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June 2000
Name: zee-ef-ex

Comments: How securely do you guys prefer the victims be tied? Is it enough that her bondage is inescapable (such as through the use of chains, one of my personal favorites) so that it doesn't matter that she can flail about and struggle, so long as we know (wink) that she won't get loose? Or do you prefer her bound so she can't move a muscle, such that she has to accept her fate (insertion, pain, whatever) without even an opportunity to struggle physically against it. I guess my preference is the latter, the tighter the better. What say others?
Thursday June 1st 2000 08:23:06

Name: AvF

Comments: Just got my order today...YES! Guess I set aside a little bit of time not too much later from now to check 'em out. Don't know where everyone prefers to get their orders at, and I know Rick pushes Fantasy Food, but I get mine at Captive Video. They get me my order in two to three days and I pay just $39 bucks per vid (and yes, they are, as far as I know , legit. Slick, multi-color package, metallic looking label, etc.).

Rick, I had a thought that I'd like to pass along to the forum for input. Some of the video sequels have fallen by the wayside...such as Liza Cord II for example. At the end of some of these vid's there's a preview of what's coming in the sequel. I was just thinking, since some footage has already been shot, what is the possiblity and what would the demand be for maybe a closer to a series. Liza Cord as the example mentioned, could maybe have like a mini video to conclude the series. I don't know how much or how workable the footage is, but what I was thinking was maybe use what was shot and add a little something here and there to make maybe, like a 30, 45, or 60 minute mini movie (at a discounted price of course). I don't know about anyone else but I personally would love to see more of Amy van Allen and I'm sure others would like to see more of their favorites. So what is everyone's thoughts on this?

Zee-ef-ex, To your question. I prefer them tight. Like an example from a earlier post, talking about Chandra in Phantice Peepshow II. The scene where she's tied to a chair. That scene could have been great (to me personally as we all have our own tastes) had it not been for the sloppy ankle ties. If her ankles would have been tied tight it would have been a near perfect scene to me. But.....
Well off to my vid's.

Friday June 2nd 2000 07:58:04

Name: Ralphus

Comments: At the risk of getting another death threat from Rick, I will let the board know that I got my tapes from Videoconnection in Philadelphia again, for $31.99 each, plus $5.95 shipping. Once again, the tapes are all factory originals, with the colored shells, gold labels, full- colored boxes. As far as Rick's contention that they are possible bootleggers, I know nothing of that, and have gotten excellent service and nothing but original factory tapes both times I have ordered. The man who runs the site told me because I have been his customer for a couple of seasons that he was giving me a special price and that the price will be honored by anyone who mentions my name as having referred them. A while back, Rick mentioned that they have been a thorn in his side and that they had delays of 2 or 3 months in shipping the product out to customers. Now he has more experience with them than I do, but again, as a consumer, I have been very happy with the prices, quality and service. So consider both sources before you decide to jump onboard. Their e-mail is

Now for the good news. A full review won't be ready til after the weekend, but here's a sneak preview. "Ballista 2" is even better than the original! And the previews for the other new ones look very promising. I suspect that the long wait was worth it. :o)

Friday June 2nd 2000 11:10:52

Name: alan

Comments: Just bought all the new releases from Videoconnection in Philly. I live nearby. Ballista 2 is great especially the plant rape snenes. In their nature was good but not great I give it 2 1/2 stars. Viral Load was very good with a great scene with Penelope Pace towards the end. SOB 4 also 3 stars for its great upside down suspension scenes. I'm still looking for my story line where a young newly wedded step mother gets totures by her stepson and his friends. Could be hot Rick.
Saturday June 3rd 2000 07:54:44

Name: Iago

Comments: First impressions: Ballista 2: Great flick, Rick! Great characters, costumes, and cool situations. It might be the best ZFX I've seen in some time. Barbara Bayer was very good, but still needs a bit of work in the emoting department. If she sticks around, she'll get it, I think.

In their Nature: I, uh, fell asleep. I was sick at the time, which helped, though. I like the intro drugging sequence. The part where Bridgette is tied up and squirming on the floor towards the end was kind of cool, too. I didn't really like the "cleanse it!" bit much. Sounded a little like a bible-thumper-gone-rapist. Not quite in character, IMHO.

Viral Load was very good. Penelope really gets the chance to act in this one, and she does a great job. The tentacled virus wasn't nearly as much fun to watch as the plant from Ballista, but that was because of the positions of the models and a few other things. A great movie for you punishment types, too. Penelope really gets worked over.

666, part 2: Another good one for you punishment types. Christina and Kim get worked over thoroughly. Pretty good special effects for this kind of flick, too. Better than anything I've seen on a ZFX budget before, honestly. The, but the torture was long and complete. Is there a sci-fi sequel to this one, maybe? Maybe something along the lines of the sc-fi poser models in the 3D gallery on the web site?

SOB4: Not for me, but the most torture-intensive movie of the bunch. Ralphus will undoubtably have a much better take on it than I would.

