Wooden horse: with or without...

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Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by LLL »

OK, a quite specific question. We all love (I guess) the wooden horse
but sometimes we get this variation (artwork by N-Oyaji).
I am of mixed opinion about it. It gives off a vibe more of consensual BDSM play (albeit quite rough) rather than serious torture. On the other hand it was used in a quite bloody way in some Quoom work too. SO I wanted to ask those who have direct experience: does an added dildo make riding the wooden horse more or less painful? In general, I mean. Of course very large ones, spiked ones and the like would be more painful, but all things equal what would the balance be?
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Re: Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by Edukator »

Very specific but interesting question. I don't personally have direct experience but I guess that (all things being equal) adding a dildo to the wooden horse will make it more unpleasant to the female rider in most situations if choosen big enough and made of rigid material (wood or metal). The dildo will also prevent the victim from moving in order to try to find another less uncomfortable position to ease her pain. To increase discomfort and pain it's preferable to use an anal dildo since most girls don't like anal penetrations. The added humiliation factor is an extra bonus that shouldn't be overlooked.

On the whole I am rather favorable to its use but real (wedge shaped) wooden horses fitted with dildo(s) are quite rare and I have never actually seen one, not even in a video production.

The closest I found are what I would call dildo training horses (see pics below) which have a different purpose but are fun to use too.

Whatever method is used the main rule remains the same: at the first signs of arousal or sexual pleasure of the slave the methodology should be changed to something more severe and painful. Experimentation and close observation of the slave's reactions will be your best guide...
Last edited by Edukator on Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by coolbrez »

From limited past experience, (she wouldn't ride a second time), I would think the dildo would keep her too upright. I tied her arms crossed and tied backwards and her nipples tied to the forward end to bow her body and get her to sit more on her clit when riding. I wish I could find the VHS tape we made. Very intense 30 minutes.

Some very loose work found online, similiar to what I set up.
OIP (1).jpg
Last edited by coolbrez on Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by Edukator »

coolbrez wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:36 pm From limited past experience, (she wouldn't ride a second time), I would think the dildo would keep her too upright. I tied her arms crossed and tied backwards and her nipples tied to the forward end to bow her body and get her to sit more on her clit when riding. I wish I could find the VHS tape we made. Very intense 30 minutes.
We wish too... that would be cool (no pun intended !)

I'm used to think that if PD (Insex's Mastermind) didn't did it in some of his videos it can't be done (safely) but maybe I'm wrong.
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Re: Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by bakerboy »

Works for me ;)



It must hurt

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Re: Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by letvor »

Interesting topic!

I have no direct experience, so I'll just be talking about the theory.

A wooden horse or Spanish donkey is a torturing device that MUST be constructed in a certain way. If we use a flat wooden board on it (as is shown in those two boandhead.com photos) we will not create a wooden horse, but only a regular saw-horse.

Add a dildo to it, and you will change the rules of the game but, as our colleague Edukator says:
"The closest I found are what I would call dildo training horses (see pics below) which have a different purpose but are fun to use too."

Now let me answer your question:
Yes, I think that dildo will make it unbearably painful and that there is a reason dildos were never added to these devices in history. I doubt that nobody else was not thinking in that direction.

It'll be nice if someone could dig up some footage, but until that I'll judge this as: Unfeasible or no one has tried hard enough yet.
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Re: Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by Navyrotor »

I think that any and all protrusions on the horse certainly make sense! The horse provides the separation of the thighs, and the insertion adds to the agony. I’d like to see an AOH situation in which the GIMP is attached to a pulley system that lifts her up and down on the dildo rhythmically, while shocking her.

Brutalmaster studios did a fantastic scene in which the GIMP was on a dog house - essentially a horse - which was covered in roofing material. So the rough surface chafed at her inner thighs as he worked her over with a bullwhip. I can’t seem to find that scene, but here’s a similar one from that studio. Their models are not generally too attractive, but the torture is brutal and quite real. The women he gets are true masochists and he generally gets them to say how worthless they are in between screams and sobs.

If you’re into single-tail bullwhips, the studio does one scene - I with a tall, skinny model named Elle - that is fantastic.
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Re: Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by Edukator »

letvor wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:54 am Interesting topic!

I have no direct experience, so I'll just be talking about the theory.

A wooden horse or Spanish donkey is a torturing device that MUST be constructed in a certain way. If we use a flat wooden board on it (as is shown in those two boandhead.com photos) we will not create a wooden horse, but only a regular saw-horse.

Add a dildo to it, and you will change the rules of the game but, as our colleague Edukator says:
"The closest I found are what I would call dildo training horses (see pics below) which have a different purpose but are fun to use too."

Now let me answer your question:
Yes, I think that dildo will make it unbearably painful and that there is a reason dildos were never added to these devices in history. I doubt that nobody else was not thinking in that direction.

It'll be nice if someone could dig up some footage, but until that I'll judge this as: Unfeasible or no one has tried hard enough yet.
I don't think it's unfeasible even though it can be very unpleasant or painful for the victim.
it's quite strange that no one (not even PD !) has tried so far...

I have delved deeper into my pics and video archives but found nothing matching your request closely enough.

A few more "training horses" including a dildo:
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Re: Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by Edukator »

... and some "real" wooden horses but (unfortunately) without a dildo. By looking at the girls faces it appears to be already very uncomfortable and painful without it:
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Miss Belle
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Re: Wooden horse: with or without...

Post by Miss Belle »

I've never used one but they look good. Maybe in a future film.
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