Got this one years ago from Video Mayhem and apparently never viewed it - has long since been consigned to that New Jersey landfill - originally titled The Hidan of Maukbeiangjow - it would seem when that incoherent title didn't fly with the good ol' boy drive-in crowd it was promptly changed to Invasion of the Girl Snatchers - Gimpers everywhere must now be sitting slack-jawed at their computer screens saying "Sloth, with a title like that it must be good. Please tell us more about this lost Gimp classic" - dating from 1972 with a runtime of 90 minutes and starring a bunch of folks from Arkansas. The premise is as follows - some hopelessly inept "agents" are looking into the vanishing of six local chicks - the plan is to infiltrate a blonde bimbo named Ruthie into the midst of the unknown villains and track her with a bra-transmitter - well, Ruthie is abducted without getting her bra on and carried out to a van waiting in the lot of the seedy motel - bound hand and foot with bedsheets and an OTM - her partners meanwhile have enlisted the aid of three pot smoking local redneck goobers to track her down. Ruthie is carried topless into the lair of Aph - Aph seems to be a 60's glue-head gone organic and wearing a sheet with an emblem on the front - he has, for reasons never made clear, come into contact with Utaya, some sort of alien spirit being from the "Red Star" - I looked that up in the New General Catalog and found no reference to it - Aph now sacrifices the lives of these abducted chicks to serve as vessels for Utaya's posse to come to earth - again there is no reason given for why this is done although I suspect Aph uses them for muscle to establish domain over this desolate chunk of rural Arkansas. And just how is this seemingly complex process of cosmic lobotomy carried out you ask - Ruthie is strapped topless to the sacrificial altar, that being an old door atop two saw horses inside Aph's abandoned farm house - she is given an injection, quite possibly Dr. Pepper, her temples are wired to an oscillator, runic symbols are inked on her bare chest, some mindless rambling incantations are spoken and she is whacked by having her nose clamped and she suffocates - the oscillator then shows when her body is hosting the latest alien spirit. Meanwhile, some chick named Prudence and a dude named Kaspar develop a relationship while both are tied and waiting their turns for alien hosting - the rest of the film documents their escape attempts, chase scenes through the woods, alien zombie chicks walking around in go-go boots and big hair and a couple of shoot-outs all done to the worst score of hillbilly music since Buck Owens - mercifully, this all comes to a close when, again for reasons never explained, Prudence and Kaspar ride off into the sunset with Aph, the guy who was about to off them both. The End. Movie Pluses - the title, Invasion of the Girl Snatchers Movie Minuses - practically everything else The Verdict - I will be the first to admit I had to see this based only on the title - it is saved from utter oblivion in that it is done tongue-in-cheek and never takes itself seriously - they try to spoof efforts like "Mission Impossible" and 007 flicks so there's a couple of chuckles although I'm still not convinced they were intended - this was just an excuse for some fellas to tie up their chicks for a weekend under the premise of making a movie - okay, I took one for the team here.