Going back a little ways for one that many of you may have forgotten about, Return of the Living Dead III is a story about military experiments on re-animation.
Curt and Julie (played by Mindy Clarke http://blog.mrskin.com/data/features/92/clarke-returnofthe-1.jpg ) are teen sweethearts, with Curt’s father being a high ranking military officer at the research base. One evening Curt lifts his father’s security card and the two teen sweethearts go exploring. They discover that the research at the base is experimentation with a gas that re-animates corpses.
After finding out that the father has been re-assigned, the 2 young lovers make plans to run away together. Tragically a fatal motorcycle crash ends their plans as Julie dies.
Remembering the secret research at the military base, he brings her there to hopefully bring her back to life.
Will the boy and ghoul find their happily ever-after?
The only real gimp scene comes towards the end as Mindy Clarke is chained, semi AOH and naked with a metal gag.
The scene is fairly short but none the less a fairly tasty one as Mindy Clarke makes a fine looking zombie. Or to borrow a slightly modified quote from Martin Chuzzlewit, “She’d make a lovely corpse.”
Entertainment value: Even though a little cheesy, is still about a high C+