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May 2008

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:
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Ralphus: Wow, that's a helluva picture of Lolana Estefan that you posted! I don't usually get much into black women (with the exceptions of someone like Rhianna, Beyonce Knowles or Alicia Keyes) but she's definitely hot. In fact, she sorta looks a bit like Beyonce herself.

An "internet friend" (in the same way that you are an "internet friend") has a wife who is a "rope slut". She would change your mind about black women, I think. (My own sweetie is a bit of a "rope slut" herself. Last time we went out of town, she packed the ropes and surprised me with them when we went to bed. Luckily, the bed had posts on the headboard that worked quite nicely!

John: I welcome any suggestions, complaints or ideas.

1: Awards should go to people active in bondage. Maybe have a "Lifetime Achievement" award or two, but all the main awards should be for current players.

2: A Tally of votes at both rounds might not be a bad idea. If there's only a few votes between 7th and 8th (or between 1st and 2nd), it could encourage sites to ask for votes.

3: Failing that, post comments from people as to why they're voting for their favorite. I've put up a link to the 2005 Koufax Awards (given to the best blogs on the political left) where the award site does just that. If we saw some of the passion that their fans obviously have for the Luvbrights, their sweeping four categories would be easier to believe.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope next years awards go better.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 12:11:26 AM

Name: Boilerplant

Ralphus Quote

In the balloting for Best Model, there's no way you're ever going to convince me that the best candidate won, but she apparently (and incredibly) did get the most votes. That's the way it's supposed to work. Sounds logical, doesn't it? Well, after the Presidential races in Florida and Ohio the past 2 elections, that's not always a given. Imagine an awards event where whoever gets the most votes...actually wins. What a concept, huh?

Be carefull talking about OHIO. I live in OHIO.

They keep talking that we are two states. NorthEastern is Democrat and the Rest is Republican.

Lets talk Bondage Awards???????????

Like the guys says. The Luvbights linked to it from the get go. They give a bunch of freebies. They do have a fanbase. Their people voted for them and no one else. Case Closed.

We are a small group with what 800 hits a day. We would really have to work like dogs to get into the running. I had some of the artists that post on my Google Group saying well I think all the people are great, I'm voting for a different buddy each time I can. Well the votes came out and a few are lets say MAD?

I was a member of one group where the big stink was how can a person dead since 1999 got best cartoon artist? That seems to be a strange one but the rules didn't say you had to be alive.

Look at Bettie Page. She's over 80 years old but has loyal followers called "Bettie Scouts". If she died maybe her followers will get off their butts and Honor her.

The main thing is most of the people started off thinking this was a joke and it seems it wasn't. It seems to be a link service and if I ever get free time I might check out some more of the sites and see what they have to offer.

Since the person that ran the contest is viewing this maybe he would think of a Best Google/Yahoo Group that post for free what other sites charge for. :}

Thats a joke folks. But I always get those that say my group is one of the best and diverse that is out there. Trouble is if I come out in the open it will be deleted for VofTOS.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 02:58:02 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

John: Thank you for your post on the Bondage Awards. While I think there is room for improvement, I do appreciate your commitment to the cause.

To an outside observer, it may look like the 2008 awards have been more controversial here than is actually the case. Clearly, the winner in the best bondage model category was a woman who doesn't appeal to some of us here (and the fact her site was the winner in so many categories did look suspicious). But you shouldn't assume we are all bitter about the selections. Some of us were just having a bit of fun with the whole thing because, well, that's what some of us do.

Boilerplant wrote:

I was a member of one group where the big stink was how can a person dead since 1999 got best cartoon artist? That seems to be a strange one but the rules didn't say you had to be alive.

Well, OK, but the rules do need to be clarified. I mean, if the best bondage model can be somewhat who hasn't been active in recent years, then the obvious winner should have been Lisa Kinkaid. I didn't vote for Lisa (I'm so sorry, Lisa) because I thought the model had to be someone who is currently working.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 03:33:24 AM

Name: Brutus

John (Gaggedutopia): Good of you to drop by, and I appreciate all of your efforts for the Bondage Awards. I agree with A Canadian in that the last stage of the competition should not be based on the votes of the general public. A few suggestions:

1. For the first stage, have it open to all voters and narrow the field to maybe 10 or 15 nominees in each category. In the second stage, have the nominees or one representative of each nominee (in our case Ralphus) vote once for the top three in each category, but they CANNOT vote for themselves. In other words, let the nominees be judged by their peers. Of course, this might be difficult to do if Robert Bishop is nominated again.

2. A running tally is definitely a good idea.

3. So is a Lifetime Achievement Award.

4. Maybe include some info or pics about the nominees and what they've done recently.

Good luck and I hope you keep us posted on your plans.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 09:23:07 AM

Name: Jake
Homepage URL:

Firstly, Ralphus, thanks so much for the pics from The Reporter. Loving them! Monica Moore is SO Gimpworthy. Can't wait for the stills showing her being punched in the belly (hint! hint!) As Mothbrad said, we never saw The Reporter in Australia, but like him I saw some very tantalizing previews in other ZFX films that did make it "down under".

Secondly, I have an observation/question for the guys on the board. Do you have limits when it comes to your sexual torture fantasies? I ask the question because I recently saw some Gary Roberts drawings showing a well known singer with a knife pressed against her pussy. I loved the threat, but I didn't want to see her cut. Not even in fantasy. Then I thought about what I DON'T like and I came up with: no cutting, no amputation, no major burns and no death! But I love to see a bound, gagged, beautiful young woman threatened with all those things! I'm most ambivalent about burning. I love the idea of pressing a lit cigarette against a girl's breast, nipple or clitoris, but I don't want to see huge red burn marks disfiguring her body. Needle torture turns me on incredibly, but anything to do with shit and piss leaves me absolutely cold. I guess we all have our own buttons to press, ay? Thoughts, anyone?

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 10:21:04 AM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

Jake: Yes...I can't respond to your question without repeating your comments word for word. I love seeing the ladies threatened by the aformentioned fates, but I'm not interested in seing the damage done. I hate to see a beautiful body marred and I sure don't want to see 'em snuffed. Once they're dead, the fun's over, right?

In general: I would add that I'm particularly fascinated by the horse and the Judah's Cradle. That is such an interesting form of torture. The idea of letting the victim's own body weight do the work. The strain of trying to relieve the pressure, having to eventually give-in, and the need to keep still. What a predicament. It would be fun to watch.

Another one that trips my trigger is bamboo splinters. Not under the fingernails but impalement of the nipples and clit. That is a highly controlled, exquisite torment, and oh so sexual!

While I'm on a roll, there are a couple of things I'd like to mention. Until listening to some of you guys, I never once thought about belly punching as a turn-on. It just never crossed my mind. I still didn't get it until the other night when I was watching "SCARY MOVIE" and the guy suddenly gut-punched the chick (to get a laugh of course). I must admit, it got my attention. I think I get it now.

Something else I thought about was the rape scene in "THE ENTITY". Does anyone remember that? Way cool.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 06:09:07 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Jake: Yes, I definitely have my limits. I don't like GIMP scenes that look too real. At the same time, I hate it when a GIMP scene looks obviously fake. It probably sounds like I am finicky, but actually there's a lot of stuff that falls nicely in the middle. I think I like it when the woman's helplessness looks very real, but the punishment dished out doesn't cross the line. Similar to what Ironman said, I'm not looking to see any bruises.


Ironman: I had never heard of the Entity. Any further details?


As for my thoughts on Ohio, I gotta admit I tend to think of the old CSNY song about the student protesters getting killed. I guess I'm just showing my age.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 07:28:30 PM

Name: Unicoi

Jake: Great question. I too have definate limits to what I like to see. Bondage, whipping, a little candle wax, a little electro shock are all good for me. But anything too bloody or disfiguring will turn me off. For that reason, I didn't like the movie Chaos because it had way too much blood for my taste.

My tastes lean heavily toward rape fantasy, so if there is no forced sex, I'm left asking "Where's the beef?" But I like my rape fantasy to look as realistic as possible. If it looks like she is enjoying it, or worse if she is just really bad at acting and she comes off as cheesy, then it doesn't do a whole lot for me, except maybe as comedy.

One of my all time favorite scenes is the rape scene from Viol Lamore (aka Rape of Love). That was a mainstream French movie from the 1970s with a long stripping/gangrape scene, which was completely realistic and very graphic for a mainstream movie. The rape scene from Baise Moi is good too and has the bonus of showing a little penetration. Those French seem to really know how to do a good rape scene.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 07:48:51 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

A Canadian: "THE ENTITY" was a 1981 mainstream release supposedly based on a true story. The plot is simple. A family is traumatised when an invisible entity (a succubus or poltergeist) gets the hots for the mom and sexually assaults her on more than one occasion. In one scene, the thing throws back the covers, slaps her around and forcefully takes her. The cool thing is that you can see finger depressions on her tits as she is groped. The effect was well done. (total nudity, language, violence) Basically, she is raped by a sound effect. Try the link above.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 07:49:36 PM

Name: Unicoi

Ironman: The Entity? Was that the Barbara Hershey movie where she got raped by an invisible force???

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 07:51:42 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

Unicoi: Yes, damn good rape scenes IMHO. I said it was a succubus but I think in this case it would be an incubus.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 07:59:28 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

Ironman: Thanks for the update. I doubt an invisible rapist (if I am following this correctly) is really my thing, but I'd be prepared to rent this movie just to see.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 08:02:20 PM

Name: moody lurker
E-mail address:

Hi folks, after this post I will go back to lurking. Love reading the forum, but time is real short these days. This is for jhlipton:

Lolana Estefan did a shoot for Hogtied years ago, quite hot. Do a search for her at

Found some pics of the shoot.

Back to lurking.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 08:09:21 PM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

Well, I'll take a stab at the poll. I would say my limits are blood in large quantity, a little can add to realism, Dismemberment, Disfiguring, or Snuff. I like to see victims suffer pain and to be helpless. But, I want it to end up good. Thats why interrogation scenes intrigue me, because generally a torturer wants to keep their victims alive to talk, I'm frankly sick of the JapAV trend of forced orgasm, I can't imagine any man who had a helpless beautiful victim in front of him who would "pleasure her" first? Not a chance in hell, Rapist get off on domination and power not pleasuring their victims.

My fantasy is actually the rescue not the torture itself, the helpless victim turns me on. And yes I love stomach punching, because of the utter helplessness it promotes. This is one of the reason I'm such a fan of the Giga tapes. I love arms tied over head or spread eagle on a table. In fact a good torture scene ( stomach punching, whipping, a rack, or electro) with a nude victim, is as much of a turn on to me as rape.

Speaking of all this, the mainstream movie "Love Lies Bleeding" with Jenna Dewan ( a major latin spinner) has two minor gimp scenes. In one she is stomach punched and thrown down on a bed, in another she is tied AOH in a warehouse. Both are brief, but she is so hot it is worth a look.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 09:07:41 PM

Name: Bobjones
Homepage URL:

I am fucking loving these Monica Moore pics. I actually own both parts of "The Reporter," but I am enjoying these anyway.

I don't have "limits" as far as torture is concerned, but when things get too gory, the entertainment really starts to diminish, just cause the party is kinda winding down at that point. I don't MIND a torture fantasy when an innocent hot young thing gets her tits cut off or her pussy mutilated (the more sexual the extreme violence the better....I haven't quite eroticized violence to the point where watching a recreation of a hot girl getting shot or something is the same as a good ol' rapin'), but once the damage in done, the party is kinda over, is it not? I like the FEAR of horrible mutilation and pain more than the actual event, but a really well paced bondage story that keeps me involved can have pretty much no boundaries. I love Quoom, who gets into pretty gory shit from time to time. As with all things sexual, the anticipation is usually the best part. I've had some pretty orgasms in my time, but rarely do they match the excitement that comes just BEFORE I pop my cork.

I am a minor fan of The Entity. Galaxy of terror actually has vids of all the rape scenes. I have attached the web address of there vids to this post. You should check out the scene from "Galaxy of Terror" as well if you don't know that flick. It's the best non-Hentai alien rape scene ever.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 11:16:25 PM

Name: Bobjones

Oh sure to check out the clip from "La Bete" as well.....just cause it's fucking odd. The girl in it has an pretty amazing behind as well.

Thursday, May 1st 2008 - 11:20:30 PM

Name: sockpuppet

Bondage Awards:

First he says the LBs would have to have traveled at high travel costs to vote from IP addresses the spanned the world, then he says he's not misinformed and knows about proxy servers, meaning they wouldn't have had to travel. So, which is it? Someone who knows about proxy servers at the time of his first email (and the software available to route through them) thus hiding or faking one's real IP addy WOULD KNOW travel wasn't needed and thus, no high travel bills.

re: people who cheat do it during their normal schedule. Well, people are up (awake) about 16 hours a unless a cheater is stupid enough to vote via multi IP addresses within the same one to five minute span the same time everyday...basically, this is a nonsense method of detection.

re: I could go on and on with the methods and criteria I used, 10 fold over the Signy's. Well, the Signy's have these awards totally beat in one area. The Signy's didn't allow people to vote more than in NOT once a day, EVERY day, for 35 days. In these awards, one IP could vote 35 times, and so if they cheated they could vote 35 times at another IP. Cheaters using proxy servers had their cheating chances increased by 35 TIMES compared to the Signy's.

re: the difference is I don't pick and choose winners like the Signy's did (and) this is hearsay from multiple sources. So of course it must be true! Sorry but this is a completely sad and unsubstantiated accusation. That's right, hearsay doesn't count.

No one can convince me that no cheating led to the obvious bizarre 4 LB 1st place placements. Wiz Lair also heavily promoted, gets nearly 2x the traffic as LB's site, and came in behind them. So it's not just promotion. It is true that almost none of the most popular A-list models promoted here like they did for Signy's, some didn't even know about it, others who knew didn't care, and why should they. It's a first year attempt and not run by anyone they have ever heard of.

Here's 4th place finisher's Ashley Renee's take on the awards at another forum

Babes of Color

A hot babe's a hot babe no matter what her color. Vanessa Williams (in the 80s, 90s), Halle Berry, Beyonce, Rhiannon, Mariah Carey, Rachel Welch, Lena Olin, Carmen Electra, JLo, . Surprisingly no Asian names are coming to me at the moment, but I've met some smokin' hot Asian women in person.


I'm probably the most lightweight gimper here, so I definitely have limits. With normal girls, just nothing too severe. Pain, hurt is OK; Agony; No. For superheroines, the powerful ones can take a lot more, but here we're into comic book violence. I'm pretty much in the A Canadian and Ironman camp.

The Entity:

Remember seeing part of it on HBO (I think) a whiles back (2 decades). First completely nude spread eagle I saw in a mainstream film. And the invisible being feeling her up looked pretty good. Barbara Hershey...yum.

The Reporter - Monica Moore

Cool caps. Is the movie as good as the caps seem to suggest?

Friday, May 2nd 2008 - 01:23:20 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

lurker: Thanks for the pics.


. . . .LIKES


Dark skin

Hard bondage

Fantasy death -- slow and painful. I prefer strangling, but as long as the death takes a while, stabbings and shootings (in the stomach or pussy) are good



Pee and poop

Too much gore. If you can't see the girl through the blood, it's no fun


I've started a blog, to be updated sporadically, of my favorite "fetishes". The URL will take you to my first few posts.

Friday, May 2nd 2008 - 11:31:33 AM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

A couple of other quick points. I'm with Jhpton on the poop. Pee, has it's place, a little urination on an already spent and raped victim adds to the humiliation. I also am not into the slave training walk like a dog thing. I also like to see the victims face, mask and helmets or elaborate overdone gags are a turn off. I want to see the terror in her eyes.

One other thing, I like it much better when the person dishing out the punishment is significantly larger then the victim. It adds to the sense of helplessness. Thats one of my beefs with the Relic Rader flicks, the guy doing the stomach punching is about 5'4" and 133, his "victim" is about 5'7" 120, and she looks like she could free herself and kick the crap out of him at any moment. It definitely hurts the realism. With the JapAV flicks the girls are so petite it adds to drama.

There is something about a petite victim helplessly at the mercy of her attackers that definitely wakes up big Johnson.

Friday, May 2nd 2008 - 12:49:34 PM


Scribbler - The Reporter is really good, as the caps your seeing show, Monica's gross fake tits and all (he says sarcastically), but I would HIGHLY recommend the sequel over the first one. The original spends a lot of time with the set up. In the second one she's already captured, and the fun gets started right away and just keeps going.


Friday, May 2nd 2008 - 02:04:10 PM

Name: Bobjones

No poop for me either. I can see how some fecal related thing would be a super effective torture and humiliation scenario....but it's fuckin' shit, ya know? Too repulsive. Pee isn't really a turn on, but the idea of pissing on someone as a part of a torture session isn't so bad. You'd need to get out the garden hose afterwards though...

Friday, May 2nd 2008 - 10:20:48 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Do you have limits when it comes to your sexual torture fantasies?

Well, kind of a meager response from you guys so far, but I like what I've read. I've always felt that there shouldn't be any limits to one's fantasies...if your mind can imagine it, and it's exciting to you, it's all good as long as you don't truly act upon it. Jake brought up burning, saying he loved the idea of threatening a bound woman with a lit cigarette, as long as he didn't have to see the burn marks on her skin. I guess I'm sort of the same way, but I don't necessarily get turned off by seeing the actual marks.

Everyone who knows me well is aware of my burning at the stake fetish, but to me, the most exciting part of the whole fantasy is the anticipation. Seeing the fear in the frightened girl's eyes as the torch is lit is a lot more satisfying than the actual burning, although every time she gets rescued, it feels like a bit of a cheat. If she's up there tied to the stake, I want to see the deed carried out, even though that's not the part that satisfies me the most.

I totally understand the death fetish, and I'll admit I've gotten off watching snuff scenes many times, but I'd rather see suffering than killing. Lots of blood isn't a turn-on, and neither is dismemberment. I liked the scene in I Know Who Killed Me NOT because they were cutting off Lindsay Lohan's fingers, but because there were so many close-ups of Lindsay's pained expressions through her gag. I could even cut out the amputation shots in that segment and probably improve the scene if I wanted to.

I wonder about those who like bloody scenes. I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but does anyone look at a sexy woman and think she would look more attractive if she had a couple of limbs cut off and was covered in blood? I just don't get it, but heck, I have a good buddy who is heavy into the foot fetish thing and I don't understand that at all :)

Somehow the discussion has turned recently towards pee and poop, and (big surprise) no one seems to like it. Let me take the opposite, and clearly unpopular stance. I definitely like it. You've got a woman tied up, you've just raped her, she's crying and feeling like things could get no worse. So what do you do? You do the most vile thing to her as a topper. Piss all over her face. How sick. How degrading. You've just told her, in explicit terms, that's she no better than a toilet to you. HUGE turn-on.

I'll take it a step further. What's the nastiest thing you could do to someone to torture her? Force her eat your shit. It's totally gross. It might make your stomach turn to even think about, and if you think that's bad, how do you think she feels being made to do it? I won't lie, some of the hottest stuff I've ever seen are some Japanese DVDs I found online where pretty women are tied spreadeagled on a bed with one of those ring gags and a guy bends over and craps right into her mouth, and she can't close her mouth because of the gag. Instant hard on. Hey, they wouldn't make those films if there weren't some sort of an audience for them, I can guarantee you that. It's clearly an acquired taste (no pun intended) and definitely not for everyone, but we all like different things. Some of us go a little further in our fantasies, obviously.

Like I say, the poll results have been rather disappointing so far, so let's sound the bell and make this poll official. We had a record day for hits yesterday (1611) but only 5 posts. Come on, guys. Let's hear what you have to say with this poll. Surely you must have an opinion.

Saturday, May 3rd 2008 - 11:55:49 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Ralphus wrote:

I won't lie, some of the hottest stuff I've ever seen are some Japanese DVDs I found online where pretty women are tied spreadeagled on a bed with one of those ring gags and a guy bends over and craps right into her mouth, and she can't close her mouth because of the gag.

Yee-uck! I also won't lie -- this must be the only forum on the planet where no one ever gets banned, because no one can top some of the nasty things posted by the moderator himself.

By the way, it probably doesn't matter, but some of the pissing stuff you see in Japanese porn is fake, as are some of the cum shots (I don't know about the poop stuff). There's been quite a bit of discussion about fake pissing and cum shot scenes over at JAVTalk, and there's even a thread started by yours truly that probes into how some Nakadashi scenes are faked.

Saturday, May 3rd 2008 - 01:30:17 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

A Canadian wrote:

...this must be the only forum on the planet where no one ever gets banned, because no one can top some of the nasty things posted by the moderator himself.

Ha! People do get banned here, although it's very, very rare. It's only been for flaming and spamming. Grossness is perfectly acceptable, as long as it's on-topic. So put that shit in your pipe and smoke it :)

There's been quite a bit of discussion about fake pissing and cum shot scenes over at JAVTalk, and there's even a thread started by yours truly that probes into how some Nakadashi scenes are faked.

Could you give an exactly URL or topic line so one can find your post? It took me 5 minutes just to log in over at the site.

Saturday, May 3rd 2008 - 02:45:07 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Ralphus: If you go into the section on JAVTalk called General JAV Chatter, you will see a thread called Faking Nakadashi, started by dvdfan04 (me). I believe you need to set up a password to access the thread. Anyway, some posters describe how Nakadashi is often faked, and there is even mention of an uncensored movie with fake cum shots where no one apparently tried to hide the fact it was faked.

I have seen other mentions of fake cum shots and piss shots in Japanese porn, including some discussion on the Sweatpig site.

Saturday, May 3rd 2008 - 04:16:06 PM

Name: Brutus

Poll: My limits depend largely on the appearance of the victim. I want her tied, tormented and abused for as long as possible with her still looking hot. For me at least, I find women so much more attractive when they have all of their limbs intact, not spurting out blood everywhere. I enjoy harsh punishment, but not if it ruins the appearance of the woman. Welt marks are about the only blemishes I really want to see.

I do love horror movies, but blood in bondage movies isn't my thing. I even got turned off by some of the bloody noses and mouths in a couple of ZFX movies.

As for the old piss-and-shit humiliation? That has never really turned me on in the least, especially the brown stuff. Real-life women who fart in public aren't exactly my cup of tea. So why would I wanna see a woman on film who supposedly smells like a public toilet?

Ralphus wrote: We had a record day for hits yesterday (1611) ...

I wonder if that has anything to do with the board's Top 10 finish in the Bondage Awards?

Sunday, May 4th 2008 - 08:29:02 AM

Name: Unbeliever

Poll: Limits on sexual fantasies

Yeah, add me to the "no gore or poop" group. Gross cancels out sexy.

I'm into this stuff for the humiliation, power and control. But there are LOTS of ways to "break" a woman without turning yourself off in the process. :)

Bruises/welts/marks are fine. No cuts though. Clothespins, not ACTUAL pins!

An immobilized woman, nude and exposed (I like the phrase "sexually vulnerable"), in exquisite pain and terrified... begging for mercy, if only with her eyes... That's the good stuff!

Sunday, May 4th 2008 - 11:36:23 AM

Name: uksteve

Poll on limits.

My limits seem to look at the subject differently.

I need to believe that the victim *is* an actress who is performing the scene knowing what she is doing and taking the pain for real. Maybe a bit exaggerated - but not totally false. So cutting off her arm is unlikely to suit me - it has to be fake. Pushing hypodermic needles into her boobs can be done without her suffering any real harm. She can drink piss and swallow cum for real without suffering any real harm. So they are very acceptable to me.

Rape in films is of course not real, by definition it is consensual - but the sex can be real - she can have a cock inside her and she should have - no faking that. Bondage, spanking, caning can all be real and should leave marks.

Part of the trick of course is that my imagination makes it all worse than it really is - and her acting ability is part of what makes me believe that - but it all has to be logically possible and acceptably so.

One final twist is that I much prefer films where the character causes their own downfall - reporters who stick their noses in too far and then suffer for their stupidity are a case in point.


Sunday, May 4th 2008 - 02:59:02 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

Limits - I have limits that differ depending on whether the situation is a story or a film. In stories, pretty much all bets are off. I don't mind how extreme it gets, because I can imagine the scene in a pleasing or non gross way, if needs be. I don't mind brown or gold, but they're not really preferences of mine.

In film, though, there are limits. In general, I don't want to see stomach turning damage - things like blisters, gaping wounds, etc. Small marks from (for example) cigarette burns are fine, just not massive bleeding red blisters. As for the action itself, I don't have any limits that I can think of.

Sunday, May 4th 2008 - 05:23:45 PM

Name: Bobjones

Thank you to Ralphus for explaining you pooping might theoretically be hot. I certainly can intellectually understand what you're talking about. But you know, it's poop. It's not a fantasy boundary thing with me. It's not "too hard." It's just that poop is gross. I guess my version of the pooping on someone thing might be forced bestiality. "You didn't like it when I tied you spread eagled on the bed and raped you? Thought that was humiliating? Then you won't like it when I let this here German Shepard fuck you you either." That scenario reminds me...I did finally watch Sadomania and it was pretty fuckin' good!

