The Ranch (RueMorgue Cinema), was a custom made movie directed by John Marshall and Hank Samuels. The movie is known for the live roasting scene.
The movie starts with two masked men stalking an unsuspecting girl (Janice). They follow her at a supermarket before following her home. While Janice is taking a shower, our two villains sneak into her bedroom closet. After she is dressed in her lingerie, our captors come out of the closet and shock her with a stun gun. The effects for the stun gun were decently done. The visual effects for the sparks were OK for the time. The sound effects were pretty well done however. They wrap her up and tape her inside of her bed sheets. They then take her away. I wish they would have properly bound and gagged her before wrapping her in the sheets.
After a little while, they stop driving and begin to unwrap her from the sheets. Janice awakes at that moment as they remove her lingerie. She tries to fight and resist. I really wish she was bound in some way at this point. They then take turns raping her (rape is simulated). I really wish she was gagged during her rape. Like Ralphus said in his review, the rape scene was poorly edited as you can see the cameraman. But unlike Ralphus, I thought her acting was tolerable, but a gag would still be a big help for the scene. They then slip her a drug to knock her out for a few hours. They then head to their main destination, “The Ranch”.
At their destination, we see them carry her to an unknown location. Our captors are unmasked at this point. They wake her up at this point and introduce Janice to their boss, Dr. X. I am still disappointed that she is still not bound and gagged at this point. They start by shaving her pussy hair (not much to shave and not really shown on screen). They then start to use a cream to help in removing all of her body hair. They then show her the frame they plan to roast her on. They then begin to tie and tape her to the roasting frame. In the middle of her binding, she faints from the reality of her situation. After all this, we finally see her bound and gagged in the movie.
For the next 5 minutes or so we get to see Janice getting roasted over a fire and slowly cooked to death. Even with the thin rope gag, she screams very loudly during the scene. JohnM has said that the movie was requested as a screaming custom. The special effects are pretty decently done as well. When they start to baste Janice with oil, I like the look of her body as she is being cooked. The roasting scene is well done and the saving grace of this movie.
Summary: Janice is stalked by two men who then abduct her from her bedroom. They take turns raping her before bringing her to the ranch where they roast her alive.
Awesome roasting scene
Janice is a decently attractive girl.
Acting is average at best from the victims and the captors.
Very little bondage and little use of a much needed gag.
Overall, I would give this movie a C. Most of the movie is mediocre at best with very little bondage used. The roasting scene is well done for the time and is what saves the movie from getting a terrible GIMP grade. The movie itself is not that bad from a non-GIMP POV and would have gotten a higher grade in that regard. I would give the roasting scene an A-. It would have gotten a higher grade if the bondage was better and a proper gag was used in the roasting scene.