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And, what if we dare make a movie about that incredibly provocative concept?

Be part of this most daring independent film like no other.

We’re about to embark on a new cinematic adventure and we need your help.


Our new Project is titled Seditiosa.

Loosely based on the 2000-year-old story of the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, the story covers the last three days in Yahel’s life.

The story centers around three characters, Yahel, Judith and Magdalena.

Yahel is a healer, a prophet, a teacher, whose followers believe to be the anointed one because she comes straight from the House of David. She doesn’t believe that’s her mission. She sees herself as a healer, she helps people taking care of their ailments, she teaches what she knows to her followers and nothing beyond that.

Judith is the activist of the lot, she wants Yahel to claim her crown, she is sure her people will support her, and what’s more, will join her in her mission to lead them from bondage.

Magdalena, Judith’s sister, is the practical one. She believes that all that talk about claiming the crown and the messianic implications will bring their doom. She fears for both, her sister and Yahel because she knows that there are many who think that they should not even be doing what they do. She heard some people call Yahel a false prophetess and a whore, deserving of a public stoning or worse.

The people who consider Yahel and her followers as evil are not alone. Those in authority, particularly the religious leaders, want Yahel gone. They see her as a threat to their system and the empire.

It is within this atmosphere that Yahel and her followers venture into town and meet their fate.

The story of the chosen one suffering the cross has been brought to the screen a myriad of times before and in too many versions to count, so what’s different about our version?

Our version will have women in the leading roles of those marched to be crucified and it will be the most outrageous, demanding and sadistic adaptation of the 2,000-year-old story that has inspired books, films, religions, cults, holy wars…

Sure, you have all those different versions covering the story of the gospels. From Cecil B DeMille’s 1927 epic The King of Kings, all the way to hippie musicals like Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell, passing by reverential versions like Jesus of Nazareth, almost visceral interpretations like The Passion of The Christ, weirdly conceptualized renditions like The Last Temptation of Christ, even irreverent comedies like Life of Brian… and who can forget Passolini’s neorealist portrayal of The Gospel According To St. Mathew or the surreal and wacky Buñuel film La Via Lactea (The Milky Way) where Mary tells Jesus “You look much better with your beard” There are perhaps hundreds of films about the Chosen One, The Christ, including Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter.

When I say, there’s never been a movie quite like Seditiosa, this is not hyperbole, it is a fact. There’s no movie like the one we are envisioning.

The Film is In Good Hands!


The film will be in the expert and truly capable hands of Jac Avila the director of

Maleficarum, the definitive film about the Spanish Inquisition,
Martyr, the eloquent story of the famous Saint Eulalia who was crucified … twice,
Dead But Dreaming, the most exotic vampire story,
Justine, the definitive version of the De Sade’s story,
and many other fantastic, controversial and brutally honest films.


Do we have a cast? Oh yes, we have an amazing cast.

Simonne De La Riva will be playing the lead role Yahel, whose followers believe should be a queen but becomes a sacrificial lamb instead.
Yahel won’t be alone in her trials, bloody tribulations and ultimate fate.
Daniela Borda will be to her right, as Judith, the aggressive troublemaker and instigator of everything that happens to them.
Mila Joya will be to her left, as Magdalena – reasonable and caring, willing to give her life for those she loves.


Many of our experienced repertory players from previous films will be there to participate in and witness the punishments for these young ladies.

We also have a great crew, great equipment, but we could use some more.

We could go out and shoot this movie today.

But, alas, it is a period film, set in the times of the Roman Empire, so, we need costumes for a good number of people and all those props, particularly those nasty crosses.

We also need good sets, a great temple with all those decorations, great locations, and maybe a few horses.


To make this groundbreaking film possible we need to add 25,000 dollars to our Budget. These funds will be used to cover the expenses of the fantastic, ancient locations, the terrifying props, the authentic costumes we need for our terrific cast… and they are a crowd… And not to mention good make-up artists and their endless supplies to cover tattoos, to work on those whip marks and make all those 21st century people look like they are from some time BC. (Before Christ)

We also need to feed our large cast, transport them, pay location expenses and much more.

With your support we will be able to recreate the times of the Roman Empire; and bring about the story the way it must be told.

If you consider that production companies that recreate historic periods spend millions of dollars to accomplish the task, like Mel Gibson, who spent 25,000,000 to produce The Passion Of The Christ, those $ 25,000 we need to raise probably covered his limousine expenses.

We can truly use those $ 25,000 to perform miracles, just like the 5 pieces of bread and the fish that fed hundreds.

We can do it!

We recreated different periods of time in past films. We went to colonial Peru for Maleficarum, we jumped from ancient Greece to ancient pre Inca time and without losing a beat to Colonial Alto Peru for Dead But Dreaming, we were in the middle of the French Revolution era for Le Marquis de la Croix and De Sade’s Justine, we were right in the middle of 18th century Spain for Olalla, and we recreated the 60’s in the rain forest of Bolivia for the NatGeo Docudrama Outbreak, The Curse of The Black Typhus.

We have the experience, the know-how, the talent and the vision to make this film happen. All We Need Is A Bit More Cash.

Not only will you have the satisfaction of helping us produce a great and controversial film the way it should be made, but, depending on your contributions, you will receive great perks as well.

Depending on your level of support, we have some great perks listed in these pages. From getting credits in the film as an Associate Producer, to a nice mug with the portrait of your favorite character in the film. Maybe even a part in the movie!

What’s even more exciting is that if you contribute at the highest level, you can have a say in the content of some of the scenes!

We would love to reach our goal, but if we don’t, we will use every cent to cover the production expenses. And if we surpass our goal, the better for the production!

Check out our campaign in IndieGoGo and contribute if you can

You can also help us by tweeting and sharing the page, the more we get the Word out, the better chance we get to meet our goal.

When we say that this will be the ultimate, defiant, adaptation of the greatest story ever told we mean it.

With your support we can make it happen in tremendous style!

Visit our IndieGoGo page where you can become part of this amazing movie.

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La Reine Margot
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Posts: 489

Re: Seditiosa

Post by La Reine Margot »

The Cross for Seditiosa


Our campaign has grown a bit and that growth has made it possible for us to think about the most important props for the first Big Budget Production film about a Female Christ, Seditiosa.

There are a number of things that have to be fulfilled before we can even start, not to mention that the funds we are raising for the film will not be available to us until after the 8th of December.

We normally build the props considering the location where those props will be set. That means we have to find the location. When we made Justine, there was a big prop to be built, The Wheel. We knew the location, the same we used for Maleficarum and Le Marquis de la Croix, but we did not know if it was available. After we found out that it was, we made the deal with the owners, paid an advance to rent it and then, and only then, began to work on the props, specially The Wheel.

Amy testing the wheel as it is built
wanttoknowmore: May I suggest you put a priority on getting the crosses made and some rehearsal shots done so they can be posted before the Indiegogo campaign expires. If folks see what the final product is truly going to look like, there may be a surge in contributions and pre-buys. I know you folks have other stuff in the works, but the Indiegogo campaign ends in 50 days. Need to get something out there before then.
As I was saying, to build the crosses properly we need to know the exact location where we’ll be putting them. That is very important. We have to know what is around, what kind of vegetation if any, are there any trees? Big, small, medium? Is it a desolate hill without any signs of life? Is it a rocky place, will we need special equipment to dig nice and deep enough holes for the cross posts?

