping, but I don't think it's Charlotte Stokely. If you can think of anyone else it might be please let me know.

Guys: Any help getting an ID on this adult film star would be very much appreciated.
9838) JD 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 08:34 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9838) Flintstone said Did not do nude scenes that I am aware of, unfortunately.

She did, actually, in two movies.

In Open House
and in Swamp Thing

Hope the honour host doesn't find it off-topic. It's about quality mammaries (unmolested this time).
9839) JD 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 08:40 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9839) @Bronx_Warrior: Julie Williams in Wild Gals of the Naked West (1962).

Hope esteemed dwarf joins the posts.
9840) JCK 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 09:03 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9840) Time to start work on the upper half.
9841) Flintstone 
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Monday, 2 November 2015 10:14 PM Permalink

to JD: Thank you, I stand corrected, thankfully. If she would have just shown those jugs and kept her mouth shut (or gagged), it would have gotten me thru puberty faster...
9842) MrAnthony 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 01:41 AM Permalink

If you're willing to do some looking, you can check out the Brazzer's website, which lists 1667 porn stars. If the person in your image is a porn star and not an amateur, she's likely to be there as Brazzer's seems to have cornered the market through contracts.

9843) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 07:52 AM Permalink

(9843) Man's Story Dec 1968
9844) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 07:57 AM Permalink

(9844) Adrienne Barbeau is one of my all-time favorites. I had her poster on the wall of my room at university. I think this scene is from "Swamp Thing".
9845) esso 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 12:23 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9845) Ralphus has posted an adaptation of mine from the story "Fry In Hell, My Sweet" that appeared in the June '61 issue of Men Today. The narrator watches as his lover's sister is whipped and then hung in the public square by the Nazi's for being a resistance fighter. His lover is captured and he goes to save her as she is interrogated by electric torture. (bondage, whipping, electro-torture, strangulation)


I posted the manip of the cover previously here as a stand alone, if it looks familiar. Above is the original cover.
9846) JCK 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 12:26 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9846) Here's another Adrienne Barbeau. She's 70 now. My favorite movie with her was "Burial of the Rats".
9847) MR BUSH 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 02:34 PM Permalink

Today's picture, where from? Does she take off the bra?
9848) Flintstone 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 05:08 PM Permalink

Today's Pic: I second the question, inquiring minds and all that.
9849) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 05:47 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9849) Mr Bush and Flintstone: What, do I look like MrAnthony to you? I don't know the source; that was just another one of those animated gifs I found off Tumblr. You can find some of the coolest stuff on Tumblr, but the bad thing is they always rename them so there's no clue as to where they come from.


Adrienne Barbeau: You wouldn't know it from looking at her today, but back in the 1970s (Think Maude) she was quite the hottie.
9850) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 06:39 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9850) Playing around a bit with my DVD of "Harem Bunch" aka "Undercover Vixens". This is sort of a test vidcap to see how well the image clarity transfers over to the forum. Also of note, contrary to what Hank's vidcap may have implied, Melissa Gayle is not fully nude in her AOH scene. However, the scene is still pretty hot on the GIMP factor with some knife play, at least by 70's standards. Maybe they cut some footage out from the original '67 release when they renamed it "Undercover Vixens" and re-released it, but the version I have shows exactly what you see above. I'll review the whole thing later tonight.
9851) JD 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 06:40 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9851) A bit of bastinado from Dorothy Stratten in Autumn Born (1979).

The story of a petulent rich girl in need of reeducation. Sort of "Story of O" without French preciousness.

9852) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 06:47 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9852) A closer look at Miss Gayle's talents. The AOH position agrees with her body lines nicely.

To be honest, she's not a bad actress. She certainly does a better job in the movie than the other two girls. I'm a little bit surprised she didn't have a longer career because she does/did have some acting ability in her. She certainly has/had potential to do better work than nudie comedies. Along those lines, it's a shame this film didn't have better image clarity, but at least it hasn't disappeared into oblivion. As my public service, I'm providing "fresh" vidcaps so you don't have to keep looking at Hank's.
9853) Bronx_Warrior 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 07:49 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9853) Any idea about this movie name...?
9854) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 3 November 2015 11:21 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9854) I'm trying my hand at videoclip uploading. Here is a sample from "Amanda - 100 Lashes" from [www.whipping] which has since gone out of business. I had made a review on this forum, but since the film is no longer available commercially, I figured I'd at least post Amanda's first set of lashes. I've also cropped out a lot of stuff at the beginning for brevity, and had to stop at her first rest break in order to keep the clip under the maximum allowed by ZippyShare. You can see her trying to be brave just as this segment ends. At the start of the next set of lashes, she begins crying. If this works, I may add another 200MB segment.


9855) MrAnthony 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 12:10 AM Permalink

The stripping down to bra seems to be from Resurrection County.
9856) MrAnthony 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 12:19 AM Permalink

@Bronx Warrior
I think that's a / sexandsubmission movie. Since they all kind of look alike when they are set inside the armory in San Francisco, and because that image is so small, it's hard to identify which particular sex and submission movie it might be. The man looks like James Deen, which might help narrow it down a little bit for you.
9857) Spike 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 12:41 AM Permalink

Thomas Chaser: Nice job with uploading the video clip "Amanda--100 Lashes"! Thanks, and by all means, upload some more big grin
9858) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 01:05 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9858) Spike wrote: "Nice job with uploading the video clip "Amanda--100 Lashes"! Thanks, and by all means, upload some more!"

Ok, here's the next segment of Amanda's 100 lashes. As I mentioned earlier, she starts crying until the next break, and yes, there's still more lashes ahead for her after that.


Of the old clips I have, Amanda and Sadie are the best of the lot. Unfortunately I never got to Ashley Renee's clips, which should have been pretty awesome given her resume'.
9859) JulietteA 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 04:55 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9859) Hi,

did you seen following punishment movie with hardcore sex on []
Punished Girl Next Door
Runtime: 40 min

Link to the clip:

A HD Movie with a lot of different bondage stuff and a fantastic blowjob.

If you have questions, concerns or comments send me a message. smile
9860) Klingsor 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 05:33 AM Permalink

(9860) @ 9840) JCK:

This is a Mood-Model named Cindy Blue. She appears in Dr. Mengele, Auschwitz and Victimized 1.
She also switches inte the role of Mistress Gitta.

I like sm- models when they show that they can take as much as they dish out. So I would like to see her in a Stanford Experiment on both sides.....
9861) Mark of the Devil 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 06:42 AM Permalink

(9861) @ZFXFan (post 9837)
Good news and bad for your id requet

Good = Blonde is "Chelsea" in a 12:47 mins short titled It's Always the quiet ones.

Bad = Contains only "ordinary" sex scenes :(
9862) Covers the Relentless 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 07:13 AM Permalink

(9862) Man's Story Dec 1969
9863) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 07:36 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9863) Here is a sample of the only other Whipping-Films.Com movie I reviewed on this forum - Sadie's 100 lashes. This is right at the beginning, just after she's been stripped and bound and just before her second round of lashes. In the full movie, she begins to shiver uncontrollably as the whipping goes along. She says she's cold but I think it might be some form of shock setting in. She later came back to try it again in a second film, which I also bought out of curiosity to see if she could handle all 100 lashes.

It's sort of a shame that the guy shut down his business, because after starting out with freaks and circus sideshow strippers, he managed to progress to women like Sadie, Amanda, and the pro Ashley Renee. I also admit that I didn't care much for the low-low-budget film studio that doubled as his downstairs living room. I can only imagine what guests said when noticing the hooks hanging from the ceiling. He had mentioned he owned a restaurant business, so maybe that revenue stream picked up enough that he didn't have to do these films anymore. Or maybe he got a girlfriend who didn't approve of having other women naked in the playroom.

Anyway, you can read my review to get an understanding of the full movie.

Sample of the movie: []
9864) sonnysear 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 08:51 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9864) I am always have the fantasy of making my own whipping and bondage videos. I am asking guys who are the experts in this world: what kind of money need to be offered to a girl who is willing to be whipped 100 lashes, and where do I find them?

Bring back an old topic: this is a website exist almost 20 years ago, and I was a poor student then and I could only afford to buy the still shots not the video tape. I miss those videos and should have bought the video, now it is all lost to time. This is the type of video I want to create.
9865) bastinado 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 09:58 AM Permalink

esso: Great job with your last two posts. Could you possibly share another one of your MAM stories that has Japanese or Viet Cong villains? They seem to have a penchant for foot torture that some of us enjoy!
9866) esso 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 11:04 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

bastinado 9865: Funny you should ask that. I was going to post "...Watch your Love Die by Inches" next but changed my mind when Covers posted the Man's Story cover that featured that story today. So I decided to post one with a Red Chinese torturer (Korean War) that is primarily centered on the feet. The sexual implications of the foot (e.g. Chinese foot binding, men's shoe size an indication of his penis size) are many and probably due to the area of the genitals in the sensory cortex (?) being next to that of the toes and feet. As far as the Asian preference for foot torture, I don't know, only point out the origin of your pen name. Coming in a few days.
9867) susan karlson 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 11:55 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

To Fritz: Not been visiting for a while, but just seen your stunning secret agent girl being tormented by the lovely sadistic bitch, and it is superb. My sort of dream scene. Thanks a million. Susan.
9868) Spike 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 04:39 PM Permalink

Klingsor: Nice collage of "Dr. Mengele, Auschwitz and Victimized 1" pictures. Where can we find this movie, please?
9869) JD 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 05:20 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9869) Thomas Chaser said: I'm trying my hand at videoclip uploading.

And you're doing it like a pro. wink

Erna Schurer in La Bambola Di Satana (1969). Those lovely castles where the disoriented blonde ends up invariably in the torture room.

9870) ZFXFan 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 06:32 PM Permalink

(9870) Mark of the Devil: Standing ovation! You got her. Awesome absolutely awesome! Thank you for the pic and information.

MrAnthony: Thank you for the suggestion and link.

Really appreciate, the two of you helping, and Mark of the Devil providing her name.

To return the favor I can give you a heads up on a hot new model that has just begun doing some bondage shoots. She just moved to LA and is available to be booked if either of you are into customs. Or you could let your favorite bondage producer know she's available. Her name's Alex Grey.
9871) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 06:42 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9871) "Klingsor: Nice collage of "Dr. Mengele, Auschwitz and Victimized 1" pictures. Where can we find this movie, please?"

Those are older Elite Pain/Mood Pictures films. If you want them, you better hurry up and go get them, as Pedro has indicated to me that he removes films from the libraries as new films come out. If there's one you see in that compilation that you like but it isn't on the website store, try emailing and see if it is available through special arrangement.


Speaking of old films, I was really saddened when Hidden Pleasures ceased operations. They had some good low-quality stuff with hot local girls in totally hot positions. Nothing complicated, no Japanese rope tricks that looked like giant spider cocoons, no girls twisted around like pretzels, and, thank the heavens, no tat'd up nose-pierced sideshow freaks. The best video they did was a simple "girl on a rack" scene that showed their custom carpentry skills really, really well.

Ah, memories.


JD - thanks for the compliment and the assistance! I'm hoping to figure out how to do a clip of "Harem Bunch" soon, one way or another.

Meanwhile, here's a clip of one of my favorite scenes. There's no sound, but that might actually make the scene more enjoyable, given the state of 70's low-budget film soundtracks back then.

Jenny Tamburi in "Le scomunicate di San Valentino", also known as "Sinful Nuns of St. Valentine", 1974.
9872) sonnysear 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 06:54 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9872) Thomas Chaser: thanks for the comment. I think this may be the picture of the scene you mentioned. I would like to call anybody, any readers of this forum to dig into their attic, and if you find those VHS tape from Hidden pleasures, send them to me. I will pay for it, and you name the price. This way I could digitize them and make available.
9873) Nasdaqnomad 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 06:56 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

To Thomas Chaser

Just wanted to let you know that Whipping Films site is back up. I had two addresses for him. One was his own site which is still closed down. But the Clips for Sale site is back up with a new video added. The girl has a lot of tats which I know you don't like, but you can still find the Ashley Renee videos. Hopefully he takes thing up a notch.
9874) Sivious 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 09:58 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hey guys,

Found an AOH/branding scene is this telenovela. I think this same series yielded two other scenes earlier this year. The scene is pretty scattered and I'm no good at making video rips, so would appreciate it if somebody would do that.


9875) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 4 November 2015 10:42 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Sonnysear wrote: "Thomas Chaser :thanks for the comment. I think this may be the picture of the scene you mentioned. I would like to call anybody, any readers of this forum to dig into their attic, and if you find those VHS tape from Hidden pleasures, send them to me. I will pay for it, and you name the price. This way I could digitize them and make available."

That's not the scene I had in mind. The one I'm talking about was a video where a fetching young girl, stripped nude, was bound to a standard flat-backed rack with a weight attached to the drum. The generic bad guy bound her to it, tightened up the ratchet, then attached the weight so that as her body elongated or if she relaxed or her muscles fatigued, the weight would tighten the drum. He then said something to the effect of "I'll be back" and left the scene. The rest of the film was her fighting the tension on her body, from a couple of different camera angles. I'm not sure what happened to that tape - I think my VCR ate it from my playing it so much. I'll have to dig around the Chaser Library archives to see if I still have the tape. If I find it, I'll let you know. I don't mind sharing the wealth. It's a good way to keep art from disappearing.


Thanks for the head's up that Whipping-Films.Com was still kicking under a different store, and that there's actually a new film out (too bad about the tats tho. Not only are they ugly, they're in the ugliest places on her body). Looking through his catalogue again, Ashley Renee's clips don't look nearly as good as I remember when I first perused them, but "Return of Two Stroke" has possibilities, even at $22 for a 10 minute film.
9876) MAV 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 12:39 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@Chaser-looking forward to more of your review on Undercover Vixens. Sounds like it's a shortie-but-goodie, especially for Monica Gayle and those who like knifeplay

9877) Osouk 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 02:12 AM Permalink

Esso - Enjoying your stories - please keep them coming
9878) MrAnthony 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 02:20 AM Permalink

The mystery film is a foreign film. I was able to find a YouTube clip of it, but I don't recognize the language.

9879) Matt 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 03:05 AM Permalink

Nice to see another fan of Unfortunately, I only have some of their images, not all. I believe one of their videos is on, but I will check and see if it's still there.
9880) Matt 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 03:19 AM Permalink

The one video on Xhamster is here:

9881) JulietteA 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 04:57 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9881) Hi,

on [] you can get now another fantastic movie:
Red Ass Punishment

Direct Link to the clip:

By the way. You can order all my movies also on dvd:

We always send in neutral package and offer FREE SHIPPING. Order today your favorite movie! smile

If you have questions, concerns or comments send me a message. smile
9882) Magdalena 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 06:06 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

The mysterious movie actually ain't a movie but is the first episode of the Scandinavian crime series "Those Who Kill". This episode really induced some lockup fantasies in my mind when it was broadcast on public television here. I can retrieve more details about the episode when anyone is interested.
9883) sonnysear 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 06:24 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9883) Dear Thomas, Matt:

Thank you guys very much to keep this alive topic. I do find another bit and piece on line, but nobody seems to have everything together.

Here is a link titled: "fat man has some fun", where is girl is suspended AOH and tortured. I really miss those scenes as in this above picture, it seems that the girl took some real beating and swelled and bleeding. The following is the link to "fat man":

9884) Covers the Relentless 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 07:42 AM Permalink

(9884) Man's Story Dec 1970 Eastman art
9885) Thomas Chaser 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 08:20 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9885) @MAV - Thanks! I'm still wrestling with getting a video clip together, but I can at least post a review and some new stills. I'll get on that tonight (yeah, yeah, I know I promised that two nights ago, but things happen and I was going to do a video clip instead).

For those wondering where MAV's picture is from, its "Fall of an Amazon" at [] so go get it.
9886) Scott Torvea 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 08:59 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

MrAnthony: That was fantastic!
9887) Scott Torvea 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 09:02 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9887) Here is a screen shot from something Candle Boxxx and I are working on. It is for another company so we only have rights to release pics and not the whole movie but hope you enjoy!
9888) Fritz 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 01:38 PM Permalink

susan karlson: I'm guessing you are referring to the “Nikki's Final Mission” story in the GIMP comics section. If so (or even if it's something else), thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've been lurking on the site lately – not feeling all that motivated I suppose – so I haven't posted or contributed anything new. Hope that will change soon.
9889) Bronx_Warrior 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 01:38 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9889) Carole Bouquet is one of my favourite actress in the mid of last century. I am delighted to see her GIMP scene but no-nude. But she did nude scene not in GIMP eek!

9890) JD 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 02:08 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9890) @Sivious: Thanks for pointing at it. I'm able to withstand lot of media abuse but I gotta admit that watching telenovelas exceeds even my abilities. Last time I tried my IQ dropped 10 points and didn't come back.

I'll chop it to the good parts. Alas, the full version of the episode are medium quality (but watchable nonetheless). Will post some tomorrow.

Thomas Chaser said: The one I'm talking about was a video where a fetching young girl, stripped nude, was bound to a standard flat-backed rack with a weight attached to the drum. The generic bad guy bound her to it, tightened up the ratchet, then attached the weight so that as her body elongated or if she relaxed or her muscles fatigued, the weight would tighten the drum. He then said something to the effect of "I'll be back" and left the scene. The rest of the film was her fighting the tension on her body, from a couple of different camera angles.

Sounds yammy.

@JulietteA: Great work!

@Covers: I'm not too much into the graphics, it takes an aquired taste that I miss but the text is killing me. "The deal is dames, drugs and death, McGrady!" ... you can't top that!

@Fritz: Your words of wisdom are sorely missed. No chuckles, no fun, no pokes to our esteem host ... just hard work and no fun! frown

A clip that was on Vimeo and got deleted, the lovely Jenny Tamburi in The Sinful Nuns Of Saint Valentine (1974). I particularly love this clip as it shows ... SWEAT! Yeah, the natural body response to fear and anxiety is displayed here, as it should.

9891) esso 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 05:36 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

To Osouk et. al. I will keep posting the stories as quickly as I can given two limiting factors (1) I do have a job and other responsibilities and leisure activities and (2) Even though the framework for these is taken from the old MAMs in some cases I add as much as 75% new stuff and I am a careful (slow) writer. On the positive side, most of these were written quite a while ago over a period of a few years. So it is not as though I have to do a new one each time.

However, I can never just let things be and I always edit and sometimes add a lot more, and that takes time. But mainly thanks to you and the many others who have voiced their appreciation. It is nice to know that one is not working in a vacuum.

And here is a mea culpa - I have been remiss in doing this myself. Osouk is a perfect example. He has written some great stuff for which I have never thanked him. And there are a bunch more as well. I will try and improve and suggest that the rest of the silent majority do the same.
9892) booley 
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Thursday, 5 November 2015 08:46 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

To all of you Adrienne Barbeau fans, there is a much sexier photo of her on the website, under Photos, Retro Stars. It shows her nude from the rear down to her butt and turned so that you can see her left breast. She is between two nude guys and it is apparently from the 1971 Off Broadway nudie musical Stag Movie, in which she had a leading role and appeared nude throughout the whole thing. There is also another shot of her on the web showing the same two guys looking over her shoulder at her boobs.
9893) MrAnthony 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 01:47 AM Permalink

So the Danish name for "Those Who Kill" is Den som dræber and the episodes can easily be found on YouTube.

Wikipedia describes the series thus:
"Those Who Kill (Danish: Den som dræber) is a Danish crime TV series from 2011, which follows a fictitious unit within Copenhagen Police which specialises in investigating serial murders. The series was aired as five two-part stories in Denmark (i.e. ten episodes in total), but has aired as five feature-length episodes in most other countries. A separate 92 minutes feature film, Fortidens skygge, which forms a continuation and ending of the series, premiered in Danish cinemas on 15 March 2012,[1] and is being aired as a final, sixth episode of the series in many other countries, such as the UK and Germany."

I tried watching one episode (well, sped through it, since you can see the scenes on the YouTube timeline), and the episode was crap. You see more peril in a typical Criminal Minds episode (which also focuses on serial criminals/murderers). The one scene here must be the exception.

In the two-part episode I watched, I had high hopes because the villain was the bad Amish dude from Banshee, the female detective was hot, and there's a small riot in a jail. Sadly, all that happens is a pudgy female guard gets stabbed and the hot detective goes in and gets her out, like a bad episode of Law and Order:SVU. You've been warned.

Apparently there was an American version of the series with Chloe Sevigny, but nobody watched it and it got cancelled.
9894) GabrieleKnight 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 07:00 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9894) Just a sample of my works.
9895) GabrieleKnight 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 07:05 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9895) Another picture picture.
9896) GabrieleKnight 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 07:08 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9896) The last one, for today.
9897) JD 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 07:37 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@GabrieleKnight: Great work!
9898) DarthSaad 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 07:52 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hey all - the next chapter of my story WONDER WOMAN HELL IN PARADISE is finally ready.

Commissions have been keeping me pretty busy [thanks to all those paying me big grin] but I finally found some time to squeeze out the next installment.


9899) Covers the Relentless 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 10:41 AM Permalink

(9899) Today's MAM cover is from Man's Story Dec 1971.


JD, I'm Glad you are enjoying the covers, even if the artwork sometimes left a bit to be desired. I've got to say that the tattered dress painted over today's naked GIMP does not look very realistic.
9900) JD 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 02:06 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9900) Covers the Relentless said I've got to say that the tattered dress painted over today's naked GIMP does not look very realistic.

Maybe but then how not to chuckle when reading "My Harlot Army to Smash Hitler's Elite Korps"? Pure joy.

As promised, the cut of Señora Acero S02E26. Some electric play, some red irons, no nudity. It's a film for the whole family.

9901) JCK 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 02:07 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9901) Roman Impalement 2
9902) JCK 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 02:08 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9902) Roman Impalement 1
9903) JCK 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 02:10 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9903) More Impalement
9904) JCK 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 05:54 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thank-You GabrieleKnight! Beautifully Erotic!
9905) Ralphus 
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Friday, 6 November 2015 07:09 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

GabrieleKnight: First off, a warm welcome to the GIMP forum. I think your artwork is excellent.

Unfortunately, we do have a limit here on posting pictures and artworks, no more than 3 per day per person. We're mainly a discussion forum and we do this to prevent picture flooding on the board. You're obviously new here and likely didn't know about the rule. It's certainly no fault of yours, and I hate to be the bad guy who had to delete your last 18 postings, because like I say, you definitely have a talent.

I hope this won't dissuade you from posting here in the future, especially since you've already gotten some positive feedback from the posters here. Do you have a website you could link to that would show off your work?


I've been tied up with work the past few days and haven't had a chance to read the board except for just a quick skimming. I'll report back later after I've had a chance to catch up.
9906) JD 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 12:47 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9906) I tartari (1961). Tartars fighting Romans.

9907) Michael Max 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 02:05 AM Permalink

@9864) sonnysear

Hiddenpleasures is an old favorite. Too bad it came and went before HD video equipment became commonplace. They definitely had the right idea with the simple and effective bondage schemes.

I cannot fathom that in the overload of BDSM porn these days, one can seldom find a picture or vid of a girl tied up in a "normal" way.

I do have a CD from Hiddenpleasures - one of the first BDSM-related purchases I ever made. I will put it on some file-sharing service and give you the link.
9908) Matt 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 02:10 AM Permalink

Nice to see some of Rebecca's artwork posted, Ralphus. If you have more, please, continue posting!
9909) william1 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 02:51 AM Permalink

Just came across with a new series called "The Bastard Executioner" by FX. It has some pretty hard (but brief) GIMP scenes for a mainstream series from time to time. I think it hasn't been metioned here before.

9910) petelobo 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 03:42 AM Permalink

(9910) Ralphus and Gabrielle,

Frankly, since it's not noted anywhere that I can find that the limit is 3 pics per day--and since Gabriele's images that WERE posted woke me up from the drifting down through messages for the first time in several days--I'd vote for posting the images and THEN informing of the rule. Jeez, after daily pics of a woman dressed to go outside in the NE in January in a chair with loving shots of how her feet were attached to its legs and some guy fiddling with a scalpel...actual naked women in actual advanced states of peril was a really welcome change!

I hope Gabriele will post the 18 pics we all missed (3 a day now, no cheating) for at least the next 6 days. If this is a decision based on bandwidth, okay I support it, but if it's just so no-one thinks this is not a "discussion" board, when someone has something good to post, let 'em post!

Even traffic cops cut a break on a speeding ticket if it's a first offense, right?
9911) GabrieleKnight 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 05:06 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9911) I apologise for having tried to post too many pictures. I am new in this forum and I did not know there was a limit.
Today I want to share three pictures from the "Roman Arena" series.

1. Damnatio ad bestias
9912) GabrieleKnight 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 05:07 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9912) 2. Vivi combustio
9913) GabrieleKnight 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 05:08 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9913) 3. Impalatio
9914) JD 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 09:20 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Since I got complaints about some lack of sync in the last Acero post, here's another take from a different source. Still rather shoddy video but some better sync.

Senora Acero S02E26. Things I'm doing to keep the midget content. roll eyes (sarcastic)

9915) Covers the Relentless 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 09:54 AM Permalink

(9915) Man's Story Dec 1972
9916) Daniel-KATL 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 10:27 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

WoW! Some great posts!

Now Candle Boxx chained to and X frame and whipped is a keeper!
9917) Thomas Chaser 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 11:16 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9917) I know I promised to have a review of "Harem Bunch" out by now, but I've been wrestling with trying to make a clip of the best part. I haven't had much luck with that, but I do have the vidcaps done and will write the review soon. In the meantime, I'm offering up a clip from another defunct GIMP film producer whose site has closed down - one of my favorites, as a matter of fact.

Some of you may have heard of "History-Torture.Com", a German-based (I think) site that made medieval Inquisition-style films. This sequence is one of my favorites because the model looks a bit like Jennifer Garner, whom I've had a thing for since "Alias". All of his films followed the same series of tortures, and this one really got my attention because I've never seen anybody else duplicate it. The victim is bound AOH to a frame, her legs spread wide and lashed to the seat. A large candle is placed in front of her and the Executioner dips various metal tools into a cup of flammable oil. He lights the tool on fire, lets it burn a bit, then presses it against the victim's flesh. The fearful anticipation is excellent. In true German fashion, the girls usually try to control their reaction to the heat, unsuccessfully of course. The above picture sequence is taken at the beginning of the scene, before her body is marked up with charred soot. You can see it for yourself.

The clip: []
9918) Gog 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 11:33 AM Permalink

Petelobo wrote: If this is a decision based on bandwidth, okay I support it, but if it's just so no-one thinks this is not a "discussion" board, when someone has something good to post, let 'em post!

