Return to Blood Shack: I feel somewhat guilty writing this post after the stellar (and exceptionally positive) review Howie gave Deadly Interrogation 3, but I can't say I share his overall sentiments when it comes to this latest Deathtrap release. Here we have a great example of how two GIMPers, both heavyweight fans, both with similar tastes in victims, both with a fondness for torture over rape, and sharing many other interests, can still have very different viewpoints regarding a film.
Don't get me wrong… Howie has written an excellent review with, as always, state-of-the-art visuals. I'm not writing this to disparage anything he says. I only want to point out how a few elements that go unnoticed by one individual can significantly change another (very like-minded) person's assessment.
Like Howie, I did not hesitate to download RTBS after seeing the description and preview pics posted at Nicheclips – this despite being very disappointed in the original Blood Shack video. The good news is that I did enjoy the sequel more than its predecessor (albeit a low bar AFAIC), and for many of the reasons Howie points out in his write-up.
I'm not sure I would call Luna Vera “INSANELY FUCKABLE” – in fact, I don't think I'd call any woman insanely fuckable, though I do know some women I'd be insane to fuck. Still, she's up there among the more attractive victims in GIMP clips, especially ones that get as grim as this one. Luna's performance is passable, and the exteriors are nicely shot by Clockwork. The whole set-up is familiar to anyone who's seen a single slasher flick over the past four decades, but it's a premise that gets the job done.
Personally, I'd rather have a bit more background and character development – admittedly subjective elements – but sufficient for me to ding RTBS where Howie likely gave it a pass. More problematic is that this film squanders any time it could have used to better establish the story by padding out its 22 minute running time with 3 minutes of previews and credits followed by 4 minutes of Luna wandering aimlessly around a junk-strewn yard. By the time Luna has been captured by a pair of rednecks and tied naked in the titular blood shack, we are almost at the 9 minute mark.
So pretty much all the peril action Howie describes happens in just over 10 minutes (further subtracting more than 2 minutes of unrelated fluff at the conclusion). But is the GIMPery any good? Well, if you're looking for blood and intestines, to Deathtrap's credit, they don't skimp on either. However, any good chef knows that a well presented filet will trump two pounds of charred chuck piled on a paper plate.
I enjoy a nice evisceration as much as the next guy, but when the action is confined to what looks like an under-lit outhouse and the guts suddenly spill from something that does not look the least bit Luna-like, it just doesn't work for me. The nipple-ripping is supposed to be a highlight, but unfortunately it pales in comparison to John Marshall's work in DI3. And just as in the latter, the amputated appendage miraculously reappears, though in my opinion, it's more obvious in the Deathtrap film. As for the drill scene, it should have been excised altogether – it lasts less than 10 seconds and is the least convincing effect in the video.
I have to confess I enjoyed the electro scenes – I just couldn't suspend my disbelief enough to imagine they were real. I'll leave the finer points of this matter to our local expert Joanna, but I'm pretty sure you…
- cannot seriously shock a person with only a car battery and jumper cables, nor do so without…
- electrocuting yourself if you can't keep your greasy hands off your victim's sweaty torso, nor…
- make any headway at all with just one clamp touching her flesh.
Sorry… no matter how much sparking and crackling was added in post, I just couldn't buy it.
Aside from the effects – which are the expected weak spot of these low-budget clips – RTBS is for the most part, technically well put together. With one glaring exception… the sound! The audio on this puppy is over-amplified to such an extent that at times it makes the dialogue, what little there is, incomprehensible. For me, this became so annoying I hit mute whenever the screaming and yokel yapping jumped to 11, which was a lot.
Return To Blood Shack is by no means the worst GIMP fetish clip I've seen. It's not even the worst Deathtrap vid IMO. But an A? Sorry Howie, but this one gets at best a C from me.