A very nice location was used in Romana Crucifixa Est. It was near enough for Jac and Amy to get there by car, work all day, and take the cab back. Done. And it look pretty, and there was a nice looking tree there that they used. The same location was used for two other films, one of them Maleficarum, where Amy is put to the fire. Unfortunately that place has become a suburban neighborhood with fancy houses it’s no longer a great location.

Jimbob: I’m reminded of the dirt road Amy traveled down at the beginning of Dead but Dreaming. I feel that rocky terrain might be ideal. Was that location in La Paz?
All the locations in Dead But Dreaming are in or around La Paz, including the ancient pre Inca ruins at the TitiCaca Lake, which are a bit far, so we had to stay there for a couple of days to shoot the scenes where beautiful Vero is sacrificed to the gods, she becomes a vampire instead and turns Asar into one as well.

The location you mention is very near the city and there are other great locations around that area. The idea is to pick the one that will have the better conditions for a fantastic crucifixion.

Here is a picture that covers a large area of where we shot the scene mentioned, with the horse, in Dead But Dreaming. The big mountain there is called La Muela Del Diablo, (Devil’s tooth) and the rocky road is the one where Amy rode her horse closely followed by Vero.


We are also considering another area with a very intriguing name, Valle De Las Animas, (Valley of the Souls). It is a beautiful place with many possibilities that cannot be seen in one picture, but we’ll make a video of it when we go location scouting to the place sometime soon.


The location is just one of the issues we must look into before we begin to build those crosses.

The other important subject to take into consideration is the look of the cross beams, are they going to be rough looking, like a normal log? Like in Justine?


Or are they going to look like the one used in The Last Temptation of Christ. It would be rough and heavy looking; but not too heavy because the women are not super strong.

We have to find the appropriate kind of wood for a cross beam like that, which is not very easy to do and it would have to be worked in a way that it can be set on the long post, which has to be made as well and under specific conditions, one of them is the length of it.

cruxlover: It seems like the campaign is picking up steam. Yay! I’ve been pretty busy and haven’t had time to check back on here recently, but I just added a contribution. Will try to add more going forward as well as continuing support here of course. On another note, the cross from Olalla looks great. It looks substantial and imposing and like a well-used instrument of torture and execution that has seen many victims. It doesn’t give the impression of something flimsy that was put together ad-hoc. I think the crosses of Seditiosa should look similar.
The cross in Olalla was made in two separate pieces, the post and the crossbeam and we took them both from La Paz to the far away location in Cayara, an all night trip by bus with the entire cast and crew. The post was very long and it didn’t fit in the luggage section of the bus, they had to arrange it in a way that it would go over the compartments of the luggage.

The plan was to set up the cross someplace in the countryside, on some hill, like a traditional Summit Cross you see everywhere in these parts. But when the owner of the Hotel Museum we were using as the location saw it, and determined the quality of the wood, he was very impressed and told Jac he could set it up in front of the colonial chapel at the museum, and even better than that, he would hire people to do the job. And so he did. The cross is part of the museum now.

cruxlover: And with substantial crosses like that maybe it becomes possible to raise the crosses with the ladies already nailed to them, as I believe it would have been done. If the cross has a stable base for the raising (which I think can be hidden with clever camera angles) the risk of it falling over should be nonexistent.
To raise the entire cross with a person on it is extremely complicated, really, and time consuming, particularly because there are three of them. And then there’s the cost of doing it, plus the insurance… just in case. If we had a million bucks to make the movie, then anything is possible because there are ways and there are ways.

The one time I saw the raising of a cross that way was in an episode of Xena. Quick, effective shots, lots of green screen, and nicely done and very fast. Every shot screamed the high cost of it. Not to mention the insurance they probably had. Most Hollywood movies about Jesus don’t do that. They go through elaborate set ups.


That was precisely the issues we had when we were working on the Via Crucis of Camille videos way back. The intention of those videos were to see how it was possible to depict a crucifixion in doable terms and with available means. In that particular case, just One person to be crucified and another to do the whole job of doing the crucifixion. It was obvious that the best way to accomplish the task was to raise the crossbar up the post and that’s the way it was done in all of our movies from then on. It was very dramatic, sexy and allowed for a lot of breathtaking and painful looking movements.

Via Crucis of Camille 3

We will be scouting for the locations and searching for the proper wood and the artisans to build those crosses soon. It will cost some money, of course, we’ll have to buy the wood for three crosses, pay transportation expenses to the locations and things like that. Unfortunately the money we’re raisin for the film is not coming directly to our hands… so… we would need to raise a few hundred dollars, up to at least 1000 to work on that.. and one way to do it is if some nice people buy our movies for 29.90 a pop. Ten people buying a film each already means a lot to us. How about it?

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A friendly reminder, if 1000 people pre-buy the DVD for 30 bucks or the download for 25… we have the funds for the film! If one person puts 25,000 on the table… we have the funds!

It’s that easy!

I will be happy if by the end of the week at least 100 people pre buy a download for 25 bucks right now! Instead of paying 35+35 when it finally comes out. I would be even happier if 5 people contribute 500… or a combination of the two… or…

We have 49 days left for the campaign and still at 16%… let’s move it up to 20%!


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La Reine Margot
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Re: Seditiosa

Post by La Reine Margot »

The Cross for Seditiosa II


After the outpouring of support that One day sometime ago, things have slowed down in our campaign to make the big production values film Seditiosa. Money is coming in, little by little, and that is ok too. We have 47 days to bring in the cash.

But the discussions are as active as ever, even more so because the feeling out there is that we have reached all goals and we should be making the movie today. And some are critical of my factual posts, which are a reminder that we’re still far from production.

A cross to bear, a bridge to cross
wanttoknowmore: When you post stuff like this, folks will lose confidence that the film will be made in any kind of a timely manner. You should be more positive – like we have narrowed the sites down to a couple of locations and the are finalizing the cross configurations. State when that will be done, along with some of the other long lead stuff.
The production of a movie has some definite stages. It’s not the same as the NO Budget Two Cast and Crew films like the CruXtreme series that can be done at the drop of a hat because we have everything for it, the amazing cast of one… sometimes two, the tremendous crew of one, all the props, the whips, the blood, the location… everything. We can do a few of them in a year.


Seditiosa is a big production values film and we have to go through all the mandatory stages. Finding the locations and making the props are just two of them. We also have to design and make costumes, but before we engage in that pursuit we have to cast all the characters we don’t have yet, that’s most of them, but most importantly, we have to have the complete script to know exactly how many min, supporting and bit actors we need, and after that, how many extras can we afford to clothe, transport and feed.

Seditiosa is as big or bigger production like Justine was and that’s how it is done.


We are working on the initial stages, the very important script and the no less important work of pre-production.

We know what kind of locations we need and we have a pretty good idea of where they are. But we need to go there, select the areas that are best for the film. I think it is good to share our intention with people so they’ll have an idea of what is going on. My comments are not a complete report on what we are doing. It’s impossible to go into full details of what is happening because then I would need to write a book every week.