Saturday June 3rd 2000 08:49:22

Name: Damien

Comments: ALL: Due to a HD crash I lost all my bookmarks. Thanks to the help of a good friend, I got the URL of this excellent page back, but I still need the URL of the Official ZFX homepage. All that the search engines come up with is the URL of the one with the Adult Check. And I need the other. Please let me know this both through this board (for the benefit of others) and through private email.
Monday June 5th 2000 11:30:42

Name: zfx-fan anon

Comments: Just saw Ballista 2 and most of the torture scenes are great. My preference in bondage is suspension with arms overhead, so both whipping scenes are very satisfying. I am a great fan of Lisa Kinkaid, and her suspension and whipping scene is of the highest rating albiet to short. I wonder if anyone else finds the underarm as erotic as I do, which explains part of my passion for bondage, especially with the arms tied overhead. I would love to see a torture scene where suspension by the wrists or stretching on the rack is combined with torture on the tender flesh of the underarm -- perhaps whipping, shock, or knife play. Just a suggesting for Rick. (If followed, please cast Lisa Kinkaid for this scene).

I would also like to see a video with a theme of a warrior or slave trader capturing a victim and bringing the slave to auction. Outdoor scenes would be great with this theme. My fantasy film would involve the abduction of a pretty young girl by a slaver or warrior, who strips her naked and ties her wrists, and leads her through the forrest behind his stallion. When she attempts to escape, she is hung by her wrists from a tree and bullwhipped. She is also raped after when bound spreadeagle on the ground with stakes. It would be an exhausting production, and therefore unlikely to be accomplished, but again, just another suggestion.

Monday June 5th 2000 11:39:37

Name: AvF

Comments: For those interested and for those with access to The Movie Channel, Stangeland is on tonight (at least where I'm at). The Dee Snyder horror flick with some interesting bondage/tortures. Was never into Twisted Sister but not a bad flick. Check it out.
Tuesday June 6th 2000 07:36:09

Name: Mad Dog

Comments: Hey, everybody! I will try this for the third time now. My last two post didnt register, said some bull shit about not having my name on there. Which was a crock of SHIT!!! So what was supposed to be a quick post turned into about an hour of fucking around with this Fucking computer. Anyways now that's out of my system. I was trying to let you guys know that the ZFX website is finally updated. Although Rick does still have a few bugs to work out. You can go there and check out a bunch more of the captures. You can go there by following this link or typing in-


Hey Ralphus, thanks for the review of Miss Ballista. I will addit to the others as soon as I get around to it. I am curios though, did you get a chance to check out SOB 4, if you did what did you think of it? If anybody else has seen it and would like to share their opinion of it, you are more than welcome to. I have not seen it yet.

One last note, I changed the forum so the new postings are now at the top, let me know what you think.

Peace All
Mad Dog

Thursday June 8th 2000 10:11:26

Name: Mad Dog

Comments: One last Fucking time!!! The book dosent seem to support links in the body of a message so you will have to type in

This is the correct one. the other one has a space and would not get you anywhere. One of these years I will learn how to tipe. Anybody know where I can get hooked on Phonics?

Peace All
Mad Dog

Thursday June 8th 2000 10:16:27

Name: Iago

Comments: Woah, we lost a whole month? What happened? Ralphus, I hope you didn't type that Ballista review on-line.
Thursday June 8th 2000 11:17:17

Name: Mad Dog

Comments: I hope I dont confuse anybody but the new post show up now at the top. All the other posts are here as well. You can get to them by scrolling down. I should be archiving last months real soon. Sorry for the mix-up.

O.K. Guys I am sorry, I gave you somewhat wrong information. The ZFX site is not done yet. I guess what happened was that I bookmarked the second page so when I went to there it jumped me past the first page. Sorry to get everybody's hope up. Hopefully though Rick should have it done soon.

Peace All
Mad Dog

Thursday June 8th 2000 04:14:44

Name: Ralphus

Comments: Mad Dog, Thanks for the compliment. I will get around to seeing SOB4 real soon; I just saw "In Their Nature" last night but because of work, I will not be able to get a review out until probably the middle of next week. I will probably check out SOB4 next though.

Iago: No, I didn't write my review online. I have AOL as my ISP so there's no way I would be able to do it without getting booted seven or eight times in the process! Anyone who deals with AOL knows what I'm talking about. AOL...what are the proper words...oh yes...THEY SUCK!

BTW, I'm notoriously slow when it comes to watching the tapes, and I admire those who already have reviews on all five. Myself, I have to limit myself to about one a week or else I'll go blind. The way I figure it, we waited nearly a year for these, why rush things? There won't be any more this year, so let's relax and savor what we have. Otherwise, it will be a long year. Anyone who wants to post their own reviews in the meantime, go ahead; the more the merrier!

Oh, and Mad Dog? If I have a vote, I would nix the new posts at the top and go back to the way it was. The way it is now, you end up reading the posts in reverse order, reading answers first and questions second, and besides, it only takes a couple of seconds to scroll down to the end anyway. Every message board I have been a member of has experimented and tried it this new way, and every time they go back to the way it was because it was more logical. Just my experience talking here.

Thursday June 8th 2000 05:39:24

Name: AvF

Comments: work? I thought you just watched ZFX's for a living. I'm the same as you are with the vid's. I only ordered two of the new one's but so far have only watched Ballista II (bet you thought I'd watch SOB4 first huh?). By the way, the stangling scene w/Barbara was my favorite part of the movie. The twitch about half way through was a nice touch and the fact that she was wearing a ball gag limited the amount that the scene could be screwed up (as was one of the few negatives of the Forced Entry vid. Lisa was just way too passive during her scene). Tried watching SOB4 last night but just ran out of time. Maybe by the weekend.