I know it's not a question of that. It's a question of people being able to have their post stay on the board for more than half a day. Especially someone who has taken the time and effort to write a review or something of that nature, then have all their hard work roll off the board in an instant.

In fact, there has at least been one poster in the recent past who has hinted at this by reposting the same day (or early the following), stating something to the effect of allowing people to see the posting before it rolled off the board.

I know for myself that I only look at the current page, unless I'm looking for a specific post.

But I do agree that, since it is policy now, that it should be posted someplace. And I also thought that GabrieleKnight should get a pass for posting for the first time. But then again, I only saw about 5 or 6 at the time. Didn't know that there were 18 in total.

BTW, very nice work GabrieleKnight! smile
9919) Ralphus 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 11:33 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Petelobo: You're certainly entitled to your opinion and to criticize me all you like, and if you're not happy, I'd be glad to give you a full refund. Tell me again, I much did you pay to get in here?

It's never fun being in charge, because you hear complaints from both sides. I also got comments from others about the GIMP forum resembling Instragram, which is why I instituted the rule. Like it or not, we are a discussion forum, and while the advances that made it easier to upload pictures are a welcome change, it's easy to overdo it. We have room for 100 postings on the main page of the forum. Allowing 21 pictures from one reader would take up over 1/5 of all our space in one day. If 5 people did that every day, the entire board would be nothing but pictures. If that's what people want to see, there are dozens of picture-sharing sites all over the net. I like the combination of discussion and other media that we have here.


Senora Acero: I was one of those who slogged through the endless commercials in order to see the good stuff from that show. Like the one from last year and the beating scene earlier this year, this has turned into quite the GIMP-worthy foreign offering.

Dr Yuya: I recall you commenting a while back about how you were able to snatch the hi-res video off that site, and if you're able to do it again, I'm sure we would all welcome an upgraded version from that episode. Not that we don't appreciate JD's efforts to put together clips for us using whatever resources he was able to find. It's just that this one is particularly special in my book, and I notice it's the same gorgeous actress who got zapped by Mexican police in the episode from last year. She must love going to work every day wondering what they're going to do to her next.


Hidden Pleasures: Those were the first videos I've ever seen from that late production company, and the second one (with the fat guy) was quite good, I thought, even with the shoddy video quality that was available back in those days. I agree with Sonnysear and Michael Max on this one; simple, effective bondage that was designed to be painful, and a truly refreshing nonconsensual atmosphere, something that's missing from the majority of the bondage vids that we see today. How often do you see a suspended spread-eagle whipping like that? That was great.

I understand the Hidden Pleasures site closed down for a rather unfortunate reason...the guy who ran it simply passed away, and that was the end of that. I wonder if he was the fat man in the video?

9920) Scott Torvea 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 11:34 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Daniel-KATL Thank you! That was just a screenshot before editing. I'll post some more after its finished smile
9921) Kathyrne 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 11:50 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9921) So, a couple of things. First, I'm going out of town for vacation starting tomorrow, so I did a pre-vacation image to share. I won't be back until very late on Friday, so I might miss the 13th image this month. We'll see what happens. I might go into withdrawl by then since I won't have my computer (or Poser program) with me.

Second: @ JCK
; In the images you posted earlier the text is really hard to read. You should consider putting a black outline on your white text work to make it easier to read. Just a suggestion.

Anyways, y'all take care! cool
9922) Thomas Chaser 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 12:07 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9922) Ralphus wrote: "I understand the Hidden Pleasures site closed down for a rather unfortunate reason...the guy who ran it simply passed away, and that was the end of that. I wonder if he was the fat man in the video?"

That was my understanding as well. I know he sold a lot of the bondage gear used in his videos, and I almost wonder if he didn't start out making the vids as demonstrations of how his stuff worked, how reliable it was, how safe, etc. His rack and his cage looked particularly delicious. Unfortunately, I was married to a woman who wasn't into that sort of thing and never would have green-lighted such an acquisition. As it was, I had to smuggle the VHS tapes into the house and watch them when she was gone.

I loved the simplicity of his arrangements. Everything was minimalist as far as the rope work went. Some thick knots around the wrists, some more around the ankles, and he got on with the action; not like the stuff coming out of Kink.Com where the girls are twisted around like pretzels and wrapped up like electrical coils. Plus, I got the feeling that most of his "models" were local girls looking for a quick buck and some fun role-playing, rather than the tatted up circus freaks so prevalent nowadays. The models were clean, girl-next-door Backwoods Barbie types that I just knew probably worked low-wage jobs and looked to Hidden Pleasures for Spring Break and Christmas money.

I loved his suspension and crucifixion stuff the most. I just wish I'd been able to get more of it. I'm hoping that somebody will pick up that banner and carry it forward.
9923) GabrieleKnight 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 12:21 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(No pictures this time)

I am really sorry that a little argument was started for my mistake of trying to post too many pictures. I have discovered this forum recently and I really ignored that it has a limit.

Of course, I will respect the limit of three pictures a day and I will go on posting images for a long time, if you do not mind.

I have plenty of finished artworks and I presently produce about ten new pictures every week.

My "artworks" (actually collages/photomanipulations edited and filtered with Photoshop) are divided into three sections:

"Inquisition" [interrogations of witches] (over 100 pictures);
"Roman Arena" [mostly cruel public executions] (almost 100 pictures);
"Dungeon" [often with sexual implications] (over 500 pictures).
Tomorrow I will show you three samples of the "Inquisition" series.

I hope you will enjoy my work.
9924) GabrieleKnight 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 12:30 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

It is important for me to specify that my pictures cannot be found in any picture-sharing sites all over the net. This is the first time I share them.
9925) Thomas Chaser 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 12:35 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

GabrielKnight wrote: "I am really sorry that a little argument was started for my mistake of trying to post too many pictures. I have discovered this forum recently and I really ignored that it has a limit.
Of course, I will respect the limit of three pictures a day and I will go on posting images for a long time, if you do not mind.
I have plenty of finished artworks and I presently produce about ten new pictures every week."

Hey Ralphus, how about starting a subsection to collect his works into one place? The Inquisition series sounds very promising. This could be a GIMP Forum exclusive.
9926) JCK 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 01:00 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9926) Crux
9927) JCK 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 01:02 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9927) Strappado
9928) JCK 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 01:08 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9928) Impaled
9929) Michael Max 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 01:10 PM Permalink

@Thomas Carter "I loved the simplicity of his arrangements. Everything was minimalist as far as the rope work went. Some thick knots around the wrists, some more around the ankles, and he got on with the action; not like the stuff coming out of Kink.Com where the girls are twisted around like pretzels and wrapped up like electrical coils."

My thoughts exactly. It's hard to believe that there is so little basic, simple, elegant BDSM. Seems like producers got it deep into their heads that more rope and weirdest possible positions make it better. It doesn't.

That's why I absolutely abhor Insex stuff has also gone this way unfortunately, especially of late.

I keep waiting for somebody to come around and finally do things right. I do think that with Juliette (who visits here as it appears) is quite close.
9930) JD 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 01:36 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9930) petelobo said: actual naked women in actual advanced states of peril was a really welcome change!

OK, today's treat is a naked damsel getting a shower, then a knife in the mouth ... then someone cuts her nipples and put them on her eyes. If even that's too little for you, I don't think there's anything left for someone so jagged. smile My Pure Joy (2011)


@Thomas Chaser: Thanks for Jennifer Garner look-alike. I start looking at her differentely after reading a story by Kristen Smart with her as main character.

Gog said: I know for myself that I only look at the current page, unless I'm looking for a specific post.

Lazy ass. Sorry for the past misunderstanding.

Ralphus said: If 5 people did that every day, the entire board would be nothing but pictures. If that's what people want to see, there are dozens of picture-sharing sites all over the net. I like the combination of discussion and other media that we have here.

Well yes and no. If it's original content, that's the gold standard to me. If it's just reposts from other public places, then different game and limits are welcomed.

GabrieleKnight said I hope you will enjoy my work.

Excellent stuff mate. As someone that occasionally dabble into Photoshop universe, gotta say it's AAA grade. 10 a week output you say? I need a career change. I can't make more than one a week and only if the weekend is rainy and gotta stay indoors.

Here's one of my favorite heroines (as this forum painfully learnt by now). If Jabba would have been into Water Bondage. smile

9931) Gog 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 02:41 PM Permalink

JD - No worries Mate.

But just so ya know, it's not that I'm's just that I have other interest that take up my time.

9932) sonnysear 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 08:55 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9932) I would continue to pose the image collections of the Hidden Pleasures. Those local girls are clearly suffering from the stress of suspension and beating, and clearly shows stress, swell and bleeding. I would call for anyone who has the VHS collection hidden somewhere, look for them and bring them to see the light of the day.
9933) sonnysear 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 09:01 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9933) The stress, swell and bleeding appear to be very real.
9934) A Canadian 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 09:59 PM Permalink

(9934) Joek0 recently wrote:

Quick review of an Attackers film I just saw.

I just saw Attackers JBD-193 starring Miki Sunohara and my thoughts are that is on OK Attackers movie, but not as good as the older films that are liked here. The only torture scenes of note are the usual candle wax torture and a standing head dunking. The first 2 rape scenes were pretty good and she was tied up. The last rape scene is a gang bang scene, but is pretty much a consensual scene. For me, the rape-torture ratio is not good enough for me. Rape fans will like probably like this one more. I will say that Miki Sunohara is a great actress and really knows how to emote well. Thanks for telling me about her A Canadian. I hope she does a rougher bondage film for Attackers in the future. I would give this movie a C+ as a torture fan.

I watched this one and I have to concur. In fact, I think the C+ grade may have been a bit generous.

As much as I love Miki Sunohara, I found JBD-193 to be pretty dull. It has a lot of what I like -- whipping, rape, etc. -- but the whole thing is plodding and rather lifeless.

It's too bad.
9935) Joek0 
IP logged
Saturday, 7 November 2015 10:26 PM Permalink

@GabrieleKnight: I love the images keep them coming.

@A Canadian: Thanks for your thoughts on JBD-193. What would you have graded it? Where did you buy your copy? I got mine at R18 (I bought the full download).

I don't know what to think of JBD-196 that was just released this month. There is one other in the series (JBD-184) that I have access to though my R18 subscription stream. I'll check out JBD-184 to see if it makes a good torture movie and see if JBD-196 is worth a watch.
9936) Bill K. 
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Saturday, 7 November 2015 11:11 PM Permalink

Excellent manipulation GabrieleKnight.
But I am puzzled by black dots you added. Why are they there? Bill K.
9937) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 12:44 AM Permalink

Joek0 wrote:

@A Canadian: Thanks for your thoughts on JBD-193. What would you have graded it? Where did you buy your copy? I got mine at R18 (I bought the full download).

I probably would have given it a C-. It left me rather underwhelmed.

As for where I bought it, I can't answer that one, as it would violate the rules of this forum (it wasn't a legitimate source).

I often use the site that was given the nickname the "Godzilla" site to access Giga films. Having paid for the ability to download films, I will try to get my money's worth by pursuing films from other websites that are on my want-to-see list. JBD-193 was one of them.

I can say that the version I saw was of very high quality, as you could probably tell from the cap I posted. The production values were top notch.
9938) ZFXFan 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 01:10 AM Permalink

(9938) Regarding your previous picture of the day.

Line! "Trust me Sandy, I'm a doctor."

You neglected to say Sandy.


Somewhere in that office there's a speculum with her name on it.
9939) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 02:39 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9939) A well known scene

9940) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 03:17 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9940) Gorgeous Marion Cotillard in "Furia" :

9941) Matt 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 03:30 AM Permalink

Ralphus: re: I was a member of the site, and I can testify to how it was done: no one had tattoos, they had some storylines, as their stills in the members section seemed to show, though some were clearly from videos. I was a member at the time they closed down, and there was an announcement that they had to shut down temporarily due to their credit card processor having closed down. The site owner may have had plans to come back, but as you say, something terminal got in the way. Another good thing about that site was that you could buy a membership that only lasted one month and was non-recurring.

Re: today's pic....if you ask how much, then you can't afford it, in all likelihood. It goes for exotic cars, boats, RVs, planes, etc. as well as the merchandise so displayed in the picture.
9942) GabrieleKnight 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 04:46 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9942) Time has come to show you some of my pictures of the "Inquisition" series.

9943) GabrieleKnight 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 04:47 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9943) 2.
9944) GabrieleKnight 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 04:48 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9944) 3.
9945) Centaurus 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 06:27 AM Permalink

@Matt and @sonnysear: Many thanks for these videos from HiddenPleasures!

@GabrieleKnight: Very nice artwork indeed! I am very interested in your dungeon series, as this is a personal fetish of mine (female dungeon imprisonment). I hope we'll see more :)
9946) GabrieleKnight 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 08:39 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Most of the artwork I have created in the latest months is part of the "Dungeon" series. It contains images of women imprisoned in dark dungeons and there tortured and abused by cruel villains.
Tomorrow I am going to post three more pictures from the "Dungeon" series. I hope you will enjoy.
9947) JD 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 09:23 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9947) Can't be happier than seeing other ppl like lionrobe or ThomasChaser sharing their video treasures. As much as I'd try my day still has only 24 hours so that's greatly appreciated.

@GabrieleKnight: One word of caution. If you decide to make it as a daily thing, don't be put off when people will stop mentioning your contributions anymore. They will still look at them, download them, masturbate to them, whatever. They will just become awfully silent. As a veteran (and veterinarian) of this forum, Honorable Covers can confirm. Again, it's not that they don't like your illustrations anymore, it's that the modern man's attention span is measured in seconds.

Rojo sangre (2004).
9948) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 09:33 AM Permalink

Joek0 wrote:

There is one other in the series (JBD-184) that I have access to though my R18 subscription stream. I'll check out JBD-184 to see if it makes a good torture movie and see if JBD-196 is worth a watch.

I have a bad feeling that both those movies are consensual. I hope I'm wrong.

If it proves to be any good, I know MAV will be interested in JBD-196.
9949) GabrieleKnight 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 10:12 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ JD
First of all I really want to tell you that I deeply appreciate the quality of your artwork: simply stunning!
Thank you very much for your precious advice. It is not important if people do not send me a positive feedback. I simply hope that there are people in the World who can enjoy my "particular" pictures because they share my "strange" tastes.
(Forgive my awful English!)
9950) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Sunday, 8 November 2015 10:27 AM Permalink

(9950) Man's Story Dec 1973 p14-15
9951) passer-by 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 10:38 AM Permalink

(9951) lionrobe wrote:A well known scene

I have uploaded an original 4:3 aspect ratio video.

9952) Ed 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 10:51 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

GabrielKnight wrote: I am really sorry that a little argument was started for my mistake of trying to post too many pictures
Ralphus: Tell me again, I much did you pay to get in here? It's never fun being in charge

Personal opinion: Far worse things you could have done (malware link in post, say), you were informed, politely, and now you're doing only three. No harm, no foul. Whether before or after, I do see a 3-picture limit mentioned among the Forum Rules.

I, for one, have nothing but gratitude for the job Ralphus does, although I don't think petelobo's criticism was all that petulant. This forum did start as BDSM video discussion. Not only is the forum still free after, what, 16 years, but we don't have to dodge pernicious third-party popups saying our browser is out of date or that bane of the internet, LiveJasmin.

Bill K: But I am puzzled by black dots you added. Why are they there? Bill K.

I have the same question, GK. Love your work, but the spots are a distraction. I saw your post 9923 on what you like. Inquisition. Dungeon (with sexual implications). And they number in the hundreds?! Damn, a few of my favorite things, just like the song.

. . . my pictures cannot be found in any picture-sharing sites all over the net. This is the first time I share them.

Thank you.

Finally, I partake too much and give thanks too little. So thanks to esso for the writing, JD for the excellent Leia torture scenes, and Covers the Dependable for consistently posting fond memories from my nascent perverted youth. Apologies to any I missed.
9953) JD 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 11:20 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9953) Much to Leia's horror, Jabba the Hut was in the habit of branding each of his new slaves, before letting them don the slave bikini. Letter H will be proeminently displayed on her hip for life.

GabrieleKnight said It is not important if people do not send me a positive feedback. I simply hope that there are people in the World who can enjoy my "particular" pictures because they share my "strange" tastes.

In that case you're in the right spot. All here are misfits with odd tastes (some of them freak me out actually) and having strange tastes in this place is actually a quality.
9954) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 12:18 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9954) The Harem Bunch aka Undercover Vixens - A thumbnail review by Thomas Chaser

I'm not really sure what the difference is between the two titles, other than release dates. "The Harem Bunch" appears to be the first release, then marketed as "Undercover Vixens" later. At any rate, the box art on the cover for my DVD read "The Harem Bunch... Or War and Piece" while the back read "Undercover Vixens", so maybe there is no difference between the two.

Anyway, the plot is pretty simple. A man walks into a tailor shop in Tel Aviv (circa 1982, we're told), run by a Jew and Arab. The man thinks it is wonderful that a Jew and an Arab have put aside their differences to work so well together. The two men then go on to explain that the Jew was a general in "the war" and the Arab was the son of a sheik and is the only person to ever foil one of the Jewish general's operations. He begins to tell the story of how he set up a covert operation to smuggle high-tech tanks into Israel using female operatives to plant bogus information in the Arab leadership.

The plan was simple: find three women and give them not-so-secret plans for the Arabs to discover. The women would believe that they have secret plans so that when they were captured, the Arabs would believe their sincerity. One woman would be disguised as a shepherd boy, another as a jeep driver, and the third as a harem girl. To recruit their operatives, the general would solicit volunteers from the female IDF barracks. He sends a sergeant down to find three willing volunteers, and apparently all IDF women lounge around naked in the barracks – something our own military might consider implementing.

Meanwhile, the sheik’s lieutenants are talking about how they will kill the Jews using fire, whips, and swords. One LT, so passionate about killing, grabs a puffy-nippled harem girl, who doesn’t seem to mind a little knife-play before her sexing.

The IDF agent sent as the shepherd boy has her hands full warding off the shepherd who compliments her/him on “his” physique and tries to remove her/his shirt to see her/his muscles. She manages to deflect the man’s attempts, but later that night the shepherd’s wife, also intrigued by her/his muscles, finally disrobes the agent. Her cover revealed, literally, she’s sent to the sheik where she is bound Arms-Over-Head for the LTs to decide her fate. Naturally, they argue about how best to make the agent talk, resolving nothing.

The jeep-driver attempts to race across the desert, but she’s spotted and captured in an ambush. She joins her compatriot in the sheik’s tent as a plaything for the LTs.

The harem girl agent seems to be having better luck. The senior harem girl manages to get the IDF agent alone for a little one-on-one initiation involving anointment with oil and some lesbian love-making.

Unfortunately, the next day when the IDF girl attempts to make contact with her superior, she trips over an Arab and shouts out “Oy vey!” She’s captured and also bound AOH in the sheik’s tent.

My sole motivation for buying this DVD lasts about 17 seconds, as the hottest of the three IDF girls is tortured with a large dagger. There’s no cutting and no blood but Melissa Gale emotes very nicely in what little screen time she’s given here. It would’ve been nice if this scene had lasted longer, but this is supposed to be a comedy, not a horror film, so the peril factor is a bit low here. Still, it’s a good scene and Melissa Gale plays it well, so I’ll share it:


The sheik’s son, who is a UCLA graduate, bursts into the tent to rescue the fair maidens, subdues the three LTs, and takes the girls back to his place for a little wine, tobacco, bad dancing, and soft-core lovemaking. The war ends and the Jew and Arab get out of the military business and into the fashion business together.

As a movie, this one isn’t the best. The nude scenes are typical of the low-budget movies shot during this time, with poor lighting, poor angles, and pretty much poor everything. The only redeeming factor is Melissa Gale, who can actually act. I’m surprised she didn’t do more films before disappearing from the movie business.

There’s no blood, no whipping, no burning, no cutting, and no penetration. But – it does have Melissa Gale, who lights up every scene she’s in. I wish her two key scenes had been longer, but we get what we get. It is light fare for fans of cheesy sex comedies.

Rating: D
9955) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 12:33 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9955) []

Seems only europeans got the "uncut" (if i dare) scene...
9956) PedroJohnny 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 01:58 PM Permalink

Thomas Chaser, thank you very much for all your work for "The Harem Bunch" / "War and Peace" / "Undercover Vixens" !

As we are speaking of a very rare content, could you tell me if there is any possibilty to share the whole movie ?

I may be mistaken, but I think Miss Gayle's first name is Monica and not Melissa ! wink

Post 9954 :
I would like you have made a larger clip which could include the preparation before the GIMP scene (for instance, the moment where the girls are captured).
Moreover, in your cut, we miss overviews like that :

To me, the overall context is as interesting as the torment stuff itself in a GIMP scene.
And as a cheesy mind, I don't like so much when it becomes to much gory and violent.

Post 9850 :
As you say in post 9954, I don't think the 1987 "Undercover Vixens" has some rated moments compare to 1969 "Harem Bunch".

The very thin panties remind me this kind of 70's movies : []

It's a pity that Monica Gayle is not completely nude in that scene because, as we can see on your captures in the review you made, because she had made the effort to be at least one time fully naked... And I don't speak about her global career where she appears totally naked almost at each movie she plays : [] ':-|
9957) MAV 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 02:17 PM Permalink

@Chaser-thanks for sharing part of an AOH holy grail. Like other mainstream GIMP scenes with a lot of potential, this one is also too short :/

Even if it's just another 17 seconds, would be cool if you could share the vignettes of Monica Gayle's spy friends AOH.
9958) frog 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 03:08 PM Permalink

9951) passer-by Thanks for sharing that scene from El Camorrista. I had a low resolution version from You-tube, and the quality in yours is much better. The scene is short, alas, but one of the best aoh scenes around.
9959) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 03:29 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9959) PedroJohnny wrote: "Thomas Chaser, thank you very much for all your work for "The Harem Bunch" / "War and Peace" / "Undercover Vixens" !

As we are speaking of a very rare content, could you tell me if there is any possibilty to share the whole movie ?

I guess I wet some appetites with the knife play clip.

I won't share the whole movie because I believe in supporting the arts by purchasing the artwork. You can get a DVD from [] for $20 and encourage the preservation of this almost-lost treasure; much like "Cry For Me Billy" and "Ms. Stiletto". I also believe in preserving lost films that have merit, including this one, so I'll share the merit-worthy parts in the interest of preserving art from destruction, and since this is a GIMP Forum and you are correct - it is Monica Gale, not Melissa Gale - here are the GIMP scenes, from the capture of the first girl to their liberation by the Masked Arabian Knight.


Due to space restrictions, I had to cut out the other nude scenes and the girls' actual captures, so the action starts when the first girl is tied up in the tent.

Monica does indeed get full nude in the lesbian scene, although we don't get a money shot of her "lady business" for (probably) the same reason the girls aren't nude in the bondage parts: self-censorship. Remember, this was shot over thirty years ago and the sense of morality was different. So, we get what we get and hope that some enterprising young movie producer decides to remake the movie using modern sensibilities and discriminating tastes for GIMP scenes.

Good on you for pointing out "The Abductors". One of my favorite scenes is when the Head Bad Guy brings the girls into the game room to explain to them what happens to little girls who refuse to surrender their bodies to men. Or something like that.

9960) Judah 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 03:56 PM Permalink


Hey buddy Im working on an AOH oriented custom with a start up production company. We want to feature AOH/suspension and stretching rack torture. I'll let you know how it turns out.
9961) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 04:01 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

When SM party meets family life -:)
Nazi torture a Arletty's female friend :
9962) A Canadian 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 04:27 PM Permalink

Thomas Chaser wrote:

A man walks into a tailor shop in Tel Aviv (circa 1982, we're told), run by a Jew and Arab.

Other than the circa 1982 part, that sounds like an old Mel Brooks joke.

Indeed, it seems The Harem Bunch is heavier on Middle East giggles than any serious GIMPage. I guess we have to give points to any mainstream film that has some hot topless women tied AOH. But, if you ask me, the film seems to be a little too much like Catholic High School Girls in Trouble.

I'm comfortable giving it a miss. Nonetheless, thanks for putting the review together.
9963) frog 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 05:12 PM Permalink

(9963) 9943) GabrieleKnight Thanks for sharing. This spread-eagle Inquisition scene is great. My only quibble is with the dots, but, then again, every artist chooses how he or she wants to transmit their ideas or phantasies.

I have posted my photo-manips before. Here is one from a series I am working on called Torture Lab. My idea is to eventually do rendering, but I am still learning and very slowly. Nothing like the masters that post here.
9964) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 05:23 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9964) Passer-by wrote: "I have uploaded an original 4:3 aspect ratio video."

Thank you!


A Canadian said, in response to me: "A man walks into a tailor shop in Tel Aviv (circa 1982, we're told), run by a Jew and Arab.

Other than the circa 1982 part, that sounds like an old Mel Brooks joke.

Indeed, it seems The Harem Bunch is heavier on Middle East giggles than any serious GIMPage."

You are correct. Other than Monica Gale's acting frightened and afraid, there's nothing particularly brutal about the scene. I guess morals in the 70's weren't as risqué as we've been led to believe. We don't even get a whipping. But at least the girls are topless and AOH for all 15 seconds of the scene.
9965) PedroJohnny 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 05:24 PM Permalink

(9965) Post 9959 :

@Thomas Chaser :

Thanks for your last video clip. It contains all what I was looking for in this movie. wink
At the end, we have more than 17 seconds of "GIMP grail" as MAV said!

As you can see in my capture above, which is at the same angle than the last vidcap of Hank Hobbs (see my post last week), Monica Gayle could appear as totally naked if you don't look at carefully.
That's why I was mistaken !

I don't share your opinion about preserving art by purchasing it, particularly in this case, where this content is so rare that it can disappear forever. For forgotten movies like that, think free broadcasting is better than nothing at all. And I don't think money you pay for this today goes to someone who was really involved in the creation of the movie.
But I respect your point of view. wink

I will look at your link to buy the DVD, but I hope they can ship it to Europe...
9966) Joanna 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 06:47 PM Permalink

I see Poser me in one of GabrieleKnight's manips.
9967) elkcreek 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 07:48 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thomas Chaser, thanks for the review and efforts on the Monica Gayle flick. Is there anyway you can reload the Gimp scenes in anything but WMV? My MAC and it's covertor software simply won't convert to MPeg4. I don't have any trouble with AVI's, most MPEGS and MKVS. And have had some luck with WMV's but neither one of these would convert. We should find the girl responsible for all these damn incompatible formats and string here up.
9968) MAV 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 08:54 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@Chaser-thanks again for sharing more of those rare AOH scenes! Great body on that Monica Gayle.

@Judah-good to see you here also. Shoot me an email and lmk.

