The Hamiltons
So who are the Hamiltons?... just your average all-American family. They work a job, go to school, own a house and car, they could be your next door neighbors.
After the death of their parents the oldest of 4 children takes on the responsibility of raising the family. He seems to be doing a good job of it too if it weren't for the fact that they keep having to move from town to town because one of the twins keeps picking up girls who end up dead. No he’s not a serial killer…he happens to be a quite ordinary vampire, as is the rest of his family. By ordinary, I mean they show no differences between you and I other than the need for blood to survive.
There is actually quite a bit of bondage in this one. In fact right from the very beginning as the opening credits roll, we see a young girl tied and gagged freeing herself from her bonds.
After picking up a couple of girls fairly early in the movie, and after making out with one, Wendell Hamilton punches ‘em knocking ‘em out. Next scene they are tied AOH and gagged. After a while Wendell comes in and takes one of the girls and straps her to a table to drain some of her blood. She is then returned to hang AOH until later dying from blood loss.
The other victim is tied throughout most of the rest of the movie as the youngest has developed a crush on her. The vampirism thing is age related, so the youngest is starting to get the blood urge, as at the same time trying to rescue the second victim. Which urge will win out?
Anyway, no nudity in the bondage scenes but there are quite a few scenes of the same 2 girls, and in the same bonds (gagged/AOH or gagged/strapped to table).
As entertainment, I'd give it a B
As Gimp, I'd give it a C+