Hey Mad Dog, I second Ralphus in nixing the new sequence order. Poor Iago thought we had lost the month of postings (I'm sure he was just jesting), and in all honesty I was getting ready to go to the archives to see what new postings I had missed since last checking in.

Thursday June 8th 2000 07:56:28

Name: Rick

Comments: Hello to all! Just a quick note, the site has finally updated!!! I'm going to try to get Lisa in here next week to read and respond to the forum so if you have somthing to say to Ms. Kinkaid, nows a fine time to do it!
Saturday June 10th 2000 12:27:10

Name: Mad Dog

Comments: Hey all, the board is now back to the way it was. I do like some aspects about the new postings up at the top. But as Ralphus put it you end up reading them in revers order. So anyways, thanks for the input guys!

To all, your mission should you choose to accept it. Come up with some really good questions for Lisa Kinkaid. Hopefully if she has a really good time she can spread the word to other ZFX Actresses, so we can constantly getting new viewpoints. For those who dont want to learn what the actress is thinking due to losing the appeal for the movie, can just skip over that entry.

If you guys want to you can e-mail me the questions and I can organize them and get them so lisa can awnser them without searching the board. well what do you think? Let me know.

Peace All
Mad Dog

Saturday June 10th 2000 12:58:31

Name: zee-ef-ex

Comments: zfx-fan-anon, i too prefer the arms suspended over the head look, but it has nothing to do with underarms, smile. i just like the stretched out female form, particularly with muscle definition showing from the strain.

ralphus, my 2 cents i don't like the new blood inducing beatings at all, i favor the sexual aspect of the domination, not the violence of it, so the whippings and punchings in the stomach etc. just gross me out

lisa, oh lisa, i guess my number one question, without asking you to be too personal, is whether you have found your experiences in these films to have positively affected your off-screen life, i.e. better sex, or in other unexpected ways. and my number one comment is that i admire your strength, the incredible fortitude it takes to do what you do. from your fans who adore you from afar, let me say your efforts are well appreciated.

Saturday June 10th 2000 09:12:14

Name: Sardu

Comments: Questions for Ms. Kinkaid

1. Have you ever asked Rick, "What's my motivation in this scene?"

2. Where do you draw the line re: what you will and won't do in a video?

3. How do you think your work for ZFX has changed/improved over the past 4 years?

4. Who's more butch: Wonder Woman or Ballista?

5. What would happen in a Lisa Kinkaid-scripted ZFX video?

6. Does Jesus still love Rick?

Saturday June 10th 2000 10:49:10

Name: Iago

Comments: Does Jesus still love Rick? Eesh. The poor guy is living just South of the Bible Belt. How he endures it with his line of work is a mystery to me. BTW, I really was not jesting with my previous post. I'm just really that unobservant sometimes, but thanks for trying to cover for me ;-)

Questions for Lisa? That's tougher than it sounds. Lisa has shown a reluctance in the past to get "Too personal" with us, and I can understand that. If I were her, I don't know what I would make of the people who buy Rick's movies. I know, before you guys start in, we're mostly not what people think, but that doesn't matter to people that don't realize the fact, right? So, my questions, hopefully without stepping on Lisa's good sensibilities would be...ah...

1. What was the hardest scene you ever shot, and why?

2. Nothing against Rick, but why is he the only person we've seen you do videos for? Given the obvious popularity of films with you in them, it seems more work in the genre would be available, if desired.

3. Rick does a number of different themes in his videos, from random kidnappers to sci-fi themes. What type of video do you find you like the best? Which kind do you like the least?

Well, that's it for me, I think.


Sunday June 11th 2000 09:55:59

Name: Jaeckill

Comments: Hi, folks according to ZFX and to this forum I´m a newbie, so I´ll try to put all my questions and suggestions into this first mail. Till now I didn´t see one ZFX/Shockwave movie, but I saw all the vidcaps at your site, Rick. And I read all your reviews currently online, Ralphus.

What can I say: These flicks seem to be exactly what I was looking for since I´m 15 years old (I didn´t know at that time, but now I´m shure). At the age of 15 -- minors where not allowed but nobody cared -- I saw "The Howling" at the cinema. Do you guys (and perhaps girls) remember the scene with Dee Wallace in the video-cabin of that sex shop? Do you remember the movie running in the background? The quality was terrible but you could see a woman tied down to a metal-frame bed in a spreadeagled position. Her dress was ripped off and she got a cloth gag before she was raped by a man with a pantyhose covering his head. I later found out this "porn flick" was done in Joe Dantes´ garage and is not available "stand allone" (what a pity). Since then I was allways trying to figure out why this scene aroused me so much. Im far away of raping a woman and my sex life has been allways consentual (and will allways be) but as a fantasy --- hu, great!

To make a long story short: I´m one of you perverts and desperately looking forward to watch one (or two or ...) of Ricks movies, but I´m living in Germany (NOT Bavaria, I´m not wearing short leather trousers, never, I can´t even yodel!). I tried once to get adult movies from the States but they got confiscated at the border control. Yepp, that sucks! So does anybody know
a.) wether there is a european distributor for ZFX movies,
b.) how to "smuggle" them out of the States without confiscation or, as there seems to be no distributor in Europe,
c.) how to minimize the risk of confiscation?
What do you think about "Videoconnection" in Philadelphia (thanks Ralphus), may I trust them?