@frog-nice AOH manip
9969) guo 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 09:37 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9969) l from china l like this hello eveybody
9970) frog 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 09:38 PM Permalink

@MAV Glad you liked it and thanks for the encouragement. I sometimes visit your AOH group at DFN.
9971) frog 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 10:05 PM Permalink

(9971) MAV Here is another version with a garrotte: Torture Lab 11
9972) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 10:08 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9972) PedroJohnny wrote: "I don't share your opinion about preserving art by purchasing it, particularly in this case, where this content is so rare that it can disappear for ever. For forgotten movies like that, think free broadcasting is better than nothing at all. And I don't think money you pay for this today goes to someone who was really involved in the creation of the movie."

Yeah, I was thinking about that, too. I get the feeling that a lot of what is sold through J4HI is only done because the copyright has expired and they are able to find VHS and film that they can convert to DVD without fear of being sued by a copyright holder. If it wasn't such a pain in the ass to do, I'd save the whole movie on my harddrive so that I could transfer it to cloud storage for the eventual time the DVD dies. But, that is a project for another day. Hopefully other people will buy the DVD so that it is stored in many people's homes and not just mine. :) But, at least we have the most important part now - the GIMP scene!

By the way, is anybody interested if I put up some of the History-Torture scenes? If there's no interest, I won't bother, but I will leave you with one tidbit.


9973) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 10:16 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9973) Elkcreek said: "Thomas Chaser, thanks for the review and efforts on the Monica Gayle flick. Is there anyway you can reload the Gimp scenes in anything but WMV? My MAC and it's converter software simply won't convert to MPeg4. I don't have any trouble with AVI's, most MPEGS and MKVS. And have had some luck with WMV's but neither one of these would convert. We should find the girl responsible for all these damn incompatible formats and string here up."

Here is the link for the project file I put together to build the clip. Maybe you can use this or someone has a way to convert it? I can only save it as a .wmp file.

9974) MAV 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 10:21 PM Permalink

@Chaser-I loved those history of torture clips because they had a lot of hot Euro girls nude AOH and whipped. What I hated was that they just stood there while "tortured". Basically like girls that just lie there when you bang them. Only one girl actually had any vocal reactions and writhing. I think this was her:

9975) TGG 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 10:33 PM Permalink

Anyone know what's going on with Xtreme Theater? The site hasn't been responding lately.
9976) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 8 November 2015 11:37 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9976) MAV wrote: "I loved those history of torture clips because they had a lot of hot Euro girls nude AOH and whipped. What I hated was that they just stood there while "tortured". Basically like girls that just lie there when you bang them. Only one girl actually had any vocal reactions and writhing. I think this was her:"

I don't remember seeing her clip. Do you have it? What was her model name or clip title? I thought I had them all. I'm also hunting for one I've misplaced, with a blonde Polish girl, I think her name was "Alena" but I can't recall the movie title with her in it. I just recall that she had the best reactions when she was tied to the horizontal bar and burned with the hot instruments.
9977) Ted 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 12:07 AM Permalink

(9977) Hi all, I finally finished my animation.

Warning - There is blood smile

Lisa's Beating
9978) JD 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 12:11 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

A Canadian said: Other than the circa 1982 part, that sounds like an old Mel Brooks joke.

lol Aside from the meat of this forum, those are the small things that I enjoy ... and the uber-cool headlines from Cover's covers.

elkcreek said Is there anyway you can reload the Gimp scenes in anything but WMV? My MAC and it's covertor software simply won't convert to MPeg4. I don't have any trouble with AVI's

Ah, a prisoner of the Jobs's ecosystem, I see. I made an AVI conversion, if anyone else has the same issue. Made with Thomas Chaser's material, so all hails to him. cool

Thomas Chaser said: By the way, is anybody interested if I put up some of the History-Torture scenes?

Me for sure. wink

@MAV: The beauty of simplicity.

9979) Matt 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 02:10 AM Permalink

JD: recent Leia fake....I'd bet that once she got back to the Rebel Fleet, she paid a visit to the Medical Frigate and had the surgery to remove the brand. If they can give Luke a bionic hand, their medical technology can remove that brand....
9980) JulietteA 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 03:04 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9980) Hi,

fantastic movie on []

Damsel in distress story with leathercuffs, ballgag, doggystyle fucking and cumshot.

Direct link to the clip:


Order your favorite dvd here:

We always send in neutral packing. FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE!!

If you have questions, concerns or comments send me a message. smile
9981) lurker10 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 03:55 AM Permalink


Hi Judah,

Please have the common decency to make your rack with an effective mechanical advantage (10:1 or better). NOT one of those fantasy things with a windlass of 3:1 that's safe for children to use.

If it's a modern setting, use a big boat winch. If medieval, a small diameter windlass drum (5" diameter or less); NOT something stolen from a 50-foot water well.
9982) Quoom 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 05:34 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9982) @Guo: welcome, and because you are Chinese, I have a question for you: I really like the movies of this company on the picture. Unfortunately their website isn't really usable for people who cannot speak Chinese. Do you (or anyone else) know a source, where I could buy those movies?
9983) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 07:11 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9983) @JD - thanks for doing the conversion to Mac so that the Apple people can enjoy cheesy 70's nudie cutie art. :) Like I said, the more hard-drives the material sits on, the more likely it is to survive the zombie apocalypse. I wonder if this could be remade by somebody like Mood Pictures or ZFX using pretty much the same storyline, given the current Syrian crisis. One girl could be a foreign aid worker, the other could be a headstrong journalist, and the third could be an IS bride that gets passed around from IS fighter to IS fighter. Each gets captured, tortured individually, and then tortured in front of her friends. IS uses pretty basic tortures with creative flair. Oh the possibilities!

Also, my big score this weekend - I found a website with what I think are all of the History-Torture clips, include a few I didn't have.
9984) Covers the Relentless 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 07:43 AM Permalink

(9984) Man's Story Dec 1974
9985) Ralphus 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 09:05 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thomas Chaser wrote:

By the way, is anybody interested if I put up some of the History-Torture scenes?

Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea, Thomas. Mainstream scenes are okay, but now we're getting into commercial bondage videos. I don't know if that history-torture site is still active, but I don't imagine their clips are all suddenly free on the public domain. That site you linked is notorious for ripping off commercial bondage websites and I removed the link here. Any time you see FilesMonster hosting clips, that's a big clue that there's some illegal file-sharing going on.
9986) sonnysear 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 09:59 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9986) Continue to call for help here. I have two gentlemen contacted me with their collections. Thanks Thanks Thanks. There will be technical difficulties, since some of the VHS are probably PAL format. I will call for anyone from America to look into your attic. Those are great work, and those girls in the video have suffered for our pleasure, let us bring them to the light of the day.
9987) Flintstone 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 10:34 AM Permalink

to TGG: I got an email from Xtreme Theatre last weekend saying they were having site issues that they were in the process of resolving, so hopefully it will be back up soon.
9988) lionrobe 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 11:39 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9988) 7718) petelobo

Artist is Jolly

9989) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 12:27 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9989) From the "Dungeon" series:
9990) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 12:28 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9990) 2.
9991) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 12:29 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9991) 3.
9992) Sivious 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 03:12 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


I'm second generation Chinese, and can hook you up with the videos from that company. I also don't know how to purchase them directly from the company as their website is not exactly user-friendly, but there are plenty of (likely unauthorized) resellers.

And if all else fails, I personally have downloaded copies of pretty much all of the videos publicly available from that company (HJYY).

Unfortunately, they have recently upped their security measures so most of their films released over the past year or so are no longer available online but I have the ones released before they started watermarking everything. You can email me at the address provided for more details.
9993) JD 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 05:28 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9993) A Swedish-Argentinian movie about a reporter investigating the Argentinian missing persons in the years of the Junta. Having discovered some accusing documents, he's arrested by the authorities and shown what happens to the traitors of the regime. A very brief electroscene but with a good build up.

Los dueños del silencio (1987). The movie's also available on Youtube.

9994) travis lee 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 05:33 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thomas Chaser thanks for the history-torture info yes I always liked those films, what is the new site you found to maybe purchase some newer ones maybe we don't have ? Thanks again for all you do here on the gimp site.
9995) Fritz 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 05:44 PM Permalink

A Canadian wrote:

I often use the site that was given the nickname the "Godzilla" site to access Giga films.

Someone has opened a Nicheclips store which sells both complete and bowdlerized GIGA films. The vids are DRM-free but low-quality copies duped to fit the site's size restrictions. This vendor has been updating several times a week for almost half a year, so I'm surprised the Niche guys haven't shut him down. It's obvious the material is professional JAV output, so it can't be they are unaware of what's up.

On a site which otherwise supports only producers releasing original content, this lone, flagrant bootlegger makes the whole operation look bad. It's one thing to openly make GIGA's videos available in NA, properly credited, free and without DRM security (as Godzilla does); it's quite another to butcher both quality and content, change the titles, remove the ID numbers, then charge almost as much as GIGA does while not giving the company any credit at all.

For JAV and super-heroine fans shopping at Nicheclips, don't get suckered.
9996) Darkedo 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 06:38 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ Ted

I think your new job, Lisa Beating, is very very good.
Finally a severe beating, finally blood that runs over the back, no much videos show this let me tell you.
So, very compliment to you.
You added breating and the beating now results more sexy and realistic.
Please keep going doing it beacause you did a better job then the last time. It surprised me to see Lisa whole figure, i thought it was a tanned girl, didn't think she was a black girl.
I have two questions for you:
There's a reason why you choose a black girl instead a white one?
The story, what Lisa did to deserve such a severe beating punishment?and who is the girl with the cane?

Again, amazing job man, can't wait to see the continue.
9997) Thomas Chaser 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 07:25 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9997) Ralphus wrote: "Mainstream scenes are okay, but now we're getting into commercial bondage videos. I don't know if that history-torture site is still active, but I don't imagine their clips are all suddenly free on the public domain. That site you linked is notorious for ripping off commercial bondage websites and I removed the link here. Any time you see FilesMonster hosting clips, that's a big clue that there's some illegal file-sharing going on."

Gotcha, Chief. I'll stick to whatever mainstream clips I come across. I have email; people can hit me up there for the link to the old History-Torture stuff. I do know that the company went bankrupt and the content was purchased by somebody else on commission, and then that expired and nobody picked up the content for distribution. Maybe we'll get lucky and a reputable dealer will bring back the concept. It's a shame, really, because the girls were Euro-hot, no tats (or at least they weren't in big fashion back when the clips were shot), and no horrible over-acting. A bit formulaic at times, but the stories were ok and at least I knew what tortures were coming up next and could skip ahead to what I wanted to see. For a studio that didn't have a single spoken word in their productions (well, except in "Law and Order" where the girls are condemned) they could tell a good story. It'd be a shame if it disappeared forever.

By the way, does anybody know what happened to Chanta Rose? She was an Aussie girl who did some stuff for Waterbondage.Com, then went to England to do Chanta's Bitches, and then dropped off the face of the earth. A sample of her work is above. That's her in the black working the suspension hoist, Kylie Wild (Wylde?) getting lifted, and Cassie Young showing off her white socks. By the way, the three of them are in a very good rack scene over on if you go back deep into the archives. Actually, I'm not even sure that material is still carried by Kink.Com any more. Oh well.
9998) TRG 
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Monday, 9 November 2015 10:52 PM Permalink

A year or so ago, I reviewed a movie titled, The Image, based on a famous French S&M novel published in 1958. It seems the author, Alain Robbe-Grillet, and his wife, Catherine, had a curious relationship wherein a contract allowed him to express his sadistic desires on her as he saw fit. The contact, which she never signed, but nonetheless honored, was recently published. Here it is.

1. The duration of these sessions, which, generally, shall not exceed two hours may, should the husband so wish, be inferior to this period. The date and time of each session shall be determined by mutual agreement of both parties. The date, once established, may be revoked by the husband alone. Furthermore, the husband may demand a minimum of three sessions per month. On the appointed day, at precisely the designated time, his wife shall present herself at the rendezvous, dressed strictly according to instructions. Unless receiving orders to the contrary, she shall kneel immediately before her husband, eyes lowered, hands behind her back, and shall remain thus until summoned.

2. For the duration of each session the young woman shall conduct herself in a reserved manner, behaving with perfect obedience. She shall express no surprise, nor, indeed, any opinion in response to what is asked of her, but shall obey all commands directly. She will speak only when her husband so orders and then, shall repeat only what he instructs her to say. She may never take the initiative, but shall attend with zeal and intelligence to all things from the least significant detail to the most outrageous demand. The only manifestations of a personal nature permitted, shall be those of fear, pain or disgust - manifestations which, naturally, must be overcome at once. The least hesitation will result in severe punishment, at the husband's discretion.

3. The reason for her presence being solely to gratify the husband's vices, he shall treat her accordingly, with relentless harshness and brutality; no consideration whatever shall be taken of the possible enjoyment or otherwise of the young lady herself. She must know that should she find herself fondled or caressed, this will not be for the purposes of imparting to her pleasure of any kind; it shall be merely that the husband desires contact with her flesh. It is, therefore, of little importance whether she experiences pleasure or not; neither, however, is this forbidden. The only participation required of her shall be of an intellectual nature: an immediate understanding of all postures and gestures imposed upon her, each of which shall be undertaken to the husband's entire satisfaction.

4.These postures will nearly always be humiliating. They may be accompanied by chains or any manner of restraint whose purpose will be to maintain the body in a specific position, either whilst being fondled, during the infliction of torture, or merely to emphasize the condition of slavery which shall be imposed upon the young lady for the duration of these sessions. Likewise, her submission may be emphasized by means of a blindfold or any other accessory devised for the sole convenience of the beneficiary. Many of these positions will be uncomfortable; the young lady shall, however, maintain the pose as long as it pleases her husband: and since the wife's pleasure is of no concern, any fatigue she may experience will not be taken into consideration; nevertheless, should she experience pain too extreme as a result of this treatment, she might beg her master's mercy which shall, in most cases, be accorded.

5. Torments inflicted upon her may either be varied or, if it so pleases the husband, repetitious; once more, it is not the place of the young woman to judge their value. Should she grow bored, become impatient, or weary of any treatment inflicted upon her, she may console herself with the notion that the man to whom she belongs is thus afforded pleasure and his pleasure is the sole purpose of the exercise. As a rule, and not excluding the possibility of additional practices, she shall be relentlessly slapped, bitten, etc. . . . ; her flesh - preferably in the most sensitive areas - shall be rent by fingernails; finally, she shall be beaten repeatedly during each session, on any part of the body chosen by the husband, with a leather whip acquired specifically for this purpose, for as long as he so desires; none of the blows, however, should be delivered with sufficient force to tear the flesh or produce conspicuous bruising. No visible marks resulting from these torments should remain beyond the period of a few hours . Moreover, the victim shall have the option, when she no longer believes herself able to bear the torment, of begging respite.

6. It is of the greatest possible importance to the husband that, for the duration of these distractions, his wife remain exposed and open to him at all times. Unless otherwise instructed, the least pressure of his fingers shall be interpreted as an invitation to render herself even more accessible, or to offer her husband a better view of any area he might wish to see, caress or torment. Above all, each of the body's natural orifices should be exposed and easily accessible - insofar as this is possible - in order to facilitate penetration. This rule shall be respected at all times, even in the event of severe pain which might, momentarily, divert the young woman's attention from any erotic whims to which, simultaneously, she must deliver herself. Furthermore, when her mouth or hands are required to fondle him, it shall be expected of her that she apply the greatest possible diligence to this task, regardless of whether the position in which she finds herself, or the torments to which she must submit, make the performance of her carnal duties arduous.

7. When the husband tires of these occupations (or when the two hour limit has been attained), his woman shall be dismissed without further ado. For the duration, she shall respect the rules concerning her demeanor as stipulated in the present Contract of Prostitution. Finally, she shall kneel, thighs apart, hands held over her head, eyes wide open, to demonstrate willing acceptance of everything that shall have been imposed upon her. Thus shall she remain for approximately one minute after which she shall gather up her clothing and leave the room without uttering a word. Should she have acquitted herself deferentially and conscientiously, her bank account shall be credited with a previously agreed sum.

8. This sum shall be fixed at twenty thousand French Francs per session; however, should the harshness of treatment imposed upon her so justify, new conditions may be determined. Monies thus earned shall be the wife's sole separate property: she shall not be expected to give any account of their use and may even use them for amusements in which her husband takes no part, such as extravagant travel, any manner of personal acquisitions, costly gifts for her friends, etc… Exceptionally, by mutual consent of the undersigned, special provision might be made for additional sessions which might be longer, more audacious or cruel.

Signed in Neuilly, 22nd September 1958

Is is said Catherine honored the contract until Alain’s death in 2008. Later she took in a woman thirty years her junior and now dominates the younger woman's life in every way. A movie released in 2014, La cérémonie, chronicles that relationship.
9999) JD 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 12:06 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(9999) Short question. I've seen the INSEX logo re-emerging on the new Infernal Restraints productions which gave me hope that I'll see pd back in action. Despite that I've seen him more in Real Time Bondage than IR. Now the clip (called IR – 1106jkay) has all the hallmarks of another Kink production (pretzel positions, spending half the time for female gratification, etc), which confuses me. Did pd sell already the business? Is this a Kink domain now?
10000) Ted 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 03:15 AM Permalink

@ Darkedo - Thank you for your comments. To answer your questions -

There's a reason why you choose a black girl instead a white one?

Because I like dark skinned women smile

The story, what Lisa did to deserve such a severe beating punishment?and who is the girl with the cane?

Lisa is overseas on a working holiday. She's been working as a nanny for the Butterworth family. As with all cute nannies, she gets screwed by the husband. Mrs B blames Lisa for seducing her husband and decides to teach her a lesson she won't forget.

Changes in my personal circumstances means I no longer have as much free time as I use to, so it will probably be a long time before my next animation frown
10001) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 07:48 AM Permalink

(10001) Man's Story Dec 1975 V16 No6 Crair art
10002) lionrobe 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 08:17 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Electroshock scene in "junta" movie, Cabra cega :

Whipping scene in a 70" asian eploitation movie :
10003) jerseydevil 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 10:30 AM Permalink

osouk great story hope there well be more like it
10004) Gabrieleknight 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 11:02 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10004) Dungeon:
10005) Gabrieleknight 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 11:05 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10005) 2.
10006) Gabrieleknight 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 11:07 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10006) 3.
10007) Centaurus 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 05:53 PM Permalink

9999)JD: No, as far as I know IR and the rest of Intersec has not been sold to I noticed the return of the INSEX logo myself and I truly hope this is an indication from them that they are going to return to form. I don't see PD returning at this point; if anything he's going to be even less involved in my opinion. It was even mentioned, from staff in the Intersec Forums, that "PD at age 67 has moved mostly past working on the floor as a rigger handler. He is behind the scenes producing, building, creating props, sets and other gear." (Jackhammer)

For me, the original INSEX videos, together with the very earliest InfernalRestraints ones, were the best of the best in this niche area. Nowadays their work is uninspired, with heavy female gratification (as you've put it) and resembles too much. It's amazing how some very few exceptions here and there are the very few times PD has come back to play an active part!

In your opinion, who can carry PD's flag next? I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts...

@GabrieleKnight: Thank you for posting some of the dungeon series!
10008) JD 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 08:14 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10008) @Ted: Excellent animation!

@lionrobe: I get an Etat de l'émission de INCONNU/Session inexistante error message when trying to d/l.

Centaurus said For me, the original INSEX videos, together with the very earliest InfernalRestraints ones, were the best of the best in this niche area

Can't agree more.

Centaurus said In your opinion, who can carry PD's flag next? I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts...

Hard to say. pd's style was that he was often pushing the boundaries of tolerance of his models (many were only doing one session then were running like crazy). Everyone else to me looks like they are over-cautious, maybe understandable, a lot changed in US climate since pd's heyday. When pd was using a titpress you could see the veins bulging from compression, or when he was using a goatmilker his subjects were carrying the marks for days. Compared to him, everyone else in the industry is vanilla, repetitive or rope obsessed. Also unique was the presence of KGB, the propmaster that was able to craft any crazy shit pd was thinking about. You don't see that in any other contemporary release.

Kinder Der Nacht (2000). Honestly I don't remember anything about this one. Guess I opened too many a beer.

10009) guo 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 09:52 PM Permalink

(10009) @quoom
Their website is []

Can buy in the following this link. Here are relatively comprehensive [] pay attention to in this website to sell is a dvd priced at about $2.5~3.
10010) Jomaha 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 10:02 PM Permalink

Thomas Chaser, Yeah I was wondering myself about the History-Torture model MAV posted a picture of in the AOH position a couple days back. I don't recall her or what video she was in either but would like to know. I do know that a lot of the videos can still be purchased at The site is in German but still fairly easy to navigate. But yes, I was a big fan of the History-Torture videos too.
10011) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 10:15 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10011) Man, this place is still hopping. Keeps me on my toes trying to catch up.

Thomas Chaser wrote (in post 9925):

Hey Ralphus, how about starting a subsection to collect his works into one place? The Inquisition series sounds very promising. This could be a GIMP Forum exclusive.

Yep, I've already gotten GabrielKnight's permission. His work is that good, and it needs a showcase. Now I have to build the thing. I've been tied up converting various stories and reviews for the site, but it's definitely on the front burner.


ZFXFan (post 9938): Loved the clip from Disturbed...hadn't seen that one for 20 years, I'll bet. I have it on one of my really early compilation tapes. Another villain role for Malcolm McDowell...the man has made a career of playing characters like that.


Thomas Chaser (post 9954): Thanks for another fine review of The Harem Bunch. Although I think the later video clip you posted in 9959 is maybe even more telling as far as letting us know what kind of movie it is. Potentially good GIMP scenes with some nice-looking women marred by a jokey soundtrack, trying to make it into a comedy (and I hate non-sync sound). The silly title should have been a it a coincidence that The Brady Bunch came out the exact same year? Still, a really nice rarity that you unearthed for us, and it is appreciated.

The direct link for your latest is right here:


Lionrobe (post 9961): Nazi torture a Arletty's female friend

Boy, was that a nice find. There are few things sexier in my book than a bound, beaten-up woman. I couldn't resist making some caps.

Too bad the Nazis didn't beat up the other woman in the scene, French sex symbol Laetitia Casta. That would have been even sweeter.


And going way back from last month, Osouk wrote:

And on the subject of nostalgia, the posting by Covers the Relentless #9370 'Man's Story Apr 1975' - this made a big impression on me when I bought this magazine maybe a couple of years after it was published as a teenager. There was a story in there, not the cover one, that I can still remember large chunks of word for word - at least I think I can! I would absolutely LOVE to read it again - does anyone have the contents that could be posted? Please?????

Took me a while, but your wish has been granted. And after reading it, I can totally see why it had an impression on you, because it's really good. In fact, this is one of the better ones I've restored, and the threatening dialogue does remind me of your own work. In a way, this could be the early inspiration for a man who later became a great writer of GIMP stories himself. I'll let you introduce your own new story to the forum, but in the meantime, here's your requested golden blast from the past: BRIDE OF THE CORPSE - THE INCREDIBLE TERROR ORDEAL OF LUCIA ALVAREZ

Thanks as always go to Sloth for scanning this from his collection and to Fritz for the awesome restoration work on the inside cover.
10012) Scot 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 10:55 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Does anyone know the source of these whipping clips? They appear to be from old VHS tapes recorded off Brazilian TV.

10013) JD 
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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 11:05 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10013) @Scott: It's from Escola Penal de Meninas Violentadas (1977).

I posted some vidcaps on the defunct now vimeo account. One can see the whole movie on Youtube at

I can repost the edits of the movie if anyone wants it.
10014) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 02:07 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10014) I once wrote a story for french speaking people which was translated by some friends. That tells life of female christians in arena under Nero's reign.
Here's the illustrated pdf "Moriturae te salutant":

10015) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 03:26 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

9214) Thomas Chaser

Beginning of internet, there was a forum so called "Nazi babes", with Jimbo as owner. What's about for now ?
10016) JulietteA 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 03:49 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10016) Hi,

another new fantastic movie on []

Merciless Orgasms

Punished slavegirl with wooden neck stock, shackles and leather straps, hard orgasm and wandvibrator.

Direct Link:


Order your favorite dvd here:

We always send in neutral packing. FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE!!

If you have questions, concerns or comments send me a message. smile
10017) Bob 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 05:18 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10017) MAV wrote : "@Chaser-I loved those history of torture clips because they had a lot of hot Euro girls nude AOH and whipped. What I hated was that they just stood there while "tortured"."

I agree, most of the "victims" just undergo the "tortures" without much expression of fear and/or pain.
However, History of Torture 7 contained a whipping scene combined with cloth pins that I liked better than most of the other ones.

I uploaded the scene to zippyshare.

10018) electrotorture 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:10 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10018) Roselyn Sanchez plays an captured undercover CIA agent who tortured mercilessly in a jungle hideout, in the mainstream movie Act of Valor (2012). The first scene shows her tied AOH while interrogated and beaten by the torturer, while another scene shows a torture which her hand were drilled using a electric drill. Nice scene with a nice well-known actress. You can easily found the movie in the internet.
10019) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:15 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10019) I like Madonna hitchhiking. Pure bitch
Here's uncensored clip...

10020) Covers the Relentless 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:27 AM Permalink

(10020) Man's Story Feb 1962
10021) Covers the Relentless 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:29 AM Permalink

Ralphus, I just want to say that "Rebecca" is one one my favorite artists, and I'm really enjoying the scenes you've been posting at the top of the forum. Almost makes up for bug week. smile
10022) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:51 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10022) @Ralphus - Thanks for hosting my review(s). Seriously. I appreciate having a place to share my knowledge with other aficionados of mainstream GIMP scenes. Even though most of my reviews are porn/BDSM films, I like to think I'm contributing to the forum in some way positive.


@Bob, quoting MAV - "MAV wrote : "@Chaser-I loved those history of torture clips because they had a lot of hot Euro girls nude AOH and whipped. What I hated was that they just stood there while "tortured"."

I agree, most of the "victims" just undergo the "tortures" without much expression of fear and/or pain.
However, History of Torture 7 contained a whipping scene combined with cloth pins that I liked better than most of the other ones. I uploaded the scene to zippyshare."

Thanks for including the link! It helps me understand which HT film you're referencing. I already had that clip but your mentioning it made me pay closer attention. I noticed that she started perspiring during the scene, which told me she was really suffering (and possibly enjoying it). I'll have to dig through my library and find the whole thing now!


@lionrobe - thanks for mentioning "Nazi Babes". I don't remember seeing that but it sounds like something worth finding! Also, thanks for sharing your illustrated story "Moriturae te salutant". I'll give it a read this evening.