Sunday, May 4th 2008 - 09:10:12 PM

Name: Bobjones

I was looking back over my last post and it occurred to me once again that this really is a great forum. It's not like there's some thread on IMBD where you could speculate that a story about a woman being raped by a dog might be really hot.

Sunday, May 4th 2008 - 09:17:32 PM

Name: boilerplant


A lady goes out on a date with a new boyfriend.

After dinner they go to a motel where he slaps, hits and ties her spread eagle on the bed.

After all that he squats over her face and poops on her face and he leaves her there to get free on her own.

Next week he says he's sorry and they go out again where the same thing is repeated with her ending up with a face full of poop and left to get free on her own.

Finally he says that he is getting treatment and begs that she will go out with him to see he is better.

Third times a charm?

This time he darn near beats her half to death. He rips her clothes off her body. Strips her spread eagle on the bed, climbs on top of her and places his rear end inches from her face. Strain as much as he can the best he can do is fart in her face.

She looks up at him and with tears in her eyes says "You don't love me anymore?"

Monday, May 5th 2008 - 02:47:51 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Mornin All and happy Cinco de Mayo

Reference the poll question - gore, simply for the sake of gore, does nothing. Come to think of it we have a producer who stops by on occasion who seems to do exactly that. As long as there is a torture/bondage/torment/rape element to it and is well done, then I say "no limits" - poop and piss are not my idea of torment but for those who find it appealing, that's cool. Context has a lot to do with it. The lead up is all important - as long as there is pro bondage and torment then let the story go where it may and if that means a rather messy ending then so be it.

Ralphus - thanks for more great stills from "Reporter" - may we expect a review on "Gangstarr" anytime soon?

Stay Well All

Monday, May 5th 2008 - 05:19:21 AM

Name: Thanagar

Yeah, no gore for me, thanks, and no pee or poop either. But I do like the threat of violence to gain compliance from a captive. For instance, I was lucky enough recently to do a mock kidnapping with a young lady I know, and when she was tied to the bed, I used a knife she owned to menace her until she spread her to my satisfaction(!)

Monday, May 5th 2008 - 08:43:20 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Poll: Within the community of those into rape fantasy, there are many who don't like the idea of sexually assaulting a women who is drunk or drugged. They want her fully aware and completely experiencing the ordeal. This isn't a deterrent for me, but I understand it completely. A large number of people into the fantasy don't want her snuffed so that she remains tormented by the memory of her rape. I am more of the camp that thinks pussy shouldn't be wasted. Someone else may want to rape her and she should be alive and well and ready to endure more torment. Torment is what it is all about.

I much prefer effective threats to actual damage. Those PC filmmakers that feel the need to include male victims... That's what they're for; make an example out of him to scare her into cooperating. Of course, threatening the weaker female in order to get the tougher female to cooperate is even hotter.

That said, and preferences stated, I really don't have limits in what is done. Limits come into the equation regarding the depiction. As was stated earlier, stories can go places that movies, for my liking, shouldn't.

If she is to be burned at the stake, taking the 'froed short one's example, show us her struggles as she is being taken to the stake and tied. Show us the terror in her eyes as the wood is piled around, the torch is put to it and the flames begin to rise. Then cut to something else and let the rest of the scene be implied through the use of sound and shadow. Let someone try to rescue her and is held back and forced to watch, for example.

Using the other example our height and hairstyle challenged friend mentioned, I don't have to see her fingers being cut off. If I know that is what is happening, I want to see her face, not her fingers or lack thereof. What is being done to her is nowhere near as important as how she reacts to it. I may be in the minority on this, but I don't need to see a cock pumping her cunt to enjoy a rape scene. I would much rather see her face twisted in anguish, know the exact moment penetration takes place by the sudden change in her expression, be sure when the rapist had begun to ejaculate by her response rather than his. It is all about how humiliated,defiled, hurt, etc. she is, not how she is humiliated, defiled, hurt, etc.

If she thinks there is nothing more terrifying than kittens, strip her naked, dip her in milk, tie her down and bring them on!


Monday, May 5th 2008 - 10:21:43 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Sloth wrote:

Gore, simply for the sake of gore, does nothing. Come to think of it we have a producer who stops by on occasion who seems to do exactly that.

Actually, I think he thinks he's fulfilling some type of misunderstood artistic vision thing. Never mind that he's about as talented as Ed Wood.

Monday, May 5th 2008 - 06:10:29 PM

Name: VM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Poll- Poop- hard to think of anything more repulsive. Be great time for the fast forward button.

Just update site: Added ATAD#046- contains 6 full length movies from the Slave Island series. Also the SPI titles ship within 2 days!

Monday, May 5th 2008 - 06:12:53 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Sloth wrote:

Ralphus - thanks for more great stills from "Reporter" - may we expect a review on "Gangstarr" anytime soon?

It's definitely on the front burner. And good news, to coincide with the review, there will also be new Gangstarr vidcaps coming from our friend Hank Hobbs, too, but he has to make them first. He told me he works better under pressure so maybe this will ignite the flame below him and he'll knock some more out for us.

Scribbler and I still have a few last minute additions to make to the massive site updates, and that's top priority right now. I still haven't heard a definitive answer from him as to when we'll be ready, but I'm shooting for this weekend for us to have our (very late) 9th Anniversary celebration. I know I'll be ready on my side. This is taking quite a long time, but hopefully you guys will be happy with what we have in store for you.

Jefferson James: You always have interesting things to say, but I particularly liked your post today. To touch on a few of your points, I totally agree with all your comments about raping her. Drugged or drunk (or even passed out) certainly isn't as much fun as when she's conscious and fully aware that she's being taken. You want her to feel the shame of her body being ravaged, and know that she will remember this moment for the rest of her life. None of those roofies for me. Just give me a stun gun and some handcuffs (and maybe some duct tape) and I'll give her an experience that will haunt her inner thoughts and dreams forever.

If she thinks there is nothing more terrifying than kittens, strip her naked, dip her in milk, tie her down and bring them on!

Now yer talkin'! Wish I had an illustration for that one, but will this do? Torture by cats

Using the other example our height and hairstyle challenged friend mentioned...

Hey now, what's with the personal digs? I can't help being 3 foot 7, but the afro is my personal stylistic choice, sort of a retro tribute to the good old days of the 1970s when men were men and we could rape and torture women onscreen and it was all good. And Aria certainly isn't complaining about the afro. I haven't heard one negative word from her at all. Of course, I do keep her gagged all the time, but I'm sure that's beside the point.

Monday, May 5th 2008 - 08:51:55 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Ralphus: What's the nastiest thing you could do to someone to torture her?

Force her to make sense of McCain's election proposals?

Force her eat your shit.

Well, that too. But: It's totally gross -- nothing more to be said.


A lot of us center our scenarios around the "bitch" who was "asking for it". Not me. I really prefer the victim to be an innocent, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. A sweet young thing, her innocence whipped and raped along with her body -- now that's a HUGE turn-on.

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 02:08:05 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Mornin All

Ralphus - that's great news on all fronts - some Hank stills, a movie review and site upgrade - looks like a good weekend.

A Canadian - I think I get the misunderstood artistic vision thing but then great artists are never appreciated in their time are they. What I don't get is the Ed Wood reference. A Titan in the industry, no.

jhlipton - count me in on the sweet innocent young thing - not that I mind the bitch getting her's, just more exciting the other way.

Stay Well All

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 08:12:25 AM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

I don't want to turn this into a political forum, but the endless negative comments about conservatives bother me. I truly believe in a small government unlike the current president. But those of you who naively believe that Nanny state liberals who believe the government has the right to regulate our thermostats, smoking in our own house, firearms possession, and what kind of transportation we choose will keep it's hands off our fetishes are delusional. McCain's health care plan makes much more sense (for instance) then a government controlled plan where bureaucrats will be stopping by your house to measure your waistlines and check pantries for saturated fats. More evil and intrusion has been accomplished in the world in the name of "the common good" or for "the children" then almost any other cause. Just asked those who lived under Stalin.

As far as freedom for fetishes, look at England and Canada, they appear to be much more restrictive then the good ole USA, despite the fact (or maybe because) of the fact they are run by nanny state liberals. Once you open the door for the government to come for the smokers, fat people, why would be surprised if we are next. Fascism (Political control of everything) is a "progressive" idea and don't ever forget it. Do you honestly think that Hillary's "village" raising your children is going to allow you to keep that box of fetish tapes in the house? Well enough of my rant, back to the GIMP

I'm with the dude on the innocent young thing being captured verses the girl whose asking for it. Even though the super-heroine story-lines are OK, I much prefer the captured and interrogated victim who doesn't posses super-heroine strength. Even though "Goya's Ghost" was a marginal a GIMP flick the expression of disbelief and terror in Natalie Portman's eyes was priceless. One of my beefs about the ZFX stuff is they don't show enough "aftermath". A helpless torture victim shaking in agony and hopelessness in her cell after a torture session is priceless.

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 09:43:30 AM

Name: Brutus

If I had to choose between a sweet innocent victim or one who's a total bitch, I'd have to go with the bitch. The bitch gives an added purpose to the punishment she receives. Also, the bitch is more likely to struggle mightily against her bonds, act defiant and even piss off her tormentor, at least for a while if the scene is done right.

Elkcreek: I don't think anyone here believes that Hillary is the solution for all of our fetish-viewing pleasures. However, the criticism on the forum against the conservatives has been mainly about their restrictions on porn and how they have forced bondage producers into a corner over the last few years. It's not been about health care, global warming or gun laws. As for McCain, I admire him for pissing off the ultra-conservatives and the religious right, the biggest threats to my porn stash IMHO. But would I vote for him? Well, that's a topic for a different forum.

A Canadian wrote: Never mind that he's about as talented as Ed Wood.

Now that's totally unfair and uncalled for. I think you owe the Ed Wood estate an apology.

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 10:32:44 AM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

I've wanted to shoot a scene where the gal is bound on a wire bedframe with a bucket underneath. She's been tied up for a day and needs to poop. The antagonist encourages her to poop with a riding crop. It doesn't need to show the poop....but the humiliation and degradation of being forced to poop in front of a stranger is a real turn on. She needs to fight it for as long as possible...until she can't hold it any longer....then has to let it go in front of him.

I also like enema fetish where she is bound and told that she will be butt fucked after she poops. She holds it for days.....hoping to be rescued. Finally she is given an enema. After a few minutes she can't hold it. As he explains to her how hard he's going to fuck that ass she is letting it go. I don't want to see the poop....just her face and body while she grunts and gasps.

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 02:55:37 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

Steve, I definitely like the sound of both of those scenes, but like you would want to be focussed on the facial expressions of the victim, rather than the actual fecal matter. I also have the feeling I'd rather read about such scenes than actually watch them.

Ralphus - thanks for that cat picture. Who says cuteness has no place in extreme bondage art?!?

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 04:14:32 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

One horror/humiliation angle that I'm rather fond of and have not seen mentioned here is for the victims to be tortured in front of each other. Having a sister or friend watch the proceedings, knowing her turn is coming. Perhaps having a group watch or even made to participate. You get the idea.

Bitch vs.innocent- it makes no difference to me either way, both offer an interesting angle.

Pee-n-poop - not my thing, but there is an absolute torment potential there.

Ed Wood rocks!

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 05:46:51 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:

elkcreek wrote:

As far as freedom for fetishes, look at England and Canada, they appear to be much more restrictive then the good ole USA, despite the fact (or maybe because) of the fact they are run by nanny state liberals.

Actually, the federal government in Canada at the moment is Conservative, but the point is completely valid. The same restrictions against violent porn have continued under Liberal and Conservative governments.

Sadly, once such restrictions are in place, it's hard to get them overturned. The bureaucrats -- well-paid Customs officers who get to screen porn all day, for example -- won't give up without a fight. And who wants to be the person publicly arguing in favor of rape scenes in pornography? Even worse, as we have seen in Canada, the bureaucracy can pretty much fight all legal challenges by simply running the clock in the courts, dragging cases out until their opponents run out of money.

It gets really weird. These days, we can watch stuff on TV that would be confiscated if we tried to bring the same material across the border. Some of you may recall that I sent Jeff Gord a DVD back in March of a TV show, Sin Cities, that did a feature on the House of Gord. The Sin Cities television show airs here on Friday nights, and I recorded the DVD off the TV. However, if Gord were to send that disc back to me, it could be confiscated at the border, as it depicts scenes of women in bondage situations. How bizarre is that? -- I can't receive a disc from the U.S. of material that can be shown for free in Canada on television?

OK, I could go on forever, but many of you have heard all this before. I do think elkcreek makes some good points about Hillary Clinton and the nanny state. Somewhere in the archives, I have posted my own warnings about people placing too much faith in Hillary or similar do-gooding liberals. Anyone who loves big government -- neo-Conservatives or bleeding heart Liberals -- is a threat to the GIMP way of life.

Meanwhile, in response to my comment comparing Bill Zebub to Ed Wood, Brutus wrote:

Now that's totally unfair and uncalled for. I think you owe the Ed Wood estate an apology.

You and Sloth are right. I offer a complete and unequivocal apology to the Wood estate.

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 06:14:46 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Brutus, I'd reply to your comment about McCain, but we've veered further off the subject than we should. My fault for starting it.

Ironman (are you going to see the movie?): One horror/humiliation angle that I'm rather fond of and have not seen mentioned here is for the victims to be tortured in front of each other. Having a sister or friend watch the proceedings, knowing her turn is coming. Perhaps having a group watch or even made to participate.

Start with a simple idea: a mother (MILF/"cougar") in her early 40s and her 18-year-old daughter raped and tortured in front of each other. I find that a very hot idea.

But now expand it: 4 girls, just out of high school (ie, just turned 18) are having one last slumber party before they go to their respective colleges. One each black, Latina, Asian and white. Their (very attractive) moms gossip over coffee in the living room. A group of men break in and subdue all 8 women. They proceed to whip and rape them all, forcing daughters to eat out their moms and vice-versa. Of course, my fantasy ends with all of the girls and moms dead, but it doesn't need to. It could end with a sobbing heap of girl-flesh.

Canadian: Even worse, as we have seen in Canada, the bureaucracy can pretty much fight all legal challenges by simply running the clock in the courts, dragging cases out until their opponents run out of money.

There's a guy who goes by the name of Dr Don who makes shooting videos. Again, not really different from what you see on TV, but he got bankrupted by the local constabulary who ran out the clock on him. Truely, it doth sucketh.

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 07:38:59 PM

Name: John (Gaggedutopia)
Homepage URL:

Below are some answers to some of the questions and comments below:

I agree that voting for dead people shouldn't happen and won't next year. People voted for Bishop (my best guess) because the average voter just don't know many artists like they know models. The second stage the voting dispersed a bit more - but the write-ins for Bishop were huge from what I remember. Next year, there will be a rule that people must be alive.

A similar comment was to limit voting to people active in the scene. I am personally against restrictions if they can be avoided. I base that on my knowledge of human nature - people are lazy and if they see a page full of voting rules they will skip it. Before this contest I didn't know 50% of the write-in votes and I consider myself to know more than the average person in this industry. I wouldn't expect John Q. Voter to know that model X hasn't done a shoot in 5 years or something along those lines. (As I said above, death is a separate matter).

Suggestions for more categories are welcome. Again, I want to be careful because if there are too many or too granular it starts turning into a little league game (Everyone gets a trophy). Some good recommendations have been Best Blog and Best Media Site (People who sell DVDs, on-demand video, podcasts, etc...)

When the voting starts up next year, the FAQ will be heavily expanded. There shouldn't be much to guess on - but then again, 90% of the questions I got were all in the current FAQ :)

To answer Brutus - #1 won't really work. By limiting the voting to the people who were nominated, lets say there are 15, there won't be enough votes to prevent nominees from having the same number of votes as a peer. Another problem is communication - trying to collect votes from 150 people that most have not answered other emails I have sent.

#2 - Running Tally won't work because of cheaters. If I show a tally they can see if their methods are working. #3 - Lifetime award, I thought about it. I wanted to get to know people more and the true players first, so maybe next year. #4 - Already done, I have asked every award winner to send me a message to be posted on the site along with any media (video, pictures, etc...) to go along with it.

That should cover most of it. I will try and stop back later in the week if people have more questions or ideas.

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 08:21:34 PM

Name: Bobjones

The "torture her in front of her friends and/or family" bit is a Gary Roberts specialty, which is one of several reasons why he rocks.

We could use more small government conservatives instead of the stupid asshole variety we've got now. I don't think that libertarian conservatism, which has limits but is a perfectly valid theory of government, has anything to do with the mainstream political spectrum in this country right now. When you see who it is that wants to censor the internet, sick the FCC onto cable channels, enforce outdated prohibitions on "obscene" material, and just generally do anything possible to outlaw pornography, or to allow others to do so without "technically" destroying the first amendment you see a bunch of.....drum roll please.....Republicans. Sure there are some silly feminists (who understand neither the purpose of feminism nor human nature) who would sick the nanny state on pornographers, but they are a small minority that rarely strays beyond the world of academia. (By they way...more feminists in academia than you'd think are hip to the realities of sexuality. I've got a female colleague who wrote a brilliant Thesis about sadomasochism.)

To John McCain's credit, he's largely kept his nose out of the social conservative (or to label it better, stupid ass reactionary) wing of the Republican Party, which is why Sean Hannity thinks he's a jerk, but I do worry about the concessions he'd make to those bastards if he got elected. He's already changed a few positions to please the dumbass wing of the party. You gotta keep in mind that American conservatism has been seriously compromised by the work of weasily Christian fundamentalists. You might get to keep your guns and your cigarettes, but who knows what kind of foolishness Ralph Reed's spawn might get up to.

Wheh...that's enough of that. I do worry though about the erosion of free speech here in this ole U.S.A. since I like quite a bit of speech that most folks consider pretty offensive. The dominance of the Christain coalition infected Republican party has been scaring me for a while.

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 08:57:16 PM

Name: Scion, The
Homepage URL:


John McCain will be the choice for those who just can't pay enough for their gas or have their wars long enough. John McCain wants to piss away another trillion dollars in Iraq. John McCain spent some time in the Hanoi Hilton. So did a lot of other guys. A lot of guys got treated a lot worse in less public places. My uncle was captured by the Nazis in WW2. They chopped off 3 knuckles off his finger. He never made a dime off his time in a POW camp getting tortured, how bout John McCain? Don't make this guy president based on that. If you think John McCain is not more than happy to suckle upon the teat of the religious right or satan himself or both, to be el presidente', to do their bidding quid pro quo, well you are naive...

Can you see what's happening? Take all the religious bs and posturing out of it. We are going bankrupt, we are falling behind, technologically, economically. We will not be invaded, we will be PURCHASED! Its happening now. WAKE UP!

Do you really think John McCain, the OLDEST president to ever take office if elected, HE's gonna turn it all around. Do you think that? He is the millennial Herbert Hoover about to preside over the great depression. I wont say who I'm voting for but it sure as FUCK wont be John McCain.


Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 11:04:35 PM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

There's no telling who would go easier on porn in this election. They'll use it as a bargaining chip depending on which way the wind blows. Smaller government is what is needed. Fewer of both parties in office. Less time for bored bureaucrats to go snooping around in the neighbors yard and making new laws to jail more people. We've got 1% of our population in jail for Christ's sake. Our execution rate is second only to Russia and Iran. Slavery, bondage, execution? How about a tazer torture session for the guy that mouths off at the cops while being busted for pot?

I'm proud of this country in a lot of ways but we've got some fucked up doms running a lot of the show.

Releasing a dvd tomorrow with a bank repossession agent grabbed, tied up, and fucked. It's the best thing to do with 'em.

Tuesday, May 6th 2008 - 11:37:57 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

I'd like to remind everyone that political postings are allowed on this forum...but only as they apply to the theme of the site, which is BONDAGE and protecting our rights to view whatever kind of deviant material we want in the privacy of our homes. And naturally, it's easy to let the conversation stray as to why we are for or against whatever political candidate, but we're not going to go there on this forum. Out and out political posts like the one we have a few posts below mine are off-topic. If you're going to spout off about politics, tie it in with the focus of the forum or it's likely to be deleted next time.

Elkcreek: I understand your frustration about negative comments about conservatives bothering you. By and large, the reason we don't much care for their political agenda around here is because they are the ones, individually and collectively, who would like to get rid of adult material or make it a crime to view it. They are a bigger threat to our freedom of speech and our American way of life than Al-Qaeda. Indeed, this president has spent more of his time and our tax dollars toward criminalizing and prosecuting adult entertainment than he has going after Osama Bin Laden.

It's not likely that either Hillary or Obama, whoever ends up winning the nomination, are going to go much easier on porn than this current administration, but it's almost a sure bet that they won't be any worse. I'm not sure that adult entertainment will even survive 4 more years of Republican censorship. We need a change, NOW.

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 12:03:55 AM

Name: Boilerplant

Todays Picture::::::::::::::::::

I can't believe She ate the whole thing:::::::::::

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 02:54:03 AM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Ralphus wrote:

It's not likely that either Hillary or Obama, whoever ends up winning the nomination....

Actually, you can stick a fork in Hillary Clinton: she's done.

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 03:37:09 AM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Being a boring night, and not being the least bit interested in the US election (OK, maybe a little interested, but not while I'm visiting porn sites), I went back for a little review of the Lisa Kinkaid interviews on the site here - you'll find them somewhere near the top if you haven't seen them before. I think it's quite extraordinary that we have/had such a cool/clever bondage star here amongst us at one point, and I highly recommend everyone who is new to this site to check them out.

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 04:14:16 AM

Name: Jake
Homepage URL:

Guys - thanks for all your opinions re the poll. I guess, ultimately, our limits are established by our tastes. I deliberately posed the question with regard to fantasy, because that's the area where we can be totally self-indulgent if we want to be, but even in my secret dreams I realised I'm not prepared to do absolutely anything or everything. I'm with Brutus - I don't want to see/imagine anything that ruins my victim's beauty, but I'm sure there are lots of men who think that even ropes and gags, (both of which are essential for my arousal), spoil the female form, so again it all comes down to personal taste.

Like so many of you, I totally get off on a girl's fear and her anticipation of the pain I COULD inflict on her. The wide, terrified eyes above the gagged, whimpering mouth - how good is that? How can I hurt thee? Let me count the ways....

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 10:09:43 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Afternoon All

Normally I refrain from commenting on political issues on this forum but I think I'll chime in on this as it pertains to Gimpers.

It really matters not who might win this or that election. It matters not if they call themselves Republicans or Democrats or wrap themselves in a conservative or liberal cloak. Yes, conservatives make it difficult on the adult film industry. Wife of almost president Al Gore, Tipper, wanted to ban lyrics from rap tunes. The same beast, merely trying to appeal to a different audience. Each sides politicians are EVIL. If one side or the other thinks they can garner one more vote by coming down on Gimpers or liked minded folk ALL of them will do it with no more thought than stepping on a cockroach. And with the police power of government as well as unlimited funding behind them, you, as the individual, are left to hang out and dry on the altar of that which is politically expedient.

Now that I've had my rant I just got an order in from Video Mayhem and simply must do some previewing - well, that and it's martini time.

Stay Well All

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 12:00:57 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

I live in North Carolina and I gotta tell ya, people were really wound tight around here last night. I'm glad it's over.

jhlipton: Love your idea. It got me hot just reading it. You should write a story.

Mothbrad: I went back not long ago and read the Lisa Kinkaid material. Your right, it is good stuff and I find it very informative. I'm one of those geeks that likes "making of" and "behind the scenes" information.

Jake: I answered the poll before it became official but I would like to re-inforce my answer by saying that pretty much anything goes as long as the buildup is long enough to entertain me. I'm not freaked out by excessive gore or violence but I do hate to see their beauty spoiled.

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 12:43:30 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Lisa interviews: I'm not sure everyone knows this, but some of the questions and answers from the June 2002 interview with Lisa Kinkaid found their way into the film, The Dirty Dreams of Lisa Kinkaid. I wish I had been around back then, but I wasn't.

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 04:48:16 PM

Name: jyydubs

Hey all, been away for a bit. To answer the poll: no bodily fluids (vomit, poo, urine etc...) No overweight or older ladies either.

Here is a trailer for a film I just saw:

Man, they REALLY don't make em' like they used to!

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 06:11:40 PM

Name: jyydubs

Whoa, I just finished posting and found another good one:

To contradict my prior statement, maybe they DO TRY to make em' like they used to!

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 06:16:31 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

jyydubs: That's funny, I too discovered "Gone the way of Flesh" before I came back to checkout your second post. Man, I would really like to see that one! Actually both. thanx for sharing.

