A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Various Bruce Seven Reviews

Reviewed by Gonzo

Bruce Seven: I like his stuff, always have. And his work has gone through a number of distinct phases. Recently, a number of DVDs have been released from what I think of as his 'blue phase'. The bad quality that you speak of, Rod, is NOT present. They are all very similar in nature though. If you like one, you may as well get most of the others because they will be just as good. I call it the 'blue phase' because it seems as though Bruce finally got access to a professional grade camera and a decent sized playspace. But like a kid with a new toy, he seems overly impressed with the blue filter and about a third of the footage in all of these releases use it. I can live with it, but it really would have been better to not use it at all. Anyway, I thought I would briefly review the recent releases of his.

Crazy Times
This one is a keeper. If you like to see Casee getting worked, then this one is a must. Alex Jordan takes a beating as well, and Lauren Haze (who has a GREAT ass) is around for eye candy. This is also a good one for those that want to see a male as the top. Luc Wilder whips and clamps a cute black girl named Sinnamon until she is crying and he teams of with some masked guy to do a number on Casee. This is honestly some of Casee's best work IMHO.

Paynefull Revenge
Another must-have for Casee fans. This time Alexis Payne is getting revenge for her not showing up for a session. I particularly like how she has Casee, hands tied behind her back crawling around, miniskirt hiked up to her waist. She later uses and electric wand on Casee that has her practically screaming.

Whips and Chains
A good one as all the scenes are pretty intense. Of particular interest is Shelby getting whipped hard enough to cry and Casee is told to lick her tears. And don't worry, Casee gets whipped hard while upside down.

Painful Madness and Wicked Moments
Good ol Bruce. Get a bunch of hotties. Have em dance and beat the crap out of each other. Wait a minute. We got so many good scenes out of this session, let's just make 2 movies instead of one! Let's have each movie contain highlighted scenes from the other. Me, I went and got both, because if you like Bruce Seven, and you like to see some seriously hard whipping and tight bondage, then both of these are great.


Sensuous Torture
Poor Bruce has jumped the shark. Boring has-beens lightly slapping each other. It's a good drink coaster.

Yvonne's Odyssey
Bad camera work, lots of outakes that should have been edited. Seymore Butts works Casee over but the scene didn't grab me.

Caught and Punished
Buy this DVD if you want a good laugh. You ready? Boring has-beens, but Bruce makes an appearance. He's about 172 years old now. He's had a stroke and is in a wheelchair. Half his face is all droopy and his speech is slurred. You can't understand a word he says. The models still act as if he is a strapping 19 year old young buck, but they have to help him hold the slapper. Guy is older than Moses but he still wants to dish it out.

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