A Bring Out the GIMP (Girls in Merciless Peril) Movie Review


Reviewed by Hiccup

Hey gang,

Hiccup here to share with you my experience watching a bizarre Japanese tentacle flick called SDMS-593. Most of us by now have at least some exposure to jap tentacle flicks be they anime or regular film type where the tentacles fuck these girls silly against their will.

This flick takes the old formula to new highs or lows depending on your sense of depravity. You see in this film the monster eats the girl, yes you read right. There really isn't a plot to it. It starts off with a young woman coming back to her office late at night because she forgot something. In the office is a large larvae like creature with tentacles coming out of its mouth that it uses to ensnare the young miss, strip her out of her clothes and drag her into its mouth. There's the usual tentacle fucking both inside the beast and outside. The bulk of the movie is basically the woman trying to escape.

Yes, the first half hour of this movie just depicts the creature dragging her to its mouth. The other ninety minutes shows her efforts to escape the creatures belly. I've never seen anything like this before and it's with mixed feelings that I write that it really turned me on. The flick ends with the woman in the belly of the beast holding up her hand to see that it has partially dissolved due to the stomach acids of the beast. It pans to her face as she realizes this is the beginning of the beast digesting her and she lets out a scream.

If you find it on the net it's definitely worth downloading. Hiccup gives this one a grade of B+.

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