A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Forced Entry (1975)

(aka The Last Victim)

Reviewed by Sloth

Some weeks back we had some chatter concerning that epic monument to film, Tourist Trap with Chuck Connors and Tanya Roberts - being the sentimental type, I went out to my shed to dig it out of the archives and take a gander - much to my surprise, sitting right next to it was another Tanya Roberts effort that had completely faded from memory - now this thing has been released under a variety of titles, the most common being Forced Entry - not to be confused with the 70's roughie of the same title but with plenty of similarities - I've seen it titled The Last Victim, The Last Entry and the completely absurd Rape in the Suburbs - the storyline is pretty standard fare with this dim bulb dweeb having been abused by his mother as a child - so now he takes out that hatred on women who remind him of his mother - unfortunately for the female population that includes anyone with boobs.

There are several nice Gimp moments in the film - in the second half you get Tanya in a couple of bondage sequences as the dweeb terrorizes her in her home - no nudity there but scantily clad - early on he plays good samaritan and stops to help a blonde whose car has broken down - no bondage but he does end up raping and strangling her, some nice boob shots.

Another sequence involves a large breasted brunette who stops by the gas station where he works to get her bicycle tire fixed - next thing you know you get a half body shot of her from behind - he has her in the garage area, wrists are tightly bound behind and her top is gone - in a slo-mo sequence his hands appear and pull down her shorts, she is forced to the floor where he uses some garage implement on her pussy then beats her to death with it - you only see the tool come down and get raised for another strike dripping blood - you never see her face but a very eerie sequence.

Then the payoff scene - he picks up a snooty bitch hitcher played by a young Nancy Allen - you see what happened to her in a series of hazy, dim snippets as the dweeb awakes from a nightmare - in a field he has her stripped, bound wrists behind - he knocks her to the ground, then to her knees and forces her head into his crotch, the implication being clear - we assume he strangled her as well when her body is found by a passerby.

It is a semi-mainstream effort and the scenes are short, darkly lit leave much to the imagination. Had the scenes been extended and not so dim I would rate it much higher but as it stands, a C+ would be appropriate - and the Nancy Allen scene had to be a body double which accounts for the excessive haze on the screen. Any fellow Gimpers out there remember seeing this? - this one is guaranteed to raise your sleaze factor by several points - I first saw it in the mid 70's at an all night drive-in fest - sadly, it has a happy ending with Tanya getting away before any real damage is done.

My Grade: C+


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