Review of two lost Japanese videos

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Posts: 66

Review of two lost Japanese videos

Post by Gomez »

Reviews of two videos that I lost in a HD crash years ago. Sorry, no screenshots. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Video #1:

Everything in Japanese so I don't even know the title. About an hour long. Takes place in a boxing gym. Owners in suits and assistants in dungarees stand around as a cocky Japanese boxer walks in to applause and cheers. He dances around and shows off his moves and footwork. About half a dozen nude Japanese girls are lined up. They all have a small logo of a fictitious sporting goods company pasted above their navels. Our "hero" takes turns using them as punching bags with many fast but light jabs on their breasts and tummys with their arms tied above their heads. They usually end up going limp and pissing themselves.+ When he's done with each slut, the assistants load her on a cart and lay her on a mat at the far end of the gym. When he's finished off all the girls we go to the far end of the gym. The assistants clean them off with a garden hose and floor mop and then fuck them. Pixelated genitals, of course.

Kind of bizarre but I really liked it.

Video #2:

About a ten minute clip that I downloaded in the early 90's. In the good old days it took nearly an hour to download.

Pretty Japanese girl with nice C or D cups, arms tied behind her back. Man attaches clover clamps to her nipples, gives them a nice tug and hangs a heavy padlock from each one. He then forcefully slaps her breasts, alternating left and right sides, putting everything is a nice swinging motion while the girl screams and curses him in Japanese.

For my taste, it was the best nipple torture ever.

I'm sure I'll never find either of these again but I had to ask.
Posts: 4

Re: Review of two lost Japanese videos

Post by river2 »

Video #1 sounds a lot like SDMS-639.
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