Wednesday, May 7th 2008 - 07:20:23 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:


Good news, guys. I got word from Scribbler...we'll be ready to go with our long-delayed 9th Anniversary celebration this weekend! Dreambook still isn't back to normal but we haven't had any posting problems since we came back, and besides that, I'm getting antsy. All the new updates will up at midnight Friday night (Saturday morning). I know we're also going to be coinciding with Mother's Day, but what the heck! Invite your mothers over to check us out, too! That way she can discover what a perverted little fucker she raised!

I've got a lot to do to make sure we're ready, but in the meantime, call a buddy, bring a friend and stop on here this weekend and join our celebration.

Thursday, May 8th 2008 - 08:51:32 AM

Name: Brutus

John (Gaggedutopia): Thanks for addressing our suggestions and comments. It sounds like you're developing a solid plan for next year's awards. If I think of anything else that you may or may not want to reject, I'll shoot you an e-mail.

jyydubs: Welcome back and thanks for sharing the YouTube clips. "Gone the Way of Flesh" looks rather bloody, but promising. And there's a ballgag! You mentioned some time ago about "Nightmare Man" being on your radar. For me, it was another good example of wasted potential. I was waiting for so long for the masked man to rape the nutty woman, or at least one of the other babes. Finally, at the end, there's an unrealistic outdoor rape in the mold of "The Entity." At least there was some nudity.

Scat scratch fever: One of the most unappealing scenes I've ever viewed came from Insex called "Soiled." PD gives the victim an enema and she shits in her white pants with close-ups of the stains and liquid seeping through the fabric and running down her legs. Then she's forced to clean up the filth. Blech!

Ralphus wrote: Invite your mothers over to check us out, too!

OK, that's even more twisted than those "crapping in the mouth" scenes you mentioned :-) I'm looking forward to the updates.

Thursday, May 8th 2008 - 10:23:56 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Mornin All

Dubs, good to see you back man - checked those links and oh yeah. Did a bit of investigation on them so here's a little more for those interested.

The German title "Foltercamp" is, if I'm not mistaken, a 1980 Hong Kong effort, original title "Da She", maybe from those zany Shaw Bros. I'm certain I've read the movie description before at Video Search of Miami under a completely different title. I'll check on that.

"Gone the Way of Flesh" - from the look of that one I was wondering why I had never seen or heard of it. Has that gritty 60-70's grindhouse look to it. Turns out that is a recent production - 57 minute flick primarily made to promote the rockabilly band featured. Troma has picked it up and plans to release a dvd sometime this year. But hey, sex/drugs/rock and roll/ultra violence/chicks tortured in bondage. Looks good but I tend to think nudity will be absent.

Also for those interested we had a short discussion last month on the "Mark of the Devil" flicks - some guy has posted the entire first movie on youtube - boy, that won't last long. There is a lengthy trailer for part 2 that may survive. That one is linked above.

Stay Well All

Thursday, May 8th 2008 - 10:36:41 AM

Name: jyydubs

SLOTH - The "Foltercamp" film is pretty good, I do have a copy of it. A lot of the good stuff is in the trailer. It is quite a mean-spirited/brutal film. Lots of rape for those that are into it. The candle wax scene is not too bad. I read that about Troma releasing the other movie. It looks good, but I also doubt it will have nudity. It still seems good enough that I will check it out.

Sorry everyone for not posting for so long. I have lots of good stuff to post about. I will try to get around to it. Just been really busy lately.

Thursday, May 8th 2008 - 02:41:18 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

I'm downloading all 4 parts of Mark of the Devil from YouTube. Once I have it, I'll post it to RapidShare and put the link in my URL. It will be 4 separate parts, 10 minutes each in FLV format.

That way, when YouTube does delete it, we'll have a copy.

Thursday, May 8th 2008 - 07:49:58 PM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Mornin All

Good work jhlipton - they may have already begun deletion as I could swear there were more than 4 segments yesterday - we shall see.

Looking over the movie review section I was amazed to find no review on "South of the Border 2". Let us rectify that. This is a 1997 ZFX release starring Monica Moore, Penelope Pace, Chandra Sweet, Bryan Dunhill and Jon O'Brien. Run time is 62 minutes followed by 25 minutes of trailers and previews.

We begin with a recap with footage from part one showing how our damsels came to be in the custody of a terrorist group of some banana republic. Penelope is bound in a standing position, wrists in front then tied to ankles in a bent far forward position, tape gagged and getting her tush spanked, naked except for shoes. A collar is applied and roped to ceiling. Lifting pressure applied for some chokes as spanking continues.

The dastardly terrorists continue to video tape these sessions, now with Penelope standing AOH, mouth packed and held with strap, leg spreader attached to ankles. With what could best be described as an ion powered stun wand she gets a series of shocks all over. She passes out and the gag is removed only to have a large dildo take its place. Packing and strap go back in and the cat is used for a nice lashing.

She has been retied, still AOH, legs chained to opposing walls and spread wide for a pussy lashing. Clothespins applied to the lips. Masked villain leaves and she struggles until she passes out. Now retied sitting on the floor with each wrist tied to each ankle then together to a horizontal bar behind her, naked but for shoes. She has electric leads to her nipples and into her mouth. Voltage applied on and off and once again she passes out.

Now doggie style on floor, wrists bound in front, cleave gagged with panties over her head. Masked villain taps her from behind. He removes the panties and spanks her tush. We switch to Monica who is standing with arms outstretched, cleave gagged and legs chained to opposing posts, naked but for pantyhose and shoes (this band of terrorists seems to live by the code - abduct, strip, bind, torment, humiliate, torture and rape but do not remove shoes). Bryan, Jon and Chandra enter and the men do some fondling while Chandra applies a collar for some choking. She then attaches a ceiling rope to the collar. A dildo is used on her pussy and the ceiling cord gets yanked for some chokes as Chandra diddles herself and plays with Monica.

The men start in on Monica with two cats amid much screaming and protestation as the sweat and welts begin. Her pantyhose are pulled down and her pussy lashed until she passes out. The men leave and Chandra pleases herself as she visualizes Monica's whipping. Monica is then rebound on floor, face up with arms and legs outstretched to opposing ratchets. Clothespins are applied to nipples. They ratchet her into the air (think Geri Bronson in "The Abductors" but not so high) and her pussy lips get pins. As she is questioned she gets shocks from a stun gun and fondled by all. She gets a severe lashing with a tape gag applied.

When taken down she is forced to crawl to a rug where she is held down for fondling and pussy eating. Chandra begins to dislike the attention paid to Monica and gets jealous. A gag goes in then around her neck for some chokes. We see Penelope in another room now bound kneeling on floor wrists behind, calves tied to thighs and cleave gagged. Back to Monica who has passed out so a villain drags her to a horizontal hoist and secures her wrists behind to it. He lifts her up ala strappado and gives her a fondling. He departs and she struggles to get free. Chandra enters, gives her a few belly punches then frees her so she can have her vato to herself. Monica runs off into the night. As the men are finding out what happened Penelope frees herself and flees. As punishment Chandra gets stripped and dunked in a bucket of water. She gets revived and carted off. The End

Movie Pluses - both victims have great bods, enhanced or not - Monica turns in a good performance during her lashes and electro - Bryan hams it up again, this time doing his "badges, we don't need no stinking badges" routine.

Movie Minuses - Penelope was not nearly as strong as Monica IMHO - Penelope freeing herself from tight bondage, what is that - and they both escape - you know how I hate happy endings.

The Verdict - the SOB series got much stronger when the villains shifted from terrorists to government thugs and moved to a prison - this episode lacks some of the intensity of episodes 3-6. Still, a nice viewing.

My Grade B-

Stay Well All

Friday, May 9th 2008 - 08:53:34 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

May 9th Picture: Damn! That's a great picture. It has the whole "men's magazine" thing going for it; more erotic than pornographic. It lets the imagination run wild.


Friday, May 9th 2008 - 10:07:25 AM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

YES! love the daily pic!

Friday, May 9th 2008 - 01:32:28 PM

Name: MAV

So mad at Rick...

I missed my lost ZFX vids so much that I bought a bunch of minutes at Although I resaw many of the scenes that I love that I hadnt seen in a while, Guinea Pigs 3 with Holly Weston is NOT up. I'm a big AOH fan and her getting strung up and whipped while ball-gagged (even though Im not a big gag guy) is one of my favorite scenes, especially since she writhes around and shows a nice ribcage through a lot of it.

Sorry-just a random porn rant that maybe some of you fellow GIMPers can empathize with...

Friday, May 9th 2008 - 02:02:52 PM

Name: A Canadian
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Sloth: Another strong contribution to the Reviews section, and not a moment too soon as the anniversary celebrations are set to begin.

It's been a while since I've seen South of the Border 2, but I think I would have given it a higher grade. Maybe a B or even a B-plus.

I agree with you about the Penelope scenes, but the Monica Moore scenes more than made up for it (even with the fake cans). If I remember this movie correctly (and I hope I'm not confusing it with the first SOB), Bryan Dunhill does a great job tormenting Monica, particularly when he taunts her about having sex with a donkey.

True enough, it's not exactly South of the Border 4, but then again, almost nothing made in America is.

Friday, May 9th 2008 - 05:30:20 PM

Name: Hank
Homepage URL:

Ralphus & Scribbler: I have to say what a great job you have done here with the new features. We have only scanned quickly thru the new features, but what we have seen so far is awesome.This place is going to become one great reference site.

Great Job !!!


Friday, May 9th 2008 - 10:18:13 PM

Name: Korsar
E-mail address:

Master and Dom of a pretty and very obedient subbie.

Friday, May 9th 2008 - 10:55:05 PM

Name: Cruel Jailer
E-mail address:

Well a very very happy big 9th anniversary to you and may the next even be more exciting........all the best my friend...keep it coming.

Friday, May 9th 2008 - 10:59:33 PM

Name: MaidSonja
E-mail address:

I'm curious and like to browse in your amazing work. I heard many good things about, so let's rock `n roll!

Friday, May 9th 2008 - 11:42:10 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

9 years, 1 month and 10 days ago...

On March 29, 1999, this forum was launched into cyberspace by the Gimp. It all started as a series of back and forth discussions the two of us had back when he responded to one of my ZFX reviews on the newsgroup alt.sadistic. He e-mailed me soon after and asked what I thought about an actual discussion site devoted to extreme bondage video. And a few days later this site was born.

Yeah, I know we're a bit late celebrating our 9th Anniversary this year. The Great Dreambook Blackout of 2008 wiped out any chances we had of making it on time, but better late than never, right?

To thank everyone for their patience, I hope you'll all enjoy the new features Scribbler and I have added for you. To start with, we've managed to bring back one of my favorite sites from the Internet graveyard, The Torture Rack Scenes Database. You can read more details in my introduction to the site, but let's just say it was a lot of hard work piecing together what was left and making the database whole again. Hopefully this will bring back pleasant memories for those you who were able to visit the site back in the days when it was still around.

Also, we've finally restored the images to the Whipping Scenes in Movies Database. It took a long time, but the WSIMD is back and restored to the way it was when it closed down in 2003. In fact, it's even improved now, since I added even more and better pictures and even some video links this time.

And I figured if we can do that, why not add pics to all our other remaining databases? So I searched online, dug through my own personal hard drive, and got some help from friends. I figured that while it's nice to have a text database of extreme bondage movies, having pictures is so much better! And if you think this wasn't a chore...whoa, baby! This took me several weeks, using up nearly all my free time working behind the scenes to put all this stuff together. I even bought extra bandwidth from Tripod, in case we went over and they cut us off. All in all, I hope it was worth it and you guys dig it.

I should also say congratulations to Christina Carter, Dahlia Delis and Nightposter. They are this year's additions to our Notable Guests page.

And lastly, I want to say thank you to all the posters and readers of this site. There's no way we would have lasted 9 years here without all of you sharing your opinions and reviews with the rest of us. This site belongs to all of you, so give yourselves a collective pat on the back for everything you do to keep this site one of the best places on the net for pervs and sick fucks to hang out. Long live Girls In Merciless Peril!

Friday, May 9th 2008 - 11:46:30 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Mark of the Devil

4 parts, 10 minutes each, FLV format:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

I fast-forwarded through it and wasn't very impressed. No nudity, no rape, a bit of whipping, but not much, pretty bland stuff. But it's available for whoever wants it.

Friday, May 9th 2008 - 11:48:42 PM

Name: Brutus

Happy 9th anniversary everyone!

Ralphus and Scribbler: The updates are awesome and well worth the wait. I especially like the revived database for torture rack scenes. I had always wondered what became of that. We all appreciate the hard work that you put into this site. Thanks again and let the celebration continue.

Sloth: Is it just me or are you getting even tougher in your reviews? I might have given SOB 2 a higher grade. But thanks for bringing back some memories of ZFX in the good old days.

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 12:11:24 AM

Name: Fantazmaster
E-mail address:

Thanks for letting me know the site is back online. For once one of Classic websites has returned, as I have seen too many of them disappear over the years.

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 02:35:49 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:


Whoa! We seem to have what appears to be a bandwidth issue. They pulled the plug on us! If it's not Dreambook, it's something else.

My apologies to everyone. What started off as such a joyous occasion has been yanked away from us. I'm really sorry, guys. I'm trying as quickly as I can to get things fixed. Bare with me.

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 05:14:28 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Just to add to the fun ... my old email address seems to have been hit with some type of spam or virus, where I keep getting an error message, supposedly from Yahoo! Mail.

I don't know if anyone else is getting this, but most of my activity using that email address was either on this site, or on GIMP-related Yahoo sites (like Dahlia's and Darkroom's) -- so be warned. I am moving to a new email address, which I am not going to post for the moment. I would be interested to learn if anyone else is having this problem.

(Note to Bob H: if you should read this, I am still checking my old email. So if you wish to follow up on the email I sent Friday, feel free to contact me at the old address).


On a happier note, the Canadian chapter of the Gerie Bronson Fan Club was pleased with the Hank caps that were added to the listing for The Abductors in the Rape in Movies List. The other caps are probably good, too, but we were focused on the Gerie ones before the whole Bandwidth problem started.


Finally, this new release from Attackers looks interesting. It's a three-hour super special movie that seems to be bringing the Slave Island theme into a high school setting.

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 06:15:58 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address: jhlipton@yahoo.comC

Ralphus: Congrats on 9 years!! Whoo! Good job, buddy!

Canadian: It's a three-hour super special movie that seems to be bringing the Slave Island theme into a high school setting.

I wish my high school had been like that. I sure would have enjoyed gym a **LOT** more!

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 08:19:38 AM

Name: d206s
E-mail address:

What a delightful find. Thanks for all your effort!

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 09:04:19 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Mornin All

jhlipton - thanks for that effort on "Mark of the Devil" - if there's no nudity, the Gaby Fuchs rack scenes were either left out of got whacked - both very nice scenes, only a tattered skirt left on - much beating, torment and torture, one just before her tongue extraction.

Brutus and A Canadian - it may be correct that as a grumpy old man I'm getting tougher on reviews but here is how I arrived at that grade - Monica segments got "A" - Penelope segments got "C" - Bryan villain got "B" - average is a solid "B" - no happy endings as with chicks getting away from the captors so that gets a point deduction - hence B-

Stay Well All

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 10:11:25 AM

Name: sgtmajor
Homepage URL:


Congrats on nine years of running this site. Given the current political climate you should be up for some type of serious pat on the back. Running a site is very difficult and you are owed some serious respect...thanks!

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 02:56:56 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:


First off, my apologies to everyone to came by today expecting to see all these neat new features. Sort of akin to inviting everyone over for a Super Bowl party then having a power outage during the opening snap.

The problem is, just as I suspected, excessive bandwidth. I tried to counter that in advance by purchasing extra bandwidth and disk space from Tripod, the company that hosts our extra features. We had everything loaded up and ready to go a little after midnight last evening. And when I checked the site at 8 AM this morning, I saw a bunch of empty spaces with little red X's by them.

It wasn't Tripod, it wasn't Dreambook this time (shocker!) it was AOL, my normal ISP. We hotlink from them and have never had a problem, although we normally have just the one daily picture and not hundreds like what we were trying to do here. Apparently they do have an automated limit, and with hundreds of people accessing the site, it blew everything up and that shut everything down. That's where we are right now.

If anyone has any suggestions as to how we can get these databases back with pictures, I'm looking for a host that allows adult content that I can link from. Meanwhile, I think we're going to pull the new databases off until then and see if we can at least get this place looking at least like it used to be.

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 03:01:09 PM

Name: Vince

Happy Birthday GIMP!

May you go on forever.

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 05:19:45 PM

Name: Scribbler

Actually Ralphus, it's not called hotlinking when you to it, display images from your AOL account on this BOTG site. It's only called hotlinking if some other site does it without your permission.

As to bandwidth exceeded: I was somewhat worried that this bandwidth limit thing might happen and I did mention this to Ralphus a while back. I mentioned this back when we added banners and notable guest jpgs, but that turned out not to be a problem, so I guess Ralphus wasn't expecting a problem this time either.

And so, the best laid BOTG plans have gone awry for now. But let's hear it for 9 years of zfx-like and other bondage video and related discussion. This forum rules! I'm not as involved as I used to be, but we have some great posters here. And lurkers too probably, but lurkers only become officially great when they post!

GIMP POLL:Do you have limits when it comes to your sexual torture fantasies?

AOL's answer is YES! WE absolutely have limits! Bandwidth limits!

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 05:26:13 PM

Name: JR
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hey Ralphus,

Congrats on nine years!! Love the new features. Still on AOL? Yikes!!

Keep up the excellent work.

Best wishes for another nine years!


Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 06:11:04 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Ralphus wrote:

On March 29, 1999, this forum was launched into cyberspace by the Gimp.

Nine years. To put that in perspective, the forum was started at a time when bondage movies were primarily sold on VHS, when new ZFX titles were released on a regular basis (although rumor has it not always exactly on schedule), and American productions were at the heart of the discussions here.

Fast forward to 2008 -- Most new titles are either watched on DVD or online, ZFX hasn't had a new release in over two years, and the most eagerly awaited movies are usually in a language the majority of us can't follow. Production values these days, particularly in the Japanese releases, put most of those '90s releases to shame, and some of the Attackers films are three times longer than many of the bondage films from nine years back.

I have no idea what lies ahead, but if history is any guide, I think the GIMP world of 2017 will look significantly different than anything we recognize today. Only Lisa will continue to be timeless.

Congratulations, Ralphus, and thanks to everyone who helps make torture and cruelty fun.

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 07:07:37 PM

Name: Duracel888
E-mail address:

Fantasy exists to let us expand safely. No limits.

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 07:42:44 PM

Name: Bobjones

All hail the mighty gimp forum! May it's cum and blood spattered legacy live forever!

Ahem....happy anniversary everybody, and thanks to all who make this the best porn resource on the net.

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 09:50:57 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

Ralphus and the gang,

This is not just another happy ninth birthday post - this is a true post, from the heart, about the site that I visit every morning, sometimes even before I check my email. I would post more, but with the almost absolute lack of access to new films, most of what I can add is just airy opinion and vague pleasentries (like this).

I am a great lover of all things 'rack and suspension', so the newest updates are beyond the superlatives that I might have come up with if I spent more than three minutes on my posts. Needless to say, even though you might not realise that people appreciate all the work you put into it (200+ visitors for every person who posts a comment), we really do. Bandwidth problems will never kill the Gimp. [I seem to have been lucky enough to access the new features before the shit hit the fan, but trust me, folks - they're worth waiting for]

I remember March 1999 very clearly, but unfortunately not for the activity on this page - I think I was wasting my life on some other activity - probably work or some such nonsense. SO as a bit of a late adapter, I'm glad we're still here, still flying the flag for perversity, and still hassling Rick to keep the product coming, even if we've given up on Lisa ever doing an anal scene.

Here's a toast [clink] to the next nine years!

Saturday, May 10th 2008 - 10:28:41 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Ralphus: You could try imagevenue. They allow X-rated content and I believe you can link directly to the pics, and have a thumbnail link as well.

SgtMajor: has started offering individual scenes, with previews, and I saw your handiwork up there. I hope you get a piece of that action -- it looked like good stuff.

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 12:05:25 AM

Name: Boilerplant

On March 29, 1999, this forum was launched into cyberspace by the Gimp.

Time moves on. Isn't the movie industry much like the American auto industry? First we have ZFX movies made in America now we watch movies made in Japan. How long before that is outsourced to China?

Nine years for a paysite is a big thing but nine years on a free site is very, very unusual.

Congratulations on the first 9 years and let's make the next bunch that much more exiciting to us all.


Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 03:08:04 AM

Name: rich
E-mail address:

I would like to also say congrats to the site Ralphus. Even though I lurk more than post, I enjoy reading every ones post. May the GIMP website go on forever.

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 06:55:21 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Isn't the movie industry much like the American auto industry? First we have ZFX movies made in America now we watch movies made in Japan. How long before that is outsourced to China?

Yes and no. Yes, the Attackers and other Japanese studios are popular here, but Video Mayhem has added a LOT of new American studios to their catalog (which I would think are selling well, or they wouldn't add more), and keeps expanding their line. I'd say there's a resurgence of American-made bondage -- hurrah for the red (her ass), white (where the ropes cut into her flesh) and blue (her face as the cord pulls tight)!

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 08:29:01 AM

Name: ralf schulz
E-mail address:

Hello! Unfortunately I don't have a homepage because I'm mostly at sea, but anyways I like to register my self to the forum!

I like to share pics vids and chat!



Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 08:59:46 AM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

Although I saw a bunch of squares with little red X's, I was thrilled to see the resurgence of WSIMD and Torturerackscenes. I used to frequent those sites and may even be able to help in replacing some of the material since I downloaded quite a bit of it back in the day. This is truly a time to celebrate and thank you Ralphus, for all your hard work.

Long live the GIMP, may it reign supreme.

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 09:53:59 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

jhlipton wrote:

You could try imagevenue. They allow X-rated content and I believe you can link directly to the pics, and have a thumbnail link as well.

That's a possibility, although I'm not a big fan of Imagevenue at all. I used to use them, but I've been burned several times when I post a picture and Imagevenue will randomly display a completely different image! Pretty frustrating if I post a picture of a woman being raped and the viewer ends up seeing a shot of a willow tree in the woods. I will give them a try and explore other options, too.

It's my goal to bring back the restored Whipping Scenes and Torture Rack Scenes databases. I was a big fan myself, and I'll find a way to return them to cyberspace somehow. And the other databases will return, as well. Seeing how it took me several weeks to update all the databases, though, we probably won't see anything immediately. It does take a while, especially since I can only work on these when I have a few spare hours after work, or on my one day off on Sundays.

Sloth: I'm a little late doing this, but thanks for the review of South of the Border 2. With your review, we now have complete reviews of that entire series from ZFX in the Reviews section, and it's about time. Like the others here, I'm not sure I agree that a grade of B- is high enough (and they say I'm a tough grader) although to be honest, I took very little footage of the Penelope Pace scenes in my highlights tape, so maybe your criticism is valid. My highlights were almost exclusively the Monica Moore material, and since they shared the movie together, you balance the very good with the not-so-good and end up with a B- grade. Penelope was a great performer, but that film was in her dark hair and inflated boobs period when she wasn't looking as good as she did before. On the other hand, you also had the gorgeous Monica Moore, the complete package, so naturally I preferred watching her suffer.

Added to the Reviews section at the link in my Homepage URL above.

And along those lines, here's a poll question to hopefully inspire discussion, since we have a lot of new people here reading this board for the first time.

Do you think that a bondage film can be truly great unless you find the performers attractive? Why or why not?

Here's what I think. No matter how well they're tied, how much hell they are put through, if they don't really do it for me, it's hard to say it's a great movie. In fact, if I don't find her attractive, I may not even watch it, or just watch it in fast-forward. Maybe I'm becoming jaded in my old age, maybe I've seen too many bondage films, but I don't usually take the time unless the girl does it for me. I'm just too discerning in my tastes anymore, I guess. I've seen too much, and it's hard to impress me unless the film has all the ingredients I require.

That's my opinion; anyone care to agree or disagree?

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 12:44:03 PM

Name: Kevin

Thanks for the Torture Rack Scene Data Base!! Great to have it back. The Gordon Scott movie you list there as Figlio dello sceicco is known in the US as Kerim-Son of the Shiek. Also, Ralphus, is there any way you'd like to sell a copy of Thief Of Venice?? I have been searching for a print for many, many years.

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 01:25:54 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Kevin: For a moment, I was wondering why you were thanking me for the Torture Rack Scene Database when it's no longer up on the board. Then it occurred to me that members of Hank's Bondage Yahoo group actually can still get into both that and the Whipping Scenes Database, since I gave the direct URLs to them in a post yesterday.

I'm not going to announce the links right now, otherwise bandwidth will go up and everything will get knocked out again, but I gave you all an important clue. Sort of like having access to the hidden immunity idol on Survivor :)

I have the torture rack scene from Thief Of Venice in my private collection (a very rare and awesome scene, BTW) but not the actual movie, sorry.