This forum seems to be mainly for discussion about what Rick did well, what he should improve (I should DEFINITELY improve my english) and this or that special fantasy so this is my opinion (ignore the fact I didn´t see one of these movies yet): Tight, very tight bondage, spreadeagles preferred. Yes, and a lot of squirming and wriggling, perhaps induced by faked electric shocks. Clothgags, ballgags, anything that stops her from crying "help" without covering her face. And there HAS to be penetration, dildos, vibrators, sex toys, alien tentacles, and put the camera on it, I´d like to see it sliding into our helpless victim.

The torture stuff - whipping, clothespins, beating - that´s not to my taste. I feel sorry for the actress. Sounds really crazy: "Tie her down and rape her hard -- but don´t hurt her". Well, I told you I´m a pervo.

A good storyline would make it perfect. There are many ideas in my head. SciFi has a great potential: Powerful aliens, cold machines ... O.k., special effects are difficult to do and maybe expensive but I think it´s worth it. What turns me on is the power the rapist has above his victim, and who could have more power about a human being than an alien with 6 strong arms (or tentacles) and a technology we could only dream (and fantasize) of.

Machines... they make a great contrast to soft human flesh. The smoth curves of a girl locked into cold and mercyless steel, yum. And plants: Did you ever feel the great power present in an old, dark forrest? These trees seem to be almighty. They have hundreds of "arms" to hold the victim tight and they could litterally "grow" into her hotspot. But, Rick, as long as you combine beautiful women, nonconsensual bondage and as much shown penetration as allowed by US law I´ll be addicted to your movies. Howgh!


Wednesday June 14th 2000 10:51:02

Name: Per

Comments: Jaeckill, welcome to the forum and welcome to the world of ZFX, you are in for an exciting ride. Unfortunately, there ais no European distributor of ZFX, but I have seen tapes, in original boxes, on sale at Dutch and French shops, usually at outrageous prices. I'm an European resident myself, and order the tapes from the US. I've used and (the official ZFX retailer) with good result. They ship the tapes without the original boxes, which means that customs will not now what they contain even if they do open the package. If you make sure that they ship with US Global Priority Envelope, it is minimal risk of custom intervention.
Wednesday June 14th 2000 01:51:11

Name: Damien

Comments: Hi all!

Apart from a short message, it's been a while since I contributed to this excellent forum. Some serious trouble with my PC has kept me off-line for a while, but thanks to the great help from some friends...I'm baaaaack! So be prepared for some lengthy contributions!

Wednesday June 14th 2000 03:30:13

Name: Damien

Comments: QUESTIONS FOR LISA: Ohboy.......An opportunity to ask my favorite ZFX 1 girl some questions....It's good to be alive!

1) When you receive an Oscar, one of these days (if it were up to me, at least....) who would you thank first:

a: God

b: Your parents

c: Rick

d: Your fans

e: other

2) Looking back to the impressive list of video's you starred in, is there any scene of which you think "I wish I could do this over. I could do this SO much
better now". And if so, which scene, and why.

3) A while ago, there's been a discussion on this board about "to much Lisa". What's your opinion on this??? Do you ever worry about "over-exposure"???
Have you and Rick ever discussed you only appearing in one or two tapes of the next five releases??? (Just for the record: As far as I'm concerned, you could be in each and every new release for years to come...)

4) Who are your favorite ZFX performers and why???

5) Of the ZFX-tapes that you don't star in, which ones do you like best, and which would you have liked to star in???

6) Will you marry me??? And if not, could I get an authographed picture???

Your nr.1 fan
Wednesday June 14th 2000 03:51:35

Name: DS

Comments: Here's an unusual question for this board, that hopefully one of you experts can help me with. I'm looking for something very specific in an SM/torture video. I’m a sub woman, and so I’m obviously interested in male torturer/female victim tapes (no Femdom!). But unlike the males on this board, I don’t really care what the women being tortured look like. However, I care a great deal about what the MEN doing the torturing look like. Specifically, I want a video in which the male torturer(s) are EXTREMELY hairy. I’m not talking about just hairy- chested; I want to see a torturer who is gorilla-hairy; he should have at least some back hair and preferably a lot. The trouble is, in so many of the torture videos I’ve seen, the men don’t even take their clothes off, and when they do they tend to be young, smooth, and buffed, which is exactly what I’m NOT interested in. But the thought of a big, brutal, hairy gorilla-man torturing a helpless woman does things to me like you wouldn’t believe!

I like the ZFX I’ve seen, and I much prefer a NON- consensual scene (as others have commented, that’s ZFX’s strong suit), but it wouldn’t have to be ZFX if someone has seen a video with a super-hairy guy that’s put out by someone else. Perhaps an amateur video is more likely to have a man like this, but it certainly could be a more commercial production., and hopefully even ZFX. Anyone ever seen a super-hairy man in an SM video and can clue me in on title, where to buy, etc.?

All other things being equal, I like scenes of extreme torture (burning, branding, whipping, electrotorture—nothing’s too extreme), either real or well-acted, and also extreme humiliation and cruelty. And it’s even better with a gang scene, in which 2 or more men are torturing the woman or women. However, it’s an absolute requirement for me that the man in question be EXTREMELY hairy (or at least one of the men if there’s more than one). I’d settle for a milder torture scene if the man was extremely hairy. All other things being equal, though, as I said I’d like the more extreme the better. If anyone knows of a video like this, please drop me an e- note and let me know. Thanks!

