A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Into Thy Hands

(aka Jesus Christ: Serial Rapist)

Reviewed by Ralphus

Is Bill Zebub a one-hit wonder? That's my question upon viewing his latest effort, Into Thy Hands (aka Jesus Christ: Serial Rapist). In Kill The Scream Queen, he showed great promise with a ZFX-inspired low budget tribute to bondage, rape and torture. But his followup was The Crucifier, in which he cast a lot of pretty naked women and then basically gave them nothing to do. So I was real curious to see which direction he would go in this third offering. Unfortunately, this one is a huge disappointment.

Once again, Zebub loads up this film with nothing but gorgeous women, and this one has lots of bondage, too. So what's wrong? Let's start with the concept. As a director, his intention seems to be to make this into an art film (maybe something along the lines of Pink Floyd: The Wall), so the film is filled from start to finish with an atmospheric alternative music soundtrack. The music is great; I'd buy the soundtrack. But that's literally all the sound in the movie. There is no dialogue; not even one word. It's basically a silent film, the same style they had back in the 1920s. Why intentionally turn the clock back 90 years and make a film with no live audio? Even those old bondage loops from the 1970s weren't silent on purpose; it was just the medium (8 mm) that they were filmed on. So to ignore today's modern advances was a huge mistake in my opinion.

Huge Mistake Number Two: Zebub presents nearly the entire movie in slow motion. Slow motion! So as the result, the action creeps along at an excruciatingly snail-like pace, and if you can watch the entire thing without grabbing your fast-forward button, you should win some sort of prize. Combine those two mistakes with the fact that much of the movie is shot with an orange filter and in low light, which makes it difficult to see at times. No doubt, this was another "artistic" touch.

And what makes this such an incredible waste is that the women are beautiful, they get naked, they're tied up and gagged, they're raped and tortured. The last one even gets burned at the stake. Certainly, Zebub had the right ideas with what to do with his lovely bevy of naked chicks. And with this much naked femme flesh on display, it's hard to call this one a total bomb. If looked upon as a feature-length music video, one might even consider this a compelling experiment. But as a dark-side film to please bondage fans, the presentation kills whatever erotic impact it might have attempted to muster up.

Advice to the filmmaker for next time: Silence is NOT golden. Anytime you deprive us of a girl's crying or a villain's gloating, you're lessening your picture. And if you have a naked girl struggling in bondage, camera tricks aren't needed; they're only a distraction. Look at what you did right in Scream Queen and then do it again. Repeat as necessary. I haven't lost faith in you.

My Grade: D

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