A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

The Torturer (2008)

Reviewed by Sloth

An open letter to the producers of The Torturer

Dear Sirs

I recently had the opportunity to view your production of The Torturer. If I had to describe my reaction in one word that word would be "What a stinking pile of crap this is".

In an 86 minute long film you managed to pack one, yes count them, one five minute sequence that could be considered Gimp worthy torment with a nice looking chick. No nudity, no rape displayed on screen. I am discounting the sequence at the end where you have a Nichelle Nichols who appears to be at least 107 years old get bagged while chair tied.

Shrewdly, you managed to take a Gimp worthy premise and turn it into a political dissertation on the evils of the Bush administration interrogation policies. That's fine with me as I unload on every administration as being evil, immoral and corrupt. So kudos to your ad agency for managing to sell it as a torture flick rather than the abysmal pile of shit it is.

So let me see if I have this scenario straight. This military interrogator returns from Iraq suffering from Acute Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. As he relates his activities to his government psychiatrist we see that during his stint he contracts a sort of Stockholm Syndrome in reverse with him falling in love with his captive. After the one Gimp worthy scene which is a waterboarding episode he somehow manages to convince his superiors that she is dead. He then manages to somehow smuggle her living form disguised as a corpse out of Iraq and back to the U.S. Do I have this correct so far because this is the most confusing sequence of events I have ever viewed save for a few Ed Wood movies.

For his grand finale he then grabs passports, papers and cash and gives it to his victim so she can go back to Iraq and continue her good work with Amnesty International and plants a dirty nuclear device which blows up in a Washington D.C. parking garage in an attempt to assassinate the president. You'll have to forgive me if I get parts of this wrong since the dialogue was apparently written by the members of Mrs. Howe's 4th grade English class. There was no problem with the continuity unless you consider the complete lack of any.

My advice to you folks before you begin your next effort is just this - DIE. Die you gravy sucking pigs. Choke to death on your own vomit on the floor of a truck-stop bathroom. Whatever it takes, however you want it. If you have a political agenda then sell the movie on that basis and don't try to disguise it as something else.

Have a nice day.


Perhaps fellow Gimpers can tell from my tone that I was not terribly fond of this movie - hopefully I'm the only one who spent any money on this - proceed to view at your peril.

My Grade: D


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