Thursday June 15th 2000 09:10:22

Name: Iago

Comments: DS: I'm personally kind of thankful that the guys don't take their clothes off in these flicks, actually...Come to think of it, considering the overwhelmingly large male percentage that buys these videos, that probably explains why you don't get to see much male nudity, except maybe in the male-sub stuff. So far as hairy ZFX performers go, Brian Dunhill is probably the king of shaggy, but the only time I recall seeing him with even his shirt off was for part of (and correct me if I'm wrong) Rage Against the Machine, in one scene. So far as other stuff that might be available, look for movies with Jamie Gillis or Ron Jeremy. They are both pretty hairy and, uh, sort of have that primate look about them, for lack of a better term. Gillis is pretty active in this kind of video, too.
Hope it helped,
Friday June 16th 2000 10:41:15

Name: Rick

Comments: Hello to All!

Well, Lisa was in here yesterday and I have answers to your most pressing questions for Ms. Kinkaid. Let me just preface this by saying that she is a great young lady, and it was very nice of her to take the time to do this. I should also tell you that, in my estimation, Lisa is about as straight vanilla sex as you can get(unless she has some really, really, REALLY deep seated masochistic streak),and has no want, need or desire to be tied up in R/L. Bearing that in mind, her only exposure to bondage has been her work with me, and I believe she is in it strictly for the money. Also, she has never actually seen a bondage movie, mine or otherwise, so her knowledge of her own work is rather limited. I tried to convey her responses verbatim, though I did a little para phasing. When I asked her to answer questions, she said, what kind of questions? She was surprised at how un-perverted they were. Ok, on with the answers!


1. What was the hardest scene you ever shot, and why?

Lisa: Probably the first whipping scene I did in Beyond Driven 3.

2. Nothing against Rick, but why is he the only person we've seen you do videos for? Given the obvious popularity of films with you in them, it seems more work in the genre would be available, if desired?

Lisa: I really don't trust other people that much. I was refered to Rick by a friend.

3. Rick does a number of different themes in his videos, from random kidnappers to sci-fi themes. What type of video do you find you like the best?
Which kind do you like the least?

Lisa: I prefer the kidnapping variety because they are much easier to do. The sci fi ones are very complicated and take longer to get through each scene.


1. Have you ever asked Rick, "What's my motivation in this scene?"

Lisa: Yes, plenty of times.

2. Where do you draw the line re: what you will and won't do in a video?

Lisa: My ass. No actual anal penetration.

3. How do you think your work for ZFX has changed/improved over the past 4 years?

Lisa: I'm a better actress, and I am definitely more relaxed in front of the camera.

4. Who's more Butch: Wonder Woman or Ballista?

Lisa: Definitely Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is an Amazon and I am very small!

5. What would happen in a Lisa Kinkaid-scripted ZFX video?

Lisa: I would probably do a Vampire Movie of some kind.

6. Does Jesus still love Rick?

Lisa: Sure, why not. Jesus loves everybody!


1) When you receive an Oscar, one of these days (if it were up to me, at least....) who would you thank first:

a: God
b: Your parents
c: Rick
d: Your fans
e: other

Lisa: Next!

2) Looking back to the impressive list of videos you starred in, is there any scene of which you think "I wish I could do this over. I could do this SO much better now". And if so, which scene, and why.

Lisa: None of them, once is enough!

3) A while ago, there's been a discussion on this board about "too much Lisa". What's your opinion on this??? Do you ever worry about "overexposure??? Have you and Rick ever discussed you only appearing in one or two tapes of the next five releases??? (Just for the record: As far as I'm concerned, you could be in each and every new release for years to come...)

Lisa: These are Ricks problems. I'm sure if he decides he has had enough of me, he will tell me.

4) Who are your favorite ZFX performers and why???

Lisa: I assume you are talking about people to work with. I like Penelope Pace cause she is really nice. Zed Black was also fun to work with.

5) Of the ZFX-tapes that you don't star in, which ones do you like best, and which would you have liked to star in???

Lisa: I have never seen and entire movie so it would be hard to say. I have only seen bits and pieces of stuff Rick was editing. Its really hard to watch yourself, it makes me uncomfortable.

6) Will you marry me??? And if not, could I get an autographed picture???

Lisa: No, and Rick says no pictures are available, sorry.

Ok, so there you have it. Ok, now a couple quick comments.

DS: Always great to hear things from the female perspective, welcome to the Forum! As far as hairy man issue, check out Joeseph Marx in In There Nature! The man could be Austin Powers body double! He's not big or ugly really. If he don't do it, thats about the best I've got. I will tell you most of the focus of the movies is not on the guys but the rather the gals, so there is not alot in the way of hairy back shots. I personally think that the more disgusting the villain the better, though a very attractive female villain who can act can be very erotic as well.

Jaeckill:Sounds like we got what you want, hehe! Check out our retailer They will ship you anywhere in the world in any VHS format you want. We WILL get the tapes through. You mentioned the Howling scene! Oh YEAH! That was a great scene and I was fascinated by the graphicness of it. Looked very much like an old HOM 8mm loop(which when I first saw the Howling I was probably15 as well, and did not even know HOM existed, but I had hope:)).Anyway, the scene with the prim lady reporter sitting in the porno theatre watching this horrific rape movie while some ghoul chatted with her was very intense. I believe the blonde star, Dee Wallace also has has some flash back nightmares where she imagines herself on the bed, and I believe she is tightly gagged, but it is very brief. The Howling is a example of a B movie that was really well done on a tight budget. One of the sequels also had a nice bondage scene, non nude if memory serves me, but I dont remember which one it was. Anyway, this movie also made a big impression on me.

