Name: | Iago |
Comments: BC, I know a few ZFX like that. In Xtractor, Alison Parrish (Mmmm, Alison) starts off in a blue blouse, skirt, hose and heels, and glasses. She ends up in a thong and heels, then nekked (but still in heels). Not by her choosing, natch. Alien Probe 2 has a part with uh, darn...well, not Darby, but the other one...Kerri Downs! (No dis on Kerri, just a forgetful Iago). She wears a rather dowdy business suit (it might have just not fit right), and ends up losing her clothing at the hands of an evil vine. I seem to remember Penelope pace being kind of normally-dressed at the beginning of SuperMax, too. And, uhm, Amy Van Allen in the second Cold Metal movie... There might be others, but I always figure I'm in it for the fantasy, so like the clothing to along those lines, too. Peace, Iago |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: Geez, what a morgue. How about a new topic? We've talked (endlessly) about favorite vids, but now let's talk about WHY that was the favorite vid (we haven't done this, have we?). I'll start... My favorite is Alien Probe. Why? It was my first ZFX movie, and started me watching them, for one. For two, it had great, humiliating scene after scene where Holly is slowly but surely broken down. very cool. Sexy, too, with alien rape, sodomy and "examination." If Roswell was like this the government wouldn't have to hide it. They could sell it on cable and pay off the National debt. Peace, Iago |
Name: | Rick |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Hello to all! It so quiet in here you could hear a mouse fart. Well maybe this will liven you swabs up! Ms. Kinkaid will be paying me a visit next week thursday and has volunteered to answer all you sorted questions. Ok I haven't ASKED yet, but I think shell do it;) Anyway if there's any sorted questions you didnt get to last time around, nows the time to ask. Here's another idea! Forrester Strange Japanese stuff Follow the links to the left...Eden. Back to work I go! Rick:) Dont forget to vote Tuesday. Just do it. |
Name: | zee-ef-ex |
Comments: Questions for Lisa: 1. Have any of your fans recognized you in public? What happened? 2. A lot of us pervy porno viewers sometimes get that weird mind-frag where we come across a non-sexual situation which somehow reminds us of scenes we've seen. An example: An attractive co-worker puts her car keys in her mouth while she puts up her hair in a pony tail. A ZFX- viewer immediately thinks - "Gag!" On the receiving end, has this happened to you after any intense scenes with Rick and his crew? (For example, you have your pocketbook over your shoulder and you are trying to get your jacket off your arm and are temporarily immobilized and think, "Bondage!" 3. Can you please identify for us here, in this forum, some intense thing you have not yet done on screen, either resisted or just haven't gotten around to it, which you will do for your ever-loving fans? Go further for us, please? It would be so cool to be watching a new ZFX flick and see you undergoing whatever that would be, and for us to say out here in TV-land, "Wow, she said she would do it, and there she is". If you don't have any ideas on this, perhaps Rick could mention something to you that he has always wanted to do to you on screen, or to see you do. Just say yes, expand your horizons, 'k? That's it for now. zee-ef-ex |
Name: | AvF |
E-mail address: | HoollywoodVampire@ |
Comments: zee-ef-ex, Your question #1...excellent. The same thing has entered my mind. Has she been recognized and if so was it a favorable or negative instance on Lisa's part. A couple of questions of my own: 1) Do you ever get aroused while being tied or manhandled and if so what is it that brings this about? 2)Have you ever had any problems in your personel life as a result of doing ZFX work, such as a boyfriend not being able to handle what you do on the side or other aspects similar? 3) Not really a question but just a scene I'd love to se you in. An inverted naked/barefoot spreadeagle outside between two trees (or between posts inside, although outside is much better),receive forced oral from about five guys, all shooting their load in your mouth, have some electical wires taped to your breasts and hooked up to a car battery to zap you of your energy and breath, and finally have a clear plastic bag tapped over your head. Rejected teens revenge against the class tease in the woods. Iago, Favorite ZFX vid and why? Phanticide Peepshow II. It starred Chandra and Amy. It included a number of great scenes including a good gang rape of Amy(would have liked more of Amy), Chandra passing out after having a plastic bag placed over her head twice. Her fearful reaction to seeing the bag the the second time is priceless! A good chair tie for Chandra and a great ending scene with Chandra stuggling to keep from choking against a door make this my favorite. Later |
Name: | Joe Smith |
Comments: Lisa, you're the hottest! Ever! 1) Do you have a "day job" outside of these videos and/or what else are you interested in doing? 2) Do you have any other acting experience, like theater or television? 3) If it were legal, would you take a real dick penetrating you? Again, you're just the hottest, that's the only word I can think of. You've made me a happy man many a night when I found your newest tape in the local shop! |
Name: | AvF |
E-mail address: | Hollywoodvampire@ |
Comments: See what happens....I hear Lisa is going to pay us a forum visit and I get so excited I forget to put the greater/lesser P in for spacing. If this is my reaction I'd hate to think what it does to Damien ;) Later |
Name: | AvF |
E-mail address: | HollywoodVampire@ |
Comments: Oh as for link sharing as Rick started here is a new one under constuction. I have no idea how it's going to turn out but it looks promising. Later |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Ooooh, Lisa's gonna be here! Nothing brings out the posters quicker than the promise that an actual ZFX girl will be reading our perverted questions and suggestions! I'll add my two cents worth and salute you, Ms. Kinkaid, for the fine work you've given us in countless ZFX tapes. You really are the fantasy figure of many of the readers of this board and of ZFX fans everywhere. Which leads me to my question. I apologize if it is too personal, but assuming you are not "into" bondage IRL, why have you made so many appearances in Rick's tapes? Is it just the joy of performing, are you an exhibitionist, is it the money? For whatever reason, we all hope you don't stop, because we love what you do! One more question. Is there much pain when shooting scenes for Rick? Do the clothespins really hurt that much when applied to your body? How about the whipping? I suspect it's not quite as painful as it looks. Iago: Favorite tape and why? Well, as mentioned before on this board, my favorite ZFX tape is "The Cheerleaders of Perilous U." To me, it's the quintessential ZFX title, in that it features a cute victim (Chandra Sweet), a wonderful villain (Brian Dunhill), and a simple but believable storyline. Fellow cheerleader Penelope Pace pays nerd Dunhill to kidnap Chandra over the weekend so that she will miss the cheerleading competetion. Dunhill, spurned earlier in the tape by Chandra, is more than happy to enact his revenge. Boy, does he ever! It's the Ultimate Revenge Story for anyone who was ever rejected by a prissy cheerleader-type in school, and it's a title that always keeps me smiling, watching Brian toss off these cruelly- funny one-liners while torturing Chandra mercilessly. He chokes her to unconsciousness, uses clothespins on her pussy lips (raising up her cheerleader skirt to do so, what an image!), suffocates her with a plastic bag, zaps her with electric shock, impales her ass with a giant dildo, and forcefeeds an entire hamburger down her throat. These are just a few highlights that come to mind. Basically, you have Rick's best villain ever, coupled with maybe his best victim in Chandra, and both are hitting on all cylinders in this tape, doing their best work. From start to finish, one of ZFX's most entertaining titles, right up there with the brand new "Ballista 2" in terms of overall excellence. Links! Here is one of my favorite sites, Arcimboldo's Gallery. This is a true artist, IMO. Does some of the best bondage fakes I've ever seen. If you've never been to his site, you are in for a treat. |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: Ralphus, Ya know, I've never seen that Cheerleaders movie. Funny, but I've always had a mind to see it and the "Gangland" series. Also, my "Guinea Pigs" watching sort of stopped at 3. I watched 4 once (rental), but was sleepy and don't remember it well. The place I rented it from is gone now, so I'm sort of stuck. I'd like to see the remainder of that series as well, but it's expensive to collect, and I've heard mixed things about these vids. Both series appeal to my sci-fi/fantasy leanings, though, so we'll see. Hey Rick, when is this new vid due out? We've heard the plot, but not the release date, right? Also, given the time involved, is there moe work going into it than other movies you do, or are you just branching out into other areas? Peace, Iago |
Name: | Damien |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Ohboyohboyohboy.....Ms. Kinkaid's going to pay us a visit again! Before I ask my questions, first a big "Thank You" for taking the time and effort to answer our questions. I think it's really cool! 1) How did you ever get involved with ZFX??? Did Rick run in to you at the local supermarket saying "Mind if I ask you a something...?", or were you already involved in the adult entertaiment sector, or.... 2) Do yo have any input at all in the scenes??? I mean do you just follow the scripts or do you make any suggestions for changes in storyline, dialogues, scenes, camera angles etc. 3) Do you visit this excellent forum on any other occasions besides your visits at Rick's??? 4) Who do you think should be the next president of the USA and why??? (To be honest: from my Dutch point of vieuw, looks to me there's not a lot of choice....Only 2 canditades, 2 parties...) Your nr.1 fan, Damien |
Name: | RR |