@JD - Oh wow! Nice find on "School for Violent Women" (I think that's the translation). Things get interesting about 4 minutes in and just keep getting better. The whipping scene at the 20:00 mark is definitely a keeper. That's as far as I've gotten. Hopefully the rest of the film is just as tasty.

10023) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 08:49 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

lionrobe wrote:

I like Madonna hitchhiking. Pure bitch

Uh, doesn't exactly have anything to do with girls in peril, does it? I'll keep it up there since I like watching Madonna smoke, but please try to stay on-topic around here.


Thomas Chaser wrote:

Thanks for hosting my review(s). Seriously. I appreciate having a place to share my knowledge with other aficionados of mainstream GIMP scenes. Even though most of my reviews are porn/BDSM films, I like to think I'm contributing to the forum in some way positive.

Oh, of course your contributions are a positive thing for the forum. Getting the information about what's out there is one of the most important things about this site. Many thanks for all the good work you do here.
10024) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 09:43 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10024) "Uh, doesn't exactly have anything to do with girls in peril, does it? I'll keep it up there since I like watching Madonna smoke, but please try to stay on-topic around here."

Oops, I saw here a lot of girls, actresses and so on posing in vanilla position, I did'n't want to bother the forum. May I apologize with my Zerosen's favorite drawing ?

I was once in touch with the artist, he retired because too ashamed of his job, he wanted to draw for children last time we exchanged...!!!! Let me know if you want all zerosen's stuff...
10025) MrAnthony 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 11:15 AM Permalink

@Thomas Chaser

Chanta Rose was married to one of the people involved in founding / Cybernet Entertainment. However, my understanding is that they got divorced, which is why you don't see Chanta Rose in anything except the earliest productions (which I believe includes the stuff).

After leaving, Chanta struck out on her own. I read somewhere that she got some form of cancer, which caused tremendous health problems and was a big setback. I also read somewhere else that she had started a couple of websites, chanta's bitches and bondagepussycat and was still in the San Francisco/Oakland area. I have no idea if she's still updating or involved in the operation of those websites. Her history gets a bit hazy after 2005, following her fallout with and her illness

However, she's still around. You can find her posting on Twitter. []

Her website pushes her book:

She also had a blog, which hasn't been updated since 2012.

Hope that answers your question.
10026) Klingsor 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 11:46 AM Permalink

(10026) Flogging scene in Outlander ... how it could have been.....
10027) Osouk 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 01:53 PM Permalink

(10027) A picture from Quoom's fantastc illustrations of my story Sophie.

Ralphus, Sloth & Fritz - a massive thank you for the story. It was just as I remembered it - brought back memories of my 15 or 16 year old self hiding away in my bedroom and reading this for the first time. It was the most exciting thing I'd ever read - hard to believe you could just buy these magazines in an ordinary newsagent. I always thought it was a pity her meddling boyfriend rescued her. Maybe I should write a story about what happened to the delectable Lucia Alvarez later on - I can't help feeling Sergeant Leo got his revenge.

electrotorture - I always thought that was a good scene in 'Act of Valor'. Pity it didn't go on longer.

lionrobe - seems like a lifetime ago you posted the link to 'Furia' starring the gorgeous Marilon Cotillard (whos's no stranger to nude scenes). I'm curious about the clip - is that her in it? It didn't feature the still you included so I was wondering how it all hangs together. It was a very exciting scene. Have you got any more from it?

And finally, Ralphus has kindly posted another story of mine - direct link above. It's called Coup, and has been mentioned on the forum previously. Hope you enjoy it.
10028) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 02:49 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Osouk, you can download Furia, the whole movie, with :


Best wishes
10029) ACSS 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 03:36 PM Permalink

I wish quoom would do more on the daughters of the king. I was hoping he could start using the iron claws or the tongs on the three daughters.
10030) elkcreek 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 04:23 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

ZFXFan, thanks for the Disturbed clip. I always loved that scene. Pamela Gidley was one of the underated hotties of her era no doubt. It there any way you can download to Vimeo? YouTube or a download host? I haven't figured out a way to download from Daily Motion.

The Act of Vengence clip had so much potential, so sad it was so short.
10031) A Viewer 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 04:27 PM Permalink

I hear that Disney is retiring Slave Leia merchandise. For those who are disappointed by this a gallery of TV characters photo shopped in to the classic costume can be found here; []
10032) jma 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 04:31 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

like fisting
10033) Fritz 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 06:01 PM Permalink

For those seeking the Nazi Babes forum... this board was up and down for years, but I think Jimbo finally dispatched it. He's a moderator at Dead Skirts, so you can ask him about it there. He also has a collection of images and a few stories posted on his DFN account.
10034) Gabrieleknight 
IP logged
Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:03 PM Permalink

(10034) Dungeon.
10035) Gabrieleknight 
IP logged
Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:04 PM Permalink

(10035) 2.
10036) Gabrieleknight 
IP logged
Wednesday, 11 November 2015 07:05 PM Permalink

(10036) 3.
10037) JD 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 09:28 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10037) By the Devils Hand (2009) 1/7

Our mighty Overlord asked me to space my posts to one a day in case of multiple clips from the same movie. I listen and obey.

10038) Thomas Chaser 
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Wednesday, 11 November 2015 10:04 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Jomaha wrote: "Thomas Chaser, Yeah I was wondering myself about the History-Torture model MAV posted a picture of in the AOH position a couple days back. I don't recall her or what video she was in either but would like to know. I do know that a lot of the videos can still be purchased at The site is in German but still fairly easy to navigate. But yes, I was a big fan of the History-Torture videos too."

Thanks for the head's up! I'll go check it out. I know that, near the end of the studio's production life, they had a bunch of still photos out for download, but never released the accompanying video. There was one series with a model named "Esther" that I first stumbled upon and in my search for more I found the History-Torture.Com website with all of the videos. Unfortunately, they never released her's. I've since lost her photos in computer crashes and obsolescence. Shame because she had some fantastic pictures. Oh well.


MrAnthony - Thanks for the info on Chanta Rose. Shame that she hit those hurdles but hopefully she's recovered well enough. She could put together some really good material with the right girls. There's was a noticeable decline in quality when she left Waterbondage.
10039) lionrobe 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 12:42 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Ol'westerns can be fun with branding scenes...


10040) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Thursday, 12 November 2015 07:48 AM Permalink

(10040) Man's Story Feb 1963 V4 No2 Norm Eastman cover
10041) zeke 
IP logged
Thursday, 12 November 2015 09:10 AM Permalink

RE Lionrobe #10028:
Sorry, is not available in your country.
where are you posting from?
10042) electrotorture 
IP logged
Thursday, 12 November 2015 11:10 AM Permalink

Indonesian sexy actress Bella Shofie. With that sexy and glorious body I would love to see her photoshopped in a GIMP scene smile Or maybe someone could make a GIMP fiction based on this girl? big grin
10043) esso 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 12:13 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10043) YANKEE WOMAN, YOU DIE SLOWLY. Another adaptation of a MAM story, this one taken from the story of the same name in the May '61 issue of Man's Story. An American pilot is forced to watch the torture of his nurse lover by the Chinese in the Korean War. As with the others I have done, the story is highly modified and the illustration manipulated. The original cover is above. (bastinado, other foot torture, bondage, caning, breast torture)
Most of the added material is of foot torture, as per the request from bastinado. Can be seen at []
10044) lionrobe 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 01:48 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10044) 2 of the most best scenes


10045) lionrobe 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 01:59 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10045) 10041) zeke
You have other links here
A good electro nazi torture here, very stimulating
10046) lionrobe 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 02:11 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10046) Good hanging scene of a black woman in this western :

10047) Gabrieleknight 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 02:34 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10047) Here are three extra-new pictures, just finished (dungeon series):
10048) Gabrieleknight 
IP logged
Thursday, 12 November 2015 02:35 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10048) 2.
10049) Gabrieleknight 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 02:36 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10049) 3.
10050) JD 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 05:45 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10050) @esso: Thanks for another story!

@ lionrobe: Thanks for the great clips. One (10045) is wrong. The second one.

@Gabrieleknight: Great images.

By the Devils Hand (2009) 2/7. Some garroting.

10051) Bob 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 05:57 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@lionrobe : the zippyshare link below the text "A good electro nazi torture here, very stimulating" is a duplicate of one of the "Flavia the heretic" links.
Can you post the correct link? Thanks!
10052) JD 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 07:57 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10052) Bob said Can you post the correct link? Thanks!

I think my quality of this version is better. Thanks to the original poster for spotting it.

Hope Ralphus is not gonna kick my sorry ass for posting again today. Just so many clips and so little space ... cool

Bordel SS (1978).

10053) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 12 November 2015 08:35 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10053) lionrobe: A few things about your latest clips...

Was it just me, or was the audio seriously out of sync in the 2 Flavia scenes? Did you make those yourself?

The Furia link doesn't work for me, either. Probably some sort of restriction between France and the US?

Also, it's no big deal, but that wasn't a black woman in True Women, it was Indian actress Irene Bedard, best known for being the model for Disney's Pocahontas.


And earlier you said this about the artist Zerosen:

I was once in touch with the artist, he retired because too ashamed of his job, he wanted to draw for children last time we exchanged...!!!!

That's just too funny. Talk about going from one extreme to the other. Zerosen was such a good artist, too. He drew some pretty nasty depictions of women being tortured. Maybe the guilt just got to him. Makes you wonder if he's drawing pictures of ponies and puppy dogs now but in the back of his mind, he's still dreaming of drawing more pictures of women getting their nipples burned with hot irons.

10054) lurker10 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 02:05 AM Permalink


Actually, it's not electrical torture. If you look carefully, the torturer is striking the clamps together to heat them and then touch the victim to burn her. Lots of thunder and lightning, but no juice.

Interesting improvisation for getting hot metal.

They didn't waste much effort in faking the burns.
10055) Osouk 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 02:24 AM Permalink

Esso - Really enjoyed your last story. Pity there wasn't more detail about they did between her thighs razz (stick out tongue)
10056) lionrobe 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 06:37 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10056) Oops, sorry for all the mistakes, I'm working hard to find the good stuff in ol'HD;

So the ss bordello is gift, thanks
Then,the missing Flavia (yes, home made, don't know how do better...?)
About "Furia", did you notice the bunch of links to get the full movie ?
Here's an other long, but refinate asian torture in... a french movie
10057) DarthSaad 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 06:51 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Yet another chapter of the JANE RUSSO story I wrote on commission for interrogation master.

Our female "Rambo" finds her endurance being tested hard as she is brutally humiliated in front of her fellow prisoners.


Hope you enjoy it

10058) Ralphus 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 09:35 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Lionrobe: Man, that scene from Red Nights was amazing. That Asian chick can work for me anytime! Best tattoo removal service I've ever seen...I think any woman who decides to get a tattoo should be forced to pay her a visit afterward. Hey, it's a little harsh, but someone has to teach them, right?
10059) bastinado 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 10:06 AM Permalink

esso: Thank you very much for posting your latest MAM adaptation. Obviously I'm biased, but I think "Yankee Woman You Die Slowly" is your finest work to date. I hope you will continue to post these great stories.
10060) Mark Evans 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 11:41 AM Permalink

DarthSaad: Love the story! I can't wait to read Chapter 5. Have you seen the video manipulation of Rambo as a female character in the electro-torture scene (see link)? She actually fits Jane's description quite nicely :)
10061) zeke 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 12:17 PM Permalink

Osouk - great story - keep them coming. You deserve the Kristen Smart Award for great storytelling. Kristen does for stories what Quoom does for artwork and Blakemore for film.
10062) Osouk 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 01:14 PM Permalink

DarthSaad - Great story, really looking forward to the next chapter. It was a real tease having the first and last sections referencing some electro torture without the details.

Having been reminded of the torture scene in 'Act of Valor' (sic - I'm not American!) I remembered reading an interview with the director who said during the takes she was actually hit by the bad guy by mistake, which freaked her out - he thought this gave the scene a lot more authenticity as afterwards she was really worried about being hit again.
10063) lionrobe 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 01:18 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10063) First fondling the tit, then...


This other asian clip ? Torture, lesbian and catfight !


BTW, I make my clips with VLC, may be you have better ?
10064) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 02:04 PM Permalink

(10064) Man's Story Feb 1963 V4 No2 p27
10065) fumetto 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 02:48 PM Permalink

(10065) Greta Milos in dungeon
10066) lionrobe 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 03:10 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10066) All the Zerosen's works I collected. Probably no one drawing missing.
The pic joined was slightly faked by a friend, boobs have been a bit enlarged for a better cooking -:)


Have fun
10067) fumetto 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 03:12 PM Permalink

(10067) Portugisian pearl branded
10068) JD 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 03:15 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10068) lurker10 said Actually, it's not electrical torture.


@lionrobe: Nice find, again!

@DarthSaad: Good read, thanks!

By the Devils Hand (2009) 3/7

10069) Gabrieleknight 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 05:23 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10069) Dungeon:
10070) g 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 05:24 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10070) 2.
10071) Gabrieleknight 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 05:25 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10071) 3.
10072) JD 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 06:03 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10072) The religion of peace does it again right now in Paris. My (hypothetical) prayers goes to the dozens killed and maimed. And unrelated, for chastity best fans, a clip from the Amazon house project, Edge (2015).


My apologies to Ralphus for posting twice today (again).
10073) Reine Margot 
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Friday, 13 November 2015 06:09 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Olalla goes to another festival and it makes history!
Our Campaign For JUSTINE Continues!

We're about to start production of JUSTINE. The days are tense now. The work is concentrated on building the sets, decorating them, and so on. Things were still running in La Paz whilst Amy went away to Mexico where she had a great time, showing the film, giving interviews and meeting a lot of people, including good old Darth and his minions. Darth let her touch his laser thingy.


The trip to FERATUM and later to San Francisco and Seattle was a life changing experience for Amy, who returned to La Paz invigorated, ready to face torture once again for her art. The first thing she did was to go to the set to begin taking care of the art design for the film. She tested The Wheel, and Mila and Bea tested it as well. You saw the Videos, but here they are again.

And then there was the other festival. The Historical Festival. Amy and Jac went away, together, for a 4 day trip to Oruro where they presented Olalla and each gave a Master Class in filmmaking. Amy was asked to discuss her experience with Directing Actors.

Next day it was a Jac's turn to share his wisdom with a youthful audience. The theme requested was aptly titled Cinema According to Jac Avila. It's obvious that he's some kind of a god in these parts.

Both master classes were very successful. Amy was given the star treatment throughout their stay. With people approaching her to have their picture taken with the famous director/actress of Olalla, and journalists asking for interviews in parks and plazas.

For both, Amy and Jac, their visit to Oruro was fraught with emotional significance. A cycle was being completed. A cycle that lasted 10 years, from November 2005, to November 2015. There was a very emotional moment when they both sat in front of the Palais movie theater. It was there, ten years ago, when history was made.


Some of you know the story. Jac returned to Bolivia in 2005 to present two films in a festival. While in Bolivia he was contacted by NG to work in a docudrama set in Beni. It was the story of the North American doctors who went to San Joaquin to investigate an epidemic known then as The Black Typhus. Jac accepted the job and did some casting in La Paz to find actors who would play those doctors. They had to look like the doctors, they had to speak in normal, north american English, preferably southern and so on. Very few people came to the casting, as expected, not too many English speaking actors with the looks needed lived in La Paz. Of those that came one was Irish, traveling through South America with a girlfriend, Amy. When Jac observed that the guy was Irish, Amy volunteered saying that she would train him to get the Texan accent right. So he was cast as one of the famous doctors.

Amy joined the cast of Outbreak as the wife of that doctor. She was passing through Bolivia then. On her way to Chile. She even had her ticket to Santiago for November 15th of that year. Tom, the actor, became a friend of Jac's. And admirer too. So when Jac mentioned to him that his film Martyr was going to be at a festival in Oruro, Tom decided to go there to see it. He convinced Amy to go too. So they went. Amy saw the film at the old, magical cinema, and decided that that's what she wanted to do with her life. That feeling was enforced when she heard the master class Jac gave the very next day. He talked about the digital future of cinema.

Once back in La Paz, Amy and Jac met to discuss the possibility of Amy joining the gang at Pachamama Films. She did, and the rest is history. 10 years later, after many films that include all of the work for Red Feline, from the Training of Jane, through Romana Crucifixa, the documentaries, like Vientos Negros, Misiones, etc, and the feature films from Sirwiñakuy through JUSTINE, which is going to be produced this year, Amy and Jac are ready to move on to the next cycle.

Looking back, while in Oruro, Amy and Jac became intensely aware of how massive their collaboration had been. How much they both han grown, how far they've reach with their work. It was, indeed, a very emotional moment, there in the Plaza in Oruro, across the street from the movie theater that made their life and work together possible.

And as if those emotions and feelings weren't enough, the last day of the festival, during the closing ceremonies, Amy was surprised when her name was called. She received an award to her work in favor of Bolivian Cinema. But this was not just any award. It was the National Congress... yes of the country, that awarded her with this distinction. A congressional resolution. Impressive, of course. It was the perfect crown for ten years of film work in Bolivia.

With all that now behind, we're about to close the year, and this tremendous cycle, with the new production, the one everyone here is talking about, JUSTINE. We have a starting date for the production. November 23rd. ... We have a closing date as well, December 13th.

The set is looking grand. The Wheel is amazing, The Rack is looking very good and soon The Cross will be ready. Not just ONE cross. Three crosses, yes THREE!. Everything is beginning to take shape and we're all very excited. However, we have some issues that have to be dealt with. The production is big, bigger than Maleficarum and Dead But Dreaming, so as we work our production plans we can see that we're short in funds, so we're launching an emergency campaign on our site, to raise as much as we can to complete those funds we tried raising with IndieGoGo.

We're coming back to you and all of those who are interested in this movie, to help us a little bit more to make it happen in the big form that it deserves. It's simple. You can pre buy the DVD or Download, or contribute any amount that will give you some perks. To do this all you need to do is go this link: Our Campaign For JUSTINE Continues!

I had the chance to see part of the script. It's amazing. This is the ultimate version of De Sade's story. I have a few pictures, taken with an iPhone, with no lights whatsoever, of the set, The Wheel, as seen in our videos, and The Rack.

These pictures were taken when we were preparing the set. Next week, we'll bring in the lights and the rest of the equipment to the set and I'll have better, professional photographs.

As the production advances I'll have updates on what goes on. And for those who contributed ... and contribute now, we'll send them more images of the production.

Beginning the 23rd, Amy, Mila and Bea will spend a time of torture for almost two weeks in the Dungeon of Monsieur Rodin.

After those horrifying days, they will spend three days at the Concergiery, where there will be plenty of whipping, scourging, rape and humiliations galore. There will be a fancy sentencing, a slave's auction and a last supper, all in one intense day of shooting, and then, as if all that suffering was not enough for our courageous ladies, they will be taken out in the vastness of the Death Valley for a Passion Play.

So... will you give us a hand to make this movie as grandiose as it has to be? Our Campaign For JUSTINE Continues!

And that's it for today. I will have more news soon. Our Campaign For JUSTINE Continues!
You can also contribute to our work by going to our site and get one or more of our amazing movies!

10074) LAS0023 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 06:44 PM Permalink

You're roasting her feet, right?
10075) Gentle Jack 
IP logged
Friday, 13 November 2015 09:28 PM Permalink

(10075) Hi Guys!

I posted a Gary Roberts inspired render a while ago under another alias I cant remember... I've been experimenting with a couple of new techniques since then and came up with some new stuff (not GR rip-offs - I hope). I would absolutely love any criticism you have to help me get to that optimal erotic art peak!

I really hope you like it. If not please let me know what's missing or too much. The goal is to get to a kind of realism that still seems fake enough to enjoy. (I am sure you agree: no one is interested in an actual horrific abuse of women). So I guess I am after realism with the fantasy element clearly communicated.

I feel that the work still seems a little boring??? What do you think???

So as an example my latest...

Gentle Jack
10076) lionrobe 
IP logged
Saturday, 14 November 2015 02:01 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10076) White boobies in peril

More here

10077) lionrobe 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 02:16 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10077) Ol' art by Torque

More :

10078) lionrobe 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 02:21 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10078) Hangings and more by Mathew Hopkins

10079) lurker10 
IP logged
Saturday, 14 November 2015 03:35 AM Permalink

10073)Reine Margot - Justine's rack

Sigh... Another affront to mechanical design, particularly since they have a 1" shaft, which they proceed to wrap in an ~8" drum, going from a mechanical advantage of ~30:1 down to ~4:1.

It *does* look authentic insofar as it looks like something a bunch of rustics would cobble up having heard about a rack, but never seen one. Although... rustics would probably be insulted....

Safe For children.

Looks like the Wheel went over budget.
10080) ZFXFan 
IP logged
Saturday, 14 November 2015 04:48 AM Permalink

(10080) Those legs are just begging to be spread.

A scene like this is why CGI needs to be perfected. To be indistinguishable from the real deal, so you can tweak things seamlessly.

CGI cut. The scene's ninety minutes, and has the inquisitive doctor spelunking as a cohort torments the lass with an ample assortment of dreaded devices.

Ralphus: Two of my friends and I rented Disturbed back in the nineties. When that scene ended we all looked at each other and in unison said "Rewind." After the second viewing, one of my friends muttered, "They should still go for it, it's not Necrophilia until the body reaches room temperature, right?" lol.

Seriously though, why off her? He brought her there fully intent on giving her the high hard one. What more of a wild ride could you ask for, if you took her while she's all squirming around.

And if she goes into a coma, she goes into a coma. No problem, think Forbidden Video, Coma Ward, starring Gauge.


elkcreek wrote:

ZFXFan, thanks for the Disturbed clip. I always loved that scene. Pamela Gidley was one of the underated hotties of her era no doubt. It there any way you can download to Vimeo? YouTube or a download host?

You're welcome. Pamela was definitely hot. If you want that scene, go to YouTube and type, Pamela Gidley injected.
10081) TGG 
IP logged
Saturday, 14 November 2015 06:54 AM Permalink

(10081) So I am doing a word search puzzle on my smartphone, not thinking about anything that has to do with GIMP, when I spot the word "Rape" in the puzzle grid.

Look at the words that are part of the puzzle (circled in blue) and note the word "Rape" (circled in red). All I can say is that who ever came up with this grid must have been a GIMPer...
10082) DarthSaad 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 07:56 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD and Osouk - thanks very much for the praise. Glad you are liking the story.

You should also be thanking InterrogationMaster, who asked to remain anonymous but gave me permission to post the story. He gave me a lot of input in putting the work together but also gave me some creative license, which is gratifying. I don't think you will be disappointed with the upcoming finale :)

Mark Evans - great find! Somebody put a lot of effort into that video! As a young guy watching the movie I always wished they captured Rambo's female off sider and put her through the ringer.

Glad you are liking the description of Jane, and yes this is a very close match - damn sexy vid!
10083) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Saturday, 14 November 2015 09:50 AM Permalink

(10083) Man's Story Feb 1964 Eastman art
10084) JD 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 10:15 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10084) Another day, another victim By the Devils Hand (2009) 4/7

10085) JD 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 10:24 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

lurker10 said Sigh... Another affront to mechanical design, particularly since they have a 1" shaft, which they proceed to wrap in an ~8" drum, going from a mechanical advantage of ~30:1 down to ~4:1.

It *does* look authentic insofar as it looks like something a bunch of rustics would cobble up having heard about a rack, but never seen one. Although... rustics would probably be insulted....

I don't think that's a fair criticism. The movie doesn't intent to be a NatGeo production about the true horrors of the Middle Ages but an artistic rendition of the times. They try to create an atmosphere rather than a Professional Engineer design. That's why you have those huge drums in all the rack scenes in mainstream movies. To convey an impression of overpowering strength.

We can discuss the mechanical virtues of one design or another but it's unfair to target some filmmakers for their artistic vision.
10086) Gabrieleknight 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 11:07 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10086) Today's pictures (dungeon):
10087) elkcreek 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 11:09 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10087) Well, I posted another story, actually a novel LOL. This one features the lovely Vanessa Hudgens, a little petite Disney princess who has not yet suffered in a legit GIMP scene with Hollywood. She had a bit of flashback gimpage in "Frozen Ground", but nothing even worth a review. Hope you guys enjoy.

For the record in my stories I prefer one victim, and a series of situations.
10088) Gabrieleknight 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 11:12 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10088) 2.
10089) elkcreek 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 11:12 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10089) Oops, put the link in the website field, here it is. Here's another pic too.

10090) Gabrieleknight 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 11:19 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10090) 3.
10091) Badger 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 01:54 PM Permalink

Those who subscribe to Amazon Prime may want to check out Knifepoint. A bit of Funny Games, a bit of ISOYG. Lots of gratuitous, including sexual, violence. Unlike most home invasion movies, it doesn't pull many punches. Check it out before Amazon decides it's over the top.
10092) Alan Chase 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 03:59 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

You have a terrific site. Thanks for being there!
10093) MAV 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 05:16 PM Permalink

@gabrieleknight-great AOH artwork btw
10094) zegher 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 06:17 PM Permalink

A lover of the subject...
10095) Avanties 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 09:36 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Longtime lurker first time poster, I just wanted to take a moment and thank Badger for his recommendation in post 10091. I checked out that movie on Amazon and it was great!
10096) Kathyrne 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 11:46 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10096) So, I got back late, late, late last night, so I had no time to work on images, and today I was doing laundry, putting things away, etc. So, I finally had time to sit down and do an "I'm Back!" image and thought I would post it now.

roll eyes (sarcastic)
10097) Kathyrne 
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Saturday, 14 November 2015 11:49 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10097) And as I mentioned before I left for my vacation, I was unable to get home in time to do a "the 13th" image on the 13th, which kinda sucks since "the 13th" was actually on a Friday this month.

Ah well.

Anyway, here is a "the 14th" image with some torture/horror elements to make up for it.

10098) Bronx_Warrior 
IP logged
Sunday, 15 November 2015 12:25 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10098) Credit to the original to see this as real....
10099) Centaurus 
IP logged
Sunday, 15 November 2015 02:05 AM Permalink

10075) Gentle Jack said: I would absolutely love any criticism you have to help me get to that optimal erotic art peak!

Thank you for posting. I definitely like your render, that's why I saved it :) .

Criticism? Mainly positive, I think. The model is beautiful. The setting is, appropriately, a dungeon-like room. She's hanging by her wrists realistically , not with her elbows flexed like I've seen in many a 3D artwork. Her expression is awesome, really life-like. Finally, I like the shoes, they're very sexy!

Perhaps the lighting could be more ominous... casting more shadows. And, in the next pictures down this series, you could show her hanging exhausted. Then, her being whipped, maybe with the torturer out of sight and just the whip being seen coming from the left. Finally, her hanging again, with a weight chained on her ankles. All this is suggestions for some more action later, not that this image is boring at all.