Mila and Erix checking locations for Maleficarum
wanttoknowmore: You also need to get some contracts cut to get stuff made NOW with payment in December. Saying now you need an additional $1000 after posting you are kicking things off again reinforces the perception that this thing is never going to be made in a timely manner.
The comment about the 1,000 bucks was just a way for me to make a point to encourage people to buy our movies. The more movies we sell, the more money we have and the more money we can use to get Seditiosa on the road. That’s all.

In these parts of the world where the informal economy rules, everything is cash at hand, specially with places like lumber mills, carpentry shops. They will not move a finger nor will they take a splinter off your eyeball without an advance and will not deliver the goods without the final payment. And we must be prepared for delays. We schedule those too.

We will be going up to a city called El Alto, above the city of La Paz, where we will find the wood for the crosses, but we have to have a pretty good design of what we need and exactly how we need it. That’s what we did it when Amy designed a prop for Justine. She made a blueprint for the people at the lumber mill/carpentry to cut it to her specifications and when they were done and we picked up the parts of the prop, she built it and it worked out pretty well.

wanttoknowmore: With regard to the wood type, allow me to suggest balsa, at least for the cross member. It will be light enough for the gals to carry, even in the more substantive dimensions needed for the strength and the visual impact. You can also make a composite beam with a piece of plywood sandwiched into the balsa, which again will add strength and stiffness with much weight. You can then “weather” the wood via a gray stain with much issue.
Any work with any type of wood will require we have a design for both, the crossbeam and the stipe, it seems simple enough, but there are some details to be considered, like how will the crossbeam be attached to the stipe, how high exactly. How long is the stipe going to be and other important details like that. So, back to the location. We must know where those crosses are going to be, what kind of terrain, because we will have to dig holes to plant those vertical logs of wood, and they have to be secured so they will stay there no matter what you attach to them. Size matters and it is my belief that they will stay there forever.

Amy testing her cross

We have years of accumulated experience on trying different ways of having a crucifixion, so many ways, so it is not difficult to make decisions, but we need the basic parameters to choose one or another type of cross for the film and that is part of pre production and that’s the stage we are in right now.

But fear not, those decisions are not going to take forever.


We have 47 days left for the campaign and now at 17% toward our goal. Let’s move it up to 20% before the weekend is over! I want to wake up Monday morning and find that we’re on our way to 50%!

If 1000 people pre-buy the DVD for 30 bucks or the download for 25… we have the funds for the film!

If one person puts 25,000 on the table… we have the funds!

It’s that easy!

I will be happy if at least 100 people pre buy a download for 25 bucks right now! Instead of paying 35+35 when it finally comes out. I would be even happier if 5 people contribute 500… or a combination of the two… or…


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La Reine Margot
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Re: Seditiosa

Post by La Reine Margot »

The Great Story Of A Female Messiah


In the Gospel of Mark, the oldest of the four versions of the life and passion of Christ, as far as I know, we encounter Jesus as a full-grown man. The two miracles that push the story —the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection— are not there at all. The story begins with Jesus’ adult baptism, and it ends with a cry of desolation as he is crucified. It’s left to the Roman centurion to recognize him as the Son of God after he is dead.

In Seditiosa we meet Yahel as a grown woman, with no particular connection to the divine. We don’t have a nativity scene, mandatory on every household of the Catholic persuasion in December. If we did, it would have to be like this:

It’s a girl!

Seditiosa begins with the three protagonists arriving to the Hill of the Skulls, the place where thieves, rebels, murderers and others meet their ghastly end. It is called that because there are skulls on the ground, most of the time.

When Yahel and her companions arrive to the area, not their destination, they are just passing through, they stop to look at the place, the skulls, the dogs eating from the scattered bones.

Yahel has a vision, that of Janai, her ancestor, standing by one of the tree trunks, obviously a cross. She doesn’t say anything but she seems to be telling Yahel who she is and who she will be. A sort of baptism.


Thus the story begins, the three women are on their way to the open market near the big city, they need to get supplies. The market is known for the great variety of products that merchants bring at certain times of the year, and for a short time, a day or two, and from all over the known and not yet known world. The products Yahel needs are those herbs and plants that arrive from many of those parts unknown, many of them with natural properties that are close to miracles.

At the market, Yahel faces the ugly world of deceit, slavery, hypocrisy and she goes nuts. Judith and Magdalena will try to protect her by intervening, getting in front of the incoming roman soldiers who are there to preserve the peace, an act resulting in the death of one of the soldiers. The three women get arrested and taken to the place of execution where they will be scourged, sentenced to die on the cross and all the rest.


As you will notice by my description, the beginning of the story is described in some detail, even tough in script terms it is only the 1st act. A script has 3 acts.

And here is where the story meets its main obstacle. The budget.

Ben Hur, a film made in the 50’s, had a budget of 15 million dollars. Spartacus came in cheaper, a miserable 12 million dollars, the 1927 King Of Kings cost 1.5 million dollars, while The Last Temptation of Christ cost 30 million dollars and The Passion of The Christ came in at 25 million… The cheapest of them all Jesus Christ Superstar was made with 3 million… yes, only 3 million. What do they have in common? Expensives sets, star actors, elaborate costumes, huge number of extras… and so on. Except for the 3 million musical that relied mostly on natural sets, hippie clothing that the actors probably had in their closets, a few rented prop machine guns, instead of swords, a couple of tanks and a couple of jets flying over which probably was stock footage anyway.

Where am I going with this?


Well, many of those films were in development and pre production for a very, very, very long time, in some cases many years. Their budgets were in the millions and they had a lot of people involved in making them and still, they had to cut corners, they had delays, they had all the normal problems a big film production has. In some cases, there were lawsuits, during and after the production, and in all cases they had to invent their own reality, close to the historical times, but their own, nevertheless.


Well… with the immense budget we have of less than 20,000 dollars Jac has to decide how to make the location, the cast, the crew, the art, the costumes and everything else work. One way is to bring down the shooting time to an eXtreme Minimum… from a few weeks to a few days and have everything fit into place in a good way.


The Great Story of Yahel is now set to be produced in 7 days… yes, 7 days. And the story covers two days in the lives of the Crucified Three.

The first three days of production will be dedicate to the 1st act. That’s when Yahel and her companions arrive to the Hill of Skulls, stop the stoning to death of a woman, heal a possessed man, have dinner and finally arrive to the market to have their confrontation with many people there, including Roman soldiers.

By following the story in a linear way, a lot of time will be saved. The production crew will be using three or four cameras, to have different angles for each take. Saving lot of time time too.

The other three days, four if necessary, will be dedicated to the 2nd and 3rd acts. The second act starts at the moment the three women get arrested and it goes all the way to the moment when the three are sentenced to die on the cross.


The number of people involved in the cast will be big enough but it cannot be bigly like Ben Hur, or King of Kings, or Last Temptation, not even like Jesus Christ Superstar, but enough so we can have a little crowd during the sentencing and the crucifixion.

The location itself must carry the day, not by us turning it into an ancient city with ancient buildings, like they do in Hollywood, but by staying the way it is with some little decor added for realistic effect.

In other words, we have to work miracles to bring the story of Yahel to the big screens. They are all big now, whether at the theaters or at home. Unless, of course, you watch movies on your cell phone and miss all the details.

The third act begins when the women carry their crossbeams and ends when they agonize on the cross and that’s where most of the cash will go. I will go into more details of the production as it begins to happen.


On my next post I’ll be discussing the Scourging of Yahel and the other two. The pictures I’m sharing here are from a recent MakeUp FX (effects) test that was done a couple of days ago.