Comments: Re: Questions for Lisa If you're not into bondage, then why have you made so many ZFX videos? How did you initially get involved with ZFX? Have you ever had a moment when a scene got too intense and you had to stop it? Would you like to be interviewed by an entertainment reporter? What can I say--I thought that Rick was a bit presumptuous by not allowing Lisa the opportunity to be interviewed by Fred Topel. If she's partly into doing these videos because she likes the attention, then it's a shame to not allow her to get a little positive national press. The way everybody's crawling out of the woodworks to ask her some questions, we wouldn't mind seeing her providing answers to somebody who interviews for a living and would have a more mainstream perspective on the videos. |
Name: | g-in-o |
Comments: Questions for Lisa: 1)In most ZFX films you are on the recieving end of the action but in some, you have the dominate role. Any preferrences? Does your submissive role experiance help out any when you have the dom part? 2) Who is your favorite female co-star chemistry wise? Answers for Iago: Favorite ZFX films and why. Special Lisa Kinkaid edition: (No order) "South of the Border-Atrocities" the penultimate women in prison film. Great whipping scenes, electric torture scene and the incredible upside down immersion scene. Honorable mention to Kelly McKays scenes. "Beyond Driven, Evil Man". An okay film, till the end when Lisa makes her ZFX debut. Could not believe my luck in finding it the first time. "Suffering of Stephanie Renford" Having met Lisa, we then get to know her... "Vacum" Two scenes- the Upside Down whipping (camera looking straight up) and the absolutely incredible bound standing straight with nipples tied scene. The sweat, the gag, the drool- one of the best scenes ever! "Whipshock Experiment" Great electrical on the table, followed by the classic ass in the air assault and whipping scenes. "Underland" The taking off clothes scene before being tied to the round chair. Lisa's body is just beautiful here (as per usual) but there is a certain something about this scene... "Rage Against the Machine" Lisa's bound standing and impaled segments, cut throughout the movie. And many more... Thanks Lisa for all the great scenes. |
Name: | zee-ef-ex |
Comments: First, let me spank g-in-o, because I'm a dominant kind of guy, this is the board for that (smile) and I can't stand misuse of the word because someone I know continually misuses it. The word "penultimate" means "next to last", it does NOT mean the super-duper ultimate, or anything like that. Okay? Grammar lesson over. (smile) Second, some great questions, guys. I particularly like asking how Lisa started in the biz, and whether she would do an insertion-bondage scene if "legal". Here are two variations on the latter question, the first one for Lisa and for Rick. I have often imagined that erotica producers must have their own private stashes, i.e. scenes that you just can't show the general public but keep for your own amusement. Got anything like that, Rick? Lisa? Lisa, have you ever done a filmed scene with Rick which included insertion, not for the public's eyes? Rick, have you done such scenes with any of the girls? Or is it all business, and the instant the scene is in the can it's over, finis, no more fun and games. Also, I haven't seen it in some time but I remember enjoying that straight sex vid of the ZFX girls you did, Rick. Lisa, any interest in doing a straight sex flick with Rick, just so us pervs can see you in all your animalistic sexual glory, compare with your bondage flix, and put two and two together in our minds? BTW, Rick, how did YOU get started in the biz? one url which cums to mind is Every week they post 4 free pics for surfing pervs. The pics aren't always great, and often feature the same girls over and over again, but some of the girls are cute and some of the pics are sexy. zee-ef-ex |
Name: | Robert |
Comments: I just wanted to follow-up on zee-ef-ex's post. He mentioned the site called boundcoeds which I'm a member of and enjoy, although it is quite tame and repetitive as he said. I particularly like a cute young girl named Trinity on the site who makes great expressions of fear. I have exchanged some emails with TCA, the owner of the site, asking if he ever plans to get rougher with the girls or to have picture stories showing the girls getting abducted and tortured. He explained that he intends to keep the site boundcoeds devoted to love bondage, but is planning to open another site at for those with more sadistic tastes. This site is opening soon, and for a short time, you can join the site for free. It looks very promising to me. TCA had a contest several months for the member of his boundcoeds site who submitted the best bondage story. The winner of the contest was to have his story posted on the site along with a series of photographs depicting the story, and would also be mailed photos of the shoot for free. I won his contest!! >:-) However, TCA said that my story was too rough for his present site and he asked me if he could instead post it in a new site he was planning called torturedcoeds. I gladly consented. The story I wrote was named Trinity's Worst Nightmare and was about a maniac who abducts a beautiful young cheerleader while she is walking along the highway in her cheerleader outfit. He transports her in the trunk of his car to his farm in the country for all kinds of fun and games. I can't wait to see the pictures posted from my very own story, if he actually follows through with this!!! TCA told me that he intends to get his ideas for the site from members' suggestions, so be sure to tell him all your favorite, wicked fantasies. If you visit this website, there are already several animated images posted underneath the words, "Welcome to the future of Internet female torture - you choose her torture." The blonde looks very enticing to me! I've never seen her before at his boundcoeds site. Enjoy! I hope other people will post some favorite links. I sure enjoyed visiting the site Ralphus suggested! |
Name: | g-in-o |
Comments: Penultimate- yikes, I can't believe I butchered the word so badly. Point well taken, and yes I did mean ultimate!
Here is a possible zfx scenario for Rick and this esteemed board: A young husband gets in financial trouble, way over his head, with the criminal element. After a pleasant dinner with his lovely young wife, he is roughed up at home by armed thugs. The leader of the group then gives him an ultimatum: Pay up or die. He is then given a third option: His can loan his wife out for an evening of entertaiment to the gangleader. The entertainment would include all the sorts of things of things that keep us comming back again and again to zfx- and they would be all spelled out in advance. Our hero refuses but he is told in no uncertain terms to think about it. With no way out of the problem, the heroine steps to the plate and meets the gang in their lair. She is treated with courtesy and offered a contract that states the terms of the evening, which she signs. With great trepidation she then removes her clothing for the ordeal to come. At this point, the scene totally changes and she is roughed up the most extreme zfxian ways possible. The husband figures out the plan and attempts a rescue.- And yes it is botched. He then has to witness his lovely wifes defilement while he is tied to a chair. For a macabre alternate ending, he could later join in the fun. The couple should have an air of innocence and the wife, a poignant nobility as she moves toward her ordeal, fully realizing what is to come. I have not seen a scenario like this one except in a couple of Japanese bondage videos (at least that is how I interpreted them- but who can really tell?) Two more for Lisa: 1) Do you ever go back and watch your earlier work? |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: g-in-o, you gave me an idea. Maybe something like a Suicide Kings gone horribly wrong for the girl? Or maybe it's a guy who is "kidnapped," and a gang of gal pals trying to get him free, and -they- all get the Rick treatment. Hmm. That sounds kinda cool... Peace, Iago |
Name: | Uncle Sam |
Comments: If you live in the United States, you are not allowed to look at this board until you vote. |
Name: | Sanquinarious |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: I guess this is the place to say what kind of movie you'd like to see ZFX do, so here goes: I'd like to see something done in the spirit of ZFX's old movie "Xtractor", which I liked a lot. The plot revolves around a woman named Adrian Saphos, who was mercilessly tormented in school by a couple schoolgirls who considered her to be gay. Well, she was and she went on from high school to college, where she majored in neurophysics and ended up involved with covert mind control experiments. Now working for the CIA she decides to experiment on her tormentors, having them abducted and brought to her lab where she plans to turn the girls into her lesbian sex slaves. I'd like to see more lab scenes from ZFX, with women strapped to tables or chairs, electrodes attached to nipples and inserted vaginally, along with weird things attached to their heads. After the doctor converts her former abusers into her slaves she could have them please her with tongues and toys, maybe even strap ons. Maybe it could be called "Dr. Saphos" or something similar. Too bad they never did a followup to the original Xtractor. |
Name: | boom |
Comments: Hello people, I've been in Paris again finally, appearantly the only place in Europe where you can find (a few) ZFX- videos in a shop. After a boring working day there, I found Viral Load, 666 (2?), Forced Entry, ...Mexican Jailhouse Torture, ...The Pain Principle and Robopimp. Not too much, but besides the three videos that were released on a French label (LAC) here a couple of years ago, it's all of real ZFX I've ever seen. They were great. Specially Viral Load was very good meanly because it is starring the perfect Penelope Pace. It's a wonderfull experience after all the teasing here, seeing the poor quality box-covers and the low-res stills on the site. And than there are two questions: 1. Three films have been released on an European label, why not more? That would make them popular in Europe too, no doubt. 2. Would it be possible to feature hi-res stills and movies in the site? Maybe turning it into a pay- site? Never stop making these really great films! |
Name: | boom |
Comments: By the way and for what it's worth: there is a bondage contest going on at, ZFX is missing in their list of votable bondagecompanies. Shouldn't you change that? (And give Penelope Pace a vote too.) |
Name: | Joe Smith |
