Since part 1 has been discussed and reviewed previously, I will skip right to Buzzsaw Butchers 2: Part 2, pausing only to mention that I wish, in an otherwise terrific electro-torture scene, Cat Romero had grounded the other terminal of the jumper cables.
Part 2 opens with a review of Part 1. We then see a hot looking blond spread-eagled naked on the buzzsaw table. There is no explanation of who she is or why she is to be sawed in two. Nonetheless it has the makings of a pretty cool scene, except the victim (one cannot call her an actress) really does little else except squirm around a bit. Not very convincing, especially since she cannot refrain from smiling, particularly when Cat (her torturer) is caressing her. Actually, that might be the best part of the scene. It ends up with her being splattered with her own blood as the saw splits her in half.
Next the twin sister of a previous victim (Calas), who has been nosing around looking for her missing sister is abducted at gun point by the Buzzsaw Killers and locked naked in a small cage. Cat tells her she will meet the same fate as her sister and she pushes ineffectually at the confining bars (which look pretty flimsy actually) but it is always nice to see good looking naked women locked up in cages way too small for them.
Finally we get back to Luna Vera who is being prepared for her own gutting by the buzzsaw. She is, like the first victim, spread-eagled nude on the table with the saw poised between her legs. And she is delectable looking, although I wish someone would spring for a little cosmetic dental work. As far as spending $17 for part 2, based on the info available to Howie one would have to agree that it is not worth it, unless you like watching a hot woman spread naked on a torture table, writhing around, struggling against her bonds, begging for mercy and screaming for help while she is being fondled and tormented by her torturer. Well, I do and would say if I had to buy only one of these two flicks it would be this one. Luna's performance is outstanding, one of the best I can remember.
This scene which runs for almost 5 minutes and ends with the buzzsaw poised above Luna's pussy, gets an A+ only because there isn't a higher rating. The rest of the video is just OK and I would give it a C, maybe a C+. But because of Luna the whole affair gets an A from me. I should also mention that the production values are quite high for a video of this type.