A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Mark of the Whip

Reviewed by Ralphus

I did get to see Nowicki's newest film, Mark of The Whip, and while it's got plenty of whipping, the misogynistic plot is missing from this one. The women who get whipped in the film actually seek it out and like it! After one particular whipping sequence, there's a follow-up scene about how she was dreaming about what just occurred, and to her, it's a pleasurable thing. You actually see her whipping herself in bed afterward to get off. Ugh.

Nonetheless, this one has some real nice bondage/whipping scenes, including one where a woman is bound in the woods with her wrists behind her, ballgagged and has her nipples clamped on a chain which is tied above her. The masked attacker literally whips her clothes completely off! There's also a similar scene where she gets tied AOH, ballgagged and whipped, and there's lots of lovely red stripes across her body by the end.

I also liked a scene where she and a blonde lesbo chick are tied to chairs (both gagged with black tape) and a bad guy threatens to burn her eye out with a lit cigarette (nothing bad happens; it's just some nice suspense). My advice: don't watch the actual movie, just enjoy the numerous bondage and whipping sequences, which are quite lengthy and well worth checking out.

My Grade: B

Teraz Films

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