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 02:54:06 PM

Name: Jean
E-mail address:

Yes it is necessary for me at least, for the victim to be attractive. The violence, or BDSM, for me, is to fulfill fantasies, and they wont satisfy a fantasy if the victim isnt someone I'd want in a fantasy.

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 03:23:14 PM

Name: sgtmajor
Homepage URL:

Poll Question, I am not able to enjoy a movie if I can't get into the model. The shits about this business is sometimes you get approached by a girl who wants to shoot with you and you have to try to find a polite way to say it won't work out right now.

At the end of the day I feel it is important to shoot what turns you on not what you feel will sell the best. When I shoot for I try to give them the best content I am able regardless if the model turns me on or not. For my own site the girl usually fits a very specific look. I guess I look for movies that are very similar to my taste in models and women in general.

I am really not an asshole in real life I just play one in the porn I make. Bondage like anything in this world is very subjective, what turns some on will turn others off.

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 04:08:25 PM

Name: Scribbler
Homepage URL:

Assuming the poll is talking about bondage films that are intended to turn the viewer on, then definitely the girl performer playing the bondage and mistreated victim needs to be attractive. And the hotter the better. If the film is otherwise perfect, but the victim is not a turn on, the other aspects of the film are not going to make up for that, and therefore, not worth watching.

As far as the assailant performers, doesn't matter to me much what they look like. Though, I sort of think a hot girl assailant is not that great a thing, better if she's less a looker compared to the victim. Adds contrast.

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 04:14:42 PM

Name: Rick
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Greetings Gimpers,

Well, this is my second "Happy 9th Anniversary Gimpsite" post, the site locked up shortly after my last one, lets hope that doesn't happen again. Anyway, happy 9th Gimpers! Thanks to all of those who post and make the site so much fun. Hmmm, fun doesn't seem to be the right word, more like interesting. Also thanks to Ralphus, my fellow AOLamer, for his able moderation of the site. He surely is the spark that keeps the sites fires alight.

The Reporter: Thanks for the caps, reviews, etc. Monica Moore did a great job on this movie. I too would have preferred her without the boob job, but she was nonetheless stunning.

Poloticks: There is a lot of stuff going on with John Stagliano being indicted on obscenity charges. Apparently certain censorship groups are now in complete and total control of the Injustice Deportment. They have been calling for them to stop going after the fringe element porn and hit the mainstream. Then Stag is indicted. If McCain is elected you will see these type of things continue to happen.

By the by, Stagliano did some of what I think are the best Bruce Seven bondage movies ever. It was very early in his career, and these were actually plot based Bruce Seven, before buttman and before Bruces famous dance and dungeon routine. He was really good in these dominant roles and I really enjoyed those shows when I found them. Sadly there was only a few around at the time. Not sure how many they did together. I cant recall the titles but one was like a Satanic cult was abducting girls for evil rituals, and the other a girl held for ransom movie. Good stuff.

SOB2: Thanks for the review.

Just a quick update, DVD conversion is going well, you may well start seeing some new shows near the end of the this year, early next. This long tunnel is nearly at an end. I'm also working on an 3D animated feature.

Happy 9th!


Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 06:30:34 PM

Name: MasterDetective
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Happy Birthday, Gimp!

You guys have gotta check out these pics, if you haven't seen them already:

Here's the story (potential one, at any rate): her attacker, rapist, blackmailer sends her those skimpy clothes and orders/blackmails her into walking around in public like that.. that's him on the cell phone. He's in the vicinity, watching her humiliate herself from a distance.. *evil grin*

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 06:37:44 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

And she's thinking to herself: 'I can't believe I'm being humiliated by a guy who's only four feet tall.'

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 07:45:00 PM

Name: zee-ef-ex

Attractive is a must.

3-D animation, Rick? Excellent, bring it on.

Happy 9 years. I can't believe I've actually been here for most of them. Wow time marches on.


Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 08:45:27 PM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

Congratulations from a newbie. As far as the poll question, I don't get turned on by ugly subjects only beautiful things! The Victim needs to be hot, nothing turns me off more then an ugly victim. OTOH I could care less about the physical appearance of her tormentor, with one caveat. I am far less impressed with a scene when the tormentor isn't physically menacing. A 5'3" wimp beating up a 6' amazon does a lot less for me then a physically overwhelming tormentor doing his thing on a helpless petite little victim. Thats one of the reason the Relic Rader flicks weren't as successful IMHO.

Note: I'm still looking for some alternative sources of Giga DVD's. the now retired Rico Tachabana has one (TBB-16) that looks mouth watering among others.

Also, I promise more reviews when my next Mayhem order hits. Work is starting to slow down a little.

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 09:18:33 PM

Name: Nightposter
Homepage URL:

I'm not turned on by ugly women, unless they are the villains.

Lately, I have not been interested in videos featuring the latest crop of actresses, covered in tattoos, and piercings everywhere. This is something I just do not see in public (at least to the degree I do in the vids)

BTW- I see I'm listed as a notable visitor...Me? notable?

I see you picked the only art that featured my self portrait.



Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 10:29:12 PM

Name: Joe Wrappe
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Congrats on nine years and for such a unique and great site !

I have posted before but as I am more a 'non-extreme' B&D person so I read/lurk more often.

GIMP POLL: Do you think that a bondage film can be truly great unless you find the performers attractive? Why or why not?

No not at all - the model's appeal is absolutely essential. She does not have to be a raving beauty but she does have to have that certain bondage look and type of body. I can not stand the look of the pierced female body and I sure do hate tattoos of any kind big or small. Then again I agree with sgtmajor's comments "Bondage like anything in this world is very subjective, what turns some on will turn others off"

Sunday, May 11th 2008 - 10:37:29 PM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Mornin All

Great pic today Ralphus - have that one somewhere in the archives so this is a visit from an old friend - I don't recall the name of the artist but he did some very nice stuff.

Poll Question - this is a trick question right? - does anyone here want to see some skank stretched on the rack? - you bet she needs to be fine. Does anyone desire to view Ethel Merman bound and tortured? Visual creatures (men) need visual stimulation - in the case of a Gimper the stimulation found in viewing the luscious female form in bondage and in peril. What she looks like after you've finished with her is entirely left to you.

This afternoon at martini time I will toasting a congrats to 9 years and wishing all well for 9 more.

Stay Well All

Monday, May 12th 2008 - 05:40:50 AM

Name: good hands
E-mail address:

Great to see you're (we're) back UP again!

There's a few of us perverts out here that're still drueling with lust n disgusting acts of base perversion.


Monday, May 12th 2008 - 05:52:39 AM

Name: Thanagar

Congratulations for nine big ones, everyone, and a hearty thanks to Ralphus for doing the dirty work that makes it possible.

I'm afraid I don't get the poll question. If you mean "great" in the objective sense, of course a bondage video can be great, even if I don't find the female talent appealing. I don't watch "Citizen Kane" for pleasure either, but I recognize its significance in the history of cinema. Now if it had had Lisa Kinkaid in it...

Monday, May 12th 2008 - 07:32:25 AM

Name: Brutus

Poll: Hmmm. I'm trying to think of any "great" bondage movie or scene with unattractive victims. Nope. Can't do it.

As for the villain, I don't care about the looks of a male villain, but I prefer a female villain to be hot in a psychotic sort of way.

Monday, May 12th 2008 - 08:42:42 AM

Name: oso polar
E-mail address:

Looks very interesting!

Monday, May 12th 2008 - 12:43:29 PM

Name: carnyx
E-mail address:

Hi Ralphus- thank you for bringing back the whipping scenes in movies page. It was always one of my favorites. Take care. Robert

Monday, May 12th 2008 - 02:09:23 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

MasterDetective: Here's the story (potential one, at any rate): her attacker, rapist, blackmailer sends her those skimpy clothes and orders/blackmails her into walking around in public like that.. that's him on the cell phone. He's in the vicinity, watching her humiliate herself from a distance.. *evil grin*

Once her tears start flowing, he brings her back to his place and teaches her what pain and humiliation REALLY feel like!


elkcreek: A 5'3" wimp beating up a 6' amazon does a lot less for me then a physically overwhelming tormentor doing his thing on a helpless petite little victim.

Suppose the tormentor takes the Amazon by surprise, Tasering her in the neck and getting her locked down before she can react. Wouldn't be cool to see the wimp whipping and beating the much stronger, and possibly larger woman? I think it would!


Brutus: I prefer a female villain to be hot in a psychotic sort of way.

Like Sheri Moon (see URL). Totally hot, totally psychotic.


POLL: Duh, yeah, the victim has to be cute. I don't care about the tormentor (I do prefer a male tormentor -- a woman can't cum on the victim's face!).

Monday, May 12th 2008 - 05:01:13 PM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

Jhpton, No the little wimp tazering the 6' Amazon still doesn't do it. At some point I want to see her intimidated by the overwhelming physical disadvantage. When I see that Amazon, All I see is contempt, because she knows if she gets untied she'll kick his butt, and rape, why would some 6' foot amazon be afraid of a wimp with a thing the size of her pinky?

Nope, Give me a little Elisha Cuthbert, Rachel Bilson, Natalie Portman, Sarah Michelle Geller type who is hopelessly at the mercy a big hulking Ugly NFL lineman type any-day. I think one of the reasons the Japanese stuff works so well is that the girls are so petite.

Monday, May 12th 2008 - 05:18:29 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

elkcreek: Nope, Give me a little Elisha Cuthbert, Rachel Bilson, Natalie Portman, Sarah Michelle Geller type who is hopelessly at the mercy a big hulking Ugly NFL lineman type any-day.

Different strokes (of the lash) for different folks, right? The best part of SMG's death in Scream 2 was imagining that he wasn't killing poor little CiCi, but that he was killing Buffy (see youtube clip). (It would have been better if he pulled her pants down and raped her as he stabbed her 5 or 6 more times, then thrown her naked corpse off the balcony, but we can't have everything!)

Monday, May 12th 2008 - 05:57:38 PM

Name: Matt
E-mail address:

Poll question: Yes, the sub must be attractive; the dom on the other hand, it depends on the plot, situation, etc. Some are attractive, others are not.

On the subject of POW movies: there was a made-for-TV movie in 1986 called Intimate Strangers, with Teri Garr as a POW who had escaped from Vietnam after 10 years in captivity following the fall of Saigon. There were two brief GIMP scenes, one was Teri hanging by her tied hands from a tree (in the rain at night), and the other was the prelim to a rape, shot from a first-person POV. These scenes were in flashback mode, as the movie dealt with the ex-POW's homecoming and readjustment after a long captivity. Unfortunately, the movie is no longer shown on cable or satellite, but it did make the rounds of TBS and TNT in the early '90s.

Monday, May 12th 2008 - 11:23:45 PM

Name: BP

Poll question: Yes, the sub must be attractive; the dom on the other hand, it depends on the plot, situation, etc. Some are attractive, others are not.


In the world of pen and ink we have what they call the "Jewell" series. A not so cute Women is caught and tortured by the African Natives. Everyone sees this and says why are they torturing a not so cute Women? The story is that some person commissioned these drawings with the likeness being of his Aunt Jewell. The face looks like a train wreck but when you post those drawings everyone asks do you have anymore?


To me they don't have to be stunning just clean and moderately pleasing to the eye. Why don't we make comments on their body hair down there? Pull some pubic hair or burn it off? Think if the Indians started collecting those Scalps?

Think About It

Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 02:53:22 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

BP: I know exactly what series you're talking about! Yeah, even I have the pictures from that, mainly because of the theme that I like (fire torture) and I do consider the artworks excellently drawn. But it is still rather puzzling why anyone would actively seek out this series, because the woman in peril is overweight, middle-aged and definitely not even approaching the attractiveness scale. And even more strange that an artist would voluntarily draw someone that ugly, unless for the obvious reason, that he was being paid. I mean, with artwork, it's not like you have to settle for a model who's less than ideal. If you don't like her looks, you can just draw her prettier.

Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 09:15:25 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Poll: I agree that the woman needs to be attractive. My definition of attractive, however, is quite different than a lot of people's. I find all kinds of women attractive, many that most men would think are too heavy or too old, or too... My stories reflect this.


Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 09:23:30 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Mornin All

Finally finished previewing my latest order from Video Mayhem - the first installment of the "New Slave Island" series puzzles me - still quite good in terms of quality and content but there seems to be nothing "new" - still a nice view for humiliation and rape fans.

Ralphus - if I may be so bold - just viewed "Gangstarr" and am itching at the bit to do a review on this one - I defer to you if you wish to do it first - IMHO, a quality ZFX effort.

Stay Well All

Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 10:01:57 AM

Name: J
E-mail address:

I want to add my thanks to Ralphus for his efforts to restore both the Whip Scenes and Whipping Scenes in movies database. My particular kink is whipping and I think Oslo's old Whipping Scenes site remains the gold standard. Damn shame it had to pass like so many of the early quality web sites. Fortunately I purchased his WSIM Videos, though on VHS. Thankfully my player still creaks along. Good luck in getting the photos up.

Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 11:24:11 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Poll question: As Kelly Bundy might say, so far it's anonymous. I agree with my fellow GIMPers that a bondage movie can only achieve greatness if the victim is attractive. You might make a good bondage movie with an unattractive victim, but never a great one.

One of the many reasons I like the Japanese productions is because the JAV stars generally tend to be attractive.

Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 04:46:31 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

POLL QUESTION: Yes looks matter but only to a point. I'm with Jefferson on this one. Although there are limits (take Ethel Merman - please!), my standards are not as high as most people. The victim does not have to be drop dead gorgeous for me to find her attractive. As long as long as she is reasonably attractive and not disgusting, I'm okay with it.

The fact is, if I'm watching a fetish video, I'm interested in the fetish first...the looks of the actress second. If her looks were the reason for viewing, I would just settle for vanilla. That's where the hottest babes are.

And another thing. I have said this before, but it bears repeating here. I HATE fake tits, tattoos, piercings, nose jobs, or even heavy makeup! Apart from being unsightly, these trimmings usually give the impression that the model is into the "lifestyle". That is a major buzz-kill. I want to see an innocent victim...trembling in fear. :o)

Oh, and I hate the heels, those goddamn high heels. I think they glue those things onto model's feet at the California border!...the horror......the horror...

Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 05:59:47 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

A Canadian: Your post showed up after I had already typed my comments. You make a very good point here. The JAV stars are some of the most attractive and I love the squeaky little "I'm in serious trouble" noises they make. A definite plus in my book.

Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 06:19:08 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Ironman: The fact is, if I'm watching a fetish video, I'm interested in the fetish first...the looks of the actress second. If her looks were the reason for viewing, I would just settle for vanilla. That's where the hottest babes are.

I'm just the other way around. The sub has to be pretty (for a REALLY good scene, I'll make a bit of an exception, but it has to be exceptional), otherwise, I'm off for vanilla, or chocolate, or mango, or pistachio...


On a VERY different forum, it was asked if it's OK to look at teens. Bearing in mind that age of consent varies widely from culture to culture, and that "thoughts are free" -- no-one can arrest you for thinking about a woman of a certain age, do any of you have a cut-off, and does it vary by what you're doing to her?

(Ralphus, if this question is out of line, feel free to delete it.)

Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 07:50:51 PM

Name: JR

To make the fantasy complete, the victim has to be a girl I might have in my fantasies. If she is too ugly, it does take away a lot from the movie no matter how good the scenario. On the other hand, if she looks too over the top with fake tits, stripper shoes and slutty clothing, then she is asking for it and the movie loses its appeal even more so than an ugly victim.

Tuesday, May 13th 2008 - 11:49:29 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Ironman wrote:

The JAV stars are some of the most attractive and I love the squeaky little "I'm in serious trouble" noises they make. A definite plus in my book.

Agreed. Every now and then, you come across a Japanese film where an actress is unattractive, but it's a pretty rare event. Most of the JAV stars are attractive, and some of them are incredibly beautiful.

The one troubling sign these days is that an increasing number of JAV stars seem to have boob jobs. This is one Western influence that needs to be stopped, somehow.

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 03:40:31 AM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Based on the sales figures I've seen.....the model needs to be cute! The cuter the better. Tattoos are a turn off for most. Boob jobs can be ignored to some extent if the model is cute and the scars aren't huge. The younger the better....and the more innocent the better.

Ralphus, sent you an e-mail. Need your shipping info....

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 06:19:23 AM

Name: Jake
Homepage URL:

With regard to the current poll, I would have to say that the victim has to be sexy to the viewer for the movie to work. For me that means she's going to be white, 18-30, good figure, skimpily dressed and great at expressing fear and pain. I have no interest in seeing an oompaloompa, a skin-and-bones model, or some sort of weird, tattooed freak as victim. I'm a normal, adult guy and I fantasize raping and tormenting a normal, adult woman. Is that so hard?

The above URL is a free site with lots of gross, awful stuff, so be warned. But I like the Japanese "sharking" video!

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 08:01:11 AM

Name: Brutus

jhlipton: Yep. Sherri Moon Zombie in "House of 1000 Corpses" and "Devil's Rejects" is my type of female villain: good looking, hot body, unpredictable, sadistic and psychotic (with lesbian potential).

I like a variety of villains, including the wimp. If a female victim can overpower the villain, he must ensure she's tied up tight.

As for an age limit for victims in bondage movies, I'd say 18 or 19, but that's just me. If they're in their 20s and look way underage, it doesn't work for me.

I haven't done a review in a while, so here goes:


Ha! Just messing with you Sloth and Ralphus. I'll let you guys handle that gem. For now, I'll give the lowdown on this mainstream flick.


This thriller had all the ingredients for a truly GIMP-worthy mainstream film: an alluring title, a bevy of babes willing to get naked on screen, and a plot revolving around a killer torturing and mutilating victims, including strippers. Unfortunately, it appears the producers didn't put down the crack pipe long enough to think about what they were doing, resulting in a truly frustrating viewing experience.

Oh, the movie starts off promising enough, with a naked blonde woman lying on her front on a gurney-type bed in a makeshift basement dungeon, her wrists tied to the posts. The villain saunters over to her with a knife and the scene fades to black with her screaming. Her body parts are found at a pier.

After a few introductions to the main characters, including psychiatrist Dr. Jill Kessy, Beverly Lynne who has a nice MILF quality to her, and a patient who describes himself as "Jack and Bob," we soon get to our next scene of note. Another blonde is sitting on a stool in her bra in the dungeon with her wrists tied behind her back. She has a black tape gag with what appears to be packing, and she is forced to watch a dead guy get his armed sawed off. There's some nice mmmphing in this brief scene.

Back to the plot, where we learn more about the cops investigating the case, mainly that they haven't decided how to play "good cop, bad cop," or even "good actor, bad actor."

The editing is also confusing. The quick jumps to different characters and locations simply confuses the story, such that it is.

So we get the obligatory scene with the cops in a strip joint, the lesbian teaser scene, the straight sex scene between Dr. Jill and a wannabe rock star, and ... Charles Durning. I think he plays a lawyer (at this point I wasn't really paying attention) who just sits at his desk fondling oranges in an office with trailer-trash type women. We also learn that the female victims have been patients of Dr. Jill.

Finally, another GIMP scene saves us from the inane dialogue. Another blonde babe is sitting totally naked in a chair with her hands tied behind with rope. As the killer sharpens a knife, she easily escapes from her loose restraints, one of my biggest pet peeves in movies. Why the fuck can't these movie producers check out PD's "Rope Tutorial" or some other bondage production to see the proper way to secure a woman? Any real killer would never use such a lame-ass way to tie up a victim.

Fortunately for the killer, the naked victim is about as sharp as a bowling ball. She figures that the best way to flee the lunatic would be to crawl on all fours instead of running. She's disposed of rather easily.

The victims' bodies are all missing parts, and they also have been tattooed, including one that says "Polycarp," supposedly the first Christian martyr who was burned at the stake.

This gets Cop Harper (Michael Pare) to spout off lines from the Bible. His partner ends up getting snuffed while banging the skanky roommate of another shrink. She's decapitated offscreen. Charles Durning ends up dead in his office. And the remaining characters end up screwing each other in different locations.


The three remaining guys, Cop Harper, wannabe musician, and Jack-Bob, somehow get tied up and gagged in their underwear on chairs in the dungeon. The killer turns out to be three killers, Dr. Jill, the other shrink, and a spaced-out receptionist at Charles Durning's office, who have formed a sort of cult trying to resurrect something. (Remember, I wasn't really paying attention.) They tattoo the men, shoot Jack-Bob in the head, and start to perform a ritual.

This is just typical of mainstream movies today. The longest torture scene of the movie has GUYS for victims! Well, it doesn't last that long. The women may be able to summon Lucifer, but they still haven't learned to tie knots. The musician dude escapes and kills two of the tormentors. The cop gets shot, and the musician guy screws the last remaining killer in an elevator(!?)


There's a total of about 1 minute's worth of GIMP material in this movie. And there are a few sex scenes with frontal nudity. Unfortunately, the other 80 minutes are pure torture. The film is a total mess. Charles Durning, a big-name Hollywood actor, appears in about 1 minute in this movie, just so the producers could use his name on the box.

The film was originally titled "Polycarp." But it seems the producers may have looked at what they had done, decided it was worthless, and came up with a plan: "Let's give this piece of shit a sleazy name so perverted fucks like that Brutus moron on the GIMP board might actually pay to watch it."

I could state the obvious that the movie should have been called "Polycrap." How about "Holy Crap" or Holy Moly This is Crap" or "Polly Wanna Crapper"?

My verdict: GIMP scenes C-minus (at least 2 of the victims are naked and Charles Durning keeps his clothes on).

Overall movie: D

This movie can be bought at Asian Cult Cinema, but it's available for rent. I assume I saw the edited version. Perhaps the uncut version is better.

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 10:42:43 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Afternoon All

Brutus - take solace in the fact you were not the only Gimp moron ready to get that movie - the other day I was at our friend Hank Hobb's site and he has a set of stills up from the naked blonde poorly tied segment - looked promising as she was buck nikkid - thanks so much for that review and saving me the trouble of having to sit through "Holy Crap".

Since I have not heard back from our host gnome on "Gangstarr" I can only assume he has his review ready - I was considering a pre-emptive first strike - as I don't wish to start a conflict in which millions would die, I continue to defer.

jyydubs - was scanning youtube the other day and found a number by a director named Scott Martin - the flick is titled "Hurt" - anything come across your table on that? - it's also listed on IMBD but never can tell much from those critiques.

Stay Well All

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 01:09:23 PM

Name: J-Rod

Anyone know of any good movies/bondage films that feature a plot of a woman being kidnapped/abducted by a monster/aliens and kept captive? Ever since seeing Alien Probe 1-3 from ZFX with that plot I've been looking around for more. Anyone have any tips?

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 01:31:53 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Brutus: Thank you for a very entertaining review. My sense is you enjoyed writing the review a lot more than you enjoyed watching the movie.

I do take some exception to your sentence about the "obligatory" scene with the cops in the strip club. Cops or no cops, I think more movies should include strip club scenes. And I mean scenes with real stripping, not some scantily clad woman performing an imitation lap dance (I'm talking to you, Quentin Tarantino).

Anyway, I think I'll give Kinky Killers a pass.

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 02:39:39 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

Upon reading the caption under the daily pic, I suddenly realized that I had misunderstood the poll question. I took it to mean that a model had to be attractive for "me" to enjoy a scene when in fact, the question specifically asks if it is necessary for a movie to be "great". The answer to that is a definite "yes"! Any title would have to hit a + in every department to earn such merit. Unfortunately, I don't think I can name even one "great" flick. If such a movie exists, I'm sure Mr. Cool Shades is involved.

Brutus: Enjoyed the review and thanks for the warning. Caveat emptor I always say!

J-Rod: Been racking my brain and can't come up with anything for you. Except maybe some other ZFX titles. I have some bitchin' Fumetti comics with babes tortured by aliens though. Personal favorites.

jhlipton: I don't really have a problem with watching teens but without getting on my soapbox, I'll just say that that is one of many things that we do wrong. Fact is, we eat wrong, sleep wrong, pee wrong, screw wrong, even walk wrong (that's why our assholes fall out). Although I have morals, I don't have hangups. I look at everything from a scientific perspective. Put simply, I think that when the machinery starts working, nature says they're ready. Think about this...complications with childbirth usually occur because we wait too late in life to bear. A teen can spit one right out and recover in no time. Hell, people used to marry and start families at 13 and die at 35 or 40! The way we cling to old age is even wrong. The idea that they are too young to make complex life decisions is well.....yet another one of our fuck-ups. just my $0.02

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 08:11:45 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

I'm also in the 'this poll question is a bit of a no-brainer' camp. Obviously looks are important, but I'll enjoy a good piece of action with a 'plain' girl, so long as she's not outright ugly.

I love today's pic too - super cute girl!

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 08:17:08 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Sloth: Dude, you're always welcome to review whatever movie you want. I bought Gangstarr for the express purpose of reviewing it for the board and coinciding that with Hank Hobbs providing exclusive caps. Of course, that was actually last year that I had that idea, and it's taken us this long for it to come to fruition. Hank just sent me the caps a few days ago and they're ready to go...but I'm not.

