The Skin I Live In (2011): I'm going to deviate from my usual review methods here in a few ways. I'm going to avoid spoilers, and the reason being is that I loved this movie on so many levels, and I certainly would not wish to deny that enjoyment for others.... so I will discuss the 'GIMP' scenes somewhat, talk about the very basics of the plot, and give my rating. Fair enough?
Ok, let me say from the get go, that this movie is a total mind fuck. Let me also recommend that you see it in the original Spanish with subtitles, rather then a dubbed version. The acting here is top notch, the direction masterful, and the story one of the more original ones that I have seen in some time. Considering the absolute trash that I have been watching lately, this was like a beaming ray of sunlight after a month of rainy days. Elena Anaya's voice is lilting and soft, and I could listen to her recite a grocery list, and be entertained. She's also one of the most beautiful actress I think I have ever seen.
I fear that American film is dead. The absolute best horror and original stories simply are not made here anymore. Tired retreads of movies that were better done the first time are fed to us like thick pablum, and we are suppose to accept that, and say thank you can I have some more? For the dull witted masses of sheeple that give this trash their patronage, I guess that's ok, but for those of us whose brain requires a special diet of intellectual vitamins, and thought provoking minerals, it is enough to drive one to insanity.
So, every now and then, out of the dim wasteland that we call cinema, a shining beam of hope is given to us. The Skin I Live In is one such morsel. Eat of it slowly, my friends, and savor the sweet juices for these treats come rarely.
My interest in this film started when I saw a clip of the rape scene with Elena Anaya, and struck by how pretty the actress was, I had to learn more. I read a snippet of the plot: A woman held hostage for six years while a scientist (Antonio Bandaras!) performs experiments on her. How could I not see this movie? I was all in.
The plot delivered is exactly how it was described.... somewhat. This is the type of movie that the dialogue seemingly does not make sense in the beginning, that the character's reactions to certain events are puzzling... in a David Lynch sort of way.... but unlike a David Lynch film, there is a REASON for this, and the big reveal is probably one of the best mind fucks in movie history. This also lends to multiple viewings for several reasons. One, so you can go back and get all the foreshadowing you missed the first time, 'now that you know.' And the second, so you can watch with friends and laugh manically when the truth of things reveal themselves.
This is really Sci-fi/ Horror at its best.
Surgeon Robert Ledgard has succeeded in cultivating artificial skin resistant to burns and insect bites, which he says he has been testing on athymic mice, which he calls “GAL”. He presents his results in a medical symposium but when he privately discloses he has also conducted illegal transgenetic experiments on humans, he is forbidden to continue with his research.
On his secluded estate, Legard is keeping a young woman, named Vera, captive, with the help of his servant Marilla.
Now, let me say the estate is so beautiful... a real picturesque Spanish villa. Even the room where the lovely Vera is held captive is pretty. The doctor watches the naked Vera from his bedroom as he returns home from work on a large 62” plasma TV screen. The camera pans over her nakedness, showing the perfection of her skin. The director, Pedro Almodóvar, never lets the camera 'leer' at her.... no, he caresses her with the camera, indulging the viewer with her absolute beauty... while she performs yoga, lies naked on the bed, or is examined by Robert. He has a very lovely subject... and I have to wonder if the perfection of her skin wasn't a combination of make up and CGI. The reaction for any male would have to be a raised heartbeat, a lump in the throat and increased respiration.
This is especially true in one scene with Bandaras and Vera. She naked, and he's examining her. He comes up behind her, and very gently caresses the underswell of her absolutely perfect breasts, commenting, "I hadn't realized just how soft your skin had gotten." Her nipples firm and become quite erect, right there on screen as the camera does not shy away. Its a jaw dropping, gasping moment... and as the movie continues, you realize just how badly Almodóvar has suckered us in.
The first rape scene occurs when Robert is out. Marilla's son Zeca, having committed a robbery, stops by the villa. He ties up his mother, and goes after Vera, very graphically stripping her and raping her. Just as Zeca climaxes, Robert bursts in and shoots him to death. There is no bondage, but the scene is well done, and one can not deny the peril of the victim. It a classic scene... but there's a slight catch. Which I can't tell you without spoiling the whole movie.
The second rape occurs in flashback. It happens when Robert and his daughter Norma attend a wedding on a large estate. It's a date rape scene, so once again, no bondage, but Norma has lovely breasts, so it's worth a look.
It is however hard to classify the scenes portrayed here as GIMP scenes.... or even Vera's captivity as a GIMP situation. What I can say is that if you are a fan of Sci fi/ Horror this is a must see... even if you aren't, this movie is really ART, though I suspect it will not appeal to certain people for reasons having more to do with the viewer's squeamishness on certain issues, then the movie itself.
This movie addresses several issues of our day.. like the morality of genetic mutation on humans, and other things, but it is never preachy. The horror comes from the situation, and the plot. Yes, there are some tense moments, and some blood, but that's not really where the terror of this film comes from. I can't say more, without giving too much away, and it would be a real crime if I did. If I were to rate this on GIMP alone, I would have to give it a C-. As a movie in its own right, I give it an A+. This movie is destined to be a classic, and I guarantee you, it will leave an impression long after you hit the STOP button.