Name: | Dave |
Hey Ralphus, I had no idea that clip was Mariska Hargitay till you pointed it out... where's the rest, and do you know the name of the movie? That was hot as hell. Poor Cecily must rank up there with one the top damsel flicks of all time. What I really love is the girl narrating the scene as things are done to her character... too much. I remember for YEARS all I ever saw were stills from that movie, until Bizarre Video featured it once. |
Name: | Mike from Brooklyn |
Master Detective: I'm truly liking your "You Tied" web page. Thanks for the public service. |
Name: | Master James |
E-mail address: | |
Laughs, the " fetish monster " eh!!!! Wondered when this would come up. I think initially most of us did hide this from others especially close ones. Its a natural reaction to things we do in secret. But I feel that once you understand it and make it part of your life you tend to keep it less of a secret about it, never divulging all but just enough that your comfy with and know other will be to. As to the one girlfriend..laughs....well in her books even now I am a huge disgusting pervert, but hey who really cares....................enjoy |
Name: | Sloth |
E-mail address: | |
Mornin All Time for a quick post - ah, the Fire Rock scene from "Poor Cecily" - brings a nostalgic tear to my eye - almost 15 minutes of anquish - shame they didn't make the blonde on the rack suffer longer but made up for by having Cecily lose her virginity to two dudes while on the rack - what a heart warming story. Had a chance to see "Funny Games" with Naomi Watts - she is in various states of bondage and attire from about mid movie - other than that not much I saw to recommend but hey, she looks good in ropes. Stay Well All |
Name: | Dr Yuya |
I'm trying to upload some clips to Youtied, but when I click post it just says "uploading" and never does anything. How long is it supposed to take? |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Dr. Yuya: Uploading a clip can take some time, depending on how long the clip is and how fast your computer works. If the clip is more than a minute or two, it's going to take a while. |
Name: | GoodKnots |
Homepage URL: | |
Ralphus/Mav: Thanks for the reply on Blind Side. With your info I ran a quick search and stumbled on what appears to be the second segment of the scene, which is linked above for anyone interested - and for the database. Scene is just as you described. On Poor Cecily, actually got a copy mail-order and watched the whole movie several years back. The scene on Youtied is truly a classic. But as I recall, that's about it in this flick for gimpers. Otherwise, just dull orgy scenes with a lot of naked people squirming around in huge white wigs. But . . . wouldn't Poor Cecily be great movie for a remake with some of today's sirens in key roles? Like, imagine Marisa Miller (V-Secret model) playing the part of the blond on the rack. Hmmmm, in that case, I think I'll be auditioning for the part of the eye-patch dude! |
Name: | jyydubs |
Hey all, popping in for a visit. I have to comment - Poor Cecily is one of the all time greats. I remember getting it on a copied vhs for the first time so many years ago. Good stuff. It actually did have an official release a few years ago in the U.K. I think by the Salvation/Redemption label. I heard it was cut pretty heavily and I never received info on the quality of the print. |
Name: | MasterDetective |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Jerry: Regarding cartoons, one of the real "killer" features of YouTied, a "Web 2.0 community" feature that I think really sets it apart from a lot of other sites out there, and something that a lot of posters aren't making (much) use of yet, is the content tagging. For instance, if you like "cartoons", all you have to do is do a tag search on YouTied for "cartoon":
and voila! The search engine returns all the hits its finds in the database for that particular tag. This only works, though, if people actually make use of the tagging features, and tag the content they post. Dr Yuya: yes, it can take a while to upload vids. I had really wanted to include an Ajax control that gives you a "progress bar" to indicate how much time is remaining in the upload, but the Web framework that I used just didn't have the capability to program something like that.. hence the twirly "upload" icon In the next version of the framework, hopefully they'll have a better caching mechanism to allow such progress controls. |
Name: | Dr Yuya |
E-mail address: | |
It's no problem, and I'll try to tag anything I post. One more question, do you have a general guideline for what is and isn't allowed on the site as far as copyrights go? |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
I'm with Ralphus and many others on the board -- it's time Poor Cecily was released on DVD. I need to see that action on a big screen TV. Meanwhile, I'm also interested in Rape Night. This is another one I don't recall hearing anything about, although I'm sure Jefferson has seen it. Any and all information that can be provided is much appreciated. |
Name: | Brutus |
Sloth: I also had the chance to see the "Funny Games" remake. Sure, Naomi Watts looked better than the mother in the original, and that stuff gag was awesome. But why would the director make a movie that's almost EXACTLY the same as the one he made only 10 years ago. I would have preferred a sequel. Master Detective: I've got a good feeling about your site. I would also like to know if you have any policy on what can be uploaded. Dahlia Delis: It's good to see you're back. And also your front :-) So, some of the men in your life are whining about a little role change? Sounds like they don't need a spanking; they need a swift kick in the ass! |
E-mail address: | |
Hey out there. I am a long time "lurker" of the forum, but felt the need to say thanks after the overwhelming response to my Poor Cecily post on Youtied. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have since added 12 clips of The Story of O and the rack scenes of Barbarian Queen 1 & 2, As well as some pics from Poor Cecily in the picture section. I also have a request. If anyone has the ability to post scenes from Flower & Snake (with the amazing Aya Sugimoto) please post them on Youtied asap. Thanks again. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
THATSAWLUNEED2N: As you have seen in the posts, some of us had never seen the Poor Cecily scenes before, and I had never even heard of the movie. That clip alone has made me a devoted fan of YouTied. Thanks again for unearthing a hidden treasure. |
Name: | jyydubs |
Homepage URL: | |
Just had to drop in again today and give everyone the heads up on a film I saw a few weeks ago. It's called "The Brutal Hopelessness of Love". It has extremely hot asian women in many a softcore situations. The cool part is it has a few great bondage scenes. One with electrocution that is really good. One of the better electro scenes that I have seen. I have included a screen shot above (before the panties come off). The other bondage scene is also full nude and very hot, though it is a bit consensual. There are some near rape scenes and just overall nastiness towards women. Check out the still in my url. |
Homepage URL: | |
The answer to your trivia question, in regards to the above GIF, is Vampire Happening. In honor of your posting that great shot, I have posted the video of the scene on YouTied. The scene is only a scant 9 seconds long, so I looped it 5 times to stretch it to 45 secs. Enjoy. |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
I'll tell ya, I'm really enjoying this new YouTied site. Getting a chance to see old favorites I've haven't seen in years, like that great Kelly Preston topless snuff scene in 52 Pick-Up. Very realistic, and one of the original scenes I collected on my very first compilation tape over 20 years ago. And then there's brand new clips I've only heard about but never seen, like Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs. And I really liked seeing the women getting beat up in Shark Special 35 and Topless Beating. I agree with one of the comments I read on the site about how this clip website will end up generating business for these vendors, rather than hurting it. Give them a little taste of what the movie is like and that will get the people excited and reaching for their credit cards. It's also good to see Hank Hobbs uploading clips from the same movies that he's releasing vidcaps for on his Yahoo group. If any of you still haven't joined Hank's group yet, what's taking you so long? His group can be accessed in my Homepage URL above. I've been adding updates to the databases as we get new descriptions, stills and video clips. Check out new entries for Blind Side in the Mainstream Rape Database (new description, stills and video clip...thanks to GoodKnots for the latter). Also we have new stills for Hot Pistols, courtesy of Mr. Jefferson James. Also a new entry and video clip for Sex and Fury in the Whipping Scenes database, and video clips in 3 databases for the aforementioned Poor Cecily that you've probably all seen by now. jyydubs: Thanks for letting us know about The Brutal Hopelessness of Love. I looked it up on the IMDB. The director also directed Hana to Hebi and its sequel. Naturally, it's a Japanese movie, since they rock. I'm not sure this film is out on DVD yet. Can you give us a little more description of what happens in the electro and rape scenes? |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
Animated GIF of the Day: Some animated torture rack fun
Gives a whole new meaning to "Nice rack!", doesn't it? |
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
Poor Cecily does exist in DVD. However, if you don't live in the UK, it'll set you back about $50 due to shipping costs and currency exchange. It's available from WTF Videos (great name) at the URL above. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Best wishes to all my American friends as you celebrate the Fourth of July. Although, to be honest, I worry that some of you shouldn't be trusted with firecrackers. |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
YikYakker: Thanks for the info about Poor Cecily on DVD. But I'm pretty sure this isn't an original factory print of the film, judging from the fuzzy still they use to promote the film. And if you check out some of the other films they are selling, they are actually offering workprints of theatrical movies, clearly not something that's authorized by the studios. Unfortunately, it still appears that the only way to find this film is through bootleggers, and if you look around, I'm sure you could find a place that carries it for less than $50. ---------------- With all the new activity on YouTied, I've been busy adding new additions, mostly video links, to the databases. To make it easier to see what's been recently added, check out any given database (all have updates except Electro and Adult Rape) and scroll down. From now on, anything that has a new description, pictures or video links now has the word NEW highlighted next to the title. ---------------- A Canadian wrote: Although, to be honest, I worry that some of you shouldn't be trusted with firecrackers. Is it just me, or does anybody else get a big charge out of the idea of using firecrackers as a torture device? When I was in school, I remember reading about some real-life criminal who was planning to put firecrackers inside of his victim's pussy. He never got around to doing it, but that struck my impressionable imagination as being quite exciting. Since then, I've read a few stories and seen a few videos (mostly Japanese) where that happens. Of course, the oft-discussed "firecracker in the ballgag" scene from Attackers JB-68 is one of my all-time favorites. Firecrackers are dangerous, unpredictable and can cause severe damage, which makes the concept of using them as a torture to be scary fun. For sure, it would scare the shit out of whoever you're using them on. Anyone else dig this fantasy, or am I the only one? |
Name: | Dave |
Homepage URL: | |
Well, let me say thanks for YouTied. This has been added to my daily surf list... hope it lasts. The Monica Bellucci rape scene from Irreversible is up there now. Its been a few years since I watched that flick, and I have to say the director IMHO created the most brutal and realistic rape scene on film. For 10 minutes that camera doesn't move. Its as if you are right there with Bellucci, helpless to intervene... just like she is. By the end of it, I really wanted to kill that guy, and that's not the normal reaction I have from a movie rape As nasty and brutal as it is, I think it is artistic in the was the handhelp camera moves, and engrosses you in the scene. Not ideal GIMP material, but interesting just the same. Monica Bellucci is one of the world's most beautiful women, and seeing her in this scene is tough watching. |
Name: | Scribbler |
Homepage URL: | |
The above URL links to Penn n Teller's new season which has a clip from their season opener (I think it's the opener) titled "War On Porn." I don't get Showtime but I imagine some here do. Anyone seen the whole show? What did you think? |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
For the most part, the Slave Island series from Attackers is associated with rapes and women eating out of dog bowls. But here's a nice whipping scene from Slave Island 7 that I posted today on YouTied. Even those GIMPers who aren't fans of the series will probably like this one. |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
I'm enjoying the updates to YouTied, as well. I'll post some of my shorter and older stuff, especially from mainstream movies, when I can.
One of my favorite drownings is on its way up now! |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
I'm also loading the scene from Fatal Pulse. This was recorded by hand from my TV, so it's a little shaky. If any one has a "ripped" version, please over-write mine.
Didn't there used to be a separate section for producer-sent clips? |
Name: | Boz |
E-mail address: | |
My wife knows nothing about my fetish and I quite like it that way! Being brought up in a strict Catholic family, I guess it was always likely that something the church may consider perverse or even obscene, would appeal to me and many others. As the faith is largely built on fear, that is perhaps the main reason for many to keep their fetishes secret. Being brought up at the same time as me and with similar family values, my wife would probably be upset if she discovered my secret. She has never shown any interest at all in bondage. I've been able to keep this from her since we met nearly 34 years ago. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Going mainstream: One of the unintended consequences of this whole YouTied situation is it has forced me to find a way to get around the copyright protection on mainstream films, so I can start posting clips from mainstream movies. The good news is, I have succeeded. Although all of my posts to date have been from Attackers movies, you can expect to see some clips from me in the coming days from the Ginger movies. And, really, can that popular 1970s horror movie starring the little guy with the big afro be all that far behind? |
Name: | Dr Yuya |
Homepage URL: | |
One of the things I found out about the tagged keyword in Youtied, they only work if you put a space between each keyword I believe, no commas or underline symbols etc. However, they will really only be useful if there are many many clips and it's hard to find what you want, and if everyone uses a certain set of keywords, for instance, if one person uses "electrocution" and another just "electro" it defeats the purpose. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Dr. Yuya: I have been putting the understroke symbol ( _ ) between each tag word, and that seems to work fine. I just tested some of my tags and the searches have worked properly. Of course, spaces are easier, and if that works too, then that's fine by me. Now for the $64,000 question: are the producers going to support YouTied, either by posting stuff themselves or at least allowing GIMPers to do it? We know Dan Hawke is on board, but I don't think we know about any of the others. |
Name: | petelobo |
I have been looking for a scene I saw once on HBO or Showtime from a mainstream(?) movie probably released in the late 80's/early 90's. My recollection is that it was about a guy who could go back in time and one of the places he went was to an SS interrogation room with a young woman who was stripped and tied to a chair to be tortured with pliers among other things. Ring any bells for anyone? |
Name: | MAV |
A Canadian-great question, especially since I thought you were one posting those great Slave Island/Attackers clips. I was about to post somethin when I thought the same thing. Anyone know the deal? |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
A Canadian: Are the producers going to support YouTied? Well, I think that's their individual decision. They own the material, not us, and it's not the GIMPers that should be the ones to decide. I know Rick Masters is especially protective of his work, so if someone else decides to upload a ZFX clip without his permission, expect more fireworks than we saw on the 4th of July. That could be the end of YouTied right there. For sure, you can bet the ZFX material wouldn't be there long. Personally, I think Dan Hawke has the right idea. 30-second clips are a teaser, something that whets one's appetite for more of the real thing. I've seen 30-second Hogtied clips on their site, and those are probably the same ones that are on YouTied right now. Short clips are smart; they're merchandising. Back when ZFX used to have a larger site, he used to carry minute-long downloadable trailers of his movies. A trailer will sell the movie, and that's what they're designed for. Rick wouldn't have made those trailers otherwise. But again, it's his call if he wants to post them. I know Steve Power has posted Powershotz clips and trailers on this forum and incredibly, on YouTube. Obviously, YouTied would be a better forum for such material. --------------- BTW, on YouTied right now is an amazingly rare piece of footage, one that up until now, I was one of the fortunate few to be able to see. A few years ago, our friend Jaeckill reported about discovering the DVD extra on the foreign version of The Howling that contained the complete bondage movie that Dee Wallace was watching in the peep show booth in that film. The rest of us only saw a few brief snippets of the film, but there was obviously more, and it was shot by Howling director Joe Dante in his garage. Check out Jaeckill's review where he detailed what went on, and between the two of us, we were able to get a copy to Hank Hobbs, who made us exclusive caps of the bondage rape scene for the forum (all of which are still there if you check out my August 4, 2005 posting in the Guestbook Archives (in my Homepage URL above). But for the longest time, a description and caps are probably the most we've been able to see about that footage. But now the actual video has been posted at As you can see, it's great stuff. Oh, if only there were sound, but like the HOM loops, they just don't make them like this anymore. |
Name: | Gabriela Atar |
E-mail address: | |
Just wanted to say that I love the holiday "relaxing in the sun" pic. Being staked out spread-eagle in the hot sun has always been one of my fantasies. Of course, it would be better for me if I were wearing a bikini. But I figure that, once I'm tied down, you guys will make sure I lose my bikini, and I'll wind up just like the girl in the picture. Goodbye swimsuit, hello birthday suit. Gabriela |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Ralphus wrote: Personally, I think Dan Hawke has the right idea. So do I. If he posts on YouTied again, I hope Dan includes some clips of Tyler Scot and the beautiful Victoria Vega. |
Name: | Bobjones |
Hello all...just to let you know I haven't had a religious conversion and stopped looking at porno or anything...I am currently in the process of moving, and I might not be able to use in the internet in private for a while (getting a hookup in the new place won't be our first priority since we have laptops and can just hop over to a coffee shop). While my readership won't be interrupted, looking at THIS page probably will. Since the amazing youtied site is finally up (and it totally fucking rocks by the way), this timing sucks. But that's life. I'll pop in sometime in the future. Keep supporting your local pornographers while I'm gone. |
Name: | mothbrad |
E-mail address: | |
What a lovely surprise to come along here and see Tyler - one of the first bondage models I ever warmed to (along with, I guess, Ashley, and ... not too many others). Nice memories. Gabriela, it's people like you who make this big bad world that bit more enjoyable and worthwhile. Nice post! |
Name: | BlueDog |
Homepage URL: | |
HOM Matt Cole's The Experiment released this year????? WTF? Either way, this classic is a good buy if you don't already have it. |
Name: | Alan |
E-mail address: | |
Ralphus, I signed up for a Month of Bestbound but cannot seem to play the videos. Tried to contact them with absolutely no luck. It could be a download issue but Bestbound has not replied. Can you help or advise. Thanks, Alan |
Name: | Dahlia Delis |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Hi lovely friends Thanks for posting my banner here in front page! And to you Ralphus, cause you had been such a good daddy and all of you really here are some movie stills From the Girl Next Door Bondage clip store (Steve Villa's site, nobody ties me up and spanks me better than him), in this one I was a school girl gone bad punished for smoking in school and got my butt pretty spanked, mmmhh yummy! Ok I post more later Dahlia D |
Name: | MasterDetective |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Hello Everyone! First of all I'd like to think everyone who's been visiting and posting to YouTied. The site is really taking off better than expected, and it is after all is community effort. The more people contribute, the more value is added to the site as a whole I'm going to attempt to answer some questions that I see here, but I probably won't be able to address everything. At any rate, here goes:
Finally Dahlia, yes I moved to Los Angeles from NYC about a year ago myself, and although L.A. is nice and warm and sunny, I must confess that I probably like NYC a bit more(!) ... more culture or sophistication... je ne sais que. But that said, L.A. is certainly nice too! ... can't complain. More so maybe now in the summer too... Summer in California is nice and sunny and pleasant. Summer in NYC can be brutal and gross (i.e., humid).
