The Crucified Four (Working Title) will be a series of four films that are connected by characters that play crucial roles in each separate story. The stories take place at around the same period of time, perhaps separated by days, or weeks.
The first story is dedicated to TAIA, a Runaway Slave, who is caught stealing some bread; she’s captured by passing Roman soldiers who decide to give her a lesson for her crime on the spot. As the soldiers prepare to whip her, pulling the top of her garment down, they notice she has the mark of a slave and decide to take her to the barracks to keep her while they look for her owners.
The Centurion in charge takes the slave to his quarters in the barracks with the clear intention to have his way with her. Taia tries to defend herself and in the process she kills him, accidentally. The guards hear the screams of the dying man, rush in and find the death man and Taia, the ‘perpetrador‘, holding a bloody weapon in her hands, her torn garments are also bloody.
Taia is taken away to Hadrian, the Governor, who is accompanied by his young and beautiful wife Sabina and next to him, Saturninus, the second in command, also accompanied by his wife, a young, beautiful, and rich Roman matron of high birth named Paulina.
The scared Taia is accused of being a thief, a runaway slave and a murderess, and what is worse, she just killed a brave centurion. The Governor sentences the young woman to suffer one separate and different crucifixion for each of the crimes.

Other characters are introduced in Taia’s story: Ide an Egyptian Priestess. She first appears when the slave is captured and later, when the condemned woman is suffering the torture of the cross. Ide offers to pay the Romans to spare the poor slave so much suffering by hastening her death on the cross; but the commander, a man named Decius Mundus, does not accept her money.
Taia suffers her complete sentence of three consecutive crucifixions, each a lot harsher than the previous one. When the sentence is completed and the slave is left to die alone, if she’s not dead already, a soldier stays behind to watch her.
Talissa, the Warrior, who was seen at the beginning and at many points of the story, always covered from head to toe, takes over the scene. The woman pulls her cape off, she’s dressed as a warrior, she has a sword. Talissa quickly jumps at the soldier and kills him, and then stabs Taia to make sure she’s dead.
In the second story, Ide, the Egyptian Priestess gets the attention Decius, the Roman who was commanding the crucifixion of Taia.
Ide learns that Decius is smitten by Paulina. Ide tells Decius that she can get him to sleep with the beautiful, powerful, Paulina, who rejected the roman commander in humiliating ways.
Ide manipulates Paulina, who is devotee of Isis and Anubis, to participate in a ceremony where Decius pretends to be Anubis and makes love to Paulina. When Paulina learns of what really happened, she has Ide tortured and sentenced to die on the cross and gets Decius to be sent in exile.
Paulina herself tortures the crucified Ide after she’s nailed to her cross and before she’s raised to be place on a horribly painful Cornu.
Ide is left to die alone, and that’s when Talissa, the Warrior, appears again and kills a Roman or two who stay to guard the Priestess, after she completes her task, she then follows Decius who is on his way to exile for his bad deeds.

The third story begins when Talissa attacks Decius, who at first seems to be alone. Talissa gives the chance to Decius to defend himself. They fight furiously, Talissa has the upper hand, but suddenly a few Roman soldiers appear, one of them shots an arrow at Tallissa. The warrior is then subdued and dragged away. Decius sees the capture of the infamous warrior, killer of Roman soldiers, Talissa, as a way of getting back the favor of the Governor.
The Romans are particularly angry at Talissa, for obvious reasons, so before bringing her to Hadrian for sentencing, they beat and torture her.
Talissa is then sentenced to be slowly tortured to death on the cross.
She’s dragged out naked, beaten. She’s nailed to her Patibulum and her torturous sentence begins.

But the stories do not end there. Paulina is a conniving woman. She wants Saturninus, her husband, to become Governor, so she plots to kill Hadrian, the ruling governor, and put the blame on Sabina, his pretty and young wife, for the crime.
Hadrian, the governor is poisoned. The servant that took the poisoned wine to him is tortured until she confesses that her mistress, Sabina, gave her the wine and ordered her to do the deed.
Sabina is dragged out of her palace, stripped and sentenced to die on the cross.

Those are the basic story lines for the four, interconnected, Roman Crucifixion stories.
The work Jac and the actresses are involved in right now is the CruXbound movies; however, I heard rumors that they might be already preparing to shoot the Crucified Four (Working Title) movies for next month!
But those are rumors in need of confirmation by the powers that be… that means Jac and the four CruXbound ladies. All four of them appear in Seditiosa, of course.

I’ll have more news pretty soon!!!
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