After spending several weeks working to complete the databases in time for our anniversary celebration, I figured I could finally relax a bit and just go back to living normal and reviewing movies when I wanted. But I sure didn't anticipate that my plans would go up in smoke when we had everything go down when bandwidth was exceeded on the first day. So now I'm back to working like a dog to rework the databases and get them back on line for you guys to enjoy...and so there goes my free time once more.

It sounds like you really want to review the movie for the board, and review it right now, so go right ahead. The earliest I could even get a chance to do it would be this weekend anyway, and that would be pushing it. Besides, it never hurts to have more than one review on the forum. We have 5 different reviews for The Apartment in the Reviews section, so it wouldn't hurt to have more than one for Gangstarr, one of Rick Masters' best efforts.


Speaking of reviews, Brutus: great job reviewing Kinky Killers. With no slight intended to anyone else around here, I think you're the best reviewer on the forum. At the very least, I wish I could crank out reviews that are as consistently entertaining as the ones you write. Always fun to read.

But damn...what a shame the movie apparently sucks. With all those hot women, there's only about 1 minute of GIMP-worthy material in it? What a major pisser. I'll check it out anyway, and hopefully find an unrated version. Are you saying there are 2 different DVDs of this film available? What made you think your copy was edited? Could be quite a difference if the version you saw had the good stuff taken out.

Added to the Reviews section under Mainstream at this link:


Mothbrad wrote:

I love today's pic too - super cute girl!

Well, her 24 hours on the forum as our daily pic are over, but she's so damn cute I feel obliged to keep the link around for future readers to ogle over. I'm putting her in my Homepage URL above. I'm surprised no one else posted about her, because to me, she's the epitome of the pretty girl next-door that I would love to see in a bondage film. Her name is Justine from the site ModelBondage. Look at the sweet face. Those innocent eyes. That long, dark hair. The kind of girl you want to nurture and love, but you also want to do bad things to her at the same time. Ah, the conflicted desires of a bondage perv...gotta love it :)

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 09:52:07 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Ironman: The idea that they are too young to make complex life decisions is well...

On a "main-stream" forum I belong to, this was discussed. The difference is that those young girls (and boys) had an entire village to help raise the kids. That's a totally different dynamic than "children raising children".

(I've seen one formula as [age of party1] >= ([age of party2]/ 2) + 7. But this limits me to 34-year-olds, so screw it!)


Ralphus: Well, her 24 hours on the forum as our daily pic are over, but she's so damn cute I feel obliged to keep the link around for future readers to ogle over.

I didn't find her all that ogle-able. She's too skinny and her hair is hiding her boob (ideally, the nipple should be playing peek-a-boo behind the hair). Different strokes, again.


Re todays Star Wars pic: She needs cut-outs at the nipple and crotch. Just because Carrie Fisher and/or George Lucas balked doesn't mean we have to follow suit!

Wednesday, May 14th 2008 - 11:29:20 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Ironman wrote:

Unfortunately, I don't think I can name even one "great" flick.

Really? I can, although I admit true masterpieces are a rare find. But what a thrill when you do find one. I'll save my list for the official poll, whenever it happens, but in my view there are definitely some films that have achieved greatness.


Ralphus and Sloth: At the risk of sounding snarky, I'm thinking Monica's fake boobs will be dragging on the ground by the time you sort out this Gangstarr review business.

Thursday, May 15th 2008 - 03:46:43 AM

Name: Matt
E-mail address:

Nice artwork! Being somewhat of a Star Wars fan (having read most of the novels and seen all 6 movies), I can assure you that since Hutts were fond of slavery (the Hutt criminal empire had their hands in that enterprise among many others-both illegal and legitimate), Leia was not the only Human female to be a Hutt's plaything. There's been enough fan artwork over the years to show how those scenes should have been done correctly.

Thursday, May 15th 2008 - 05:44:52 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

jhlipton: You are correct sir, she needs cut-outs in the costume.

A Canadian: After my post I started thinking that it would make an interesting poll/contest to have people post what they consider to be "great" videos and why they think so. Maybe after this one plays out.

Thursday, May 15th 2008 - 07:00:32 PM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

If we're going to do a question, best video? We should at least break it up into two categories, Mainstream and porn. My suggestion would be a few categories.


"B Movie" or direct to video

Jap adult

US adult

Best scene (mainstream, B)

Best Scene (Adult)

Friday, May 16th 2008 - 07:27:45 AM

Name: Brutus
Homepage URL:

Thanks for the kind words guys. Ralphus, I'm glad you enjoy my reviews as much as I enjoy yours and the others here. Most people in the real world don't get my humor. Must be a GIMP thing.

My assumption that there are 2 DVDs of "Kinky Killers" comes from that Asian Cult Cinema site (above URL) that advertises an "unrated version." The movie I saw was quite choppy so it would make sense that some parts may have been cut. Hell, it happened to "Murder-Set-Pieces." Unfortunately, it still does not justify the weak bondage in "Kinky Killers." Check out the still on the site of the hands tied. Was the killer worried about giving his victim some skin irritation with the ropes? Jeez.

Great movies: Thinking of a list ...

Friday, May 16th 2008 - 08:55:08 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

If we're going to do a question, best video? We should at least break it up into two categories, Mainstream and porn. My suggestion would be a few categories.

There are a couple of problems with polls like this. For one thing, all of our tastes vary and therefore a scene I'd especially like others might think lame. Bondage and/or pain are not, for me, criterion. Another reason polls like this are meaningless is that all a person can do is vote for the ones they have actually seen. Best Japanese gimp movie? I've only seen a dozen or so and they didn't include the Slave Island series. In fact, I have never seen a Japanese movie I'd rate very high. On the other hand, I have seen hundreds of mainstream US movies with rape scenes. I collect them. So, really it comes down to favorites of what you're seen rather than the best. Still, it could be fun and that' a good reason to do anything (insert usual disclaimers here).


Friday, May 16th 2008 - 09:58:59 AM

Name: ju man

just wondering about any scenes with the ladies getting the forced pubic shaving treatment

Friday, May 16th 2008 - 11:10:06 AM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

Aah, Jeez, Ralphus. Now you've gone and posted caps from maybe my favourite scene in maybe my favourite movie - the electro scene in SOB4. That's what I call acting, even when you KNOW that the shocks are faked/simulated, both villain and victim give it their all. I have seen far too few movies to give a decent vote on the subject, but SOB4, as well as Blunt Trauma (see my review elsewhere on this site) are well up there.

Friday, May 16th 2008 - 09:03:01 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Sounds like the time is ripe for a new poll, and it's an offshoot of the previous question. Let's get right into it.

Has there ever been a bondage film that you consider truly great? If not, name one that has what you consider a great scene. And why do you think so?

The answer for me is a resounding YES, and this from the guy who's built a reputation for being a supposedly tough grader when it comes to such things.

Most of the truly great films I've seen have been...surprise...Japanese. Honestly, there are too many to name right now, and some of them would be hard to locate even on VHS because they are older and out-of-print.

But here's my first attempt at such a list, without thinking too hard about it:



Captured for Sex 2: No official GIMP review, but this classic film from Nikkatsu is great from beginning to end. Here's an old description from Threat Theatre:

A young married couple's car breaks down on a deserted road, and an evil old sex maniac takes them back to his place, ties them up and tortures the wife like you wouldn't believe! He and the husband take turns kidnapping, raping, whipping and torturing naked women! Choice scenes include slicing up vegetables on naked girls sweat-soaked bodies, pouring wine and marbles into tight young pussies (then drinking it!) and tying naked girls up in a rope "spider web" and burning their naked flesh with lit torches while they scream for mercy! A parts one and three exist, but they are nothing compared to this, the be all, end all of bondage/torture films!

Woman in the Box: Virgin Sacrifice: Another Nikkatsu film. Sloth gave it a B+; I give it an easy A. Full of great scenes, but also an easy-to-follow story and one that I can just sit down and watch without fast-forwarding, a rarity.

Punish: Simply amazing. This poor chick goes through some incredibly harsh treatment. And how many films even have tit-hanging?

Attackers JB-079: A Canadian gave this one only a B, but trust me, it's incredible.


The Cheerleaders of Perilous U: Still my favorite ZFX flick. Chandra Sweet as a cheerleader worked over by a nerdy Bryan Dunhill. Entertaining and also funny as hell.

Ballista 2: Ballista Vs. The Evil Dr. Menace: Yes, it's part 2 of a trilogy, but it's also totally packed with outstanding scenes and it's nearly 2 hours long to boot. One of Rick Masters' best ever.

South of the Border 4: Atrocities: Once again, full of highlights from start to finish, and featuring Lisa Kinkaid doing some of her finest work, no small feat.


Guys, you do NOT have to go into as much detail as I did when you give your list, but try to name a movie or two (or more) that you feel belong in the Truly Great category. And there's no reason not to vote, since our love of great movies is the reason we're here in the first place. Give us your opinions.

Friday, May 16th 2008 - 09:52:53 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Can we talk about GIMP masterpieces and NOT include the one that is likely to be on EVERYONE's list, rapist, sadist, or just plain lover of the old in-and-out.

Yes, my droogs, for shame for not putting Clockwork Orange at the top of your list! Is there any here who think it NOT worthy of inclusion in the pantheon of great GIMP movies?

Saturday, May 17th 2008 - 12:14:41 AM

Name: Matt
E-mail address:

Let's see: Nowadays it'd be considered softcore, but the original Story of O (1975) would make it on a short list. Love Camp 7 (1968), with Maria Lease's two scenes would be there also. From ZFX, it'd be the War Pigs Series, and the South of the Border ones also.

The three Ginger movies with Cheri Caffaro ought to be on the mainstream list, along with the late Lana Clarkson's two Barbarian Queen movies as well. I'd also put Tawny Kitaen (the ex-Mrs. Chuck Finley) in Perils of Gwendoline on that list, along with the three scenes Lisa Eichhorn did in Opposing Force. Just my $.02

Saturday, May 17th 2008 - 07:50:39 PM

Name: Bobjones

What's with the pics lately? It's like a "best of ZFX" retrospective.....if pics of the rape scenes from Ballista 3 go up next I'll be really happy...

Can a bondage movie be really great.....hmm.....I believe the great film critic Pauline Kael should be introduced to the discussion. She famously wrote that since movies were so rarely great art, someone who love movies must be able to appreciate great trash. I think my answer must be divided between the "art" category and the "trash" category, and I'll add a "great porn" category for movies that have little aesthetic value, but I think are really hot. And away I go....

I can think of exactly four Gimpworthy movies that might be great, or at least good, art: "Secretary" (where Maggie Maggie Gyllenhaal discovers that she likes being a submissive to her uptight dom boss James Spader....a really sweet love story...totally consensual SM, so not 100% what I like in gimptitude, but really sexy anyway, and really insightful about what makes relationships work), "Irreversible" (an artsy take on the rape/revenge genre. Feature Monica Bellucci in a ten minute anal rape scene. Nasty as fuck and always gives me a big leaking boner.), "The Accused" (Jodie Foster gets gang raped in a movie about sex and class prejudice.), and "A Touch of Evil" (an indisputably great movie with just a little tiny bit of gimp content, but the gimp in question is Janet fucking Leigh....she gets abducted from her hotel room in a scene that looks like a prelude to a gang rape. She's wearing a sexy ass teddy thingie...and it's JANET FUCKING LEIGH. That scene always gets me excited.)

For great trash, I'd lead off with the second Ginger movie, the GREAT "The Abductors" (which is hilarious, and HOOOTTTT! This one could count as "great porn" as well.), Russ Meyer's "Motorpsycho" (which is very, very tame, but is also very, very actually doesn't really work as porn at all, but it is a kind of rape/revenge movie, so I think it counts...."Faster Pussycat" is a better movie, but the sexual assaults are less a part of the plot so it is even less relevant as a gimp flick), "The Beast in Heat" (which is one of the stupidest and most explicit of the post "Ilsa" Nazi porn flicks....AMAZING bad taste and a couple of pretty hot scenes too), ZFX's Ballista 3 (my favorite chapter of one of Rick's most ambitious series...very campy and goofy, but the rape and torture scenes work well....Lisa come back to us!), "The Big Bird Cage" (funniest women in prison flick....really kind of satirical a feminist movie, but with cat fighting and bondage.... a pretty great movie now that I think about it), and "Female Convict 701: Scorpion" (the best women in prison flick ever made, with the possible exception of its first two sequels).

And for great porn.... "The Women of Cell Block 9" (Jess Franco's meanest and leanest women in prison movie...the plot is centered around torture, and the women are the hottest chicks I have EVER seen), ZFX's "South of the Border 4" (I mean seriously...come on.), "Escape From Hell" (a totally by the numbers women in prison flick, but with more sweat and sleaze than also has one of the best mainstream rape scenes of it were recycled into a a shitty Linda Blair movie that I can't remember the name of by a cheapjack producer), ZFX's "Mincemeat Pie" (the meanest and most realistic series Rick made), H.O.M.'s (I think?) "Tourist Trap" (the best of the old school....I haven't actually seen it in a while, but I think I know where I can download it).

Saturday, May 17th 2008 - 10:51:42 PM

Name: zee-ef-ex

Too tired to go into details, but the famous scene from Barbara Broadcast was just about perfect.

I agree with you Ralphus on The Cheerleaders of Perilous U - I like that combination of humor and good theme (nerd and cheerleader).

I would also add ZFX's "The Apartment" to the list. I have mentioned before that it was the first bondage movie I ever watched without fast-forwarding a second of it. It was just really, really well done by Rick.

There's probably more but my brain is zapped out.


Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 01:21:42 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:,/

It looks like some consensus is building around some of the "great" titles. Clearly, we know greatness when we see it. Here's my list:

  • Slave Island 11: I'm a huge fan of Attackers' Slave Island movies -- epic-length features about beautiful young women who are kidnapped and jailed on a remote island, where their spirits are broken and they are trained to become sex slaves. Some talented and lovely Japanese porn stars have delivered great scenes throughout this series, including Ayumu Kase (Slave Island 7), Nana Nanami (Slave Island 5 and Slave Island 8), and Yuuna Takizawa (Slave Island 12). Of the titles I have seen so far, the definitive one is Slave Island 11, starring Luna Akatsuki (a.k.a. Runa Akatsuki). There isn't a wasted minute in this three-hours-plus epic, and pretty Luna delivers some particularly compelling moments. Highlights include Luna's initial rape scenes, the scene where Luna is bound to a gym mat and gang raped, and the scene where Luna has to lick the pussies and asses of the other bound captives. Attractive women, great production values, and an easy-to-follow story all contribute to Slave Island 11's epic status.

  • Shark 231: Another Attackers movie with great production values. It's a shark movie, so the emphasis is on rape, but this story of three women detectives trying to bust a criminal gun ring also has some nice belly-punch scenes and stun-gun torture. There are plenty of strong moments in this film, and the two rape scenes featuring sexy little Sayaka Miura are my all-time favorite rapes.

  • South of the Border 4: Atrocities: The best ZFX movie ever, and that's saying something. SOB 4's large cast (including GIMP contributors Travis Lee and that yellow-font-lovin' guy, Mad Dog) delivers moment after moment of depravity in this perfectly executed film. The timing and intensity of every scene is just right, and I agree with Ralphus that beautiful Lisa Kinkaid's four scenes are among her very best.

  • Ballista 2: Ballista vs. the Evil Dr. Menace: Another movie that constantly delivers. Ballista 2 includes my favorite Lisa Kinkaid whipping scene, and some great moments where hot coffee is used to test the strength of Bridgette Bayonne's bladder. And Lisa looks really sexy in her super heroine outfit.

In terms of mainstream movies, I have to agree that A Clockwork Orange and The Abductors belong on the list of GIMP classics.


I'm pleased to see the new databases are slowly but surely returning to the board. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we don't blow any fuses.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 05:39:57 AM

Name: adam moore

Hi all. Not sure how you feel about newbies breaking in out of nowhere but I'm hoping someone will take pity on me. I'm finding it just about impossible to find my particular kink. I like the girl to be menaced with a knife or gun or electricity. No blood/gore or complicated ropes and ballgags. More like a mainstream interrogation scene (like Hank's group from years ago). Does anyone produce videos like this? I have all the ZFX stuff but for the most part it's too many contraptions for my taste. Anybody with a good lead can have my Amfight DVDs if you don't already have them. Sorry for the interruption and thanks for any help on this!

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 09:14:34 AM

Name: BlueDog
Homepage URL:

I know I've been bad about lurking and not posting. I'm gonna make it up to ya. I happened across another Gimp 'game' along the lines of Inga and Indecent proposal, but much much better. It's all Japanese and takes a bit to work out how to play, but it's pretty compelling. Basically you get to torture an anime girl using any number of implements.

It's a big file - 45 megs. All you really need is the .swf file inside. That can be dropped right into firefox.

I was gonna mail this to Ralphus, but it seems to be too big for my emailer. If anyone has someplace I can ftp it to, let me know. Or just follow the link and do the torrent thing.

I'll try to get back on and post some of my favorites in a bit.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 12:39:09 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

adam moore: You might want to try the Japanese porn film Shark 318. It has a fairly lengthy sequence where a female detective is tied to a table, and a villain uses a knife to threaten her and then slowly remove her clothes. As an example, here is one of the pics from Shark 318.

I personally found Shark 318 to be contrived and not particularly interesting, but it has been well reviewed by another GIMPer.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 02:16:14 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

adam moore: Welcome aboard and for gosh sakes, don't feel like an interruption. The forum is your one stop information center. You might check out the link in my homepage URL above. I know it's a snuff site, but it (along with the links) is loaded with threats without all the trimmings. Also, as A Canadian pointed out, there are lotsa rape and molestation in the Japanese titles. Checkout the reviews section in this forum at the banner above. I hope I have been a help and good hunting!

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 02:35:22 PM

Name: adam moore

Thank you for those responses! I've never mentioned my fetish to anyone ever, but life's too short to troll around for hours at a time and not find what you want. Email me if you'd like those DVDs I mentioned. Thanks again.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 06:32:30 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

adam moore: I assure you, you're among friends here. Stop by anytime and feel free to answer the poll question. I'm interested to know more about the DVD's you have to offer.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 06:48:29 PM

Name: MAV
Homepage URL:

Adam Moore:

There are a bunch of mainstream electro-scenes in the database the GIMP kept from its original creator, but the link is off for now as he's probably updating it. That DB mentioned some scenes like La Femme Nikita ("Friend") and Chameleon 3: Dark Angel. Aside from those, one recent good one I liked was in Sayuri Blood Chronicles 1, Part 3. You can see some caps and buy the clip for $10 at the link in my post.

As for knives, off the top of my head, Marcia Gay Harden in Fever and Fabiana Udenio in Diplomatic Immunity come to mind. Clips of those scenes are available on the web in places like Raffish's site.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 07:19:36 PM

Name: Vince

For me, The great bondage movie was "Night Prowler 2"

I not only liked Travis Lee physically abusing his two women victims, but how he mocks them too. Especially his first victim a nurse played by Holly Weston who is the ultimate cocktease. Her rape in that film was well deserved.

I saw the previous and succeeding movies, but like "Godfather 2" and Spider-Man 2" the second one is the best in the series.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 08:50:33 PM

Name: Bobjones
Homepage URL:

Shit, I forgot to chime in with "A Clockwork Orange." That's probably the best "movie" movie that has lots of serious gimp content. It's kinda amazing that that's a Stanley Kubrick movie actually. I didn't mention "Ilsa: Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks" either, which is a great movie. The third one has the best rape and torture scenes (Jess Franco did in during his seventies sleaze prime), but "Harem Keeper" is the most fun of the series. It's certainly not light on GIMP content either.

Welcome to our new participant. We like new voices around here.

Do you guys know Cinema Sewer magazine? It's an independent publication that started off as a photocopied fanzine, and has grown into a bigger organization over the past ten years or so. It's totally great, with stuff about all kinds of exploitation films, including lots of stuff about vintage porn, with a special emphasis on old roughies and classic bondage movies.

They recently put out a book with highlights from the early issues, along with lots of new stuff and new corrected information. It's totally badass, and a highly recommended resource for GIMP fans. There's lots of non-gimp stuff in there (including stuff about bizarre Japanese game shows.... the most amazing being a reality show/game show where a man was kidnapped and held naked in an apartment for months), but lots of movie reviews of old roughies and underground porn. Some of the movies I own, some of them I've read about elsewhere, and some of them I have never heard of.

The magazine is an ongoing concern, so the doesn't claim to be a definitive guide to anything, but it really is a pretty rich recourse. I've ordered a couple of more recent issues of the magazine, including an issue devoted to women in prison flicks. I'll report anything interesting.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 09:21:30 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Adam Moore: Welcome to the forum. We're glad to have you here. Like Ironman mentioned, you're among friends here. Certainly don't need to be shy about exposing your fetish in this place. The gang here is into all kinds of nasty treatment of women, whether it be rape, bondage, any kind of torture's all good.

As far as electro torture, I've reworked the Electro Shock database with vidcaps and it's now back up on the board for anyone who's looking for that particular perversion. This is exactly why I wanted these databases here on the site. If people want to get some information about some of the more extreme scenes in movies, we hope this is the place they'll visit.

The 2 rape databases will be next, but they will take a while since I have to basically start over from scratch with the links, but they will be back in time, too.

I hope you guys like the new Torture Rack site and the new and improved Whipping Scenes databases. It's been my goal for some time to fully restore these important databases for the rest of cyberspace. I'm a week late getting them up here after we had the bandwidth meltdown but hopefully these will stay intact. I took jhlipton's advice and let Imagevenue handle a majority of the page links, since they allow X-rated content and there's no bandwidth restrictions. The rest of the pages with multiple images I'm sticking with what I had before, but speading them out among my AOL screen names so that one doesn't take the entire brunt of the hits and force us to go down.

GIMP POLL: It's been up a couple days, we've had over 1500 hits, and 8 people have responded? Come on, guys! That's pretty weak. Here it is again; let's get out the votes.

Has there ever been a bondage film that you consider truly great? If not, name one that has what you consider a great scene. And why do you think so?

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 09:35:31 PM

Name: BlueDog

For me, it's gotta be Curiosity Excited the Kat. I've seen quite a few great scenes in different things since then, but nothing has ever topped it overall.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 09:49:35 PM

Name: Unbeliever

Poll: Best gimpish movie?

Matt already mentioned this one briefly, but I can't let this question fly by without throwing in my two cents worth for one of the finest movies ever made by man, The Perils of Gwendolyn.

I mean, HOLY CRAP, this movie pushes more of my buttons than most X-rated films. If there's a single scene WITHOUT a Girl In Merciless Peril, it must just flash past in a blur... :)

Oh, and a few points for Barbarella, please. (Back when Jane Fonda was HOT!) I wish *I* had an organ like that... ;)

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 10:05:07 PM

Name: Joe Wrappe
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:


Has there ever been a bondage film that you consider truly great? If not, name one that has what you consider a great scene. And why do you think so?

It's hard to call any bondage film great. But one criteria if it's a 45 minute or 1 hour type is the 'fast forward' factor. There are hardly any I don't FF through to get to favorite scenes. But a long time favorite is a BINDHER film called PUNISHED. It is pure bondage (alas it wouldn't have a lot of the elements that folks who frequent this site prefer) with Jewel and Vicky Vega. I really like every scene and both women are great in it.

For mainstream I'd say two Tobe Hooper flicks were good for me. That being EATEN ALIVE and of course TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE with Marilyn Burns I believe.

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 10:38:07 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

BlueDog: I was gonna mail this to Ralphus, but it seems to be too big for my emailer. If anyone has someplace I can ftp it to, let me know. Or just follow the link and do the torrent thing.

You can e-mail it via YouSendIt or upload it to RapidShare (or one of the other file sharing sites) and send us the link. (I've never quite thought that torrent is safe. Am I wrong?)


Ironman: You might check out the link in my homepage URL above.

You linked to NicheClips main page. Did you have a specific "store" in mind? Punished Superheroines (see link) is possibly best for interrogation scenes.


Congrats on getting the databases working again. Yay!

Sunday, May 18th 2008 - 11:05:56 PM

Name: DHT
Homepage URL:

GIMP QUESTION: There have been MANY bondage films I would call great, so I may answer this more than once. The best and newest one I've seen in recent memory is an incredible shoot on, the Oct 25 shoot with Chanta domming Berlin.

This shoot is all about good bondage, badass domming, and real tension. If Berlin is faking any of her reactions, then she is a superb actress! A synopsis:

Berlin sits in a dark room and signs a 24-hour slave contract. She is really nervous, and looks like she wants to cry. In the next scene, Chanta shows up at her hotel at 4am, busts into Berlin's room, waking her up. Chanta is very mean to Berlin, tying, gagging, blindfolding choking, slapping, and raping her with a big rubber dong. This is a lot to take after being startled awake, and Berlin's voice is shaky, and tears run down her face.