It was the opportunity for our new MakeUp woman to show her talents and skills, and she demonstrated that she had what it takes to be part of the team. All Jac said to her was “I need you to create make up effects of a heavy lashing, where the whip breaks the skin“. That’s what she did, but that’s another story.


As we set on the road to produce Seditiosa, you can help us add some needed cash to our treasure box by watching our films, all of them, beginning now!

You can also join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

During the production of Seditiosa we will have exclusive posts, with pictures and videos at our Patreon page. There’s a video of the MakeUp FX Test which is fascinating to watch. It shows, step by step and almost in real time, how the effects were made.

We will also post videos of all the testing we’ll go through, one particular video will be when we build the crosses and we’ll have The Crucified Three becoming acquainted with the positions they will have during their crucifixion.

You can also help by watching our amazing movies over and over again, you just have to get them.

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La Reine Margot
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Re: Seditiosa

Post by La Reine Margot »

Seditiosa Takes Over The Location


There’s a saying in Spanish, Otra Cosa Es Con Guitarra, which can be translated as it’s a whole different thing with Guitar in hand. … Kind of.

It is one thing to think of something and another to actually do it.

All is well in the production front. The work is advancing at its normal pace with many interesting surprises and even better than we expected considering we had a major issue last week.

During the try outs to assign the roles to the cast, some inspirational moments came into play. Some of the new actresses proved to be a source of ideas which were incorporated into the story.

All that inspiration meant that Jac had to create a pathos for those characters on the spot and to figure out their arch in the story. A task in itself, but a great task because what was a great idea with great possibilities, it is turning into a truly solid and amazing story.

There are almost 30 women in the cast and an almost equal number of men, which make things interesting, challenging and somewhat costly.

And that’s not all!

As the team worked on the preparations of the production, all those perky details, like the costumes for 60 people, all the props to fill up the market… yes we have a market to fill up with goods, all kinds of goods, from ancient times, the ideas kept rolling down the hills of creativity. Visual ideas, dialogue ideas, action ideas… all of them as a result of the preparation work.

But that’s not the most interesting part of what happened!

Jac and Victor, the Art Director, visited the location to plan all the work needed. The visit was full of surprises. They took the same walk Jac journeyed during his previous visit and at each area Victor had suggestions and ideas.

When they talked about the crucifixion posts, the distance between them and all of those practical issues, Victor was also full of ideas and advice, he even mentioned he has the tools to do the work properly, he told Jac exactly how deep the posts should be, how they will be align and everything else.

When they were at the market area, they took a lot of time to go over, measuring the spaces to calculate all the material it needs, and so on. Again, Victor was full of suggestions and ideas for all the different shots that are possible in the space. One phrase he had was ‘in the interest of the shot

When they were done and were about to leave, the spirit of creative curiosity took over. They walked around areas that Jac ignored before ending up in a construction that he didn’t think was of any use but boy he was wrong.

They approached the construction. Jac saw the windows with metallic barns, which are not good for the film, but that could be easily covered.


They came upon a very low door it was not locked, they ventured in and oh my goddess, Victor could hear Jac’s thoughts, they were so clear. The interior of the ignored construction was perfect for the dungeon that Jac had in mind at the beginning of this adventure. He discarded it because there was no area in the location, that he knew of, that could serve as a dungeon. That’s why he settled for the ‘stables’ area.

The possible dungeon location had some intriguing elements inside, one in particular, a ladder that went up to what our creative adventurers thought was to climb to an upstairs room, but no, it went OUT OF THE PLACE to the roof, which can be set as a stage like area. Oh my goddess… Jac thought again to himself, or maybe even said it and maybe Victor heard it because he agreed.


He checked the stage area and it was perfect for the SENTENCING! Another scene that was changed as far as its possibilities because there was no area appropriate for what the original idea called for.

He envisioned the sentencing sequence with the new discoveries in mind.

Yahel and her companions are arrested at the market, not far from the construction. They are taken to the dungeon, up to the area where the opening for the ladder is, they are forced down the ladder to the dungeon where they are scourged. That scene grew in its possibilities.


After the scourging, subsequent crowning, and so on, The Crucified Three are forced to climb out of the dungeon to the sentencing area, where they are led to the edge to be in front of people waiting to hear what will happen to the women.

Yahel and her companions are up on a stage-like area, facing the crowd below and they are sentenced. After the sentencing they are forced to take their crossbeams and walk the entire walk they had before, when they went up to the market, but now in the opposite direction, to the crucifixion area, where it all started. A very, very long walk

When Jac was in front of that possibility, his creative powers went full throttle. When discussing his ideas with Victor, the talkative art director became so impressed that he could not believe that it was happening. He was witnessing the power of imagination creating art in front of his very eyes, making him express his feelings with that’s filmmaking!

When the visit to the location was over, everything that Jac had initially thought and felt it was not possible, was now not only a reality, but better than what he originally envisioned. .

The location is perfect, the cast is perfect, the time to make it happen was the right time. Jac’s vision was complete. It couldn’t be better.

The team was all set to move into the location to begin the work, beginning with the building of the crosses, producing a test scene with the protagonists, which included bringing in the Make Up artist to work on Mila and Dani, to cover those tattoos, and have a real sense of how long it takes to do both of them.

The night before the scheduled day, Friday, Jac woke up in the middle of the night because a huge storm made so much noise that it scare the cats. It was huge, a mixture of rain, hail and snow, accompanied by loud thunder, bright strokes of lighting, the works. A combination not seen often in Jac’s side of the world.

He hoped that the rain would stop before his scheduled ‘walk with Rocky‘ (the dog), the daily activity set for early morning, before his crew was scheduled to arrive.

The rain didn’t stop. He couldn’t take Rocky out, his crew could not leave home. And it rained, and it hailed, and it snowed all day long, and it continued through Saturday and Sunday. It was so huge that it made the news and social media filled up with anecdotal pictures:


Roads were blocked, the landscape was amazingly beautiful, a treat for the eyes, and it was freezing cold. So… the plans for that weekend were cancelled.

One week later, the sun was up, luckily, no clouds, no rain, no snow, but the air was and is, still, very, very cold, but needless to say, part of the team ventured to the location, with the plan to accomplished at least some of what was planned for the previous Friday. Jac decided to scheduled their adventure for a Saturday, but in the afternoon, just in case. So, at the scheduled day, the team went to take over the location.

After one and a half hour drive, the team arrived to Alkamari, the site where everything will take place. Almost immediately, the tasks were assigned. The Art Director and his Assistant were in charge of carrying the incredibly heavy 4, 5 meters long logs for the crosses from the top of the location to the far away crucifixion area where they will be planted. A huge, time consuming task because they had to cover a very long distance over a rough hilly terrain taking each of the posts one by one.

Victor’s comment about the uprights for the crosses was: They are perfectly old but need some make-up to make them look hideous!

He also said that he has the tools to make those patibulums and make them fit the uprights. Now, that’s a time and money saver, Jac thought.


Jac had a meeting with Carmen, the manager of the place, to settle all that needed to be settled. The agreement was reached, the dates were set, taking into account the imponderables, like the weather or anything that cannot be predicted. There were some requests for a couple of the dates, like the 27th of May, Mother’s day in Bolivia, when the area will have more people visiting than usual, so that date and the dates around it should be used to shoot with the least number of people possible. No large crowds.