Ok, thats it for now, thanks to all who read here, post and watch the movies!


Friday June 16th 2000 12:15:08

Name: Mr. X

Comments: My favourite film from ZFX is Art of Darkness Part II in which the virgin is impregnated upside down by LISA KINCAID. My all time favourite scene. Will LISA KINKAID play more of the Doctor and find more female virgins to impregnate them in the same manor again?? If you are reading this Lisa....Big kisses from a big fan of your work and art! Stay healthy!
Mr. X
Friday June 16th 2000 06:08:21

Name: Ralphus

Comments: Many thanks to Lisa for honoring us with her prescence on this board. Does it blow anyone else's mind that she is straight vanilla and has no desire to be tied up IRL? I'll tell you, it does mine. I mean, I would imagine not many girls would really want to be tortured as badly as Rick treats the girls in his movies, but to not even be into it just a little? I remember that Alison Parish actually had an S/M tattoo on her ankle, so obviously not all of Rick's girls felt the same way as Lisa. Never even seen one of her own movies? Hard to believe. Just in it for the money? Well, I'll tell you, she is one great actress, then. I think she really does deserve that Academy Award! Are ZFX tapes eligible? Well, maybe in a perfect word...:o)
Friday June 16th 2000 09:22:16

Name: Iago

Comments: Hmm. Any chance of getting Penelope to do one of these Q&A sessions?
Saturday June 17th 2000 09:10:21

Name: Robert

Comments: I also wanted to thank Lisa for her interview as well as to thank Rick for his great new videos! It's very interesting to get a behind the scenes look at the production of videos like this through the mind of one of the leading actresses. I was particularly interested to hear that Lisa is not into this. To me, that actually makes watching her videos even more arousing since my favorite fantasies involve taking beautiful girls against their will. If she would like to be in more kidnapping movies, that's fine with me!

I would certainly enjoy hearing from more of the actresses, particularly from Barbara Bayer. What a hot young babe! Her sweet young body and face just drive me wild. I hope the rest of you like her as much as I do. That kind of tall, slender body looks very sexy to me and I love her small,firm, well-shaped breasts and nipples. Also, I have a fetish for beautiful long slender arms and pretty hands like she has. I particularly enjoyed seeing her hard whipping, her torture with the cattle prod, and her limp unconscious body completely at the mercy of her sadistic captors. I love to see girls tied in a standing position when they are tortured like she was in several scenes. I prefer to see their feet touching the ground rather than suspended since I think their bodies look sexier that way. For example, I liked the way Monica was tied in the Reporter and South of the Border when she was whipped and molested. In some of the scenes where Barbara was bound, there were chains, bedsprings or other objects in front of her which could partially block a whip. I prefer seeing the girl's body completely accessible and unprotected.

It was interesting hearing from DS. Although I certainly don't enjoy seeing hairy men :-), I am very turned on by seeing the fine golden hairs on pretty girls' arms glowing as they catch the light shown from above their hands. I also love seeing girl's hands submissively flexed in a limp of wrist position, particularly while they are in bondage captured within stocks, handcuffs, or rope encircling their wrists. I remember seeing a scene in a women's prison movie at a drive-in years ago where a chained girl's wrist went limp as she was tortured unconscious. That scene drove me nuts!

I also love seeing girls' tender flesh cruelly pinched and twisted with many clothespins or with pliers. I'd greatly enjoy watching a girl like Barbara beg like Sally in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and scream, while she is tortured with tears fall down her lovely cheeks and smearing her mascara. Also I love seeing beautiful girls get stalked before being captured, for example while they are walking in a shopping mall, jogging, or walking down a sidewalk or country trail, sunbathing in a park or on a beach. Enough of my fantasies. Would anybody else care to suggest some of their favorite fetishes or fantasies which they would love to see acted out in ZFX movies?

Saturday June 17th 2000 11:22:19

Name: Per

Comments: A big "thank you" to Lisa for answering the questions! It was interesting (and surprising) to find out that she is not into BDSM in her real life, that makes her performances in the ZFX tapes even more impressive. Keep coming back for more memorable performances, Lisa, we all love you! And Rick; don't you dare stop casting her in your tapes!
Saturday June 17th 2000 01:52:36

Name: Iago

Comments: I've had the notion for a while that most of the ZFX girls aren't really into it. I know Rick doesn't like tats or odd piercings, but things like seem way too common among people I've known who are into S/M. Also, one of the things that makes them so believable is that they don't seem to enjoy their assorted abuses at all. That part would be pretty easy, if you weren't really into it. Rick, am I close on this?
Saturday June 17th 2000 09:52:41

Name: BBFan

Comments: Hey All: I haven't had a chance to view any of the new releases, but I wanted to pass on that I see them listed at for 34.99 each. I should say that I know nothing about this bunch, and, Rick, if they are pirates, forgive my mentioning them, but if they are legit, it looks like a good deal. Oh, and now that I have read the statement by Lisa about not being into the scenes, I'll be watching with that much more enjoyment.
Monday June 19th 2000 11:31:59

Name: zee-ef-ex

Comments: Robert, I agree, I like the physical manifestations of the beautiful victim's succumbing to her torment, such as her wrist going slack. One of my favorite ZFX scenes is the Evil man where the victim is tied to a weight lifting bench and forced to hold the weights in the air - if she doesn't, the dildo attached to the machine will penetrate her. Of course she can only hold the weight so long and finally gives up, allowing the huge dildo to fully penetrate her, accepting her fate. That one gives me good chills, smile.