Comments: I just saw some clips of Voodoo Dolls. FUCKING GREAT! Beautiful Lisa simply spread, on display and then some fucked up shit happens to her. What other ZFX vids are like this? Most of them have ropes wrapped around the breasts and stuff. I personally don't want to see so much covering the skin. I also love the innocent teddy bear turned into a torture device. So, any similar reccomendations? |
Name: | g-in-o |
Comments: Regarding "Voodoo Dolls." If you like the first "Voodoo Dolls" you should like the second one, which of the two, I like even better. I agree, too much ropes can obscure things and for my money, Lisa just can not be naked enough. "Voodoo Dolls 2" has a similar feel to one with its occult aspects, but alas, no bear. My favorite scene is a suspension scene where Lisa has to step off a chair to avoid being shocked by battery cables, thus a lovely mid-air scene. Better than average whipping scene toward the end. For Lisa spread naked on the bed, I can recommend "Seed" and "When Evil Calls" (?) (the one where Lisa and a beautiful blonde who has made only one ZFX movie so far, endure a home break- hope I got the title right).Although Im sure there are others that excape me at the moment. Question for Rick- Any word on ZFX DVD's? |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: "When Evil Calls" sounds a lot like "Forced Entry" to me. The blond, Jacqueline LaCross, has a stunning body, but is not very animated. When she starts getting into the lesbian action, though, she does pretty well... Hey Rick? You tell us sometimes what you would like to do, but what is the one thing you've always wanted to do, but never been able to do in a video? Peace, Iago |
Name: | Mad Dog |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: My questions for Lisa,: 1. Who knows about your involvement in ZFX flicks, as far as friends and family? You do not have to get specific, but is there only one or two of your friends that know, or do all of them know? Also does anybody in your family know? The second question goes along with the first. 2. The indication that I get, is that you like to keep your R/L and the Vids seperate, but are you willing to answer question from somebody who is curious or do you not approach it at all? 3. Have you ever thought about branching out on your success with the videos? Perhaps maybe a web site or some merchandise,(I don't mean that specifically, I just put that down for an example) or are you just going to end when you feel the time is right and not look back? On behalf of everyone here I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, and tell you to keep up the good work. Mad Dog |
Name: | g-in-o |
Comments: Right you are Iago. I meant "Forced Entry" which was blocked by "Blunt Trauma" when I was trying to remember the name of the film. |
Name: | bdfan |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: My 2 cents g-in-o: Wow, my first bondage video was Special Request as well. I couldn't wait to catch Aja in the sequel, but while Aja has the body (IMHO), she couldn't sell it like Pia. Rick: Just want to tell you I like your work, and to second the request to leave some of the models ungagged. Also I think that bondage outdoors idea a good one, though probably difficult to do in privacy. Along the lines of vintage HOM, I write with a bit of a motive. I've been trying to find more images/film of an HOM model from the early 80s by the name of Lonnie Andrews. There was a chad posting to alt.binaries.erotica.bondage on Saturday and Sunday. Does anybody know where one can find more archived HOM images? Regards bdfan |
Name: | Fred Topel |
E-mail address: | The Reporter Guy |
Comments: When a kind soul informed me that Lisa would be taking questions on the message board, imagine my surprise to find I was still a topic of recent discussion. I'm flattered, especially that you'd think to ask Lisa if she'd talk to me personally. Many thanks. Here are the main questions I would like her response to: 1. As a woman, how do you perceive rape myths and where do you find the line between aggressive fantasy and sending bad messages? 2. Why have you been more willing to participate in the extreme aspects of ZFX when other, mainstream bondage models have shied away? (I refer to penetrations, shocking and stuff, which I know is still all acting.) 3. Do you have any aspirations for mainstream (or indie) acting, and do you see your current work as a step in that direction? What about mainstream adult films? 4. What keeps you exclusive to ZFX besides the Florida location? 5. How does it feel to have fans who enjoy seeing you in distress? Do you feel pride to be idolized or helping people enjoy fantasy? Of course I have many more, but I would be happy to have just answers to these. I'm shooting for a January 2001 publish date, as the holiday movie season will keep me busy covering current films until then. Thanks guys, Fred Topel |
Name: | Robert |
Comments: Greetings Fred. Great to see another post from you in the forum. I sure have enjoyed reading your posts in the past as well as those of your friend, Lorelei. I hope we'll be hearing more from her as well. Very good questions for Lisa. I hope she will respond to them, and I will certainly look forward to her answers. Best luck with your publication. |
Name: | Joe Smith |
Comments: YES, UNGAGGED!!! That's another thing I loved about the Voodoo Dolls scene. We got to hear her protests. If I remember correctly, Penelope Pace was ungagged during the ass ramming in Viral Load, but she wasn't completely stripped. Why not, Rick? That would have made the scene perfect: simple bondage, verbal protests and total nudity with penetration! |
Name: | the Scribbler |
Comments: With so many questions, Lisa's obviously not going to have time to answer them all. So here are a few more! How's it going? Will you be getting naked for Rick today? Are you nude now? (SSLLAAPP...ok, I deserved that) What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like zfx? What do you think of a contest where the winner gets to appear with you in a zfx vid? What's your favorite song? Music artist? Movie? What sign are you? Do you get fan mail? how much? Why do the music soundtracks in zfx videos suck? How long do you think you'll keep doing this? (no, I don't mean answering these dumb questions, I mean performing in zfx tapes) Do you think Rick should get a really nice digital still camera, take some still pictures during production and post them to the zfx website (like I do)? Bush or Gore? (which one would you rather appear in a zfx video with?) Have you made any really good friends at zfx shoots that you now hang with away from work? If I remember right, I think you've said that you don't watch yourself in the videos, and since I'm guessing Rick would give you free ones (of the one's you're in) if you wanted, can I have them? Will you autograph them for me? One day, when you're 70 or 80, will you look back on all this and think "Gee that one guy sure asked a lot of stupid questions?" Thanks for answering any of these. Have a good workday! |
Saturday November 11th 2000 21:29:18
Saturday November 11th 2000 22:28:28
Monday November 13th 2000 09:30:00
Monday November 13th 2000 14:54:17
Monday November 13th 2000 21:32:31
Monday November 13th 2000 22:33:04 |
Name: | Laughingboy |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Rick: Thanks for doing the great interview. I think we're all looking forward to seeing the new stuff Lisa was talking about. Please continue to "push the envelope". Keep talking to her and see if you can persuade her to finally do an anal. Laff |
Name: | Robert |
Comments: Along with everyone else, I'd like to thank Lisa for taking the time to answer our questions. Too bad she doesn't have her own computer so we can converse with her more often. Although she is apparently quite vanilla, it was very interesting to learn that she like many girls had a rape fantasy - of course that was a long time ago :-) Also, I wanted to suggest an idea. It is obvious that many of us, as well as Rick, love the old HOM loops and Bondage Classic videos. Wouldn't it be great if ZFX produced some similar videos! The "ZFX Bondage Classics" like the old HOM Bondage Classics could be composed of a series of short stories which got right down to the action and could also be shot without sound. Not having to worry so much about the script and sound should make it possible to produce material much more quickly. Having various short stories should make it possible to hire a large number of sexy young females. Also, having videos without sound should make it possible to use those girls who are unable to act well but have a gorgeous body and face. Furthermore, I imagine that Rick probably has shot a large number of scenes that he has so far been unable to incorporate into his videos. This could make a perfect outlet for these. Would anybody else like to see Rick's version of the Bondage Classics? |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Re: "ZFX Bondage Classics" First off, I can see the appeal of getting right into the action, ala the HOM loops, but shooting them with no sound??? Those old bondage loops were great, but they were severely handicapped, IMO, by not having any audio. Sure the images were striking, but how much more effective would they have been if you could actually hear the sounds of whipping and the girls' muffled screams? It was the whole reason why I audio-dubbed my own versions of some of the HOM loops, and believe me, the difference is immeasurable. I'm sure if they had the resources back then, they would have put sound in their films as well. But to do it intentionally? That's like deciding to make a silent movie when sound is available or shooting your film in black and white instead of color. Maybe it would evoke a certain mood, but would it really improve things? Face it, we have the best of all possible worlds going right now. ZFX already gives us the hottest girls, the cruelest tortures, nasty bondage rapes, and yes, even storylines that justify the actions that follow. We can hear all the dialogue and all the screaming, and even though the penetrations are simulated, at least there is no optical censoring like you would get with Japanese bondage tapes. You can see and hear everything. Right now, ZFX makes some of the best bondage shows in the world, and I would hate to see the ZFX formula messed with, even though a tape full of highlights is a good idea. Just shoot them with sound, PLEASE! :o) |
Name: | Joe Smith |
Comments: YES! KEEP DOING EXACTLY THE SAME THING! SOTB5 sounds like the shiznit. Just do the same stories with all the rape the other pussies won't show. Of course, only fantasy, no real harm. But make that fantasy work! |
