Blakemore's models?
Re: Blakemore's models?
Is more Rene OK? Let's turn the Time Machine back to the late 1970s.....
Re: Blakemore's models?
J.B. is a new bondage photographer and Rene was his new bondage model when these images were created! Both he and her improved with time, he is still learning the art of bondage photography! Notice how crude these images are, very elementary compared to his later work.
Re: Blakemore's models?
For me, posting vintage images from House of Milan is similar to listening to the Oldies radio station! I love the music of my youth, and I love the bondage images of my youth! Nothing made today satisfies me, both music and bondage photos.
Re: Blakemore's models?
Another very early photo session between J.B. and Rene. Notice how crude the images are, but he is learning more about the art of bondage photography. This is from 1979.
Re: Blakemore's models?
I offer my first criticism of his photos: I hate that ladder on the 45 degree angle. It would be much more erotic if it was upright. That ladder on an odd angle, in the middle of the background, distracts and takes away from the erotic interaction between J.B. and Rene. I love these images, but I HATE that ladder on the wall and it's odd angle.
Re: Blakemore's models?
I hope the membership has not seen these images before. They are "Golden Oldies"!
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