A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review


Reviewed by RL5

Been browsing the archives of this site for awhile, kindred spirit with this particular interest, but never felt the need to post until now. I've noticed neither the forum nor the movie reviews section have this movie listed. I'm talking in this case, about Gut, released in October of this year. And to me, one of the best GIMP-oriented movie release of 2012.

Now make no mistake, this is no fetish flick, and like all thrillers, it tries to tell a story; in this case, a couple of childhood best friends are on the outs after one of them marries and has a daughter (we'll call him Friend A). Friend B doesn't like this, and tries to bond with Friend A over their shared interest: horror movies. This doesn't seem to come through, until Friend B shows Friend A a recent acquisition of his, ostensibly acquired through some obscure means and mailed to him. This video becomes a mutual yet morbid fascination of theirs, and this leads to that... and well, I'll let you watch the movie if you care about the plot. The content of these videos however is (surprise surprise!) the subject of this post.

The videos show various women, from various angles ("Gory Discretion Shots" abound in most of them however), bound (quite firmly!) with zipties to a plastic-covered table, and gagged with tape over their mouths (plenty of "Mmmph"ing). A latex glove-covered hand descends downward, sometimes rubbing their chests, while other times disrobing them in various ways (lifting shirts, cutting bra straps) and there's plenty of frontal nudity here; though nothing below the belt. Eventually, the hand comes back with a curved blade of some nature, and he begins slowly running it up and down their bellies, harmlessly, until eventually... well, you can tell where this is going from the movie's title.

If this sounds like your thing (no rape and no whipping or otherwise to ramp it up), this movie is definitely for you. If you're squeamish about gore or prefer your GIMPettes (is that a noun you use?) intact in the aftermath... well, I urge you to reconsider your acronym.

A few complaints, however. First of all, these videos shown are spaced out. A lot. It's half a dozen or so 15-60 second clips spread out across the entire 90 minute movie. Some are better than others; the first is merely a lower side angle shot where you can only see the side of the girls stomach, and then blood tricking down with assorted (and gradually higher in pitch) "Mmph"-ing. The girls aren't shown being bound: one is shown being given her gag, another is shown being given her zipties around her ankles and wrists, but there's never a full, uninterrupted sequence of bondage>teasing>peril. The piecemeal is my only real complaint, however. Otherwise it's pretty much exactly what I look for in a GIMP movie: bondage, anticipation, and (most importantly) PERIL! The only other complaint, though not as serious in the context of GIMP, is the ending: it is a DOWNER. I have an incredibly high tolerance for movies of the horror/thriller variety, but you'll just have to see it. A little too dark, in my opinion.

Anyway, here's the imdb link for those interested: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1506459/

Hope this suits someone else's fancy as it did mine!

Overall I'd award this movie a solid B+. It gets points for its build up, suspense, PROPER bondage, and moderate nudity of the chest area, as well as the realism and presentation of the end result (no exaggerated gore, but a few good and almost disturbingly realistic views of the process). It loses points for the brevity and spread out nature of these scenes, forcing you to skip back and forth to get a full chronological depiction.

My Grade: B+


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