Thanks again everyone! |
Name: | VM |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Someone mentioned recently Julie Simone's film Audition. Audition along with her new film Breaking Berlin are now up at VM for $19.00 and this includes shipping. Video previews are up on VM site for both films. Also has anyone been able to identify the clip from YouTied titled Rape Night? Recently viewed ZFX's South of the Border 5 and Beyond Driven 3. Why some producer doesn't pattern their films after titles like these is a wonder. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
VM wrote: Also has anyone been able to identify the clip from YouTied titled Rape Night? Apparently not. I posted the same question a few days ago, and no one came up with an answer. Someone named Sardu (that name rings a bell) has now posted a similar question at YouTied, so hopefully we will find out. Depending on the source, I guess it's possible the person who posted that clip doesn't know where it came from. I hope that's not the case. |
Name: | Brutus |
Homepage URL: | |
A few comments before I have to again submerge myself in the hectic real world: Master Detective: Glad to hear YouTied is such a success. And thanks to A Canadian, jhlipton, Dr Yuya, etc. for all the uploads. Hopefully I'll find some spare time in the future to upload a few things myself and comment on some of the great entries so far. At this rate, YouTied should generate a lot of chatter on the GIMP board. Bobjones: Good luck with the move. Hope to hear from you soon. Gabriela Atar: You don't post here that often, but when you do you certainly cheer up us pervs. Speaking of which ... Dahlia Delis: Sweet pics, my dear. As you said, "Yummy." |
Name: | b |
E-mail address: | |
Well for me and my girl she knows most of my fantasies and also knows about my bondage fetish. I think it helps with forming a bond and understanding of what your significant other really likes also. So with this in mind communicate with each other to make your life much more happier. It does mine!!! |
Name: | Dave |
Homepage URL: | |
Hey Canadian, Sardu is me, and yeah I'd really like to know what flick that is from. On that same subject, someone posted the naked fight scene from some hong kong flick that I have seen a hundred times and never learned where it is from. Love to know the name of that one too. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Dave (aka Sardu): In the description for that naked fight clip, it says the movie is called Escape from Brothel. Means nothing to me, but maybe that will help you in your search. Meanwhile, the wait for information about Rape Night continues.... |
Name: | eeeteee |
Homepage URL: | |
Posted a clip I found on the web from The Bloody Judge w/Christopher Lee. Something I've heard about but have never seen ... Enjoy ... |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
MasterDetective: I think it's great that you are policing the YouTied site and removing the pay material. I was wondering why we hadn't seen that, because I figured it would just be a matter of time. That was my biggest fear was that it would become a breeding ground for illegally uploading material that could take away revenue from the producers who make this for us in the first place. They have a hard enough time making ends meet for such a narrow niche market as it is. I also think it's good that these are streaming videos that can only be viewed and not kept. If people want more, which they hopefully will after seeing a short sample, my guess is that it will hopefully spurn them on to making a legal purchase at the originating website. I think you're going about this in the right way. --------------- Rape Night looks like it might have come from the UK, judging from the accents, but it's just a guess. Ironically, that would probably make it illegal to view in that country since they passed that silly new law. After hearing about other country's restrictions from our posters who live there, including even our neighbors in the North, I'm beginning to think things aren't quite so bad here in the US, comparatively. --------------- Gabriela Atar: You seem like a very cool chick. It's always good to see a member of the opposite sex posting to our little Men's Club (Wait a minute. Are you the opposite sex, or am I?). If you're interested in living out your fantasy, trust me, I know several hundred horny pervs who would be more than happy to oblige. Am I right, guys? --------------- Bobjones: Great, we finally get you back and now you're leaving again. I guess we'll just have to be patient and hang in there until you and Sloth return. We need our base. --------------- Dahlia Delis: Nice pics, good to see you becoming more or less a regular here again. I did a search for that Girl Next Door Bondage clip store. You can go to and just do a search for Dahlia and everything comes right up. Must be nice to be a pretty woman and to just get paid for looking good. In your case, I'm glad you use those looks to help us satisfy our kinky fetishes. --------------- Dave and A Canadian: Escape from the Brothel is listed in our Electro Torture in Movies Database. There are several stills from it in my Homepage URL above. That was one of the movies that Jyydubs capped for us a while back, since that's where I got the pics. |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Indeed, that was one of the things that inspired me to create YouTied in the first place, since I would go to YouTube, see clips that had been posted by the staff from say; the vid would get 50,000 views, and then be yanked by YouTube. I figured that if Hogtied producers were taking clips and posting them to YouTube (only to get them yanked), maybe there was an opportunity in all of this. And yes, apparently there is.
The folks at are way cool. When they bought The Armory in San Fransisco, everyone was freaked out about the weirdos who were going to be their new neighbors. The owners organized tours, set aside a space for community events, and calmed all the fears. They're now a welcome part of the neighborhood. has their own "sample" page at the site above, and have started offering individual videos if you don't want to join one or more sites. It's a pro-active company. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Sometime this evening I'm going to send YouTied some nice clips from Shark Special 31, including a couple of scenes where women are whacked by a bamboo pole. It's good stuff, directed by Randa Mai, and a couple of the clips feature Ayumi Hasegawa, who was also in this scene from Slave Island 7. |
Name: | chase |
E-mail address: | |
Check this out: "Top Twenty Torture Scenes" Pretty cool compilation. Love the site, too. |
Name: | Dr Yuya |
Homepage URL: | |
Canadian- what a coincidence, I had a clip of the scene where the ninja girl is beaten with a bamboo pole from that very same movie, and was going to upload it today as well. But since you mentioned it first, it's all yours. |
Name: | Dr Yuya |
Homepage URL: | |
Wait nevermind, my clip is from the other ninja movie. I'll still be uploading today then. |
Name: | chase |
E-mail address: | |
Check this out too: "Howling Rape Scene" It is fantastic. I love to see the struggling, the clothing ripping, and the tying. Plus she is cute and has a good body. Ripe for rape. The only thing missing is sound. Her screams might have been fun. |
Name: | BillK |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Alan: I sent you email about your problem, but no response from you. Email me and I will resend. I don't want to clutter up this board. Bill |
Name: | Alan |
E-mail address: | |
Bill, Please reply again. Thanks |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Chase: What's wild about that list of Top Twenty Torture Scenes (above) is that I've seen all 20 of them and I have scenes from every single one of those movies in my personal collection! Every single one! That is just too messed up. I think that proves that I've seen way too many movies. What does a perv watch after he's already seen the best? Actually, I'm not sure I would include all 20 of those choices in my own personal Top 20 list, but those are all pretty solid. They were good enough that I kept them, anyway. How many of those have you guys seen? And what movies would you add or remove from that list? |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
At the other end of the spectrum ... there are only three movies on that top 20 list that I have seen in full. The three movies are Bloodsucking Freaks, The Image, and Ilsa: She-Wolf of the SS. Fortunately, we have YouTied, so I recognize a number of the other scenes as ones I have watched online in recent days. But still, I do feel like a bit of a Boy Scout next to Ralphus. ----- As promised, I have posted some of the bamboo caning scenes from Shark Special 31 on YouTied, and Dr. Yuya has posted a nice caning scene from Attackers AVGL 002. All are worth checking out. |
Name: | Christina Carter |
E-mail address: | |
Hello everyone!!! A quick heads up to let you know I have been dabbling in the hard stuff again..... you will see me soon on and you know who's I missed being on this side of the's good to be back! Love, Christina Plus, if you are looking for my site...well "captured" is being held hostage right now...thats the nice way of business partner is screwing me...its all in lawyers hands now...but if you love me...I would suggest not to give money to someone ripping me off. I love you guys!!! |
Name: | Sardu |
Well, Ralphus, I'm with you... I've got all of these in my collection as well, but I wouldn't count all of them as my top 20... Ones to Keep: 1) Blood Sucking Freaks: This was great... could have had a few more shots of the girls, but a classic nonetheless. Bullseye! 2) The Image: Normally, I don't go for these types... the girl is willing, but it is a well acted scene... and her pain seems genuine. 3) Barbarian Queen: Classic. IMHO this is one of the best, but there are problems. Why does she still have panties on? Where do medieval women get such hot bikini underwear anyway? Her arms are bent but he's stretching her? And the leather thongs tying her hand don't seem convincing... but Lana Clarkson is beautiful, and the dialogue of the torturer is awesome. 5)Ilsa the Wicked Warden: It's Ilsa, what can I say. The bondage is superb, the torture insane. When I saw the smoke come up from the pussy area after Ilsa drops the acid... that was a harsh scene! 7) House at the Edge of the Park: IMHO this should come close to the number 1 spot. The actress here is so innocent looking and beautiful. He makes her strip completely, and then sliced her with that knife... well acted and LONG scene. 9)Poor Cecily: #1 hands down. Greatest torture scene in movies period the end. More to come... |
Name: | Sardu |
Hey Christina, So sorry to hear about your site problems! I've loved some of those sets coming from there, very sexy and GIMP worthy. I've loved your work since you started. You have a very natural look about you... not a lot of tats or piercings and not anorexic looking. You are luscious as hell, and just look awesome tied and helpless! Keep it up! Any possibility of a link to your new stuff? Good luck! |
Name: | Dahlia Delis |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Hi you all Master Detective: I moved here 7 years ago and believe me I am still not used to this weather, sunny everyday is too much for me, besides when is raining and a bit cold I feel more inspired for naughtiness I have to say. So I miss New York greatly too, specially Brooklyn and my sister, she is stills lives there but I am staying in Hollywood for now I am glad you guys liked that picture, here is another from the same site, this is from Tie me up & treat me like a whore, I think you guys will like that clip, the title says all right? Kisses and rope squeezes Dahlia Delis. |
Name: | Brutus |
Wow! Christina Carter and Dahlia Delis on the same day. Life is sweet. Christina: Sure sucks that a business partner is screwing you in the wrong sort of way. Hope your lawyer kicks some ass. As for your new projects, I assume "you know who" is Silverback. (You never did answer your quiz way back when about which producer told you about this site.) Lucky dude! Dahlia: Again thanks for the pics. I love the old wrap-around tape gag. Brooklyn? Did you mention Brooklyn? I think a poster here named "Mike" might be pleased to hear about that. Ralphus wrote: How many of those have you guys seen? And what movies would you add or remove from that list? Well, when it comes to "best" lists, there's bound to be disagreement. I've seen all but four of them (Ramrodder, Women in Cages, Hell's Gate, Black Mama, White Mama). Of the rest, I'd dispute a few: BSF: The dart-ass scene was perhaps my least favorite torture in this classic. Sure, it was humiliating and hilarious, but you couldn't see the bonds. I liked the caning-guillotine torture better. Cannibal Ferox: The scene was just too bloody. I would have preferred some "lighter" torture before her tits were impaled, but what can you expect from cannibals? Bloody Pit of Horror: This movie could have been one of my all-time favorites but the bondage was way too lame. If I had to pick a scene from this movie, it would have been the one with the victim strapped to that revolving thing with the blades that slice off her bra. For my personal torture list, I'd have to mention Fantom Kiler 2, The Torturer, Fatal Pulse and Beautiful Girl Hunter. A Canadian: Don't worry. I think most of us pervs are like boy scouts when compared to Ralphus. YouTied: I tell, ya, it's getting damn near impossible for me to keep up with all of the new stuff being uploaded. I don't know if Tor_Inju lurks on the GIMP board, but thanks so much for the full "Howling" rape scene. Cheers all. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: |,rwufB3Lq6wP5CRVNU/ |
Another wow! I've just discovered that one of the new upcoming Attackers releases is a "best of" title featuring two "investigation" movies -- Shark 231 and Shark Special 35. If this one gets picked up by Video Mayhem, I strongly recommend it to GIMPers. The first movie in the collection, Shark 231 remains one of my all-time favorites. The rape scenes featuring Sayaka Miura, in particular, are amazing. The second movie in the collection, Shark Special 35, is also quite good. It includes some nice stuff with Yuri Shirayama (who also appears in some Slave Island 6 clips I am uploading onto YouTied this evening) and some great moments with the wonderful Ayumu Kase, such as this one. |
Name: | Falstaff |
Lost treasures - I have about 50 old super 8 and reg 8 movies, lots of Cole and Whitman, other HOM, California, Lasse Braun, etc - super 8 projectors and bulbs are hard to find - does anyone have capability of converting these gems to DVD or video tape - what equipment would I need to try and convert these - short of taking them to a professional business that converts old movies (which I am reluctant to do) does anyone have any suggestions? Great effort on the TiedVideo site - great to have some access to old classics. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Jeff Gord profile: Some time ago, I mentioned the House of Gord was profiled on the UK television show, Sin Cities, which airs in Canada on Friday nights. Anyway, tomorrow I am going to post the interview clips on YouTied. If you want to see some of the stills from the segment, use this link and scroll down to the part called Ceci and the Wrapper. As well, the pictures of Ceci as a human chandelier are also from the Sin Cities segment. |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Brutus: Bloody Pit of Horror may be a bit dated, but you have to admit, it's a very cool movie that was way ahead of its time. Besides the revolving merry-go round where the women are bound and have the blades get closer and closer to their cleavage, there's lots of other ingenious tortures. There's the chick on the rack who gets ice water poured onto her back, the blonde that get burned with scalding hot oil (you know I like that one), and another chick that gets tied to the metal cow sculpture and has the flaming coals shoveled down below her, presumably to heat up the surface that she's bound to. And of course, there's also a very good rack scene, as well. There's a foreign YouTube link in the Torture Rack Database that features several scenes from the movie. The audio is a bit out of sync, but it's here if anyone wants to check it out. Also, if anyone has a bit of time and wants to see the entire film (it's pretty entertaining), it can be watched for free on Google Video in my Homepage URL above. |
Name: | Jefferson James |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Falstaff: I transferred a bunch of my classic 8mm to VHS years ago. I talked with some professionals (I was kind of in the business, being a professional audio technician) and was told how it is done. As lame as it sounds, you setup your projector and screen. Show the movie and video tape it. Put your camcorder as close to the projector as possible to avoid keystoning (the picture being smaller at the bottom than the top, or one side compared to the other). The high-end transfer companies use rear projection equipment to avoid keystoning entirely. Other than that, it is the same process. A light-controlled room goes without saying. Jefferson |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
As promised, the clips from the TV show Sin Cities that profile Jeff Gord are now up on YouTied. Ralphus has already checked out the clips and provided comments, and others may also wish to take a look. Actually, that same episode of Sin Cities also had a piece on I could upload that segment, as well, if people are interested. If you do wish to see the segment, please let me know. |
Name: | Steve Power |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Hey on the link for a little oink action. Held her down hard on that one. |
Name: | Dan Hawke |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Falstaff: I did such a conversion about 20 years ago. You need a video camera and a projector, of course. You should be able to find projector bulbs on line. Then you will also need a converter box. Basically this is a box with lenses and mirrors. You point the projector at one side of the box (it's screen) and the video camera record lense at the other side. It was tricky getting it all lined up together, but it works pretty good when done. The box helps to reduce flicker and insure the image is bright enough for the video camera to capture. I am sure the conversion boxes must be much better these days. The box wasn't too expensive back then, so it shouldn't cost too much today. Let me know if you do this. I don't think there's an old Cole film I don't already have on dvd (many transferred from tape), but you never know. If you find such an oddity you can send me a copy as a thank you. ~Dan Hawke |
Name: | mothbrad |
E-mail address: | |
Damn, I love that old style outdoor bondage. There's something so real and intimidating about it, that only a few recent producers manage to get (I'm looking at you Dan and Rick!) |
Name: | Sardu |
That's something I haven't seen much on Youtied yet, old HOM bondage loop. Those are great... would love to see some of those... anyone? |
Name: | Penitent |
Thanks for the caps from the old HOM loop, they freakin' rock! |
Name: | Penitent |
Att: Steve / Powershotz Man, that oink clip was awesome!!! And a very cute gal. I'm heading to your site to find out more ;) |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Summer reading: As Ralphus always likes me to give a head's up on these things, please be aware that sometime in the next few days I will be posting my reviews of parts 1 and 2 of Shark Special 53, starring Nene, Kyoko Kashii and others. I will also upload some clips from this film to YouTied. As some may recall, Shark Special 53 is the one that attempts to transport the Slave Island concept into a girls school setting. Does it work? You'll just have to wait to find out.... |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Outdoor bondage: Is there anybody else who digs it? The old House of Milan loops used outdoor scenes a lot, but I don't know of too many producers today that do. I know Insex used to, and I've seen some Hogtied material that had women tied to trees, etc. I'm sure that the reason more producers don't do it is the challenge of trying to find some remote location where the model can get naked and not draw a crowd. I mean, if you had a wanted to tie up a girl outside, where you YOU go? The park? The woods? I don't know if I could guarantee her we wouldn't be caught, which would probably add a lot of trepidation to the scene to begin with. Rick Masters of ZFX shot some outdoor stuff once upon a time (SpreadEagle, Southern Discomfort and Highway to Hell had outdoor scenes, for instance), but that was back in the early 90s and I don't think he's tried it again since. It would be interesting if any of the producers who read this forum could chime in with their opinions/past experiences. That reminds me. I think it was Jeff Gord who e-mailed me this story a while back of an outdoor bondage scenario involving a woman being tied to railroad tracks that got aborted when someone noticed and alerted the authorities! This one would be a bit embarrassing to explain, for sure. |
Name: | pippin1957 |
E-mail address: | |
Does anyone have any Hidden Pleasures vids? I have quite a few pics from the site, but could never afford the vids and then the owner died and his site went with him Thanks |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Outdoor bondage: Our friend Sgt. Major does some outdoor bondage shoots, including a great scene with Maxine in Sgt. Major's Bondage Classics One. I hope Sarge puts some of the Maxine stuff up on YouTied. Occasionally, B&D Productions does outdoor scenes, including the ones in the better than average (for them) film, Abduction on Devil's Peak, with Lena Ramon. Oh, and of course, this guy has done some outdoor stuff. |
Name: | A Canadian |
By the way, I have some more clips from Bloodsucking Freaks on YouTied this evening, including this one. |
Name: | skippy |
I have been reading the reviews of JAV, very useful. Some of these titles are only (?) available in formats call SCD and TCD from a site called VCD1. They explain in detail what the SCD format. WTF is the TCD video format???? |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
Canadian: If you do wish to see the segment, please let me know.