Another favorite scene of mine along these lines is Courtney Bishop in Highway to Hell, where she is chained (!) spread-eagled to the bed with a vibrator shoved down into her panties. She struggles and struggles against the chains and finally at the end of the scene seems all tuckered out and able to do little more than grind against the vibrator with her midsection, while her arms and legs are slack. Again, I love the feeling when the victims are finally succumbing, accepting their lot.

Tuesday June 20th 2000 08:20:06

Name: zee-ef-ex

Comments: Here's an unusual question for Rick.

A number of posters have commented on how much more delectable looking Lisa Kincaid is getting. I have noticed that, too. The same phenomenon happened with Chandra Sweet, who when she started in the ZFX films I thought was so-so, but who became a real babe after a few years. Anyone else notice this phenomenon? What kind of regimen do you put these girls on, Rick? Do they spend the months (okay Damien, years) between flicks tied up to treadmills in your exercise-room basement? What gives? Or is it that B&D and S&M, ZFX style, is just good for women and builds their bodies 12 ways? (Those of you old enough to remember the old Wonder Bread commercials will know what that 12 ways allusion refers to). Screw the computer game idea, Rick. It's time for you to start putting out some exercise tapes. "Get into shape doing just 30 minutes of whipping per day!" "Work those buns using Rick's extensive line of enormous butt plugs!" I can just imagine the advertising campaign. Seriously though, Rick, while you are to be commended for your many areas of genius, you deserve a special award for grooming these dumpy young girls into delicious young women.

Tuesday June 20th 2000 08:27:37

Name: Robert

Comments: I've noticed the same thing, zee-ef-ex. All I can say is, "Keep on whipping 'em into shape, Rick!"
Wednesday June 21st 2000 03:14:04

Name: Iago

Comments: I don't know about Lisa, but Chandra looked like a case of fen/phen to me. I knew some people that took it. They lost a lot of weight, but didn't gain any muscles mass. They also seemed to be more passive than when they started on the medication. It seemed to me that Chandra stopped doing real dom work and got pretty passive (and a lot more langorous) when she started losing weight. We'll probably never know, and I'm just guessing.
Wednesday June 21st 2000 08:28:10

Name: Sardu

Comments: Just wanted to say a quick thank-you to that dusky jewel, Ms. Kinkaid for answering my queries--even the jokey ones Iago seems to have taken seriously. ;) I like the idea someone mentioned above about seeing the victim finally succumb to some "fate worse than death", e.g., an unwelcome humiliating penetration. Lusty fun that. Rick: I reckon, based on your comments re: the Howling, that you were born c.1965. Did you then miss the ra-ra days of HOM etc. before the Meese Commission reared its ugly head? I (born mid-60s) sure did. Amazing the scare those Reaganesque idiots put into the s/m creative scene.
Wednesday June 21st 2000 11:54:35

Name: StrangeLove

Comments: Rick, The new videos were great! Enjoyed Lisa Kincaid's honest answers. Does anyone know of any site that has posted photo's from the Wilding at Central Park during this last week. The news accounts remind me of scenes from Underland. SL
Thursday June 22nd 2000 01:30:43

Name: zee-ef-ex

Comments: Another actress whose appearance has improved over time is Penelope Pace. I know she is a lot of ZFX fans' favorite, but when she started she just didn't do it for me. Now, she's looking hotter and bringing out the lust factor. It's a particularly interesting phenomenon when you think about women in other parts of the erotic film industry, who go through just the opposite metamorphosis. They start out as tender, beautiful innocent looking waifs, and end up looking like skanky, drugged out, false-titted and tattoed Barbie doll nightmares. Whatever you and the ladies are doing, Rick, you're doing it right, bless you.
Thursday June 22nd 2000 07:34:10

Name: Intruder_20

Comments: Can anyone tell me which early vid had a brunette stock- checking or something in a warehouse, being seized by a man with a gun and tied to a chair ? The scene ended with her tightly strapped at wrists and ankles, writhing on the floor. I'd love to know the title since I don't have it any more; and also, can anyone confirm whether I'm right in remembering that she gets threatened/masturbated with the gun between her legs ?
Friday June 23rd 2000 05:24:20

Name: Rick

Comments: Hello to all!

Just a quick answer to Intruders question, the movie is Dance Macabre 2, the actress is Kimber Allen.


Friday June 23rd 2000 08:43:25

Name: Iago

Comments: Sardu: I always take you guys seriously. I just don't always BEHAVE seriously (grin)
Friday June 23rd 2000 09:16:10

Name: Jay

Comments: Hi, reading this forum for about 3 months, I like to put my first post in here. I´m from germany and I had to tell you life isn´t easy getting Rick´s videos. I only have 3 of them, but looking forward to get SOB 4. It would be much easier for the world outside the U.S. to get these videos on DVD or VCD. Cause the package is much smaller and the risk of conviscation would be much lower. Like Jaeckill I,m also not a Bavarian with leather trousers. I´m working in the TV business (Audio Post) so RICK I´m interested in your video- and audioequipment which you use for your editing. Some of your cuts in Whiplash 4 make me wonder and the whip sounds are post, aren´t they? But your videos still are the best.

