So what kind of movie is Live Animals? Well let me describe the first real drama in the film. While partying by the lake, 2 couples and the sister of one of the guys have pictures taken of them via telephoto lens by stalkers. After returning to their cabin, one of the couples starts to make out, as the other couple retires upstairs. As the couple downstairs finishes making love, the guy goes outside for a smoke as the girl dresses herself, then goes upstairs to go to sleep…in her sweater and jeans. Yes, she dresses herself to go to sleep. In the meantime an intruder has entered the house and tranquilized the couple upstairs by shooting them with darts from a pistol. He now returns downstairs and grabs the sister from behind. Just as this is happening, the guy who went outside for the smoke, and who has been locked out, sees what’s happening through a window in the door. He pounds on the door and tries to get in but is unable. He moves to a side window as he sees what’s happening, trying to get in but the window is locked. In a panic he makes his way around the house looking for a way in. Hey NUMBNUT…ever think about kicking the door down or breaking the glass?
Anyway, his girlfriend has been roused by now and has made her way downstairs to see what the commotion is all about. She sees the intruder, then turns and runs back upstairs, while our hero finally finds an OPEN window and climbs in. The girl meanwhile has managed to stealthfully elude the intruder and has returned downstairs where she runs into her boyfriend. BUT instead of getting the hell out of there, our hero consoles his hysterical girlfriend…for the longest time. Plus they are not exactly being quet about it either. Calmed down now, do they make a run for it? No, like idiots they hide. He climbs in a freezer as she hides in another location. Now as they are hiding, keep in mind that the intruder hadn't made it downstairs yet, when they decided to hide instead of making a run for it. Plus the guy is about 350lbs. so there would be no way that he could have caught either one of them, given a head start.
Jump ahead now as they have all been captured. They are addressed by a slaver who gives 'em an intro speech that went something like "Breaking people is like breaking horses, except with horses you break each one. With people you break one as an example for the rest to follow." And take a guess…the example is a guy. He ends up having his tongue cut out. Not that I would have preferred to have a girl’s tongue cut out, but all the tortures are always on guys anymore.
Later on one of them is taken to the barn, the barn, meaning where the tortures take place. And take a guess, yep, you're right…a guy too.
Anyway, the Gimp scenes are of chained victims. They have their hands chained in front of them, then are chained to the stalls they are in. There are a couple of fair sequences where a couple of the girls are hosed down while naked and chained. And another so-so moment when one of the girls is purchased and prepared for transport as they bit-gag her, place her on a pallet, then crate her up for shipment.
I didn't really like this movie very much at all. Way too much stupidity! In addition to the above examples, there is also a part later in the movie when a couple and their teenage daughter stop and ask for directions. The daughter wanders off then comes back “Dad, there’s people in stalls back here” The 350 lb. stablehand then pulls a knife and stabs the dad. He then grabs the wife by the hair, but instead of thinking to capture her for the slave trade, no….he slices her throat. She was fairly decent looking too…a young mom.
Then there’s the daughter, who takes off running back into the barn. You'd think a 14 year old teenage girl might bring some decent cash to slave traders. And even though this IS his trade, does he think about that? No, he shoots her. The way things ended up, there was very little reason to introduce these characters into the story. In fact the only reason they were, was for a plot point for the escape of one of the guys. During a confrontation, he gets asked “what did you say to them?” (meaning the family) then gets pulled out of his stall and later escapes. The family is dead…does it really matter what was said at that point? Stupid!
I will say that there were a couple of interesting devices/tortures though. I thought the head harness placed on the guy who had his tongue cut out was kinda interesting. It had a couple of straps that ratcheted tight, holding his mouth open. And there was also a “V” shaped harness that was placed under the sides of the jaw of another, and used to basically suspend the victim, hanging them but not choking them. But as said, both were wasted on the guys. The second one especially would have been nice on a female victim as this would have provided for an opportunity for a non fatal hanging. Or better yet, a naked hanging.
Entertainment value: D-
Gimp value: I'd say the Poster for this movie is a BIG teaser.
Chains as restraints don't do that much for me, so someone else’s view might be higher, but I give it barely a C-