Chanta abducts Berlin from the room, making her walk bound and gagged down the hall, down the stairs, and into the parking garage, and then she drives her to the Twisted Factory. All the way, she whips her in the back of the van. At the factory, she makes Berlin walk, AGAIN bound, gagged, and blindfolded, through the factory, until she chains her up in a dark corner and leaves her there. After a while, Berlin really starts to freak out, and starts crying and begging Chanta to come back. Chanta finally comes back and undoes Berlin's handcuffs, and leaves her again. Berlin uses the keys to free herself, and Chanta comes back and slaps her around for doing so.

Plenty more abuse and humiliation happens. Berlin is a dream come true, with a beautiful natural body and a lovely face, and she really gets pushed past her limits.

Monday, May 19th 2008 - 01:32:23 AM

Name: BP

Gimp Poll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I'm a fan of the The Perils of Gwendolyn

I'm a fan of the ponygirl race

Monday, May 19th 2008 - 05:17:27 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Mornin All

I gave the latest poll question considerable thought over the weekend.......and for me the thought part is amazing in and of itself.

Over 40 years of viewing mainstream Gimp and bondage films I can say I've viewed many I would call very good and entertaining but not one truly great. Considering the company I keep here on the forum I find it hard to believe I'm any more jaded than the rest of you sick twisted perverts. So here is the criteria for a truly great Gimp-worthy film.

1. It must have the production values of "A Clockwork Orange".

2. It must have the complete indifference to female suffering as in "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS".

3. It must have the camp appeal of "The Abductors".

4.It must have the over the top, in your face quality of "Bloodsucking Freaks".

5. It must have the non-enhanced, non-tattooed, non-pierced natural chicks of Jason Whitman's best efforts as in "Tourist Trap" or "Curiosity Excited the Kat".

6. And last it must have the non-stop torment of the best of ZFX as in "South of the Border 4".

OK, perhaps I'm a bit picky but together that movie would rate A+++ and be called truly great.

Until such time, the one scene I never tire of watching is the ice block hanging scene from "Ilsa" - hopefully, one day that will be redone without cut shots to show what everyone else is doing.

Stay Well All

Monday, May 19th 2008 - 05:24:10 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Sloth: It's nice to see you put your time this weekend to such good use.

As someone who does feel he has seen some great GIMP movies, I obviously don't entirely agree with your minimum criteria. While I think you have listed some elements that help make a GIMP film great, I don't think it's necessary for one film to have hit all of those marks.

For example, the much-loved South of the Border 4: Atrocities doesn't have the production values of A Clockwork Orange. If anything, its production values are probably closer to Bloodsucking Freaks. But so what? For a film of this nature, about women being tortured in the Mexican jail system, I think the dingy look of the movie works in its favor.

I think a "great" movie has to have achieved something special, but I don't have a set checklist of what elements are required. I say to the producers out there: surprise me.

I do agree that if we ever get down to a listing of great individual scenes, the "cold as ice" scene from Ilsa should be on the list.

Monday, May 19th 2008 - 06:17:53 AM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

Well for me the "adult" category is the hardest to answer. It seems that none of them do it for me completely. So I'll break it down a little more.

Mainstream (direct to video) Had to be "Fair Game" (the aussie one) Cassandra Delany is a hot petite little thang (everyone knows I like that) and that scene of her tied to the the SUV bumper was the real deal. Basically the last third of the movie could be described as one big Gimp scene, an A +

Mainstream (theater) "House of Spirits" with Winona Ryder, It has all of the elements except one (she keeps most of her clothes on), she is tied, interrogated, tortured, raped (mostly off camera) and seen afterwards laying helpless in the corner.

Best Mainstream scene : "Stryker" with Andrea Salvio, the scene with her tied AOH, and tortured that culminates in a rape scene is one of the two early scenes that really got me going along with Orneli Muti in Flash Gordon. "No not the bore worms".

Best Adult movie : "Black Mask" Giga, This movie gets an A+ if they totally strip the girl. Like all JapAV flicks the script writers somehow forget this stuff. I thought about SOB4, but my beef with ZFX is they always overdo it, one too many rope implements or a helmet for the tortured girl ( I want to see her face). The electro torture scene in Balistia 2 would have been incredible, but they had to put a Salad bowl on Lisa Kinkaid's head! The helmet / face mask in Balistia 3 was even worse.

Best Adult Scene: The Electro Torture scene in Giga TBB-19, Giga does torture better then anyone, and the idea of a helpless victim collapsing after electro shocks to the privates to get revived by cold water to go thru it again and again is the bomb.

Monday, May 19th 2008 - 06:43:24 AM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

So much to little time.

I said when this topic first came up that it would be hard to find a GIMP movie having the qualities listed by Sloth and one that could truly be called "great". The process of thinking of my favorite was an eye opener and brings back some fond memories. So many noteworthy scenes come to mind. Here are a few of my favorites:

Overall favs among the mainstream; A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, BLOODSUCKING FREAKS, the ILSA series, and the GINGER series, and yes, THE PERILS OF GWENDOLYN does trip a lot of triggers.

As for fetish releases; ZFX's SOTB4, and the Japanese numbers RB-86 and AVD-078 (I told you Mr. Cool Shades would be involved)

Some of my favorite scenes; the spread-eagle electro scene from SS HELL CAMP, the rack scene from MARK OF THE DEVIL, the cold shower in SAW 3, the rape and cig torture from CLAIRVOYANT, and the rape from I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE.

Audio; The famous screaming in TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE.

jhlipton: There were a couple of sites but I couldn't remember them so I figured the main page was a safe bet. thanks

Ralphus: In the rush of doing business, giving praise for praise sake often falls on the wind even though it is sincere. I would like to emphasize the fact that you have done an incredible service with the updates and you definitely deserve a hugh attaboy! Well done!

Monday, May 19th 2008 - 06:52:55 AM

Name: Thanagar
Homepage URL:

Can't say I've ever seen anything that I'd call an unqualified "great," but my earliest favorite was "Top Secret" with Vanessa del Rio. Also, I recently have been looking at the vids on the "Fucked and Bound" site, and the one they posted just last Friday features a porn actress named Bailey Brooks as a teen student who is tied up and forced to sexually service her teacher, and it's a winner in my book.

Monday, May 19th 2008 - 07:58:49 AM

Name: Brutus

I also have yet to see what I consider a perfect GIMP movie. I don't think one exists, but the fun is in the hunt. Some productions have come close, and I must concur with most of the selections mentioned here, especially the ZFX movies (Cheerleaders, The Apartment, SOB4).

Without trying to repeat what has already been listed, here are my choices:


Forced Entry (ZFX): Excellent action from start to finish with a home invasion setting. Jackilyn Lacross is totally hot, and Lisa Kinkaid is certainly no slouch either.

Machine Head-Rage Against the Machine (ZFX): My favorite babes (Amy Van Allen, Chandra Sweet, Lisa Kinkaid, Monica Moore) and Bryan Dunhill as the psychotic killer.

Room 237 (House of Gord): Innovative bondage with hot victims and high productions values.

Master Control (CalStar): Pretty much a girl-girl fest, but with a storyline on one of my favorite themes: the mad scientist. For me, this was the ultimate in cheesiness. And that's why I enjoyed it so much.

The Prostitute (Insex): OK, not really a movie. It has somewhat of a storyline. In this one, Pd doesn't go overboard for the limits of my personal tastes.

JB-028: Hot ballerina gets tortured and raped by maintenance workers. There's something about the victim, Amamiya Moto, that got me going.


Blood Sucking Freaks, Ilsa-She-Wolf of the SS, Spine


There are so many, but here's a few that stand out for me:

Miss Ballista: Lisa Kinkaid suspended with ballgag and legs spread wide as Penelope Pace masturbates before resuming her torture.

Gang-rape of Amy Van Allen in Liza Cord.

JB-074: Randa Mai has Syuri Himesaki tied to a chair and stuff gags her. He tears apart her clothes and then puts pieces of tape on her pubes and yanks them off. Good screaming and perspiration.

Torture with cockroaches in The Escape.

Firecracker in the whiffle ballgag in JB-068.

Room full of bound and gagged women in TV movie The Terror Among Us as serial rapist has his way with them.

Electrocution of uber-babe Skylar Nicholas in Fatal Pulse.

and of course: I'm singing in the rain ...

Monday, May 19th 2008 - 10:26:33 AM

Name: adam moore

Hi - Thanks for the welcomes and responses to my question! I'd like to second that vote for "Fair Game", although the great bondage scene is offset by some humor when they go to the wide shot and it's so obviously a dummy swinging around on top of the SUV. Also, surprised no one mentioned Poor Cecily. Best mainstream whipping scene of all time!

Monday, May 19th 2008 - 07:16:25 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Another scene with something for everyone is the torment of Brigitte Bako is Strange Days. Tased, cuffed to a bathroom towel rack, stripped, raped (implied) and strangled to death -- plus she's forced to experience her own death through the eyes of her killer. Yummy.

The original is intercut with Ralph Fiennes and Angela Bassett racing to the murder scene, but Cineasphyxia (see link) has an edited version. Well worth seeing.

Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 12:31:51 AM

Name: MasterDetective
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

I liked Guilty 2: Totemic from ZFX... featured Penelope Pace getting raped just about every-which-way to Sunday... including a classic "ankles behind the head" scene(!)

I also recall (don't know if it was this movie) Penelope getting "zapped" by an extension cord that was used to both bind her and stuffed in her mouth... I seem to remember Lisa Kinkaid getting raped pretty (at least orally) at the end of the movie too..

Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 01:13:39 AM

Name: Hank
Homepage URL:

Use the link above for my top 25 mainstream movies with bondage scenes, along with info on how you can buy them.


Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 05:19:19 AM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

Another scene/pontential perfect move: a movie I've only seen the preview for - Seed. That idea of the curling iron being used to rape the poor innocent, girl on the bed, tied down with what looks like a stocking stuffed with a golf ball ... well, that's just good fun.

Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 06:50:12 AM

Name: Darrkroommt
E-mail address:

That's a pretty good list, Hank. I will take it with me to the video store next time I'm out and hunting for Friday night entertainment. Someone mentioned the movie "Fatal Pulse." That is a GIMP classic for sure. The electro scene was a great one, at least back then. And the plaster scene was pretty good, too. That movie should be considered for the list as well...

Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 07:02:52 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Mornin All

Hank - thanks for that list - one I had forgotten about is "Don't Go In The House" - some nice torchings that should give our host gnome a stiffy.

A Canadian - yeah, it seems my criteria are far too specific - however, I did forget one with you in mind - it must have the non-stop humiliation and degradation of the best of the "Slave Island" series.

Brutus - ah yes, "Fatal Pulse" electro and plaster scenes - I thought they were well done and stand up well to this day. Never saw "The Terror Among Us" but I may have viewed a clip on youtube. What, 5 or 6 chicks on an apartment or motel room floor, all bound and gagged waiting their turn - nice scene.

adam moore - what a forgotten classic in "Poor Cecily" - 4 different sweating chicks racked and whipped in the hot rock dungeon - highly stylized yet very effective - and lasted quite a while as well.

jhlipton - love that "Strange Days" Bako scene - only watch the cinemasphxyia version to cut out all the superfluous crap.

Darkroommt - any updates on your latest shoot - hope all goes as planned.

Stay Well All

Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 08:10:55 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Well, my favorites are all rape scenes from mainstream movies. No surprise there. The one I seem to enjoy watching the most is Because of the Cats. The Candy Snatchers and I Spit on Your Grave are both classics. Scorned is another favorite because the acting is so good. Even though the scene is semi-consensual, the humiliation is delicious. A Clockwork Orange is another classic. I just wish the main scene had lasted 5 seconds longer. Her reaction to penetration and her body moving in response to the first few thrusts would have been such superb additions.

Now for the best adult movie with bondage, rape, that's camp and has great acting and high production values, nothing I have ever seen competes with the original uncut version of Smoker. The only other one that comes close is A Dirty Western.


Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 10:01:22 AM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

Another day, another picture from SOB4, another drooling post from me saying that maybe it really is the ultimate bondage movie. My VCR's just packed it in, so I can't watch it at the moment, but when I get a chance, I'm going to have to re-view it and see if my memory's correct that there actually is not one bad scene in it.

Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 05:11:00 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

There now, this is more like it! Glad to see this latest poll has inspired a bit of feedback.

I've seen The Perils of Gwendolyn mentioned a few times here already. Am I the only one who didn't think this movie was all that? I mean, it had some bondage and at least one attractive victim (Tawny Kitaen), but I thought that film was a big letdown bondage-wise, especially if you consider it was based on the Gwendoline comics by John Willie. I think I took a couple of scenes from it on my highlights tape and that's about it.

Also, how cool is it that with all the new databases, we now have (or will have, when the rape ones get back online) stills and descriptions from all these movies already mentioned here? Check out all these:

The Abductors
Girls Are For Loving
Story of O
The Accused
Barbarian Queen
Barbarian Queen II
Bloodsucking Freaks
Opposing Force
Barbara Broadcast
The Apartment
Ballista 3
The Big Bird Cage
The Women of Cell Block 9
Escape From Hell
Poor Cecily
Chameleon 3: Dark Angel
Night Prowler 2
A Clockwork Orange
South of the Border 4
Flash Gordon
SS Hell Camp
Mark of the Devil
I Spit On Your Grave
Ilsa-She-Wolf of the SS
Forced Entry
Fatal Pulse
Strange Days
Because of the Cats
The Candy Snatchers

Also, the firecracker ballgag scene from JB-068 is the picture we use for our Reviews section button (talk about a scene that ALWAYS does it for me!).

Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 08:23:27 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

The oooold firecracker in the ballgag trick.


That's it ... I'm moving to Japan.

Tuesday, May 20th 2008 - 09:37:10 PM

Name: rez
E-mail address:

Hello there. Greetings from Poland.

I'm searching for "The Pick-Up" (1968). Emule shows nothing. Zaerc (torrent site/ B, C, D - class, horrors, exploitation etc) shows nothing. Maybe someone could create a torrent, or maybe place the movie on Rapid Share....please.

Sorry for my English. ;)

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 02:36:41 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

rez: Welcome to the board. If you're searching for free movie links via Rapidshare or some other filesharing source, please go elsewhere. Such material is not allowed here.

If you're looking to legally buy a copy of The Pick-Up, contact Something Weird Video at the URL above.

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 08:48:09 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Mornin All

Ralphus - when I watched "The Perils of Gwendolyn" I was so disappointed I never kept anything even for a comp - ok, there were a couple of nice straight bondage scenes that led nowhere - I got the impression they made the movie, someone then pointed out it was based on a bondage artist and storyteller named John Willie so they tossed a couple of scenes in. I agree, it was not all that.

And now boys and girls, on with the show.

Today we will review "The Reporter 2: Gangstarr". This is a 1998 ZFX release. Run time is 54 minutes. It features Monica Moore, Chandra Sweet, Bryan Dunhill, Jon O'Brien, Lisa Kinkaid and Rick Masters. I obtained my copy from Video Mayhem at the above link.

We begin with shots from part 1 giving us the lead-in. In the opening of part 2 Monica is kneeling doggie style on a wooden palette, wrists bound in front, knees strapped to O-rings on the palette, tape gagged and a noose around her neck to an overhead pulley. She wears tattered bra and heels. Bryan informs her she is to get the "Chicago treatment" as Jon tightens the noose from time to time. Bryan lubes her butt hole and inserts a large hollowed out dildo. A tube runs through the dildo back to a douche bag and the contents are squeezed in. Chandra cavorts in the background reveling in Monica's torment. The dildo is taped in place and Bryan asks if she's a "three bag girl" and empties another bag into her. The gag is peeled off and he forces laxative pills down her mouth then tape gags her again. The mobsters leave her to squirm.

Upon their return Monica has been retied standing on the palette. Arms spread and overhead, ankles secured to palette O-rings with legs spread straddling a suspended metal pole, still gagged and noosed. Jon continues to apply pressure on the noose as Bryan applies an electric lead to the metal pole jolting her pussy. Between doses she get some fondling and diddling. Still she refuses to divulge the whereabouts of the tape. Chandra is getting off to all this. After a series of jolts Monica passes out and when the fellas leave Chandra takes a groping session with Monica.

Bryan enters and escorts Monica to the girls room for some relief from her treatment. When finished she is retied spreadeagled to a rusty bed frame. She has a waist rope with double crotch ropes attached. A cleave gag is inserted and she is told to get some sleep. But shortly Bryan comes back in and in an incredibly altruistic gesture showing his love of womankind he applies clothespins to her nipples so she will "be able to sleep better".

Next morning she's taken to a dildo seat chair and properly placed. Secured to the chair by wrists, ankles and neck her gag is removed and a juiced vibrator stuck in her mouth as she squirms on the dildo. They apply volts to the dildo seat. Finally she tells them the location of the tape. Before leaving they order Chandra to whack Monica with a shot to the head. A still gagged untied Monica kneels on the floor as Chandra takes aim. When she hesitates, Monica grabs the gun and escapes.

Back at WFUCK-TV studios, reporterette Lisa Kinkaid places the tape in a secure locker. Enter Antonio Quarantino played by Rick Masters. A stocking over his head he overpowers Lisa and demands the tape. He wraps a wire around her throat and chokes her into unconsciousness. While passed out her dress is removed and she gets fondled. She is bound on an office chair at ankles, knees, thighs and waist with arms bound behind her head. Thin twine is tied around her nipples, then to her arms. Rick revives her and demands the tape. He inserts a red ball in her mouth and secures it with clear tape. He wraps a cloth around her neck and chokes her. This strangling is continued for some time between questions. Lisa is retied with wrists in front then to her knees as Rick searches for the tape. Unable to locate, he throttles her some more. She agrees to show him the tape and he frees her hands enough to open the locker. When he sticks his head in she slams the door knocking him out. She hops across the room to the phone and calls security.

That night the tape airs with Lisa doing the story. An epilogue follows showing a happy ending for the reporters and prison for the mob. The End

Movie Pluses - Monica was very good selling the electro scenes. Perhaps not in the same league as Elaine Payton in SOB but nicely done. And we get Lisa Kinkaid bound and strangled several times, again quite nice. And once again Bryan does excellent work as the main villain.

Movie Minuses - my only gripe with this effort is why the bad guys didn't "fit deese chicks wit some cement overshoes and toss em in dah East Rivah"?

The Verdict - much more torment than part 1 and done the right way - my only question to Rick is why, with the potential for a lengthy series, was there only two installments done.

My Grade A-

Stay Well All

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 10:17:37 AM

Name: Mike from Brooklyn

Yeeha! The school semester is over. I can now concentrate on more important things like contributing to the GIMP page.

First off, a belated congratulations to Ralphus and this great website. Happy 9th Anniversary.

Now to the matter at hand, and the poll. I will certainly agree with a lot of the mainstream choices that many people have made. No one can argue with "Clockwork Orange" and "The Abductors" being right at the top. But I was very surprised to see that no one mentioned the 1965 movie "The Collector" that was based on John Fowles novel.

Growing up in the 60s, this movie had a profound imprint on my young psyche. I mean there you had a very beautiful Samantha Eggar tied and gagged half naked while her captor , Terrance Stamp (pre Superman II days) adjusted her bonds. All the while maintaining a very calm conversation with a clueless neighbor. Granted this movie would be considered tame by modern standards as she is never raped nor accosted for that matter. But geez it was the 1960s.

As far as Adult films go, I was always a big fan of Alison Parrish, so any of her ZFX films rate high with me.

On another subject, A Candian, you seem to be the quintessential authority on Japanese Bondage films, I read the Video Mayhem's descriptions of the female detective films, where the heroine gets captured, tortured and fucked. They never mention if the women are GAGGED. Do any of these films show the females tied and GAGGED? I'm a big fan of gags and this would influence by purchasing them.

It's good to be back

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 02:12:56 PM

Name: carnyx
E-mail address:

Hi everyone- I was happy to see Ralphus brought back the WSIMD page. Does anyone remember the original page also featured about 6 galleries that contained whipping scenes from comic books? Is there any way to bring the galleries back too? Take care. Robert

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 04:32:17 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Mike from Brooklyn: Trust me, when it comes to Japanese cinema, there are plenty of authorities on this site.

Nonetheless, my answer to your question would be no, the raped detective films I have seen haven't included gags. For example, I can't recall seeing gags used in the "drugged detective" films from I Energy, such as IESP 406. Same thing goes for the Attackers movies I have seen featuring detective characters, and for the few Hibino titles I have seen along this line.

Hopefully, someone else may come up with an example of what you're looking for, but I can't think of one.


Sloth: Thanks for yet another great review. I'm actually surprised that a movie with a happy ending got such a positive rating from you. Anyway, I think the review shows the value of the descriptive write-up, as I'm not reading about much in this movie that is of interest to me, despite the high grade. I will say I'm thinking twice about going back to Chicago any time soon.

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 05:04:21 PM

Name: Brutus

Sloth: Thanks for the long-awaited review of "Gangstarr." Yep. That's another great ZFX title and you do raise a good question in why the series ended after just two movies. Loved the laxative torture.

You are also correct in identifying the scene in "The Terror Among Us." I was just a kid when that movie appeared on TV. I found it great because many hot yet somewhat annoying actresses who seemed to appear in every TV show in those days ended up bound, gagged and tormented.

Hank's list also reminded me of another great scene: the suffocation by duct tape of the topless blonde in "Die Watching." That movie had two other damsels in bondage, including one snuffed with a plastic bag. But the movie missed the greatness rank, I believe, because the lunatic didn't do anything to another gorgeous blonde with fake tits. Still, a darn good movie.

I enjoyed "Perils of Gwendolyn" although the scenes could have been longer. I read somewhere (maybe here) that the movie got toned down before its release. John Willie must be rolling around in his grave.

Mike from Brooklyn: I guess my one knock against Japanese films is that they are often lacking gags. Perhaps that's because of all the forced blow-jobs. More gags would definitely add to my pleasure watching those films, if only to muffle the repetitive and high-pitched "IYA IYA IYA" from the cute victims.

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 05:52:46 PM

Name: Brutus

Oh, and I love the health warnings in the firecracker-in-ballgag stills.

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 05:54:35 PM

Name: adam moore

Just had to second that shout out to Alison Parish! Does anyone know if she ever appeared in a regular porn movie? Or any bondage film where she ends up fucking?

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 06:18:37 PM

Name: VM
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Detective/investigator dvds with gag scenes: Open#0611

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 07:09:08 PM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

A couple of new mainstreams hit the shelves this week. The first one is called "Timber Falls" and stars Brianna Brown. It is kinda of a Hostel knock off about fundamentalist that kidnap a couple to make babies. Their are several gimp worthy scenes, unfortunately Brianna who has no trouble taking off her clothes for the camera normally is fully clothed but in a form fitting dress. She is tortured (a finger cut off) and raped. She spends a vast majority of the movie either tied hands behind her back to a chair or spreadeagled on a table. Of course the man is whipped AOH and burn tortured while stripped. All in all it's a very gimp worthy mainstream effort and Brianna Brown is HOT!

The other one stars Claire Danes and is called "The Flock". Tragically Claire doesn't get the treatment and neither does Avril Lavigne (a hot little Canadian pop singer- who NEEDS the treatment) who makes a brief appearance. The victim is Kristina Sisko a young fairly hot teenager. She is shown several times during the movie tied spreadeagle on the bed. And their is also a scene where she witnesses a "consensual " rape. Unfortunately most of the scenes are real quick, so I'm not sure it qualifies as gimp worthy. As always YMMV

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 07:39:31 PM

Name: A Canadian

I'm not sure how well this has been scanned, as I have never seen the original copy, but here's the Mad Magazine parody of A Clockwork Orange. Seems fitting during the current celebrations of great GIMP movies. I must say, some of the humor in this piece is politically incorrect -- and I like it that way.

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 07:54:54 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Does it bother anyone else that guys, when they're raping Fair Young Things never take off their pants. I've "done the nasty" like that and the pants come off real fast, believe you me! I could see if there were time constraints, but most of the time there are none, so c'mon guys... Enjoy yourselves!

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 11:23:07 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Sloth: Good review, thanks. Since I've been so busy on the site updates, I hesitantly yielded to you for the official review, but to those who were wondering, I would have given the film the exact same grade, an A-. And for that matter, I also gave the first Reporter a grade of B, just like you did. Which proves we don't disagree nearly as often as you say we do. In fact, the only times we ever really disagree is just on those films where you're wrong. Fortunately for you, you got both of these right.

I've been asked before what is my favorite scene in a ZFX movie. And if push came to shove, I would say that Gangstarr has one of my top 2 favorite ZFX moments ever, where they have Monica spreadeagled on the bed frame and she's left there to spend the night, tied in that uncomfortable position and gagged. She's lightly crying over her situation, and then when it seems it can get no worse, Bryan turns on the light, comes back in and clamps clothespins on her nipples and leaves her alone again for the night. How's she ever going to sleep now with those pins biting into her tits all night? It's going to be a VERY uncomfortable night for her! I just really dig the concept, and of course, I dig that Monica was the one who was going to be suffering. All in all, a great scene in a great movie.

