A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

3 Powershotz Video Clips

Reviewed by John Galt

Well, based on the (infamous?) YouTied clip, and the fact I had a stressful week and felt like I deserved a treat, I decided to check out the Powershotz Cindy video clip, so I joined the site and then discovered that there's a $10 minimum order. Okay, I can understand that. It was really just a good excuse to purchase another clip while I was at it. Actually, I purchased two more.

The Cindy Flogged video clip was excellent. Cindy really does sell the scene, as Brutus noted earlier. There was a brief section where the video was unfocused that was mildly annoying. There was also a reverse angle shot where the videographer on the ladder was visible, but I really only caught sight of him out of the corner of my eye because I was paying more attention to the hot naked crying chick getting flogged. Well worth $7.

Since I thought so much of Cindy's performance, I read about her other two clips. The abduction clip didn't do much for me but the forced blow job clip looked interesting. Especially if Cindy did as well acting the victim. So I also purchased Cindy Blowdog and I was not disappointed. I wasn't expecting the artificial penis. I guess I'll have to get a feel for what Powershotz does and does not do. One thing I did notice, though, was that the penis was being forced upward. Real depth is achieved when the penis is forced downward, like, toward the throat, as opposed to upward toward the top of the mouth. Cindy still did a great job of making gagging sounds although she didn't sell me that she was really gagging. But oh well. Once again, I was not disappointed in the video clip.

Next, I went on a search for some kind of spread-eagled situation, but, you know, really spread-eagled, not just tied loosely to four corners. I did not check out every single model and every single clip. I employed a highly subjective search routine involving models I thought looked hot and pictures I thought indicated maybe a spread-eagled position. Alas, I did not find one. Steve, maybe you can recommend one, or shoot one for me. Surely I'm not the only perv who likes hot naked spread-eagled girls being used and abused.

But while I was searching I did find Bryce Does Shelena, which featured a very hot looking Shelena stretched AOH on an angled table with her ankles cuffed to the bottom being vibed by Bryce. Shelena was oiled up and sweating and when the clip picked up looked as if Bryce had already been working on her for a while. Let me just say this up front. Oh. My. God. I picked a good one. I feel like I managed three for three, which is better odds than I generally score.

Bryce Does Shelena was not perfect. It would have been nice if it had begun with an establishing shot that ran the length of Shelena's outstretched body, which was perfect as far as I could tell. I also really, really wanted to see her hands bound above her head, but it looked like she was just holding onto the straps. The camera never ventured that far up, and rarely ventured down to the feet, but they were clearly cuffed. I so wanted to see her wrists bound above her head. Also, the lovely Shelena could have had a more spectacular orgasm. Not an omigidOhMiGodOHMIGOD screaming fest that was obviously faked, but something. She actually had to tell Bryce that she came. I'm not sure Bryce knew either.

The second part of the clip has Shelena bound upside down on the angled table, and this time I was pretty sure I saw that both her wrists and ankles were bound. Bryce vibed her to orgasm again, but I have a feeling Shelena just is not one of those loud orgasming girls. Still, her lithe, oiled and moist body undulating stretched out on that table was breathtaking.

And Bryce had a few nice scenes where she really looked like she was getting into the forced orgasm spirit of things. The video production did a lot of fades in order to show Bryce's expression and the squirming Shelena simultaneously and I found myself wishing for more clear shots of squirming Shelena all by herself. I think I preferred the split-screen treatment on Cindy Flogged where we saw Cindy's tear-streaked face in one side and her full-length nude body being whipped in the other side. Just my two cents.

So, my first venture into Powershotz and although it is a bit tamer than I generally want, it was still well worth the try. I will definitely be perusing the site model by model and clip by clip to see if I can find some more gems. Preferably, you know, spread-eagled gems.


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