After that brief meeting everything was in our team’s hands to do whatever they wanted to do from that day forward, through all of May and even June if that became necessary… which was music in Jac’s ears, the kind of music Roger Corman or Jess Franco heard when they took hold of a location and were told that Time Was Not A Problem… Jac could take all the time he wanted and could afford, the possibilities were endless!

Two of our protagonists were at hand that day, Dani and Simonne. Mila had some urgent things that day.

Dani and Keymi, the Make-Up artist, went into the cottage that was selected for changing into costumes, doing make up, storing things, resting and anything else needed, to have Dani’s tattoos covered. That activity was going to be timed to determine the length of time it will take for that job.

Jac and Simonne, who was already dressed as Yahel, walked all the way to the crucifixion area where the story will begin. As they walked, Jac took the opportunity to do some shooting of our heroine getting familiar with her surroundings, her world. They walked down the many hills discussing her role as well.


A couple of days before this adventure, Jac and Victor went over what was needed for the crosses, the most critical elements in the story. They have to be perfect. They also went over all the materials needed for the Market, which is a lot of stuff to make it look very good. It involves cases worth of materials.

As they checked everything, one thing became clear, they had to test the logs they got for the crossbeams. Jac and Victor themselves checked them, putting them over their shoulders. The big logs were heavier than the logs Jac used in other films, a lot heavier. Jac got worried that they were too heavy for the protagonists. Jac decided that the protagonists should carry the heavy logs over their shoulders climbing up a hill with them as a test.


When Dani was ready to go to work, after Keymi finished the job of covering her tattoos, not all of them, just what Jac wanted to see, she joined Jac and Simonne.

Jac decided to shoot part of one scene where Yahel and Judith have an interesting and lengthy dialogue about Janai, Yahel’s ancestor, who appears in front of our Heroine a lot.


After they were done with the scene, Jac told them that they were going to carry the logs up a hill and with less clothing than what they were wearing. Obedient as they are, they took off part of their clothing, it was freezing cold and Dani was screaming about it as she walked to take her position to walk up the hill. It was fun, it’s all on video and we will be sharing that moment. We won’t share the scenes, just The Making Of some scenes, or tests, or anything like that. Not the actual scenes. There was a lot of laughter when they were testing their crossbeams. Victor was amazed at the energy and strength Simonne and Dani had.


Our team is now officially in control of the location and the shooting of the film has begun with parts of the first scene. The shooting will go on in full force this coming Saturday.

On Friday the crosses will be finally set in place with everything that’s necessary to accomplish the job of having beautiful ladies nailed to them. Setting that up involves a lot of work and it was decided that Victor needed at least two more assistants to have those crosses up and ready along with all the decorative things needed, like the skulls and bones.


The shooting of the film has officially begun. It will take at least 7 production days for the whole film to be completed and depending on how Jac organizes the schedule, based on what each sequence requires and the new information he has now, It should be done by June 4th. Jac has a tight schedule but he knows things can happen, so he’s not going to be freaky about it. He wants to work on every sequence with the utmost care, sparing nothing. Each day of production will dictated the next. But he has the first two days scheduled in a way that it will give him a real taste of how long he needs to work on each scene. Those two first days will not involve large numbers of people. He decided to work with the smaller scenes at the beginning, like the stoning and the healing of the ‘possessed man’, which does not involve more that 15 actors each, maybe less, saving the large crowds for later dates.

The scourging and crowning scenes will take a lot of work because of the make up and everything that is involved and it will probably take two days.


Jac is concentrating on getting the scenes for Saturday and Sunday ready.

Saturday will be a nice shooting day with only four members of the cast involved, Simonne (Yahel), Dani (Judith), Mila (Magdalena) and Geraldine (Janai) to complete The Opening Sequence. At the end of the day the Crucified Three will be put on their crosses to make sure the set up works the way it should.

Sunday will be dedicated to the Stoning Sequence, The Healing of the Possessed Man, and ‘Gethsemane‘ scene where Yahel confronts her fate. In those two days almost a third of the film will be in the can.


The production of Seditiosa is ON!

It wont be long before I’ll have the great news that the production was wrapped.

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Re: Seditiosa

Post by La Reine Margot »

Toiling Under The Bright Sun


After much organizing, budgeting, getting all the stuff needed, planting the posts for the crosses, fitting the actors with their costumes, dealing with the location and a lot more which is hard to list because it is so much, the production of the Female Christ film titled Seditiosa went into full production.

The plan is to follow the story in a chronological order, something not common in filmmaking, because it lends itself to that. The main characters will go through the story as it is told.

It began nicely enough, with Yahel, Judith and Magdalena arriving to the Hill of Skulls, where they see the ominous posts, one an empty cross. Below the cross a dog eats the flesh out of a big bone, a skull lies near it.


The Crucified To Be arrive to the area and each reveals their character. Yahel has a vision while Judith curses the Romans. Magdalena, however, the most pragmatic of the three, has none of it, and insists they have nothing to do there and they should get on their way.

And that’s how the shooting began, establishing the characters and setting the story.

Somethings became very clear. On the problematic side, the sun was incredibly bright and it will be like that for a long time. No clouds! There was wind, cold wind coming down from the snowy Andean range. The crew had to adapt to those circumstances.

Another issue is time. There are two main characters with lots of tattoos, so it takes time to cover them and that is now part of the scheduling. Our team knows how long it takes to do that.

The shooting began with two cameras, the plan is to have a third one and maybe even a fourth. A lot was accomplished in the first days of production. Many scenes are in the can now and Jac has begun the work of assembling those scenes and cutting them. He has the two first scenes already in first cut, with sound FX and music. It’s not like the final cut, but pretty close. He’ll have all the shot scenes in rough cut before he starts shooting the next few scenes.

The main cast having some fun during production. They know what’s coming, so they might as well enjoy themselves.

During the first days of production it became clear what can be accomplished in one day. The conditions of working in that location, which are fine, have their own and very clear possibilities and limitations which must taken into account so the location can be used to its full extent and then there’s the matter of the light… the sun does not respect shooting plans, it comes and goes at its own irreversible schedule.

The cast is working very well. Jac knew what to expect from the three leading ladies and their initial scenes were pretty easy to do. He didn’t know what to expect from the rest of the cast, most of them are new to him. The big test came when he worked on the stoning scene. The woman to be stoned was great and showed great potential for future movies. She even intimated that she could do partly nude scenes… after saying that she wouldn’t. One thing was clear at the end of the day, she loved it.


So, the film is now ongoing. It’s looking good, in a low budget kind of way, we can’t have thousands of extras, not even hundreds, and even the dogs are not showing up as we wish they would, we were hoping for at least four… no, just one showed up at shooting time.

One person, the driver perhaps, asked a question about the accuracy of the area with what the film is portraying. He is aware that the film is the story of a Female Christ in the year 30 AD or so. Jac’s response was simple. It’s an alternate universe. It feels right.

When Jac was directing the scene where Yahel confronts the high priest, she responds in a defiant way to what he says, which basically is ‘you should occupy the place God gave you as a woman and not interfere with us men‘. Not literally, of course. She responds I occupy the place the mother gave me, far from the men that abuse her Word.