Added to the Reviews section at the link above.

And in case Sloth's text didn't give you the whole picture, for the next few weeks we'll be treated to more of Hank Hobbs' exclusive vidcaps from the movie, starting tonight. Be sure to tune in every day, because this will the only place you'll be able to see them.


carnyx: I have access to the WSIMD comic book whipping scenes gallery (I have the entire site that Oslo Netfetter sent me) but right now, I'm still trying to figure out how to get the rest of the rape databases onto the site without overloading the bandwidth like what happened last time. It's not a bad idea for a future project, though. I'll look it over and keep it in mind.


A Canadian: The Mad Magazine parody of A Clockwork Orange was hilarious, particularly the send-up of the first rape scene. This panel was my favorite: Very funny stuff.

Wednesday, May 21st 2008 - 11:34:57 PM

Name: BP

***************Does it bother anyone else that guys, when they're raping Fair Young Things never take off their pants. I've "done the nasty" like that and the pants come off real fast, believe you me! I could see if there were time constraints, but most of the time there are none, so c'mon guys... Enjoy yourselves!***************************

There was a old saying "Women run faster with dress up than Man with pants down"

I think they have done lots of studies with our tax dollars that R@pe is a crime of violence more than a crime of sex. The act is a power trip over another human. When two are naked it is more or less a pleasure thing that you will be waking up with her cum on her lips and face. When you are doing the R@pe thing it is a you arn't even worth me doing more that taking down my zipper.

That is just my thinking on that Man with pants on Women buck naked or maybe just ripped panties on a leg.

Thursday, May 22nd 2008 - 02:35:49 AM

Name: Mike from Brooklyn

VM, thanks for the head's up on "Detective/investigator dvds with gag scenes: Open#0611"

I enjoy reading all of the little mini previews under your Japanese titles. I appreciate your effort. I'm sure after awhile it gets tedious. The recaps really help me decide whether I want to purchase a video or not. But if I don't see the word GAG, I tend to zip past it.

You bought one video that I particularly enjoyed. It was: APAR#001 and it appeared in the February Japanese Update#2

The description read: First story: Co-ed tied for bondage/fondling/vibrator while tightly cleave gagged. Second story- Another co-ed is tied and cleave gagged for 2 bondage/rape scenes. 3rd Story- Another co-ed is tied and cleave gagged for bondage/rape.

The word "gagged" appeared three times. That sold me. I was not disappointed. All three women were hot.

Here's a pet peeve I have with some Japanese videos, the women will always look down. You will never see their eyes when they are standing and struggling and being tortured. You see the tops of their heads. I don't know if this is an inherent, cultural modesty thing. You would think the director would be screaming: "look at the camera".

Thursday, May 22nd 2008 - 07:50:11 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Mornin All

Ralphus - Gimpdom will never be the same with us agreeing on film ratings - of course you are correct that we only disagree when I'm wrong :)

A Canadian - you know, had it not been for the happy ending it may have rated an A - both Monica and Lisa were that good - on that next Chicago trip avoid the west side.

Mike from Brooklyn - I think the reason "The Collector" doesn't quite measure up to a true Gimp-worthy film is that other than Stamp keeping Eggar in hostage bondage he really does nothing else - no torment, no rape - in fact, he treats her very well. And for her part she seems rather willing to accept the reality of the situation. Still, it is a very good movie if just for the bondage situations.

Brutus - ah yes, "Die Watching" - those are very nice scenes - I especially enjoyed the bagging - it's been awhile since I saw that so refresh my memory - is it that he doesn't menace the other chick as he is whacking the others to save her from their "corrupting" influences or something along those lines? Well, that and the fact he enjoys having them view their own demise!

BP - during my extremely unsuccessful career days one of my functions was to read many of those rape studies - almost all involved interviews with incarcerated serial rapist/killers or whatever combination these guys put together. It is true that it is a power and control thing. For some reason though, most of those studies omit part two. Whether trying to serve some agenda or fit a particular mind-set I don't know. They all admit that yes, they do use power to control the victim but only as a means to an end. To a man the end they desire is immediate sexual gratification. From what I read it seems like two sides of the same coin. Just some food for thought.

Was looking through the archives yesterday and would like to submit another scene I think would rate high on the Gimp scale. That would be the Eleese Lester fatal anal rape scene from "Confessions of a Serial Killer". Why you ask? Bound spreadeagled face down on her bed, cleave gagged, rear end nudity, the villain lubes himself, enters her from behind while his partner cuts her throat. No exertion on his part, he simply enjoys the ride provided by her death throes, legs and ass wildly thrashing. And no gore to speak of. That's entertainment.

And for those not familiar with the work of our good friends Natasha and Isaac, they now have a couple minute clip of some of their work on youtube at the above link - tame stuff of course but nice previews.

Stay Well All

Thursday, May 22nd 2008 - 09:04:40 AM

Name: Brutus

Sloth: It's also been quite some time since I saw "Die Watching." I remember the GIMP scenes, but the plot is rather hazy. I do recall the wasted opportunity. The killer is videotaping the blonde dancing around topless and in a white thong. Then he disappears. She finds him sitting in a chair anguished and in deep thought. I believe she gets a little pissed off at him for wasting her time, so he explodes and tells this hot naked chick to get the fuck outta there, like only a person with severe mental problems would. I don't think he let her live for any moral reason. He's was just nuts. But I could be wrong.

I'm enjoying this thread on great movies and scenes. Here's a few more of my personal favorite scenes:

Gang rape of maid in Death Wish 2.

Car battery electro scene in Fantom Kiler 2

Abigail Clayton snuff scene in Maniac.

Brutal rape/snuff of wife in apartment in Sex Wish (1974).

Thursday, May 22nd 2008 - 10:11:36 AM

Name: zee-ef-ex

Bobjones wrote about a scene that was "Nasty as fuck and always gives me a big leaking boner."

That got me thinking about a new poll question. For the people on this board, what are THE moments in a film that, as Bobjones says, ALWAYS get you going? I'd be real curious if any women are lurking here what yours are, too.

I have a few examples of splooge-moments. The "final moment" always raises my meter. What I mean is, she is being for example spread-eagle bound to the bed, and the last binding is tightened, making her "capture" complete and final.

A variation for me but similar and another always splooge moment is overwhelmingness. There's a flik (might be a ZFXer, I can't remember) where four guys in druid robes tie the girl down to the bed. The fact that it is so many guys and each can easily handle one of her limbs and she has no chance of overcoming or struggling successfullly against such overwhelming odds, well, splooge.

Then there is another I can think of - the moment she accepts. And that prompts me to add another ZFX movie to the list of greats - IIRC it was called Beyond Driven - Evil Man 2. In one of Rick's most inspired ingeniuos moments, he ties a girl to a weighlifting machine on her back. She has to keep the weights lifted in the air in order to prevent the large dildo from entering her pussy. She starts getting tired and as her arms keep sagging and then rebounding she is essentially fucking herself with the dildo while trying to keep it out of her. Finally, she can hold out no longer and she gives up and lets this huge honking invader stay deeply inside her snatch. Splooge!

So - Poll Question: What are Gimp-worthy "moments" for you? Mine are finality, inevitability, and her acceptance of her fate. Yours?


Thursday, May 22nd 2008 - 05:26:06 PM

Name: Bobjones

The certain special moment in gimp related fun that really gets me off is the moment when the victim realizes "oh fuck, this is really gonna happen!" That cold shock of fear is always the hottest part. Now, ongoing brutality can be cool too, but nothing beats that moment in a gimp scene when the victim really understands the situation for the first time.

Thursday, May 22nd 2008 - 10:43:20 PM

Name: Bobjones

Me again to finish what I was saying.....I think my particular interest in the moment just BEFORE the nasty might be a part of why I seem to be one of the more "mainstream scene" oriented posters on the gimp board. I certainly like bondage porn and SM comics, but I like the suspense of a mainstream damsel in distress moment just as much...especially if what's coming is particularly nasty (I think of the Battlestar Galactica scene I threw out a while back...that was almost all buildup with a very short payoff....but I totally dug it). That's one reason I love women in prison flicks so much...there's always something just around the corner.

Any scene that escalates in intensity is always good...especially if there are more "realizations" for the victim about how much this is gonna totally hurt. That's one reason that "Irreversible" scene that is my all time fav. is so good. It just gets uglier and uglier.

Thursday, May 22nd 2008 - 10:54:47 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

What "sends me"? Being the snuff-master, 2 things: The moment when the girl realizes "Ohmigod, I am going to die!" and the moment she does. Orgasmagoria was good about having a "death thud" -- all the muscles contracting then letting go; the new companies have the girl flop around long after she's gone. This may be more "realistic", but I want my snuff to be fun, not realistic!

Friday, May 23rd 2008 - 01:42:45 AM

Name: Jeff Gord
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Morning people

I thought we were discussing mainstream for some reason. In which case my choice would have to be:

THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT with Geena Davis in an underslip, (which almost became transparent as she got wet) tied spreadeagle to a water wheel and being tortured by David Morse as he was turning the wheel and dunking her in freezing water.

The only other that really grabs me by the balls was probably long before many of you even figured out what dicks were for. It would have to be back in the early 60's It was Honor Blackman and Patrick McNee in the first Avengers. Mrs Gail (Honor) was dressed in a tight leather carsuit, and she was bound head to foot at 4" intervals to the center column of a air power car lift, and well gagged with serious wrap around sugical tape, not the whimpy 3" strip of Hollywood style..

The lift was set to slowly descend and Steed was fighting off the baddies with his umbrella as Mrs Gail struggled to get free. Steed whups the baddies and starts to walk off as if forgetting Mrs Gail. Mrs Gail then does a wonderful straining and struggling scene as she ummphs through the tape to get his attention.

Single White Female was probably the other notable main stream movie bondage for me.

I don't know why, but good bondage scenes in mainstream have more impact for me, because they are so rare, and probably because they are part of a story..



Friday, May 23rd 2008 - 08:26:28 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

For me, the key moment is when a woman surrenders, more out fear than due to physical helplessness. One of the most powerful scenes I've ever seen is in The Boston Strangler starring Tony Curtis. He is tying a woman spread-eagle on a bed with torn strips of bed sheets. We get a couple of shots of her face to see how scared she is and to imply that she is totally naked. Her wrists are tied, he ties one leg and moves to the other side of the bed. And then THE moment. He sticks out his hand, palm up and makes a "come on; give it to me" motion with his fingers. She hesitates for a moment and then places her ankle in his hand, allowing herself to be pulled fully spread and then bound. WOOF!

Due to a psychotic episode on his part, she isn't actually raped, but THE moment makes it a hotter scene than most.


Friday, May 23rd 2008 - 10:18:04 AM

Name: Jeff Gord
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hi People

A heads up about a firestorm behind the scenes of the blatant piracy of many major well known websites who work hard and risk a lot to produce quality stuff.

I won't even help this turd by mentioning his shitty site, but here is a list of the stuff this prick ripped off and started selling without doing a damned thing to produce it.

# 123 full INSEX.COM galleries + movies
# 77 full James Bertoni galleries
# 104 full Ken Marcus galleries
# 157 full Device Bondage galleries + movies
# 34 full Ashley Renee galleries + movies
# 128 full FETISHNATION.COM galleries
# 61 full galleries
# 45 full galleries + movies
# 60 full galleries
# 165 full galleries
# 54 full galleries
# 214 full galleries + movies
# 19 full galleries + movies
# 33 full Dominic Wolfe movies + pictures
# 72 full House Of Gord movies + pictures
# 13 full Jay Edwards movies
# 135 full galleries
# 80 full galleries + movies
# 41 full galleries + movies
# 33 full galleries
# 46 full movies + pictures
# 33 full galleries
# 38 full galleries + movies

As one guy in a blog page said after he had just finished a shooting session with Jasmine Sinclair and became aware of this.

"Jasmine has just busted her ass to produce some good stuff, and then you see an asshole like this just taking her hard work and selling it"

It may seem cool to have free or cheap stuff out there folks, and we are all guilty of snagging pics for our collections;- Snagging stuff for your collections is one thing, selling it is quite another;- Unless someone is prepared to pay for it occassionally, "to the actual producers that is" all you will have soon is crap.

If someone knows the url and name of this offending website, please do the industry a favour and keep it to yourself. We have enough moral and political enemies without adding to the lists with theives.

Don't give this shitbrain any advertising at all.



Friday, May 23rd 2008 - 10:23:58 AM

Name: Brutus

There are three moments for me that really get the old splooge-o-meter running. One is when the victim awakens, realizes she's tied up and then struggles (and fails) to get free. But that's not the best part. It's after the villain appears, holding a whip, dildo, knife, etc. and the victim REALLY struggles to get loose, knowing in her mind (and the viewer's) that her efforts are futile. So I guess I would label that moment "total panic."

And being a gag lover, I always get a rise from scenes when the victim is tied up and pleading with her captor, and then he abruptly shoves a gag in her mouth. After it's secured in place, the look on the face of the victim can be a thing of absolute beauty, a mixture of surprise, discomfort and frustration that her last line of defense has been taken away. This moment I would call "pure helplessness."

The third moment is when she is being penetrated for the first time. But it's not the actual penetration I like most. Again, it's the surprised and painful reaction on her face to the violation. At that point she knows it's over. She lost, and the villain (and the viewer) won. I would describe this moment as "utter defeat."

Jeff Gord: Shit, it looks like that guy's trying to cash in on everyone's work. Good luck shutting down his lazy ass.

Friday, May 23rd 2008 - 11:47:05 AM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

Jeff Gord: I couldn't agree with you more. Apart from being a GIMP fan, I am a huge collector of music. As such, I am fully aware of the impact bootlegging has on the artist. Bootleg trading among friends is fine as long as we continue to support the artist. What this guy has done amounts to nothing more than stealing.

The big splooge moment for me is at the point when the victim realises what is about to happen or when the perp shows her the implement(s) of destruction. It's what I call the "wide eyed" moment.

I have really enjoyed the "great moments" poll. It has been very helpful to have movies mentioned that I've never seen. Now I know where to expand my search. That's what makes the forum such a good place to get info.

Friday, May 23rd 2008 - 01:30:29 PM

Name: soundwave

Where can I buy the movie Smoker I've been looking all over.

Friday, May 23rd 2008 - 03:05:43 PM

Name: Steve Power
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Greetings Gimpers. Just a quick note to let everyone know that I'm offering 50% off to all veterans this weekend.

Saturday, May 24th 2008 - 01:10:34 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Well, I've finally got a little break off from work, so let's see if I can get caught up on a few things.

elkcreek: Thanks for the heads up on the two mainstream films. Of the two you mentioned, I'm definitely more interested in Timber Falls. Brianna Brown is certainly easy on the eyes. Can you tell us more about the rape scene? Is she tied during it? Having the finger cut off doesn't initially excite me (what's with all the dismemberment as torture these days?) but if she's suffering, it should be worth a look. Brian's Page has a quite different description of the bondage and (of course) nothing about the torture and rape.


Brutus: Great list of scenes you named. I have every single one of those scenes you named in my collection except for Death Wish 2 and JB-074 and that's just because I haven't edited it yet.

I'm pretty sure I mentioned this story here some years ago, but it's worth repeating. Back in the olden days when I had a live-in girlfriend, she started to develop an interest in bondage and managed to persuade me to show her my private stash of scene tapes. I initially resisted because I didn't want her to know the kind of stuff I got off on, but finally I did relent and I let her watch them with me. Well, everything was going well until we came to the Fatal Pulse electric shock scene. After she saw that, she said something along the lines of "That was sick! How can you like that scene? That woman got killed! That was awful!" I was younger then and felt real guilty about it at the time. How could I be such a pervert?

Of course, that was then, this is now. Now I have no shame at all about such things. The girlfriend is long gone, but I can still pop that tape into my VCR and enjoy it today. It's one of those scenes that still holds up amazingly well.


Talking about truly great scenes that do it for me every time, I would also add the car battery electro scene in Fantom Kiler 2. I'm pretty proud that I was the first one to report about this movie on the forum (in fact, Teraz Films actually used part of my review to promote the movie in one of their mail order, huh?). For fans of electric shock torture, this is one you can't miss.

More great scenes (a lot of them electro, big surprise):

Alison Parish tied spread-eagled on the bed and zapped with electricity by Travis Lee in ZFX's Future Shock (Great dialogue: "FRY, YOU BITCH, FRY!")

Elaine Payton's incredible electro-torture scene in ZFX's South of the Border 6

The electro scene from Stalag 69 (an early seminal moment from my youth)

Daniela Poggi suspended upside-down over a crate full of rats in Last Orgy of the Third Reich (actually they were gerbils, but who cares? It was a naked woman hanging upside down!). Again, a scene that did it for me over and over when I was growing up.

A female student is gagged and suspended upside down before having her throat cut in Blood Symbol. This one is so obscure it's not on DVD, but I can guarantee Eli Roth saw it before he made Hostel: Part 2, right down to the shot of the falling blood snuffing out the candle.

Ruka Uehara repeatedly dunked in a huge vat of bubbling, steaming wine and then covered with a shitload of candle wax in Attackers JB-103

The rape scene of Adrienne Corri by Alex and his droogs in A Clockwork Orange (nuff said)

Tina Krause wrapped up from head to toe in duct tape by Misty Mundae and left to die a horrible death in The Silver Mummy. I'm sure nobody has ever seen this film or probably even heard of it, but I'll tell you, the suspense builds and builds and it's one of my real favorites that works for me every single time.

There's a bunch more, but this post is already too long, but let's hear more of your favorites.

Saturday, May 24th 2008 - 02:04:44 PM

Name: chase
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

It is GREAT to see the long-lost Torture Rack Scenes Database back online.

Mucho thanks to Ralphus for the otherwise countless hours he devoted to this task.

We wish Tony Wood well, wherever he is.

My question about the rack is this. So you have a cute girl naked, splayed out, and fastened down nicely.

She's stretched out. Her arms are taut above her head.. Her legs are conveniently spread. In my own world, she's wearing high heels, but that's me. Her ankles are far apart.

In movies, her captors torture her. Pour boiling oil on her or something. In MY movie, I'd bang her brains out.

I mean REALLY. Cute naked chick. Tied down. Stretched out.

Hello, she is NAKED, and in one of my favorite positions, damn near spread eagle. That means you can reach her important parts.

If you need a confession, fine. Bang her until she sings like a raped songbird. That should do it.

Who is with me on this?

Saturday, May 24th 2008 - 03:39:37 PM

Name: chase
E-mail address:

The POLL: The bondage film I would consider truly great is called INTRUSION, I think. Forget when it was made. Basically a good looking housewife is tied naked to a bed.

Then she is pistol whipped with the intruder's dick. Then he makes her suck his dick. Then he fucks her. I love it. I love that she cries as he's ripping her clothes off, and then he ties her spread eagle to the bed completely naked.

She is helpless and vulnerable and cries and says don't do this and he royally bangs her.

This girl is one that you'd wonder about her rack anyway, and what kind of goods she has. Well you get to see everything. He rudely strips, ties, and rapes her. He gives her a damn good education.

Anyone else remember this flick?

Saturday, May 24th 2008 - 03:54:21 PM

Name: chase
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Regarding the Whipping Scenes Database. I love 'Brand of Shame'. I met Dave Friedman. Got his autograph. I also love Samantha Scott's fantastic tits. You know she's in prison in CA for murder? She killed two husbands with arsenic. She got caught on number two.

If you're going to whip a woman, do it across her bare chest. A whip lashing her tits and nips will get a far bigger reaction than a whip lashing the much stronger flesh of her back.

When in doubt, go for her bare breasts.

Saturday, May 24th 2008 - 04:04:20 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

Sloth: I have a scene in my comps that I've been trying to identify for a long time. I think you might have cleared up the mystery but wonder if you (or anyone) can help me confirm it. It sounds like the anal rape from "Confessions of a Serial Killer". Did the chick let the two guys in the house to use the phone? Did they go back in her bedroom while she sat in the living room and read? Did she go back to check on them and find one of them playing with her underthings and the other playing with her makeup?

I thought of a couple of scenes that could have been awesome. The buildup was great but alas, no delivery. One was Justine Bateman tied to the chair in "FATAL IMAGE". The other was Jamie Lee Curtis in "TRUE LIES". Both had good "spooge" moments but I had to finish them in my own imagination. Another Hollywood mistake is not spreading the legs in a chair tie...Gah!

Saturday, May 24th 2008 - 04:36:56 PM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Ironman - you are very close on that - she let's them in under the pretext of fixing her air conditioner - and it goes from there just as you state - that is the one from "Confessions of a Serial Killer" - they had seen her earlier in the day when they were moving furniture - Stay Well

Saturday, May 24th 2008 - 05:57:19 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

Sloth: Yes, that's it for sure. Damn good scene. Thanx for the help.

Saturday, May 24th 2008 - 06:29:32 PM

Name: elkcreek
E-mail address:

Ralphus, The rape scene begins with her getting molested by one of the mutants. She manages to get free and tries to escape, he grabs her, punches her and throws her bent over a table and attempts to penetrate her from behind. It is not clear whether or not he is successful as he is interrupted. She clearly looks like she's been through an ordeal after.

Yeah, I thought the Brian's Page write-up was fair. After she is re-captured she spends a vast majority of the movie tied and gagged. True, the spreadeagled scenes aren't optimal and she is not tortured or even threatened while spread eagled. But I'd still recommend it for a mainstream.

Saturday, May 24th 2008 - 07:46:44 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Chase: Good to see you here again. I know you're only a weekender as far as visits to the forum, but your contributions are always welcome.

Thanks for the kind words about the Torture Rack Scenes Database. Yeah, it was a bit of a chore putting it all back together, but like I wrote in the page introduction, it was just something I had to do. I really liked the site and thought it was important that it be brought back so that others could see it. Same with the WSIMD; way too much valuable information would have been lost otherwise.

I'm working on getting the two rape databases updated now. Having the vidcaps definitely adds an important element if you're searching to find a movie that you want to see. I've added to my own Netflix queue myself based on the stills I've found, so if it helps me, I'm sure it will help others.

The Intrusion: Ah, yes, great Golden Age (1970s) hardcore rape movie. I bought a copy years ago from Alpha Blue Archives. The lady victim wasn't exactly Carmen Electra, but it was a nice meanspirited movie that they just don't make anymore, especially with the political correctness of today. You've inspired me to add a new page for the upcoming rape database; click on my Homepage URL for an early look.

elkcreek: Thanks for the description of the rape scene in Timber Falls. I've added that info to the database.

Sunday, May 25th 2008 - 12:05:03 AM

Name: mr bush
Homepage URL:

Intrusion: a good movie that people can relate to everyday life, average American female. Best of all she shows a nice natural dark bush in the movie.

Sunday, May 25th 2008 - 03:23:04 PM

Name: Brutus
Homepage URL:

Another new mainstream film called "Breaking Nikki" also has potential. The director's premise: "Devon and David are brothers and share a dark secret, one that lies deep within the walls of the house they live in, and involves two kidnapped women, a basement and a scalpel." Check the URL above for the trailer.

Sunday, May 25th 2008 - 05:32:53 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:,zyCwpb,rocqkoqSkpLik56Svocukz8u0pK3J46TItqaky6HE/

Slave Island 5: I finally got the chance to watch Slave Island 5, which received a glowing review from Hiccup a while back. In fact, this title never did find its way into Canada, so I ordered parts one and two from America's own Video Mayhem.

I agree with Hiccup that Slave Island 5 is one of the stronger entries in the series. That's due in part to the awesome performances by the movie's two stars. The bikini model that Hiccup mentioned in his review is played by large-breasted cutie Yuka Haneda, who has been mentioned on this site before. Her co-star, the woman Hiccup referred to as "the skinny girl," is played by the lovely and sexy Nana Nanami. Something about Nana really turns my crank -- she may be my favorite Slave Island star (she also played the photographer in Slave Island 8). As Hiccup mentioned, there are some outstanding scenes of rape and degradation in this film, along with excellent production values and the always haunting Slave Island theme song. For whatever reason, Hiccup didn't assign a letter grade to this film, but I would probably give Slave Island 5 an A-. If you like the Slave Island movies, Slave Island 5 is definitely worth checking out.

By the way, has anyone seen this compilation set from the first six Slave Island movies? It looks like it has lots of action packed in it and is probably a winner. I have this title on order but haven't seen it yet, but would be interested to hear from anyone who has seen it.

Sunday, May 25th 2008 - 08:04:24 PM

Name: Ironman
E-mail address:

Brutus: "Breaking Nikki" does appear to have potential. I wonder though, why does blood always look like rich dark chocolate these days?

Sunday, May 25th 2008 - 08:10:52 PM

Name: Unbeliever


Downloaded Ryoujoku -- WOW. That's the GIMP game of my dreams.