Name: | Robert |
Comments: I just wanted to clarify my last post. I also love ZFX movies just the way they are. I've seen several thousand bondage movies and I consider those by ZFX to be the hottest. I didn't mean to suggest that they change the basic format of their movies - just that they consider also making some movies similar to the Bondage Classics. And, as Ralphus said, such movies would certainly be more enjoyable with sound. It's just that I believe that about 80-90% of the erotic impact of bondage movies is visual whereas I wouldn't be surprised if 80-90% of the time and effort goes into getting the auditory portion right. I've been an extra in several movies and have seen the same scene filmed numberous times until the actors give their lines to the satisfaction of the director, not to mention the time that goes into writing the lines. If it would simplify and speed production sufficiently, I would be happy to forego hearing the sound portion in movies similar to the Bondage Classics. Afterall, I love the HOM Bondage Classics just the way they were. Furthermore, I am nearly as aroused by watching my favorite ZFX scenes without sound as with, but when I try just listening to the scenes with my eyes closed - forget it. |
Name: | the Scribbler |
Comments: Robert, back in July 2000, among other things I brought up HOM, and a few others chimed in. Here's a condensed version of what was posted... excerpt of what I wrote Saturday July 29th 2000 12:03:47 As a big fan of HOMs output in it's early years, I'd like to see zfx or any production company, study the better HOM film loops, the style, lighting, content (zfx needs more HOM style crotchropes!), pacing, tight editing (yes I know part of the reason for tight editing was the 15 minutes max per reel, but that's not the only reason for good editing). The video could be called 'HOMage' and have four 20 to 40 minute HOM style segments on it. Plus add sound, dialog, music that works, and simulated rape and dildo insertion. And if it's good, it would be one instance where I wouldn't mind sequels! excerpt of what RR wrote Saturday July 29th 2000 10:27:24 I’m also a major fan of the old HOM 8mm flicks. One of the nice things about the short format of those old loops is that exposition and plot were kept to a minimum so that the focus would be on the content in the films. I’ve found that those old loops maintained about a perfect balance. When Blakemore expanded to the longer video format, he started throwing in all sorts of extraneous exposition that kept my finger on the fast forward button till he got back to the content that I wanted. I’m not against having a plot or a backdrop to the action. There’s a fine line between exposition and content. A certain amount of backdrop is nice and adds to the flavor of the video. At the same time, there’s, a point where it’s intruding on the action and every additional minute spent on plot is taking a minute away from the action that I spent my money to see. This has got to be frustrating for a director because there’s only so many ways to torment a woman in a ZFX video before the sequences get repetitive to direct. I can sympathize with that, but I’m also into these videos for very specific reasons. excerpt of what Damien wrote Saturday July 29th 2000 07:49:58 Due to some (recurring) technical problems, I haven't been able to read this excellent board for a while, but what a pleasant surprise to see HOM discussed again. If it wasn't for ZFX, HOM would be my all-time favorite. Not only the 15 min. loops, but also some of the full lenght vids are very good. Like Tourist Trap 1 & 2, The Experiment and of course Curiousity Excited the Cat. Speaking of HOM: What could make ZFX even better (is that possible???) are some more close-ups of faces expressing fear and terror. And close-ups if tied hands...oh boy, do I enjoy those in the HOM-tapes. excerpt of what Rick wrote Tuesday August 1st 2000 06:26:19 HOM: Someone (RR....zeeefex?)mentioned I should study HOMs loops. WTF you think I been doing hehe! Seriously, still look at these pieces, they were very well done, and are practically a lighting and position text book to making good bondage flix. Film has a very appealing look that people like, mainly due to the much higher resolution of even 8mm film which has about 3000-4000dpi as opposed to a far lower count for video, better contrast and color reproduction, a different frame rate and other differences that just make it look better. Too expensive though. Anyway I have pretty much every HOM tape ever made(no I cant lend any to you), and I have learned alot from them. They are still very much a measuring stick to be compared with in this genre. This is back in the day before tattoos and tit jobs were impossible to avoid and girls still had a bush, ok maybe a little TOO much bush but... ...and there's more, which you'll be able to read in the archives, if you want, when Maddog updates them. So, obviously, I second, third, or wherever my vote fits in, your "ZFX Bondage Classics" idea. However, I think it should have sound (it's easy enough to watch it silently by turning the volume down). But the sound doesn't have to be perfect during the production shoot. Sound can be dealt with in post production, dialog can be replaced (ADR), sound fx can be added in to enhance things, foley, etc. So Rick could just pay attention to how the video looks during the shoot, and add sound later. Would it cost more to produce videos this way? Somewhat, but the quality you can get from adding great sound to video (even average video) actually enhances the look of the video. If you've ever seen footage of movies and TV shows before post production sound is added, and then seen it after, you know what I'm talking about. It would also mean Pene Pace, who can act, could replace some of the dialog of hot looking actresses who look great on camera, but can't deliver lines nearly as well. Just my view. And on another note, a mini review. Just the other day, found and watched Gangland 1, one of four zfx videos I own. It's about an hour. The first half hour I thought was paced fairly well, though the villain talked too much, and again, it had my pet peeve against zfx videos, the music (50s style scifi music that might fit people with flashlights out in the boonies searching for UFOs, but didn't contribute anything here), made me turn the sound down til I could barely hear it. But still the action was pretty good. The last half hour was why I didn't seek out to buy Gangland 2. The good pacing that this video started with then became a 30 minute crawl of Kerri tied spread eagle to a bed the whole time. Mr. Zen uses clothespins, candle wax and whips her some (Kerri, who's acting was better earlier, was barely responsive to the whipping). This scene could have been edited down to about 10 minutes, and then the content shown in the short preview scenes of Gangland 2 (which looked hot) should have been in this vid. I guess you could say I'm not a big fan of sequel- itis, stretching out the contents of what should be one video into two, for whatever reason, and thus making the first video mediocre in the process when it could have been much better. But maybe that's just me. I give the first half hour a B, and the last half hour a D. |
Name: | HOWIE |
Comments: Ok, I don't really have much to add on the HOM subject, but in keeping with Rick's idea of posting new sites for people in the forum to check out, which I think is a great idea, I've got a couple. Let me first say that I have absolutely no affiliation with either of these sites. I'm just trying to let you guys in on some good stuff I've found. I just found this one about a month ago and can insure you that they deliver good product and service. It's an all adult DVD site. The part that will make you all want to check it out is that they have allot HOM loops on DVD. Just go to the GENRE drop box, select Bondage/Fetish, and you will find them. You can't beat their prices either. For example, for those of you into adult anime, they have the complete LaBlue Girl Box set for just over $30.00. The closest I've seen anyone come to that price is Animenation at $67.00. They have the new Imma Youja box set for $53.00 while animenation is over $100.00. And this is DVD man! I realize that there probably aren't that many anime fans in here, but I'm just giving you a comparison to let you know just how good their prices are. This next one has quickly become my favorite site. It just opened about a month and a half ago, and for those of you familiar with Dofantasy, it's from the same people. It is a pay site and the fee is a hefty $29.99 a month. I can't emphasize enough that it is worth every penny. Just go to the home page and look at the picture that they have posted from the incredibly gifted artist Gary Roberts and you will have some sense of what you are in store for when you go inside. They don't have a free samples section, but I'm telling you, it's worth the leap of faith on this one guys. You will be numb from all of the INCREDIBLE art they have posted inside. I haven't found a picture in there yet that didn't capture some kind of feeling for me. It is fantasy are at its best, and believe me, I've been to a LOT of fantasy art sites. All of it is downloadable to your hard drive, so if you have a CD-R you can create one hell of a CD. They also update quite often. I know that this is starting to sound like SPAM, but I'm telling you I have nothing to do with either of these sites, I'm just trying to let you guys in on some cyber gold that I've stumbled across. Hope some of you enjoy the sites, and also start posting some that you have all found. You all know it's hard to find good sites. |
Name: | HOWIE |
Comments: All right, I just checked, that bondage art site does have a few free samples. Just keep click on the big picture in the center of the homepage, but I'm telling you it doesn't even scratch the surface of what's inside. |
Name: | HOWIE |
Comments: Just went and checked, and the HOM VHS tapes at sell for $29.95. The HOM DVD's at Fivestar sell for $14.95. How can you beat that? On DVD and cheaper. Unless you couldn't tell, I had a little free time tonight. (^_^) PEACE |
Name: | HOWIE |
