Sometime back, and I'm sorry I don't recall who it was, steered us over to a possible Gimp film he found on Amazon The Fun Room at the link below - viewed the film yesterday and a few observations - 1. The actresses in this run the gamut from marginally kinda sorta cute to downright hideous in physical appearance. 2. The only real skin to be found is five minutes from the end when we get the naked unbound dead body of a victim stashed in a room with several other hogtied and fully clothed victims. 3. All the performers share a common trait - they have the personality and screen presence of a cigar store Indian - so I guess they can't be blamed for the "wooden" performances. 4. The shooting location for The Fun Room appears to be someone's unfurnished apartment up for lease with no takers - not the most diabolical of settings. 5. The main damsel is bound face up on a table with her legs dangling over the edge - the villain has a large saute pan filled with some flammable substance directly under her feet - he drops in a match and the flames begin to char her tender flesh - and how do they pull off this cinematic illusion you ask - why, they revert to that old standard of FX - they coat her tootsies with what appears to be a mixture of Quaker Oatmeal and cranberry juice - certainly had me convinced - and by the way she is still able to walk. 6. Another victim is tied face down on the table and the villain, believing himself to be the modern day incarnation of Vlad the Impaler, somehow manages to manually twist a piece of blunt ended steel rebar up her rear, all the way through so it emerges from her shoulder without killing her instantly - I assume he was so skilled he missed all vital organs, bone, veins and arteries on the way through. So what we have here is yet another example of a wannabe film maker whose heart is in the right place but simply cannot translate that vision into anything Gimp worthy. Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind, and there are plenty of them, I think I'm hearing the musical stylings of The Doors - "This is the end dun dun dun only friend the end dun dun dun" - the run of bad Gimp cinema continues.