I would.
Powershotz: Nice clip! It would be fun to see her taken to unconsciousness (or fake "death") from a cock in her mouth while she's raped from the rear. Not your thing, I know, but that clip fed my fantasies.
Outdoor Bondage: I have a few sets from EyeWitness Productions that are set outdoors; a couple on the grass and a few in parking garages. If there's interest, I could post a few plain bondage pics and a few strangling pics. Is there any interest? |
Name: | Brutus |
Outdoor bondage: I never really got into outdoor bondage but I can see the advantages and attractions of it. Insex had some unique outdoor scenes, including women buried alive with a breathing tube. Steve: Thanks for the clip. Are you considering using YouTied? A Canadian: My, you've been a busy little (Canadian) beaver. Thanks for the Jeff Gord clips and the BSF scenes, as well as all the Attackers stuff. jhlipton: Sure. I have interest in any woman in mercilous peril. Ralphus: I definitely agree that "Bloody Pit of Horror" was a cool movie. The rack scene still you provided underscores my problem with it: Her left wrist isn't even bound! Maybe I'll give it another viewing because there are a number of tortures in it without all the blood we see these days. More for the mainstream rape database: Halloween (2007): A security guard and his equally dumb cousin at an insane asylum grab a new patient, a cute brunette, out of her room. For some reason, they decide it would be fun to rape her in the room of another patient, who happens to be Mike Myers. The rape lasts for about 30 seconds before their predictable demise. Directed by Rob Zombie. High Plains Drifter (1973): Near the start of this classic Western, Callie Travers (Mariana Hill) deliberately bumps into The Stranger (Clint Eastwood), berates him and slaps him. He pulls her into a barn and rapes her in the hay. The scene loses a bit of its lustre because she wanted it in the first place. According IMDB, she later says, "Just what do you consider going too far? Isn't forcible rape in broad daylight a misdemeanor in this town?" Ilsa: Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976): Our big-boobed dominatrix disobeys an order of the boss of the white-slavery ring, so he has her chained in a standing spreadeagle with leather cuffs. He brings in a deformed beggar who licks up her legs, exposes and fondles those huge tits and eats her out as Ilsa screams in disgust. Rambo (2008): There's a brief glimpse of a gang rape of a woman during the Burmese army's slaughter of a village. The Outlaw Josy Wales (1976): Two cowboys start to rape a young squaw at a trading post in a mild scene before Josey Wales (Clint Eastwood) interrupts them. Later, bandits attack a family in the desert and start to gang rape a very young Sondra Locke, tearing off her shirt and dress. The action is stopped by the head honcho, who wants to sell her "fresh." The good part of this scene is when the bandits find Sondra in a wagon. They stop their drunken hootin' and hollerin' and just stare in amazement at their frightened prize, as if they found the Holy Grail. There's also good expressions of fear on her face. Also amusing is that the head honcho says they can rape Sondra's old grandmother instead. There were no takers. Directed by Clint Eastwood. Waz (2007): British entry into the torture porn trend has a brief flashback scene where a family is brutalized by a gang in an apartment. A woman is raped, and it is implied that a broken bottle is used. (ouch!) FYI, most of the tortures in the movie involve guys, although one crackwhore gets bound and tapegagged in a van.
Name: | sgtmajor |
Homepage URL: | |
A Canadian It would be my pleasure to donate a clip of Maxine to I have rather enjoyed the free clips there so when I figure out how to post one I will put at least a 10 minute freebee up. It will be Maxine spread and tormented on a train. |
Name: | zee-ef-ex |
Outdoor bondage? I like the good lighting which the outdoors affords. But otherwise, I prefer indoor scenes. Well-lit indoor scenes are optimal. zee-ef-ex |
Name: | Chas |
Skippy: I used to buy from VCD1 a lot. TCD is just his way of saying that it is a DVD movie on a DVD-r disk. Since these are Japanese movies, there is little problem with the copyright so most JAV sellers sell DVD-r's. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
jhlipton: I posted the clips from Sin Cities, but something got screwed up in the process. The second and third clips went through, but the first clip didn't. I have resent the first clip and hopefully this will get straightened out. The good news is the first clip is mostly a set-up piece, and the best parts are in the clips that are already posted. Here are the links:
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Update: The first clip in the profile series is now up. Here is the link. |
Name: | JoeX |
Pippen: I asked about Hidden Pleasures videos here once and Per was the only one who said he had seen one. He gave a thumbs down, mainly because of the poor picture and sound quality. They sure had some great outdoor bondage pics on their site. If they hadn't been priced so high, I probably would have ordered one of their later videos (Per had their first, Suger & Spicey) to see if they had improved in the technical aspects, but they went out of business before I ever did. It would ne nice to see some of their stuff on YouTied. Old, otherwise unavailable, video from a defunct company. No producers are being hurt and it's a service to the Gimp community. But it may be too obscure. Joe X |
Name: | Chas |
Homepage URL: | |
Here is an interesting article on the 'secret' UK BDSM society. Oh My!!! |
Name: | Very Nice |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Very nice site! |
Name: | Dr Yuya |
Homepage URL: | |
Youtied is now being flooded with all the generic bondage scenes from your typical bondage producers. I knew it was only a matter of time. Right now it's about 90% of those kinds of clips. This is okay except that it makes it slightly harder to see actual good stuff like the scene from Ms Stilleto or Brand of Shame. |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
pippin1957: You mentioned the owner of the Hidden Pleasures website had passed away. Gee, I'm really sorry to hear that. Do you know any details? I checked out that site a few times but never ordered, but I was intrigued by what I saw. What interested me the most was I saw some pics of women being tied up with barbed wire (and I found a short video clip from them on a newsgroup years ago that featured the same thing). Wow, it looked incredibly painful! Like others, I was unsure of the quality of the stills I saw coupled with the higher price and never took the plunge, and now that he's passed away I'm all the more saddened that I didn't act while I had the chance. Unlike most old movies that can be watched again years later on DVD, a lot of the material from bondage producers is here one day and gone the next, so it's all the more important that we support them while we can. Brutus: You are the MAN! Once again, you've gone beyond the call of duty with all the rape movie entries. I added all your info to the Rape Scene Database. Thank you for taking the time to help us out. BTW, all those databases have been growing on a daily basis because of new info, stills and especially YouTied links. Next time you guys visit them, check out all the entries in there with the big yellow word "NEW" beside them. |
Name: | Faye Kane |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Wow, cool discussion! Here's an index page to a blog that has dozens of amateur BDSM clips and even whole movies: Scroll down to the section "Videos I look at when I masturbate". Q: Why isn't this post just spam for a porn site? A: Because I personally and lovingly edited out all copyright notices, intros, website addresses, non-torture scenes (for clips), and all other text. It really is just the stuff I watch in a loop when I rub the nub. Some of it is really extreme, and of course, it's all free. (I'm not selling anything, it's just my blog). Q: How many clips are there? A: 3F Q: Who the hell are you? A: They call me the recursively enumerated, insufficiently remunerated, double data-rated, triple X-rated, psychoactive, hyperactive, hyperbolic, hypergolic, St. Vitus' dancin', pull down her pants and low-class, kiss-my-ass, underemployed, overjoyed, masterpiece-makin', masturbatin', window ledge over-the-edge, screwy, chiral, downward-spiral, ass upended, fair-weather-friended, titty-peek girl geek. That's who. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Dr. Yuya wrote: Youtied is now being flooded with all the generic bondage scenes from your typical bondage producers. I knew it was only a matter of time. Right now it's about 90% of those kinds of clips. This is okay except that it makes it slightly harder to see actual good stuff.... If you ask me, I say the thrill is in the hunt. I may be the odd one out on this, but I think too much content is a good problem to have. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Title: Shark Special 53, Part 2 Starring: Nene, Kyoko Kashii, Riria Himesaki, Mao Shiino and Ringo Akai Directed by: Shiniti Kawamura Running time: One hour and 13 minutes Shark Special 53 is the story of a girls' school where three students and two teachers are being forced to become sex slaves. By the time part 2 starts, it's pretty clear how things work in the school's slave operation. Each slave is forced to wear a vibrator, secured by a plastic chastity belt, and when the vibrator is activated it means the woman must go to either the principal's office or the jail cells in the school basement to perform sex acts. Part 2 begins with the new teacher, Nene, being taken to a jail cell, where two of the students -- Riria Himesaki and Ringo Akai -- are standing naked, with hands chained arms over head. Ringo's pussy is being licked by sexy teacher Kyoko Kashii, who is naked and kneeling in front of Ringo. And Nene, who is also naked, is being forced by the beautiful but evil headmistress (Yuki Tsukamoto) to kneel in front of Riria and lick her pussy. Nene, who looks extra hot wearing her glasses, puts up a bit of resistance but ultimately submits. That leaves the two student slaves (Riria and Ringo) standing and being eaten by the two teacher slaves, Nene and Kyoko. Both young students quiver and moan as they get licked. After a brief cutaway, it's back to the cell for more pussy licking, but with the situation reversed. The two sexy teachers, Nene and Kyoko, are now standing naked and chained arms over head, and the two naked students are kneeling in front licking the teachers' pussies. Both teachers do some fine squirming and moaning here. At one point, headmistress Yuki has teacher Kyoko turn around, so that student Riria can lick Kyoko's shapely ass. Riria protests a little, but soon her face is buried deep in Kyoko's nice butt cheeks. In the next scene, naked students Riria and Ringo are standing over a knotted rope that has been tied from one end of the cell to the other, so the rope runs against their pussies. Both students have their arms cuffed behind their backs, and a male villain briefly whips the students (lightly) to force them to walk forward, one after the other, and let the rope scrape their pussies. After a bit, the scene changes so that Riria and Ringo are still on the rope, but now facing each other. Headmistress Yuki forces the two naked students to kiss and swap tongues, and rub their breasts against each other. In one of the classrooms, teacher Nene is trying to read a book to her class. She is dressed in a pretty white sweater and yellow blouse, a white skirt, and brown pantyhose. As Nene is walking among her students reading, her vibrator is activated -- Nene's knees buckles and she has to lean against a student desk for support. Nene knows what the buzzing vibrator means. She reports to the principal's office, where a businessman is waiting for her on the guest couch. As the principal and headmistress Yuki watch, the sitting businessman drops his pants, and Nene (fully dressed and wearing her glasses) kneels in front of the businessman to blow him. After some brief sucking, headmistress Yuki has Nene lift her skirt and Nene's plastic chastity belt and vibrator are removed. Nene bends forward over a small table, her skirt hiked, and the businessman takes her in a standing doggie position. Nene's jacket is removed as she gets nailed, and her blouse pulled down to reveal her tits. The businessman moves Nene to the couch, where he taps her in a reverse cowgirl position and then missionary, and while the two are screwing missionary style the businessman sucks on Nene's left breast and French kisses Nene. The businessman finishes by cumming in Nene's pussy. The final sequence is another group scene in the school basement's jail cells. In the main cell, three businessmen are sitting on a couch, their pants dropped, and naked teacher Nene is crouched in front of them, her arms cuffed behind her back. Nene must take turns blowing each of the businessmen. In the same cell, on an air mattress, students Ringo and Mao Shiino are each on all fours, facing away from each other with their butts close together, and both riding a double-ended dildo. Each student is required to blow a standing businessman. Meanwhile, in a nearby cell, a businessman is having fun with teacher Kyoko and student Riria, including a nice part where Kyoko sucks the businessman while young Riria tongues the guy's ass. Some of the highlights in this sequence include pretty Nene giving a seated businessman a prolongued deep throat. Ringo and Mao are rearranged on the air mattress, so they are side by side on all fours, each with their wrists cuffed in front of them. Each student is then taken doggie style in a very hot scene. Both young women are pretty and effective squealers, and Ringo in particular has an anquished look on her face that is compelling. As they get slammed, the two young students are also forced to kiss each other. When the smooching is done, the two women get pounded really hard, with the guys finally cumming in the students' pussies. The two women collapse on the mattress, but their bodies are soon arranged in a 69 position, and each is forced to lick the male cum from the other's pussy. Soon, the women all change positions (and in some cases, cells). Two of the students, Ringo and Mao, are now blowing two guys on the couch. In the same cell, the teacher Kyoko and student Riria are placed on their knees on the air mattress, facing each other so they can be made to kiss and swap tongues. Teacher Nene, meanwhile, has been taken to the next cell, where she will be required to sit on a guy's face. Nene will also get nailed in various positions. The women switch places again for more fucking and sucking, and then the movie abruptly ends. My grade: B+ Much like part one, this film is a good show but doesn't achieve greatness. Part of the problem, I think, is the directing. Although Shark Special 53 is similar to the Slave Island movies, this film has a different director, and this director doesn't have the pacing right. A number of scenes run too long, losing some of their intensity along the way. Still, there's some fine stuff here, and the two teachers in particular (Nene and Kyoko Kashii) are sexy and fun to watch. It may not become a classic, but Shark Special 53, part 2 is certainly worth seeing. Here are some YouTied clips from part 2: |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Below is my review of Shark Special 53, Part 1, followed by a review of Part 2. Both films have some long group scenes with competing action and lots of participants -- a bonus for viewers, I guess, but a tough reviewing assignment for a product of Canada's public school system. I hope the reviews aren't confusing. Title: Shark Special 53, Part 1 Starring: Nene, Kyoko Kashii, Riria Himesaki, Mao Shiino and Ringo Akai Directed by: Shiniti Kawamura Running time: One hour and 40 minutes After three years of producing the terrific Slave Island movies, Attackers made the wise decision last year to end the 12-movie series, a decision that pretty much guaranteed the top-notch films would be remembered as classics. Unfortunately, it's tough to let a good thing go, particularly for Japanese pornographers who still need to make money. So while the Slave Island series has ended, Attackers has tried to find new ways to exploit the "slave" theme, including the Slave House films, the New Slave Island and now Shark Special 53, which transports the slave concept to a girls' school. None of the post-Slave-Island efforts has been entirely successful, but I would say Shark Special 53 has come closest to the mark. The movie has its flaws, and part one takes far too long to get rolling. But at its best, Shark Special 53 has some great moments that are reminiscent of the best of the Slave Island movies. The story here is about a pretty and slender new teacher, Nene, who is starting her career at a girls' school (I think it's a high school). But something's not right at this school. Nene's visit with the school principal goes OK, but once she leaves the office, we discover the male principal is getting blown by a sexy female teacher (Kyoko Kashii) crouched under the desk. Example two: In one of the classrooms, a student (Riria Himesaki) looks uncomfortable as she stands to answer a question -- and soon we learn there is a vibrator hidden underneath her preppy school uniform. Indeed, the vibrator causes Riria to leave the classroom and go to the principal's office, where a businessman is sitting in a