Here's a good JAV that I found a while back. It stars the now-retired Sally Yoshino. From what I gather from the plot (my Japanese sucks). She's an undercover spy that's been sent to gather info on a slavery ring operating under the guise of a night club. The story opens with her having drinks with one of the club owners. After some useless chit chat she notices that the drink she was given had an extra ingredient: roofies. She passes out at the bar. Cut to the next scene. She's in a dungeon, behind a cage. Her arms are cuffed above her and she's still wearing her evening gown. She comes to as two men enter her cell and begin feeling her up as a prelude to "harsher"(?) things. She basically tells them to f*ck off and one of them puts his hand up the slit of her skirt and tells her he'd rather "f*ck this". Lots of struggling as they strip her and fondle all the areas that need fondling. They finally get her panties off and unhook her from the chain that held her arms up. With her hands still shackled in front of her, one man holds her arms and the other man bends her over. Once he gets down to business the camera alternates shots between the action and her facial expressions as she struggles to get free. Eventually she's completely naked but still restrained and both guys get a turn at her. The whole time she's putting up a good act struggling and trying to stop them from doing anything else. This pretty much sets the tone for the whole AV. She's naked for most of it, restrained in one way or another, always looking good and acting good as the guys use her. Lots of bondage, lots of humiliation as they break this tough "spy" into a more pliable slave. My only two negatives for this AV is that: 1) It could have been longer. Twice they show the same slow motion montage to show just how badly they're using her. The AV's only 80 min long; they could have made these scenes into normal ones instead of "dramatic" slo mo, bad-music-in-the-background montages. Thankfully they don't last too long. 2) A LOT of restrained sex, not enough torture; just a few spankings/slaps to the face (that looked a bit real).
Overall, great AV worth the effort to view.