BTW Rick, are you not interested in having a european distributor. I think there´s a lot of money to make. You can count on two german customers, Jaeckill and me. If anybody is interested in old 60´s or 70´s flicks, go to or some vcd´s on I´m not so interested in the "technical" way of bondage like electro shocks or wires. I like it more as in Forced Entry. Anybody who can tell me which videos are like this. Including kidnapping or chloroforming the victims.

Thought that "In their nature" is good. But Ralphus review seems to destroy my thoughts. So I´m waiting to get SOB 4. Jay.

Sunday June 25th 2000 06:13:59

Name: zee-ef-ex

Comments: Iago, it's true, we'll never know, but Chandra looked toned to me, nicely muscled (for a girl).
Sunday June 25th 2000 07:40:30

Name: Ralphus

Comments: Jay: I want to stress that my reviews that I write are merely my own opinions, and certainly not gospel. I am a fan of ZFX videos, but I definitely don't consider myself a shill for the company. I have given negative reviews before, at the risk of offending Rick himself, because I know he reads this page and probably doesn't appreciate an outsider giving the art that he slaved over for months a mediocre rating. Nobody really likes critics; in fact, I know many people will go see a movie they figure they will like because the critic in the paper DIDN'T like it! So it goes both ways. People like different things. What I think is just okay could be the very thing that draws you into seeing it. The tape you referred to, "In Their Nature", was decent of its type. In fact, how many tapes can you find that feature bondage rape, simulated or not? For that reason, I would recommend that tape, even if overall, I thought it was lacking the usual ZFX punch. You have to realize that not many companies make tapes that contain the type of material that ZFX puts out; your average ZFX vid is still miles ahead of what usually passes for bondage entertainment, especially in the U.S. So lastly, take my reviews for what they are intended as: just one person's opinion. Actually, it would be nice to have a whole bunch of reviews of the tapes, so we could get a consensus from the other readers. You have thoughts about Rick's work, let's hear it! I'm sure he would like to hear some feedback.

BTW, SOB-4 was great. In my OPINION! :o)

Sunday June 25th 2000 09:03:40

Name: Jay

Comments: @ Ralphus, thanks for your opinion. I think the problem for us, the consumer is ,we only see stills no stream video or trailers with sound. Often I had the feeling that the fotos on the covers are great but in motion with sound it´s bad. Your right, Ricks videos are outstanding. But even with over 150 Zfx tapes there are some "good" ones and great stuff. (personel opinion) For example "Dance Macabre 2 <-> Whiplash 4). Some Edit critics. I know the budget is low, but sometimes the boom guys can do a better job (Whiplash 4). Also the scene in which Lisa is lying on the examine table, the guy goes around her to get the vaseline, open it and ´cut´. Next we see him lifting up the table and again he´s getting the vaseline and open it.

2. At the end of the raping scene of Lisa, the guy is graping Lisas hair, cut, and we see the back of Lisa and no arms of the guy, (might be the same pictures from the begining of Lisas rape scene) Next cut to the guy over Lisa graping her hair. I think the "normal" viewer isn´t disturbed by that. So I take a good look at SOB 4, hope to get it this year. Jay

Monday June 26th 2000 02:22:46

Name: Jeff O'Hearn

Comments: As a HUGE BDSM afficianado, I have quite an extensive library of videos. I am an enormous fan of Penelope Pace, Lisa Kinkaid, Anna Malle, Patricia Kennedy, Sharon Kane, and Brooke Waters. I love any videos dealing with superheroines, private investigators, and thieves getting caught in the act. I also enjoy women with some muscle. Denise Masino, an acclaimed bodybuilder, did a video titled "Submissive Toy". For a softcore video, and her first ever, it was pretty good. I would love to see more of her,as well as other muscular women, in some of ZFX's hot videos. They would be suited particularly well in those about superheroines getting captured.

My favorite torture of all has to be a woman suspended upside-down naked and shocked with a cattle prod. The scene in Supermax comes to mind. That is why I love Penelope and Lisa so much. They REALLY take a beating. Even rape isn't out of the question (Miss Ballista). I would love to see a series of videos about a private investigator who keeps getting captured and put in some very degrading and humiliating situations. Brooke Waters would be ideal for this since she already has one such video: "The Big Bondage Caper". That was an excellent video. If anyone knows if such projects loom in the near future, please let me know.

Tuesday June 27th 2000 10:39:36

Name: Sardu

Comments: Jeff, you might want to check out the Giga tapes . Made in Nippon where there is apparently a sub-culture devoted to captured/ dominated/ humiliated superheroines. Giga has other stuff besides the superheroine stuff covering the entire spectrum of the Nipoonese fetish cinema from the sublime to the merely disgusting.

Ralphus, my guess is Rick is a big boy and won't get his feelings hurt by some even-handed criticism on your or anyone else's part. I appreciate your reviews beacuase (even though you fawn a bit too much over seemingly every tape) they provide enough descriptive detail for me to vote with my wallet--though I'm curious over how that influences the content of future releases. The despearte Europeans living undere draconian custons laws will probably buy any ZFX they can get their hands on while the "anything-goes" Nipponese likely shake their heads and laugh at ZFX (due to the contraints Rick has to work under).And yes, there are alot of bad Nipponese fetish tapes out there too despite their relative freedoms.

Tuesday June 27th 2000 09:24:13

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