guest couch in the office. As the principal and a head mistress watch, the sitting businessman removes his pants and young student Riria drops to her knees and blows him. Welcome Back, Kotter, this ain't. Soon, the curious new teacher, Nene, makes her way to the school basement and uncovers the truth. There are jail cells in the school basement, and in those cells Nene's sexy female colleague, Kyoko, and three students are being trained to be sex slaves. Nene sees fellow teacher Kyoko standing naked in one cell, her cuffed hands restrained arms over head, and a male villain is rubbing a vibrator in Kyoko's pussy. But before Nene can react, the principal sneaks up behind Nene and puts a chloroform cloth into Nene's face. The action moves back to the restrained teacher, Kyoko. The principal enters the cell and removes naked Kyoko's arms from the chain above. With her wrists still cuffed together, Kyoko is taken to a nearby air mattress. The principal removes his clothes and stands in front of Kyoko, who then blows him. For the next 23 minutes, the principal enjoys Kyoko's favors, including some humping in the missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl and other positions. These scenes should have been good, as Kyoko has a lovely face and a fine body, with some great breasts. Unfortunately, because her character is already broken in and doesn't put up any resistance, there isn't much heat in these couplings. The principal finishes by cumming on Kyoko's face. The now-captured new teacher, Nene, is seen standing naked in a cell, her cuffed wrists chained arms over head, with a rope tying a vibrator into her pussy and a ball gag securely fastened inside her mouth. The grunting and squirming Nene drools as the vibrator does its work, and lines of drool travel down her slender body. Two men enter the cell and taunt Nene, with one guy rapidly jerking the vibrator in her pussy. With Nene still bound arms over head, one villain lifts her legs in the air and the other guy manually uses the vibrator to make Nene climax. The villains remove Nene from the chains and, with her wrists still cuffed and the ball gag still in her mouth, move her to a nearby air mattress. As one villain restrains Nene, the other guy fingers her pussy. Nene is then restrained in a doggy position as one of the villains rapes her. One villain removes the ball gag from Nene's mouth, and Nene squeals and struggles as she continues to be violated doggie style. Soon, the second guy joins the action, forcing Nene to blow him while the other guy keeps tapping Nene. At exactly one hour and six minutes into the film, the movie picks up some steam. Why? Because Nene is seen lying on a cell floor, naked, with a ball gag in her mouth and a vibrator tied in her pussy -- and suddenly it looks a lot like Slave Island. Indeed, the scenes that follow are definitely Slave Island-ish and among the film's best. Nene is seen sitting naked in a cell, arms cuffed behind her back, and a male villain and female villain are restraining her and forcing her legs open. Nene struggles in vain to turn her face away as a third guy takes photos of the naked beauty, including some closeups of her face and her pussy (the photos will presumably be used as blackmail material). Nene is then seen in a doggie-style position on the air mattress, with her arms cuffed behind her back and her face against the mattress, as a villain rapes her. To add to the humiliation, a second guy is videotaping the rape, and he grabs Nene's head to try to force her to look into the video camera. Even worse, the headmistress villain (Yuki Tsukamoto from Slave Island 6) makes Nene speak into a cell phone and act like nothing is wrong as she is being nailed. Beautiful Nene is wonderful here. There is a defiant look on her face, despite her helplessness, and her whimpers and grunts are very convincing. There's a nice scene that follows where Nene is in a kneeling position, arms cuffed behind her back, and she blows a villain. Again, the violation is videotaped. This is followed by another nice scene where Nene is raped in the missionary position, with a villain holding Nene's handcuffed arms above her head while a second guy nails Nene. The final sequence of part one is a group setting, with lots of competing action going on simultaneously. Three businessmen are sitting on a couch, pants dropped, being blown by two naked slaves, beautiful teacher Kyoko and cute student Mao Shiino, who both have their arms cuffed behind their backs. Kyoko is sucking one guy and Mao is taking turns blowing two guys. In an adjoining cell, a naked, big-breasted student, Ringo Akai, is in a seated position and being forced to blow a guy. The villains bring the third student, Riria, into the main cell (the one with the couch), and she is wearing her green schoolgirl outfit. Two male villains strip off Riria's jacket, blouse and dress and remove her pink bra. The villains also remove a plastic chastity belt that Riria was forced to wear, and the buzzing big vibrator that was in her pussy. With no clothes left except her long white socks, Riria's arms are cuffed behind her back and she is forced to squat on an air mattress and suck a standing villain. Riria has an OK face and huge breasts, and she grunts and groans effectively as her head is forced to bob back and forth on the villain's dick. As Riria gives the guy head, a second villain spanks her ass and fondles her huge right boob. Soon, Riria is forced to ride a villain reverse cowgirl, and at one point the sweaty student is forced to talk to someone on a cell phone. Meanwhile, Ringo in the next cell is dinked doggie style and cowgirl, while the ladies over at the couch continue to look sexy blowing the seated businessmen. There's a nice closeup on teacher Kyoko's face as one guy cums in her mouth and she then blows big bubbles of cum. Riria is moved over to the couch area to help Kyoko and Mao suck the seated businessmen, and new teacher Nene is brought into the cell, looking foxy in a blue sweater, white blouse, white skirt and black nylons. A villain quickly removes Nene's sweater and blouse, and the pink bra underneath, and then fondles sexy Nene's tits. The skirt is also removed, along with a plastic chastity belt and vibrator, and Nene is forced to get on her knees to blow a standing villain. The villain grabs Nene's head firmly with both hands and fucks her face, including forcing her head in tight for a sustained deep throat. As the heads of Kyoko, Mao and Riria bob up and down on the three guys on the couch, Nene is moved into a doggie position on the mattress. Nene gets nailed doggie style by a villain who does a good job fondling Nene's nice breasts and grabbing her hair, and Nene pants and whimpers as she is taken. Nene also gets nailed in a reverse cowgirl and on her side, and the villain finishes by cumming in her pussy. And then it's on to part two.... My grade: B+ Ultimately, Shark Special 53, Part 1 is a bit disappointing, as it takes the film some time to find its footing. The first part of the movie is OK but doesn't really capture that old Slave Island spirit of showing women's spirits being broken. It's only in the final 30 minutes that things really pick up, but boy do they pick up, and Nene in particular has some strong scenes. Overall, I would recommend this film. Shark Special 53, Part 1 isn't Slave Island but it's still a nice place to visit. For those who are interested, here are some YouTied clips: |
Name: | Alex 86 |
Homepage URL: | |
One of my all time favorite mainstream scenes. Just look at the long legs and spectacular ass on this girl. |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
There's a nice closeup on teacher Kyoko's face as one guy cums in her mouth and she then blows big bubbles of cum.
I hate "cum bubbles". Cum should go down the throat and down the cheek. Period.
Why do you have the actresses' names blacked out? Is that considered a "spoiler"? |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
jhlipton: I screwed up the codes for the actresses' names -- the names were supposed to be in yellow. However, I am confused by your question about the names being "blacked out". The names are still showing up on my computer screen. Are you saying you don't see them at all on yours? |
Name: | Sardu |
Hey Alex, I would submit that if you take any decent looking woman, tie her facedown, naked and spreadeagle to the bed, and then prop her ass up with a pillow... that's gonna look pretty spectacular. |
Name: | MasterDetective |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Hey everyone! Yes indeed.. Youtied is becoming a bit flooded w/ more generic bondage clips. I think that comes with the territory of having more visitors, etc. It does however make policing the site for what I would consider pirated material, as opposed to just "fair use" or just teaser clips, a bit more challenging though.. I'm going to be traveling internationally for the next week or so, and just dropping a quick note here before I go. Although I'll be checking the site, etc, it's going to be hard for me to re-encode videos by hand that require re-encoding while I'm out. This is necessary for about 5% of the uploads, but is more frequent for certain posters, and I think has to do w/ how the raw video is captured.. e.g., canadian, a lot of your posts require manual reencoding, soo .. it'll be hard for me to do that over the next week or so.. ;-) Dahlia - If you live in Hollywood, we should hang out sometime! I'm up in Beachwood Canyon, if you know where that is.. right there by Gower and Franklin, off the 101, and then you follow the Japanese tourists up Beachwood to the top of the hill, under the "Hollywood" sign, and that's where I'm at!There's a nice little coffee shop here to grab lunch at. Christina - Sorry to hear about business troubles. I too was once in business w/ something of a scoundrel.. I'm not going to say how much $$ I lost, since it would either sound pretentious, or no one would believe me, or I'd look like the complete idiot that I was back then.. LOL.. But suffice to say, I learned my lesson well and I'm a lot more careful about such things these days. To cheer you up, you may or may not know that the very first picture *ever* posted to YouTied picture galleries was a Christina Carter pic: There it is! Id #1 for all the pics posted to YouTied.. ;-) Take care everyone, and I'll see you when I get back! |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
MasterDetective wrote: It's going to be hard for me to re-encode videos by hand that require re-encoding while I'm out. This is necessary for about 5% of the uploads, but is more frequent for certain posters, and I think has to do w/ how the raw video is captured.. e.g., canadian. Even in GIMPland, it seems I'm the problem child. In any event, have a great trip, MasterDetective, and I will cease and desist until you have returned and recovered from any jet lag. |
Name: | MasterDetective |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
canadian - oh it's no problem at all, honestly. Heck, your posts are some of the best up there! I just meant to give you (and others) a heads up as to the fact that I'll be out of town and so if your video doesn't seem to "take" or be uploaded, that's probably why.. |
Name: | A Canadian |
MasterDetective: Thanks. To be honest, I was only kidding about the "problem child" thing. |
Name: | mothbrad |
E-mail address: | |
A Canadian - great review as always. I sometimes feel that you put more effort into your reviews than the producers put into the film itself. Faye Kane - Great to see you here! Hope you stick around. |
Name: | eeeteee |
Homepage URL: | |
Wow ... just stumbled on this thread ... worth setting up a login for the 43 pages with images ... |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Sorry I'm a bit late checking in. I was up til the wee hours of the morning last night watching the All-Star Game on my DVR after getting home from work. Damn game went 15 innings, keeping me up til 4 AM! And my team lost...again. --------------- I've spent the evening making updates to the databases and I've still got more to go. Yeah, YouTied is quickly getting clogged up with a lot of boring generic bondage clips, and frankly, it needs to be monitored to get rid of all that illegal footage. There's several payclips from bondage websites that are clearly too long to be promotional, and with MasterDetective leaving the country and letting this go on unchecked, I'm not sure I want to support this site anymore. It's a great idea that could very easily be harmful to the very producers it's supposedly here to help. To me, this is not much different from people simply posting a bunch of Rapidshare links of whatever they want, and I was wrong before when I said this was streaming video and not downloadable. Apparently you can indeed download these clips after all. I don't mind the mainstream movie clips but the rest of this is out and out stealing. If the producers want to upload their own material, that's fine. If somebody else is doing it, they don't have permission and those clips should be pulled. --------------- A Canadian: Thanks for taking the time to write those reviews. As always, quite voluminous but still entertaining to read. Still, it doesn't look like much of what would interest me. Sounds like mostly rape, more rape, some blowjobs and then finally more rape. Not that I'm against using them sexually, but I like to see them suffer, too. Added to the Reviews Database under Japanese. --------------- Just found out some unfortunate news tonight. Xploited Cinema, one of our banner links and one of the best places to find rare, cult, foreign and exploitation DVDs from all over the country, is closing down business. They will no longer be carrying new stock, and when the older titles sell out, they won't be re-ordering them. I'm not sure why this happening, but it's a great loss for a number of people. I would go through their website and grab up whatever you can now while it's still there. There's more details in my Homepage URL above. |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
Canadian: The names are still showing up on my computer screen. Are you saying you don't see them at all on yours?
They're in yellow now. I think a certain small person with an afro as big as he is may have corrected the code. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Thanks for the feedback on the reviews, and I'm glad the listing of the film's stars are now in their proper yellow color. Ralphus is certainly right that the emphasis in Shark Special 53 is on rape and forced blow jobs, along with some nice forced lesbian scenes. There were some light whippings in that one scene in part 2, but no tortures that would satisfy the occupants of the Theatre of the Macabre. On the other hand, there are some quality scenes that show women suffering, and I would still recommend these titles. But I appreciate where Ralphus is coming from. I think something like Shark Special 31, with its combination of canings and torture scenes and rapes, may suit Ralphus better. |
Name: | Jefferson James |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Ralphus: Damn you! That Exploited Cinema link just cost me $300. I don't think that is how Bush wanted the economic stimulus check spent, but oh well. A three box set of 70s rape porn was too hard to resist. More than 35 full-length movies... Jefferson |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
A rat in the house: Hey, it looks like someone has ratted out our friend Lucyboots. When you go into her blog, you get a warning from Google about objectionable content, based on someone complaining. For the record, I have read Lucyboots' blog, and I didn't see anything objectionable. |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
Canadian: For the record, I have read Lucyboots' blog, and I didn't see anything objectionable.
Well, she is one of "us", ya know! |
Name: | Jefferson James |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Well, she is one of "us", ya know! Isn't it ironic? They'd probably like to burn her at the stake for being one of us, and many here enjoy watching women burned at the stake. Popcorn, Ralphus? Jefferson |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Jefferson James wrote: Isn't it ironic? They'd probably like to burn her at the stake for being one of us, and many here enjoy watching women burned at the stake. Popcorn, Ralphus? Bring it on! I don't know what she looks like, but she's 22 and a college student. That's good enough for me. |
Name: | Brutus |
Xploited Cinema: Well, that certainly is bad news about the future of that site. It has long been one of my favorites for GIMP scenes in mainstream cinema. YouTied: I fear that when Master Detective returns, YouTied will be even further inundated with similar-looking clips from studios that seem to have free samples all over the Web. I know I can just ignore them, but I hope we don't see page after page of that stuff. A Canadian: Thanks for the outstanding reviews. It seems you've condensed them a bit this time, but they are still very descriptive. I'm with Ralphus, however. I need more torture. For me, forced blow jobs get a little boring after awhile. Chas: That BBC article on the BDSM scene in England was interesting, although the writer seemed a bit naive. So the Christian Action Research and Education group condemns "unconstructive" relationships based on "the dominion of one person over another". I wonder how these idiots define a "constructive relationship"? They sound like the sort of people who are complaining about Lucyboots' blog.
