Hi everyone. I saw the latest mainstream rape movie last night. It's an independent movie in limited release around the country called Descent starring Rosario Dawson as the victim. The movie is rated NC-17. As mainstream movie rapes go, Jodie Foster's rape in The Accused a 10 and Vivian Leigh's rape in A Streetcar Named Desire a 0, I give this one a 4 or 5.
What made it disappointing is that Rosario's assault occurs mainly in the dark. She doesn't expose any bare breasts. You see her legs spread with the guy in the middle of her but the dark cinematography doesn't allow you to fully see Rosario's body. Most of the what you see during the dirty deed is close ups of Rosario and her assailant kissing, including a forced tongue kiss, but that's not the same as a good force fuck. The way it's edited, I can't tell whether Rosario is bound or her hand are held back, but she is gagged as her rapist tells her "I know you like this." Actually, this movie is pretty boring except for the two rape scenes. That's right. Two. Now, consider me old fashioned, but I think rape should be between only a man and a woman. Or at least a group of men on a woman. What earns this movie its NC-17 rating is the revenge Rosario gets on her attacker. Not only does she sodomize him with a stick, she gets a great big muscular Latino man to rape her rapist! What's sick and disappointing is that the guy's rape is what Rosario's should have been. You get to see him fully nude. All four of his limbs tied to the bed. The lighting is better. His ravishing lasts a lot longer and his rapist in a better mocker than he is. Calling him things like "Fruitcake". Also you get to see his face and his body shake as he's being pumped and the guy doing the pumping. What a disappointment. If the rapes were reversed this would have been a better movie. This was a movie for women whoever wanted to get back physically at a man. This morning on a movie review show with Jeffrey Lyons and Alison Bailes, they both said they hated the movie. Lyon's expressed he was uncomfortable with the same sex assault. Bailes noticed and asked, doesn't the woman getting raped bother you also? Ouch! Of course he immediately said it did. (Yeah. Right). Another reason why I say women would like this movie more is that in Bailes review she said although she didn't like it, she could relate to Dawson's character sexually torturing her abuser. So, for you equal opportunity rape fans out there, this is the movie for you.