Btw, I find the depiction of waiting-in-dread-before-the-torture more interesting than the actual torture.

lionrobe & GabrieleKnight: Many thanks for posting!

1024) lionrobe said: I was once in touch with the artist (=Zerosen), he retired because too ashamed of his job, he wanted to draw for children last time we exchanged...!!!!

Interesting fact to know. I often wonder what happened to the artists that retired and any info about this is welcome. I suppose they either grow out of it, get tired of it, run dry of inspiration... even become ashamed of it. I read about a Japanese artist (D-2Girls) that his family discovered his artwork and he was ashamed into retiring. At least it's always nice to know that nothing terrible (accident, disease) has happened to them.
10100) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 06:13 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10100) One of the interrogation scenes of "les femmes de l'ombre"

10101) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 06:20 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10101) Turkish delices in "la masseria delle allodole". The fate for the girls is branding of face and breasts


10102) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 06:25 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10102) An other branding scene in "Ararat"

10103) provost 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 07:11 AM Permalink

A moment...

Let us please take a moment to think of friends in Europe, particularly in Paris, whose world has just been horribly changed. We are with you.
10104) JD 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 10:01 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10104) Gentle Jack said I really hope you like it. If not please let me know what's missing or too much.

Better work than 99% of the 3D productions out there. Small visual imperfections, the unnatural hand position (the hand under tension tend to take a 90* angle or more to distribute the weight more evenly on the joint ) and the chains being too flimsy. I would add a bit of post-processing sweating and as Centaurus already mentioned, I would stick with a directional light or two, dropping ambiental ones, as they produce unrealistic shades (or lack of them). But overall, it's good work, I would love to see more.

@elkcreek: For whatever reason, Vanessa Hudgens resonates as underage with me. Weird, cuz I have no problem using adult Emma Watson heads in Emma Watson fakes. But for weird reasons, VH puts me on defense.

@Gabrieleknight: Excellent contributions. I don't say it every day, not to become a parrot.

@Kathyrne: Welcome back. Now put all the things you've been traveling with in the dryer and heat them to 70*C for half an hour. I know I do, you can't be too careful with bedbugs today, even if you stayed in 5 stars hotels (and I don't).

@Bronx_Warrior (10098): What's the setting? What other place deal with bondages/movies fakes? I'd love to visit it, you know.

@lionrobe: Thanks for the clip update. I had that scene in a lousy VHS quality, your DVD grade material is so much better.

@provost said Let us please take a moment to think of friends in Europe, particularly in Paris, whose world has just been horribly changed. We are with you.

Unfortunately, as Samuel Huntington visionary described it in his "Clash of Civilizations", atrocities like this will be our new normal. Less in NA where we are insulated by two large oceans but moreso in the fortress of Europe, less and less defended nowadays. Extreme political corectness and appeasement to intolerance could have no other outcome.

By the Devils Hand (2009) 5/7 Another atractive victim found her demise at the hands of the 666 Killer. Almost there.

10105) Gabrieleknight 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 12:17 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10105) Only B&W pictures today (dungeon).
Je suis Paris.

10106) Gabrieleknight 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 12:18 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10106) 2.
10107) Gabrieleknight 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 12:19 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10107) 3.

I hope you like picture n.3 (AOH).
10108) Covers the Relentless 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 02:14 PM Permalink

(10108) Man's Story Feb 1964 Norm Eastman Original art
10109) elkcreek 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 02:41 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

JD, Vanessa Hudgens is 27, but when you get my age they ALL look underage. I do agree she looks young for her age, but I think that's common in Hollywood. In fact one of my biggest beefs with Hollywood is how many 21-25 year olds still play HS kids and becase of that I think our perception of age is messed up.

The other thing is for the most part all these young starlets do is shop, work out, and party. So they don't really act their age these days. But if I was to go by the physical only, Her, Emma Watson, Selena Gomez and Ashley Tisdale are the creme of the young starlet crop. Out of that group only Watson seems to act her age. They all need some gimp treatment badly on the big screen.
10110) JD 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 06:06 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10110) @Gabrieleknight (10105): That one is particularly well done. Obviously the background is 3D generated but I'm not familiar with the setup. It's home made or bought? I'm pretty sure I've seen something that resemble those features in Daz store but can't remember which was it.

@elkcreek: A very valid point, can't agree more.

I'm not quite sure why victim #6 died. Bear with me, the end is nigh. By the Devils Hand 2009 (6/7)

10111) Gabrieleknight 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 06:19 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ JD
The background (10105) is not homemade nor bought: it was simply found on the web.
I am not sure, but most likely it is a screenshot from a videogame.
10112) JD 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 08:30 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10112) Gabrieleknight said I am not sure, but most likely it is a screenshot from a videogame.

Aha, that would explain the digital feeling. I know that I like to generate my own dungeons (I can share the props if you dabble in Poser) so I can choose the angles and the light to fit better with the light of the 'subjects'.

Unrelated, something that came to my mind after watching an episode in Smallville when Lana was electroshocked by the Chinese. My version would have been more interesting, I guess.
10113) erodite's bodyguard 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 10:26 PM Permalink

GENTLE JACK: Welcome to the Forum.
I don't know how much color quality is lost in Internet transmission and downloading so I routinely take photos and run them thru the edit function at Windows Photo Gallery.
For your photo (10075) I increased contrast by 10, temperature by 10, and saturation by 25. This allows the tan line (for me) to show up much better.
My only unfavorable comment is that the wrong leg is bent upward. I'm sure she hopes that is going to save her crotch from whatever is about to happen, but a hint of her sex is always pleasant.
Looking forward to your next post.
10114) erodite's bodyguard 
IP logged
Sunday, 15 November 2015 10:38 PM Permalink

Thanks for posting the Rebecca pics. Always a favorite, and I use to paint by the numbers on the comics I bought.
As for today's pic, since the lady has her mouth taped, and there are unwrapped Bon-Bons, exactly where are they disappearing into?

Person who posted info on Imagefap. Sorry but I couldn't readily find who.
Anyway, someone is nicely adding very good vidcaps of all the original INSEX vids, on a daily basis.
I downloaded a host of those vidcaps from the original site back in 2002-5 but they always came out as those little boxes about half the size of the screen size allowed to write this.
So it's nice to see all that is going on there and yes I finally found the name of Miss 49 including a couple of sessions I was not previously aware of.
Thank goodness someone is not around at the moment to get jealous. She'll be back sometime after Thanksgiving.
10115) JD 
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Sunday, 15 November 2015 11:41 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10115) erodite's bodyguard said I don't know how much color quality is lost in Internet transmission and downloading

None. You don't lose chroma on Internet, like you'd do on an analog copying (as in VHS or Betamax copying and recopying). You might lose definition in JPG compression (as seen by artifacts around the hard edges of the images when tightly compressed) but not chroma. Changing the color saturation, balance or luma is just a matter of personal preference, has nothing to do with the TCP/IP transfers.

Attached is an example of severely compressed image. That's what used to be lost in the days of slow internet. Today I doubt anyone encodes the JPEG files less than 80 (at this level you can't discern the loss of quality without magnification in graphic editing software).
10116) lurker10 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 02:29 AM Permalink

10085)JD said

lurker10 said:
Sigh... Another affront to mechanical design, particularly since they have a 1" shaft, which they proceed to wrap in an ~8" drum, going from a mechanical advantage of ~30:1 down to ~4:1.

It *does* look authentic insofar as it looks like something a bunch of rustics would cobble up having heard about a rack, but never seen one. Although... rustics would probably be insulted....

JD said:
I don't think that's a fair criticism. The movie doesn't intent to be a NatGeo production about the true horrors of the Middle Ages but an artistic rendition of the times. They try to create an atmosphere rather than a Professional Engineer design. That's why you have those huge drums in all the rack scenes in mainstream movies. To convey an impression of overpowering strength.

lurker10 replies:
I'm OK on the awesomeness idea, but it kind of loses its punch by putting a $20 windlass on a $2 ladder. By derating their windless, they *have* managed to insure that it won't break the ladder, though.

Rodin, the villain for the rack scene, is in the book a well-educated private party with a limited budget, not a government, so he is a lot more likely to sacrifice judicial awesomeness for less-expensive real mechanical effectiveness. There is, by the way, no rack in the book (nor their Wheel, which is *completely* ahistorical); but as you point out, it's art.

"Justine" is set in pre-Revolutionary France, and whatever other violence they do to the book (which is kind of insipid; esso, darthsaad, or Thomas Chaser, for example, could pep it up enormously), that part will have to remain to preserve the de Sade franchise.

Anyway, with their rack, the rack scene is going to have to be saved by atmosphere and acting. There's no way that rack can carry the scene on its own. It's not awesome at all.
10117) Covers the Relentless 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 08:03 AM Permalink

(10117) Man's Story Feb 1966 p33
10118) DarthSaad 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 08:53 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ lurker10 - thanks for the praise and being included in such impressive company.

I admit I don't know much about the historical accuracy of the devices involved, but after many years of movie watching, both mainstream and otherwise, I am of the opinion it ALWAYS comes down to the acting and atmosphere. The most promising stills often lead to disappointment when you see the uninspired direction/editing or the half-hearted effort by the actors.

On the other hand, a good director with some great visual thinking and folks who put 100% in onscreen can make even very low budget efforts memorable. :)
10119) JulietteA 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 09:03 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10119) Hi,

a new fantastic movie on []
Anal Nightmare

Description: Juliette is getting ready for bed one evening when an intruder comes in and catches her unaware. Before she knows it, Juliette is bound and gagged, bent over her bed, and fucked in the ass by this strange man. He removes the gag before face-fucking her until her mouth is full of his cum, and then he leaves her struggling on the floor trying to figure out what has happened.

Direct Link:


Order "Anal Nightmare" on dvd here:

We always send in neutral packing. FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE!!

If you have questions, concerns or comments send me a message. smile

Best Regards,
10120) gimpfan 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 09:26 AM Permalink

Can someone tell me the name of the movie/video in post # 10104 by JD ?
10121) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 12:14 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10121) Three more pictures from the Dungeon series:
10122) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 12:15 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10122) 2.
10123) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 12:16 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10123) 3.
10124) Ed 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 02:39 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Hi gabrieleknight. I love your work, it's exactly the kind of situations I like. One question, though. All have black freckling, especially noticeable on skin. Is there a way you know of that I can use to get rid of them? It's the only thing that makes them less than perfect.
10125) erodite's bodyguard 
IP logged
Monday, 16 November 2015 03:41 PM Permalink

Thanks for the info. I am always glad when someone sets me straight (about technical stuff, that is.)
I've been trying to save what was not ruined out of my old stock so I've noticed some transfer loss which prompted my comment.
10126) JD 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 05:29 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10126) Last part. Nothing serious. No one dies. Just the villain acting villany. By the Devils Hand (2009) 7/7

10127) JD 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 06:52 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10127) The second clip of the day is an all time favorite of mine and mainly because the main actress, Piper Cochrane has an uncanny resemblance to Carrie Fisher in the early 90s (after rehab and a bit plumper).

Mild bondage and soft situations, only recommended if you're a fan of Carrie. To me was gold as my only chance to imagine how Leia would have looked slapped, doing a topless dance, tied or hanged.

Too bad Piper had such a short acting career. After an attempted TV series and some minor roles she's now retired and selling organic candies in her Southern village. So much wasted potential!

Piper Cochrane - Lucky (2004).

10128) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 08:16 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ Ed
I am really glad you like my work. Unfortunately you and some other guys do not like the style of my images, with all those black dots and "freckling". I guess you would like something "smoother".
This is my style. My pictures were born like this. The special filter I apply (using Photoshop) reduces the number of colors and makes the images seem like old engravings.
Maybe you can try to smooth them by carefully applying Photoshop "blur" filter.
10129) JD 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 09:03 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10129) Gabrieleknight said This is my style. My pictures were born like this. The special filter I apply (using Photoshop) reduces the number of colors and makes the images seem like old engravings.

Dude, be yourself. Each individual around here is a unique. I would be surprised if you can please 100% anyone else but you.

Maybe you can try to smooth them by carefully applying Photoshop "blur" filter.

Actually SMART BLUR would remove the dots pretty nice (radius 3 and Threshold 25) but then again, let's not try to paint normal faces on Picasso's works. There's a reason that woman has two noses and three eyes.

I found recently another nice addition to Poser, called The Dungeon Bundle, 15508 in Daz stores. They have a dungeon, a torture room, some access hall with cells on both sides, gallows and a plethora of furniture in the package. Being an one-trick pony, I tried the rack and the room. Not bad.
10130) Fritz 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 10:46 PM Permalink

JD wrote:

Actually SMART BLUR would remove the dots pretty nice (radius 3 and Threshold 25

I tried this just for giggles and it sure didn't work for me. What did work (sort of) was Noise / Dust and Scratches… with a radius of about 3 and a 10+ threshold. Then crisp things up again by using Smart Sharpen or Unsharp Mask. You'll lose some resolution, but most of the dots should disappear. Personally, I don't mind Gabrieleknight's originals all that much, but Photoshop effects filters are always a bit hit-and-miss. I'm betting that's why Picasso didn't use them on any of his works.
10131) pilgrim 
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Monday, 16 November 2015 10:47 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10131) Saw something familiar in post 10006. This image is one I did several years ago. Note the guy with the pincers.

Bring Out the GIMP Post 10006
10132) JD 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 12:08 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Fritz said: I tried this just for giggles and it sure didn't work for me. What did work (sort of) was Noise / Dust and Scratches… with a radius of about 3 and a 10+ threshold. Then crisp things up again by using Smart Sharpen or Unsharp Mask. You'll lose some resolution, but most of the dots should disappear.

Yep, that seem to work better. In my defense I didn't dig too dip into the issue since it doesn't bother me one bit. Plus, to get decent result the QUALITY of SMART BLUR should be set at HIGH, rather than LOW, as I mentioned. But your way is better, nonetheless.

In short:

A. Photoshop using DUST AND SCRATCHES:

B. Photoshop using SMART BLUR

pilgrim said Saw something familiar in post 10006. This image is one I did several years ago. Note the guy with the pincers.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Hey, that's my Leia!! big grin
10133) lurker10 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 04:24 AM Permalink

10129)JD - Poser Dungeon Bundle rack

Now *there* is an awesome rack, expressing the Full Majesty Of The State! Look, and tremble!

Mechanical advantage is about 10:1, which is probably about the best that can be had with wood technology. With two men on the handles it's good for ~3000 lbs, and it's not going to come apart. Which more than can be said for whoever is on it.

I don't know what the utility of using stocks for the victim's wrists and ankles is. It's not likely that the executioner can't make a decent slipknot.
10134) Gabrieleknight 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 04:39 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ pilgrim
No mystery. As I told, I make my images by using and party modifying pictures found on the web. Many important artists do the same (Damian, for example).
These images were created for myself. Only recently I decided to share them. Obviously, if there is someone who does not agree, I can stop posting pictures in this forum.
10135) lurker10 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 04:48 AM Permalink

10129)JD - Poser Dungeon Bundle rack

Oh yeah; observe how the delectable morsel is exquisitely molded by her Awesome Rack experience. The straightness (straightness?) of her posture; the modeling of her waist; the expression of her ribcage!!!

Gotta go!
10136) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 07:52 AM Permalink

(10136) Man's Story Feb 1966 V7 No1
10137) Ed 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 10:24 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Gabrieleknight said: Unfortunately you and some other guys do not like the style of my images, with all those black dots and "freckling". This is my style.

Not a serious criticism. I also prefer color images to just B & W. Personal preference. Your work is still better than many out there and I would rather have them as is than for you to think I didn't like them.
10138) pilgrim 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 10:27 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Gabrieleknight, no problem. I enjoy your work. It's just that I posted so little and so long ago that seeing some of it revived is like seeing an old friend after many years.
10139) lionrobe 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 02:09 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10139) Some asian artists I like :


10140) lionrobe 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 02:12 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10140) Some asian artists I like :


10141) lionrobe 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 02:15 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10141) Some asian artists I like :


10142) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 02:40 PM Permalink

(10142) Here's my latest mostly poser gimp creation. (Ichabod Crane and smoke are only manipulations)
Not that it really matters the storyline of my poser creation is:

With the help of follow witch hunter Ichabod Crane, he and witch hunter Grace uncovered the real story of Salem Witch trails which points the finger of guilt towards witches BG and Zorf. After torturing of Mary Sibley and her servant, they gave up their time-traveling witch leaders BG and Zorf and are now burning at the stake in their sinners dresses, wink It would be sinner dresses back in 17th century for sure. It's a fantasy go with it. Bill K.
10143) bastinado 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 03:10 PM Permalink

Question for Covers the Relentless and esso: Are there any MAM covers or stories that involve GIMP in the period of the wild west? Particularly with Indians?
10144) JD 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 05:44 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10144) lurker 10 said I don't know what the utility of using stocks for the victim's wrists and ankles is.

Yeah. To make things worse, the ropes/chains are not attached to the median line of the stocks but somewhat lower which will break the bones due to the torque involved, long before other discomfort is caused. But it's a small detail.

Covers the Relentless (10136): I'm afraid to even think what would be in 1966 the answer to the question on the cover "How normal are your sex needs?". razz (stick out tongue)

@lionrobe: Thanks for the drawing collections. The last one is particularly good.

@Bill K. (10142): Some criticism if you'll have it. I dislike in manips most when the characters don't meet eye to eye. Like Ichabod Crane that seems to stare at the camera rather than at the scene in front of his eyes. It's a simple manip trick* to move the eyes of a subject to look into the intended direction. It's either that or the fella is having a bad spell of strabismus and he actually is looking at what's happening 10 feet ahead.

June Gilbert in 10 to Midnight (1983). Oldest trope in the book. Blonde runs naked, killer follows, she hides in the place where no one could see her being killed, killer finds her, she pleads for mercy (which at this point is a bit moot), killer kills her.


* cut the iris from the base picture and make it a separate layer. Using cloning tool fill the remaining eye space with neighbouring white. Move the layer with the iris until eyesight points to the intended direction.
10145) Gabrieleknight 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 07:11 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10145) Only one picture today. I have had troubles with my PC.
1. (dungeon)
10146) JD 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 08:04 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10146) Found a bit of time to practice what I preach.
10147) Bill K. 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 09:46 PM Permalink

JD I regret manipulation that Ichabod Crane into my poser for just didn't fit and it wasn't necessary.
Thank you for redo with the right look.
I'm going to stick with my poser models in my next bats posers for was never very good at manipulation anyways. Bill K.
10148) JD 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 10:22 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Bill K. said JD I regret manipulation that Ichabod Crane into my poser for just didn't fit and it wasn't necessary.
Thank you for redo with the right look.
I'm going to stick with my poser models in my next bats posers for was never very good at manipulation anyways. Bill K.

Oh, c'mon ... I posted not to wither the creativity but to point out a trick in Photoshop and how it increase the make believe factor. When we get into our fantesy production we try to maximize what tickle us at the loss of a general veradicity. So, myself, I appreciate when someone is pointing to me that the perspective is looking wrong or the lightning, whatever because I was focused at the face of a certain princess in peril and got distracted. But I welcome criticism as it gives me more depth in understanding how someone else my see my output. So should you. smile
10149) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 17 November 2015 11:12 PM Permalink

(10149) bastinado wrote: Question for Covers the Relentless and esso: Are there any MAM covers or stories that involve GIMP in the period of the wild west? Particularly with Indians?

I won't say the MAM magazines never had a wild west scene. They did have an occasional Civil War cover. But if you want wild west covers, you'd be better off hunting for pulps. I've got several hundred pulp covers on my web site. Go to
[] (text format)
[] (gallery format)

For Starters, check out
Frontier Stories
Lariat Story Magazine
Mammoth Western
Ranch Romances
Speed Western
Spicy Western
Western Novels
Wild West Stories
10150) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 01:11 AM Permalink

(10150) Here is a True Men magazine cover from Dec. 1958 with a wild west scene but did women in the west really wear jeans?
Anyways Covers does have original cover to that.

JD: I meant I knew the Ichabod Crane manipulation had wrong look and was out of place and I regretted using it. I'm pissed off at myself for I didn't take the time to look for a better picture of Ichabod Crane from the Fox TV show Sleepy Hollow in which the Abby Mills character looks a lot like my witch hunter Grace Daz's character.
Bill K.
10151) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 01:28 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10151) Indian covers ?

Get a lot....

More to come !
10152) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 01:53 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10152) Bastinado asked:

Are there any MAM covers or stories that involve GIMP in the period of the wild west? Particularly with Indians?

I'm not an expert on the MAM stories, since the only ones I've read are the 17 I've restored for the Men's Adventure Stories section, and none of them featured Indians. Small sample size, I know, but I don't really recall many MAM covers that featured Indian stuff.

If you're looking for stories, we do have a couple well-written ones by Kishkalwa, JAMES SMITH 1755 and PEACE.

I knew Kishkalwa from a Yahoo group I belong to. He's an expert on Indian tortures and everything he wrote in his stories were based on actual tortures by the Indians in the area where he lives. I might have more of his stories on my hard drive; if I come across another one, I'll upload it to the GIMP Fiction section. I'm a huge fan of Indian torture; they were the best when it came to coming up with unique and particularly sadistic ways to torture their captives.
10153) Covers the Relentless 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 07:20 AM Permalink

(10153) Man's Story Feb 1967 p25
10154) Esso 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 12:35 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I have been traveling for a little while and will try and get something up by the weekend.

Osouk (10055): Thanks for the comment. And even more thanks for the great stories you have posted here. My favorite is Sophie but I am not sure if that is because it is the best, the longest, has an interrogation theme, is illustrated by Quoom, or all of the above. As far as the observation about more detail of what they did between her thighs, I will get to that in another post (the reason that is, not what they did).

JD: You are one of the people who I am long overdue in thanking for your varied and manifold contributions to the site. So, thank you.

bastinado (1059): Of course I was not surprised “Yankee Woman You Die Slowly” is your favorite. I had you in mind when I expanded my original augmentation of the story. As far as western tales in MAMs, to add to what has already been said, there were a number of stories published over the years but most of them had very little GIMP interest, although they were often illustrated with Indian maidens in near nudity. When I have time I will try and find an example.

Covers: Hope you don't mind my poaching a bit on your territory with the posting of the covers from which the original story is taken. Your collection is truly impressive. As was touched on previously, you would be getting a lot more props for your contributions but since they appear every day I think readers look at them as being more of an integral part of the website.
10155) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 02:48 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10155) Rape of Nanking, stripsearch

10156) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 02:50 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10156) Marion Cotillard beheaded in "Un long dimanche de fiançailles"

10157) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 02:52 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10157) Mass shooting during Russian civil war (the Chekist)

10158) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 02:59 PM Permalink

(10158) The only manipulation artist that created a lot of Indian gimp was Arcimboldo who disappeared in 2002.

I use a Daz Indian model a lot in my poser creations.

I believe MAM covers didn't create a lot of Gimp wild west peril because the women drawn in my 10150 post look like the 1950s women. Hairstyle and makeup sort of like the Hollywood look back in the 1950s and 1960s heydays of MAM magazines.

The Nazi, Jap, commie, bike gangs etc... in the MAM covers all the damsels look alike. Whereas western settler women in the 1600s through the 1800s look totally different. Anyhow that's why I think there so little wild west Gimp MAM cover peril. Bill K.
10159) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 04:53 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10159) Inquisition.
10160) JD 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 05:01 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10160) @lurker10: Glad you like it.

@Esso: It goes both ways. I'm enjoying your stuff as well.

@lionrobe: The Chekist clip at (10157) seems to have an editing error. Namely there's no nudity like in the pic.

@Gabrieleknight: Glad to see your computer is usable again.

Barbara Steele in Nightmare Castle (1965).

10161) Ralphus 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 06:56 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10161) As promised, I've uploaded Kishkalwa's epic Indian torture story into the GIMP FICTION section. I knew I had one more, and this one is the longest and most brutal of them all. It's called SHENANGO and although it's a fictional story, it's based entirely on the accounts of a white woman named Chiwoatwes, who was a captive being kept as a slave that witnessed the ordeal and later told it to someone who recorded it. It's her account that is the basis for the story.

He included all the information he could from Chiwoatwes's account...the trail of clues, the fight, capture, and torture of the two men at a place called "Forty Foot", along with the man's attempted escape, and the slow torture of the three remaining captives. Every method of torture that is mentioned in the story was actually used by the Indians in the area, along with many others. And fire, in all of its forms from open flame to heated metal was one of their favorites. In other words, if you like burning torture, you'll probably love this story.

Here's the direct link:
10162) Fritz 
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Wednesday, 18 November 2015 07:00 PM Permalink

Wild West GIMP: Continental Europeans are known to have a peculiar fascination with the American west of yore. So it's not surprising that this theme routinely cropped up in various fumetti. Okay, so they're not MAM covers, but on the plus side, they did tend to be a bit more explicit…

10163) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Wednesday, 18 November 2015 08:22 PM Permalink

(10163) Esso wrote: Covers: Hope you don't mind my poaching a bit on your territory with the posting of the covers from which the original story is taken. Your collection is truly impressive. As was touched on previously, you would be getting a lot more props for your contributions but since they appear every day I think readers look at them as being more of an integral part of the website.

Thanks, Esso. Feel free to post any MAM covers that you have. More is better, and maybe you'll post stuff that I don't already have. wink


Fritz wrote: Wild West GIMP: Continental Europeans are known to have a peculiar fascination with the American west of yore. So it's not surprising that this theme routinely cropped up in various fumetti. Okay, so they're not MAM covers, but on the plus side, they did tend to be a bit more explicit…

Good point, Fritz. There are some pretty nice Wild West covers in the foreign comics section of my site.
[] (text format)
[] (gallery format)
10164) Bill K. 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 01:11 AM Permalink

(10164) Fistful of Dollars, the start of the spaghetti western craze, was filmed and produced in Spain. Not sure why they were called spaghetti westerns since spaghetti is an Italian dish.
Spain seemed to have the wild west movie making fan bug and not so much Europe but maybe I'm wrong about that as Fritz noted, "Continental Europeans are known to have a peculiar fascination with the American west of yore."

I believe Spain had much more connections to Western America but then again France invaded Mexico too. But Mexicans speak Spanish, not French.

Spanish Americans are made up of a mixed bag of native Mexicans, Spanish and touch of French. Bill K.
10165) boccaccio 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 01:41 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10165) While they did have international casts, the 'Dollars Trilogy' (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly," "A Fistful of Dollars," and "A Few Dollars More" were directed by an Italian, Sergio Leone, and were first released in Italy.

