Title: Insult Raped Female Avenger Code: HAVD-016 Star: Ayana Nanjou Ayana Nanjou is the female avenger, who rescues women who have been raped or are about to be raped by gangs. The main story involves a rescue attempt that goes horribly wrong for the avenger. Before I get into the story, I must stress that Ayana Nanjou is model-calibre gorgeous. She has beautiful eyes, full lips and a great body. While her breasts have been enhanced, they still look good. She looks great on the cover art for the DVD and even better in the actual movie. I'll skip the opening part of the movie, which has the avenger beating up gangs and stopping attempted rapes (Trust me, nothing to see here). The action begins about 20 minutes into the movie, when the avenger attempts to rescue two women who are being abducted by a gang. The two captives are seen lying naked on a bed, with their hands bound behind their backs and cloth gags in their mouths. An abductor is using a dildo on one of the captives. An OK scene, nothing special. They then use a big needle to inject a drug into the pussy of the same woman. Apparently, the drug makes women really horny -- more about this later. The avenger arrives on the scene (I think the building is the back area behind a restaurant) and begins beating up the gang members. However, when she gets to the room with the two captives, she finds the gang leader there, brandishing a big knife. He presumably threatens to harm or kill the captives, unless the avenger does what the gang wants. This is where it gets good. One of the gang members grabs the avenger's arms and twists them behind her back. The gang then takes her to the next room, for their amusement. In previous scenes, the gang members were afraid of the avenger, who was beating them up (often, kicking them in the balls). Now, they have her, and they appear to be relishing the moment. Dressed in an orange-red vinyl skirt and jacket, black top, black gloves, long black boots, fishnet stockings, dark panties with a black floral design, and in pantyhose, the avenger is forced to strip. She gets the gloves, the jacket and the skirt off, but they stop her when she gets ready to take off her boots. Instead, they force her down on a couch and a couple of gang members start tearing off her pantyhose. They then check out her butt, with one guy licking it. She is then forced to stand up and dance a bit for them, but one geeky guy in glasses decides he's had enough. He pushes her back down on the couch and, sitting beside her, forces her to french kiss him. When he is done, the avenger stands up -- looking disgusted -- and spits to the ground. The gang doesn't care. Another gang member grabs her by the hair and forces his tongue into her mouth. He then pulls her by the hair over to a bed and throws her onto it. She is then forced to suck and fuck a number of them, ending in a facial. The avenger looks repulsed throughout, spitting and scowling. She continues to have her panties on (pushed aside, when needed) and the fishnet stockings. She has her top on for some of the scenes, but the gang eventually pulls it down to show her tits. We then proceed to a scene where the avenger is handcuffed to a chair, wearing a torn white business shirt (not sure where this shirt came from). After pouring a drink on her head and having one guy feel her up, two gang members grab her legs and hold them apart while another guy uses a vibrator on her -- first against her panties, then into her pussy. There is some great squirming and squealing here. She eventually escapes and manages to help the two captives flee, by leading them to a back entrance. Unfortunately for the avenger, the gang catches her before she too can escape. Trapped, she tries to cover herself with the torn shirt, looking wonderfully cornered and helpless. The gang members grab her and take her back to the leader. As she is held by various gang members, she argues a bit with the leader. He then pulls out the big needle (with the drug that makes women horny). As the gang holds the avenger against the wall, the leader injects the needle into one of her arms. When she awakes, she is groggy and horny. She now willingly french kisses them; and sucks, fucks and gets fingered by a number of them. Eventually, she is stripped naked, except for the boots and a few remaining shred from the pantyhose. Afterwards, the gang tries to escape on a helicopter (a toy). However, the helicopter has explosives on it and the avenger (who has now shaken off the drug effects) pushes the button to blow it up -- so the story has a happy ending. Overall review: Highly recommended. As I mentioned earlier, Ayana Nanjou is really hot. She has expressive eyes that really show how disgusted she is when forced to perform sex acts against her will. The degradation throughout is nicely done, and she looks really vulnerable when she is recaptured by the gang. There is pixilation in the sex scenes but it isn't much of a problem. While it disrupts a few of the oral scenes, most of the other sex scenes are filmed from angles that reduce the pixilation. The story in this movie (as best I understood it) is silly, but the forced sex and degradation are effective.