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Brutus: Thanks for your comments on the reviews. You're right, I did tighten the reviews up somewhat, in light of some of the recent comments around here. It's funny, while you and Ralphus would have liked to have seen some torture, I was thinking I would have liked to have seen some dog bowls and leashes. To each his own, I guess. Of course, I would never object to seeing a good whipping or two. On the Attackers site, Shark Special 53 is listed as the top seller at the moment. That could just speak to the strength of the cover art (or it could just be hype), but it is interesting. |
Name: | MasterDetective |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Hey Everyone! Yes, indeed.. it seems that YouTied has been getting inundated. I've gone through and yanked the vids that seemed like they were in egregious copyright violation.. or at least, such vids as I was able to find this time around. The country I'm in (Brazil) doesn't have very fast Internet connections, so it's a bit time-consuming. In fact, I pulled so many vids that they amounted to almost 10% of all the content that had thus far been posted to YouTied(!).. LOL Running YouTied required some "police" work even before I left.. as it gets more popular, it will require even more, I feel. We'll see how it goes. There may be technical measures I can implement, like "time-length" restrictions on posted videos (nothing more than 5 or 10 minutes in length), and also restrict posters to <= 5 posts per day (or other such restrictions). If people have ideas on other techniques, please let me know. Also, if you see vids up there that you think should be pulled (due to copyright) please don't hestitate to contact me.. (esp if you're a producer). We'll see how this project evolves. Hopefully it'll prove to be something of value, and hopefully people won't abuse it (too much). What you see there right now also is only version 1.0, sort of public beta form. There still quite a few more features I was intended to add... we'll see how things progress. Ralphus: whether the vid is downloadable or not is up to the discretion of the person posting it. So sometimes the vids are downloadable, sometimes not. Again, I can change this, but it seemed like a good way to start off.. Anyway, enough business for now.. Back to the beach!! |
Name: | Falstaff |
Regarding the YouTied clips, where there are multiple clips, like the Bushwacker series, is there a way to streamline them so they play in sequence? I know with the old Insex and Hogtied video clips you could set up a ram file and play them in sequence, I tried that with the YouTied clips but have had no success. Procedure for the old Insex clips was to open a plain text editor, Notepad, on a PC and type lines as file: violet1.rm, and continue to name all files. Then save the file as a ram extension. It doesn't work on the YouTied clips - is there a way to link them? Any suggestions would be appreciated. |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
Master Detective: You're down there with all those luscious copper and chocolate-skinned beauties running around with little or no clothes on and you're posting HERE? While I admire your dedication, I have to question your priorities!
From what I understand, quite a few of the lovlies have no qualms about fetishes either! Have some fun, dude, and repost back all your adventures. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
I'm guessing the next time jhlipton is in Brazil, we won't be getting any posts from him. As far as the inundation of YouTied goes, I would be tempted to say we should let it play out. I don't know much about these things (well, OK, I actually don't know anything about these things), but it will be interesting to see how the situation evolves over the longer term. No doubt, the site has been flooded with a lot of stuff -- and I agree, some of it is crap -- but these are early days. It's possible there will be a steadier flow of material once the site is more established. Also, I don't recognize a lot of the stuff that's up there, but I think GIMPers are being respectful of the producers. The names I have recognized have included Dan Hawke (who posted his own stuff) and the Jeff Gord and material posted by me. In the case of the stuff I posted, that wasn't lifted from any producers -- I recorded that material off a publicly broadcast television program. I have seen a couple of improper posts, such as a ZFX clip and a Natasha Flade clip, but they were removed pretty quickly, and I don't think they were posted by GIMPers. One final note: if and when Sgt. Major posts the Maxine stuff, it isn't necessary to post 10 minutes' worth of material. Trust me, two to three minutes is more than enough -- it's expected that experienced GIMPers are able to quickly recognize a good movie. |
Name: | A Canadian |
A little light bulb has gone off -- I've been pulling together some clips for YouTied, and it occurs to me I could probably put together a pretty decent compilation disc. I don't own some of the movies that are popular here, but I could pull together the following scenes:
I would mail the discs out regular mail, to keep costs down, and there wouldn't be charges involved. This would just be something I would do for fun. Anyway, it's an idea, if people are interested. Let me know what you think. |
Name: | Paulus |
Homepage URL: | |
Here's a good picture for you guys. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Oops -- in my list of scenes that could make it into a compilation disc, I forgot to mention the rape scenes from I Spit on Your Grave. |
Name: | Steve Power |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Posted a clip on youtied. |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Canadian: I'm guessing the next time jhlipton is in Brazil, we won't be getting any posts from him.
My "next" trip would be my first, but, yeah, I'd be "busy" until I got back (if I made it back). Brazilian women are SMOKIN'!
Paulus: Here's a good picture for you guys.
The artist has a thing for crucified women (although that is one of his best). His gallery is in the URL. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
I can't think of a nice way to ask this -- who's the knob who gave a low rating to the guillotine scene from Bloodsucking Freaks? This scene is one of my favorites -- I had actually tried to post it myself, but something went wrong in the transmission. |
Name: | Sardu |
I can assure you Canadian that it wasn't me. I think that is a fine scene, if I do say so myself. But there are some folks who think the site if for posting those inane 20sec commercial clips that have sort of taken over.
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Looks like that Brutal Hopelessness of Love film that jyydubs posted about back on July 2 is out on DVD now. Asian Cult Cinema is offering it on their site at my Homepage URL above. We never heard back from him regarding more info about the rape and electro scenes in the film, although I have seen a few stills from the electro scene online. Looks like Netflix isn't carrying it. Think it's worth the $24.95 price tag? A Canadian: Personally, I think I like the guillotine scene in BSF the best of all the scenes in that film. Of course, I was there; I lived it, and I got a blow job out of it. That makes me even more wistful to see the actual X-rated version of the film (back when it was known as The Incredible Torture Show (T.I.T.S.!)) because one of our posters mentioned having seen that film in old 42nd Street in New York and it included a scene where Ralphus did it doggie style with the girl in the guillotine (presumably before her head got sliced off). Somebody needs to find that film and restore it to its former glory! |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
You guys would have loved the teaser on one of our local talk radio stations today. The announcer said this: "Coming up ... your employer says leave the leather pants and the ball gag at home." In fact, he was teeing up a discussion about this story. As for Bloodsucking Freaks, I would have to say this scene is my favorite. However, the guillotine scene is a close second. |
Name: | mothbrad |
E-mail address: | |
I'm out of action for a couple of days, so can't post anything detailed or spend much time here, but thank you x 1000 for these HOM pictures, Ralphus. They capture something really special, and with some lovely models who are conspicuously lacking in piercings/tats/etc. |
Name: | Brutus |
Ralphus said about "The Incredible Torture Show": ... it included a scene where Ralphus did it doggie style with the girl in the guillotine. The scene in "BSF" with the victim being stretched to death on the cross also seemed to be missing some bits. At least it looked that way to me. I wonder what else was cut from the X-rated version. By the way, this site is creeping up to the 1,000,000-visitors mark, although half of them seem to have come from A Canadian over the past week :-) Will there be a prize for the 1 millionth visitor? A night with Lisa Kinkaid perhaps? Chandra Sweet? A new ZFX release? |
Name: | Mr.? |
Youtied rocks & I found it here!Thanx. The slave Island & Shark clips rock hard. Thanx Canadian! |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Mr.?: Thanks for the feedback on the Slave Island and Shark Special clips. Believe me, it's always good to get confirmation that I'm not the only sicko who enjoys these things. Due to what you might call technical difficulties, I haven't posted anything to YouTied in about a week. But I do plan to post more material soon, including more Slave Island and Attackers clips. Brutus: I suspect it would be almost impossible to find out where things stand in the high-level negotiations between Ralphus and Rick. But I would have to assume Lisa would definitely be part of the prize package for the one-millionth poster -- whether she wants to or not. |
Name: | Sardu |
Hey Ralphus, keep the outdoor HOM pics coming, you know how much I love that. |
Name: | BP |
Homepage URL: | |
re Comments on Home Page Pictues Please refrain from the comments on the nice patch of carpet on the HOM cuties. I am a product of the days of removing the panties and fluffing up that shag carpet. I know the females are crazy that they go from one extreme to another. Don't shave nothing to keeping everything as bald as an egg shell. HOM's beauties are just that. No Tramp Stamps, weird hair styles, or metal that you can snag your clothes on or chip your teeth. Remember the comment on "Porkys"? Theres enough wool there to knit a sweater. |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
BP: Hey, I've got no objections to unshaved pussies. I much prefer the old-fashioned look of the 1970s HOM beauties to some of the tattooed freakgirls of today. And this particular model is particularly fetching, which is why I've been featuring her lately (and her showcase will continue). But particularly in the hair bondage pic of today, I'm finding my eyes drawn to her other patch of hair. Sort of reminds me of the cartoon in my Homepage URL above. That reminds me, where's our friend Buckeye, the unabashed connoisseur of Hairy Women Punished? The unshaven look is one that may not be appealing to some, but some might think it enhances the innocent look of the Perfect Victim. What do you guys think? Our hits have been through the roof, but this place is still relatively quiet now, with just a few posts a day. Maybe this will perk the place up. In fact, let's ask the group and make this official: GIMP POLL: As always, the only wrong answer is not to answer at all. Every opinion counts, so step up to the plate and cast your ballot. Let's hear what you think. |
Name: | Sardu |
I have to say I prefer a "neat and trimmed" approach. It shows good grooming and manners to keep the patch to managable levels. I don't like hair in my mouth. For whipping, I prefer bald or very light patching. The red stripe mark across the pussy are much noticable when there is no hair. I do not like tattoos at all, and piercings only if I'm the one who did the piercing ;) |
Name: | Buckeye |
Homepage URL: | |
Okay, I'll bite on your unabashed attempt to draw me out. (And thanks for the plug! ;-) ) To me, there's nothing sexier than a gal with pubic hair. Or maybe more to the point, there's nothing less sexy than a woman who's shaved all or most of it off. The "shaved look" began in the porn industry I suspect as an attempt by producers to show even more clearly the penetration shot and just as a general way to show something new to their audience. Beyond that, when looking at bondage material, to me at least, part of the appeal is the illusion that the model or actress is going through a real event. I know deep down inside she's really a model who's being paid to "pretend" to be in distress but its this illusion that creates the erotic peril formula that makes BDSM porn work for me. Nothing shatters that illusion faster than seeing a model/actress with obviously fake tits, lots of tattoos and the worst fault of all, a shaved pussy. Nothing screams "porn actress" more than a shaved pussy. Most real women do trim their quim nowadays to some extent; they almost have to to wear modern swimwear and styles. But most normal gals leave something, even the younger ones. The young ones that don't model porn at least. The idea that some guy busts into a room, grabs an "innocent victim" strips off her clothes and ties her up preparing to do God knows what and she's revealed as tattooed and shaved smooth ruins the illusion that we're witnessing a real "innocent" victim. It's akin to watching a cave women or some gal that's supposed to be ship wrecked on a desert isle (with apologies to Ginger and Mary Ann) running around with perfectly shaved arms and legs. I know why Hollywood does this, but it ruins the illusion right quick and tells the audience, "This isn't real, they're all just acting." Beyond all that, I grew up in the late '70s and '80s when the sex symbols of that era looked like Kathy Ireland and Brooke Shields, women with eyebrows and hair on the arms. When you opened a Playboy or Penthouse back then, the women were supposed to remind you of the girl next door without her clothes on. The girls that lived on my block back then didn't have tattoos all over their arms and legs and down their backs and didn't have shaved pussies! The pubic triangle was the ideal I grew up with and it's still the ideal I hold today. Seeing a gal with a full, fluffy natural bush tied up awaiting her fate is still a powerful image for me. Even if it's getting harder and harder to find. *sigh* |
Name: | Jefferson James |
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Poll: I prefer a nice muff. Playboy and Penthouse used to, and may still, airbrush tan lines on a girl to give the illusion that you were seeing something that is normally hidden from view. If the pubic region of a girl looks like a formal garden with manicured topiaries, it tells me it is meant to be on display. Some voyeurs may find exhibitions there perfect counterpart, but that scenario doesn't play into the whole "violation of privacy" fantasy. When I was growing up, seeing that triangle of hair, known poetically as the delta of Venus, for the first time, in person, was a rite of passage. Even if a girl wouldn't let you actually grope her pussy, inside her panties, the touch of muff meant you were damn close and that was pretty special in itself. Ahh ... the good old days. The young guys I talk to today seem to equate hair with a lack of hygiene. Many say they won't go down on a girl with more hair than Hitler's mustache. Girls are sensitive to such things. I've been told by more than a few that they would prefer a nicely trimmed muff, but shave because they want nothing to reduce their chances of getting oral. If it was a prerequisite for getting a blowjob, I am sure most guys would follow suit. On the BDSM side of things, a bush does give a girl a significant amount of protection during a pussy spanking or flogging. On the other hand, I like pubic hair long enough to pull. A muff makes a great handle and is very convenient for getting her pussy right where you want it. Having to whip and spank harder is an acceptable trade-off, if not a benefit. Jefferson |
Name: | EFlynn |
For me. NO piercing, including the nipples. NO tattoos on the lower back or ANY OTHER other part of the body. [Sarah Michelle Gellar is my exception]. NO hair under the arms. But should have a nice large LIGHTLY trimmed triangle, [no fine strip or Charlie Chaplin mustache] The lower point of the triangle ending just over the citrus. All below this should be shaved, including around the anus. Long hair, at least to the bottom of her shoulder blade. [Longer is nice] To have good looking features, but not to chocolate box pretty, or over made-up. Full bodied [36 / 24 / 36], but please, NOT gross fat. Finally MUST be and look over 18. |
Name: | mothbrad |
E-mail address: | |
Hair doesn't bother me at all, really, so long as it's kept clean (in real life). In movies, etc, I don't like the bald look, because it makes the woman look either too young or too slutty, neither of which appeal to me. In real life, as in, a partner that I'm going to be playing with down there, one thing I can't stand is stubble. I'd rather a bush than that beginning of regrowth look. The 5 o'clock shadow might turn girls on when they see it on a guy, but trust me - it doesn't work the other way. Regarding the old photos - there's a real sense of violation when you see the hairy bodies (we're not talking bearded ladies here, just normal hair) that I love. It's the same as the very plain underwear that turns me on so much, because it gives the idea that there was no thought on this woman's mind that she was going to be seen today, and yet ... here we are :) |
Name: | elkcreek |
E-mail address: | |
Hey guys it's been a while. I've been busy with work. First my reply to the Poll then a ELKCREEK RANT. I've never given it much thought, so it must not really matter, I'm an abs and legs guy anyway. As far as tats, a couple of small ones I can live with, a girl covered in them or with a shaved head takes all of the illusion of innocent victim away. Now to the Rant: Why I've almost given up on Japanese peril flicks. For a nation that has destroyed us with innovation in the auto and electronics industries, do they have any creative writers over there? I just received ten, count em, ten Japanese peril flicks from MC. Out of the ten, three are barely acceptable, and there are a couple of good scenes scattered through the other flicks. In case your wondering what the plot is, literally their is only ONE PLOT. A young nubile thing will be overpowered, if she's a detective, ninja or super-hero, she will defeat ten of your best henchman only to be chloroformed or knocked out by the one she didn't see. After defeating ten of your best henchman she will be held down while you spend the next twenty minutes trying to give her the best orgasm she ever had. During this segment, most of her clothes will remain on, and if her clothes do get removed, her skirt will stay on and be pushed up to cover her cute little tummy. God forbid an American will get to see that. Then after her twenty minute orgasm, the girl who just defeated ten of your best henchman will be untied or let go so she can give all of them blow jobs. It is as if women lose all Karate skills or superpowers after an orgasm. Then she will be raped. Rape in Japan, must be the definition of all sex with men, because no forced victim is going to willingly go on top or give hand jobs during any "rape" I've ever heard of? Then if it's a super-hero or ninja, either she will willingly become your love slave, or the rape will give her all her karate skills and superhuman powers back and she will defeat your henchman and escape. I want to like these flicks badly, because the chicks are hot and the scenarios aren't that bad. But I'm not buying anymore without a) knowing whose in them, b) seeing something more then the cover for a preview c) hopefully reading some kind of a review. And how about just a few more creative scenarios? Like a captured spy? Interrogated revolutionary? Undercover cop whose cover is blown? Or a reporter? It seems our Japanese brothers could learn a few things from ZFX. They have some great advantages, They have far more actresses who are easier on the eyes, they seem to have more lenient regulation. What they don't have are imaginations. Maybe we let them off to easy by continuing to buy the stuff? |
