A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review


Reviewed by Sloth

It only took one martini to view Cut so my vision was not blurred - that only happens after martini number three - Ralphus, AvF and SG all did reviews so just a few comments as we have been viewing stills from the flick - while not as taken with it as our host gnome, I did find it a very enjoyable view - the concept and execution were quite good and the lead model, Angie Morris, played a convincing victim - it does suffer from the limitations inherent with a no budget indie - sound and picture quality are marginal, the director got a bit cutesy toward the end but these are relatively minor gripes.

I was somewhat surprised no one mentioned what I thought was a highlight in the film - one of the creepy stoner guys plays "this little piggy" with Angie's toes while she holds them over the water bucket - all goes well until he gets to the third piggy which he breaks with a loud snap - and this little piggy gets cracked! :)

The somewhat happy ending gives it a slight downgrade but I'm in the ballpark with Ralphus and would give it a B+ - seems a shame the director/producer went belly-up trying to find distribution - another work with a bit more torture, torment and rape and there was potential.

Anyway, there's my take on it. I obtained my copy from Video Mayhem and got the normal good service.

My Grade: B+


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