A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Wonderful Lady: Destruction

Reviewed by Dr Yuya

I got Wonderful Lady: Destruction from heroinemovies.com.

It was pretty good. But only really one scene was the standout in my book. Of course since it's my personal fetish that'd be the whipping scene. But IMO the scene was VERY well done, with plenty of camera angles and even shots of her back as the whip struck. The torturer had good technique as well. And for those who care it was indeed a male. The only gripes I had with it were no marks were added to her skin and none of her costume was shredded in the process.

There were also some punching scenes and a scene with a laser burning into her belly (possibly in an effort to destroy her WW costume or something...not sure I kind of glossed over this stuff).

The actress was also a bombshell IMO. Regardless I'll dock it a few points in her overall look BECAUSE she's a blonde in a WW outfit...why not Power Girl or Black Canary etc etc? Sure everyone's more familiar w/ WW but I seriously doubt using a Powergirl outfit instead would have affected sales any...it just seemed a little bit like the wrong fit for her. Even more grievously...they used a version of the WW costumes that was more full underwear on the bottom and less thong. Sure I kind of get it...it is a valid version of the costume probably worn in one era or another in the actual comics...but I just don't personally like it as much especially considering this is fetish material and we're all here ultimately seeking titillation not comic book accuracy.

Also for the die-hards out there who care deeply about these aspects...there's no nudity...the actors and acting are bad and the story isn't revolutionary or unique (bad guy doesn't like Wonderful Lady, guy traps and tortures and subjugates Wonderful Lady). Also other than the laser thing none of the torture are too elaborate or crazy...just fists and whips (and the laser itself isn't even that wild if you've seen stuff from Giga/Zen). I'm not really going to mark these aspects down myself though since personally they don't mean so much to me...but it's a fair warning for others.

All in all...despite some of its flaws and it being a "one worthwhile scene" kind of movie...I'll still give it a solid B

My Grade: B

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