A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review


Reviewed by Abu Zalaam

I saw a direct-to-video flick recently that I do not remember having been mentioned on this forum, and which might float somebody's boat. The video is called Broken, and it may well be the grimmest thing carried by Lackluster Video, and it's available from Netflix too. On the downside, the main damsel, Nadja Brand, is at least 15 years past her BiBbD (Best if Bound by Date), and there is no nudity at all.

But there are two scenes where a woman is rigged to a deathtrap, and forced to dig out a razor which has been surgically implanted in her belly. Ms Brand is chained by either one leg or her neck to a tree throughout most of the flick. 2/3 of the way through, the villain kidnaps a somewhat better looking woman, chains her up too, and cuts out her tongue when he gets sick of her whining (take that, gag snobs!).

There are beatings, shootings, leg-breakings-to-hobble, etc throughout. There is a rape too. There is no hint of even dark humor, and the mayhem is presented pretty realistically. It doesn't have the shots of buckets of blood and entrails common to slasher movies, and it is all the more stunning as a result.

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