Okay, I rented Kill The Scream Queen and have $.02 to offer. The movie is really not all that bad, provided you accept a couple of qualifiers. First, it is not a bondage movie, but a horror movie. The bondage is done as a device to keep the girls restrained for what is going to be done to them. It isn't bondage for bondage sake, per se. It's a serial-killer movie. Second, this movie does a very good job of looking like a Rick Masters bondage movie, but is really a mainstream movie. That entails some limits on what can be done. I think part of the frustration the crowd here would feel for this movie comes from watching the setups for the very good-looking models then going "WTF?" when it pulls up short of where Rick would have gone. That isn't the fault of the movie, it's just a side effect of us being used to scenes going off in a different direction and going further than what we saw here. Last, this is a low-budget movie. The only characters in it are the villain and his victims. There is no room for anything else. As a result the storyline isn't really advanced except through occasional snippets of information that are revealed while the villain tortures his victims.
Having said the above I liked this as a sadistic horror/bondage flick. The one gal who gets drugged does a good job in particular, both with the drugging scene and then her electrocution scene. She's very hot in her little purple panties, too, which really surprised me, since I didn't think she was that hot while her clothes were on. The second girl, the redhead with the boob job scars, is also good and actually very appealing. The dancing girl was good to look at, but not the strongest actress of the bunch. I did enjoy the part where she woke up stripped and bound then just sort of gave up and let the villain have his way.
Here are my pet peeves with the film. First, the dance scene wasn't good. The villain even warns the girl that the music isn't easy to dance to. It isn't really that easy to listen to, either, being a mix of speed and devil metal. Note to director: If you don't think it's easy to dance to, it probably isn't. If the girl can't dance well to it, and the audience by and large doesn't like that kind of music, it won't be a good scene. Next, the girl that got tied up in the woods found herself in a tough spot, but the setup just didn't click. Most women alone with a strange guy would be very skittish about going so deep in the woods. They'd almost certainly want to be wearing a robe until the shoot started, too. And if they had to walk any distance, they'd get whiny. It just didn't hit with me. I liked the expression on the final victim at the end. Plus, her character was very bitchy, which lent a certain desire to see bad things happen to her. If you can't show a thing happening, though, it can be really hard to pull off. The whole sex-toy-blowjob thing didn't really work for me. Again, that might be because I am so used to really seeing the blowjob, even with a prosthetic member.
Overall rating, 2 stars of five, about standard for a low-budget horror flick that I like. I did like the skimpy panties and bare breasts exposed while the girls were tied to the X-frame, though. Tasty.
Gimp-wise, I'd give it a C
, maybe a