A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Home Sweet Home

Reviewed by Gog

A mainstream GIMP review of Home Sweet Home. Will only touch on the GIMP scene rather than the whole movie.

And right off the bat, will make mention that this is probably a GIMP for those with special interests....specifically for those into GIMP asphyxiation tortures.

The movie starts off with an intruder entering the home of a young couple while they are out. He drives screws into all the windows and doors, with exception of the front door. He then suits up (I guess to keep from leaving DNA evidence), including a utility belt complete with zip-ties.

The couple now return home where they have a very special evening planned, making out a while on the couch.

The young wife puts the guy in neutral for a moment so she can prepare for a bit of roleplay she has in mind for hubby. She goes upstairs and takes a shower (the usual shower tease.....which shows nothing), then gets into the special cheerleader outfit for the evening's festivities.

Unbeknownst to her, her husband is all but dead. Then as she walks down the hall she gets grabbed and tasered, rendering her unconscious.

When she comes to, she's zip-tied to a heater radiator, and gagged. She ties to pull her hands free and soon loses the gag, but when she tries to call for help, the intruder is right behind her with a plastic bag, as he smothers her. He takes the bag off momentarily only to repeat the process. He then hears through the baby monitor that the husband isn't dead after all so goes to finish the job.

While away, she takes note of the lit candle and smoke alarm, then decides to try and knock over the candle to set off the alarm. She's able to kick the candle over, but unfortunately, it just goes out rather than starting anything on fire (She'd have probably been toast anyway before the fire department could have gotten there.).

The intruder soon returned anyway, so not much could have happened for her benefit from a potential fire. He sits besides her and puts lipstick on her, takes a picture, then gags her with a bit more reliable black tape this time. But unfortunately for us, she soon escapes by continually rubbing the zip-ties against the hard edge of the radiator, ending any and all further possible GIMP moments.

Well.....it's obvious the intruder bought himself an unofficial, knock-off version of the GIMP manual. First off, even though using zip-ties, he zipped her hands in front....eventually leading to her escape. Then there was the pathetic attempt at the first gag (what chapter was that in the official GIMP version?). And finally, it's was obvious that there was some sort of sexual attraction there....hence the lipstick, yet he did nothing to her sexually....or even attempted (leaving her clothed....dumbshit!).

Still, being an asphyxiation aficionado, I enjoyed the bagging torture sequence. And also enjoyed watching the victim struggle to reach and try and knock over the candle, showing off some nice leg.

So as a special interest GIMP, I'd give it a B- for the sequence mentioned.

My Grade: B-


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