Got any links to more like that? Especially if they are Flash files like that one (as opposed to executables you have to install)?

How about anyone else? What's the best GIMP game, and where do we find it?

Monday, May 26th 2008 - 12:37:15 AM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Mornin All

Ralphus - "Last Orgy of the Third Reich" - what a downright nasty, mean film that is - whipping, lye tank dunkings - but you are correct - the best of the lot is the gerbil scene.

Ironman - anytime partner - that is another of those I never tire of watching - just absolutely brutal in the extreme. Pulled it out and gave a view this morning and it turns out we were both a tad off - she sits in the living room trying to make conversation with the one who later taps her while he pages through a magazine - she goes to check on the other bozo who's supposed to be fixing the air conditioner and finds him sitting at her makeup table applying all forms of cosmetics. Then the fun begins.

Brutus - that "Breaking Nikki" does look interesting - especially enjoyed the looks of the tub scene.

Steve Power - that's a great offer Steve and wish I could take you up on it - afraid all my ladies are returning from school and am engulfed in estrogen - probably be a couple months at least before any new orders.

A Canadian - been wanting to obtain that "Slave Island 5" and spotted the compilation the other day - again I'll have to wait for August - certainly just for variety that comp is worth the price of admission and Yuka Haneda always does it for me.

Stay Well All

Monday, May 26th 2008 - 07:32:08 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Brutus: Wow, Breaking Nikki looks really good! Besides the trailer, check out the scene samples, particularly Scene #19, where he's tending to his female captive in the locker. Keeping a girl enslaved like that can be rather messy. Myself, I like keeping them tied to chairs and spread-eagled on the bed...more fun that way.

Strangely enough, I couldn't find anything about this film on the IMDB, which seems odd since it looks to be a rather high-budget production. Apparently, it's an Argentinian film. Really great find, looks like one to seek out when it gets released.

Monday, May 26th 2008 - 09:53:26 AM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Sloth wrote:

Been wanting to obtain that "Slave Island 5" and spotted the compilation the other day - again I'll have to wait for August - certainly just for variety that comp is worth the price of admission and Yuka Haneda always does it for me.

Maybe it's because things are crazy at work these days, but right now August seems oh so far away. I'm sure if Yuka were to learn how long you're willing to wait, she'd admire your sense of commitment.

Monday, May 26th 2008 - 07:43:56 PM

Name: Sloth
E-mail address:

Mornin All

For those interested there are currently 2 remakes of the 1972 Wes Craven effort "Last House on the Left" in the works. One is filming in South Africa with a cast apparently from there. Another is set to begin filming here in USA. Monica Potter is listed in the cast so I assume she will be playing the mom. I never cared that much for the original as the bondage was very short. I guess the rapes were ok. Rather hoping these will feature more physical torment than the first.

Stay Well All

Tuesday, May 27th 2008 - 07:56:11 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:


Where can I buy the movie Smoker I've been looking all over.

You really can't. It is one of those from the golden age of porn that is no longer available because it combines bondage and rape. Beware: there are cut versions of it around that have all the best scenes removed. I bought one of those. Both were put out by VCX. I had the uncut version, a copy I had made from a rental, and lost it. I loaned it to my brother-in-law and he accidentally taped over it recording the Spice channel, of all things. Arrrgh. I now have a very bad copy someone gave me.

That incident and another where the crack addict friends of a female friend's daughter stole some of my tapes is why I never loan originals anymore. I lost The Sensuous Detective and quite possibly my only copy of the uncut version of The Taking of Christina. 70s porn was the best. I also have Intrusion. It's definitely a good one, as is Hot Pistols, one I watched this weekend.

In fact, I watched a lot of scenes this weekend (my girl was out of town), including the one from The Boston Strangler that I had mentioned previously. It seems I had mis-remembered it. She isn't tied up with torn bed sheets; the torn cloth is what is left of her dress. Also, the giving of the ankle happens with the first tie, not the last. Still, it's an all time favorite scene.


Tuesday, May 27th 2008 - 09:14:39 AM

Name: Hillbama
Homepage URL:


Where can I buy the movie Smoker I've been looking all over.

You could try Tropic Twilight, link above.

I bought an (apparently) uncut version of Smoker there about 5 years ago. XXX titles are not listed online, so you will have to buy a $4 catalogue (or a $16 movie + $4.50 shipping for a free catalog). Intrusion is also available.

They have a classic GIMP movie, Enter the Seven Virgins, US drive-in title, Bod Squad

Tuesday, May 27th 2008 - 10:05:52 AM

Name: Joe Wrappe
Homepage URL:

This may seem like a stupid question but are these ZFX Reporter series on DVD or are they still VHS ? These stills from the Reporter 2 are just so great.....thanks...

Tuesday, May 27th 2008 - 04:12:49 PM

Name: A Canadian
Homepage URL:

Joe Wrappe: The Reporter and The Reporter 2: Gangstarr are both available on DVD. And both movies have been recently reviewed by Sloth, if you check the reviews section.

Tuesday, May 27th 2008 - 04:41:09 PM

Name: wack


I originally saw Smoker a LONG time ago and really loved it (this was before I found REAL bondage films). Believe it or not, I actually rented it at a local video store at the time. Several years after that I purchased it and was extremely disappointed to discover that it was heavily edited. All of the reasons I loved the film in the first place were gone (all the bondage!!).

So my question is- Do you have a totally unedited version and can you be a little more specific on how I can get it?

I suspect I will probably be disappointed by it-with the exception of Bittersweet Revenge and The Experiment (both with Rene Baker and Georgia Van Helsing) many of the films I fondly remembered did not hold up well to the test of time.

Tuesday, May 27th 2008 - 09:16:40 PM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

If I remember correctly, the main indicator as to whether a version of Smoker is edited or not is the scene in which Sharon Mitchell is raped by Ron Jeremy while she in suspended bondage.


Wednesday, May 28th 2008 - 08:57:26 AM

Name: Hillbama

I did not see the theatrical version of Smoker so I don't know what may be cut out. I only purchased a copy after reading about the movie on this board.

My copy has 2 bondage/rape scenes. The first scene, about 12 minutes including abduction, has Troye Lane tied in a standing spread eagle in a dungeon-like doorway. She receives a standing double penetration from Ron Jeremy and Eric Edwards. Then she is bent forward with hands tied to the sides, where she performs a forced BJ on RJ with facial and receives vaginal sex from EE with butt cum shot.

The second scene, about 11 minutes with abduction, has Sharon Mitchell in a suspended spread eagle and ball gagged. She gets dildo torture from John Leslie, then Ron Jeremy appears to remove the ball gag for oral, vaginal sex, and facial.

Personally, I was slightly disappointed and expected more from the movie.

Tropic Twilight accepts only mail orders. They do not have a computerized ordering system and do not accept credit cards (except Pay Pal). For my first order, I sent a letter and money order, then received a package with VHS tapes, order forms and a catalog. It took about 3-4 weeks from mailing the order to receipt of tapes. My catalog for 2002 lists Smoker, I do not know if they still carry it. I suggested buying a catalog first, if you did not want to risk $20.50 on a movie. Or you could try your e-mailing your questions to them.

Wednesday, May 28th 2008 - 01:44:00 PM

Name: adam moore

Here's a business proposition if anyone's interested. I'm a big mainstream fan but don't have the technical ability nor frankly the inclination to work on finding and collecting the best scenes. So the idea is that I'd order the 20 or so movies off Hank's list and send them to you. You'd make a compilation DVD, I'd pay you for your time and you'd send me the DVD. Anyone?

Wednesday, May 28th 2008 - 06:40:36 PM

Name: A Canadian

adam moore: I, for one, cannot take you up on your offer.

I used to have the technical ability to make a compilation disc -- I was using an older DVD recorder that allowed me to copy from protected material, and I can edit discs on my computer. But I recently upgraded my DVD recorder, and the new recorder won't allow me to copy mainstream movies.

I think there are computer programs that might allow someone to create a compilation disc, but I don't have those programs (or the know-how).

Of course, you should let everyone here know which 20 movies are on the list -- at the very least, to satisfy our curiosity.

Wednesday, May 28th 2008 - 07:01:58 PM

Name: DHT
Homepage URL:

While the Gimp Poll is still on the topic of what bondage films we consider great, I have two more I want to mention. I only have time for one on this post, so I'll try to hurry and get the second one out soon.

So, in this post, I want to talk about one of my all time favorite Bondage films, AES Productions' UNDERCOVER (KSP-16), starring Eryn Walker. This is one of AES's KSP series, which was marketed as "a little more physical bondage". What this basically means is that the captor cops a lot of feels on the bound girl's breasts, both clothed and naked, as they try to wriggle away.

Not a lot of Gimp content, as there is no sexual assault or violence, but there is a good, standard "woman in danger" storyline and plenty of bondage.

When I saw the still of Eryn in the ad, it was really lust at first sight. While she was making videos for AES, she always had an interesting (and always changing) look about her. In her first videos, she had kind of a punky, record store girl look; no purple hair or rings, but a retro, dyed-black bob and nice black eyeliner. In this video, Undercover, her hair has grown out a little and looks more natural, but her black eyeliner still gives her a kinky, 50's pin-up style.

I won't go into meticulous detail in describing every scene. I will just say that she is put through nine different bondages, (if you count by the gags, which I usually do), and a nice variety of gags: white cleave, OTM over that, layered silver tape, white tape, black cleave, black OTM over that, followed by a blindfold, a new silver tape gag, a red cleave gag, and finally a ballgag, in a particularly notable scene in the basement, where she panics rather sweetly as she is turned over to her new captors.

This may sound pretty standard, but to me it is great because Eryn is so pretty and outstanding, and the satisfying variety of gags and bondages make this one a superb example, the best of this kind of video; a lot more mild than the next level, (the GIMP level), but great for a viewer looking for a lot of bondage, emoting, and a plot.

Eryn quickly became my favorite AES model, tied with Lindsey Sinclaire, and I wanted to have them make a custom video for me, but I was told she retired. As disappointed as I was, and still am, the truth is that KSP-16 is probably the exact movie I would have had her make anyway, given their parameters. Even so, if she does return to AES, I will jump on the opportunity and have her make a nice video just the way I want it.

Wednesday, May 28th 2008 - 09:53:59 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

It surprises me when people mention that they can't make scene compilations off DVD. I don't know a lot of about the technical aspects about editing scenes on my computer, but I know it's not hard to burn from one DVD to another. It's basically the same process as dubbing from VHS to VHS. You just need dubbing cables, a DVD player, a DVD burner, and...the magic ingredient...the anti-copyguard filter that goes in between them.

You could check the link above for 220 Electronics. I've dealt with them in the past and they give excellent customer service. They even have a toll-free number where you can talk to a tech and he can give you recommendations.

Or do a Google check for dvd copyguard filter. Or even try eBay. I bought one there once for fairly cheap. Trust me, once you have the right filter in place, making your own comps is a breeze, no matter what source you're dubbing from.

Jefferson James: What is Hot Pistols? That was one I researched when I was updating the Rape database, but I found very little about it. I notice you have no details in your own scene list, either. Can you help us out a bit with a description?

It's really a shame that a lot of those 70s and early 80s adult classics are so hard to find nowadays, at least in their uncut version. God, if only I had the presence of mind to buy up the originals back when I worked for all those years in videos stores, or at least make first generation copies of those movies while I was there. I had access to all that stuff for free, and we had a fairly large collection of adult movies, but I hardly checked any of them out because I didn't know they had bondage and rape scenes. I didn't find out what I was missing until years later when I saw a list of Golden Age titles that Video Mayhem used to carry. And I'm thinking..."Man, we used to carry that movie! And that one! And that one!" Now it's too late.

And of course, the adult production companies aren't as interested in preserving their older work as real movie studios. A lot of the rougher material got either edited or completely withdrawn after the Meese Report in the 1980s, and now if you want to buy a film like Smoker, you have to either accept the chopped up ruined version from the studios, or the likely poor 4th generation dub from the bootleggers. It's just not right. Were the 80s that long ago? I still remember them. It's hard to believe so much of that stuff is already gone.

Wednesday, May 28th 2008 - 11:08:49 PM

Name: Jordan J.
E-mail address:

Hi guys, just caught the chat about making a compilation disc.

Its actually very easy. Its just a matter of ripping the dvds into divx (avi) format and then using an avi editor.

Once you have all your edited clips, which believe me is very easy to do, its then just a matter of using nero to recreate a new dvd. I've made numerous edits on DVDs in the past including my own version of the matrix movies, as the sequels drove me mad. All the above software is free to grab from a bittorrent site like "" If you need the exact software I shall list them out for you guys.

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 01:14:10 AM

Name: A Canadian

Jordan J. wrote:

Its just a matter of ripping the dvds into divx (avi) format....

Actually, that's the part I don't get, as I don't think the program I use (TMPGEnc DVD Author) allows you to lift files from protected discs.

I'm somewhat agnostic on this, as I don't currently have any plans to be making compilation discs. Nonetheless, I would be interested to learn more about how you manage this part of the process.

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 05:34:08 AM

Name: DHT

Ralphus: Thanks for adding the URL to my description of KSP-16 below!

Jordan J's mention of doing Fan edits brings me to my two more picks for great bondage movies, that I have been going to post for days now, and an opportunity for me to share with the board my recipes for some great fan edits!

I'm sure you all noticed how sometimes with Rick's ZFX 2-parters or series films, scenes are often out of order... To save space back when I was mad into colecting ZFX videos, I would take his 2-parters and retape them onto one cassette, and often rearranged the scenes into their logical order as I did so. For example, you can take the three MACHINEHEAD movies and re-tape them onto two tapes or DVD's as two separate features, one with Lisa and Penelope, and one with Chandra, Amy, and Monica. Or, if anyone has seen TOOLBOX 1 and 2, you know that Lisa's scenes are out of order from one video to the next, so when I put them both on one tape, that was easy to fix with a little editing.

So, the first of my fan-edits I will share is the one I am most proud of: my SEED/VIRAL LOAD master-mix. And, I nominate the result as a great bondage video on its own! (Spoilers below, just sayin'.....) Here's how it goes:

PART 1: from VIRAL LOAD: opening credits, Rick briefs Lisa and the Joe, Joe abducts Penelope Pace in the parking lot and brings her back to headquarters. He and Lisa beat and choke her until she passes out, then she comes to and Lisa does her with the strap-on...

PART 2: from SEED: Start as the camera pans into Penelope's bedroom, as she is masturbating, sucking the big black dildo, and choking herself with the rope. This makes all of the Viral Load that has happened so far a fantasy she is masturbating to. Then Lisa comes home, they look at the flower together, and Penelope goes up to bed.

PART 3: Penelope falls asleep reading, and Viral Load starts playing again, from the part where Penelope is in the lab in the see-through labcoat and gas mask working on her bio-weapon. Joe comes in to talk to her and leaves, and the virus has fallen to the floor and started to mutate. From here, intercut the scenes from Seed of Penelope's vagina and mouth being penetrated by the vines of the spore, with the scenes from Viral Load of the virus attacking and penetrating Penelope with it's tendrils, ALSO penetrating her vagina and stuffing her mouth.

PART 4: Now, let Viral Load play out to the end. Penelope, posessed by the virus, straps Lisa down to the table and tortures her, then Joe is attacked and killed.

PART 5: Back to SEED: Penelope gets out of bed, taken over by the alien spore. She attacks Lisa, and Seed plays to the end. Lisa wakes up, it's all a dream, The End. If you are a completist, you can add the Seed credits here.

Then, I add the scenes from Viral load we skipped, of Penelope's strappados from the warehouse, as extras/outtakes.

So, that's the Seed/Viral Load mix, and I am quite proud of it!

((If you were REALLY motivated, you could continue from the point where Lisa wakes up and then falls back asleep, and go into the second half of Ms. Ballista 1, and show her entire ordeal with Penelope from that movie as HER dream.... depends on how much room you have.))

I'll let that sink in, and later today I will share with you all my recipe for Ultimate GUILTY!!!

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 05:41:46 AM

Name: Jordan J.
E-mail address:

Hi Guys, Here is the software I use in regards to ripping dvds converting them and so on.

1. "AnyDvd". This software allows your dvd to play any region. This also most importantly removes virtually all security on the dvd itself. It even removes all the usual "warning" images and so on.

2. "dvd decrypter" this software easily decrypts dvds of any further security and creates a nice workable image file straight to your hard drive, which virtually any dvdripper will rip.

3. "dvd shrink" this software converts a usual dual layered dvd movie (the real movies from the shops and video stores) and compresses it so it can fit onto a standard blank dvd. This software is very good also for decrypting and removing dvd security.

4. "Xilisoft DVDRipper" this software will rip a dvd movie into divx or avi format for you. which means a standard 6.5gig movie will be compressed into around 700meg. without losing much quality at all. Once movie is converted into either of these formats. editing or grabbing pieces of the film is very easy

5. "AviTricks" this is one of the editors I use. Its easy, very self explanatory Virtually copy parts of the movie and paste it into your own new file, or delete parts you no longer wish to have.

6. "Nero Vision" Most people have heard of Nero Burning Software. With Nero Vision you can "create Your own Dvd" With this you can grab all the edited movie files you have, then put them all together as a compilation. You can set it up so that each chapter on your dvd will be the next scene that you made. You can also setup a menu screen so you can see which scene you want to jump to etc.

Hope this has been some help

Jordan J.

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 07:24:26 AM

Name: adam moore
Homepage URL:

Hey thanks for the responses on the compilation question. Us mainstream guys are definitely at a disadvantage in obtaining our "desired material". I should have mentioned that I'm on a mac which makes the whole software issue that much more complicated. But I think even I can handle Ralphus' dubbing solution so thanks for that! For whoever asked about Hank's list, I've pasted it above.

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 07:59:40 AM

Name: Jefferson James
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Hot Pistols: I was making a DVD transfer from VHS and didn't actually watch most of it. If memory serves me well, and from the glimpses I caught during the transfer, I can give a general description.

Two men on the run from the law decide to hole up (pun intended) at the home of two sisters. After a short time, one of the women is taken into a bedroom and raped at gun point. Later, the two sisters are forced into having incestuous lesbian sex. These are the best scenes. There are others of varying degrees of force or lack thereof.

I think I may have some vidcaps. I'll see if I can dig them up. Many of you may have seen them and just didn't know which movie they were from. If I get time, I'll try to do a real review.


Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 10:20:11 AM

Name: A Canadian

Jordan J.: Well, don't I feel stupid. I have DVD Shrink.

Unfortunately, while I know how to use DVD Shrink to create a copy of a disc, and how to reduce the size of a file, I have no idea how to use it to remove the copyright protection. My guess is the solution is simple, but I'll be damned if I know what it is. Please let me know if you have any helpful tips or instructions.

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 12:57:58 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address:

LOVE today's picture from Gangstarr - what's the context (ie, what's going to happen to her on that great bed)?!?

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 10:08:59 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

mothbrad: In case you missed Sloth's review or my follow-up post the next day, I talked specifically about that scene. Since I'm too lazy to rewrite it, here's the text again:


I've been asked before what is my favorite scene in a ZFX movie. And if push came to shove, I would say that Gangstarr has one of my top 2 favorite ZFX moments ever, where they have Monica spreadeagled on the bed frame and she's left there to spend the night, tied in that uncomfortable position and gagged. She's lightly crying over her situation, and then when it seems it can get no worse, Bryan turns on the light, comes back in and clamps clothespins on her nipples and leaves her alone again for the night. How's she ever going to sleep now with those pins biting into her tits all night? It's going to be a VERY uncomfortable night for her! I just really dig the concept, and of course, I dig that Monica was the one who was going to be suffering. All in all, a great scene in a great movie.


Jefferson James: Thanks for the description of Hot Pistols. Yeah, if you have caps to share, that would be great. E-mail them to me and I'll make up a new page for the Rape in Mainstream Movies database. I'm still working to rebuild the two Rape databases and get them back up on the site; I'm shooting for this weekend if I can.

Thursday, May 29th 2008 - 11:04:05 PM

Name: mothbrad
E-mail address: out of his mind

Yunno what, Ralphus, it's not as if I didn't read that review and slobber over the possibilities of the scene ... I just didn't put two and two together when looking at the pictures. But thanks for being so patient. Must be the Friday afternoon brain drain.

Friday, May 30th 2008 - 12:20:06 AM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

Jordan J: Thanks for the info on ripping. I'm definitely going to try that out ASAP.

Friday, May 30th 2008 - 01:12:24 PM

Name: Thees van Kemp
E-mail address:

Dear Ralphus and fellow Gimpers,

Congratulations for flying the Flag of Depravity and Perversion for 9 long years...and shoving the big middle finger to all the PC demagogues! - Long May YOU Reign!

Friday, May 30th 2008 - 09:56:15 PM

Name: Gabriela Atar
E-mail address:

Congrats on 9 years.

To honor the occasion, I wiil be forced to remove NINE articles of clothing - which will leave me bare-ass naked. Then I will be strung up by my wrists, with my toes hanging NINE inches from the floor. Next I'll be whipped with a cat-o-NINE tales. NINE parts of my bare body [upper back, lower back, butt, boobs, belly, and, um, lower belly (how low will you go?)] will get NINE strokes each.

Then I'll be put on the rack. I'll be stretched til my arms and legs are taut and I'm begging for mercy. Next I'll be gagged with NINE (they're tiny) thong panties from my dirty laundry. (no more begging allowed) Then, even though my muscles are straining, the wheel of the rack will be turned for NINE more clicks. Then I'll be left, stretched like that, for NINE hours.

Finally, I'll be strapped down to a metal table with NINE straps. (2 each at my wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles, and one at my belly) NINE wires will be attached to my body. (two on my temples, one on each thumb and big toe, one on each nipple, and one, um, down there.) Then I will get NINE electro-shocks, each lasting NINE seconds. I have to count each shock (by grunting through my gag). If I mess up the count, it's starts over.

When it's all done, I'm taken NINE miles into the woods (still stark naked), tied to a tree with NINE ropes, and left there.

That's my fantasy celebration of the Gimp's nine year anniversary. What, you want a total of NINE tortures? Sheesh, can't a girl get a break around here?


Saturday, May 31st 2008 - 06:05:13 AM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

Gabriela: Whoa, quite an invitation there. It's never too late to celebrate our anniversary, and I think Ms. Atar just gave us a good reason to party.

Bundle up your ropes, guys. Grab your whips and make sure you have plenty of duct tape. Let's celebrate her brains out.

Saturday, May 31st 2008 - 11:31:42 AM

Name: Brutus

Gabriela Atar: Your post just made my day.

Saturday, May 31st 2008 - 03:41:07 PM

Name: jhlipton
E-mail address:

[1] I wiil be forced to remove NINE articles of clothing - which will leave me bare-ass naked.

[2] I will be strung up by my wrists, with my toes hanging NINE inches from the floor. Next I'll be whipped with a cat-o-NINE tales.

[3] Next I'll be gagged with NINE (they're tiny) thong panties from my dirty laundry. (no more begging allowed)

[4] Then, even though my muscles are straining, the wheel of the rack will be turned for NINE more clicks.

[5]I'll be strapped down to a metal table with NINE straps. (2 each at my wrists, elbows, knees, and ankles, and one at my belly)

[6] NINE wires will be attached to my body. (two on my temples, one on each thumb and big toe, one on each nipple, and one, um, down there.)


[7] I'll be strangled NINE times (hand, gloves, ropes, wire, held head-down in a pool, bagged, hung, smothered and "rebreather"). I'll be fucked hard as these men come to the edge of killing me.

[8]I'll be raped NINE times by NINE men each time. After they cum all over my body, I'll have to suck the cum from each of the NINE cocks.


[9] When it's all done, I'm taken NINE miles into the woods (still stark naked, and cum all over me), tied to a tree with NINE ropes, and left there.


That makes NINE NINES by my count!

Saturday, May 31st 2008 - 04:46:37 PM

Name: Ralphus
E-mail address:
Homepage URL:

There you go, guys.

All the databases are now back and restored to the site. The two rape databases took a while since there were so many entries and pages to rebuild. Hopefully (he said, crossing his fingers) we will be able to withstand an expected onslaught of extra people accessing the site without overloading the bandwidth and knocking everything out like what happened earlier this month. I took some safeguards that should prevent this, but I still don't know what's going to happen. We'll see, I guess.

Now...the main work is done, but with 700+ knowledgeable perverts regularly visiting here, we could always use more help. There are LOTS of rape scenes we're missing, for sure. And there's lots of entries we do have that have no description. And anyone with vidcaps to donate, please be generous and share with the site.

If we can get everyone...okay, what am I thinking?...make that almost everyone contributing whatever they can, we can make these databases even better than they are now. Anybody know any rape scenes, whipping scenes, electro scenes, torture rack or suspension scenes that we can add, drop us a post and I'll add it to the site. This can be fun! A total group effort. Experience the joy of giving. It can be like Christmas for Perverts :)

Saturday, May 31st 2008 - 08:32:22 PM

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