We’ll see what the future holds. It’s very inspiring to be in the middle of a new production with a big cast, in a great place, with an amazing story. We wished we had raised more funds to overcome the limitations that come from not having a lot of cash, as The Rutles sing “all we need is cash” to make a great movie greater.

We should have a new campaign Make A Great Movie Greater… hmmm

We’re considering fundraising again, to cover some extra costs, to the tune of 5,000, maybe with pre-sales of the film. The way I see it, if Jac already has the first scenes cut before he shoots another bunch, it’s very possible that the film will be ready at the end of July.

However, our release date is, still, August 2023.

The production of Seditiosa is ON!

I insist, it wont be long before I’ll have the great news that the production was wrapped.

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Re: Seditiosa

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The Healer In Our Midst


I can say with a good level of certainty that this past weekend shoot of new scenes for Seditiosa was a success. I say this with a little bit of trepidation, I don’t want to ginx things and although I’m not superstitious, I’m too well educated academically for that, I still have those ancient feelings that are passed from generation to generation.

I can also add that those superstitions endlessly taught from one generation to the next are exactly the subjects which are now a very strong part of the story of Yahel, when she confronts the believes, fears, conflicts of the people she encounters on her way to the market.

This past weekend Yahel spent some good time healing Debora, the rape victim, who was beaten when she went through that awful experience and was about to be stoned to death because of it when Yahel intervened to saved her, earning the hatred from those in power in the process.


While healing Debora, Yahel took part in the discussions her companions were having about whether it is good for women to learn how to write and read. Debora was very clear on the negative effects of defying men. She had a close encounter with them and she wanted to make sure her benefactors understood what they were facing.

Their discussions were interrupted by the screaming of some people who were running after a fellow who was attempting to jump off a cliff. They were struggling to catch him and hold him down where Yahel and her companions reacted and went to help .


​The man himself, his friends and sister are under the supposition that he’s possessed by a Dibuk, a spirit in the Hebrew traditions. Yahel gets more information from them about what happened to the man. She learns that he was found in that state after a prolonged time in the desert where he got lost. When he was finally found, he was screaming, biting, talking nonsense, obviously under the powers of the Dibuk. Yahel knew better and proceeded to help him.


That’s a gist of what was accomplished this weekend.

The production is advancing at a pretty good rate. The scenes schedule next are the Gethsemani sequence, which is not very complicated, and The Market sequence which is going to be the more complicated so far, involving a large cast, a complex set with a lot of stuff in it, including a scene where a beautiful slave is up for sale, some merchants selling the equivalent of ‘snake oil’ and other situations that make Yahel create a series of conflicts which bring about some elaborate action scenes that involve the killing of a Roman soldier and the arrest of the crucified three.

The Market sequence will take a lot more effort and time and it has to be that way. That is when the story takes a turn for the worse. After this sequence things will get really tough for everyone, for the principal cast, for the crew, for the characters, for the director, everyone bar none.

I’m pretty sure Jac will handle that well, not only because of his extensive experience, but also because he has already learned a lot about his cast, his crew, the location, the climate… everything. He knows what to expect from everyone, how far they can go in a day, where are their strengths and their weaknesses. He can estimate with a good degree of accuracy how the next days of shooting will go. He also knows how long he needs to get it right and how to handle it.


Things are working well and we expect to continue to be like that. The cast and the crew are doing a fantastic job.

The production of Seditiosa is ON!

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Re: Seditiosa

Post by La Reine Margot »

Rivers of Blood


After Yahel revealed herself as a healer in the previous episode, I mean post, the plan was to shoot a Last Meal and a Gethsemane Moment for the Female Christ and her followers.

That was scheduled for the weekend after the possessed man had been freed… and healed.

On Thursday before that weekend, part of the crew got together to plan what was ahead. There were some good ideas thrown in. Mila, was the only member of the cast present, she had a personal meeting with Jac that day.

During the meeting the decision was made to shoot the scenes previous to the Market Sequence, including the Last Super and Gethsemane scenes. Sunday was reserved to try out the crosses, which meant a lot of work because the plan was to work on the details and see if everything planned works. Everyone left happy, ready to take on the job ahead.


The very next day, Jac got a message from Mila saying: I won’t be able to work on Saturday, my mom passed away last night. Jac was in shock. He immediately communicated to the cast and crew that the shooting was cancelled. He also told them of Mila’s mom passing. Everyone was sadden, of course, and all those who could went to the wake that evening and the funeral next day. Mila received all the support from the cast and crew and everyone understood the situation, including the people at the location who also expressed their sorrow.

In the middle of the week after those sad events Jac called a meeting with some of the crew and also wanted Mila to be present. They discussed the coming weekend and made decisions. What was cancelled the previous week was going to be done that weekend and the heavy scenes were planned for a week later.

On the positive part, they went over everything they need for the Market, Scourging and Crucifixion scenes and were satisfied that they have all they need.

During that meeting Jac had a heart to heart talk with Mila. He was concerned about her well being and everything she was and is going through. Mila lived with her mother who was fine, as far as Mila knew. The day of the meeting, that fateful Thursday, Mila went home, everything was normal, she prepared dinner and when she went to tell her mom that dinner was ready, found her dead in her bedroom, sitting on her chair. Mila first thought her mother was sleeping and when she tried to wake her up was shocked to learn of what happened.

She reacted and made the mandatory calls to paramedics, police, family and jumped into the obligatory and dreadful tasks of organizing what was coming, the wake and funeral.


Jac helped Mila with the unexpected costs of the funeral and threw his support to her during those awful days.

At the new meeting last week, Mila mentioned that she’s completely on board to continue with the work, not only Seditiosa, but whatever else comes next. She said she needs it now more than ever, not only because of the money, but because she needs to keep busy, the busier the better.

I didn’t mention all this before because I was in shock, like everyone else, we’re family, we all are, and when one of us suffers, we all do, naturally.

We’re now returning to the work ready to give strength to Mila.

This past weekend was very productive in many fronts. Two very important sequences were completed. The Last Supper, which everyone agreed looked more like a last breakfast.

In the story the protagonists take a break just before they venture into the market, they stop to eat some bread and cheese and have some of that very good wine that probably Yahel herself makes, maybe out of water.

As they share the bread Magdalena voices her concerns, so does Deborah who expresses her fear that something could happen to her savior. In response to those fears Yahel says, if something happens to me, you can remember me when you have some wine and bread.


The scene is very last supper, beautiful and sweet and the performances are great.

At one point Yahel tells the women that she has to do something and goes up a hill. Her followers continue having the wine and the bread and the cheese. Joana (Sol) wonders aloud about where Yahel is going. Judith confides that Yahel wants to chat with her ancestor Janai, who sometimes advises her without saying a word.

Yahel looks around her surroundings, she questions herself about what is coming, which she doesn’t know. It’s her Gethsemane moment. Her sweat turns into blood as she ponders about the horror coming to her, she doesn’t want to add her blood to the bloody river before her. She asks herself about who is going to write about her when she’s gone. Then comes the acceptance.


With those two sequences in the can, everything is set for what is next in the production schedule, The Market Sequence, where the Crucified Three get arrested. The preparations for that incredibly elaborate sequence are ongoing right now.

The next day, Sunday, part of the crew and the main cast were at the location to figure some things out. The Market is pretty much organized. There are some ideas Jac came up with, like the selling of a slave woman and for that he needed to see about where the slave would be in relation to the place.