Comments: Ya Ya, I know, how many fucking posts can a guy make in one night, but something just occurred to me. Iago and others were having a discussion as to the longevity of bondage films. Well, I agree that the lame master slave, and passive tied up girl just kind of sitting there type of bondage videos will fade away rather quickly because they're........well, lame. But the really rough and well made ones like HOM and ZFX that appeal to die hard perverts like the ones in this forum will last for quite a long time. Even longer than Iago predicted with his OS analogy. Point in fact, how many media changes have the HOM loops gone through since their creation years ago. Do you think that the people who were making them had any idea they would still be in circulation today? Now I've just pointed you guys in the direction of a site that has transferred them to DVD. The point is that well made films with really hot chicks being stripped, tied up, roughed up, and raped are few and far between, and the people who really dig this stuff aren't going to let it disappear anytime soon unless the government forces them to, or the industry expands to the point that this type of thing becomes more mainstream and new ones are constantly being made. So I say HERE HERE, LONG LIVE RICK AND HIS CAST OF HOT CHICKS BEING BEATEN AND RAPED FOR OUR PLEASURE!!! Now there's something you don't hear everyday. (^_^) Ok, I'm really done this time. Later |
Name: | Mad Dog |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: My turn to add my two cents in This is all about the longevity of Porn Videos. (Or bondage videos)A lot of staying power (excuse the pun) of videos rely on society's growth. We are a rapidly expanding and evolving society and our needs and desires can change literly from day to day. I won't bring up any examples because all of you can think back to how your life was different when you were a kid. At the time you were happy with that. Now things are different. When I worked down at LS we had a bargain bin for cheap videos for $10 a piece. Now anybody who knew anything about Porno's would not touch these with a ten foot pole, just because they were so bad. But when you were a teen ager (or a kid, depending when you started) to get one of those videos would be like finding Gold. (If you always prefered bondage flicks imagine them in that scenario). My point? Times change as well as our tastes. As far as my taste goes, I love to look at the older stuff vs most of the new stuff. (70's & Early 80's)So I think that those tapes have a place in society. Hell I am even starting to branch out into the old 8mm loops. An interesting little side note, last year when My dad and I were bullshitting out in the garage over a few beers. He told me that when he was young that his brother had watched a film with his dad in it. (My grandpa) I'ts not something that is common knowledge and I am sure that he probally never told anybody about it, but the fact was that he was in one in the 60's? Interesting , huh? I think that some videos will have staying powers while others will fall in a trash heap somewhere. But a lot of it does depend on your style. For me the old stuff works but for somebody else it might not. Although I draw the line at the ones from like the 40's and 50's (Stag films) Sure they are interesting but are boring as hell. O.k. to wrap this up- I agree with Howie on the fact that the better videos will be around longer and have more appeal than the bad ones. So the whole longevity thing falls on indivisual shoulders and personal views. As far as me being in ZFX, I dont regret it one bit, it was an oppurtunity and I have done something that most people wont do, or even think of doing. If this post makes no sense I apoligize I typed it too early in the mornig.
Mad Dog |
Name: | Per |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Howie mentioned the great S/M drawing Gary Roberts. You might want to check out his own website at He offers a lot of free pictures and also sells a CD-ROM with his work. |
Name: | Per |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Howie mentioned the great S/M drawing artist Gary Roberts. You might want to check out his website at He offers a lot of free pictures and also sells a CD-ROM with his work. |
Name: | Robert |
Comments: Scribbler, thank you for all of your reposts on the subject of the HOM Bondage Classics. I had missed reading some of them or perhaps didn’t recall them, and didn’t realize that you had already suggested the idea of ZFX producing its own version of the Bondage Classics. Obviously, I think it would be an excellent idea! About the only thing that could have made the original Bondage Classics even hotter would have been the presence of sound. If ZFX could produce similar videos with sound without too much added difficulty and expense as you suggested, that would be fantastic! I think the title you suggested, HOMage, is very clever and would be an excellent name for such a production, and I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing sequels for such videos either. It seems likely that the idea of such a series would also get the votes of RR and Damien, judging by their posts. I see that Mad Dog also loved these old bondage loops from the 70s and early 80s and Rick certainly did. I agree with the excerpt from Damien, “What could make ZFX even better (is that possible???) are some more close-ups of faces expressing fear and terror. And close-ups if tied hands...oh boy, do I enjoy those in the HOM-tapes.” I happen to have a fetish for beautiful hands and arms myself and love to see close- ups of them in bondage. I might add that something else I would certainly enjoy seeing more of is girls begging like Allison sometimes did, as well as girls being tortured to tears with their mascara smearing, as in the SMX-14 video I mentioned before. Rick’s comments on the subject were also very interesting. I also miss the days when girls didn’t have so darn many tattoos and breast jobs. I wonder if 8 mm film had even higher resolution than today’s videos shot digitally and transferred to DVD-ROM? I’ll bet that people will continue to enjoy those old HOM masterpieces for a long time to come as well as the great ZFX movies. |
Name: | the Scribbler |
Comments: Since Per mentioned Gary Roberts, has any one seen any of the darkstar videos? |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: Howie, Mad Dog, I have to agree with you that I prefer the older stuff a lot of the time when it comes to porn, though after a long and boring interval it does seem to be getting better again. We'll see. My point would be more along the lines that though I like the older stuff, I can't find it anymore. B&D, SM, whatever your stripe of specialty vid is a niche market. They have naturally longer shelf lives because the people who want to see that stuff don't have the selection available to them that mainstream folks enjoy. I've never seen an HOM loop, or a pre-Meese bondage release (hey--that rhymed!). I've never seen them locally, or any of the other bondage/BD pron vids made in the 70's or early 80's. Not for lack of searching, mind you. I am terminally enamored of hot pants and spandex, staples of those days. It's funny, but I tried in the early 90's to order some bondage vids from old magazines and catalogues that I had. All the companies involved were either not carrying them anymore, or were just out of business. I finally found Bon-Vue in an AVN magazine, and that led to ZFX a couple years later. I'd love to see some of the old flicks where bondage and porno ran together, but only ever saw one or two. In any event, my original statement was that most of this stuff fades away quickly. Classics endure, because they generate an ongoing buzz. Everything else just drops as society overtakes it. You know what I think? I think the bondage formula is "broken" right now, compared to society. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think a clue falls in one statistic. Right now men and women under 25 have the same buying patterns. But men and women over 25 do not. GenX is a lot less gender-specific than previous generations. The girls dress hot (been to a club lately?), and are bold. Not exactly waifish victim-types. How does that fit in here? I'll let youse guys figure that out. It makes my head hurt. Peace, Iago |
Name: | Joe Smith |
Comments: I was just thinking, why are there ANY ZFX videos without rape in them. Okay, maybe the old ones were before they went that far, but sometimes recent ones are missing it. Like, SOTB4 was just a torture vid. I know some audiences prefer that, but why not throw in the final blow, so to speak, for good measure? Sounds like Rick will make up for it in SOTB5, but I was just wondering. Sure there must be some women who don't want to do it, but just make sure there's at least one actress in the movie who will. If I recall correctly, Drifters didn't have any either. Sorry to be a dick, but I was just wondering if there's a reason. As I've said above, I'm in it for the pure sex aspect, just spread em (or bend 'em as the case may be), tie 'em and stick it in. Something, anything! You with me? |
Name: | HOWIE |
Comments: Alright, here is an issue I think may have been addressed a great while ago, but I'm not 100% sure about it. It occurred to me that I've never seen a hot black chick in any ZFX movie and was just curious as to why. I could be wrong about this because I certainly haven't seen as many of the vids as others in here have. Ralphus, maybe you can correct me if I'm wrong about this, but I don't think I don't think I am. Now I'm certainly not accusing anyone of racism. That would be silly. All I'm saying is that there are INCREDIBLY hot African American women out there, surely there have to be some that would be up for getting roughed up and raped in a ZFX video. Rick, if at all possible, I would really like to hear your opinion of this subject. Is there any possibility in your eyes of this happening any time soon? Is it just that hard to find black women who are willing to do this sort of thing? I know I would REALLY like to see it happen, and I bet others would to. PLEASE respond, I'm eager to hear your opinion on this matter. Thanks. |
Name: | Mad Dog |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Re:Iago, I see your point, (i'm not slow, I'm just not fast) the older videos were probally much better but you are right they are hard to find. I think that the old "Vanilla" ones are making their way back on the store shelves, partially from people selling their collection and partially from re-releases. Although the bondage ones would be much harder to find. But like I said, in this day and age where society is always looking for the next shocking thing, the classics dont have as much appeal so they will give up their shelf life to the newer stuff Re: Howie I am not speaking for Rick, but I think the only reason he hasnt shot a black chick yet is because he hasnt had the oppurtunity to do so yet. I am sure that he would be very much for it as well given the oppurtunity. Mad Dog |
