A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Faust: Love of the Damned

Reviewed by Mothbrad

It's interesting that we've been talking about mainstream movies with Gimp-like scenes in them, as I just saw an interesting one this last weekend. I can't remember whether it's been mentioned here or not, but if not, here's my sort of summary or review.

The movie's called Faust: Love of the Damned, and, surprise, surprise, it's based on the old story of a man selling his soul to the devil for some gain. Unfortunately for him, his gain isn't that he can play guitar like Robert Johnson, but rather that he turns into a cartoon hero type character (a cross between Batman and Freddy Kreuger) who avenges the deaths of his friends. Interestingly, I picked up the movie for two reasons - first, because it made a reference to ReAnimator on the cover (I think it's the same producer), and second because each of the stills from the movie on the case had some interest for Gimpers. These were, unfortunately, the ONLY parts of the movie that would interest us in general.

The main scene of interest is about 80 minutes into the movie, where there is a Femdom scene in which the heroine is first whipped, and then hung in a nice steel cage and given electric shocks. Interestingly, these are done for the BDSM story purpose of 'combining pain and pleasure', and turning the 'victim' into a painslut. The scenes themselves are more interesting than erotic, but I'd recommend seeing them if possible. I got my DVD rental as a freebie, so I think I got my money's worth!

The other couple of scenes of interest include one early on in which a female friend of the hero is threatened with a blowtorch to her face (we don't see anything gory here), and also towards the end, where another woman is hung from an X-frame. I have to warn, that this is one of the goriest scenes in the movie, and Freudians will have a field day here, with a vagina like hole being made in her stomach, and a snake slithering out (followed by the snake going down some guys throat).

In terms of eroticism, this is a bit of a dud, but it's certainly a fun film, despite not making any sense whatsoever - the dialogue is either totally inane, or sounding like it was written by that guy in ninth grade who has found a Nietzsche book and suddenly thinks he's a philosopher. One other funny scene worth mentioning is when a woman is transformed by the 'devil' character into a massive pair of tits and massive ass (with her head in the middle). I think it's obvious though, that the Gimp-scene (whipping+electro) is pretty much completely gratuitous, and doesn't have any connection either to the rest of the film, or to the goriness of it. No blood, cute victim, but direction that seems to be trying to take away any titillation that might be possible.

Rating: I have no idea - but you should be able to get it for $2 a week, and check it out for yourself.


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