The team went to the market area and Jac placed Ligia, who plays Deborah, in front of a post in the spot for the slave, which is in the center of the large field, he had the others walk to her. The slave will be chained to that post, Yahel and company will rush there to confront the slave seller and attempt to free the unfortunate woman, that’s what they do. That’s the moment in the story when all hell will break loose.


​Jac wanted to see how much of the area was in frame from behind the post. It was working.

After the confrontation at the market the three will be arrested and soon after they will suffer the scourging. Will it happen right then? In public? In private? Those were the thoughts Jac was indulging in at that moment, and because of it, the enthusiastic group went to check the possible places where the scourging could take place.

One possible spot is, of course, the interior of the construction I mentioned before. But, if the scourging becomes public, Jac wanted to take a look at the possible scenarios. One of them is the center of the construction’s roof, it has a nice post in the center holding the canopy like structure on top. Yahel took her position in front of the wood.


Another interesting area on top of the construction is where the three women will be presented for sentencing, at the edge of the terrace like roof which looks like a good stage for sentencing.

There are posts holding the large wooden ceiling which can be used for the scourging as well. Jac positioned the ladies in the areas where they could suffer the scourge in front of everyone. That possible scenario is something he’s thinking about. Should they be scourge in public view? Should Yahel be crowned in public as well, as a staged mockery? A cruel mockery of the queen wannabe?


All of that happened at the end of the day. The main reason they went to the location that Sunday was to set up the crosses. The posts for the crosses had been placed in their holes a while ago, there was one small attempt to see how it would work, but as the Crucifixion Sequence approaches FAST, it became urgent and necessary to actually test the ideas. Jac doesn’t want to be trying things out the day of the shooting, it would take too long.

All of that happened at the end of the day. The main reason they went to the location that Sunday was to set up the crosses. The posts for the crosses had been placed in their holes a while ago, there was one small attempt to see how it would work, but as the Crucifixion Sequence approaches FAST, it became urgent and necessary to actually test the ideas. Jac doesn’t want to be trying things out the day of the shooting, it would take too long.


At the same time, the famous director wanted to have the actresses carry their really heavy crossbeams the entire walk from where the sentencing will take place and walk past the market, past the Gethsemane, past the place where Yahel cast the demons, past where the three saved the woman from stoning and all the way to the hill of the skulls, and not only The Crucified Three, but their two companions as well, just in case.

The ladies carried the heavy posts all the way to the crucifixion location, a very long walk. Almost at the end of their painful journey Jac asked them to take their shoes off and continue the walk barefoot. The idea was to find out how they feel walking without feet protection on those grounds. They obliged. It was fun. They suffered a lot. Lots of complaining. It wasn’t pleasant for them, of course, the sharp stones, the needles like grass, the bugs… all of that under their soft and tender feet, pressed down under the weight of those large pieces of wood they were carrying. One of them was heard saying A giant ant bit me!


After they were done with their long walk, they had to prepare for their crucifixion. The art director’s assistant measured them holding their posts, their arms across the long pieces of wood, to mark where the nails will go.

In the meantime Victor and his assistants were done with the set up for the crosses.

There were some tests made with Dani going up and down one of the posts with the help of a harness. Jac was being nice to the Art Director who took the trouble of setting it up. The harness, I mean.

Simonne mentioned that they will be naked on the cross, they can’t use a harness, but Jac decided to go ahead and test Victor’s idea with Dani. She had fun.


The principal preoccupation for Jac that day was to have the crosses set up so they could hold the women safely, securely and nicely. There are some ideas in his head and in the script, different positions for each individual character, other positions for all three of them, depending on how the crosses would be finally set up.

There were some discussions as to what can be added, what works, what doesn’t work in the location.

There’s a big difference between working inside, like in the set Jac uses for many of the films, and working outside where there isn’t a lot of control over the environment.

So far it looks like it’s been settled that the crucifixions will be in the traditional way. The three victims are nailed to their crossbeams, raise up, their feet are nailed and are left to agonize.


The crosses were set up for that purpose and they work. All three of the women were placed on their respective crosses, not an easy task, after each one of the courageous ladies was occupying their painful accommodations, they were left there for a long time, long enough for Jac to decide that the crosses are secure, safe, and ready. He also recorded a good number of angles to see if it all looks as amazing as his eyes saw.

While on their respective crosses The Crucified Three were joking. It’s all on video, which we’re preparing to upload to Patreon. It’s nice.

Simonne said something like, I could last a few minutes up here naked. Dani replied I could last about 20 seconds, all naked.

Since there were five principal actresses present, the five characters that appear in all of the film, Jac decide to crucified them all. That’s why they all had their own, personal, crossbeams. After the three protagonists tested their crosses, Jac had Ligia (Debora in the film) to go up there. She did.


The other character, Joana, played by Sol, a beautiful 19 year old, was also in hand for some testing. The day before, when the cast was getting ready for the last supper scene, Sol showed her bare arm and said, this is a tan for me. Her arm was very white. She continued, if I were to appear naked in a scene, my body would be whiter than this. Her comment gave Jac a pause. He hadn’t mentioned to her anything about appearing naked in the film or in any film.

When all three of them were being measured on theirs crossbeams, Sol commented they are preparing me for my crucifixion. Jac took that as a message.

Soon after the protagonists and Ligia suffered their crucifixion tests, it was Sol’s turn and up she went.


That’s when Victor, the Art Director who so enthusiastically worked on the crosses commented for everyone to hear Jac crucified all of them!

Jac is considering some future work in the same location, he’s even thinking of shooting some scenes now, taking advantage of everything, in one of them Ligia could be a runaway slave who is caught stealing bread at the market, she’s hungry, and …. well, she ends up crucified.

Another story is that of the Priestess of Isis who suffers the cross, another one involves a noble Roman woman accused of murdering her husband and off to the cross she goes… and so on… and there’s even a possible story for Sol, a young victim of a crucifixion.

Another possible scenario is for both, Ligia and Sol to be persecuted as Yahel’s followers, to be put to trial, scourging and crucifixion. At this point anything can happen.

In any of those possible scenarios, the beautiful new cast members of Pachamama Films are all set and willing to suffer whatever comes their way and I heard that Jac is planning to give Ligia a good flogging to test her resolve, and she will be naked. It might be happening right now.


And finally, I just got word that an International Film Festival wants to do a retrospective of Jac’s and Amy’s films in November of this year and to show a new film by either of the dynamic duo, maybe Seditiosa?

I’ll have a lot more to share next week, after the Market scene is done!

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Re: Seditiosa

Post by La Reine Margot »

Three Seditiosas Went To The Market


The past three or so weeks were incredibly intense. The shooting of most of the critical scenes, the preparations for them, the tension prior to shooting, during the production and the exhaustion after each of the shooting days was hardly bearable… but the team made it!

​There were lots of people in the set for most of the time, Jac was going mad, doing his job, big time, directing a bunch of actors who were having their very first experience under the famous director. All of them eager to show their best.

The shooting of the big sequences was complicated, 2 thirds of the film were shot in two weekends, that’s four days!