Name: | Laughingboy |
Comments: Is Rick thinking of working with some of the models from Insex? They do penetrations and there is at least one beautiful black girl. If this has been discussed before, please give me a quick update. Laughingboy |
Name: | RR |
Comments: Howie, depending on which HOM Bondage Classics DVDs are being sold, they might be illegal copies. If you go to Lyndon's website, they're selling some of the early ones for $14.75. I'd be curious if anybody has access to both the video and the DVD version to tell whether any effort was made to get a better quality image on the DVD by going back to the original film stock. My bet is that the DVD is a generation loss taken from the video and the image quality, at best, is the same as the video version, and possibly worst. I'm always amazed at how willing technology junkies are to believe that anything new they get is better than the old. Just because a new technology exists, some folks are willing to pay a premium price to get an inferior product. When DVD is done right, it's superior to tape. When it's shovelware video tranferred to DVD, it's junk. Picture quality is a generation away from the original and the only advantage is that a DVD player won't ever eat the disk. I see the same thing happening with EBooks that cost as much as real books, Photo CDs selling for 6X what a mag costs with less images and lower image resolution, and streaming video as expensive as real video at a quarter of the resolution. New isn't always better and neither is cost. Just because a DVD is more expensive than a video doesn't mean it's better. It only means the company is ripping us off because it costs less to punch a disk on a press than it does to make a video (same goes for audio CDs vs. cassettes). |
Name: | Rael |
Comments: Link for possible ZFX body doubles for dangerous scenes such as underwater or drownings or even cut and edit penetrations (just ask Howard Stern). |
Name: | HOWIE |
Comments: RR, funny that you posted this tonight because I to noticed after I made my posts that the Lyndon site is also selling the DVD's at the same price. That was my mistake and was the whole reason I was coming here to post when I saw your message. Let me first straighten some things out. There are so many subjects that I know almost nothing about that you could fill entire volumes of encyclopedias with what I don't know. The same holds for every person on this earth, and any one who would say otherwise is a pompous ass who knows even less than he or she thinks they do. But hopefully each person finds something in this world that interests them and learns a great deal about that subject. It's called a career. I am graduating Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors in Computer Information Systems in about three weeks. During that time I have written several papers and given quite a few presentations on things such as digital compression of video, digital technology, and HDTV. The reason for letting you know this is not to toot my own horn, only to let you know that one of the last things on earth I need to be lectured on are the merits of this burgeoning technology. I'm quite aware of its advantages and pitfalls. In your post you say, "My bet is that the DVD is a generation loss taken from the video and the image quality, at best, is the same as the video version, and possibly worst." Well lets first go with your assumption that the picture is the same quality as the video transfer. If that is in fact the case you would still be in better shape buying the DVD because digital video doesn't suffer from things such as attenuation or signal noise. If you don't know what either of these are, look them up. I have no desire to explain them. Not to mention as long as the picture quality is the same on the DVD, you now have the option of using S- video or Component hook ups on your TV to further bring out the clarity in the picture. Now lets go with your case scenario of the picture being worse than the video transfer. As I mentioned earlier, S- video or Composite connections could quickly bring the picture quality up to snuff with the analog video signal, not to mention that the digital picture will never suffer any loss in quality because it doesn't degrade with time and continual viewing. It will look just as good in five years as it did the first time you watched it. So as you see, there are quite a few more advantages to owning the DVD than simply not having a player "eat your disk." Now lets go with your whole argument about people paying top dollar for new technologies just because they are new. I have no idea who you are preaching to. My whole point in showing people this site was because the DVD's were CHEAPER than the videos by almost $15. Did you somehow miss that fact? All I was doing was trying to continue Rick's idea of people here posting new sites for people in the forum to check out because I thought it was a good one. Let's take the worst case scenario and say someone went ahead, paid the $14, and the DVD was not up to their standards. So what? Wow, they are now out $14 dollars. How will they ever eat again? But the point here is that I have dealt with this distributor in the past and can vouch for their quality of service and product. As a matter of fact I'm receiving some DVD's from them tomorrow. They are a quality site and I was only trying to let other members of the forum know about them. If you don't want to try them, believe me when I tell you I'm not going to loose any sleep over it. |
Name: | the Scribbler |
Comments: RR wrote... ...depending on which HOM Bondage Classics DVDs are being sold, they might be illegal copies. If you go to Lyndon's website, they're selling some of the early ones for $14.75. Wasn't able to connect to the fivestardvd site today, but I did the other day and I believe the BC DVDs they have are the same numbers (2,4,5 and 6) as on Lyndon's site. Have seen #2 in vhs, didn't care that much for it. Haven't seen #4, but it doesn't look like Blakemore's work to me. Have #5, has a few ok loops, but pales in comparison to #6, which rules!! I'd be curious if anybody has access to both the video and the DVD version to tell whether any effort was made to get a better quality image on the DVD by going back to the original film stock. My bet is that the DVD is a generation loss taken from the video and the image quality, at best, is the same as the video version, and possibly worst. Now that I know it's available in DVD, I'll probably go ahead and get #6. I'll let you know. My bet is that they didn't go back to the original film stock to transfer the 8mm film to video, but hopefully when they did the original transfer way back when, they did it to a BetaSP or 3/4" master tape, or at very least to S-VHS (and not VHS). If they transfer the high quality master tape to a DVD glass master (generation loss would be negligable), the stamped DVDs should look much better than their VHS tape counterparts. Of course, if they used one of the VHS dubbed tapes to transfer to DVD, yeah, then it would look virtually the same. I'm always amazed at how willing technology junkies are to believe that anything new they get is better than the old. Just because a new technology exists, some folks are willing to pay a premium price to get an inferior product. When DVD is done right, it's superior to tape. When it's shovelware video tranferred to DVD, it's junk. Picture quality is a generation away from the original and the only advantage is that a DVD player won't ever eat the disk. Don't want to start a flame war here, and I don't know what you mean by technology junkies, but no one I know personally, who's into high technology, automatically assumes that a new technology is better than old. Lot of people I know feel pro analog audio still holds its own when compared to pro digital. That said, for video playback, DVD is better than VHS, not because it's newer, but because it's better. If someone does a poor quality transfer to DVD, it's not the technologies fault. And if you transfer from any format video through high quality A/D converters to a digital master there is (virtually) no generation loss, at least nothing like the loss you get when dubbing from anything to a VHS tape. I see the same thing happening with EBooks that cost as much as real books, Photo CDs selling for 6X what a mag costs with less images and lower image resolution, and streaming video as expensive as real video at a quarter of the resolution. New isn't always better and neither is cost. Just because a DVD is more expensive than a video doesn't mean it's better. It only means the company is ripping us off because it costs less to punch a disk on a press than it does to make a video (same goes for audio CDs vs. cassettes). Haven't looked into Ebooks, or bought Photo CDs, or paid for streaming video. You know as well as I do, when something new comes out it's usually priced higher than you'll find it a few years down the road. You can get popular mainstream movies on VHS for less than $20 or $10 now. But two or three years ago, these same types of movies on VHS were selling for around $50 to $80. As far as companies ripping us off, did you know that a lot of the time when a mainstream movie is to be transferred to DVD, the sound is totally remixed, often with a version for 5.1 audio which didn't exist when the movie was first released, sound effects are enhanced, sometimes redone, adjustments are made to the look of the picture (adjusting color, for example) as well. Not to mention multi-language issues, and navigation programming. This stuff costs money. Could prices be lower? Sure, and they will be, might take a year or two. Are we being ripped off? Most DVDs around me are $20 to $25, sometimes even cheaper. Not too horrible, and you can now rent instead of purchasing. And now to bring this back to on topic, when is ZFX going to offer DVDs? $14.75 seems like a good price for them. Ok, maybe $30. |
Name: | zee-ef-ex |
