Agent in Peril by JoCoBo.Com is filmed in HD with an actual plot that runs about 45 minutes, so it almost qualifies as a "real movie". Juliette is sneaking around the cellar of a house, reporting in to her superiors. She pulls out an obviously fake pistol and creeps around a lot longer than we really need to see her creeping around. Unbeknownst to her, she's being watched by the Bad Guy on closed-circuit camera. He monitors her progress as she goes upstairs and into a bedroom, where he uses an invisible gas to knock her out. He then goes into the room, gloats (in German, for added intimidating Bad Guy effect), strips her naked, gloats some more (all Bad Guys should speak in German), then takes her downstairs and ties her to a table.
After waking her up with a few pats to the face, he tells her, in German, what he's going to do to her. Unless you speak German, too, you have no idea what he's saying because there are no subtitles, so you'll just have to wait to find out as the story unfolds.
First up is torture by burnt matches. I thought this was creatively unique, because it appeals to those who like fiery peril without actually burning the model during production. Juliette emotes fairly well, but after awhile I wished the Bad Guy would just go ahead and gag her, even though it would probably ruin her ability to tell him what he wanted to know. It's all about priorities, right?
Next comes an estim/TENS unit. It's a good idea to read the manual first. The Bad Guy didn't. Juliette is wired up EXACTLY how you're not supposed to wire up a person. Whatever you do, don't do it like they show in the movie. Obviously this part is faked because otherwise Juliette would suffer a heart attack. I'm willing to suspend disbelief but only up to a point. Once I saw the placement of the pads, I gave up. Juliette tries to sell the scene but, again, a gag would've made things so much better.
Finally we get to the big climax (like how I set that up?). Having failed at electro-torture, the Bad Guy hauls Juliette up to another room which could use some finishing work to the floor and ceiling to cover up where a wall was removed. I'm sure there's a German contractor out there that could tidy that up. At any rate, the scene opens with Juliette hanging by her wrists, naked, with the TENS pads still attached to her body and the unit clipped onto a thick leather belt around her hips. Now, you can fake the electro stuff, but this suspension is the real deal. Juliette hangs there, suffering for her art, for a good long while. This bit pretty much saves the movie. If you like suspension, you'll like this scene.
Overall, for a two-person operation, this isn't bad. Juliette is fetchingly attractive and could do better than this guy, who I assume is her husband because she's in 90% of the films on the site. It opens slow but has some good moments as things progress. I'm not sure it's worth what I paid, though. Powershotz puts out comparable stuff for a little less money. Anyway, I give it a B- for using a HD camera, the fake "burnt match" torture, and the good suspension scene at the end. The rest is... meh.