A sequence is normally made of one or many scenes, sometimes a sequence is shot with ONE take and it is called A Sequential Shot, where there are no cuts, just the camera moving along following the entire action. But not in our case. In the particular case of the Market Sequence, it looks like one scene but it’s actually many scenes taking place in that set, each with one particular theme. In one scene Yahel and her companions arrive to the Market and proceed to look at things.


Elements of the story are developed during this sequence, we learn a bit more about Yahel and her thoughts as she talks to Judith, Magdalena, Joanna and Deborah, each responding or adding to her comments and sometimes sharing their own ideas. They even discuss an issue forbidden to women, The Temple.

And as they move on, their attention goes to a different action or scene, the arrival of a slave trader dragging his beautiful slave by her chains.


That’s the moment when things take a turn for the worse. Yahel’s and Judith’s reaction when they see the slave being dragged to a post and the arrival of the Romans, who are greeted by the high priests, sets the stage for the confrontation that leads to the arrest of the three women. A very difficult moment in the production.

Until that day all the filming was pretty much standard. A nice long shot there, a medium shot here, a close up over there, going over the dialogue a few times, making sure our protagonists look as beautiful as they are, nothing really complicated.

For the Arrest Scene the cast and crew were facing a moment of action. A soldier is sent to take care of Judith who just pulled the whip away from the Slaver’s hands, offending Claudia, the Roman Aristocrat, wife of none other that the Governor, who was interested in purchasing the beautiful slave. As Judith confronts the slaver, Yahel gets busy freeing the slave. You just can’t go around freeing slaves in front of the Romans, specially if you of them has the power to have you killed on the spot.

The Arrest Scene was tricky. It is an action scene, where the soldier attacks Judith, sword in hand, dropping his spear in the process, Magdalena picks up the spear just in time, while Yahel grabs the soldier’s wrist before he stabs Judith… and in a quick action Magdalena stabs the soldier with the spear killing him. All that had to take place in an instant and it required many, many shots to have it right.


As the soldier falls dead, the other soldiers quickly take over, they are about to kill the three women involved in the melee, but they are stopped on their tracks and are ordered to arrest the women instead and to dragged away to their doom.

The plan was to finish the Market Sequence on a Saturday and go into the next sequence on Sunday, but the shooting of most of the scenes before the arrest took a long time, so the soldier’s attack and the Arrest Scene were left for next day.

That Sunday was very exciting. Everyone had fun as the scene was repeated, from different angles, with two cameras running at the same time.

The soldier was killed, the women arrested and dragged away many times over. Jac was satisfied with the number of takes he had to cover all the action. The Market Sequence was finally completed and the time had come for the Scourging Sequence.


After the Market Sequence was done, all hands were on preparing for the following weekend. There was a meeting of the minds to discuss some details and go over what was needed and so on.

Jac had a moment of creativity when talking to Beto first, and to part or the crew later. He was discussing the scourging and his concerns.

He mentioned the scourging in Justine, where three beautiful ladies suffer the whip. First, Amy receives 50 lashes and after that she’s taken to the stocks, where she narrates her story to her sister. When she’s done with the story, we see Bea first and then Mila taken to the yard to be flogged in front of Justine and her sister. One after the other.

Jac’s point was that in the case of Seditiosa there would be three ladies scourged, one after the other and that means that maybe it would be a bit heavy for the audience having to watch each flogging in that way. Kind of boring, maybe. Beto said, in his clever way, what about all three at the same time.… pause.

That discussion came up later, when the plans were being made to shoot the Scourging Sequence, which happened a week later and I will be discussing it very soon.


I’ll have a lot more to say soon, how the last sequences of the film were shot, what happened there and more.

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There’s a nice new little clip at Patreon, shot during the Arrest Scene. There will be more in the coming days!

I’ll have a lot more to share next week, after the Market scene is done!

And we will be setting up a pre-order page for the film!

Our loyal supporters will receive their copies of the film at the end of August. Pre orders will be fulfilled shortly after and the film will be officially released a month later… or more. As I mentioned before there’s an International Film Festival interested in premiering this majestic work of cinematic art. That festival is in November and it’s already official, they will be having a retrospective of Jac’s and Amy’s films! A great deal for us.


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La Reine Margot
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Re: Seditiosa

Post by La Reine Margot »

A Two For One Scourge


All three women flogged at the same time. Jac kept that thought until part of his crew and Mila arrived for a meeting to discuss and plan the work for the next sequence. At one point the famed director was describing a bit of how the scourging scene would go, when Eric, the torturer in Maleficarum, arrived. He was included in the conversation.

Jac described the public flogging of the women, his small audience loved the idea of all three captives flogged at the same time. They discussed the dramatic possibilities, the teasing of the torturers and soldiers, the enthusiastic screaming of the people watching, the exchanges between the women, the excitement of it all.


ac loved the idea more and more. Instead of a seemingly endless series of flogging moments, he was envisioning a very active, moving, dramatic staging of the scourging of the three to be crucified.

The entire sequence flashed before Jac’s eyes. The stripping of the women, being tied to the posts, all while the crowds chant. The exchanges between the women as they suffer the merciless beating, the crowds screaming, laughing, counting the lashes, in jest, some screaming Harder, Harder, some crying, and so on.


They all agreed that the simultaneous flogging was a great idea for all the dramatic possibilities. Jac became convinced that the public scourging can be amazing that way, not risking a prolonged drama where while one woman is under the lash what do you do with the others. Are they sitting somewhere? Are they waiting their turn? … All that seemed dramatically slow.

And that is how it happened. After the killing of the soldier, the three protagonists are arrested and dragged to where they will begin their punishment, their public punishment.


There were two tortures at hand, one of them Eric of Maleficarum fame, in charge of whipping the three women. As Casper, the head of the soldiers, counts, along with the crowd, Lictor (Eric) lashes Magdalena (Mila), while Dark (Anibal) lashes Judith (Dani) and both lash Yahel (Simonne). As the count progresses Yahel receives twice the lashes the others do. by the time the count reaches 18, Yahel had received more than 30. Lictor stops lashing her, he doesn’t want her to die, but Dark continues, for a bit. The lashing stops when the count reaches 30. the 9 or 10 lashes left will be applied later… at the cross.


The shooting of the public flogging took two days of intense production, with the crowd, the effects, everything, including the long time to cover the tattoos of two of the protagonists. Most of the flogging was done on the first day. On the second day the women were flogged some more and the crowning of Yahel came into play. A dramatic, public, crowning where the crowds cry out Crown the queen!

This dramatic scene was followed by the sentencing of the three, one at a time, and the long and winding Via Crucis of the condemned carrying their heavy logs.


After that incredibly intense weekend, the team began to prepare the next sequence, The Crucifixion.

I will continue telling the story of the making of Seditiosa as we work on the post production for a pre release to our supporters at the end of this month.

We can STILL use your support!

Join Patreon and get the updates on our projects, with great pictures and videos, here:

There’s a nice new little clip at Patreon, shot during the Flogging Scene. There will be more activity there in the coming days!

And we will be setting up a pre-order page for the film this week!

Our loyal supporters will receive their copies of the film at the end of August. The Pre orders will be fulfilled shortly after.

The film will be officially released a month later… or more. As I mentioned before there’s an International Film Festival interested in premiering this majestic work of cinematic art. That festival is in November and it’s already official, they will be having a retrospective of Jac’s and Amy’s films! A great deal for us.

We’re beginning to set up our page at IMDB!


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