Comments: I'd rather talk about the flix than the formats. Lisa said she might go "further" in the flix if she knew what that meant. Here are my suggestions: 1. Let's see a forced kissing scene, Lisa and another girl tied standing face to face, instructed to kiss each other by some maniac who keeps whipping them, inserting things into them, etc., who tells them whenever they stop kissing, If you stop you're not going to get out of here alive. For that matter, it could be forced cunt-lapping, but the point is let's see some over-the-top bound lesbianism. 2. Let's see some real painful clothespin action. Yes, dem clothespins are annoying, slightly naggingly painful when clamped over a healthy piece of nipple meat. But try affixing just the corner of a clothespin to the nipple, and listen to the howls. You can try this at home, boys and girls. A clothespin with just the tip snagging the flesh (try the webbing between your stretched fingers) is far more painful than with the whole top of the clothespin being used for this purpose. And, Rick? We viewers know this. 3. Similarly, let's see more discomforting discomfort. Ball gags and cleave gags are nice, but how about using a long penis gag once in a while? If you don't have one or can't find one, maybe you could jerry-rig one using a ring- gag and a large butt-plug. Again, some of us more sophisticated viewers (smile) would like occasionally to see real pain and discomfort rather than mere enactments of same. Nasty enough for ya? What's on your to-do list for Lisa? zee-ef-ex |
Name: | Ralphus |
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Comments: I've finally got a day off from work, so I can touch on a few comments made recently. Joe Smith: Why are there ANY ZFX tapes without rape in them? Well, actually SOB-4 did have a very good, albeit short, rape scene with Christina Anderson being double-pummeled by two men, one of which I think was Mad Dog. All of the latest five featured at least one rape scene, and of the previous five, only "Miss Ballista" lacked one, although you could make an argument that Penelope Pace's strap-on attack of Lisa might count. I think Rick knows the importance of working sexual assault into the tapes, even if the rapes themselves are sometimes just an extension of the tortures. I'm a torture fan myself, so I'm almost always happy. :o) As a matter of fact, my favorite ZFX vid, "The Cheerleaders of Perilous U.", contained no rape scene at all, but that fact doesn't make it any less excellent. Howie: You're right, out of all of ZFX's works, there have been no black actresses, and only one Asian girl, in the "Tiffany Twisted" tapes. Again, I'm guessing it's more a lack of available performers than anything else. I'm sure if Rick found a black girl who looked like Vanity who was willing to be put through the ZFX endurance test, he would jump at it. Okay, if any of you don't know who Vanity was, that's just me showing my age. Trust me, she was hot! Laughingboy: You're right, Insex has a black girl who appeared in one of their two videos they released to the public before sadly deciding that all of their future shows would be online only (What a stupid move!). She stars in "The Weekend", which can be ordered by going to the Insex link at Slave Labor Productions. I added the URL as my Homepage URL above. I ordered both Insex tapes, and I have to say I liked "The Taming of paige" much more than the other one, mainly because the blonde victim in "Taming" was such a babe! It really makes a difference for me, and improves any tape IMO, if the girl is very attractive. But both tapes feature very ingenious bondage positions and tortures, many of which I've never seen done before. I would recommend them both. That's why it's a shame that Insex is now limiting themselves to strictly online shows, which makes them less accessible to the public and makes it less than convenient to view their material. |
Name: | Per |
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Comments: I just might add that Insex has one more black girl, the lovely BJ! She is featured on the site in more recent material than Samantha, the girl Ralphus refers to. BJ is only featured in on-line material though. BTW,the "blonde victim" in the other Insex tape is Paige, who also is the owner of Slave Labour Productions, the distributor of the two Insex tapes! She has done a lot of modelling for various sites, including her own (, but last time I heard from her she had decided to retire from modelling and only work with production. The bondage world has suffered a great loss! |
Name: | laughingboy |
Comments: Ralphus--Thanks for responding to my entry. However, the question I was really trying to ask is if there was any chance of Rick casting some of the Insex models for a zfx production. Most of them are beautiful and many don't mind vaginal and anal penetration. What do you think? Laughingboy |
Name: | Joe Smith |
Comments: Strap-on rape is fine, as long as there's sexual penetration. Hell, even a large dildo insert is good enough, although thrusting is always fun. But one of my original posts suggested James Bond-like penetration, like a giant dildo shoved up a hot female agent by the villain. That's all I'm asking for, really. Octapussy, by ZFX!!! |
Name: | RR |
Comments: Re: DVD The Lyndon DVDs are a good deal. In general, DVD pricing reflects the model used by the audio CD industry to charge more for a product that's cheaper to produce than cassettes. They do it solely because the public is willing to pay the price. The pricing for VHS movies is interesting because it was a completely new technology that put full length movies into the hands of the average consumer which wasn't possible before (8mm was inpractical for a full movie because of length, about 15 min for a reel, and 16mm was prohibitively expensive). When video first came out, it was an expensive process to dupe them because the manufactureres didn't have the kind of high speed recorders that they did for cassettes. Even once that technology was conquered, the movie studios didn't know how to price them. There was a paranoid period where they throught video would kill theatres and video prices were kept high probably more to make up for projected lost revenues. Then there was a short time when the studios tried to stick it to video rental stores by jacking up the initial price of blockbusters for a few weeks, knowing that customers rent the most during the first weeks of a release, and then released a consumer priced version that was more affordable. Finally, it appears that the studios are comfortable with the current pricing and are making more money out of video releases than from theatres even though theatre profits are better than ever. Some of you dudes are getting way too thin skinned. I was attacking an industry, not anybody here. My post was more for people that don't have DVD players yet. Personally, I'm not enamored with DVD because the TVs we have are the limiting factor to picture quality. I've got DVD on my computer and I was really disappointed about the picture quality on a large monitor. It's modestly better than video, but I'm holding off on an entertainment DVD player till hi-definition TV makes some inroads. Some movie studios have added some cool features to DVDs, like full scripts, production notes, behind-the scenes photos, extra narrative tracks discussing the making of the movie while it's running and those make it worth the extra price. The shovelware stuff isn't worth paying the premium. Having bought many of the old 8mm HOM loops, I've always been disappointed in the drab look that the converted videos have. "Rude Revenge" was so beautifully lit and had rich colors that got lost in the conversion and looks fairly drab on video. I'll be looking forward to any feedback by somebody who can compare the DVD version of these classics versus the videos, but I don't have much expectation that they've done much more than copy the video. The budget pricing for the classics is great, but most DVD releases cost more and adult ones are going from video to DVD rather than the movie studios that at least have much better 35mm prints to work from when they release a DVD. For somebody who hasn't made the investment in a DVD player, there's little on the adult DVD side to warrant the jump. |
Name: | g-in-o |
Comments: To continue with the "list for Lisa" theme. 1) How about a white slaver scenario which includes an aution at the end. (come to think about it, I think there is a segment on the HOM Bondage classics with this). I like the idea of a naked woman, displayed and put through her paces in front of a crowd of bidding onlookers. The key to this scene would be a fair number of extras for the audience. Too few and the effect would be lost. (btw Rick, I'm there if you need me!). 2) Ive mentioned it before, but what the hell. I would love to see a "staked out in the sun" scene. I know there is logistical problems that are avoided with indoor shooting, but a scene like this could be (pardon the pun), hot. 3) Alien abuction theme with all the probing that implies, with the addition of extensive milking experiments as the aliens try to ascertain the function of breasts. |
Name: | BBFan |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Hello all. I haven't contributed to this forum for a while cuz I haven't had much to say, but I must say that the idea of Rick getting some Insex performers to star in his productions is a GREAT IDEA!!!!! As a fan of breast bondage, I must say that I really like the work that Insex and House of Slavery are doing. However, I have heard that there is bad blood between them (House of Slavery was started by Rachel Paine and Viking after they left Insex). Rick, you know I have been lamenting that you haven't had a natural breasted model willing to do good breast bondage for a while, but I knoe Peaches at Insex has done a lot, and she's ALL NATURAL. If your not familiar with her, drop me an e-mail, and I will send you a jpg. I think she would be GREAT in your control. Also, at HoS, Rachel Paine has smaller titties, but subjects them to TIGHT bondage (same offer on the pic). There are some others, but those are the two I am obsessing most on these days. I think Peaches could finally take up where Victoria Vixxen left off. You have to see her to beleive her. Rick, please please PLEASE could you look into that? |
Name: | johannes kuehn |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | http://--------------------------------- |