Name: | Jefferson James |
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elkcreek: What I see is something that might be referred to as the Bill Zebub Problem, to pick on one I consider our own. People tend to create their art for themselves, not for someone else. I know my stories are written for me. I have had people ask me to incorporate toe sucking or tickling in my rape stories. It ain't gonna happen; they don't fit my fantasies. What would the ultimate GIMP movie look like? There ain't no such critter. If Ralphus was in charge, the women would be burned at the stake, but then you would have to figure out a way to strangle them at the same time for the aphyx people and zap them for the electro people without getting the whip tangled in the wires, noose or burned by the flames. You need to make them eat from a dog dish for our Canadian friend and rape them for others such as me. My point is: a movie that catered to the tastes of all of us would also have a lot of fast-forward material for all of us. Our tastes are too eclectic and often diametrically opposed. You can't please everyone, so producers and directors opt to please themselves. They figure that if they like it, others will too. Perhaps, the Japanese audience, who the movies are actually made for, do love the same plots so much they don't get tired of them. Americans have yet to get tired of a lunch that consists of a burger, coke and fries or the British get tired of tea. Jefferson |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
elkcreek: I'm with Jefferson on this one (and by the way, more producers really should think of including dog bowls). In fact, I'll go one step further and say I like the fact the Japanese producers tend to use the same plotlines. At this point, I only know two words in Japanese -- hai, which means 'yes', and yamete, which means 'stop'. Since I can't follow the language, it's OK with me if Japanese producers continue to tell the same stories and that those stories are relatively easy to follow. I can enjoy the victim's suffering more if I have some sense of the story around it. At the same time, there is a bit more variety in the Japanese films than the one plotline you mentioned. I don't know what MC is, but maybe you need to look at other distributors. Within the bondage/torture genre alone, the Japanese porn films include stories about teachers being blackmailed, doctors who are overpowered, prisoners of war being tortured and raped, jewel thieves being taken captive, women being tortured by their crazy uncle (usually played by Randa Mai), and of course the movies about young women who are kidnapped and taken to an island where they are trained to become sex slaves. And as you mentioned, there are stories about secret agents and ninja warriors. Plenty of variety, if you ask me. ----- The poll question: Hmm... something tells me the results for this one may end up being as lopsided as the results in a typical Lou Dobbs poll. Anyway, I like to see bush. There's something about the bald eagle and Hitler moustache looks that I don't like. I don't know the reasons why, but I prefer fur. |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
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elkcreek: Thanks for getting us started on a particularly interesting thread. Now, I haven't seen too many Japanese peril vids just because the superheroine theme doesn't exactly excite me, but I know others seem to dig that. I agree with A Canadian that there are many different genres of JAV films out there, and they're all going to follow a basic plotline because that's what their fans expect. I'm not nearly as well-versed in what the different companies offer, but I know I've found a company that offers the kind of stuff that appeals to my particular perversion, that being the Attackers JB series. Their basic storyline is: Attractive woman (or sometimes women) is targeted by a crime syndicate and tortured mercilessly until she is broken. She's usually whipped, shocked, might vary from film to film as to what kind of punishment she'll endure, but by the end, she's suffered quite a bit and the movie is over. Usually little or no rape or sexual scenes except for the occasional forced blow job. These are primarily torture movies and most of them deliver the goods...if that's what you're looking for. I don't usually vary my Japanese selection much because I've hit upon a company that makes the kind of movies I like to see. Our Canadian friend, on the other hand, favors a lot of forced sex, hence the high grades given to the most recent Shark Special vids he recently reviewed. A Shark movie is going to usually be heavy when it comes to rape themes, which is why I usually steer away from them, since I'm more of a torture man. The point is, there really are a lot JAV vids that appeal to different fetishes. Maybe this particular company that makes the peril vids you're watching doesn't put a lot of stock into realistic rapes, which to me, sounds like a waste because I hate "rape" scenes that ultimately turn out to be consensual sex. But again, somebody must like that because they keep cranking them out the same way. I guess if they don't appeal to you, move on. Not long ago, Larry from Video Mayhem posted that he wondered why other producers don't pattern their films like Rick Masters does with ZFX. That's a good question. ZFX films are unique in that they really cover quite a few bases which makes them appeal to a great number of fans. And even then, I pretty much believe Rick really is making these films for himself. He's probably not into the tickling or foot fetish stuff, but any given ZFX film is going to include one or more of the following: tight bondage, gagging, whipping, forced blow jobs, rape (usually bondage rape), candle waxing, electro, hanging (he's done that at least once), cigarette burnings, clothespin torture, tentacle hentai rape, strangulation, suspension...the list goes on and on. He's even had Lisa Kinkaid eat from a dog bowl. Whereas the Japanese companies specialize in different fetishes, ZFX is an amalgam of several different bondage fantasies, which makes them a genre onto themselves. There are many companies that cover some of the same ground, but none of them do as many things...and do them as ZFX. Now, if only I can persuade Rick to burn one of his victims at the stake, I can die happy :) |
Name: | Emerald Wolverine |
E-mail address: | |
Hello again folks, as a long time lurker who only posts about once a year {yeah I'm that lazy} I am moved to add my comments regarding JAV and it's creative merits. Elkcreek has a point regarding the repetition regarding the basic plotlines but as others have mentioned there may be far more films out there than you imagine. I have picked up vids from a variety of sources and my tastes in general run more towards the forced sex aspect of peril than simply peril for it's own sake. I submit that the repetition of the storyline isn't the entire problem but the skill of the actress in question. Some JAV actresses are beautiful and look to be wonderful victims until they have to actually perform as defiant or scared or beaten, etc.. then they behave as if they went to the Brandy Dean school of damsels in peril acting. :) Again I grant you that some of the repetitve nature of the vids may be due to quirks in Japanese culture which I personally cannot fathom {schoolgirl vids do absolutely nothing for me - give me a fantasy victim capable of some fight at least!}. I'm sure that most here who follow JAV know who Riko Tachibana is {though now retired she was an excellent actress}. I would also suggest trying for find something with Kaya Yonekura for her acting skills or vids with Mai Hanano {an overall stunner IMHO}. Also of note as has been indicated by others in reviews, the Shark series have been getting increasingly more slick with their production values of late. Perhaps one of these days I will be motivated to comment on a vid I've seen and maybe steer someone to a gem they've been looking for. "In the darkest corner of the mind lies the truth" - Wolvie |
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
Canadian: who's the knob who gave a low rating to the guillotine scene from Bloodsucking Freaks?
Maybe someone who, like me, finds guilotine scenes to be boring and dull? Set up so we can see her face with each caning and the sense of danger is sooooo much higher!
Poll: Shaved pussies on GIMP victims: A good thing or not? What is your preference? Do you think having the girl shaven somehow makes her less innocent as a victim?
I think a bit of a trim (no wool, please) is OK, but too much does destroy the "innocent" look. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Emerald Wolverine wrote: I'm sure that most here who follow JAV know who Riko Tachibana is. I would think so. But in case someone doesn't, here are some clips: I don't know anything about the other actresses you mentioned. Any tips about movies we should be seeing would be appreciated. |
Name: | Sardu |
Homepage URL: | |
I have watched a few clips off this site, and there are some gems here. They have a lot of ZFX flicks up for view, as well as some classic HOM vids. But what I really enjoyed were the old 8mm California Star roughies. Man, those were great. There was no sound then, and it seems like the 1920s movies in that the actress had to emote more to get her point across. With no talking, it doesn't really matter if the actress can't act, and you don't have to listen to whiny mmmrphs, and repetitive lines. The camera angles were actually creative and artistic in a way... like one scene where the girl's glasses get ripped off, and the camera looks through the glasses at the struggling girl and her attacker. I think Rick Masters came close to these, but I haven't seen any modern film makers even coming close to the quality of these old movies. |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Emerald Wolverine wrote: ...then they behave as if they went to the Brandy Dean school of damsels in peril acting. :) THAT is too funny! If anybody has ever seen Brandy Dean perform, you'll know what he's talking about. Gorgeous redhead, big, firm, natural tits...and couldn't emote if her life depended on it. Dan Hawke managed to get at least half a performance out of her, even though she spent most of her onscreen time watching herself on the video monitor while he was working her over. But she did some work for other bondage producers, including Hardcore Abductions, and she was so quiet I could swear she was actually sleeping! They might as well have been tying up a mannequin. If you look at her, though, it isn't hard to understand why she found regular work. She was stunning. |
Name: | elkcreek |
E-mail address: | |
Well, I'm glad I opened this can of worms. Perhaps the thing that drives me the most nuts is the opinion of many of the Japanese writers that orgasm is the ultimate form of torture. Most of the girls I've been with certainly don't feel that way. And if they did why would they fake it so often? Secondly, the chick is hot I want to see her. One of the plusses of the Slave Island series is the girl is nude. I was reading a book about torturers of the third reich and often the first thing they would do is strip their victims (both mail and female) to impress upon them that they were not in control. I like a tight small stomach, I WANT to see it, I can't imagine there aren't some "ab guys" in Japan too? I've got whole rape videos, where the belly button seems to receive more censoring then the stuff they are trying to censor. Perhaps this is one of the reasons I like stomach punching and the GIGA stuff. The girl is defeated in battle, she is a victim before the torture starts. As far as suggestions to improve the situation, there are a few things our vendors could do to help. I know the guys at VM read this forum, so here goes. 1) Give us a brief description of the action inside, the box cover is not enough many times. The more detailed the better. 2) Let us know who the actress is. As was pointed out here earlier, while many of the Japanese actresses are cookie cutter, there are some girls that "sell it" far better. But often the blown up box cover is not detailed enough for us to read. Also, try to set up search engines that will search by actresses name. I'll make exceptions when I order depending on the actress, and you'll definitely promote more business if the add ons from other material are available. Some of the Actresses I look for are Jyuri Wakabayashi, Ayumu Kase, Riko Tachibana, Hitoru Akane (who hasn't done any real good stuff yet), Azusa Ayano, and Maria Ozawa ( I know she can't act, but she is damn fine). This leads to my next point. 3) Try to find more variety. I know for instance that both Giga and Baby have productions that tend to have a little more emphasis on physical punishment and less emphasis on giving the girl an orgasm. And yet both studio's stuff are very hard to get here. I'm not ready to spend $90 US for a flick I can't preview. Giga for a fact does a much better job of producing flicks with believable electrical torture, whippings, and physical punishment. And if they have a rape, the girl isn't enjoying it. Here's a couple examples of some Zen Pictures stuff that looks very intriguing; I came very close to spending $60 to order one from Japan last week. I have a suspicion there is some great Japanese stuff available, it's just hard to find. As far as "superheroes"- ninja stuff, the reason I'm a fan isn't the cape fantasy. It's that the girl actually has to be defeated; she actually goes from the confident fighter to the Girl in Merciless Peril. I would love to see some of the same type scenarios, with prisoners of war, police, reporters, etc. But this is a far different scenario from the girl who seems to be enjoying it. That's vanilla porn, and as I recall from a past poll, most of us don't appreciate that. Well unfortunately, that's what much of the Attackers / Shark stuff is turning into. |
Name: | Sardu |
Well, folks I've been thinking about what would make a great bondage website, if I were to make one up myself, and an idea came to me that I thought was interesting. I would appreciate some input on what you think. I personally have some theatre experience, and film experience, and have thought for a long time the video format is the first thing that detracts from anything I'm looking at, including ZFX stuff. I think it would be interesting to use film and then transfer to digital. Also, I think avoiding the use of sound would be a plus... most of these bitches can't act worth a damn anyway, and poor acting also screws up the illusion. As good as Rick Masters was, the poor acting always was a killer for me. The next thing would be the inclusion of an actual story, with new segments of the story being posted every two weeks or so... like a serial. The story revolves around "the sadist" a serial predator who kidnaps and does evil things to beautiful damsels. Our main guy would have his own special place that he likes to take them, and the updates would chronicle his exploits. The old California Star films from the 70s would be an example of what an update might be like. There would be no clothespins, or fake looking whips. Tortures would use camera cuts, and facial reactions to convey what is going on. His tools might include pliers, needles etc. Through the use of latex, fake nipples, and female parts could be made easily (I've made VERY realistic looking severed hands using this technique), and this would make the torture footage very realistic. While I've seen some interesting horror/snuff clips on the net, they just suck completely when it come to believability. The girls aren't usually tied (or if they are it's not convincing), they don't try to realistically resist their attacker, they just seem to invite death... its stupid. And it always seems that the attacker walks in while they are masturbating, looking at bondage material, etc. To put it a different way, I'd like to do a live action Roberts comic. Any input from the group to help refine the idea? |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
elkcreek: I don't recognize all the JAV stars you mentioned, but I do know some of them -- and it looks to me like you have good taste. Particularly noteworthy, in my mind, is Ayumu Kase -- she is really cute and a great performer. For those who are interested, I have posted some of Ayumu's stuff on YouTied, including some clips from Slave Island 7. I put Ayumu's name into my tag lines, so a quick search will help people find the clips. ----- Sardu: I don't have any theatre or film experience, yet, somehow, I still manage to have my opinions. Here are my thoughts:
Name: | Scribbler |
Homepage URL: | |
Just a heads up: a few people that have recently ordered from are not getting their orders filled, and no response to emails. Also seems lyndon's phone and fax numbers are not operational. Might be wise not to order from them til more info becomes available. Lorelei of bedroombondage knows someone that works (or worked) there, and is trying to find out more. You can follow this thread on her bondage forum if you want. The thread's subject is "Anyone ever order from" (Someone also mentioned on a yahoo group that they had the same issue.) |
Name: | zee-ef-ex |
Hair? Fully clean shaven, all the way. zee-ef-ex |
Name: | Emerald Wolverine |
E-mail address: | |
Some further thoughts on the JAV question. I agree wholeheartedly with Elkcreek about the tendency in some videos to focus heavily on giving the woman orgasms, nothing worse than a dozen guys armed with vibrators surrounding the "victim" to pleasure her! It seems to me that this isn't much of a torture at all, again we need to consider I think the cultural difference to some degree. As an example in many of the "forcing the teacher" scenarios, one or two students will rape a teacher at the beginning of the film and take pictures/videos of the rape. These will be later used to blackmail the teacher into more sex. On the surface this seems ridiculous, in the US most likely the teacher would call the cops, have the camera seized and sue the attackers, the school, the state, the camera maker, etc... However it seems that the shame of having pictures posted showing the woman in sexual congress, whether willing or not, is something to be avoided at all costs in Japan {I am not an expert on Japanese culture but have studied it some in the past years as I watched more JAV simply out of curiosity}. As to the nature of the discussion begun earlier, what you get out of JAV likely depends upon what turns you on in the first place. My personal preferences in any film is for DID action eventually leading to some forced sex. The bondage and torture elements can add to the overall effect but are not necessarily central to the story {this may seem to be heresy here, but hey...that's just me}. I read through A Canadian's review of SHK-231 and SSP-033 since I also have those two videos and had made my own notes on them prior to ever seeing what anyone else had to say. I don't know how much I can help Elkcreek and others whom I am guessing favor more torture than rape {a guess on my part} but perhaps A Canadian and I could compare notes as we may have more interests in common here. Let me also ask at this point of out illustrious leader Ralphus, I have my own notes of more than a hundred AV titles which I have seen and could share them if desired, they aren't exactly detailed reviews but simply serve to remind me about specifics regarding a video {and its scenes} I have seen. I can post my notes about SHK-231 so that folks could compare them to A Canadian's review and see if my notes would serve as a useful guide. If so I am more than happy to open the floodgates on the rest of my collection. "In the darkest corner of the mind lies the truth" - Wolvie |
Name: | BP |