And just as importantly, the eerie and iconic film score - which in my opinion was hugely important to the success of those films - was composed by Ennio Morricone, a composer who was born in Rome.
10166) Fritz 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 05:48 AM Permalink

Bill K.: Spaghetti westerns were shot in Spain because the Iberian landscape is similar to that of the American west. However, production was almost exclusively Italian. If you examine the credits for A Fistful of Dollars and other Sergio Leone films, this is more than evident. I'm sure Sergio would have preferred to shoot in Utah if his budget allowed for this, but if he had, that would not have made his movies American. In the 1960's and 70's, the Italian film industry was booming, and much of that success came from emulating US genres, including the western. Ironically, as these films were waning in North America, they were gaining popularity overseas – and they soon crossed the Atlantic and were revitalized here. Spain (whose film industry stagnated under the Franco dictatorship during this time) and West Germany often helped finance spaghetti westerns, but the Italians provided both the pasta and the sauce.

By the way, Spain is part of continental Europe, and the Spanish may well share with their neighbors a fascination with the American west. However, it's Germany, Italy, and to a lesser extent France, which I was referring to with regards to their passion for the genre. Translations of Zane Grey and Louis L'Amour pulps are huge across the pond, perhaps moreso than here… just browse around a book store in Berlin or Milan and you'll see what I mean.

How else could you explain European comics featuring covers like this…

10167) Gabrieleknight 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 06:34 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10167) Some low-res samples of related pictures (dungeon).
10168) Covers the Relentless 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 08:02 AM Permalink

(10168) Man's Story Feb 1967 V8 No1 Eastman art
10169) Reine Margot 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 10:46 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

The production of JUSTINE is only days away!
Our Campaign For JUSTINE is back!

The production of JUSTINE is just a few days away and our second campaign continues! I'm happy to announced that although we haven't set a goal amount, I did say that we would love to complete the 20,000 target we set at the beginning of our IndieGogo Campaign. Well, we're 5,500 away from that goal. One of our associate producers doubled his contribution and some fans bought downloads and autographed photos! Thank you!

The cameras are not rolling yet, the set is not completely decorated and the action did not start and yet the discussions have began on a film that right now only exists in script form! And only TWO people read it so far! It's interesting, I have to say, that we have comments on the props, even tough they were not fully constructed when the pictures were taken. I posted initial pictures of The Wheel, when it was under construction and going through some testing, and recently I posted some pictures of The Rack, taken the first day it was brought to the set and was beginning to be put together, just to see how it would look.

lurker10: Sigh... Another affront to mechanical design, particularly since they have a 1" shaft, which they proceed to wrap in an ~8" drum, going from a mechanical advantage of ~30:1 down to ~4:1.

That was the first comment on The Rack from an engineering point of view. I believe the ratios mentioned are referring to the force the rack should apply to the limbs of the tortured. We appreciate all comments, of course, it's very healthy to have discussions on what we do. Having said that, if Rodin's intention was to break off each limb, I guess he would hire an engineer to build a rack with the mechanical capacity to do the job. If, however, his intention was to simply stretch his lovely ladies to points of extreme discomfort and pain, then I imagine he would choose a less drastic machine, one that would not tear off the pretty limbs the ladies have. The inspiration for The Rack is one we found in our research.

lurker10: It *does* look authentic insofar as it looks like something a bunch of rustics would cobble up having heard about a rack, but never seen one. Although... rustics would probably be insulted....

There are a variety of racks in history books, the web, in our imagination. From the very large, massive racks seen in some drawings from the old days, to the less elaborate but still effective racks found in some movies, pictures, and so on. Jac had some options and given the recommendations, suggestions of our contributors, he settled for the ladder type rack. A consideration was that it had to be somewhat similar to the one used in Red Feline Faces the Inquisition, where there was fire under poor Red Feline. Another consideration was that Jac didn't want to use the same rack we used in Le Marquis and Maleficarum.

One contributor gave some cash toward some foot torture to be used while on the rack, preferably with hot coals or branding. So, to that effect, there's a coal burner to be placed under the feet of the victim. You might not notice that in the pictures I have, but it's there.

lurker10: Safe For children. Looks like the Wheel went over budget.

The Wheel is another animal altogether.There was some engineering involved for many reasons, the first, that it has to rotate and at various speeds; second, it has to hold the weight of a person while rotating. It needs a solid axel and a good base and most importantly, it has to look very, very good too. Sort of medieval, not necessarily historical, like JD said: I don't think that's a fair criticism. The movie doesn't intent to be a NatGeo production about the true horrors of the Middle Ages but an artistic rendition of the times. They try to create an atmosphere rather than a Professional Engineer design. That's why you have those huge drums in all the rack scenes in mainstream movies. To convey an impression of overpowering strength. And the atmosphere is what it's been created for this film. Jac and Miguel were hard at work at the beginning of the week taking some promo stills. I have some of those atmospheric stills. These are not from the movie, they are just promo stills.

lurker10 replies: I'm OK on the awesomeness idea, but it kind of loses its punch by putting a $20 windlass on a $2 ladder. By derating their windless, they *have* managed to insure that it won't break the ladder, though. Rodin, the villain for the rack scene, is in the book a well-educated private party with a limited budget, not a government, so he is a lot more likely to sacrifice judicial awesomeness for less-expensive real mechanical effectiveness. There is, by the way, no rack in the book (nor their Wheel, which is *completely* ahistorical); but as you point out, it's art.

What I posted before was not the final version of The Rack. A lot was done to it since. I will have some nice pictures of the more completed Rack with our lovely ladies on it later. The Wheel, however is basically set. There are some little things that remain to be done with that enormous apparatus that if put to work as a Rack could actually do much damage. Rodin is one crazy fuck, yes. It's obvious in the book. One reading of the famous novel will tell you that it would be impossible to translate ALL of it into a 90 minute movie. Furthermore, many things are implied, many more issues can be read between the lines and so on. A true adaptation is not possible unless it is made into a very long Series that could span many seasons, which would require a lot of hard cash, a good number of actresses willing to give it all for the movie and once it is made it would not be so easy to sell to TV. So... Jac decided to make a free adaptation, and a very artistic one at that and with a very small, really small, budget. He uses Rodin as his main villain because he embodies the philosophy behind the story.

lurker10 "Justine" is set in pre-Revolutionary France, and whatever other violence they do to the book (which is kind of insipid; esso, darthsaad, or Thomas Chaser, for example, could pep it up enormously), that part will have to remain to preserve the de Sade franchise.

De Sade would be impressed by the "violence" done to his book. His mission in life was to brutally dissect the world he lived in, to dig into the perverse mind of his contemporaries. He shed some bright lights into the dark caves where French aristocracy, the church and by extension the whole of the ruling class lived. Rodin is one of the characters in De Sade's oeuvre that personifies the ultimate perversity of those times. Jac is using the traits of Rodin to express the central philosophy in the story. He's the perfect nemesis for Justine the virtous. I mentioned before that Jac is taking Justine's story where De Sade didn't go. He's changing the ending. Justine should have an epic ending and a build up to that glorious ending.

lurker10 Anyway, with their rack, the rack scene is going to have to be saved by atmosphere and acting. There's no way that rack can carry the scene on its own. It's not awesome at all.

The Rack scene does not need saving. Atmosphere and acting are and always will be the center of a film. Acting, mostly, is what makes a scene work. I saw films where the atmosphere was great, but the acting was awful and the film died for me. In JUSTINE we have great actresses and actors in the principal roles. We have great locations which will have great atmosphere and beautiful visuals. A prop will never carry a scene. A gun is just a gun, but you put that gun in Clint Eastwood hands, and you have a great scene. The Wheel is kind of impressive, massive, even, but it does not carry the scene, it will not carry the scene. The ladies on The Wheel and the people manning the famous apparatus will make the scene. The prop will remain a nice looking prop and if the lights are set right, it will even be a handsome prop.

The atmosphere on the sets is very, very good and it will even get better once all the lights and props are set up. We have great looking interior and exterior locations, as we always do. But most importantly, we have an excellent and extremely dedicated cast. We're looking forward to the beginning of the production, next Monday, November 23rd of the year of our lord 2015. That day, early that day, when everything is set, the assistant to the director will call: Justine, Scene 23, Shot 1, take 1. The slate will make its sound, and Jac will say Action! and the new cinematic adventure will begin! We can use all the support we can get, so... be part of JUSTINE!

Join the campaign, get an autograph picture, get a discount download or DVD, or... better yet... become a proud Associate Producer!

That's it for today. I will have more news soon. Our Campaign For JUSTINE Continues!
You can also contribute to our work by going to our site and get one or more of our amazing movies!

10170) lionrobe 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 01:34 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10170) Whipping scene in 70" spaghetti western

10171) lionrobe 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 01:36 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10171) American nurses, Japanese soldiers in "Bamboo House of Dolls"

Funny music !

10172) lionrobe 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 01:39 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10172) Rape of Anvers by Spanish troops in a vintage French movie

10173) Gog 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 05:34 PM Permalink

Anyone have any info on the following movie? Any GIMPage here? Or even if it's a good movie w/o any GIMP (always like a good entertaining movie)?

P.S. Something new I guess.....I almost posted as "got" today as Gog was automatically spell checked. eek!
10174) JD 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 05:56 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10174) Catherine Lazo in Black Dawn (1997).

Kidnapped, drugged and becoming sacrificial offering. The life of a stripper.

10175) JD 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 06:20 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

R, please join. I've seen it after posting.

Gog said: Anyone have any info on the following movie? Any GIMPage here? Or even if it's a good movie w/o any GIMP (always like a good entertaining movie)?

1. Yep
2. No. Bound and gagged for maybe 10 seconds, fully dressed.
3. Hmmm, not really. Submediocre at best. If you get it for free from Internet, maybe. Having to pay for it, nope.
10176) JCK 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 07:38 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10176) Ride 'em cowgirl
10177) JCK 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 07:41 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10177) Her room was a mess.
10178) Joanna 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 07:52 PM Permalink

Re: Indian torture; there's just something really hot (ha!) about being staked out for torture like that; shows you don't always have to have devices for it.
10179) Gog 
IP logged
Thursday, 19 November 2015 07:54 PM Permalink

JD -Thanks for the info! Based on the title, thought there might be some GIMP there. Oh well. smile


"Justine" set stills are looking pretty good! Can't wait to see the finished product. smile


Getting ready for Thanksgiving next week. Getting the house all ready for guests and food. Got a great menu all planned out. And of course, setting the right ambiance with the table setting. Check out the centerpiece I plan to use.

10180) Thomas Chaser 
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Thursday, 19 November 2015 08:32 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10180) Reine Margot wrote: "The Wheel is kind of impressive, massive, even, but it does not carry the scene, it will not carry the scene. The ladies on The Wheel and the people manning the famous apparatus will make the scene. The prop will remain a nice looking prop and if the lights are set right, it will even be a handsome prop."

As a contributor who put in about $1k into the production towards the wheel torture, let me say that I love the design of The Wheel. I agree with Reine; it's a good prop but the lovely ladies posing with it really do make the scene work - the costumes, the poses, and the atmosphere are all coming together nicely.

I did notice one thing about the three publicity photos, and that is that the prop works better if the victim is completely nude. The picture with Amy on the wheel works fine, because we can see that there is nothing to inhibit the rotation of the apparatus. However, with the Bea and Mila pictures, I'm concerned that the loose fabric around their hips would wrap around the axle and lead to unfortunate and unsafe circumstances. If there is an issue with protecting the actresses' modesty, perhaps you should attach some sort of apparatus that would at least appear to be functional, even if it is only to cover the ladies' genitals. I would think a thick leather belt or perhaps a wooden stock over the hips would be both believable and provide adequate coverage. Or, go with a short loincloth if that's cheaper and easier.

As for the ladder-style rack, I like it. The upright position is flattering to the body, particularly when the victim is stretched out. You could also stretch the victim while she is upside-down for an additional level of discomfort. I'm looking forward to how the coal brazier is going to look when used in conjunction with the stretching of the rack.

A bucket of water thrown over a victim while she is on the wheel would be something never done in a film before. Perhaps you could work that into the script.
10181) Bill K. 
IP logged
Thursday, 19 November 2015 08:33 PM Permalink

(10181) I stand corrected about the Italian and Europe connection to spaghetti western movies. Sorry I was way off embarrassment wrong.
Here is my favorite Indian torture of white captive artwork. Bill K.
10182) Joek0 
IP logged
Thursday, 19 November 2015 08:52 PM Permalink

Margot: Thanks for the update. I can't wait for the production to start and I can't wait to see your updates during the production. I also hope you keep the extra campaign going for a little while longer so I can get the money together for some goodies I want to get.

One thing to note. It does not bother me too much, but it may others more. Bea has a tattoo on the inside of her left arm. I am not sure if it is fake or not. I wonder what others here who despise tattoos will think.
10183) lionrobe 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 12:15 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10183) Back in the ol’HD, found 15 good stories to share and hundreds of pics.
My choice was to select my 15 favorite pics as a banner for a zipped file including one text (3 first have an added translation of mine and 2 my own texts, all this for french speaking people).
Then, I put in each folder the appropriate number of fakes, ol’paintings, 3D pics, comix covers and inside scans, drawings of artists and so on
Hope you’ll enjoy !
Kishkalwa wrote once this here, wow almost twenty years ! :

Subject: Re: Damsels captured and tortured by savages.
Newsgroups: alt.torture
View: Complete Thread (12 articles) | Original Format

Date: 1996/09/14

“There is an old story about two English girls captured by one of the
New York tribes, Iroquois or Huron or one of the others, during the
French and Indian wars in the mid 1700s. The story was supposedly
related to British officers by a French officer captured during a

According to the story, the two girls were taken during a rain into
Massachusetts. One was 16 and the other older, 19 or 20 and married.
They were, according to the Frenchman, attractive girls who were
stripped and forced to run with their captors to escape the pursuing
colonists and British regulars.

The younger girl couldn't keep up and on the afternoon of the second
day the party stopped long enough for each of the warriors to rape
her. Then she was killed and left in the bushes. The older, a
married woman with a child, was stronger and kept up with the band.
They ran for three days and nights with only brief stops to rest and
eat. The girl, a pretty blonde according to the Frenchman, was kept
bound at all times - hands behind her back and a rope was tied loosely
around her neck. This rope was held by one of the warriors while they
were on the move.

Finally, they felt safe enough to stop and enjoy their remaining
captive. She was raped repeatedly until everyone was satiated. Then
they prepared a fire pit and built a spit out of green saplings. The
girl realized what was coming but refused to beg for mercy.

A long pole was peeled and she was tied to it, Her arms were
stretched over her head and lashed tighly to the pole. She was also
secured at her ankles, knees, waist, and just under her arms. Before
being lashed to the pole, her body was covered with a thick coating of
bear grease.

Then she was roasted alive over the pit of glowing coals. Two braves
attended her at all times. One turning the spit and one basting her
with a mixture of herbs, wine, and bear grease. She was kept alive
for almost three full days. Some accounts say that she was still
alive when they cut out her liver and passed it around.

According to the Frenchman, the party feasted on her body for three

Here are some techniques of impaling that were used by the Native
Americans. The Blackfeet would cut a sapling to a length that was
plenty long to enter their victims body when they were standing. I do
not know if they used a sharp point, or a rounded one. (Either point
would hurt, and the bark would have been unreal if they left it on.
And probably did!) First they tied their victims hands behind them.
Then picked them up and slowly lowered them down on to the sapling.
When they were done, the victim was standing on the ground but unable
to move. The Blackfeet then tortured them with fire, knives, red hot
iron, ect.

The Shawnee would cut a sapling off around eight to ten inches long.
Again I do not know what point they used. They would tie their
victims hands behind their back and lower them down onto the sapling.
Sometimes their legs were spread wide and tied to stakes driven into
the ground. Other times one end of three or four leather straps were
tied around their neck while the other end was tied to stakes. These
were like "guy wires" that held the victim upright. (Daniel Boone had
a son captured and tortured to death using this method.) Either way
it was impossible for the victim to get off the sapling. They were
then tortured forcing them to struggle and kick, thus torturing
themselves with every move.

The Iroquois, especially the Seneca, would force a captive to lay on
the ground on their back. They would spread the legs of a captive and
tie a pole between their feet. A second pole was started into the
captives body an inch or two. With the legs straight, the other end
of this pole was tied to the center of the first one tied between the
feet. The Seneca would burn the backs of the captives legs with hot
coals and fire forcing them to jerk and bend their legs. By bending
their legs, the captive slowly forced the pole up through their own
body. The impaling pole was retied as necessary.

10184) A Canadian 
IP logged
Friday, 20 November 2015 12:54 AM Permalink

Joek0 wrote:

Bea has a tattoo on the inside of her left arm. I am not sure if it is fake or not. I wonder what others here who despise tattoos will think.

That's just wrong. Bea should definitely be punished.
10185) Bill K. 
IP logged
Friday, 20 November 2015 02:16 AM Permalink

(10185) Post 10183 by lionrobe no bad in your part but that's a Damian possible rip off of his artwork. Bill K.
10186) JulietteA 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 04:40 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


What about a fantastic hardcore bondage sex movie?

Special offer for you in november:

3 different HARDCORE movies for only 10,00 € each.

1. Miley Caught At Home


2. The Bishop Strikes Again


3. The Student


The offer is available until 30th november. Don't miss it!

Preview shows "Miley Caught At Home"

If you have questions, concerns or comments send me a message. smile
10187) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Friday, 20 November 2015 08:39 AM Permalink

(10187) Man's Story Feb 1968 p25
10188) Covers the Relentless 
IP logged
Friday, 20 November 2015 08:40 AM Permalink

(10188) Man's Story Feb 1968 p24
10189) Gabrieleknight 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 10:41 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10189) This is my very latest picture. I have finished it some minutes ago.
[gabriele dungeon 691-1-]
10190) lionrobe 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 12:59 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

For Bill K /

Don't worry, I'll have no problem with Damian, as I gave him twice a lot of ol'paintings he used for his fakes -:)
10191) lionrobe 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 01:11 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10191) 2/15, unconquered theme

10192) lionrobe 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 01:19 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10192) Philosophy of a knife, Unit 731 in action, warning, very gorish

10193) lionrobe 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 01:24 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10193) Flaying of a geisha in "human lanterns"

10194) ElectroB 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 01:26 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

my main fetish is everything about Electric jolts ;)
Nice to meet you
10195) Pedro 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 02:49 PM Permalink

(10195) Our new project is about a Prison Corporal Punishment Show. - Those who participate may halve their prison term.

The show is performed before a live paying audience.
10196) toxicmask 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 03:26 PM Permalink

(10196) Pedro said: Our new project is about a Prison Corporal Punishment Show

Nice to hear news from Pedro and his crew.

Hi Pedro, Did you consider the results of your survey for making this project?

It seems this is one is going to be the new great production from Mood Pictures...
10197) JD 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 05:32 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10197) Pedro said: The show is performed before a live paying audience.

You have itinerant shows in upstate New York, as well? I can drive to Pennsylvania or Vermont but not as far as Ohio. A lot of creepy people inhabit those lands.

Denise Dillaway in Nightmare in Badham County (1976). Via mkone.

10198) Pedro 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 06:14 PM Permalink

JD: Nightmare in Badham County... that was the first movie I saw depicting a whipping (with a belt) of a naked woman.

I think I was around 14 when I discovered this video among my dad's collection. I kept watching over and over again this particular scene...
10199) Pedro 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 06:18 PM Permalink

toxicmask asked: Hi Pedro, Did you consider the results of your survey for making this project?

Sure! I wrote this script with the knowledge of the results.
10200) Thomas Chaser 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 06:18 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Pedro wrote: "Our new project is about a Prison Corporal Punishment Show. - Those who participate may halve their prison term. The show is performed before a live paying audience."

I love this idea! I had suggested to you before about doing a Grand Guignol type of show, where an audience goes to a theater to see a horror play that may or may not actually be real (sort of like what was depicted at the beginning of "Bloodsucking Freaks"). Do you plan to give the film a story-line; such as "In the near future, a free government is replaced with strict religious law where young women are easily sentenced for various crimes, most of which require corporal punishment. This is one of their stories." With all of the xenophobia going around, you might as well capitalize on it.

I, for one, welcome our new overlords; mostly because I have a thing for exotic women kept in chains. :0
10201) Pedro 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 06:45 PM Permalink

Thomas Chaser - I love this idea! I had suggested to you before about doing a Grand Guignol type of show, where an audience goes to a theater to see a horror play that may or may not actually be real

Then probably this script is based on your idea... I am like a sponge collecting ideas from every possible resource. I can recall my last own idea was sometime at the age of 10 when we decided to whip our female classmates (I mean only those I felt sexy) with a bunch of nettles.
10202) JCK 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 07:30 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10202) I wonder if any of those plants are Stinging Nettles?
10203) JCK 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 07:32 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10203) A beautifully crafted Garrote.
10204) Pedro 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 07:40 PM Permalink

(10204) Thomas Chaser asked: Do you plan to give the film a story-line?

It's not a plan, but rather a fact, because we shot most of the movie.
Yes, it is a very classic Mood Pictures movie with a storyline.
Shows the happenings from two alternating perspectives. From the audience's point of view we see the punishment show, and we see what's happening backstage - between the prison walls - from the perspective of the inmates. Don't expect a too sophisticated story though... no quest for the goal of life :)
I am counting-- That was two... (picture posts today) :)
10205) Reine Margot 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 09:40 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

The production of JUSTINE is TWO days away!
Our Campaign For JUSTINE is back!

And, we're doing something crazy, we're doing what we never did before! We're having a 30% OFF SALE! ... IT is our THANKSGIVING SALE... To show you all our appreciation and because we're truly grateful for JUSTINE.

The production of JUSTINE is TWO days away! These are exciting times. A new movie, the second this year; a year the began with the premiere of OLALLA, saw the production of Pygmalion and now will close with a golden feather cap, the production of JUSTINE. However, we'll start 2016 with one, for now secret, production. A complete surprise, yes. I can't say much because things have to fall into place. So... Back to JUSTINE. According to our schedule, we'll spend the next ten days in Rodin's dungeon. That's where the production will have its beginnings. A lot of action is coming our way.

The Wheel and The Rack will be put to very good use. Of that I'm very, very sure. Ten days of suffering for Justine, Rosalie and Omphale. Ten days in the dark dungeon. Ten days!

Thomas Chaser Reine Margot wrote: "The Wheel is kind of impressive, massive, even, but it does not carry the scene, it will not carry the scene. The ladies on The Wheel and the people manning the famous apparatus will make the scene. The prop will remain a nice looking prop and if the lights are set right, it will even be a handsome prop." As a contributor who put in about $1k into the production towards the wheel torture, let me say that I love the design of The Wheel. I agree with Reine; it's a good prop but the lovely ladies posing with it really do make the scene work - the costumes, the poses, and the atmosphere are all coming together nicely.

The Wheel is a very popular prop for our people. They all want to give it a try. This afternoon it was Cortney's turn, she plays Justine's evil sister Juliette, better known as Madame de Lorsange. She took a good spin. There's a picture of her somewhere. The Wheel is a prominent feature in the dungeon, taking a lot of space. Everyone that sees it is very, very impressed with it. Our audiences will too. I have to share the same picture again.

Thomas Chaser I did notice one thing about the three publicity photos, and that is that the prop works better if the victim is completely nude. The picture with Amy on the wheel works fine, because we can see that there is nothing to inhibit the rotation of the apparatus. However, with the Bea and Mila pictures, I'm concerned that the loose fabric around their hips would wrap around the axle and lead to unfortunate and unsafe circumstances. If there is an issue with protecting the actresses' modesty, perhaps you should attach some sort of apparatus that would at least appear to be functional, even if it is only to cover the ladies' genitals. I would think a thick leather belt or perhaps a wooden stock over the hips would be both believable and provide adequate coverage. Or, go with a short loincloth if that's cheaper and easier.

I believe Jac's intention during the photo shoot, was to have three different possibilities. One totally nude, with Amy, one with a loin cloth, with Mila and one with a dress, with Bea. No one knows what will happen during the shooting of the movie. I know that, for instance, Mila's character, Rosalie, wears a loin cloth for a very good reason that Rodin, in person, will explain.

Justine has the misfortune of going naked for most part of the story and Bea wears a dress, or is naked, or half dressed... depending on Rodin's mood. Omphale (Bea) is Rodin's live in lover, after all. There's no problem with the safety of the ladies on The Wheel, and there are no issues concerning modesty either. Nudity is part of the story, a big part, so... The one thing Jac saw that could be a problem during shooting, is Bea's very long hair. That has to be watched.

Thomas Chaser As for the ladder-style rack, I like it. The upright position is flattering to the body, particularly when the victim is stretched out. You could also stretch the victim while she is upside-down for an additional level of discomfort. I'm looking forward to how the coal brazier is going to look when used in conjunction with the stretching of the rack.

Today Jac had another photo shoot session, to see how The Rack fits in the dungeon and how the ladies fit on The Rack. It was a very good session, and The Rack behaved very well in its surroundings, it was particularly happy because of the gloomy atmosphere. There are some touches here and there that will be done, but The Rack is looking fantastic. Amy was the first to try it, totally nude.

Thomas Chaser A bucket of water thrown over a victim while she is on the wheel would be something never done in a film before. Perhaps you could work that into the script.

There was, of course, water thrown at Amy in Maleficarum. And there are at least two times when that happens to Justine. So, there will be plenty of water thrown around at leisure. We're not in California.

Joek0 Margot: Thanks for the update. I can't wait for the production to start and I can't wait to see your updates during the production. I also hope you keep the extra campaign going for a little while longer so I can get the money together for some goodies I want to get.

The campaign will be going strong during the production. I don't know when exactly it will end. So the sooner those contributions come, the better, of course. We can truly use them. Apart from the campaign, we're HAVING A REALLY BIG SALE! Our JUSTINE Thanksgiving SALE! It will last until the end of the month. That's it. And it's bigger than ever. 30% OFF!

Joek0 One thing to note. It does not bother me too much, but it may others more. Bea has a tattoo on the inside of her left arm. I am not sure if it is fake or not. I wonder what others here who despise tattoos will think. A Canadian That's just wrong. Bea should definitely be punished.

Rest assured that there are no tattoos mentioned in De Sade's book, nor are there any in Jac's script. So. You won't see tattoos on those ladies. Not at all. However, Bea will be punished, regardless.

Gog "Justine" set stills are looking pretty good! Can't wait to see the finished product.

Yes, I love what Jac, Amy and the crew did with the set for Rodin's dungeon. Our production starts NEXT MONDAY and we're all tense, excited, eager... We have a TIGHT schedule and it's going to be rough! And we can use ALL the help we can get to make us go through the next three weeks! There were two beautiful ladies in the dungeon in Maleficarum. There are three lovely ladies suffering in the dungeon in JUSTINE. Jac hasn't started shooting the movie yet and it already looks totally awesome.

