A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

The Devil's Rejects

Reviewed by Unicoi

I also saw The Devils Rejects, and thought that movie was overall very entertaining, with some really funny scenes that I won't spoil. It also had a few that were Gimpworthy, and I will tell you all about those. First scene is where the bad guy forces Priscilla Barnes (Terri from Three's Company) to strip to her underwear in front of a room full of people including her husband. We get a flash of her titty as the bad guy fondles her and he forces her to kiss him while he sticks his gun in her panties. It is a well acted and convincing scene, but it ended way too soon. She never gets completely naked and she doesn't get tapped.

Now, you may be thinking Priscilla Barnes, isn't she old? Well, as one of the characters in the movie said "Nice work bro! She's got a tight ol' ass on her!" And I would have to agree. She still looks pretty hot.

Later in the movie there is a short scene where the cute blond female lead gets caught by the sheriff and he ties her to a chair and menaces her and staples photos of a couple of her victims to her chest using a staple gun. He later lets her go and she runs while he chases her down and is about to tap her. Unfortunately, he is interrupted by one of her inbred relatives and she escapes.


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