elkcreek wrote: Well, I'm glad I opened this can of worms. Perhaps the thing that drives me the most nuts is the opinion of many of the Japanese writers that orgasm is the ultimate form of torture. Most of the girls I've been with certainly don't feel that way. And if they did why would they fake it so often? ********************************************************** Remember that song that went "Good Girls Don't, But I do" A proper captive would never have an orgasm unless it was with the Man of her love. Not some disgusting pig that will and keeps violating her. Anyway with the Japanese it is a culture thing. Women don't enjoy sex, Men do, Men have a few on the side for their needs and the proper women lives undamaged. Of course this is just the opinion of a Boiler. I like the Japanese movies to see them tied in every way short of a pretzel. They take a licking and keep on ticking. Maybe to fill them up with the enema bag till their eyes pop out but I'm not a fan of seeing the exit but let them just keep it in till the movie is over. And in conclusion my main reason for liking the Japanese movies are the girls may not speak English but they sure scream out in pain in English. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Emerald Wolverine wrote: Let me also ask at this point of out illustrious leader Ralphus, I have my own notes of more than a hundred AV titles which I have seen and could share them if desired. The question wasn't put to me, but I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say the information is definitely desired. Many of us are in a constant hunt for that GIMP movie that rises above the pack, and all information is welcome and appreciated. As far as me sharing my notes, well...uh, ahem... I don't actually have any notes. But I do have a pretty good recollection of which movies left me feeling hot, warm or cold, so I could certainly provide feedback on any titles in your 100 list that I have seen. As for your comments on Shark 231 (SHKD-231), they may prove to be timely. Currently, I think that film is pretty hard to find. To the best of my knowledge, it is only available at, listed as "Rape Investigation." However, Shark 231 and Shark Special 35 are part of a new special release from Attackers which I hope (fingers are crossed) finds its way to North America. So there may soon be a whole new audience for this movie, which I still consider to be one of the best. Finally, on the issue of forced orgasms, I'm with BP. I think the thrill is watching the victim submit to someone who disgusts her, and if it's done right, I love those scenes. |
Name: | YikYakker |
Canadian: who's the knob who gave a low rating to the guillotine scene from Bloodsucking Freaks? jhlipton: Maybe someone who, like me, finds guilotine scenes to be boring and dull. I'm with jhlipton on this one. Nothing turns me off more than the girl getting killed. After all, once she's dead, the fun is over. (Well, for most of us anyway. Maybe there's a special forum out there for those who feel when the girl is whacked, the fun begins.) |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
YikYakker: Clearly, you and jhlipton don't like the guillotine scene from BSF -- but you're going to have a tough time convincing me jhlipton shares your concerns about death scenes. Check out the "snuff" section in jhlipton's blog. ----- Moving on to another point of some disagreement, one of the best "vibrator" scenes of recent times was An Nanba's scene in Shark Special 33. I would imagine that scene is included in the newly released Best of An Nanba. Similar to Chihiro Hara, I suspect An Nanba (sometimes spelled Ann Nanba) is an acquired taste, but I like her. |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Sardu: I'm not sure from reading your post about how you would go about making your own bondage website. Would you be shooting your own material? If you are, definitely don't nix the audio. Sound is an incredibly important part of the presentation. If you have girls who can't act, either gag them so they can't speak or else find some who can emote. I do like the idea of the bondage serial, though. Heck, the old time serials from the 1930s and 40s usually left you with a damsel in some sort of dangerous peril situation from week to week, anyway, even though the payoff was usually a tease (she would get rescued). If you make it so her tortures get worse or she has new bad things happening to her every few weeks, like Roberts does, now THAT I would buy. --------------- Emerald Wolverine: Sure, drop me an e-mail and I'll see what I can do. We're all about collecting more information, particularly the JAV titles because there are so many out there and we have comparatively few reviews about what's in them. Even shorter capsule reviews could be helpful. --------------- YikYakker wrote: ...once she's dead, the fun is over. Okay, I can understand that point of view, but does that entirely ruin all the fun you just had beforehand? The chick was being tortured, having her bare ass beaten while in a perilous situation, having to hold the rope in her teeth so the blade wouldn't slide down and decapitate her. If the scene had stopped (or if you had stopped watching) before it did, would it have turned you on? To me, that scene is a lot of fun. Watching her head get sliced off at the end was the payoff, sort of the "orgasm" of the scene. I'm not sure I have the death fetish, but I can't help smiling every time I watch that scene again. Memories... |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Dr. Yuya: Damn, I missed it when you first posted this clip at the start of the month, but this scene from Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs is a classic. This is another one that deserves to be among the most highly rated clips. There's something here for fans of rape, torture and humiliation -- and Miki Sugimoto is a beautiful victim. |
Name: | ekcreek |
E-mail address: | |
Canadian, First I agree with you on Shark 231 and Shark Special 35, 231 is excellent although my favorite girl in the flick (Anju) got the least physical treatment. The other girls got electro shock (only a fair job) and punched a bit. At least they held all the girls down. Ayumi Kase is great in 35, while it's not my favorite, at least she was roughed up a bit and held down. As far as the forced orgasm scenes, I think they would be more believable if the attacker started out with penetration then did the orgasm thing to kind of seal the deal. I can't imagine a real rapist with a some hottie spread out in front of him, saying, "Gee, I think I'll disgust her first with a slow orgasm". Nope, rape is a selfish act, and that rapist is going to want to please himself first. As far as "good electric vibrator scenes" I agree there are a few. The stuff from Baby studios tends to be a little harder core. With the girls writhing and screaming. And Rico Tachabana was spread eagle to one in one of the best scenes I've ever seen in "Transformation Project". In all sincerity, I try to imagine that it is electrical torture the girls are going through. I much prefer that scenario. The other thing I wish you would see more of in the Japanese flicks is girls passing out from pain, even if it was a multiple rape. This is one of the things GIGA does great in their "heroine suppression" series. I also like scenes when the girl is lying nude and helpless at the end shaking in hopelessness. I do wish there was a way to get some of the GIGA and ZEN pictures flicks here cheaper. The one I linked to earlier (Space Heroine Mary) looks exceptional with her in a bikini tied AOH, soaked, getting electrical torture. GIGA's TBB 19 which I reviewed here earlier is excellent for this type of stuff. It doesn't have a rape, and I wish they would have removed more clothing. But it is very believable. And the actress sells it. Black Mask for GIGA is another good one, and it does have a rape. For the record not all GIGA is great stuff. I just got GXXD-04 and it is very poor. The girl has a fair body (not real tight) and she's wearing a huge hat which covers up a cute face and her eyes for a vast majority of the movie? I have no idea how this one made it out of the studio. Perhaps someone has a hat fetish? Also a quick mainstream note. Doomsday hits the streets next week. I believe it has one of the best mainstream scenes I've seen in years with the exceptional Rhona Mitra. She is also tied up one other time in the movie. It is well worth it. Also if anyone knows were I can get GIGA TBB 16, I would be forever in your debt. A Giga flick with Rico Tachabana is worth premium dollars in my book. |
Name: | Brutus |
Poll: I think other GIMPers here have explained it extremely well: a nicely trimmed beaver is ideal in movies and in real life. It indicates good hygiene, not sluttiness. An overflowing pelt just reminds me of those frustrating days when I had a pube stuck in my throat, while a bald muff screams out porno star, not innocent victim. The most disappointing thing I see in clips these days is when the "innocent victim" is not only shaved bald, but also has clitty rings! Japanese movies: I know I'm repeating a lot of what has been said but Japanese studios each seem to generally follow their own specific premises. For example, I enjoy the Attackers movies whose codes are JB, ATID or RB because they are more torture-oriented. The SHK stuff is heavy on forced sex, which tends to get tedious for me. FYI, A Canadian, one of the earlier "Zero Woman" movies stars the lovely Iijima Naoko who gets whipped by an evil midget at one point. Not quite the guillotine scene in BSF, but nice nonetheless because she's so hot. Sardu: I like your idea for the Website, but I would also prefer sound. Some of my favorite moments are when the damsel is pleading, screaming or sobbing through a secure gag, even if she's a bad actress. Also, if you lose the sound, it could take away from the character of the villain. I'd prefer to hear his threats and taunts. As for the instruments of torture, I think you'd need some sexually-oriented devices, especially if you're gonna do something on the lines of a Gary Roberts' comic. Have her broken down sexually and maybe use the pliers and other hardware for the last segments of the series, when she has to endure extreme physical punishment, disfigurement and death. Elkcreek wrote: It seems our Japanese brothers could learn a few things from ZFX. Truthfully, I think bondage producers around the world could learn a lot from Rick. My binge purchases of bondage movies have become quite limited since "The Jackbooth Job" was released. I've wasted so much money and time by taking a chance on something that had a cool picture on the cover, only to find that the scene wasn't in the film or the rest of the movie sucked. That's why the reviews section here is one of my favorite places. I rarely buy or rent anything these days without reading an honest opinion first. So I would also welcome Emerald Wolverine's notes on his Japanese collection. While I admire and have tons of respect for, Insex/Hardtied and others, their semi-consensual stuff doesn't really ring my bell anymore. Steve Power a while back kindly explained the legal and financial ramifications of trying to do what ZFX has done, so I understand the difficulties. For my particular tastes, the Japanese movies and Jeff Gord comes closest for what I want in lieu of Rick's hiatus, but I much prefer the simple, in-your-face tortures combined with the plots that ZFX offers. The wait continues ...
Name: | zee-ef-ex |
I wonder if Obama likes porn? It is not a far-fetched question. He is only 46 years old or so, well within the time frame in which porn became more accessible and mainstream on videotapes. He's at least 10 years younger than Bush and Clinton. I'm hoping we get a president who has actual experience with porn AND resists the urge to "rise above his principles" and throw bones to the rabid religious wolves. The fears expressed by Steve Powers mentioned below have their genesis in a president who declared himself another one of those boned-again Christians and in the course of ruining our country the last eight years, included among his ruinous policies a witch hunt on porn. zee-ef-ex |
Name: | Accountse |
I fully support today's picture and it´s text "Nothing hotter than a babe hanging by her wrists". In fact, I have been searching for pictures and movies like this on the net for many years, but it´s hard to find them. Strange, since it´s a very powerful way of torture. Once strung up, the victim does all herself with her weight while the torturer doesn´t have to do anything. Time works for itself and it works fast. In real life this is my absolute favourite, but normally the girl can only take one or a few minutes of hanging by her wrists before she screams for release. Of course, this means she have to be carefully gagged. It´s a great turn on to focus on her bare feet when she is raised and her feet are forced to arch more and more. When she finally takes off from ground, it´s another great turn on to see her toes pointing to the floor, franticly searching for support of her weight from her hands but in vain. Many times I use a foreplay during which I keep her tied up with her hands tight strung to the ceiling so she has to stand absolutely straight for a longer period of time, before I hoist her off the floor. During the foreplay it´s a given pleasure to whip her and play with her nipples with clothespins, but also to leave her alone for some time which she will not know long. To see on a video afterwards what she tries to do when nobody looks is also highly enjoyable. Anybody have tips of where to find pics and download videos of girls hanging by their wrists? |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Accountse: You should probably check the videos and photos on YouTied, a website that was started about a month ago. There aren't many suspension scenes or photos yet, but here are a few: Trailer for Big Doll House (a quickie) |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Accountse wrote: Anybody have tips of where to find pics and download videos of girls hanging by their wrists? Dude, we have an entire database devoted to women hanging by their wrists (along with being stretched on racks). It's the restored Torture Rack Scenes Database, full of pictures and video clips. Did you forget all about that? Anything with an "S" next to the movie name is a suspension scene. |
Name: | Accountse |
A Canadian: Thank you for the tips. I have been checking YouTied from time to time and really like the concept of the website, but your tips were valuable as I haven´t had time to go through everything. Thanks. Ralphus: Now I have checked out all the items in the database marked "S", hope I did not offend you by overlooking this before! Lethal Games looks interesting, so I am sorry that there are no pics or video links. I have tried to find more about the movie on the Internet, but so far no pics or downloads. As it´s stated in the database "This one is hard to find", but I really hope there will be more added about this movie in the database. I did find several good pics and video links in the database, although I am picky about how it should be done. I like the bondage to be done by ropes, not leather cuffs etc, and I want the suspension to really be hanging by the wrists, not the victim hanging on by her hands as seen in some samples. That destroys the realism. Sometimes you can see the victim sweating heavily. That enhances the realism because it´s a sign of the unbearable tension of her muscles. In some of my real encounters with suspended girls they soon have had pouring sweat from their armpits! |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Accountse: No, it's cool, I wasn't offended. I just wonder how many people knew that the Rack Database includes movies with suspensions. That was what Tony Wood was into and he was the one who created the website. Most of the entries in there were his. Lethal Games actually was one of the entries that I added myself. When I wrote that "This one is hard to find", it was just because I knew it had never been released on DVD and probably won't. However, a quick Google search indicates that the movie can be bought used on VHS for only a buck! The link is in my Homepage URL. Like Blood Symbol, it was one of those movies in my personal collection that most people have never seen but still contains GIMP scenes that did it for me. Besides my rack scenes entry, I also listed the film in The Mainstream Rape Database as well. Since you asked for more information, here's my synopsis of the film in that database:
Lethal Games (1990) Sorry no vidcaps; I don't know how to make them. In fact, I don't think there's anything on the net about that film except for a picture of the box cover. The victim Anne Ricketts sort of resembles Bond Girl Maryam d'Abo, if that helps. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
zee-ef-ex: Since no one else jumped in, I'll give you my thoughts on the Obama/porn issue. In my view, it doesn't really matter whether or not Obama likes porn. I say that because I don't always see a connection between the personal likes and dislikes of public figures and the positions they hold on issues. We've seen "family values" politicians who are outed as being gay, senior church officials who call for a return to morality while they cover up incidents of child rape, a governor that wanted to crack down on prostitution while he was privately paying for a high-priced call girl, etc. Time and time again, it seems public figures somehow manage to compartmentalize (did I spell that right?) their private lives and the positions they hold in public. So the question isn't whether or not Obama likes porn (I'm sure he does), but whether he feels the need to pander to anti-porn forces, be they religious wack jobs or militant feminists. It's particularly worrisome when the issue is violence in pornography, otherwise known as quality porn. I hope Obama is somewhat libertarian on this issue, but I don't really know. Perhaps, as a younger politician, he's more open minded. Let's hope so. |
Name: | madmax |
E-mail address: | |
I enjoyed this outdoor set a lot... very attractive model and I wish more outdoor photos would be featured... it gives the bondage a boost in realism, like she could be left alone out there... |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Recently, Time Magazine ran an article about an old guy in Japan who works part-time in porn movies. While this might initially seem off topic, the part that caught my eye was this line: "A popular young actress can earn up to $100,000 per film...". Geez, one-hundred grand per film (for the popular stars). If that's true, it certainly explains why there are so many attractive women in JAV films. I wonder what the salary is like for a typical JAV star? One guy on JAVTalk suggested it is $10,000 per film. |
Name: | ekcreek |
E-mail address: | |