Join this amazing party!... Be a part of JUSTINE!
Join the campaign, get an autograph picture, get a discount download or DVD, or those other goodies listed... or... better yet... become a proud Associate Producer!

That's it for today. I will have more news soon. Our Campaign For JUSTINE Continues!
You can also contribute to our work by going to our site and get one or more of our amazing movies and for a very, very very short time with 30% DISCOUNT!

DVDs at 30% OFF HERE:

10206) Joek0 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 10:34 PM Permalink

Margot: Thanks for the great update. I will take advantage of the great sale. Hope to get some money soon for the second Justine campaign. I am hoping to get a script and some autographed photos.

The new rack is looking great. I hope you make great use of the coal brazier. I hope it is used for more than roasting the feet. It would be awesome to have a roasted rack scene similar to the 2nd RF Inquisition movie.
10207) Thomas Chaser 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 11:12 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Pedro wrote: Yes, it is a very classic Mood Pictures movie with a storyline. Shows the happenings from two alternating perspectives. From the audience's point of view we see the punishment show, and we see what's happening backstage - between the prison walls - from the perspective of the inmates. Don't expect a too sophisticated story though... no quest for the goal of life :)

Excellent! It doesn't need to be too sophisticated. A simple explanation of the cruel new world you've created would suffice. If you want to get fancy, you can make fake advertisements between acts, as if it is being televised to a Pay-Per-View audience like MMA fights. "Brought to you by IBM Judicial Solutions, for all of your post-sentencing needs. And by, Google Fantasy Sports. You select the inmates, you select the punishment, you win! Build a league with your friends! Real women, real-time results. Play today!"

I will add that I like the use of foreign languages in the corner, as if this is a brave new world without trade borders. Which, now that I think about it, might actually be true!
10208) Bill K. 
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Friday, 20 November 2015 11:18 PM Permalink

(10208) The Justine teaser wheel posts are fantastic big grin . Can't wait to see movie.

This new poser by Minos is really hot big grin, literally Hot: [] , great story too. Bill K.
10209) Thomas Chaser 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 06:57 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Reine Margo wrote: "The Wheel is a very popular prop for our people. They all want to give it a try. This afternoon it was Cortney's turn, she plays Justine's evil sister Juliette, better known as Madame de Lorsange. She took a good spin. There's a picture of her somewhere. The Wheel is a prominent feature in the dungeon, taking a lot of space. Everyone that sees it is very, very impressed with it. Our audiences will too. I have to share the same picture again."

It seems I made a good decision to fund this torture. :) I'm glad everyone involved in the production is enjoying it - I know I'm certainly enjoying the pictures and videos of it being tested and promoted. It is like a children's playground toy, but made for adults! I hope you can find a picture of Cortney trying it. Perhaps Jac should take a spin or two as well, just for fun and laughs.

Please send more pictures of the ladies on the wheel. I really like what I'm seeing so far.
10210) Franz 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 08:30 AM Permalink

(10210) @Pedro
Is it Tippy from Lie Detector 1?
10211) provost 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 08:33 AM Permalink

Pedro, your latest idea is tremendously exciting and I wish you great success in developing it. May I ask you please to incorporate a bit more foot torture into your scenarios? The women are naked, bound, their tender soles often bared and vulnerable...and utterly ignored, which is tremendous;y frustrating to some of us. Please, work in a bit of bastinado or heat to the soles on the road to your more vicious treatments. (I am not sure whose site is whose, but the Mood, EP, Paingate, Whipped Women sites all seem to share this oversight, and it would seem to me quite easy to remedy.) Now I will go off to contribute $$ to the awesome development of Justine.

Cheers to all who make this an extraordinarily open-minded and welcoming community..not to mention one whose members have tremendous expertise in an arcane realm of knowledge and practice!
10212) provost 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 08:44 AM Permalink

Dear Margot,

I'd like to contribute to the production of Justine but do not see how to do so: I don't wish to purchase anything at the moment but to add a little cash to the budget in hopes of enhancing the production. Where do I go to do so?
Thanks very much for the fine pre-production photos, and I look forward to seeing the completed film.

10213) Pedro 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 08:50 AM Permalink

Franz - Yes, she is the charming Tippi from Lie Detector 1.

provost - You are right that we make only a very few bastinado scenes. In our History of Pain series I will definitely incorporate one good hard bastinado scene in one of the future episodes.
10214) Franz 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 10:18 AM Permalink

It's nice to see Tippy again. When will it published? On twitter is written coming soon.

PS: There is a EP casting with her? I like the concept of the EP castings. It looks really authentic.

PSS: Plan your movies with Elisabeth (EP casting from 2015-06-30)?
10215) Covers the Relentless 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 10:23 AM Permalink

(10215) Man's Story Feb 1968 V9 No1 Eastman art
10216) Gog 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 11:04 AM Permalink

Reine Margot wrote: "The Wheel is a very popular prop for our people. They all want to give it a try."

Well here's an idea for a fund raiser then....set up a Carnival or Street Fair over the weekend and charge people to "take a spin". big grin

Maybe even give a perk to any females that would disrobe for the spin. Get male spectators to contribute to the goal, then split that part with the participants as a encouragement.

Gag & whip optional. lol
10217) Joek0 
IP logged
Saturday, 21 November 2015 11:20 AM Permalink

I just bought the classic Japanese Pinku movie, Sex Hunter: 1980, from Amazon. JD posted a short clip a while back showing one of the highlighted scenes. I hope to get a review up of it soon.
10218) Reine Margot 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 12:06 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Dear Margot, I'd like to contribute to the production of Justine but do not see how to do so: I don't wish to purchase anything at the moment but to add a little cash to the budget in hopes of enhancing the production. Where do I go to do so? Thanks very much for the fine pre-production photos, and I look forward to seeing the completed film. Cheers!

Thank you for your support! You can contribute by visiting this link to Our Campaign For JUSTINE!

10219) provost 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 12:10 PM Permalink

Mr Covers, the Relentless and Marvelous,

Thanks very much for posting my all-time-favorite cover in this genre...priceless! Ah, the thrills of forgotten youth.... You give a wonderful gift to members of a certain age!
10220) JCK 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 02:01 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10220) Impalement at the Temple
10221) lionrobe 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 03:05 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10221) Bill K, thanks for sharing the link to "Perilous Thoughts".

3/15 for the white women, Indian tribes, that was a Yahoo group I owned about ten years ago

10222) lionrobe 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 03:11 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10222) Classical whipping scene in a camp

10223) lionrobe 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 03:19 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10223) Burning of a witch in a 60" movie

10224) provost 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 03:24 PM Permalink

Dear Margot: Thanks! I bought 4 downloads as a way to contribute $100 to the film (in addition to my previous contribution). I hope that Jac finds it in his heart and script to allow the lovely ladies--and Bea, in particular-- to taste the bastinado along with a bit of heat on their tender soles.

Good luck!
10225) provost 
IP logged
Saturday, 21 November 2015 03:28 PM Permalink

Dear Pedro, it would be wonderful to see your actresses experience the bastinado along with their other treatments...thank you! I think it would fit well into the Milgram story line, too, and it has also found a place on the Wheel of Pain. Thank you! Cheers...
10226) Darkroom 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 05:04 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10226) Kajira not smiling so much in part 3 of her shoot. She was a lot of fun and put a lot of work into her role.
10227) Gentle Jack 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 06:04 PM Permalink

(10227) Hi Guys!

I have made some changes on a render I posted last week, following some excellent advice.

Thank you so much for your helpful criticism. I will pass your compliment on to the model! (Her name is Tarryn) I am planning on extending the series and the exhausted look is definitely on my to-do list!
I worked on getting the lighting more ominous. I also like the before and after shots more than the actual torture. It leave so much more for the imagination. I will be attempting some torture scenes in future as I suspect the expressions and body language should prove to be quite a challenge...

Thanx for the kind compliment. I've changed the hand position as suggested. The idea in the previous post was to show her flexing on one hens to relieve the other (that's why her leg was raised to animate the right hand taking strain). I failed to slack the left chain though...
Sticking to just two directional light leaves the image flat. so I dropped the ambient and added more on Tarryn. I double checked the chains before render but they still seem a little slack...I'll do better next time!

@erodite's bodyguard:
LOL! The hiding was not intentional. But it does draw ones focus more to her body, don't you think? I don't show the va-jay-jay often because it gets really difficult to compose the image as a whole. I will do something a little more explicit in my next post. I added some temperature and contrast a you suggested. I have to say it makes the scene POP very nicely. Thanx for the suggestion!

I left the captions out for this one.
I hope you like it!
10228) Thomas Chaser 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 07:59 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10228) Franz wrote: "@Pedro
Is it Tippy from Lie Detector 1?"

Oh wow, good eyes! I didn't even pick up on that and I can usually spot the various Mood Pictures/Elite Pain models doing more than one movie.

So who is the other girl in that cell with her?
10229) JD 
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Saturday, 21 November 2015 10:11 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10229) Gentle Jack said I also like the before and after shots more than the actual torture. It leave so much more for the imagination.

This bounty hunter is my kind of scum. cool

I dropped the ambient and added more on Tarryn.

Looking great, now.

Reine Margot said: The production of JUSTINE is TWO days away!

As someone who only bought one admision ticket (and brought his popcorn and soda in the knapsack) I'm even afraid to ask to make sure there's that little enhancer called sweat. Can be easily simulated in colder enviroments with a Windex bottle with a bit of glycerol one part in 9 water. Glycerol is actually used in movies to shoot in wet scenes, because it prevent the water for drying too fast. But you probably already knew this. wink

A hunting story from 1974, Deranged. Note the quality trophy. And for the hundreds of wanna be 3D artists, note the position of female boobs when hanging upside down. Unless they are filled with helium, they will get attracted to Earth. Just don't rotate a Victoria figure 180* over X axis and call it a suspension position rendering, it's not. My rant of the day. Thank you.

10230) Pedro 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 05:58 AM Permalink

It's nice to see Tippy again. When will it be published? On twitter is written coming soon.

It will be published sometime mid-December.

There is a EP casting with her? I like the concept of the EP castings. It looks really authentic.

Yes, there is. As far as I know, Tippi's casting is scheduled to be released this week on the EP Castings website.

Plan your movies with Elisabeth (EP casting from 2015-06-30)?

No. She decided not to do a big movie with us. That is why castings are so important. The models have the opportunity to find out whether it is for them or not. If it happened during the shooting of a big movie... well that can spoil the whole shooting day.
10231) provost 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 08:25 AM Permalink

Dear Pedro, Is there a reason not to incorporate the bastinado into the castings sessions for EP and Mood? It would seem a simple (and exciting) matter to tell the interviewee to kneel and bare her soles--many do this anyway--and then to give her 5 or 10 on each. In general, it might interest viewers to add a systematic exploration of the interviewee's most sensitive parts: simply ask her for feedback about the various treatments that you apply. Also, it is more realistic to bind her, if not immediately then eventually...just add a bit of restriction. How long are these sessions, by the way?

Do others on this board enjoy scenes that involve testing and exploration of sensitivities--sort of a new direction to complement the usual interrogation and punishment scenes appear here? Complement, that is, not replace....

10232) Franz 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 09:29 AM Permalink

Pedro wrote: "Yes, there is. As far as I know, Tippi's casting is scheduled to be released this week on the EP Castings website."

Good news! Now I know on what I can be happy this week.

"Plan your movies with Elisabeth (EP casting from 2015-06-30)?"

Pedro wrote: "No. She decided not to do a big movie with us."

I had feared, after almost half a year has passed since her casting."

There are a new movie with the girl from "Dr. Lomp Part 5"? Her performance was great and I would like to see her again.
10233) Covers the Relentless 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 09:48 AM Permalink

(10233) Today's MAM cover is from Man's Story Feb 1970 Eastman art.


provost wrote: Mr Covers, the Relentless and Marvelous,

Thanks very much for posting my all-time-favorite cover in this genre...priceless! Ah, the thrills of forgotten youth.... You give a wonderful gift to members of a certain age!

Provost, I am glad that I was able to brighten your day. The scenes that burn themselves into our memories when we are young are powerful for a lifetime.
10234) Covers the Relentless 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 09:52 AM Permalink

(10234) For example here's a scene that really caught my eye when I was a teenager. I was so happy when I found it again on the web.

10235) Pedro 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 11:17 AM Permalink

Re Post 10197 (JD) about Nightmare in Badham Country

This strapping scene appeared many times through the years on the internet at various 'Mainstream whipping scenes' databases. What I didn't quite undersand was that that sometimes things were happening differently. I mean once the girl's cloth was torn off, other times it was just opened at the back. Then somehow I discovered that this movie actually has two versions. A TV version and a Movie version. With different actresses, but the scenes are almost identical. Did you know this JD?
If you want to check it, here's a link which contains both versions:

provost - bastinado - The EP Castings are made by Max Lomp. I will forward your wish to him.

Franz: The girl in DrLomp5 is not willing to come at this time. But whenever she is ready for more... she will be welcomed. I also loved her appearance in that movie.
10236) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 11:17 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

10237) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 11:29 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10237) "Escape from brothel", japanese rape and electroshock...

10238) lionrobe 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 11:42 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10238) "Blood countess", Bathory in action, ends with lesbian scene

10239) Gabrieleknight 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 11:44 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10239) This is my latest creation.
[gabriele dungeon 694-1]
10240) Thomas Chaser 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 12:18 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10240) Pedro wrote: "Re Post 10197 (JD) about Nightmare in Badham Country

This strapping scene appeared many times through the years on the internet at various 'Mainstream whipping scenes' databases. What I didn't quite understand was that that sometimes things were happening differently. I mean once the girl's cloth was torn off, other times it was just opened at the back. Then somehow I discovered that this movie actually has two versions. A TV version and a Movie version. With different actresses, but the scenes are almost identical. Did you know this JD?"

Oh wow, I didn't know that! I've seen the TV version so the movie really didn't have much interest for me; just another 70's "oppressive authority keeping the hippies down" type of movie to me. The scene JD posted is new to me. I thought maybe I'd just forgotten about it because I didn't remember that scene being in the movie; at least not that graphic. So, thanks Pedro for expanding my GIMP knowledgebase!

Also, something that JD mentioned about when women hang upside-down and how their breasts are shaped. The gravity-defying breast is one of my biggest petpeeves with CGI art. I wish more artists had an understanding of - and appreciation for - the way a woman's natural breast wobbles with a change of gravitational pull. In my attached pic, it should be easy to see which of the three women have been "artificially sweetened".

10241) JCK 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 03:43 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10241) Been like that for a couple of hours now.
10242) Reine Margot 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 07:03 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

The production of JUSTINE starts TOMORROW!
Our Campaign For JUSTINE is back!

And, we're doing something crazy, we're doing what we never did before! We're having a 30% OFF SALE! ... IT is our THANKSGIVING SALE... To show you all our appreciation and because we're truly grateful for JUSTINE.

The production of JUSTINE starts tomorrow. Last night Jac had a meeting with Mila and Bea to go over the script and later on our DP Miguel and Erix joined the meeting, a bottle of rum popped up, ice, coke, and the meeting went on until late, with Black Sabbath and Cream as the soundtrack. The excitement could be felt in the room as the discussion went from what was going to happen and what new equipment should be bought in the future. They were an optimistic bunch, from what I hear. Today is a calmed sunny day.

Thomas Chaser: It seems I made a good decision to fund this torture. :) I'm glad everyone involved in the production is enjoying it - I know I'm certainly enjoying the pictures and videos of it being tested and promoted. It is like a children's playground toy, but made for adults! I hope you can find a picture of Cortney trying it. Perhaps Jac should take a spin or two as well, just for fun and laughs. Please send more pictures of the ladies on the wheel. I really like what I'm seeing so far.

Yes, everyone wants to take a spin on it. Eric, the mean torturer in Maleficarum, did it. Gina, the production manager/actress did it. Alejandro, the young priest in Maleficarum and Young Felipe in Olalla, did it and I can go on. And yes, Jac will take a spin, it has been demanded of him by none other than all his victims in JUSTINE. It's a must. There will be pictures and video. Here, another picture of The Wheel.

Bill K. The Justine teaser wheel posts are fantastic big grin . Can't wait to see movie.

That's the spirit. JUSTINE will start taking shape beginning Monday, and I know that even if the script is already written, and the scheduling has been set, and everything is all set to go, Jac can still have things up his sleeve. We know the basic story, we've seen the costumes, the props, and yet, we're still wondering how it will all be. At the meeting last night, before the little party, Jac told Mila and Bea to expect the unexpected.

Joek0: Margot: Thanks for the great update. I will take advantage of the great sale. Hope to get some money soon for the second Justine campaign. I am hoping to get a script and some autographed photos. The new rack is looking great. I hope you make great use of the coal brazier. I hope it is used for more than roasting the feet. It would be awesome to have a roasted rack scene similar to the 2nd RF Inquisition movie.

Thank you! Go ahead, take advantage of the BIG sale and we'll be waiting for your contribution to the cause. The Rack scenes, there's more than one scene where The Rack is the main dish, follow the story, of course, each character will have her own personalized treatment on the rack, according to the whims of Monsieur Rodin.

provost Dear Margot, I'd like to contribute to the production of Justine but do not see how to do so: I don't wish to purchase anything at the moment but to add a little cash to the budget in hopes of enhancing the production. Where do I go to do so? Thanks very much for the fine pre-production photos, and I look forward to seeing the completed film. Cheers! Thank you for your support! You can contribute by visiting this link to Our Campaign For JUSTINE! Now I will go off to contribute $$ to the awesome development of Justine. Dear Margot: Thanks! I bought 4 downloads as a way to contribute $100 to the film (in addition to my previous contribution). I hope that Jac finds it in his heart and script to allow the lovely ladies--and Bea, in particular-- to taste the bastinado along with a bit of heat on their tender soles. Good luck!

Thank you for your new contribution! When Jac said to Bea and Mila, after they read the parts of the script that will be shot beginning Monday, he told them to expect the unexpected. Jac has a plan, of course, but at the same time he loves to let inspiration do its job. He might find in his heart to have the lovely ladies taste the bastinado.

JD As someone who only bought one admission ticket (and brought his popcorn and soda in the knapsack) I'm even afraid to ask to make sure there's that little enhancer called sweat. Can be easily simulated in colder environments with a Windex bottle with a bit of glycerol one part in 9 water. Glycerol is actually used in movies to shoot in wet scenes, because it prevent the water for drying too fast. But you probably already knew this. wink

I'm sure the makeup crew will have all they need to make Amy, Mila and Bea look as sweaty, dirty, beaten, whipped, as needed in their scenes. There are many ways in which those effects can be produced and the team knows them all.

Join this amazing party!...Be a part of JUSTINE!

Gog Reine Margot wrote: "The Wheel is a very popular prop for our people. They all want to give it a try." Well here's an idea for a fund raiser then….set up a Carnival or Street Fair over the weekend and charge people to "take a spin". big grin Maybe even give a perk to any females that would disrobe for the spin. Get male spectators to contribute to the goal, then split that part with the participants as a encouragement. Gag & whip optional

When The Wheel was taken to the location, the crew found that the entrance to the dungeon was lower than a normal entrance. So, The Wheel didn't fit through the door. It was left out in the front yard of the location for a couple of days. The location is in a very touristic part of town. The building hosts many shops for tourists, a restaurant, and so on. So, everyone visiting the place got to see The Wheel there. Tourists took pictures, wondering what it was, and so on. It was then that our people began making interesting comments about maybe opening a "Torture Museum" after the film was finished. People could pay a fee, to see the torture instruments. An additional fee to use The Wheel, The Rack and The Pillory,The Spanish Horse, maybe even the Roasting Rack. The DVDs of our films could be available for purchase! What about setting up a SCREENING ROOM in there and show the films on a regular basis!... Well... who knows? Maybe it will happen.

Join the campaign, get an autograph picture, get a discount download or DVD, or those other goodies listed... or... better yet... become a proud Associate Producer!

That's it for today. I will have more news soon. Our Campaign For JUSTINE Continues!

You can also contribute to our work by going to our site and get one or more of our amazing movies and for a very, very very short time with 30% DISCOUNT!

DVDs at 30% OFF HERE:

10243) JD 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 10:09 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10243) Pedro said: This strapping scene appeared many times through the years on the internet at various 'Mainstream whipping scenes' databases. What I didn't quite undersand was that that sometimes things were happening differently. I mean once the girl's cloth was torn off, other times it was just opened at the back. Then somehow I discovered that this movie actually has two versions. A TV version and a Movie version. With different actresses, but the scenes are almost identical. Did you know this JD?

No idea, thanks. Glad I have the racier version of it.

lionrobe said "Escape from brothel", japanese rape and electroshock...

Love that scene. Can't wait to get a DVD version. I have the same lame east-asian VCD bootleg copy.

@Gabrieleknight: Oh boy, you're not joking. You do really pop them up like a bakery. I wish I could have your expediency.

Lovely Erika Anderson being kidnapped, bound and raped in Quake (1992). Nudity didn't hurt either.

10244) kim ch 
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Sunday, 22 November 2015 11:39 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Nice to meet you, it is very exciting supposed to be the activities of GIMP forum lol
10245) erodite's bodyguard 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 12:27 AM Permalink

(10245) Happy Thanksgiving to all, I'll be busy delivering fresh Turkeys.

LIONROBE: I enjoyed your pic in 10236. The look on the victim's face while she is being taunted by archery practice goes well with the Native's look of indifference.
But is this totally your pic? Or manip? It seems so well done except for the victim's thighs, which would seem that the right one was originally supposed to be the left.

Bill K: The term Spaghetti Westerns did not come into play until after "GOOD, BAD, and UGLY" caused the other Italian directors to give up the sandal and sword epics. Sergio Carbucci being the second best of the lot to Sergio Leone. The films were made on the high desert in central Spain where Samuel Bronson had previously made El Cid and 55 Days at Peking. Dialogue was taped afterwards in the Rome studios by most of the English speaking actors. Notable exception being Jack Elam's short lines in "Once...West" when he forgot to go back to Rome.

The wide gauge Spanish trains are a hoot. NO Gimp scenes though. One of the writer's of "Once" is Dario Argento who I think did the best of the horror flicks.
10246) Bill K. 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 12:41 AM Permalink

(10246) Regarding today's picture: Hey #@*%! the blue coats palefaces started the bats and Indians just return the favor.

Firehot disappeared May 2014 from the SD forum. I miss his bats drawings. Bill K.
10247) Bill K. 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 12:52 AM Permalink

(10247) One last Wild west post from me is a question to all Gimpers. Bill K.
10248) JulietteA 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 05:42 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink


I have a new member special for you.

Thanksgiving Special !!! 30% Off !!!
Become member at our membersites.





Member Special is available until 30th november. Don't miss it!

If you have questions, concerns or comments send me a message. smile
10249) DarthSaad 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 05:47 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10249) It's been a while since I posted a picture story, and when I found this pic online recently I knew I had to make something of it. So... wink
10250) Covers the Relentless 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 07:52 AM Permalink

(10250) Man's Story Feb 1971
10251) Joek0 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 10:47 AM Permalink

Ralphus has asked me to review The Ranch a while back, but I had yet to buy the film and finding the time to review it. I finally saw it and the review is below. For those that remember, the roasting scene from this movie was an inspiration for Ralphus when getting ideas for the roasting scene in Maleficarum. Also check out the other 2 reviews of this film in the review archives.


GIMP Review
The Ranch

The Ranch (RueMorgue Cinema), was a custom made movie directed by John Marshall and Hank Samuels. The movie is known for the live roasting scene.

The movie starts with two masked men stalking an unsuspecting girl (Janice). They follow her at a supermarket before following her home. While Janice is taking a shower, our two villains sneak into her bedroom closet. After she is dressed in her lingerie, our captors come out of the closet and shock her with a stun gun. The effects for the stun gun were decently done. The visual effects for the sparks were OK for the time. The sound effects were pretty well done however. They wrap her up and tape her inside of her bed sheets. They then take her away. I wish they would have properly bound and gagged her before wrapping her in the sheets.

After a little while, they stop driving and begin to unwrap her from the sheets. Janice awakes at that moment as they remove her lingerie. She tries to fight and resist. I really wish she was bound in some way at this point. They then take turns raping her (rape is simulated). I really wish she was gagged during her rape. Like Ralphus said in his review, the rape scene was poorly edited as you can see the cameraman. But unlike Ralphus, I thought her acting was tolerable, but a gag would still be a big help for the scene. They then slip her a drug to knock her out for a few hours. They then head to their main destination, “The Ranch”.

At their destination, we see them carry her to an unknown location. Our captors are unmasked at this point. They wake her up at this point and introduce Janice to their boss, Dr. X. I am still disappointed that she is still not bound and gagged at this point. They start by shaving her pussy hair (not much to shave and not really shown on screen). They then start to use a cream to help in removing all of her body hair. They then show her the frame they plan to roast her on. They then begin to tie and tape her to the roasting frame. In the middle of her binding, she faints from the reality of her situation. After all this, we finally see her bound and gagged in the movie.

For the next 5 minutes or so we get to see Janice getting roasted over a fire and slowly cooked to death. Even with the thin rope gag, she screams very loudly during the scene. JohnM has said that the movie was requested as a screaming custom. The special effects are pretty decently done as well. When they start to baste Janice with oil, I like the look of her body as she is being cooked. The roasting scene is well done and the saving grace of this movie.

Summary: Janice is stalked by two men who then abduct her from her bedroom. They take turns raping her before bringing her to the ranch where they roast her alive.

Awesome roasting scene

Janice is a decently attractive girl.

Acting is average at best from the victims and the captors.

Very little bondage and little use of a much needed gag.

Overall, I would give this movie a C. Most of the movie is mediocre at best with very little bondage used. The roasting scene is well done for the time and is what saves the movie from getting a terrible GIMP grade. The movie itself is not that bad from a non-GIMP POV and would have gotten a higher grade in that regard. I would give the roasting scene an A-. It would have gotten a higher grade if the bondage was better and a proper gag was used in the roasting scene.
10252) esso 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 12:06 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Last week Ralphus posted the story "Shenango" by Kishkalwa in keeping with the unofficial recent theme of Indian torture of women. (I can say Indian, can't I? Native American fire torture sounds so stilted.) It brought to mind the fact that there are a lot of people who make this site successful but none as necessary to its performance as the little guy. It is a lot more work than I for one would tackle. The point is he gets very little in the way of thanks for things like digging up and formatting this story. Did anyone else here read it? It is quite good (there is some torture of male captives, a particular turn off for me, but that is easily edited out when reading. It is certainly worth looking at.

