A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Bad Guy

Reviewed by Iago

Review of Movie: Bad Guy

This is a Japanese movie, sort of mainstream, but really hard for mainstream, I thought. I found it by accident in the local video store, but Netflix carries it as well.

The story is about the obsession of a pimp with a girl he has seen on a park bench. He makes a really crass move on her, which she rejects. Undaunted, he sets her up for a fake theft charge, then makes her sign her rights to her body away if she can't make up the cash for the loan to pay off the fake theft in time. Naturally she doesn't make the deadline, and descends into a world of prostitution and slavery.

There isn't much in the way of bondage in this movie, but there is psychological and physical rape aplenty. It's a really nasty movie, the kind I was surprised to see at Netflix. I don't want to give it all away, so I'll let you form your own impressions. Note: It is subtitled.

My grade: Considering it was a mainstream and not a regular fetish movie, I'd have to say a solid B+.


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