A couple of quick comments about the upcoming elections. First I am a true conservative, I don't believe the government has any business in my personal private choices (especially the federal government) whether it's what kind of light bulbs I buy or what kind of porn I watch. Unfortunately, their are no true conservatives in the race on either side, and we haven't seen anything close since Reagan. The problem with central government power is it doesn't really matter what the President believes. The Bureaucracy takes on a life of its own. Plus once you've given the regulators the power, what will keep the following administration from expanding that power in a different direction? It's not the President or the Attorney General I'm worried about; I doubt they have the time or energy to be real focussed on porn (except child porn). It's the mid level bureaucrats that will get you every time. In a lot of cases they carry out their own agendas, and once they get started, no politician is going to say he supports bondage porn and stop them. So when I look at this stuff there is one issue that is key. What is the candidate's view on the role of government and do they value Freedom? I've heard a lot of speeches this campaign cycle both from the Messiah and the Straight Talk Express but neither one seems to talk much about Freedom. And as far as the role of government they both want to expand it, McCain is just Obama Light. Remember this freedom can be destroyed by any branch of government that is allowed unchecked power. The biggest enemy of gun freedom in the Clinton Administration wasn't the ATF or Justice, it was HUD, which carried on a vicious "death by lawsuit" campaign. For instance, if Health Care is expanded as per Obama's suggestions, and mental health care is included, what is to keep the new Health Care czar from regulating porn in the name of "improving mental health"? That's the way this stuff happens. So if individual freedom is one of your key issues, then the first thing you should look at is not the candidate's view on the issue. It is the candidate's view on the role of Government. Like I've said before, for all the carping that we do about the Bush administration, it is the much more liberal than the governments of Great Britain and Canada, which are much more restrictive on porn. I do think that PC is a much greater threat then the religious right. If you don't believe that, do some research on the censorship in Canada of the HRC's (human rights commissions) who are about to put a comedian on trial for telling lesbian jokes in response to a couple of drunk lesbian hecklers. So far the HRC's are following in the fine tradition of the Stalin Show trials with no rules of evidence, and the prosecution and the judge are one in the same. Trust me, your odds are not good if they decide to hear your case. This is happening in a so-called free country, and is a far greater threat to all of our freedoms, then some narrowly defined stop porn campaign. Because once you give the government the power to regulate speech, no one is going to stand up for pornography, that's for damn sure. |
Name: | Emerald Wolverine |
A Canadian wrote: "A popular young actress can earn up to $100,000 per film...". Maybe the article's author confused currencies and meant 100,000 yen per film! In that case the old women are worth $20 US per movie {pretty shameful for a society that's supposed to respect their elders}! "In the Darkest corner of the mind lies the truth" - Wolvie |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Don't get me started on Canada's human rights commissions (an Orwellian expression for institutions that exist mostly to trample on individual human rights). I think elkcreek has made some excellent points. Once the right to censor has become institutionalized in the government's bureaucracy, good luck getting it overturned. And elkcreek is right that the people who love these human rights commissions and other variations of "thought police" aren't right wingers -- they're left-wing bleeding hearts who think we need the state to help steer our thinking in the proper direction. In Canada, most of the people who are fighting the thought police are on the political right. Indeed, in Canada the thought police go after both the porn lovers and the Bible thumpers. There have been human rights commission rulings that have ordered select church ministers not to preach anything that criticizes homosexuality. While I disagree strongly with the views of these ministers, I disagree even more strongly with the state telling ministers, priests and other religious leaders what they can or cannot say in their churches. It's frustrating for everyone -- even those who might think they have no reason to care. For example, many of the producers who regularly visit here have complained about the amount of file sharing that takes place in the world today. And it is certainly true that many file sharing types are cheapskates -- they just don't want to pay for the goods. But that's not true for everyone. In a lot of cases, the Internet is the only source some people have for some content, as a number of us live in jurisdictions where the state forbids you from importing the materials from a legitimate distributor. I don't say this to rationalize or make excuses for my own actions. I'm an old-fashioned, middle-aged DVD collector -- I don't file share. But I can understand the temptation. I know I have seen things on YouTied, such as Poor Cecily and Curiosity Excited the Kat, that I could never obtain through legitimate means. Compared with Canadians, GIMPers in the U.S. are fortunate, for at least two reasons. One, the right to freedom of expression is actually enshrined in your constitution. In Canada, we talk about these rights, but they aren't clearly established in law. (Technically, the right to freedom of expression does exist in our Charter, but only to "reasonable limits". The qualification essentially means the right doesn't really exist.) Second, you have wealthy and powerful porn producers, such as Larry Flynt and the people behind the Free Speech Coalition, who have the resources to fight unjust laws. In Canada, the people who try to fight (usually gay bookstores) don't have those kinds of resources. Similar to elkcreek's discussion of "death by lawsuit," in Canada the state will often drag out cases in the courts, until the people challenging the unjust laws run out of money. One final side note -- Big Brother doesn't have to look too far to find this GIMPer. The Ontario Human Rights Commission is in the same building as the office I work in (I'm on holidays today, so I'm not too worried about this particular posting). |
Name: | Sardu |
Hey A Canadian, I've been reading about Canada's censor issue for some time, and I agree, you folks have begun down a very dangerous road... a road that we here in the US are slowly slipping into. This just goes to show that the far left as well as the far right are dangerous extremes. As far as file sharing goes, it exists because those who control the media haven't adjusted their distribution to match how the end user wants to receive it. So instead of making money, they make nothing. Let me give you a prime example: In my real life, I'm a karaoke DJ. Three or four times a week I go to bars and people request a myriad of songs they'd like to sing. Now each bar is different, but I usually have what people want. However, keeping up is a challenge. I try to actually purchase most of what I have, but unfortunately, most KJs don't. I've seen libraries with 100 thousand songs on them, and they have just about every karaoke song ever released. To buy such a library would cost almost a million dollars (at $15 for a CD). Frequently, I only need one or two songs of a CD, as the rest of the tracks are crap, but to get those songs, I have to spend good money for them... or rip the tracks from someone who has them. Currently, you cannot just buy karaoke one track at a time. Which means, if I'm going to compete at all, I have to "cheat" at least a little. I don't want to do it, and I'm willing to pay, but there is no model of distribution that will allow me to do that... period, the end. I submit, that if you produce a quality product, and provide an affordable and easy means of receiving the material, you will minimize the amount of pirating that goes on with your material. There will always be those who will try to "beat the system", but most, given the means, will follow the correct course. |
Name: | Accountse |
Ralphus: Dude, it's done! "Lethal Games" is now ordered from Amazon thanks to your link and on it's way. But the one buck you mention turned to three bucks before I found a supplier who could deliver overseas and finally to 15 bucks, with shipment and all. But no complaints, now I only hope that I can watch the movie without any format problems... madmax: I agree with you in every aspect. I like her figure, with something to grab and not bones only. And outdoor bondage gives that little extra of uncontrolled circumstances. The thought of leaving the victim for an unlimited time is a strong spice for me. It should give the victim a final feeling of helplessness. I agree with you that this type of outdoor pics imply the "being left alone" imagination, enhanced by a text as today's "We're leaving you... hanging". |
Name: | Brutus |
Obama and porn: Frankly, I'd be wary of a candidate who doesn't enjoy porn. Any heterosexual male who says he doesn't like seeing hot naked babes is either a liar, freak or someone who is waaaay out of touch with the common folk. I'd love to hear a candidate pull a Michael Bloomberg and say in public: "Porn? You bet I watched it. And I enjoyed it" Doubt it will happen in my lifetime, but it would be cool. I bet Bill Clinton has a large stash hidden away somewhere. Ralphus: Thanks for the description of "Lethal Games." That dialogue between Eve and the Sheriff is a perfect example of why sound is so important.
Name: | Ralphus |
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Homepage URL: | |
Glad you guys liked the most recent outdoor House of Milan series. But all good things come to an end...just so I can add more good things! Anyone remember the very cute bondage model Rosaleen Young? Even if you're not familiar with the name, no doubt you'll recognize her face. I discovered her when someone posted some pictures on one of my Yahoo groups, and her fresh-faced innocent look immediately made me want to find out more about her. She had a unique look, almost too cute to be a professional bondage model. And initially, I didn't find very much. It seems like she just disappeared all at once several years ago. Conflicting reports on the net said she had to retire due to failing health and all her stuff was pulled off the Internet. But I've also heard from different sources that says she wasn't sick at all and simply retired. It's sort of a mystery as to what really happened to her. At any rate, her stuff is indeed very hard to find on the Internet. I've been able to find a number of her old pictorials, though. To be honest, most of her stuff was more theatrical and posed and not nearly as "harsh" as the stuff we normally get into on this board. She was a bondage model who obviously didn't do harder stuff, but I'm still entranced by her. To me, she was the Perfect Girl Next Door...cute face, pert little body, long brown hair, pouty lips and those beautiful green eyes. Okay, I have a crush on her; I'll admit it. I don't know if you guys will like the next series of pics or not, but I tried to pick out some that had some GIMP appeal. I've been wanting to highlight her for some time, so I hope you enjoy the next few weeks. |
Name: | zee-ef-ex |
Ralphus, thanks. Rosaleen is gorgeous. And I had never seen her before. zee-ef-ex |
Name: | Dahlia Delis |
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Hi sexy people To shaved or not to shaved, mmmmhhh Well from a visual point of view as a model, it looks way better shave or trim, I mean it does, at least on me I dont think women should have a lot of hair, only in our heads, if I wanna see or feel hairy thing I will snuggle my cat or my boyfriend, seriously ladies go shave! Bondage wise yes I do think it looks better, specially if you have some rope work done between your legs, it looks more sexy and there is more access to playing and abusing, so it is better in my opinion Here is a new still, not really new but I like it, I love that corset, so tight on my ribs, hot! and I love Steve's ropes as usual I hope everybody is having a great night Dahlia D. |
Name: | Scribbler |
I heard the Rosaleen had some private life crisis of some sort (not explained) and she wanted very much to get her pictures off of sites and the net. So probably she's had some success at that...which is why the hard time finding her stuff. I forget where I heard about this. Since the forum only keeps pics up for a day I think it's OK, maybe, I don't know. |
Name: | Chas |
Concerning Rosaleen Young: She did a lot of work for "Restrained Elegance" and "Shackled Maidens" I still see her listed on Elegance as one of the available models but not on Maidens. You can find many links to her work on the spanking TGP sites. I agree, that her face has that cute innocent look. |
Name: | Sardu |
Hmmm... I too was quite taken with this girl. She did an interesting shoot for her own website not too long ago. She was WELDED to a table... steel bonds, completely naked, full spreadeagle. Decent acting job too. She has a great look. No piercings, no tats, nicely trimmed bush, full lips. Yes, she definitely makes you want to spend some quality dungeon time with her!
Name: | Ralphus |
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Sardu: Just a quick note that I had to remove the last line of your post and your link because it violates our rule about Rapidshare links. The site you linked to is full of illegal stolen material, and we don't promote that here on our forum. I know you meant no harm; just bringing you up to speed on how we do things here. Hope you understand. |
Name: | mothbrad |
E-mail address: | |
I could get used to Rosaleen - for some reason, she looks like she would have been great in one of those 'burnt at the stake' type of movies ... there's something pretty and old fashioned peasant girl about her. |
Name: | Ralphus |
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mothbrad: As a matter of fact, the artist Damian featured Rosaleen in at least a few of his Inquisition manips. He didn't actually burn her at the stake (damn it) but he used her likeness in some other old time medieval torture scenes. As expected, she was the perfect victim. I might run those after this current series finishes up. |
Name: | mothbrad |
E-mail address: | |
Ralphus, good to see that I'm in good company with my ideas. I would VERY much enjoy seeing those pictures, as those Damian pictures (by which I mean, all of his work) are some of the greatest in torture drawings ever. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Here's an interesting piece that appeared in one of our local newspapers, regarding the Max Mosley case and the political incorrectness of some people's sexual fantasies. The piece is really preaching to the converted on this site, but I thought it may be of interest. ------ Maybe it's just the time of year, but it looks like the inundation of items on YouTied is slowing down. Perhaps some of the people who have been advertising the junkier clips are getting tired of the poor ratings they always receive. Some known degenerates such as Hank and Ralphus are still posting clips, and once MasterDetective is back on the job and encoding files, I will also post more material (The ratings for my clips tend to be all over the map -- unlike the people who make their living from this stuff, however, I don't have any reason to care). I hope Dr. Yuya also continues to post as he obviously has access to some quality movies. I think it will be interesting to see how things go on the site over the longer term. I don't think I get as thrilled about "rack" scenes as many other YouTied visitors, but I have enjoyed a lot of the material that has been posted -- much of it is stuff I had never seen before. Some of my favorites include Hotel Paradise and Jungle Warriors. Despite its somewhat consensual set-up, I also like PG Rent part 3. I have a thing for the blonde victim. |
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Last week, elkcreek said he would like to know the stars of the new JAV releases. Well, I have noticed the star of one new release, Shark Special 54, is Erika Sato. This may be noteworthy, as Erika is one of Japanese porn's most popular stars. I have never seen any of her movies, but earlier this year Erika was's second best-selling JAV star, behind Maria Ozawa. Let's hope the journey into the Attackers world (however long or short) works out better for Erika than it did for Maria. |
Name: | Christina Carter |
E-mail address: | |
Hello Sweethearts!! As for shaving, I am definitely a fan of the shaved pussy....or at least a very small amount of hair. This is not the 70's and I hope we never go back to that look's just scary. Rosaleen...yummy!!! Did she used to do spanking videos? Obviously we have never worked together, or I would know, but I would like to be tied oh so tightly to Did anyone see my hogtied update???It is hot if I do say so was one of the toughest I have ever done. I remember thinking in the middle of the shoot..."oh my god...I don't know if I can pull this off"..I think you may hear that come out of my mouth a time or two in the video...along with the swearing that I am known for :). This week I have been working like crazy in California...I did a bunch of girl/girl wrestling, got tied up by Jon Woods and Lorelei, and today was struggling around in Steve Villas ropes. FFFEEEWW...I am exhausted!!!!! Time for a massage!!! I love you guys!!!!! Christina XXXOOO |
Name: | scott |
E-mail address: | |
When I stop and consider today's fashion trends and the porn savvy youth cult icons, it seems to me that pubic hair has lost its relevance in this society in terms of what it suggests about a woman's innocence. I mean there are 14 and 15 yr old virgins out there running around with clean shaven bald pussies adorned with 3 or 4 piercings and tatoos!!! Sexually these girls have already learned and forgotten more about kinky sex than their mothers and grandmothers ever found out. Whether or not a girls is innocent depends upon a whole closet full of things-- does she do anal? are her tits real or fake? does she have sex with groups or just one on one with her BF and how often does she fuck other girls? These are questions that parents need to start asking their daughters by age ohh say 8 1/2 or 9 just so they can keep up with the stuff these girls know about! Scary. Btw, if she's doing anal at a very early age then that's a GOOD sign!! Truly...'cause it reflects her concern about keeping her hymen in tact and not getting knocked up! Anal, at some point became the new preferred method of intercourse among adolescent aged girl...according to various non sci sources such as Dr. Drew ( Love Line radio show). |
Name: | Jefferson James |
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Btw,if she's doing anal at a very early age then that's a GOOD sign!! Truly...'cause it reflects her concern about keeping her hymen intact and not getting knocked up! Anal, at some point became the new preferred method of intercourse among adolescent aged girls...according to various non sci sources such as Dr.Drew ( Love Line radio show). This tactic failed for the virgin I convinced to try anal as an alternative. The very next day she wanted to lose her cherry. She said, "If it feels that great up the butt, I can't wait to see how great it is in the pussy." Jefferson |
Name: | scott |
E-mail address: | |
As far as my preference-- whether I'm working with a model or playing kinky games with some new soccer mommy slut I just picked up down at the grocery store, if we''re doing bondage and if I'm shooting her then absolutely she must be clean shaven. This is not only because it makes for more pristine photograph, it's also for the females comfort and safety as well. When I'm cinching a rope into a model's crotch, she's trusting that I'm able to control the intensity of the ropes stress imparted upon her bare flesh and indeed the roper is focusing upon the tactile feedback transmitted through the rope into his hands. Its an incredibly sensuous sensation of course but its also taking place a few ft/lbs over and above the tensile strength of human hair. Ropes and human hairs tend to entwine and under tensile stress (crotch ropes) hair breaks or its just yanked out by its roots. Either way its the kind of 'pain and suffering' ( injuries) that no one wants. |
Name: | A Canadian |
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Last week, I said I only knew two words of Japanese -- hai, which means 'yes', and yamete, which means 'stop'. Well, I'm pleased to report my knowledge of that language has increased 100 per cent, as I now know two more words: yuki, which means 'snow', and ame, which means 'rain.' Granted, it's hard to imagine either of the two new words being used regularly in a JAV film (although yuki sometimes shows up in JAV names, such as Yuki Toma), but I wanted to share this update just for fun. In case anyone's curious, I picked up the two new words in the Haruki Murakami novel, Dance Dance Dance. |