Anyway, Ralphus has also just posted another Indian captive story that I sent him, not as well written as Shenango, but will certainly appeal to many here. It is also from the early days of the web (I think 1947). The title is "Apache Captive" by an unknown author. It is the story of a man and his wife who are waylaid by an Apache war party, the man is killed and the woman captured. The Apaches have besieged a unit of soldiers and use the woman to try and lure them from their encampment by torturing her and forcing them to listen to her screams of pain, hoping that they will try and rescue her. (bound to wheel and rotated over a fire pit, burning splinters thrust into skin, other fire torture, cactus spines, staked out for red ants, wasp nest in vagina, flaying alive)Found at [] The tortures do kind of get heaped on one atop the other.

On another note I have not forgotten about the next MAM modification. It just has taken on a life of its own and I have gotten a bit bogged down.
10253) JCK 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 12:16 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10253) Dildo & Stinging Nettles
10254) erodite's bodyguard 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 01:20 PM Permalink

Okay, gang, I could use some help. I realize I'm still 20th century in most facets of computer skills, but I just went on DARKROOM's site at Clips4Sale that is in MPG format.
I'm so use to MPG3 and 4 that I didn't realize that good old MPG 1 is unknown to the eight different video readers on my computer.

DARKROOM: I am not criticizing your offerings. I'm the one who didn't pay attention to the format. But I hope that you will upgrade your prior items to WMV soon.
10255) lionrobe 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 02:09 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10255) 10245) erodite's bodyguard

Fake is not mine, may be Arcimboldo or after his work ?


10256) lionrobe 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 02:37 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10256) 2 short clips from "cannibal ferox"

10257) lionrobe 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 02:40 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10257) 3 clips with nude female shooted during russian civil war...

10258) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 02:48 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10258) A new picture.
[gabriele dungeon 699-1]
10259) JD 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 05:26 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10259) erodite's bodyguard said I'm so use to MPG3 and 4 that I didn't realize that good old MPG 1 is unknown to the eight different video readers on my computer.

You probably meant MPEG 2 and 4. MPEG3 was never actually implemented. Use VLC Media Player, freeeware from [] If stil doesn't play, the file is corrupted and need to be downloaded again. If error persists, contact the author, as the file on server got compromised.

Some get raped in a WIP movie. Fair trade AKA Captive Rage (1988)

10260) A Canadian 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 05:54 PM Permalink

Joek0: Thanks for putting together the review of The Ranch.

Unlike our host, I don't have any interest in this particular area of GIMPage. I applaud the filmmaker's creativity but I can't imagine the film lighting my fire, so to speak. I'll be giving it a miss.
10261) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 06:50 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10261) Two more recent creations:
[gabriele dungeon 695-1]
10262) Gabrieleknight 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 06:52 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10262) [gabriele dungeon 693-1]
10263) Scott Torvea 
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Monday, 23 November 2015 11:02 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

erodite's bodyguard

Check out VLC video player. It's free and it plays almost any format.
10264) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 03:06 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

I've been a bit quiet lately, but I'm staying busy with behind-the-scenes stuff for the site. Now to catch up on a few recent posts...

Joek0 wrote:

Ralphus has asked me to review The Ranch a while back...For those that remember, the roasting scene from this movie was an inspiration for Ralphus when getting ideas for the roasting scene in Maleficarum.

That's correct, I sent Amy a video clip of The Ranch when we were discussing how to film the roasting scene, and in one way, it's still superior to Maleficarum's scene, even though The Ranch was done with special effects while Amy performed the stunt "live" in my custom scene that became a part of the movie. The big difference was the direction and perspective. Several times The Ranch gave us establishing shots that clearly showed the woman tied and revolving over the flames below, while most of the shots in Amy's film were tight close ups that looked like they could have been shot anywhere. Not to belabor the point I've made here several times before, but which shot looks more like a real roasting?

Overall, both scenes had their flaws, though. One thing that bothered me in The Ranch is that the closer shots, you could see there was no fire there. This was an obvious issue since the whole thing was faked. Amy's film at least the presence of mind to use a copious amount of smoke at times, which definitely helped the believability.

At any rate, I agree with your assessment of the movie. It's a flawed film that's worth checking out for the roasting scene alone. And, I should add, it's great we finally have a more current review with some actual vidcaps this time. Hard to believe that AvF and I posted our original reviews here over 13 years ago.

The direct link to your latest review is here:


Lionrobe and JD: Thanks guys, for your recent video uploads. In the case of JD's 2 most recent offerings, it's a real pleasure to see Quake and Captive Rage again. Quake was one of those blind video discoveries that I rented the first few days it came out. When I worked in video stores back then, I had easy access to all kinds of movies, and most of the time, you just took them home, watched them in fast-forward hoping for a possible bondage scene, and 9 times out of 10, you struck out. Such were those days back before the Internet, where there were no bondage discussion forums or scene databases to find out what was out there. So you did what I did, which was study the video box art and take a chance. And at first glace, it didn't look particularly GIMP-worthy. An earthquake movie? There was nothing exceptional about the VHS cover box art, it was just a close up of a woman's screaming face, but boy, did that movie pay off big time. How many times was she tied up in your clip? And I know you're missing at least one more bondage scene afterward, too. She got tied to a post later on in the film.

Not to mention that Erika Anderson is exceptionally good-looking, and Steve Railsback was at his sleazy best as the villain. There's an actor who specializes in playing creepy bad guys...don't forget he was also the villain in Barb Wire and played Ed Gein in another movie (not to mention Charles Manson, too).


esso wrote:

Last week Ralphus posted the story "Shenango" by Kishkalwa in keeping with the unofficial recent theme of Indian torture of women...Did anyone else here read it?

Based on the sound of crickets I hear chirping, I would say no. It's too bad, because it really is a good story. True, it is long, which is usually the death knoll for stories around here, but it's also pretty engrossing stuff. And yeah, some guys do get tortured, but even that was kind of interesting. And like you mentioned, you can easily fast-forward through that male stuff and just concentrate on the female abuse, of which there is plenty to enjoy. In fact, almost the entire half of the story is exclusively women being nastily tortured with fire, which is the kinda stuff that turns my crank. And the Kishkalwa story had a nice bit of drama to it, where you got to feel the women react to the dread of the tortures to come. Foreplay is important, and of course, it had plenty of payoff to go along with it.


Tippi returns in the new Mood Pictures project: That's good news. I like the premise of this new production, too. Good to see you're at least attempting to stretch a bit from the usual fare. I was quite taken by Tippi in the first Lie Detector movie and think she's quite attractive. Is this her on the left in this picture you posted? If so, she looks even better here than before.

10265) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 07:37 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10265) Ralphus asked: "Tippi returns in the new Mood Pictures project: That's good news. I like the premise of this new production, too. Good to see you're at least attempting to stretch a bit from the usual fare. I was quite taken by Tippi in the first Lie Detector movie and think she's quite attractive. Is this her on the left in this picture you posted? If so, she looks even better here than before."

No, that's Tippi on the right. All you see is her torso in the picture you posted. The girl who's face you can see is a new girl (or at least one I've never seen before). I'm attaching a picture of her face-on. From what I've gleamed from the teaser pics, I think the plot is something like "female convicts are given the opportunity to shorten their sentences by 'volunteering' to subject themselves to corporal punishment. Citizens can purchase tickets to see the convicts' punishments live on stage, or log on from home and vote for how many/what types of punishments the girls receive." If that guess is correct, I think this could be a very interesting film to watch. It's a simple plot, but one that lends itself to very good interpretations. You could even use it to make a statement about the degradation of our own society compared to medieval society when executions were public. The people over at SpankingMachine had used a similar concept, but of course with a Mood Picture the plot goes a step further. SM video clips are only about 7 minutes long with girls who look like they just came from the model agency for a one-hour shoot and are getting back on the bus to go to their next gig. MP videos are feature-length with girls who are just as pretty (usually) but more committed to taking harder punishments. The more recent MP videos also probe a psychological component in the story. I'm curious to see how MP presents their tale of captive women.

10266) Covers the Relentless 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 07:58 AM Permalink

(10266) Man's Story Feb 1972
10267) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 08:22 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10267) Ralphus expertly noted: "I sent Amy a video clip of The Ranch when we were discussing how to film the roasting scene, and in one way, it's still superior to Maleficarum's scene, even though The Ranch was done with special effects while Amy performed the stunt "live" in my custom scene that became a part of the movie. The big difference was the direction and perspective. Several times The Ranch gave us establishing shots that clearly showed the woman tied and revolving over the flames below, while most of the shots in Amy's film were tight close ups that looked like they could have been shot anywhere. Not to belabor the point I've made here several times before, but which shot looks more like a real roasting?"

In the interest of furthering this study, I've uploaded a short clip of the "Ranch" roasting scene so that readers and filmmakers can understand the importance of an establishing shot. I'd also like to point out the importance of acting ability and how it can sell a scene better than special effects. If you were to remove the cheesy orange glow, the terrible synthesizer music, and the over-the-top "Oh look how warm she's getting Dr. X, I mean Mr. X" dialogue, this scene could be so much better. A little small talk amongst men while cooking is normal, and I like how one of the bad guys says "She's gasping her last breath. It shouldn't be long now." and "Don't worry, dear. Your pain is almost over." But the rest of it is extraneous and distracting. "Maleficarum" did a better job on the effects (after all, they used real coals and smoke!) but the actual photography... well, it speaks for itself.

Anyway, you can form your own opinion. If you like this clip, you might as well get the whole movie because I cut out the part where she's taken out of the van and tied to the frame, which is crucial to selling the whole roasting scene.

Snippet here: (Removed by Moderator)
10268) erodite's bodyguard 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 08:53 AM Permalink

DARKROOM: I found the problem with your clip to be on my side of the pipeline.
Meant no disrespect for you or your art.

JD and SCOTT T.: Thanks for the info on VLC, which is what Clips4Sale also recommended. Works fine.

ESSO and RALPHUS: I did read the new story by Kishkalwa, or rather speed read it for the highlights. With all due objectivity as a former editor, it could use some snipping, but then the genre demands excess, so that's a moot point. As for the plot, above average, style is good, and GIMP value is in my humble opinion an A.
10269) Esso 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 08:59 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Last night on the fall season finale of NBC's "Blindspot" there is a terrific 2 1/2 minute waterboarding scene that takes place in the last five minutes of the episode. The heroine is fully clothed which just emphasizes how important good acting is. Also the scene is available at [] I don't know for how long.
10270) Kathyrne 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 09:04 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10270) Hey Y'all. A new set is up at my site. This is something a little different, as I put two images per page rather than one. It's on the bloody and violent side, which isn't that unusual for me, but I just want to warn those who are unfamiliar.

See y'all again on the next 13th (if not sooner).

10271) erodite's bodyguard 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 09:38 AM Permalink

(10271) As an apology to DARKROOM
I present a mini-review of the clip I had trouble with.
"Bondage Classics 66: A tribute to Blakemore"
It is indeed a tribute, with a nice rounded victim in the usual spot of peril that made Blakemore a legend.
Not sure about the mask, but the sound track must be from one of the vintage clips. That cheesy bad jazz brings back such memories of backroom video parlors putting a quarter in for a less than minute spin of the 8 or 16mm projector.
A well done clip, please check it out for yourself at Darkroom's website.
10272) klingsor 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 09:43 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10272) I`m searching for whipping scenes in comic books. I have a lot of bdsm-staff. But I want whipping-scenes in adventure-comics.

exemple: Zita in Bakelandt
10273) Klingsor 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 09:59 AM Permalink

(10273) Annother whipping-scene with Zita.
10274) Darkroom 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 10:15 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10274) erodite's bodyguard: Hey, no disrespect taken. I'm glad you got the tangle figured out.

I'm a bit limited in file sizes right now. I hope to find a way to work past it. I've got a couple shoots lined up next week, so look for something new.

This pic is from my personal all-time favorite shoot. Ralphus even named me rookie of the year for a Gimp production.
10275) Ralphus 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 12:16 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Thomas Chaser: Dude, you REALLY shouldn't have given away that much of the roasting scene in The Ranch. 4 minutes is NOT a "snippet"! 30 seconds would have been plenty of time to demonstrate your point. John Marshall reads this board and I'm sure he will be plenty upset that we're giving away the main reason why anyone would buy his movie. Think Pedro would be fine if we gave away 4 minutes of Nancy being whipped in HOP-1? I've removed the clip you posted. I would strongly advise uploading a shorter clip and I'll substitute it in your post.
10276) lionrobe 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 01:06 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

10277) lionrobe 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 01:20 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10277) A good breast slapping by attackers

10278) lionrobe 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 01:22 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10278) Romy Schneider burned by nazi troops

10279) it0 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 01:27 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

We should get some more Star Wars art. The torture droid is what started me down a path of gimpdom...

I'd love to see a woman tied naked to a table with the droid hovering over her.....

or a naked woman on the scan grid
10280) Bronx_Warrior 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 02:22 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

"Voodoo Moon" clips mystery
I have copy of this movie..I seen only one girl is nude and crucified but it looks the original copy??? has two girls nude crucified.. anyone has second clip..?

10281) Dr Yuya 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 02:28 PM Permalink

I've noticed the plugs for crowdfunding of the Justine movie here before. Truth be told I've always been hesitant because of a couple of things because I haven't been real clear on what its all about.

Some burning questions I've had.

Like for instance is there even going to be a "normal" type of whipping scene? Meaning more of a straight up torture where there's normal bondage of the female (anything AOH, spread eagle or possibly slightly bent over) and that's the focus of the scene? Call me boring as you will but all I've heard is talk of racks and horses and wheels and honestly I'm not about all of least not as the main focus of the scene. Sure I understand there are possibilities being tied spread eagle on the wheel and whipped. I'm somewhat flexible in my boringness...probably only set the line when the other torture is taking away the focus from the whipping (like for instance if she's spinning on the wheel or roasting over coals while being whipped...kind of takes something away from the whipping then)

And given the big burly Mexican guy truly gone from this movie? I hesitant even if there is a "normal" whipping scene if its carried out by offense meant but his whipping look positively RELAXING for the "victims"... Like something a more exploratory and deviant massage parlor could try in an effort to be different from normal massage parlors.

I'm down with pre-funding for the promise of a free download later but just hesitant because if these key things I've heard little about.
10282) Thomas Chaser 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 03:01 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Sorry for the clip length in my previous post. I didnt think 4mins was all that egregious given the total movie length (and with the drama cut out of the beginning). Hopefully people will buy the video to see the roasting scene and will study what worked and what didn't. I am not going to do a full review since other people already have, but I will say even for a "C" level film, amateur acting, and cheesy SFX, the camera work is not bad.
10283) Mark Evans 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 04:02 PM Permalink

In light of the "Rambo" story shared by Darthsaad recently. There are so many movies like this that would have been perfect for a female character.

10284) Gabrieleknight 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 05:36 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10284) Roman arena: impalatio.
[Gabriel Roman arena 117.1]
10285) JD 
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Tuesday, 24 November 2015 06:14 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10285) it0 said: We should get some more Star Wars art. The torture droid is what started me down a path of gimpdom...

I'd love to see a woman tied naked to a table with the droid hovering over her.....

or a naked woman on the scan grid

Check the archive, I've posted some photoshop work in this department. Maybe you'll like them. Or not.

Guinea Pig (1985) Akuma No Jikken (1/6)

10286) Bill K. 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 01:13 AM Permalink

(10286) Regarding today's picture, I prefer my turkey slow spit roasted over an open fire like the Turkey gimp movie. Bill K.
10287) Joek0 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 04:06 AM Permalink

(10287) Above are the preview pictures JD posted from the movie Sex Hunter 1980 which I reviewed below.


GIMP Review
Sex Hunter: 1980

Sex Hunter: 1980 (Nikkatsu, 1980) is a classic Japanese pinku film. It was directed by Toshiharu Ikeda.

Miki Maekawa (Ayako Oota) is a young and talented ballet dancer that has caught the attention of an older dancer named Akiko Kaibara (Erina Miyai). Akiko invites Miki to join her exclusive ballet school to further her skills and career. Miki accepts. Miki soon however learns of the many forced sex acts that happen with the students and staff.

As Akiko walks into Miki, who is practicing her ballet, she starts to get intimate with Miki. Miki shows little resistance as Akiko strips off her leotard. As Akiko starts to fondle her body, the two way mirror is turned on and Miki sees the horrifying sex act on the other side. A woman is lying on a sofa naked while bound in chains. The man is raping her with a dildo. Miki is shocked as she is forced to watch the action. Akiko tells Miko that the same will be done to her. The man then comes in to rape poor Miki and her virgin pussy.

In the next scene, the Miki is tied with her arms tied in the front. Odd choice of bondage. He tells her that all who live in the school are never able to escape. He then applies something on her breasts and pussy that causes some major stimulation. He then has some more sexual fun with her. This scene is consensual however.

In the next scene, Miki is still tied in the same position as before. The man then takes a good number of Coke bottles and shakes them up before shoving the open bottles up her ass. He then suspends her on the ceiling by her stomach with her ass sticking out. He then swings her around for a bit telling her not to let any of the Coke escape her body. Eventually, she lets it all out. I love the Coke enema scene and the actress really sells the scene.

Video clip of the Coke enema scene (credit for the video goes to JD): []

Miki has been so thoroughly trained that she begs for sex when the man shows up. We get some consensual sex scenes as well as some plot to fill out the story. Eventually Miki sees her former lover Genichiro, the brother of Akiko who is in a wheel chair. He tries to convince Miki to leave this place. When they reach the top of a cliff, Miki rapes him. Unfortunately, Miki accidentally knock him off the cliff as she climaxes. He is severely injured. For her punishment, Miki, who is bound and suspended AOH, gets a whipping from Akiko.

In the end, the master of the school forces Akiko to have sex with her brother like she always does, by whipping her brother. She complies. While fucking him, Akiko notices Miki watching them through the two way mirror. Miki grabs a nearby Coke bottle and shatters the mirror. While shocked, everyone but Akiko has some sexual fun. The movie ends with Akiko realizing what this place has done to her relationship with her brother.

Great acting from our lead actress. In the scenes where she is in peril, she acts pretty well when playing the victim.

Decent amount of GIMP for a mainstream Pinku film.

Decent story for a Pinku film.

Wish the consensual sex scenes were not included, even if it made sense to the plot.

Overall, I would give it a B. Decent number of GIMP scenes mixed in with some consensual scenes. Still a decent balance considering it was a Japanese Pinku film. It includes a decent rape and a whipping scene. The Coke enema scene was well done and I really enjoyed it. A good watch if you don’t mind the few consensual scenes thrown in.

Link to buy the movie: []
10288) Klingsor 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 05:39 AM Permalink

@: 10287)Joek0

The whipping-scene is very well done and long. Worth to look!
10289) DarthSaad 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 05:42 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

@ Mark Evans...

Damn, that is even hotter than your first two drafts! Outstanding! big grin
10290) provost 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 07:21 AM Permalink

About the Mood Pictures prison story could push this fantasy a step further: in these times of budget austerity prisons and governments (state, federal) need revenue from whatever source they can find. In exchange for reduced sentences the prisoners agree to be rented out/perhaps auctioned for punishment to anyone willing to pay. Neoliberalism marches on.... That makes the story sort of consensual/nonconsensual (I agreed, but did not expect THAT!), legitimate and extra-legal, and edgy. Or so I think, others may differ.


10291) InterrogationMaster 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 08:23 AM Permalink

@ Mark Evans
That depiction of Lady Rambo hanging above the slime pit is absolutely amazing! The whole capture and torture sequence in that movie is what started it all for me and the only wish I've had since then is for the victim of the abuse to be female. I feel like my wish has been recently coming true thanks to DarthSaad's writing and your outstanding work. I hope there is more where that came from! :)
10292) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 08:43 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10292) A rebel slave is harsly whipped before being nailed to the cross.
Gabriel Roman arena 118.1
10293) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 09:49 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10293) Here are some of my pictures from the "Roman arena" series.
Go to the url (Pimp And Host).
10294) Covers the Relentless 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 09:56 AM Permalink

(10294) Man's Story Feb 1973
10295) JCK 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 11:02 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

How do I get to GabrieleKnight's Roman Arena Pictures?
10296) Pedro 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 12:50 PM Permalink

(10296) This girl is not Tippi. She is called #93221s for now....
More girls will follow...
10297) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 01:17 PM Permalink

(10297) Some Asian artists I like

10298) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 01:25 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10298) Classical BATS in a french movie
"la passion Béatrice"

10299) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 01:27 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10299) Ana Y los lobos, Ana et les loups, dreadful fate in the hands of 3 mad brothers

10300) Netrap 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 01:27 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Now that "Indian week" (or is that "Indian Summer"?) is over, one wonders if we can anticipate other aspects of Political Incorrectness showing up at this site.

We've had "Nazi week", and its spinoff, the series of tales set in the Imperial Japan of the same era. And we've had "Indian week", with more ways of applying heat to a Damsel than you can shake a tomahawk at.

One wonders if we'll have "African week", featuring tales of explorer of the Dark Continent back when it was really the Dark Continent. These range in fiction from the dance-around-and-start-cutting of the Edgar Rice Burroughs-type of story, to the Rube Goldberg contraptions found in vintage Republic serials and Fiction House comics. (The latter can be inspected at, as Fiction House (Sheena et al), Fox (Rulah) and Fawcett (Nyoka) are all deemed to be in the Public domain.

Then, there is the Yellow Peril. Granted, the various tortures attributed to the Mysterious East are as often inflicted on Dude as on the Damsel, but it was a very popular trope.
Here, Covers the Relentless can supply plenty of ammo if he has a good collection of pulp magazines. And if someone can do for the visual image what Esso seems to like to do for the written word, these beauties clad in diaphanous and/or torn vestments can be shown in extreme peril in a state more up-to-date and suitable for this Site.

Then, there's Harem Peril. Surely somebody will want to try to go beyond "Ilsa: Harem-Keeper Of The Oil Sheiks" in detailing the horrors of the seraglio.

At least nobody's attributed anything of this sort to the Australian Aborigine!

Of course, all this can be held the account of xenophobia--fear, or more precisely, ignorance of the unknown.

Come to think of it, that may also be where we get the trope of sweet young things getting abducted by space-aliens, probed inside and out, and anatomized by creatures that could not otherwise communicate with us, and who would not be able to read "Gray's Anatomy" if it were handed to them on a silver platter.
10301) lionrobe 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 01:31 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

10300) Netrap

I have stuff for all you want, but I first want to achieve what I have begun.
If Ralphus is OK, I can make more than 3 messages/day ?
10302) erodite's bodyguard 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 01:35 PM Permalink

(10302) Scene from "The Horse Soldiers". Constance Towers offering dinner to a rather embarrassed John Wayne.
Okay, so not very GIMPish or even from a GIMP movie, but only thing I could find that Ralphus hasn't already been posting as the pic of the day.

Also a request from erodite to say
Happy Turkey Day to one and all.
10303) JD 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 01:44 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10303) @Gabrieleknight: thanks again! Good stuff.

@Covers the Relentless (10294): Premarital sex: curse or blessing?. That's an article I really want to read.

JCK said: How do I get to GabrieleKnight's Roman Arena Pictures?

Click under his name in that post, where it says website.

Netrap said: Now that "Indian week" (or is that "Indian Summer"?) is over, one wonders if we can anticipate other aspects of Political Incorrectness showing up at this Site.
We've had "Nazi week", and its spinoff, the series of tales set in the Imperial Japan of the same era.

Since you can't say "radical Islam" anymore because you might offend the Muslim at large, Marco Rubio joked recently that you can't say anymore that we had a war against the Nazis because it might offend some contemporary Germans who were not too much into the Nazi thing. smile The times we live, I guess.

Netrap said: Of course, all this can be held the account of xenophobia--fear, or more precisely, ignorance of the unknown.

Sometimes you don't have to eat a rotten egg to know it's bad.

Otherwise, a good list of un-PC topics you compiled there. RIP.

Guinea Pig (1985) 2/6. Today, the pliers.

10304) Mark Evans 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 02:08 PM Permalink

InterrogationMaster: You and I share the same wish. If only we were in another universe where they decided to make Rambo a female character instead...

Jane Rambo (Sylvia Stallone) is doing hard time in jail when her former boss, Col. Troutman (Richard Crenna), offers her a deal. If Rambo travels to Vietnam to try to find the American prisoners of war, her criminal record will be expunged. Rambo takes the reconnaissance assignment and agrees not to get involved in any of the action. However, when her Vietnamese lover, Bo Cao (Jason Nickson), is killed by American forces, Rambo forgets her promise and takes matters into her own hands.

Initial release: May 22, 1985 (USA)
Director: George P. Cosmatos
Film series: Rambo
Story by: David Morrell, Kevin Jarre
Screenplay: Sylvia Stallone, James Cameron

10305) JD 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 02:28 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10305) @Mark Evans: Nice concept with the female Rambo but I have issues with Victoria 4 default skin texture, as it produces those disturbing Goa'uld eyes. One need to edit the cornea material before rendering and reduce the shine and tone down a bit that whiteness. If you'll take my criticism. Otherwise, a nicely done job.

That would be an approximation of the results if corrected. To my eyes, second one looks a bit more realistic in an otherwise very believable frame.
10306) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 04:31 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

(10306) 42 pictures (Pimp And Host)
10307) Gabrieleknight 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 04:32 PM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Go to the website to watch the pictures.
10308) Joek0 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 04:58 PM Permalink is having a Black Friday sale from now until Dec 2. Check out some of the JAV titles that are on sale. The one that seems GIMP worthy is JBD-185. Has anyone here seen it?

10309) Gog 
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Wednesday, 25 November 2015 09:33 PM Permalink

Happy Thanksgivings GIMPers!

A little undercooked I know, but tasty none the less.
10310) sandalwood 
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Thursday, 26 November 2015 12:09 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Has anyone seen the movie Sex Hunter from 1980 - promising imdb review

BTW excellent work Gabrieleknight

And thanks for the zippy movie preview downloads - appreciate your efforts
10311) Bill K. 
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Thursday, 26 November 2015 12:59 AM Permalink

(10311) Here my everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving treat post. Bill K.
10312) MAV 
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Thursday, 26 November 2015 01:03 AM Permalink

GIMPers-just in time for T-day (except for others like that hoser A Canadian), Candleboxxx and Scott Torvea released my latest AOH torture custom.

You can get it in 2 places:



Enjoy all! I sure did >:)
10313) Ralphus 
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Thursday, 26 November 2015 02:52 AM Send E-mailEMAIL Permalink

Lionrobe wrote:

Romy Schneider burned by nazi troops

Really would have liked to have seen this one in its entirety. This is another one of your homemade VLC clips that has flaws. In this case, the image freezes over the last several seconds. Not complaining, but just you check these clips before uploading them here? I've used VLC Player in the past for clips but never had those specific problems with the audio going out of sync or the image suddenly freezing,