Comments: I love breast torture !!! |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: Happy Thanksgiving, pervs. Well, at least the American ones ;-) I think a couple points may be getting lost here. Someone steer me back if I am wrong. Regarding penetration in ZFX: Rick has made it plain that it is his choice not to include penetration in his vids, not the squeamishness of the models. Given the sheer quantity of porn out there and the number of women working it, I kind of doubt that affordability of a model for this would be too much of a problem, either. If memory serves, Rick has stated that he has both legal and artistic reasons for not wanting to do real penetration. Frankly, after seeing Ballista 2, I am satisfied with Rick's abilities here, and like where he is going. But, what the hell, I'm a sci-fi freak who digs that kind of thing, so what do I know. Regarding Rick remaking old HOM reels: The precise reason I like Rick, and the reason I suspect he has such a dedicated following, is because he does his own thing, rather than apeing the work of others. Like many of you, I have also noticed in recent years what I have seen termed as "The ZFX formula." Rick is certainly a whipper and electrocutor in his evil little heart, with sexual aspects sometimes even taking a backseat to the torture, but sometimes he hits a really neat notion very squarely, and makes a vid that no one else can touch, IMO. Besides, the guy has bills to pay, just like the rest of us, and if that formula sells, more power to him. Peace Out, and happy holiday, folks. Iago |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: A little help, folks? I'm thinking about ordering a couple of ZFX tapes in the next couple days, and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations? Bear in mind I'm a torture-for-sexual-purpose type, not a torture-for-its-own-sake type, and I favor sci-fi themes. I was sort of looking at Gangland 3&4 (I like Darby from Alien Probe 2), maybe Guinea Pigs 4 (the only one I never saw), or maybe Future Shock, Spectre or a Whiplash tape. I saw the original Whiplash and it wasn't my thing, but some of the others look like they might be promising. Also, I'm a little disappointed in JMC Distributing and Fantasy Food. Neither one of them seems to have any deals going on ZFX, and $45 a pop is pricey. Does anyone know of any reputable (read: Fast shipping and no piratical attitudes)dealers that have ZFX at a more palatable price right now? Thanks, Iago |
Name: | Per |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Iago, I have often ordered with Very speedy and reliable service, I always have the tapes in about five days. (Please note that I live in Europe, and you must admit that they do work fast!) The price is still 45$ though. Considering the price of original ZFX tapes from the distributor, the retail price never gets lower than that. According to Rick in earlier posts, anyone that sells considerably below that price is bootlegging the tapes. |
Name: | TTFan |
Comments: Glad to hear of other breast bondage fans out there. I've enjoyed seeing Penelope Pace and other ZFX models in tight breast bondage and discipline. I checked out the previews at Insex of Peaches and concur with BBfan's comments about her. She is lovely with big beautiful tits that are perfect for the bondage that they are subjected to in the pictures of her at Insex. I hope that Rick will consider keeping us fans of breast bondage supplied with more of it in upcoming videos. Also, it is wonderful to have Lisa Kinkaid participate in this forum and answer questions. |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: (Muffled curses about premium pricing on porn) Rats. Ah, well. Guess I'll give my pal Joe at JMC a call. He always sounds so sleepy when I call him at 2:00am, I'm almost hesitant to...nah. Gotta love 24X7 order lines! Peace, Iago |
Name: | Ralphus |
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Homepage URL: | |
Comments: ZFX RECOMMENDATIONS Iago: If you were a fan of Darby Fox, who had a huge tattoo across her chest and breasts that looked like deflated balloons, you should definitely check out both Gangland 3 and 4. While I think they were a slight comedown from the excellent first two parts, there is plenty there to like. She is also featured in a dominant role in "Spectre". All the "Guinea Pigs" tapes are worthwhile. Holly Weston really shines in Part 4; I remember her stealing the tape from the other performers, her acting was so good. The best of the "Whiplash" series, IMO, are numbers 2 and 4. The reviews for the two most recent volumes of the series are archived in the Guestbook Archives. Click on my Homepage URL link above if you want to read them. The real jewel of the tapes you were considering is "Future Shock", one of my Top Ten ZFX titles. Alison Parish, Courtney Bishop and Victoria Vixxen all have memorable scenes. There is bondage rape, at least two electrical shock scenes, a multi-clothespin-all-over-the-body scene, and even a futuristic plot. It's been a few years since I've seen it, but this tape has always ranked very high on my list of the best work ZFX has put out. |
Name: | Damien |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Just a short note to help out my pal Iago: I'll have to second Ralphus comments on the Guinnea Pig 4 tape: You'll LOVE it! Damien |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: Thanks for the ideas, guys. Ralphus, I'll not argue with your description of Darby's chest. But she does have an absolutely fabulous ass, IMO. I dunno. Just always liked her. Amy, too. Looks like Spectre and GP4 for me this time around, then! Peace, Iago |
Name: | Joe Smith |
Comments: I saw clips of Alien Probe 2 at the Galaxy of Terror site and it had a green bar through it. I figured it was because he had a pirated tape, but then I saw a preview for it at the end of another ZFX movie and it also had the green bar. Please tell me that is not on the original. How could Rick let what looks like a beautiful plant rape scene get blocked by a bar that looks like it obscures the best parts! Again, love your stuff. See if you can get Penelope Pace to answer some questions. That would rule. |
Name: | Joe Smith |
Comments: Which reminds me of another movie with supernatural themes, Dance Macabre. Are there any more ZFX movies with invisible rapes? Even though the acting was cheesy, I really liked that one. Could you get some of the new girls like Lisa and Penelope to act it out? |
Name: | Iago |
Comments: Joe, Alien Probe 2 did have that green bar through it. At the time I figured it was a censorship issues (the "bad ol days" are really not that long ago), but I'm not really sure? Rick? Trivia answer? |
Name: | Ralphus |
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Homepage URL: | |
Comments: I'm glad somebody else brought up that green bar in "Alien Probe 2". That's been the number one question I've wanted to ask Rick about for years, but it was such a long time ago and it seemed like nitpicking to mention it now. Before I saw the actual tape, I also saw the preview and noticed the green bar and wondered why. Silly me was expecting it to be gone when the actual tape came out. So I must say my jaw dropped when I saw the scene in its entirety. I mean, I literally sat there with my mouth wide open, wondering why the hell the scene had been messed with like that. Needless to say, it pretty much ruined the tape for me, and it was one I had been looking forward to, since I loved the original "Alien Probe". This has always been my theory about the scene: it was some sort of special effects snafu (this was the first time I remember Rick attempting this sort of effect) and he covered it up by inserting the green bar over the entire scene. I never really thought it was Rick attempting some sort of self-censorship, like the Japanese do by fogging genitalia in many of their tapes. But what a perfect forum for us all to find out the truth. Eagerly awaiting your next post, Rick... |
Name: | Rick |
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Comments: Hi All! Quick answer to the green bar question...yes indeed it is snafu, a technical problem with the reverse edits. It was the best solution I could come up with at the time. Obviously, I do this stuff all the time now, but in those days it was simply lack of cash to do the job properly. I have considered remastering it but just never got to it. May happen some day but it would take some serious seaching to find that footage. I agree the scene would have been better with out it. Rick |
Name: | g-in-o |
Comments: Another scenario to consider: Forced exercise. The only ZFX tape that comes to mind is "The Violation of Vicky Fixx" which hit one out of the park with Penelope Pace on an exercise bike. More scenes like this would be great, with the actress naked, of course. Picture any fave ZFX actress forced to do jumping jacks untill the sweat was running and the point of collapse near... For the women in prison fans. There are a lot of cheesy w.i.p. movies out there but here is a great one to find. Its called "Caged Women" (yeah, I know that really narrows it down) made in Italy withen the last five years. Absolutly stunning lead actress, lots of nudity, torture scenes, a great forced washing scene and an outdoor naked girl hunt in the swamp (really). Ive seen it on the Woman In Prison site (sorry no address) and it is availiable to rent as that is how I know about it. Check it out, you will not be dissapointed. |
Name: | Mad Dog |
E-mail address: | |
Comments: Hey guys, Check out this link. It has Rape videos, older porno's(the Classics) as well as some of the Women in Prison videos. Also has some Japenese stuff. The prices seem pretty low also. Mad Dog |
Name: | MMoore fan |
Comments: Hey guys. To y'all that make the videos, thanks for the great product. 2 questions: -What happened to Monica Moore? She was in a couple of movies, but I haven't seen her in the latest releases. She looked great. -Where is a good retail place to find ZFX titles in NYC? I bought a couple at a couple of stores on 8th avenue, but now they don't carry ZFX anymore. Thanks. |
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Comments: Hey Mad Dog, nice link! :o) Did you forget one teeny, tiny detail? BTW, what happened to the Add an Entry link? It's not working; you have to go back to the main page to post. |
Name: | MMoore fan |
Comments: Rick & co: nice work with the videos; I have enjoyed them. I was wondering if you or the forum could answer 2 questions (I thought I posted this before, but it did not show up): -Whatever happened to Monica Moore? I loved her in the Reporter, but have not seen her in recent new releases. -Does anyone know of good ZFX retail outlets in NYC? A bunch of stores on 8th Ave. used to sell a lot of ZFX stuff, but they don't anymore. Thanks. |