A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review


Reviewed by LTL

Quickie review of Faceless aka Les Predateurs De La Nuit

Faceless trailer

Faceless is about a French cosmetic surgeon who’s sister gets her face burned by a vial of acid. He then abducts women, and with the help of a former Nazi doctor, attempts to restore his sister’s face.

Gimp wise there are three segments of varying length that are all about the same in content. All have the same victim as she is strapped to a bed. At one point she escapes due to acting as though she’s into the mute-assistant who raped (implied) her earlier by acting sexy so he unties her. Watching the scene reminded me of Brutus’ description of the escape in his review of Backwoods.

Entertainment wise, a older Eurohorror flick where a lot was obviously done for shock value, getting a grade of C-.

As Gimp, lots of wasted opportunities as most captives are just sitting in padded cells. Plus I didn’t find the strapped victim particularly appealing in this (but that’s just me), and nothing happens (other than the implied rape) so rates only a grade of D.

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