Title: Dark Wizard - Guilty Curse (GHOR-71)
Starring: Miki Sunohara
Produced by: Giga
Running time: 65 minutes
Miki Sunohara -- the lovely star of such great GIMP films as Silence of the Wolves -- is back in this 2016 Japanese porn flick about a warrior with magic powers who's put on trial as a witch.
It's a movie that is both exciting and disappointing. Some parts are terrific but the latter half of the film underwhelms. Overall, it's a good flick with some excellent GIMP moments, but it's not what it could have been.
The story combines elements of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Walking Dead. Miki, playing the student council president at a private academy, gets zapped by purple rays that leave her possessed by a dark wizard's curse. Her new powers allow her to transform from a cute young woman in a school uniform to an ass-kicking beauty in a sexy tight warrior's get-up.
With her new-found magic, Miki battles a variety of villains, including some living-dead zombies reminiscent of something out of a George A. Romero movie (or a Michael Jackson video, for those of you with the soul for getting down).
At one point, while Miki is in her school uniform, she and another guy confront some zombies inside a warehouse. The action includes a zombie grabbing Miki from behind and restraining her while his buddies molest her. Miki puts up quite a fight, trying to kick the molesters away -- a definite treat for molestation fans.
Eventually, Miki transforms into her black warrior outfit and uses a whip to tame the zombies. Miki accidentally kills one of the zombies, and as she's grappling with her remorse, the others grab her and put her on trial as a witch (who knew zombies were so judgmental?).
The trial begins in another part of the warehouse. The fiends have Miki restrained in a kneeling position on a black clothed stage. Her arms are tied over her head with her cuffed wrists bound to an overhead crane. Chains bind Miki's legs to the stage and she has been stripped down to little more than black panties, a black open-cup halter top, a metal-plated bra, boots, and her face mask.
One of the monsters yanks off Miki's bra. Miki's sweaty body is then mercilessly whipped by a villain in a religious robe and a black mask with spikes in it. The villain begins by intimidating Miki, cracking his whip against the floor as Miki winces in fear. Then he lets her have it.
Now, in this age of Milgram Experiments and the like, it's important to stress that this film was produced by the Japanese porn company, Giga. That means the whipping scene is fictional. That said, the illusion is executed to perfection, accentuated by Miki's excellent acting. For those who like to see proof of punishment (however fictional), the scene includes shots of Miki's bloodied back.
A zombie tells Miki to chomp down on some sticks that have been tied together to resemble a horse bit. Miki reluctantly complies, although it would have been better if the thing had been tied into her mouth like a proper gag. In any event, Miki continues to be whipped, biting into the bit and drooling.
The whipping scene runs a good nine minutes and concludes with Miki passing out, as more drool streams out of her mouth.
The next stage of the trial finds Miki pinned on her back by various zombies. A villain is using a massager vibrator on Miki. This won't be to everyone's tastes, but for those into vibe action, few actresses deliver as well as Miki -- she seems to specialize in this type of scene. Her quivering and squeals are entirely believable and sexy as hell. Stern-faced Miki tries to fight it but is brought against her will to a shuddering climax.
The humiliation continues as Miki kneels in front of the now-naked guy in the spiked mask. Miki is surrounded by the zombies and her hands are bound behind her back. The naked guy explains how he wants Miki to blow him.
Miki resists but is ultimately forced to dine on the guy's dong, with the masked villain grabbing her head to force some intense deep-throat action. Squirming Miki coughs and gags as her head is held in place with the schlong rammed down her throat.
This scene would have been stronger if there had been a more obvious threat to Miki, such as guns pointed at her head. As is, though, it's still pretty good.
Finally, it's penetration time. The villains release Miki's wrists from the cuffs and force her onto her hands and knees, holding her in position for the masked fiend. Miki wiggles helplessly to try to prevent the rapist from entering her but to no avail. The rapist inserts his authority and bangs Miki's bod as the zombies restrain and fondle the trapped warrior.
A zombie reconnects Miki's handcuffs and she continues to be violated. The zombies soon disappear from the scene and the rapist gets some one-on-one time with Miki. He takes her in various positions -- doggie, on their sides, cowgirl -- with most of it looking much too vanilla.
Miki begs the rapist not to cum inside her but her pleas are ignored. The rapist and Miki both climax at the same time and the film ends with a closeup of Miki looking dazed and spent.
My grade: B+
There's a lot here that could have been fixed. The rape scene should have been better and there should have been a more obvious threat in the forced blow-job part. For my money, it would also have been better if Miki had been standing in the whipping scene, rather than kneeling on a stage.
Yet, even with its flaws, the movie is worth seeing for the whipping scene alone. Miki looks terrific, delivers a great performance, and the production values are top notch. Dark Wizard - Guilty Curse may not be Miki's best work, but the high points are strong enough to make it recommended viewing.