A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review


Reviewed by Sardu

OK, for those who have been planning on posting a review of this movie I apologize. Just saw it myself, and had to write my thoughts down before they go cold.

Deadgirl (2008): What if you and your friend were goofing off in an abandoned mental institution, and in the basement found a naked girl chained to the bed. At first you think she's dead, but she's alive!!

Do you call A) the police? B) Unchain the poor girl and take her to a hospital? Or, C) fulfill all the crazy sex fantasies you've ever had?

If your answer is C, then you have the gist of this movie. It turns out the "deadgirl" is really "undeadgirl" and can't be killed. Don't ask, it's never explained. Obviously the result of some experiment gone wrong (or perhaps right depending on your perspective).

The bottom line, is you get to see her chained, naked and tied up and fucked for a significant portion of the movie, as more teenage guys with more hormones than brains select option "C" rather than any kind of moral choice. Apparently, the youth of today have no empathy whatsoever.

Rickie and J.T find this girl, and while Rickie won't submit to his darkside, fortunately, J.T. completely crosses over. However, Rickie has a crush on the super hot chick JoAnn... who is dating the school jock. Wow, that never happens in movies... Anyway, the jocks beat up the nerds, so what do the nerds do? Take them to see the naked, chained up zombie chick. "She likes it in the mouth," Rickie encourages the muscle bound idiot... Hmm, I wonder what's going to happen? While it doesn't get bit off, but the guy does catch something from the bite. Is there some subtext there the writers are trying to convey??

Anyway, the zombie chick gets her face pummeled for biting the guy's dick, and as the movie progresses she gets to looking worse and worse. Eventually, JT and his other psycho buddy Clint figure that the Mental Hospital would be a great place to kidnap and take another LIVE chick!

Well their first attempt goes awry as the "victim" proceeds to kick their nerdy asses. However, who would happen by just afterwards? If you are saying "JoAnn," you get a cookie.

Of course Rickie finds her before anything can happen to her (damn!), but mayhem ensues, the zombie chick gets free, and she ain't happy. The zombie chick is hungry and has a taste for the flesh of her rapists! (more subtext?). JT stabs poor JoAnn before he dies, and Rickie finds her right before she "dies."

Cut to a happy Rickie in class, looking good, wearing nice clothes, hair combed and clean, and a little pep in his step.

Cut to the basement, and another girl tied to the bed.
Apparently, this zombie thing is catchy, as we see her blood shot eyes open... End credits.

Overall rating for this movie: B+
GIMP Rating: A - Lots of nudity and bondage, and brief shots of rape.


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