A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review

Various Japanese Reviews

Reviewed by Howie

Your assessment of Japanese vids is 100% on the mark RR. There are very few that are in between. They either really suck, or they are just so incredible you can't take your eyes off them. As I've stated in here before, my two major criterion for porn are 1. The chick HAS to be good looking, and 2. It HAS to be non-consensual. I'm restating this because I know that a lot of you, like Ralphus, really need the torture aspect to enjoy the movie. For me the torture is kind of like extra sauce on a pizza. It's great if you have it, but it's still a good pizza without it. (What is it with me and the food analogies all the fucking time? : ) )

Anyhow, what I'm getting at are that most of the Japanese Vids or DVDs that I own are torture free. They are just good old fashioned horny guys raping the shit out of some poor incredibly HOT chick. I have a fairly large collection of them so here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to write down the titles of the ones that I feel are slam dunks, home runs, "insert your own lame sports analogy here," rape tapes. Now I do have some with torture in them. So I'll make two lists. One that is only rape and the other with torture. I'm going to include that tapes that I have purchased, because even with the pixilation, they are well worth it in my opinion.

The first set are going to be tapes that are primarily Rape. There may be some light torture in them, but not ZFX type stuff. But believe me when I say these are nothing like the "forbidden video's," with that gentle rape crap. These girls are very active and screaming their heads off. While the guys couldn't care less about being gentle with them, they are just getting their rocks off any way and position they please.

These are all found on vcd1. Click on the link that says "Asian Adult Video Tapes(VHS/NTSC Only)." Then Click on the first link on the left called "Japan AV Collection (Featuring the hottest & the most beautiful AV Stars in Japan." I've even went and found the pages they are each on for you. These aren't in any particular order.

Office Lady's Rape Stories: Haven't watched this one in a while, but I remember it being pretty good, and of course the chick is really good looking.

School Girl Rape In Turn Chapter 13: This one is VERY good IMO. REALLY cute girl and it even has some light torture. After they have all had their turn with her they take her to the shower and before they roughly wash her down they throw this white chalky soap at her for a while. They even threaten her with a knife at one point.

Gang Rape CEO: This one is really good because the chick is flawless looking. I don't remember if there is any light torture or not but I know she gets used from every angle imaginable and even gets tied up at some point. Very good.

University Student in Client: (Goofy fucking name, huh?) The girl in this one is cute, but what really makes this one good is the scene at the end where the two guys raping her just really use her like a fucking rag doll. She is really light and the guys are pretty big so they force her into all kinds of positions.

School Girl Rape In Turn Chapter 12: I haven't seen this one in a LONG time, so I don't remember a lot of specifics, but I remember the girl is pretty cute. Not my favorite tape of the bunch, but still good. You can look at the pictures for yourself.

School Girl Rape In Turn Chapter 7: Like the description of this one says. The girl in this one is a LOT better looking in the tape than she is on the cover. She is really hot, and these guys really go to town on her. At the end the force her to put a vibrator in her pussy under her clothes and walk around in public with it running. Believe me when I say this is a GREAT one.

Gang Rape Teenage Model: You can look at the pictures on this one if you don't believe me, but the girl in this one has one of the best bodies I've ever seen, and they are merciless with this chick. At one point she has her hands tied behind her back with one guy reaming her up her ass, while another guy is ramming a vibrator up her pussy. This one is also VERY thinly censored. I don't even know why they bothered with it because you can see EVERYTHING, and she is a SCREAMER. This one is a MUST buy if you are into Japanese Rape Tapes.

School Girl Rape In Turn Chapter 14: Once again the girl in this one could easily pose as a playboy centerfold. She gets raped twice in it. In the first part two guys kidnap her, tie her up and go at it. In the second part two guys get her in a class room. This one is great because the chick is so good looking, and she does a good job of acting most of the time, but towards the end of the tape, you could catch her smiling from time to time which lets you know she is really having a great time here, which is all fine and good that she is into this type of freaky shit in real life, but that's not why I bought the tape. Still this is a minor complaint. Very good tape.

School Girl Rape In Turn Chapter 11: Haven't seen this one in a while either. They definitely screw the dogshit out of this chick, but I think she was a little flabby for my tastes. I'm not saying she is ugly, just not my style. Look at the pics and decide for yourself.

Now these next tapes are ones that I think you would really like Ralphus. ALL the girls in these are HOT and treated very rough. I mean they do some NASTY shit to these chicks. The Japanese come up with some REALLY whacked out shit to do to women. Like throw animal guts on them and shit. Weird shit. The ones that I have are:

Abnormal Rape: This one has a few consensual moments in it, but believe me when I say it doesn't stay that way.

Baby Doll: This one also has a some consensual stuff in it. But don't sweat it. At one point the guy cums all over her face and then uses a toothbrush to rub it around her face and then brushes her teeth with it. Of course she is gorgeous. The rape at the end is VERY rough and I believe he is dunking her head in a toilet at one point, and he force feeds her a shit load of hard boiled eggs. Very rough.

Body Trance: This one is actually my favorite, but it's the lightest on the torture. There is really to much going on in this one for me to describe other than to say read his description of it and know that the women are all REALLY good looking in it.

Butterfly Labyrinth 1 & 2: This along with its sequel are the roughest of the bunch. There are some consensual scenes in both, but I'm telling you, they dish out some VERY intense stuff in these two. A guy even pisses on one of the girls. I'm not into that, but that's just to let you know the lengths they go to. Keep in mind though, all and I do mean ALL of these girl are stunning looking.

Now every movie I've talked about so far has some form of pixilation, but I'm telling you it doesn't matter, they are GREAT tapes.

Now for the uncensored DVDs on vcd1. When you get to the site click on the link "Japanese Underground Collection." Then when you are inside there click on the link "See also: Japanese Underground DVD Collection." Keep in mind that ALL of the DVDs you see there are completely pixilation free.

The ones I currently have are:

Payback Underground Banker 1 and 2. 2 being the better of the two.

Late Office Rape: There is really only one rape scene in this one at the beginning of the DVD, but the chick is so god damn good looking I think it was worth it, but tread lightly here because there is a LOT of consensual shit on it.

Big Breast School Babe: This one is completely consensual, but the chick in it really good looking. The only reason I have it is because the sent it to me free with my order.

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