The Hitchhiker. . . not a GREAT gimp movie, but certainly a pretty good one. A group of hot girls on their way through the desert pick up a hitchhiker. Because the car is making a funny noise (it's not really clear, but probably because the guy did something to the tailpipe), the group stops for the night as a little flea bag hotel. They are the only guests, and they are way the fuck in the middle of nowhere. Because the pre title sequence showed the guy pulling a bound and gagged lovely out of the back of a truck, we know that this is bad. The next day, our villain takes out the hotel manager and a the truck driver (the only one within quite a few miles). The girls are puzzled that they can't get a hold of anybody, but are annoyed more than scared. They've ended up stranded for another day of their vacation. This will be the least of their problems.
That night, our villain (who nobody has realized is a leering psycho) prepared the groups a pitcher of booze. "Boy that's strong," the girls say as they struggle to stay awake. When they do wake up, they are bound and gagged in a different hotel room. The walls have all been covered in clear plastic and the bedsheets have been removed. These changes have clearly been made to make for easier clean up. Uh oh. Needless to say, the movie really takes off right about there. This is certainly worth a look for mainstream GIMP fans for the overall atmosphere of scary misogyny and for a couple of specific scenes. The first is a really nice little rough sex scene between one of the girls and the villain that takes place before he reveals himself to be a baddie. The scene starts off consensually, but as it continues, its clear that the girl is intimidated and disturbed by the way she's being handled. He fucks her roughly in the ass and he keeps wrapping his hands around her throat. She never resists, but she looks pretty scared. The other particularly noteworthy scene is the big obligatory rape scene. The baddie rapes two girls at the same time, which gets him in trouble, preventing him from finishing, but he does get quite a bit of fucking in before things get interrupted. (Another villain rule. . . only untie one victim at a time! You can only actually put your dick in one hole at a time, so don't be greedy. They're not going anywhere. . . not unless you are a greedy fuck that is!) One girl gets pretty near naked before she gets bend over and fucked in the ass, and we see some nice stripping and struggling with the other actress who gets it in the pussy. The other girls are crying in the corner while all this is going on. Lots of tied up crying girls, lots of rough handling and carrying, and lots of nasty violence, including an assault involving a truck. But for all that, the movie doesn't quite pack the wallop it should. It's curiously subdued, almost an effort to be a character study as the girls and the villain interact. Still, it does deliver what it promises, and it is a pretty diverting little film. It should also be noted that it has a kinda lame ending. If you turn it off ten minutes early, it's a better movie. As a "movie" movie, its a C+. It's a passable thriller that is a lot smarter than it could have been, even if it overstays its welcome. It's actually pretty smart, and the acting is impressive. As a mainstream gimp movie, it's a solid B. The same subdued seriousness means that the film is less exploitive, and therefore less exciting, that it could have been, but it does actually deliver the goods. And there's LOTS of GIMPness, not just one scene tucked away somewhere. You won't need the fastforward button as much as usual if you've rented this just to watch tied up women.